Synthetic-Aperture Radar Processing Using Fast Factorized Back-Projection LARS M. H. ULANDER, Member, IEEE HANS HELLSTEN GUNNAR STENSTR ¨ OM Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) Exact synthetic aperture radar (SAR) inversion for a linear aperture may be obtained using fast transform techniques. Alternatively, back-projection integration in time domain can also be used. This technique has the benefit of handling a general aperture geometry. In the past, however, back-projection has seldom been used due to heavy computational burden. We show that the back-projection integral can be recursively partitioned and an effective algorithm constructed based on aperture factorization. By representing images in local polar coordinates it is shown that the number of operations is drastically reduced and can be made to approach that of fast transform algorithms. The algorithm is applied to data from the airborne ultra-wideband CARABAS SAR and shown to give a reduction in processing time of two to three orders of magnitude. Manuscript received December 13, 2000; revised June 27 and November 19, 2002; released for publication March 13, 2003. IEEE Log No. T-AES/39/3/816615. Refereeing of this contribution was handled by L. M. Kaplan. Authors’ current addresses: L. M. H. Ulander, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), PO Box 1165, SE-581 11, Link¨ oping, Sweden, E-mail: ([email protected]); H. Hellsten, Ericsson Microwave Systems, Sweden; G. Stenstr¨ om, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, PO Box 1165, SE-581 11 Link¨ oping, Sweden. 0018-9251/03/$17.00 c 2003 IEEE I. INTRODUCTION Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general method for generating high-resolution radar maps from low-resolution aperture data which is based on using the relative motion between the radar antenna and the imaged scene. Originally conceived in the early 1950s [1], it is extensively used to image objects on the surface of the Earth and the planets [2]. A synthetic aperture is formed using electromagnetic signals from a physical aperture located at different space-time positions. The synthetic aperture may therefore observe the scene over a large angular sector by moving the physical aperture. Hence, the technique can give a significant improvement in resolution, in principle limited only by the stability of the wave field and other restrictions imposed on the movement of the physical aperture. A physical aperture, on the other hand, provides angular resolution inversely proportional to aperture size such that the spatial resolution degrades with increasing distance to the scene. SAR images of the ground are often generated from pulse echo data acquired by an antenna moving along a nominally linear track. It is well known that the spatial resolution can be made independent of distance to the ground since the antenna can be moved along correspondingly longer tracks [2]. It is therefore possible to produce radar maps with meter- or decimeter-resolution from aircraft or spacecraft at very large distances. The resolution in these systems are limited by antenna illumination and system bandwidth but also by other factors, e.g. accuracy of antenna positioning, propagation perturbations, transmitter power, receiver sensitivity, clock stability, and dynamic range. The ultimate limit of SAR spatial resolution is proportional to the wavelength. The finest resolution is determined by the classical uncertainty principle applied to a band-limited wave packet. The area of a resolution cell can be shown to be related to radar system bandwidth B (= f max f min , where f max and f min are the maximum and minimum electromagnetic frequency, respectively) and aperture angle # 2 # 1 (the angle over which the antenna is moved and radiating as seen from the imaged ground) according to [3] ¢A SAR = ¸ c 2(# 2 # 1 ) c 2B (1) where ¸ c is the wavelength corresponding to the center frequency, i.e. ¸ c = c=f c , where f c =(f max + f min )=2, and c is the speed of light. Finer resolution is therefore achieved by increasing B and # 2 # 1 , or by decreasing ¸ c . The system transfer function is shown in Fig. 1 which has the form of a sector of a circular annulus in wavenumber domain. The sector is defined by the aperture angle, whereas the annulus is defined by the center frequency and bandwidth. The 760 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 39, NO. 3 JULY 2003

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general method ... · (FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, PO Box 1165, SE-581 11 Link¨oping, Sweden. 0018-9251/03/$17.00

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Page 1: Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general method ... · (FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, PO Box 1165, SE-581 11 Link¨oping, Sweden. 0018-9251/03/$17.00

Synthetic-Aperture RadarProcessing Using FastFactorized Back-Projection



GUNNAR STENSTROMSwedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)

Exact synthetic aperture radar (SAR) inversion for a linear

aperture may be obtained using fast transform techniques.

Alternatively, back-projection integration in time domain can

also be used. This technique has the benefit of handling a general

aperture geometry. In the past, however, back-projection has

seldom been used due to heavy computational burden. We show

that the back-projection integral can be recursively partitioned

and an effective algorithm constructed based on aperture

factorization. By representing images in local polar coordinates it

is shown that the number of operations is drastically reduced and

can be made to approach that of fast transform algorithms. The

algorithm is applied to data from the airborne ultra-wideband

CARABAS SAR and shown to give a reduction in processing time

of two to three orders of magnitude.

Manuscript received December 13, 2000; revised June 27 andNovember 19, 2002; released for publication March 13, 2003.

IEEE Log No. T-AES/39/3/816615.

Refereeing of this contribution was handled by L. M. Kaplan.

Authors’ current addresses: L. M. H. Ulander, Swedish DefenceResearch Agency (FOI), PO Box 1165, SE-581 11, Linkoping,Sweden, E-mail: ([email protected]); H. Hellsten, Ericsson MicrowaveSystems, Sweden; G. Stenstrom, Swedish Defence Research Agency(FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, POBox 1165, SE-581 11 Linkoping, Sweden.

0018-9251/03/$17.00 c 2003 IEEE


Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general methodfor generating high-resolution radar maps fromlow-resolution aperture data which is based on usingthe relative motion between the radar antenna andthe imaged scene. Originally conceived in the early1950s [1], it is extensively used to image objectson the surface of the Earth and the planets [2]. Asynthetic aperture is formed using electromagneticsignals from a physical aperture located at differentspace-time positions. The synthetic aperture maytherefore observe the scene over a large angular sectorby moving the physical aperture. Hence, the techniquecan give a significant improvement in resolution, inprinciple limited only by the stability of the wavefield and other restrictions imposed on the movementof the physical aperture. A physical aperture, on theother hand, provides angular resolution inverselyproportional to aperture size such that the spatialresolution degrades with increasing distance to thescene.

SAR images of the ground are often generatedfrom pulse echo data acquired by an antenna movingalong a nominally linear track. It is well knownthat the spatial resolution can be made independentof distance to the ground since the antenna can bemoved along correspondingly longer tracks [2]. It istherefore possible to produce radar maps with meter-or decimeter-resolution from aircraft or spacecraft atvery large distances. The resolution in these systemsare limited by antenna illumination and systembandwidth but also by other factors, e.g. accuracyof antenna positioning, propagation perturbations,transmitter power, receiver sensitivity, clock stability,and dynamic range.

The ultimate limit of SAR spatial resolution isproportional to the wavelength. The finest resolutionis determined by the classical uncertainty principleapplied to a band-limited wave packet. The area ofa resolution cell can be shown to be related to radarsystem bandwidth B (= fmax fmin, where fmax andfmin are the maximum and minimum electromagneticfrequency, respectively) and aperture angle #2 #1(the angle over which the antenna is moved andradiating as seen from the imaged ground) accordingto [3]

¢ASAR =¸c

2(#2 #1)c


where ¸c is the wavelength corresponding to thecenter frequency, i.e. ¸c = c=fc, where fc = (fmax +fmin)=2, and c is the speed of light. Finer resolutionis therefore achieved by increasing B and #2 #1,or by decreasing ¸c. The system transfer function isshown in Fig. 1 which has the form of a sector of acircular annulus in wavenumber domain. The sector isdefined by the aperture angle, whereas the annulus isdefined by the center frequency and bandwidth. The


Page 2: Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general method ... · (FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, PO Box 1165, SE-581 11 Link¨oping, Sweden. 0018-9251/03/$17.00

Fig. 1. System transfer function before (a) and after (b) SARprocessing. Radial, along-track, across-track wavenumbers aredenoted kR , kx, k½. Area in wavenumber domain is radar signalsupport for a target illuminated by bandwidth B = (!2 !1)=2¼and Doppler cone angle interval #2 #1. Transformation between(a) and (b) is called Stolt interpolation [4] for linear aperture


fundamental parameters which define the resolutionare therefore aperture angle #2 #1 and relative rangebandwidth B=¸c.Many different algorithms have been devised for

SAR image formation over the years (for a recentreview, see [4]). The early work during the 1950sand 1960s concentrated on algorithms for the specialcase of a narrow bandwidth and aperture angle,leading to a quadratic phase expansion similar tothe Fresnel approximation in optics. The rectangularformat algorithm proved useful for implementationand fast Fourier transform (FFT) techniques could beused to provide computationally efficient algorithms.Early efforts to achieve fine resolution using largebandwidth and aperture angle were complicated bythe motion of the object through many resolutioncells in the pulse echo data. An approximate solutionto this problem was provided by the polar formatalgorithm which appeared in the early 1970s [5].Exact solutions, however, to the linear-aperture SARproblem appeared for the first time in the mid-1980s.These are known as the Fourier-Hankel [6–8] andrange-migration (or !-K) [9–11] inversion methods.Both are frequency-domain methods and may beimplemented using fast transform algorithms, e.g.FFT and fast Abel transform, together with Stoltinterpolation [4] in frequency domain. A majorshortcoming of the algorithms, however, is thatthey are derived for a linear aperture and not easilyextendible to the common nonlinear case. It ispossible to partly correct for nonlinear motions, i.e.deviations from a linear track, but the image must becut into small subimages and processed separatelysince the motion correction is only locally valid.The fast transform algorithms then become lessefficient. This problem did not appear in past workwith microwave SAR since the antennas used havea narrow beamwidth. However, it does become amajor issue in wide-beam systems, e.g. low-frequencySAR where a wide beam is necessary to obtainacceptable resolution. Other major shortcomings ofthe frequency domain techniques are: 1) they require

a large computer memory to store and evaluate thetwo-dimensional frequency transforms, and 2) asignificant amount of zero-padding in time domainis required before Stolt interpolation can be applied todata from a finite aperture without introducing cyclicconvolution effects.

There is clearly a need for other processingalgorithms which can be more easily adapted to ageneral aperture geometry. The most obvious solutionto this problem is to implement the image formationin time domain. The latter can be considered ageneralization of classical spatial beam-forming ormatched filtering with a known signal embedded inGaussian noise, i.e. for each image pixel the expectedsignal is used as a reference kernel in correlationprocessing. An equivalent way of consideringsuch an algorithm is that of back-projection usedin tomography [12]. It can be shown that theback-projection is equivalent to the Fourier-Hankelinversion for the linear-aperture SAR geometry [6, 8].In the direct back-projection method, each receivedradar echo is processed and back-projected overspherical shells to all imaged ground pixels. Eachpixel is thus assigned a value by interpolating thepulse echo at the time delay corresponding to therange between the pixel and the antenna. The valuesfor each pixel are accumulated as more radar echoesare processed until all echoes have been processedand the final resolution achieved. Filtering of the datais also necessary to reconstruct the correct spectralweights of the data. The main drawback with thedirect back-projection algorithm is the large numberof operations required. The number of operationsrequired for the direct back-projection algorithm isproportional to N3 for an image with N N pixelsand N aperture positions, since every aperture positionmust be examined for every image pixel.

Recently, algorithms have been suggested whichprovide a speed-up of the filtered back-projectionalgorithm for SAR inversion. They operate in thetime domain and include two-stage [13–15] andmultiple-stage back-projection [16–18]. Thesealgorithms exploit the fundamental redundancybetween nearby aperture positions for high-frequencyreflectivity components in the along-track direction.The number of operations required for the multi-stagealgorithms are proportional to N2 log2(N), whereasthe two-stage algorithms are proportional to N2:5, i.e.both less than N3. Related fast algorithms have alsoappeared in the tomography community [19–23].

We propose the factorized back-projection (FBP)algorithm for SAR inversion based on recursivepartitioning of the back-projection integral. Earlierwork has been reported in [24–26]. It is shown toinclude the above-mentioned direct (single-stage)back-projection algorithm as well as two- andmultiple-stage algorithms as special cases. Itthus provides a unifying framework for different


Page 3: Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general method ... · (FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, PO Box 1165, SE-581 11 Link¨oping, Sweden. 0018-9251/03/$17.00

Fig. 2. Generic SAR imaging geometry. Pulse p(R) propagatesbetween antenna and object, and back again after being

back-scattered by object.

back-projection algorithms. The work presented hereis structured as follows. First the basic elements of thedirect back-projection method is given and we discussthe reason for the heavy computational burden.The FBP algorithm is then introduced and analyzedconcerning error propagation and computationalburden. Finally, we propose and describe a practicaland flexible algorithm implementation based onsequentially applying FBP on aperture blocks. Imageexamples are also included to illustrate algorithmperformance.


Consider a radar which transmits pulses froman antenna with little directivity and receives theback-scattered echo as a function of delay time. Werestrict the present treatment to the mono-static case,i.e. we assume that the transmit and receive antennasare collocated. We assume a linear propagationmedium which is isotropic, homogeneous, andnondispersive, i.e. the wave velocity c is constant inspace. The ground is also assumed to be a collectionof single-scattering objects (Born approximation) sothat superposition applies. With these assumptions,the radar echo data can be modeled as illustrated inFig. 2.For a single point-like object at position ro the

two-way response with the radar antenna positionedat r is given by

g(r,R) =p(R r ro )

r ro2 (2)

where p(R) is the band-limited radar pulse after pulsecompression, R (range) is the delay time t scaled byc=2, and it is assumed that the antenna and object arein the far-field of each other.Although (2) is restricted to the case when

the antenna and object are stationary relative toeach other, we can often also use it for slowlymoving platforms. This is called the “start-stopapproximation” and is commonly used in SAR sincethe platform speed is much less than the speed oflight. However, its validity needs to be evaluated in

Fig. 3. Cylindrical coordinate (½,µ,x) system for representingground reflectivity.

each particular imaging case. We assume here that theapproximation is valid and refer the interested readerto [27].

Equation (2) neglects a number of scaling factorssuch as the responses of the antenna and object.These are in general complex functions of frequency,polarization, and direction. For simplicity, we assumethat these factors can be set equal to 1. In practise,corrections for such effects are evaluated usingstationary-phase methods [28].

The model in (2) is quite general and can beapplied to most SAR problems. The simplest case isthe linear-aperture SAR, i.e. a radar antenna movingalong a linear track. In this case we have cylindricalsymmetry around the track axis and (2) can be greatlysimplified. We thus introduce cylinder coordinates(½,µ,x) with x being the along track axis as shown inFig. 3. The range history for a single object now has ahyperbolic dependency on x, and the radar echo dataare given by

g(x,R) =p R (x xo)2 + ½2o

(x xo)2 + ½2o2 : (3)

Note that the equation does not include the (elevation)angle coordinate µo of the object. This means that thecylindrical symmetry implies rotational invariance, i.e.the elevation angle is undetermined. The result is thatobjects from both sides of the aircraft will contributeto the same image pixel, i.e. corresponding totopographic as well as right-left ambiguities. The lattereffect may be suppressed by antenna directivity inthe elevation plane. On the other hand, the rotationalsymmetry means that a SAR image from a linear trackcan be formed without any knowledge of the groundtopography which is a significant advantage.


A. Back-Projection Integral

The exact inversion of the linear-aperture SARproblem can be solved using the Fourier-Hankelor filtered back-projection method [6, 8]. We use


Page 4: Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general method ... · (FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, PO Box 1165, SE-581 11 Link¨oping, Sweden. 0018-9251/03/$17.00

(3) for the radar echo data as the starting point forderiving the filtered back-projection inversion. Thefundamental principle is to generate a radar map oftwo cylindrical coordinates, i.e. a map where eachobject is located at its 2-parametric position (x,½). Theradar map is assumed to be a linear transformationfrom the radar echo data so that superposition ofimaged point objects applies. We introduce theback-projected signal h(x,½) according to

h(x,½) =+

g(x ,R)Rdx (4)

where g(x,R) is the radar echo data as a functionof along-track position x and range R, R =(x x)2 + ½2, and x is the along-track integration

parameter. For each image position (x,½), thealong-track integral sums the value from each radarecho at the range corresponding to the distancebetween the antenna and image position. In practise,the radar echo data is a discrete-time signal which hasbeen sampled from the original continuous-time signalaccording to the Nyquist criteria. The bandwidthin the radial direction is determined by the pulsebandwidth, whereas the bandwidth in the along-trackdirection is determined by the maximum frequency(see Fig. 1(a) and (1)). It follows that the radar echocan be interpolated to arbitrarily accuracy usingan appropriate interpolator kernel, e.g. a weightedsinc interpolator. Therefore, the integral (4) canbe evaluated for an arbitrary image position byinterpolating the discrete-time radar echo data.We can also consider the integral (4) from the

back-projection perspective, i.e. each interpolatedradar echo is spread out over the imaged ground likea sun fan. The back-projected data will thus haveconstant values along concentric spheres, or circles inthe 2-dimensional case, centered on the antenna phasecenter.Evaluation of the Fourier transform of (4) is

straightforward and results in

H(kx,k½) = 2¼+ +

0g(x,R)R2Jo R k2x + k2½

exp( jkxx)dRdx: (5)

Inserting the radar echo model (3) and assuming thatthe pulse has infinite bandwidth, i.e. the pulse is aDirac delta-function p(R) = ±(R), results in

H(kx,k½) = 4¼ exp( jkxxo)+


Jo k2x + k2½ x2 + ½2o

cos(kxx)dx: (6)

Equation (6) is a standard cosine transform whichevaluates to

H(kx,k½) = 2¼exp[ j(kxxo+ k½½o)]+ exp[ j(kxxo k½½o)]



After rearranging the ramp filter in the denominator tothe left-hand side and inverse Fourier transformationwe formally obtain the exact inversion result

F 1 k½ H(kx,k½)

= 2¼[±(2)(x xo,½ ½o)+ ±(2)(x xo,½+ ½o)]


where ±(2)(x,½) = ±(x)±(½) is the two-dimensionalDirac-function. The back-projected and filteredradar echo data thus produce two Dirac-functions,one located at (xo,½o) and the other at (xo, ½o).The latter is discarded since ½ > 0 by definition.Since superposition applies we may add an arbitrarynumber of point objects at different locations and withdifferent amplitudes, and (8) will provide us the exactscene inversion.

In theory, the linear-aperture SAR problem cantherefore be solved exactly and unambiguously byassuming that the Born approximation is valid. Inpractise, however, the ground is three-dimensionalwhereas the linear-aperture SAR is only capableof reconstructing the two-dimensional cylindricalprojection of the scattering distribution, i.e. theground represented in cylindrical coordinates withthe two-dimensional distribution defined in terms ofx and ½. This means that the full three-dimensionalground cannot be retrieved without ambiguities. Givena topographic ground surface, ambiguities appear dueto shadowing, layover as well as left/right-ambiguity.The latter are ambiguities arising from the ground onthe opposite side of the linear track. Such ambiguitiesmay be adequately reduced by introducing antennadirectivity to suppress the unwanted ambiguoussignals as mentioned earlier. The shadowing andlayover ambiguities, however, are not possible toavoid but can be mitigated by using multiple flighttracks which provide different illumination geometry.

B. Extension to Nonlinear Track

The back-projection integral is easily modified tohandle a general flight track geometry. A complicationfor nonlinear tracks is that data inversion becomes a3-parameter problem which strictly speaking wouldrequire a two-dimensional aperture to solve exactly.However, in most cases only a one-dimensionalaperture is available and the focusing becomesdependent on ground topography. The back-projectionintegral is therefore expressed as a function of thethree-dimensional image position vector ro accordingto

h(ro) = g(x ,R)Rdx (9)

where R = R(x ) = r(x ) ro is the range fromthe antenna to the image position, and the otherparameters are defined as in (4). Equation (9) is ableto handle any track geometry including, for example,


Page 5: Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general method ... · (FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, PO Box 1165, SE-581 11 Link¨oping, Sweden. 0018-9251/03/$17.00

Fig. 4. Illustration of aperture (L) and image (M N) data usedfor SAR processing.

circular tracks as well as multiple repeat tracks.However, exact inversion is not guaranteed unless thetrack is linear.

C. Extension to Demodulated Signals

The formulation above has been restricted tothe case when the radar echo is sampled includingthe carrier signal. This is a convenient and compactrepresentation for ultrawideband signals but care mustbe taken when applying it to a bandpass signal. Fornarrowband signals, it is customary to demodulate thesignal to baseband and use I and Q complex signalrepresentation. For demodulated signals, we need tomodify the back-projection integral (9) to include amultiplication with a phase factor according to

h(ro) = g(x ,R)R exp(j2kcR)dx (10)

where kc is the demodulation frequency.

D. Computational Burden

We have seen that the direct back-projectionalgorithm is robust and easy to understand, but interms of number of operations it is very inefficient.Consider the case in Fig. 4, i.e. an image with M Npixels and an aperture with L positions. For eachaperture and pixel position we need to compute therange between the antenna and the pixel, interpolatethe radar echo, and finally accumulate to the imagematrix. When working with demodulated signals, wealso need to perform a complex multiply to correct thephase. In total, the number of operations is thereforeproportional to L M N . The latter is a very largenumber which limits the use of the algorithm torelatively small aperture and image sizes. For smallimages, direct back-projection is quite efficient andoften preferred due to its simplicity and robustness.The algorithm has another major advantage in that itconserves memory requirements. Besides the imagematrix, it is necessary to store only a single radarecho in memory. As soon as the radar echo has beenback-projected to all image pixels it can be discarded.

Fig. 5. Subaperture beam formation.

Each radar echo is then used in succession to form theback-projection integral.


A. Back-Projection in Polar Coordinates

As mentioned above, the back-projection integral,(4) or (9), is very ineffective in terms of numericalperformance. A careful analysis, however, revealsthat, by a clever choice of coordinate system, it isunnecessary to back-project the aperture data to allimage pixels for every new aperture position. This canbe understood by considering the geometry in Fig. 5.The figure shows concentric range circles centeredon different aperture positions, i.e. circles alongwhich the range-compressed data are spread out overthe subimage. Note that adjacent aperture positionshave essentially the same circular pattern withinthe delineated “beam,” i.e. the triangular-shapedsubimage. The circles shown have been matchedalong the beam center line, which corresponds tobeam focusing in this direction. It also means thata single range line of data can be used to representan angular sector with little error (see below for anerror analysis). For points further away from the line,however, the circular patterns diverge corresponding toincreasing phase errors. An effective way to representthe data in the image plane is therefore to use a polarcoordinate system.

The number of data samples which are requiredto represent a subimage without loss of informationincreases with the length of the aperture data segment(subaperture). Alternatively, the subimage angularextent may be narrowed when the subaperturelength increases in order to keep the number ofdata samples constant. This is the fundamentalprinciple which enables computationally efficientback-projection algorithms to be constructed. Asshown in the following, it is advantageous to split upthe computations in a number of processing stagesusing polar coordinates instead of directly formingthe Cartesian image with full resolution. In eachprocessing step, finer angular resolution is obtained bycombining coarse resolution beams along increasingsubaperture lengths. In the last processing stage,


Page 6: Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general method ... · (FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, PO Box 1165, SE-581 11 Link¨oping, Sweden. 0018-9251/03/$17.00

Fig. 6. Polar coordinate representation (ri,#i) of back-projecteddata from subaperture d.

the image is formed in Cartesian coordinates withfull spatial resolution. The class of SAR processingalgorithms, which are based on this principle, we callFBP algorithms.

B. Subaperture Partitioning of Back-Projection Integral

The first step in deriving FBP is splitting upthe back-projection integral (4) into an infinitesum over finite subapertures. We therefore define aback-projection integral over subaperture i of length daccording to

hd(xi,ri,#i) =d=2

d=2g(xi+ t,R)Rdt (11)

with xi is the along-track position of the subaperturecenter, (ri,#i) are polar coordinates with origincentered on the subaperture as illustrated in Fig. 6,

and R = t2 + r2i 2tri cos#i is the range betweenthe aperture and image points. The local polarcoordinates are defined by ri = (x xi)2 + ½2 and#i = arctan[½=(x xi)] where (x,½) are the Cartesiancoordinates of the image point.By extending the integration limits in (11)

to infinity we obtain (4) but in polar coordinaterepresentation. The back-projection integral (4) maynow be divided into an infinite sum over equal-lengthsubapertures according to

h(x,½) =+


hd(xi,ri,#i) (12)

where index i is an integer (: : : , 1,0,1, : : :)corresponding to subaperture i. The center positionof each subaperture is given by xi = x0 + id where x0is the center position of subaperture i= 0.By changing the subaperture length in (12) we

may construct different but equivalent representationsof the back-projection integral (4). This may be shownby partitioning the subaperture integral (11) into n

subapertures of shorter lengths according to

hd(xi,ri,#i) =+n 1=2

j= (n 1=2)

hd=n(xj ,rj ,#j)

xj = xi+ jd


rj = (ri cos#i+ xi xj)2 + (ri sin#i)2

#j = arctan[ri sin#i=(ri cos#i+ xi xj)]


where j is an integer when n is odd, or an integer+12

when n is even. By inserting (13) into (12) we obtainan equivalent representation in terms of the shortersubaperture integrals according to

h(x,½) =+


hd(xi,ri,#i) =+


+ n 12

j= n 12

hd=n x0 + (ni+ j)d

n,rj ,#j



hd=n x0 + ld

n,rl ,#l (14)

where l is an integer when n is odd, or an integer +12

when n is even.The back-projection integral (4) may thus

be determined recursively by partitioning longersubapertures into a sum over shorter subapertures untilthe original pulse echo data is obtained. Conversely,the back-projection integral may be computed, withoutapproximations, by summation of successively longersubaperture starting from the original pulse echo data.

The FBP algorithm is a discrete version ofrecursively applying (14), i.e. the continuous functionsare approximated by sampled functions at a finitenumber of discrete points which are chosen tominimize the sampling error. In the following sections,we analyze the resulting algorithm error. Whenanalysing SAR processing algorithms, it is commonpractise to consider phase errors. However, we alsodiscuss range errors which are useful in ultrawidebandSAR processing. The phase error can be obtainedby multiplying the range error by 2k where k is thewavenumber.

C. Sampling Requirements

The FBP algorithm relies on splitting theback-projection integral according to (12) and (14)where data in each subaperture is represented inlocal polar coordinates. The angular bandwidth ofthe data increases for increasing subaperture lengthin the same manner as for beam formation froman aperture. This means that the number of beampositions which are required for Nyquist sampling of


Page 7: Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a general method ... · (FOI), Division of Sensor Technology, Dept. of Radar Systems, PO Box 1165, SE-581 11 Link¨oping, Sweden. 0018-9251/03/$17.00

Fig. 7. Range error introduced by nearest neighbor interpolationin angle.

the data increases with subaperture length. When therange is much larger than the aperture, i.e. t=r 1,the range can be approximated by R = r tcos#.Using stationary-phase evaluation of the Fouriertransform it can be shown that the following samplingrequirements apply [15]




: (16)

The factor 2 in the denominators are due to thetwo-way propagation delay in mono-static radar.A general expression for the sampling

requirements, i.e. which is valid for all aperture sizes,is difficult to derive in closed form. It is clear that thesame requirement (15) applies to the radial coordinate,whereas the angular sampling requirement will havea different form from (16). Instead of attemptingto derive the latter, however, we derive a generalexpression for the worst case range error across thebeam which essentially provides the same result.

D. Range Error Analysis

In this section, we consider the range errorintroduced by representing the back-projected datawithin an angular sector by a single subaperture rangeline. This corresponds to the case of nearest neighborinterpolation in angle, but other interpolation schemesmay be analyzed with the same method. Data in therange direction, on the other hand, are for simplicityassumed to be interpolated with negligible error. Thisis a reasonable assumption since range interpolation iseffectively performed with little extra cost using FFTand zero-padding in combination with a low-orderinterpolator. The geometry is illustrated in Fig. 7which shows a beam-center range line at angle #,where back-projected data are accumulated duringa subaperture according to (11). Note that alongthis line the back-projection is performed withoutgeometrical errors in angle. However, a range error isintroduced when assigning back-projected data outsidethe beam-center line. The value at the “true position”(r,#+Á) in Fig. 7 is approximated by the value at the“projected position” (r,#).The cosine theorem gives the range R from any

image position to a point along the aperture t (relative

to the subaperture mid-point) according to

R(#)2 = r2 + t2 2rtcos# (17)

and the range error is therefore expressed by

¢R = R(#+Á) R(#) = r2 + t2 2rtcos(#+Á)

r2 + t2 2rtcos(#): (18)

We can evaluate the range error using theapproximation

¢RR(#+Á)2 R(#)2


which assumes that the range error is much smallerthan the range, i.e. ¢R R. Combining (18) and(19) leads to the range error expression

¢R rf(t=r,#)[cos(#) cos(#+Á)] (20)

where we have separated the dependency of Á and t indifferent factors and the function f is defined by

f(s,#) =s

1 2scos(#) + s2: (21)

A plot of (21) for different values of # is shown inFig. 8. It can be shown that the range error is boundedby

¢Rmin( t ,r)sin#

cos(#) cos(#+Á) : (22)

Note that the error bound increases linearly with t upto t = r after which it becomes constant as indicatedin Fig. 8. This corresponds to the approximatelylinear increase in Doppler bandwidth as the syntheticaperture increases as long as the aperture angle issmall (far-field approximation).

The worst case error over a symmetric aperture oflength d is therefore bounded by


cos# cos(#+Á) : (23)

Equations (18), (20), and (22) are general expressionsfor the range error with different approximations. Afurther simplification can be obtained when the anglefulfils the condition Á min(1, tan#). The resultingsmall-angle error bound within a beam of full width¢# is thus given by




4r, d 2r



2, d > 2r


where D is the subimage width as shown in Fig.6. Equation (24) is quite useful for a side-lookingSAR, whereas forward- or backward-looking systemsmay require using the more accurate forms above.From (24), it is clear that we can balance an increasein subaperture d by decreasing the subimage D inorder to keep their product and hence the range errorconstant. However, when the subaperture d becomes


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Fig. 8. Function f(s,#) illustrated for cos#= 0, 0:5, 0:7.

larger than 2r there is no longer a need to decrease thesubimage size according to (24). The reason is that theresolution then increases very slowly since Dopplercone angle changes very slowly.We can also derive a small-angle error bound

directly from (20) by assuming d r which gives aslightly tighter upper bound compared with (24)

¢R d sin#¢#= d¢(cos#) d r: (25)

The sampling requirement (16) follows directly from(25) by setting 2kmax ¢R = ¼, i.e. ¢R = ¸min=4.Similar sampling requirements may thus be derivedfrom the more general range error expressions above.The equations derived for the maximum range

error, (23)–(25), are valid for each subaperturewhereas the total error in the resulting SAR imagerequires accumulation in all subapertures processingstages. An estimate of the total error is thereforenecessary in order to characterize the performanceof the FBP algorithm. We estimate the error byconsidering the distortion for a single point object inposition (xo,½o), i.e. the loss in maximum amplitudecaused by the FBP algorithm. Any range errorintroduced by the algorithm will reduce the maximumamplitude and consequently increase sidelobe energy.Let q(x,½) be the ideal point object response andqFBP(x,½) the response using the FBP algorithm. Therelative error after accumulation in each stage is thusapproximately given by

qFBP(xo,½o) q(xo,½o)q(xo,½o)

2k ¢R (26)

provided the individual phase errors 2k¢R are smalland where ¢R is the range error averaged over allsubapertures and stages. We note that the positive andnegative range errors in Fig. 8 over a subaperture tendto cancel each other. This suggests that the maximum

range errors are, in fact, conservative estimates ofthe total error. It should also be noted that the pointobject response is not shift-invariant using the FBPalgorithm. It varies slightly over the image dependingon the exact spatial location of the various subaperturebeams used to form a particular image pixel value.

Equations (11)–(13) and (24) are the basis fordesigning the FBP algorithm. By summation alonga subaperture, the aperture data are transformed from(x,R) coordinates without angular resolution to polarcoordinates (r,#) with angular resolution proportionalto subaperture length. A new set of aperture data arethus generated with improved angular resolution andessentially without loss of information content. At thesame time, the aperture sampling rate given by thereciprocal of the distance between subaperture centersis proportionally reduced so that the total numberof independent points in the data matrix is constant.Each new data point is computed by interpolatingand summing a small number of aperture points atthe corresponding range and angle.

The main design parameter of the FBP algorithmis the maximum range error which can be acceptedfor adequate image quality. The latter depends on theapplication in question as well as the competing noisesources. Hence it should be tuneable in the algorithmimplementation.

E. Aperture Factorization

We now describe the factorization of the apertureand estimate the resulting computational burden.Consider again the problem shown in Fig. 4, i.e. anaperture L and an image M N . Suppose we areable to find a factorization of L into K integer factorscorresponding to K processing stages according to

L= l1 l2 lK : (27)


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Fig. 9. FBP algorithm performs subaperture summation andbeam formation in each processing stage. In this example, the

number of subapertures are reduced by a factor 2 and the numberof beams are increased by a factor 2. “New” beam position isindicated by a black square, at which back-projected data is

computed by interpolation in range and angle of data from two“old” sets of beams corresponding to two subapertures.

Each factor li (i= 1, : : : ,K) defines the reduction inthe number of aperture positions li during processingstage i. One or more beams are associated witheach aperture position, i.e. the beams representradar data in local polar coordinates centered on theaperture position. In each stage, a number of newbeams are formed by summation of beams from theprevious stage using range and angular interpolationas illustrated in Fig. 9. The number of range and beampositions required for each stage is defined by theimage quality requirements as well as the methodused for interpolation. The described principle relieson using (24) to equalize the phase error amongprocessing steps. Hence, the subaperture lengthsand beam spacing are inversely related to keep theirproduct constant.Suppose, for simplicity, equal image and aperture

dimensions (L=M =N) as well as a commonfactorization throughout all stages (li n for all i),that is L= nK . We also assume that the range andaperture sample spacings are equal.In the first processing stage, we create beams

which span the image from the new subaperturecenters along track. Each new subaperture center hasassociated n new beams generated from n originalaperture positions. This means that the originalaperture has been split into L=n subapertures, eachof length n. The number of operations to form thebeams is therefore proportional to (subapertures)(subaperture points) (beams) (beam samples), i.e.(L=n) n n M = nM2 since L is assumed equalto M.In the second processing stage we again form

new beams but this time based on the beams formedin the previous stage. Each new subaperture centernow has associated n2 new beams, and the number ofsubapertures is L=n2. The number of old subaperturecenters which are used to form a new beam is n, i.e.the number of operations is therefore proportional to(L=n2) n n2 M = nM2. The number of operationsin the second stage, as well as in the following stages,is therefore the same as in the first processing stage.

The algorithm continues in a similar manner untilthe last stage where the computed beam points arelocated on a Cartesian grid. The final image with fullresolution is thus obtained and all original aperturepositions have been combined into a single longaperture. Each processing stage has the same numberof operations so that the total number to form animage is given by

OP nM2K = nM2 lognM: (28)

The minimum operations count of (28) is obtainedfor n= e. In practise, n is required to be an integerwhich leads to a broad minimum around n= 3. It isinteresting to note that n= 2 and n= 4 gives the samenumber of operations and only 6% more than theminimum value. The savings in number of operationscompared with the direct back-projection algorithm isgiven by



n lognM: (29)

The computational savings is thus large wheneverthe aperture and image is large. Using n = 2 or 4,the ratio according to (29) is 170 for M = 4096and 590 for M = 16384. This is a significantreduction in computational effort and correspondsto the improvement obtained by the FFT algorithmcompared to the direct implementation of the discreteFourier transform (DFT). Hence, the FBP algorithmhas a computational effort of the same order ofmagnitude as the Fourier Hankel and range migrationalgorithm.

The final image quality is mainly controlled bythe performance of the angular interpolation methodused. The reason for this fact is that the oversamplingratio, i.e. angular sampling rate divided by the Nyquistrate, is constant through the processing stages since anincrease in subaperture length is exactly balanced witha reduction in beam spacing. Using nearest neighborinterpolation in angle, the maximum range error ineach processing stage using (24) is given by



where ±N and ±L is the image pixel and aperturespacing, respectively, Rmin is the closest range to theimage and N±N is the image extent in the along-trackdirection. The maximum range error is, in this case,defined by the maximum angular extent of the imageas seen from the aperture and the aperture spacing.A typical requirement is to keep the phase errorbelow ¼=8 at the center frequency, which, in theexample, corresponds to a maximum image size ofNmax = ¸cRmin=8±N±L.

This described method may be improved toprocess arbitrary image sizes independent of theminimum range. The basic algorithm is thereforemodified by defining the beam spacing in the first


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stage to control the range error according to (24).This method avoids restricting the maximum imagesize (or minimum range) by instead increasing thenumber of beams. In the subsequent processing stages,the same principle as described above is used, i.e. anincrease in subaperture length li is exactly balanced bya reduction in beam spacing according to (24).

F. Block-Factorized Back-Projection Algorithm

We now describe one FBP algorithmimplementation which has proven to be flexible andprovide good numerical performance. In principle,we may have arbitrary aperture, image size, andminimum range provided the factorization constraintsare fulfilled. Nearest neighbor interpolation is usedin angle, whereas zero-padding in frequency domainfollowed by inverse FFT and a low-order interpolationis used in range. We require factorization of both theaperture and image sizes, i.e. besides (27) for theaperture we also use factorizations of the image sizesaccording to

M =m1 m2 mK (31)

N = n1 n2 nK (32)

where M and N correspond to the image range andazimuth directions, respectively. Each triplet (li,mi,ni)defines the increase in image pixels mi ni andreduction in aperture positions li during processingstage i. All triplets should be chosen according to (24)in order to control the range error. The subimagesresulting from the factorization define the beamspacing since each subimage has one crossing beamin this implementation. Besides limiting the beamspacing, image factorization in range has an additionalpurpose, i.e. it reduces the number of operationsrelated to range computations. For each subapertureposition, the range as well as the differential rangeare computed only to the center position for eachsubimage. The range to other beam positions areobtained by linear extrapolation using range anddifferential range. This method provides a significantsavings in computational time since each rangecomputation involves taking the square root and isthus numerically very costly.A short-coming of the algorithm described in

the previous section is the large amount of memoryrequired to store the intermediate results. The problemis similar to the FFT algorithm which also requiresa large memory. In fact, the amount of data in eachstage of the algorithm is approximately the same forall stages which means that approximately twice thesize of the raw data matrix is required. The block-FBPalgorithm therefore divides the original aperture intoa number of aperture blocks and applies the FBPalgorithm to each. Data for each aperture block aresuccessively read into memory, processed to the final

Fig. 10. Schematic illustration of block-FBP algorithm withL=M =N = 8 and K = 3 processing stages. All processing stagesuse a common factorization n= 2 in this example. First two

processing stages use polar coordinates to represent back-projecteddata and form beams along radial direction from subaperture

center point. Narrower “new” beams are formed based on wider“old” beams formed in previous stage. Last and third processing

stage performs beam formation to image points in finalrectangular Cartesian grid. Full aperture data is also split into twoblocks which are read into memory and processed independently

of each other until data are accumulated in stage 3. Thisprocedure conserves memory when the two blocks are processedin succession since only one block of aperture data, final image

grid, and intermediate results require memory storage.

Fig. 11. Range error introduced by nearest neighbor interpolationin angle for nonlinear flight track.

image grid, and the output results from all blocks areaccumulated. This procedure significantly conservesmemory with a small penalty in computational effort.As an illustrative example, consider the factorizationin Fig. 10 using 3 processing stages. The algorithmhas constant factorization within a block of data andthe full image grid is obtained when the apertureblock is completed.

A quantitative example illustrates the memorysavings. Consider a 4k 4k image which is formedfrom a 16k 8k aperture data matrix. Storing theimage alone requires 128 Mbytes using complexfloating point numbers whereas the aperture datarequire 1 Gbyte of memory plus intermediate results.By using an aperture block size of 1k the aperturedata requirement reduces to 1k 8k, i.e. 64 Mbytes,which is a significant savings.

G. Nonlinear Flight Geometry

The proposed FBP algorithm can handle nonlinearflight tracks without essential modifications. Motiondeviations from a linear track is corrected for eachback-projected data line by computing the rangeusing the center coordinates for each subapertureand subimage including ground topography. A


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new center position is assigned to each subapertureafter completing the summation. Finer motioncompensation is thus included by the algorithm asthe resolution successively improves through theprocessing stages.The effect of nonlinear motion may be analyzed

in a similar way as the linear aperture, i.e. bydetermining the range error for a given subaperturesize as a function of beam off-center angle Á asillustrated in Fig. 11. The assumption is again thatnearest neighbor angular interpolation is used. Therange error can be shown to be given by

¢R d2 +4a2¢#

4= d2 +4a2


4r, d 2r


where a is the across-track deviation from the lineartrack. The expression for d > 2r is the same as in(24). The essence of (33) is that an across-trackcurvature may be mitigated by a slight reduction ofeither the subaperture or subimage size. Note alsothat larger across-track deviations may be toleratedfor longer subapertures d. This is important since theacross-track error typically is small for short tracksegments and increases with for longer segments. Anominally linear track therefore does not normallyneed any change in algorithm parameters, i.e. thesuccessively larger across-track deviations whenthe subaperture size increases does not increase theresulting range error.

H. Comparison with Other Algorithms

The processing method discussed here hassimilarities with two recently proposed back-projection algorithms for SAR inversion. Infact, both may be considered as special cases ofFBP. Local back-projection [13–15] is a special caseof FBP using only two processing stages (K = 2).The first stage comprises subaperture beam formationusing local polar coordinates, and the second stageperforms back-projection to the Cartesian imagegrid. The optimum number of aperture pointssummed in each stage is equal to M which gives anominal complexity reduction compared with directback-projection of M=2 according to (29). Thequad-tree algorithm [16] is based on subaperturebeam formation in multiple processing stages witha factorization of 2 in each processing stage. It isthus a special case of the block-FBP algorithm withli =mi = ni = 2 and a single aperture block. Note,however, that the quad-tree algorithm retains only thezero-frequency component in each subimage whereasthe FBP algorithm may use angular interpolationbased on higher order components with improvedaccuracy. The quad-tree algorithm also needs to becomplemented with a mechanism of controlling thealgorithmic error which may otherwise lead to poor

image quality. The fast back-projection algorithmdescribed in [17–18] is rather different but also relatedto FBP. It performs subaperture summation but splitsthe image into subimages of a different shape. Thesmaller and smaller subimages are regions definedby the intersections between circular arcs. Similar tothe quad-tree algorithm it uses a factorization of 2 ineach processing stage and a single aperture block. Thetheoretical numerical complexity is similar to FBP butthis level of performance has not yet been obtained inpractice.


The improved computational performance offactorized versus direct back-projection is significant.However, it is essential that image quality is notsacrificed despite the approximations introduced. Onthe other hand, there is no need to overdesign theprocessor in terms of image quality since other noisesources may dominate.

Image quality is a qualitative term which isdifficult to define in a strict way. Clearly, the impulseresponse is essential and can be characterized byresolution, peak sidelobe ratio, and integrated sideloberatio, etc. Other characteristics like geometrical,radiometric and phase accuracy are also important formany applications.

We restrict the analysis here to processing thesame radar data through the two processors andcompare the resulting images. The choice of sceneis clearly important since required image qualityparameters are very scene dependent. We thereforedeliberately choose a difficult scene which includeslarge scene contrasts and where the system noise isrelatively low.

The comparison, shown in Figs. 12 and 13, isperformed using images over the western parts of thecity of Linkoping, Sweden. Radar data were acquiredwith the airborne ultrawideband CARABAS SAR [13]operating in the 20–90 MHz frequency band whichhas an azimuth beamwidth of about 90 . The flightaltitude was about 3 km and the track was measuredusing phase-differential GPS. The processing usesthe GPS data as well as the average altitude aboveground for motion corrections. Figs. 12 and 13 showthe results from using direct back-projection andblock-FBP, respectively. The results indicate that thetwo images are very similar in image quality butwith a slightly (not visible) higher noise floor in thenear-range for the factorized algorithm. The latter iscaused by strong echoes from buildings in a suburbanarea in combination with the reduced ISLR (integratedsidelobe ratio, i.e. integrated mainlobe energy dividedby integrated sidelobe energy).

The block-FBP algorithm was set up with anunequal factorization corresponding to a maximumrange error of 0.12 m or 0.28 radians in each stage


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Fig. 12. Scene over city of Linkoping processed with direct back-projection algorithm. Aperture is 16384 samples at 0.94 m spacing,and image is 6400 8192 pixels at 1 m 1 m spacing. Slant range to near range of image is 4895 m and average altitude is 2811 m.

at the center frequency. The aperture block size waschosen to 256, i.e. the 16384 aperture positionsin the raw data were divided into 64 blocks. Fouraperture positions are summed in each processingstage until the entire block is processed which requiresfour stages. The fifth processing stage correspondsto summation over the 64 blocks. All processingstages thus correspond to an aperture factorization

according to 16384 = 44 64. Range factorization,which controls the range computation, is chosen tofour according to 8192 = 44 32, i.e. a factor 4 inthe first four stages and 32 in the final stage. Angularfactorization is chosen to 6400 = 10 43 10, i.e. afactor 10 in the first stage to reduce the range error,a factor 4 in the three following stages and a factor10 in the final stage. Nearest neighbor interpolation


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Fig. 13. Same as Fig. 12 but processed with block-FBP algorithm using 64 aperture blocks with 256 aperture positions in each blocks.

is performed in angle, and a quadratic interpolator isused in range.An estimate of FBP computational efficiency

compared with direct back-projection is given by(16384 8192 6400)=(64 8192 (2560+2560+2560+2560+6400)) = 98. The value 2560 is thenumber of summations required to form the beamswithin the aperture block during each of the four firststages. In the first processing stage, for example, 4

aperture positions are used to form 10 beams foreach of 64 subapertures. In the final stage, the fullresolution image of size 6400 8192 is formed.

A comparison between the execution time for twoalgorithms resulted in a savings of about 300, i.e.45 min instead of 9 days on a single-processor workstation. This is a factor 3 more compared with thetheoretically estimated 98. The reason that the FBPalgorithm is even better than the estimate above is


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Fig. 14. Simulated impulse response function using direct back-projection algorithm. Raw radar data generated along linear aperturewith 6000 samples at 0.83 m spacing. Ideal point target located at slant range of 2500 m and in middle of aperture. Result shows

magnitude of complex impulse response.

Fig. 15. Simulated impulse response function using block-FBP algorithm. Same raw radar data as in Fig. 14 was used. Worst caseshown resulted in peak amplitude loss of slightly less than 1 dB.

due to the more effective range computation. In thedirect back-projection, one range value is computedfor each image pixel which includes an ineffectivesquare root operation. In the FBP algorithm, onlytwo range values using the square root are computedclose to the center of each subimage whereas the otherranges are computed using linear extrapolation. This

provides a significant speed-up compared with thedirect back-projection method.

Figs. 14 and 15 show another performancecomparison between direct back-projection andblock-FBP. Raw radar data was simulated along alinear aperture with 6000 samples at 0.83 m spacing.An ideal point target was located at slant range


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2500 m and centered along the aperture. Fig. 14shows the result of generating an image using directback-projection. Note that the resulting impulseresponse is nonseparable in slant range andazimuth, and the curved nature of the range sidelobes.Note also the sidelobe arms which extenddiagonally from the image center. They are a resultof the finite-length aperture and may be reduced byproper spectral weighting. Fig. 15 shows a similarresult by using block-FBP processing from thesame raw data and with a maximum range errorset to 0.13 m in each stage. The block-FBP impulseresponse varies slightly across the image due tochanging range error. Fig. 15 shows the worst casewhen the peak amplitude loss is 1 dB compared withthe direct back-projection. The amplitude loss may bereduced by decreasing the maximum range error.


We have described and analyzed a generalclass of SAR processing algorithms which arebased on recursive partitioning of the time-domainback-projection integral. The resulting factorizedback-projection (FBP) algorithm consists of a numberof processing stages and is suitable for ultrawidebandSAR image formation since it is capable of handlinglarge deviations from a linear flight track. Severalearlier proposed fast back-projection algorithms maybe considered as special cases. FBP provides theaccuracy and robustness of a time-domain algorithmbut with a computational performance in parity withfast transform algorithms, e.g. the Fourier-Hankelor range migration algorithms. Furthermore, itsignificantly conserves memory compared withfrequency-domain algorithms. Algorithm factorizationis based on equalizing the range (phase) errorthroughout the processing stages. Each processingstage forms a set of back-projected beams on theground in local polar coordinates by summation ofsubapertures under the constraint of a constant rangeerror. The subaperture length increases successivelywhereas the beamwidth decreases. Image quality iscontrollable by tuning the maximum range error. Apractical implementation called block-FBP is alsodescribed which easily can trade-off image quality,operations count and memory size. The algorithmprovides a significant reduction in computationalburden of two to three orders of magnitude comparedwith direct back-projection for the considered airborneultra-wideband SAR processing geometry.


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Lars Ulander (S’86—M’91) received the M.Sc. in engineering physics in1985 and the Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering in 1991, both fromChalmers University of Technology (CTH) in Goteborg, Sweden.In 1995 he joined the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) to work on

VHF-band synthetic-aperture radar (SAR). He is currently Director of Researchat FOI and also acts as Adjunct Professor in Radar Remote Sensing at CTH. Hisresearch area includes radar and electromagnetics, in particular signal processing,SAR and electromagnetic scattering. He leads the group at FOI focusing onadvanced signal processing techniques for VHF- and UHF-band SAR systems,as well as implementing such techniques in airborne experimental and technologydemonstrators.Dr. Ulander is the author or coauthor of about 150 professional publications,

of which more than 30 are in refereed journals. He is the holder of four patents,and is listed in Who’s Who in Electromagnetics. He is also a member of theRemote Sensing Committe at the Swedish National Space Board.

Hans Hellsten received the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Theoretical Physicsat the University of Stockholm, Sweden, in 1980.He joined the joined the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) in 1981.

Since 1985 his professional effort has been devoted to low frequency anddiffraction limited radar imaging, e.g. leading to the origination and developmentof the CARABAS VHF SAR. Among various research achievements, one maynote the derivation of the first “exact” solution to the SAR inverse problem(together with Lars Erik Anderson). For many years Hans Hellsten headed theCARABAS development work and later the FOI Radar Surveillance Department.He is currently with Ericsson Microwave Systems and technically responsible forlow frequency radar research and development within this company.

Gunnar Stenstrom was born in Klintehamn, Sweden, in 1951. He received theM.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology,Stockholm, Sweden, in 1977. He joined the Swedish Defence ResearchAgency (FOI), Department of Sensor Technology, in 1977 to work withhardware and software development of a millimeter wave radar and two dualfrequency millimeter wave radiometers, one of them airborne. He has carried outexperiments and data analysis with the systems, measuring different environmentsat different times of the year. In parallel, he has worked with a high resolutioncoherent X-band radar and with the development of a fast radio direction finder.During 1987, he participated in an ESA feasibility study of hardware solutionsto steer phased array antennas. In 1988, he joined the CARABAS project and isinvolved in work with hardware, digital hardware, digital software, software, andprojection algorithms.