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  • 7/24/2019 Synthetic-Biology-of-Antimicrobial-Discovery.pdf


    Synthetic Biology of Antimicrobial DiscoveryBijan Zakeri,, and Timothy K. Lu*,,,

    Synthetic Biology Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139,United StatesDepartment of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United StatesMIT Synthetic Biology Center, 500 Technology Square, Cambridge Massachusetts 02139, United States

    ABSTRACT: Antibiotic discovery has a storied history. Fromthe discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming to therelentless quest for antibiotics by Selman Waksman, the storieshave become like folklore used to inspire future generations ofscientists. However, recent discovery pipelines have run dry ata time when multidrug-resistant pathogens are on the rise.Nature has proven to be a valuable reservoir of antimicrobialagents, which are primarily produced by modularizedbiochemical pathways. Such modularization is well suited toremodeling by an interdisciplinary approach that spans scienceand engineering. Herein, we discuss the biological engineering of small molecules, peptides, and non-traditional antimicrobialsand provide an overview of the growing applicability of synthetic biology to antimicrobials discovery.

    KEYWORDS: synthetic biology, antimicrobial discovery, antibiotics, genetic engineering, protein engineering, biological engineering,bacteriophage

    T he discovery of antibiotics represents one of our greatestscientic achievements, for few other discoveries have hadas great an impact on medicine. The rich history of antibiotic

    discovery can be traced back for over a century, where greatintuition was used to recognize that although all microbialpathogens eventually nd their way into the soil, whetherthrough biological decay or animal excrement, the soil is notthe source of most infectious diseases.1,2 This led to anexpansive search of soil-dwelling microorganisms for anti-microbial agents culminating in the golden era of antibioticdiscovery during the mid-twentieth century, where most knownclasses of antibiotics were discovered.3 Environmental bacteriaand fungi have been a great source of bioactive molecules, inparticular those with antimicrobial activities. It is estimated thatapproximately 16,500 antibiotics have been isolated as naturalproducts, the majority of which originate from soil-dwellingGram-positive bacteria of the order Actinomycetales (Figure1a4).5

    Although antibiotics are very effective therapeutics that canbe used to target diverse species of bacteria, they are highlysusceptible to adaptive and environmentally acquired bacterialresistance. This can severely limit their clinical lifetime andrender once powerful therapeutics obsolete. Adaptive resistanceoccurs as a result of changes in gene and protein expression inresponse to environmental cues and can lead to transientresistance of bacterial populations.6 Alternatively, environ-mental bacteria harbor reservoirs of resistance genes, wherethe average bacterium has resistance against 7 or 8 differentantibiotics with varying modes of action.7 As such, there is alarge pool of resistance cassettes present in the environment

    that can be passed on horizontally to infectious bacteria. In fact,such horizontal gene transfer between soil-dwelling bacteria andclinical pathogens was recently demonstrated experimentally,

    where resistance determinants with signicant nucleotideidentity were found among diverse species of environmentaland pathogenic bacteria.8 Therefore, to combat adaptive andenvironmentally acquired bacterial resistance, there must becontinuous development of novel antibiotics via newdiscoveries and re-engineering of old therapeutics.

    Traditional antibiotic discovery programs have relied on themining of environmental microbes for natural productbiosynthesis via secondary metabolic pathways (Figure 1b).However, after more than half a century of such investigations,new discoveries are becoming ever more rare. The alleged low-hanging fruit, or the commonly produced and easily isolatednatural product antibiotics, have been picked, and it hasbecome exceedingly difficult to nd new antimicrobialagents.9,10 A signicant hurdle to overcome with currentnatural product discovery initiatives is dereplication, the processof rapidly discounting previously identied secondary metab-olites.11 Considering that approximately1% of Actinomycetesproduce the antibiotic streptomycin,10 it can be easilyunderstood why an efficient and high-throughput approach isrequired to prevent the rediscovery of old antibiotics.Alternative approaches to antibiotic discovery have included

    Special Issue: Natural Products: Tools and More

    Received: September 30, 2012


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    the use of medicinal chemistry to expandthe chemical diversityof commonly utilized antimicrobials.3 Although the totalsynthesis of natural products is not feasible due to thecomplexity of the molecules,12,13 the chemical modication ofantibiotic scaffolds to evade resistance has been quite successful,as seen for example with the second- and third-generationtetracyclines.14 Another widely used drug discovery approachhas been the screening of large chemical libraries forantimicrobial activity. However, this approach has achievedlittle success as synthetic chemical libraries cannot mimic thestructural complexity inherent to bioactive molecules.15

    Although the discovery of new antibiotics continues tobecome ever more difficult owing to an exhausted scienticapproach and a reluctance of industry to participate, the needfor new antimicrobials continues to grow in the clinic due tothe emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens, as exempliedby methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) andvancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE). To tackle these newchallenges, multidisciplinary approaches are required that cantake advantage of the efficiency and versatility of biologicalplatforms within a user dened context. The nexus between

    such a biological and engineering approach is synthetic biology.By modularizing biological elements using genetic andprotein engineering, synthetic biologists are able to incorporatenew functionality within pre-existing biological platforms tosample new chemical space. Herein, synthetic biologyapproaches to antibiotic development will be discussed in thecontext of genetic engineering for small-molecule development,peptide antimicrobials, and non-traditional therapeutics.


    Small molecule antibiotics represent the largest class ofantimicrobial agents and include both natural products andsynthetic molecules that encompass a diverse array of moleculararchitectures. Most small molecule antibiotics are synthesized

    as natural products by environmental microbes using simplebuilding blocks, which are assembled into elaborate structuresvia secondary metabolic pathways. These large biochemicalpathways possess inherent modularity that make themattractive platforms for synthetic biology.16

    Secondary Metabolic Pathways. Synthetic biologystrides to implement a modular design for the engineering of

    biological molecules.


    Such approaches can be applied toengineer the secondary metabolic biosynthetic pathways ofActinomycetes. These soil-dwelling microbes can be thought ofas chemical factories that produce secondary metabolites in aconveyor-belt-like fashion.14 Such versatility is afforded by theuse of large enzymatic complexes that allow for the coordinatedaction of many different enzymes to build complex smallmolecules from basic building blocks.22

    The polyketide class of secondary metabolites, which includethe clinically relevant macrolide and tetracycline antibiotics, aresynthesized by large enzymatic complexes called polyketidesynthases (PKS). A detailed overview of the biochemistry ofPKS pathways is beyond the scope of this review, and theinterested reader is referred to other reviews.2226 Although

    there are different types of PKS enzymes with varyingmechanistic complexities, the basic process of polyketideassembly follows a similar path. The carbon backbone of apolyketide molecule is assembled by a designated PKS complexthrough sequential or iterative condensation of acyl-CoAbuilding blocks.22,25 Subsequently, the polyketide backbone isdecorated with a variety of different functional groups such assugars, alcohols, aromatic rings, methyl groups, and aminogroups via the action of specic tailoring enzymes.25,26 Thesefunctional groups are responsible for mediating interactionsthat are key to the biological activity of polyketides.27 Forexample, even though there are three generations oftetracyclines with diverse chemical structures, the ribosomeinhibitory action of tetracyclines are imparted by only the keto-

    Figure 1.Antibiotic discovery. (a)Streptomyces rimosus,4 a soil-dwelling Gram-positive bacteria that produces oxytetracycline, which is visible as ayellow halo around bacterial colonies (right). (b) An overview of the approaches utilized for antibiotic discovery.

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    enol functionalities at the base of the molecules.28,29 Therefore,at the latter stages of tetracycline biosynthesis, synthetic biologycould be utilized to increase the chemical diversity of naturalproducts by modulating tailoring reactions. By taking advantageof the modular nature of PKS and tailoring enzymes, one canmix and match them to develop new chemical entities withengineered biological platforms.

    Type I PKS Assembly: Erythromycin. The biosyntheticassembly of the macrolide antibiotic erythromycin produced by

    Saccharopolyspora erythraea represents the best studied PKSpathway. A type I PKS produces erythromycin, where threemega-enzymes (DEBS-1, DEBS-2, and DEBS-3) constituting 7modules and 28 enzymatic domains catalyze the production of6-deoxyerthronolide B (6-DEB), the aglycone scaffold oferythromycin (Figure 2a).23 6-DEB production proceeds inan assembly line fashion where at each stage one acyl-CoAintermediate is incorporated (1 propionyl-CoA and 6methylmalonyl-CoA units).30 Following polyketide assembly,

    Figure 2.PKS assembly of natural products. (a) Type I PKS assembly. Erythromycin is produced by 3 mega-enzyme complexes (DEBS-1, DEBS-2,and DEBS-3) that constitute 7 individual domains (bluebrackets). Subsequent to the assembly of the aglycone 6-DEB, tailoring enzymes incorporate

    hydroxyl and sugar moieties to produce erythromycin.30,87

    (b) Type II PKS assembly. The oxytetracycline biosynthetic cluster is composed of 21genes.46 The minimal PKS assembles the polyketide scaffold, which is then highly modied by tailoring enzymes to produce oxytetracycline. Thevariableside of tetracyclines represents regions in the molecule where modications can be made to increase chemical diversity, whereas the non-

    variableside constitutes functional moieties required for biological activity and hence modications are not tolerated.

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    6-DEB is decorated by regiospecic hydroxylation andglycosylation reactions via dedicated tailoring enzymes.30,31

    The modular nature of the erythromycin biosyntheticmachinery was apparent when the biosynthetic gene clusterwas initially sequenced in 1990.32,33 The repetitive utilization ofstandardized catalytic units provides opportunities to mix andmatch the enzymatic domains to sample new chemical spaceand create unnatural natural products. Engineering of

    unnatural erythromycin derivatives can be achieved at 2 distinctsteps: during PKS assembly of the polyketide scaffold or duringthe tailoring reactions.

    Therst stage of erythromycin assembly involves loading thePKS with a starter unit. The loading module in DEBS-1 (N-terminal acyltransferase and acyl carrier protein) naturally loadsa propionate unit onto the PKS. However, loading modulesfrom the macrolide antibiotics oleandomycin or tylosin can beincorporated into DEBS-1 to provide control over starter unitspecicity, namely, a propionate or acetate starter unit.34

    Alternatively, diversity can be introduced by swapping themethylmalonyl specic acyltransferase domains of DEBS withdomains that have specicity for methoxymalonyl, ethyl-

    malonyl, or malonyl extender units.


    Changing the numberof modules present in DEBS can also change the scaffold oferythromycin. For example, a three-module DEBS derivativeresults in the production of an eight-membered ring lactone.39

    The nal stage of erythromycin assembly involves thedecoration of 6-DEB with hydroxyl and sugar groups, which arerequired for biological activity.27,31At this stage, modularity canbe observed in the substrateexibility of the glycosyltransferaseenzymes. For instance, EryBV catalyzes the incorporation ofTDP-L-mycarose onto 6-DEB (Figure 2a). However, it hasbeen shown that EryBV not only is able to catalyze the reversereaction as well but also can incorporate other TDP-L-sugaranalogues onto the aglycon macrolide.40 Similarly, in additionto its native substrate TDP-D-desosamine, EryCIII is also able

    to incorporate other sugars on to the erythromycin scaffoldincluding TDP-D-mycaminose and TDP-D-angolosamine.41,42

    Therefore, the substrate promiscuity of tailoring enzymes couldprovide a useful avenue for the development of unnaturalpolyketides.

    Such modularity and substrate promiscuity at almost everystage of type I PKS polyketide assembly affords many excitingopportunities for a synthetic biological approach to drugdevelopment. In an innovative experiment to developunnatural natural products, Menzella et al. validated thisapproach by dismantling type I PKS genes into syntheticbuildingblocks that could be reassembled in a combinatorialfashion.43 By using a standardized loading module, intra- and

    interpeptide linkers, and a polyketide cleavage module, theauthors used 8 different PKS clusters to synthesize 14individual modules each encoded in an expression vector eitheras a donor or acceptor module. Subsequently, donor andacceptor modules were co-transformed into an Escherichia colistrain engineered to synthesize polyketide compounds resultingin 154 bimodular combinations. Intriguingly, all of the differentsynthetic components showed great compatibility, where 47%of the bimodular PKSs were active and produced the expectedtriketide lactone products. The bimodular PKSs were furtherengineered to accept alternate starter units to further expandproduct diversity.44 The same group further advanced thistechnology to develop combinatorial trimodule PKSs that wereable to assemble tetraketide molecules.45 The trimodular PKSs

    achieved remarkable efficiency, where 96% of the combinationstested were able to produce the expected tetraketide molecules.

    Thus, type I PKS enzymes have proven to be versatileplatforms that can be manipulated in innovative ways in thequest for chemical diversity. This notion can be furtherextended to type II PKS enzymes, which are more disseminatedand complex chemical assembly lines.

    Type II PKS Assembly: Oxytetracycline. Unlike the type

    I PKS enzymes, where each module catalyzes the addition ofone acyl-CoA unit to produce the polyketide backbone, type IIPKS assembly involves a minimalPKS complex (acyl-carrierprotein, chain length factor, and ketosynthase units) thatiterativelycatalyze the condensation of malonyl-CoA extenderunits.25,46 Subsequently, the polyketides are modied by a hostof tailoring enzymes, including aromatases, cyclases, oxy-genases, methyltransferases, ketoreductases, acyltransferases,and aminotransferases.25,46 Accordingly, an intriguing path tobroaden the chemical diversity of these natural products wouldbe via the tailoring reactions.

    The tetracycline class of antibiotics represents one of themost medically signicant natural products synthesized by typeII PKS complexes.25 Tetracycline biosynthesis has beeninvestigated for almost halfacentury starting with early studiesinvolving blocked mutants.4751 However, it is only recentlythat we are beginning to understand the detailed biochemistryof the biosynthetic pathway as a result of advances in geneticengineering and the availability of heterologous expressionsystems.46,52

    Streptomyces rimosus, rst discovered at Pzer in 1950,produces the tetracycline antibiotic oxytetracycline originallymarketed as Terramycin (Figure 1a).4,14,53 Oxytetracycline isproduced by a type II PKS encoded within a 24 kb biosyntheticgene cluster that contains 21 genes anked by 2 resistancegenes (Figure 2b).46,54 Oxytetracycline biosynthesis hasrecently been reviewed and as such will not be discussed here.55

    A lack of appropriate genetic engineering tools for S. rimosusstemming from genomic instability and inefficient DNAtransformation procedures54 has led to the use of heterologoushosts for the study of oxytetracycline biosynthesis. Althoughheterologous expression of PKSgenes in E. coli leads to theformation of inclusion bodies,56 Streptomyces coelicolorCH999and Myxococcus xanthus have been successfully used for theheterologous expression of pathway genes.46,57 In a series ofstudies over the past few years, Tang and co-workers havedemonstrated the modular nature of the oxytetracyclinepathway enzymes by reconstituting the oxytetracycline minimalPKS in combination with varying tailoring enzymes in S.coelicolorCH999. This has led to the production of a variety oftetracycline analogues and pathway intermediates.46,52,58,59

    A rational synthetic biology approach to tetracyclineproduction would be fundamentally different than thecombinatorial methods used with type I PKS pathways.Through the studies of tetracycline analogues and tetracy-cline-ribosomal structural data, it has been well established thatthe keto-enol functionalities on the non-variable side oftetracyclines make key contacts to the ribosome and areessential for biological activity, whereas the variable side ofthe moleculeaffords opportunities for great chemical diversity(Figure2b).14,28,29,60,61 Accordingly, different combinations ofthe oxytetracycline biosynthetic enzymes (or engineeredversions with enhanced substrate promiscuity) can be used todevelop analogues that contain chemically modiable functionalgroups on the variableside. This could provide opportunities

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    to introduce new chemical moieties that do not interfere withribosomal binding but do disrupt molecular interactionsbetween tetracyclines and efflux proteins (the main mode ofclinical resistance), because of an altered molecular shape.14,62

    Synthetic Biology: Tools of the Trade. As with anyambitious engineering project, we are often at the mercy of thediversity and quality of tools at our disposal or a lack thereof.However, the great advances made in synthetic biology over the

    past decade have provided us with powerful tools to rewirenatural networks. The development of recombineeringtechnology based on the -Red system over a decade ago laidthe foundation for the simple andefficient swapping of geneticmaterial in a seamless fashion.63,64 By simply expressingexo,bet,and gam genes from the bacteriophage -Red recombinationsystem, one can efficiently induce the recombination ofhomologous DNA elements between chromosomal/plasmidDNA and transformed linear DNA containing as little as 3050bp of homology.63,65 Furthermore, recombineering can also beperformed with single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides as shortas 30 bp to provide a highlyefficient method by which one canmutagenize genomic DNA.66 Recombineering has revolution-ized genetic engineering and is commonly used to modifynatural product biosynthetic pathways.

    Additional advances in DNA synthesis technologies67 andDNA assembly techniques(Gibson,68 Biobricks,69 BglBricks,70

    Golden Gate shuffling,71 Circular Polymerase ExtensionCloning72) have provided facile solutions for the geneticmanipulation of large secondary metabolic gene clusters.Natural product biosynthesis requires the coordinated actionof many enzymes, and subsequent to DNA assembly, theexpression of individual genes must be tuned to achievemaximum efficiency. The genomic evolution MAGE (MultiplexAutomated Genome Engineering) technology is a powerfulmethod to achieve this. By using 90 bp oligonucleotides, onecan simultaneously and rapidly target multiple short DNA

    elements for directed evolution.


    In a demonstration of theefficiency of MAGE for biosynthetic pathway tuning, Wang etal. optimized lycopene production in E. coli by evolving 24genes, where 20 ribosome binding sites were tuned and 4 geneswere inactivated. This resulted in a variantthat produced 5-foldmore lycopene than the parental strain.73 Recently, Carr et al.have improved on this platform by developing co-selectionMAGE, where a selectable marker (turnedoff) is placed within500 kb of sites targeted for evolution.74 By turning on theselectable marker while simultaneously evolving multiplegenomic targets, sequence diversity can introduced moreefficiently.74 This approach is highly relevant to the tuning ofPKS gene clusters, since individual operons are located in closeproximity and antibiotic resistance genes (selectable marker)

    are generally present within each respective biosynthetic cluster.Additionally, protein engineering and directed evolution fortuning of polypeptide sequences are well-established arts thathave been around for decades. Techniques such as rationalprotein modications based on structureactivity relationshipscan be used to engineer enzymes with altered substratespecicities. Notably, by modifying two active site residues ofthe serine protease subtilisin, the Wells groups were able toproduce the derivative subtiligase that catalyzes peptide bondformation rather than hydrolysis.75,76 For more combinatorialsequence optimization approaches, display technologies such asphage,77 bacterial,78 yeast,79 ribosome,80 or DNA81 display canbe used, among which phage display is most widely utilized.Recently, Liu and co-workers further improved the efficiency of

    phage display by developing phage-assisted continuousevolution (PACE), where directed evolution can be accom-plished in a continuousand automated process with minimumresearcher intervention.82 Furthermore, at the post-translationallevel proteins can also be ligated together much like DNA, todevelop the conveyor-beltstructures of PKS enzymes or toco-localize the many different tailoring enzymes, especiallywithin heterologous hosts. Intein trans-splicing can be used to

    seamlessly link two polypeptide strands, although the reactionsare dependent on the redox statusof the environment and canproduce undesired side products.83,84 Recently, Zakeri et al.developed short peptide tags (isopeptag and SpyTag) that canbe used to covalently and irreversibly link polypeptide strandsvia spontaneous isopeptide bond formation to highly specicprotein partners.85,86 Importantly, the peptideprotein pairsare genetically encodable and can therefore be used to rapidlyand spontaneously link proteins both in vitro and in vivo.85,86

    This technology creates protein building blocks to forgepeptide linkages in both linear and branched congurations todevelop novel protein architectures. Consequently, thesynthetic biological tools at both the DNA and protein levelsare available not only to modify natural secondary metabolic

    pathways but also to engineer completely synthetic ones aswell.


    Peptides represent the other major class of biopolymers thatserve as scaffolds for antimicrobials. Peptide antimicrobials canbe separated into two major classes: nonribosomal peptides(NRPs) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Similar topolyketides, NRPs are small molecule antibiotics that areproduced by environmental microbesusing both proteinogenicand nonproteinogenic amino acids.87 Alternatively, AMPs areproduced by multicellular organisms as part of their immunesystems using the standard 20 amino acids.88 Both classes of

    peptide antibiotics are assembled through pathways that aresuitable for engineering.Nonribosomal Peptides. Nonribosomal peptides com-

    prise some of the most clinically importantdrugs, including -lactams, glycopeptides, and lipopeptides.89 These naturalproducts are most commonly produced by nonribosomalpeptide synthetases (NRPSs), which are the molecularassembly lines that fabricate peptide antibiotics using bothnatural and unnatural amino acid building blocks.87 Thebiochemistry of NRPS pathways have been studied in greatdetail and are reviewed elsewhere.9092 Briey, the generalmechanism of NRPS assembly closely resembles that of thetype I PKS machinery, where large multidomain complexescatalyze the sequential addition of amino acids into the growing

    peptide chain.93

    For example, the heptapeptide core of theglycopeptide antibiotic chloroeremomycin is produced by threelarge enzymatic complexes containing a total of 7 modules, eachresponsible for the incorporation of 1 amino acid. Sub-sequently, tailoring enzymes modify the peptide scaffold viamethylation, oxidative cross-linking, and glycosylation reac-tions.90,94 Since the mechanism of NRPS and type I PKSassembly is similar, the same general synthetic biologyprinciples can be applied to modify NRPS complexes toexpand chemical diversity. Accordingly, the modularization ofNRPS pathways will only be briey discussed.

    Interestingly, there exist natural PKS-NRPS hybrid bio-synthetic pathways that demonstrate the compatibility of thetwo natural product assembly machineries. To illustrate, the

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    antibiotic bacillaene is produced by a 2.5 MDa PKS-NRPShybrid complex (13 PKS modules and 3 NRPS modules) inBacillus subtilis that is encoded on an 80 kb biosyntheticcluster.95 Consequently, both polyketides and amino acids canbe used as building blocks by the same protein machinerythereby allowing for a new category of chemicals that can beengineered for antibiotic development. Intriguingly, the PKS-NRPS hybrid complexes in the bacterium further associate andco-localize adjacent to the cell membrane to producebiosynthetic factories that are 10100 MDa in size.96 Thisunusual arrangement of biosynthetic enzymes can allow for theengineering of cells that can redirect energy resources forantibiotic production by rewiring natural pathways, therebysignicantly reducing the cost of drug development.

    Since NRPS systems use natural and unnatural amino acidsas building blocks that are then linked by stable peptide bonds,one can sample a more diverse chemical space than PKSsystems that use a few simple acyl-CoA subunits that result inunstable intermediates during assembly (Figure 3). Therefore,

    it is possible to rationally engineer NRPS complexes bysubstituting modules that have specicity for different aminoacids to impart desirable features to peptide antibiotics. Whenstructureactivity relationships are available, a rationalengineering approach can often be more informative andfruitful in the development of bioactive compounds than arandomized combinatorial library, which can often be limitedby the quality of the utilized high-throughput biological screens.

    To illustrate, Baltz and co-workers were able to expand theantibacterial spectrum of a lipopeptide by producing rationallyengineered hybrid NRPSs.97 The cyclic lipopeptide antibioticdaptomycin has bactericidal activity against Gram-positivebacteria and is used to treat complicated skin infections andinfections caused by multidrug-resistant organisms.98 Althoughdaptomycin is active against Streptococcus pneumonia with aminimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.06 g/mL, itcannot be used to treat pneumonia infections because it issequestered by pulmonary surfactant.97,99 On the basis ofprevious knowledge of amino acid substitutions that overcome

    Figure 3.Structural diversity of peptide antibiotics. The large number of natural and unnatural amino acids provides great opportunities to developantimicrobial agents with diverse structural architectures. Indolicidin (PDB 1G89), -defensin-1 (PDB 1IJV), and plectasin (PDB 1ZFU) visualized

    with PyMOL.

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    surfactant sequestration within the similarly structured lip-opeptide antibiotic A54145, Baltz and co-workers developedhybrid A54145 NRPSs by substituting modules from thedaptomycin NRPS.97 In doing so, the authors were able toproduce 16 A54145 derivatives that had up to 6 amino acidmodications on the tridecapeptide backbone. One of thesederivatives had a 32-fold lower MIC than daptomycin in thepresence of 1% surfactant and showed improved antibacterial

    activity relative to daptomycin in aS. pneumoniaelung infectionmouse model.

    Further modularization of NRP assembly can also beperformed at the stage of tailoring enzymes that decorate thepeptide scaffolds with various functional groups. For example,the methyltransferase MtfA from the chloroeremomycinbiosynthetic cluster, a glycopeptide antibiotic with a vancomy-cin peptide scaffold produced byAmycolatopsis orientalis, can beused to methylate desulfo-A47934, a glycopeptide antibioticwith a teicoplanin peptide scaffold produced byStreptomycestoyocaensis.100 Methylation of the glycopeptide by MtfA couldbe performed bothin vitroand in vivo. Such modications notonly increase the chemical diversity of glycopeptides that maybe used to combat resistance mechanisms but also can allow forthe masking or unmasking of functional groups that could beused by medicinal chemists to explore novel chemicalarchitectures.

    Antimicrobial Peptides.Multicellular organisms from theplant and animal kingdoms also possess small peptide-basedantimicrobial defense mechanisms.101 These defense peptides,aptly named antimicrobial peptides, are far less recognized thanthe traditional small molecule antibiotics that are routinely usedin the clinic. Nevertheless, their utility as natural antimicrobialsamong such diverse forms of life and their amenability forsynthetic biology open up new avenues for antibiotic discovery.

    The biological activity of AMPs can derive from direct killingof pathogenic bacteria or indirect induction of killing by

    modulating the innate immune system.


    Here, we shall focuson the direct interactions between AMPs and their bacterialtargets as a more conventional and clinically relevant form oftherapy. The structure and physical properties of AMPs aremarkedly different from those of the aforementioned NRPantibiotics (Figure 3). For example, whereas the well-studiedglycopeptide vancomycin is composed of a rigid seven-memberpeptide scaffold that inhibits cell wall biosynthesis byspecically binding to a peptidoglycan intermediate,90 AMPshave a more generalized mode of action where they disruptmembrane integrity without targeting any specic cellularsubstructures.102 Although some AMPs are able to cross thecellular membrane and interact with cellular components,103

    cell membrane disruption appears to be the main antimicrobial

    mode of action.AMPs possess several structural and biophysical propertiesthat allow for the specic targeting of bacterial as opposed tomammalian membranes. Generally, AMPs are short peptidescontaining 1050 amino acids and are composed primarily ofcationic and hydrophobic residues that provide amphiphiliccharacteristics.101,104 Although there is little sequence con-servation among different peptides, they do adopt secondary-helical and -sheet structures that fall into several wellrecognized motifs.88,104 While mammalian membranes areprimary composed of neutral lipids and contain cholesterol,bacterial membranes on the other hand are mainly composed ofanionic lipids and do not contain cholesterol.88,101 Therefore,AMPs are electrostatically attracted to bacterial membranes,

    where they integrate into the lipid bilayer due to theiramphiphilic properties and disrupt membrane integrity byforming various porous structures or at high concentrations canact like detergents to disintegrate membranes leading to celldeath.105 Accordingly, large concentrations of AMPs arerequired to achieve antibacterial activity with MICs in themicromolar range.105 This is not unexpected when oneconsiders the typical biophysical characteristics of peptides.

    Due to their small size and limited surface area, peptides lackwell-dened structures and have few molecular handles tomediate strong noncovalent binding interactions, whetherelectrostatic or hydrophobic in nature.106 Thus, they can bethought of as exible and slippery molecules when oneconsiders global biochemical interactions in general terms.However, it is indeed these common structural features andversatile physiochemical characteristics of AMPs that affordopportunities to re-engineer the peptides to impart morepotent biological activity.

    A synthetic biology approach to engineering novel AMPs isquite different than the aforementioned engineering of naturalsecondary metabolic pathways. Due to the small size of AMPs,common physiochemical properties, and an ambiguousmembrane-disrupting mechanism, AMP re-engineering effortsare well-suited for computational modeling and peptidedesign.107 For instance, Tsai et al. used molecular dynamicssimulations to rationally design improved analogs of the 13-residue AMP indolicidin.108 Indolicidin has broad-spectrumantimicrobial activities, and although the detailed molecularmechanism of the peptide is not well understood, it is clear thatinteraction with and disruption of the cell membrane is key toits mode of action.108,109 However, the clinical application ofindolicidin is inhibited in part due to cytotoxicity, where thepeptide causes the lysis of erythrocytes, but syntheticanalogueshave been made with reduced cytotoxic effects.110 Usingmolecular dynamics simulations, Tsai et al. sought to better

    understand the molecular interactions betweenindolicidin andhypothetical erythrocyte/bacterial membranes.108 The simu-lations revealed that indolicidin perturbs both membranes, butby different mechanisms. Disruption of the hypotheticalerythrocyte membrane was largely due to insertion of thepeptide into the lipid bilayer and the formation of keyhydrophobic contacts. Alternatively, disruption of the hypo-thetical bacterial membrane was primarily the result ofadsorption of the peptide onto the surface of the lipid bilayerand the formation of important electrostatic interactions at thewaterlipid interface. After identifying key residues formediating insertion and adsorption interactions, the authorsdesigned synthetic indolicidin analogues to enhance electro-static interactions for improved antimicrobial activity, while

    weakening hydrophobic interactions to reduce hemolyticactivity. This resulted in the development of an indolicidinanalogue (IL-K7F89) with 3 altered residues, which had a 2-fold lower MIC and a 10-fold decrease in hemolysis relative toindolicidin. This study demonstrates that although detailedmechanistic information may not be available for most AMPs,their small size and general membrane-disruptive propertiesmake them highly amenable for computation simulation toboth study their molecular mechanisms and design syntheticvariants with improved properties.

    Further applications of computational methodology includethe virtual screening of synthetic peptides for antimicrobialactivity. Such an approach can signicantly reduce the cost andtime associated with large-scale peptide synthesis and screening

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    efforts. Recently, articial intelligence algorithms were used tovirtually screena 100,000 9-mer peptide library in the search forpotent AMPs.111,112 Quantitative structureactivity relation-ships were used to analyze the antibiotic properties of peptidesbased on atomic scale molecular data. Subsequently, articialneural networks were used to design models that were able topredict the antibacterial potential of the peptides. The designedalgorithm was ableto predict highly active AMPs with a 94%rate of accuracy.112 When the two most active AMPs weretested in an in vivo model of Staphylococcus aureus infection,they demonstrated superior efficacy compared to the mostclinically advanced AMP.111

    AMPs do have some limitations that need to be addressed,namely, protease degradation and acquired resistance.102

    Protease degradation could be overcome by changing thechemical properties of the peptides, such as chemicallymodifying peptides to prevent protease recognition orincorporating unnatural or D-amino acids, although suchmodications may affect peptide activity, stability, or toxicity.102

    Contrary to previous beliefs,101

    it has been experimentallydemonstrated that bacteria are able to acquire heritableresistance to AMPs.113 However, even though resistance mayinhibit the bacterial killing activity of AMPs, it does not affecttheir immunomodulatory activities, and there is limited cross-resistance between different AMPs.102,114

    Due to the availability of a larger subset of building blocksincluding both natural and unnatural amino acids, peptidesprovide more versatile scaffolds to engineer antibiotics whencompared to polyketides. This is apparent in the structuraldiversity observed among the vastly different NRPs and AMPs(Figure3). Structural diversity can be further increased due tofacile chemical synthesis techniques. For example, solid-phasepeptide synthesis was recently used to construct branched

    chimeric AMPs, where two recognition regions were linked to akilling moiety to allow for species-specic bacterial targetingwithin mixed bacterial populations.115 Addit ional ly, thephysiochemical properties of peptides can be tuned by simpleamino acid substitutions, whereas polyketide antibiotics requirecomplex genetic engineering efforts. Therefore, syntheticbiology could provide many exciting opportunities in the nearfuture for the development of novel peptide antibiotics.


    Current clinical antimicrobials are small molecules that target ahandful of key cellular targets that are unique to bacteria. Therevolutionary discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Flemingin 1929116 and its rapid production and clinical applicationcame to dene what we generally regard as an antibiotic.However, before antibiotics, bacteriophages were explored as anantimicrobial therapy, and even after antibiotics were widelyadopted in the Western world, bacteriophage therapycontinued to be used in Eastern Europe and the Soviet


    Due to the alarming emergence of multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens over recent decades along with adiminishing antibiotic discovery pipeline,119 there has been aresurgence of interest in non-traditional antimicrobials,especially ones that are amenable to engineering with syntheticbiology. Bacteriophage-based therapeutics face a host ofchallenges in being adopted for clinical therapy,117 but thereare academic and industrial groups pursuing engineeringstrategies to overcome these hurdles.120

    Phage Engineering. In addition to adaptive and acquiredantibiotic resistance mechanisms, bacterial tolerance to certainantibiotics can also be increased as a result of extracellularbarriers, such as those erected by biolms, produced by somebacterial populations. Biolms are microbial communities that

    Figure 4.Non-traditional phage antimicrobials. Phage can be engineered to express enzymes that disperse bio lms (blue) or as adjuvants that disruptbacterial cellular regulatory networks and sensitize cells for further antibiotic treatment. Alternatively, phage lysins can be applied extracellularly todegrade cell walls. PlyC (PBD 4F88) is used to depict phage lysins, visualized with PyMOL.

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    are formed when bacteria transition from a planktonic to asurface-bound state.121 As certain bacteria adhere to andcolonize various solid surfaces, they secrete extracellularpolymeric substances to producethree-dimensional structurescontaining uid channels.121123 It is well established thatbacteria present in biolms are far more tolerant of antibioticscompared to their planktonic counterparts,although the exactmechanisms of resistance are diverse.123,124

    To aid in biolm formation, bacteria use outer-membraneappendages to promote surface attachment, colonization, andbiolm formation.122,125,126 Recent studies on the outer-membrane proteins of Gram-positive bacterial pathogens havefurther shed light on the biochemistry of Gram-positivebacteriumhost interactions. Remarkably, in the humanpathogen Streptococcus pyogenes, two autocatalyzed isopeptidebonds stabilize the majorpilin subunit that is polymerized toform the mature pilus,127 an important outer-membraneappendage for bacterial surface attachment.122 This providesthe pilin subunit with dramatically enhanced proteolytic andthermodynamic stability, as well as tolerance to extremeamounts of shear force.128,129 Each subunit is then covalentlyattached to the next via sortase-catalyzed intermolecularisopeptide bonds, and similarly adhesin proteins are alsoattached to the pilus to mediate host cell recognition andbinding.125,126,130,131 Intriguingly, the S. pyogenes adhesincontains an internal thioester bond thatis proposed to mediatecovalent attachment to host cells.132 Therefore, during S.pyogenesinfection there is a linear path of covalent connectivitybetween the bacterium and host. Coupled to biolm formationthat can provide a physical drug barrier, it can be envisionedthat to combat such infections a dual strategy would be bestsuited, where one can rst break down biolms before applyingantibiotics to kill the pathogens.

    Over the past decade, advances in synthetic biologymethodologies and genetic engineering technologies have

    provided exciting opportunities to engineer biological plat-forms. As an extension of phage therapy, where phage are usedto specically target and kill bacteria, Lu and Collins devised atwo-pronged strategy to combat biolm-producing bacteria byengineering phage to be able to enzymatically degrade biolms(Figure4).133 The cell-bound polymeric polysaccharide -1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is an important component of theextracellular polymeric substances within E. coli and Staph-ylococcusbiolms.134 The-hexosaminidase DspB fromActino-bacillus actinomycetemcomitanshas been shown to hydrolyze -1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine polymers and disperse biolms.134

    Accordingly, Lu and Collins integrated thedspBgene into thegenome of T7 phage along with the T3 phage gene 1.2 toextend the T7 phage host range to include F-plasmid

    containing E. coli.133

    The rationale was that the newlyengineered T7 phage (T7DspB) would be able to infect E. coliwithin biolms, and then the phage would use the bacterialmachinery to express DspB, which would get released in to thebiolm after cell lysis. This would aid in dispersal of the biolmand improve the efficiency with which phage can spread andinfect surrounding bacteria in the biolm. As hypothesized, theengineered T7DspB phage was approximately 100-fold moreefficient at reducing bacterial biolm cell counts than a controllacking dspB and resulted in 99.997% bacterial removal.133

    Biolm degradation could be visually observed using scanningelectron microscopy, and phage replication within E. coli wasnot affected by the introduction of thedspBgene. Therefore, tocombat persistent bacterial infections engineered phage can be

    used to break down protective barriers constructed by bacteria,thereby making them more vulnerable to subsequent treat-ments.

    In addition to targeting biolms, phage can also beengineered to target key bacterial processes aside from thosetraditionally targeted by small molecule antibiotics. However, amajor issue with phage therapy is the emergence of bacterialresistance, which can arise through a variety of mechanisms,

    including blocking of phage DNA entry, restriction-modica-tion of phage DNA, interference with phage adsorption ontobacterial cell surfaces, or abortive infection systems.117,135 Toaddress these issues, Lu and Collins sought to engineer phagethat targeted nonessential bacterial gene networks (Figure4).136 Such phage would serve dual roles: since nonessentialgenes are targeted, reduced evolutionary pressure should beimposed on the bacteria leading to reduced emergence of phageresistance, and targeting nonessential gene networks shouldweaken bacteria and make them more susceptible tosubsequent antibiotic therapy. To develop phage as adjuvantsfor antibiotic therapy, the authors integrated an inducible lexA3gene into the genome of the lamentous M13mp18 phage tocreatelexA3.

    136 It has been shown that bactericidal antibioticsinduce the production of reactive hydroxyl radicals, leading toDNA damage and subsequent activation of the DNA repairSOS response system, which is in turn inhibited byLexA3.137,138 Therefore, expression of LexA3 in bacteriawould disrupt the DNA repair mechanism and enhance theeffects of bactericidal antibiotics. Indeed, when lexA3was usedin combination with quinolone, aminoglycoside, or -lactamantibiotics, it enhanced cell killing by several orders ofmagnitude compared to the antibiotic alone or the antibioticwith an unmodied phage. Furthermore, lexA3 also enhancedthe efficacy of a quinolone antibiotic against antibiotic-resistantbacteria within a mouse model of E. coli infection, therebydemonstrating its potential for clinical applications.136 To

    illustrate the generality of developing phage adjuvants forantibiotic therapy, the authors also successfully targeted genenetworks involved in oxidative stress response, biolmformation, and outer membrane permeability, and in eachcase enhanced efficacy was observed with combination therapy.

    Phage can also be used to reverse bacterial resistance.Streptomycin resistance in bacteria can arise as a result ofmutations in therpsLgene, which encodes a protein in the 30Sribosomal subunit.139 However, wild-typerpsL has a dominantsensitive phenotype and when introduced into resistancebacteria can restore the antibiotic-sensitive phenotype.139

    Edgar et al. have engineered a lysogenic phage to contain 1or 2 copies of a sequence optimized rpsLgene that can reversebacterial resistance similar to the wild-type rpsL gene, while

    minimizing recombination between the phage and bacterialcopies of the rpsL gene due to different codon usage.139 Also,rather than using another antibiotic selection marker for phagemaintenance, the authors used resistance to the toxiccompound tellurite to maintain phage in bacteria. Interestingly,the engineered phage were able to dramatically increase thesensitivity of bacteria to streptomycin, reducing the MIC of aresistant strain from 200 to 1.56 g/mL. The authors furtherdemonstrated this approach by engineering phage that canreverse resistance to a quinolone antibiotic.

    The ability of engineered phage to disrupt bacterial biolmsand gene networks can be used to increase the susceptibility ofbacteria to antibiotics. In order to combat the emergence ofwidespread antibiotic resistance, we need not only to discover

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    new antibiotics but also to nd ways to revitalize old antibioticsthat have been rendered ineffective due to bacterial resistance.Similar to how clavulanic acid and penicillins have enjoyedgreat clinical success as combination therapeutics,140 phage mayone day be a useful adjuvant to traditional antibiotics.

    Other Non-traditional Therapeutics. Phage have beenevolutionarily optimized to efficiently kill bacteria. As such, theycan serve as a source for novel antimicrobial products. In

    addition to engineering phage as adjuvants to antibacterialtherapy, we can also explore how phage kill their bacterial hostsand exploit this processes to develop new therapeutics. Duringa typical bacterial phage infection, bacteria are killed when theyare lysed by phage enzymes. Thus, the enzymes responsible formediating this process, namely, phage lysins, canserve as newsources of antimicrobial agents (Figure4).141,142 This expandsthe molecular toolbox of antimicrobial agents to includeenzymes as well as polyketides, peptides, and phage.

    The modular nature of phage lysins makes them amenablefor synthetic biology applications. Lysins are composed of twodomains, a catalytic N-terminal domain that is responsible fordegrading cell wall components and a cell-binding C-terminaldomain that mediates species-specic cell wall binding.141

    When different phage lysins are compared, high sequencehomology is observed in the catalytic domain and littlesequence conservation is seen in the cell-binding domain,thereby allowing for specicity of host bacterial cell walls.141

    This provides opportunities to mix and match domains andengineer lysins with enhanced functionalities. For example, theFischetti group developed a chimeric lysin by fusing thecatalytic and cell-binding domains of two different staph-ylococcal lysins.143 The rationale was to utilize a cell-bindingdomain that did not have homology to SH3b domains that bindpeptide cross-bridges for which resistance is easily acquired.Also, a catalytic domain was sought that was both soluble andhighly active. The authors engineered over 15 chimeric lysins

    and were able to isolate ClyS, a lysin that was both speci

    c forStaphylococciand could be puried as a soluble protein.143 Notonly was ClyS active against both antibiotic-sensitive and-resistantStreptococci, but italso acted synergistically with othersmall molecule antibiotics.143 Moreover, ClyS was able toprotect mice in a systemic staphylococcal infection model andcould be formulated within an ointment for topical skinapplication.143,144 Further engineering of lysin proteins mayenhance the limited host range of the antimicrobial enzymesand increase the repertoire of available antimicrobials.

    Pyocins are another class of bacterial antimicrobial agentsthat are produced byPseudomonas aeruginosa, although theystructurally resemble phage tails.145 R-type pyocins arecomposed of a hollow sheath core and a tail ber region that

    specically bind to the surfaces of target cells.146

    Subsequently,the hollow sheath core inserts into the bacterial inner and outermembranes through the cell wall, resulting in cell death viacytoplasmic membrane depolarization due to leakage ofintracellular ions.146 Although pyoc ins have a limitedantimicrobial spectrum, they can be engineered to extendtheir target bacterial range.146 To illustrate, Scholl et al.engineered a R-type pyocin from P. aeruginosa to contain tailber fusion proteins that incorporated tail spikes from the E.coliO157 specic phageV10.147 TheV10 tail spike proteinsmediate recognition of target E. coli O157 strains anddegradation of the surface polysaccharide structures.147

    Interestingly, the hybrid pyocin was able kill E. coli O157strains and do so by degrading the surface polysaccharide

    structures. As a demonstration of the utility of this technologyfor food preservation, the hybrid pyocin was also able tosignicantly reduce the colonization of beef surfaces byE. coliO157.

    Alternatively, bacteria can be engineered to detect and killcells using pyocins. For instance, E. coli can be engineered tocontain a quorum-sensing module that is able to detect achemical signal from P. aeruginosa and in response express a

    pyocin and a lytic protein to allow for pyocin release.148

    Whenco-cultured withP. aeruginosa, the engineeredE. coliis able toreduce the viability of the pathogen by over 99%.148

    Another interesting class of non-traditional antimicrobials isbacteriocins, which are shortribosomally synthesized peptidesthat are produced by bacteria.149 Similar to AMPs, bacteriocinsfunction by permeabilizing membranes via pore formationleading to efflux of intracellular ions and small molecules.149

    Bacteriocins are encoded within gene clusters that also encodeother proteins responsible for post-translational modications,self-immunity, and protein transport.150 Diverse peptidestructures are observed within the various classes ofbacteriocins, including both linear and cyclical peptides thatadopt stable secondary structures.149,150 These peptides have

    been extensively used as food preservatives due to their potentantimicrobial activity as well as resistance to proteases, heat,and acidic environments.149,150 Based on the similarity ofbacteriocins to the other peptide antimicrobials discussedearlier, many of the same synthetic biology principles can beused to engineer new functionalities in to these molecules.


    Over the past century, antibiotics have revolutionized scienceand medicine. Antibiotics have become essential components inour daily lives whether in the ght against infectious disease oruse in basic scientic research, agriculture, and industryapplications. Their elegance is in their simplicity when they

    work, they are highly eff

    ective and curative. Unfortunately, theirAchilles heel, resistance, has led to the dramatic emergence ofbacteria that cannot be treated effectively with currenttherapies.

    Antibiotics and resistance go hand-in-hand in Nature; theorganisms that produce antibiotics must also produce self-defense mechanisms against their activity. In fact, a recent studyof ancient resistance determinants taken from ice cores fromthe Canadian arctic demonstrates the presence of environ-mental antibiotic resistance genes that date back 30,000years.151 Therefore, antibiotic resistance is certainly not a newconcept but is one that has risen to the forefront of medicinedue to extensive use in the environment and in the clinic.Throughout evolutionary history, bacteria have existed within

    environments containing hotbeds of antimicrobial agents andresistance genes that come not only from other antibiotic-producing bacteria but from other fungi and plants as well.152

    Accordingly, resistance has evolved and been passed on toother organisms through simple genetic exchange. Therefore, inthe quest for antibiotic discovery, one must be wary of variousantimicrobial resistance mechanisms and nd new ways toovercome them. That being said, we must also accept that mosttherapeutics, whether for infectious disease or other ailments,have a limited window of opportunity for effectiveness and thatwe must always remain a step ahead of resistance with newtechnologies.

    Biology is based on the assemblage of a small number ofsimple building blocks that together form highly complex and

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    sophisticated structures. Scientic advances over the pastseveral decades have afforded us a unique opportunity to notonly sit on the sidelines and observe how biology functions butto step in and modify natural systems and instill newfunctionality. At the heart of this scientic-engineeringinterdisciplinary approach lies synthetic biology. By breakingdown biology into small interchangeable biological compo-nents, synthetic biology can reassemble them in imaginative

    ways to sample new chemical space that cannot be reachedbycurrent biological systems or chemical approaches.56,153155

    Here, we provided examples where synthetic biology can beused to construct new antimicrobial agents by building uponnatural systems. By swapping biological assembly modules insecondary metabolic pathways, we can create entirely newchimeric chemical entities. Alternatively, we can use computa-tional approaches to create small focused smart libraries ofantimicrobial peptides and signicantly reduce the costsassociated with drug discovery. We can re-engineer phagetherapeutics and leverage phage-derived products to createprogrammable therapeutics that extend our notions oftraditional antibiotics. Antibiotic discovery has been denedby periods of great ingenuity that have culminated in thegolden era of antibiotic discovery and medicinal chemistry,where most of our current arsenal of antimicrobials originated.A new interdisciplinary approach is required to tackle thechallenges that we face today in regards to antimicrobialdiscovery. By exploiting our enhanced ability to programbiology and remodel natural systems, we are poised topotentially usher in a new era of antimicrobial discovery inthe early 21st century.

    AUTHOR INFORMATIONCorresponding Author*E-mal:[email protected].


    The authors declare the following competing

    nancialinterest(s): Timothy K. Lu is a co-founder of Sample6, acompany developing rapid microbial diagnostics.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe appreciate comments on this manuscript from Sara Cleto.T.K.L. acknowledges support from the Office of NavalResearch, Army Research Office, Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency, National Science Foundation, NationalInstitutes of Health (DP2 OD008435), Ellison MedicalFoundation, and Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies. supported by the Defense Advanced Research ProjectsAgency.

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