Synthon Brochure

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  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure





  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure







  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure




    Good health and a happy life is something we all rightly aspire

    to. We believe everyone on the planet deserves access to

    quality healthcare. Finding affordable solutions to todays

    healthcare challenges demands cutting-edge science, highly

    talented and motivated people and - above all - an ability to


    Innovation and continuous improvement are the heart beat ofour company. Our mission is to make healthcare more

    affordable, increasing access to important medicines through

    the provision of high-quality small molecule generics, biosimilars

    and new molecular entities. To make this happen, we hold

    ourselves to the highest standards of scientific and operational

    excellence in everything we do from the discovery phase in

    R&D through production and to delivery of our products to our

    customers - across every technological platform.

  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure




    Our products are currently approved by regulatory agencies

    in over 80 countries. We have globally-oriented API or drug

    product manufacturing facilities in the Czech Republic,

    Argentina and Spain. Our U.S. facility is dedicated to GMP

    biological manufacturing and our facilities in Mexico and

    Chile manufacture and package products for the local markets.

    In Chile, our recently opened multi-purpose drug product site

    is compliant with local and European GMP standards andcontains highly advanced facilities varying from development

    to large-scale production of tablets, capsules and pre-filled

    syringes. With our state-of-the-art biopharmaceutical

    laboratories and GMP manufacturing facility for production of

    antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) up to Phase III clinical trials

    and early launches in our main campus in the Netherlands,

    our worldwide infrastructure is fully rigged up, positioning us

    to deliver on our ambitions.

    We continue to invest and expand globally and are continually

    looking to find partners for our products in all major markets.

    Synthons strategy from its inception included development of

    a vertically integrated organization. Today, we control every

    facet of the development chain beginning with the production

    of raw materials through to the manufacture and sale of our

    products. This is, and has always been, one of our greatest

    strengths in enabling us to deliver high-quality medicines to

    the people most in need of them.

  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure




    Synthons ambition is to become a recognized

    leader in specialty pharmaceuticals,

    focusing on oncology and autoimmune/

    neurodegenerative diseases particularly

    multiple sclerosis (MS). The vertically

    integrated model we developed for small

    molecule generics is expanding as we

    continuously strive to improve our R&D

    capabilities, global regulatory and IP expertise,

    and world-class manufacturing and supply

    chain operations. And we extended this model

    to our newer biosimilar and new biological and

    new chemical entity technological platforms.

    Our innovative R&D and proven ability to

    manufacture and distribute high qualitypharmaceuticals positions us well for our

    future in specialty pharmaceuticals.

  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure


    Research and development remain vital to the

    overall value chain and are essential to our

    company. We invest heavily in basic and

    applied research and we are focusing our

    efforts in the specified core therapeutic areas.

    In addition to chemical and (bio)pharmaceutical

    R&D, we carry out analytical and clinical

    research worldwide. We have our own fully

    functional clinical drug development unit which

    is well equipped to take our development

    phase compounds into clinical trials up to

    and including phase III.



  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure


    Small molecule generics continue to form the

    backbone of our product portfolio. Our generic

    pipeline is rich with research projects and

    pending regulatory applications. In the past

    year, as in other years, we launched several

    products in major markets. In multiple

    European countries we brought ibandronate

    tablets and injectables for the treatment of

    bone cancer and osteoporosis to the market.

    We also launched memantine in Germany, with

    our customer being the first generic company

    to enter the German market. This is a

    tremendous achievement and the opportunities

    are huge as this is the second largest market

    in Europe. Memantine is indicated for the

    treatment of patients with moderately severe

    to severe Alzheimers disease. Additional

    launches include tamsulosin capsules, for the

    treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia;

    montelukast, for the treatment of asthma and

    allergies; and pramipexole, for patients with

    Parkinsons disease - all in the Ukraine.

    Further, we hold Certificates of Suitability to

    the European Pharmacopoeia (CEP) for our

    drug substances pramipexole; zolpidem,

    against insomnia; tamsulosin; and letrozole,

    for the treatment of breast cancer.

    In the United States, we gained tentative

    approval for tadalafil (pulmonary arterial

    hypertension) and launched pioglitazone

    (diabetes). For tadalafil, Synthon is the Single

    First Filer and is entitled to 180 days of

    Hatch-Waxman exclusivity upon the first

    commercial marketing of the generic drug

    product. The key highlight in Latin America is

    the market approval obtained for our MS

    product glatiramer in Argentina.


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  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure


    We believe in a collaborative model based

    upon strong partnerships with leading

    scientists, research institutions and partner

    companies. Our strategy of developing

    robust business-to-business partnerships

    enables us to share knowledge with and

    draw upon the specialist skills of partner

    companies to manage costs, deliver short

    product development cycle times and bring

    much-needed products to market. Such has

    been the success of our efforts that since

    2005, the number of partner companies has

    jumped from around 60 to almost 200 today.

    In terms of partnering our (pre)clinical

    biopharmaceutical programs, we are in a

    position to choose the optimum commercial

    path for each program. We look to partner

    a technology or product candidate at an

    appropriate pre-market stage or value

    inflection point.




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    Intellectual property rights will remain a

    crucial factor in the pharmaceutical industry.

    We actively promote and defend our

    interests worldwide, particularly with regard

    to patent and regulatory issues. To this end,

    we have access to high quality legal

    representation and patent attorneys.

    By having the right legal expertise at hand,

    we can proactively ensure that our interests

    are fully protected and a seamless and

    effective business operation is maintained.



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    We provide our customers with a complete

    product, including all components necessary

    for trouble-free registration, wherever in the

    world. In practical terms, this means that ourexperts are familiar down to the smallest

    detail with increasingly stringent and

    ever-changing regulatory regimes in more

    than 80 countries. We compile registration

    files, compliant with the chemical,

    pharmaceutical and clinical requirements of

    regulatory authorities, such as the EMA, FDA

    and TGA. In cases where we out-license a

    biopharmaceutical before regulatory

    submission, our counterparts can count on

    detailed documentation and support that

    can eventually be used to build a dossier

    for submission.



  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure


    Our global commercial generic portfolio includes*


    Levocetirizi ne Urticaria / allergic rhinitis tab 5 mg

    Montelukast Asthma / allergy chewable 4/5 mg; tab 10 mg


    Aciclovir Anti-viral tab 200/400/800 mg; lyo 250/500 mg


    Bisoprolol Hypertension tab 5/10 mg

    Bisoprolol HCT Hypertension tab 5+12.5/10+25 mg

    Dobutamine Heart Failure inj 12.5 mg/ml - 20 ml

    Doxazosin Hypertension / BPH tab 1/2/4/8 mg

    Eplerenone Heart failure /

    left ventricular dysfunction tab 25/50 mg

    Simvastatin Hypercholesterolem ia tab 5/10/20/ 40/80 mg

    Central Nervous SystemClozapine Schizophrenia tab 25/50/100 mg

    Donepezil Alzheimer tab 5/10 mg

    Escitalopram Depression tab 10/15/20 mg

    Flumazenil Sedation inj 0.1 mg/ml - 5/10 ml

    Fluvoxamine Depression tab 25/50/100 mg

    Levetiracetam Epilepsy tab 250/500/750/1000 mg; sol 100mg/ml 150 ml, 300 ml

    Memantine Alzheimer tab 5/10/15/20 mg

    Midazolam Anesthetic / Insomnia inj 1 mg/ml - 5ml; inj 5 mg/ml - 1/3/10ml

    Olanzapine Schizophrenia tab 2.5/5/7.5/10 mg

    Paroxetine Depression tab 20 mg/drops 20mg/20 drops 20ml flask

    Pramipexole Parkinson / RLS tab 0.125/0.25/0.5/1.0/1.5 mg

    Propofol Anesthetic / Sedation inj 1%: 20/50/100 ml, 2%: 50ml

    Zolpidem Insomnia tab 5/10 mg

    Zopiclone Insomnia tab 3.75/5/7.5 mg


    Anastrozole Breast cancer tab 1 mg

    Bicalutamide Prostate cancer tab 50/150 mg

    Exemestane Breast cancer tab 25 mg

    Ibandronate Skeletal events related to

    bone metastases tab 50 mg, vial 2mg/2ml, 6mg/6ml

    Letrozole Breast cancer tab 2.5 mg

    Ondansetron Nausea after chemotherapy amp 2mg/ml (2ml and 4ml)

    Zoledronic acid Skeletal events related

    to bone metastases conc.sol 4mg/5ml


    Ibandronate Osteoporosis tab 150 mg, pfs 3mg/3ml

    Zoledronic acid Osteoporosis sol 5mg/100ml

    Raloxifen Osteoporosis tab 60 mg


    Doxazosin Hypertension / BPH tab 1/2/4/8 mg

    Oxybutynin Overactive bladder tab 2.5/5 mg

    Tamsulosin BPH mr cap 0.4 mg, mr tab 0.4 mg


    Our products are all high-quality, efficacious

    and affordable medicines, often supported

    by our own strong patents, guaranteeing a

    long product lifespan.

    * Please note that the reference date for

    this Product list is September, 2013.

    Our portfolio of approved products differs

    from country to country. In addition to the

    commercial products mentioned on the

    facing page, Synthon owns a rich pipeline

    of research projects and pending regulatory

    applications for multiple products.

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    1991_Founded in The Netherlands

    1997_Opened office in

    North Carolina, USA

    2001_Acquired API production

    facility in Argentina

    2007_Acquired Laboratorios Rider

    in Chile_Launched biopharmaceuticals


    2011_Opening new biopharmaceuticallab in Nijmegen,

    The Netherlands_Acquired Syntarga in

    The Netherlands

    1993_Launched first product:

    generic dobutamine

    1998_Acquired drug product

    manufacturing facility in Spain

    2003_Introduced simvastatin

    2009_Opened new R&D and

    production unit in the

    Czech Republic_Opened office in Moscow,


    2012_Acquisition of LEX System, a biologics manufacturing platform_Licensed biosimilar trastuzumab to Amgen/Watson_Multi-purpose GMP product manufacturing facility in Chile operational_Inauguration of R&D pilot plant in Argentina

    1994_Opened R&D facility in Prague,

    the Czech Republic

    2000_Acquired API production

    facility in Blansko,

    the Czech Republic

    2006_Introduced tamsulosin


    Acquired Laboratorios Nafar in

    Mexico_Opened office in South Korea

    Synthon was founded in 1991, and within

    two years its creative vision and passion for

    making healthcare more affordable led to the

    development of dobutamine, a sympatho-

    mimetic drug used in the treatment of heart

    failure and cardiogenic shock. The success

    of this first product out of the blocks led to

    rapid international growth. Synthon grew

    over the course of its first decade from a

    small Nijmegen-based outfit employing less

    than a hundred people into a fully-fledged

    specialty pharma company with laboratories,

    offices and production plants all around the


    A headcount of more than 1,400 highly

    educated people around the world, strong

    profits and a sound financial foundation are

    the core ingredients to successfully delivering

    what we do best: affordable medicines to

    those in need. This would not have been

    possible without the right combination of

    technical expertise, business discipline and

    entrepreneurial capability at every level of




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    Our success stands or falls with the quality

    of our people. Our company is our people.

    We arent just content to bring together a

    group of talented scientists. We openly seek

    people who share the same values and are

    both entrepreneurial in attitude and able to

    work selflessly as part of a team for the good

    of the company and its ambitious goals.

    People with the drive to contribute to the

    creation of new and effective medicines.

    Modern R&D work is multidisciplinary. We want

    our scientists and researchers to be able to

    see the bigger picture and think outside their

    own field of expertise. In a nutshell, we require

    people who are willing to share knowledgewith other disciplines, who are prepared to

    work hard to produce commercially viable

    products, and who are team players. Its a

    tall order, but we are well on our way to

    creating a sustainable platform for success.



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  • 8/9/2019 Synthon Brochure


    Editorial coordination

    Synthon Holding BV

    Corporate Communications

    Nijmegen, The Netherlands



    Maastricht, The Netherlands


    Drukkerij Tesink

    Zutphen, The Netherlands

    September 2013

    Synthon Holding BV


    Copyright 2013 Synthon Holding BV.

    All rights reserved. Reproduction of the

    content in other publications is permitted.

    However, credit to Synthon would be


    This brochure contains information on

    pharmaceutical products and has been

    composed for healthcare professionals.

    It has been composed with the greatest

    possible care. It may however contain

    inconsistencies and for that reason it

    cannot be relied upon. Synthon is not

    liable for any consequences as a result

    of the reliance on any information

    contained in this brochure.

    Would you like to learn more about Synthon?

    Please visit

    If you are interested in our product portfolio,

    please feel free to contact us.

    Business Development Generics

    [email protected]

    (+31) 24 37 27 700

    Business Development Biopharmaceuticals

    [email protected]

    (+31) 24 37 27 700

    If you would like to know more about job

    opportunities, please visit

    and click on Careers.


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