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  • 8/18/2019 SYSTEM OPERATING WINDOWS2011GAS.docx



    1.7.5 Virtual Machin!

    The initial releases of OS/360 were strictly batch systems.

    Nevertheless, many

    360 users wanted to be able to work interactively at a terminal,

    so various rou!s,

    both inside and outside "#$, decided to write timesharin

    systems for it. The official

    "#$ timesharin system, TSS/360, was delivered late, and when it

    finally arrived

    it was so bi and slow that few sites converted to it. "t was

    eventually abandoned

    after its develo!ment had consumed some %&0 million '(raham,

    )*+0. #ut

    a rou! at "#$-s Scientific enter in ambride, $assachusetts,

    !roduced a radically

    different system that "#$ eventually acce!ted as a !roduct.

    linear descendant

    of it, called "#VM , is now widely used on "#$-s current

    mainframes, the

    Series, which are heavily used in lare cor!orate data centers,

    for e1am!le, as

    e2commerce servers that handle hundreds or thousands of

    transactions !er second

    and use databases whose sies run to millions of iabytes.


    This system, oriinally called /$S and later renamed 4$/3+0


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    and $ac5innon, )*+*, was based on an astute observation a

    timesharin system

    !rovides ') multi!rorammin and '7 an e1tended machine with a

    more convenient

    interface than the bare hardware. The essence of 4$/3+0 is to


    se!arate these two functions.

    The heart of the system, known as the %irtual &achin &'nit'r,

    runs on the

    bare hardware and does the multi!rorammin, !rovidin not one,

    but several virtual

    machines to the ne1t layer u!, as shown in 8i. )279. :owever,

    unlike all

    other o!eratin systems, these virtual machines are not e1tended

    machines, with

    files and other nice features. "nstead, they are exact co!ies of

    the bare hardware, includin

    kernel/user mode, "/O, interru!ts, and everythin else the real

    machine has.

    "/O instructions here

    Tra! here

    Tra! here

    System calls here

    4irtual 3+0s

    $S $S $S


    3+0 #are hardware

    (i)ur 1*2+. The structure of 4$/3+0 with $S.

    #ecause each virtual machine is identical to the true hardware,

    each one can

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  • 8/18/2019 SYSTEM OPERATING WINDOWS2011GAS.docx


    new !rocess and the T?# flushed, to et rid of traces of the

    !reviously e1ecutin

    !rocess. The new !rocess- !ae table has to be made current,

    usually by co!yin it

    or a !ointer to it to some hardware reister's. O!tionally,

    some or all of the !rocess-

    !aes can be brouht into memory to reduce the number of !ae

    faults initially

    'e.., it is certain that the !ae !ointed to by the !roram

    counter will be


    =hen a !ae fault occurs, the o!eratin system has to read out

    hardware reisters

    to determine which virtual address caused the fault. 8rom this

    information, it

    must com!ute which !ae is needed and locate that !ae on disk.

    "t must then find

    an available !ae frame in which to !ut the new !ae, evictin

    some old !ae if

    need be. Then it must read the needed !ae into the !ae frame.

    8inally, it must

    back u! the !roram counter to have it !oint to the faultin

    instruction and let that

    instruction e1ecute aain.

    =hen a !rocess e1its, the o!eratin system must release its !ae

    table, its

    !aes, and the disk s!ace that the !aes occu!y when they are on

    disk. "f some of

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    the !aes are shared with other !rocesses, the !aes in memory

    and on disk can be

    released only when the last !rocess usin them has terminated.

    $.,.2 Pa) (ault -anlin)

    =e are finally in a !osition to describe in detail what ha!!ens

    on a !ae fault.

    The se reisters.

    7. n assembly2code routine is started to save the eneral

    reisters and

    other volatile information, to kee! the o!eratin system from


    it. This routine calls the o!eratin system as a !rocedure.

    3. The o!eratin system discovers that a !ae fault has

    occurred, and

    tries to discover which virtual !ae is needed. Often one of the


    reisters contains this information. "f not, the o!eratin


    or bitma!s are used to kee! track of free storae and how many

    sectors there are in

    a loical disk block are of no interest, althouh they are of

    reat im!ortance to the

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    desiners of the file system. 8or this reason, we have

    structured the cha!ter as several

    sections. The first two are concerned with the user interface to

    files and directories,

    res!ectively. Then comes a detailed discussion of how the file

    system is im!lemented

    and manaed. 8inally, we iv e some e1am!les of real file


    /.1 (IES

    "n the followin !aes we will look at files from the user-s

    !oint of view, that

    is, how they are used and what !ro!erties they hav e.

    /.1.1 (il Na&in)

    file is an abstraction mechanism. "t !rovides a way to store

    information on

    the disk and read it back later. This must be done in such a way

    as to shield the

    user from the details of how and where the information is

    stored, and how the disks

    actually work.

    robably the most im!ortant characteristic of any abstraction

    mechanism is the

    way the ob@ects bein manaed are named, so we will start our

    e1amination of file

    systems with the sub@ect of file namin. =hen a !rocess creates

    a file, it ives the

    file a name. =hen the !rocess terminates, the file continues to

    e1ist and can be accessed

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    e1tensions to 8T 2)6, leadin to (AT*$2, but these two are

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    The first e1tension allows file names u! to 6E characters. The

    second e1tension

    enables the use of the >nicode character set for file names.

    This e1tension is im!ortant

    for software intended for use in countries that do not use the

    ?atin al!habet,

    such as Da!an, "srael, and (reece. Since >nicode characters are

    7 bytes, the

    ma1imum file name in Doliet occu!ies )79 bytes.

    ?ike Cock Cide, the limitation on directory nestin is removed

    by Doliet. ;irectories

    can be nested as dee!ly as needed. 8inally, directory names can

    have e1tensions.

    "t is not clear why this e1tension was included, since =indows


    virtually never use e1tensions, but maybe some day they will.


    8ile systems have always attracted more research than other

    !arts of the o!eratin

    system and that is still the case. Fntire conferences such as

    8ST, $SST,

    and NS, are devoted larely to file and storae systems. =hile

    standard file systems

    are fairly well understood, there is still

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    Oh, 70)7B and Ghan et al., 70)3a, erasin data securely '=ei

    et al., 70)), file

    com!ression ':arnik et al., 70)3, flash file systems 'No, 70)7B

    ark and Shen,

    70)7B and Narayanan, 700*, !erformance '?eventhal, 70)3B and

    Schindler et al.,

    70)), C"; '$oon and Ceddy, 70)3, reliability and recovery

    from errors 'hidambaram

    et al., 70)3B $a et. al, 70)3B $c5usick, 70)7B and 4an

    $oolenbroek et

    al., 70)7, user2level file systems 'Ca@arhia and (ehani,

    70)0, verifyin consistency

    '8ryer et al., 70)7, and versionin file systems '$ashtiadeh

    et al., 70)3.

    Dust measurin what is actually oin in a file system is also a

    research to!ic ':arter

    et al., 70)7.

    Security is a !erennial to!ic '#otelho et al., 70)3B ?i et al.,

    70)3cB and ?orch

    et al., 70)3. "n contrast, a hot new to!ic is cloud file

    systems '$aurek et al.,