The Geneva Papers, 2014, 39, (440470) © 2014 The International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics 1018-5895/14 www.genevaassociation.org Systemic Risk in the Insurance Sector: A Review of Current Assessment Approaches Andreas A. Jobst European Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF), 700 19th Street NW, District of Columbia, Washington 20431, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] The following article reviews the recent regulatory efforts in dening systemic risk in the insur- ance sector and the designation of systemically important insurers. Although current evidence suggests that core insurance activities are unlikely to cause or propagate systemic risk, the char- acteristics and business models of insurance rms vary by country and might require a more nuanced examination, with a particular focus on non-traditional and/or non-insurance activities. The article also includes the assessment of identied vulnerabilities from liquidity risk in the context of the Bermuda market, which provides valuable insights into systemic risk analysis in the domestic context of an insurance market dominated by non-life underwriting. The Geneva Papers (2014) 39, 440470. doi:10.1057/gpp.2013.7 Keywords: nancial crisis; insurance sector; macroprudential; systemic risk; SIFI; G-SII Article submitted 28 May 2012; accepted 6 February 2013; published online July 2014 Introduction In the wake of the global nancial crisis, there has been increased focus on systemic risk as an essential element of macroprudential policy and surveillance (MPS). 1 MPS aims to limit, mitigate or reduce systemic risk, thereby minimising the incidence and impact of disruptions in the provision of key nancial services due to an impairment of all or parts of the nancial system that can have adverse consequences for the functioning of the real economy (and broader implications for economic growth). The identication of SIFIs is a crucial element of systemic risk analysis within MPS. Systemic risk refers to individual or collective nancial arrangementsboth institutional and market-based that could either lead directly to system-wide distress in the nancial sector and/or signicantly amplify its consequences (with adverse effects on other sectors, in particular, capital formation in the real economy). The potential emergence of systemic risk and its impact on nancial stability 1 See BIS (2011) and IMF (2011b) for an overview of current theoretical and empirical work on macroprudential policy and regulation, IMF (2013) for the latest guidance on macroprudential policy, and IAIS (2013d) with reference to MPS for insurance. In a recent progress report to the G20 (FSB/IMF/BIS, 2011b), which followed an earlier update on macroprudential policies (FSB/IMF/BIS, 2011a), the FSB takes stock of the development of governance structures that facilitate the identication and monitoring of systemic risk. See also IMF (2011a) for more insights on the governance issues surrounding macroprudential policies and IMF (2011a) for a more empirically focused review of macroprudential surveillance.

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  • The Geneva Papers, 2014, 39, (440–470)© 2014 The International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics 1018-5895/14


    Systemic Risk in the Insurance Sector: A Review ofCurrent Assessment ApproachesAndreas A. JobstEuropean Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF), 700 19th Street NW, District of Columbia,Washington 20431, U.S.A.E-mail: [email protected]

    The following article reviews the recent regulatory efforts in defining systemic risk in the insur-ance sector and the designation of systemically important insurers. Although current evidencesuggests that core insurance activities are unlikely to cause or propagate systemic risk, the char-acteristics and business models of insurance firms vary by country and might require a morenuanced examination, with a particular focus on non-traditional and/or non-insurance activities.The article also includes the assessment of identified vulnerabilities from liquidity risk in thecontext of the Bermuda market, which provides valuable insights into systemic risk analysis in thedomestic context of an insurance market dominated by non-life underwriting.The Geneva Papers (2014) 39, 440–470. doi:10.1057/gpp.2013.7

    Keywords: financial crisis; insurance sector; macroprudential; systemic risk; SIFI; G-SII

    Article submitted 28 May 2012; accepted 6 February 2013; published online July 2014


    In the wake of the global financial crisis, there has been increased focus on systemic risk asan essential element of macroprudential policy and surveillance (MPS).1 MPS aims to limit,mitigate or reduce systemic risk, thereby minimising the incidence and impact of disruptionsin the provision of key financial services due to an impairment of all or parts of the financialsystem that can have adverse consequences for the functioning of the real economy (andbroader implications for economic growth).The identification of SIFIs is a crucial element of systemic risk analysis within MPS. Systemic

    risk refers to individual or collective financial arrangements—both institutional and market-based—that could either lead directly to system-wide distress in the financial sector and/or significantlyamplify its consequences (with adverse effects on other sectors, in particular, capital formation inthe real economy). The potential emergence of systemic risk and its impact on financial stability

    1 See BIS (2011) and IMF (2011b) for an overview of current theoretical and empirical work on macroprudentialpolicy and regulation, IMF (2013) for the latest guidance on macroprudential policy, and IAIS (2013d) withreference to MPS for insurance. In a recent progress report to the G20 (FSB/IMF/BIS, 2011b), which followedan earlier update on macroprudential policies (FSB/IMF/BIS, 2011a), the FSB takes stock of the development ofgovernance structures that facilitate the identification and monitoring of systemic risk. See also IMF (2011a) formore insights on the governance issues surrounding macroprudential policies and IMF (2011a) for a moreempirically focused review of macroprudential surveillance.


  • is significantly influenced by institutions whose disorderly failure, because of their size,complexity and systemic interconnectedness, would cause significant disruption to the financialsystem and economic activity.2 A material financial distress at such a systemically importantfinancial institution (SIFI), related to its nature, scope, size, scale, concentration, interconnected-ness, or the mix of its activities,3 can adversely affect financial stability due to the spillovereffects of their actions on the financial system and the wider economy.Policy-makers have recognised the need for enhanced regulatory and supervisory

    requirements for SIFIs in response to concerns over the moral hazard risks arising fromlarge and highly integrated financial institutions that are regarded as too important to fail.In 2009, the FSB mandated both the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) andthe International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) to develop a methodology toassess the systemic importance of banks and insurance firms, respectively. The commonlyaccepted definition of SIFIs4 has placed also non-bank financial institutions squarely withinthe scope of any systemic risk regime, including systemically relevant insurance companies.Although the BCBS5 has already designed an indicator-based approach for the identificationof global systemically important banks, so-called “G-SIBs”, similar efforts are nearingcompletion for the identification of systemically relevant non-banking activities (with themost challenging policy agenda still lying ahead in the area of systemic risk within shadowbanking). In July 2013, after one year of public consultation, the IAIS6—in coordinationwith the FSB—published its final version of an initial assessment methodology for theidentification of globally active, systemically important insurance firms (G-SIIs) togetherwith a draft proposal of policy measures for designated firms,7 including enhancedsupervision, effective recovery and resolution, and capital requirements. Most recently, theFSB,8 in consultation with the International Organization of Securities Commissions(IOSCO), also proposed assessment methodologies for identifying non-bank, non-insurerglobal systemically important financial institutions (NBNI G-SIFIs), which covers financecompanies, market intermediaries (securities broker-dealers) and investment funds.The designation of SIFIs in the insurance sector has attracted considerable attention. The

    weighted indicator-based approach for G-SIIs is similar in concept to that used to identifyG-SIBs, but also introduces additional indicators that are germane to insurance activities. Inaddition, the IAIS has created working parties for the development of both basic capitalrequirements (BCR) for purposes of general loss absorbency (LA) and higher loss absorption(HLA) capacity requirements for G-SIIs by the end of 2014 and 2015, respectively, whichare likely to be informed by G-SII assessment methodology. The increased supervisory focuson systemic risk has already elevated identification of systemically important activities to thelevel of standard insurance principles in 2011. The new ICP 24 (MacroprudentialSurveillance and Insurance Supervision) charges supervisors with the monitoring ofvulnerabilities in the financial system and underlying trends within the insurance sector,

    2 FSB/IMF/BIS (2009); FSB (2010, 2012).3 FSOC (2011).4 FSB/IMF/BIS (2009); FSB (2010).5 BCBS (2011, 2013).6 IAIS (2012c, 2013c).7 IAIS (2012a, 2013c).8 FSB (2014).

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • aimed at identifying and mitigating systemic risk that might negatively affect the risk profileof insurers.9

    This article reviews the past and current discussion on systemically relevant activities inthe insurance industry and examines the plausibility of existing approaches in a theoreticaland practical context. Any approach aimed at measuring systemic risk across different areasof financial activity consistently and effectively needs to be flexible enough to take intoaccount that the various types of financial institutions perform different functions within thefinancial system. Although core principles used to determine systemic relevance should beapplied universally, the designation of systemically important insurers would heed thedistinct characteristics of insurance business models and the extent to which certain firmsengage in activities that are, or could become, systemically relevant. In this regard, the articleestablishes a common understanding of whether some identified vulnerabilities from non-traditional and/or non-insurance (NTNI) activities (especially in the area of liquidity risk) arerelevant to the (re)insurance sector in Bermuda for the identification of systemic risk—without proposing new prudential standards guiding their supervisory treatment.The article is structured as follows. After highlighting the differences between the business

    models of banks and insurance companies, which influence the design and implementation ofmacroprudential tools to limit systemic risk, the article reviews the scope of systemicallyimportant activities in the insurance sector and the identification of systemically importantinsurance firms (Section “systemic risk measurement and its relevance in the insurance sector”).Based on industry proposals and supervisory discussions that informed the current consultationon G-SIIs, the subsequent section examines whether some insurance activities that havegenerally been considered systemically relevant on a global scale also pose similar risks for the(re)insurance industry in Bermuda, which is largely focused on non-life underwriting activities.The latter section introduces the proposed assessment methodology for G-SIIs and providesinitial considerations regarding its implications for the consistent treatment of systemic risk infinancial sector regulation. The final section concludes by highlighting existing challenges andprovides a forward-looking perspective on supervisory initiatives in this regard.

    Systemic risk measurement and its relevance in the insurance sector

    General principles of systemic risk measurement

    Despite many methodological and empirical approaches aimed at the identification andmeasurement of systemic risk, there is still no consistent theory of regulating and supervisingsystemically important activity. Ideally, systemic risk measures should support, or be linkedto, MPS objectives, by providing information on the build-up of system-wide vulnerabilitiesin both the time and cross-sectional dimensions with an acceptable level of accuracy andforecasting power for financial instability.The existing approaches can be broadly distinguished based on their conceptual under-

    pinnings regarding the sources and risk transmission that would render a financial institutionsystemically relevant. There are three general approaches: (i) a particular activity causes a firmto fail and imposes marginal distress on the system due to the nature, scope, size, scale,

    9 IAIS (2011b).

    The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance—Issues and Practice


  • concentration or connectedness of its activities with other financial institutions (“contribu-tion approach”), or a firm either (ii) absorbs (“participation approach”) or (iii) amplifies theshock (“participation-contribution approach”) from the scope and/or magnitude of impact ofone or more negative shocks to commonly held exposures to a particular sector, country,interest rate and/or currency due to their types of business models, risk profiles and/orperformance characteristics. Table 1 summarises the distinguishing features of theseapproaches and illustrates how they are reflective of different policy objectives regardingthe broader effect of systemic risk on financial stability.There are several methodological proposals that coexist in a loose manner. The growing

    literature on systemic risk measurement is the result of greater demand placed on theability to develop a better understanding of the interlinkages between firms and system-widevulnerabilities to risks as a result of the (assumed) collective behaviour under com-mon distress. Most of the prominent institution-level measurement approaches, such asCoVaR,10,11 CoRisk,12 Systemic Expected Shortfall (SES),13,14 Granger Causality,15

    SRISK16 and Systemic Contingent Claims Analysis,17 have focused on the “contributionapproach” by including an implicit or explicit treatment of statistical dependence indetermining the role of SIFIs in causing material distress within a defined system.18

    The distinction of measurement approaches also reflects varying channels of risk transmission,with banks and non-bank financial institutions causing systemic risk differently. Although banksare prone to contribute to systemic risk from individual failures that propagate material financialdistress or activities via intra-and inter-sectoral linkages to other institutions and markets (basedon direct exposures via lending and investment) and threaten to cause disruptions to thefunctioning of the financial sector infrastructure due to a lack of substitutability (“contributionapproach”), non-bank financial institutions tend to be more affected by their common exposuresto asset price shocks that challenge the overall resilience of the sector (“participation approach”).

    Systemic risk measurement for the insurance sector

    Although several of these core principles determining systemic relevance apply universally,any assessment methodology would need to be flexible enough to take into account of thefact that the various types of financial institutions perform different functions within thefinancial system. Understanding the differences in business models, behavioural character-istics under stress, and their structural implications for the financial sector are fundamental tothe qualified assessment of their influence on potential transmission channels (as mentionedabove) and, by extension, affect the real economy. However, they should not inhibitapproaches aimed at comprehensively measuring systemic relevance, covering all types of

    10 Adrian and Brunnermeier (2008).11 Note that this term represents a conditional probability measure based on a threshold defined by the “value-at-

    risk” (VaR).12 Chan-Lau (2010).13 Acharya et al. (2009, 2010, 2012).14 As well as extensions thereof, such as the distress insurance premium (DIP) by Huang et al. (2009, 2010).15 Billio et al. (2010).16 Brownlees and Engle (2011).17 Gray and Jobst (2010, 2011a, b); Jobst and Gray (2013).18 For a more comprehensive summary of important systemic risk models, see Jobst (2013).

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • Table 1 General systemic risk measurement approaches

    Contribution approach(“Risk agitation”)

    Participation-contribution approach(“Risk amplification”)

    Participation approach(“Risk absorption”)

    Concept systemic resilience to individual failure individual susceptibility to amplify a common shock individual resilience and capacityto absorb a common shock

    Description contribution to systemic risk conditional onindividual failure due to knock-on effect

    contribution to systemic risk due to insufficient resilience to sharedexposure and risk concentration

    mitigation of expected loss fromsystemic event due to structuralbuffers to absorb shocks to sharedexposure and risk concentration

    Risk transmission “institution-to-institution” “aggregate-to-institution-to-aggregate” “aggregate-to-institution”Risk scope probability of systemic risk scale of systemic risk

    economic significance of intra-financialasset holdings and liabilities (“size”)

    claims on other financial sector participants obligations on other financialsector participants

    intra- and inter-system liabilities(“connectedness”)

    market risk exposure (interest rates, credit spreads, currencies)

    Risk indicators degree of transparency and resolvability(“complexity”)

    risk-bearing capacity (solvency and liquidity buffers, leverage, time horizon)

    participation in system-critical function/service, for example, payment and settlementsystem (“substitutability”)

    economic significance of asset holdings, term structure transformation/maturitymismatches (“asset liquidation”)

    Policy objectives avoid/mitigate contagion effect (bycontaining systemic impact upon failure)

    maintain overall functioning of system and maximise survivorship of sound institutions(with endogenous shock absorbers)

    avoid moral hazard preserve mechanisms of collective burden sharing encourage diversity of businessmodels and risk management

    Note: The policy objectives and indicators to measure systemic risk under both contribution and participation approaches are not exclusive to each concept. Moreover, theavailability of certain types of balance sheet information and/or market data underpinning the various risk indicators varies between different groups of financial institutions,which requires a certain degree of customisation of the measurement approach to the distinct characteristics of a particular group of financial institutions, such as insurancecompanies.Sources: Drehmann and Tarashev (2011), FSB (2011a), Weistroffer (2011), and Jobst and Gray (2013).









  • financial institutions, to the extent that the timely identification of a build-up of systemic riskmight be compromised.The different nature of risk taking of banks and insurance companies suggests limited

    usefulness of existing methods to identify systemic risk. Established (bank-focused)approaches to systemic risk are instructive but require careful assessment as to theiradaptability for the design of an effective framework for the insurance sector.19 Althoughinsurance companies share some similarities with banks, such as the management of cashflows over different risk horizons to satisfy payment claims arising from providing financialservices, their leverage does not result from liquidity or maturity transformation and is hardlysusceptible to the cyclicality of funding sources. Banks leverage their asset base by incurringshort-term liabilities (deposits and/or debt securities) to fund their lending and investmentbusiness.20 In contrast, the leverage of insurance companies is client-driven, since it reflectsthe desired collateralisation of future payment obligations (via technical provisions) and,thus, is endogenous to the underwriting performance (rather than a strategic businessdecision regarding risk appetite in financial intermediation).21

    Most supervisory concerns about insurance activities tend to arise from liquidity ratherthan solvency risk; however, insurers aim to closely match the duration of assets andliabilities. Insurance companies pursue a predominantly liability-driven investment approachto ensure that they can meet their policyholder obligations arising from such underwritingrisk (especially for non-life insurance firms), which is largely idiosyncratic and generallyindependent of the economic cycle. Cash inflows from unearned premiums are invested suchthat payments of future (unsure) claims can be made at all times, which explains why asset–liability matching plays such a critical part of an insurer’s profitability, especially duringadverse economic conditions that might negatively affect investments over prolongedperiods of time. Claims can normally be paid via the sale of liquid assets that generatecommensurate cash inflows (as opposed to traditional financial intermediation, whichinvolves maturity transformation). The pre-paid funding model (with the possibility ofcontinued collection of premiums even in a recovery or resolution phase), the longer durationof the claims process and penalties for early surrenders of life insurance policies makeinsurers generally less susceptible to liquidity runs and spillover effects from interlinkagesduring times of systemic stress. Thus, insurers can be insolvent (or insufficiently solvent) andstill remain liquid due to the long-term nature of the business model.Therefore, institutional failures of insurers have arguably a different impact on the financial

    system than those in the banking sector, and the way in which they might create and/orpropagate systemic risk due to key differences between banks and insurance companies:22

    ● Risk types and links to the economy. Insurance companies are exposed to risks commonlyfound in other financial institutions, including credit risk, operational risk and market risks

    19 BCBS (2012).20 However, given the scarcity of sufficiently long-term assets, insurers often tend to have a negative duration gap

    (“short-long mismatch”) whereas the opposite applies to banking (“long-short mismatch”).21 Moreover, insurance leverage trends to increase after a large claim due to higher technical provisions and lower

    equity (which contrasts with rising leverage as a sign of risk build-up in the banking sector).22 See Geneva Association (2010a, b, 2011a, b, c, 2012a) and IAIS (2010b, 2011a, 2012b) for a thorough review

    of the possible systemic relevance of insurance activities.

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • related to equity investments as well as adverse movements in interest rates and exchangerates, all of which are highly correlated with changes in economic conditions; however,risks from underwriting (e.g. mortality, morbidity, property and liability risks) aregenerally independent of the economic cycle, which allows them to realise additionaldiversification gains (through investment in inversely related assets, risk pooling or risksharing via reinsurance), whereas banks, by the acceptance of deposits and granting ofloans, might find it more difficult to reduce their credit risk (from lending) or liquidity risk(from the maturity mismatch in borrowing short and lending long).

    ● Integration in financial sector infrastructure. As insurance firms are not part of paymentsor clearing systems essential to economic activity (which they access but do not haveresponsibility for organising), they tend to hold only limited direct intra-system claims andliabilities and exhibit relatively low levels of interconnectedness with the rest of the financialsystem both domestically and across national boundaries. Even though large insurancegroups have a global presence, they also do not provide essential financial market utilities andare generally less integrated in the financial sector infrastructure than banks. Thus, individualfailure does not have the same negative systemic impact as the failure of a bank would. Infact, failures take place over an extended time period that allows for orderly planning as partof stable processes that do not lead to destabilising runs. Also, many less complex insuranceproducts limit systemic risk from the uniqueness of insurance capacity offered by a failinginstitution. However, the interlinkages between insurers, banks and other financial institu-tions may increase in the future through products, markets and conglomerates, whichwarrants enhancements to supervisory processes, combined with stronger risk managementand flexible approaches to resolvability in order to minimise adverse externalities.

    ● Risk transfer and absorption. The risk-absorbing capacity of insurance firms—togetherwith their different business characteristics from banks—is likely to reduce systemic riskin general (see Table 1). As opposed to risk transfer of bank assets, insurance risks are keptin general on the balance sheet, which mitigates the risk of moral hazard generated by theseparation of origination and distribution activities through securitisation. Two types ofrisk transfer activities are most important in this regard—reinsurance and derivativestransactions. Although the trading of derivatives for hedging purposes and the under-writing of reinsurance contracts are generally considered traditional functions, all non-hedging/non hedge replicating derivatives and the issuance of CDS protection are deemednon-insurance activities in the absence of insurable interest.23,24 The reinsurance ofprimary underwriters and the acceptance of ceded insurance risk between reinsurers(i.e. retrocession) involve only a partial transfer of risk, with most risk staying on theceding (re)insurer’s balance sheet. Since reinsurance improves the diversification of risksover different business lines and across national boundaries, it also facilitates the optimalallocation of capital.

    ● Funding structure. In the absence of maturity transformation, consumer or commercialcredit, or transaction clearing services, insurers exhibit a liquidity position that is less

    23 IAIS (2012b).24 The IAIS (2011a) defines insurable interest as “an interest in a person or a good that will support the issuance of

    an insurance policy; an interest in the survival of the insured or in the preservation of the good that is insured.[…] Financial derivatives are not considered insurance for regulatory purposes”.

    The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance—Issues and Practice


  • influenced by external funding conditions due to strong operating cash flows via upfrontpremium payments together with a longer-term investment horizon compared with othertypes of financial institutions. Insurance operations are deemed to be stabilisers to thefinancial system through a so-called “inverted production cycle”, that is, firms are fundedby reserves (through upfront premium payments), resulting in stable cash flows tothe insurer (unlike in the banking model). Even though insurers are only partially self-funded (as the bulk of their funding stems from reserves), reserves are usually longer termthan common funding sources (interbank or wholesale market liabilities) of commercialbanks.

    ● Characteristic of cash outflows. Also most cash outflows of insurance companies aredetermined by the timing and administration of policyholder claims (rather than debtpayments to creditors). The payment of insurance claims differs significantly from theexecution of margin calls and/or the satisfaction of depositor claims in the banking sector.Insurers are not predisposed to sudden cash withdrawals, as most insurance liabilities arenot redeemable on demand by policyholders (like bank deposits) and require a triggeringevent, whose probability is independent of general economic conditions. Even thoughsome forms of life insurance may be viewed as savings products, most contracts have taxand contractual disincentives for policyholders to surrender the insurance policies beforeits contractual maturity (i.e. insurance reserves are not instantaneously “puttable” likedeposits). Conversely, where reserves are “puttable”, the policyholder bears the invest-ment risk (unit-linked, separate accounts).

    Thus, the distinct characteristics of the insurance business model suggest a lowersusceptibility to cause (or amplify) systemic risk. Insurance companies pursuing traditionalunderwriting activities (defined by insurable interest subject to insurance accounting andregulations) are generally considered to represent a lower level of systemic risk than banks,mainly because of the different character of their liabilities and the lower degree ofinterconnectedness to other financial institutions and capital markets.However, non-core underwriting and investment activities—with no direct connection to

    the traditional business model—might be subject to systemic risk considerations. Most ofthese systemically relevant activities tend to amplify rather than induce systemic risk (inkeeping with the “participation approach” (see Table 1)) and typically arise on the grouplevel in the context of changing business models. For instance, insurance companies haveextended their underwriting activities to non-traditional features, such as different types offinancial lines (including mortgage guarantee, financial guarantee, fidelity and surety) andreinsurance contracts with modified risk transfer, which can materially affect the risk profileof contracts. Moreover, traditional funding activities have become mixed with non-traditional activities, such as extensive securities lending and liquidity swaps. These non-core activities (rather than specific institutional arrangements) as sources of systemic riskrequire a nuanced consideration of the relative importance of the various channels ofsystemic risk transmission, such as connectedness, substitutability and the timing ofpayment/asset liquidation, with a greater emphasis on systemic risk participation, with largeshocks to common exposures affecting the overall functioning of the sector.Although traditional insurance activities have not contributed to systemic risk during the

    financial crisis, the interlinkages between insurers on the one hand and financial markets,banks, other insurance companies as well as the real sector (non-financial corporations and

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • households) on the other25 (Figure 1) may increase in the future through products, marketsand conglomerates. While the long-term nature of many insurance business models with alow “puttability” of reserves implies a high capacity to absorb shocks, it also puts a premiumon the reliability of actuarial methods, especially during times of stress when valuationmodels might fail to fully reflect potential downside risks and distort the true value of bothassets and liabilities.There are also potential sources of systemic risk associated with long-term trends that

    could negatively affect the insurance sector, such as climate change, the secular decline ofreal interest rates and longevity. Even though these risks impact primarily the solvencycondition of firms (which is less relevant for systemic risk concerns arising from illiquidity),if not addressed and mitigated in time (especially in areas of homogenous firm behaviour),could potentially compromise the long-term viability of certain lines of business.

    Identifying systemically relevant insurance activities and systemicallyimportant insurance companies

    Initial regulatory proposals and industry suggestions

    At the end of 2009, the Financial Stability Committee (FSC) of the IAIS26 started firstconsultations with the insurance industry towards establishing a globally binding assessmentframework for systemically important insurance companies. At the time, the development of

    Deterioration of generalconfidence

    Capital Markets

    Banks andConglomerates

    Outsourcing/RiskTransfer to Third


    Non-financialCorporates and


    Insurer interconnected with …

    Impact on asset prices andlong-term interest rates

    Operational, financial, andreputational risks

    Non-performing contracts

    Non-substitutability ofdisappearing insurance coverage D



    n of



    al S



    … creates financial instabilitythrough …

    Figure 1. Macro-financial linkages of insurance activities.

    25 Houben and Teunissen (2011).26 IAIS (2009).

    The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance—Issues and Practice


  • systemic risk measurement in general, and for the insurance sector in particular, was still inits infancy. Given the limited experience in insurance-specific macroprudential surveil-lance activities in relation to systemic risk at both domestic and global levels,27 the IAISinitially followed the rationale of identifying SIFIs in the banking sector, which definesseveral quantitative indicators of systemically relevant activities. These systemic riskindicators—cross-jurisdictional activity, size, interconnectedness, substitutability andtiming—would all need to be triggered for a determination of systemic risk relevance—after considering the impact of all aggravating and mitigating factors, such as internalrisk controls, posted collateral and the scope of supervisory oversight on the assessment ofsystemic relevance.In addition, the IAIS28 viewed the complexity of insurance companies (and their

    transactions) as an important criterion in the determination of systemic risk, which involvestheir resolvability as a qualitative determinant of systemic relevance. Thus, the likelihood ofan insurance company to be resolved or restructured in an orderly procedure if it were to failwithout causing a systemic event was taken as an additional consideration with regard tooperational and legal complexity giving rise to systemic importance.29

    In response to the early efforts of the IAIS of relating systemic importance to institutionalcharacteristics, The Geneva Association30 proposed a shift of focus away from the riskindicator-based approach towards particular activities that could cause systemic risk in theinsurance sector and the financial system at large. It suggested an activity-based approach ofidentifying potentially systemically risky activities (pSRA), with a particular focus onderivatives trading and short-term liquidity risk management.

    Discussion of industry-suggested systemic risk indicators

    In 2011, the insurance industry proposed the adoption of several broad risk indicators for theevaluation of non-core insurance activities—financial guarantees, derivatives underwriting—and short-term liquidity mismanagement as sources of systemic relevance. In furtheranceof the activity-based approach of identifying potentially pSRA, The Geneva Association30,31

    suggested several indicator-based metrics that combined these insurance activities with thedifferent channels of risk transmission—size, interconnectedness, substitutability and timing(see Table 2), which were identified in earlier attempts at specifying systemically importantinsurance companies consistent with the general principles established by the IAIS.28

    Although the proposed risk indicators avoid complex valuation models, they are based onstatic and microprudential measures, and, thus, assess the cross-sectional dimension ofsystemic risk only from a supervisory perspective without considering the market dynamicsof derivatives trading and liquidity management. For instance, short-term funding activitieswould be most suitably addressed by liquidity risk indicators that can qualify the

    27 IAIS (2010a).28 IAIS (2011a).29 However, established resolution regimes for insurers can be effective in limiting the impact of individual failure

    on policyholders (and ultimately its implications for fiscal policy).30 The Geneva Association (2011a, b).31 See also Liedtke (2011).

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • Table 2 Quantitative indicators of systemically important activity in the insurance sector—Current industry proposal (Geneva Association) and adaptationto the supervisory framework in Bermuda

    Geneva Association (2011) Suggested approach

    Derivatives activities

    Description Derivatives underwriting and trading without genuine hedging interest: risk-taking activities with non-insurance legal entities for speculativepurposes, with positions neither entering the economic capital assessment nor supervisory oversight; this contrasts with derivative activities to hedge

    market risk.Adverse result Margin calls to multiple entities could exceed available financial resources and cause higher susceptibility to common asset price shocks → expected

    participation of entity in systemic risk event and losses to creditors (“participation in systemic risk”).Sizea Market value of net written (OTC) derivatives (offset for collateral

    and direct counterparty trades) plus add-on for stress marketenvironment

    Market value of net written (OTC) derivatives (only offset for collateral)to financial institutions

    Capital and surplus (C&S) of financial institutionConnectedness Market value of net written (OTC) derivatives (offset for collateral

    and direct counterparty trades) to financial institutionsSimilar granularity not available in the Bermuda Solvency CapitalRequirement (BSCR) reporting.

    Shareholders' equity of financial institutionsSubstitutability Market value of net written (OTC) derivatives (offset for collateral

    and direct counterparty trades)Only applicable if the absolute and/or relative measure of size (above)exceeds a materiality threshold relative to individual C&S; otherwise,qualitative indicator based on comprehensive group supervisioncapturing non-insurance legal entities.

    Global (OTC) market value of derivatives (net of posted collateral)Timing Immediate (criteria triggered)

    Short-term funding activities

    Description Mismanagement of short-term funding as part of regular funding activities by investing in illiquid (short-term) assets through short-term debt orsecurities lending (possibly combined with excessive risk taking); this contrasts with capital raising and long-term debt funding and securities lending

    for insurance activities only.Adverse result Cash outflows could exceed available financial resources and cause contagion in times of stress→ marginal distress on the system conditional on the

    individual entity failing (“contribution to systemic risk”).Sizeb,c (1) Market value of potential liquidity needs at the group level if all

    immediate positions are called and/or(2) market value of potential liquidity needs at the group level if allimmediate positions are called minus immediately available liquidasset

    Liquid assets to probable maximum losses (PML) and actual attritionallosses (both single entity and group level)

    Total liquid assets held by financial institutions (within sector/system)









  • Connectednessd Market value of potential liquidity needs at the group level if allimmediate positions are called

    “Market concentration” of liquid assets to PML and actual attritionallosses (both single entity and group level) based on concentration index

    Total liquid assets held by financial institutions (within sector/system)

    Substitutability Concentration of liquid assets to PML and actual attritional losses (bothsingle entity and group level) for entire systemConcentration of liquid assets to PML and actual attritional losses (bothsingle entity and group level) for entire system without firms that have aliquidity shortfall/deemed systemically important“Excess contribution” of firm's liquid assets to PML and actualattritional losses (both single entity and group level) to sample varianceof “market concentration”

    Timing Positions callable within three months Positions callable within 12 months

    aThe offsetting effect of collateral is not a straightforward exercise as collateral itself might be subject to asset funding risk in times of stress. For Bermuda insurance firms, thescale of direct counterparty trades could not be ascertained.bThe immediacy of payments refers to short-term financing instruments, derivatives and securities lending.cIn both cases, any funding shortfall (i.e. liquidity needs after offsetting effect of asset sales (left side) or liquid assets relative to expected (actuarially-derived) cash outflowsfrom losses) would need to be scaled relative to overall liquidity conditions of the sector—domestically, internationally and/or both.dThe concentration of liquidity needs is defined based on the Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI):∑N(market share of firmi)^2 (within the range 0 to 1 as a normalised measure)for N number of firms in the sample (Hirschman, 1964); the first “substitutability ratio” in the right column represents the “marginal contribution” to the “market concentration”of liquidity risk.Note: PML=probable maximum losses.Sources: The Geneva Association (2011a, b) and Liedtke (2011).








  • connectedness via exposures to particular counterparties (possibly conditional on theircreditworthiness).

    Adaptation and suggested enhancements of industry-suggested systemic risk indicators forliquidity risk

    In this section, we examine whether insurance activities that have generally been consideredsystemically relevant on a global scale, such as short-term liquidity mismanagement,32 alsopose similar risks for (re)insurers sector in Bermuda. In particular, we investigate the generalusefulness of the liquidity risk indicators according to the activity-based assessment methodput forth by The Geneva Association and propose suggestions for their modification and,where appropriate, suitable enhancements consistent with the overall concept of identifyingsystemically important insurance activities suggested by the IAIS in the course of developingthe G-SII assessment methodology. Thus, our analysis also provides valuable insights intothe relevance of systemic risk indicators within an insurance market that is largely focusedon non-life underwriting activities outside the home jurisdiction.

    Discussion of liquidity risk indicatorThe transmission channels of relative size, connectedness and substitutability serve as astarting point for analysing short-term funding risks from illiquid asset holdings as afrequently mentioned source of systemic risk33 as the basis for an empirical application usingprudential data of the Bermuda insurance sector.

    ● Size: We define the size indicator of liquidity risk as liquid assets to probable maximumlosses (PML) and actual attritional losses (or alternatively, only net PML or net losses andloss expense provisions as scaling factors). This potential funding shortfall of liquid assetsrelative to expected (actuarially-derived) cash outflows from loss claims would need to bescaled relative to a firm-specific measure of liquidity and/or solvency, such as totalliabilities (which generates the liquidity ratio). In addition, the cross-sectional variation ofthis indicator would also require qualifying the identified liquidity shortfall based on theeconomic significance of liquid assets of the firm relative to the maximum potentialliquidity in the system, that is, the total liquid assets reported by all sample firms,

    si ¼ liquid assetsi - net PMLi + attritional lossesið ÞPNi¼1 liquid assetsi - net PMLi + attritional lossesið Þð Þ

    ; (1)

    for a pre-specified threshold.

    ● Connectedness: In the absence of firm-by-firm data on lending and borrowing relation-ships within and across the sector, the distribution of short-term funding risk (and thedegree to which interlinkages between firms could cause systemic risk from liquidityshortfall) can be approximated using the concentration of liquid assets to different scalingfactors (such as net PML and actual attritional losses), possibly in combination with the

    32 The Geneva Association (2011a); IAIS (2011c).33 IAIS (2011a); Liedtke (2011).

    The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance—Issues and Practice


  • concentration of funding sources of individual entities. The concentration measure isdefined based on the normalised Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI) in percentageterms,34

    HHI*N ¼PN

    i¼1 s_2i -


    1 - 1N´ 100 ¼ HHIN -


    1 - 1N´ 100 2 0; 100½ �; (2)


    s_i ¼

    liquid assetsi - net PMLi + attritional lossesið Þð Þ- min liquid assetsN - net PMLN + attritional lossesNð Þð ÞPN

    i¼1liquid assetsi - net PMLi + attritional lossesið Þð Þ

    - min liquid assetsN - net PMLN + attritional lossesNð Þð Þ� � (3)

    which represents the “market share” of liquidity surplus/shortfall for N number offirms, measured as the ratio between the difference of liquid asset and PML and actualattritional losses of firm i (numerator), and the sum of liquidity surplus/shortfall for allfirms in the sample (i.e. all Class 4 or Class 3B insurance companies). The specification ofs_i in Eq. (3) above reflects a shifted distribution of liquidity surplus/shortfalls to generate

    positive values only.

    ● Substitutability: We measure the degree of substitutability as the contribution ofindividual liquidity needs to the concentration of overall liquidity risk by calculatingthe degree to which each firm j with liquidity shortfall (measured as the difference ofliquid asset and PML and actual attritional losses) contributes to the asymmetry of theconcentration measure HHI*N of overall liquidity risk (see Eq. (2) above). Morespecifically, the “excess contribution” of each firm is measured either as its share of thetotal statistical variance,

    ΔVj;N;1 ¼s_j - 1N

    � �2PN

    i¼1 s_i - 1N

    � �2 ´ 100; (4)

    or its contribution relative to the average contribution of each firm,

    ΔVj;N;2 ¼N s

    _j - 1N

    � �2PN

    i¼1 s_i - 1N

    � �2 ´ 100; (5)

    which should be 1/N and zero, respectively, if the liquidity surpluses/shortfalls werehomogenously distributed (i.e. all firms have—on average—equal (identical) liquiditysurpluses/shortfalls) and, thus, liquidity risk is completely symmetric, so that s_i ¼ 1=N forfirm i and

    HHI*N ¼1N

    +NVN �!VN¼0 1N ; (6)

    34 The asterix indicates the HHI in its normalised form.

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • where VN is the statistical variance35

    VN ¼ 1NXNi¼1

    s_i -


    � �2¼ 0: (7)

    Alternatively, we define the “marginal contribution” of this firm to the normalised HHImeasure (see Eq. (1) above) as

    ΔHHI* ¼ HHI*N

    HHI*N - 1- 1

    � �´ 100 ¼

    PNi¼1 s

    _2i -


    � �1 - 1N - 1� �

    PN - 1i¼1 s

    _2i -

    1N - 1

    � �1 - 1N� � - 1


    1A ´ 100; (8)

    where j∉N.All risk indicators would ideally be extended to fully capture the different types of risk

    transmission and their impact on financial stability both within a particular country andacross national boundaries (“cross-sectional dimension”). Individual risk indicators could bemodified to reflect the total effect of any firm (beyond the magnitude of liquidity shortfall asthe distinguishing feature) and/or the joint effect of multiple firms on system-wide liquidityrisk (and extent to which short-term funding activities pose systemic risk).36

    Also the variability of system-wide vulnerabilities to common adverse shocks needs to beaddressed (“time-varying dimension”). In the case of liquidity risk from short-term fundingactivities, a simple or weighted average over a pre-defined risk horizon could be calculated asa “through-the-cycle” measure, subject to the frequency of statutory reporting.37

    Empirical findings for large commercial (re)insurers (Class 4 and 3B) in BermudaWe obtained prudential information from the annual Bermuda Solvency Capital Requirement(BSCR) filings of 45 registered Class 4 and 3B commercial (re)insurers. The BSCR represents aprinciples-based regulatory regime that is geared towards understanding the risk profile orcharacteristics of Bermuda (re)insurers consistent with similar approaches in other jurisdictions.It was established under the Insurance (Prudential Standards) (Class 4 and 3B SolvencyRequirement) Rules 2008 (the “Rules”) by the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) incombination with the Guidance Note No. 17 on Commercial Insurer Risk Assessment. Togetherwith the Insurance Act 1978, Insurance Returns and Solvency Regulations 1980, InsuranceAccounts Regulations 1980 (which were amended in 2008) and the Insurance Code of Conduct2010, it forms the regulatory regime for the (re)insurance sector in Bermuda.38

    35 If the number of firms in the market is held constant, then a higher variance due to greater asymmetry ofliquidity risk would result in a higher index value (Brown and Warren-Boulton, 1988).

    36 In the case of liquidity risk, Eqs. (3) and (6) could be extended to multiple firms, for instance.37 BCBS (2009).38 The insurance classification scheme categorises large commercial insurance companies into three main groups

    —Class 4, Class 3B and 3A insurers (BMA, 2008; 2012a, b). The Class 4 insurance category comprises(re)insurers capitalised at a minimum of US$100 million underwriting direct excess liability and/or propertycatastrophe reinsurance risk. Class 3B firms are large commercial insurers whose percentage of unrelatedbusiness represents 50 per cent or more of net premiums written or loss and loss expense provisions (and/orwhere the unrelated business net premiums are more than US$50 million). Since only Class 4 and 3B insurancecompanies were subject to the standardised solvency assessment under the BSCR framework until end-2010,the empirical analysis excludes Class 3A insurers, and, thus, covers only large commercial (re)insurers.

    The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance—Issues and Practice


  • Over the sample period between 2007 and 2011, we found that large commercial (re)insurance companies do not seem vulnerable to short-term liquidity risk, which has beendeemed systemically important in current policy proposals. More specifically, our findingssuggest that:

    ● Despite a record level of insured losses in 2011, liquidity positions of firms remainedbroadly resilient. Even though liquidity levels have remained stable for most of the sampleperiod, above-average claims activity during 2011 resulted in a significant decline, albeitfrom a very high starting level. Since our sample comprises (re)insurance companies withlargely short-tailed property and casualty (P&C) exposure, however, there are no callableshort-term liabilities from surrenders by policy holders (but rather external events). Thus,liquidity risk would arise primarily from asset-liability mismatches (and short-termliquidity mismanagement).

    ● Firms held high liquidity buffers well above prudential requirements to ensure a highclaims paying ability relative to net probable maximum losses (PML) and attritionallosses (i.e. losses other than those related to major catastrophes or exposures, which canimpact reserves up to seven or eight years (sometimes more) after a loss event) as ameasure of worst-case short-term cash flow demands.39 As a general indicator of liquidity(and the relative size of outstanding contracts), the ratio of liquid assets to net PMLdeclined only by 8.4 per cent during the financial crisis between 2007 and 2010, and stoodat 743 per cent at end-2011 (see Table 3). However, a considerable decline of liquid assetsrelative to changes in net loss and loss expense provisions highlights that low premiumlevels over the last three years and record losses in 2011 have not only put greater focus onreserve adequacy but also adversely affected system-wide liquidity.

    Table 3 Bermuda Class 4 and 3B (re)insurance Firms—Liquidity conditions, 2007–2011

    Insurance classes

    Liquidity indicators (in per cent) Class 4 only Class 4 and 3B

    Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2010 2011

    Liquid assets to total liabilities 262 270 197 185 143 201 141Liquid assets to net PML 1,048 1,009 861 924 743 1,033 934Liquid assets to net PML and actual attritional losses 396 374 312 327 314 250 311Liquid assets to net loss expense provision 624 507 338 287 216 513 421

    Number of firms 30 30 30 30 33 45 49

    Note: ECR=enhanced capital requirement, PML=probable maximum losses. In calculating the liquidity ratiosabove, the following assets are considered to be liquid assets: cash and time deposits, total quoted investments, totalunquoted investments, investment income due and accrued, total accounts and premiums receivable, and reinsurancebalances receivable. Non-investment grade and unrated fixed income securities are excluded from total investmentsfor this calculation.Source: Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA).

    39 Although the BMA uses this measure for conservatism on account of uncertainty of contents, attritional lossesarising from catastrophe exposure contracts may already be reflected in the net PML.

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • ● Insurers with potential liquidity shortfall under stress did not seem to have systemicrelevance. Although four insurers did not meet the liquidity ratio and show a dispropor-tionate contribution to system-wide liquidity risk at end-2011, their economic significancewas very small, with results indicating a low probability of material financial distresswithin the sector caused by an adverse short-term funding scenario (see Table 4).40 Morespecifically, at end-2011, we find that these firms represent barely more than 2.4 per centof aggregate liquid assets in the sample, but increase the concentration of liquidity risk bymore than 31 per cent.

    However, further analysis of institutional linkages and concentration of both investmentsand liabilities is needed for a more comprehensive assessment of spillover effects fromliquidity risk, which can help inform the forward-looking assessment of system-widevulnerabilities.41

    Current assessment methodology for systemically important insurancecompanies (G-SIIs)

    Policy discussions and industry consultations helped narrow the supervisory pers-pective on the systemic relevance of insurance activities in the process of developinga viable assessment methodology. The IAIS converged to the industry view that traditionalinsurance business—with the exception of general vulnerabilities to common asset price,disruptions to market functioning and cyclical pressures—is unlikely to generate and/oramplify systemic risk within the financial system (and the real economy).42 Since mostinsurance techniques rest on the pooling of a large number of ideally uncorrelated risks,43 anincrease of a well-diversified underwriting portfolio lowers unexpected losses as theprobability of very large losses (relative to the size of the portfolio) decreases. As a result,the IAIS clarified its original conceptual approach to systemic risk by acknowledging thatprimarily certain (non-core) activities—if conducted on a large scale without adequateprudential oversight—rather than institutional fragility per se could pose system-widevulnerabilities.27

    On 18 July 2013, the IAIS44 published its final version of the initial assessmentmethodology, which comprises five categories of risk drivers that reflect the relative

    40 The liquidity ratio is calculated using total liquid assets to total liabilities. At end-2011, four companies scoredbelow the 100 per cent threshold, which indicates some potential liquidity need if an insurer would have toimmediately settle all callable insurance obligations. However, these results might overstate the actual fundingshortfall over a short-term horizon due to limited information on the exact contractual maturity of potential cashoutflows for positions callable within three months—the commonly assumed time period for net cash flowstress tests.

    41 Bermuda was not identified as a jurisdiction with a systemically important financial sector for purposes of theIMF’s determination of a mandatory completion of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) everyfive years (IMF, 2010). Moreover, as part of an initiative to encourage the adherence by all countries andjurisdictions to regulatory and supervisory standards on international cooperation and information exchange,the FSB (2011b) designated Bermuda as a jurisdiction “demonstrating sufficiently strong adherence”.

    42 IAIS (2013b).43 Liedtke (2011); Lehmann and Lehrer (2011); IAIS (2013b).44 IAIS (2013a).

    The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance—Issues and Practice


  • Table 4 Bermuda class 4 and 3B (re)insurance firms—Level and concentration of liquidity risk, 2007–2011

    Concentration of liquidity surplus/deficit Insurance classes

    Class 4 Class 3B

    Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 coeff. of variance 2009 2010 2011 coeff. of variance

    All firmsConcentration measure—Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI)absolute 6.10 6.77 7.27 6.21 4.81 14.82 13.46 15.49 16.92 11.36normalised 2.86 3.56 4.07 2.97 1.83 27.44 7.28 9.45 11.38 21.89variance 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.05 29.71 0.45 0.59 0.67 18.99

    Firms with liquidity shortfallSystemic risk contribution to concentration (in per cent)Excess contribution to HHIrelative to total variance — 3.23 — 6.33 13.84 6.54 — —relative to average indiv. contribution to total variance — 96.94 — 94.96 114.15 98.10 — —Marginal contribution to HHI — 3.34 — 8.95 31.90 6.99 — —Share of total liquid assets (In per cent) — 0.99 — 1.13 2.44 0.03 — —Number of firms 0 1 0 2 4 1 0 0

    Note: “coeff. of variance”=standard deviation/average of annual observations over the given time period; the HHI concentration measure, the excess contribution to HHI andthe marginal contribution to HHI are defined according to the specifications in Eqs. (2), (4) and (8), respectively.Source: Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA).








  • importance of each indicator for the assessment of systemic relevance of insurers (size,interconnectedness, substitutability, NTNI activities and global activity). Within thesefive categories are a total of 20 indicators, including intra-financial assets and liabilities,gross notional amount of derivatives, Level 3 assets, non-policyholder liabilities andnon-insurance revenues, derivatives trading, short-term funding, liability liquidity,and variable insurance products with minimum guarantees.45 The IAIS has assignedweightings as follows: 45 per cent to NTNI activities, 40 per cent to interconnectedness,5 per cent to substitutability; 5 per cent to size and 5 per cent to global activity. Withinall five categories, equal weight is given to each indicator. Each insurer receives onescore for each of the indicators, which are then weighted and summed up to form theoverall individual score.46,47

    In its assessment methodology the IAIS acknowledges that the systemic relevance ofinsurance companies is generally different (and possibly smaller) than that of banks, butmaintains the view that the failure of an insurer has the potential to pose risks to financialstability. In particular, interconnectedness and NTNI activities of firms are deemedsignificant transmission channels for the determination of the systemic relevance of insurers,while size and global activity are deemed less important (relative to other risk indicatorswithin the assessment methodology. Although traditional insurance activities benefit fromrisk pooling and lower funding risk (as a result of predominantly liability-driven invest-ments, extended pay-out periods for claims, and non-cyclical insurance events), NTNIactivities (especially if conducted with multiple counterparties) can be more vulnerable tofinancial market developments and may therefore be more likely to amplify, or contribute to,systemic risk from general asset price shocks.48 Also differences in business models,

    45 Candidate firms for the potential designation as G-SIIs would need to satisfy two eligibility thresholds related tosize and global activity. Based on end-2011 values, insurance companies would have to generate 5 per cent ormore of gross written premium abroad and report total asset value of US$60 billion or more at the end of thefiscal year. Alternatively, firms can also be considered based on supervisory judgement.

    46 A set of prudential and market data are used for the calculation of the indicators (e.g. total assets and totalrevenues are used for the Size indicator).

    47 Paragraphs 35 and 36 of the published assessment methodology describe the procedure used to calculate thescore of each indicator as follows: “For each insurer, the score for a particular indicator is calculated by dividingthe individual insurer amount by the aggregate amount summed across all insurers in the sample. When anindicator consists of a combination of sub-indicators, the same calculation will be done for each sub-indicator;the results will be averaged to reach the score for the indicator overall. The score is weighted by the indicatorweighting within each category. Then, all the weighted scores are added” (IAIS, 2013a, p. 20). For example, ahypothetical simplified Size indicator for a sample of three insurers, “Insurer A” (total assets=US$300),“Insurer B” (total assets=US$100) and “Insurer C” (total assets=US$400), would result in the followingindividual scores: Insurer A=300/800=0.375, Insurer B=0.125 and Insurer C=0.5 so that A+B+C=1.0.Subsequently, the individual scores of the 20 indicators are weighted, and then aggregated to obtain an overallscore for each insurer. Note that current version the indicator-based assessment approach does not adjust for thedifferences in individual due to a different number of insurers being engaged in the activities that are measuredby a particular indicator. As a result, insurers that are not in a position to engage in such activity (i.e. insurers notlicensed or authorised to conduct the activity) are not excluded from the calculation of individual scores, whichresults in a disproportionately higher score due to sample bias. A possible solution to this problem could be anadjustment procedure. If certain indicators are relevant only for a sample n

  • behavioural characteristics under stress and their structural implications for the financialsector influence potential transmission channels for systemic risk. Thus, the IAIS combinesthe application of the assessment approach with a supervisory judgement and validationprocess.49

    In 2013, the FSB,50 in consultation with the IAIS and national authorities, designated nineinsurance groups as G-SIIs, using a revised version of the initial assessment methodologydeveloped by the IAIS.51,52,53 The assessment methodology was based on a weightedindicator approach similar to the one developed by the Basel Committee to identify G-SIBs5

    and reflects the specific nature of the insurance sector,27 which has influenced the selection,grouping and weights assigned to certain indicators. Even though the assessment frameworkalso applies to reinsurance companies, the potential G-SII designation of a subset ofinternationally active reinsurers has been delayed.54

    Although both G-SII and G-SIB assessment methodologies attribute considerableimportance to the interlinkages of firms and the international scope of business activities,there are some salient differences (see Table 5). In contrast to the G-SIB approach, the IAIS’indicator-based assessment methodology for G-SIIs consisting of five categories of riskdrivers (i) integrates the “complexity” category (which includes derivatives liabilities andLevel 3 assets) into an expanded “interconnectedness” category, (ii) introduces aseparate (and heavily weighted) category for NTNI activities (which includes severalliquidity risk elements that the G-SIB methodology addressed in its interconnectednesscategory), and (iii) defines global activities as significant foreign business activities(rather than cross-border claims and liabilities). The methodology is focused on therelative importance of each firm within an indicator-based assessment frameworkwithout passing judgement as to the scope and quantum of systemic risk posed by theinsurance sector in aggregate (or, collectively by selected sample firms). Like theapproach adopted by the Basel Committee, the IAIS does not unify the conjuncturaldimensions of systemic risk (as a result of vulnerabilities arising from both cross-

    49 This version succeeded “Proposed G-SII Assessment Methodology”, which the (IAIS, 2012c) issued for publicconsultation on 31 May 2012 in the effort to develop and test possible methodologies for identifying G-SIIs(and any coordination that may be required among insurance supervisors). IAIS had previously completed aninitial data call of 48 insurance forms in August 2011. The group of G-SIIs will be updated annually andpublished by the FSB each November based on new data, starting in 2014.

    50 FSB (2013a).51 See Annex I; IAIS (2013a).52 The current list of G-SIIs will be updated annually by the IAIS based on a new data call from candidate firms

    that meet the minimum criteria of total insurance assets of no less than US$60 (200) billion and gross writtenpremiums (GWP) of at least (less than) 5 per cent of the group’s total GWP are generated outside the homemarket (or are nominated by their respective supervisory authority). Since the SIFI approaches for G-SIBs andG-SIIs are conditional on a pre-selection of candidate institutions based on a minimum size criterion, they implydifferent economic significance of a SIFI designation given that G-SIIs are much smaller and lessinterconnected to other financial services providers than G-SIBs (The Geneva Association, 2012b).

    53 The FSB deferred its decision on the G-SII status of, and appropriate risk mitigating measures for, majorreinsurers to July 2014.

    54 After preparing the position paper on the role of insurance companies in financial stability analysis (IAIS,2011a), the IAIS also examined more closely financial stability implications of the reinsurance sector incollaboration with the FSB (IAIS, 2012b).

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • Table 5 Selected assessment methodologies for the identification of Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs)—insurance and banking

    FSOC (2011) BCBS (2011) IAIS (2012c and 2013b)

    Stage 1—NBFC



    G-SIB Methodology G-SII Methodology

    Risk dimension Risk factor Risk factor Weight Risk factor Weight Explanation

    Size Total consolidatedassets

    Total assets 20% Total assets 2.5% Total balance sheet asset size

    Total revenues 2.5% Sum of insurance gross premium earned, investment income,realised gains and losses, fees and commissions, other income

    Interconnectedness Derivative liabilities(gross of collateraland netted forcounterparties)


    6.67% Derivative liabilities 5.7% Gross notional amount of derivatives outstandingIntra-financial liabilities 5.7% Sum of borrowing from financial institutions and issuance of

    securities (debt securities, commercial paper, certificates ofdeposit and equity) held by other financial institutions

    Intra-financial assets 6.67% Intra-financial assets 5.7% Sum of lending to financial institutions and holdings of securities(debt securities, commercial paper, certificates of deposit andequity) issued by other financial institutions

    Loans and bondsoutstanding

    Large exposures 5.7% Combination of: (i) total asset exposures to the 19 largestcounterparties (including counterparties in derivativetransactions but excluding domestic sovereign debt and separateaccount assets), and (ii) ratio of (i) to total assets (excludingseparate account assets), and (iii) ratio of domestic sovereignexposure to its market sizeb

    Wholesale fundingratio

    6.67% Turnover 5.7% Combination of: (i) ratio of total purchase of invested assets plustotal sale of invested assets to total assets, and (ii) ratio of totalsales (issuance) of funding liabilities (plus total retirement offunding liabilities to total liabilities

    Level 3 assets 5.7% Combination of: (i) total Level 3 assets, and (ii) ratio of (i) to sumof Level 1, 2, and 3 assets

    Reinsurance 5.7% Gross technical provisions for reinsurance assumed businessSubstitutability Credit default swaps

    (CDS) outstandingAssets under custody 6.67% Premiums for specific

    business lines5.0% Combination of direct gross premiums written and assumed

    premiums for (i) catastrophe coverage, (ii) credit coverage (includingmortgage guarantee coverage, financial guarantee and export creditcoverage), (iii) aviation coverage, and (iv) marine coverage









  • Payments cleared andsettled throughpayment systems


    Underwriting activity 6.67%Leverage Leverage ratio na na naLiquidity risk and

    Maturity mismatch

    (only FSOC)

    Short-term debtratioc

    na Short-term fundingd 6.4% Combination of: (i) absolute sum of short-term borrowing,commercial paper issued, certificates of deposit issued, grossvalue of collateral received from repos, and gross value ofcollateral received from securities lending; and (ii) ratio of thesum of (i) and total assets


    6.4% Combination of (i) intra-group commitments granted byinsurance entities or the top holding company of an insurancegroup for the benefit of non-insurance entities of the group andintra-group commitments granted by non-insurance entities to anyother entities in the group, and (ii) ratio of intra-group commitmentsgranted by insurance entities or the top holding company of aninsurance group for the benefit of non-insurance entities of the groupand intra-group commitments granted by non-insurance entities toany other entities in the group to total assets

    Liability liquidityd 6.4% Amount of liabilities that can be surrendered upon request withinthree months without economic penalty plus 50 per cent of theamount of liabilities that can be surrendered with economicpenalty (such as fees or tax) lower than 20 per cent



    insurance activities

    (only IAIS)

    na na Non-policyholderliabilities and non-insurance revenues fromfinancial activities

    6.4% Combination of: (i) total on-balance sheet liabilities minus allpolicyholder liabilities,e (ii) ratio of (i) to total balance sheetliabilities, (iii) total revenues from financial activities of non-insurance businesses, and (iv) ratio of (iii) to total revenues

    Derivatives trading 6.4% Gross notional amount of credit default swaps (CDS) soldDerivatives trading(excluding hedging andreplication) in economicterms

    naf Gross notional amount of the NTNI-related portion and the non-NTNI-related of derivatives, excluding “hedge reducing risks”and “hedge replicating risks”

    Financial guarantees 6.4% Sum of: (i) gross notional amount of debt securities (includingstructured finance but excluding sold CDS and surety bonds)








  • Table 5 (continued)

    insured for financial guarantee and (ii) risk-in-force for mortgageguarantee insurance (i.e. covered by all mortgage insurancepolicies issued)

    Minimum guarantee onvariable insuranceproducts

    6.4% Total technical provisions for variable annuities and contingentannuities including additional technical provisions for anyguarantees

    Global activity

    (IAIS)/ Cross-jurisdictional activity


    na Cross-jurisdictionalclaims

    10% Foreign revenues 2.5% Sum of total revenues recognised from jurisdictions outside thehome country


    10% Number of countries 2.5% Number of countries where a group operates through branchesand/or subsidiaries outside of the home country

    Complexity na OTC derivativesnotional value

    6.67% na na

    Level 3 assets 6.67%Trading book valueand available-for-salevalue


    aAccording to Sections 113(a)(2) and (b)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) with selection based on: (a) applicabilityto nonbank financial companies (NBFC) that operate in different types of financial markets and industries, (b) the meaningful initial assessment that such thresholds provideregarding the potential for a nonbank financial company to pose a threat to financial stability in diverse financial markets, and (c) the current availability of data.bsubject to review by the IAIS in future assessments.cincludes “fraction of assets that are classified as Level 2 and Level 3 under applicable accounting standards (~ share of hard-to-value and potentially illiquid securities)” underStep 2 of the Determination Process.dcategorised as non-traditional/non-insurance (NTNI) activity in the G-SII approach proposed by the IAIS.eall technical provisions held for fulfilling insurance contracts.fnot considered in the application of the IAIS (2013a, b, c, d, e) methodology for the first designation of G-SIIs based on end-2011 data.Sources: Board of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS, 2012c and 2013b).









  • sectional and time-varying risk indicators) in its assessment methodology of systemicrelevance.The implementation of the assessment methodology represents the first step towards

    the adoption of several policy measures associated with the designation of G-SIIs.The three policy implications flowing from the SIFI assessment involve the improve-ment of the regulation, supervision and resolution of SIFIs in the following areas:(i) higher loss absorbency (HLA) through additional capital charges55; (ii) moreintensive supervision, stronger supervisory mandates and resources, higher supervisoryexpectations, enhanced reporting, including group-wide supervision; and (iii) therequirement of recovery and resolution plans (RRPs) for designated insurers, includingresolution regimes and cross-border mechanisms, consistent with the key attributes onthe resolution of systemic insurance groups.56 As a foundation for HLA requirements forG-SIIs, the IAIS is also developing BCR to apply to all group activities, includingnon-insurance subsidiaries, to be finalised by the time of the G20 Summit in 201457

    before commencing a public consultation on the implementation details for HLA byend-2015.58,59

    Also national supervisors have begun to define their own criteria for the designation ofnon-bank SIFIs, which includes insurance companies. Changes to national insuranceregulations aimed at the heightened supervision of systemically important institutionshave paralleled efforts by the IAIS to define systemic risk in the insurance sector. Forinstance, in the United States, the FSOC3 determines the systemic importance ofnonbank financial institutions (including insurance companies) that could pose a threatto U.S. financial stability by means of a three-stage assessment process.60 The first stage(“Stage 1”) establishes a triage prior to the testing for potential systemic risk, whichdelimits the universe of nonbank financial companies to be subject to further evaluation(as target group), based on six uniform quantitative thresholds. Subsequent testing forpotential systemic risk is carried out in Stages 2 and 3 after companies that did not meetthe selection criteria in Stage 1 have been excluded. In addition to the four more generalaspects of systemic relevance (see Table 5), which are also included in the IAIS’ G-SIImethodology, the first stage of the determination process includes two additional high-level microprudential indicators (leverage and liquidity risk/maturity mismatch) and theassessment of the level of existing regulatory scrutiny to its “determination process”.The FSOC’s national framework for determining systemic relevance also includes the

    55 HLA helps reduce the probability of distress or failure of G-SIIs and, thus, mitigates the expected impact theirdistress or failure by internalising some of the associated cost to the financial system and overall economy(which are otherwise externalities to the insurance group).

    56 FSB (2011c, 2013b).57 IAIS (2013e).58 HLA will apply starting from January 2019 to those G-SIIs identified in November 2017, using the IAIS

    methodology.59 Note that the IAIS has also established a work plan for the development of comprehensive, group-wide

    supervisory and regulatory framework for IAIGs, including an international capital standard (ICS), which mayinclude all (or some) of the features of the BCR.

    60 Such determination would be made based on whether material financial distress at the nonbank financialcompany, or the nature, scope, size, scale, concentration, interconnectedness, or the mix of activities of suchcompany, could pose a threat to the financial stability of the United States (United States of America, 2010).

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • assessment of existing supervision. Such a firm-specific element (of greater “customisa-tion”) would include not only the degree to which regulatory requirements are alreadyapplicable to a particular non-bank financial institution, but also the relative effective-ness of new regulatory requirements, including enhancements to resolution regimes andthe enforcement of recovery plans.Given the wide range of different national regulations and industry structures, effective

    supervisory coordination is essential to a consistent and meaningful assessment ofsystemically relevant insurance activities both within and across national borders anddifferent industry sectors. In particular, the identification of SIFIs is closely associated withthe establishment of a suitable reference system, which defines the extent to which certainfirms engage in activities that are, or could become, systemically relevant domestically orabroad. Any unintentional differences in the treatment of systemically relevant insurancefirms, however, could undermine the quality and credibility of designations from differentsources.61 This could happen, for instance, in cases when an international designation of aninsurer is not recognised by national prudential standards in some of its most significantmarkets and/or systemic importance might not be significant to warrant the designation of

    Large Country A:Domestic BankingSIFIs (“D-SIBs”)

    Large Country A:Domestic Insurance

    SIFIs (“D-SIIs”)

    Small Country B:Domestic Insurance

    SIFIs (“D-SIIs”)


    e.g. IAIS vsFSOC

    Figure 2. Potential overlaps between global and domestic SIFI methodologies.Note: As an example, the figure illustrates the area of potential overlap between the IAIS and FSOCmethodologies regarding the identification of G-SIIs that are also deemed systemically important for the financialsector in the United States. “G-SIB”=globally active, systemically important bank, “G-SII”=globally active,systemically important insurance firm and “D-SII”=domestic systemically important insurance firm.Source: Author.

    61 The Geneva Association (2011c) also claims that having separate efforts could duplicate supervisory datarequests, result in inconsistent analysis of the risks posed by individual nonbank financial companies, anddistort markets’ perception of these risks.

    The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance—Issues and Practice


  • G-SIIs but could affect financial systems of multiple countries within a region. Figure 2illustrates how overlapping SIFI assessment methodologies of globally active insurancecompanies can arise, especially across different sectors, if a conglomerate includes adesignated insurer but also a large bank subject to global/domestic/both SIFI designations.Attendant inconsistencies could also be compounded by the fact that some insurance groupsalso include banking operations that might be subject to their own macroprudential treatment—both domestically and globally.


    In this article, we found that the current development of risk measures for the prudentialassessment of G-SIIs—based on both supervisory guidance and industry level feedback—hasresulted in a comprehensive assessment methodology that adequately reflects the identifiedscope of systemically relevant insurance activities. However, further work might be needed toenhance the consistency and effectiveness of the final version of the initial assessmentmethodology for G-SIIs with regard to similar efforts on a national level (as well asinternationally in other sectors, such as banking, where the SIFI agenda is more advanced) inareas where adverse effects from the interaction between insurance and banking activities aremost likely to manifest themselves in times of stress. The interlinkages between insurers, banksand other financial institutions may increase in the future through products, markets andorganisational arrangements, which warrants enhancements to supervisory processes, com-bined with stronger risk management and flexible approaches to resolvability. Thus, anintegrated and comprehensive systemic risk assessment supporting financial stability analysiswould ideally be based on a common framework for banking, insurance and other financialactivities. This would ideally be achieved by means of an in-depth cross-sectoral analysis of thethree global assessment approaches (G-SIB, G-SII and NBNI G-SIFI) in areas of common riskdrivers, such as derivative trading, funding sources, and intra-financial assets and liabilities.We also examined the relevance of current diagnostics from a national perspective by

    investigating their impact on the (re)insurance industry in Bermuda. In reference tosuggestions that liquidity management could become sources of systemic risk, we foundthat international insurance companies registered in Bermuda show little susceptibility toshort-term funding risks and contingent liabilities from financial guarantees. Further researchis needed based on an enhanced understanding of the high degree of connectedness betweeninsurance and reinsurance firms, spillover effects from within and outside the insurancesector, and the concentration of both funding sources and potential claims impacting on thepropensity of reserve depletion.Although the progress to date suggests a practical and objective identification of systemically

    relevant insurance activities, the current assessment of G-SIIs is bound to unify the conjuncturaldimensions of systemic risk (as a result of vulnerabilities arising from both cross-sectional andtime-varying risk indicators). By incorporating supervisory judgement and validation in theG-SII assessment, the IAIS has already acknowledged the critical role of mitigating factorsassociated with business models and structural aspects that affect the resilience of the entireinsurance sector (or parts thereof). Further work could include (i) a more nuanced assessment ofsubstitutability and interconnectedness, with a focus on how varying channels of risktransmission that cause spillover/contagion, (ii) the statistical stability of assessment

    Andreas A. JobstSystemic Risk in the Insurance Sector


  • methodologies for the designation of G-SIIs, and (iii) the potential reconciliation of riskindicators with other assessment methodologies for G-SIBs and NBNI G-SIFIs, which wouldhelp mitigate the potential for regulatory arbitrage within insurance groups.


    Research support from Lee Maximchuk is gratefully acknowledged. I thank Craig Swan andMarcelo Ramella for helpful comments and suggestions. The views expressed in this article arethose of the author and should not be attributed to the BMA, the IMF, and their respective Boardsof Directors.


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