Perspective: Maximum caliber is a general variational principle for dynamical systems Purushottam D. Dixit, Jason Wagoner, Corey Weistuch, Steve Pressé, Kingshuk Ghosh, and Ken A. Dill Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 010901 (2018); View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5012990 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jcp/148/1 Published by the American Institute of Physics Articles you may be interested in Enhanced configurational sampling with hybrid non-equilibrium molecular dynamics–Monte Carlo propagator The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 014101 (2018); 10.1063/1.5004154 Editorial: JCP Communications—Updating a valued community resource The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 010401 (2018); 10.1063/1.5019731 Molecular dynamics based enhanced sampling of collective variables with very large time steps The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 024106 (2018); 10.1063/1.4999447 A unified stochastic formulation of dissipative quantum dynamics. I. Generalized hierarchical equations The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 014103 (2018); 10.1063/1.5018725 Reliability assessment for large-scale molecular dynamics approximations The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 234106 (2017); 10.1063/1.5009431 Principal component analysis on a torus: Theory and application to protein dynamics The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 244101 (2017); 10.1063/1.4998259

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Perspective: Maximum caliber is a general variational principle for dynamicalsystemsPurushottam D. Dixit, Jason Wagoner, Corey Weistuch, Steve Pressé, Kingshuk Ghosh, and Ken A. Dill

Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 010901 (2018);View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5012990View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jcp/148/1Published by the American Institute of Physics

Articles you may be interested inEnhanced configurational sampling with hybrid non-equilibrium molecular dynamics–Monte Carlo propagatorThe Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 014101 (2018); 10.1063/1.5004154

Editorial: JCP Communications—Updating a valued community resourceThe Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 010401 (2018); 10.1063/1.5019731

Molecular dynamics based enhanced sampling of collective variables with very large time stepsThe Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 024106 (2018); 10.1063/1.4999447

A unified stochastic formulation of dissipative quantum dynamics. I. Generalized hierarchical equationsThe Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 014103 (2018); 10.1063/1.5018725

Reliability assessment for large-scale molecular dynamics approximationsThe Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 234106 (2017); 10.1063/1.5009431

Principal component analysis on a torus: Theory and application to protein dynamicsThe Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 244101 (2017); 10.1063/1.4998259

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Perspective: Maximum caliber is a general variational principlefor dynamical systems

Purushottam D. Dixit,1 Jason Wagoner,2 Corey Weistuch,2,3 Steve Presse,4

Kingshuk Ghosh,5 and Ken A. Dill2,6,71Department of Systems Biology, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032, USA2Laufer Center for Quantitative Biology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794, USA3Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794, USA4Department of Physics and School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281,USA5Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado 80208, USA6Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794, USA7Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794, USA

(Received 9 November 2017; accepted 17 December 2017; published online 2 January 2018)

We review here Maximum Caliber (Max Cal), a general variational principle for inferring distribu-tions of paths in dynamical processes and networks. Max Cal is to dynamical trajectories what theprinciple of maximum entropy is to equilibrium states or stationary populations. In Max Cal, you max-imize a path entropy over all possible pathways, subject to dynamical constraints, in order to predictrelative path weights. Many well-known relationships of non-equilibrium statistical physics—suchas the Green-Kubo fluctuation-dissipation relations, Onsager’s reciprocal relations, and Prigogine’sminimum entropy production—are limited to near-equilibrium processes. Max Cal is more general.While it can readily derive these results under those limits, Max Cal is also applicable far from equi-librium. We give examples of Max Cal as a method of inference about trajectory distributions fromlimited data, finding reaction coordinates in bio-molecular simulations, and modeling the complexdynamics of non-thermal systems such as gene regulatory networks or the collective firing of neu-rons. We also survey its basis in principle and some limitations.© 2018 Author(s). All article content,except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5012990


We review here Maximum Caliber (Max Cal), a princi-ple for inferring stochastic dynamics from limited data. As anexample, consider a complex biochemical reaction network.Suppose you know the average abundances of some of thespecies and you know a few average rates. Max Cal gives away to use that limited information to estimate the probabilitiesof all the possible reactions within the network. As a principle,Max Cal resembles that of Maximum Entropy (Max Ent) usedin equilibrium statistical mechanics for predicting the proper-ties of materials and also for inferring probabilities, in general,of states based on incomplete information, often used in modelbuilding.

There has long been interest in establishing a varia-tional principle for interpreting the statistical properties ofdynamical systems.1–4 Just as equilibrium statistical mechan-ics was formulated around a variational principle of maximiz-ing entropy, a seemingly natural approach for nonequilibriumsystems was to formulate corresponding variational princi-ples of entropy production or dissipation. Examples includePrigogine’s principle of minimum entropy production5 andOnsager’s principle of least dissipation.6 For example, theminimum-entropy-production principle (Min EPP) states thatthe stationary-state distribution of a system interacting with

multiple baths is the one that minimizes the total entropy pro-duction rate.7 These near-equilibrium principles have beenimportant in providing the quantitative underpinnings for con-tinuum theories of flows of heat, particles, electrical currents,and other conserved quantities. This constitutes today’s fieldof nonequilibrium thermodynamics, as it is now expressed instandard textbooks.8 However, these principles are limited tonear-equilibrium processes, and “closeness to equilibrium” isoften not well defined. Consequently, the range of applica-tion of the theoretical development to model experiments isunclear.

Efforts to generalize these near-equilibrium principles tofar-from-equilibrium situations have been largely unsuccess-ful. But, starting in the 1990s, there has been tremendoussuccess in identifying principles in the form of fluctuationtheorems (FT). Briefly, fluctuation theorems relate the ratioof probability of observing a given trajectory (say Γ) and itstime-reversed counterpart Γ′ to a dissipation-based quantity,such as the total entropy production during the trajectory.9–16

The Crooks’ FT17 and its corollary the Jarzynski relation18 arenotable in that they pertain to work distributions. These rela-tionships have practical value, for example, in constructingfree energy profiles in single-molecule pulling experiments19

and in clarifying the relationship between thermodynamicsand information.20–22 Good reviews of these relationships aregiven in Refs. 23 and 24.

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Here, we describe recent efforts towards a more generalvariational principle for predicting distributions in dynami-cal processes. We describe the principle of Maximum Caliber(Max Cal). It applies both near and far from equilibrium. How-ever, the program of developing and testing this principle,particularly in complex situations, remains in early stages andincomplete.


The second law of thermodynamics predicts that mattertends to vary its degrees of freedom to reach the maximumof entropy at equilibrium. The second law applies on themacroscale to explain how heat exchanges from hot to coldbodies, particles diffuse from crowded to low-density regions,or pressures tend to equalize. On the microscale, the secondlaw takes a statistical form, as first recognized by Maxwell andBoltzmann.

In particular, the most probable probability distribution ofa system at equilibrium is that which maximizes the entropy.This microscopic variational principle proposed by Boltz-mann was later generalized by Gibbs. Briefly, the probabilitydistribution {pi} over microscopic states {i} of a macro-scopic system, say in thermodynamic equilibrium with asurrounding heat bath, can be obtained by maximizing theentropy S,

S = −∑


pi log pi, (1)

over {pi}, subject to a constraint of average energy∑i

piEi = E, (2)

where Ei is the energy of microscopic state i, E is the averageenergy of the system, and kBT are Boltzmann’s constant andtemperature and that probabilities are normalized quantities∑


pi = 1. (3)

The resulting Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution after maximizingthe entropy is

p∗i ∝ e−Ei/kBT , (4)

where p∗i are the probabilities that satisfy these condi-tions. The Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution is at the heart ofequilibrium statistical physics. In short, given a model forthe energies, Ei of a system, and given a measured valueof the first moment of the energy 〈E〉 = kBT (which, inthis case, means a known value of the temperature T ),Eq. (4) predicts the probability distribution over the statesi = 1, 2, 3, . . ..

B. Maximum caliber: A variational principlefor dynamical systems

As expressed above, Max Ent appears as a principleof thermal material equilibrium. However, as noted later in

this review, maximum entropy has also been widely devel-oped as a broader principle of inference and model-makingfor probability distributions in general. It is not restricted topredictions of thermodynamics, materials, or equilibrium. Itcan also be used in dynamical modeling to infer distribu-tions of path probabilities. When used in dynamics, it hasbeen called Maximum Caliber (Max Cal).25 Max Cal is atrajectory-based method of dynamics.26–33 Max Cal seeks theprobabilities of paths or trajectories of individual particles,molecules, or agents. It does so by finding the path distri-bution that maximizes a path entropy, subject to imposedconstraints.

Consider a system whose coordinates are collectivelydescribed by the variable σ. For simplicity, we assume thatthe system evolves in a discrete-time and discrete-state fash-ion. Let {Γ} be the set of all possible trajectories, individuallygiven by Γ = {σTi ,σTi+1, . . . ,σTf }, that the system can takebetween time points T i and T f . Finally, let pΓ be the probabilitydistribution defined over the ensemble {Γ} of paths.

Let F(Γ) be a functional defined on the space of paths.Examples of F include the total flux of mass/heat carriedby the path, the average dissipation along the path, or theaverage energy along the path. Analogous to the equilib-rium problem, imagine a situation where we want to inferthe distribution pΓ over the paths while constraining theaverage

〈F〉 =∑Γ

pΓF(Γ). (5)

Note that there are potentially infinitely many probabilitydistributions pΓ that are consistent with such constraints.Analogous to the equilibrium situation, we maximize theentropy

S = −∑Γ

pΓ logpΓqΓ


now defined as a distribution over paths, subject to constraintin Eq. (5) and normalization. Here, qΓ is some reference/priordistribution over paths. An implicit assumption in the equilib-rium maximum entropy methods is that priors are the same forall micro-states.

The constrained maximization problem is solved by intro-ducing Lagrange multipliers. We write the unconstrainedoptimization function, popularly known as the caliber C,as

C = −∑Γ

pΓ logpΓqΓ− γ *



pΓF(Γ) − 〈F〉+-

+ α *,


pΓ − 1+-

. (7)

In Eq. (7), γ is a Lagrange multiplier that tunes theensemble average 〈F〉 and δ ensures normalization. Aftermaximization, we find

pΓ =qΓe−γF(Γ)

Z, (8)


Z =∑Γ

qΓe−γF(Γ), (9)

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a sum of weights over paths, is the dynamical equivalent of apartition function. Equations (8) and (9) are not particularlyuseful for computations as they stand. They are rendered prac-tical, for example, when the value of γ is known and relatedto an average flux or rate by the derivative relationship,


∂γlogZ = 〈F〉. (10)

While the expressions above follow from using con-straints with no associated uncertainty (i.e., hard constraints),Ref. 30 discusses generalizations of the results of thissection to problems involving constraints with associateduncertainty.


First consider the flow of particles between two baths (seeFig. 1).34 On the right is a bath with higher density of particles.It is connected via a small conduit (the “system”) to a bath onthe left having a lower density of particles. After an initialperiod, the system reaches a steady state with a constant fluxof particles from the right to left baths.

When the system is macroscopic, Fick’s law of diffusiondescribes both the initial transient dynamics and the system’ssteady-state flux. When the number of particles is small, thereare frequent violations of the average flux direction; someparticles may climb up the concentration gradient. We cancompute the distribution of fluxes by invoking the principleof Max Cal over trajectories, constrained by known averagefluxes.

Consider a system with time-dependent fluxes (mass, heat,etc.) (see Fig. 1). We want to describe the distribution pΓ overthe trajectories Γ of this system. The ensemble average fluxof some quantity a (say heat or mass) over the ensemble oftrajectories at a fixed time t is given by

Ja (t) = 〈jaΓ (t)〉 =∑Γ

pΓjaΓ (t) . (11)

In Eq. (11), jaΓ(t) is the flux of quantity a at time t in thetrajectory Γ.

FIG. 1. Consider a system connecting two large baths of particles. Imaginethat the density of “stuff” (particles/heat) in the two baths is different leading toa constant flow from the right bath to the left bath. Reprinted with permissionfrom Hazoglou et al., J. Chem. Phys. 143, 051104 (2015). Copyright 2015AIP Publishing LLC.

Suppose we want to infer the distribution pΓ over trajec-tories that is consistent with two macroscopic fluxes Ja(t) andJb(t) where a and b characterize two types of fluxes such as par-ticles and heat or two types of particles. Potentially, there areinfinitely many distributions pΓ that are consistent with thesetwo constraints. We choose the one that has the maximumpath-entropy (caliber). The caliber is

C = −∑Γ

pΓ logpΓqΓ



λa (t) *,


pΓjaΓ (t) − Ja (t)+-



λb (t) *,


pΓjbΓ (t) − Jb (t)+-

+ α *,


pΓ − 1+-



In Eq. (12), λa(t) and λb(t) are time dependent Lagrangemultipliers enforcing the constraint regarding known fluxes.Maximizing the caliber gives

pΓ =qΓZ

exp[λa (t) jaΓ (t) + λb (t) jbΓ (t)

], (13)

Z =∑Γ

qΓ exp[λa (t) jaΓ (t) + λb (t) jbΓ (t)

]. (14)

Note that at equilibrium we have λa,b(t) = 0 ∀ t.Observable rate quantities, which are ensemble-averaged

over pathways, can be obtained as derivatives of the dynamicaldistribution function,

∂ log Z∂λa (t)

= Ja (t) , (15)

∂2 log Z∂λa (t) ∂λb (τ)

= 〈jaΓ (t) jbΓ (τ)〉 − 〈jaΓ (t)〉 〈jbΓ (τ)〉 . (16)

We stress that the distribution predicted by Eq. (13)is a “model prediction” based on only average-flux con-straints. There may be situations that require different, oradditional constraints, in Max Cal. However, we show belowthat this treatment does capture at least key well-knownnear-equilibrium results.

B. The Green-Kubo relations from Max Cal

Suppose the system described above is near equilibrium,i.e., the fluxes are small. We expand fluxes at some arbitrarytime (say t = 0) around Lagrange multipliers λ(t) = 0. Thatis, we expand 〈jaΓ (t)〉 = Ja (t) at t = 0 to first order aroundλa (τ) , λb (τ) = 0 for all τ in the past,

Ja (0) ≈∑τ

[∂ 〈jaΓ (0)〉∂λa (τ)

�����λ=0λa (τ) +

∂ 〈jaΓ (0)〉∂λb (τ)

�����λ=0λb (τ)



At steady state, the Lagrange multiplier does not dependon time. We have λa(t) = λa ∀ t. Thus,

Ja (0) ≈ λa


〈jaΓ (0) jaΓ (τ)〉|λ=0



〈jaΓ (0) jbΓ (τ)〉|λ=0 . (18)

In Eq. (18), λ’s can be interpreted as the driving forces.Moreover, the cross correlations

∑τ〈jaΓ(0)jaΓ(τ)〉|λ=0 quantify

“flux” fluctuations at equilibrium and thus can be identified as

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the transport coefficients. With this identification of terms, theresult is just the Green-Kubo relationship.35–37

C. Onsager’s reciprocal relations from Max Cal

Max Cal can also capture Onsager’s reciprocal relation-ships. Onsager considered near-equilibrium systems in whichfluxes are linearly proportional to the imposed forces,38,39

Ja = Laaλa + Labλb, (19)

Jb = Lbaλa + Lbbλb. (20)

Using Eqs. (16)–(18), we have

Lab =∑τ



. (21)

At the same time, we have at λ = 0 (equilibrium),∑τ

〈jaΓ (0) jbΓ (τ)〉|λ=0 =∑τ

〈jaΓ (τ) jbΓ (0)〉|λ=0


∂2 log Z∂λb (0) ∂λa (τ)


= Lba.


In Eq. (22), we have assumed that both fluxes have the sameparity under time reversal (symmetric or anti-symmetric) andinvoked microscopic reversibility of trajectories at equilibriumstate. As a result, we have Lab = Lba which is exactly Onsager’sreciprocal relationship.

D. Prigogine’s principle of minimum entropyproduction can be derived from Max Cal

An interpretation of Prigogine’s principle of minimumentropy production is as follows. Consider a near-equilibriumsystem with two coupled flows. Imagine that one of the flows(flow of a) is driven by a force while the flow of b is uncon-strained. The flux of b at steady state is predicted to be thatwhich has the minimum rate of entropy production.40,41 First,we consider the standard derivation of the principle. If S is thestate entropy, the rate dS/dt, of entropy production, in a systemcarrying two fluxes Ja and Jb is given by

σ =dSdt= Jaλa + Jbλb, (23)

where λa and λb are driving gradients. Now, near equilibrium,the Onsager relationships give

σ = Laaλ2a + 2Labλaλb + Lbbλ

2b. (24)

The minimal entropy production rate with respect tovariations in λb is given by


∂λb= 2(Labλa + Lbbλb) = 2Jb = 0, (25)

which correspondingly also predicts that Jb = 0.42

The same principle can also be derived from Max Cal.First, we express the caliber as

C = −∑Γ

pΓ ln


)= ln Z −


[λa(t)Ja(t) + λb(t)Jb(t)] . (26)

Maximizing C with respect to λb,


= −∑




+ λb(t)∂Jb(t)∂λb(τ)


≈ −λaLab − λbLbb + O(λ2) = −Jb = 0. (27)

Thus, the force-flux relationship derived using Max Cal is thesame as the entropy-production argument above. Notably, MaxCal makes useful predictions beyond the linear regime that canbe explicitly tested. The caliber is maximized when∑




+ λb(t)∂Jb(t)∂λb(τ)

]= 0. (28)

So, given how Ja and Jb depend on the imposed thermody-namic gradients λa and λb, solving Eq. (28) gives the gra-dient λb to which the system adjusts itself when it is notconstrained.

E. Max Cal gives Fick’s law of diffusion, includingthe “few-molecule” limit

The maximization of path entropy predicts diffusion andthe Fokker-Planck equation.27,43 Fick’s law expresses that themacroscopic average rate of particle diffusion, driven by agradient, is

〈J〉 = −Ddcdx

, (29)

where D is the diffusion constant, 〈J〉 is the average flux,and dc/dx is the macroscopic gradient of particle concentra-tion. But, we are interested here in more microscopic detail.What is the full rate distribution? For example, what is thesecond moment of flux, 〈J2〉 � 〈J〉2? This is a simple prob-lem that can be solved in various ways, including usingthe Boltzmann transport equation.44 The difference is thatMax Cal focuses on distributions of paths, rather than par-ticle concentrations, and is not limited to near-equilibriumassumptions.30,45,46 While we do not give the details here,we note that Max Cal gives the full rate distribution, whichis predicted to be Gaussian and verified experimentally (seeFig. 2). The dynamical constraint that is imposed here is a

FIG. 2. Max Cal predicts the distribution of microscopic fluxes to be Gaussian(red line). Experimental data are shown as blue circles. See Ref. 46 for details.Reprinted with permission from Seitaridou et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 111(9),2288–2292 (2007). Copyright 2007 American Chemical Society.

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hopping probability between discretized space which is equiv-alent to knowing the value of the diffusion constant D.45,46

Max Cal’s trajectory-based approach predicts the flux distri-bution, including variances, which cannot be done using Fick’slaw or the diffusion equation or Boltzmann’s transport equa-tion, which are based on concentrations/density. This Max Calmodeling gave the new result that Fick’s Law holds even forgradients down to as small as a few molecules. Closely relatedis a treatment that maximizes the path entropy while constrain-ing the action (A) averaged over all paths.43 Wang has also usedthat approach to derive other phenomenological laws such asOhm’s law and Fourier’s law of heat flow.43 Earlier work27

has shown that path entropy maximization can be used toderive generalized Fokker-Planck equation using first and sec-ond moments of coordinate variables—other than action—asconstraints.

F. Markov models give the dynamics that maximizethe caliber for particular data

Dynamical processes are often modeled as a Marko-vian, where the probability of transition to a state dependsonly on its previous state. This is also the basis for hiddenMarkov models in data analysis. What is the justification forthe Markov assumption? It has been found that Markoviandynamics uniquely maximize the caliber, depending on thenature of the form of the measured rate data.47,48 Dependingon the data that is used as constraints, the probability over pathspartitions into a product over transition probabilities depend-ing on the state occupied at the previous time point.26,47–51 Forexample, if constraints are defined using average number oftransitions N i ,j between two consecutive time steps—i is thestate at some instant of time and j is the state at the next timestep—we recover a traditional master equation47 and Lagrangemultipliers relate to reaction rates.50 This also applies whenthe measured jump statistics include multiple time steps48 ormemory.52

IV. MAX CAL INFERS DYNAMICAL DISTRIBUTIONSFROM LIMITED INFORMATIONA. Inferring the full rate matrix of a networkfrom its state populations

In single-molecule experiments and simulations ofbiomolecules, the populations at the nodes of a network may beknown or assumed, while node-to-node jump dynamics maynot be so well characterized. Consider a situation in which asingle biomolecule visits a set of conformations or states {a, b,c, . . .}, including metastable states. The limited informationcan include the stationary distribution {pa}, stationary stateaverages 〈E〉 =

∑paEa over nodes, or path ensemble averages


a,bpakabJab, where{kab} are the transition probabilities(or equivalently, transition rates, when considering a contin-uous time Markov process) between these states. Our goal isto infer the set of transition rates {kab} from infinitely manypossible Markov processes that would be consistent with suchlimited data.

What then is the “best” Markov model that we can infer?Recently, Dixit et al. used Max Cal to derive a functional formof the rate constants that reproduce a known stationary dis-tribution {pa} and also satisfy a few dynamical path-basedconstraints 〈J〉31–33 (see Fig. 3). Dixit et al. predicted thatthe transition rates at equilibrium (i.e., those that also satisfydetailed balance) are proportional to the square root of thestationary populations between those nodes; kab ∝


(so, also kba ∝√

pa/pb). This square-root relationship has alsobeen derived by Bicout and Szabo using a discretized Smolu-chowski equation.53 What is the basis for this square-rootrelationship? It is because Max Cal makes the most parsimo-nious choice when the rates are underdetermined by the data.Knowing only a state of equilibrium, K = pa/pb = kba/kab, tellsus only about the ratio of rates, not the individual rates them-selves. So, if a model is required to reproduce the equilibriumconstant, then the square-root law assigns an equal parsing ofthat equilibrium constant into forward and reverse processes,

FIG. 3. The Max Cal approach predicts the Markovian transition rates kab over all routes between states a and b, given only the steady-state populations at thenodes, in addition to an average global rate observable.

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log kba = 1/2 log K and log kab = �1/2 log K, in the absenceof additional information. This square-root relationship hasbeen validated in the dynamics of small peptides and geneticnetworks.31–33

Wan et al. have used Max Cal to modify the Markov statemodel describing the dynamics among metastable states ofwild type peptides to capture the effect of mutations on foldingdynamics54 and Zhou et al. used it to study the effect of protein-protein interactions on transitions among the metastable statesof proteins.55

B. Finding good reaction coordinatesin molecular simulations

When performing molecular simulations of chemical orphysical processes, it is often challenging to learn the domi-nant reaction paths. These are of interest because reaction pathsare the essential coordinates which define chemical “mecha-nisms.” Several methods have been developed to find reactionpaths,56 for example, metadynamics is an adaptive simula-tion technique to explore free energy landscapes along a fewcollective variables, such as reaction coordinates. However,the challenges are to choose good collective variables and toidentify “slowly changing” collective variables that are suit-able for sampling rare events, for example, in barrier crossing.Based on the Max Cal method of Dixit et al., Tiwary et al.developed novel metadynamics-based algorithms for fast iden-tification of reaction coordinates by maximizing timescaleseparation.57–60 In this way, Tiwary shed light on the molecu-lar mechanisms orchestrating unbinding of streptavidin fromthe biotin-streptavidin complex.60

C. Modeling networks that are biochemical or social

Cells in an isogenic population often have widely fluctuat-ing protein copy numbers due to stochastic gene expression.61

The noisy time profiles of protein expression are the stochastictrajectories to which Max Cal can be applied to infer a pre-dictive model (see Fig. 4). These problems are ubiquitous ingenetic networks and are particularly challenging when there isfeedback. Feedback often involves interactions between multi-ple species not directly observable in experiments. Typically,only one or two types of proteins can be seen—far too few

compared with the actual number of molecular actors involved.These are examples of underdetermined problems with lim-ited information. How do we infer microscopic parametersfor these models? In normal, “forward,” modeling in physics,a model is assumed and dynamical equations of motion arewritten. Predictions are then made and compared to the data.For the example of the toggle switch (TS), you could start withmaster equations describing the dual-negative feedback loopand subsequently make predictions on the basis of this model.The challenge with this approach is that the model param-eters are either introduced in an ad hoc fashion or adjustedto fit the data. Thus predictions are sensitive to the choice ofparameters.

By contrast, in the inverse modeling approach, the goalis to learn a model from the data, with otherwise mini-mal assumptions. In this case, using Max Cal with observedparticle-number fluctuations is sufficient to predict the dynam-ics, minimizing assumptions and adjustable parameters (seeFig. 4). This was demonstrated in two synthetic gene circuits:(i) in a positive feedback (PF) circuit in which a gene auto-activates itself62 and (ii) in genetic toggle switch (TS) in whichtwo genes repress each other.30,63 The information input was(1) protein synthesis, (2) protein turnover, and (3) effectivecoupling between species (positive feedback in the case of PFand negative feedback in the case of a TS; see Fig. 4 for the PFcircuit). The success of the method was shown using synthetictime traces generated from known models (with seven param-eters for PF and four parameters for the TS) using a Gillespiesimulation. Max Cal was found to capture the same qualita-tive and quantitive information with few Lagrange multipliers.Moreover, Max Cal inferred underlying rates accurately andproduced an effective feedback parameter.62 The Max Calframework works directly on the trajectory space and is readilyamenable to further including raw trajectories that are likelyto be given in fluorescence (observed in typical experiments)instead of particle numbers.62 This approach can help ana-lyze raw noisy fluorescence trajectories instead of proteinnumbers.

More complex biochemical networks can also be treatedby Max Cal. For many biochemical networks (for exam-ple, bacterial chemotaxis64 and mammalian growth factor65),the network structure is known, but the individual rate

FIG. 4. Max Cal can be used to infer details of the underlying gene network using experimentally measured noisy gene expression trajectory. Max Cal developsa model by maximizing the caliber (C) constructed from the path entropy and three constraints of production, degradation, and feedback for a single geneauto-activating circuit. Details of the model and methodology can be found in Ref. 62. Reprinted with permission from Firman et al., Biophys. J. 113(9),2121–2130 (2017). Copyright 2017 Elsevier.

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FIG. 5. Cell-to-cell variability in the abundance of a chemical species mea-sured at 3 time points t1, t2, and t3. From the experimental data, we determinethe fraction φik of cells that populate the kth abundance bin at the ith timepoint by binning the cell-to-cell variability data in Bi bins. The signaling net-work model can predict trajectories of species abundances as a function ofnetwork parameters [see Γ(Θ1), Γ(Θ2), and Γ(Θ3)]. Dixit et al.66,67 derivedthe analytical expression for the parameter distribution P(Θ) as well as the dis-tribution over trajectories P(Γ(Θ)) consistent with experimentally estimatedpopulations.

parameters are not. And, the challenge is to infer them becausedata collected on only a few species at a few experimentaltime points and the parameters themselves vary substantiallyfrom cell to cell in a population (called extrinsic variability).Dixit et al.66,67 have developed a Max-Cal-based frameworkto infer probability distributions over network parameters andspecies abundance trajectories in biochemical networks fromexperimental data. They inferred the distribution P(Θ) of net-work parameters Θ of a biochemical network as well as thedistribution P[Γ(Θ)] over trajectories of species abundancesΓ(Θ) that are consistent with histograms of experimentallymeasured cell-to-cell variability, for example, by flow cytom-etry or immunofluorescence (see Fig. 5). They showed thatthe framework can be used to quantify extrinsic noise in bothstochastic gene expression networks66 as well as in signalingnetworks.67

Some probability distributions are not exponential andhave power-law tails, particularly in social and economic sys-tems. They include distributions of incomes, wealth, city sizes,journal citations, terrorist attacks, protein-protein interactions,and others. An entropy variational principle can be applied insome of these cases too, but they use energy-like cost functionsthat are non-extensive.68,69


What is the justification for Max Cal? Why should popu-lations of fluxes be computable by maximizing a path entropy,subject to a few dynamical constraints? And, when might itfail? We view the principle of Max Cal as having the samefoundation and justification as other entropy variational prin-ciples, but simply applied to pathways, rather than states.Below, we divide the history of different justifications for thisprinciple into 3 eras: (1) the Boltzmann-Gibbs idea (start-ing, the late 1800’s)70,71 that statistics and probabilities canbe leveraged to compute macro thermo from the micro of themechanics of particle collisions, then (2) the Jaynes-Shannonidea (starting around 1950’s)72,73 that entropy maximizationis an informational procedure in which you aim to “mini-mize your ignorance with respect to all except what the datatell you explicitly,” then (3) Shore-Johnson (1980)74 and its

interpretation30 that entropy variation is about making self-consistent models that satisfy the laws of probability.

A. Boltzmann and the mechanics of collisions

How can you predict the macroscopic observables ofgases and materials from the molecular properties of mate-rials? Boltzmann and others sought answers in the mechanicsand collisions in gases. Today’s molecular simulations typi-cally apply Newton’s equations of motion, even for complexsystems like protein molecules in water, and then collect sta-tistical properties. However, Boltzmann’s great insight wasthat while he could calculate, in principle, all the propertiesof gases, collision by collision, fully mechanically, he realizedthat it is rarely ever practical or useful.

Rather, his view was that one could capture all the micro-details of the collisions, without computing them, by thinkingof them in probabilistic terms instead. This is sufficient todescribe equilibrium and evolution of average properties. Thiskey insight was captured by a single relation, S = k ln W, thatharnesses “statistics” as a practical approximation for comput-ing the “mechanics.” This same idea is expressed equivalentlyas S = �

∑pi ln pi that holds in all different ensembles. S, on

the left, is related to the macroscopic property (heat). W, onthe right, is related to the microscopic details yielding num-ber of arrangements/multiplicity leading to probabilities anddistributions. The right-hand side is where the statistical inter-pretation or approximation of mechanics gets embodied. Thelogarithm can be intuitively understood assuming entropy (likeenergy) being extensive should add, while multiplicities—likeprobabilities—should multiply. This can be then satisfied byS = k ln W. The idea that free energies are related to popula-tions through ∆F i = �kT ln pi, where pi is the population ofstate i, derives from Boltzmann’s S = k ln W combined withthe basic thermodynamic relation F = U � TS. This joiningtogether of statistics with mechanics is the basis for practicaluses of statistical mechanics today.

However, as noted in a more extensive history else-where,30 Boltzmann’s arguments—which converted time-dependent mechanical trajectories to static probability dis-tribution functions—required the assumption of the ergodichypothesis. However, even as early as the 1890’s, ergodic-ity was argued to be problematic, by Loschmidt, Zermelo,Poincare, and others. As a modern example of the problem,if you simulate a protein molecule in water (even around itsnative state), it is usually essentially impossible to sampleconfigurations sufficiently to be certain of seeing all states inproportion to their populations.75 Lack of convergence is justanother term for lack of ergodicity. Gibbs’ method, describedbelow, avoided the ergodicity premise.

B. Gibbs and the ensemble method

Willard Gibbs generalized Boltzmann’s work so that itcould apply to systems of interacting particles. Gibbs devisedthe logic of ensembles and computed probabilities using multi-nomial statistics, essentially envisioning configurations of asystem as samples of a distribution, just like in a dice problem.There are two issues with Gibbs’s method. First, the ensem-ble is an artificial construct to motivate probabilities using a

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frequentist interpretation. Second, his predictions were con-tingent upon an axiom of equal a priori probabilities (EAP)over all states of the system regardless of their energy.

C. Shannon’s information entropy and Jaynes’predictive statistical mechanics

In 1957, Jaynes expressed the view that maximization ofthe entropy function, subject to a first-moment constraint (onthe average energy 〈E〉), embodies the idea of being maxi-mally ignorant about all the details of the distribution exceptfor that which is needed to satisfy the constraint 〈E〉 = kBT.73

Jaynes’ view was a major shift from thinking about statisticalmechanics as a physical theory to thinking about statisticalmechanics as information-theoretic. On the one hand, thissolved key problems—of no longer requiring ergodicity or theEAP. Jaynes’ derivation of the Boltzmann distribution law isalso very attractive for didactics; it is simple to teach. Further-more, it no longer relied on the frequentist argument. However,there were objections to Jaynes’ view too. If entropy is aboutignorance, then whose ignorance? And, why is ignorance rel-evant at all for problems in physical sciences where entropycan be measured.

D. The Shore-Johnson case about entropy variation

In 1980, Shore and Johnson (SJ) proposed a different,and axiomatic, argument. They showed that maximizing theBoltzmann-Gibbs entropy is the only procedure that drawsinferences about probability distributions that are consistentwith the basic rules of probability. SJ interpreted statisticalphysics30 as the procedure that maximizes S = �

∑pi ln pi

subject to constraints when presented with some sort of amodel of physical reality that has unknown parameters orfeatures, and the goal is to learn from given data to ulti-mately infer the posterior distribution that obeys the lawsof probability. It asserts that entropy maximization is theonly self-consistent logical pipeline from premises (model,data, and a prior distribution) to conclusions (a posteriordistribution).

Shore and Johnson established entropy variational prin-ciples on a strong footing by showing it is all about self-consistent inferences about models, not about ignorance. Animportant value of the inference-based view is that it givesinsight into why entropy variation is such a universal ideabeyond just material equilibria. This allows application of sta-tistical mechanical ideas in diverse areas well outside of thescope of material physics, for example, in ecology,76 sociol-ogy,69 and biology.77 And, it is not limited to equilibria. Itfollows that paths are legitimate objects of probabilities, overwhich entropies can be maximized, in order to infer dynamics.This is the basis for Max Cal.


It follows from Shore and Johnson that Max Ent or MaxCal is a general principle for making self-consistent proba-bilistic models, not principles of physics, per se. If a modelis being used that does not accurately represent the physicalsituation being treated, then inferences from that model can be

wrong. In such cases, what is flawed is not the logical pipelineof entropy maximization, but rather the premises that are putinto that pipeline.78 This can be either the ignorance about theprior or the lack of data used as constraints. Such instancescan be ways to learn from, and improve, models of real worldsituations by gathering more data.

A. Accounting for measurement errorsin the constraints

One persistent question is whether entropy maximiza-tion can incorporate errors in measurements. In short, bothMax Ent and Max Cal can include them. First, we dis-cuss how the question arises. Within the Bayesian frame-work, entropy maximization can be interpreted as a max-imum likelihood problem.30 Suppose we want to infer adistribution p(Γ) over trajectories Γ of a system. Supposewe are constraining an average f of a path-based quantityf (Γ). Now, suppose that there are no errors in the estimateof f , we know that value precisely. Then, we can recastthe Max Cal problem as the following maximum likelihoodproblem:

maximize eαS[p(Γ)] × δ *,


p(Γ)f (Γ) − f +-

. (30)

In Eq. (30), the first term eαS [p(Γ)] is the entropic prior30,79

distribution that weighs different candidate distributions p(Γ)according to their entropy. The second term is the likelihood.The Dirac delta function here enforces the idea that the esti-mate of f has no errors or variance associated with it. Nowon the other hand, consider a situation in which we know thatthere is uncertainty and it is represented by a standard devia-tionσf associated with f . In this case, the maximum likelihoodproblem now becomes

maximize eαS[p(Γ)] × e−

(∑Γ p(Γ)f (Γ)−f )2

2σ2f . (31)

In Eq. (31), a Gaussian error distribution is taken into account.Moreover, this Bayesian viewpoint not only allows us to findthe distribution p(Γ) having the maximum likelihood but alsoallows us to express the full posterior distribution φ[p(Γ)] overthe distributions p(Γ). We have

φ[p(Γ)] ∝ eαS[p(Γ)]− (

∑Γ p(Γ)f (Γ)−f )2

2σ2f . (32)

B. What constraints are appropriate? Some situationsentail size dependence and some do not

What are the requirements for choosing constraints forMax Ent and Max Cal? In some classes of problems, only firstmoments are used. For example, for macroscopic equilibria,the canonical ensemble is predicted by using a first-momentconstraint, namely, the average energy 〈E〉. In those cases,higher moments are not imposed. For other situations, highermoments are appropriate (such as modeling gene networks).How can we rationalize these differences?

At the most basic level, Shore and Johnson showed thatany constraint is suitable for the Max Ent/Max Cal infer-ence that is linear in the probabilities. But, this is not very

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restrictive. A more precise further division is useful, intoscalable (size-dependent) systems, examples of which includeequilibria or kinetics of material systems composed of atoms ormolecules), vs. non-scalable problems, where the system sizeis not a relevant concept (typically problems of data inferenceor model-making).

Nonscalable problems are typically situations involvingmaking inferences or models: we start with some prior distri-bution function, we then learn some data, and we want to inferthe new posterior distribution. In these nonscalable inferenceproblems, the systems size is not a relevant variable. In non-scalable problems, we are free to use whatever experimentalinformation we have to make inference. In such cases, we canuse first or higher moments or other knowledge.62,63,67,77,80 Ifconstraints beyond first moment are negligible it will be seenfrom the data which will make Lagrange multipliers vanish-ing for these higher moments. However we cannot assume thatapriori.

In scalable problems, however, we have the extra predic-tive power to impose the first moment and ignore all the highermoments at the onset of model building. This is because of theparticular nature of decomposibility into subsystems that thosesystems obey. Consider a glass of water as the combinationof two half glasses of water, each half-glass having identicalintensive properties (T, p, µ) but each half-glass having halfthe value of the extensive properties (E, V, N). Extensive prop-erties scale in proportion to the system size. Taken to the limitof divisibility, scalable systems can be made up of elemen-tal atoms or molecules or agents or elemental units of somekind.81

What extra power does this decomposability provide?First, entropy extensivity is the basis for some celebratedresults of thermodynamics—the ability to define equilibriabetween subsystems by equalities of the intensive variables,the Maxwell relationships, and others. Second, of interest here,extensivity defines what constraints are appropriate for MaxEnt predictions of large systems. Consider bringing two sub-systems a and b together in a way that allows the exchangeof an extensive property, such as the energy E, resultingin a combined system. In typical bulk equilibria, the sub-systems are large enough to have precise average values of〈E〉, which obey conservation in the exchange, 〈E〉total = 〈E〉a+ 〈E〉b.82 In such situations, fluctuations are negligible. Con-sequently, higher moments are not relevant because they scalesub-linearly with system size, so they become unimportantcompared to 〈E〉. Similarly, vector properties—such as themomentum 〈mv〉—are not relevant either because they vector-average to zero for large systems. By contrast, for sufficientlysmall systems, or where scalability is otherwise not appli-cable, higher-moment constraints often result in more accu-rate models compared to the traditional statistical mechanicalensembles.83–89

Similarly, first-moment constraints are appropriate tomodel dynamics and Max Cal for systems where flows canbe regarded as sums of component flows and large enoughthat average fluxes are well defined and where 〈J〉total = 〈J〉a+ 〈J〉b. This is the basis for the results above with Green-Kubo,Onsager reciprocal relations, and minimum entropy produc-tion.34 Likewise, the first moment in number of transitions

between discrete states yields Markov processes and Mas-ter equation. Additional scalable constraints are sometimesapplied, such as the condition of detailed balance, for kineticsthat occurs at equilibrium.

However, note that while scalability allows us to dis-card second moment constraints, and simplify, it does notnecessarily guarantee that first moment constraints are suf-ficient to describe system dynamics. Beyond the first momentconstraints used, there may be additional scalable quantitiesthat are relevant. For example, if grand canonical ensemble isdescribed using only energy as a constraint, we will get erro-neous result because of ignoring the other extensive quantityof particle number. Going a step further, even after know-ing all the relevant extensive quantities and using their firstmoment as a constraint we may be at error, if there are othernon-scalable observables at play. Not enough is yet knownabout what additional constraints are appropriate for far-from-equilibrium dissipative situations.90,91 As a result, our currentlack of complete understanding in how to establish appropri-ate constraints in those cases should not be taken to implythe failure of the entropy variational principle itself, Max Entor Max Cal, rather it indicates the need for more experiencewith more complex dissipative systems and the construction ofconstraints derived from likelihoods directly motivated fromexperiments.30


We have discussed maximum caliber, a path-entropy-maximization principle for inferring dynamical distributions.It is quite general—applicable both near and far from equi-librium, and not limited to material systems in contact withbaths. We show that it recovers, as a general principle should,well-known results of near-equilibrium dynamics—includingthe Green-Kubo fluctuation-dissipation relations, Onsager’sreciprocal relations, and Prigogine’s minimum entropy pro-duction. We describe examples of path-entropy variationresults in inferring trajectory distributions from limited data,finding reaction coordinates in bio-molecular simulations, andmodeling the complex dynamics of non-thermal systems suchas gene regulatory networks or neuronal firing.


K.D. appreciates support from the National Science Foun-dation (Grant No. 1205881) and from the Laufer Center. S.P.acknowledges the support for an ARO grant from the Mechan-ical Sciences Division (No. 66548-EG for Complex Dynam-ics and Systems) and K.G. acknowledges support from theNational Science Foundation (Grant No. 1149992), ResearchCorporation for Science Advancement, and PROF grant fromthe University of Denver.

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