"TA KE IT FR OM ME" IN FIRST SH O WI N fi AT ELL EN THEATER CURT.\ !. ' WILL HI SE .\T 8: 00 THIS EYE:\!. 'G. WILL BE O'.'.' T0110 ImOW ALSO \'OLDIE XXU. HI G tional Song and Da nce Act s, DOZE:.\I..\ .:"\ . )JO. T\:-<A. 'lTESDAY. APRIL 28, rn:n SC E K BEGINS THURSDAY and Parade of Pukhrit ude In· ,i·tam for the MA NY ENTRIES IN RACE \ TOR M ENTORS W JLL IW NTER HONOR ROLL "HAVE FAITH IN MONTANA" IS FOR PLACES IN SENATE GIVE SHOW MAY 4 SHOWS 144 PLACINfi GENERAL THEM E OF CONFERENCE aay and tonig11L should nn<l tht;m I "T he Round Tabl e." Bv Le nnox rcadc for the;r aud:euce. Robinson is Th ree: act Pro- J lie play 1 a l°omedy, a d · II ' dc<.dc., h.• 011 JJroadwa> 1 ". 0 year• 'hHnty- nine Stu ents \\ i ( ompete in E lect ions Which . \r e t o d uct ion with L arge Cast o.:u and the looter b<!1 vc they ha'" Be Hdd in :llont ana Hall, '.\Ionday, ;\lay t. Only Posit io n I -- a capable <"a>t to age Lile •now. 1 ( ncontested Is That of Ye ll Leader Tormentors wi ll stage their Spring Fifteen Make "A'' A,·erage . . \. G. R. Leads Fraternities and I{. D. Sororities Yocational Cong ress, E :\.t empo ra neous Speaking and Writing, and Scholarship Co nte;;is included in Program Which ::itarts T hurs day and End s S aturday (1l'OI{!t' (. l>m'Lnport, clit·cctor and Q h "Th R I 'l' bl " t ]'earl J\.imbal.1, dannng in=-truc:t- ua:ter s ow . e. ounc a e, a The avcradng of grades for the . I the. au<l1tormm, }.Jay 1. and 4. honor roll and fratcrnitv and sorority The second annual high s.t:hool week t.iat tim.• proy css .1$ :\ex '.\londay, :\lay .J, }.lontana Twcn y-ninc nominees we:e de- wcck:s ha,·e pas-:>ed with the' :_1\t• ages has ht·en completed by the at .Jlo1;tana s·cate College begins April :-\am \\',nn, managi:r of State eoileg-l' will name their 1 clared eligible and qualified at the lanrc cast working- hard on the three- office and Prof. W. D .... O and ends May 2, 1931. Olt,;.il 1z.a..11,n, sa\ that act\ani.:c ticket student (•ff1ce.rl'._' .1.0I' st-nale meeting held ]ast ;'('l ('0Jlh.•dy,_ "The Table,' " by Tallman. A rn:at many students sue- 1he progTam ofr the \OCational con- ind ca·e at th" tleatre will be year_. Thi.; puilt1c:al is brc;,,·_ ,Thur1'<.:ay a1_te1n?on aL fi\·e o'c:lock m Lennox Robmson. Dtredor Bert Han- 1..Tl·clcd in n ...... :ng- the honor roll. this year will be built around n;.i ked fur both nig,hts. ing- ex epti.onal!y strong' this :-pnng I Dean lfarntlton s lecture room in son saw the 11lay produced last sum- Alpha Gamma Rho's lead the the theme, "HaYe Faith in Montana." tieKel arc being at and one of the mo:-;t hotly ')lontana Hall. Three prominc•nt c-am- mer h.Y the author and it ist in fr:.iternih· avera\,.!"es both for It desired by the high school week t bmwCi e 1 f the tJlen 01 n-. Prit·c ele<"lions C'YC1: known in the: pu:; leaders be voted on next will lie .inlt'restintr to know t.his and ple<lA-es. while i:he Kappa committLe and the :\loHtana Stale ry of .he :-><:hool is l:Xpected. 1 day for prcsulent of the Assoc:at.C'd prorlud1011 of Tormentor 15 bemg- Dela's kad for 5orotih· active:; and, College to have at least two students $1.0tJ and .-io t:ents, . g-Lncral held ui .Jlontana State college 1or stag-e·l cxacCy as the autho r inter- the Gamma Det"ta's for the in attenclan.e from every hig-h school 'Ihc tit is as Ia--t Ihurs.oay, nommations maclP, next.year. Jack junior m t.;c JH'(•_te<l tht' play .. . pledges. in the state. The;i,· may come as con- Ycr wr. \mi l>ykc. 'fom's pa. for e\·cry :-;tu<l(nt pus1t1011. A:::.. phys1.al educa>Jon cou1se, tral'k 1he tast of sprmg's production )]embers of Frat e rniti es te;s'ants entered according to the rul:-s . Jimmy Bartlett fhe .5andalates were put up anU member of l·hi Kappa l'h1i large, number ing- fiftee n peop le. Alpha Gamma R ho ... .. 83..1 -19 p,o\·ided for ea:h contest, an<l all co11- G\H n the, Tom's fiancee fo onw oft ices and thct e was only . national honorary frater- \ \'it h a small cast in Granite the Delta Tau .... 82.679 testants are re}!arclcd as delej!atcs to 1' ... vclyn .:\la:.tnwle ... · ,,nt·- tha. of ydl k:ng-which ha<l] nily, will be a competitor for the c:haracters arc broue-ht before the Arnigo ... 80.944 the \"ot'ational ·l' which con- Tom Eg>J!"l't J lllll\" just a no_minee. lam pus inter-1 <:oYet?d offi_cc. has been \ ery audienre early in the play, and the Beta Epsilon !) stitutes a most important part of the :--h(•1iff "h·lf" lJuyli..•. Seo t (•st und d1sl·u:-:s1on the pa:-:t. week has p1·ommtmt m extra curricular a .. tin- remainder of the acts are used to de- Omega Beta i-:eneral prog-ram; or they mav come H·.>•an Tmne r, l<rnye bc·en_ about the tic.sat .:\1. _S . C .. and is now s.udent \"elop whatc,·er situation has !::prung- Pi Kappa Alpha 77.939 as to thl' \"Ot·ation3.l con- Allen hwartz ( n·pre:sentat1ve ot thu college book up m the early minutes of the pTO- T\:appa Sigma .... ferente alone. The attendance is not Ella Ahbot Doris. Ht..·c or t.1 aly e\"HY iiatermty and sorority stote t"ommittee, the project being durtion. \Vith a large ('ast it is dif- SiPrna Alpha Eps ilon 77.2 .J -t \"\'ilkins, a old tle!·k on the l'ampus a.nd _a ne\\' In- undetta.ki.:n by the ;.\ssucia_te<l s:u - ferent. One thing that Sigma Chi 7G.635 . . Eric Blannin ha\:e tht.s _.rear._ He is pr.es1ucnt of a l-'how more interl'stinl! is the con- Pled ges of V ' rat e rn.ti es NEW A. W. S. PIANO limite<1 to 1wo, but i•1 case• of that ha\e mo1e than two studl' nts. who ha\."c qualifiec' for all\· of t'Ob- tl·sts, all such qualitiCd students arc in\·ited. . The g-et:eral plan of the progra m m.h:des the \."ocational conirtess for bo h boys and scholarship t·on- (Ontests in art, home economies, hvLstol·k judginf!, farm mechanLs and a public contest for Future Y.,arm<:ts of America . .-\. new featm·e uf the pro1.rram this vear Jl-1 confer- c·m·C' of hi!:'"h cl;•ans of woml·n under the super\."ision of Dean t.:nn B. Herr ick. The program begins Thur!iidav aftl'r- noon at 1::30 and doses. S8.turdar afternoon ;1:'10 when the awards a1·e J!iH;'n. The winner of first place in the finals will recti,·e a two-yf.'ar E!"Ood in any of the state's hiczher The winner or Cyrus ( rahb, mar1a.:.cr uf •·Eg-get · t: m ent10ns of m the .81_gma_ lh1 social _1raternity . __ )lax tinual introduction of new charactt•rs. Alpha Gamma Rho Ee, p( lit :al iace. .. . . \\ u.1e::;.idt.•nt ot ::l1,:!me:t The more C'hara\:ter:-; ther(' are the Beta Epsilon ... 77.012 G1.1 ·l· (;ordar, ( 'tbV:-< "'ccrctary .... Hanly cou!J \\ p: _es1- Alp:;a E ,s1lun be_ the sel'onc.t name more_ comi:>licated and interesting the Kappa Si-xma Pu< en!" J_,, l',e. !lc·, ·,1 nlO\'.le 's\.t,'a'°1·.·.'·-ll·l·ll'r d_ent of A. S. S. (. · ,; :-;ay on the \' o: thmgt.onl a1l-Rock,r plot g-omf! to be as a rule. \Yith Omeza Beta .. 75.588 <. ... are 111 ordl:.'r ?eforp .lo..:ntam confcreuct! in both sm·h a large cast as will appear in Ami2'o ... 7- 1. 6-18 UNVEILED SUNDAY i°ho bronze medal. I The ::.peaker of the progl'am jg - - be ( on!!res:o0mun S,·ott Leant, wnn \\T i!ma Yan , yal :--<' ppor er:-; would JUlllJJ to their football and basketba,J a tour - yeat ''The Round Tal·le'' there will he verv Shrn1a Chi Ji.. JJc· \\'itl Bute ", a klcpto-- ..• f. =-t to nominate .their can - letter man in botn of th+.:':'e little opportunity o! dialoguc"s Delta Tau 71.176 manif!c Kay Rivers hlah>. The eleet1on:; wh1th were to 1 he past year he. h_a;:; ha<l the or draggincz scenes. The characters Sil"ma Alpha Epsilon 71.0i18 t anw1am:m George Shanley hav(• be"'n held next are honor and respons1b1Ii.y of capta111mu in this play must 1no\·e. the tcmpois ri Kapua Aloha 65.2 72 Til' idrls cho us will ont:: of the f<'stp be_ ause of the conflict of both the \·a1s1t),.· fo?tball a_n<l bask':t- fa:->t. and the rythm will be worked ' Jemhers of Sororitit:s ma·n fratll1e,.:: of thr pJa,· year. 1 1 ate"' ''·th H1)'.?"h School \veek. \\.orthm!.{ton 1s commu;- I out nicely. K3p'"'a Delta 82. 161 J£iLh' beaut"f, 1 Jai cin and !'.ing-ing of athletics on the present stu- The rast several people .A.lpha Omi ron Pi.. _ 8l. G67 j.drf, will .\le i•\ t ral :-nappy num- E XTENSI ON FRAT 1...en. ate. a Of Bouf- who ha\·e ne\·er before appeared in I . lpha Gamma Delta . 81.023 hat thl' l.oote1 s shot.Id . I fons , ml ft atenllt:f ai:d Tormentor productions here. Also, Pi P hi .... 80.839 i: C\"l'n th1..· most crititnl of thea- was president of both m his tht>re arc experienced mem- (hi Ome!!"a . 80.006 trl· fan". The d1orus co11sists of '..\Iav sopl_10m_ore and. Ju n io r years. Hal l e1·s in the cast . The ca::.-t is· (Continued on Pag-e T hree) Burkhart, "Bobby" Ann Hat:- MEETING TONlfiHT Bolmg<:r, prc..m1nent rnember of the :\lrs . Drennan ...... Xeedh am I tin'. t, Tl, Caro 1 yn Busch, Betty :\k. "cil, _lo.ml oider of the I ntercolleg- Daisy Drennan ...... .Ren Anci.?nV \'ir ;11:a KPyrs. Ga' e .\ndcrson and I iate has _bee? en Drennan.... )Jnri:raret C1·owle)· DEEVY PARKER D<1J nth:t Douglas. Ill the 01 the: new Jonty Drennan Stuart Challender The mae (·'"iorus j!" comp"lsC'd of Inu?ptmdent club 01 wh1_ ... h he has .been Pegmn_ ·-- Ray Van Fleet ' Lawren <". .Jim __ \Vaters. Epsi lon Sig ina Phi National of the sot1al c?mnuttee . Fan Francks ." Sa ll y " EDITORS ELECT Frank (es ram, .fatk Fra t er nit,y. \Viii Hear ,,._ A. Bolmger_ was the !ep- D(' Cour<·y Dr('nnan He nrv Sco,·il - I...t•,rnm-.f John:«on, Gordon 1\\ . rcsentat1ve at :he <l1str1ct Plu h.appa Phillip Flahi\."e H aro ld ·Grei ner Harold )Jurdock and Jordon Burkhart. I LI O) d, N oted Lea der Ddt.a meet. in Bou lde!" Colo., .:\Jiss. ..... _).Iarga r et ___ week, at wh1l·h he was tne oratoneal Kunkel MONTANANS OUT A1pna chapter of Epdson Sigma I .. · • . : .. Pegum Gretchen Lehrk ind l 1 Phi, national honorarv extension ic_t:-p. 1 · Ile I.en Peg-um )largan•t R owe fJ t .t .. 11 . .,- ·t s . k Ol1vc1, a1.t s·ud.ent wn;; nomm- A 1 raYeler Austin DeFrate Heads of Exponent and Montan· an fo r Next Year Chosen at Special Elect ions Project of Women Students Gets a scholarly and ,well-informed First Us e at 1\- lusicale in Her- rick Hall, April 26 I g-hen Friday nrnrning at 11 o'c:lo k in __ a ge:nl"al in the gy mna:;;iu m. . . l In addition to the main speaker The grand piano, the proJect' there will bC' talks by \V. T. of A. \\_ .. !::i. fo r this and next yea1· , Purham. GlendiYe; \!rs . C'. D. was. off1crn!ly unco\eteu at a lovely g-cnhorn. Billin!!s; Presiflent Alfrl•il n:usa:_ale. Su_nday afternoon by Atkinson, DE'an .Tanws )l. Hamilton, :Sales Dickson and )!rs. H. I Dr. R. E. Kirk; Dr. Sarah .fonni n g-s, F · Hopk u:is of Butte. and Ri!V. II. G. Klemme . nil of BoZl' - )lrs. Dickson played two groups of 1 man lll U:'ic on thep iano and :\lrs. The facul'y committee in drnrge of Hopkms sang t ow groups of three hig-h !'.chool week of W. F . numbC'rs each. . Brewer. chairman; .Joseph Livers . as- K. aret Souders, of :-;i:<;tant chainnan; ).Ji:o0s Leona Ha pner, music. mtrodm:ed Ji i rs . Di ckson Mrs. 01.[!'a Ross Hannon . )[i ss Run u;l.r of Bozeman. and )h :S- \"an H(irn, Ross :\liller, Sidney Suther- T•ie 1 .nembers of the A. \\ . S. counetl land, \\-illiam )lcCnll, :\ Ir s. Una B. . lil 1 1Tick . and J. Hurst . was by a Th" \"f'c·:-itic1tal l'On!?'n•ss students very appreciat1\·e aud1en. e. loni ..... i• , e i:« made up· of : (.'liairman, IN RE EK a y, '' 1 ave 1 cts er, atc-d . Oliver ts chanman of \. Tre\"elcr Ro T Homme TH E WE S at t lll banquet am meetmg- tomght. the wonwn's da. this . n·inf! a J . W. A . . Llo,-d, hea<l of the her of on th: A. w. ····· Dorothy. 0! 11ler I With a majo ri ty of 9:! votes '.\ I ic h -1 BRA;-;EG.\ 1' RETlJH:-;s extension work 111 the __11 western s. Coundl and i:; a ml'mber of Spurs. - e 1 · ••• Jack Gary ae l Deevy "lected edito r of the --- and mee:- She a member of Torrnentors and I Exponent, Apri l 21 , at the spec- ..... Gladys retruned l!.irl<= Dorothv Garrf'tt; C'h airnrnn, hoY::;- ,\lnrenr·p Conne11. T·an"· o taticn: Spur president Yir - (rontinut'cl on Pa!!"e TwC") Yearbook \Yill Xot Be Issued to '"·! be hcl? a'. G1 lke1 >On s Cafe - i< on the staff of both the Exponent WILL WHITE WASH "M,, 1al elecl1?n held for th",!' pu rpose. li e Arn t l 1 from a tnp to Bo>ton where l\leinb ers of Organi zat ions te 11 a at €l!Zht 0 cl_ock . and the .Jlontanan and was recently polled 280 \'Otes to 181 fo r his op- she atten ded t.'1e con- . Lloyd will speak on the re- seleledcd as chairman of the Pageant poncnt, Armin H ill. \ention of the ..\mercan ..\ssodation Owing Dues of Ala--ka. He _ spent the l"Ommitte<..> for H igh School week. She ON MT BALUY MAY 18 The new editor of the Expo nent of Universih· \Yo.1.en . Filteen hun- --- 1 a..-.t in Alaska estabhshmg an is affiliated with the p 1 Beta Pht sor - has been a drcd delegates of A. A. l'. \Y. were Fullo\\Hlg' a established m s.l'nlce and has had. a 1 .eal oritv. Grahamj member of present and as _their 30 dele- la:)t.. ). 1..·ai ... no ) lontanans will be di:;- .. 1 cf Beta Epsilon and jumor the st a ff gates from :\h s. )l; r1butcJ tu pe1:->ons \\ho ha\e financrnl f .A• k \I· LI 1 fi . 11 t t mf'mher of the FanJ?<=, is the second Largest Letter of I ts Type in since A. B1anno n ot ll elena \\els the onl) m an) \\a\. connected \\ ith o - . a . ', O)'.c \\ i I u<= I nom111ec> Gi aham an as:-.1stant man - ' Vorld ' Yill Receive ing schoo l. dele_O!,a e from )lontana . . he l!J.H )luntanan. statement fi.m:-. \\hich he too aJ?er of th.-. Loote1s dramatic He was re- . :H;ss B ?-neganrstoppe<l on bus1_ness \ as out bv llotace Bol:;tei tne e. Ic:. _ 1zat1on and 1s a popu lar and prom1n- licnal Coating By St ud ents porter , th en tn :"\ew l ork, , h, b k <l ',. ,,. .. Ep"1lo;i S1£?ma Pht entert>J :\l ontana r>nt "u<lent '.\l iss C"aia Roat of the an \\Tis., and ) li nneapoiis, )linn ., on hc-r he last \\l•ek. lhb murns. that. all chapkr \\as inslalled One of the Kappa is the t P< The giant :\I on the side of )l ot.mt . c ur n r i p. tu"""t.•nt:; nay for wh1t:h for mcmber:-.hm is that :io1l'rnee fo.1 the l. 1os1.t1on. Roat Daldy will rccei\."e its semi-annual and ts -------- INDEPENDENT PARTY SUCCESSFUL EVENT Org ani zation Sponsor of " Vigil- ante" Dance and .Entertain- ment on April lb us. nc: :-, m.ma,...ct ut t e oo , u 111,,. state College 111 Ul27 \\hen ,\J·pha - · · · · ' h' I -- I d" rt t · he:ne m the book before the: tune he mfmber must ha\e -.crvcd at least is very m 1ou1nal1sm, bemg on coating or white-wash on )!on day, GLEE CLUB CONCERT he books ci.1e di:stllbuteu or tht!y will ten \ears in \\Ork. Tlie both and Exponent .Jay lb, if pil:-:l·nt pla ns materialize. edito r. Il e Un April I H, the local In- (lt rccel\c one. It abo means that l'hap"tcr hele has a of ap- vear ·he Is on the StudPn - J: is an annual tradition at )lontana is a ju nior fit•t,c·mlcnt orgamzatlon held thl:ir 1g-.uu.rat1011s \\h1eh O\\C bills to pn'xrnrnfelv 25 The nat10nal c.:hapter Fnc!."lty relationships and is State Co leg:e for the entire student in chemical PLANNED FOR MAY 11 \ 1¥,ilantu .. party wh1<:h was said to un utan mus .. ha\e them settled be- ha::- a 11 embe 5'hin of 1.500. c·hannfc.rnh thhe sehte1Jtam.mtnt .sec- hody to take one day off from regul ar have been one 01 the most ore that 01 wtll be \\1th- :\Ir. LJo,·d is h!te conferring- with tu:in ° t e ig · c 00 \\ee tom- clas:-; st'hedule ruut:ne a nd jou1 n ey out I . , . ___ so.1al l',ents uf the sen:-:on. Uan:ing, 1yld f10111 members of the orga111za- .. John c Tav lur, head of the ).I on tana mittee . to the f,chool l .... tter , to g-h·e it a :\IICHAEL DEEVl of . . ,. , , J:,ambling anu songs an<l stunts wt•re ion"'. Students ate urged to State exten:-.ton work. The I (Con tmued on P age Three) horuugh iepainting. \\'ith such a . . th e_ Sigma I P1og1an1 \\ill Be Same As 'I hat the diversions of the evening . .. ·i: in settling all bills immediately. ml'mber.,. of the local chapter cordially large number 01. st uden ts working-, A.lpha Ers 1 ! 0 n frale.rmty. 'Yhi ch \Yill Be Given Durino- I Chd Grirt111 and_ his h.anq1us \ l hhu.<lmg books of in,·ite all !ituclentR of agi icu l ure and SE NIORS l\IEET the job is completed by In a prt:nous election . .. Joh n P arkey T . St· ·t' 1\1· . 1-! furnished tnc lllUSh! Lor dancing. At - m pa)ment ur may mean 11 ,cmbe is of the faculty to hear !\Ir. luncheon time. and the afternoon is ' 'as the :'Uttes:;ful ca nd ula te fo_r edi- Ollt ' 11 tng c.l) · iied in ol"ig111al f1ontier costu mes, nat. :;umc .\\ 11! n_ot c Llovd . · in pitnics , an d tor of the )fontanan. H u; on- lhey ,1.:.a\"t? me impression of •· J.<'orty - ooks at al1 . The c:1• ... ulat1on of the I · Tucs«a.r. 5, has been :--et ashli: oth('l" rcereational affairs . In order to ponent " 38 Chet The mt:sic department of :\I ontana In one corner of the g-ym- 9;,1 :\lontanan has been very closely bv the college as se n ior assembly day. in!->-: re the 100 per cent <'a- oper atio n .John Par ker , of the State College will give a concert 111 nasium was ot Oppor - g-u1t»l , and a limited number of days OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN The holding ol this assembly is an of the student body , a bl a ck list has yearbook,_ was on tne !Q on .\l onday, :\lay 11. tunity'' where there were poker gam1>...; "' ill be g-ivcn :-:tudents to get ther annual tradition at )lontana :State. bt•cn published in The " Teekly Ex- book and is an assistant echtor of this '1h1s concer, wilt be the as that and a roulette wheel. In another l'Or- aftL:r distiibution of the books Usually ou s.ide speakers of known poncnt in the pa:-:t, bu t whether 0 or not Yt!Ur's publ ication ._ is a soph- g-iven on the :spring tour of the state, wa:;. "One Eye Pelt!':o; Epol'ium," as been started. The limit will Uc FOR SECRETARIAL CLUB ability furn ish the main feat u res of this will be done th is year has n ot omorc tn ap pli ed science whil'h will start on Tuesday. :\l ay 12. a regular saloon with a brass rail, nnouneed later. .After the limit has the event. Thi::> ,·ear Chancell or Bran 4 been learned . The e\·ent is one 1 !1:ent and is a member of the Ka ppa To\\ ns to be arc heer and plenty of bottles . en passe<l he stu.tf will dispose o·· non of the Greater University of that looked for ward to by I Sigma !'Ocial frater ni ty . h untle y , Columbu::.i and Billings . Herb Denier and the '".Hontana he ri.;mainder pf the books to the 1\-1" h i" h J h H I l d 1\.f"t .\ion tan a will be the main spea ker of ·he stmk•nts as a pleas u rable outin.lt. Those le:l\'ing on the tour arc 25 Wranglers" were the hit of tht• t.'\"L'- hangin,! with scl10ol>, filling ch . ell \\' ill Guide Gr oup During heard manv times by the student body freshman class. Both occa<ions a re INITIATION IS H ELD ist,Leilan ll owa1d, two voi.e soloists, all of whicn were highly appreciated. 1·latcst a1hantaJ?t• possible. by ex-1 1 IC JC • O ns. en \. C an . 1 - the o.casion. )fr. Brannon 11as neen E\·ery fall the '')f'' is pa inted by thl' PHI UP8 ILON 01\lICllON membcr::.i of the glee club, a piano sulo- ning. They many numbers, rders rl!ce1n•d aiter .deadl_me. for Coming School Year and has always been well received. 1 1 .:i1ectl:.• f,Upenised by t he Fangs a nd Paul and Vidan Boulwa re, ;\liss I\.;mball's class g-ave etc. Because this pol1.y is to All sc·niors, as usua l, will attend at- Spu rs . The .. .:\['' is one of the lar gest and a. stringe<l trio con1posed of Kath- st•\"l:ral nun bcrs which also brought c followed cxacth-. will be to the --- tirC'd in caps anJ g-owns. They will lC"t+C'rs nf its kind in the world, nnd E psilon chapter of Phi l;psi lon erinc Boha·t, Tom Garry and Don fo•th u greal •ital of 1.ha11ta1?e of the to make of cffire s for the St'" re- also o cupy a 1esen· d section of )fontana State students take no li tt le Omkron held formal initiation Satur- Kenz. In chaqre of the patty was lfal urc lhat all their fim.t1Lial obligntion.;. tarial Club of )lont.ana Sta 1 e scats. }-ride in its upkeeping. day, Apri l 2:l. fo r )[rs. Ber ni.e Eck- )f i-.:s Boulware has studied under loling:er, to whom a lar;..re part of the onnN·tl.'d with the )Jontanan was held on Thursday. April !J. hoff. a graduate student . :\I able Sm ith, 1 ) lme. Leiphc:mer fo Butte, who is in suct'l'ds of thl• t•\'C'ning- was due . t·en dislh::u·o-ed in ample time. ;\on - The offkers elected i.\"Cl'e as follows: Constance Brewer, Dorothy F or d, charge o; the )l usic Pt·dcration of The or thl· party w1..•rc: ·cttlc·ment of oblig:ations will not war- pre•ident, Josephine ;}! ichlich; vice· convention of Montana Stock men Ba1·tlett and Huth Xelson. T he i n-' She has a bcautif.d \Ir. and ;\!rs. Dye. )Ir and · ant an ext('nsinn of the time for dis- pre!'ident, .Anna Le<! .Johns; secn·tary - itiation was followed by a banquet in colot1.na soprano \'Oice with which I ivers. and :\li. and )!rs :\f('ndl·nhall. 1ilttion of books. treast;.rcr, Cathleen Henkel ; and his- Wz"// Be LJe/d 8 118 8 9 hont1" of the new initiates at which many of the students ar(• familiar . ll<'an lhmilton anti 'I Hamilton The :\fonlanans will be out ::\lit h_el l. fli zn OZeman lt'.IUY - 1?0 and act ive members of l! Baci, Tu ).lame, and were ;1Jso g-ue:->ts. hrec weeks bt,fore the end of the )11:-s )!1chli:.-h will suececd )lar - Phi Upsilon Omil'ron were C arom10 Bien. --------- chool vear th(' editor Franklin gaiet Rowe, who i:.- tomplcting :\riss Rua \'an Horn was toastmi:;::.tress 1 )Ir. Kotti z. the othf:'r s.oloist, has a PLE O( ;F;s \ RE l 1 10SEX t\\"l'Y, Thl" copy for her te1m as. the fi·:-:.t president of this Bill: "Hello J im. How· are ye; ::;ay Curley :-:ays it':-; goin' to bl' a r eal and speeches were gi,en by :\fiss 1 finC>- baritone vofre. He has !'tudied was S<:'nt tn tlll' printl'r last rorg-anization. .:\fi!'s .:\ l irhlich has what you doin' next week? I got doin's. _Thc college' is goi11:' to be host. "f-!el l:n Jen!'en. natonal in:---pertor _of P hi I under .:\frs .. Johanssc:in of Bozeman,_ for :rel'k. At the pn•st'nt time 21·1 pages sETn•d as H\C'retary-trl'asurcr for the a bunch of to brand anil would Thi! wife and I arc lennng- Tuesday l Cer'.1ucll' Fenmson m be- :-:en• HJ year'. Ile sml'"s Danny P(•1ver f fw Uook ha\·e bNn pdn·ed. Thirty- past Thl' othc•r offirc:-: h:we like to have you drop O\"Cr to the nite we t·an thC're Thur.o::da:.· half of the new initiates. hv Da ... ro<.h and lier Rost' h)" \\ "hitney ndUitional pa· <:>s ha\'e rccl'i\·ed filled hv Dorothy Hannah vice- ran h and help me." afternoon . \Ve· at'!! J!Oin' to feed and It was <'S.pecially fort u nate that Coombs. hl'it· final o. K. i,,. the C'ditor, and \"ir;:dnia Keyes as his- .Jim'. "'By i.ro1ly, I' m mi{.!htly l-'Orry roos at a frate1·nity house where the .Jliss Ifofon .len:-en could be here for A .tivih- tickeb will admit nll stu- nh- 9s more to be· in typl'.! 1 torian. Rill hut T just clt'cidl·d to go down to wife's. hrother, Joe: T hurs- this occa-.ion. )l iss .J ensen is a na- to the C'onc<'rt. ....\ big crowd is lr '-read a nil tJl in*l"<l h('fore The Seereta· ial Club was fot.t11ll'd a Bozeman for the Stol'kmcn's C'on- d:w en .. nin ' thejp a··e g-oin' to have a tional Phi Ups ilon Omieron inspector xpected. f tht• is i:;tart<.'d. p i'-' t'.iis bird· yt a1• a1_,.o this. .Jiav bv a g-roup of ou•- vention on the th an1l 9th of the whole saddle hatr full of C>ntertai n- and i!' from Rupert, Idaho. of the which will take a Eroinl" :-:enior:-:. Sin ll thl'n the'-· have month· goin!!' a Ion fl' too." P'ert for in a place they c-all the ----- -- na+ deal 0 r timt'. Due to thC' fact r 0 unrlt> I an set:retarial or- Bill.' "Stoc!-.:men's com·elition. l'h ?" auditorium, wait a minute XOTIC'E ha so frw lara-C' books are p•·inted g-anization. Lnmbdi Phi Kappa. and .Tim· "Yeh. h:n-en't yon hea•·d about n:ll ;lll ' I'll E!'l't :t p1·01rram rurley left n •hc 1 e i- a arc·it\' of ex- hnn" d11 1 w mam· otlic1· things toward i'? 'fhC' ).[ontann s.o 'o .. <':in fnr I riC'nred bindery ::ir}.;. to do the work . I promoting hiL!'h scholarshp and im- 1 is 1'uttin 1 on their 4ith con - Bill· •'Take your time, J got l ots (Continued on Page Four) pro,·i ng the depa rtmen t. Y enti on a t Bozeman and fr om what (Continued on Page Thr ee) Extra cC'r. il' " of I he Dl no:lhound ar e on s al e at th e book s tore. Five cents ea ch. :-; crn cE P \:\ GS Th l're "ill be a Fan(! med Tu e .. ·da r at :; :00 o'clock in Herri ck Hnll. Import.ant! Jim Gannaway, Duke. PledJ?ing- f <'lght co-c·d.., of '.\lonta11a ."late into Spartanian.:: ath- letic <·Juli fur wnmeft took la ... t Wl·t·k. ThP pledge!; ar" .-\nn Ilarrin :\.[able Smith, Sarah lfarriw•t•r, Clurn Roat ... . Edith .Tohn 4 !'Oil, Lm·)· B•1wman, Ruth an d ((}nl-'tanre Brc·wer. Tlw wonwn wel'e ('hos.en for their proficit·nry in athlt•tics and leadc1·- !'.hin :11 tht• va1 ious sport;;._ The club I W'1"' or C'\OizC'd in Hl2!J for the purpo c of g-reater interest in that bra nch of co-ed activ ity at th e coll ege.

T AKE IT FROM ME AT ELL EN THE ATER - …arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-022-28-001-004.pdf · "T AKE IT FROM ME" IN FIRST SH OWI Nfi ... aay and tonig11L should nn

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Page 1: T AKE IT FROM ME AT ELL EN THE ATER - …arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-022-28-001-004.pdf · "T AKE IT FROM ME" IN FIRST SH OWI Nfi ... aay and tonig11L should nn


CURT.\ !. ' WILL HISE .\T 8: 00 THIS EYE:\!. 'G. WILL BE O'.'.' T0110ImOW ALSO \'OLDIE XXU.

~;!!~~~~~~~!.~~~~ 1 HI G tional Song and Dance Acts,

DOZE:.\I..\ .:"\ . )JO. T\:-<A. 'lTESDAY. APRIL 28, rn:n

SC E K BEGINS THURSDAY and Parade of Pukhritude In·

du:~:nin~ ,i·tam for the I~otu. MANY ENTRIES IN RACE \TORMENTORS WJLL IW NTER HONOR ROLL "HAVE FAITH IN MONTANA" IS r,,~g;~t~~~{{t~:~~~~~o:;:!''.~i JD:~~; FOR PLACES IN SENATE GIVE SHOW MAY 4 SHOWS 144 PLACINfi GENERAL THEME OF CONFERENCE aay and tonig11L should nn<l tht;m I "Th e Round Table." B v L e nnox rcadc for the;r aud:euce. Robinson is Three:act Pro-J lie play1 a mu~1ca1 l°omedy, wa~ a d · II ' dc<.dc., h.•

011 JJroadwa> 1".

0 year• 'hHnty-nine Stu ents \\ i ( ompete in E lect ions Which .\re t o duct ion with Large Cast o.:u and the looter b<!1 vc they ha'" Be Hdd in :llontana Hall, '.\Ionday, ;\lay t. Only Posi t ion I --a capable <"a>t to age Lile •now. 1 ( ncontested Is That of Yell Leader Tormentors wi ll stage their Spring

F ifteen Make "A'' A,·erage. .\. G. R. Leads Fraternities and I{. D. Sororit ies

Yoca tional Cong ress, E:\.temporaneous Speaking and Writing, and Scholars hip Conte;; is i ncluded in P rogram Which ::itarts Thursday and Ends Saturday (1l'OI{!t' (. l>m'Lnport, clit·cctor and Q h "Th R I 'l' bl " t :u~ ]'earl J\.imbal.1, dannng in=-truc:t- ua:ter s ow . e. ounc a e, a The avcradng of grades for the . I the. Emcr~· 1n au<l1tormm, }.Jay 1. and 4. honor roll and fratcrnitv and sorority The second annual high s.t:hool week i'.~: 11~0~3~~:,ort t.iat tim.• proy css .1$ :\ex '.\londay, :\lay .J, }.lontana Twcn y-ninc nominees we:e de- ~('Yen wcck:s ha,·e pas-:>ed with the' :_1\t• ages has ht·en completed by the at .Jlo1;tana s·cate College begins April :-\am \\',nn, businl·~s managi:r of th~ State eoileg-l' stud~nts will name their 1clared eligible and qualified at the lanrc cast working- hard on the three- Regis~rai's office and Prof. W. D .... O and ends May 2, 1931. Olt,;.il 1z.a..11,n, sa\ that act\ani.:c ticket student sena~e (•ff1ce.rl'._' .1.0I' the_l~1 ,1-::t~'.$tt1<lcn~ st-nale meeting held ]ast ;'('l ('0Jlh.•dy,_ "The ~ound Table,'" by Tallman. A rn:at many students sue- 1he progTam ofr the \OCational con-s.:~le ind ca·e at th" tleatre will be ~c:ht1 ol year_. Thi.; puilt1c:al po~_ is brc;,,·_ ,Thur1'<.:ay a1_te1n?on aL fi\·e o'c:lock m Lennox Robmson. Dtredor Bert Han- 1..Tl·clcd in n ...... :ng- the honor roll. gres~ this year will be built around n;.i ked fur both nig,hts. ing- ex epti.onal!y strong' this :-pnng I Dean lfarntlton s lecture room in son saw the 11lay produced last sum- T~,e Alpha Gamma Rho's lead the the theme, "HaYe Faith in Montana." R· ~ef•l'd tieKel arc being ~old at and one of the mo:-;t hotly cont~sted ')lontana Hall. Three prominc•nt c-am- mer h.Y the author him~elf, and it ist in fr:.iternih· avera\,.!"es both for It i~ desired by the high school week t ~r bmwCi e

1 f the tJlen

01 n-. Prit·c s~udent ele<"lions C'YC1: known in the: pu:; leaders w~'.l be voted on next ~\1011-. will lie .inlt'restintr to know ~hat t.his i~ctives and ple<lA-es. while i:he Kappa committLe and the :\loHtana Stale ln~t ry of .he :-><:hool is l:Xpected.

1 day for prcsulent of the Assoc:at.C'd prorlud1011 of Tormentor 15 bemg- Dela's kad for 5orotih· active:; and, College to have at least two students ~1..->0, $1.0tJ and .-io t:ents, . .-\~a g-Lncral stuc~cnt_ as~embly, held ~tudcnt!'i ui .Jlontana State college 1or stag-e·l cxacCy as the author inter- the ~\lpha Gamma Det"ta's for the in attenclan.e from every hig-h school 'Ihc tit is as follow~: Ia--t Ihurs.oay, nommations \~e.re maclP, next.year. Jack Locy~ junior m t.;c JH'(•_te<l tht' play .. . pledges. in the state. The;i,· may come as con-Ycr wr. \mi l>ykc. 'fom's pa. for e\·cry :-;tu<l(nt ~enatc pus1t1011. A:::.. phys1.al educa>Jon cou1se, tral'k let.~er 1he tast of llw~ sprmg's production )] embers of Frate rniti es te;s'ants entered according to the rul:-s . Jimmy Bartlett hi~h a~ fhe .5andalates were put up 1 11.a~ anU member of l·hi Kappa l'h1i i~ large, numbering- fifteen people. Alpha Gamma Rho ... .. 83..1 -19 p,o\·ided for ea:h contest, an<l all co11-G\H 11dul~ n .For~) the, Tom's fiancee fo onw oft ices and thct e was only . national honorary ~cholastic frater- \\'it h a small cast a~ in Granite the Delta Tau .... 82.679 testants are re}!arclcd as delej!atcs to 1' ... vclyn .:\la:.tnwle ... · ,,nt·- tha. of ydl k:ng-which ha<l] nily, will be a competitor for the c:haracters arc broue-ht before the Arnigo ... 80.944 the \"ot'ational con~eren ·l' which con-Tom Eg>J!"l't J lllll\" On~ns just a :-:in~le no_minee. lam pus inter-1 <:oYet?d offi_cc. Co~\- has been \ ery audienre early in the play, and the Beta Epsilon 79 . :~ !) stitutes a most important part of the :--h(•1iff "h·lf" lJuyli..•. Seo t 1-iarri~on (•st und d1sl·u:-:s1on the pa:-:t. week has p1·ommtmt m extra curricular a .. tin- remainder of the acts are used to de- Omega Beta 78. :~97 i-:eneral prog-ram; or they mav come H·.>•an Tmner, Tum·~ l<rnye bc·en_ -.:enterel~ about the o~ -com.ing- tic.sat .:\1. _S . C .. and is now s.udent \"elop whatc,·er situation has !::prung- Pi Kappa Alpha 77.939 as dc1eg-a~es to thl' \"Ot·ation3.l con-Allen ~ hwartz l'~ediou. ( and1~atcs r~presentm~ p1~c - n·pre:sentat1ve ot thu college book up m the early minutes of the pTO- T\:appa Sigma .... ii.:~nn ferente a lone. The attendance is not Ella Ahbot Doris. Ht..·c or t.1 aly e\"HY iiatermty and sorority stote t"ommittee, the project being durtion. \Vith a large ('ast it is dif- SiPrna Alpha Epsilon 77.2 .J -t \"\'ilkins, a ve1~ old tle!·k on the l'ampus a.nd _a ne\\' str~ng_ In- undetta.ki.:n by the ;.\ssucia_te<l s:u- ferent. One thing that alway~ make~ Sigma Chi 7G.635 . . Eric Blannin tlep~m'.ent o~·gamzat1on ha\:e :$i.~mfied ~~nts tht.s _.rear._ He is pr.es1ucnt of a l-'how more interl'stinl! is the con- Pledges of V' rate rn. ties NEW A. W. S. PIANO

limite<1 to 1wo, but i•1 case• of school~ that ha\e mo1e than two studl'nts. who ha\."c qualifiec' for all\· of lhe~e t'Ob­tl·sts, all such qualitiCd students arc in\·ited . . The g-et:eral plan of the program m.h:des the \."ocational conirtess for bo h boys and ~iris, scholarship t·on­t~sts, (Ontests in art, home economies, hvLstol·k judginf!, farm mechanLs and a public ~r'-'aking contest for Future Y.,arm<:ts of America. .-\. new featm·e uf the pro1.rram this vear Jl-1 confer­c·m·C' of hi!:'"h H"~ool cl;•ans of woml·n under the super\."ision of Dean t.:nn B. Herr ick.

The program begins Thur!iidav aftl'r­noon at 1 ::30 and doses. S8.turdar afternoon a~ ;1:'10 when the awards a1·e J!iH;'n. The winner of first place in the finals will recti,·e a two-yf.'ar ~<·holarship E!"Ood in any of the state's hiczher in~titutions. The winner or

Cyrus ( rahb, mar1a.:.cr uf •·Eg-get s· · t: C'~r._ m ent10ns of competm~ m the .81_gma_ lh1 social _1raternity. __ )lax tinual introduction of new charactt•rs. Alpha Gamma Rho 'iD.~25 Ee, i't•lcr~on p( lit :al iace. .. . . \\ o~th1~g-t?n, u.1e::;.idt.•nt ot ::l1,:!me:t The more C'hara\:ter:-; ther(' are the Beta Epsilon ... 77.012 G1.1 ·l· (;ordar, ( 'tbV:-< "'ccrctary .... Hanly cou!J Le;~on~t<l \\ l~~g: p: _es1- Alp:;a E ,s1lun w~ll be_ the sel'onc.t name more_ comi:>licated and interesting the Kappa Si-xma 7tt .n:~8 Pu< en!" J_,, l',e.!lc·, ·,1 nlO\'.le 's\.t,'a'°1·.·.'·-ll·l·ll'r d_ent of A . S. ~I. S. (. ·,; :-;ay :\on~tna· on the _ballo~ . \' o: thmgt.onl a1l-Rock,r plot I~ g-omf! to be as a rule. \Yith Omeza Beta .. 75.588 <. ... • ~1ons are TIO\~' 111 ordl:.'r ?eforp se,er~l .lo..:ntam confcreuct! ::;.elect101~ in both sm·h a large cast as will appear in Ami2'o ... 7-1.6-18 UNVEILED SUNDAY ~~:~~;!a~',\' i°ho ~~·ii1~ne~e~fi~~ir1~ pl~~:>;. bronze medal.

I The ~nain ::.peaker of the progl'am jg

- - ~o be ( on!!res:o0mun S,·ott Leant, wnn

\\Ti!ma Yan Hor~en , yal :--<' ppor er:-; would JUlllJJ to their football and basketba,J l~ a tour-yeat ''The Round Tal·le'' there will he verv Shrn1a Chi 7~.156 Ji.. JJc· \\'itl Bute•", a klcpto-- -· ..• f. =-t to nominate .their :"~vorite can - letter man in botn of th+.:':'e ~ports. little opportunity o! Ion~ dialoguc"s Delta Tau 71.176 manif!c Kay Rivers hlah>. The eleet1on:; wh1th were to 1 he past year he. h_a;:; ha<l the ~d~ed or draggincz scenes. The characters Sil"ma Alpha Epsilon 71.0i18 t anw1am:m George Shanley hav(• be"'n held next Thursda~:. are honor and respons1b1Ii.y of capta111mu in this play must 1no\·e. the tcmpois ri Kapua Aloha 65.272 Til' idrls cho us will b~ ont:: of the f<'stp n~d be_ ause of the conflict of both the \·a1s1t),.· fo?tball a_n<l bask':t- fa:->t. and the rythm will be worked ' Jemhers of Soror itit:s ma·n fratll1e,.:: of thr pJa,· thi~ year. 11ate"' ''·th H1)'.?"h School \veek. ~-all tca1~1::;.. \\.orthm!.{ton 1s commu;- I out nicely. K3p'"'a Delta 82.161 J£iLh' beaut"f, 1 Jai cin and !'.ing-ing ~toner of athletics on the present stu- The rast include~ several people .A.lpha Omi ron Pi.. _ 8l.G67 j.drf, will .\le i•\ t ral :-nappy num- EXTENSION FRAT 1...en. ~en ate. a me~ber Of Le~ Bouf- who ha\·e ne\·er before appeared in I . lpha Gamma Delta . 81.023 l1tr~ hat thl' l.oote1 s belie".~ shot.Id . I fons , h01~ora1y .so~ ml ft atenllt:f ai:d Tormentor productions here. Also, Pi B·~ta P hi .... 80.839 r lea~ i: C\"l'n th1..· most crititnl of thea- was president of ~1s ~lass both m his tht>re arc ~eventl experienced mem- (hi Ome!!"a . 80.006 trl· fan". The d1orus co11sists of '..\Iav sopl_10m_ore and. Ju n ior years. Hal l e1·s in the cast. The ca::.-t is· (Continued on Pag-e Three) Burkhart, "Bobby" ~adler. Ann Hat:- MEETING TONlfiHT Bolmg<:r, prc..m1nent rnember of the :\lrs. Drennan ...... ~lary Xeedham I tin'. t, Tl, Caro 1yn Busch, Betty :\k. "cil, Fang~, _lo.ml oider of the I ntercolleg- Daisy Drennan ...... .Ren Anci.?n V \'ir ;11:a KPyrs. Ga' e .\ndcrson a nd I iate l~mghhi has _bee? ac~i\'ely en Del~ Drennan.... )Jnri:raret C1·owle)· DEEVY PARKER D<1J nth:t Douglas. ga~ed Ill the orga~1zat~on 01 the: new Jonty Drennan Stuart Challender The mae (·'"iorus j!" comp"lsC'd of Inu?ptmdent club 01 wh1_ ... h he has .been Chri~topher Pegmn_ ·-- Ray Van F leet ' Lawren <". )laln~borJ?, .Jim __ \Vaters. E psi lon Sig ina Phi National cha~rman of the sot1al c?mnuttee. Fan Francks ." Sall y" ~ Ii enC'k l er EDITORS ELECT Frank (es ram, .fatk Ka1.~erman Fraternit,y. \Viii Hear ,,._ A. Bolmger_ was the .:\l~rnt~na St~te_ !ep- D(' Cour<·y Dr('nnan Henrv Sco,·i l -I...t•,rnm-.f John:«on, Gordon 1\\ e~tlake . rcsentat1ve at :he <l1str1ct Plu h.appa Phillip Flahi\."e H arold ·Greiner Harold )Jurdock and Jordon Burkhart. I LIO) d, Noted Leader Ddt.a meet. in Bou lde!" Colo., ~ast .:\Jiss. \\~illiams-\Vill iams ..... _).Iarga ret ___ week , at wh1l·h he was tne oratoneal Kunkel

MONTANANS OUT A1pna chapter of Epdson Sigma I re~Je~entati~·~; .. · • . : .. ~ .J!~·s. Pegum Gretchen Lehrkind l 1 Phi, national honorarv extension ~0•1 • t~e ~ ic_t:-p.1 c~!d~nc~ · )I.~::;. Ile I.en .Jlls~ Peg-um )largan•t Rowe fJ t ~ .t ~ .. 11 h· . .,- ·t s . k Ol1vc1, JU~tol a1.t s·ud.ent wn;; nomm- A 1 raYeler Austin DeFrate

Heads of Exponent and Montan· an fo r Next Year Chosen at Special E lect ions

Project of Women Students Gets '.~ a ~·ery scholarly and ,well-informed First Us e at 1\-lusicale in Her- ;,T~~kF~tu1~011~f L~~~~~:a~a~'dd~'~i}f ~~ rick Hall, April 26 I g-hen Friday nrnrning at 11 o'c:lo k in __ a ge:nl"al a~semhly in the gy m na:;;iu m.

. . l In addition to the main speaker The b~b~: grand piano, the proJect' there will bC' talks by ~l rs. \V. T . of A. \\_ .. !::i. fo r this and next yea1· , Purham. GlendiYe; \!rs. C'. D. \\" i~ ­was. off1crn!ly unco\eteu at a lovely g-cnhorn. Billin!!s; Presiflent Alfrl•il n:usa:_ale. g~ven Su_nday afternoon by Atkinson, DE'an .Tanws )l. Hamilton, ~rs. Za~a :Sales Dickson and )!rs. H. I Dr. R. E. Kirk; Dr. Sarah .fonni ng-s, F · Hopk u:is of Butte. and Ri!V. II. G. Klemme . nil of BoZl'-)lrs. Dickson played two groups of 1 man classi~al lll U:'ic on thep iano and :\lrs. The facul'y committee in drnrge of Hopkms sang tow groups of three hig-h !'.chool week consh~ts of W. F . numbC' rs each . . Brewer. chairman; .Joseph Livers . as-)1~: K.aret Souders, c~a1rman of :-;i:<;tant chainnan; ).Ji:o0s Leona Ha pner, music. mtrodm:ed Ji i rs . Dickson fo~ m- Mrs. 01.[!'a Ross Hannon. )[iss Run u;l.r of Bozeman. and ) h:S- Hopkin~ . \"an H(irn, Ross :\liller, Sidney Suther­T•ie 1.nembers of the A. \\ . S. counetl land, \\-illiam )lcCnll, :\Irs . Una B. u~he1cd. . lil11Tick. and J . \~/ . Hurst. Th:~ mus1~al~ was ~ttended by a Th" \"f'c·:-itic1tal l'On!?'n•ss students very appreciat1\·e aud1en. e. loni ..... i• , e i:« made up· of : (.'liairman, IN RE EK

a chi1:1~ y, '' 1 ave1cts gu~:; .pe~ er, atc-d . ).f1s~ Oliver ts chanman of \. Tre\"elcr Ro T Homme TH E WE S at t lll banquet am meetmg- tomght. the wonwn's da. this . n·inf! a m~m- J . W. A . . Llo,-d, hea<l of the a~'l·icultmal her of Enr~rlelt;hian: i~I on th: A. w. ~ ~~=~:·\~"' ····· Dorothy. 0! 11ler I With a majori ty of 9:! votes '.\I ich-1 BRA;-;EG.\ 1' RETlJH:-;s extension work 111 the __11 western s. Coundl and i:; a ml'mber of Spurs. - e 1

· ••• Jack Gary ael Deevy wa~ "lected editor of t he ---~ ~tes.'-/\la:---ka and lla~,·~11:. T~e mee:- She i~ a member of Torrnentors and I ~!l:l2 Exponent, Apri l 21, at the spec- .Jl,i~s ..... Gladys ~ranegan retruned

l!.irl<= Dorothv Garrf'tt; C'ha irnrnn, hoY::;- ,\lnrenr·p Conne11.

T·an"· o taticn: Spur president Yir­(rontinut'cl on Pa!!"e TwC") Yearbook \Yill Xot Be Issued to 1~g· '"·! be hcl? a'. G1 lke1 >On s Cafe- i< on the staff of both the Exponent WILL WHITEWASH "M,, 1al elecl1?n held for th",!' pur pose. lie Arn t l 1 from a tnp to Bo>ton where l\leinbers of Organizat ions te 11a at €l!Zht 0 cl_ock . and the .Jlontanan and was recently polled 280 \'Otes to 181 fo r h is op- she attended t.'1e sem1-~e11tenmal con-. ~Ir. Lloyd will speak on the re- seleledcd as chairman of the Pageant poncnt, Armin H ill. \ention of the ..\mercan ..\ssodation Owing Dues ~{1Urcls of Ala--ka. He ha~ _spent the l"Ommitte<..> for H igh School week. She ON MT BALUY MAY 18 The new editor of the Exponen t of Universih· \Yo.1.en . Filteen hun----

1 a..-.t y~·ar in Alaska estabhshmg an is affiliated with the p 1 Beta Pht sor- has been a drcd delegates of A. A. l'. \Y. were Fullo\\Hlg' a cu:-.~om established m cxten_swi~ s.l'nlce and has had. a 1.eal oritv. Geo·~e Grahamj pre~ident -cle~t • member of present and as _their gue~t:$ 30 dele-la:)t.. ). 1..·ai ... no ) lontanans will be di:;- ~~~o~ .. ~u~~!) 1 ~~0~1~~~ ~~dLot~~~~~il~~~~~ cf Beta Epsilon and p1o~ninent jumor the st a ff gates from for~ign t"Ount1:~!!~ . :\h s . )l; r1butcJ tu pe1:->ons \\ho ha\e financrnl f .A• k \I· LI

1 fi .

11 t t mf'mher of the FanJ?<=, is the second Largest Letter of I ts Type in s ince ~tart- A. B1annon ot ll elena \\els the onl) bli:.!at1on~ m an) \\a\. connected \\ ith o - . n~ a . ', O)'.c \\ i I u<= ta~ I nom111ec> Gi aham i~ an as:-.1stant man - ' Vorld ' Yill Receive Tradi~ ing school. oth~T dele_O!,a e from )lontana. . he l!J.H )luntanan. ~lnis statement ~\~ 11t~1 ~~e'~:th fi.m:-. \\hich he too aJ?er of th.-. Loote1s dramatic org~n- He was re- . :H;ss B ?-neganrstoppe<l on bus1_ness \ as ~J\l'n out bv llotace Bol:;tei tne e . Ic:. _ 1zat1on and 1s a popu lar and prom1n- l icna l Coating By Students porter, then tn :"\ew l ork, \\ aHhm.~ton . ~ladarnn. , ~.. ·~:. ~ h, b k <l ',. ,,. .. Ep"1lo;i S1£?ma Pht entert>J :\lontana r>nt "u<lent '.\l iss C"aia Roat of the a n a~~oci - 1 \\Tis., and ) li nneapoiis, )linn ., on hc-r he last \\l•ek. lhb murns. that. all chapkr \\as inslalled One of the Kappa Dclt~ soront.~·· . is the t P< The giant :\I on the side of )l ot.mt ~te . ~ ito~ c urn r ip. tu"""t.•nt:; lllL.~t nay for pu.ture~ wh1t:h q_a,ifilation~ for mcmber:-.hm is that :io1l'rnee fo.1 the l.1os1.t1on . ~It:ss Roat Daldy will rccei\."e its semi-annual and ts ~O\\ --------


ante" Dance and .Entertain­ment on April lb

us.nc: :-, m.ma,...ct ut t e oo , u 111,,. state College 111 Ul27 \\hen ,\J·pha - · · · · ' h' I -- I d" rt t ·

the~ he:ne m the book before the: tune he mfmber must ha\e -.crvcd at least is very a~t1ve m 1ou1nal1sm, bemg on coating or white-wash on )!onday, m ~ n ~g1 11 g GLEE CLUB CONCERT he books ci.1e di:stllbuteu or tht!y will ten \ears in exten~ion \\Ork. Tlie both th~ ~lont~nan and Exponent .Jay lb, if pil:-:l·nt pla ns materialize. editor. Ile Un Sa~u1uay, April I H, the local In-(lt rccel\c one. It abo means that l'hap"tcr hele has a mcmhci~lup of ap- ~taff"' thi~ vear ·he Is on the StudPn - J: is an annual tradition at )lontana is a junior fit•t,c·mlcnt orgamzatlon held thl:ir bu~ 1g-.uu.rat1011s \\h1eh O\\C bills to th~ pn'xrnrnfelv 25 The nat10nal c.:hapter Fnc!."lty relationships iom~uttc-e and is State Co leg:e for the entire student in chemical PLANNED FOR MAY 11 \ 1¥,ilantu .. party wh1<:h was said to un utan mus .. ha\e them settled be- ha::- a

11 embe 5'hin of 1.500. c·hannfc.rnh o~ 1 thhe sehte1Jtam.mtnt .sec- hody to take one day off from regular :n;~ne~~i n; have been one 01 the most succcs~fu1 ore that da~e 01 book~ wtll be \\1th- :\Ir. LJo,·d is h!te conferring- with tu:in ° t e ig · c 00 \\ee tom- clas:-; st'hedule ruut:ne a nd jou1 ney out I . , . ___ so.1al l',ents uf the sen:-:on. Uan:ing,

1yld f10111 members of the orga111za- .. John c Tavlur, head of the ).I ontana mittee. to the f,chool l .... tter , to g-h·e it a :\IICHAEL DEEVl memb~~ of . . , . , , J:,ambling anu songs an<l stunts wt•re ion"'. Students ate urged to 1.:~oper- 1 State Colle-~e exten:-.ton work. The I (Contmued on P age Three) horuugh iepainting. \\'ith such a . . t h e_ Sigma I P1og1an1 \\ill Be Same As 'I hat the diversions of the evening . .. ·i: in settling all bills immediately. ml'mber.,. of the local chapter cordially large number 01. students working-, A.lpha Ers 1!0 n SOl"Ja ~ frale.rmty. 'Yhich \Yill Be Given Durino- I Chd Grirt111 and_ his h.anq1us Kin~s \ l hhu.<lmg books b.et.:au~e of <l~hn- in,·ite all !ituclentR of agi icu l ure and SENIORS l\IEET the job is u~ually completed by In a prt:nous election ... Joh n Parkey T . St· ·t' 1\1· . 1-! ~ furnished tnc lllUSh! Lor dancing. At-uen~j m pa)ment ur bill~ may mean

11,cmbei s of the faculty to hear !\Ir. luncheon time. and the afternoon is ' 'as the :'Uttes:;ful candula te fo_r edi - Ollt '

11 tng c.l) · iied in ol"ig111al f1ontier costumes,

nat. :;umc ~tud1..:nts .\\ 11! n_ot re~e1\ c Llovd . · ~pent in pitnics, open-house~ , and tor of the 1u:~2 )fontanan. H u; on- lhey ,1.:.a\"t? me impression of •· J.<'orty-ooks at al1 . The c:1• ... ulat1on of the I · Tucs«a.r. ~lay 5, has been :--et ashli: oth('l" rcereational affairs. In order to ponent " 38 Chet H~ntley . The mt:sic department of :\Iontana ~incts." In one corner of the g-ym-9;,1 :\lontanan has been very closely bv the college a s se nior assembly day. in!->-: re the 100 per cent <'a-oper ation .John Par ker, ecl itor~c l ect of the State College will give a concert 111 nasium was ··Jo~'s. Il oi;~e ot Oppor-g-u1t»l , and a limited number of days OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN The holding ol this assembly is an of the student body, a black list has yearbook,_ was a~ as~ i sta_nt on tl~e tne !Q mna~·.mm on .\londay, :\lay 11. tunity'' where there were poker gam1>...;

"' ill be g-ivcn :-:tudents to get ther annual tradition at )lontana :State. bt•cn published in The " Teekly Ex- book and is an assistant echtor of this '1h1s concer, wilt be the ~ame as that and a roulette wheel. In another l'Or-ok~ aftL:r distiibution of the books Usually ou s.ide speakers of known poncnt in the pa:-:t, bu t whether


or not Yt!Ur's publication._ 11 ~ is a soph- g-iven on the :spri ng tour of the state, 1.t~r wa:;. "One Eye Pelt!':o; Epol'ium," as been started. The limit will Uc FOR SECRETARIAL CLUB ability furn ish the main features of this will be done t his year has not omorc tn ~he applied science cl ~pa rt- whil'h will start on Tuesday. :\l ay 12. a regular saloon with a brass rail, nnouneed later. .After the limit has the event. Thi::> ,·ear Chancellor Bra n 4 been learned . The e\·ent is one 1!1:ent and is a member of the Kappa To\\ ns to be \"i~ited arc Living~ton, heer ku~s, and plenty of bottles. en passe<l he stu.tf will dispose o·· non of the Greater University of that i~ alway~ looked for ward to by I Sigma !'Ocial fraterni ty. h untley, Columbu::.i and Billings. Herb Denier and the '".Hontana he ri.;mainder pf the books to the 1\-1" hi" h J h H I l d 1\.f"t .\ion tan a will be the main speaker of ·he stmk•nts as a pleasu rable outin.lt. Those le:l\'ing on the tour arc 25 Wranglers" were the hit of tht• t.'\"L'-hangin,! with ot~cr scl10ol>, filling ch. ell \\'ill Guide Group During heard manv times by the student body freshman class. Both occa<ions a re INITIATION IS HELD ist,Leilan llowa1d, two voi.e soloists, all of whicn were highly appreciated.

1·latcst a1hantaJ?t• possible. by ex- 11 IC JC • O ns. en \. C an . 1 - the o.casion. )fr. Brannon 11as neen E\·ery fall the '')f'' is pa inted by thl' PHI UP8 ILON 01\lICllON membcr::.i of the glee club, a piano sulo- ning. They r1..~nde1c,J many numbers, rders rl!ce1n•d aiter .deadl_me. for Coming School Year and has always been well received.


1 .:i1ectl:.• f,Upenised by the F a ngs and Paul Koc-~itz and Vidan Boulwa re, ;\liss I\.;mball's dan.in~ class g-ave <ll'r~. etc. Because this pol1.y is to All sc·niors, as usual, will attend at- Spu rs. The .. .:\['' is one of the lar gest and a. stringe<l trio con1posed of Kath- st•\"l:ral nun bcrs which also brought c followed cxacth-. i~ will be to the --- tirC'd in caps anJ g-owns. They will lC"t+C'rs nf its kind in the world, nnd E psi lon chapter of Phi l;psi lon erinc Boha·t, Tom Garry a nd Don fo•th u greal •ital of aplau~('. 1.ha11ta1?e of the ~tl11hmb to make Ekc~ion of cffire s for the St'" re- also o cupy a 1esen· d section of )fontana State students take no li tt le Omkron held formal initiation Satur- Kenz . In chaqre of the patty was lfal urc lhat all their fim.t1Lial obligntion.;. tarial Club of )lont.ana Sta 1e t'ollt·~e scats. }-ride in its upkeeping. day, Apri l 2:l. fo r ) [ rs. Ber ni.e Eck- ) fi-.:s Boulware has studied under loling:er, to whom a lar;..re part of the onnN·tl.'d with the )Jontanan han~ was held on Thursday. April !J. hoff. a graduate student. :\I able Sm ith, 1 ) lme. Leiphc:mer fo Butte, who is in suct'l'ds of thl• t•\'C'ning- was due. t·en dislh::u·o-ed in ample time. ;\on- The offkers elected i.\"Cl'e as follows: Constance Brewer, Dorothy Ford, charge o; the )l usic Pt·dcration of The l·hapernnc~ or thl· party w1..•rc: ·cttlc·ment of oblig:ations will not war- pre•ident, Josephine ;}! ichlich; vice· convention of Montana Stock men Ba1·tlett and Huth Xelson. T he in-' ~lont:rna. She has a bcautif.d \Ir. and ;\!rs. Dye. )Ir and ~!rs. ·ant an ext('nsinn of the time for dis- pre!'ident, .Anna Le<! .Johns; secn·tary- itiation was followed by a banquet in colot1.na soprano \'Oice with which I ivers. and :\li. and )!rs :\f('ndl·nhall. 1ilttion of books. treast;.rcr, Cathleen Henkel ; and his- Wz"// Be LJe/d 8 118 8 9 hont1" of the new initiates at which many of the students ar(• familiar. ll<'an lhmilton anti 'I ~. Hamilton The :\fonlanans will be out ahout 1 tori~n. At~old_ ::\lit h_el l. fli zn OZeman lt'.IUY - 1?0 .alumn~1 e and active members of ~he sh~gs l ! Baci, ~c Tu ).lame, and were ;1Jso g-ue:->ts. hrec weeks bt,fore the end of the )11:-s )!1chli:.-h will suececd )lar- Phi Upsilon Omil'ron were pn·~ent. C arom10 Bien . ---------

chool vear th(' editor Franklin gaiet Rowe, who i:.- ju~t tomplcting :\riss Rua \'an Horn was toastmi:;::.tress 1 )Ir. Kotti z. the othf:'r s.oloist, has a PLE O( ;F;s \ RE l 110SEX t\\"l'Y, ~XJW~·ts. Thl" fin~l copy for her te1m as. the fi·:-:.t president of this Bill: "Hello J im . How· are ye; ::;ay Curley :-:ays it':-; goin' to bl' a r eal and speeches were gi,en by :\fiss1

finC>- baritone vofre. He has !'tudied h~· book~ was S<:'nt tn tlll' printl'r last rorg-anization. .:\fi!'s .:\ l irhlich has what you doin' next week? I got doin 's. _Thc college' is goi11:' to be host. "f-!ell:n Jen!'en. natonal in:---pertor _of Phi I under .:\frs .. Johanssc:in of Bozeman,_ for :rel'k. At the pn•st'nt time 21·1 pages sETn•d as H\C'retary-trl'asurcr for the a bunch of dogi~·s to brand anil would Thi! wife and I arc lennng- Tuesday l p~ilon, Cer'.1ucll' Fenmson m be- :-:en• HJ year'. Ile sml'"s Danny P(•1ver f fw Uook ha\·e bNn pdn·ed. Thirty- past ye~lr. Thl' othc•r offirc:-: h:we h~·en ~Url• like to have you drop O\"Cr to the nite ~o we t·an ~et thC're Thur.o::da:.· half of the new initiates. hv Da ... ro<.h and lier Rost' h)" \\"hitney w~ ndUitional pa· <:>s ha\'e rccl'i\·ed filled hv Dorothy Hannah a~ vice- ran h and help me." afternoon . \Ve· at'!! J!Oin' to feed and It was <'S.pecially fortunate that Coombs. hl'it· final o. K. i,,. the C'ditor, }c:1\ing'prC'~ident and \"ir;:dnia Keyes as his- .Jim'. "'By i.ro1ly, I'm mi{.!htly l-'Orry roos at a frate1·nity house where the .Jliss I fofon .len:-en cou ld be here for A .tivih- tickeb will admit nll stu-nh- 9s more l~ag(·~ to be· ~et in typl'.!1

torian. Rill hut T just clt'cidl·d to go down to wife's. hrother, Joe: bclone-~. Thurs- this occa-.ion. )l iss .Jensen is a na- dt•nt~ to the C'onc<'rt. ....\ big crowd is lr '-read a nil tJl in*l"<l h('fore bindin~ The Seereta· ial Club was fot.t11ll'd a Bozeman for the Stol'kmcn's C'on- d:w en .. nin ' thejp a··e g-oin ' to have a tional Phi Ups ilon Omieron inspector l·xpected. f tht• book~ is i:;tart<.'d. p i'-' t'.iis bird· yt a1• a1_,.o this. .Jiav bv a g-roup of ou• - vention on the th an1l 9th of the whole saddle hatr full of C>ntertai n- and i!' from Rupert, Idaho. n~ of the b<.~oh;; which will take a Eroinl" :-:enior:-:. Sin ll thl'n the'-· have month· wif~·~ goin!!' a Ion fl' too." P'ert for u~ in a place they c-all the -------na+ deal 0

r timt'. Due to thC' fact r0 unrlt> I an h~1norary set:retarial or- Bill.' "Stoc!-.:men's com·elition. l'h ?" Enu·r~ou auditorium, wait a minute X OTIC'E ha so frw lara-C' books are p•·inted g-anization. Lnmbdi Phi Kappa. and .Tim· "Yeh. h:n-en't yon hea•·d about n:ll ;lll ' I'll E!'l't :t p1·01rram rurley left n ~font.ana •hc1 e i- a ~ arc·it\' of ex- hnn" d11 1w mam· otlic1· things toward i'? 'fhC' ).[ontann Stock""rower~ A ~- s.o 'o .. <':in ~e<:' fnr vour~e l r.' I riC'nred bindery ::ir}.;. to do the work . I promoting hiL!'h scholarshp and im-1 soci~tion is 1'uttin 1 on their 4ith con - Bill· •'Take your time, J got lots (Continued on Page Four) pro,· ing the depa rtment. Yention a t Bozema n and from what (Continued on Pag e Three)

Extra cC'r. il'" of I he Dl no:lhound are on sale at the book s tore. Five cents each.

:-; crn cE P \:\ GS

Thl' re "ill be a Fan(! med in ~ Tue .. ·da r a t :; :00 o'clock in He rrick Hnll. Import.ant!

Jim Gannaway, Duke.

PledJ?ing- f <'lght co-c·d.., of '.\lonta11a ."late into Spartanian.:: hono1a~\· ath­letic <·Juli fur uppl'rl'ltt~s wnmeft took p 1 acl~ la ... t Wl·t·k. ThP pledge!; ar" .-\nn Ilarrin ·t~m. :\.[able Smith, Sarah lfarriw•t•r, Clurn Roat ... . Edith .Tohn 4

!'Oil, Lm·)· B•1wman, Ruth ~(·Ison and ((}nl-'tanre Brc·wer.

Tlw wonwn wel'e ('hos.en for their proficit·nry in athlt•tics and leadc1·­!'.hin :11 tht• va1 ious sport;;._ The club

I W'1"' or C'\OizC'd in Hl2!J for the purpo c of promotin~ g-reater interest in that branch of co-ed activ ity at the college.

Page 2: T AKE IT FROM ME AT ELL EN THE ATER - …arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-022-28-001-004.pdf · "T AKE IT FROM ME" IN FIRST SH OWI Nfi ... aay and tonig11L should nn



tb¢ W~¢kly Expon¢nt I SMATIERING~/~:\~r~~~ AND THERE 11 Established 1910 LI~~~~~~~·------~~~~~~-----~~--'

Continuance of the Monthly Exponent, Established 1895 \Ye }war that )laxinc and Hi ha\"e headed the list for Spring Cooing­just when ·will the Billing stnd '!

Pu01ished every Tuesday of ihe college year by the staff chosen fr.om th~ ___ _ Associated Students of llontana State College at Bozeman, Montana Thl~ male intt.•llig0ntia nppear::> to have a H'l'Y pet'ulinr quirk in their

definition of personal cil>tel'iion at lea::>t that is what the enmpus judged their la~t publit•alilHl hl bP.

Subscription Rate: $2.00 per school year

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Odober 3, 1927, authorized Februm·y 171 HH9


llenlth re\:ot els r1..~Ycal un im:reas.e in the numbl~l" oi di:,;l'ases \\h:ch an.: a~­so(,.·ialf!tl wit11 th~ nervous system. This t.1:.1stili.i:s thnt mud ctn i.,'i\ ihzation is growing- HlTl~tanlly more compli-cated. The bu:-:.inc:>s of h'day JS car­ried on at a strenuous Jl.1l"t>, und om· present pl1..·asi.; l"I>':: laJ,e lhl'ir nervous toll.



~ :\!OTHERS' D.\ Y ~

~ 1f she is ~~m~:~~~ ~~~ ';;~:o;:e;s for you ~ ~ BozL'man·s Domled Telegraph Florist ~ ~ 19 E. i\lain Phone 95 .. ,,~,.,.~~""-~'-'-'-'-'-~~-..~'-'---..S.'-~~~

Telephone 1-17-Ash. for Exponent. On t\londnJs .. \ftt! r 12:00 noon-SO

From whal we lHff(' on:irsec11-thc Great J'nke mu~t hr in his prh•ate n•vcnth hNwcn a~ n.·~ards Lhe ~carity of frrnale attire in the t·oming­\\'enthworth-Lnolt'1"$. l"'rotludion. Um.ler Lht;SC c.:ondiliun~, 1 found il fl · ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I j I Iii i I I I I I I I I I I I ...

ref1eshi11g to 1 cad n·ccntly n sm:.1\1

Editor-in- hief ....... ·····················-···George L. Hart .Another hig- hrl"'clk for the C'ollc_ge boys. the hi$th ~l'INol girls nrc ('Omi ng ~~~1~ G~~11~~~dJ~·;h!:~~CQ~~:.r~.~;~:Jl~~1 'Xii;: _B_u_s_i_n•_•_s_~_1_•_n_a_ge_r_. _____________ ··-···_··_·--~_lb_e_r_t_\_V_._G_r_e_in_e_1' nc>xt Wtlek! cusses "The Grculn1.:;:,..') of .Simpllt:ity,.

lS"ews Staff and thre-e of the parai.rruph-i 1 rom this

Managing Editor ........... ·········-······················-······-·················· ·····.i\licheal Deevy .Trn::t think-eleven !nmdr('d ('O\\ pun('hers commg to Boze mnn next Wl'ck- t.h~~~~ 1~~~~~~~~~~l~u1;;el>~s~i~~1i1•:11~r~nlc:-.:-Assistnnt Editor ···-······· ................................... ············-·······················Armin Hill with on!? hunclrl'<l tllld twt'nty Ag ~tudents that will mnkt;' twelYc hundred it is bnscU on truth- unle:-.::. it is Jiv<.•J Ass.ocinte Editors Alice Vandenhook, \\"es!C'y Funk, Franklin Dewey and twt'nty \\·iltl and wlwly men. in harm1..rny with one's own i.:on:-.eieni.·e Sports Editor ·······-········-·········-······················-······················-·······"'allace Harrit~y snd it.leals. t'implidt.y i~ the pnrc

Asgist.ants- -Chet Huntley, Ralph \\"ilson, Peck '.\lcFarlanU, John \Ye an.' l'('dain :\lencor :'Ilia~ '"Boy, Oh Dciy" eannot help hut sympathize white liu-ht of a lift• li\·cd from with-Peter::;on. in. It iS d~stroyt•d by uny at empt to

F~nture Editor ... ···············-···-···-····-·····-··············-···························Mary llakala \Yith Cyrano di' 11l'l'g"C>-rm· after hig most inglorinu~ defeat on thl' wrestling li\"e in harmony wi~h publil.· opinion. Assistants-Hell.'n Olin·r, Kathr~~n Kdlett, .i\lary Lowney, Clara Roate mat Saturda~ aftt'rnoon. To \"klor Shanley bcll'ng the :-.poil:::! 'What :::poil::: Pubiic opinion 1s a con:->l·icn.e l1w1 et.I

.. \\'0 \nap ~·our package~ for mailing ..

Phone 107 4 East l\Iain

snrn.\Y, TE~TH i\l.\Y



Womens Sports ... . -···-···-·· ..... ....................... . ...... Dorothy Garrett ,,.1

• a~h '! b\" a S.\"ndit•ate. -Whl'l"t:> the i1hlivid11ul Assistants-l\largarct Kunkel and Sarah Barringer. i~ mer€h n ~tt,ckhohkr. Bnt the in- I I I s I I I I I • I I I I I I : • s I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..

Society Editor..... . .......... - ............. _ ........ -.......... Helen Souders \Ye four a gTt•at :::hock to the thealre-going element of lhc cnmpus whC'll dhidual ha~ .a ton:::ci,er.t~(' (~f whid1 he I I I I I I I • ' I I I 4 I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .... Assistants-Lucile '\Vestover, Betty \\i"esch, Mila rr:.umcr, Josephine is SOlL· prnprlet.ory, ."\dJU:<::lm}";! hi:s life the ultrn-m1Hl01·n Lootl~rg and the more const•rvat.i\·c TcH·nHmtors prc5e11t to his ow11 ide;;il~ i::. LhC' royal roatl tc;i J l\lieklich, !\anry Smith, Gretchen Lchrkind 1 ::Hnrge1·t Souders, Yirginia llwir ri\•;_t\ produl"lions of the $ea::wn. By their tastt>::>, ye ::::hnll know them! s1mplidty. ~\ffl'l'l~ltio11 is the 1.:onfe..:.-Speck. sion of inferiority; it i~ :--111 unne e..:.-1

Reporters-- i\lurg-arct Bowmnn, Yirgil Ilurlburt.1 Helen En~:le, Stewart . I sill'\.,. proc11rnH1tit)!1 thc1l one i~ not 1iY "·agner, Phil Ri.)herts, Sam Eagle, Hany Adam$. Hnti:.e ~lull, .i\largaret The big- popula1 tb' contos.l i:;. on agarn, prefeTcnres to be !'-tater! nt the ing-. the life ht;• plt'LcnJ~ t.o live. Gary, Lul·ile L)'tell. Louise Talmag-(>. JlC'nr~· Lund .• J1ni Halloran, Joo cle(•tion..:. next )[onda:,. 'fhe o:xLt>n .. :ion of Lime c:cntainly prcsents n Jrl£\lld I 'Sm1pl1t1ty 1s re ... ttul <:Onlempt [nr "~slteTs, J>alrida Gore, Patty Patten: Helen Brndbury, Anna Lee Johns, oppo1tumty for petsnna1 (l\et•t1onc-cung and 1'1~1te1mty eoalil1ons, samc\vhat the non-c::-s('nlial~ nf life. It is rest-I Jcannebelle Chaplin, Betsy Jal.'kSllll, Kar R1n:!rs. fay Clark, Lorraine a la Blood Hound ;::.tyl('. I ~eg hungct r:1r the 111..in-1..s-..entwl,., thnt fhompsun. Ro::-;e Stolll'i .luha 1\.~maft, Leona Ot~l\dZ, Grnte C1esap., ____ is the s_et.;re~ 01 mo.::t uf th(• d1-:.l·on­tenl str1vm!! to oubhlllt' nthet~ lha'"

Proof Reader.. . ....... . ........ -· ......... ·· .. Edward McPherson The c·omrng c.:onlt•st looh::: to n~ no longe1 a st1u)'.rg-k of Greek asramst kill~ ~implic1·y and lrnppme:-:'i. Typists .. . .. .. .. . ... ... ..... . .. . .. . · · · · ··· ... Ruth Lowe Greek but 1ather Greek al!ain..:t. Barb. But c-vcn the God~ tumhle occasion- "::\alurc. in all her ren•latiom~-.

Billie Henkel. Doroth~· Hannah, )la.ry ~hme Roberts. Lawrence 1.lalmborg, all\" seek~ to teach man the g-reatnes~ nr

IOTHERS' D.\ Y - ~L\ Y l 0th

)fog( represenLntiye of :--om· kn-e - a box of \\'llll'i>IAN'S CHOCOLATES fDl' i>Iother

The Bungalow ~ina Davis. Atay Burkart. · · simplicity. Health is bd the livini? of a phy~i al life in harmony with a fow 1 I I 1 · I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I o • I I I 1 I r · r t 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 r 1 1 1 • 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 r 1

.Juddng hy the ev1.mt~ of the coming- \H'ek. il seem~ thnt the !';tmlentg at si1nnlt'. cll"arly ddinctl lnw~. ~imple Jea:;L need no sup0rvi~i1..1n or cocrcjon into partil'i11~1tion in al'tidtics. food. simple €·xen•b(', :-:.imp}C' precau- ~~"'U..~~~~"--"-~'--""-"'-"--""-~'--"'-"-"-"-~""-"-~"'-'-"'-"--"-"--'~

Circulation Manager ......... ·····················-·····························-········ ... .Jack Erkkila tion:- will work wornler~. Rut mnn a Assistants-Rudolph Stokan, Edward Huestis ttrow ti1" I lf the i::.i ll th'ng,_ he

C · QuQting Dol ::me! Fuzzy: '"r\ word to the wis.e is suffil.'ient.'" s. r { · llll <:!

1 • •• ~

Business Staff

Advertising Manager .... ................................. . .......... Frank eserani yields to l'.<ub'le temptations in C'atinc: Assistants-Richard Slattery, Robert Crossthwnite, Howard Olson, and drinking-'. listen~ to hi::. palati..• in-Ralph Hosig, Glenn Frisbe, Parham Ilarker

1 Cynthia Hopkins. (Us Eng:incers don't neC'd no English, and ns . \ ~s spenk only Pig Latin). :::lead of to l\aturl•,-nnd he suffer,,;;;.

Business Assistant-··· ··········-····-········· .James Waters He i:$ tlwn led into intimate acquaint- H.B. McCAY Courier Print <Y~ Bozeman, Mont.


The date set for the general elections lo decide the members of the Student Senate for next ;-ear is next 1\Ionday, :i\Iay -i. Need­less to sa;· it is the duty of eYery :llontana State College student to ca~t hi ballot at these elections. The efficiency of next year's go\·erning body will depend upon the type of members "·hich we selecL At some of the preYious elections held this year only a small percentage of the students ,·oted. This is indeed unfor­tunate. :i\Iost of the complaining that "things aren't right" and ·'a few politicians run the school .. comes from these people that don't e\·en take enough interest lo \isit the poles on election clay. Every one of us should decide for himself the most eligible and capable candidate for each position. Fraternity political aliances are regretahle to sa;· the least. We belieYe in Yo(ing for the indiYidual not for his affiliations. .:IIay the best man \\in!

DIXON'S Paint Shop

Ellen Theatre News Stand '.llrs. l'\ina Cutting

Periodicals, Tobaccos, Confe<:­tionary, Ko\·e1ties, Box Candy, and up-to-date mechandise.

Creamy Root Beer


BOZEMAN MEAT MARKET We Specialize in the Best of Dressed Meats, Poultry

and Fish I We Cater to Fraternities a,nd Sororities I

Phone 167 435 E. Main "'-~~~~


For Dry Cleaning CALL


GALLA TIN LAUNDRY "Expert Dry Cleaners"

tll I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111


Pre·Election ))op{' an('e "ith chspep<:.1a. and he sits hkC' I a child at his own bounteous table.

Presidential C'ondidntes: -fon•ed lo hm1t hi" cml11Hr to simple I John C'oey: ;\lerely lhe Pi Phi hom::.eboy, but sllOuld be nhle to handle food that he sc-orned 11

nny situation with great diploma1.:y. )lax Wonhington: The man the women prefer. \\"ho said lhe womenis L.\.)lBO \ Plll SELECTS Pl.1EDGES

\"Ole didn't l'OUnt? ~

H .\RDW.\IlE


At a meeting- of [ amhdu Phi Kappa. ~ Ha1 Bolill!!l'l": . .\n onranizC'r of Yigilante dance~ and well trained in indoor secre- arial h•worary fraternity. Ja~t ~~'-'-"'-"'''-"""-'""'-''-~''-'""-"'-"'-""-'"'--""-"'-'-~~'~~"""-~"'-~""-~

sports . \\" ednesday eYenin!!'. April 2::!. Ii Ye new ::.=-::.::.::.::.=...::-::-=-=-==.:....::===~===========;;:::::::==~~ \ ·icc-Presidenl. ahen1: -pledge::: wt·re sel<:'1.:ted: .Jo :'-.Iiklieh. ~-- '5a' - ....,~~~~~---=----~·----

Ih-len Olin;•r: The girl who is diffenmt-? Yirg-inia Xel~on, Bil'.ie Henkel, Bettv ' )lc~eil anti :\larv Lowney. The new f

Gcnrge Graham: ? \Yl"' a:-.k you? members will h<•.initiatc<.f ;\fa~· I, and Clara Roat· Th<' power bl'hind the throne! fol1nwing- t.he initiation a dinnl'r will f OLIVER-STOUT IMPLEMENT CO. be hel<l nt Gilker~on':::- Cafeteria. '

--------------- (me the gl•olog-ico1l suney. What i~ that'! 1\0T!CE 6

!Welers By

Centi and Milli

Dear Centi and 1'1illi: "What nw.,ie Dr. Kirk give out ..:ows

as prizes at the h.. D. party ..:\..nxiou::1Jy,

::.;ii;urn \\"cnaas. DC'ar Sig:

He must ha\'C run out of bull. Tenderly,

Cl.-'nti and :'ililli.

Dear Centi and Milli: How c:an I preu,ml my lip rouge

f1 om wearing otf '! Que~iionally,

Betty .lk!'\cil. Dear Belt\·:

Hano> ~·Ou C\"er triL~d ent.ing- onions'! Soothingly1

L'cnli aml )lilli.

Dear Centi and i\Iilli: ""hat's the differcn~e between

humor und scarc:at'm Yoursi

":\lax \\'orthington. Dear .J1ax.:

Ohl pal, th1:.< only dirfcrcncc bctwean humol' and searcasm is that. the hum­ortst talk~ aboui someone who is.1 't r resent.

Sweetly, Centi and :1\ lilli.

Dear Centi and l\1illi: llow did Joe llnzen win his wrcst1-

ine: match? "With lo\·c ,

Harry Adams. Dl'al" Adam::.:

~Il'ncer's no~e must luwc gotten in lhe way-or else hi::: feet .

Alwavs C'entf ~nd l\Ii lli.

Dear C'enti an<l l\lilli: \\rhai did ?lll:lrk Anthony say to

Cleo1.a'ia when hC' found out she had no bathrooms in her palace?

Doubtfully, Fl'ank Cesc1·1:wl.

Dem· Cese: Why, Cleo, how uncanny!

1\fodcstly, CcnLi and

Dear Centi und Milli:


What am l to <lo? l\ly g-irl is mad at me and Rays she i::. going- to give


Paul Winner. Senior cl:rns ml'eti ng " ·e-d nes · l Paints and J\.alsonline Oea1· Paul: day .. \pr i l ~~l. at 3 :00 o'clock, in

A g-coloi.ricnl ~Ur\"ey is what's i.:om lhc little th eH tre. .\ll hus in es...-.; monly known <Als fl

111'..et •,:1t1o1 ~.",·,',' ... ,~.lurc. fnr the year "ill he compli .. •ted at 1

' Phone 182 26 ,Y. l\lain - .- .. this meet inJ!'. and full attcntlance

Centi nnd ~Iilli. is req uired. ! __ ~--~~~~~~ _ 1&1& - - _

Dca1· Centi and 7\ l illi: Is there :\ll\' difference between

your swimming. and skntin_g- ·~ Sweetly,

Gretchen Lehrkind. Dear Grrt hen:

Yes, when we swinl touch bottom.

we sel,tom

Affol'tionalely, Centi nnd ":\Ii11i.



ginin \Yarncl'j Fans.; duke, James Gannaway.

(C'-0nt.inued from Pn<!e One) I Puhlil'ity: Georµ-c Ilarl and '\Yallal.e

Uarril\". .ArrUnJ!eml·nts Lyall H ou::-;e, Billie

Henkel and Erie BlRnnin. I :\Iu~il': \"h iennc Boulware. Entertainmt•nt: ('Jara Roal, i\Iary

Hakala. :,\1arµ.arl't Souders, Mary F. Spain. llen''Y T.und, .Jack Coe)-', Robert O'Bril'n and liarrv .\ dams.

Rl•tdstration: ·Arthur Buckle·;, Armin HHL Parnham lla ker, KcnneiJ. Dyer. Dorothy Pnrizck, Mary ].Alwney, Doi is Kuhns ai;ll Tiarrietlc Lewi.s.

Puvcan•: Jlelcn Olivc1-, Jiarg:arct Rowe, l~udolph Stokan and C'hct Huntley.

Secretaric•s: Lucy nowmnn, Alla Gordon, Ebba Yotmp.- 1 :Jo l\ l ik!it•h nnd Belly Brain.

One of tili latest book!'i is a bio· :rraphr of Al Capone. A ·'Self )lane" man. wrillC'n bv Fred n. Pa~l<.'Y. Chi<'atro iww~pa]lC'r 1·epo1ier. ·

llll tl l UI Ul l! I Ul lll il l ll l l ll l ll l ll l l U IU !l l l l ll l ll lUUl 11 11 1 I I ~ ;

~ For That ~ ~ ;

I SMART HAIRCUT i ; Come to the "

i HOTEL BAXTER I i ~ BARBER SHOP --tff I I l l1 t l1 111 1Hl ll l ll l l! l l 1 11 1 1\ l l ll ll l U I U l !l l ll l ll l l ll ll l ll l ll l U IU~


"Test it I " the v·vatchvvord of an industry

Hotel Baxter Fountain Room

The Bell System-whose plant cost more than $-+,000,000,000 nnd is still gro\\'ing-offers wide opportunity to the man of engineering bent. Here he has ample scope for testing new ideas, not only in telephone apparatus devel­opment but also in manufacture, construction, installation, maintenance and operation.

No matte r 11 hat his particular bmnch of engineering-electrical, mechanical, civil, in-

dustrial, chemirnl- his tr:nnmg stands him in good stead. For "telephone engineering" calls for the broad engineering point of view as well as sreciah<:.ation.

Basic technical kno11 ledge, an appreciation of economic factors and the ability to coopt'r­ate are some of things that count in Dell Si >tem engineeri!1~. For men of this stamp, t11e oppor11111ity is tlure ! The Home of



1fi,) ~


Page 3: T AKE IT FROM ME AT ELL EN THE ATER - …arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-022-28-001-004.pdf · "T AKE IT FROM ME" IN FIRST SH OWI Nfi ... aay and tonig11L should nn

8[)( L\J. ('\ LEXD.\R

Tue & W1·d .• \pr 2H-2~ Loot how. April 2!.J, ;;o, .:\lay 1. 2-Jfi~h ~chool

Fr~\-~·~~d .:\Jou., .:\Jay 1-·1 Tormentors' play.

TulS, .\ lay :; PanheUcn1c dmm:r. )Jay 7-X ::ilocknu.:n' cou\'cntion. . )foy I'( ")l'' c lub du.me, Ag Cluo


11.t.He~ Ed Howar<l .Jr., were Sun­uay dinner gLest~ at lhe h...appa Sigma hou~e .

An exchange dinner was held with the Alpha Omicron Pi .:;ororit)·, April l\). Tnl' guests at the Kappa ~igma hou~ were the ;\lbse:' Beth Griffith. Dot;!i Kuhns, Dorothy Hanson, ?earl HirF-h, Dorothy Ford, and :\Iary Lyman.

)L\. "RI. E SCHlH lt,LD Dll:,S ~igma, and an act;ve \\'•rker 01 the !.Iontanan.

.Jack Erkkila, circulation manag·H ::\laurine :::.chofield, founer .:\iom.anJ of tht> 2\lontanan an,j Franklin Dcwev. !:::illi.e L-0!1egc stutJ~rt, u1ell a:. a 1e- E:ditor-\n-chief of tht :.\lon:~nan. a;~ :-.ult. c,1 a h~art atta...:11'., ~atuntay, April 1 conte~tar.ts in the rate for LOmmis-lb, at lr1em11ve, )J.on. . sioner of p1.:hlil'a.ion~.

.Hi:;!') :::ichoheld a1.ten<led )lontana I There a! e four nominee ... for com­Statc the winter and spring quarter:;;

1 mis~ioner of athletLs and the race for ot. la~t. year, an<l the tall quarter ~f I thi:-> posi' ion \Vill undoubtedly be one tm::; year. Attcr the cnnstmas ~C?h- of the clo~est ontes•:-;, Bob LonJ?, jun-Sig-ma (hi. days sne al'c~ptell ~ ~eac.:hm,g 1~s1t1on ior class p! csidcnt and a k·tterman in .londay dinner gues~s at the Sigma at GlendiYe, wnere ::one was residing at foo~ball, Yic O'Leary, ,·arsitY full­Chi house \\Cle- ::\lr:-.. Rowe , .Mr ... . the time 01 the tra!.!edy .. \frss ._ho- back, Austin DeFrate. footbali letter· Hazen, Ted Rowe and Frank Ball, all tie.cl w~::; a popular and prominent co- man and a member of Les Bufion~ of Butte. led clunng her attendance a~ Jt. S. C. and Ra\· Buzzdti, Bobcat bn:<.kethull ltai.ncl', and ::\lrs. Bia kman. The fol- ::\Ir. and ::\Irs. R. E. Brown, Laura ~he wa...s aftillated. with thf! Alpha forward and president of ")!"' Club, Jowin~ were the gues.::;: )laicella and )farjorie Brown, ::\lr. and .:\Irs. G.amma Del_ta ~oronty .. and was a will tontest for the student Yote in Lttth .. ·JJeld, Laura HunineJ Ruth lJu<l- Dc.•w('y Street and Prof. ::\I. H. Spaul- member OI r ... uro;.1elphmn, honorary I thh• office. lcy, H.ut.i \\'uodwan.I, 11.;arl Hansen, ding wen: dinner guests ~unday. 1itera1·y society. Chet Huntley and Armin Hill are H.ouen. U'Brian. Herbel t L:wi~ler, G0u. P

1: of. Fr~,je~·iL1 k. Scheuch off S :\lb- ~OTlCE SPL~RS c~tndi<l~tes for ro.mmissioner of (i,unenfrltter, .c.<lwaro Fullcr

1 \ einun ::<' u a, pr ivmc1a m:spet.:lor o . ig-ma forensh s. Huntley 1!' a member of .\tay, Rubert Sctlabarker. Cardell C..hi. \\a" a :...'"test the pa:s.t Wt..>ek encl I ;\JeeL ng of all alumnae and Pi Kappa Della and is sports editQr I:.:nrooth

1 Carl \\all, .Joseph Hazen, at the Sigma Chi hom~e. actl\c 81. ur!:i Tu l:..-;da) .lt 3:30 p. o~ 1 ~l' Exponent stalf. Hill won the \\ ayne \\ hitcamck, Altre<l :S\\an~on, --- m lm i;.ortant-relatl\e to l n. ... tal- d1f;tr1t~ ext~mror~ncous debate cory~ Kenneth r rcese, lit:m y ;::,co\ 11, Byrne .\lpha Gan.1 ma Rho. I all on of .\h~soul a. it.·:-~ hdd b\ fi h.appa Delta, and I~ 1 hrailkill Eric lilanntn \\ ilfi c<l Alpha Gamma Rho announces the a~s1stant editor of the Exponen!. ,. cl:tn(re. I) ·It· T .... ·II· r . A u Shock It:) ' E\Cl<:lt h.t?j e:.,' Llarelll:t! pll'd.!!mg- of Tom Courner of Li\ mg-I COI'\ \' E!\jTJON OF ~IOi\T AN.\ .J .. immy Q\•tn~. \"elcran. of many .,.a_, ._t <: a au in. ta a wn, ·. · ' • . , ~ ston . S'fO('l"'lE"' \"IL L lCtl'r and Tormentor ~tagc produc-l 1 Jl ng- part.Yi Lh 1 Umeg-a spring lcnnell, R.o~en ;\tcB.G~01111 Uee luwnc, .\It. Glen O'Xe1l of "·1~dom was a ~ \.n .1...: ., L BE HELD tion~ and Alber· Pettibone I oot prop-. t JI .. lluo1e 'lico, Joe arnsun, terson I . . · I IN BOZE')•"" '1 'Y' 8 AN'D 9 ., · · · .11~:1 ). Glc·<! Club C\')n<"C'tt in m 1 1uttlc Alton :\kJ.lhatt~m, Jun lla1- gue;st oi Alp_ha Gamma Rho last \\ e<- '.J l.' ru." lf • ..,. c tv manag-c:·. ~re. nommc·e.rs for ~he

Hamilton Hall. J:\.atn~rn Bohart \\~b g-1\'E::n hrst 1n1z~ .Alt1ha Gamma Rh~ h_c-ld formal m- (C ont1nued from p 0 ) ::\Iars_"arct. Souders. llerh(.:rt Denlcr · h t 1tiat1on Sunday, Apnl 26, for .Joseph age ne and S1·.- \\ enaas arc cand1<late~ for


..,..,._.JYov.~.~ • ..,._.._._.._~,~-~-~-~-v-v~~~,~-.-.•A·~·~·~·~· ............... ._,..._.._..,._._...._.............._ ............... ~..._.._..._.,,_ ~

CLASSIC BARBER ANO BEAUTY SHOP Fine Hair Cutti ng is Our Business



lllrs. Francis Baker, Operator .........-...._.._._......,._,.._._ .J"l.o ......... • • .._._........._~w····-.. ~-- ..... 1111111111I111 I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I IC I I II I Ii U 11111111111


ORTON BROS. Come in and hear your favorite piece )Ja) 11

g) loran '.Jetl .\fa. thcnb, Jlolga1 Carbon nl'"'day c\ enmg-. -- I rffice of comm1~s1oner of dramatic~. U<•\·~·rly Bo\\ man Y.as the \\:ednc~- ior tnc tu~g e~t .co~ ume. . . . Cummrng~ o( ·Ll\mc::::;:~on. an? 1~ I g:et home befo1e dark I'll l'ommi!'s.ionei· or music. · day. dwner guest of lJorotny .Krug-er. . Rutlt Bi~dou:). a~·<l· ~o~ot~) )lillet )lr. :\lilton \"oelker of Kalispell was ha~.e .u,,hclp the ::\lissus plant her Bet"i Pore. ineumbent. Bcttv Brain ( .. .._._ .. _._._.._ .. _....._._._.._ .. _._._._.._.._ •• .._,.._._.._.._,.._._._._.._._._._._ .. _._._._.._ ••• .....,.... •• _._.._..,._ • .-..-..-. r .. n t..ll }'l'lc1::un \\·a~ the \\ t.~nc::::- \\ent t~ .\\ illo\\ CrefJk .Enda:, ... db .. a dinnc~ guest ~unday. ga1~icn... . 'I ?nd :\lila Tanner are nomin'ees for :\• FLANNEL PANT s ~I

chy dmncr f,,'1l<:St Lof \ 1argare:t Kittel- Sum1a\, Ruth and Helem tsia U1 ~, J 1111: Herc- she be Tht.1rsday evenm . . f . 1 ff . • .·i~n. · · Jlekn A~lb~ycht, ~nd .Josephine Davis Beta Epsilon. ~hey arc haviryg a c:o~cett, ~ho.us sing- 01~~~~-1~~cnB~ic~le~rt~~d U,,,.o;~~ · Burk-JJamilt()n Hall had its April formal went to \\ illow Creek. )liss Atlone Crane and ::\lis:-; Leona 1nna~'t.1 t,ap 1dancmhJ!, ~umbhng- ana. gyn~- hart will nntest ·for commiss.ioncr of > dinnt.:r \\'et..11cRJay evening. The pre~- Carl~ were Sunday dinner p·ucsts of :-- .·:· ... out s O\\ (w_hate\•er m heil demonstrations. BuC'klev is an ex- > For i::iport wear in grey, tan a nd fancy tripes at

idc.·nts uf the tratcrnitics weie the (hi Omega. IBe'a Epsilon that 1~) and some .boxing an~ wresll- Dukr of FanO'~ and Burkhar~ is a. 1 guest". 1 he.· guest \\C:c: )lax :worth- .\liss Laird, )liss Waq-ner'. an~ :\l~s: .Joe K~nnc: graduate of '29, was a in~. Then on Friday morn111J? they meml~r>r of Bet~ Epsilon fraternity. ~ $6.50 in~ton .. John lot'y, Eric Blannm, Bob Da\·1s wt e <lmner gues.ts .. of Chi Sundav ,·isitor. <!re gi\in' u~ some more music and a Philip Robcn·t~ is unoppo~ed for the ~ ~ O hricn, Hay J'urtcr, -~c.orgl' Gra~am, Omc:!a on Thtns.<iay, April 11. . i Bct.i Eps.i:on announces the pled!!- whole b~n ho' speakin' in the college f'IO~iticn or yell king-. .. i lhl·k ~lattcry an~ _\\ tl11am Corkrn. I . .\lrs. II an non _and . .:\lr .. ~n~ )~r~. ing- of Paul llarionek or Beartrcek . g~·mnasmm. At noon they're g-onna ~·· THE MEN'S ST 0 RE ~Ii ~ Hopkms v1;:,1te<l her daughter, C ool_cy were d111ne1 f.!'Ue:,ob ~unda~ Bl'ta Ep~ilon announccg thl· formal g·1ve us a barbeque lunch and while Cynlhin, ::\londay. ~.\pnl 1?: . initiation of \'incent De::\len·; nnd we eat lhey arc p!annin' on playin' 111 111• 11 111111 1u111 111 • 11 • n• 111111 11 • • •••11•n•11• • , ,, • • •' ~ li<·len llrudLury was. the .Sunday , Last J hursday. dmner guests .. at the Eldon Ennis. some more musi: and a coupla fellows ~--- FOR THE HAIRCUT ~ :\lcCRACKE~ BROS U:nncr g-uc~t of J o:-;cphme Davis. ( h1 Omeg-a hou:.c were .\u~s h .. 1111ball are g-oi.1,1 1 to 5how u::- how to drive six

1 .... ' .... . • Kathlet:n Bird \\as the Sunday din- and .\11~:' Brewer. Si~ma .\lpha Ep~ilon. hor~es . ~--- THAT SUITS YOU ·-·-·..-..-.. • .. •.-.•.•.•.•.•.•..-.•..-.. •.-..-.. -..-..-..-..-................. ..-....... _.._.. .... ...._._._..,..._._.._...,,....._.._ ••• ....._._ •• til'r g-uc:-.t. of . larjorie Bermingham. ill rs. Geur~e .Jack:-;un of Anaocnda, )lont.ana Alpha of Sigma Alpha Bill: "Read some more; she sounds Jtden AlhH·cl was the Sunday dinner wns a dinner guest of Chi Ome~a Epsilon announ(.'ecs the formal pleclg-- good ." ~ rru(>st of ::\ancy :)mi th. ~a:u. (lay e\"cning. ing' of Gay K! a\'iC of Havre. .Tim: '1In the afternoon they J?Ot ~ Grl'tchc·n Lehrkind wa~ the \\'cdnes-1 \Yinifrl..!d Brackett of Ilekna. was a )Ir. and ::\lrs. La Selle \Vorthington some more sneakin' Hned un for us ~ day dim\l'I" guest of .Julia Knap. 1 J.!Ue~t at. the Chi Umegoa house over and son of Billings. :\tr. and ::\frs. G. and in the e\•enin' it sa~·s a dance in ~---;-Anna l.kc .John~ hall Patty Patten the week end. ):. !:'hort of Butte. and )lrs. G. "~. the g-ym. The Old Lady's kinda wor-f(1r hc1· <l1~rn<.>r gi.;(•st Thur~day eve- Robbie of :.\Ii~Sl)Ula were Sunda~· din- r:ed about that dance becau~e since ninJ.!. Pi net:.1 Phi. ner gue~ts at the Sigma A1i1 ha :"he seen that red-headed school mam FlorMwe Lfoyc.l was the 1\"edncsday l"'i Beta Phi announces the ple<lg- Epsilon hou~e. wink at me and me a winkin' back ~ dinner gu<.·st of \"iolet Tn·nue. inl? of Rae Aneteney, of Bozeman. she don't tI'US~ me anymore. This ;


PARK Barber Shop

11 E. Main 'Ir. and :.\lr . . Paulson of Casl'ade, Rae .\nceney was a dinner guest on De lta Tau. dances e-ives her a lot a worrv too be- ; \isit<•d thefr daughter, ::\taxine. Sun- "~etlne:::d•!Y e\·ening. . Dinnel' g-uests of Delta Tau Wed- rause all them colleg-e dames 3.re goin'1·· • 1· • • • 111 11. 111111 1n111 • 11u111• ·11 111111111111•1111 11111111 1111111·• (tl\". _ ~Irs. I· red Ro:,~c of Bu~ e, wa~ n nc:-.day nittht were Dr. R. E. \Vall and to be there. On Saturda\· thev are Sunilav di11ner cue~t~ of ).larsrnrct \'ls:tor at the P1 Bda Phi house on p 1·of. ·H. E. ::\forris. f'iYin' us a lot more talks 01{ stuff ""ilson, :rulia Knalf. Roberta Rehimcr. ::\lot~day. . . - . I Sunda\· dinner guests of Delta Tau both you and r reallv ought to know: IB §ii§§§§§~~ )larioric \rilliam~ \\.er c Homer \\ ed~(.'.~day e'·~nmg, Apr1_l lo, P1 were Prcif. n.nd :'\Ir"-. .T. A. Thaler, :\Ir. ~eems like anybody -in the west '""ho I Lan;hdin, Edwnrd .\f. Pher:son, KC'n- Bc.·ta I~t enterta1.ned .~t _a <lm;:er for rind >r.-~. Fred F. \Villson. )lbs A\"i: knows anythinc:: about stock is e ither A Few Left ncth Eliason. :\erh Cros:-.man. Vir~il 11>,hot

1 •• he1s and palloncsse:s o{ 11 Beta Semard and :\fr. Sidney l\LArtht:r. a fizurin' or ta lkin' or listenin' to thi~ I Hurlhu1t. and Kay \"aughn. com·ention. Dog-gone Bill I'd sure like COLLEGE SEAL PINS lOc Omega Bela. to help you brand them calves but-." Values to $1.00 h.at·pa Delta. \ lpha Gamma Delta. Omega Beta announce5 the pledg- Bill: "To hell with the calves, I'm I SN·oncl dN.:-n•e wa~ helil for Dorothy Alpha Gamma Delta etertained nt inl'.?' of Arlie :\farkley of Billinl!s. i;!'C'nto tell the ::\lissu~ to pack her duds Sterling E .. 'ye. Rapel.i<- .. Jo~ephine D:l\'i1'. . .\Tinn<'- a formal dinner Thur~Jay. T~e guests Omef!a Beta held formal initiation and g-l't reach:- for a trip to this here I auoli.;;, and ::\lontana Yeg-as, Great were: Dean anc.J ::\l~·s. Ham1!!on, Dr. ~aturday nit!ht for Gilbeti Lowe of ronYention myself. The calve:s 'll keep If you wish one-Hurry I Fal'~. Sunda\· mcrnin!! at ten o'l'lock. Glady~. Brane.l'.!an, i\h~s Rue\ an Horn Lima, ailCl Robert H oadley of Boze- till I get hack. 11

April 2;;, Kappa llt>lta entertained and _1I1~s Olga Carl~on . . . I man. ------- I Leslie E. Gag'e nt a "hard time"" partv at Ga'latin 3115, Frances Pete1-,on was a v1sitor \\'INTER HONOR ROLL I I Gatowa\". Tho i'ecorations were in at the Alpha Gamma Delta hou'° Pi Kanva \li>ha. SHOWS U 4 PLACINGS Optometrist and Mfg. Optician h·eping. with the theme of the party. ~londay. Fred 1lills returned Friday from Broken Lenses Replaced the The c.·hnoe'"om·:- WC'l'C' Dr. and ;\!rg, Butte. Same Day Kirk. Mr. and :\Ir~ .. Joe Lh·ers, ).Ii:-;::. .\lt:.·ha Omicron Pi. (Continued from r~g-e One) )Ir. and :\1rs. \Viniers. visited their Pledg of Sororities 20 . Black Ave. Phone 8 12-J






Tickets Procurable at Box Office

i~I daughter, 3Iarirnret, this week end. XOTlCE Alpha Gamma Delta 76.441 '"'tii:::i~~i["]l[:J~~ii:=ZI' Alpha Omkron Pi held an exchange (hi Ome,za 7,'J.741 f1i:jji JI § g::;:rq I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Iii dinner Thurscla\', April 16, with Kappa \l~:1hl~ na~:1hec~t~h~\\ 1~fth!~ea ~. :~;. Pi Beta Phi 7L-t:3 ~i~1i~~'. and Tl;ursday. April 23, with I ~~~~~n ~~.~~ fT tJ~ n~~~fT u~ti~~~ 1~{i Ka1>pa Delta 68.857

·· HO;"\"OR ROl,L \ migo. r ea r book will be limited to p rob- This li!-.t does not include post Dinner g-uests of Amigo Sunday ;lbl:o.• :3;) memhers. Any s turlent ?"raduate students. were: Ethel Hi<.· ks. J<.'nn Cloer. Ra lph '"" ho \\ ishcs to be amon~ that Tl•rce Points Pe r Credit (..-\ Flush) Hodge and Bob Cullinan who motored• numher nill pka$e hand a written Grace Anderson, Paul Carpenkr, ('\'(". from H elena . application, statin ~ in what ~· - Thl·odore Chacloock, }lary Dye, Da\·id Amhro announ:e~ the plecle-ing of tic n vou wouid like to work and Free~e. ::\Ia•ie Hakala . J ohn Haggerty. I al·r;· Fi·anks.· ,·ind '·Du·ch" Flemming am e.:\.perienc<.' \'C•u mav have had, ['I II . gt '! '1 H

Haircuts Q



to ·th!' :\l ontan:.ln office or to me. · orenl'e arnn on, n rs. ri ary en-,.am•••••••••llll•ll! l 0f Pop1ar. :\!Qnlana. man . A1min Hill, Kathryn Kellett, 1!111 f An cxchanJ?C:' dinner was held with I \\ill appreciate r ecei\-intr these Vrs. Frances :\!orris, Jane ~Iurdock,


April 29-May 5

WED. and THl'RS. Robert .Montgomery


with Anita Page, June \Va lker

Zasu Pitte, J\Iarie Pre\'Ost

FRIDAY and SATURDAY l\Iarr Pickford in


COM ING S NDA Y Adolphe l\Ienjou in "FRO "I' PAGE''

:\lrha Omitron Pi \Ycdne::;:day eve- ap1~licaticns b(.fore )fay 12· Elwyn \\'lti"e, )!ary \\-iirner. nine-. Guests were: Elizabeth Pope. John P. Parker. 2.75-2.99 Points Per Cred it \tarie Hakala . Edith .Johnson, Glady$. Editor c f 1932 )Jontanan. Gail Fi::-ke A\·ery

1 ).furie l Bennie, El1i(' .. t, Vh·ienne Boulware and Peggy Constance Brewer. Nina Davi.:. Frank-Scott. FLIES DISU KE YE!,J.011' LIGHT Jin Dewey, ~la ry Doh i, Sa n; Eagle, ninner g-uest~ Sundav . Anril 19. Philio E::-rnnn, :\[ary Hamil ton . Donald \•·ere: ).[r. and \lrs. E. R . Dye and Xew York-(JP)-That the common ).I. Elliott . .Jean ::\lil ler. Luc-ile ::Xelson, )fr. and )[rs. Eri:- Therkelson. house fly has a pref. :ence for white C'a1·J Pcteison, Doris Pluml ee. Elmer light, and that he will not go near a Rothfl::-:. Arthur Seiler . .Joe \\'al ter::-

1 '\:'•,...~•-:\ Sig-ma. roo:n where there is a yellow light, .Jack \\\~·lier. \Yalter 'Williams. Delta I ambla of Kannn. Rizma an- has been dbco,·c1ed by scientists. 2.:>-2.7:> Pojnt"i Per Credit nn11n"f'~ the plC'<le:ing of LeRoy Sand s A firm of jam. manufaciur_rs in Elwin Amfrk, Eric Blannin Horace o'" B~l;ndlle. England first not1::ed the fact when B0lster . . John Bonner. Elmer· Bowlen. .Jack Purdum. Ted Ander~n. Elbert I they found that flies, attracted to a E::-ther Bowman, Lee Cammatk, ! O<'m where jam was stored . stayed Stuart lhallende1·, ).Iargaret Choate, -. outsi<..!e the room in the rorri~lor when Roderick Cowles. Earl Doney, Robert ~-. y· llow panes were plac<-d in the room's Erb Ed\Yard Fisher, Katheri ne Fishe1-, g windows. and that when yellow glass ('eeil Farris )hnion Foster. \Vallace

u THE MODERN was put in the onidors, the flies left Frat?kC', C'urti~ Hanson. P earl Hirsh. .ti altogether. (\·n!hia Hopkins. H ilda John~on. --------- RobC'rt Kierstead. ,Julia Knaff Pnul Patronize Our Advertisers Koetitz, :-.lathaniel Kutzman ' Carl

CLEANERS Lnr~on, Fred liquin , Ruth 1

Lowe, Thoma~ :\farshall. David Mason, \\'il-1;am MeKay. William Nelson, .Tohn Pone. Ren Ra~koof. Fe .. n Rilev. 40 W. Main



Hats Cleaned and Blocked


• AND the dullness is per­

manently knitted in .. . with

Kayse r's awn genuine full

Sansheen' twist. It's this

twist which makes San­

sheen· clearer, stronger,

sheerer, duller than ordi­

nary hosie ry.

It's this twist which makes

Sansheen' wear longer

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Ask for genuine San­

sheen' by Kayser .•. with

the graceful Slendo .. Heel.


Arthur Rober 1 s. Rudolnh R o\'. )!eh-in ~rhn(>ider. Hr>ll~n Schultz,· EdYthe Sime Keith Sime. Benjamin Slaril!'er. ;\fal rl Smith. \Varren Smith. :\far\' 'T';n·Icr. Bertha Yan H orne. Kathlee~ V:uwhn. Stanle\T Voelker. Arthur \\~an!. :\0111 Wd h Rnhert \YC'lls, Paul

I \\..<'naa~. Geral·1 \Yentworth, A,·mand I ·w11ite.

I 2.25-2. t99 Points P E> r C'redif '\\.jJlirim Anrierson. Yictor Bauer.

Earl Bjork . Katherine B0hart, Dadd Bl'ewer. f'aroline CocYinrne, Rerthn C'<1ok, Graci? f're~ao. C'a ... olyn Delaney. Duane Dug-an, .\1a ry Dwyer, Freda Ehrlich. ~larjoric Foote. Elizabeth Fransham, Glenn Frisbie. Alta Gor­don, John Grierson, Ben Hirano. F'rank Holl~~. Norma n Hovey, Edwin Lassettre. Dorothy Lyman, Al ton :.\lc­Ilhattan. A t nold )l ikhell , Kenneth ::\loore, B n:<·c )Juli, Gordon l\lullen­clore. Ha rold )furdock, \V illiam l\lur­rills, ''tayne ~orman . John Xye, Tt~rcsa O'Donnell, Ruth 0:5bo1,1e. Ernest Parkin, -Dorothv Poindexter, George Roes, ).lildrecl Ri ..:hard, \Ya1cl Rightmire, Ernc:::t Roeseler, Roy Rydell, 3lan· Sande, Jo,eph Schuler. Elizabeth Seitz , \Villiam Smith, .Joseph Sonntao· Alice Taylor, .A g-nes Van Oosten. StoC'kt-0 11 \'ca~ey, ,James Waters. Eldred Watts, Paul Weber, :\Iaxine \\'hit· om b, \Yill iam \\'in­detker, Paul ""inner, Ebba Young, James Young.

\\'. IL ~lcCall, regi,trar.


(('ontinued from Page One)

Come and Congratulate Our Ten New Pledges .,.rode Mark

*'Trod• Mork Reg.

Eric Blannin . • James Gannawa)~ a nd Grorj!e Gruenfelde1· arc nominees for commisir>ner of finance. Blannin is pre!-.ident of Omc.z~1 Be•a fraternity and prominent in Fane-s. Gannaway. and Ami.l!O, is prrsent Duke of F angs. George G1unenfelder is a Kappa

LJcensee under Pat. No. 1,111,658

Every Paekage now a

Humidor CARRIZOZO, N. M., now gets

Camels in as prime condi tion

a s Winston-Salem, the ciga1·elle

capital of the world. Camels

that leaYe our factory are now

wrapped in moisllu·e·proof, air·

tight Cellophane which ac ts as a

humiclo1· ancl keeps the natm·al

moistu1·e in.

Peppery tobacco cl ust ancl

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a1·e what s ting the tongue and

burn the throat. Thanks to our

patented 'acuum cleaning ap·

paratus ancl the new Humidor

Pack everybody, everywhere,

can enjoy the Camel blend of

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Domestic tobaccos in prime,

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Switch to Camels today

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R. J. REY 'OLDS TOB \ CCO CO. W i1uton-S"lem , i, .. C.


!?) 1931, R . J . ReJtloldt Tobuco C .. 1paay

k eep., LhC" clu ... t nnd gt•rnt-­out and k c(•ps lhc fl ::n:or in .

Page 4: T AKE IT FROM ME AT ELL EN THE ATER - …arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-022-28-001-004.pdf · "T AKE IT FROM ME" IN FIRST SH OWI Nfi ... aay and tonig11L should nn


INTR~MURAL BASEBALL SERIES BEfilNS 'SPRING FOOTBALL . , ~- ·\~ii~iig~l~~,~~~:~i~~y THIS. THURSDAY AFTERNOON AT 5 O'CLOCK! .. ,.'..nl.ISES Willi t.iAMES :-; '" \lrha 1·:1»ilvn \\Oil the in-tra111u1al \\rt'~ lini..:: llll'l't by :llllH'~lllJ.!°

a total l'f :!~t poittt~. Kappa ~i~nH\ wa;-; H '" ,.u• 11 '-''- 11.:\.! 1.:uu1..:u. ... a dt'"'l' :-l:,,,ond with :!1; po111t=- and ·•e." ...... H. ......... H .... ,, \• a• 1 o.. ..... ;:-. 1 ma 1 'hi third with l 1.

....... ~"'-'"" 1'; .... 1.:-i .,.._.i,, .. ,u.,, ............ • •' I T ll' 1nat.. hl'S Wl'l'C hnrd fought and. ..... ..._ ''"'e:. .~ .... ,. ....... H.v, ...... v .. u, 1.lo l' 'l'hc tinal round W3:i iun oft ...... . ....... .._.ui.u• ··• ... "'l''- .......... • "I :--a unlay nigh 1 l.11.:1011.• 1~uitl' an l'll \\'inn1.·r of he iorthcomini:=, ,1tru- da.•, .)lay ti,:; o'dock; dwil·t.• of other ......... " .... b '"" _1.__ 1·""' "''° 0

"' .... thu:-;iu:-.llt.° ciow<l ti( mnt inns. murn ba.c;;t"'ball mcl'l "JI bl' prt•:-;cHt:d fit·ld~. 11· I :~::·'.: .. ~: • ~L .. c u..: ..... c1.u .\, ''""• with 3. trophy b, l>c.1n_IlauS('tr.an, (1:!1 r. K. ~\. YS. ~- L ... c1_1w:-- ~ .,. SENIORS FROSH 111 o1mm nt He Z<' 1rnn bu: in ·:-~ m~n. <lay• .Hay ti. ;, o t·1oc.:k: \ ;.u·~ny ueld ..... ~· .... ::~~·,' '-~:: •. :111,:u u,\ ~ :,~:1~ .. : ~J.~·;:~~ .. : ·~ ~ -

Hauseman and ;\lcCall Offer Cu1> to ( hampion~hip Nine


\Y onwr's d "It• :'l'<bllll i!' und1 way. with u\"t:'r 7\l .. o-t.•ils part id, at ml-! \lan,- n•tl•ran l'hots are \n\1·k a' l}h.' rung~" and alTonliug- l•J Lu:u l\ nant .ltlt'k'F>oll thl· frt•:-.hman w11nwn art• t'X· hihiting' t•xt·t•ll1..•nt. ahilit)·.

E\i1nin;1t:1111 will lw lw'd thb. Wl•1•k .n which all candidates who haq• n 11

J l'Olllisini: ahiLL\ '~ill bC'C' Jl'OJll' .,J. .\fll·t• 'hi~ 1•1Jrni1111lwn mnl'l' tllllt' :m 1 Jn.:_tna~i11n ,,iJI hl' t·1rnl't·ntratt..•I u.•(l t'w 1 an1!;dall·~ who hD\t..• S'''own "l :..n•atPr 111..·l!°~t·t' of ahility. · Cnndidatt·s :ll t' un.!"l'd to ht· pronq1t for ~ho11ting-. arnl l11 ht• ~ltl"l' ·11 h_r:n.' •iwir clollar :nnmunit:on 1h-po~1t 1r tht•y h:t\'l' not alr .. ·ady dnnt• ~o.

(;[HL SCOL'T~ TR \ {:\[:\(; l'Olll{~E JS CO~IPLETED Thl' tlt.'duc opcng h Q wcl'k ~llld m- ( J . .J H. J·:. \s, Am1.i:o. fhursday, ~-

crc>-.t i:-. ru ntn h h i.\S lo thl' out .:'II•,•)11-." "h.".~l'.IO\~.·.l •. ;.1.·,;~.l·)··1:'e,·,1, ••. 1l.)", .l.·1)· :-.I, • ..... :~'~.;!:.;::~~~ ~,;: ... ~~:l~·.:.~'".: .... ~~··~u:·I::.. WIN rrR.i\CK MEET I • com~ u t :c fir"t au l' Tt•am:- rt p- ·"" · J. "'" - ~


· ""' :\I I II ;t l ~ll 1111 fru.11 !'a.t .:u~t· resenting •he , 1 \ .?ra frt1tern1t.t"'s the .> ll chn:k; \ ar--ny 1 a·lll. ... ·c "'"''" u..r. ·' ~1 ..... •1.· .... H .... , uuu ..... ·' 1 ( i'), was \wn• all la:--t Wt'('k l:nn~luyt-lmlepl'Jlui"n;:-. and th• l· a ult , \\ .. I ht• ( l.J I Jnd. \:-;, l. 1\. . .\., Fn<lay ... 11 .. uu.,.wc v .. l••C aw"- '' ... ., v"l ~....... inl!" a t'•iur:--t• in I t..uh•r:-htp 1 ra111111g cote: ed. T IC Fm .J.t) r, pu cd -0 \la\' .... , <> o nl11..·K; l·ho1n• ol ut..c1 tit'id.s. tnc ::.~ utn1 ba111..:, l1.~1111.-,, tcJ,1..: Un ~~\l.I ·11ay, .\p1 ii :!.-,, Lht' ani~ual .i1 (;,r) Scl•lll work. Tht· t·oun•l' ln:..:lt:1l huve a saong lmr'U:• ci11tl l·c t'. pc1.:~"<l lit.ii :-.. ,\. L. \:'. . . \. l..1. H., !:'at- , •• 1i.v111·~• •. ·liuav11o, intt·r1..·las:-:. track Jllt.'l't wa~ hl'!tl. Inc fur orll' W(·l·k and l'onsbtt<l l'h.t•t'ly ul W ntrord th~ !inten1Jtj trmros \\1th unlay, :\lay~·.:..! 11'dol·kj Yar:s1ty lidd. '-•a"":io - l lt·l·tuit·" and 1:c111n11~trat<1lll"'. rl,·nt,,· "f oppo:-.:tiun. (111 l·al. \·:..: .. \m1g-o, ~atunlay, ... ~ ... u .. u l',.\ \11.! v..r.A'°''" lltshmen and l't•nio1:--, colllJlC'l!llJ! o- Tw('llt\"-l·ic::ht '\I.!".,~. ~tu.Jt•nts.anil v f f :\I J I '.\ th 1 Ji 1 ,u ........ ,.,. .. o, ~·••I.! u111:. a"' ·~•m.c .u tdlll'r deh·atl'cl tbc snphollw~·i:s ~n~I f jl • ~ l tit' ·ook thf• Thl' t10}.H1) i::. in lhl· ::>rm o a . a~ .1, '.... ul olh.,. or lt'l. J.11t.: Li:,1111 ju11i11rs l1:.· thl.' n:11-row mun:1n .~1. l our .\lZl·mnn. n1ut l<_1l' s '·~ statU1.:l 4.! of a •a l'Dn pla~lr ill m: \1~) U. IL \"s, h ... ::-;,, ~atunluy. ·1....: ::.0111u i .. u.. J.VVL'-'""· J u1.: p1dnb. thl.' tinal s1·ur.._. bl'lllg" Li1-t.>I. <·ou11w. Tlwy will n.•l'('J\"e l"I' t1tkalc:i twn It j.. of s1h1..r an ., ultogt:'dlt'I .\la:. !I, ~ o dndi.; ~outh lit-.Jd. •t1" "'n•lln •.h~l•HU•tl ll1Ut1.) ;:,. lil'<>n, .1 'ut1honHHt..', ,,3.., h1i;h pl1llll in (;ir! ~ ouli111r. ., f Lt., , •n\ i.\t<l t 1~) H. t •. , ::; inti , _\luntl<l), )la:. I u 1. 1~u 111 1 vLJJh11llb vu1- " ... ·v 'i1.tva.) ... I )I. -.s 1 ·arl:--nn ~ot·!-' from ht•h· to • g ~ . - 11, a odulk, un) f1dJ. v\1.1 l1t1.: \,.u.1 i.u.11.tf1 .n ..... i;nu.11 :.u .. 1.u11 man, :-;turm~ 1:-.. potnh .. \ :-tro~yr \\'l~j1'. nnt l1• to ("onsult wlth Cir! !"t·n' t Hl' LE~ IOH L\IH\:\llH\L t:!O) 0 Ii\::;. J) L, l'uc:::;da). :\laj 1v 1 ul.u11ua1, ''a:. 1•l.'1Jl,111::. l.


11c uu .. ~ slmH'-i up tht> 1111.:ct u111~1eil•ta ), H! ll'~Hh<rg thc>rC'. B \SEU \I I , l~. ,) o\lm k, diotn ol othtl 11dtb. ::il.1Hutuo 11~1."l t.:! u .... t,,.._ ll...r.j • uc lJ.l..n.t:l 1 c~tilb were: 1 ,\ ~im Iar 0111''-t' will he givC'n JH•xt 1 ,\]' nrtJl.'.tpantsnu<:;t Jl'lrl).!1.iodl (:!11 l. l\. • ..\. ,,., ~ •• \I::., l'ucs~,d1cu .. 1u,i-.11.:n.1.:ll,)J~t::-:.cu~1 11u1.. .. t1.n.1.· ... L1.J.1 ltlll ~d. d<.tsh llcF1;~lt:, .h·., ln;··t1 )t:.u· in trait1lll!' fnr Camp Frc Cd st·i;ul Ill! ;,ith tht· ~cholrlr::.hlp tOlll- d,t), ,\l,i) l:!, ~) od\11.k, \.u:--lty 11cltl. lllU w11. \\H1l ttl ... ·11 ::.uu..:t.•::i:-.. LUilb1 lhazllh ... Ir, "\'tUllllj the~a111.:h, St• Il~adt.•rship. ;n;tkc t" tlw ('_ lt nt thaL thl'Y :\ll' n?t t-2J ;:;:.. L'. \ .... } .It.°., \\ l'dlll'::-d.1), ~·1. 4u<11 •t.:~ 1u_r L .. 1_uv111.'a, .111~!::;,. J. i~1~ I thin!. T11ne-ll :·1~. , .... .-.. on prolnttion. (!'his i·ulc \\Ill bc 1n )lay lJ, ,, uclul·ki i.:ho1c~ of other u11u .uu:t.i.etti .. 1.::-0 ;:,lltJ\\c~.UJ> i.:u 11.~ 1_u1.: 1 ~:W yd. da:".h~ toc·y,Sr .• . hrst, L.1 ~cr, efft•CI. the entire ~cason unles::. iurtht..•r fields. ~WI) \\Cd • .ui:lUl:t,. u tilH:u, ~al::.: 1• Fr, sc.nndj Spadberg. ~uph., third. nut ice i~ gin:nL . . t:!.i) l_L E. ,.:' . h.: :S., \\ c~n'-'Miar, ~11t•111.'l.'l',. ~ ~rl, - ~· •• .1.1:1.:r, .o:in.mnrc1, 1J,t1t' Tillil' -:22:S. • • • •J Tht:'lC will be two umpires 1f .\lay 1 ~ . ., o ... J...,ck; \ar:-1ty f1l'i<l. •111ll 1' 1•1' 11.: \•t.:lt. oul::-.tdllt.lllig 111 u11..i JHI Yd. dash Col'y, ~r. hr , :sli-~ksind b~. the nrnn;iger.s of the re- t:..:41 Am1i.:.v \~. 0. B., IlrnrMlay, !.nc. iou1..:hOU\\HS \\t.:rc. >.<v.n!t.l ll~ I \\'i.lih.•i-, · l•r., H'l'Ollll; llanscn, Soph., -.pecti'"'-' kains. .la;. 111 .1 v dock, any field. l\.ttn.m anu l t.'dl. . tl•·nl. Time 5ti:.J. · J. t;;.mlt.'S ,dll be l'<.lllell at tht' (:!.>I D. 1. \"S . .\. G . .H.., Friday, l Ile ~1' 1 "1~ pi all in.: \\lb . :.IH.:'.ll · sst) nl r·n Ra:-<k,1pf :-\r., fi 1 ~t; t:me designated in t.he :.-. rhcdult's and )la. 5, 5 \)t:·lock; dtl>in..' ol other nMm~y m me tcad11ng ut ".1.um1.1-I \\ ~l,dt.·r ·1· 1: :l·t.·nn~t · l\.1c~:--tt-atl, 1' r ..• 1l'am~ fadmc- to appl.'ar by. fift1.'en flelt:b. . . . 1.111 • .:t~,t.u"' .1~ bc" l~ .. ct1 .• o~· .. tile .• ~~-<.tt thitd. ·lim~:_~:UI. ' minute::..: after the f:atd t 1111e will au lo- (:!Li I lntl. \~. h.. ~ .• l ndi\y' :\lay :--qu l m: Xl ) e.n. ~c\ l' 1 al pl~1) ctt o~ :\l.. . p. I Fr hrs!. Full maticallY forfe;t !"iaid ).!'nmcs. 1~), ,, o"do1.·k; \ur::-.ity fidd. l IOlll:sc Wt'l'l' out, amt \\c t,e Jl.'\c l . ile llll~- ~ou1. ·J" J ' hir<l. ..J }i~e inmng:-- con-.titutc a pli!h.' (:!iJ B. b, ,s, J'. h. ... \ .. SatJl'<lay, tmt1.·n V:.i.:nc \\_"ill nmc a quantity ol ~11.;.m ... J~ .. Sl'l:ond, 1lu1 , r., t .\. iamt' 1.:.1.led tin actuunt,.of \~·ca.hc. )~uy lli, '.! u\.IOl..'k; d101ce of ~1thcr i:.;otid lll~llt:llUI !or next yt..•ar. r11nl.' <:>:06. !"' , l f' \1 ur ••ther rc·a:-5-ons b("fore 11\C innings iwlds. ~ :\lil1.: run l"rulli.I, ·r., hri; '~\ ·• haH• LN•n plnyed \\ill be pla~C'd ovt!r. (:!lil ::.-1. \.I::. Ys. Fat.'., ~_aturday, :\IO~ l.L .. L :::> Ol'T m.an, Jr .. ..:\·ond. :\Iyer:-., ~uph .. thud. .). _.\ n~,,. official ball (:-.t!:i.l un- )la~ lli. ~ o\.·lul·k; \·ar~aty Iwld. I~ THHEE " 'EEKS 1 unc -ll:Ou. brokl'n) mu:-.t be furnbht.>d hy each I t:!~'J ~. L ':-:. D. T., .\londay, :\lay __ th-lay l· r. aml Srs., lir:it. Timt..• tt~am for t..'alh game, \i.:inner oi g:anll' Is. ~) o'tlodi.; any field. \ 4:08. to take Loth bulb. l~tl) U. H. Ys .• \. li. R., Tuc~<luy, tlontmucJ trom Page On._) :!:.!O vd. h)w hu'.dkl' lleFrutl'. ,Jr., I ti. llamt·s. arc to .. he played on 1 .\fa) l!I, j. o"t.:Im:k; any field. Const:.·qucntlY, l>ind111g- will take unlJi.r::-.t: ili~on , S~1ph., ::;~ onllj Junihy, fields a:;, Jl·!"iLl!"nah-d m scht.'tluws. lul J h. S. ,.:::.. lL T., \\ t.•dnc!'>tlay, unu~uat nnu ... unt 01 tune. ~1.1ph .. ti11nl. Tnne-2li:·L -:. E~tlh t~·am play~1~~- mu~t hnn• 1 . la). '.2tl, ~l o ~·lock· \ ar.slty fit' id. 1t 1:- 1..·;..:pt..•Ctl·J by t it• staff that 'h~ Shot put-Keenan. Fr .. tir.s:; ;\ ~ll:!:t'l a mana~l'l" with the c.i.fu:ial :-t:urer at. l·)21 • .\~mg-u \"s , Ind., _ \\ cdnesday. dt•ntand ior .\lun.anatb. w1il Uc un- Soph., s~·t·tind; Chl•:-urii.:h, ::5r., th1n1. en1ry g-aml.'... . . I .\lay :!O, <> o dot·k; chott·c ol uthcr U:'Ual1y gn:aL Lill~ yl·ar . Uuc to the Di~lant·c 3~1 fcl'l 10 inches. ~. Uat(•::. I"r po:-:.t1,oncd J!3n.es WJ~l iicl~!s. , . . . , . fine snowm)!' nw1ic Uy prl'nous booKs, llisl'Us l'uphunl. ~r., tir::;t; K<.·1.:.>nt~n ht• s\!t. by the mtramu~al ba:-.cbad \~:1!, ~- <-:.'~-.. ~:A~~., 1hur~dny, m:u~y <.•11grav111~ und prmtmg l:lllll- Fr .. st.'l'tllld; l 'l•ntilla. ~r., thin!. I>1s-mnnag-€r. :\la~. -1, a o ~lol~, .rn) ~1l'l~I. , . pames throu)!"h!'ut th.._. Wl'::>t have ex- 'a11t'l" _ rns feet. ~I. lf a chamJ ,tonsh1p g-ame is nee- lv·1 J • .\.. l1. R. \"S, K. I':' .. I· ralay, pl, ;\ J tht• dC' : : 1.: !11 • 11 ..:o,.. :l .'3 of tht.• . . I fir ·t C'<;"nrv, the g-aml' :"ball be ~even in- :\lay ~:?. 5 o\.:101..·k; any field. u1JI Jlont~nan to tht.·ir till·:-.. IlO"l'h'l', ,J;.ndm . \\ ort':un~to 1~; '\j. 1 ~.'I mngs.:lhC'datctobP:.--et !iythcintra- l->ill·~ lud._ \"S. ~-.-·\.. E ... =-'aturday, only IlUO lOpiu;, han! bc1.:n or,lt..•rt•d, ~\l_ l:naii . ~· ,r: .. s~·l·mu.\:f··t·nlt· •

1· "

1'' 11urul ha:seklll mana~c·r. .1fay :?u, :? (1 dul'k: ~outh fu:lt..1. and tu lll\.'l·i. he• d1..·111antl 1t. will he .. hutl. lli:-.t<Hllc - 11 l'~ : , 1l1 B. E. v:.--. S. l., Thurl', ~\prii ~Jr) l>. l'. b. t'ar., ~atuniay, :\lay 11l: t:.s~arv t, h •. o1 .. i..ic t .. 1.c Uuri.i,.. llL.;h .Jump. H1xon. ~~1·h .. hrst: ;K. 5 o\10<·k; \ar:-ity fic>l<l. :?::. _:::_ o'elot•k;. ~orth til'l:l. ~ !whti..°h :-tt1d~nt~ may call for tlll'lr r._~ l'T, Fr ..• !'C'" ~ntl: \~~rt~m.C't_<~11 • Jr., (::! .\. G. R \"::- . P 1\.. _\,, Thurs. l ••I ::.-i. l. \"s. U. H., !:'atunlay, lrnok,;., 1 h1:-. w II be annoUn<'l'd more th1nl. llt.·iJ.!°ht a fl-et • ..: tnlh1.:s. _.\pril 30; n o'c o~ k; ch111ce o! other .\la~ :!"J. :... u\ 101.:k; \ ~n=--1ty f1dd. dditi.i.tt.•lv lall'r. Polt' \·auit Hamm ond, Fr.. fir;;.t; fields . \u:-0.1 U. E. \"~. l·at.·., .)1onday, :\lay 1hc 1";1:_,1 book will be la1i.;1.:r ti1an l'ax o:i. :-\oph .. ~l"' ond; '\l1ffsingPr, Fr .. (;,) .Amig-o ,_. D. T .. Friday. )la) ::!fl. LI o·clot·k; dtl,it·c of uthl:r :i1l'l<ls. :my jlll'\·fous .\lunt~tnan. Uut• to U\.'- th;rd. lltiid1t 11 fret. l,..., o'dock~ v •Y field. r !1J o. ll. \::3. P. f\'. • .\., ;iion<lay, tC'-.:-.ful hudgl'<Ul~ and management. t Th·" inlramurnl track mu·t I:' ht..•mi.:-(41 Ind. \"::.. l·a .. Fn<la:r. :\lay 1, :\Ia)· :!. 1 , " o·clock; \ ~U':'llY field. h: ' bt_E"Tl made )10":-.ibll' \o t·n.ar.:.!c thc "ll·lcl nC'xt ~:Hur 1nv aftt•rn~ on. :; o'clock; chukc o~ otlwr ii1•lt1.s. (JU) S. C. Y:-. . ..\mig-u, TUl':-day, hook m ni.anr tiny:<:. Tht' :\lo11ta11 .. 10 t5\ 0. B. v:::. ~.A.£., Saturda~. :\lay :?G, .) ,,.dLK.·k; t·huHc of other 1,,lJI han• .:4...i 11a)!t•<l, includin)!" :-)u )la:> :?, :! ,.,\J~1ck: \8 ·s ·y field. f1e1d:--. :-.dpµ~ul pag-l·::-, a prot1.'""s whkh J!lt•at-tti) 1\.. ~. \":'." . ~- <.., 5'i1t da~. )lay (HJ .A. C. R. \:-.. Intl., :\lay 21~ 1 ly im:· o\es tlw appc>a1ancc ol a pag-e. ~. :! v'clol'k; north field. t:hoiu: ,.f vthl·r ticld:--. j 'l he in:ro<luctury ~t·t·tinn and tht• di. lll B. E. \":-., .\. G. R., ::::atu.Jay, (t.!) S .• \. L. , ..... D. T., \\'l'1lne~- \·isic1n pa,L:"LS nre p•·:n~t.>tl in 1our Ma\' ~. :! o'dot·k; :'OUth fil.'IL day, \!a~ :!;, 5 o'ch)ck; \"ar:--lty fidJ. co.ors. Tlw .. l'l.'nic :-t' tion anti t.ht> t°'J AtniJ!o \":-, I'. h.. A., ~lu1 day, 4.;) K. :-;, \"~. P • .h ... -\.., \\"c<lnl•:<day, largt' ~11ap_.;hut H·rtiun of 2-1 pat.:-l'S arc .\lay .J, 5 o'dock; any fi<:'ld. .\lay 2';', 5 o'clock; ci10tl·l' of other printl'tl in tluntont• ink. The rcmaind~r OH n. 'f. \'S. Jnd., Tue:sday, )la:i; field~ of the Look 1:- prin.ed in b!uck with I , 5 o'clock; \arsity Leid. (I~ 1 . .\. G. R. \' ... Fa<'., Thur:-:day, a t•r•lo!l·d borc1t•r. Tht• theme of the (10) 0. H. \'.Fae., 1uesd:l) . .:\lay .:\lay:!, 3 o'dtH·k; any fil'ld. hook 1:-: T 1ic ( olll'gl'. arnl 111 harm1111y :-1, ') 'clu('k; cht•ict:' of other fields. (·r 1 ~. t·. ,.:-. ln<l .. Friday, :\lay with tlus, th<.· ;dt·a ot l 'oll('J.!.e Li!<• hns (l.11 K ~- \·s, S . .A. E., Wcdne:;- ~!1. j 't:lM·k: d1oic<' of oth1..·r fields. bl't'n pla~·t·d u11 to tlw fulll'~t extc·n1


('1•iJ Amij!'o \'l'. K. ~ .• Friday, .)Ja\· H<1WPn·r, .in this t ual thert• i:' noth-~~' 5 ·,lock, \'rtr .... ity fie-Id. • :ni:: urti1i1·1al in t!it.' book. PictuH·s u"

11.';) 0. B. vs. B. E .. )londay. June our O\\n ... LUntaua l·ampus and )hn-1 .. J o\ k: Varsitv lidd. ta11a campU:i Sl"(•lll'S han· bl'l.!ll ust•d

14~ I • .\1111~0 ,.~. S. A. K. :\londa\-, for :-:uhdivi:;;ions. .\rt work has Lt.·~·~ June , · CJ't·to<"J\; <.·h<1it·<' 0 tit.h~·r :!rnitld to thl• hl1r1l~·rs .un1l thl· int.0-1 fit· cl,. 1 di:cLory awl uhd:' i:-10n pag-c:--. and

(WI Fat·. vs. I'. I\ . ..\., Tue:-;>duy, ~ht• lit.•SiJ!ns for tbl'Sl' an• Last•d _on ;iJa) ~. !"J o'clol·k; \"ar;.;ity fidtJ. :\Jont:lna stt•nl'~ · tht• 1,~t's. for ~ht.• 111-

151 I . .\. G. R. Ys, :-\ . l ., Tul:'sdav. t·otluc Or) s et1on c·1111~1:-tm_i.; to! l'lC'!l­.June 2, :> o'dol·k; 1..·hoil-c of oth~r m~s rnat!t• IH· f'roft.•:-.sor t lH'l'\'Cr of 1 fields tlw all' 11kcl11ral dl•pa11ml·11t. \II

151) H. E. v . Tl. T., \\\·dne~day, ho~1kr~ arl' bawd on ti!~ an .. tht·nH:

l'illl'IE'\'r!ll(,;' 11( h ET ~.\IE :\OTlt E

"' dm· ... do1~ \ pril 29 at ll uh'I na'\tt'r.

tin r-.tla~ nwrnin~ <11 lloll'l B:i't~r.

Thur .... d;n al l<'rnoon man and 'hl"all.

Frida\ mnrning al \kt all..

l'rida~ afkrnoun na'\il'r.

ll au..,t.man


Saturda\ morning at \lain H:.ill. ~alurda·\ <lftt•rnoon at llnui.;.l'­

man and \1t'{ 'a IL 'l <111dH~, '1ay I al \Iain Hall.

:--·cnior ... ma\ or<kr thl'Jr an· nt.unn·mu1ts r'rom l.l'l>llard Win.(! ( r Ed Huu<.·tti. Ph·a ... £' attrnd to t~ s at OIWt'.

.Junt· .;, > o clodc; anr fit·ld. wh1d1 i~ R r·na a11t't'. I· 1Yt• d1tfrrc11t 10:!1 A. G. l-l. , .. \mi):o. Tirnr:s- Lord<:n;. ha:·l· l't'll u. e11 in the llonk, • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • '1 1 1 1 1 da~, Junl' l. :l o'l'lock; any fit!ld. n I of wh1. h arc hannC'lllY '' h f .1. l U. B. Ys. InJ., Friday, ,June ac 1 otlwr. Tlw t:.:pog-raphy hns bl'1.'n


\II \\t·men intl'n·-.,!t.•:1 in C'ntC'T­in t! lh<' :-.\\ immin~ mt•t..•t on \ht) fi and on '.\la) i:t "ill plea"'t' hand th·ir nanw ... to \l j..,.., h.\mhal!'.., hc-f:·rl' "t dm· ... da~ at :J :00 o"clot·h.

Pll•;1~t· dl· ... iJ:!natt• tlw l'H'nts to ht• t•ntt·rNI.

l'arti61.atinn in at ll'a~t On<" met•t is nt·t·l' ...... ar~ hcforC' "innin~ a l'ob«at s\\ immin!! ... uit.

\II Jndt•11(•ndt•nl women ...,hould Ji~rnd in tln·ir nnm<'s on \\.(·dm•s­d<n IJl'foTl' :J :0~) o'cloch.

l'h t..• last da\ for chNkin_g- on gd~t·at ~u'.ts ·...,· \lay 11.


\II \\ onn·n c ut for hoc:hl') ... fu:uld j!d tht··r indi\ idua l and 11.•am 1.rat· ti cl's in. Garnt·s ... tart tlH• la:-.l t f 11('\l ''<'C'h. In:-- I ruction C'\ <.·r~ aftt!'rnoon at :) :110 n'<·lod •.


Fr<'shm<'n and "'01>homore 1.drl .... : if ) 1·11 an• inft. n•.;;fl'cl in tr~ in g­out for Eurodel1>h:<ln .... l't.' tht• fol­l1rn in~ pt•o1>le al one<'· 'lusic. ha\ Bird: I.itt•ralurt>, .\f!nt'"' \' nn o ... lt•in; \ rt 'lary Fr:1nd.., S1>ain.


\II ··l·ninr" an· ur:red tn lH't thur l«lP..., and l!O\\ll:-. frc•m ll :rn-.c-m:in & \le( 'a ll ... a"' ... 11un ti' IJO'-sihll' fnr t lw ~ 1..·nior 3'"'l'mhl~, \l a) ).


Then~ \\ 111 lw a nwding nf thl' " \l " { luh. 'lf'nda~. '1 a) I. at 7::Hl p. 111. at th(' ::;igma ('hi hou ... ('.

Hay Duzn•tti.


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$2.29 Yuung n1t•ns fancy cord­

uroy 11ants. 11<'\·er rip. :;izc 12 to 18


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"Fol' the Idle Hour" g 0-0-~0-0-00il-O::::::~

\'Ol' R


~~~"S.~~'''"-~"""''"""'"''~ "''"""'' "'"~ I ~ 2-JOWARD'S ~ 1HEY .\R E HEHE , ~ ~

See the . ·cw ~po1 l Coats to wear "ith Flannel Trousers

a The Hub ' Ed and Lou Howard : \\'alk-Qq>r Shoe:; lt1tern·nyen 'ox Stl'l>on Ilat •


:'IIOTHERS' D.\ \' - )I.\ Y 10th

no. 'T FORGFT :\!OTHER Send her one o' our ><uccial put-up BO'l.es of

l'and~ for Her at t he

The ''M'' )1 Jlltan.:1 ~tato l 01 ... ge was rcpre

sentcd in ·hi! A • .A. l. boxl1ig m1.:et hek In :~'"'t•e la : \\eek by to'1 cl :\I1lls who , om i .eted m "be heavy \\eight divisif·n. )Jtils. won n•cond pl~H·e in his dn·i-.1on. \\111ntng h first tig 1t and losu1.; ae t.:\ "nd. H , fir t 01 -ponl'nt \\<lS ,J. l'a1as1ch, Butte ht-uvy, over\\ hem he gaint"d dee:- 1011. The '.2111J tight was. l'XCeplionally fa t \\itb )lill and h1 opJ•OnPnt, Hall, ahno. t t..•qually matlhed 1n all pu.rts of the :.:ann·. Th• fight wns u"ltl(•ctticd until tbl' fi, l pjun<l "hen Ha succcc.kd in f;!'aining a slight c.--dgc o\ 1•r '.\lilb. l'upuiar opin on was di'"' d ' a .. wh1 m tbl.' the de 1s1c111 s lt Ult bt: g"Ivcn. Tl!P \erdict finally hemg .t,.:i\·ln to Hall l>e­causc of his belt.er l·ond1tion.

.1, ·> 0 ·c1o(·k; any field. rhan'!ul front Jlll'Y_IOU:; hook:-:, and the (54) B. E. Y~. ~-A. I· •. , ~aturtlay, nrn~1·up '-'t tlu· \"a'H!us paf:!l'S has bt'.<'11 : .June 13, ii u'dot.:k, Yar:--ity ~ield . \ur11.>1 \\ .t•n'\·er nnpro\t•nu·nt \\as ( J.i) 1'. 'J'. \"~. I'. K .. \., ~aturday, Pm•t·d.

.Junf> Ii, u o'dol'k, d1oice of other q-~~:~:~ ~~;~l·~: 11::!.a\h~~·hi~~r t~~~s ~~~~l:~n~~ :

The Park ~(!-;;) ~~ ;::\~ \ :ll ontana's l\lo.."'l Beautiful Confectionery I -1f~,. ,.,,...1_ ------------------.-..--•! <----.....;"// .,... ----~---~~---------~~---~~~~ fielils. will likl'. rntlll·r than onl' which will

SO\ll~l' lll:S G '\E\\

_ 111 ~ will be pre<:;ent cd \\ ith an a p-

]ll:te(• hieh in >."ational l'OlltC'~t~. llnw- • )IORT.\R BO.\RD PRESE:\TS , .. ,.r, all lhe l><•st prinl'irl•s of hook CLOl K TO )10:\T.\:\ .\ ST.\ TE •akin"" hiv1· h,.1·n fol!O\n.!. and it "' :

c. xp<.' tt•cl that thl' tn:n ~Iontanan will -- lrl'('t'in• t;a'il'lat'lnr\· n•c·o 1·11itim1 Friday, April l';' . .\lonar B1 ant pre- · 1 •

Pool Golf

p. opt iate medal ~·or his t>erf 1rmanc se:1t~l a c;rc.:;rdfatner-do k o the1 "\OTI«B J"\"'l"H\'Jl.H\L • Com(' in an d try ou r new 1 I<• \\a~ the only fightl'r not from But to ~nmpcte in the finals !'at l o1an, lSs1st lnt coad1 at the l'Ollcgc, au:umpalllt.. 1 i'ilills on t c trip.

(·hool. Tlk doek stands on the H'<'-1 Intramu ral manaj!C'rs ,di\ haq• nd f:onr of lll'ITkk hull outside the uPtil nnm Wt..•diwsday, \i1ril 2H.

frC'plai.:c ~0011". .\ft.mb<.'rs of the to add to tlwir tr;u.· h list~. The '\in P Jlole Course

!\lortar Doard and ;.ht1ir o;:;j1ons1,rs, )Jigs nud \\ill stilrt at ;):J:J p. m. on .Jenning-· and .:\tis l low, in cnps and Frida~. Jla\l' your men in su·t at Pl 1\ 4\PP.\ DELT .. \ l\tl. ma.c1C'd rlown lo unYl•il tJ1 e that tinH'. l:\ITL\TES TWO )JE)IBERS 1• ck, l<·a•l '" ·• i · L<·e. hou<c· d'"·,·tor ( f I la,11ilto11 hall. \\ uo was fittin!.{ y

9 L\ST l\IAIN •

I I l\.ai'P3 nl'ltu. nat.onal honoiary fon·ns11 frat• rnity, he.<l i111t,at1on for tW•l ne\\ members oi Ap1: 1 t Thr~c lnitiates were • Ir J.llm < ol1b, as­sist.ant roac':l of fort..·n cs and .Jame'l lhl101an.

p; Kap: a DeJtn. ha:s dev .0 ed a new ~ tcm for <: .. ~1bility to :ne nh{·!·:"hip.

A: y stJ<ll nt pa1 ~ icipatlll!! in a major cir intl' coi'.i>J?"ial,,, forl.'~-ic contest debate, oratorv or e .. .+enporaneoll'."'

~• me<l in n ci.Jonial 1lr .... .:s. ;iris!! 1.60 e an;? ")ly (;ran1lfather':;; < lock" n i's lo~t . E~thl•r Dowmnn. pn~i­c!Pnt o :\In! la1~ Boan! i:avc• tht• prC'­<:t..•11tat10n s C't <-h, raiserl tlw flag and tarted the do. k and thl.' chinw, J!O-


Tho"'l' "i'"'hinl! ... ta ff 110..,ilions c:n nc't ~<ar's E'.\po1wnt. make "rittc•n ;ql1>lifatio11~ to th'• (•ditor­t·lt·t·t. or l<:nc• thlm at S. \. E. hou,r. or mail tlwm to no, l:!:J, nozt'man.

'lih(• Jl('l'\\". Editor l!J:t:! fhooiwnt

T'Cllking may t1ecomt· a pll'dge of the ,1rranizat1011, anil acquire full mt•mbt.. l · lip, wht..•n the na 10nal re­riu~rcme· t- h.:-i\.'l' hec-~ :·u'" e•l. The plt•tl~t·s wcarmf'." blnn:: a111! yrl 1ow 1 !hbo1!s arc ('. nstanr.e \Y1g 1 nho·n1 Juliu~ Kanr'. J-,hn P~·pc, \ l l c n S('hw:nt?., llnl Bolmgl··. Jal·k Gurr!~~~~~~ :~11t1 l·'rank De\\·l'y. ~o-~o-oO<J-~

T!1c nnn .al bnn1. 1ll·t f"1\:Pn 111 ho1 or g or 'he high ch• ol f rensir <o' t, tant ! )J.\LTEO ;i\1ILT\,'i will be Jwl1l at the 11 l1 l Baxt<'r 011 Friday cH•ning. 0:\LY

l'OIWEl"l 10:\

Anc.orwnsmn1.cnthcamlg 15C I~1~; :r\h:hc~11.~~Nio~~!"~'"~~~o~ 1~:··rJ g -.-that Pa h.oc itz had l ·, scl· tul by g tht· ~tm t ~rnat.e •o ·'\'a ·1 t('m- o St H b Sh pornry mm OPCr of mUSlC affaill"ISTI. ~ ar am urger op The pc rs )r a J)j intcil w1s A ¢ "l'hnt" DcFra e I !HXH>ll-IX>~O<>i:Hl<Hl

lli Gn·iner, In t. \Ig-r. J ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I;



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OLD l '_~ \ MAN c\~1 ~o~~ ·~'If SAYSl \~, MARR IED 1+ . ~

MEM © MAKE' l+iE ~~-::.


ORDER5 Time for Sport Clot h es and

Herc's the Plaec to Gel Them

Fl'icndl~ Fin• Call'Hkin Sport Ox fonls $:i.OO

St1 t' our nPw stylc- 1\nid\l11·s $-1.!l.) Slce\·t·less 8\\Taters $~ .. lO

ConH.) in now ancl ~t\1£'l'l .nH1r nut fit at

Wagner Bros. "The Live Wire Store"

· ~ ~. · ....... ·~·· ~ · ..


11 Tormentors I "Th~ llEl<E "' '" \lflll

Round Table'' : II




I -\ '\EW TH \(;J(' CO:\lElff

Handled Hy

,\ ('(ntPET1'XT \:\11 '\E .\HL\ '\E" C.\ST

EMERSON -I Monda~:,J~1ay 1~~
