T AUTHENTIC DRIVEN LIFE · the authentic driven life 12 ways to authentically shift into your highest self workbook crystal davis

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Page 2: T AUTHENTIC DRIVEN LIFE · the authentic driven life 12 ways to authentically shift into your highest self workbook crystal davis

Copyright © 2016 Crystal Davis All rights reserved. No part of this workbook may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Disclaimer: All the material contained in this workbook is provided for educational and informational purposes only. No responsibility can be taken for any results or outcomes resulting from the use of this material. While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both accurate and effective, the author does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or use/misuse of this information. First Edition 2016 Printed in the United States of America Published by: Crystal Davis P.O. Box 631394 Highlands Ranch, CO 80163 www.AuthenicLifeline.com For more information about Crystal Davis or to book her for your next event, speaking engagement, podcast or media interview, please visit: www.AuthenticLifeline.com

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Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1

1. Shifting Into Your Highest Self .............................................................................................................................. 3

Exercise 1: The Authentic Wheel Of Life Self-Assessment .......................................................... 3

Exercise 2: Authentic Wheel of Life Questions .............................................................................. 5

Exercise 3: Two Lists - Fulfillment & Tolerating ............................................................................ 9

2. Beautiful You! .......................................................................................................................................................... 11

Exercise 4: Four Step Self-Image Mirror Technique .................................................................... 11

Exercise 5: Energy Daily Love Shift; Hello Fantastic You! ......................................................... 13

Exercise 6: Self-Esteem/Self-Image/Self-Confidence ................................................................. 16

3. Discovering Your What, Why, and How ........................................................................................................... 17

Exercise7: Six questions to ask yourself: ........................................................................................ 17

Exercise 8: Self Discovery Questions to get you STARTED ..................................................... 19

Exercise 9: The Morning & Evening Power Questions ............................................................... 20

Exercise 10: Discover Your What ................................................................................................... 23

Exercise 11: Discovery of Your Why .............................................................................................. 24

Exercise 12: Baby Steps Towards Your Why ................................................................................ 26

Exercise 13: Find Your Purpose, Your Why ................................................................................. 27

4. Shift Happens When You’re Ready ..................................................................................................................... 30

5. You Have Two Choices In Life: Grow Or Decline ......................................................................................... 32

Exercise 15: Career/Business/Entrepreneur/Studies .................................................................. 32

Exercise 16: TOP 12 Empowering & Limiting Beliefs With Your ............................................ 34

Exercise 17: 100 Things I LOVE To Do ....................................................................................... 36

Exercise 18: 50 Things I LOVED To Do As A Kid .................................................................... 40

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6. What Are Your Intentions, Goals, and Core Values? ...................................................................................... 44

Exercise 19: Personal Reflection ..................................................................................................... 44

Exercise 20: Goals/Intentions Action Today ................................................................................ 50

7. Discover Your Passion ........................................................................................................................................... 52

Exercise 21: Your 100th Birthday Your Dream/Purpose/Mission ............................................ 53

Exercise 22: Finding Your Passion and Purpose .......................................................................... 57

Exercise 23: Write Your Vision/Dream Statement ...................................................................... 61

8. Have You Gone Within To Get Connected To Your Source?...................................................................... 62

Exercise 24: Creative Spiritual/Visualization................................................................................. 62

9. Do You Have An Attitude of Gratitude? ........................................................................................................... 64

Exercise 25: Gratitude ....................................................................................................................... 64

Exercise 26: The Gratitude Journal/Note/Gift/Phone Call ...................................................... 66

Exercise 27: Finances/Abundance .................................................................................................. 69

10. Ready To Transform Your Dream Into Reality? .............................................................................................. 70

Exercise 28: DreamBuilder Three-Step Process ........................................................................... 70

11. Have You Created Your Own Circle of Life? ................................................................................................... 80

12. Relationships: What Matters Most! ...................................................................................................................... 83

Exercise 30: Relationships - What Matters Most .......................................................................... 83

Exercise 31: One Week to Live ....................................................................................................... 87

Exercise 32: Your Top 12 Questions For Building Relationships ............................................. 88

Exercise 33: So, What Have You Learned? ................................................................................... 89

Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................................... 90

About The Author ......................................................................................................................................................... 93

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“How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.”

~Anne Dillard

This is the companion workbook to the book The Authentic Driven Life-12 Ways To Authentically Shift Into Your Highest Self. The book teaches, educates, and takes you on a journey incorporating the exercises within this workbook in detail. This workbook will give you the beginning tools personally and professionally to shift into your highest self. The first question to ask yourself is…

What do you want out of life?

That question is the key to unlocking the internal motivation in every person! Zig Ziglar said, “You can have anything in life you want if you just help other people get what they want.” What I have discovered over the last 25 years and in coaching, is that most people do not know what they really want in life. Also when you do discover your purpose, vision, dream, and mission, you don't know how to shift into action, be productive and successful while enjoying the ride along the way towards your highest potential, living a life of joy, love, and abundance. This workbook will begin to shift you into a life you love living!

We are happier when we realize that life is not an obligation; it's an adventure. Let this workbook be your wake-up call, your beginning guide, and inspiration. Let it remind you that this is your life, and there is no such thing as an insignificant day!

Are you ready to discover and embrace your authentic self?

Do you dream of the perfect relationship, having the newest dress, jeans, or outfit these days, checking to see how popular your Facebook page is? Are you staying busy, running from here to there, trying to fill the void in your life so the sense of loneliness and emptiness disappears, and it simply is not working? I truly believe what we are missing is our own true spirit and self-identity; this is the missing link that we are truly searching for. You deserve a deeper, more authentic life, where you are in control and you can have peace of mind and quiet. This process of shifting and shedding old paradigms of self and old forms of ourselves in being more wholesome and authentic can be accomplished, and the time is now. It is time to push “the pause button” on all the mental and emotional attempts to make your life perfect, and actually come home to your true self and your true nature.

Here is why you want to shift into The Authentic Driven Life book and workbook:

Experience a sense of grounded direction!

Find an authentic connection with yourself and others!

Experience true peace of mind!

Find your passion, vision and purpose!

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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Learn how to make your dreams a reality!

Learn the three steps you can take now to live a life you love living!

Fill the void in your heart!

Gain liberation from unhealthy choices and decisions!

Find freedom from self-doubt and anxiety!

This workbook will literally force the universe to give you all the tools that you need to create financial, emotional, and spiritual abundance. You'll achieve your wealth, health, relationships, and other personal and professional intentions…And it will help you to create a life you love. You'll find it hard to sleep since you'll be so excited about each new day to come.

I know once I discovered what I wanted in life through the Authentic Wheel Of Life (Exercise 1 in the workbook), I gained confidence, pride, self-worth, and discovered what areas in my life I needed to begin to work on to get unstuck from where I was. So, let’s dive in!

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Chapter 1

Exercise 1: The Authentic Wheel Of Life Self-Assessment

Exercise 2: The Authentic Wheel Of Life Questions

Exercise 3: Two Lists - Fulfillment & Tolerating

Shifting- changing position or direction, continuously varying, the act of moving from one place to another

Imagine more balance, greater focus, empowered fulfillment, and elevated awareness. What would that be worth?

Having a sense of balance in your life is essential for your health, happiness, and ultimate success. The twelve sections in the authentic wheel of life offer an idea of balance to achieve in your life.

The center of the wheel is zero (not satisfied) and the outer edge is 10 (satisfied). Rank your level of satisfaction within each area of your life by marking the skill from 0 to 10, and then draw a line to connect all the marks. The new perimeter of the circle represents your authentic wheel of life. The end result will show you how balanced your life currently is and which areas you could possibly work on with greater attention, depending on your own particular circumstances. How bumpy would the ride be with your wheel?

This is the starting point for realigning your priorities and setting intentions for those areas where you want to grow. Identify only two or three sections that you want to impact immediately. What actions would you take? When will you take these actions? What support do you require to ensure that the actions occur? How will these intentions support your longer-term vision and dreams of what you want out of life? What would make this area a “10?”

To do this, you may need to let go of old habits, attitudes, and ways of working, but you will be amazed at how creative you can be when you feel supported and motivated. This is where a life coach with your best interests at heart can make all the difference. Holding you accountable from this day forward at www.AuthenticLifeline.com

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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


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Shifting Into Your Highest Self


Here are some questions to consider:

Self-Esteem/Image/Confidence: When you look in the mirror who do you see? Do you love yourself? Do you have a feeling of pride in yourself? Are you happy with your looks?






Career/Work/Studies: Is your career where you want it to be by now? Are you heading in the right direction?






Finances/Money: Are you earning enough income to satisfy your current needs? Are you financially set up for future growth?






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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Family: Is your family supportive of you? Are you supportive of your family? Do you spend enough time with your family?






Social/Friends: Are your friends supportive of you? Are you engaging friends and socializing to your satisfaction level?






Health: How physically healthy are you? Are you satisfied with your level of fitness? Are you satisfied with your diet?






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Shifting Into Your Highest Self


Contribution/Helping others: How would others rate your contribution to society or to them as individuals?






Personal Development/Learning: How focused are you on personal growth? Are you satisfied with your direction? Are you trying new experiences and seeking to learn?






Spiritual Fulfillment/Religion: How connected are you to the inner and outer world? Are you satisfied with your relationship with your spiritual being?






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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Fun and Recreation: Are you enjoying your life and making it fun? Are you satisfied with the level of activity that you do? Do you get enough rest?






Romance/Love/Significant Other: Have you manifested your man or woman? Are you connected with your partner emotionally, physically, and spiritually?






Environment: Is your home, office, or physical surroundings in alignment with your values? Do you love your home? Does it bring your alive with its colors & energy?






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Shifting Into Your Highest Self


Make two separate lists of at least twelve each.

Fulfillment - a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires; the act of consummating something.

What brings you fulfillment? What do you really want from life? What do you desire? What lights you up? What are you longing for? Remember, life coaching works best when you have clear intentions based on your needs and values. If you're unsure of what your goals, intentions, or needs are, go to www.AuthenticLifeline.com and sign up for your free strategy session or course programs to take you through the process.

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________________________________

9. __________________________________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________________________________

11. _________________________________________________________________________________

12. _________________________________________________________________________________

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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Tolerating - to put up with something or somebody unpleasant; recognize and respect (rights and beliefs of others); allow the presence or allow an activity without opposing or prohibiting.

What are you tolerating? This list is of things which you are putting up with, or tolerating, in your life. From a minor irritation like a button missing on your favorite jeans that you’ve intended to get fixed for ages, to a major toleration like allowing others to treat you in a way that is seriously out of line with your own beliefs and values. Or are you in a job that does not fulfill you or is keeping you restricted, or in a damaging relationship?

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________________________________

9. __________________________________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________________________________

11. _________________________________________________________________________________

12. _________________________________________________________________________________

The key to this exercise is to realize the negatives and positives in your life. Which list is longer? It can be in any area in your life. You could even make up a list for each area of your life. (Refer back to the Authentic Life Wheel.) It is imperative to start crossing off your tolerating list and start acknowledging those things to let go of and accomplish, so you can move forward on to what brings you happiness and fulfillment in life!

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Chapter 2

Exercise 4: Four Step Self-Image Mirror Technique

Exercise 5: Energy Daily Love Shift; Hello Fantastic You!

Exercise 6: Self-Esteem/Self-Image/Self-Confidence

Do you believe in you? Time to dig deep to your inner soul.

Self-Esteem - a feeling of pride in yourself.

Self-Image - render visible; imagine; see in one's mind; and iconic mental representation.

Self-Confidence - freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; a feeling of trust; a state of confident hopefulness.

Beautiful - delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration; highly enjoyable.

Handsome - pleasing in appearance, especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form in proportion.

Discovery - a productive insight.

Did you know that you are “not” using 95%-98% of your subconscious mind, where your thoughts and actions lay? They are being controlled by your conscious mind, the 1%-5% we use daily. This is where we become blocked.

It's true and has been proven, so we need to “tap” into our resources of the subconscious mind. The reason you judge people, your ability to have great self-image, self-esteem, self-confidence, great relationships, and your ability to reach your financial goals are all controlled by your subconscious mind!

If your mind subconsciously holds negative or disempowering beliefs about you, then what are the chances for you to live an abundant, amazing, successful life?

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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


So, we are using our resources from our conscious mind, which is only 1% to 5% of the total power of our minds. How to program and communicate with the subconscious mind has been proven and practiced by great neuroscientists, leaders, and highly successful people for at least 100 years!

It's a very powerful technique that you can do right now to align your subconscious mind with your conscious mind into release any limiting beliefs that may be blocking your success and propelling you forward in life.

It's called the mirror technique. Although it is a very simple technique, it can make a deep positive impact on your life! Here is the four-step process:

1. Stand in front of the mirror and look straight into your eyes.

2. With the feeling of love, say to yourself, “I believe in myself, and I am getting better and better each day.”

3. Keep repeating this phrase while staring into your eyes with love and compassion, and do it until you feel your self-confidence build up.

4. Repeat this every day, and began to notice how much better you’re feeling about yourself.

Big tip: Remember to always say “Thank you” at the end, as gratitude is always opening the doors for more love and abundance in your life. Once you know how to connect with your subconscious mind, the law of attraction will show up. This is how we are able to overcome depression, financial struggles, self-worth, and a life of desperation. We become the best version of ourselves: the successful leader, profit, author, strategist, mentor, the real you!

No matter where you are in your life, this could be the “paradigm shift” that can send your future down a whole new and exciting path of a life you love living!

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Beautiful You!


I've got some Daily love for you, and it has everything to do with how to keep your energetic vibe high and aligned with the things you want to create in your life.


The dictionary defines authentic in some of the following ways:

- Worthy of acceptance or belief as based on fact

- Not false or imitation; real, actual

- True to one's intentions so that you can be clear about the outcome you would like/ from mentorship/ and get into alignment with your goals/intentions with your long term vision.

Many of us wear a mask at work and even with our friends and family. Sometimes it feels easier to go-with-the-flow than express our true self. But the risk of doing this is that, little by little, we can lose touch with what really makes our heart sing, who we really are, what we truly believe, and ultimately, our cherished goals and dreams (that we were once so passionate about) can fade away without our even realizing it.


To help make sure that doesn't happen to YOU, let's take 5-10 minutes right now (you are worth taking this time for yourself) to reflect on how you can live a more authentic life.

Set an intention to be more true to your own personality, spirit, and character. Intentions are super powerful! The Universe hears them.

Here are a few thoughts to help you get started:

Consider the following questions on how you can live more fully in your truth.

In what ways am I not being true to myself?




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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


How can I align my thoughts, voice, heart, and actions more closely?

(This is a tricky one - you have to really take a look at where there is a disconnect between these things)




How can I speak my truth in a non-harming way?




In what ways do I envision how I'd like to be, yet sabotage or fail to live the way I intend?




How can I be more gentle and loving with myself?




No self-judgment (not authentic), just observe and make a loving commitment to yourself that you will begin to shift this.

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Beautiful You!


Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

Today, find a few small (or large) ways to put down the mask that you show others. Share a fear or weakness with someone who is safe to share your feelings with. Do something today that you really enjoy, not just what is expected of you. Share your honest opinion about something at work, home, with a friend, or other loved one. Celebrate someone else's authenticity.

Believe it or not, doing this will align your own energy more closely with your cherished intentions/goals, and dreams. Now THAT'S worth it!

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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Your next assignment is to place 5 x 7 cards in the places where you spend the most time, perhaps somewhere in your kitchen, office, car, or your datebook.

When you’re feeling any diminishing feelings or questioning yourself, I invite you to challenge yourself to go through the following process.

Simply write “What are my values? I’m taking responsibility for my life.” When you have low self-esteem, you have to acknowledge your inner critic and get back to what you truly value. Such as integrity, self-expression, emotional, spiritual and physical health!

What am I feeling? What are my emotions?




Specifically about what?




What are my options or other perspectives?




What decisions will make me feel esteemed or empowered?




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Chapter 3

Exercise 7: Six questions to ask yourself?

Exercise 8: Self Discovery Questions to get you STARTED

Exercise 9: The Morning & Evening Power Questions

Exercise 10: Discover Your What

Exercise 11: Discovery of Your Why

Exercise 12: Baby Steps Towards Your Why

Exercise 13: Find Your Purpose, Your Why

Why - your purpose – your driving motivation for action.

How - your principles – specific actions that are taken to realize your “Why.”

What - your results – tangible ways in which you bring your “Why” to life!

Action - something done, the state of being active.

What have I learned on my journey?




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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


What challenges have I faced?




How did I overcome those challenges?




What life experiences have shaped me the most?




If I could put an end to anything in the world, what would it be?




If I could shout to the world from the mountain top, what would I say?




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Discovering Your What, Why, and How


Every morning for 30 days - Three Power Questions:

Power Question #1:

“What one thing can I do today, that I don't want to do, yet I know if I do it I will move toward my goal of





Power Question #2:

“What is the next level for me? What would make me feel like I had a SMALL upgrade AND feels





Power Question #3:

“How can I make myself valuable to someone who is already at my next level?”




Remember to email me at [email protected] to share your transformations and success!

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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Our life experience is based on what we focus on.

The following questions are designed to cause you to experience more happiness, excitement, pride, gratitude, joy, commitment, and love every day of your life.

Remember, quality questions create a quality life...

Come up with two or three answers to all of these questions and feel fully associated.

The Morning Power Questions

1. What am I happy about in my life now?

What about that makes you happy? How does that make you feel?




2. What am I excited about my life now?

What about that makes you excited? How does that make you feel?




3. What am I proud about my life now?

What about that makes you proud? How does that make you feel?




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Discovering Your What, Why, and How


4. What am I grateful about in my life now?

What about that makes you grateful? How does that make you feel?




5. What am I enjoying most in my life right now?

What about that do you enjoy? How does that make you feel?




6. What am I committed to in my life right now?

What about that makes you committed? How does that make you feel?




7. Who do I love? Who loves me?

What about that makes you loving? How does that make you feel?




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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


The Evening Power Questions

1. What have I given today?

In what ways have you been a giver today?




2. What did I learn today?




3. How has today added to the quality of my life? How can I use today as an investment in my future?




If you want to create a shift in your life, make this a part of your daily ritual for success.

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Discovering Your What, Why, and How


How could your business support your life’s intentions? Identify the desires you have for your business. What do YOU want?

Circle those that apply, and/or add your own desires below:

Afford to work part-time

Support my spouse in a career change

Have more time with my family/kids

Provide a vacation for my family

Purchase a new automobile

Pay my monthly mortgage

Pay off my credit card debt

Pay my monthly bills

Provide for kids

Pay for private school

Save for college tuition

Contribute to a cause

Be debt-free

Leave my job

Have my own “mad money”

Gain financial independence

Achieve a leadership promotion

Afford a fabulous wardrobe

Hire a housekeeper

Hire an assistant

Hire a personal trainer

Complete home improvement projects

Remodel our home

Win or earn a free trip from my company

Additional ideas:





Put a star next to your TOP five on the list above. What is important to you about these five reasons for doing your business?

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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


What do you LOVE about what you do? What are your deepest reasons for building a business or career?

Circles those that apply, and/or add your own desires below:

It’s fun

It gives me more flexibility

I’m proving something to myself or someone else

I believe in my company mission

It’s rewarding to run my own business

I can share my passion about programs/products

It allows me to challenge my fears

I’m building a “nest egg”

I have a plan “B”

It helps me feel good about myself

It allows me to make empowered choices

It helps me face a fear

I’m making friends

I received recognition for my work

It helps me with public speaking

It gives me a sense of security

I’m home with my kids

I’m away from my kids

I’m a role model for my kids

It allows me to have a part-time career

It helps me focus on my personal growth

I’m gaining personal independence

It helps me get over my shyness

I can be creative

I’m helping others

I like to entertain people

I can develop my self-confidence

I like to be in front of people

I love to lead others

It gives me time for myself

I like belonging to a group

I enjoy relationships

I enjoy teaching/training others

It’s something just for me

Additional ideas:





Put a star next to your top five from the list above.

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Discovering Your What, Why, and How


Write about the following inquiry: What would I experience if I were to honor each of these reasons for doing my business? How would I feel? What would be possible? What would I learn?







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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Here are some tiny steps to get you started:

1. Create a quiet space where you can be alone, comfortable, and free to explore your feelings. You may want to include a little ritual, like lighting a candle, putting on some music, or even setting up your space with things that inspire you, like photos and books.

2. Take deep breaths and locate the area of your heart. Feel your heart beating in your chest, notice your breath as it easily and effortlessly moves through you. Ask yourself: “What would my dream look like?” Wait for the answers to come, but not from your mind, from your heart.

3. Write down what comes to you, be specific about what your surroundings would look like, who would be there, what would you be doing? What job do you have? What foods will you be eating?

4. After you’re done writing, just sit there a little while longer. Put the workbook down and imagine yourself in this life.

5. This last part is the most important part… ready? Make a list of the small baby steps you can start to take right now, right this second, to start putting that in motion. Be specific here and remember, don’t get overwhelmed by the big picture.









If you use this exercise once a week, you’ll start to learn to listen to your heart more. As you take the baby steps you’ve outlined, you will start to be guided by your heart and something bigger than you. Remember that anything is possible, and if you allow yourself to take small actions, they will soon grow to bigger things. Then your heart’s song will be so loud that all the pieces will flow exactly where they should. Is this what happened to me? YES!!! It did (with tears of joy) and continues to each and every day. Listen closely… Your heart is speaking to you right now!

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Discovering Your What, Why, and How


When you are clear about what you want, it shows up in your life. What we put our attention on grows stronger. A high quality of life has a lot more to do with what you remove from your life than what you add to it. Complete the following statements with concise, positive declarations for each category: “When my life is ideal, I am (being, doing, having).”

An example for personal growth might be, I am now living a life of purpose and have found my passion, working with others to find their why and purpose as a life and business coach. This allows me time freedom to be and do the things I love to do. I was lost prior not knowing what I truly wanted to do in my life and what brought me fulfillment. By reading Finding Your Why, by Cheryl Richardson, I discovered what I am truly passionate about and long for in my life by taking action on the exercises in the book.

We cover these categories:

















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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Personal Growth




















Consider these for your list, too:





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Discovering Your What, Why, and How


Health/Physical & Mental












Draft more than one “Ideal” statement for any of the listed categories - Or create your own category.

Let go of any negative self-talk and dream big!

When we have time to work through this entire clarification process, we start with a list of 10-15 statements and work through to find our top 5 passions.

As we begin the process of narrowing down our list to find what is MOST important to us at this time, tune in to your heart and gut, turn off your critical voice and pay attention to what FEELS right for YOU!

LET GO of HOW your passion will show up!

Our mantra is “This or something better!” Because we are not capable of knowing every possibility.

“Pay attention to what you pay attention to!”

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Chapter 4

Exercise 14: Clarity (Priorities) through Contrast (Things that don’t matter)

Clarity - free from the obscurity and easy to understand. The incomprehensible ability of clear expression

Contrast- put in opposition to show work emphasized differences, to show differences when compared; to be different

Make the most of this time, first get clear on what it truly is that you want to manifest and what you need to let go of. If you’re not quite sure, make a Clarity through Contrast worksheet.

Step 1: Title your worksheet “My Ideal ______”

Fill in the blank with your priorities e.g. house, job, relationship, finances, vacation, etc. It’s important though to do a separate sheet for each different life category.

Step 2: On the left side of the paper, list all the things you don’t want or need to “Let Go Of,” the negatives in your life. The things that drain you: mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.

Step 3: Once you’ve done that...go through each item and ask yourself, “So what do I want?” Then write that down on the right side of the paper directly across from what you don’t want.

Step 4: After this little exercise, focus ONLY on the right side of your paper. Clarify your priorities in life!

This should help you get crystal clear on what exactly you do want to manifest in your life. You can take the “Contrast List” and get support from a coach, mentor, or friend to work on these items dependent on your current situation. Do you burn it, throw it away, cross of the items, repent, forgive and just let go? You decide; when you write these down it is truly amazing what “Shows up.” Just stay focused on your “Clarity” list to move your life toward a positive direction to start. This exercise will help you to get clear on your priorities, demands you need to conquer and spend your time on. Don’t let the draining negatives in your life control you.

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Shift Happens When You’re Ready


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Chapter 5

Exercise 15: Career/Business/Entrepreneur/Studies

Exercise 16: TOP 12 Empowering & Limiting Beliefs With Your Career/Business/Studies List

Exercise 17: 100 Things I LOVE To Do

Exercise 18: 50 Things I LOVED To Do As A Kid

Choices - An act of choosing between two or more possibilities.

Habits - Something you take action on daily. Most people believe it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a habit. What I have found is that things done over an extended period of time become our habits. Habits will dictate your future circumstance. The 21st day represents that change in circumstance. That day you look up and your life has shifted.

ASSIGNMENT: Choose the perspective that best describes what you are presently feeling and experiencing in your business. This exercise has been designed to help you identify your short, medium, and long-term goals/intentions.

1. What are some of the reasons you chose this perspective (Career)? (GET SPECIFIC.)




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You Have Two Choices In Life: Grow Or Decline


2. What choices could you take now that would make you feel confident and fulfilled?




3. What will you commit to? 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 3 years from now?




4. When will you take action? The next day, week, month, year, or 3 years from now?




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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Career/Business/Studies List

List twelve of the most empowering beliefs you have about your career.

Examples: You love your job most of the time. You really like the flexibility that your job gives you.

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________________

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12. _________________________________________________________________________________

List some of the limiting beliefs you have about your career/business/studies. (Real or Perceived)

Examples: In order to move up, you will need to move away. In order to be successful, you will need to sacrifice time with your family.

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________________

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You Have Two Choices In Life: Grow Or Decline


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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


First question: What are 100 things that you love to do? These can be things that you do all the time or things you haven’t done for a while. They might even be things you have always wanted to try!

The list exercise gets you back into a place of ultimately realizing and understanding what brings you fulfillment and why you’re here. It also helps you to define your purpose, vision, and mission. This ultimately maps out and starts the beginning of transforming your dreams.

(Remember: Write anything down that comes to mind! Have fun and see where this list takes you!)

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You Have Two Choices In Life: Grow Or Decline


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You Have Two Choices In Life: Grow Or Decline


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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


See where it takes you. Example: I loved doing puzzles, and I still love connecting and putting all the pieces together for a project to complete; it makes me feel complete/accomplished!

The list exercise gets you back into a place of ultimately realizing and understanding what brings you fulfillment and why you’re here. It also helps you to define your purpose, vision and mission. Which ultimately maps out and starts the beginning of transforming your dreams.

What are 50 things that you loved to do when you were a kid?

NOTE: Some of these things might be on your first list, and that is just fine. Some might be things you haven’t thought about in a long, long time! That’s okay. If they come to mind, write them down!

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________________

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You Have Two Choices In Life: Grow Or Decline


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Chapter 6

Exercise 19: Personal Reflection

Exercise 20: Goals/Intentions Action Today

Intention - a thing intended; an aim or plan

Goal - the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve, a place designated as the end (of a race or journey)

Values - beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment either for or against something

These are important questions to ask yourself that will help you to clarify your direction, set meaningful goals/intentions, and create the life you want.

1. What do I really want out of life? What would my ideal life look like?





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What Are Your Intentions, Goals, and Core Values?


2. What am I truly passionate about? What brings me joy, love, peace, and harmony?





3. Is the life I am living one of my choosing? If not, why not?





4. What are my personal and professional expectations, and what am I doing to further them?





5. How could I improve my family/home life/work life?





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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


6. What are my own particular gifts and talents, and am I making the most of them?





7. Am I making the best of myself and my relationships at home and at work?





8. How well do I look after myself: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?





9. How and where do I see myself in three months, six months, one year, three years, or five years time?





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What Are Your Intentions, Goals, and Core Values?


10. Am I aware of how to tap into my rich inner strength and resourcefulness?





11. What would I like to change and develop about myself?





12. When things go wrong, do I think about what I could have done differently?





13. What motivates me? Am I working in a job or career or working on studies that I love?





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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


14. What is currently missing in my life? What would make it more fulfilling?





15. Is my social life as satisfying as I would like it to be?





16. What difference would working with a coach/mentor make, and what would I want from him or her?





17. What do I do to avoid facing my feelings? (Food, alcohol, work, etc?)





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What Are Your Intentions, Goals, and Core Values?


18. What changes could I make to improve how I feel?





19. What would need to change? What help do I need?





20. What am I currently doing to make sure I am getting what I need?





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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Action for today:

So today, take a piece of paper and write down the #1 intention/goal you are working on for this 3 months, 1 year, and 3 years. This section has been designed to help you identify your short, medium, and long-term goals so that you can be clear about the outcome you would like from coaching/mentorship and align your goals with your long term vision.


Lists of your 3 month, 1 Year and 3 Year Goals/Intentions

There are only two simple principles to keep in mind when making lists of Goals/Intentions

1. Do it at one sitting

2. Eliminate distractions

Answer the following question: What are at least twelve goals you want to achieve and the reasons, attributes, behaviors…(Above)

3 Month Goals





1 Year Goals





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What Are Your Intentions, Goals, and Core Values?


3 Year Goals





Now, answer this question:

Who do you need to BECOME in order to accomplish that goal or intention?

List all of the attributes, qualities, behaviors, attitudes, and characteristics of the person you need to become

to truly crush that intention/goal in the next 3 months, year & 3 years.






After you complete that list, well...you know what to do ;)

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Chapter 7

Exercise 21: Your 100th Birthday Your Dream/Purpose/Mission

Exercise 22: Finding Your Passion and Purpose

Exercise 23: Write Your Vision/Dream Statement

What is your Vision, Passion, Mission, and Purpose in Life?

Vision - A vivid mental image, the ability to see, the perceptual experience of seeing, the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses. What visions do you have for your life?

Passion - a strong and barely controllable emotion, trait of being intensely emotional, something that is desired intensely, irrational but irresistible motives for belief or action, feeling of strong sexual desire.

Mission/Leadership - a special assignment that is given to a person or group common organized work, group of representatives or delegates, an operation that is assigned by a higher power, activity of leading.

Purpose - quality of being determined to do or achieve something, propose or intended, reach decision, anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions, what something is used for.

The truth is: it begins with a single step and a roadmap. That roadmap is your purpose.

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Discover Your Passion


It is your 100th year birthday, a reporter is writing a story about your life. What would the reporter write?

Write a personal biography, as long or short as you want, but try to include the following…

What is my dream and passion in life?





What makes me happiest and most fulfilled?





What is my purpose in life?





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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


What are the most significant experiences and events in my life? What do I want for myself and others close to me?





What minor and major disappointments have I experienced in my life?





What is my business “mission,” and what do I want professionally?





What are my achievements?





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Discover Your Passion


What particular gifts and talents do I have? What makes them unique?





What am I most pleased and proud of having accomplished?





What are my personal and professional strengths?





What do I give that is unique or exciting to me?





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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


What do I want to leave for others? What is my legacy?





What are my most pleased and proud moments, and what have I accomplished?





Why do I do what I do?





Anything else I want to include about myself:





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Discover Your Passion


If you're lucky, you've already discovered many of your passions and get to spend much of your time enjoying things that bring you excitement and joy. However, maybe you've not yet connected with activities, talents, skills, and interests that ignite your passion.

It takes time, soul-searching, and some life experience to identify your true passions. These prompts are written to tap into your wants, needs, desires, and passions. Have fun with them, and discover what you can add to your life that will fill it with delight.

1. What's the one thing I have always wanted to do? Consider what would need to happen in order for you to carry through with this long-sought wish. What are you longing for?





2. If I could spend today doing whatever I desire, what would it be? Let your mind go. It could be something related to your work, your home, or something personal.





3. Where do I really want to live? What city and what type of residence? Perhaps you're already fulfilling this passion, and you do live in your true first choice. If not, consider the possibilities of moving to a place you'll love.





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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


4. Where would I like to visit? Perhaps you're harboring a secret yearning to visit Italy, Turks and Caicos, or the Greek Islands. The streets of Hong Kong may be calling your name or even the Grand Canyon. Can you make it happen?





5. What do I talk about doing, but never do? In a conversation, you might state something like, “For the last 3 years, I've really wanted to take my daughters on a trip to Barcelona, Spain.”





6. What are the reasons I don't go after my dreams? Explore within yourself why you haven't pursued the life you want. Can you do something differently to help bring your dreams to life?





7. How will I finish the sentence, “More than anything, before I die, I want to ___________!” Say it out loud and fill in the blank. Then, figure out a way to accomplish your wish.





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Discover Your Passion


8. What are the things in my life that I would like to get rid of? If you're discovering you don't love everything about your life, maybe it's time to do some “housecleaning.” Make a list of the ways you'd like your life to change.





9. Which people in my life inspire me, and why? It's important to know who inspires you so you can spend more time with them. What is it about them that lights you up so much? Decide to take every step to be inspired more often.





10. If I were to make just one radical change in my life right now to make life better, what would it be? Your answer to this question will really open up your possibilities. Moving to a bigger city might really spice up your life. Getting more education might be a goal-plus, you'll likely make more money. You'll be happier if you chase your dreams. Make one change.





11. How do I feel when I put all my effort into accomplishing one of my goals? Notice these feelings. You'll no doubt want to experience them more often.





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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


12. How do I feel whenever I achieve a life goal? Probably pretty amazing!





13. What's missing from my life? This question requires considerable soul-searching.





14. Who are my biggest supporters? It's wise to know the people that will stand behind you and help you pursue your passions, no matter what.





15. Who gets in the way of me achieving my goals? In order to find your true passions, you might be required to disengage from those who wish to counteract your efforts.





If you take the time to thoroughly ponder each of these questions, you'll be pleased with what you discover. Your true passions are inside you; they’re just waiting to be let loose to bring you excitement, joy, and fulfillment.

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Discover Your Passion


To start with a vision/dream statement, know that it is a narrative description of the day in your life three years from now and written in present tense as if you are already there. Your vision statement is the beginning step in your journey of achievement.

In writing your vision, ask yourself first and foremost, what would you love? Be specific. Paint the picture exactly as you desire it to be. The descriptive-five senses, how does it feel, taste, look, sound, or smell? Describe the life you would absolutely love living in the four key domains of life: your health, your relationships, your career or creative expression, and your time, freedom, and money. What would you love your life to be like in these four key areas?













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Chapter 8

Spiritual- concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul, concerned with sacred matters for religion or the church, lacking material body or form or substance, resembling or characteristic of phantom.

Visualization- a mental image that is similar to a visual perception.

1. Think of an intention/goal, something that you would like to achieve. The more specific, the better.

2. Sit in a comfortable chair (or lie down). Close your eyes and become aware of your breathing for a couple of minutes. Then imagine a white light over your head. See that light going over your head and face, relaxing all the muscles in the face, neck, and shoulders. Then imagine this light moving down your body, relaxing your arms, torso, buttocks, legs, and feet.

3. Now imagine that you are sitting in your favorite cinema (or at home watching the TV, if you prefer). See yourself on the cinema or TV screen having achieved your goal. Notice what you can see, hear, and what people are saying to you. Look at all the details, including how you look, your posture, and what you are wearing. Notice other people smiling, enjoying talking with you, if that’s relevant to your goal. Be as specific as possible. If the goal is about earning $100,000, see that money on your bank statement.

4. Now, jump into the cinema or TV screen. You are now the actor in your own success movie! Continue to notice what you see and hear as graphically as possible. Make the images as big and as colorful as possible. Now notice what you are saying to yourself. Your internal dialogue, your self-talk. If it’s useful to your intention/goal, notice any smells, tastes, or touch sensations.

5. Now that you are visualizing this goal with all your senses, notice how you feel. You should feel good. Now really intensify this feeling.

6. Finally (and this is optional), you can release and let go of this feeling as I explained in the “Forgive and Forge On” section of the book. Use Sonia Ricotti’s AM & PM meditations in the Unsinkable Bounce Back system. I also use Lisa Nichols’s Creative Visualization program to reprogram my mind. The third

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Have You Gone Within To Get Connected To Your Source?


program for meditation I have used is John Vincent’s Peak Power Hypnosis System. This will make it easier for you to relive this experience in the future.

Your imagination is like a muscle, and it will improve with practice. So, if your visualizations were a little fuzzy, keep at it. Practice regularly and continue to add as many details as you can. This will help implant this “memory” into your unconscious mind.

You can also visualize with your eyes open in the same way as you would when day dreaming. This is great for fitting in some visualization while doing other tasks, such as walking, using public transport, or even when staring at a computer screen.

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Chapter 9

Exercise 25: Gratitude

Exercise 26: The Gratitude Journal/Note/Gift/Phone Call

Exercise 27: Finances/Abundance

Attitude- of complex mental state involving beliefs, feelings, values and dispositions to act in certain ways

Gratitude- means a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation

Three amazing people in my life are:




Three great things about my home and where I live are:




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Do You Have An Attitude of Gratitude?


Three great things about where I work and what I do for a living are:




Three great gifts of unique talent and skill I have been given are:




Three great gifts of knowledge and experience I have developed are:




Three ways I have experienced “luck” in my life are:




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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


Start out by making a list of the 52 people in your life that matter to you most!

There are 52 weeks each year. Each week, you will write a note, pick up the phone and call, or connect with them in person, for coffee, lunch, happy hour, etc…

Tell them what they mean to you, why they matter to you, by having them in your life the difference they've made and how grateful you are!

You will be amazed by the difference this will make in their lives and yours. Especially when it's unexpected and they don't see it coming.

The most impactful gift I've learned about and made for one of my friends comes from one of my mentors Darren Hardy; it is the gratitude journal. This is especially effective with that significant other or special person in your life. You want to journal daily about that person and what you're grateful for. For example, “I love the way you dress up and care about the way you look when we go out on a date...your skin is flawless...I love that you can be silent and no words need to be spoken 24/7...grateful for all the grocery shopping and meals prepare for me...love the way you fold my socks, etc…”

Journal daily for a year, starting on their birthday, Thanksgiving, or the new year, and give it to them as a gratitude gift. Know it will be the most “special gift” and light them up in a way you've never seen before! PRICELESS!

List your 52 NAMES NOW!

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Do You Have An Attitude of Gratitude?


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Do You Have An Attitude of Gratitude?


ASSIGNMENT: Answer the following questions:

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how fulfilled am I with my finances?




2. If I were truly fulfilled with my finances, how would I feel and what would I achieve?




3. What choices might I make that will cause me to feel confident about my finances?




4. What will I commit to?




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Chapter 10

Discovering Your Dream Step 1:

Dreams speak to us in two ways: to our longing and to our discontent. Notice the source of your longing and discontent. In our day-to-day lives, we might not consciously notice our longing and discontent. Pay attention to what's in front of each moment, such as the road before driving, or the spreadsheet were programming at work, or our child when they asked for something. Underneath all of that, there is a hidden longing and discontent and it's the source of a wealth of information about your dream. Let's tap into that.

Exercise A: Your Point “A”

Rank Your Satisfaction in the Four Key Areas of Life

It’s tough to get to where you want to go unless you know where you’re starting.

Below is a great tool for accessing your starting point, which I will call your “Point A.”

Treat this tool as a litmus test to assess your current life as you view it today. Place a checkmark on the line where you would rank your life on a scale of 1 to 10 in each of the four domains below.

The score 1 means you feel discontent or unhappy, and you’re not seeing the results you desire in that domain of life.

A score of 10 means you feel content, happy and like you’re fully living your dreams in that particular domain of life.

Be honest and thorough with your assessment, as no one will see this but you. The more energy you put into this exercise, the more value you will gain.

Once you have assessed your Point A, proceed to Exercise B.

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Ready To Transform Your Dream Into Reality?



1 o o o o o o o o 10


1 o o o o o o o o 10

Creative Expression

1 o o o o o o o o 10

Financial Supply

1 o o o o o o o o 10

Exercise B: Notice Discontent

If there was a domain of your life which didn’t rate a “10,” list the reasons why you’re not perfectly content

and happy in that domain of life. Be as specific as possible. Name at least one feeling associated with your

discontent (anger, sadness, boredom, disgust, etc.)









Creative Expression:




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Financial Supply:




Replace any negative emotion you wrote above with an emotion you’d prefer to experience in each area of

your life below:









Creative Expression:




Financial Supply:




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Ready To Transform Your Dream Into Reality?


Exercise C: Notice Longing

Locked inside each one of us is a child-like part that knows that all things are possible, that loves to dream, that revels in big thinking, and is unconcerned with how to make the dream come true. All things are possible to this aspect of us, and it is in this place that the power of our imagination is rooted.

Deep inside our hearts, we already know what makes us happy. We just need to allow ourselves to imagine and dream big.

So now, imagine in your hand is a magic wand. This magic wand gives you the power to create anything you want simply by wishing for it. There are no limitations.

In each of the four domains, describe vividly three dream scenarios for each of the categories, or what you would love if money, time, experience, education, your gender or background were not a factor.


Dream Scenario 1:




Dream Scenario 2:




Dream Scenario 3:




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Dream Scenario 1:




Dream Scenario 2:




Dream Scenario 3:




Creative Expression:

Dream Scenario 1:




Dream Scenario 2:




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Ready To Transform Your Dream Into Reality?


Dream Scenario 3:




Financial Supply:

Dream Scenario 1:




Dream Scenario 2:




Dream Scenario 3:




Begin to shape a possibility. Imagine a life you’d like to live; physically, relationally, expressively. Imagine your work, your money, how you spend your leisure time. What do you do for your community? Your opportunity is to begin to let those images emerge.

Writing these images down in this exercise is an important aspect to dream-building. There’s new research that validates what great goal achievers have known for many, many years, and that is the amplified power towards a dream when you actually write it down.

Discovering Your Dream Step 2:

SORT your dreams and find the right one for you.

How will you know if the dream you choose is the right dream to pursue? This is a very important question, and one you should give serious consideration.

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Just because a dream feels exciting at first doesn’t mean you should invest yourself into making that particular dream a reality.

Your dream needs to be worthy of you. It needs to pass a series of tests. It needs to align with your values, and it needs to make you feel more alive.

The people who hesitate to discover their dream hesitate because they’ve been burned before. They’ve invested time and money into a dream or goal, but it didn’t turn out like they had hoped. There was some stumbling block or challenge, their motivation fizzled out, they lost interest, or found out that it wasn’t all they had imagined. There were unforeseen complications. You don’t want to go down that road.

That’s why you’ll want to go through the process of SORTING your dream scenarios before picking out the one you want to focus on.

Exercise D: Core Values Assessment

It is important that the dream you put your energy into is one that is in alignment with your core values.

Core values help us understand what truly matters to us. If we choose a dream that isn’t in alignment with our core values, we won’t feel satisfied. There will always be an internal conflict between what we think we want and what our gut tells us is right. For example, if what we want is a higher paying job, but one of our core values is time with family, and getting promoted means more travel time and longer hours spent away from home, then a higher paying job (at least one that required more time away from home) would be a conflict with our core value.

Examples of core values might be family, health, security, autonomy, creativity, and time spent in nature. One way to think of core values is to ask yourself, “What would matter if I knew I only had a year left to live?”

Knowing your core values will help you be more clear about your dream and vision.

Below, write down twelve of your core values, things that are most important to you, that you need in order to feel at ease with life.








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Ready To Transform Your Dream Into Reality?







Exercise E: The Six Qualifying Questions to Test Your Dream

Select one dream from Exercise C, where you wrote down three different dream scenarios for each of the four life categories. It doesn’t matter if you can’t decide which one to choose first because you can do this exercise as many times as you wish with as many dream scenarios as you wish. Just pick one to start. Then ask yourself the following six questions in regards to the dream scenario you selected.

Question #1: Is the dream worthy of me?

When most people think of a dream, they ask the wrong question.

They ask, “Am I worthy of the dream?” In other words, are you rich enough, smart enough, savvy enough to make your dream a reality? Those are the wrong questions. Instead, you should be asking if the dream is worthy of you.

Is it grand enough to reflect your talents, your experience, your wisdom and your passion? You only have one precious life. Is your dream worthy of that life?

Is your dream worthy of you? YES or NO?

Question #2: Does my dream make me feel alive?

When you step inside that dream, do you feel an amplified aliveness? You want a, “Yes!” to this question. Your life force will never lie to you. If you imagine stepping into your dream and feeling a constriction or a containment, it’s not your dream.

You may have a worthy goal, like cleaning out your garage, but that’s not really your dream. Your dream is for a more expansive, expressive life and the forms of that will be unique to each one of us. The creativity and the lens through which that is expressed is as unique as our thumbprint. That fact that it gives us more life is universal.

So, when you imagine putting yourself inside the dream, do you feel more alive?

YES or NO?

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Do you feel more expansive?

YES or NO?

Question #3: Does it fit with my core values?

When it’s all said and done, what will have mattered most to you? Those are your core values that you listed in a previous exercise.

Here’s the truth: your real dream will never ask you to be out of alignment, to mute, or to mitigate your authentic true values.

Here’s an example. There was a young woman in her early 30s who took my dream-building workshop a year ago. When the time came to explore her longing, she revealed that she had never traveled. She told me that whenever she thought about adventure and exotic places, she would just light up. She hadn’t gone to college. Instead, she went to beauty school straight out of high school and had been working full-time cutting and styling hair ever since.

She started thinking that maybe she could get a job in a salon on a cruise ship. I could just see her light up when she talked about the possibilities of visiting foreign countries and exploring world-class beaches.

However, when it came time to align this with her values, there was a part of her that wasn’t happy with the answer. Her husband was in support of her and her dream, but the thought of leaving her husband alone to care for their 3-year old toddler during the three month-long stints that she’d be traveling didn’t sit right with her. She worried about the long-term affects her absences would have on her marriage and on her son. Her family’s wellbeing was one of her core values.

When something doesn’t sit right with you, it’s a good sign that it’s not in alignment with your core values. When it’s in alignment, all parts of you will agree about your dream. You won’t have internal struggles. You’ll know you’re on the right path and you won’t have to compromise about the things that matter most.

Does your dream fit with your core values? Yes or No?

Question #4: Does the dream require that I grow?

Your dream should require that you step into a larger dimension of yourself. Does that mean you should know how to do that? No. Does it mean that you know all that is required? No. But can you see that to live a larger life you are going to have to grow? Grow in understanding, grow in awareness, grow in action, grow in the many different things that will be required to anchor and secure and make stable a larger experience of aliveness and life-demonstration.

Your dream should require that you grow in some way, whether it’s learning a new skill, overcoming fear, or stepping into a better version of yourself.

So does the dream require you to grow? Yes or No?

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Ready To Transform Your Dream Into Reality?


Question #5: Will I need help from a higher power to accomplish this dream?

Another way to ask this question is to ask yourself if you know every single thing that needs to be done to bring about this dream. If you do, then the dream isn’t big enough. It’s just a worthy goal.

Your dream should actually pull you into you into a larger dimension of who you’re meant to be. That dream is the future pull of the discovery of the authentic self. Part of that is exploring the unknown aspects of really who you are. You have to allow the dream to build you, not just have you building the dream.

Does your dream require help from a higher power? Yes or No?

Question #6: Is there some good in my dream for others?

The universe cares very much about experiencing a freer, fuller and more expressive version of itself through you. Not just you, but everyone because we are all connected. So your dream, in order to have the full weight and support of the universe, must in some way make a difference for good.

If your dream is meeting your soulmate, will your dream have some good in it for others? Here’s the truth. Any two people who absolutely anchor and demonstrate what real love looks like in the world are a blessing to every person who knows them. If your dream is about growing a garden, you are either going to produce food or beauty. There is a blessing in that. So your idea of good for others does not have to have some peak merit to it. It’s not like that. Look at your dream and ask if there’s a blessing in it for others, if there is good that will come from this to others.

Is there some good in my dream for others? Yes or No?

Scoring: Now add up your “yes” answers in this exercise. If you wrote 6 “yes” answers, congratulations! That means this dream is likely the right dream for you. If you answered yes on 1-5 questions, you may wish to redefine your dream or consider a different dream.

Ultimately, the truth is that you are the only one responsible for your results. Nothing and no one else can cause you to succeed or fail to reach your dreams.

You have more power than you know, and your results can start to change the moment you make the decision to do things differently. The shift creates the change.

“If you can dream it, you can achieve it”

~ Zig Ziglar

Go to www.AuthenticLifeline.com for more information on our 12 week DreamBuilder course.

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Chapter 11

Exercise 29: 12 Ways To Shift Into Your own Circle Of Light-Creating

Productivity/Success/Habits/ Focus/& Abundance

Mentor - serve as a teacher or trusted counselor; a wise and trusted guide and advisor

1. Do You Dare To Disconnect From Social Media, E-Mails, Texts, and Your Phone?

Make the decision to achieve a number of Disconnected Days each year: To disconnect yourself from all communications (email, phone calls, texts and social media) for a 24 hour period of time (sometimes 2-days straight or 48 hours!) so that you can focus on undisturbed, creative production…or rest and recovery. Value how you choose to spend your time.

This exercise alone will change your life! Shift into FUN!

2. Mentorship messages & connection/Education/Leaders/Profits/Teachers in person, audio programs, books, seminars, and courses get in tune with what lights you up! A big lesson I have learned from success is the importance of surrounding yourself with the TOP ELITE people in the world to build the best version of yourself and your business or career that will make a difference for future generations to come. I have learned through the process to stay focused on the quality of people who influence me. The five people you are around most will determine who you will become. Through personal growth, lessons from a mentor, or daily affirmations of love, joy, peace, gratitude, and prosperity, we excel, educate, and grow internally daily to become the best versions of ourselves. Did you know the amount of time we spend in the car each year is equivalent to one semester of college? Make your car your audio transformation /education system.

3. Contribution/Non-Profit/Volunteer/Give Back What I have learned is diligently becoming the best version of yourself and helping others become their best versions is what mentorship, contribution, and making an impact in this world is all about...Living LIFE full out! Giving back to make a difference in the lives of others! Mission 1 Million!

4. Journaling/Daily can prove to be a useful tool for people of any age and boosts your productivity and creativity! Putting your thoughts and ideas down on paper-or on screen if you prefer a virtual version- is a

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Have You Created Your Own Circle of Life?


brilliant way of focusing your thoughts in establishing what steps you need to take. It lets you identify what is important to you, it allows you to find solutions, it shows what’s on your mind, and it frees up mental energy! It teaches you self-discipline and serves as a reminder, even if you find it difficult to get on with things you need to do, or make your mind focused, try making regular entries daily in your journal and you will see and train your mind in being self-disciplined!

5. If you want a great life, ask great questions. Questions can be catalysts. They serve as challenges, inspirations, roadmaps, hints of something better, calls to action, and new beginnings. If you want better answers for your life, try asking better questions. Instead of asking, why me, why am I so unhappy, or what's wrong with me? Try asking, how can I make this work, how can I make a difference, or what am I grateful for?

6. Affirmations/Daily! A great way to get motivated is to use motivational affirmations. Use affirmations that can change how you think about yourself and how you view the world around you. These positive statements can bring you the motivation you seek, as well as happiness, joy, and passion. When you’re feeling negative or down, repeating affirmations can immediately improve your mood. Even though affirmations can work immediately, don’t think of them as a quick fix. Positive affirmations are most effective in the long-term so you can get what you deeply desire out of life.

7. Spend one hour in the morning either meditating, exercising, stretching, or strategizing. You could mix this up and meditate, exercise, or stretch for 30 minutes, and then strategize your day for another 30 minutes. You get in tune with your body, and mind, sit down, visualize, and decide on the major projects and priorities you will schedule to drastically move forward onto your successful day. This means no checking emails or to do lists.

8. Starting your day or winding down your day by taking a nice, long shower or a hot bubble bath with lit candles, and a glass of wine. Most people crack the biggest ideas in the bathroom. (Looking in the Mirror) Apart from the common health benefits, a nice, long shower or bubble bath is an excellent way to relax and prepare for a tough day ahead or relaxing night of sleep. There is a high chance that you will get the next big idea while showering or bathing!

9. Starting with the hardest job and never skipping breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides your body the exact set of nutrients it requires for starting the day on a good note. It also helps you keep away from junk, and you tend to be healthier and more alert throughout the day. Since mornings are the most productive time of the day, and it's mostly the time when your motivation levels are at a peak, it is the perfect time to start working on a project that is either the hardest with the most boring of the lot. The chances of cracking this hard nut are substantially high in the mornings compared to any other time of the day.

10. Get 1 more hour of sleep or rest daily. Sleep 1 hour more. Unless you usually sleep eight hours per night, up your regular sleep routine by 1 hour. This means go to bed 1 hour earlier. According to Brendon Burchard’s “5x50 Productivity Formula”, that extra sleep will improve your cognitive scores by 25% within seven days. Plus, you will have more energy to get stuff done and you'll be kinder to others-yes, the science proves it. These stats come from various studies and programs I have done and educated on1.

11. Spending some quality time with family and friends. Most successful people start their day or end their day by spending some quality time with their family or friends. Whether it's while having breakfast or

1 “5x50 Productivity Formula from @BrendonBurchard.” 2015. <http://2.highperformanceacademy.com/5x50video?autoplay=1>

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dinner together or discussing something else, spending time together is the key. Apart from helping you build a better bond with them, it helps take the stress away from you and connect with them on a deep level.

12. Breathe in Life! To rediscover that each day of your life really can become one of the best and most meaningful days of your life. You hold the key to your gifts and possibilities. If it is to be, it is up to me. So breathe in and refresh your spirit, creativity, seize and savor the joy in every day. Reconnect with your dreams, goals, and passions. Renew your sense of daring and adventure! Your happiness and joy are within you, so just stop and breathe!

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Chapter 12

Exercise 30: Relationships - What Matters Most

Exercise 31: One Week to Live

Exercise 32: Your Top 12 Questions For Building Relationships

Exercise 33: So, What Have You Learned?

Relationships - a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection), a state involving mutual dealings between people or countries.

Now spend some time thinking about yourself, as if you are meeting yourself for the first time. This will help you to become aware of the first impression you make on others.

ASSIGNMENT: Answer the following questions:

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how fulfilled am I with my most important relationships? (You may want to list them individually.)





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2. If I were truly fulfilled with my most important relationships, how would I feel and what would I be experiencing?





3. What choices might I make that will cause me to feel esteemed?





4. How do I come across to others?





5. What do I notice about myself?





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Relationships: What Matters Most!


6. What do I sound like?





7. How do I come across to others?





8. How do I interact with others?





9. Am I relaxed or anxious, happy or sad, open or defensive, enthusiastic or boring, lively or quiet?





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10. What makes me uncomfortable?





11. What is my overall impression of myself?





12. What do I notice about my appearance?





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Relationships: What Matters Most!


Let’s play a powerful game...Imagine that as you go about your day, you run into a monk who walks up to you, and in a cheerful yet ominous tone says,” Make your peace with this life for I see you have one week left to live.” Then he smiles and keeps on walking. Pretty freaky, I know...but if it were true, would you be ready to make your peace? Would you be ready to go, satisfied with your accomplishments and without regrets? If not…

What do you wish you could have accomplished? What would you like to do with the time you have left? Who would you like to spend it with? What do you regret? What are you thankful for?











I play this game with myself every three months or so. It helps me put things into perspective and focus on what really matters. I hope you take 5-10 minutes to think about it and really answer all questions honestly.

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1. Number one item on my bucket list is?

2. The most appealing celebrity to me is…(they can be alive or dead) and why?

3. The angel on my shoulder keeps telling me to…

4. In three years, I see myself…

5. My strongest personal characteristic is…

6. If I could choose another career that was my dream job… What would it be?

7. What physical feature do I like best about myself?

8. If I could travel just one place on an all expenses paid vacation for three weeks, where would you go, and with whom? You cannot stay at home…

9. What is the one thing you “desire” to move your life or business forward right now?

10. Tell me something in your life that no one knows about… or something about you!

11. What are your top three highest values in life?

12. What qualities are most important to you in a relationship?

Now Your Answers to The Above Questions













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Relationships: What Matters Most!


In going through the journey of The Authentic Driven Life-12 Ways to Authentically Shift Into Your Highest Self, what have you learned? What are your thoughts and take-aways?

I would love to hear from YOU! YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF!













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“Accept responsibility for your own life. Remember, it is you who will get you where you want to go-no one else. Take the time to look at where you are, and ask yourself… Did I make an appointment with myself to be here? What part of myself do I need to let go of to create the next chapter in my life? Hold yourself to a higher standard,

and know that you hold the key to your greatness”!

~Les Brown

Congratulations on completing the workbook and digging deeper into your own self- discovery! Just by completing this workbook, know you have just begun the biggest shift in your life and are part of the top 3% in the world. By choosing to take radical action in this workbook, you've separated yourself from almost everyone else - or at least the 97% of the population that don't give thoughtful contemplation to their life’s desires or chart their proper course to take their life in that direction. This is the beginning of your life unfolding onward and upward towards living out your dream. I hope the exercises in this workbook have shown you how to achieve in a few months what takes others an entire lifetime to achieve. If you've got the ambition and passion to radically redesign your future, and put these tools in place, you will shift into your highest self!

One of our greatest illusions is that someday we will have more time to savor and enjoy things we really love. Unfortunately, one thing leads to another and some day never comes. In the rush to pursue our daily routines, light speeds by and we forget to live! You may feel you want to go deeper and have questions outside the scope of these beginning exercises in this workbook. You may find as you go through your day to day life, you may get off track or need an accountability partner, mentor or coach to help you handle things as they show up, process, and get back on to your dream path towards your life you love living!

What I’ve learned up until now…

The easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am and learn from them on a continual daily basis.

That life is tough, but I'm tougher.

That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

That to laugh at least once a day releases endorphins in the body and brings instant joy into your life.

That one should keep his words both soft and tender because tomorrow he may have to eat them.

That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while we are climbing it!

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That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.

That just one person saying to me, “You've made my day,” makes my day!

That money doesn't buy class.

That helping others help themselves brings me to my highest level of joy and helps me feel complete and accomplished.

That if you know where you are, then you know where you are going!

That reconnecting with nature at least once a week clears our minds, and it is important to enjoy and breathe in the beauty of this planet.

That finding hobbies that make you happy, that you enjoy, is tapping into your natural passions and brings you pleasure.

That exploring your creative side in finding your love of art, dance, music, or other creative outlets helps you find happiness in your creative pursuits.

That it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

That under everyone’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

That love, not time, heals all wounds.

That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.

That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.

That clarity of your priorities and spending time on those activities that support what’s most important to you brings you satisfaction and fulfillment.

That volunteering and helping at a local organization connects you with those that need help. Your heart is filled with joy as you help others.

That staying grateful is a reflection of your daily blessings and you find gratitude in them.

That expressing your appreciation to others ensures that others know you appreciate their efforts. It makes them feel good and makes you feel good too!

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I am loving my life

This is my life

This is my time

I believe in me

I believe in my dreams!

LOVE, LIVE, and LIGHT WITHIN; I am Your Sister in this Journey and I Believe in YOU!

~ Crystal Davis

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Crystal Davis left her successful career of twenty-five years as a top leader in the direct sales industry to pursue a life she could be passionate about, but it did not come easily. After being inspired by her own unexpected challenges and experiences, she realized her journey was indeed her destination.

Crystal believes the power within us is far more powerful than any circumstance or condition we are facing, that our past does not determine our future, and that our story does not define our infinite potential. She knows and believes that there is a dream within all of our hearts, seeking to be expressed and realized in the world!

Crystal also offers content rich interactive workshops & seminars that take participants on a journey in which they design, define, test, and experience a crystal clear vision of the life they would love – a life that is in alignment with their highest purpose. They will have a unique opportunity to step into the life they are imagining and feel a resounding “Yes!”

As a Certified DreamBuilder Coach, Crystal can help you design and manifest a life that's in harmony with your Soul's purpose. Crystal is a three-time Certified Life, Business & Dreambuilder Coach, and working on her fourth. Additionally, she is a highly successful serial entrepreneur, specializing in building and running million dollar direct sales organizations.

Crystal owns Authentic Lifeline, a successful sales coaching and business consulting firm. Crystal is extremely excited to offer the Dreambuilder Course as part of her suite of coaching programs. Crystal helps you design and create what you would truly love to experience in the four key areas of your life: time/money freedom, health, relationships, and your career, and creative expression.

She specializes in helping people who feel stuck and dissatisfied with their lives, so they can quickly get unstuck, build their dreams, and enjoy a richer life experience.

Now combining this background with the proven DreamBuilder technology, Crystal is helping clients achieve extraordinary results in accelerated time. She is filled with joy, vitality, and gratitude as she works with people to transform their lives and close the gap between the life they were living and the life they LOVE living.

Crystal carves out some time, every month to connect with people who are looking for a mentor, coach, accountability partner, consultant, or referral to go deeper and connect through a personal discovery session to see if you are a good fit. For more information go to www.AuthenticLifeline.com to sign up for your

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The Authentic Driven Life — Workbook


FREE discovery session ($250 value) today! She personally looks forward to hearing from you and would love to hear your takeaways from this workbook!

For more information about Crystal Davis or to book her for your next event, speaking engagement, podcast or media interview, please visit: www.AuthenticLifeline.com