Subject: RECORD NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF CHILDRll:N·;:, C 0 F I D E R T I A L Al leg a tions J.!ade 1.Gai nst Captain Sc; l• l Salvatio n Lr my Off ic er i11 t he F osi tio1:. of House fe.ther at Kangaroo Unit , Al kire. MINUTE :us:: Recen tl y s ome a lle gat io ns wer e mad e against Captai n by t v10 beys wh o had abs c onc1 ed frO l!i Al k ira , one of thes e being has absconded on two occ as i ons and on both t i mes he s ou 2_)j t refuge at t he H are Te_iple . iie tave stateuents to one of tl:e a evotees e .. na was interv i ewed c11 5th Jul31 by J.-.::r . :Gv ru1 s, Ci1ild Ce.re Officer for A lkir·2 .• :ce ce n tl y wb en he e.bsc ona ea for the second ti1ile , he gave a furt11e r stateD ent to the Ho.re oevotee ana t his incl u ded c1e that Capta in Schu l tz l'Jo.if 1 csexual s.cts on boys in his cure and that one b oy Jto ld his father of Schultz ' activities ru1d thnt tb is ac tion usually took place bet\. , een 9.00 a.no 9.30 p. :·!1 . IGG ] ue-.1t to f2th ·;r ' J:::ci_ 'sG abscc nc: int: E.lf::o l;.iade c. \.i:c itter. st.""' .tG:.:ent \·:Jic ' is still be ld by Lr . c:nd i·!3.S s2.id to contain the Cap t ain Schultz GOt into bed v.ri bim on occasions &.i1d he 2. sked 0aptc;.i n ::.:c' · iu l tz to sto: "'I a oin.; this he a i a' thc;.t other boys were a.sleep at the ti L! e c:nd l1e a id u ot J. :.n. ow of tbe &o.11e tl:in.:_ 1!2.pJ. :e11in:_ to ru1y other boy .s . Upon furthe e1:r,:ui:Cj· ir .. clu(ieo \,i th .. c. Joui.:.,111.n, Cbild (::::'f ie er c»nCl ::.:.'vc..::.1s Chila C?.:re Officer , o: \ ·; l;oL. lK c1 b.<: .d d O ils 2. bol.1t the al l <:=wa ti 01-:s wi tlj i-r ilson , t!-:e 3u_ eri11te1'!8e.:!t 0f .tl lcir.s., wer. ascertained. .. I" toJa :: boy of bi s thrt .:.;;ot i nto bed -.;i th l·;it.: . :; T11at Ca pt < i n l::: c hv .l tr... sit ::; on the boy r: "i.:1:-ci s ::1i ...... t 82 .. ;Jcl'!-t'.i. J_ -'G.z sPe1·; ,,:i t:j n. l:;o .:, . ft-:r lii:J:t s cut L·; t: . -:ie ki tcl"i en in the de:ck . 2 .. ·;:c i i1 .. n.:2J .. "OO .. <:-i ll r?._ea 82:. _ f'd.;c.i.:.: \:.ir· ;.:; c:t·,s 0:.: ·v.'=a 'bJ r:r o:r:'f 5.c e:r . sh ow.:::c i.::.z '11i t 1 t. · -:· ce bo..:'s irl ·;;i-.,:; s.: ,::Je cu bi cl e. · .. 11en quer·ied C 2. pt a. i :o. · .: iJ.s C<?..ptc:i i !1 ::::c: t'. 2. t z c t •D :. 0 vias :i..n 2c:t!:·2 e:1 . l1 .. icle t.1 :t th: -. t 1-1.:; \! ... s ::·!:c .... 111 · 1;1: e t·:.3rs QLD.0005.001.0001_R

t~;Brilb•ne.(~J ./2 QLD.0005.001.0002_R None set by gabrielle.doyle MigrationNone set by gabrielle.doyle Unmarked set by gabrielle.doyle I G DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN 1 S SERVICES Subject

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C 0 ~ F I D E R T I A L

Allega tions J.!ade 1.Gai nst Captain Sc; l• l t~ Salvation Lr my Officer i11 t he Fosi tio1:. of Housefe.ther at Kangaroo Unit , Al kire.

MINUTE :us::

Recen tly s ome a llegations were mad e agai n s t Captain Schult ~ by t v10 beys who had absc onc1 ed frOl!i Al k ira , one of these being ~~o has absconded on two occasi ons and on both t i mes he s ou2_)j t refuge a t t he Hare I~rishn2. Te_iple . iie tave stateuents to one of tl:e a evotees e .. na was intervi ewed c11 5th Jul31 by J.-.::r . :Gv ru1s, Ci1ild Ce.re Officer for Alkir·2 .• i~ore :cecently wben he e.bsc ona ea for the second ti1ile , he gave a furt11er stateD ent to the Ho.re l~rishn.a. oevotee ana t his included t·c1e state1.~en-c that Captai n Schul tz :~::ractices l'Jo.if1csexual s.cts on boys in his cure and that one boy ~G Jtold his father of Schultz ' activities ru1d thnt tbis ac tion usually took place bet\.,een 9.00 a.no 9.30 p. :·!1 .

IGG ] '.~l;.o ue-.1t to 1~ i.s f2th ·;r ' ~ J:::ci_'sG D.:~ter absccnc: int: E.lf::o l;.iade c. \.i:citter. st.""'.tG:.:ent \·:;·Jic ' is still beld by Lr . ~ c:nd w~~i ch i·!3.S s2.id to contain the allcB2ti~ Capt ain Schultz GOt into bed v.ri t!~ b i m on occasions &.i1d tb~t he 2.sked 0aptc;.in ::.:c'·iul tz to sto:"'I a oin.; this wl'~ich he a i a' thc;.t other boys were a.sleep at the tiL! e c:nd l1e a id u ot J. :.n.ow of tbe &o.11e tl:in.:_ 1!2.pJ.:e11in:_ to ru1y other boy .s .

Upon furthe1· e1:r,:ui:Cj· \ii.1ic1~ ir .. clu(ieo c.liscu~.:.:ici::::. \,i th ~ .. c. Joui.:.,111.n, Sv.~ervi siuc Cbild Cai~e (::::'fie er c»nCl ~.:x: . ::.:.'vc..::.1s Chila C?.:re Officer , bot!"~ o: \·;l;oL. lK c1 b.<:.d p:reli.:Ui21~n:y d i~c"-lsc:i Oils 2.bol.1t the all <:=wa ti 01-:s wi tlj Ca1r:.~ c.in i-r ilson , t!-:e 3u_ eri11te1'!8e.:!t 0f .t l lcir.s., ~~e follo~i:!~ rPl~ted Ette~s wer. ascertained.

.. I" ~:o.c toJa :: i1ct '.1~r boy

of b i s c lai~ thrt .:.;;ot i nto bed -.;i th l·;it.: .

:; • T11at Ca pt< i n l::: chv.l tr... sit::; on the boy r: "i.:1:-ci s ~'.t ::1i ...... l~t .

:r1~ : t 82 .. 1J~~c,.i _: ;Jcl'!-t'.i.J_ -'G.z l1~s l; ~ er.1. sPe1·; ,,:i t:j n. l:;o .:, . ft-:r lii:J:t s cu t L·; t:.-:ie ki tcl"i en i n the de:ck .

;~'!:0 l~:J1~se.· 2 .. s 1~ ·;:c i i1 l~· a .. n.:2J .. "OO 1Jot·~.: .. ~e 11a~s <:-ill r?._ea t~:at 82:._f'd.;c.i.:.: :Jc111JJ. -~s \:.ir· ;.:; c:t·,s0:.:·v.'=a 'bJ ; ~.::o t' r:r o:r:'f5.c e:r .show.:::c i.::.z '11i t 1• t.:· ·-:· ce bo..:'s irl ·;;i-.,:; s.:,::Je cubic l e. · .. 11en quer·ied b~' C 2.pta.i :o. ·.:iJ.s c.:~;, , C<?..ptc:i i !1 ::::c: t'. 2. t z c e~.i t•D t11::.·~ :. 0 vias :i..n ·clH~ 2c:t!:·2 e:1.l1 .. icle t.1.·:t c·.t5 ~ii.1Gt 0cl t h :-. t 1-1.:; \! ... s ::·!:c .... .rc·i~ii.:.:._: 111 ·1;1:e t·:.3rs


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Recentl y some allegations were made agai nst Captain Schultz by t •110 boys wh o had abs cond ea fr01a Alki:c2. , one of t h ese beine:;; ~vi/10 ha s absconded on two occasions ~imes he sou.~):it refuge at t:1e Hare Krisbne. Te __ 1ple . He gave state:.iients to one of the devotees and was interviewed on 5tb July by ".L·:ir . Jivans , Ci1ild Care Officer for .Lilkir-2 .• i.:ore recently wben he absconoea for the second time , he gave a further stateJ!,ent to the Hare Krishna devotee and t~1is includec1 t "ue statei,:el1't that Captain Schultz Jractices homosexual s.cts on boys in his care and that one boy ~G !told h i s fat~er of Schultz ' c:;.ctivities an.a thn.t tl1is a.e;tion usually took ; l ac e 'oe 't·;,een 9 . 00 a:na 9.JO p . ::l .

IGG I ;fco ~ieTt to l:is :f2 th ~r ' s c~oi_1s~ aft\;r absccnairn;: also ~ade a ,,,rritten stn.te::.ent \·1:iic" is still held by Lr . IGG 13..Ild 1,.r:1ich w~s sa.id to contain the allef2tion th~t Captain Schultz GOt into 1JP.d wi tl· h i m on oc~ 21.sion:=; ::..n:J tb::i..t be c:isked 0apta.in :.Jc';',Jltz to stO) cJoiil6 this Wl!ich he did , ti1e.t other boys ·were asl eeI' at th3 ti1 le 2.n"J l1e did not :·:nov1 of t~~e so.we t1Jin_ ~}~.p ... enin~ to <u1y oth~r boys .

Upon furth2•: ei.!.i,:1-1. irj- ·.1i!icl~ i.c .. clull :O?J c.I i acus.:; i or:.s \,i th i-!.·. Jou~)l i..n, Su9ervi sin~ Giiild Care Cl'f i ce;:- c·:·1d i ·:: . :.:v2:1c:; C:hild C.:-.n"~ Cfficer, l:otc. o:"' v1ho:.. 11-,1 1:::-.a .:.'r::?li~1i. _!;:; -.·~7 <Ji~cus~.io.:.1.s 2.boui; tJ.1z -:.11.J.._,s.tior..s "·1· ..... ,. C"" 'J""·- ·L,... I i' l "'On ···~-~ ~·n ~•"1' "1-"-on~~··t of' ·11~ i-r•':" ,, t.!J .... ..,u~-- - •· _.._. ., ~· c , J,._t.= ___ i.. ___ v ___ - l -"-·-"' '

J.;:·1 2 :follo1: ·i_:!.~ rr·l~·-:.1-::•J :.. :_ :;-J_"''2 H•3:.£' 2scertaii':ea .

1 0


~nd told _nothsr boy 0 I ~: U:> C 1 Cl.i.., ·!; :~, .- T.

_sot i 12to bed \·ii th l: i 1: . •

r:i .,., ..... C"' .1- •• • . ,, ~c1" ·1 t·· ~ ~ . ·. ·- . th.,,+ '1-.L 11, .. l. <'.lJ1.1.-.l.c_ ,.; ul.,_ ·'• c,;C ... l v .. ea _ .;..v l c-

l:~d ~:is~ea IGG IC:'!..;.ed _yR-:r'.'s) c.:iid ot '.1 :r .__ OJS .;ood1n .... ·t .

Ca pt .'." in :.jC'.l:.J.lt~ .. Sit::.: Oil the ~JO .:,·: c~t ~ii_l~t .

4. . 'l'~ t :! :."'"J·.;r .. i_ ,2(; :~1~1 tz :1'='.f! 1: ~ ar-.L Sf"e• ~ ·,: i t:~ o. ~·;o ., . ft-:~<:' li,;)~t .=.; 0 1 1t L. ~;:~e };:it·~:-.e·r: ia ·t;l1::? 6?!:1;: .

~. ~'!·. r:i :· :,1~s:J .~.::~: ~· .. i:i. l·";::._"l_l.~ .. J;oo JotC.£'. \o.)e ~18~G ;:: 11 r: ea ·t:: < J.: 'j ::·\_ ... ·~ ~:i -~ .3c htl]. ·~ s \ ., ..:..: L. ~·, r: 1: :.~v t?d h-, .·-: - . .......... ~ o "'f'i c i=: - ., .:.·1 ·o'·'--- .. i· .- ; ~-'· t' - ·"'.=> '• .,; .,; \,.; 'J •..L • •• •- _,, .,,•_ .J -t. ' ' -- -·- 1, _ I / . • - .,

bo.,:s ir- ·:;~·. ,:; s2_:18 cubic l e . ..lle.1~ q_ue:.:·i ed ·-. . (" '7· ... - .; ·. ' . .; 1 ~ " ' ,..., ~ ·.~ ,_ ~ ,· ;1 -; ,... ~ L• 1 t r. fl '-"'' J.. ,,., ..Jj v ..: . ..:'u:;....1..~A .. ..1.._, ;:,,,;,,. , V <.;. _i:Ju C)- ·- '-' · · -"" '-'"'"' '-

t~1 : .. ~ : _ \ •cts .\.11 ·s11 2 :::.::1_:·2 c.:,: I.. iL; 1 e ·c,u t ": ~ : r <:"' i... - J fJ

Govt. Prlnter,;Brilb•ne.(~J ./2


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Subject : .. / 2


Cc..pts.in Schult:;~ i c sc.ia -~o hc:ve e::c:u-ined -~J1e tE·sti cl es of n "r:oy ': !.~.o cu:~.;;1::-.ineo of

• • ..L1 ' t, • L"t • .. a fC.J.11 J.:!1 1,, ;:_.~:t.. <?.'.C'(·H. , ·c~12·c uiil.8 :~8.l-~8l'•e Oll t .. c .: i..:..h t-: ::..'i.;.1L!i:::_; .rid th2t 01:..ce , ~L~!Ci o·i; ' ::i.' ~-O j':~ \/ere E·l::;G rr-eSc~lt . Cavtr.i ';iilso:.! :l2.s s.:_..o~\:er1 to Cei-;tai .. l 3cbul tz :y1 ... :-Yiou.slj,. z.to·.,t t':t~ in<r:l:roxciat:.;nen:::: cf tl;:. i:: • T!:e 'cc~ ' s :r.:.n:.....e rJ(:.S REDACTED


I c-po1·e ;-o !".1j11.1D)r ~'oo"t -.;;: . .,.11~·-:-+i,..,11s i.;.I .t- I.I L fl • C~ I,. .. ._ ·~ c,; - '"' b .:.\ '-'" - \,,,."

of hmJose:;.~ucl actr:,; c-... a follo·,1L11._. a de"!:;aile:: disct.s::;ior.1. 8ll.d t_UCStio:ni.iJ.(.J he 8.0.i.'eec~ th;::~t !:e Cv ... tl c.1 . !O t defini tel~• : .. e..ke this £'.lle. a ti or, ~1i::iself a.62,inst C<:'.TGai ri Lcln. l tz . Ei ;::. all0e;_<:,tiQj:~ t'be:. boiled do\r!l to -'-.;be~ following ste.tel.1Entc :

1 o IGG I he.a t o ia 111.fl the. t Cap ~2 i \1 S~ ultz bad ;ot int~ bed wi th :1w . Eowever he did not kll O':i ru:.y fur·t;her details or V1he th er a ny t h in.;_; ha.ppened .

REDACTED 2 . IGG I ana had tolcJ lum that Captain Scht!l tz had l;:i ssed tben goodnig,ht .

3 . Th :.-.t on one occasion \-.rhen be was outside the build iu~s ne2r the ki tcben , he as:_ea Captain Sclrnl·cz if be c oul c3 ,s o s wL.1: .ini::; ana Ca.ptain Schultz tur ned a:..'otmd UH] t ou ched bh·1 on the private a r ea outside t be clott ing w~ich he was weerins.

This third rathe r VR~ue allegation a~peared t h ei1 to be t be only a efini te one fr or11 ltJ::w.rt;l3for further i nvestigation .


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Capts.in Schul tr,,; i z Sc.id t o nav e e:xa::.:ined t he testicles of c). 1~oy •.·:lo e:o ._.!..:- l:?.i!1e6 of ~oain i n +::8.:~ e.J~·· .. ~ , t~1-:- ·:'. t' ~ .; -=-· -,,,., .... -.... e·1cd 0 ;1 _ v v .. ..,;. v .. - ..L. - -~ c:-4. ~.., J: L- - - -

t ... o .~ i ... ) ..... i: s ::.•t...n:1i::::_: T.. 0J th2. t mi.c e , t 1.:o ot '· .:-r '...o j·:.5 \/ere c .. l:::;o r rese!1t . Ce._ptc:.i·! ~ilson has c~o~en to Captaiu Schultz ::_;:c;:;vi ousl y a.tout t 1;e i11B.p1)ro:;:n:·iateness cf th::..s . ?!::.e CC\;' ' s nni.;..e was REDACTED

Discussions w: t~ 8.lld GG

It Fri.::.: -C:; l t that ·~ )1e a l:i.e .:.ations ·.1ere .L!.O J.; " ·=>cJ.." f'ie; o;· · L· ~ -"r. · ·:-1·, ···.: tC b 0 t ~ .. ,,,.., :-' . .,. f'o -r· · "'u~"·'-~-ior t..>.i."'- -- ~- ... - l ._, .L'..J.L u .. ...,_ - ._ ........ 1 . t . ,.J _ ·- L .. .i.. L1 -·-

L1VeStj_:_f .. tiOHS so I :-".:!..·:i:an[;ed ·~o f::ij_.)eu. ~ to t~'l"'Sc:: t 1 o ho"' • o·,1 13 ·t11 Jul~~ ' I \.O.S "!;n.~ -::~l to c. house ::.~ REDACTED • • · • by ~ fevotee of t}e Eare : risana s ec ~ .

'.rhq· 1'2..C a '..· c_!11;;:;~a .fo::.· to st::'-./ \·rit::. t'·!i o ::-:7t-.. :i.ly - he l::ls sL:c e ·ov-;d a~~a h:"3 .ce·~urn :a l.io·,;_5 to hi~ ~· Fl.c e !l us ii":. liJ@•t+tjlj•) .

I s_po~ :e i;o liJ@•'+'ti)I: aoout ·::is 2.ll ~;:;.,tio;1:0 c? :10.:iose::.u::- l act·:; 2 .~l follo·.ii:i1 .... :.i detaile c disc1.a ·;io.!'1

"'i~d ·~U 2St io:ii;Lc he 8.0l'8e(~ thc.'.t ::e CUl!lc.1 :.Ot ae:fi!li tely .. a.l::e ·st i s ~,lle:..:atior- '-'lir.1szlf ac;co.inst Cf'.l'•°GR.i:n Sc!. t: l tz . ~1is a.llct:~.7.im:s tre:: bcil3d ao•.r_l -to "the follov.ri ng statz. ~s:·~t~ :

1 IGG l ,,...,a ·'·oJa '1' 1 ... , . ...,..._ , ..... .,,-.. ··r1· ·1 o . I ".Ji 1.1 • 1o ' .. l 1 l/(l •-.. l.J V C . .!.""1 t:;t,, '.


Sc ultz haa ;ot iiltr bed wit~ · i~ . Eowever he did not 1G10•,; a~:.~ ·~ui·che :c a~·cai ls or' vrl:.ethc~r a11~1tb i n__; !is.ppe11ea .

IGG I and had tolc1 REDACTED him that Captain Sc!1u1 tz :12.<1 l\: i ssed tbeu gooon i. ~ht .

3. That on one occasi on v~en he was o~tside the bui ld i.1gs nec-r tile k i tcl.·"en , ~e 21.s · _ed Oap ·~ain 3clrnl tz if te coul C: g o swLi_ .int;; a.nd Capts.ir: ~chul tz turned a!'ound ::-11c.1 tou ch e d hi..1 on the private area outside the clot 1:~ in6 \·1~3 ice 11~ \·1~.s Hec-rinc .

T~is third r athcr VA~ue allegation aJpeared t h eu to '::le tlrn only defi:1i t;: one fror:1 !;J!•f4il: for fu:ctl·i er i nvestie;2.tioa .

Govt. Printet . ' Bris~ne.l'IU


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Subject: 0 / 3


Al thougb he agreed wi t b iue th::s t i t c ould / have been a ccid ental and 11e tbere:fore could not biinself alle~e l'1 0J.:'.l osexuali ty , i t did seew ~ui te clear t11at l he b iE2s;)lf t!:.oui::,ht thr. t Ca.pt<;.i n 3cl::ul t'.... w::.s e. boruosen1al a.nd \·12 s to sow.e ext e~1t f1,it.,:1te:i·1ea of what Cai_.tair Scl: -.~l t z '"i bht do to biu.

I·t:-der 011 13tl:i J'uly I c:.:1 led a.t t he i• ome of' ~IG-G-----~I ' s f~i.tlle .:. an.a f i !ld in~ :10 one there , _.,~ oceed ed ·vo tl; e i:J!•t;.Wla••sto.te Hi,:_b ~3ch ool where I i11t f~rvie\1ecl IGG j in the prei=e1::.ce of the Depu~:;;:,r J="r i.1ci:··;;.l .

.fter e~flainin~ the seriou~~C ED of ~he alle .':ations 2..l"ld follo\iil1.:.. det<~iled s_t.0stic.11L :._, , t«.c:. follo· ;i::1:::_ c:.lle,sf'.tiot!S froiiL IGG le.·:ere,;e:J .

1 0 ~hat CC'}?t P. i :: SclE~l tz har1 kisE.~ea hit-! :,::oodrJicih t f: O.:e,,..;j_J.,GS ::;_1:d ;1P. Cid r~ot like:: t 11is .

2. On three occ2 E"i ons Cc:.ptair: 3cht·1J. tz got ill tc• l:ed \d t~:o ~,L..1 . ~hi =:. lw.p.1. ened t l:r;c,::e rJi _ht:::; i; · <-. -._·o-.: ~~~a Capt:·.i n :~ c l·:·1.:~. tz \·la$ dre:.:sed in pyj21·t<?s ,_: · self IGG ls., i' d ..... ,_r.,., C···· t -:r 1' •1 .... c 11·, lt"' •J.' .• t - • .... u JJ~. u c..J:> (. t .::> .:. I.. . Lr

as • .. ea bL.i to :....:ave ever· a:r..d t he1: :;:o·t ri::Jit rnlaGr t~"l e bed co-te~s with hi...u , tb2.t Captc:. i L Sc hul t z i·rnt his Jw.na una el.~ IGG I' 8 pyj<.-..1ua shj_rt on to his s to1;1ach Q.nd t h en under hj_8 i::y~i :> .. ':Ja pc.nts toucbin5 hi.:: pri vate pc·.:cts . IGG I sai d th~.t t h is 12.s t ea for ten to f 1fteei·1 11inutes ax.a then Cfcpt 2.in f;hul tz j us t ~ot out of -:;1e bed ;.ad left. \'/hen I ~cirticula.rly c.sked IGG I i f he kne:w 1·~h1: t h i s peni s was , he saio that be did and th::lt Oaptair1 f:clnl tz had tou c}1ed this vii th h is bane) .


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Although he agreed with me t hat i t c ould h::-1ve been accia ent a l ana l.1 e therefore could n ot h i mself a llege b o:·'.1osexual i t y, i t did seem q_u i te clear t~1at l he l:.h1s0lf tl1out:,ht th8.. t Ca.ptc-.i n :3c 1ml t:..; w2.s a. homosexual and \·Jas to sow.e exte!1t friG~'1 tened of what Capt a i r Schultz :.i i?;ht do to hh1.

of IGG I' s f:::1. the ~· ana fi nd i ng ;·rn one there , ~;-:.;.ter on 13th J\tly I c a.l led a t t he !.!Orne

:proceeded t o 7 le State Hi eb School w11ere I i .ntervie"e d ..... IG_G __ _,I i n t h e pre s ence'"' of the De9uty Princi"Jal.

·. :r.ter e~(:fl2L1in._ t'he s:=ri0:.1sr.ess of -~;~1e alle5ations .rind fol lowin.:.; dst t.=1.iled qu2sti c:·ti!l.:_; , t!:e f o llo'.i iYl,:: alle_sations fT0 <11 IGG I e·'!cri:;e~ .

1 o ~he.t C2.1)t2.i·.1 Scbnltz hai:1 leis sea h i t1 ;oodn i ;)1 t so.iet5.i1Gs a.i::d !1e ci.o ;rnt lik0 t 11 is.

2. On three occc.--.~ions Ce.ptair:. 3 c h1.1l tz got i1tto l:ea

',1· t1·1 1.. :· '''hi· " ~"r.:l "J 01· 1ec~ i- ~·J""' ""- "' ·1 l.· · '~tC'! i· -,, "' -•. ,. 1

"{ • 0 I I ,..,.! • .J. ;,,.') - I I,: • .._ ~ y J U • .1. '· • ...., .l _ . .i J J:,) J • r. \ _. ,. • t

:u1a Capt.:: i n ;:;01-·l'.-.tz Ha::~ d:re;::::ed in py;j2h2s , " I "" 1 f' I I " ., . a .:... , -~ .L.. c . ..... '" . .. ·=- , " 1 t r .!. .. L .• S .:;. __ • GG ,:, .,., l vU.~. V Cl.LJ 11•. l Ll ..JC .1<.A

as · ed ~ i i to ~ove ever and the~ eot risb~ unaer t' ie bed co7ers with hi""', tl.1::-.t Captai _ Sc hultz -;!U t his h~m.J i.ud ei ... IGG I' s pyj<:'~.!a shi.:::t on to his ;:;to.1:~.c 11 ::ll.:1 t~:~n under i1:i. s ~,, · - :a ry:-11ts tctH;hi1::.~ l:i~ D::?:'i vate "(18I't8 .

I~'?; ] s:=iid t!:. t t 11is l<' steel for ten to ~1 ~teea ·_t inui:es oi:a the1:i. 0 .::-,_pt::.iu ,_,!Lt.ltz jurit ot out o~ ·~:12 !)~cl - .1d lE:ft . ~f:.1e_,, I ·J·:1 ·rti~1· 1...,· .. 1· ~s1-ed IGG Jif' he :-nc"r · '1~·· + w \.:.. - - ... .. l ... 1....L ..; "" -~ . :t! -- . ,\.. - " ~ ·' his penis was , hs s2.iu thci. "' be di u c:~_1a th -:; t Oavtni::·1 f::::-1·1111 t~:: l::.~a touc~;ed this '11 i th b iz bau<J •

GG aftci · t~i.s fi..c:st occr.i.sic~: :-- ~ tclcl - • · •·!b· t 'hs.r. bap.:enea . c ~1 J.;l:t:.: second e.na t~ ; s t t ir-:1 l1i

0ht +.:i-\ .~ -s~

th:i.:t~v be..:i_,~::-enea . O.n tJ:e third nitib't IGG I c laL.:ed he tole Ce.pt :·. i n :3c~ ~1_, 1·i.:~ ·:-:;, 3t::11" out •.-.:!, icb 110 c~:.a ht1t -~?i::>.t t hs C2.::.;t2 i ::i said to lli thc:.t; he ,.,~.s putti~1..., ~im to oo .. 1e t ast. ~G [·~id th~t h~ renlly d i d not 'now 1.lK, t t )· 1 S !' .• Ge.!!°!; .


Govt. Printer/Brisbane.(~ l


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Unmarked set by gabrielle.doyle


Subject: c / 4


Int ervi evr betwee11 C8ptr1 .. i11 Schultz , I 'rinci ;; c-.. 1 Chilcl Care Of fie er :;1.;.i.J Senior Chilo Ca.r e Off5 .. c..: er

Cycr "t1~c few 02y t ~1e ::;e a lle.;t= tio~:e '. /-:?rs 1.Jei ~!.~ 0 f 1.tll \-:'l0 €c1 L~id ·the Ct.J!x12"'0 _ r i 3.te C;CJt~r ::, e Of :tC-'GiOll l>.:i l! ... Cie<.!L:e::: u 1:c·: .. , .. e ll~ .. 6 beeu L 1 touch \.iit~ . . ::.;:~ .... ,it,c:d ie~· Goat: e:.:i of ·t::lie Sal v2.tt OH _.r ... v· c.i~Cl ' .. :.th C0.} ttli.1._ .. ·~_ l:. c _ _. -'G:.12 .: -~~ .. e1·· j .. 11.:c}"'<) s ... -~ o~ L.ll~i .. :.:t: • :i:::e~7

'..- ~ l.'G !..·o·:; ;;·,!::.1:c:: cf t!··e .. · lle~n··::i.0:r!s ::.:_o i!it ~ ""~:..t ...... ~d i r.::: :· :·cdc es it · . .,r·~s ,:.:e:c .:.. tt;;0 -~~!c..,c t1,0 off'i cerR o-:: t,:-~ ~~- r"4· ..., .. ..i. .,, ... ,~- j,r\ __ -.,e _._,,, i" · .. ·rr.··..t.. .; ,.· ·(>""' ,- i.·.e" ... ,...·.Lr .1.1 ..... ,;.:; u . l.'1 l• • .. ...., .!.:..l __ , . __ . .:.. t-1 . ..:: .. \ .::.:. ._,,,_~-=· u. - ,, -·-· ..., •• :;.c.. -(. ·" ·. ,,.•. ,_, c "•, ~ . J . .. e .. , .... ... -· ~-1,co ,._ 1 v·· .i.; ,..,. ,. •; ~~- .; .

_ .. ...,\,... t.i ... - -·-_c:..:.. v. ~- u Y.i.- v )~· -C'"'- , L ... . 1_ --· .j . ....~ .J

.~s G~cic~t' ··: l-:l ... i t \/_S r ... 1 .. .., t:·_: .. , (;f .. pt. iJ •. j:.F>c.. ~ <" ··. , 1"'\~ "'1' 1' 11.J·.-:.· ,=i ,,:·-.~t ' O'•]r1 ·r,·· :":...,~(-:\ +u· .. , .. A i' ·.1•vc·, -; ·v·,":J/l .:. •• :i --~·:..' "" - • v•.:; _, _. "'-•- •- - - •• ·'-' -- • v --< v ~ ., ~~ • - ~'-' 1

tl~r.t ':. i·~b j~· i 0£:c iel.' Ged·~es ~::in._. e. \ c•.1. J1 C;:-.;·c·~-~---:~ c 1· .. l.1 t~ ;..;..L··f:i f(:;Gl 2. ·tf ;;j"'r;;~.ec~ £1.J.1cJ .:lo c··' "9 .. :;r· sej_i oi:' ::.c~lvc.:.-::;i 0n _r!!.,· c:"fi cer :.xtEi:'e :::. ;..;i::::o~~ i. . c· .. ·:r.·.:.,e e::i: :-~1ot'1·~ i: ir_st. 2.-G·cti 011 w:....s i._.;edi atel: ··v j J..:.'b l e i ~ ~ri b~~ .e er Sydney.

Unfc":--t·1.:1F.tc·l.,· _:rioi ... ..;c ou:c ~ii:~c· s:;;i 0.:.t \J) t~ C~2 .. ~tci:1 ~c'"t.1:L ·~z. ·:~_t ::.ir1 .:il ---~u. l2:.d Jcr. l C! tJi! ... ·c ~""!-: \.'e \,(;.::'~ c8 .. :i 1:....__ o t:: ,c ·: .. o i:1vestiL,E,t··.:- ::1.ll esa·ctoi:..._ of 11c· oz exu~-.li ty .:~cl th ~.t !!e h2.o be tter be honest V·:·!.t}; us ::·.E s, ch :.. c i"c--,,:·t,2 \•::;~: s·"1b ~ ect to a. 2 ,yer· r )ri:;;o~! ·ter: . . ·.:c v:er~ l.:.ot :-1,; ·::;.·E ·.::.:..:.til ~·.zt~::::- c1n: LJ.te:".'view t,,·::t ·i;'..1i.s J.~:: .. a b ee:::1 :· c-.i ( to C::.i;t.:.i n ::= c ~1ultz ~.:.-10 i~: retrc::::')ect , i t i s o::-v=. cu::i -.- m .. ·;:;h, .. t t1·! iS i pc ··e0.se:' Cc,f.t .. :'..n :. ch·1.~ l ts' ::: 2.nxi etj L. ve1 :;<.:..~a i.: i tiu:.:-,tea c:-.t;<=:.in s t tbc :fr::m1;:.'..iess of tlJ.e i 11te::c"<Tie\·J .

t~e other beheviour of Captai n Sc hultz G.t !~lli:.: i ro. _:ot di::ectly rel-.. tecJ to tbe s)ec ifi c c:~lle.;r.t:.. ens by the t\rn beys Jw.a .i:~:.ceYiously be en ae .::i.l t with by Captai ::. ·.:i lson e.na at his re r.:,uest we a id not rc:.is e t~1ese i ::: sues v.ri t 'i.1 Captai n 13c!:ul tz . ho·v:ever , it ws.s a lit t l e surpr i s i Dg tbci.t Capt a.in \Iil s on i:n hi :: o~in words c &.lls the3e L'::.stai1ces 11 c :.1 .s r~es 11

1.'.~: ich h e hZ:.d to deal wi t L .

The al lel:,ation s 1•1e.a e uy ~1ere v~t to Capt Ein Scbu ~t z . He de~ied ~ alle.;ation a.rid this v12.s cnly bri zflj- d iscus~ ed . T~1e 1:.1ore se::.:-- iouB r..ll e.;c:~ti ons i:12.d e by jGG I v1~re however di scusced i n de~ ail.


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None set by gabrielle.doyle
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MigrationNone set by gabrielle.doyle
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Unmarked set by gabrielle.doyle


Int erview betwee11 Ca.pta in Schultz , Princi 02.l Chilcl Care Of f ie er :.r1<J 8er.lior Child C2.r2 Offic £:r

Over the few de.y .· . ti1e se all e6citio .. 1s '.iers ceii~.::. 6 s1.tl12:ced 2.nd the appro _.·r i ::ite cotirse of a ction b~in _ c1ecLieu Uf·o~1 , .:e 11.:iii bee~ ... i n touch \·d.t:: -~:ci::; o.d ie.!:' Goo<.: e:.; of the Sal v2ti o:i:1 .. ·.r"·v' 2..lld '.ii th Ca1:. tc.ti.L: ,/ilco.t! .. G:J2 3;,.1::_:e~·ir1te1~.a e.Jt o! hllriL'2. . T:1e::-•,;132:e !Jo·t:·, ;;.,_',/2.l.~e of the a lle:...a,:;ions 8 :!d wi tL ~·;:i:·i._,:..:d iG :.:· ~·eddes it w2.s jeci.cec ·La.t t\10 officers of t'.1e ])(;1·.:..rt .. 0ilt '.: ~Yi~l(J bA!::11e tl:2 L:ve r:r~i 2.~ ·; o:(J 0:! oc:~alf

."'* :, ·'·"' ..t..."l .. ,.... - ... > ~ -..,,.J • • '"'p· i f"l.l 'l ..... , o ~ .. ,.. l, ~.Li r· . .,;- ifli-; .; .-.. v.:. :...O"' v -~ • ..1-_ ........ ~. ' -'l u -..i . ;,Ile• -c• T<·. 11 •• ..:n .. .C: : j . ~ u.i....:..

. .2.S ~.:.~i:1c C .... _ .. ~:: : . . i~ ·,1 13 .: .. l.J~ ~:: ; .. , ·:!.:'p·t . i:·~ .il3:; :.1:3 Su11~~L'int e;.ia e-..::.t :-..;::.o~!ld ::~r; ·i; ~~:-:. v~ t o be invol··rec: , t~""l.t ' .. it~~ ~::.,i 0 ::Cie:..., f}ed·~eB .,,.); }.?!'-' .? .. \ o_t:.11 C:'.~;~~J .. ~ ::.;c 1:i .. ltr.; :,~e.:;f f::0l :!,:·ui:.Cj~::\8~8(i a ao i~ O c-";~.;-;:i:· .selL iO:t' :~~tl .... rcr .. ·t:L on .:x1 1~~ c:fficer (..Ut~i:..,e zt p.:.:120 .. 1 i.i c:~:::\:;a u:f -=not'1·,°J: ins'~iti.:tio~1 w._:3 i;_tea12.telJ "'-' .il ... ~o J. e it·! :...1·i ~.j""' .e o:.. .... ~~1C11c~;- ·

lJ'nfo :."'t·Liu.~tel.,· .:rio~. -Lo O'.lJ.' C'if;c-.coi ='-- '.i i t : c:a~t·~ .i n Jc' tt.l~~!.. ·::: ·t ;;iil .:j.l .. ;!!. l &,:\d tole! hi..: ·c"' a: ,;e ·.,cLc.;) c~ L ........ O L1 ·; :: o L1ve3ti,:_,::-t ~ a lle.=,:1...;5.0L:.. of :l• . . o~~~u:;-.li t :,· ::e;d t~L.t l!B ~1~c be·cter 'Je i.10n0st ':.i.t :·~ us ·. 3 :;;. c': -·· c~ •:':,.:b~ · •;i • .s cub ~ ::?ct ·co e. 2 se.- r :._Jri ..:.; o::.: ·Ge£.. . .. e \.te1 J !10t :'..':1~t c · ... 1-~:Gil .. ~-C3:i:· ot.1r· J.. _ Lt3~ .... viev.' ·~'"':~·t ·~~Jis l~:::.,. cl ';-J ee~.!. ·· :.-.. L 1 to Cc.i;t.:·.i1J. .~ c :1'...l lt 2 ~.~a :!. :;_ ret::i.·os9ec ·~ , it is o·.:v:..oua :,0-,,1 \;l1, t t!1is i::1c :.:'e2.s e5 ,...," ....... • .. ..; .... r ,~ .,1· ·1• r: I !"'l ·l"l.. e ·'- ~ 1 -,-o·[ ... a . ..: .&.. ""} ."' .. !- =iid - -: - ; i}S L v···l-" -·- ,.i. ·-~ · L .. .,~ "-- - -'- t..., - -' - · - -- •.• .l..u-...,-· " ·· c.0 <-- v -C':~: .f!'a.1~;-~es.i.) of t~:3 i11t .~rvie\·.1 •

.J.1!.:s- ot 1:1 _::~;: "..:;e: ' ~::,_viou 1' of C2 ,jtain ,:;c":1Ltlt£ ;..:.~ ~\l' : i:::-~~. -~ot ui · ec tl;yr ral· : tecJ to tte s.·ecifJ. c ~:lle 0 :.t.:.ono by tlie t ;,10 ":Jcys 1E:.d ... : :cc 1i iousl:1 been ae,:i.1-: wi·t'·· IJy C2.;.J...; :,,i.:: .:ilson ~".!1d a t i.1is re r.:.uest -..·1e dici not :r·2ise t'1ese L.:.isne:.:i v:iti.1 C2.ptai n Bc ~~ul t z . Eo·,:evBr , it wc.s e. little E'Urp:-i ~· i::~ the.t C2.:pt2.i n 1.iilson in hi ~ o .:n wo::cds cc-.lls -Cbe.3 e L-;.stances 11 c!1:: :c.·g3s 11

~,:' ich he 112.n to cleal ;,·rit ;, .

Tl.;e ~.lle~.ation~ 1 l<?.d e . ·uy t!ie t\lo iJoys Hei~e ··n·, t to Capt::.in .::i cllu .. t2: . ne de1!ied ~ alla..;::i.tion a2~a this v1as en:..} b:-ci~fl~ T~12 r;: o:c."'e se::iour:: alle_;:i:'~tior..s L1c.d e by IGG I \t12-ce ~o~ever dilCUa~ed i n de ~ ail.


Govt. Printer<' Briabane.(1l't)


Sticky Note
None set by gabrielle.doyle
Sticky Note
MigrationNone set by gabrielle.doyle
Sticky Note
Unmarked set by gabrielle.doyle






Cc..ptR.in Schult~ •"'-' s e:1.:treL!Gly 2.n~~i ou s 2.na -.. :ent t o ._.rcs.t len._,tbE :...,i , iu~ ~:-1~ extre: el.i ,, :'rbc..l ;:-_ccour1t of b o 11 ! .uc1-. be l oved t·_e boJ' s a11d eXlii:· e::·:":;ea }; i ~ .::C: !· C ·--J.:· ;o:i.., ·';J·.~ 1.11 . ;:.; .: :;_ ,; :.:..c~-10 1.!l c.: \; t,-:_t 1:: ~:ts.:.€d ~:.G -,_o ~·::: ~ 011c2 i,):t , eve.~·!. the L" laer ~.-,o~·;.::. 2.,;,'lfl f1)l t the .. c::· .L c ;_C '::>.i. ·:..._. ,::·c..:..:, ·1; i ~·- J..;b is •-~ tl:e.: ne .::tJecl tr- i s e:c-;r.;ss i c::: of love ~ro,.._ :ii...;.

~------I-'--_i.·2 ... :l., tn '!-.'-:r: c... ecifjc ::.'J.le .:., . tio: . .r __ :-_·:le 1;, .., IGG pi::.:_ ~L .... t--·i:. '.:;c':11J. ·> .:.c·t i:iJ.;e: , is

. r~., , :! · - i. 2 ,.. . , __ (,-'· ::,:. :.. _., . · :_ t1~L.:;: E; i~~l~t ~ 'l ... ·.,: t ·~ ~.c'i ;~· . .: 11 ·:·,. ·- oc~ -;_, , . \,'~.:l! IGG I;· s vi:: .. ., · _ _ .: _ ·;

·_-_._:: "r · O c•r 1 ' IGG I' ::> 1 .. ~ ; 1 1.. '-' • 1··1 is ~ 1'0"1"10' ' i

n l, \J .: • • ,,_ I·:. ·" '";, ••• C - I Cl- ~ l ... ~'.J

2.1. C] \'/CS i :_ '·'· : .. :"~.l .. L L . .:_ J:C;~. t. -~ir· •! u0

l:•-=: 0

!.:0;'/ ' ·· :Ji:.~ • .... :-........ -~ .. :.:: :c:,:·· .. - ~;_ ~ ... :·.e:.:5_"' .. ~0 ~;.: cc ·~ il l:C.".' :: .. r,;:=_',. \..~:-? ....... ~--~ 'L~·~ = ., i.1· .. :· .. 2 '::, : ~ .. 2 · ~.r'J ~~ i ;~ ~1: :., :2 j .= :.:- 1 [ ~U~·J d 1-< V G J~ 1..: ... . c ~ 1\....~ -~ - ·-'-·:~ • -· -..!~ "''·.-8L,-. , 1

..: .. J~ ·J.~J-~ ~.Il u ·~: i .. __ --~·r·~ -~~: .... _ t1·~~- \: . ~ ~._- -{_ i~~-~c~ ~1-.. r-·t; :~c.: ~.i: jceJ .ri l...L : ... 1 ·.;: z ... ~ ~ ::....1::. s ,, .

,,, i ..... e . . :~ ·---·'·· . :-_ .. t.::! . c ~ ... .::)~-~-~ c:tJ ~j,:~ : :. , .. ~ · .. ~c-1. o~ :4'.ot

·. ~-~C-:_,::::~j_':_. · ~ \,:._ ~.: 'C!.-"l.~ , --~ :.:.-: i_.L. \1c~· ... t j_ .... 1..0 -~-· '-:.lr: .~ ... '")

1C;l1u tl . ., ~~::..\.:-i.1.tiLil.1 c:-.!: i:ii.:. o·.:n c on.ce .. :Jl :':or t':1& l. 0,,,·r • • • I , • ''1 nr ··. - 1 · " IGG I -;-. ,,.,. .1 • __ ,_ . .. : .c. ~,0 . 1 __ ( -"'· ~ -·J~:so t.:.c. . ·~1c_y_"'eu l. :.. l.,,,

\·:e..;_·e c:!. c.~ i ...... L: t~ r·t :. i s c·': £.~i~11cc= .'71.S cle c·.~' ~:.:.l0 :... s·~..L.·;·i.u2 C;J __ J ... .':r ·ct~1L ... ~!! -~ .:... -- ~ : . ;l( ·~ ,· . ._·Jr.~., i.:: _ _ !J.;S

'· :t 1_;; , ~lf; ct..i~.1 1~! :e~l t ~_ -:; "'..;o::,r tei .. Jl~ ;::..e.,U~' J.1. ~ ·.:c·crsL~d • . :·_ :..L _::~~::~ t·~ c::::JL: ~ j- t~ · i ,:. :r ~r·'.;~- .-::.., :·~e s:-. t c 1: .. ~ e:c':J!'l B S- ~::. .... ~ C'. ft1;·,i;- :.:-cJ -!C:V ·'~ .... f!!~_t 0f ·~.,-e ~1;o ~~ t t l'O~lj . C_! ·usi~-2, ft11'·L~•e x· . ~'~ .. c-c-; ~. t.!. \ ,11 1

_ -~J1= :i:' or r~vJc t~~:?. l.o~r 11:·.,,5 ~ f __ e~.:ec: tic n a t t1:G ti: .. ::: , }1e ::. c:.icl tb "·i_; 1.e die\ :.;,c·~ ~.:..:.0 -.: . !:·.::: di~ -.ot :'."inall~· co,.:e m;.~; ~. i t l1 :::.,;,1::; fort:i:d._':.~t c:Je.ni.sl of t b c: v:LolG e.llE. .__ £..~;: c•:;..: -:)12t 6 i c'l S 2.~.· t1·.~t }ie Cl id :.i o·~ tal<e ·i;}',C UO:J' I S j_;r i V C.te fc.:r·t lil J.1 i f:i l ~:?.Jia •

G onclusi 0 11s

o·.,_r i nte:rvim·I 1ili t11 O o.p -~c-'li11 Schult~ \.a::: very .. :uc : hs:.::ll_" ereCI l:y t }· .. e- inc .. l,;pr c•_ r j_ ::?.-'ce C:: iscnssi<.m bet\·;een b e 2.nd 'Jq:tc. in · :i l sun \vj_ t hout our la1ov1leci~e c.i.1d .._ rio1· t o tl"J e inte:cvie-.: .

~he~e w~s no definite a dmission on tte pe.r t of :.;a..c: tc;in Schult'..:.. of t:::.e :~rc:..Il~ c-.:t~d ove:r.:t h o .. 10sex·1.·.c:.l c o~::..~.onents of the 8.llesc:ticl'is . .:e e:::..·e un;ibJ.e tl1er·e:.'ore tQ cc:1c2. 1.~0 e 1:.:l1~tt~: r' or not tl:e c::llego.tions c::re correc t and \ve r1u.st conclucl c L;ha t t=1 r;i~e is so~e doubt still i~ our n i nds on this c cunt as to whether or not Capt ::._in Scbul ~z w2.s f :.cru1:c i :.1 b i s

~ - · -.:,;,_._ .~


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MigrationNone set by gabrielle.doyle
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Unmarked set by gabrielle.doyle


Capt a i n Schultz \.fas ext r emel:/ 2.nx i ous and :;ient to ~reat l enu th ::: ~i 7iH~ ~.r:.:. extreJ..eJ. •.~ v ~rba.l <:".CCOUfl t of b O \i :.:lie :- ~-:e l oYed t :.:z boys ana eX:;?J.:' e::·sed b i ~; C;Ol1C l~r\ _ for th:;.w.. r>= .:Ji<~ :.::..c k.ilO\·Jled e i:;b2.t h~ ~cis ..::ecl t'.-.e r)oy z ~0odi .i,_J:J·i;, even. t he old er -'-he·'e ,,, ~ i o·'-'., ; '" · · , .. ,o· · · ·J i' .... , _ .... ,..., 1. • ..., t 11e--t,, .., •- i · ... . b 1 U 1 . --. J...:.0 v . ..!.. .i.-:'..:.> ~.. :,,,, ~ U.t.J. o a~ "'

boys a.."ld f0l ·~ ne2ued th i s

ex-.:r e s s i 0~1 of love l'roJ. .. ~1LJ. .

L i r~ .:.ilJ t o t~:r.; s~:ecific 9.lle t.:, ?-.tio~'!.8 L.A.de b . ~IG-G-------~I ,_,_., I. '"' ··· . .... " ,· c• ,_ l -'· " ~t . . J..o •, .

:,· luJ.c>.t.. .... c~.i:J 1, _· _t . ..;>C ;!U_ t..:C: c_V 1 1.l•.,, ! .lS ') I":\ '~ ,, •• ,.,,(~ 1

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~~ .; (~ -," ~" ""! l .•.: ·n Q t ' r . ~ - •. l• ;·, .. -! '/l '-:. " IGG I\·-·-: S ,.,.., .·•- . 1· .. , :• - .;-·-· - I .1-• _, - -· , .,-• .._, • .., ....,, , -.i. . ' 1 .1. l,. _ _ . . ••• \,/t",;.... ... ' ...:> .,... J

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o/6 Govt. Printer; ' Brisbane.t"J



Sticky Note
None set by gabrielle.doyle
Sticky Note
MigrationNone set by gabrielle.doyle
Sticky Note
Unmarked set by gabrielle.doyle

Subject :





~ .. 11at is certe.in l. o \'Jev e r is t l1at l::oth these all et;,:::i.ti oIE, ·,1hi cl: brou.:)rt for'.·.'ard yc.:ctial a ckao\1l eod geLLei:t froLi Captc..in 2 clml tz, and t he rn .. ' t~ vi ous i1:a;-.i:-~rc. rin-Ce bek.viot.r 1·rhich h as t e ei: dc2.l t with ·oy t11e :Jupe:r:·int endent of .... lkir8., c.:ui te c learly i ndi ce..te Caf t a in E:chul tz to ·ue c:.H i llll:'.le .. tu::e Lcu1 \hose bebc.~vi our hEs bee11 il...q:ad er! t , -~ o cay t he lea~t , r...nd ce:..•t c;..L il;y-not coLiJ·, en surate ;·,;i t h w~w.t c ou l d be expected f1'0. hiB positi0!1 , c..:...a oi .. exr .. :.: ienc ~ . · .. 11ile n o frc-~L se:r~u, l cc·-:tc.ct l.12.s 1:.ee:::i. 2 .. c~·:-LO\ .. led._,ed ·:;e t \ .. een '!i: .. 2.i.d t' G ~~oy -:; ill lli::: c2.re tbe:ce doe ~ e;~ist 2 .... .f l c eviJc,:c e to t~::ie ezi c_ i:eLce of s.t leo.r:·t 1 2.tex~t }1ornosexv.c-.l ch2.:... .. ;.; ct<:.:r tr<: i t.:· . To Le fa i l .. , i t i z ac~::nc\: lea.::,eci th .. t; :.c- ~oes ~E''~i·~ to · r-o'rr'! ? r02.J .. conce: .. :1 fer tt~ bc~'s , lr~1t :~ e :t·1c i:: u e.1on:: trc-.:.·l;ed t: d.s cc·nc ern i!1~:.;::.;.r • pr·i:: tel~- ;; :·id

doe£. !·. Ltir::elf see.:...J t o h:-ve a.t le ~~t &.n e-:.,;.l1.2.l :1eec to :c·eceive t~:e lovi:; ~.r.:..d .::=·.ffection fr cl.... t !:e l10~:~ .

It doe s :3ee'.i :ceaso1:::·.Ll 1• to e:o.1cltt1:l1= t11 · ~- to

<:~ l lo\·,; C s..J....·~0.in 3c r1..t l t ·,: to co~:ti.!-iue in ~: i ::: preser..t position i.Oul..:~ 1Jt.. tm'.Jise tott for· t::ie toys sal(e t:...ia :_.!..:.; 0\:.1.:;. f:·; ~e . I t .i-ia~ 'bes:! i ::1aic . tea '.;o ...... l .. it, :dier :..::·~:e ::. t:l'- t t bc :Je,,,Jr.:ctd&n t v:culd like i;i ill t o be :ce_plac :Ci <.:.s .:;00.1..1 c.'.8 x:os:J i tle a.no ·i~ :·:n t s.t tiiis :)oint of tL ... 0 the DeiJart · .. ,er:t cl oe2 ~ .:.ot :i;,:.:·c:,.ose an.. furt~:ier c-.cti on . It i~ unoel.·s ·iiooa bo ·;.ev_r· t h.::t tl-ie ·oc,ys ' yare1).ts aT;cl ctte:c 2,'er s o. 1r: 1·1;0 k11 0": of t h € c-.llec;:r.:)tioi.1S c-.. rc:: r!o t ot·li.::.ell to r Efr c::. i u fro .. ft~rtl! \!I' ::ce:;,.. ortint of t1: e inc i dent s a l tiJO'..!_,: ouC11 would Ue diSCL'UJ..'a ued .


D. SLI~H .

( Senior Ch i ld Gare (:.fficer)

30th Jul~r , 1 ~; 7:; .


G. ZZitK .

( Principal CbilcJ Oare Cff i c er

30th July , 1973.


Sticky Note
None set by gabrielle.doyle
Sticky Note
MigrationNone set by gabrielle.doyle
Sticky Note
Unmarked set by gabrielle.doyle