flJV?T" r'HPfP",Tj"lSl-,P.- r i " T ' o i c THE DAILY BULLET1IS . '4. ULMLiM.MBKBnKKimmwIJBX iimwnw,uLvmijiuuiiKi"A?i,iimiiJaiu Vjl. VI. lSTo. 83(3. Honolulu, ii. i., Tuesday isvEtfiNu, October 7, issi. CO CENTS OUUGOniPTION PER MONTH ft m i'i V & i I. HEs J THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTINQ OFFICE. Ik nil". ..... . ((iipcii Hlrpct, Opposite WcslV Carrlngo l'Actorjr. bscrlptlon, - BO conls por Month. Alt business communication!! to bo nil. ilrooscd, Manager Dally Bulletin, Po3t f xlce Box No. II. Tolcphono 250. O.VN TjOOAK, Editor Wk.vytayi.ou,... ..Local ltcporlcr .Tab. G. Oiiiivion, JU imager WHAT IS THIS DISEASE THAT IS COMING UPON US? Like a thief ut night It steals In upon us unawares. Many persons have palm about the client ayd sidc, and sometimes In the back. They fcol (lull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especially in in tho inurnlni;. A sort of sticky sllino collects about tho teeth. The appetite Is poor. Thcro is n feeling Ilka u heavy io.ul on the stomach; sometimes a faint e sensation at the pit of tho stomach which food docs not satisfy. Tho eyes nro sunken, the hands and foot become cold and feel rlainmy. After a while a oougli sets in at 111 at diy, but after a few months it is intended with u greenish eolouicd expectoration. The atlllctcd one feels tired all tho while, and Bleep does not seem to nlVord any rest. After n time he becomes nervous.'irrltn-ble- . and gloomy, and has evil fore, boilings. There is a giddiness, u sort of whirling sensation in tho head when rising tip suddenly. The bowclo become costive; tho skin Is dry and hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of tho eyes lec-om- tinged with yellow, the urine Is.'cantyaudhlgh eolouicd, depositing a sediment after standing. There is frequently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste, and sometimes with a sweetisli taste; this is frequently attended with palpitation of tho heart; the vision becomes impaired with spots before tho CV03; there is a feeling ot great prostra- tion and weakness. All of these aymp toms are In turn present. It is thought Unit nearly one-thir- d of our population lias this disease In some of its varied forms. It Ins been found that medical men Jiavo mistaken the nature of this disease. .Some have treated itforadivcr complaint, others for kidney disease, etc., but none of the various kinds of treat- ment havo been attended with success, because the remedy should bo such as to net harmoniously upon each one of these oigans, and upon tho stomach as well; for in Dyspepsia (for this is really what the disease is) all of these orirnnsnartakc of this disease and require u remedy that will act upon nil at the same time. Seigel's Curative Syrup nets likoacliarm iu tills class of complaints, giving almost Immediated relief. Thcfollowlnglottcrs from chemists of standing in tho com. munity where they live show In what estimation the article is held. John Archer, Ilarthill, near Sheffield: I can confidently recommend it to nil who may bo sutl'erliig from liver or stomach complaints, having tho testi- mony of my customers, who havo derived great bcnellt from the Syrup and Pills. The salo is increasing wonderfully. CJeo. A. Webb, 141, York Street, Belfast: I havo sold a Inrgc quantity, and the parties have testiilcd to its being what you represent it. I. S. -- Metcalfe, 55, Higligalo, Kendal: I havo always great pleasure in recom- mending the Curative Syrup, for I havo never known a case in which it has not relieved or cuied, und I have sold many grosses. Hobt. G. Gould, 27, High Street, Andovcr: I have always take n great intcicat in your medicines and I havo recommended them, as I have found numerous eases of euro from their use. Thomas Chapman, West Auckland: llnd that the trade steadily increases 1 sell more of your medicines than any other kind. X.Dai roll, Clun. Salop: All who buy It arc pleased, anil recommend it. Jo3. Ililkwill, A. 1 S., Khigsbridgc: The public seem to npprccYnlo their great value. A. Aunstcad, Market Street, Dalton.tn-Furncs- s: It is needless for mc to say that your valuable medicines havo great .sale in this district greater than any other I know of, giving great faction. Kohl. Lalue, Melkshuni: I can well recommend tho Cuiativo Syrup from having proved its ellicnry for Indigestion myself. Filockhclm, Arbroath, Poifarshire, Sept. 2a, 1832. Dear Sir, Last year I sent you. a letter icuomincndlng Mother Seigel's Syrup. I havo very much pleasure in still bearing testimony to tho very satisfactory results of tho famed Syrup and Pills. Most patent medicines die out with mc, but Mother Selgel lias had n steady salo ever since I and is still in as great demand ns when I first bognn to sell tho mcdl. cine. The cures which havo como under my notice are chiefly those of liver complaint and general debility. A certain minister in my neighbour-hoo- d says it Is the only thing wVlch has benefited him nnd restored hint to his normal condition of health after being unable to preach for u considerable length of time. I could mention also a great ninny other cases, but space would not allow. A near friend of mine, who is very much addicted to costlvcncss, or constipation, finds that Mother Seigel's Pills are tho only pills which suit his complaint. All other pills cause a reaction which is very niinoying. Mother Seigel's Pills do not leave a bad nfter.cllect. I lmvo much pleasure in commendlnir again to sutlering human. Ity Mother Seigel's medicines, which arc no sham. If tills letter Is of any seivlcu you can publish it. Yours very truly. (Signed) William S. Glass, Chemist. A. J. White, Esq. 15lh August, 188J. Doar Sir, I write to tell you that Mr. Henry Hllllcr, of Yatcsbury, Wilts, In. rforms inn that ho sullered fiom a severe, torm of Indigestion for upwards of four years, and took no end ot doctor's inedl-uin- u without tho slightest bencllt.and declares Mother Seigel's Syrup which ho got from mo lins saved Ills life. Yours truly, (Signed) N. Webb, Mr. White. Chemist, Calne. 705 ly 3 13. F. FILLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latost Novolties in Fancy Goods Received by ovory steamer FORT STREET. INT. S. SACHS, 1 04 Fort Street, La3 To Secure WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF To make room for a large invoice to arrive per Mariposa. Positive laiianis can lie secured by calls early. UNION FEED o Hay, Grain and Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets '.Telephone- IT'O. iNlanil ontci-- hoIIcIUmI, ami goods ilrllvctuil promptly. Evbit DescrijitioB (SUCCESSOR A. M. JMELL.IS.) LAST CHANCE5 a few more The balance of stock, now on hand, COMPANY. Chicken Feed. ofJoli Printing THE STREET. SMITH, Jit. Executed with neatness and dispatch, AT TO Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office, QUEEN M'CAUTNEY, J. E. WISEMAN Oiuiipbeirw 3Vo-- Uloelc, HKorclumt Slroot, Telephone, 172. I O. Dox, 315. X:E.A.3L, estate vgj-detvt- , Employment Agont, Custom House Broker, Tire and Lifo Insurance Agent, and General Business Agont Tho only General Business Agent In tho Hawaiian Islands. 080 ly Orders of Every Kind nnd Nature Solicited from tho Various Islands. ii. m. nr.Nsox, fl. W. I). BENSON, SMITH & CO.. laifactirii & Disieisii Pliariacists, 113 8l 115 FORT STREET HONOLULU, Depot for Boorieko & Sohrcok's Homoepathic Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, Tiio Common Senso.Nursiiig Bottles, And AHniro Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. ' Honolulu. COST Medicines, Bargains WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Komi, Island of Ouhu. at tho office of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu ami street. 181 I JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior OUlce, Honolulu. WO. AKANA, n use and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of tho abort languages made with accuracy and (lis patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 H. S. TRKGLOAN, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. GERTZ, tt CHB. No. 80 Fort street, HonoluI.fC" Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. I?RITZ WILHELM, CARPENTER & BUILDER, Shop on King street, In rear of New Odd Fellow's Hall King street. Tolcphono 112. C20 Cm ED- - O. ROWB, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, I'AI'UU llAXOUIl, etc., No. 107 KinoStiieut, - Honolulu. 025 Telephone. 114. ly BROWN & PHILLIPS, 1'lumbeis, Gas Fitters nnd Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. SET IIouso und Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 J.M.OATA CO., HAir3IAIi:itM, Loft In A. F. Cookes New FircProof Building, foot of Nuiianu Street. Honolulu, II. I. Flags of all descriptions made and repaired. ly h IIOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuunnu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., 507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b Honolulu iron Works, Steam engines, sugar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass ami lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exc-cutc- d at short notice. 1 Prussian National Insurance Gomp'y Capital 9,000,000 Roichsmarks, rpiIE undersigned, having been np JL pointed agent of tho above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favorablo Terms, Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in Honolulu. II. RIEMENSOHNEIDER, 070 ly b at Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and nil whom it may concern. -- pMr . The undersigned Having ui'MflSMmailo alterations, additions, AlWlHIIlrf mid improvements in his iKlxaai SOAl FACTOIIY, U now prepared to give Tho Highest Cash Valuo for any quantity of rJL7.AXLOW, And will furnish containers for tho samo free of cost to nny ono who may desire. TIIOS. W. ItAWIiIXN, Honolulu Soap Works. Onico In Brick Building, King street, Lelco. 483 ly Commission Morchants. O BREWER & COMPANY, . (Limited) Gkneuai. Meiicantii.k and Commission Agents. LIST OP OKKlCEIlS: P. C. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Oautek. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary muEcrous: Hon. C. 11. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Caiiteu 833 ly Geo. W. Macfarlanc. II. R. Maofnrlane. Q. W. MACIARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER-CHANT- S and Siiffav Factors, Fire-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. AGENTS for The Walkapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, Tliu Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Tho llecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huclo Sugar Mill, Maui, Hticlo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mlrrlccs. Watson &Co's Sugar Machin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEY. LYONS St LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., .. Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 M. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. l M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Morchants, 124 California street, San Francisco, Cnl. Clans Sprockets. Wm. O. Irwin. TXT G. IRWIN & COMPANY, TV . Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 AS. OLEQHORN & CO. Importers nnd Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen und Kaahumnnu sts., Hono-lul- 7a M.A' GONSALVE3 &i CO.. No. 67 Hotel Sticet. Honolulu. Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy fl..r..la 1..1..1.1 M-- t.l uuvua, itiium Mum, .U111U1U1UUI V, 289 &c, &c, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 BROWN Si CO., Wholesale WIno and Spirit iucrcunms, jxo. m Aicrciuini St., Honolulu. 330 8. N. Castle. J. B. Athcrton. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping nnd Commission Merchant. Importers und Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. l, WING WO TAI & CO., and General Dealers in English, American nnd Clilncso Pro- visions. Plantation Teas and General Supplies. Also, White & Colored Con. tract Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 21 Niiunuu street, opposite Mr. C. Afong's. 523 Oni Wolfe & Edwards Grocery and Foetl Store, Corner King and Nuiianu streets. Fresli Groceries nndJProvisions received by every Steamer. P.O. Box 130, Tolcphono 349. 501 Cm WM. HcUANDIiKSS, No. 0 Queen street, Fish Market, Dealer in choicest lJccf, Voul, Mutton, Klttli, Ji.c, &c. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Livo stock furnished to vessels at short notico, and Vegetables of nil kinds supplied to order. 310 ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Bakor. No. 71 Hotel at. Telephone 74. KtiHtcrii l'ino Suyrur KegN, In Sliooks or Set up, alto Eastern Pino Barrels for MolasscB. Hoops Iron f, , lln., 2 x 1.10, S x , 2 x 3.10. Vv Sale Iiy OSO 3m b J. II. BRUNS, Senior. Water Notice. Ofllce Sup't Wnter Works, Honolulu, July 3, 1882. ALL persons having Water Privileges notified that their Water Rates nro payable semi-annuall- in advance, at tlto ofllco of tho Superintendent of Wnter Works, foot of Nuunnu street, upon tho 1st day of January and July of each venr. CIIAB. 15. WI LSON, Sup't 'Waterworks 8. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 204 Professionals. Tn. EMERSON. JL Residence and consultation rooms at No. 2 Kukul St., comer of Fort. Telephone No. 140. 50 2m A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary l'uiiiic, Office with the Attorney General, AHIoi lanl Hale, Honolulu. ly "" JOHN nUSSBLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllcc, on Merchant street, (noU door to Dr. Statigcnwald.) ly.l ly I2ICHAKD F. BICKERTON, mid Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free holds. Ofllcc, No. 11 Merchant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, nnd Counsellor at Law-Notar- y Public, and Agent for taking Ac kuowlcdginciits of Instruments for the Island ol Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumauii st Honolulu. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW nnd Notary Public. Real Estate m any jmrt of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotltt ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 196 C.a BERQER, KAAHUMANU STIIKKT. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Firo In. CoOimlt'd Mncncalu & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 233 Robert Lcuorr, (3. II. Cooke. L ewers as Cooke, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers nnd Dealers in Lumber und all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt nnd Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. i Bearer -- 4. Saloon. Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours The finest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, always on hand. THE CASERSO AT THE l'Alti; IS OPEN EVERY DAY. CSTTho only sca-bld- o resort in the Kingdom. H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. ASTURAGE. GOOD PASTURE for Horses in Knlllii Valley 50 acres in ouu paddock :K all fenced, with nn 'abundance of fresh grass, a living stream of water running through the land. Horses called for and delivered at 50 cents per head, if so desired. Reasonable goou enro taken of stock hut no responsibility from acci- dent. Positively none hut'hvalthy nni-ma- ls taken. Address or enquire of ALLEN HERBERT, Oillce on Qucun btreet, with Hamilton Johnson. 704 tf A Good Pasture for Horses, NEAR TOWN. Inquire to A. A. MONTANO. 077 Cm . BAKER, HOItSH imCTOIC Id Will euro SIck or Lame Horses. I3ySciid orders to Capt Cluney's stables Queen & Punchbowl sts. 420 ly Telephono No. 300. G. II. ROBERTSON, Drayman best teams ' In town. Otllcc, Queen st. 15 M GROSSMAN, . DENTIST, Has opened Ills ofllco in Hotel St., next to tho Y. M. C. A. building, whero lie is prepared to perform nil operations in dentistry. 3mC01.P" J.M DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GUI No. 13 Kaahumnnu htrcet. T7IRANGI8 M. HATCH X? Attorney nt Law, 23 15 Knaliumanu 6t IF. BAKER, M. R. C. V. S. London, Fellow Royal V. M. Association, (as per Diploma in my oillce.) Treats nil Diseases oftllorscs, Mules and Horned "Cattle. IHTOfflcc over Turner's Jewelry shop, King Street. 713 tf V s a ivi!

T DAILY - University of Hawaiʻi...iKlxaai SOAl FACTOIIY, U now prepared to give Tho Highest Cash Valuo for any quantity of rJL7.AXLOW, And will furnish containers for tho samo free

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Page 1: T DAILY - University of Hawaiʻi...iKlxaai SOAl FACTOIIY, U now prepared to give Tho Highest Cash Valuo for any quantity of rJL7.AXLOW, And will furnish containers for tho samo free

flJV?T" r'HPfP",Tj"lSl-,P.- r i " T '


. '4.ULMLiM.MBKBnKKimmwIJBXiimwnw,uLvmijiuuiiKi"A?i,iimiiJaiu

Vjl. VI. lSTo. 83(3. Honolulu, ii. i., Tuesday isvEtfiNu, October 7, issi. CO CENTSOUUGOniPTION











Ik nil". ..... . ((iipcii Hlrpct,Opposite WcslV Carrlngo l'Actorjr.

bscrlptlon, - BO conls por Month.

Alt business communication!! to bo nil.ilrooscd, Manager Dally Bulletin, Po3tf xlce Box No. II. Tolcphono 250.

O.VN TjOOAK, EditorWk.vytayi.ou,... ..Local ltcporlcr.Tab. G. Oiiiivion, JU imager


Like a thief ut night It steals In uponus unawares. Many persons have palmabout the client ayd sidc, and sometimesIn the back. They fcol (lull and sleepy;the mouth has a bad taste, especially inin tho inurnlni;. A sort of sticky sllinocollects about tho teeth. The appetite Ispoor. Thcro is n feeling Ilka u heavyio.ul on the stomach; sometimes a faint

e sensation at the pit of thostomach which food docs not satisfy.Tho eyes nro sunken, the hands and footbecome cold and feel rlainmy. After awhile a oougli sets in at 111 at diy, butafter a few months it is intended with ugreenish eolouicd expectoration. Theatlllctcd one feels tired all tho while, andBleep does not seem to nlVord any rest.After n time he becomes nervous.'irrltn-ble- .

and gloomy, and has evil fore,boilings. There is a giddiness, u sort ofwhirling sensation in tho head whenrising tip suddenly. The bowclo becomecostive; tho skin Is dry and hot at times;the blood becomes thick and stagnant;the whites of tho eyes lec-om- tingedwith yellow, the urine Is.'cantyaudhlgheolouicd, depositing a sediment afterstanding. There is frequently a spittingup of the food, sometimes with a sourtaste, and sometimes with a sweetislitaste; this is frequently attended withpalpitation of tho heart; the visionbecomes impaired with spots before thoCV03; there is a feeling ot great prostra-tion and weakness. All of these aymptoms are In turn present. It is thoughtUnit nearly one-thir- d of our populationlias this disease In some of its variedforms. It Ins been found that medicalmen Jiavo mistaken the nature of thisdisease. .Some have treated itforadivcrcomplaint, others for kidney disease, etc.,but none of the various kinds of treat-ment havo been attended with success,because the remedy should bo such as tonet harmoniously upon each one of theseoigans, and upon tho stomach as well;for in Dyspepsia (for this is really whatthe disease is) all of these orirnnsnartakcof this disease and require u remedythat will act upon nil at the same time.Seigel's Curative Syrup nets likoacliarmiu tills class of complaints, giving almostImmediated relief. Thcfollowlnglottcrsfrom chemists of standing in tho com.munity where they live show In whatestimation the article is held.

John Archer, Ilarthill, near Sheffield:I can confidently recommend it to nil

who may bo sutl'erliig from liver orstomach complaints, having tho testi-mony of my customers, who havo derivedgreat bcnellt from the Syrup and Pills.The salo is increasing wonderfully.

CJeo. A. Webb, 141, York Street,Belfast: I havo sold a Inrgc quantity,and the parties have testiilcd to its beingwhat you represent it.

I. S. --Metcalfe, 55, Higligalo, Kendal:I havo always great pleasure in recom-

mending the Curative Syrup, for I havonever known a case in which it has notrelieved or cuied, und I have sold manygrosses.

Hobt. G. Gould, 27, High Street,Andovcr: I have always take n greatintcicat in your medicines and I havorecommended them, as I have foundnumerous eases of euro from their use.

Thomas Chapman, West Auckland:llnd that the trade steadily increases

1 sell more of your medicines than anyother kind.

X.Dai roll, Clun. Salop: All who buyIt arc pleased, anil recommend it.

Jo3. Ililkwill, A. 1 S., Khigsbridgc:The public seem to npprccYnlo their

great value.A. Aunstcad, Market Street, Dalton.tn-Furncs- s:

It is needless for mc to saythat your valuable medicines havo great.sale in this district greater than anyother I know of, giving greatfaction.

Kohl. Lalue, Melkshuni: I can wellrecommend tho Cuiativo Syrup fromhaving proved its ellicnry for Indigestionmyself.

Filockhclm, Arbroath, Poifarshire,Sept. 2a, 1832. Dear Sir, Last year Isent you. a letter icuomincndlng MotherSeigel's Syrup. I havo very muchpleasure in still bearing testimony to thovery satisfactory results of tho famedSyrup and Pills. Most patent medicinesdie out with mc, but Mother Selgel liashad n steady salo ever since I

and is still in as great demandns when I first bognn to sell tho mcdl.cine. The cures which havo como undermy notice are chiefly those of livercomplaint and general debility.

A certain minister in my neighbour-hoo-d

says it Is the only thing wVlch hasbenefited him nnd restored hint to hisnormal condition of health after beingunable to preach for u considerablelength of time. I could mention also agreat ninny other cases, but space wouldnot allow. A near friend of mine, whois very much addicted to costlvcncss, orconstipation, finds that Mother Seigel'sPills are tho only pills which suit hiscomplaint. All other pills cause areaction which is very niinoying.Mother Seigel's Pills do not leave a badnfter.cllect. I lmvo much pleasure incommendlnir again to sutlering human.Ity Mother Seigel's medicines, whicharc no sham. If tills letter Is of anyseivlcu you can publish it.

Yours very truly.(Signed) William S. Glass, Chemist.

A. J. White, Esq.

15lh August, 188J.

Doar Sir, I write to tell you that Mr.Henry Hllllcr, of Yatcsbury, Wilts, In.rforms inn that ho sullered fiom a severe,torm of Indigestion for upwards of fouryears, and took no end ot doctor's inedl-uin- u

without tho slightest bencllt.anddeclares Mother Seigel's Syrup which hogot from mo lins saved Ills life.

Yours truly,(Signed) N. Webb,

Mr. White. Chemist, Calne.705 ly 3

13. F. FILLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latost Novolties in Fancy Goods Received by ovory steamer FORT STREET.

INT. S. SACHS,1 04 Fort Street,


To Secure


To make room for a large invoice to arrive per Mariposa.

Positive laiianis can lie secured by calls early.


Hay, Grain and

Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets'.Telephone- IT'O.

iNlanil ontci-- hoIIcIUmI, ami goods ilrllvctuil promptly.

Evbit DescrijitioB



a few moreThe balance of stock, now on hand,


Chicken Feed.

ofJoli Printing




Executed with neatness and dispatch,



Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office,



J. E. WISEMANOiuiipbeirw 3Vo-- Uloelc, HKorclumt Slroot,

Telephone, 172. I O. Dox, 315.

X:E.A.3L, estate vgj-detvt- ,

Employment Agont, Custom House Broker,Tire and Lifo Insurance Agent,

and General Business AgontTho only General Business Agent In tho Hawaiian Islands.080 ly Orders of Every Kind nnd Nature Solicited from tho Various Islands.

ii. m. nr.Nsox, fl. W. I).

BENSON, SMITH & CO..laifactirii & Disieisii Pliariacists,


Depot for Boorieko & Sohrcok's

Homoepathic Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, Tiio Common Senso.Nursiiig Bottles,

And AHniro Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.






WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Komi, Island of Ouhu. at tho office ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuami street. 181 I

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior OUlce,Honolulu.

WO. AKANA,n use and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of tho abortlanguages made with accuracy and (lispatch, and on reasonable terms. 209


201 FORT ST.

GERTZ, ttCHB. No. 80 Fort street, HonoluI.fC"Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.


Shop on King street, In rear of NewOdd Fellow's Hall King street.

Tolcphono 112. C20 Cm


I'AI'UU llAXOUIl, etc.,No. 107 KinoStiieut, - Honolulu.

025 Telephone. 114. ly

BROWN & PHILLIPS,1'lumbeis, Gas Fitters

nnd Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. SET IIouso und Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

J.M.OATA CO., HAir3IAIi:itM,Loft In A. F. Cookes New FircProof

Building, foot of Nuiianu Street.Honolulu, II. I.

Flags of all descriptions made andrepaired. ly h


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuunnu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

Honolulu iron Works,Steam engines, sugar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass ami lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exc-cutc- d

at short notice. 1

Prussian NationalInsurance Gomp'y

Capital 9,000,000 Roichsmarks,

rpiIE undersigned, having been npJL pointed agent of tho above Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favorablo Terms,

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in


070 ly b at Wilder & Co's.


and nil whom it may concern.-- pMr . The undersigned Havingui'MflSMmailo alterations, additions,

AlWlHIIlrf mid improvements in hisiKlxaai SOAl FACTOIIY,

U now prepared to giveTho Highest Cash Valuo

for any quantity of

rJL7.AXLOW,And will furnish containers for tho samofree of cost to nny ono who may desire.

TIIOS. W. ItAWIiIXN,Honolulu Soap Works.

Onico In Brick Building,King street, Lelco. 483 ly

Commission Morchants.

O BREWER & COMPANY,. (Limited)

Gkneuai. Meiicantii.k andCommission Agents.


P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oautek. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

muEcrous:Hon. C. 11. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Caiiteu

833 ly

Geo. W. Macfarlanc. II. R. Maofnrlane.



andSiiffav Factors,

Fire-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street,Honolulu. II. I.

AGENTS forThe Walkapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,Tliu Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Tho llecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huclo Sugar Mill, Maui,Hticlo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mlrrlccs. Watson &Co's Sugar Machin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.



LYONS St LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen St., . . Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-tended to.

Solo Agents for American and Euro-pean merchandise. 318

M. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. l

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Morchants,

124 California street,San Francisco, Cnl.

Clans Sprockets. Wm. O. Irwin.TXT G. IRWIN & COMPANY,

TV . Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

AS. OLEQHORN & CO.Importers nnd Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen und Kaahumnnu sts., Hono-lul-


M.A' GONSALVE3 &i CO..No. 67 Hotel Sticet. Honolulu.

Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancyfl..r..la 1..1..1.1 M-- t.luuvua, itiium Mum, .U111U1U1UUI V,

289 &c, &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

BROWN Si CO.,Wholesale WIno and Spirit

iucrcunms, jxo. m Aicrciuini St.,Honolulu. 330

8. N. Castle. J. B. Athcrton.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping nnd Commission

Merchant. Importers und Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. l,

WING WO TAI & CO.,and General Dealers

in English, American nnd Clilncso Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and GeneralSupplies. Also, White & Colored Con.tract Matting, all qualities and prices.

No. 21 Niiunuu street, opposite Mr. C.Afong's. 523 Oni

Wolfe & EdwardsGrocery and Foetl Store,

Corner King and Nuiianu streets.Fresli Groceries nndJProvisions received

by every Steamer.P.O. Box 130, Tolcphono 349.

501 Cm

WM. HcUANDIiKSS,No. 0 Queen street, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestlJccf, Voul, Mutton, Klttli, Ji.c, &c.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Livo stock furnished tovessels at short notico, and Vegetablesof nil kinds supplied to order. 310 ly



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Bakor.

No. 71 Hotel at. Telephone 74.

KtiHtcrii l'ino Suyrur KegN,In Sliooks or Set up, alto

Eastern Pino Barrels forMolasscB.

Hoops Iron f, , lln., 2 x 1.10, S x ,

2 x 3.10.

Vv Sale IiyOSO 3m b J. II. BRUNS, Senior.

Water Notice.Ofllce Sup't Wnter Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified that their Water Rates

nro payable semi-annuall- in advance,at tlto ofllco of tho Superintendent ofWnter Works, foot of Nuunnu street,upon tho 1st day of January and July ofeach venr. CIIAB. 15. WI LSON,

Sup't 'Waterworks8. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 204


Tn. EMERSON.JL Residence and consultation roomsat No. 2 Kukul St., comer of Fort.

Telephone No. 140. 50 2m


And Notary l'uiiiic,Office with the Attorney General, AHIoilanl Hale, Honolulu. ly



Ofllcc, on Merchant street, (noU doorto Dr. Statigcnwald.) ly.l ly

I2ICHAKD F. BICKERTON,mid Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Freeholds. Ofllcc, No. 11 Merchant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,nnd Counsellor at Law-Notar- y

Public, and Agent for taking Ackuowlcdginciits of Instruments for theIsland ol Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumauii stHonolulu. 1


nnd Notary Public. Real Estate m anyjmrt of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotlttted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 196



The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

The City of London Firo In. CoOimlt'dMncncalu & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


Robert Lcuorr, (3. II. Cooke.

Lewers as Cooke,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers nnd Dealers in Lumber und allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt nnd Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. i

Bearer -- 4. Saloon.

Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursThe finest Brands of Cigars and

Tobacco, always on hand.


IS OPEN EVERY DAY.CSTTho only sca-bld- o resort in the

Kingdom. H. J. NOLTE,Proprietor.

ASTURAGE.GOOD PASTURE forHorses in Knlllii Valley50 acres in ouu paddock:K all fenced, with nn'abundance of fresh

grass, a living stream of water runningthrough the land. Horses called forand delivered at 50 cents per head, if sodesired. Reasonable goou enro taken ofstock hut no responsibility from acci-dent. Positively none hut'hvalthy nni-ma- ls

taken. Address or enquire ofALLEN HERBERT,

Oillce on Qucun btreet, with HamiltonJohnson. 704 tf

A Good Pasture for Horses,NEAR TOWN.

Inquire toA. A. MONTANO.

077 Cm

. BAKER,HOItSH imCTOICId Will euro SIck or

Lame Horses.

I3ySciid orders to Capt Cluney's stablesQueen & Punchbowl sts. 420 ly

Telephono No. 300.

G. II. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams '

In town. Otllcc, Queen st. 15

M GROSSMAN,. DENTIST,Has opened Ills ofllco in Hotel St., next

to tho Y. M. C. A. building, whero lie isprepared to perform nil operations indentistry. 3mC01.P"


GUI No. 13 Kaahumnnu htrcet.

T7IRANGI8 M. HATCHX? Attorney nt Law,23 15 Knaliumanu 6t

IF. BAKER,M. R. C. V. S. London,

Fellow Royal V. M. Association,

(as per Diploma in my oillce.)

Treats nil Diseases oftllorscs, Mules andHorned "Cattle.

IHTOfflcc over Turner's Jewelry shop,King Street. 713 tf




Page 2: T DAILY - University of Hawaiʻi...iKlxaai SOAl FACTOIIY, U now prepared to give Tho Highest Cash Valuo for any quantity of rJL7.AXLOW, And will furnish containers for tho samo free


M iiW",!(F"k' siv '


,' The JusilctM of tlic Supreme Com t

have this day uppoliiteil Jlr.Miv I'. I'ooitto bu Second Deputy Cleik of s ild Court.

) By the Court.WILLIAM FOSTER, Clerk.

," Honolulu, Oct. 1st, tbSI. Sllllw

BJSlLOl' & Co., 15ANKHKHHonolulu, I luwiuhkti ltdiinil.

Draw Exchange on the

HmtW oi C'alltoiMiln. S. XAmi their agents In


.Meiers. X. M. Rothschild &H011, London.The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Conimeicinl Uink Co., of Sydney,

Sydney.Thu Bank of New Zealand:' Auckland,

Uhrlolulittri'li, mid Wellington.Thu Bank of Biillsh Colmnbli, Vic

torla, 11. 0. mid Portland, Or.AND

Tr.ini.ict a General Banking Business.C,9 lv li


cm ho had tioai

J. M. Oil, dr., & Co Mcielunt St.

T. G. Thrum Merchant st.And from thu Paper Cntnors,


Notice to Subscribers.Mr. A- - M. Mellis is authorized to

collect all back subscriptions for the"Daily Bulletin," whose receipt for

the same will be sufficient.

JAS. Q. CLEVIOR, Manager.

Bulletin Office, Oct. 7, 1884- -

Ju gnihi gaUktin,VUigil U neither Sect nor Party.Bit mtibllshe.l for the beseSt of nil.

TUESDAY, OCT. 7, 1881.


? Excelsior Lodge, I.O.O.R, 7:.".0.;. Bible Class at Lyceum at 7:30.


Meeting Stock Exchange, at 11.


At the International Conferenceon Education, recently held at theHealth Exhibition, in London, theinaugural address wn delivered byLord Hcay, President of the Con-

ference, lie discussed, what hecalled, some of the burning ques-

tions of the day in matters of edu-

cation, lie said that the development of the powers of observation,to satisfy an ever-expandi- curiosity, is at the bottom of every vs-- "

tcm of rational education; that in

i primary education this truth is moreami more recognized, and drawing,as well as elementary science andmanual work, arc being put in theirproper places; that Belgium is mov-

ing vigorously in that ditection,following, with reference to manual

fy work, Sweden, where the School ofDomestic Industry might well claim

1 attention; that two French Min- -

sicrs oi ;u. naruouxand 51. Ferry, have given their ver- -

V diet in favor of the extreme importance of drawing; that Sweden hasalso contributed to gymnastics that'clllcicncy of training which is so im-

portant in school hygienics; andthat the monopoly of the three IPs

reading, writing, and arithmeticis doomed, and the enthronement ofthe three D's drawing, drill, andadroitness approaching. In plead-ing for the substitution of rationalfor mechanical methods, Lord llcav

,'said he simply desired to rousethose inquisitive tendencies, whichin many cases arc now deadened, tomake the primary school, not theearly grave of individuality, but anattractive spot, where the produc-

tive use of leisure, as well as of thehours devoted to woi k, coupled withthe surroundings of fruits and,tlowcrs, should give pleasure to the1imr .mil... irii'lu ii'lin f ..itiifiiif if . .....1,wj J ,. ' tn llll,V Ik, lM,in order thereto, he would makeagricultural education general andno longer a luxury.

K The foregoing points in Lotdllleay'i8 address sccui to us to meritthe careful consideration, not onlyof our Boaid of Education, but ofthe teaching fraternity generally on

islands. From the Board's lastilnl reuort to the Lemsl.ilurc itm... .'. ........ .. . ,

nppcirs uiai preliminary steps naveIrcady been taken in the same

(direction, under the Board's admin- -

rs.trnlion, at Lahainaluna SeminaryZand the Heforniiilory School. The


sanio report also contains accountsof similar steps in some privateschools in the Kingdom". Yet whathas hitherto been done can scarcelybe considered moio than mi initialmove in the right direction, for toomuch attention is still given to themechanical routine of mere text-hoo- k

instruction : it should be supple- -

tnented by systematic advances onthe basis of careful plans. The bulkof educational work in this countryhas to be done for the bcncfll of

natic llawaiians, and next in im-

portance to their instiuction in theuse of the English language comestheir training in labor and in thedomestic arts and manufactures.The lising generation here, as in

other countries, arc too prone todespise labor of all kinds, and trychiefly to fit themselves for someposition in which they will not beobliged to woik or to acquire anygreat amount of skill. This tendencyshould, us far as possible, be cor-

rected by their education and theway in which it is imparted ; and ifLord Hcay's hints are expanded totheir logical conclusions, and fol-

lowed out systematically and thor-

oughly, it will greatly conduce tobring about an improvement in thismatter.

THE BRITISH SCIENTISTS-N- O. 3.Wc have not yet exhausted those

portions of Lotd Uayleigh's openingaddress which arc callable of popularelucidation. Upon tho subject ofacoustics he said it had been provedthat when propel precautions arctaken wc are unable to tell whethera pui o tone (as from a vibratingtuning folk held over a suitableresonator) conies to us from thefront or the rear; but it is easy andinstinctive to discover whence almostany other sort of sound, from aclap of the hands to the clearestvowel sound, comes. There is verylittle difference between the tospec-tiv- c

degrees of loudness with whicha sound strikes the car turned townidit and the one turned from it. ThePresident warned students of (science

agaiust elevating phrases abovethings, in the style of the doctor in" Le Alidade Ininginaiie," who ex-

plains the fact that opium .sends oneto sleep by its soporilic virtue. Itwas necessary, however, that scien-

tific discoveries .should be set forthin books, or they would be lost. Inmaking oneself acquainted with whathas been done in any subject, hesiid, it is good policy to consult firstthe writers of highest general repu-

tation. Although in scientific matterswe should aim at independent judg-

ment, and not rely too much uponauthority, it i cumins true that a'good deal must often be taken upontrust. Loid Haylcigh touched upona question that is very much dis-

cussed at the present time theutility of so much space being givento the dead languages in a liberaleducation. Such an authority is

woi thy of being fully quoted, andllicrcfoic his observations on thissubject arc given entire:

"To the thorough-goin- g advocatesof scientific education it appearsstrange, and almost monstrous, thatthe dead languages should hold theplace they do in gcncial education;and it can hardly be denied thattheir supremacy is the result ofroutine rather than of aigunicnt. Ido not, myself, take up the extremeposition. I doubt whether an ex-clusively scientific training would besatisfactory, and where there isnlonty of time and a literary aptitudeI can believe that Latin and Greek

I may make a good foundation. Butit is useless to discuss the questionupon tho supposition that a majorityof boys attain either to a knowledgeof the languages, or to an apprecia-tion of the writings of the nncicntauthors. The contrary is notoriouslythe truth, and the defenders of theexisting system usually take theirstand lqioii the excellence of its dis-cipline. From this point of viewthcicis .something to he said. Thelaziest boy must exert himself alittle in puzzling out a sentencewith grammar and dictionary, whileinstruction and supervision arc easyto organize and not too costly. Butwhen the case is stated plainly fewwill agree that we can alibi d soentirely to disregard results. Inafter life tho intellectual energies arcusunlly engrossed with business, andno further opportunity is found forattacking tho difllcultics which blocktho gateways of knowledge. Mathe-matics, especially, if not learnedyoung, are likely to remain unlearn-ed. I will not further insist unonthe cducalionnl importance of mathe-matics and science, because withrespect to them I shall probably hosupposed to bo prejudiced. Hut ofmodern languages I am ignorant

enough to give value to my advocacy.I believe Hint French and German, '

If propeily 'taught, which 1 admit '

they rarely nro at present, would gofar to replace Latin and Greek fioma disciplinary point of view, whilethe actual value of the acquisitionwould, in tho majority of cases, heincomparably greater. In half thetime usually devoted, without suc-

cess, to the classical languages mostboys could acquire a really service- -

able knowledge of French and Ger-man. History, and thu sciiousstudy of English litcinturc, now t

shamefully neglected, would alsofind a place in such a scheme. '

Inclosing, Lord Haylcigh referredto the popular impression thatscience tended to materialism, whichwas strengthened by the writings ofmen speaking in the name ofscience. lie said : "It is true thatamong scientific men, as in otherclasses, crude views are to be metwith as to the deeper things ofnature; but that the life-lon- g viewsof .Now ton, of Faraday, and ofMaxwell, arc inconsistent with thescientific habit of mind is surely aproposition which I need not pauseto refute." However, he did notdesire to have too much stress laidupon the opinions of even such dis-

tinguished workers as those. Hedid not think that the scientificworker had a claim, superior to thatof other educated men, to assumethe attitude of a prophet. "In hisheart he knows," said he, "thatunderneath the theories that he con-

structs there lie contradictions whichlie cannot reconcile. The highermysteries of being, if penetrable atall by human intellect, require otherweapons than those of calculationand experiment. Without encroach-ing upon grounds appertaining tothe theologian and the philosopher,the domain of natural science is

surely broad enough to satisfy thewildest ambition of its devotee."


"Naples has no sewers and thecholera germinates in the aceumu-laty- d

filth of centuries." So readsa paragraph in an exchange, and itconveys an ominous warning to Hoiiolulu. Some say there is no dangerof cholera here; but, even if not,there is enough sickness going lightalong to prove that our sanitarystatus is low. Again, it is said thatsewers are impracticable here, butthere is no scientific demonstrationto that effect. If the site is notadapted to a sewerage system, thenwhy is not some other system ofkeeping the city clean being sought?

In giving the substance "of theleintiiks of the President of the Bri-

tish Association for the Advancementof Science, upon the utilization ofwater power for the purposes of elec-

tric lighting, wc suggested that Ho-

nolulu had sufllcicnt water power,conveniently to hand, to generateelectricity for lighting the city.Since that article appeared wc haveseen a statement in an Americanpaper, that the water power of theNingaia If alls is being utilized in

Buffalo, New York, twenty-tw- o milesdistant. The power is transmittedover the telephone wires, and thetelephones of the city arc all run inthe evening by its use. Our wealthycitizens might combino to bear thecost of an experiment with a watcr-whc- cl

at Knpenn Falls, Niiiianu Val-

ley, and a dynamo of several lights'capacity. "With such easily-accessib- le

water-pow- er wc believe Honolulucould be lighted with electricitycheaper than with gas. The con-

ductors for a general system ofelectric lighting could be laid under-

ground here with greater facilitythan in most American cities, al-

though there is possibly room in ourfirmament for a few more cables andwires.

The Planters' Monthly for Octo-

ber contains a great variety ofmatter interesting to planters andagriculturists. Prominence is espe-cially given to information regard-ing the diffusion process for extract-ing the sweetness of the cane. TheHon. II. A. Widcinanii has starteda subscription list to raise money

i for getting a diffusion plant fromj Germany, for which about $10,000

will be required. To all appearancethe sound of grinding will soon below in the land, hut this, instead ofa symptom of senility, will signifya renowal of youth to the sugar in-- I

dustry. Upon the subject of for-- I

cstry, to which liberal space is

given, Mr. S. 11. Dole contributesan account of forest cultivation be-

gun on the Llhuc Plantation, Kauai,making somo practical observationsupon the selection of trees and themethod adopted. Mr. Jaeger givesinteresting information regardingthe kola nut. showing it to he a verydesirable article of cultivation here.The United States Consul at SierraLeone sent about 80 pounds of thesenuts to Mi. Hastings, of Ulupala-ku- a,

and the latter had given themto Mr. Jaeger to plant. Amongother properties of the kola nut, itis said to not only arrest the pro-

gress of intoxication after a personhns drunk to excess, but destroy theappetite for strong drink.

Thii expressions of opinion uponmodern s educational methods, byLords Haylcigh and Itcay, incorpor-ated in our leading articles to-da-

form a valuable symposium for theconsideration of our educationists.


The Band will give a conceit atthe Uoyal Hawaiian Hotel this even-

ing in honor of Mrs. Judge Hall.Following is the programme:

1'AllT I.

March Tho Sei enadc lVrtelOverture Light Cavalry SuppuChorus Bivouac I'etrcllaMedley The Black Brigade Beyer

I'AIIT u.Select Ion Carmen BlctWalt Thu Flower Show CooteChorus Xorah Hansen

Aid AVela and Hawaii Ponol.

Anour four o'clock- - this morning,the mate of the bark Forest Queen,docked near Wilder's SteamshipCo.'s wharf, discovered fire in thecabin. The captain and sailors weresoon aroused and commenced to throwwater on it wilhliitckctsi' WatchmanSayers, of the Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., gave the alarm offire through the telephone. The FireDepartment turned out, China Co.being the first on the spot, and soonafterwards the fire was extinguished.The steamer Lchua, which was closeto the Forest Queen, was let loose,also the Kilauca IIou. The fire,which is supposed to be incendiary,commenced in the pantry, and wasconfined to the cabin, very littledamnge being done, beyond thewood workjbadly charred. The barkis laden with lumber, and thedamage is covered by insurance.

The British gunboat Wasp waswrecked off Tory Island, on thenorthwest coast of Ireland, on Sept.23rd, and fifty-tw- o persons, includ-

ing all the ofllcers, were drowned.Six persons only were saved, byclinging to the wreckage.

A tribute to canned provisionshas been paid by Brevet Major-Gener- al

Hawkins in the AmericanGrocer. He says army posts through-out the United States have beensupplied with canned meats, fruit,vegetables and preserves for nearlytwenty years, but a case of poison-

ing therefrom had never been re-

ported.A Congressional committee is visit-

ing the Pacific Coast, partly to en-

quire into the facilities there forbuilding steel gunboats and armedvessels to increase the navy. MarcIsland, Vallejo, struck the membcisfavorably as a site for such works.

Notice to Subscribers ofthe Hawaiian Bell

Telephone.WISEMAN IS AUTHORIZEDJi:.to collect uccounts due tho Haw-

aiian Bell Telephone Co. for use of Tele-phone, nnd subscribers may apply at hisoffice, and setllo their quarterly accountsfor which ho will give the access iry re-

ceipt of thu Company.GODFREY BROWN,

President 11. B. T. Co.Olllco of J. E. WlSKMAN,

Campbell's Block, Merchant Street.8110 2w


Shop on Queen street, near AlaUca.15 dm


BOOMS, located In ccntru of town.Leave addrcsj nt this Office. It


ADJOINING Kanlolanl Park.Apply to M. D. MONSABBAT.

83U Iw


ABOUT MO HEAD OF CATTLE,ages nnd slcf, and including

Milking Cows, Calves, Heifers andKteuiti. Will Fell In lots to suit intendlug puruliascr.s, hut prefers to bell nil hione lot. AIho sivernl good horses. Ap-

ply to MRS. COSTA,823 t Kiilllil Valley.

THE FOITAIAdjoining Dodd's,


The long looked for opening of thisstoiu will bo on Monday, Sept. 10th,with a full stock of


Soda Wator,

And Tobaccos.

BOBT. DONNOLLY. manufacturerof Soda Water, Ginger Beer, Knot Beerand Spruco Beer, will oiler to the publicon Monday, cooling drinks supei lor toanv In tho Hawaiian Islands, 'lhcdilnk? mentioned Above are innnufnc-lure- d

nt my Soda Work", back of HoseCollage. One trial of my Arctic Sodati III ..rnimuilr... Il llm llpat 111 till! cltV.il III iivut'iiiiv iv nw v"jn - ..- -

Mi- - uipiih.1 mi. tmnnrli'il from London.eoniprlso the choicest of English fruit1!,namely Gooseberry, Cherry, Pear,ltaspburrv, Strawberry, Lemon, BedCurrant, Black Currant and Pine Apple,Sarsaparllhi, Ginger, Orange ami Va-

nilla. Any of tlM.se fruits at

5 ets pci" 5rltiss.My motto l, to glvo a biiperlor article

even If It cost more, and thereby ensuretmccdv tales.

With my GINGEU BEKB, BOOTBEEU and SPBUCE BEKB, I havebeen at a heavy expense experimentingon them, to as to glvo tho public drinksHint will be both strengthening nndrefreshing In this climate. I guaranteethem strictly VEGETABLE, no MINE-KAL- S

employed. I use somo of thofinest medicinal hirbs Unit grow In theSlates. The public wants a drink withsoma nutriment in It, this you find inmy liccrs mni ureiigincn mo oouy uswell as dlluto tho blood for purposes ofa more easy tlow through thu .system.They can bu taken by any one as theyare absolutely pure. They in u the mostenjoyable thirU quenchers over Intro-duce-

I will sell them at prices to suitone nnd all.Superior Gengcr Boer, 10c. por bottle.Donnolly's Hoot Beer, " " "

Donnolly's Spruco Beer, " " "

Candies for the MillionOn Saturday, at the Fountain. My

is of the finest nnd purest des-

cription and will bu sold at the lowestpossible price. Don'i forget nnd callearly to Insure a packet of these rarecandles for tho loved ones at home. Ihave aUo an assortment of Bon Bons,Cloves and Nuts of all descriptions.


Smokers' Articles a speciality at theFountain, all descriptions of home nn .1

foreign Cigais, to suit the most fasti-dious. Best brands of Tobacco nndCigarettes. Hoping to get a share ofpublic patronagu by supplying a goodarticle, I remain,

Yours icspectfullv,81 1 Urn BOBEBT DONNOLLY.


8!il tf Soap Works


A SUIT OF FRONT KOOMS, nicelyfurnished. Apply at No. 8 Kukul

street. ' 770 tfTO liET.

NICE TWO-BOOME- DWELL-INGA House to let, cheap.

gat st Apply ai iuo liueen street.

Furnished Itooms.17 OR GENTLEMEN ONLY. Apply

to MKS. TURNER, 82 King Street,nearly opposite the Windsor Restaurant,

GEO ly b

TO LET.W. A A Large and Commodious

(yMH housS. centrally located,foSffiiuifca newly papered snd painted.Largo yard, stables, &c. Possessiongiven immediately. For further par.ticulars enquire of

.INO. S. McGREW,815 Hotel str, bet. Fort and Alakca


ROOMS, quiet neighborhood,about 5 minutes walk from the Post-Offic-

also stabling. Apply at thisOlllcc. 817 lm

House and Furniture to Let.

ON THE PLAINS, corner of Ikreta-ni- a

and Kunninuk.i Streets, frontson tluce sticets, known as the Bradleypremises. House Is 2 story, contains 1)

rooms, choice stables, both garden nndshrubbery, furnished suitably. RentalS50 per mouth. Applv or address to

J. E. WISEMAN.General Business Agent, Merchant St.

81 fl t?


iffiS'00' llcar ,MQ oap wrksi frEautiHSMparticulars apply toT. W. RAWLINS, So.ip Works.

em tf

. FOK liEASE.riMIOSE SPACIOUS STOKES nowi occupied by Wm. G. Iiwln & Co.,will be leased for u term of years.

Possession given tho 1st Jnn'y, 1885.For terms, apply to

825 2w JNO. II. PATY.


ONG has left my employ-ment on the BUh Inst.

O. AFONG.Honolulu, Sept. 13, 183L 817 lm

NOTICE.rpo WHOM IT MAY' CONCERN.X All accounts owing to tho under-signe- d

for tho quarter ending Juno 30,188. if not paid by October 10th, willbu placed In the hands f n collector.

HENRY MAY & CO.Sept. 25,1834. 820 tf

mMnmMwnnmJ. E. WISEMAN'S

if Bus 1)1


Ready for Active Work Again.

rpiIE Business Community and myJ. Patrons giucriillv thioughoiit iheIslands will pleaie take notice tlml I

luive letuincd Irom my trip to Ihe Constand with Improved faellltlcs for g

my G moral Ollke Business. 1

most lespcctfully tolidt in the futuiothe patronage bcietoforo exlcnded tome (luting my business engagement hi

the Kingdom for thu past llvo yearsin addition to my various dcpint.

incuts, 1 have been nppolnlul solo Agentfor the St. .To & Hnnnlhnl and the Bur-lington and Qtiincy Kail BoaiN, nNo,soliciting Agent for tho fun FranciscoIlluminating Card Adierthenient Com-

pany. Orders for Goods, Wares andMerchandise of uu-r- kind and naturesent to the Const, and satisfactionguarantied mid on the most icnumnbluterms.

In rav Real Estatu Dimiiilmciit, 1 havenlwavson hand choice piopeity to selland house, Rooms nnd Olllccs to leasennd lot. I collect lent", pay and dis-

charge taxes, insuranio nnd oultr neccE-sat- y

icp.ilis when required. Lnndloidgnnd Ownciswlll find Hint it will be totheir advantage to place their Beal Es-

tate Intciests In my hands, as I willcarefully attend to this branch of mybusiness to their entire satisfaction.

Custom House Entries (xicutcd atshoit notice.

Books and Aciounts kept nnd adjust-ed, and Quarterly Bills distributed nndcollected accurately and piomptly.

Soliciting Agent for the Mutual LifeInsurance Co. of New Y oik, also FlieInsurance. Agent.

Don't forget that 1 do business onbubliuss principles. Give me a call.

.J. X2. 'WIS.EIMA.INVThe only recognized General Busbies

Agent in the Kingdom.Olllccs, 28 Meichaiit Street. Campbell's

Fire Proof Jilock, Honolulu.P. O. Box IBS Telephone 172.

81S Jm

Boots (- - Shoes

L. AOLEIBEGS to inform thu nubile that hu has

JUST RECEIVEDper Mariposa, an ehgant assortment of

Gents', Ladies', and Children's


812 Jim

1(1 nit,62 Hotol Street.

AS there is great competition in tl eRestaurant lmshie-- u at tho present


S4.50 per weekFrom tl.ls date.

Honolulu, Sept. 8, 1881. 811 Jm

wIl pa&eT



(opposite Pantheon Stables)


CsiiTla go Mann fac tn rev,Wheelwright and

General Blacksmith.The Manufactory contains u complete

Carriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, PaintShop, ami Ti mining Shop.








Mndo to Order on most fuvoiable termsnnd nil work guaranteed.The C'loHCHt Attention given to re

pair work or nil UIikIm.Having been In business on the Island

for a number of years employing nonobut the most Skillful of Mechanics, andusing only Al Material, I can strictlyguarantee nil woru leaving 1113-

- Mami-lactor- y.

Give me a call before purchasingelsowhoro.

Don't forget tho place.128 and 1C0 FORT STREET.



OFFICE TO liET.ONE SIDE of J. E. AViseman's

olllco to rent, w lib lino olllcofurniture, chandeliers, consultationroom, use of telephone, Ac. To a suit-abl- e

parly reasonable terms will bogiven, Apply to

J. E. WISEMAN,Geneinl Business Agent, Campbell's

8iniC Block, Merchant st.


V .



Page 3: T DAILY - University of Hawaiʻi...iKlxaai SOAl FACTOIIY, U now prepared to give Tho Highest Cash Valuo for any quantity of rJL7.AXLOW, And will furnish containers for tho samo free






4 r

)v WSUMfSK7tf" Pp74rnw ?.V 4 B'yBlPPgp

thjp guUjj gttUn,ITESDAY, OCT. 7, 1881.


All time fiom noun of y, Oct. 7

li Ml.Sun Sct "i .'J.Sun ltlus 17 ;, ..Moon Usc S :is.High Tide (MiiaU) (loo.High Tide (largo; 18 III).

WISH 4M UI!VTIIM('I und tiom noon jcrtciiliiy:

aIHciI'lcI'bI. 'llifiiiiometer Itnln., 4h li I till I !Ui I lsh lltolSh

so.oi ito oj I sn.li 8io I 770 ;o e o.loWlml, SV. Unlit; Hky, lm.; ben, cmootli.


Dlninomt Heml, Oft. 7, 3p.itLight S. W. wind.


roil HAN rilAMMoUl).Mm ipo-t- Leaves Honolulu, Oct. 15Alaniedu.... Leaves Honolulu. Nov. 1st



Stmr City of Sydwy Nov 1


Stmr Australia Oct. 20


October 7

Slinr Mokolll from Wlnduiud Port


October 7

Slinr Kinun for Wlndwaul PortsStmr Iwnlanl for KauaiStmr 0 K Blhop for lluiniikuiiStmr Kiluncn lion for Wlndwaul PmtsSchr Nrttii Merrill for Lahalnii


Stmr Jlokolii for Windwaid TortsSchr Maiitioknwnl for Koolau

VESSELS IN P.ORT.11 I J M Tsnkuba, ArldjlS S Bordeaux, PhllipotShip El Dorado, HiiiiipliileiJIlktne Eiucku, LeoHark 0 U HlMiop, WoltcrsIlk Foiet Queen, Ncllson


For Windward Pmts, per ICinaii, Oct7 MUs AK Hitchcock, Sirs Barnaul,O D Fieoth, L A ThuiMon and wife, C

Afong, J It Robert-son- , XV Goodale. .1 31

Horner, MUs .Horner. XV W Gibson,and Miss Baldwin.


Stmr Mokolii brought 251 bags ofMigar, 50 bugs of taro, 121 sheep,hides, 25 pigs and 1 hor.--e.

Tho Captain of the brig Tew era saysthe vessel is not leaking very badly now,as llicic eie. only 5 feet of water In thohold this morning. He iiUo siys that If

the leak docs not increase hu can herepaired where she Is now, butshould It become gieater she will go onthe Mailno Itailway, and after beingthoroughly rcpahed and made sea-

worthy, flic will proceed on her courseto San Franeieo, wheic she will loadfor Tahiti. The Tew era is about 20

years old.The bktuo Eureka w ill sail

morning for San FirnoUco with 1740

bags of sugar and 020 bags of l ice. Val$30,7000.


In this city, October 7th, at 2 i M.,

bv the Itcv. Dr. Damon. William Whlt-nio- ie

Goodale, of Wailuku, Maul, toMiss Emma March, daughter of lion.11. M. Whitney, Poitniastcr-Gcner- al ofthe Kingdom.


II. I. J. M.'s S. Tsukuba leaves

afternoon for Japan.

Tnu Honolulu Killcs meet for tliill

this evening. Every member is ex-

pected to bo present.

'I'm: Foreign Jurors for the Octo-

ber term arc required to meet nextMonday morning at 10 o'clock.

AVi: buy for cash, and sell forcash; therefore can, and do, sell

cheap. King Bros. 835 3t

As we go to press the bark Cai- -

barian is off Coco Head, Hying a

llag which shows she has powder on

board.-- .

Cauiskt Photos S3 per doz, cards

SI per doz at Sun l'carl Gallery,corner of King and Fort sticctB, for-

merly A. A. Montano'b. 82G tf

Mn. M. T). Monsarrat has one

hundred ncies of land adjoining Kn- -

piolani Park for sale. Call and bee


Tub funeral of the late SisterMary CJnro will take place thisafternoon at 4 o'clock, from St.

Andrews Cathedral.

Tin: conceit at the Hotel thisovening, by tho Koycil Hawaiian

Band, is in honor of Mrs. JudgoHall, of Nevada, who is staying attho Hotel.

At Sacramento State Fair, Sep-

tember 0th, a two-year-o- ld horse

named Kismet trotted a mile in

2 :30h the fastest time ever made in

a ld race.. .

Lyons & Levey will sell

morning, at 10 o'clock, ou the pre-

mises, comer of Nuiionu and Marine

streets, the cntiro lot of furniture,Attires, and a soda fountain.

,t,Tiiu Court will sit in Banco, Wed-nesday, October loth.

Tin: b.nk C. It. Bishop is goingon the Maiino Itaihrny this evening.


Samit.i. Noll is Commander of tho(.ico. W. I)c Long Post, and notJohn Nott as stated by us yesterday.The mistake was not intentional.

S. .1. Li:vi:y & Co., will receiveper S. S. Mniiposa, line assortmentof fresh fruit, llsli and vegetables.Call early and secure your choice.

83G 2t.

Mn. J. 11. Wiseman is authorizedby the President of the HawaiianBell Telephone Co., to collect all

accounts due that Company for theuse of telephones.

By the steamer Likclike yesterday,Ihiity-fiv- e of the vccently-anivc- d

Portuguese immigrants were forwar-

ded to Paia Plantation, Maui. Thir-

teen of them were children.

As we go to press BandmasterBcrgcr and his boys arc at theImmigration Depot, Kakaako, de-

lighting and astonishing the ncwly-anive- d

Portuguese immigrants.

Tin: Tax Appeal Board did notsit this morning, owing to the illnessof Mr. F. II. Hayseldcn. JudgeBickcrton has fixed the time for 1

o'clock at the PolircCourt.

Tin: steamer Oregon lias madeanother quick passage. This time,she was only C days, 8 houis and 30minutes, going from New York toQuecnstown, beating her formerrecords.

Tin: captain of the schooner BobHoy lost a SCO bill yesterday after-

noon between the Post olllice andLowers & Cooke's store. He willbcglad to have it returned, as tho lossto him is rather se ere.

Tin: Oceanic S. S. Mariposa is

due morning witli fourdays later news. She will bring thepaper mail for the stationers, somake an Oat of it and don't let ushave to Thrum it in to you.

Lr.wis & Co. will receive per S. S.Mariposa, on Wednesday, Oct. 8th,Fresh California salmon on ice,Eastern oysters in tins, Easternoysters in shell and a largo assort-

ment of choice California fruits onice. Call early. 830 It.

. -- .Is Mr. Charles Furncaux's study

yesterday, wc saw a small but beau-

tiful painting of Ililo Bay, showingthe schooner Emma Claudina at an-

chor, also II. B. M. S. Constance.In the distance is Cocoanut Island,the whole effect being very pretty.

Cinu boasts the fastest ship ofwar. It is named Esmeralda, andits record of mean speed is eighteenand a quarter knots an hour. Theship appears to be so completelyarmed that it is called a floatingfortress.

In the base-ba- ll championship ofthe United States, up to SeptemberICth, the Providence Club had won

75 games ; Boston, G.r ; New York,51 ; Buffalo, 5d ; Chicago, 50 ; Cleve-

land, 32 ; Philadelphia, 31 ; Detroit,21.

AVe aio glad to learn that theKoatl Supervisor lias had those holesfilled up on tho Wnikiki road. Itwould be Hart-les- s tp expect him toprevent the road from the WnikikiChurch to the Park from blowingaway as it is doing. ,

Tiiur.r. drunks in the Police Courtthis morning. Maiola, for assaultand batter' on Ah Oil's nasal mem-

ber, was sent over tho reef for 12

days. E. Duel, for peeping in be-

tween persons' blinds lato in theevening, was lcprininndcd and dis-

charged.. . .

Tin: following aro numbers of.Portuguese immigrants being ship

ped this afternoon and their desti-

nation: Koliala, 13; KcciprocitySugar Co., Maui, 38 ; Paauhau, 35 ;

llakalau, 02 ; Kukuihaclc, 12 ; Hono-ka- u,

12; Lnupahochoc, 23; Ono-mc- a,

25 ; and Paauhau, 12. Messrs.E. C. Eislidurno & Co. aro doingthe shipping in a thoroughly satis-

factory manner.

Ilooic & Ladder Co. held theirusual monthly meeting last evening.

Twelve new members were elected.

Ticasuier Ilcniclc reported thatthere was n possibility of the com-- i

pany soon having a new truck', and

also repotted progress with icgardto now helmets. The companydecided to celebrate ThanksgivingHay in true Yankee style.

At the, SupicmcC'ouit, in the caseof Kaui charged with perjury, the

jury ycsteuluy afternoon i (.'turned averdict of not guilty. This morningKeenuiuoku was tried for muiming(mother native. Tho jury broughtin a verdict of guilty nnd a sentencoof ten days' imprisonment waspassed.

FitOM His. Kx. Gov. Domiuis wo

learn that the annual vacation of thoItoyal Hawaiian Band will commenceon Thursday morning next and ex-

tend over a month. We are sureeveryone will join and wish ourworthy bandmaster and lu3boys avery pleasant vacation. They ccr- -

tainly have earned it.

Yi:stkui)AV Messrs. Thomas Mayand P. C. Jones, Jr., presented thelast will and testament of HenryMay, deceased, to the SupremoCourt, and petitioned that it beadmitted to probate, and that letterstestamentary be grautcd them asexecutors named in the will. Theestate consists of real estate in Ho-

nolulu valued at $10,000, and otherproperty, investments, etc., atS 180,000. January 12th, 188.", is

the day appointed by tiie Court forhoming the petition.

Tins afternoon at 2 o'clock at theresidence of Hon. II. M. Whitney,Postmaster general, Kcwalo, KingStreet, his daughter, Mis3 EmmaMarch was, united in marriage toMr. William Whitmoro Goodale,who is connected with the Paiaplantation, Maui. Tho ceremonywas performed by the Itcv. Dr.Damon, in the presence only of theimmediate facials and relatives ofthe family. Later the happy coupleproccdccd by the Kiuau to theirfuture home on Maui. The Bulle-

tin joins in wishing the newly-marrie- d

couple a long life of happiness andprosperity.

Tin: following extracts are from

the inaikct review of tlio San Fran-

cisco Weekly Commercial Jrcics of

Sept. 19th: "In leflncd sugar an

active maikct is reported, tho pro-

duct of the three refineries beingabsorbed almost as fast as produced ;

grocery grades of Hawaiian arc iii

fair demand, and have sold to the

extent of 1,000 packages within theweek at current rates." Of rice,"Hawaiian lias advanced and is now

quoted Arm at .')Jc. cash, with sales

during the week of 1,000 bags in

lots at 5 c. ; at tho closo the maikcthas a strong upward tendency."

Qum: a party of ladies and gen- -

tlemen rode out to Wnikiki lastuiglit to welcome back to HonoluluSir. P. II. W. Hoss, who lately re-

turned with his wife and family bythe steamer llordeaux. The paitymet Sir. and Sirs. Boss returningfrom visiting a neighbor, and Mis.Boss, not being used to these pleas-

ant moonlight rides, could not ima-

gine what was going to happen, un-

til the riders swooped down uponthem, when they all had a goodlaugh at the dismay so many horsescaused. After partaking of some

refreshments, and a good long chat,they wished the young couple AlohaNui and returned to town. It is

surprising wo do not come acrossmore of these healthful moonlightexcursionists.

Eight incendiary llrcs were set in

one dny in Cleveland, Ohio. Thopeople are excited under the appre-

hension that an organized band is

trying to burn tho city.



I3v Recent .iVrrlvulw,Westphalia Hams,Plhencr Bier, In quarts anil pints,Superior Clarets, us Chateau Litour,

Latlttc, Sledoc.Champagnes, of Chos. Fane, Cat to

Blanche, Le llrim Prerc & Co.,Carlo il'Or.

Best Schiedam Olu, In tonu mid yluss,Brandies of all kinds',Superior Poit and Shei rj ,

Malaga Wine, JIadeiiii,Ucnctlicline, Munwruiur,Curasao, Orange Bllteis,Crcino do Pmlluuj, Croino do Cacao,Einptv Demijohns, , 1, 3 and 5 gulU,AIeo, 'Best Portland Cement, ot Steh- -

man & Llufman,Patent Steel Barb Who, at gioat.

ly reduced prices,Sugar, ltlco and Paddy Btigx, ,

Pianos of illireront multure.For Salo by

Ed, IIOPPSCHLAr.CJKH & Co..822 fiw Queen Street.

ffpmwnwf)iwiQUARTERLY BiLLS,

Books nnd Accounts and Cus-

tom Houso Business prompt-ly, carefully and accuratelyattended to.


General Husincss Agent, Merchant St,

Telephono 172 P. 0. Box 315.


Quarterly Bills !

Quarterly Bills !

Jno. A. PalmerWill distributo and collect

Quarterly Bills.TERRAS MODERATE.

Olllce, Campbell's Hlock, upstairs,lit ltoom No. 7. 8!50


70 Hotel Street.C J. MCCARTHY Prop'tor.

Best Manila, Havana and AmorioanCigars on Hand.

Ficsh Vanity Fair, Little Beauties, Goldliar, Tlireo King-- ! and the Pet

Cigarettes.Chowing and Smoking Tobacco,

Cut Foil and Plug.The IJilllnid Tables of this cxt'ililisli- -

incnt lmo been recovered amileveled, which inukes them

the best In town.Qingcr Alo and Soda Water on Ice.

t3F" Call ami tee inc. ia785


O it fc i &xg t in a 1c o i

Ami UpholKtoror,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticks,Sialic of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtain Pole?, Ac.'

made ot the latest designs.

ti Tin; j.aihi'.s or iioxoi.ui.tiSIK3. GASCOVXE,

DKESSMAKEll. business.having returned'

Feathers Cleaned, Dyed ami Curled Inall the newest shades.

Comer of Kin? and ltichanl Streets.793 3m

Stallions nl Mania


By .luck SIuloiic, he by Lexington.1st iluni, Ivy Leaf, bv Imported Austra-lian: 2nd iliuii. Buy Flower, bv Lo.xIiil'- -ton; 3rd dam, Bu" Leaf, by ImportedYorkshire: lth dnm, Imported SInriuBlack, by Pliilo da Put-ih- , etc., etc.

Itiviuir wus brcdattliogri'it Wood-bu- m

Farm, near Lexington, Ky., by thelute It. A. Alexander, nnd was sold toW. L. l'ritcliard, of Sacramento, Cul.,for i?.",00l. Ho stands 1GK hands,weighs 1,001 lbu., and is n bright chest-nut color. During his lacing career hedowned many a favorite, and won ninnya hatful of money for his owners, anilproved himself one of the greatest ofhorses over a distance, most of his racesbeing at two ami four miles. He liasalready sired several eolts'ln Californiathat uro wlnneii), among which areLizzie Dunbar. Young Buynar, Sophia,nnd another called the Bu.aar MinervaColt, ho being out of Minerva by

Leamington, tho sire of Parolennd Iroquois. Llzlc Dunbar greatlydistinguished herself lust yeur in hertwo.yuar.nld form by defeating one ofthe largest fields ot twn.year.oIda thntever stinted hi California, aninug whichwero the two beautiful Miles broughthero lustSpiing by Sir. Agneiv, distancefu mile; time, 1.0 tho fastest time onrecord for at the distance.This year she has won wcral Importantevents, and has proved hoisclf to bo acrock thrccycarold.

Jiiminr has now been brought buckto Honolulu, and will remain heru thobalance ot tills year, and breeders, horsoowners and stock raisers should availthemselves of thu opportunity to obtainIds services while they have the chuueo.Tenuis 9-1- Payable at tlnio ofservice.

The Imported Clydcsdalo StallionDonald IMiuiIc, Jr., will stand nttho same timu and place at B'.W for theseason, lie wii3 bred In Canada, siredliy Imported Donald Dlnnlc, and out ofan Imported Clydesdale mure. Ho is abeautiful dapple grey, 10 hands high,and weighs U00 lbs.: Is very active,nnd as flno a largo horse as could hofound nnywheic.

AUo, tho tints largo Imported Ken-tucky .luck Nainpsoii. This Is onoof tho largest Jacks that wo could lludIn California, and Is an animal of Im-

mense bono; Is a very sure breeder, andshould ho liberally patronized, as ho isono of tho very best animals of hisKind, 'l'orniht . mr ino season.

The public aro cordially Invited to

call und Inspect tho ubovo animals.

iiixres iHios.Prprlutors.

Slarshliehl, Sept. 15,1881. 818 tf


Grand and Successful Opening



Opposite the New Bank Building, ForiSL;

The general public are invited

at our opening, our new and select stock of Dry Goods.

Fancy Goods; Ladies', Children's, and Infant's Wear,

Millinery, Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Traveling

Trunks, Valises, House Furnishing Goods, und an Elegant

and complete toek of Ladies', Gent's, Slispcs', Children's,

and Infants' Shoes.


DILLINGHAM & Co.Importers & Dealers in Hardware & Agricultural Implements,

Stool Plows,


Ets., Eic, Clc. "hSJ-r-- -. iOHwWr-Jc''j

Fen co "Wire smtl Staples, Kerosene Oil a specialty.Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine,

House Furnishing Goods, Plated Ware, &c, &c.jg.iiwhJswgBsuaetiifci... fmTCTags

Selling at Cost for 30 Days !

To mnkc room Tor n Fiarxc Ktock of

New Goods to Arrive SoonFrom Lonilon, New York, anil S.m FraurUcu.

All stook on hand during tho next 30 days will be sold for cash,

confuting in part of

Pianos, Organs, Accordeons, Guitars,AND ALL KINDS OP MUSrO GOODS.

Parlor Sets, Bedroom Sets, Centre Tables,

Chairs, Lounges, Paintings, Engravings, Chronios,Anil a Large Variety of Fancy Goods.



I(succKssoiis io



solicited. No. 210. P. O. 2!)?.

ritr.ETii. W. !

lilt SI tee t.



General Commission Morchanls,


At the LowcNt Itateta huso nnd well selected stock ofthiCholc(fitaiul most Favorite

lirnmla of 'ALES,






Ac, ic., &c.,

All Goods Guaranteed,

nnd lllleil promptly.

Telephono 40. P. O. Hot 300.703.0iu.


TUL" -'f 'A

to givo us a call and inspect,


Etc.. Etc., Etc.f3triiftS



B tki:nni:dv i co.)

67 & 69 St

A Larece

-- -&

- roil b vi.i:

At tho lowest Prices'

at A. S. Clcghorn & Go's ..

701 lm

NOTICE."WO TAI & Co. (composed of Ho

Yce, Ho Pa Yut, Ho On .nnd MineWn) having nought from Lo Sam Singtho Kice Plantation, with the house, em-tio anil Impliments, t Ewn,Islnnd of Oahu, which tho sulil Lo SimSing bought fiont thu Sum Hop Coin,pany (composed of Lo Kan Fook andAh Uhnn), hereby glvo notice that allclaims ugainst tho enld Plantation to(Into aro to he settled by tho said Lo SamShif,'. All persons nro warned againstcutting ticoa on the estate nt the follow-ing Lands: Kniilu, Ainu Loi; ICahnlnu,Aina Lot; Knnmluml, Aina Loi; Pna-kca-i-

ho Pnuonu Loco; ind ICnpou.wela, Aina Kolu.

SHE WO TAI & CO.August 27th, 1681.

eoa lm

Hall l'i'Oi;riuniiie8 !

NEW DESIGNS, just received fromFrancisco. ntTiiE Daily llut.

bUTiN Olllce

Just Koccivcil ox S S Ahiniciln,

Peaclcs, and

Eastern Oysters in tins and

Ami a full line of Frcxli Staple i!ructritN.Island Oiilcrs Telephono llox (76J

ii. u. O.

Freeth & Peacock,Nuiiaiui









Colored Mattin



GrajBs, Pears, Arales Colorr.








i, 5




.'t 'IT'

Page 4: T DAILY - University of Hawaiʻi...iKlxaai SOAl FACTOIIY, U now prepared to give Tho Highest Cash Valuo for any quantity of rJL7.AXLOW, And will furnish containers for tho samo free


IntercMInc Hcllc ortlir Olden TlmrnA "Mlniwiclionl."

Boston tllobp.l"There!" wild Dr. William Ilovcy, of

tho Hunker Hill district, pointing to niltall clock, "Hint linn eight-da- y

clock made by Benjamin Bagnell, ofBoston, some time nbout I'M. As far asrnu bo learned, ho lind made only four orthe clocks when he ditd mid left the bul-nes- s

to his son b'niiiucl. Wyman's 'Gen-ealogies nnd Estates in Charlcstown' stateslhat Benjamin Bngncll was paid for clean-ing u clock Aug. Hi, 1721. You see thoclock is i mining and the time is correct.I wind her up every Sunday morning, and,us far ns I know Mie goes ni well as shedid ISO Ycm.sngo. "

The doctor then went Into nnothcr room,nnd returned with n pile of book. " Heie, "

.wild lie, "is a complete set of 'Hubert II.Thomas' Almanacs' from 1800 to tliopresent time." in looking through thealmanac for 1SC0, the reporter found thefollowing item: "Boston and New Yorkmail Mage sets oft" from Peases' Mage of-fice, 71 Slate street, every Monday,Wednesday, nnd Friday at 10 o'clock inthe morning, nnd arrives at Mew Yorkevery Tliumlay, Saturday, and Tue-da- y,

II o clock; leaves New York everv .Mon-day, Wednesday, mill Friday, 11 o'clock,morning, and arrive, al lloston ceryThursday, Saturday, and Tue-dii- y al 12o'ebek, noon. ''

"Let me sliow ,ou what I c.ill it 'glnssa-choid- ,'

"said the doctor, as ho lifted thecover of what appeared to be a melodcon.It contained, however, gla-- s goblets, set inwood, and when touched with a wet lin-ger the goblets gave forth sweet sounds.

. "This musical intrument was bought atthe sale of the old museum at the cornerof Court and Hanover streets, HoMon, thellrst museum ever in the city. The pur-chaser was AichlbnlilB.ibcoc'k, of Charles

- ton, who tiNo bought the musical clock,- then a cuiiosity, but he wasso annoyed by

people coming to see the clock i hat he.sold it. I believe there is only one other'glassachord' in the country, mid that U in1'hlladelphia."

"Here are my old coins," said the doc-tor. "I have one piece issued bythe United Slates for every year from 171);!to 1881. I sold three pieces of theyear 17011 for !?10 each, and one made inl01 brought mo $20. Hero Is a lVucht-wauge- r

cent, made of nickel in 18:18. andpresented to congress for adoption in placeof tho large cent, but was rejected. Herearc four pieces issued in 1B3!1, onewith a bhleld, another with a large V andthe words MJ Phuibus Unum.' anotherwith a large V and the words 'Fivo Cents.'and tho fourth with u large V with itmilled edge. 1 have an old .lackson centnnd a copper piece good for 1 cent alDunn & Co. 's oyster-hous- e issued by tholinn in 1601, when change was scarce. Isold one of thco pieces iccently for 1,

"1 have not shown youallniy cuiiosllicsyet. There is my diploma of membershipof tho Mercantile library, issued in 18117,when .lames T. Fields, Daniel N. Haskell,and 13. P. Whipple were young men.Then hcicarcnpairof whalebone 'swifts,'made by u sailor while in the Pacific ocean,1 don't know how many years ago. HeroIs a family unbrclla used al the limo of lhcHcvolutionary war. This is a 'sampler'worked by Martha Story, when sho was 11years of age, at Fitchburg, in 1707. HereIs n decanter iimmI in Charlcstown in 17112.I liavo also in my cellar, nicely packed,the decanters and wino glasses used bylicv. Dr. Morse, father of Morse, of tele-graph fame, when he was pastor of thoFlist parish church, Chailestown. Theywere sold at auction, April 1, 1820."

Tlio Court I'laNtcr Idea.CliicnKO Herald Intorvlcm.

"It became a fashion to wear beauty-ppot- s

about live years ago, and their intro-duction is, I believe, credited to a fasci-nating ballet dancer in the Theatre Fran-cais-

Paris, who had resorted to tho mostcunning devices to heighten her beauty'inorder that she might displace a hated livalin the affection-- ) of a wealthy and hand-(.nin- e

young duke I might further addthat the artful Utile dancer accomplishedher purpose. On the crcnlnir previous inthe one on which she had llrst worn theiiuuuuMiu mm iieaid uiu oojeci oi uerlovewaimly praise the pietty, childishdimples in the cheeks mid chin of herrival.

"Willi the French woman's proveibialqulck-wittcdnc- she set about giving her-self artificial dimples. She Hist tried lhceffect of a dark-blu- e tint delicately put onwith a camel's hair brush. She discardedthis .scheme, however, as tho painted spolsdid not appear sufllciently plain. She thenhit upon the court plaster idea, and as shenoticed the effect ot it on tho face of a lit-

tle friend whom she had let into the secrether pleasuio knew no bounds. The nextnight her appearance In her Huffy, gatiysnow-whit- e aupaicl was hailed with de-

light by her admiring audience. Neverbefore had sho looked so bewitching, andto none more so than thoyoungdiiko who,as usual, was seated in ids piivato box.Celeste, for that was her name, looked

beautiful. She was a handsomewoman, hut that night she was especiallyso. This, "said the druggist in conclii- -

won, "you can believe or not. but N theclrirl nf llin ,ir.itl .rim lli t t.iteml..rw..l .1...

FV ,'1 r.w.i. .,w ,,wi iu.ii.miu Lil uiuiiruciu in inc. 11 mailers not a nellier It lier true or not, the fact lemalns lhat its sale is








constantly Increasing. "w z

I'liiMcr IIiiMn.Now York Mall mill Kxpi-chS- .

fA Ilroadway dealer says lhat tho house-- :

decoration mania runs chielly to plasternow. Uusts, statuettes, plaques, reliefs,autl(pies,jjrns, vases nro a few of tho

' things soW every day by tho do.en. They, are all mado in tho Italian tpiarter by, newly-arrive- d immigrants, and cost af.most nothing in quantity. Ladies buy

- them almost exclusively. They take themhome .and paint, gild, silver, or bronothem. They then look almost as hand-some as genuine antiques, and at one- -

twentieth tho price. Of eouiso it's shoddy,but It brightens up u sitting-roo- nniaV.-ingl-

and for pcoplo of limited means it'sn Rood tiling. Besides, it rives n ilner-n- t

- livelihood to scoies of young women whor would otherwise be starving on necdlc- -

- work. They 11 buy a dozen or two rntK. for $2, color or fix them up for SI moie.

miu uicn, u uiuj iiavu uoti uisio mm nroDirC'flll til tllf'tr Wnrlf Mini nun tnll 4l.r,...

Wall the way up fiom fiO cents to $2 apiece.

Couldn't Dli'uiie Ein.Kxclmnge.

Citizen fcxnmliiliif' Inst Mimnii.r'u Hon..nil hlili-- All-- nwn fiinll m- - nmn r.ml,

gabMove! Mighter known it. Didn't put inienougn insect powucr. .Moths nto up allFiiiuiiibrci powucr-vnoiu- m moro to catilieiriin nil Hill slilrl Vmii-s- llim. ilMiecan't blaino'em!

Wlint Ho riolM,iriilladolDhla Cnll.1

fw'Littlo Jack Pa, why Is n receiver socalled? I jneun tho kind that Isannolntcd

Iwh'eti n company gets hi a light place.jvnatuoes n receiver rcceivoiffj'n Pretty mucu all there Is, my sou,



The American Ambassador at Vienna,Mr. K.isson, has lately forwarded to hisUovciiiliicnl an Interesting account of aremarkable hiirgical operation latelypel formed by Professor Illlliolb, ofVienna, which, wonderful lo tell, con.aisled in lhc lemoval of n portionof the human stomach, Involvingnearly onc-thlr- d of the organ ami.Mi'iingc to ay, the pallcnt recovered

the only suicessfill operation of thekind ever performed. Tho disease forwhich tills operation was peiformedwas cancerof the stomach, attended withtho following symptoms: Tho npnctltoIs quite poor. There is a peculiar liulcs.cribablc distress In the stomach, n feel,lug; that has been described as a faint'wdW sensation ; u sllcky slime col-

lects about the teeth, especially In thomorning, accompanied by an unpleasanttaste. Food falls to satisfy ibis peculiarfaint sensation; hut, on the contrary, Itappears to aggravate the feeling. Thoeyes aie sunken, tinged wllh yellow; thohands and feet become cold and stickya cold perspiration. The sufferers fecitired all the time, and slccii docs notseem to give rest. Aftern time the pa.tlent becomes neivous and Irritable,gloomy, his mind Illicit with evil

When rising suddenly froma lecumbent position there is a dizziness,a whistling sensation, and he is obligedto grasp something Mrm to keep fiomfalling. Tho bowels costive, the skindry mid hot at times; tho blood beconi.Ing thick iiml stagnant, and does notciiculale properly. After u lime thep.ilicul spits up lood soon after eating,sometimes In a sour and fermented con.dllinn, sometimes sweetish to tho taste.Oftentimes theio Is a palpitation of theheart, and the patient fears he may haveheart disease. Towards ihe lint lhcpatient Is unable lo letaln any foodwhatever, as tho opening in tho InteJ.tines becomes closed, or neatly so. Al.though this disease is indeed alaiming,sull'cieis with the above named symp-toms should not feel nervoiiH, for ninehundred ami ninety-nin- e caes out of athousand have no 'cancer, but simplydyspepsia, a disease easily lemovcd iftreated in it proper manner. The safestand best leinedy for Ihe disease isSelgel's Curative .Svrup, a vegetable pie.partition sold by atl chemists and medi-cine vendnis throut;hont the world, andby the proprli'tmsj A. .7. White (Limit-ed), 17, Fnrringdon.road, London, 11. C.This Syrup strike at the very founda.lion o'f the disease, and drives it, rootand blanch, out of the system.

St. Mary-stree- t, Peleiboiougb,November, 2l)th, 18S1.

Sir, llgiws mo gi eat pleasure to in.form you of the benellt I have lecel veilfrom Selgel's Syrup. I have been tronb-le- d

for years with dyspepsia; but aftera few do-e- s of the syrup, I found relief,and alter taking two bottle of it I feelquite cured.

I am, Sir, yours truly,Mr. A .1. While. William Urenl.

September Slh, lSSU.Dear Sir, 1 lind the sale of Selgel's

Syrup steadily increasing. All who havetried it speak very highly of its mcdl.cinal virtues: one customer describes itas a "Cod-sen- to dyspeptic people." Ialways recommend it with confidence.

. Faithfully yours,(Signed) Vincent A. Wills,

Cliemist-dentis- t, Mcrthyr Tydvll.To Mr. A. .1. White,

Selgel's Operating Pills are tho bestfamily physio that has ever been dis-covered. They cleanse the bowels fromall irritating substances, and leave themin a healthy condition. They cure

Spanish Town, .famaica, Wesl Indies,Out. 21, 1SS2.Dear Sir, I write to inform you lhat

I have derived great benellt from"Selgel's Syrup." For some years 1 havesuffered from liver complaint, with itsni.uiy and vailed concomitant evils, sothat' my life was a perpetual misery.Twelve months ago I was induced to trySelgel's Syrup, and although rathersceptical, ha ing tried so many reputedinfallible remedies, I determined to (fiveIt at least a fair trial. In two or tfireodays 1 felt considerably better, and nowal the end of twelve months (havingcontinued taking it) I am glad to saythat I am a illllcrcut being altogether.It is said of certain pcnslhatthcy "comeas a boon and a blessing lo men'" audihave no icn-o- to doubt the truthfulnessof the statement, lean truly say, how.ever, that Seigul's Syrup has come as a"boon and a blessing" to me. I have re.commended it to several fellow.suffercrsfrom this distressing complaint, andtheir testimony is quite in nccoidanccwith my own. Liiatitudc for Ihe benelltI have derived from the excellent pre.partition, prompts mo to furnish youwith this unsolicited testimonial.

I am dear Sir,Yours ever gratefully,

(Signed) Carey II. J Jerry,A. .1. White, Ksq. Baptist Missionary.

Preston, Sept. 21st, 168:1.MyDcarSii, Your Syiup and Pills

are still very popular villi my customers,many saying lliey are the 'best familymedicines possible.

Tho other day a customer came fortwo bottles of Syrup and said "MotherScigel" had saved lhc life of his wife,ami he milled, "ono of these bottles 1

am sending llftecn miles away to a friendwho is very ill. I have much fath In it."

The sale keeps up wonderfully, In fact,one would fancy almost that the peoploweie beginning to breakfast, dine, andsup on .Mother Selgel's Syrup, the il

is so constant nnd tho satisfactionso great.

1 am, dear Sir, 'yours faithfully,

(Signed) W. llowkcr.To A. J. White, lq.,

llcnsinghani, Whitehaven, Oct. 1(1, 1882Mr. A.. I. White. Dear Sir, I was

for some lime allllcted wllh plies, nndwas advised to give Mother Seigel'sSyrup a trial, which I did. I am nowluipjiy to slate that it lias restored moto complete health. I remain, yoursroapeol fully,

XSigned) John II. Llghtfoot.705 ly a

THOUGH LUOAS.- Contractor --4A

and ltullder,'?a SgssiHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-und- o,

Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other is


rpllK Undersigned Pioprielor of tho



desires to inform his patrons and the publie generally that not withstand Ing therecent DISASTROUS FIRK, lias erected


On a much more Extensive Scalo whichIs now In Fui.ti Oit.uation, and whichwill bo in complete working order by anF.arly Arrival of now Machinery nndTools; and is now again prepared to



nnd will always have on hand his dellclous Fresh Made



CREAM CANDIES of great variety oitMARSH-MALLOW- S.

Gum Drops, and Gum FruitBon Bons

Of all descriptions. All those HomeMndc Fresh and Puro Confections. I tellat 50 cents PER POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf the Finest Flavor, In all sizes always

on hand and ornamented in tliumost nrtlstin style.


always fresh, as also

Homo Made Mince Meatfor side nl CO cents per pound.

Will receive per Consuelo the balanceof my new niachluciy of the newest s

for manufacturing all descriptionsof plain Caudles; thanking the publicfor previous liberal patronage and so.licit ing a continuance of same.

Very respectfully,F. IIOItN,

Praclical Confectioner nnd Pastry Conk.

Tin: ni.n stand. 71 Hotel street

P. (). Box No. 75;. . . ..Telephone No. 74xy -


Havo on hand New Foreign and HomeMade Jewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Ncoklcts,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And Ornaments of nil kinds.Silver and Gold Plate.

Elegant Solid Silver Tea SetsSuitable for Presentation.

Iliigi-nvlti;- ; mid Xntlvo .JewelryA Specialty.

Repairing in all its brandies.EST" Sole Agents (or King's Eyo Preservers.

817 0m

"Wilson Brothers,

GtENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horso Shoeing n specialty

A llrst-cla-ss man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esplanade, op. IIopper's.20--


(Successor to C. P. Ward.)

All orders for cartage promptlyto, at tho lowest rates. Also for


IVliItci ami Itlnek Smutin quantities to suit, at lowest prices.


i JAVA WOOD CHARCOAL, In anyJT quantity, from 1 to 100 bags,

FOR SALE BYFrank Husluce,

70t Queen Street.


H. Cavcnagli, Proprietor.

:iii:ai,s atmfs mjbaxsCook,dtoord'rvSS5'At all hours.

Oystors, Celery, Salmon, and FruitReceived by every steamer. 001

GEO. E. SHERMAN.No. 8 Maunakua St.

Trees and Saddles of all kinds mado toorder and repairing Harness, etc., donein short notice. All orders promptly attended to. 503 ly



Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Gazette Building Merchant street

722 ly

AVIUDIDK'S S. S. CO.Limited.

.Stoamor Kiuau,Klucr. Commander.

Lcnvcs Honolulu nnnh 'I'nnniliiv nl.4 p.m., touching nt Lalinlnu, Mna-lne- n

Hay, Mnkenn, Muhulcnnn, e,

Lnupalioeliou mid llllo.Heturnliig, will touch nl nil ilia

nlovc ports, arriving nt HonolulueacliHft ttirdny afternoon.


To the Volcano and Back.o

; Inlcr-lHlmi- d H. X. Co.THROUGH TICKETS to tho Volcano,and return, can now be had nt tho ofllcoof tho tlntcr.Is'land S. N. Co. Touristsleaving Honolulu per time table of tho" PLANTER," will he landed nt Puna,luu, thence by Railroad toPuhnla, whcieHorses and Guides will bo in attendance.

By tills tout. Tourists can make theround trip In 7 dajs, giving 1 days tovleit the volcano.

TICKETS FOR THE HOUND TRIP,including Horses, Guide, Board andLodging, $C0.

For further particulars cnquliu nt theolllcc of the

Iiitui'-lNlnii- rt W. IS', Co.,Honolulu,

or J. F. JORDAN, Volcano House.711 tf


The Clipper SchoonerWAIMALU,

P. Kibbling, ...- - Master,Will run regularly to tho ports ofKOLOA, 1IANAPEPE is WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage applylo the Captain on board, or to the

Pacific Navigation Co.,732 Urn Cor. Niuuinu & Queen sis.


M Sclioonor Waiolmwill run icgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAV,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain nn board, or toPacific Navigation Co.,

181 Agents

LABftlE Sl CO.Have a Large Stock of the


Which is oil'cred at Low est Market PricesAND-Deliv- crod

Free to any part of tho City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual life Insurance Co.


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

Commissioner of Decdsfor CaliforniaTelcphonu No. 147. 7C0

Tourists Retreat.Honnapo, Kau, Hawaii.

IS NOW OPEN for Travelers, UicrcFirst class accomodation can bo had

at all Times. Tho climate of Ilouuapnis recommended for invalids.

HOUSES AND GUIDESProvided for tho Volcano.

Terms, etc., See CARDS ntHotels and Streets.

J. W. SMITHIES,5711 ly Proprietor.





BEVERAGE,According to the highest mid best medi- -

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 10 Llliha Stf.

P. O. Box, S10. Telephone, 28LBQJA1I orders rccoivo prompt attention.


Queen Stroot,

Bill Reads


Ball Piograms

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'ms

Draft Books

Delivery Books?rz".

Envelopes rtir.r?ti 11II ill niirariMM

Hand lillls



Offer for Salo tho Cargo of the




OxCarts,Light Express Wagons,

Ex Top Carriages.

STE Aff C OAL.Cumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chairs,


Fine Molasses Shooks,Rosin, Soap,

Ico Chests, Nos, 2, a, and 5,Hoe Handles,Lobsters, lib Ins; Beans, ?lbtns

Sprueo Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.

Axle Grease,Fairbank's Scales, Nos. 7,S,10&11

Leather Belting,Centrifugal Lining, M inch;

Conip. Nails, liji, Ml Inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordage, Assorted:Excelsior Mnttrcs3es,

Galvanized Fence Staples,


Sisal Rope, Assorted,Ash Plank,

Dump Bunows,Ames' Shovels,

y. ansTAii sheathing10, 18, 20, !i!J, 24 nnd SG 07..;

Hair Mattresses !

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed

Wire, Refined Iron,

ANNEALED FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Screws and Washers.



PE MARKET!Yes, and wo sell

As IjO-- v nw tlio 3L.o-vesf- c !

and don't anybody forget it.

Wo sell New Bedford Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.

Wo also have the mo?t varied assort-ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house this side of the ItockyMountains, such as

Hemp and Mnnila Cordage, all sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawsers, Wiro Rope,Cotton nnd Hemp .Duck and Twine,Galvanized Marino Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Puro Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tnrr & Wonsln's)AVhalo Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

l'cri'y Davis Pain Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns nnd

Bomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which wo will sell at the

lowest Hates.390 ly A. W. Pcircc & Co.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof nil kinds.

Plumbors' stock and metals,

Houso Furnishing Goods,7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.



Letter Headings

MM Labels

Law Reports

Nolo Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping Rcce'ts

jf. StatementsiBl ,r.

Sn lnS8

Visiting Cards

Way-Bll- ls


JSmkBKil': ilHII I -- mri i i




Business DirectoryAuctioneer!.

L P. Adams, Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen st

Hliutcry.Alvln 11. Raseinani Gazette Building

JtniiucrH.Bishop & Co., Merchant st

Hotelier,W. McCandlcss, Fist'

ltoot mill HIiock.L. Adler, Niiiianu stChr. Gertz. l'ortstTemple of Fashion l'ort st

Clothing.Gonsalves & Bo Hotel stTcmplo of Fashion Fort st

C'nblnct MnUci'M.W. Miller Hotel stCrowley & Co., King HLycau & Co,,. .Foil st

Cni'i'Ingc 3InUei'H.W. II. Page,"" Foil stHawaiian Carriage Co., Queen st

Ciicni-- nuil Tolineco.C. McCarthy Astor Bill lard S alooiiNoltes Beaver Saloon, Foi t st

Chler,Fisher's Chnmpagno Cider Llliha st

C'nmly Knrtory ami llnliery.F. Horn Hotel st

Cnriicntcrti nuil lltillilcrx.F. Williclm, King stG. Lucas Foit st

Dry mill Fancy UooiIn.X.S. Sachs Foit st.I.T. Watcihotise, Queen stJ. T. Wnterhouse, King stJ . T. Wnterhouse, Fort stB. F. Elders ii Co Fort stM. A. Gonsalves & Co., Hotel stTemple of Fnshiou Fort st

DrilRRlHtM.Benson, Smith & Co., Fort stHollister & Co Nuiianu stHollistcr& Co Fottst

lICIltlHtH.M. Grossman, Hotel st

Ilruynce mitt Carlne.Frank Hustace, Queen stG. Robinson Queen st

ItorniM.Mrs. Turner, King st

Fire IiiHiiruuee ArciiIh.II.llcincnschneldcr,..nl Wilder & Go's.C. O. Ucrgcr, Merclinnt st

4iiCllt'H rill'IllMllillir OOltN.

Elders & Co., Fort stN. S. Sachs, FortstGonsalves & Co Hotel st

UroccrlcH mill I'tovIkIohh.A. S. Cleghorn&Co Queen stKennedy & Co,, Hotel stWolfe A; Edwards,. . .Fort & Nuuauu stt

IIOI'HC SliociiiK MiopN.Wilson Bros Fort st

liny unit Fecil StoroH.Wolfe & Edvards....King & Niiutiiiii stsUnion Feed Co., Queen stLaine & Co, Fort st

IlnrncHH linkerG. E. Shcrmnn, King st .

Ilnrtlwarc.Dillingham & Co., Fort stJ. T. Wnterhouse Queen st

Importers V C'oni.McrrlimitN.G. W. Macftirlane & Co., FortstC. Brewer & Co., Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen stM.S. Grinbnuni & Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin & Co., Fort stA. S. Clcghorn & Co. Queen stJi T. WntcrliQUbe, Queen stF. T. Lciiolian & Co., NuuanustCastle & Cooke King stWlngWoTai &, Co : NuuanustC. O. Bcrgcr Merchant stHymaii Bros., Merchant st

Iiilior AKcntN.W. Auld, Water Woiks OlllccJ. A. llnssingcr, Interior OfllcoW.O. Akana Klngst

lumber Ilenler.s.Lowers & Cooke, Fort.stWilder is Co Fortst

Millinery mill trcHH 3IiiUiucrMrs. A. M. Mollis, Fortst

.Meillcnl.Dr. Emerson Kiikui st

Sews UeuIerH.J. M. Oat Ji. is Co., Merchant st

riiiinluTN mill I'nlntcrN.E. C. Rowc,.... ICIng stBrown & Phillips KlngstJ. Nott, Kaahumanu stMax Kohm Fortst

I'liolourniilivru.Williams & Co Foitst

Tuning & 3IuNlful IiiNtriimcntN.Lycnn & Co., Fort st

ItcNtnurmitH.Noltes Beaver Saloon, Fort stWindsor Restaurant, King stCasino, Kaplolnnl ParkTourist's lletreat,.lIonuapo,Kau, Hawaii

J to ul KHtuto AgentH.J. E. Wiseman Merchant st

Nollcltorn.A. S. Ilartwcll, over BankJ. Al. Davidson Knahumnuu stA. Rosa Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting, Kaahumanu stJ. Russell Merchant stS. . Dole, Kaahumanu stF. Al. Hatch, Kaahumaun stR. F. Blckcrtou Merchant stCecil Brown, "... .Merchant stJ. M. Mousnrrat, Merchant st

Honn Factory.T. W. Rawlins JCing st, Lcleo

Nliitloner.s..! M. Oat Jr. & Co., Merchant st

Hall MaUerH.J. M. Oat & Co., Queen st

Mhln Cliauillcry.Pierce & Co .. Queen st

TillHIIlllllH.J. Nott, Knahumanii st

Tlllllll'N.U.S. Trogloan Fort st

Travel.Intcr-Iblaii- d S. N. Co EsplanadeWilder's S. S. Co., Fort is Queen stsO. S. S. Co., Fort & Queen stPacific Navigation Co., Queen st

Wood mill C'oul IH'tilern,Frank Hustnce, Queen st

AVIiich ami Mplrlt h,G. W. Macfarlano is Co.,. Knahumanii itFrceth is Peacock Nuiianu stBrown & Co., Merchant st

iVnteh JIukiTH.Weiinor &, Co Fort st

J. Rfl.OATJr. &Co.Dealers in all kinds of

SXAX'ION.EIfcY,Tho Latest Foreign Papors always onhand at tlio Gaxettc Iilock, MerchantStreet i by



1 i,i
