t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.

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Page 1: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.
Page 2: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.

~~. :: ~S~;~~~;· __;;:ln~'··t~-;'~~;~-.of' sleep; consequently a'smaDlOl';~_~f n~rvl! force ~~~h lni~iull!,

t in an hour, lind'sedpull nt, the end of the tiu~'.

=.:..L:..~,-,-- =W--!!--'--",'m~~omalists:"::;nnd~

Page 3: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.




You'll understand why. when you" come in' and'let us explain the Cop­per-Clad in detail.

C~~p~~-'CI~d is the, bel'\t range th~t'money will bpy. So,~l;\turaUy, Copper-Cla9 is built to giv:e,'g,ood ,service fory:~ar8 and. years-in fact COPI1er-Clad is ,m'ade to'make

• folks, "Range- Happy."

~, ...-.. ',' ' '., E. H, DOTSON

Eye'oight Specialist, Waym" Neb'. newtWIt"

-,-.--- Jihe SlOIC

f'The Ead D i J'I18i;cm A"eel '"y ays n I Hel" IS I 1'10jlh(1' \ h"h III \ ill

Two Counties I;~~I;:~C\\ il(:c1~ l~o~I~c1\'H °;(:1 ~l~{n\ ~I\t.... to ten ,j'lJ1urs l'Pl uue \\111 blfo!'

.,:~;;;::~ft:,::::::~::~::,:::t~::: i~g?t;~~;~~~}~?~1~1~t~\t~~~:The Min'er';ra club wiII meet wi'th rare tl'cat. Mr. Dnvies, hm; 11011/1

l'tIt'll. -Guy Wilbur. " .. about tw.enty-fi\'~ ~choJars 011 the or-,Mrs. Bert Mapes of Norfolk, visit-' g'!'11,. iJe~l('l(!s whl('h he .has a hug,> .

ed Mrs, ',J... G~\l.i:nc~: Ismgmg dll.SS. '~ 80n:\\\:I$ born Sept. 10, l!JOl, to' .On,Monday, much to (JUt ~oY" (q~d

Mr. and' Mr~. L: M.' I'eterson.' ,wlthout d(lUbt also, much to the JOY~Irs; H. 1;:. COL'~it weJ:lt to. Soidicr~ ot our .readers,) M.l'. I{.ockw~l!,. ~h.e

Grove, ,Wis., to : visit, rel~,tives. poet ,u~rea~e of. Dixon countY,,)l;P-Chester. HO>..'".' of Si{).UX FaJl.:; i~1 peared,ln thl~_"!!t[ir.",,,c,n"illedUJ.o!'f'!,tfu,fO,"'"S.. ,\'lh-+--.:..- ---1

visiting at the E. J. Nangle home: Iication anothm·'!Joem, entitled, '!The. Mrs, Wheeler, Mrs.' Goldie and Old Mun's Fafe," in lhe Kl'inding-, outMrs~!{'Ohl 'etJtertainl<d at a curd par. ,of \vhich th\! poet has dtmbtlcss hadty",: ,: " D' to wl'e~tle with -the muse in, .n. very

Marko.Jts llre; ,Wheat, r,.-2c; corn, strenuous ll1:mne,l", It·j';''''',",.,...w''''"t-~----~-l;;!~IF"

i~~; hogs" $5.50; butter" 12,C;: egg~, ~{I~~m~~~:'7;;1.t~~11 P~~l~~O~~O oTt~l~~~~

.:;~~:"~:"::':heCk twe Wh:::;'::::,;:~I~~1:t~;~~;~j"s~gf,,",e;e::,:t-:3~;of Eph Beekenhauet' and destt'o~'ed A total ('('lip~" ..vf 'the l1WOll willthem. tnke pln£e this (Thu]'sdl\~') en'n-illg',

M iss l\-lar~' Die!wy of C"Ullcil Owing- to lh\' wdl kn1lwl\ punl'Llialily

! ,,~~j~:'J, ,~isited,hcl. sister, M~,s. L. F, '~~r;h~~l:U;~~I~:~~',t~:~t-~~~~;~~\~WI~~:;~~,~.and .Joel. Hllmoek no delay or p(l~tponelllent,·und that

lllnstercd the new GC'l'man Luthel'lln the moon will promptly' he on h:~lld

church. nmdy ,and will to go throlll-'l1 th~

~Irs; Charles Lldt~w entertained program as bill dO\":ILin the, alma­the'I.adies' Aid society of the Lu_ naco In ancient tim('s, e\'ltp~es ,of

-'-------'-ih-~TIrrctL - -w1."TC"C'gaT(te-d--w.ith"-greut·+-~~~--~

.The, city school opened with an feul·,and as the forel'unmll·s of i:\OlllO;aLt,eiidal1Ce of 473. M. R.- Snog"- il1lp~nding ellianlity. Even ill t.hi~

gt'HSS is su.pel"intendent. "" enli~htened nge, man~' ,lI11ong the,Johnny Sllustel' had t\v_o fingers bar,barous tribes, of the eaL'th, SU!J­

partially tak~n olf when cutting tin pose that. when such a'n eclip,o,\' t.H](e~

shinglc~ at the hardware store. ' place, the moon is being \lmylaid andHeavy rain' ha's·pl1t the 6'l.'Ound Into is in danger of, being tlevilurerl hy

excellent 'condition' for fnIl plowing, some savage aerial mom,tel'. On .~llch

us well a~ helping the pastures. occasions, an infe1'l1al u]ll"lmr (if\Vlp,' Wheeler, 'lately ('uitnr of the guns, qrums, gongs and hol'lls" i~

\\Tnkcneld ReJlublicnn, hns pruchn~- rai~erl; in ol'del' t,~,. !:.riIt.!)ten the ag­ed n paper llt 011k Lake, MnnHnbil. gressive moon 'patel' :"nway. That

.0, D. I~I·an1rn beg-ins this week the such a bedlam of. tlOi~ll is always ~lIC­

erection of a, new brick building' on eossful,in rescuing tlle moon fro111the"c0r:t}pr of Main and, First sb·eet~. its peril, the south sea h:lantlcl"S cl~im

leg~~~vtf~o.~~ea;o~~eJ~~~d~~:;·eth~~ {ir:~o~~,. ~~_~~: ~:~: t~:;e~;'e=; ~~~~" ' .' .. ' " j" ,:.";

have enrol1e~, at any previous year.-- Us ,trouble "andsU1·ile:~-u-iWii~·t1WeRrtll~',·--,,~,~--- --;----.~._. " ! ,: ,;:11

~~~~:f:~:8"tl~~~~~7:;-'~::ll~~~~~=-"tI~em~f~;' ~~dC~~~I;Cth;;~:-i~ ~ev~t:'-~~b-;~jg~~(i~~, hus gOl;e-;rt~-~ff~~~~~~'ip;o. _.--=-: w~iP~~~-t;~~-:-~~ ,~'~,,~ .. ,T.ards, ;So B, ,Russell, und G, A. Ben. back nf tho Fourth.of J.uly o~' phrl.st. hmd time III eOllllllg ?ut.aga,in. ,Lct'l:ec~s the pro.ducers-~hi,e~ly' in the ,New R,cpublic:, ,TM work of the Ilo

I ~o~r, ~hd' M~~.-' Robert' M~llor re- ~l~S l~'~~~' l~~~,f~~;etht~:ab;;,.'~~~~~ .~: ~h~kJi1~hoe:ef:r;iS[~~; :~~n~ne~ :J~::,: i:;~f~~t~~%eh~:;-e~h~~~l:~ ~Il~~~~ conI:~rene~.in c'~n'sidertng_que8tion~. A!. turned, from Omaha wh~re they at- times per year, of esellping, from, ,tho eclipse. ' . ' 'I have feared the pr.essur~ of foreign of the Pa~ific. Will be la~el~ of thtl

~;:,deJ, the ru~e~'al of Mrs. Fred Ca~ ~~:l s~~/~~:]"e~l~tn,:O;~~~~win~~"I~~~:~est, Vi~g!ni~ N,eed,a a,"G';vernm~n~" ~~;t~,;~att~~~~, is Wh-le~~~J~~~:teo~::4 :r:\e~~c~~:;~~;~~~r~hat-lihi:, ~~i~~~.The, Coun'ty Sundny, S~hoQl asso- earth, was lUi old one, when', our N~\v York World: Gov. Morgan tOe; of revision, ,in view 0:( :thc greatly ,states sho,uld n~t repea~,the mistakes'

cintio!)., 9f which E. B, Young is sec- 800,000 year old plesiOSllurulI,wa.s a pO,rts:the:West Virginia nline war ns un~ettted conditiOlls ,of,! p;rOduetionld Pnri~" ". .The eardinnl s~n: ..of Mt'.

~~~l~~r:i;~t l~~~d ~~~}t~;t~I~~I'I'~~~ven- ::~brhis A~Il~~~g f~~" t;~c~no;l~p~~io~~~~ ~:'i:~~~;~i~~~ugi~ tfd:~~:~l1fn~~~~'~I~i;ri i·here

and abroud. ". " " ~~~s~~'e:r:Si;::r;~~:~rl~ik~ ordi~a:~t~t :,Plistotrice, Inspector SwirL villited time, W\! IIhould bl:' willing to ha'!e b,elng confined to the disjlll,teh of I BlI.rgll';n Day fJ. 'Poets, know and, eould .not be' taught. His!

the W;ayne Jlostolfce llnd fouwl it in it continue ,to do s0, if, itwants~ to. trooIl,; ,!l!1d thc est(lblishmentof'l1l1il'-. Chicagl? News: It ill sllid thut thc advis'er::; werc selected__ by cn,pI~ice, ,

ex.,.e\I~.• "t.: ~o.nlliti."", .. , It,,,r.Il.nks all1nng


In fact W.'.' ..ShO,". ld. be, glUl,I ..or it. ' ,ll'S ~.'t .till.. I. I.".W in"". I,:e.. tr:!Ub.l~'d di,:tri".. ts, No g(>Yl'l.,rnm.,n~, hus m.;.l!iO,.'IlS:.. ~f ,'11ol1ars' m'l.' '.flPt'i.•F.e"'.F."'," ..'.",.d....~iS, '.'.,1.". tio


the lep.d,lngi,po"tolflCes of the 'state. sets' us a, good example; It J>hows n ?ou.b,t the ,sltrllltlOn IS qUite as ser- ,worth of surp.lus typewnters left WIth ,tllcm, Secretary I-f\fghcs has hlS.

~\o~~~~~~~;El:~~~l~~f~I~I:~~::f:~S~~: ~~~:~f,~~0·~~~~{;tiI:~:: ~~e\~~;:'. ~)~~~~ .~~~~~'~~ :ft~:,~~~:~)l~IL:~f~1r\~~if, 'l~}~ ~;~h~:~:r{~:~~~~~~h~~(h~tl~:~;~~~~~~, ~~~~;~1i~:.:;I~e~:t~e~~~~~:~~~~:~~~~;:~;A. I-I.~E1Jis, Mr~. Clnl'k, Behtrn Ann- nlld Tefullcs to go into the slladow, f(lctive thllJ1 dispcl'sllI of the ).'cbel- chines idle. TTiC~ mi~llt', be sold at in regllrd to ,thc' sItuation -in China

;;' ,.'" ' .. '" li\lus miners.-.by fo~ee, Um!er the n" bllrgliin to ,the ]lOl'tS ,11l\d'llccnnrio Iml} th\! Ilm,bitions ,o~ Englnnd lind out.'~h~·

• :" "',' "" '. --.------ ~~a~~tit~~~~~i:~~n.toe~~i~e:s1'l,~Uhl~~I~~ wrjtiH'~." ':' '1:.. ,Jnpn~., _ 'r.e huv~ iq m~.lJd ,such lJll'!1 t~e.t~ nt,

T~e~e's 'a ·ce.rtain 'prid~ ~~:ioOfc~;;~Vt~~~l~~nt;r~~ ,~~~~~rt~on ',I I·ti.n,', owning a" Copp.er-Clad __ .:;, t~~ :~~~:~;~O~~\:~~:'";;:~:,;::: [_.. ' ~' TWO HEADS ARE BETTER.TI-lAl~J ONEt'

, ed ,by_ tbe mllH' operntors ,through I." ' ' " " '"

their C011ll'oi of. tho local govern.ments. The shel'iff .of ,Logan county

Iis ownellby th!! operators and he isB;!l'l'ound~d" by detective!! 'swm'n i,p.as ,deputll's. ,The communlt.y j" 'too

,.thn'roull'hly ('OWc{], to dm'e R8Sl'l't,'its,l:t~hl~,----:.!Mi,llgo_l(> ,Je's8_absolutely ._.ow.n,,'-I __~:-ed lJY the ilJterc8~a nnd brenkl< outoecn~ionnlly in violent ,prot(,Clt. '"

Wll:;J:f.;i;··;:- ,C~~b River.Lincnln, Ncb" Sept, 2._An' \11'-

~;n~ucwlic ~~::~~~~n~')t~1;h~O~:~~~l;:;:;~\'~~ Iml;lke the Loul" ri\'nr bchav\" it,.;<'!f.1'11(' l.·"porl is that. thl' l-i\'cr is trying:to irQ thrQug-h II neek of lund twnmid n ·hulf. milef\ north of MOlln"~tIl'll. -thl'Cl,ltcll~" to" cut -l:h'ut to\"n offfrom access to the lIouth lind H'ln'l'Htwo B~ate ~id bridges'usclt'sH,

Tall ROl:yi.ion Firlt. -., New:'X0'rk,Trib'une: The, ~enntcfinance IIlImmi.tteE!·, hilS decidcli tog-j\'e ,trix 1'evl.~ion· the l'iltht' of wny

"lnfo'I" ""'--J;;;]~~~""-":'-'--'~-' ~---"P~~ oy~r tl\rif;~t"~~~BiB;~'~~:;~:~_~~~I~~:~~ -

-w~v~~r=7~(1.<Llrr --"j-"hrJt:.=I'1~"~~i;\~y·='A~~~~~~R!i,ff v~iA~:~:~~;

';I"I~';,i:;-!:,;'-Ci;i-:': :;-li:',:,,"';:':'-i,:'!''''~,=:~''C''=.=:'::"=:"~""'0..:;='==~==:"''':7-'''':''_'''''==='=:_'=::'=~'~=:'''''_=''r~=:,.~,d,:",<!.'::M~,'C;iW\\",!;t"on~:::Pl,..:.~;.:~~.~~b:YJ'hl;'~'~""~'~fy+Tln~~7~~'0~~t~~~]~':ifM~

Page 4: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.
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Page 7: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.

PunctllalltY i. In;portllnt:~'hipndc!pliin'Pul:rlicLellg't'r: Isn't

it".time to swell!' nlr,on the llutionulvice of unpunctulllily,?, Can't w~ b~

~ -:It;t~~r~~i~~~~*-~o~:~!li~i~'el:~A~:!lcnt off on timo'l Cllll't wq. bcpl'ompt in thosc usual dnily contnl't~

bctWt!l:.'n P('oIJl(', in th(' Vl'djnul'y l1f_faiTS of home and hU!lillellS, whcrl! .ithelpll everybody so much if thcr('- IIIl'Og"IU'd fo)' il)(1 cxact hom"lInd l1in_del'S so grcllt1y,if sonte, 11!tC\l ft'omsheer Clll'C)lJ.aS\lCHS OJ' rank thuug'hL_IOasll('sB, arEj"Intc?

'~~~1f;~r;~~··~'·--·-·c~iiriince~a1e~"--:ii~~~~-~~leaun~~~May 2, ,1921 Price. Now May 2, 1921 " Price ,Now$17.00 ....30x3... _. $11.00 $37.40 ....34x4 ...,$20.60.30x3l/2···· $13.85' $40.90 -::32x4%$26.30 ..32x3V2· $15.95 $42.90 __ .34x4l/2$30.20, . 31x4... $18.00 $44.25 . __35x41f2._.$35.10 •.. 32x4 _$"20.50 $54.60.35x5···_·$33;50$36.30.33x4 $21.25 .. War Tnx, 5 per centa~d~~

This is all bright, ~w stock just received, and c~rriesour personal guarantee as well as themapufact~,rl)rs.

.' Vuicanizing andRepaii Work';, . c. All Guaranteed .,. . __ .

We haveo.ur new stock in for all makes of cars, .Qne of the most important is. the rim lugs,nut~

--and.ho!tJUill' every make of car. -- .' " •.Nex.t is the-F'orogaskets, cylimler head-gasketEr;-.,

lJ,nd'a)1 oth'er srn,aller ones for Fords. - ,.Rim speed wrench to fit all cars.We handle thl) Mazda nitrogen filled bulbs; the.

very 1;Jest that you .can buy. Gives a better light thanany othel' make bulb.

Columbia hotshot batteries· and dry <lells.L~testU)ake oil gaugeforall'Ford,-arid

make;cars. - .'. .. Don't forget to buy Sinclair/motor oil.' For onereason you are getting the best on themarket at lowerprice than' other' grades of oil. Sinclair is paraffine

---base;-!.~.._"~__ .

Wayne Vulcatiizin~andTire, Repair Shop

Page 8: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.
Page 9: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.

Fr~~N~at: i'n ~"THE FIGHTING LOVER.~·

, Al,o comedy"THE GOLFER"

Admiuion 10 lind as cenh

"TUESDAYMay McAvoy '~in


Admiuion ,10 and 25 cent.

WEDNESDAYWilliam Ruuell in


"WHAT A WHOPPER'AdfJ,ijlion 10 lind ,25 cenb

Page 10: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.



,., 4:30 ,O'CLOCK EYES!Every mothet who 'h<\8 one or six children in school

knows wha~ ,we mean when wi:> say '4 :30 o'clock '~yes.

. They ,a~'e those bright, healthy-but hungry eyes~.iust home from school Hl1d wanting "U' bite 'tiLl5up-per is r-eady." .

And it is mqst impol'sible to keep the 01' cookiej'ar filled',

As a matter of fnct it 'cannot be dOlle-that is-as cheaply liS from om balw Hhop. 1

We wonder how many mothen; hll:ve st?ppcd. longenough to figure it out?

Flour, shortening, fuel, time mid the wear andtear of .small hatch bllking, It i8 Gxpensive-if youwill put it down in dollars ~lfHl cents.

W-c can bake ehc'ffper because we. buy in' largelots lind we bake in. larg'c lots,

Come hy somc',c\,(jning on t.he way ·home.. ,Try, II loaf .of our bread---;,-a dozen of those big,

brown" ::;a\'ory doughnuts.

Page 11: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.
Page 12: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.

I':,'-, , ,: ,,',.

I~mediate. Deliveriea

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. ,I'iil' I


SEPTEMB~-;R-ja.;. '!II '





Of the P9pidar blood Unesl

"Clansinan~" and :'Me88en~

ger". A IIprin'g boar .from V.

E. Clansman will add type,

size ,and dignity to your

her~.· Spring Gilts' and

Tried Sows for' sale, of the

8~me breeding:


Rode free of'Em In.



ses' and Mules. -- ----- -- ----

ha~ge. Bring



Em, Hi-outfit from the Crow Creek =[{eservation, South Dakota.-

Uders of the reservation, with the best =

)Bucking H~rsesand Outlaws that can~btainedon the reservation. =

I~ , .

~teer Ridi11g, Wild Steer Driving, Bull- =

Dlping and Tying, Riding Face to Face, =,

~ Races; Trick Roping, consisting of -=ling, specializing in, the one-6 horse, ~,

fact everything that goes to make a IFrontier Day Entert(Jinmentit the date. Come in and enjoy a dayrLll~TIMEWESTERN~P{)R1'T~Qowtl~

~nt worth'the price of admission.

9-6 -FO~ SAL£---'--' , ')0-a ~Hampshire Spring Bnarst:l ~ "•••• FOR WINTER BREEDING' ~ ••••


\ND~. Sept:lI2-

At Baseball Parkat 2:00 p~m.

Page 15: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.


:iss Natalie Kr:a'i1se'iis edi- Iof this department.' Anys contributioll~ I to II, t~e,sf3 I

nms from town pI: "q9',u~trY i :be gladly recehJ.ed b'y her.is also authorizl'd to l'ecei\Te

Page 16: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.


Of the popular' blood lines,

nClansman" and "Messe~.

ger". A spring boar from V.

E. Clansman will "d.d type,

size .aDd dignity to

herd. . Spring Gilts

Tried Sows for sale, of

. s~me bree.ding:

9-A- -----FOR SALE--

au ~ampshire Spring Boars111111111 -.- FOR WINTf:R BRf:EDING'

The Hook..'Em, Hi-outfit from, the CrowReservation, South Dakota.

15 Pi4;ked Riders of th~ reservation, with the beststring of 30 Bucking Horses and Outlaws that can

be Qbtained on the reservation.

II l~ I , 1


I)'(! _\1( ha,l. -i , alt,,!, It,,,

) d'r, J

\\ h!!" .\11;1 ~. i ;'t,,(·). d;1 ~

Tilt, 11'1111 d:il"( (' ~~,\,

i: ,'I.I,·,1 I,> ;1



(' l >! I' ~

\\. itu ... ::

-, 'I'

:1. I',,,\ ,




\1. h'

0.....:......, ::,11 , "I

'-."-"~""":,.,..,,,,-"-. -.-.-r""1I~~E-:-hR"~h~~" -i'dill'nicfliome- =~~l-


Il JI" ;'.III t \,,' ~ h ~,: I

":~., ).

Hoover on Right Track.- Springfiel-d. Mass., Republican:"Debating ;~QCI(>ty'~]i!-;(u~8ioll nf---ffi--'dustrial que~~tions is profitable, hutit is a 't'1Jnditinn, not. a theory, th;d I

the coming eonfcl'('llcC on unelllpluy- J

ment will fn,ce, Secretary HOOVfl' ha~!Mrs. Fredericka Schellenberg. the l'ig-ht id~a in putting ways an«,

Fredericka Sclw]JenbE'rg', diC"d Sep- meanR ·Hrst. I,

tpmhel' 4, tl,l!t\d R4 ypaT", ~l months,and]:l days. Sh(' was horn in Germ- jany ~l'pteml)(·t· :20. 1R:HL In 1 P,!;2 l:">he Pleasure and Happiness. Iv·;a.."' 'married to ('31'1 Sl'hellpllllPTg. Humboldt He-publican: There is Ii

To thi::: union nine childrpn w(~re lot .of difference between pursuing I'born, sf'\'en bOJ-"s and hvo goirh;, One pleasure and happiness. Pleasv.re j;;

son, Roy. and daur.:hter, Maria, died not happiness. The modern method Iin infancy.' In April, If\~tl, thf' fam· is to pursue pleasure, pel'manel}tlily ('anw to Ameri('a nnd m:Hh' their benefit arifles from }Jursuing happi­hnme neal' Ho~kin.:; whpre she JiV.l?d ness, I'until hpr dpath. I-II!l" hushand dit,din JunE'. 18RB, a~ .thE" age ()f '53 Two Ways From the Middle. i

)'eaT~q._ On(~ ~onf Herman. died Pot the , "jag-e- of 1R year's, She i~ F-urvin:-d by Lmcoln, .Journal:. Ar~n.t the ratl·~v~ _~o~~__~_nd _one· daught':,r, Alhert. ,roa?. r~a~.a..ge~:s, t~kmg In too muchwho i.~ te:lChfng "in G~l'm-any, Fr~d, J.~~.L!.tOlY. !!1_ c.arrymg on at the sam~from "rashing-ton. \VilIialYl. Charles. JP.ome~t c:ampalgn~:,.£0.r I,ower wag'p~.1August, Pal1'I and Mr;;., ,J(lhn, HaH, ~Ol' l'a~Jr~)a(l lahm~ ~71d hlfher W"g'{-';';

Iall I{}f 'W~10n'l' liv(' nc-ar HOfoiki~S. for rallroad ma.nage~ j

Fon ~ALE-·Higl{ daSH falr ana Balancing the BooklJ. I·~G~~"""~±f:=~"-4~_~.-....~_",,.~!'~m:~~ :;~u~(' "~e~~sey b~~l's, also Los Angeles Tjn~eg: 'rhe .djRa~·h1f.l-

m.1 rfT~.t- ~'-fLffi'-{>-La=hCl'1_ 'J ItJ/CC (dB lJ~'''~

Ronl(Jo Kingo. I \vill, sell thesn ington on Armbtice dar, it is !10\V'

bOllI'S llnd l~~ep thol1l till you )1I)0d ,pl'.lIlumed" ll~ld l',ellllli,n in session f'?lfthem; ReSIlience, one b1<.ck w.e.sr.m~l1tl)s,.... :'lf.',l)IS. w.,.,.'l.l...·.e.n.. a.hle the Wasli­ot tHe court house. H. v, \:;,.0111" ington hotels .to get back the moneyWayrte Neb, sStf, th~t EtHo~e 'bo,rrowed: l'l.-";'~-""!,,,"!,-';-"";;;';;;---_-_-~~+O----~+--""""'-'~~~~~~~~

rl,J; \\V]"l.·hl)lll"

. :l,·h I"l:

IS Boje shippedon day.~chl'l('der and AI t. K1u,l! \~ ('r~!

aha SlInday aftl'l"nOun.Parch,'n pf Phillip, );"ph., -yis­th pld fl'il'11d" Thm·"d;lY.d .Tllhn,.(\ll :-:hipned 111.g-; to:'it\· la<:.t \,.;(,t'k 1Vednf'::'c!ilY.

Iius~\\ll (,f 'Vi(~kefield :pcnt. with hi~ family at Hoskin ...-,(' Zi(,l11~t~ o"r :\'-11:f61k, -wm:; -as Yic:it(ll' in Hoskins :\1nnda~·.

I' ~~. 1 1"

1•• \ j'"uJ.;;)) r1 :\1 ,.~. .\. .1"r. (If

,I'rt' ,. i ~l til: ~ fl I:,

Page 17: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.

R. B. Judson &IGo.

E'urnitul'e arid RugsWayne, Neb.'

When You Come to the Wayne Hospital to}'" JJledical Tl'eatment, an X-Ray Ex~ .

aminatioll, OJ'. anOperatioll

you have a guarantee of Vt~armest person;'}iJ:11erest. In addition to every hospital ap­.pliance known to science, in addition to themost skilled surgery and alert and carefulattentions from" experienced nurses, youhave the frequent visits and kindly minis­trations of relatives and friends. TheWayne: Hospital is a home institution withho~e comforts added to the highest skill"possible" elsewhere. . "


Page 18: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.

' ..


Everything, in -roonng and flooring.518 F: L. T .. BId.



625:26' Trimbl~lJuit(Jing. c'

Auto Phone 87307Sio!lx City,la.



JOHNSON'S GARAGEErskine &~ Brassfield, Props.

910 Morningside- Ave.


JOE YOUNG'S GARAGE20 t Fifth StrJet' ,

212'19 Trun, eCharacte.r;, S~r~":gtl:l, Service.

RIVERSIDE GARAGE2461 Military Roaa:

Sioux City, la.·

BECK MOTOR, CO.Leave Your Car at Beck's Garage.

G08.Nehraslta, Str~et."

BROADWAY and AMERICAN CAF,£S~'We ~ill no~ ~ri,c;:~ase prices" '.-' --

3tl Nebr; - ,; c 718 4th Str.

_ STEAM TRACTOR AUTO MFG. Co.Best used carl' at money saving .prices.

Curboil anrl Carbon-O ring Mfgs.219-23 West 7th St. .

races, fo~u' days of" harness rae..:ing, auto·polOt _ firewori):s and~~~r~l~:=~k~udevill-edUl'ing the

1he officers and directorsof, the Interstate Fair inIll'eRenting the 19th An­!'ua] Live Stock Show and

, Agriculturil! Exhibition.. ~ish to, assure their pat­l'onsthaf the 1921 Show~vill be of 'a~rv.Jj;;ghgrade in HII....-tr~rtntm1.tR·.Live stock entrieR are be­ing received from all partspf the country, and thebest herds of all kinds ofpure bred stock will be inthe stallR 1ind pens the_week of September 18 to24. The Amusement pro­ll'ra1'1; will be cle---=<!--in-

Chas. E. Wilcox Co~614~5th Street

Iowa Commission Co.227 Exchange Bldg.

Wagner,Garr:isl!lTI ,~ Abbott208 Exc~ange BJdt.

Wo~d Bros. &j Co.220 Exc~ange Bldg-. ~

Fbmk E: Scotti Commission Co.~~o Exc~ange Bldg).

Gel'l. Vickers Com. Co.2~~7 Exe~~nge' Bldgj.

Ccm.tinental Live £t~ck Insurance Co.30~ Com'l,ercc BJdt·

Fine FatQ1.$ :fotFarmers

CENTER OF AiL ACTIVITIES--Busines., Shopping, and Theater.,

- ,

Of Course, YQU are eorning to the Interstate Flair, but-don't go horne until you have visited

The Stock YardsCome and see where and hlow your, Iivestoek is h/ndled

cjn an :up-to,date market.

~ I I , :


--------_._.~-- --_::--,------

The ~ioitxCity iSto~k-Yards Co.·-~--..,--ITjf-.t··i I J__...:, .... : _?".--.i-J-,-,,- I

R. N. KOENIq~B~~G~R, I!ropial'dl MJin,ag!'1r'I" ' I

New and efficient,p.ln~ge!nebtalii through.

Co~muilit~ Bu:si~"s. ";n<!i Stockme~E.~ecil.ny S';I~cited. '

When in Sio~xCity

/ stopc,iat'I, tlle i Great Reductions in 1922 Prices.



Page 19: t~~~newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1921/35) September 8...Wayne, an OJ'.

ne'ed'eyerything in this immense ,'stock.. Whyfiesit~te when you can buy at ·Factorypric~$ and'save the freight?,~ thisweek we will offer it to the -dealers.~

Now is yout chance to saveyouf­self money. You can b'uy it either J

at Private, Sale or Audion. D ",.r".._ . . -,-

wait a moment longer ifyou_nee~d=--•.furniture. Come in and, see what we have.Pricesn'ow cutto"the oldba"sis of 1914.' "

... '., ··Store-··O,en Even·ings-,------- -~·o.co~",,,oo~

Auctions, Afternoons 2:30; Evenings 1:30

.Be Wise! Beat the dealers to'itI You 'Save 'Money!!~ ~