"4^1 :? IIIIP 11V k nrij. fei (-"-Ft w X *?* p- fes*** ar - *' fer vst ^ Wwsi *4aj&e;#S»y other'^rsJnjo Wen- - In,' th* field pi, ^cation, the committee said, there'Is ganger unherenHrt the pretence" of; even: •••a- fevf (jbrpmunw 'PaFfjf' jmeih- M*4JB .teaching tsmwkt?-&M!i 3PIH.8 J&i,-- pjvinl Jlliuf Mlgjsfriv tQMWm .Education pf yjiiitoj aig-'CgjJl Cqnmibil (Chris.M»»; MfltriagjM. as directed ""hf - iul * : .agMist^ uHeraturel.. j&Seryatorc re<fal{ea «<„„„,.,,, it ;#i%a it', in.cist Im&ntm ,.(11*1., cojifse by, Popp Pins XH TO Wfifefijit^ltf, th^Poifpff pTutTRe^ . .. ,...,. ^_acatIo§; ..In it? report the House unit, jejisVfr^thai 4 will <»8tlntfe M hi fight n v t oniy agaltisi Reds, bfe Jt »td,'and^o«en,m«Tte^u8e^9; >«ulfr«p«triotIc nftlttes aift de'vlcs* :|o,cpnceid theh; true: and'dMngefcf , e»n m*. : brcorrected by subver- t.i^j-^/Hilttfif.lf^lltllitJst-^trJ* [ ^ler^^tk^a^ar'ft^r*--'''";^ *f, -••'.£*#,W f Vaas)*_;'»^'-V;<v" •Siii*'^/' Sainthood Cause ; .'• ':..•.'^ ^WWfflT " V W ^ i . % '^ij'"W' Toky*, Japan ^*(ITC) 4- Japan**flGtf.babi**'*' problem -~W a thorn/la statesman and social V n f e w cm Both Rifles of *? PWrihMriU he finely solved if pre^nt fafa can be canned jBjat . —=———__-_-_^ , r few °" e ot th ^ chanter members Milwaukee —(NC)-The,.Cat]i- yarned « blogmpgy of *„*„% of entitled: Saint Ellxafeth of H«n- gaty as ats March iseiectlon pS€^#:^WaB*B5e^WelJ»e ;jgt]«f^*h«r?$f ^i4tnt# chi'; ^rfMnd itf 4l«»cUlf dr I&pos- i i ^ t o support tterh, ijoweVer, mf?^^ttited; -gtefe* -gpyerrttnent »*»¥ l e w t«l »*ftW AH^tt- |p| 9f the cihl|rtn to vt their „ ; / homeland .provftjed i f r^i- •im'Mn be fou«d wA6 *r« wUlfing ftS?Mopt-therh. '. _ -' ; _ .,". 5,j.Ti}« ^wericaji Joint Ccjmmittee ^r^Alsiftlng ^ipanese-American f g ^ a o a I« np\v planning to rais$ M ' % tfte ?hiidrefl> tranif- fptatiPflj anidl*. working oi|t l^g-raiige. plfn*. lo; Mlp> tljepp SiMta they are %e to "ijMfl^ »r JiUeitjMh(e*, .-..', _..„.. .. R '.. .- *. i-t ,-'». -;# ,i; '- ilM bhth|t)rt«d s que«n,flf the Abbey, f Jie wooden figure it about four [eet^fplj; the robes "are. painted. md. Wid.gold, but the foqes of OUr Lord and our I>ady have be- coine so darkened by the »moke «£ - votive candles oVer these many cenuries that they have turned a. silvery black—and the OHMMILY i OMtpfae* agafesfc Wrtmtm ^-AJWier.M 3WB C i i j w t c ^ Wiilted '^atiqn^ ^r*£b*lhi! obJtalhW-'In th>t»loce* M|T«Ie^^rpu|h* Ih6 efforts « ^JirtR.-iUJlhop ,Fr«n'i*!P^.'-'l'o^ llOWtJ^Who ?llpd ln» communlit ' : 0$k ftinV In: ChlntC:ttigftt-he Shwrt calls Bbhop; .Foyd i»» q*ry mjittj^v" that Is/ *;dhe wljb dies ifqr^oYe. of fajth ttibuith denied ahe jiheddlrig bt fiisfiood |h"iWtf er and penance 'were. needsdw-Jift the wofcld'from its sad «.ha;fl«*r, o f t e a ' r e f e r r e d . t o ' ^ ' i M ^ N ^ ' M M h u ^ W ^ e a ^ S d f turned » savery black—and the •• ^.«^ffi«^. 1 «^ ll ^B^^^m#. Utftue is called by some, 'The In -1791, ReVplutldnMy French troops invaded JElhsiedeln; plufi. dered the abbey, as the tobhers did so long .before, ..but the rnpnlcs managed to-hlde the Mad- Ai»guj3t appSrs'tg^hiivebefn $*?- •tiy i»e^iaBs|ble ior tlfeffe f^rrnatfph of %fie group. •• • . In ah interview .lierc, Fatljel; Tibe?ar T ~«e"sHel j 'tiiii "jt(^$ trouble had beep causid b,y the f^ct that for m long time, Eg. Army , regulations' Jorbade 4M val'idaHoh, o| taarrlajjes het^fjli Atneican scrvicemeij arid" J*|$* nese brides and thftit not a fern of the fathers haVe be?n tisyihitl to get back-to -Japan'to ktifSk their wive,s to the States, THE PRJEST stated that si the regulations had been ChaJIgU.; to permit the« inter* raeiat "ihlifSi yiages, 13,000 servicemen have been regularjy m#j$fa^fa&e gone b)ick to tft* Statea wljfh their wives" ajjd,. a.bnut; #00) children. RjeihvKJiilte, Cathei^iih- esar adtled, wveral hundred. ciiH- Wren adopted by Ameticaii-ilhii- Jies haye also been taken" to the States, American Cathie lmW$ wfl- Jing to adopt one ol!|h'jpi;twi- tlaimcd Jajianese : feahfpl -vhiiive been invited Iff apply Mkte.fo- tional Cathbllfr-dphtfif^ 4*W> te.Ban.cho,. X j f e ^ | * ^ - | E p ^ K -** 'soon as ppsslbifc /..^ i"~=S:-~r~-< K-, Great Lakes _ trSiiik iiil*. 204 TROUP ST. This coming Sunday, yoti will observe? that Jfche priest] bfefthijgvwill wfir purple ves^wptjs, tH.f iiOhyych!*. #]fcice sptiiry;% ptmt ntmei MtMrid renUM^tnatfar ntor« priy^ ( ..,f?-y J PMfh HP wasftBenedictine yr^.-yi,;,...,." *.•,,,, ••..„, .• ^ Monk, constcratrt-ttf-liO^p-rnff^'WIn his cell and they: de- •'.$ 2«i : jAitaember j)f thfcirat band of B M p p ^ o r d d^yoled Inpre Jhan , * % o « o j t his life^fee^CHineie ;j>*oh.lfc He died of dysentery jinrt'nfh.K . r m j..u iii.JSR/' . f- aid*htter*airment»«u»*iat»y hi* rrr rnf^i of'hi* B _ t aUhetfcs hee?ds a tfulv Amertcsn mtftfiy- one born in America, ope; %ho attended oiii"' parochial l«ihools r dtir seminaries and 'Was .like the rest of lis In 'all things ?B*ay far more than yM or j ; a solitary liermitagein the dense fortit> ; bn_ Mount Iftzel in. the !$$«* ^lj*;; With pftly a MHF i^L' $ eiiiipefc t» f rotettt hii»|i|f #rt«P :*h* w«*r .nipuntaln iiwrmav ;he- !iPdMrffd ? th* first winter, mtiiiiK Finjiy iorivtten by ijiejvpridf irtdi ^s)e^i'inay<lityV'Wo|rtK^.'to.:|lie- rathar ifelnrad had taken Cwlth M*,ic>.a|iti|l# pf Our.tM^:|ofe „_ jhaptl^ an^-fhwe a'i«!ldit t ,tffS liarjdihipjt- »f «hW,»)lt*syJ(X^P?, Ifpliijd: jft^ he? little; *hrin#stt|f %*:| couragement to continue the. pen- ances^-whlch-she herseli would 1^-*-***- 1 -•••-•-—•- t - '-•- :i ~r. ^T ! :>S«« ^'^'fRtfiiHiinia'riy a thousih^ years' !«#*:? "- •/ i|tn-ji*^rit.peqpie; cided to rob apt! kill him. ,-». ,Aj '|^i>-^liro-^i»Hl>itr'^pPit':hU ;jpwyjfr|, ha -said 4# them.' '^ pp^^hy yp« h»ye,a?htjB-^b?«t yptt shall *noi sjay me ^uritjtcypu Aayejircfived iny pardon,ajid my i'W^iif;»*•;;39* then relitfited them to? ijtht two wftidjes beside hlf corpse before thelmad* their esca|M6"•'•'•"" ,;, . ;".- : "; : *.*" . 1?w t#p r^lfians/hadnd-jpiare .•jBfiU. irtd th* chaPfli^fbjUnd % ivtWWU'ffrT,iwd t * » r P Ptti Wjth.- P»itb<i!lherJpg to lig|it4heSin4ft«. om»*rvit«(0**^i %HAii-»^\\w* fan , WKIM imS. i«*« -.SMTM, sate JOW row «o€Hi$Tiii:^fai*^^ Marian Year Pilgrimage . ,.„ { „j^..th«. stpry tqeSj-. ,.,,•.«•,- of J themselves.. In .terror, the ^,ura«i«;rl rie^lo the Wife ahd c^nfesseVi their. crijifM*;." A\L Ithis f'Ha|)p«njiijn:^jfjy^|6i t ,£, ] % PilgrJinj'beijiH to;tfsl|: Jh? mp^p •-in-aide chapel. Numerous fav "* "" 'rfe-' '^St-'--*' ^-'-- eitMrSef ow ahd grtlo-s atjr.aq.ted Wen mbreVandiihallv a-WhoTe mnni*' , r ^Slhc^tlie 4udmentMsanotityi^ ,ne to MY^Jh, their rpidst and «hie #?(*cht4jy the petfttoS of ^.F^fCT.wJd blHiiogrtegend Iff* 'faitfiful, it is tne hope of t?11 * Us tfiat * ven ^« « tt,e ^^ th0.;Socloty for the ifcropijatjph "f» ture «» WPecWiy <wo pet of.t^F-altrt^sald-BlthooVlh^^ ^g"L«5Wg* to. him, for food ^ B ^ ^ i e ^ B n w ^ p S l f w =¥8N«WUWi i* ptartty Zurich, ,b#g%. t a - n y ^ - ^ i e memory of ^*»-J« «UU «nina^where pil- , ... , !,t|je ; i!rst American Bishop e V*r S^?**^. wll, « h f »: JW 11 !** th« t#¥ Si||UNIP was atia called merft «f -*«ww*« «*. AtTEB FOBT1 years of so^oiKln % Jattgutteof ihtpeppl*. hard a lt»i : fiipyha»lhi; won the fherto ^ftsie^tf^^hmm respect and veneration pf the iie>t hundred years, iriore apd M^^^i****^'?»ther more: i g r l h i s c f m e M.giwsl*. feebjf. Jt happened (h*t two rob- bey diprcfr was dedicitedaif HoW onn» ip a parish'.chjrch, untiJI the itorm pt reypiutipn>as,Qvej!. ^The statue'was restored" t'p, its place of honor in 1901' " "The monks .have kept to ; St Meihrad's original .ijnt#nil;ic<n: prayer, p e p i t n c e , helpfulness. Daily, Jhey. spenij ippg jipiiijs Jn chanting the prayers of tpe Diyf in'e Officer they iepdure the harcT- ships of monaitfc life In the hepjd and;, treapherot«,weHi|tairts* faring iffr the fleed^ ot the? jjioufx» rath. p>qpie, j|n4 v ^nduct*c^poji»: and even "a college. ' Of Ja|^ soih* monks from KEln'iledelij tanre to America 1o do h mls«lonary Work atnWg; -tKe dish'-tribf« ,pf theifliid-y^esiti^he monks establishejii .tthjeip .mppa*' tery In Indiana^ calling it, as.yoq <«puld, kx&0 St Meinrad's, jt, is famous tpfyy/for Hi cpll«;ge and- fsemlhary^ aha Tjaliopally known k -- '* litfle •Jwpklgtf,about the? Iam.ii E. KtiiSi^7TmrSnl«pqST(*ai|iSS: spwiuai Dj t «<!l(w. J!*y, J«Hiph A; CinWeM,- j IJaifor SI. Franri. el *j ? »U| ) :pi r «*U,f^ i .^ urf-Por-fiCKmr-rA' ' j*«'»io*.......t<>,„.....S^..„ > ,.?or , rf j»,v Canonfzallon. et Popr Pim' - l ji_; X »MI fxtra). FoiJiiU in fortnotlon !iioludln?t BUJa.. PJ lour.,, phofc,, .yjjfn-.- cc ••* u» ot onct,.»;; j j. i | j_,ij.njii.ii..i.i.",,j Silliei^Orr ^sT lUEM.MARY.flfR.ai /»» riflrtri, Gni m * J » i Iffftftr •» &Wj!fA>D ! t,*t 9- film : '-:l:3\<i\h.'i>?*M'' l 'T , Mi' lialbflelsch Travel %geney r „.,., _ , U fflVn<rir : --ffii^^ l ,V;r^rr;n-W^'^^-- ,t ;:'i l \S^^ i.^ fe RK .7 At ( weJoplcfprw^rd to Len^ we want to plin-our program now^-t daily* Mass, 'spiritual readings jaelf^(m1i1^Wlff;St^3Belia^^fiii. can- "y'b'iitta % litfle Sermllage arpund-.pur JiveSr to dihul-ouVithe d^trjicfjjoip! iHfi^kti: Jiold usiback from G o d . ..,.,. -.,•' . .. - A* M«suiifad;dlmbed Mount Er- to&^^wSkk to 'Ite-up^- - ,".-•.- »-.T*»«-Sa{iVw»-- •''•^' : -»-'^f-'£'-^1ssssssssl " • :- tW W . H i i i l • V J i i ' i i «u:-"lri£*- i--J-'- Uttle cjbsefc to God, "and there ForBibleweek ^ Washlngtns~(NC}=41! pat, tors In "the United State? hav*j leeh asked to lead their parish- loners in observing "Catholfc Jiible Week Februaty 14 to 21, Recording to the Catholic Blbllijal f^ssoclation of America. in letters sent to all Bishops and pastors, the sssotfafldrtiibted of the Confraternity of Chriftfah ithat tb4'..-ijjpisWJMi.l ;tSor4mittee •i Doctrine has set aside the week fjom Septuagesima Sunday to f^oxaccsiroa Sunday "to make iftyt: Catholic filBJe better knownif. rJead bv--6ur -ecrmfar* tI Mrochiw »^VK«P.vi aww mftarea,rather[more: •pHgrims.cfme to..-Kin^l*'r;bt9jiiith_;iJi,ft,^^ *S^r^ i %ir'?^ ~ rr " r ~" -k^p-ff-^r; II things' teeblf. Jt happened (h*t two rob^ bey chprcfr wjiidedicated^Jif hoW' ;1^.Wi^wc*m®m&&l&& kai i.i'r«rti'i-'«.' '^-^ -.-»?—• ifc-^iL« M •—i-^i— 1Z± :. ";' : ''i .'"' Aa-?k'-VWa1'•--••:>-•--. 1 »'; ^ ,a»_i„-.— i^w-.. L—*. - jrfjli,^ ..... _~.Fliwiwtal AH ajnioitf»«« IN rous CAMOLIC rasas howm CAAMIM*' ^TteUinia-TM V*ic« *f St'Jute f«r..,|iy<«^ |f**;!;I r«r «,••• '* .'I 33r .* f»r Ik* C^f^irSullJI** ,F« n J, 'i.y: i It*-- r I" id-by-'-sur ^eopfe" Suggesting possible to>plcs*fpr germonsT panel discussions, aiid other means* of observing the H/eek tnis 'year, the assoeiatlon ' faid stress ori the story of Qur J^ady as tpld in Scripture, and the ..tie-in in a Ipint; cTpjrtrv**hoal *t feSibleTWeek with the:--M»rian ^R«fe-ff|fiiP^i ^•• ; '-V-f||t*il|'»iifclt MtfiS" slip - with a lin«|d It^e ballet now in no-iron nylon satin Wh* o boon to your budget! Our -rant City Recalls Founder So* Paolo, Brazil ICKCi-J~ f hurch bells p?alelTIp jubilation » this most ^prPsperous and f highly industeiali^ed ^jt^^ief lira- 8il toaiigui'ated'. year?Ioili cele- fbratiohs to ntark" its foundation 400 .years ago byit-hUmbJ^TjeiUit missionary. . . -- Highlight of festivities was S Mass Celebrated by^His Emin- ence Carlos Catmeld Cardins] de, fVaseoiTcellos Wotta.. Archbishop tot Saw-faoio, jBtnofTslte "«ftfie Ihermitage cstahllsfiefl: oft JanU» Tary 25, 1551, By faftier Jose cte 'jAnchieta, a year after his arrival £lu Brazil from "Portugal, Jt_ is. _frying_JbM^since it was -**. ± j :.. .'"?*f ••**>!#-,'.-»3f ' ,^g:--*.|-p ; ' s- J - " -A'«' * MMsin 'm Uhe Church l;hat "founded Sao Paiflo that fee digtei jsjipu^ I bc^thejfffist #.JrjBjeflthe^liSppy f| event." ^_aiaiou»eement by the Va t% fltsffiTOTpf-fljc-Sao-Taolo ArcHaT¥ cesejstated. t p v .?'' -'•" ...''-v.- U»*t Our ; v|ig|«r-^c ; |elifni •* : : -:'l . ... 4T 4 ; Ebch p t « c | i i lOOy* foam rubber cushl'cwied .', r 'V"SS&^ *'.- . '5vw •?«.;-V2^f ; S^5^*/!KSKK^V^-'^\^'* lopj^ndr. ;& »hl^|-wdji«HfuN™«ndW^^^^ -•^hf^i^^^^ipft^ other ooiJf^d/nj^ej^s^^efrflfe^ .-in .... ; f . , - «»W^J>S^.^r 4 M^*l^^ll.^J.: I 1 Nf V S^V^' * ,.^-^^^jV,,.^, .,, »?•>*: V

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    *4aj&e;#S»y other'^rsJnjo Wen-- In,' th* field pi, ^cation, the committee said, there'Is ganger

    unherenHrt the pretence" of; even: •••a- fevf (jbrpmunw 'PaFfjf' jmeih-

    M*4JB .teaching tsmwkt?-&M!i

    3PIH.8 J&i,-- pjvinl Jlliuf Mlgjsfriv tQMWm .Education pf yjiiitoj aig-'CgjJl Cqnmibil (Chris.M»»; MfltriagjM. as directed ""hf -iul*: .agMist^ uHeraturel..

    j&Seryatorc re«ulfr«p«triotIc nftlttes aift de'vlcs* :|o,cpnceid theh; true: and'dMngefcf

    , e»n m*.:brcorrected by subver-t.i^j-^/Hilttfif.lf^lltllitJst-^trJ* [ ^ l er^^tk^a^ar ' f t^r* - - ' ' '" ;^

    *f, - • • ' .£*#,W -«fVaas)*_;'»^'-V;-^liro-^i»Hl>itr'^pPit':hU ;jpwyjfr|, ha -said 4# them.' ' ^ p p ^ ^ h y yp« h»ye,a?htjB-^b?«t yptt shall *noi sjay me ^uritjtcypu Aayejircfived iny pardon,ajid my i'W^iif;»*•;;39* then relitfited them to? ijtht two wftidjes beside hlf corpse before thelmad* their esca|M6"•'•'•"" • ,;, . ;".-:";:*.*" . 1 ? w t#p r^lfians/hadnd-jpiare

    .•jBfiU. irtd th* chaPfli^fbjUnd % ivtWWU'ffrT,iwd t * » r P Ptti Wjth.-P»itbt hundred years, iriore apd M ^ ^ ^ i * * * * ^ ' ? » t h e r more: i g r l h i s c f m e M.giwsl*. feebjf. Jt happened (h*t two rob- bey diprcfr was dedicitedaif HoW

    onn» ip a parish'.chjrch, untiJI the itorm pt reypiutipn>as,Qvej!.

    ^The statue'was restored" t'p, its place of honor in 1901' "

    "The monks .have kept to ; St Meihrad's original .ijnt#nil;ic,„.....S^..„>,.?or ,rf j » , v Canonfzallon. et Popr Pim' - l j i _ ; X »MI fxtra). FoiJiiU in fortnotlon !iioludln?t BUJa.. PJ lour.,, phofc,, .yjjfn-.-cc ••* u» ot onct,.»;; •

    j j . i|j_,ij.njii.ii..i.i.",,j

    Silliei^Orr ^ s T lUEM.MARY.flfR.ai

    /»» riflrtri, Gni m * J» i Iffftftr •»

    &Wj!fA>D!t,*t 9- film :'-:l:3\!#-,'.-»3f ' ,^g:--*.|-p;' s- J - " -A'«' *

    MMsin 'm

    Uhe Church l;hat "founded Sao • Paiflo that fee d i g t e i j s j i p u ^

    I bc^thejfffist #.JrjBjeflthe^liSppy f| event." ^_aiaiou»eement by the

    Va t%

    fltsffiTOTpf-fljc-Sao-Taolo ArcHaT¥ cesejstated.

    tpv .?'' -''•" ...''-v.-U»*t Our

    ;v|ig|«r-^c;|elifni •*:

    •: - : ' l . ... 4T 4 ;

    Ebch pt«c | i i lOOy* foam rubber cushl'cwied . ' , r

    'V"SS&^ *' . - . '5vw •?«.;-V2^f;S^5^*/!KSKK^V^-'^\^'*

    lopj^ndr. ;& »hl^|-wdji«HfuN™«ndW^^^^

    -•^hf^i^^^^ipft^ other ooiJf^d/nj^ej^s^^efrf l fe^ .-in....; f

    . , - «»W^J>S^.^r4M^*l^^ll.^J.:




    V S^V^' * , . ^ - ^ ^ ^ j V , , . ^ , .,,

    » ? • > * :

