TUESDAY MAncn its THE PADTJCAH EVENING SUNPAGE PAGE FIVE 4 4i i 4 t I tk Spring Stress dd < J I Ali tho new Minilr for spring RIIAltK i 4 i 1 noht VKAVK 11 Indies Bidethe new wt ntidnnist lieitlraliln woolrfulirlc for spring Milts and i a lkirtx 1 i Irnnailn a new weave fabric for spring 15 I Uwenr In all Alcides0 Inclien wide Kor HprJnK Oreyn iiroinl o to ho the lending sluiilo for M punk kklrtn and nulls Wo are Hliowlng an hn ultIo > nelecllon to rhoso fromin plain or Htrlpo cle 11mv1Hto 51 Inch l wlile pricwl At Hie 2 loo yuHl If 180 to 1 Vi tt 1 Sudqset It = f THE LOCAL NEWS l JET IT AT GILBERTS Dr Gilbert Osteopath C42 Broadway Phones 19C Rubber stamps seals liraM estencils etc at Thu Sun ofllcu Linen marker fur sale at this office Free city and farm real relate l price list Whlltemoro Fraturiiity 1 IflIullcllnK Phones 835 s For Rheumatism take Hays Specific tl a Sign writing G R Sexton Phonos 401 For malaria and chills take ilaya 8peclOc It you appreciate good coffee visit Buchanans restaurant 219 Ken lucky avunue Open day and night Flower Seeds that will grow enough to supply all Paducah noW on sale Brunsons 629 Broadway t For Stomach Trouble Indiges ¬ lion Dyspepsia taka Playa Specific handt e- fet present wo arc now more ably pro 1 4 pared to Iflve you nno workhanshp on carrlago and automobile painting also carriage itfpJlMBic and rubbu tires Btxton Bun Works Both phones 401 For i Kctcma or Impure blood take lays Specific 4 Fur Constipation or Torpid Liv ¬ er take Hays Specific Any ono having clothes to give 11ad 11 tk vi > th street or by calling uhf phone 713a fuluphono The Sun office IlfI I samples and prices of alt kinds typewriter papers I Thu greatest variety of type writer papers from onion skin to Ueay l ledgers nod In sizes from half letter to legal at The Sun office Ix > ultf IlMd formerly a Paducah l prlnlfr and also > roprwentntlvo of I MtCrackon coanty In tho 10glslaturoI I t for a Motion passed t cah Sunday nlpht en route front- s 4Baton Iloup to Indianapolis on butt now Ho will return from tndinnap oWn and wilt be In Paducah forae- la y vliJUnK friends Sewer insptor 1 A Franko this I afternoon had ont of the cyl public drnk4ng fountaJiis rcmowtl fronrthc city stables back of tho city hall to Tenth and Trimble streets whore HI w4U bo InttaHed Surrey and harness for sale P M I Fisher Phone 32G Mr Frtslerlck Opp of VMO Tex- t IB I In the cty vlsfitnc his sifter Mrs ff Bring Your Tazv r S Tickets t0- I GILBERTSFOUNTAIN t FOUNTAINFourth Broadway Whoro tho most delicious and refreshing drinks nro served In the most appetizing manner I Gilberts Drug- Store Fourth and Broadway Doth Phones 77 GET IT AT GILBERTS t f 1 Robert H Scott 116 South Seventh street Mr Opp was consul to Brcs lau under the last Cleveland admin ¬ istration and Is a prominent lawyer lie is en route to New York 0 WITH Tills SICK Mrs Jonah B Crow 333 North Eighth street who baa been pr carl ously 111 Is must improved and now about out of danger Moslem John and Joitw Krcutzer sons of Robert Krcutzer 413 Jack ¬ IInoulDonillltntGales younger son Jesse may not cecover Jourthland with pneumonia Mrs Jack Nelson Is able to sit up after an IHneu of 1 C weeks MM Ruth wneiDourno ester of Mrs Freak 11111 who Is ill at Jack ¬ Tenn where she I lo attending IliOn will return to her home on Seventh street City Auditor Alexander Kirkland I Is Improving rapidly at Kenoeha Wit He Is able to walk around and hit doctors think in a rtiort time he will be able to return to Paducah IottorI be Is a guard at the Eddyvllle peni ¬ tentiary Owing to his condition It haa been Impossible to bring film to- la hospital In the city la hiss Bessie Rogers of Harrison who has been seriously 111 for several weeks I Is unimproved Mrs If W Taylor who retidcs near Seventh and Clark treats la in a scrloiw condition as tho result of nervousness IHIIKknh Notice the Rcbokah lodge are requested to bo prosent at tho Three Links building tonight The staff members are especially urged toI comeI MISS MATTIB CLARK N O MRS MATTIR WHITMER Secy Union fainters Following Is a list of the fair paintI ers Anyone wishing any work done CAn rely upon them Robert Qrealhoute alter Pell C D Warren Robert Tyres Charlos PJcper Aotlre I hereby notify the merchants of Paducah that I will not bo responsi ¬ ble for dobtjj made by my wife OARLTON COUNCIL Lost Dliunoml Ilronrli Broods of five diamonds and about 46 pearln was lost between Seventh and Clark and the postome Finder plenso return to Mrs Joo A MlWer 4tC South Sixth street and receive liberal reward ohanw Miss Mar Imp been connected with the AmericanGerman National I bank for several years will leave In about six weeks for Chicago where the will make her home with her stetcra Misses Alice and Della Mohan I They Got Over It Says Oltt Squire Jones to Neigh ¬ bor Drown Im really bllRed to KO to town Ive such an aching In my bones My head feels like a hive ot bees I sneeze and cough and blow und vrhceie Says Neighbor Urown Now that runnyI So take this moneyYou the place that has Iloth Phone And Ret I bottle ot Rock Rye and Honey It stops the cough and cures the Quiets the bees anti kill tho sneezeSO CAN YOU Both Phones 217 BACON DUNBAR t Druggists Seventh and Jackson r r II IN SOCIAL s CIRCLES I Will Tour Europe The Rat a T Sullivan pastor of tho Broadway Methodist church was granted a vacation of two and one half months met wight at the meeting of the official1 board of the churCh Dr Sullivan will Join a party and tour England France German Del glum Holland Scotland Switzer ¬ land and Italy He will leave Padu- cah ¬ Juno IS and will sail from Bal ¬ timore Juno 18 Dr Hurst of Stur- gis will lead the party wbllo Mrs Hurst and Miss Cora Benedict will be the chaperons Many Kentucky people will bo In tho party and a numbEr of Paducah people will make the trip Knlcrtalmitpnt for School cLa ue Tho teachers and ladles of the Jef ¬ ferson school league who are on the entertainment committee Are meet ¬ ing at the Jefferson street school this afternoon to arrange a program for tho entertainment to be given by the pupils of tho Jefferson building In the near future church Rwptlon Tonight The Ladles Mite society of tho First Baptist church will give a re- ception this evening In the lecture room of the church It will be In honor of tho young people of the church and the new members Jle reshmenta will be served during the evening and a delightful program will be rendered Novel Oklahoma llouM inrty Tho Dally Ardmorlto of Ardmore Oklahoma notices socially an unique house party that has decided Interest hero Miss Adah Bennett the vast week has entertained a suniot houlo irty named so poetically because III tho young ladles were redheaded Miss Bennett guests wero Mlrem Leslie and Lavlno Woods of Okla loma and Virgil Greer of Paducah Kentucky Her house party was par Jcularly unique In having young la dies who confessed they were red leaded Instead of referring to their hair nr auburn tresses Possibly tho recent popularity of red hair may have something to do with this as well as their freedom from vanity The name sunset was suggested by lion Lee Cruce who being a candi ¬ date for governor has complimentary oxpreslons for everything from red- headed girls to gIxmonthcold ba bioI Mia Bennett i la a daughter of tho late Judge Caswoll Bennett chief justice of Kentucky for many years who now makes her home with lion Lee druce lIn Greer Is spending the winter with her sisters In Okla ¬ home She Is a typical Titianhaired beauty TVimowiec SpouHir and Maid of Honor J P Norfleot CommrndorlnChlef of the Army of Tennessee Depart- ment United Sons of Confederate Veteran has appointed Miss Nancy lallor daughter of Bithop F Gallor Of Memphis as chief sponsor for the Tennessee Department of Sons of Veterans at tho Confederate reunion I lit Mobile In April Mss Gallor buI selected Oils Louise Scott daughter of limn D A Scott of Clarkfdale Miss ns chief maid of honr Both oung girls are prominent In tho so ell life of the south Mist Scott Is a alder of llps Elizabeth Scott of llarksdale who was an attractive visitor of tho Misses Decker of Padu cab several years ago VoinntrN Branch With Mrs Blooin tltlel The Womans branch of Arcadia will meet on Thursday afternoon at 230 oclock with Mrs Uoyd Bloom- field All are Invited to be present Doljhlc Club This Morning Tho Delphic club met In regular aeselon this morning In tho club- rooms at the Carnegie library Tho program was an interesting dlpeusslcn of tho end of the Tudor relpn ond tho beginning of the Stuart dynasty as follows I Close of Elizabeth Reign the PuritansMrs Richard a Terrell 2 t James I Union of England and Scotland Ounpowdor Plot Transla- tion of the Bible Mrs George C Wallace 3 EngJIth Cathedrals Salisbury Lincoln Gloucester York lIl1lster Mrs Charles K Wheeler Heading The Bells of Shannon by Francis Mahoney Mre Wheeler Mr Ernest Augustus of Tyler Is very Ill with tho grip Mrs Frank Augustus 220 Ken lucky avenuo vytoo has boon 111 of the grip has suffered a relapse Mr and Mrs F W Katterjohn will There are few things as good as Post Toasties Nothing for breakfastequals It The Memory Lingers Pkgs lOc and 15c HASNT MISSED A SINGLE MEAL Slnco She UiRnn Taking Canlul the Womans Tonic Says MM- Iooney of Memphis Memphis TonnI had suffered untold misery for nearly 8 years writes Mrs Emma D Looney It F D No 1 Memphis Tenn but since taking Cardul I can truthfully say I suffer very little pale I wish I had began using Cardul long ago Since uring It I have not missed a elnglo meal and am much stronger than I was I hardly know how to express my gratitude for the advice you gave me S Dont worrj about your symptoms Cardul doesnt treat them What you need jg strength Cardul helps you get It Got Carduf because other tonics md medicines do not contain Its peculiar and successful Ingredient imported especially by ms for its manufactureOnly can you obtain this combination of curative herbs and tonic medicines which half a cen turp of success has stamped with the seal of public approval Ask your druggist He will tell you that Cardul can be depended upon to help you Try Cardul Ai1v1MrDeltChnttllnoolD Chnttnnoogn tlon nnd Ctvaga book Home Treat ¬ ment for Women tent In plain wrap- per ¬ on request leave this evening for New Orleans and Mobile Aa- MUs Jano Stevenson has returned from a tint In Chicago to Miss Nancy logan She was also tho guest of her brother Charles L Stevenson who Is itatloned at Fort Sheridan Captain John Rollins has gene to Helena Ark to look after the con tructlon of the new ferryboat G W Robertson Mr and Mrs J R Sledge of Mem- phis are vliltrng Mr T V Lutz and family S25 South Tenth street Mrs George Saffcronp returned to her home In Memphis today after a visit to Mr H M Orme 519 South Fourth street Mrs Minute Dale and sons Warren and Shelby 1743 Harrison street are rlsltlng Mrs Fannfo Trewalla of Lamont Miss Maymo Bridges of Carrsvllle- Is visiting Miss Barbara nutter 319 North Sixth ItreetI I Mr F M McOlathcryChas returned from tho south where bo has been on business Mr and Mrs Joe Smith arrived In the city this molding from Louisville and are at the Palmer House Attorney Hal S Corbett returned this morning from Louisville where ho bUllnesjIr of the Falls City Construct loucomps nykarrJved In the city today on buehiess Mr J P MoElrath of Murray ar rived in the city last night on busi- ness Former Senator N W UUey of Mdyvllle was In tho city last night on business Mr W H Trltt of Kuttawo was In tho city today on business Mr George W Landrumof Smith land was In the city yesterday Miss Virginia Shumate of sew born Tenn is tho guest of Mrs Ver non Thomas on Washington street riss Shuinato Is popular In Paducah whore she has visited en several occa Ions Judge und Mrs Henry Turner of VIckllffe were In the city today Mr and Mrs J Jacobs and little daughter of Arne Iowa are visiting Mrs Jacobs mother Mrs I Boden heimer 537 South Fifth street Mrs J E James and children 2009 Broad street left this after- noon for DX > sburg Tenn on a visit to friends and relatives Mrs J B Mason I of Mayfleld IP visiting Mrs J E Thomas 407 Hara han boulevard Mr John Harris will leave tomor- row morning for Cairo and Wickllffe on busness tMr and Mrs E W Baker returned this morning from a six weeks eo joum to Palm Beach Fla Judge Robbing of Mayfield ar rived In the cltyi this morning Miss Amanda Long returned to her homo In Uuse41vllle this morning after visiting relatives in this city Handsome Tilghman Souvenir Ke- cclvetl t by Pnilurali Veteran Capt W G Whltefleld has receiv- ed ¬ a picture from the Messrs Tllgh man of New York City of the three monuments they have erected to the memory of their father tho late General Lloyd Tllghman C S A The picture shows In three separate panels the statue In Paducab the monument In the National park al Vicksburg and the boulder that marks the spot where he fell nblnt 20 miles from Vicksburg Capt Whltellold was near General Tllglv man when ho was killed and wen with his sons to point out tho spot to them The picture Is a flab work of art nnd Is handsomely framed In 1 mahogany It is highly valued b > Capt Whltefiold A large Parker One of the largest hogs over brought to Paducah was sold this morning to H R Snltzglver the butcher by J Sidner of Brookport The big porker tipped the sates at 706 pounds and at the present high price of meat the nibnstpr bronph 4511 which Is about 8tGO a hun- dred pounds ry 4t4nt4 t4t4 ROCKSSufficient I a Easter f Suede p Pumps + e t e JI v GEO ROCK SHOE CO 5 i e sjr s e o erere wr er o ser u e SMITH WILL CASE 1 IS IIKIXO COMPROMISED 1JY TUB ATTORNEYS Special Judge Arrives to Try ease but His Services Arc Not A Retlulnal Negotiations are under way thla afternoon between attorneys for a compromise of the suit of Joe Smith to break the will of his father the late J R Smith The terms of the compromise are said to have been agreed upon virtually and the law- yers ¬ were drawing up the documents this afternoon- It 1 Is understood that by the terms of the compromise Joe Smiths monthly allowance of 250 will be continued while he will receive a lump sum from tho estate By the terms of the will the property of J R Smith was left entailed to the grand children Joe Smith was al ¬ lowed 250 monthly by the wills of his parents to bo cut off It ho tried to break the will Mr Smith was one of the wealthiest men of western Kentucky and his estate Is valued at several hundred thousand dollars The wit was on the docket for this term of circuit court and this morn ¬ ing Judge Malcomb Yeamon of Hen ¬ derson who was appointed special Judge to preside In the case arrived for the trial but as the compromise was reached ho will not preside Judge Yeamon was appointed special Judge because Circuit Judge William H Reed Is an attorney for James P SmithAttorneys Hendrlck Corbett Robbins Thomas of Mnyfleld and Liftman Edjen of Frankfort repr- esented the plaintiff while Judge William Reed and Judge DG Park wero attorneys for the defendant I RAILROAD NOTES Official bulletins announcing the election of W L Park as J 1pros dent of the Illinois Central railroad have been posted on the bulletin boards Mr Park will have his headquarters In Chicago and as vice president will have charge of tho transportation maintenance motive power construction purchasing and pension departments Tomorrow morning tho Illinois Central pay car will arrive In Padu- cah ¬ for the regular monthly visit The car will arrive from East Cairo at 730 oclock and the night em ¬ ployes will receive their checks In the morning and the day workers will be remembered In the afternoon More coal Is being stored In the yards near the shops Last week the work was stopped temporarily but tho storing has begun again Tho coal Is stored for use In case of a strike or trouble with the miners In arranging the new wage scale reIIturneel Master Mechanic J H Nash was in Louisville yesterday on business Thomas Flood of tho car depart ¬ mont Is III ot the gri- pCARNATIONS My Carnations can be had at R W Walker Cos drug store 35c dozen or 3 dozen for 1 G n NOBLE Mrs E Futrell who has been III for several weeks Is convalescent Nowadays a referee Is more u de ¬ rand than a rector LadiesS- ee our new line o- fFOSTERS Pumps and Oxford- sCOCHRANSHQECO Just Shoes Model Steam Dye Works Dyers and Gleaners of Ladies and Mens Garments 100 S Third St Phone 28bR d WwWWj 1 WANT > iQ S EIGHT horse motor ror sale cheap I it The Sun office HAIR GOODS Made to order Louvenla Miller Old phone 374a HAIR WORKPhone 2114 Lil llan Robinson FOR SALEA fine yoke of work steers J C Barnett Ledbetter Ky- WANTEDOno i or twohorse mo ¬ I tor The Sun I FOR ItENT614 Olay St Apply 583 N Cth t FOR RENT 527 N Cth Inquire 533 N 6th I FOR WALL paper cleaning old phone 5793 Sam VANTEbTo Wa1kerI I stoves O W Third New phone 901 FOR SALU Two horses nnd de- livery wagon JP Ford 1704 Ten ¬ nessee Old phone 292a new 217 FOR ItENTFurnished front room 531 North Fourth Old Phone 1486- It00MEItS I and boarders wanted C51Droadway i FOR SALE Real cheap buggies and wagons Sexton Sign Works ICth and Madison Both phones 401 CLOTHING cleaned by Dalton is always satisfactory Phone CSS Dal- ton doe the bpst dyeing In the city FOR RENTSroom house 1037 Monroe Modern Improvements Ap- ply ¬ 3040 Broadway phono G9lw FINE young English coach Eta III on for sale at Tony Itemans wagon- yard I WANTEDPosit on as gardner or any outaSdo work Phone Settle- ment House Old phone 1525 LOSTAtmpst white rat terrier dog pointed ears bobbed tall Re ward J L Wolff j BrotborslCo picture frames at lowest prices WIDEAWAKE Pressing club 601 Trimble Phone 1296a I Tt orlunturnlshed j I phone rent paid Address G care Sun Give phone somber I FREE OF CHARGE All White sewing machines adjusted free of charge at F N Gardner Jr Co Either phone 39 J t caratfully than you could at home Star Laun dry Phone 200 M B ROOF PAINT Arktlte thntfSoah 1218A I FOR SALECotton seed feed atj Illinois Coal and Feed company 90 1 I SixteenthahdiTennOS6B l f i NEEDLES and repairs for alii makes of sewing machines at F Jf1 l Gardner Jr Co 114116 South r Third street 1 tt YOUR LACE curtains need clean 1 1nlsending I r Phone 200 h 2ewIJelr I I W N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬ I way a J WANTEDTo furnish your um brell 1 with a new cover or handle WN Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬ J way I WANTEDwe put new covers onI umbrellas whole you wait Large I stock of umbrellas EyeSee Jewelry Co S15 Broadway j WANTEDYou to get our propo t lit Ion We sell diamonds on easy payments EyeSee Jewelry Co 3151 roadway I FURNISHED ROOMS modern conveniences 2 250 and 3 per washItngton I I GOVERNMENT employee wanted e Write for Paducah examination t schedule Probation free Frank ¬ 1 lin Institute Dept 101 M Rochester I N Y I FOR SALETwo Vulcan plows 1 two sections Zig Zag harrow one gar¬ I den Cultivator one twohorse road l wagon Bargains If sold at once I ll l Johnston Fuel Co Doth phones 203 Clean1log j I neatly done Ladles skirts and suits A specialty 121 South Ninth Old phone 3381 I LADIES CLOTHES Best clean- ed repaired or dyed by our process All dust and spots removed gar meats delivered In covered wagon and promptly Marry Dalton boa taanQUICK DELIVERY SERVICE Ishort I 1scnd 1 meets all trains and boats Skeltons Baggage and Delivery Service Both phones 2281 FOR RENTLodge room Third floor over Citizens Saving bank T room residence 5th and Washington cty steam heat and all modern con ¬ veniences 6 largo offices or bed teams over 206208 Broadway City heat and all conveniences Jas P Kmlth Both phones C7 W AoTED lenro learn barber trade Few weeks required Splendid trade Be your own boss Can start 121tQ free Motor Barber College St s1l Yo kiL Here are some more CleanUp PricesI t 1 IKarl1 Linen Paper per lb20c 500 Sheets Typewriter Paperf for copies 2c Typewriter Ribbons for Oliver SmithPremier or Remington guaranteed lOc Standard Carbon Paper Black t or Purple 8x13 worth 25Q this sale for only box I1 Box of 250 Envelopes size C0 XXX at box 23c 1 lot of Typewriter Paper at less than cost Just to clean- up These prices hold until April 1 First to come gets our 1 choice offerings D E Wilsons BOOK ANI MUSIC SPORE 313 Broadway

t ser IKarl1 Paperf 15 Uwenr WILL 2c Sudqsetchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052114/1910-03-15/ed-1/seq-5.pdfI Ali tho new Minilr for spring RIIAltK i 4 i 1 noht VKAVK 11 Indies

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tkSpringStress dd



I Ali tho new Minilr for spring RIIAltK

i 4

i 1 noht VKAVK 11 Indies Bidethe new

wt ntidnnist lieitlraliln woolrfulirlc for spring Milts and

i a lkirtx1

i Irnnailn a new weave fabric for spring15I Uwenr In all Alcides0 Inclien wide

Kor HprJnK Oreyn iiroinl o to ho the lending sluiilo for

Mpunk kklrtn and nulls Wo are Hliowlng an hnultIo >nelecllon to rhoso fromin plain or Htrlpo cle

11mv1Hto 51 Inchl wlile pricwl At Hie2 looyuHl If 180 to


1 SudqsetIt


JET IT AT GILBERTSDr Gilbert Osteopath C42

Broadway Phones 19C

Rubber stamps seals liraMestencils etc at Thu Sun ofllcu

Linen marker fur sale at thisoffice

Free city and farm real relatel price list Whlltemoro Fraturiiity1 IflIullcllnK Phones 835

s For Rheumatism take HaysSpecific

tl a Sign writing G R SextonPhonos 401

For malaria and chills takeilaya 8peclOc

It you appreciate good coffee

visit Buchanans restaurant 219 Kenlucky avunue Open day and night

Flower Seeds that will grow

enough to supply all Paducah noW

on sale Brunsons 629 Broadwayt

For Stomach Trouble Indiges ¬

lion Dyspepsia taka Playa Specifichandte-fet present wo arc now more ably pro1 4 pared to Iflve you nno workhanshp

on carrlago and automobile paintingalso carriage itfpJlMBic and rubbutires Btxton Bun Works Bothphones 401

For iKctcma or Impure bloodtake lays Specific

4 Fur Constipation or Torpid Liv ¬

er take Hays SpecificAny ono having clothes to give11ad11

tk vi > th street or by calling uhfphone 713a

fuluphono The Sun office IlfII

samples and prices of alt kindstypewriter papers I

Thu greatest variety of typewriter papers from onion skin toUeay lledgers nod In sizes from half

letter to legal at The Sun office

Ix > ultf IlMd formerly a Paducahlprlnlfr and also> roprwentntlvo of I

MtCrackon coanty In tho 10glslaturoII

t for a Motion passedt cah Sunday nlpht en route front-

s 4Baton Iloup to Indianapolis on buttnow Ho will return from tndinnapoWn and wilt be In Paducah forae-lay vliJUnK friends

Sewer insptor1 A Franko thisI afternoon had ont of the cyl public

drnk4ng fountaJiis rcmowtl fronrthccity stables back of tho city hall to

Tenth and Trimble streets whore HI

w4U bo InttaHedSurrey and harness for sale P

MI Fisher Phone 32G

Mr Frtslerlck Opp of VMO Tex-

t IBI In the cty vlsfitnc his sifter Mrs


Bring Your








Whoro tho most delicious andrefreshing drinks nro served In

the most appetizing mannerI

Gilberts Drug-Store

Fourth and Broadway

Doth Phones 77


t f 1

Robert H Scott 116 South Seventhstreet Mr Opp was consul to Brcslau under the last Cleveland admin ¬

istration and Is a prominent lawyerlie is en route to New York



Mrs Jonah B Crow 333 NorthEighth street who baa been pr carlously 111 Is must improved and nowabout out of danger

Moslem John and Joitw Krcutzersons of Robert Krcutzer 413 Jack¬

IInoulDonillltntGalesyounger son Jesse may not cecover

Jourthlandwith pneumoniaMrs Jack Nelson Is able to sit up

after an IHneu of 1 C weeksMM Ruth wneiDourno ester of

Mrs Freak 11111 who Is ill at Jack¬

Tenn where she Ilo attendingIliOn will return to her home on

Seventh streetCity Auditor Alexander Kirkland

IIs Improving rapidly at KenoehaWit He Is able to walk around andhit doctors think in a rtiort time hewill be able to return to PaducahIottorIbe Is a guard at the Eddyvllle peni ¬

tentiary Owing to his condition Ithaa been Impossible to bring film to-

lahospital In the city

la hiss Bessie Rogers of Harrisonwho has been seriously 111 for

several weeks IIs unimprovedMrs If W Taylor who retidcs

near Seventh and Clark treats la ina scrloiw condition as tho result ofnervousness

IHIIKknh Noticethe Rcbokah lodge

are requested to bo prosent at thoThree Links building tonight Thestaff members are especially urged toIcomeIMISS MATTIB CLARK N O


Union faintersFollowing Is a list of the fair paintI

ers Anyone wishing any work doneCAn rely upon them

Robert Qrealhoutealter PellC D WarrenRobert TyresCharlos PJcper

AotlreI hereby notify the merchants of

Paducah that I will not bo responsi ¬

ble for dobtjj made by my wifeOARLTON COUNCIL

Lost Dliunoml IlronrliBroods of five diamonds and about

46 pearln was lost between Seventhand Clark and the postome Finderplenso return to Mrs Joo A MlWer4tC South Sixth street and receiveliberal reward

ohanwMiss Mar Imp beenconnected with the AmericanGermanNationalI bank for several years willleave In about six weeks for Chicagowhere the will make her home withher stetcra Misses Alice and DellaMohan


They Got Over It

Says Oltt Squire Jones to Neigh ¬

bor DrownIm really bllRed to KO to townIve such an aching In my bonesMy head feels like a hive ot beesI sneeze and cough and blow und


Says Neighbor Urown Now thatrunnyI So take thismoneyYou the place that has

Iloth PhoneAnd Ret I bottle ot Rock Rye

and Honey

It stops the cough and cures theQuiets the bees anti kill tho


Both Phones 217


Seventh and Jackson

r r


Will Tour EuropeThe Rat a T Sullivan pastor of

tho Broadway Methodist church wasgranted a vacation of two and onehalf months met wight at the meetingof the official1 board of the churChDr Sullivan will Join a party andtour England France German Delglum Holland Scotland Switzer ¬

land and Italy He will leave Padu-cah


Juno IS and will sail from Bal ¬

timore Juno 18 Dr Hurst of Stur-gis will lead the party wbllo MrsHurst and Miss Cora Benedict willbe the chaperons Many Kentuckypeople will bo In tho party and anumbEr of Paducah people will makethe trip

Knlcrtalmitpnt for School cLa ueTho teachers and ladles of the Jef¬

ferson school league who are on theentertainment committee Are meet ¬

ing at the Jefferson street school thisafternoon to arrange a program fortho entertainment to be given by thepupils of tho Jefferson building Inthe near future

church Rwptlon TonightThe Ladles Mite society of tho

First Baptist church will give a re-

ception this evening In the lectureroom of the church It will be Inhonor of tho young people of thechurch and the new members Jlereshmenta will be served during theevening and a delightful programwill be rendered

Novel Oklahoma llouM inrtyTho Dally Ardmorlto of Ardmore

Oklahoma notices socially an uniquehouse party that has decided Interesthero

Miss Adah Bennett the vast weekhas entertained a suniot houloirty named so poetically because

III tho young ladles were redheadedMiss Bennett guests wero MlremLeslie and Lavlno Woods of Oklaloma and Virgil Greer of PaducahKentucky Her house party was parJcularly unique In having young ladies who confessed they were redleaded Instead of referring to theirhair nr auburn tresses Possibly thorecent popularity of red hair mayhave something to do with this aswell as their freedom from vanityThe name sunset was suggested bylion Lee Cruce who being a candi ¬

date for governor has complimentaryoxpreslons for everything from red-

headed girls to gIxmonthcold babioI

Mia Bennett ila a daughter of tholate Judge Caswoll Bennett chiefjustice of Kentucky for many yearswho now makes her home with lionLee druce lIn Greer Is spendingthe winter with her sisters In Okla¬

home She Is a typical Titianhairedbeauty

TVimowiec SpouHir and Maid ofHonor

J P Norfleot CommrndorlnChlefof the Army of Tennessee Depart-ment United Sons of ConfederateVeteran has appointed Miss Nancylallor daughter of Bithop F GallorOf Memphis as chief sponsor for theTennessee Department of Sons ofVeterans at tho Confederate reunion I

lit Mobile In April Mss Gallor buIselected Oils Louise Scott daughterof limn D A Scott of ClarkfdaleMiss ns chief maid of honr Bothoung girls are prominent In tho so

ell life of the south Mist Scott Is aalder of llps Elizabeth Scott ofllarksdale who was an attractivevisitor of tho Misses Decker of Paducab several years ago

VoinntrN Branch With Mrs Bloointltlel

The Womans branch of Arcadiawill meet on Thursday afternoon at230 oclock with Mrs Uoyd Bloom-field All are Invited to be present

Doljhlc Club This MorningTho Delphic club met In regular

aeselon this morning In tho club-rooms at the Carnegie library Thoprogram was an interesting dlpeusslcnof tho end of the Tudor relpn ondtho beginning of the Stuart dynastyas follows

I Close of Elizabeth Reign thePuritansMrs Richard a Terrell

2t James I Union of England andScotland Ounpowdor Plot Transla-tion of the Bible Mrs George CWallace

3 EngJIth Cathedrals SalisburyLincoln Gloucester York lIl1lsterMrs Charles K Wheeler

Heading The Bells of Shannonby Francis Mahoney Mre Wheeler

Mr Ernest Augustus of Tyler Isvery Ill with tho grip

Mrs Frank Augustus 220 Kenlucky avenuo vytoo has boon 111 of thegrip has suffered a relapse

Mr and Mrs F W Katterjohn will

There are few thingsas good as


Nothing forbreakfastequals


The Memory Lingers

Pkgs lOc and 15c


Slnco She UiRnn Taking Canlulthe Womans Tonic Says MM-

Iooney of Memphis

Memphis TonnI had suffereduntold misery for nearly 8 yearswrites Mrs Emma D Looney It FD No 1 Memphis Tenn but sincetaking Cardul I can truthfully say Isuffer very little pale

I wish I had began using Cardullong ago Since uring It I have notmissed a elnglo meal and am muchstronger than I was

I hardly know how to express mygratitude for the advice you gaveme S

Dont worrj about your symptomsCardul doesnt treat themWhat you need jg strength Cardul

helps you get ItGot Carduf because other tonics

md medicines do not contain Itspeculiar and successful Ingredientimported especially by ms for itsmanufactureOnly

can you obtain thiscombination of curative herbs andtonic medicines which half a centurp of success has stamped with theseal of public approval

Ask your druggist He will tellyou that Cardul can be dependedupon to help you

Try Cardul

Ai1v1MrDeltChnttllnoolDChnttnnoogntlon nnd Ctvaga book Home Treat ¬

ment for Women tent In plain wrap-per


on request

leave this evening for New Orleansand Mobile Aa-

MUs Jano Stevenson has returnedfrom a tint In Chicago to Miss Nancylogan She was also tho guest of herbrother Charles L Stevenson who Isitatloned at Fort Sheridan

Captain John Rollins has gene toHelena Ark to look after the contructlon of the new ferryboat G

W RobertsonMr and Mrs J R Sledge of Mem-

phis are vliltrng Mr T V Lutz andfamily S25 South Tenth street

Mrs George Saffcronp returned toher home In Memphis today after avisit to Mr H M Orme 519 SouthFourth street

Mrs Minute Dale and sons Warrenand Shelby 1743 Harrison street arerlsltlng Mrs Fannfo Trewalla ofLamont

Miss Maymo Bridges of Carrsvllle-Is visiting Miss Barbara nutter 319North Sixth ItreetII

Mr F M McOlathcryChas returnedfrom tho south where bo has been onbusiness

Mr and Mrs Joe Smith arrived Inthe city this molding from Louisvilleand are at the Palmer House

Attorney Hal S Corbett returnedthis morning from Louisville whereho bUllnesjIr of the FallsCity Construct loucomps nykarrJvedIn the city today on buehiess

Mr J P MoElrath of Murray arrived in the city last night on busi-ness

Former Senator N W UUey ofMdyvllle was In tho city last nighton business

Mr W H Trltt of Kuttawo wasIn tho city today on business

Mr George W Landrumof Smithland was In the city yesterday

Miss Virginia Shumate of sewborn Tenn is tho guest of Mrs Vernon Thomas on Washington streetriss Shuinato Is popular In Paducah

whore she has visited en several occaIons

Judge und Mrs Henry Turner ofVIckllffe were In the city today

Mr and Mrs J Jacobs and littledaughter of Arne Iowa are visitingMrs Jacobs mother Mrs I Bodenheimer 537 South Fifth street

Mrs J E James and children2009 Broad street left this after-noon for DX > sburg Tenn on a visitto friends and relatives

Mrs J B MasonI of Mayfleld IP

visiting Mrs J E Thomas 407 Harahan boulevard

Mr John Harris will leave tomor-row morning for Cairo and Wickllffeon busness

tMr and Mrs E W Baker returnedthis morning from a six weeks eojoum to Palm Beach Fla

Judge Robbing of Mayfield arrived In the cltyi this morning

Miss Amanda Long returned to herhomo In Uuse41vllle this morningafter visiting relatives in this city

Handsome Tilghman Souvenir Ke-

cclvetl tby Pnilurali VeteranCapt W G Whltefleld has receiv-


a picture from the Messrs Tllghman of New York City of the threemonuments they have erected to thememory of their father tho lateGeneral Lloyd Tllghman C S A

The picture shows In three separatepanels the statue In Paducab themonument In the National park alVicksburg and the boulder thatmarks the spot where he fell nblnt20 miles from Vicksburg CaptWhltellold was near General Tllglv

man when ho was killed and wenwith his sons to point out tho spotto them The picture Is a flab workof art nnd Is handsomely framed In1

mahogany It is highly valued b >

Capt Whltefiold

A large ParkerOne of the largest hogs over

brought to Paducah was sold thismorning to H R Snltzglver thebutcher by J Sidner of BrookportThe big porker tipped the sates at706 pounds and at the present highprice of meat the nibnstpr bronph

4511 which Is about 8tGO a hun-

dred poundsry

4t4nt4 t4t4



Easter fSuede pPumps +




GEO ROCK SHOE CO 5ie sjr s e o erere wrero seru e




Special Judge Arrives to Try easebut His Services Arc Not A


Negotiations are under way thlaafternoon between attorneys for acompromise of the suit of Joe Smithto break the will of his father thelate J R Smith The terms of thecompromise are said to have beenagreed upon virtually and the law-yers


were drawing up the documentsthis afternoon-

It 1Is understood that by the termsof the compromise Joe Smithsmonthly allowance of 250 will becontinued while he will receive alump sum from tho estate By theterms of the will the property of JR Smith was left entailed to thegrand children Joe Smith was al ¬

lowed 250 monthly by the wills ofhis parents to bo cut off It ho tried tobreak the will Mr Smith was oneof the wealthiest men of westernKentucky and his estate Is valued atseveral hundred thousand dollars

The wit was on the docket for thisterm of circuit court and this morn ¬

ing Judge Malcomb Yeamon of Hen ¬

derson who was appointed specialJudge to preside In the case arrivedfor the trial but as the compromisewas reached ho will not presideJudge Yeamon was appointed specialJudge because Circuit Judge WilliamH Reed Is an attorney for James PSmithAttorneys

Hendrlck CorbettRobbins Thomas of Mnyfleld andLiftman Edjen of Frankfort repr-

esented the plaintiff while JudgeWilliam Reed and Judge DG Parkwero attorneys for the defendant


Official bulletins announcing theelection of W L Park as J1prosdent of the Illinois Central railroadhave been posted on the bulletinboards Mr Park will have hisheadquarters In Chicago and as vicepresident will have charge of thotransportation maintenance motivepower construction purchasing andpension departments

Tomorrow morning tho IllinoisCentral pay car will arrive In Padu-cah


for the regular monthly visitThe car will arrive from East Cairoat 730 oclock and the night em¬

ployes will receive their checks Inthe morning and the day workerswill be remembered In the afternoon

More coal Is being stored In theyards near the shops Last week thework was stopped temporarily buttho storing has begun again Thocoal Is stored for use In case of astrike or trouble with the miners Inarranging the new wage scale

reIIturneelMaster Mechanic J H Nash wasin Louisville yesterday on business

Thomas Flood of tho car depart ¬

mont Is III ot the gri-


My Carnations can be had at R WWalker Cos drug store 35c dozenor 3 dozen for 1 G n NOBLE

Mrs E Futrell who has been III

for several weeks Is convalescent

Nowadays a referee Is more u de¬

rand than a rector

LadiesS-ee our new line o-

fFOSTERSPumps and Oxford-


Just Shoes

ModelSteam Dye

WorksDyers and Gleaners of Ladies

and Mens Garments100 S Third St Phone 28bR

d WwWWj


EIGHT horse motor ror sale cheapIit The Sun office

HAIR GOODSMade to orderLouvenla Miller Old phone 374a

HAIR WORKPhone 2114 Lilllan Robinson

FOR SALEA fine yoke of worksteers J C Barnett Ledbetter Ky-


or twohorse mo ¬I tor The Sun I

FOR ItENT614 Olay St Apply583 N Cth t

FOR RENT 527 N Cth Inquire533 N 6th I

FOR WALL paper cleaning oldphone 5793 Sam


stoves O WThird New phone 901

FOR SALU Two horses nnd de-

livery wagon JP Ford 1704 Ten ¬

nessee Old phone 292a new 217FOR ItENTFurnished front

room 531 North Fourth OldPhone 1486-


and boarders wanted

C51Droadway i

FOR SALE Real cheap buggiesand wagons Sexton Sign WorksICth and Madison Both phones 401

CLOTHING cleaned by Dalton isalways satisfactory Phone CSS Dal-ton doe the bpst dyeing In the city

FOR RENTSroom house 1037Monroe Modern Improvements Ap-


3040 Broadway phono G9lwFINE young English coach Eta IIIon

for sale at Tony Itemans wagon-yard


WANTEDPosit on as gardner orany outaSdo work Phone Settle-ment House Old phone 1525

LOSTAtmpst white rat terrierdog pointed ears bobbed tall Reward J L Wolff j

BrotborslCopicture frames at lowest prices

WIDEAWAKE Pressing club601 Trimble Phone 1296a I Tt



phone rent paid Address G careSun Give phone somber I

FREE OF CHARGE All Whitesewing machines adjusted free ofcharge at F N Gardner Jr CoEither phone 39 J t

caratfullythan you could at home Star Laundry Phone 200


thntfSoah1218A I

FOR SALECotton seed feed atjIllinois Coal and Feed company 90 1I

SixteenthahdiTennOS6B l


NEEDLES and repairs for aliimakes of sewing machines at F Jf1l

Gardner Jr Co 114116 South r

Third street 1ttYOUR LACE curtains need clean 1



Phone 200 h


W N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬ I

way aJ

WANTEDTo furnish your umbrell1 with a new cover or handleWN Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬ J

way I

WANTEDwe put new covers onIumbrellas whole you wait Large I

stock of umbrellas EyeSee JewelryCo S15 Broadway j

WANTEDYou to get our propo t

lit Ion We sell diamonds on easypayments EyeSee Jewelry Co 3151roadway I

FURNISHED ROOMS modernconveniences 2 250 and 3 per



GOVERNMENT employee wanted e

Write for Paducah examination t

schedule Probation free Frank ¬ 1

lin Institute Dept 101 M Rochester I


FOR SALETwo Vulcan plows 1

two sections Zig Zag harrow one gar¬I

den Cultivator one twohorse road l

wagon Bargains If sold at once IlllJohnston Fuel Co Doth phones 203



neatly done Ladles skirts and suitsA specialty 121 South Ninth Oldphone 3381 I

LADIES CLOTHES Best clean-ed repaired or dyed by our processAll dust and spots removed garmeats delivered In covered wagonand promptly Marry Dalton boa



meets all trains and boats SkeltonsBaggage and Delivery Service Bothphones 2281

FOR RENTLodge room Thirdfloor over Citizens Saving bank Troom residence 5th and Washingtoncty steam heat and all modern con ¬

veniences 6 largo offices or bedteams over 206208 Broadway Cityheat and all conveniences Jas PKmlth Both phones C7

WAoTED lenro learn barbertrade Few weeks required Splendidtrade Be your own boss Can start121tQfree Motor Barber College St

s1l Yo


Here are

some more


PricesI t1

IKarl1 Linen Paper per lb20c500 Sheets Typewriter Paperffor copies 2cTypewriter Ribbons for OliverSmithPremier or Remingtonguaranteed lOc

Standard Carbon Paper Black tor Purple 8x13 worth 25Qthis sale for only box I1Box of 250 Envelopes size C0XXX at box 23c

1 lot of Typewriter Paper atless than cost Just to clean-


These prices hold until April1 First to come gets our 1

choice offerings


313 Broadway