^T VISTTORS AT BARATOGA %.EFK'S -UUUTAL-i THE HEAVIEST **^ OF T_M PEASON. ....1 c;r-; F TOfi-NVMF.NT BCHEPtiEP -^jjfcg8lO>A1' * _.« t\TH .-'..REAPY LOOKOfO roK- ^iB VKA i . .»n 10 thi »__. ookvwmowa. ^ A>" =..-- S V July 30 (SpeclalV-Thls BBTtMMt^ (^ b, rar f,i<v ri(?avl.r week'" | Q| the Baratoga Rac- __* tataaa § . aeeno day meeting on lrj A** rt tho naual eontlngent ThuraJ.iV .' ..^ _any wh0 of P* n Flve races not *¦¦ muaement for them. tt'r* ; outdoor diveraton. 0*8 matchaa amonc fb_N ai need a profeeatonal d 27. Handaome .., me proprtetora of the t* ,. ..... umon Hotel. wiu .re now on exhibltion at |. cerr: .** next Wedneaday aeen- Att- m celebi itka of the « * the present manage- «.il taKe part In BM»V . iny new ngures. nnd The tnvore * »'. Tueaday evenlna next. Wlll *'.. .fcotlltone *f' round of dancea. con- J., I.. -«-h! disripatlcn thls .J* ,o be flvea tn Conventlon .l r to eurpaaa any of icular dance has been _js 5 ry ,. - _. li itructed by ... M. s Protblngbam of *'*_.] ired membera of the Young Peo- f the Unlted Preabyterlan M here in Ch^' eiTontlon next Wodnaaday. tatU v. Tne president of ani rema . .v..s.. 0I Allegbeny, ...... wlll be made by haa. ,....,.,. tne Bei U f Sew.York Cltj the Rev. P«y an ta. n v. j..: Rev C. K. M.Donald. of T' Rev Dr. R. M Ruooe Llvlngaton Peaka of Ban W ? Harper, of Kns- Dr J Q A Kbowell of Rev Pr \\ Wl.l- The union wlll meet ln to-day began here innu*] aummer meet- 2Tw1_Ic_ w LUguat I The Town Hali ?.* This body for rd. on Lak- -. . better j_ce ' : xi}1 rhark' : .ddreaaei wnll H "_>'" Pr R H, Pullma ,e'.. S Yy tbe Rev : . -.. Re. F B am N V and others orominent r*al,8,s - .. ... .f Chicago. an assoclation probl. m of the I'nited St,i-e?. wlll r... | vi On» thouaand ore rr.en and theologlans wlng the.ir ?um- .-. r. r iltlni thelr re renewlng 'helr In- .- of Sara- rejuvenattng mln- era; watera.fi 'be local pulplte wll'. to-morrow be occupk -«(- .nsiting d:\-lnes It .. Republican and oonventlona wll! be ealled for r- | tter part of Bei tember, the f.-r> ..--mbllng of ?.-.¦- Conventlon Hali, wnlch * -..ae-i-.d for all ifi Beptember I A Ftaterr.er.r was recent . :r was reserved fron .- a fesri-.-i hut that was err^r.e- ho held on Septem- Th* Baptlst" of North Aiam*. Mass made an . - tkll ".. r Wedneg-iay las'- Arthur iv.- .- ippear in Thentre Baraioci or. tloni Tueaday eventnes well-knoam barytone. aang -. 9pr Park on Thursday evenlng. of New York <"lty. haa v ttoge R F Baberta, of New-Tork City. has rented for Wempli cotrasre m Nel- Boo-ave The rtla have rented thelr Sprtng-st. B Beawr, of Bosron. Leeeh property. Stonelelrh. in been bouch* bv Augu-' cpp^.*^. .rk City Th» Ocean 1 gueel have passed through a ¦».-/ Much credlt ls due to th» ln- C. H. Rlvei th«- cei rr nlght the i arlor. -oas* has beer n k to 9 o'clock by or.^ hundred .-lrsing for th»lr cotll- '.'- 1 -. r.:eh' The BTOfUlty seleeted led over bv M:ss Ijoulsa Barth « Tht .- tillor was le.l bv Mr and Mn Ihe propr il bal' wlll be held next I THF GBT AT SFARRIGHT. ¦OCIAL 1 .NP KBP CRriS.s WOHK ReaSr-k.-- N J.. Julv M .Sr*aclal. -Th« se&«on here > ¦-. belgbt The hotela ara I .. lons; sir.ee eorr.: 1 oeaoon CJenera] -. \ --,.-.-. *r,i '". al Monmouth Bench. on ik» loai .. lently there is general ... .. .... etweei Uag Branch and Hl| ' -. A- the I-nh»r of eoj -ir'. I th» ton T*'' ¦' lenta of the week have heen * !'-o|»re»«itve bl th. Octogon. Mlaa -'!ass lov!nc-cur Mr won the men's prlzes "' Roype! Urt ...... V°l>i':~ -tor of tbe I lethodlal Episco- W Church. ' by the fact if worshlp ' aeen eai from -. 1 tha K of I'. Hali The varlous table, Mrs "-..oh ^ il- kea. Mra DUta and JJl* '"- _k kepg and 'he ""' .- Polt; lemon- ! _^t A pbll- ';. exhibltion, ln l 8ui -. » . Al f Mi M:s .M:ss t- - / }.- formed by the 1 .... _La i * .the r the ' nument tr, ..' on llrr- IB THF 80MER8ET BILU :. j ...aii'e ' "'":" t- I ^. '* "ual- tbat th' .-.. ,x 2lr't>-f.".:" '" '* amall .- .-¦.¦. ka _fw-e r " ¦"-'. of tbe Meti *">'.* The «lo.-iou. same of jo.f ALONG CAPE MAY'S BEACHES THE GREAT INTERKST TN GOLF ANP THE OAME? THAT ARE OOINO OH. Cape Mny. N J.. July jo (Speclal) The season wlll hav. reai bed Ita b<Mght ln another week. and na a consequence tht* old resort. wlth Its flneit of bcachea, la reeelvtng dally an Increaaed number of ra and the hotel? are helng rapld'.v fllled To-nijth' the re?ort praaanta thal gayety which ls only known t the height of a summer season Tbere is just ,is latenaa sociai aetlvlty here this year as there haa h*»en in past seaaons. and tne vlsltors who aie here are thorough'v er.Joylng thelr stay beoause of the many wnys *hey hav« to pass away the time All through the week there have been numerous Inmenta There nre many vtsltorc from the Middle Atlantlc Btatea, nnd also n large number . Weatern gueata; ta fact, just at tho preaent tlme ("ane Ma. gueata fnclude reslderts of ahout all tbe Bi ... r,t tn^ Mieelaalppl River wlth not a few of tbe Far Northweat, Sou'hwes' and C i!!fornla Wt ij evenlng the firat chDdren'a carntval of the seasor waa given at Congress Hali. -vera] hundred chlldren were upon the floor danclr.g. and some of Ihe llttle lota wen- rhrough an exhibttton of fancy .!i*r~e!i Af the polf HnkF on Wednenday the women'a qualifying tournament took place. followed by a luncheon, and drew to rhe gronnds a large number of the visitorr A t'-am of men frc*m this pla^e wlll meet a team from the Atlantlc City Oolf ciub at AtlanM t' on August ;.. ;,nd nt Cape Ma) on August 20. ln a conteat to decide the ohampionshtp between the .wo reports. At the lir.ks tO-day another conteat aee In the seri.s in whlch the men are strlv- lng for rhe Oreen .'ommlttee's allver cup. About thlrty-flve of the best golf players here w-ent over the llnks. Those who yeem to be ieadlr.g tn the ar rhe present tlme are R Wlstar Harv»y. of Phlladelphla, ar.d Q. .. McCroary, Jr., aaon ot the oirv treasurer of Phlladelphla The hafhing has been excellent thls week, the being at such a temperature as to make the dlps ln the ocear. and pleaaant All tha week the beach has beea llterally aiive with people. ar.d they aeem to enjoy their -intles In the surf better this year than ever befon I'p at the inlet the yaer.rsmer. have been having a blg season. the laat we. k eeiip^ing all precdlng weeki for the nt;mber n4 part lee whlch havo em- barked for aalltr.g and flshlng exrurHor.s over the eounds and off at sea. Those who go to flsh or crab are ampiy repald for the smni: expenditur* whl-h they make to nkmn thls pleasure. The thlck, and are belnt caught In ex- eeedlr.giy large numbers. while flsh was never kl 'ul here as they hav- this season Pea troot. hlueflsh. w .. klngltab. ia ond ehee] -.-. now taklng ri,- hooh ;. ;- noi an ui -:eht to .»rmen land ln tl ¦-. wlth from flfty ;nl:ed fi-. hoDk ai: '.:¦... A!! of these afford excellent apon Ale.iandro Andrade, a nephew nf both the Presl- ¦.'.'¦ ¦ the Venecuetan Mlnlater it Waa Ingt enjoying a il Olenwood He wlll remain fien « I Cape ..¦ Frederlck M r.r.- ¦¦ New-Tork. who has been a gueel al the ottagi of Mr ai Mn ! B B a gone I ~- ytto on rh-- M coast to p.. I The Rev I>r A C Dlxon. of Brooklyn. ls at ¦ neirby re«o-t. attendlng i conferi on Blble ptudv The W Warren. of New-Tork City. rr.i'isurnmer cenvrr-rion of tho. whlch wll] cloae a ten daya' session her- I He wil! he one of the spe.ikers ll 'he s'-rv. .* when W -i n amaker a speak George W. Loomis and hls famlly nro amor.g N'ew-Yorkers who have a cort.ige here for the aummer. Powell, wV' has beer. ir. Nlcaragua for ira, la a gu. t the -:ge of his grand- mother M> Keerney M:ss Ethi Mtorney-General Orey, of Ncw-Jeraey is i guest at tbe -o»tage of lenera nd Mrs Wllllam .' Bewi 11 A party of New-Torken who have heen er.loytr.g a aojourn ar the Wln laor waa made up of M:> ;¦: m Mr Btan Mlaa wan and Charles Bteckier Mr and Mra .Tnmes W B'irr are guests at the Bur Mr and Mr? John 0 B Judge cf New-York are occupylng their cottage latlereagh, at Holly B'ar-h k Hlldreth, of N*w-York 1? a gie»r at th» rn"ac of his brother, James M F Hlldreth. v May Mai olm Roberta, of New-York Wlth Mrs. M P.oberts ll io- ated at th» Colonlal. James M Henrj and Mlai McHenrj ;>r* al at the Lafay. tt. Wllllam E. Ewlng Of Y^nkers. N Y BOI General Thomas Ewlng, once or,s;re«rman from Ohio and grandson of Thomaa Ewlne. Secretar. of the Treasury under President W H Harrison. and Secretarv of the Intenor at the esrabllshment of tha* ("ablnet portfollo und*r Pr»sident Taylor, ls a gueet at Oongr»s« Hali. RICHFIELD'S UNCEASFNG GAYETY. BRII.LIANT HOPP ANP roN^ERTS AT THE LEADfNG HOTELB PROMINENT OTJE8TB RiehfleH Pprlr.gs. Julv M .Speclal.-The laal week has been one of ed heat af Rlch- fleld, but tr. spite of that ther' baa been no ressa- gayet] in fact, the aoclal funetlona have been rather more numeroui thar usual The hea-. too. has brought a large number of rueats to rb° varlous hote]«. so -rhnr the aeaaon Is BOW ar rs zenitn. Hops are uaually consldered tbe mn?' Impon scKial affalrs. and of these ther* have been three one*at ea. h of *K.e prln Ipal hotei« The ¦¦ g\, Park was unusually bright on the evenlng of the one he'd there, being brtlltantly lllumlnated with colored eleetrlc ltghrs and Japanese lanterns whlle the parlors were nlled wlth as g.y ¦ crowd ' womei The. Included fhe M:?se« Mlnor. Davta, the Mtaaei Hammon.-i Magi iby, Newton. Taylor and ''l.trk. whlle the men who eomposed rhe Fionr Commlttee w»re John Hammond, Townaend Morgan, J H w k R M Flemtng, Walter Lytton, J ." Mr Rlee, W. H '' .- W. Radcllff, Mr Von- derpool, Mr Bur er Mr I.ies. Richard Crokei EP At the Tuller 1 th» dlnlng-room had .-tiums and lands of morntng-glory vlnea and the - i overed v.'h craab. The kt.i . - »p woa tater ln the week. but n °y the ._ame abundance of jolltty as rhe two f nner Monday ni^n1 Robert M Fleming gave a rty ln the Etarllngl of hi* frtenda Prtaea for ,h' rea were won t\ Mlss Nettle Robtneoi Dr. < C Ran-om and II, j; And. nd the ftem ro the hom*- of the Mll iS iblnaon for a ppe Tueaday evenlng large progreealve eucbre were glven i the 1 .i and Kendallwood a* prtaee ally elegrant and conateted of a pk try, won by Mrs Rich- ard Croker; .1 ton llnrlkaha won by Mlai framed pl ture of the Ducheae of r .... nahlre, won by Mrs E M. Barle; a diam.ind and peari atlckpln, won by I_outs Runkel; » allver Rlcl ...-d "roker and i braaa plcture frame won by Mt Chadwlck. wood game «a> known ..l^ fan eucbre ng a paln tan ns a aaarventr cf tb- 7n-. concerta hav« also helped to begulle the beld on Wednesday evenlng at th^ H when Mlaa Pauline Swlfl Mlaa Marjoi ~ Robh aon wi _\_ Mlaa F e Oreeni r- ked ai M irer. mu» i Ira Grent Uie played num- mpleted tha programme t il n-ld In th re Mn Rob< 11 W Taller, '.¦ Law r< .1 a War. : '""^., r Mra W Rj b. Mrs W Mrs Thomas R Pro tor, Mrs. M H l.. rtn Mra .. ' '-1 and Mra Mr a | hut wiu re¬ turn t. Rl. hfl. a judg-i toklyi hai -ak-*n'Standfl«*ld \ii ,. tot th< remalnder of the aeai ( Chlcago, .irrived ln Rlch- I .-atige for th» openlng of hls gone to Narragansett Pier. .Aill be the gi.esr of Mrs Amos Morrill for a ' _ C. Squire, of Seattle. V...». nv, ,; rUngtoa on Tuesday nlght. Wlth 1!.- wai (otned on Wt-dneeday night .r- I Baa fork, who was ecrom- nr 1 Mir s Ad. le Pur- r Aui :¦, Hubbard arh. w.-m nere fut^e ie ti.e gueel ol Mn I Bhe la tb. i --¦ aeor of a Iln. to Paris on Auguat 10 to eon- ¦tudtaa. Amoiif- the weeks arrlvalf at tbe Ea.-lington. Bt Jan.eh Kendallwood and Tuller were the followlnc M-- and Mr.- I '>'. Mitcbell tt.- Mlooea Mltcheil. jvlr and Mra Ueoige HoKman, ihe M:»ae_ DavU. Thomas R Turln. Townsend Morgan. F R Rerrv, Mra *" T. Barton John Slntrerv. Hamllton Bush'V. Oeorge A Rallard. John 8 Bavles. Marshall Adims. H E Roche. Mrs R Keiiv. Miss M C Bulllvan Mrs Oeorge Tlrknor Curtis. Mtss Curtis. MIm Burr Mrs Oahoni Mrs K .1 Colllm Mt Purge Mr* Maurtce Elier. ir Mrs w M Hamll¬ ton, o E Setfera Mr and Mr. .1 H Btaata Mr nnd Mrr A Bngel Mrs Oeorga S< hrelher. the Spier. Mr and Mrs <'eorpe F LyOO, Mr ard Mrs H C. Fnrman nnd J.'hn V Ackert. .4 L1VELY WEEK 17' I.EXOX. TOi-CHINO AND OOLF POPI'l.AR- I iINNERS ANP OTHER ENTF.RTAINMKNTS RE'ENT ARMVALS l.enox. Maaa., July II (Spoelall TTUa ha« heen a Uv_|y week ln I^nox There ha« her. mu, h roach- awny dtnnora, and ge>!' In every form, from a romp«tMlon with hogie fo n.ixed fOuraomee hy the young heiies and t-eaus of the eottagea All tn all. lt has heen the gayest week thus fnr of th. sor The coachtng has hnd no limlts. nnd runs b«-- h'nd spanklng hlgh-hred horses have been mada nround 8toc)<hrid_e Row! and tO Wllllamstown. miles rc rhe north The trl|, te WH fewn wns mao> on ihe -ot-Ii of W Bayard Cat- ",nr, of New-Torh He drove 'our flre h.iye on a r.ew Breweter braka Mra Cuttlng was on the h-v-r seat Th" others In the part] M M I.-e!la "V'anderhllf Sloane. Miss Jennle Cuttlng W B Cutttng. Jr.. nnd Herman KtanlCUtt. the son of Dr ¦nd Mra F H Klnnlcutl 1 brlght and clear and the party had ¦ f"« view of On Mountain from three sldes MfllOOB Robtnoon, Ir hae had out hts four-ln-hand and ln* new tand»m. The largest dlnner of the areek w.i- glven by Mrs T E StIKman. of New Vork There were Twenty rovers and fhe d«-coraflons were American beauty reses nnd mnldenhatr ferr.s. Othera who hav.-- giv. n dinners Thls week nre Mrs .1 C 8:111- man. Mrs J.->hn Sloane, Mrs lohn S P-.rr..- Tappen. Mrs Frank K BtUTgla and Mrs .'--orge Wa ItlngbOUae Oo!f knowa no llmlt Th* Sunday edlct of the Oraena Commlttee regardlng playlng \ k- and every Sunday mnnv of fhe pla-. ers gc around the oourae In the nf"-rn-,. Mai of tbe New-York men who bave summer phVcee here r-om* up Baturday evenlng, ar-,i Bundaj they have to follow thi ' n Rohlnson h .- offered a valuable cup for a competltlon for th* season merr.hers of tbe elub agalnal "Colonel Bogle." Tbe competltlon wlll r]r,<>f tn S-*ptemh*-r Mlzed foura mea wen p lyed thla week heptnnlng -*.- dlng to-daj Thoee who played -.v.-. *. Haven and Davld Wolfe Blahop Jr Mlaa Leile Vanderbllt Sloane and F M Kinnl- rutt. M.ss Maud. ind 0 M K;\ Mrs Wllllam a Taylor an.l s Parkman E M Ba Carollne Btlllman and Rlchard Mackay. Mlaa Maude Adams and Err.-s- a Colby. and M Edith Van de V'eer and Fred Wl --.- The competl¬ tlon w.is for s: .*..-.! by tne Or Commfrtee Nlchnis. the professlona!. has beeo matrhed to play John D Tu ker of the G v -. A ntne-l ¦ A ..-'- use The report of th" engagement I MIbb Post. daught. f Mr. and Mrs. V Poat who ar. irtii Hotel to Bradlej M li de- nl> d by Mr Posl Th- Poeta .... at CurtlB a _, Mr ar.d Mrs Joaeph W Burden. Jr Of New- York. have |osed their pla Smlth'a in th. Mr and Mrs Plerre Jay. ol Sea Ydrk Mr- Frar ria Barloa .- Bunnyalo. H Walter Webl rueeta of Mi " m D k Mr Webb la re| ir for Sci M-* -.r.d Mrs Davld Wolfe Blahop u ' - Bummer vtlla have ...... ..... trlp w..« made for Mr.- I wlll arrlve her** fhe midd'.e of Mr-*- Denni of Boaton, i? - gueet of her reia- , hariei Lanler ar Aller wli . The famllj Of Mr ind Mr- Anson Fhelps Stokes ..- pi ks in Auguat Aneon Phel] Btok. tart ln mber ' ir Oerman! where h. t t he ¦¦ Wild of Nea ""orl » gueal of F fi Klnnlcutl thli weeh I. A Larocque, of New-Tork wh" has been a r._.. Bamuel Frot i Morrta N. J . .. Mr and Mrs Willlam C Sch»rmerr>o-r. and Mr and Mr- Bamuel Brldgl im who are a -r thelr Elm ¦" >.-. Ma Amor.g tr.e rr.II I at C ,"-.- -,.._k ,ir» Mr and Mrs Bamu Boaton; Mr. and Mrs 1 E Zeubl P R Hollli ga* Ro-t^- " Mlaa M E. Mull Bummlt N J.; E. C. T Malv Miss Flor«*nee Bel M " Bell. Phlladefphin. Mr- A H A'len. John Vlctor Allen Lawrence L I Edward A Wl. ki M'.sa 1 ei James O Thompeon, New-Tork; Bamuel Ru Middle-own. Conn 8. W. Bi " r.r Wllliam Armatmng, New-Tork. XARRAGAXSETT PIER XEW8. AN ELE^TRI-- RAl!.R'~.Ar> OPENEtl AKD A SZ9\ PIER READY PROMimEMT PBOPLE THEIR DOtXOfl Narragane. tt R Bp* ;,:' -The .... ....... openlng of rh- new Bea Vlea Electrle ... The flrsi _¦-¦-.¦¦ rrylng Car Wake- Band, 1 ofpci.^iF nf the man* promli f.i- eompl. the Pler to S ind all thi . torn ol ele rtrle llnea Th- i .Nex* Mon B .- mad. al the new Bt. .rr-,.' It :.« promlsed thal on I ua v. ,-. ¦, «k Island ind r. turnlne The - arlth Prot.'! i oe ,;¦. ni nea Pler. a lar| tranalenl vl m-ho pref.-r to travel bj Bteamer ral by the i ¦ >' noon ln a .. l- ei thai -.-- tt on thls orcasion were the v .' New- Torh and the M 1 itera had th. goala hut the M .re of 9 to 8 ln r Myoplai Thla wai f the gami .".nresr f,,- Th.- polo - rmlng aeek flrat % ime ?... I Nai mi ra f Ini J idlthi '.' Int Bda* for the Narrag seti i] W iter Myoptaa; Saturday, the wlnnen tb. vkma eventa wlll The Rock- II 1 I ..... from Ne** Y->rk Bhe la . b] B largl retlnui of eervanti ind haa bi ught wltl . reat of th. season here Colonel Yermoloff. conneeted wtth th< Ruaala n Oovernment to atea the mllltai itloni * Bantlai «Ony at the M araon H >uaa Me haa but n fr<>m Mrs OrenvtUe Kar.e and Miss Dorothy Kane have _rri\- re. from Tux. do New-Tork the an . ler of Mf Chapli _r,d who ais,, dealgned Brander Matthewa's viiu. Inri ,r here thls *um- r..-r on tbe - Dr and Mr -a Ambasi f r tl Harrla. of Vlrgmla. .md the Prlci thi lalno atter,.: .'. The Satur'. . .1 B f 1 iggrn .¦.--. .. party r,f S'ew-Tork. a 1 rmer i'nlted I. it the Btan ki I .. tn.- M itbearaon Ruaalan eon- aarcui wn rurfman. ..' . r ..r- a> tn-- Mathe mllitary ai Waahlngt. mtl Augustus Pltou. thi fai with hl- ei and Mr> .'.. - n, of Nea York Tt.e ....-.- lrr,\ roi Aaaerlatlnn arlll u ueid at Mn- d. Coppet'a ne_t Wedneaday Bweel ,: Poinl Judlth, '-ught a b- .-ent:> | foi .un. fhe larg--et tisii ;h.-ir has been hooked thi I iven at tr. tht- Mntal h..t. Arr.. .- tba following New-Torh names ar.- note,] Atweod Mra Byron Marha c,,.,,r«e f. i-tourn-- '. and Georre P 8. Itoxet.J M s.iiermcrr.orn, J. U. M__._ a:. i .- R. Usrtr.Lt 1 IX THE OOOL NORTHLAND. ITS VISTTORS ENJOT TOMFORT EVEN IN THE ROTTBtT weatheii. THE BOTBLI FII-LEP WITH PF.nPUE EACER FC-R THE PLEASI'REH or THE MOtNTAINS- OfTrwx.R SPORTP ANT. ENTER- TAtN'MEVTfi Lake Placid. N Y July 30 (BgmMB -Although the merciry has frequently rea-hed the elghtles tately, there haa h»en no tlme when the plaszas on the shady slde. of fh« hotel* have not been comfortable. Even awnv from thelr cool ¦better the heat haa not be»n fOK to such a degree to rt.,AT peepi* from tnduiging in thelr vartooa ra re atlooa and the Coif ltrks, tennis eonrta and lakaa show Increaaed numbers of pleoauie qeekara, THE PTEVENS HOtTBE It ls no- at all surprlslr.g tha» the Btevena House has alwaya t.»»n a parttenlar favorite with college men nnd |over. of outdoor sporta general ly. for Oeorge A Btevena, one of the proprletor*. o->e of beat all-around athletea ln th* aMontatna nnd not oni] aynpathtoea with rhe pursults of his sum¬ mer gueata bnl ecttvely Jolns ln thelr sports hlm- t- ' 41 golf. tennis or booeball he ln as good as the best; at hl'.liard* he plays an expert g ime. whl> as a rtfl" shot hls BOOTea made ar the Sports- men's Exhlhltlon ln New-York list Wtnte* mark h'.rn aa an exper' of the flrst QUaltty Thls sklll and foodneae for sporta nafurallv engender an a. tlve lytnpathy and co-operation wlth others hav¬ ing slmilir taatea rha- are most valuahl** and helpful to hls guests. and have made both the proprletor ind 'he house favorltes wlth a wide dr- !. of summ-r visltors On Wedneaday .-. handlcap golf tonrnameiM took Bl ...-..« Hooae Hnka for the purpnse Of developtng the latent talent In thls v.. .r.i'v. with g a team of repreeentatlve ra to rpe.-r slmllar teams from orher parts of the m Elghteen h ! and iit 1 u Barry to k rhe nr«t prtae w!-h i ne; s-ore of ej; Profeaaor Blll. acrati h i bla credlt, and R M. Pha»- w;is thir.1. havlna made JO net The I,--g;sl .tlve .'ommlttee on Fish an.l Game, Hlghi i Wllllam J v and Oeorge Cahoon, la nukln( an official vli the n. md observlng the work qulrem.. iwi On Monday the * Mr 'ih'.-..-' tl hli Auaable Porka ind on Tueaday Btevena H having aent thelr handsome four .. Porka »o brlni th. Llke Placid T;.- commlttee after an enj .-. md .. «©p ar many of the prominent eportamen'e rendeivoua for. Iti aeaalon rvenli ncerti at * ar>- bel r each week, an .o i.m the .n.ert Jonaa Hambeig .: wirh th- ... ., (n se\-r Holden Chandler woa the ani* aong 8t. m'a "Holj Bteveni Houae are th. folloa .1 N-u-.o-k Mr nnd Mrs B E Ellaworth Bmlth Mr.- EIlz ibeth B >r- -: Dr E .1 Oallagher. rt E Pavne, Mra L. L Burke, Mrs .!. R Bte. Mti Bteveni W Power W ] ¦: Mlai T'. :. Mlai A Tucker, Mr- tan ? THE ORAND VTCW A 84 t pan ral ered in this p and la tl leementa whlch her- abound. Drtvtng partiea have been popula the nearby countr. t 'he k:rd rhis we-k w glven bj I Mn - er Aftei -ne pany returned arrlving .'lea In thi f the reek waa I i whlch ,w I s;r- P Sli Irai M »i VI and Mr M \ ..--¦¦.' the ehami f th. ndacka, wl beartni on Auguat Irand Vlew Th. e been put li nl ownershlp of rhe eleg.in' le* this wlll '.e handaome allver cupa gi\-er. for Ar,- piacea In both ibfea. a vlattlng all th» m .uni Ine arrlved it thi i-.ran' and will m ik» ll ) week tel --«. lylng ar rhe Orand N'ew-'i ..rk .rr; Mn 9 ;. M in M N M itri E i. Dunan Mn C H Mother. Mis* geton M!s- Ingram and J H Ingram '. P Shiras. ..f Dubuque, are mer Judge r-hlras is i brother of the t nlted Stati end hlmaell olBclatee in i » Circult THE RUTMEAUMOKT Thi immer colony nt th* Rulaeeaumont ... ... ...... of the | re i Oolf, of too, have th»ir . for rhere wlll .... mmlng l.iss has become MacMarttn, of Pratt InaM- ... Brooklyn. n uperlntendlng tl number of lai ¦» well n^ chlldren Irdeed. so popular have the hmhlng and ewtmmlng me thai Proprletor Krumbha i tba | il dlfllculty thai 'he ||t- mer i t pllei or the lake can make her Of 'he horH A pl. letom ..' rh.- Rulaeeaumont "chlldr. rv evenlng the hand ¦rn ll glvei 've rhiidren from - o'clock and the orchesrra is in attendance ¦tr use Thi- Ul ial .:¦. Itly .ip- ted bj rhe li-tie «ne« who ep.io-, thelr op- ment of the ehil.lren ls alwajra kept tn mind bj rhe ma of thla house. arid ar a recent ehl pretty toy house of logs w.s won |.\ Mlaa He|.*n Johnson. whlh M later Edmund Klmt'le got a .-oonsldn Anotl .. i mong the gt mornlng jolly . for .i llvH) canti r Through intry ln th< Iclnltj [i,;r reek the foliowlng Sea ._ ork peo¬ ple ed et thla I p Hnnil»r. Andrea Longacre, Mr and Mr.- ittei .. er;,' of j' who a -; ng i -1 tlme here A Bcholta 'i E. Balfe. W. F. Dougherl r. Wl Potta, Mn p F Mn 1< Mn. H. F. Munn. J. V h Marah. of Morrlatown, tt_g< of Mrs W, H. John¬ son ?- WH1TEFACR INN Whlteface Inn has an tdenl locattoa for tho** who de>ire to enjoy all the p|e,i».ires of an Adl- for It la loeated ln the woods on .... u .. rn shore of Lake Placid, and one ateps almost dlre- Uv from fhe plazzas into the foreet It is a collectlon of aeparate bulldtngs. all aur- bulldlng, and forms a plrt- .- gro'ip ,\ «. .- ruatlc casino eon'alns bowllng al- ¦ nclng floor. and hai wlndoore on all sld<»s. lt ts always d^llghr- ool Tr..- kl ¦- r-"er patronlzed here thnr. a' many othei pla for every one has a boat, and the of the inn are met everywbera on the r aupper bojring ls tn high favor. and nlmosr 'be entlre population may be found driftlng rhe netghborhood every ptoaoani ea an glven in the ea.ino every Tburaday evenlng. and many other entertatnmenta are glven b* th>- L'.. s Nameroua camps eatend along th»* lik' ibore on both slde- of the Ir.n. and many campfln aa are given. to which frb-nda from 'he hot.l ar>- invlted ng and flshlng are also popular. and occupy man* epan nioments. I 'he Inn the following New- Vorkei Mr and Mrs Loula Mor¬ rla Btarr. Btepher h KeaUng Rlchard J I> Keat- Ing. ''harU-- 1". Dnvli Carollne W Bockwood, ¦.< (: kwood Mr an'l Mra J Q K*. - Mi-. Keya Mn Thomas F. Rllej Ml-. ..!. A Battln, Mlss Inal.-e. the Mlasea Jan- Mr» Charlea J Jenka Miss Jenka, Mrs KoUr- E Deyo and fhe Mlaaes Doyo, Mlaa Mr and Mrs Walter M H Frankltn Mr and Mrs A H .inndy .. m, ... oand* Mr and Mra Bamuel i: .. ards " nd Mrr Wllllam H Van Kl.k tbe Mlaaea Van Kleack Nelaon Van Klee-k. ('hea- ter Van Kl.-.-. k. and Mr and Mrs I. P U M Mullen LAKE PLACID EKX7U The new Lake Plaeld Hooae le .t¦ handsome ln Ita new form bo'h ou'atd- and Inaide and. al¬ though M was late ln the leaaon before the r*- conatrnetlon waa ooipleted. it ia already aaall Wtth guests. who flnd plenty to lnterest .md aniuae tr,.-m An orchestra of flve ple» es dlaeounee good muM* ml tne uiiuai dancea eoevr aaeh week The basebali teem la at work aad feet BJOttlng Into shape for the .-lose lo«-al conteste eo.>r, to b*gln Amor.i; t: ... atered al tbe Lake H ,,r. the folk/Wtng f-">.ti New-York Loula Ii. Geln. ilr. aad Mra. George T. liarr.ing. 8. It Hunter, Vletor Koechl. Edward J. Hogan. Mrs. M Hogan and Oeorge H Rockwood PAFL SMITH'8 , Paul Smlth's. July H .Speclal. -Thls great hotel has niM up so rapldlv durtng the last week that It ls nearly to the llmlt of Its capaclty. and. aa a ronserpjence. everythlng is llfe and bustle Out- door actlvlty of nll kinds fully occuples t..e wak- tng momenfs of the entlre populatlon. for the va- f raaooroee is exter.slve enough to satlsfy nll tastes. <;o!f contlnu-s to attract by far th* gn-ater num- b-r. especiallv of the young people. and the weekly handicap mjteh«s have grercly stlmulated the general Int.-rest in thls sport The--- rr-i*' hes have proved so popular and successful that thev wlll probahlv he contlnue<I through tba season. and as hands-m- sllver rups are glven af each match, th<- siK-r_s«ful players wlll hive pleasant souvep.lrs Of thelr skil! ro exhlhtf t,*> friends at home The wome-'s match last w»eK was won by Miss Van- derhoef, of New-Tork. and that for men was Cap-Ured bj H M Adams. The play was close and exdtlng, and developed a -onslderable amount of sklll through- ul No race of the id«m class of yachts was held .k ,s all of the pro: Itanta «mre fully prepared. hut lt is anttouneed that the - Will See all at fhe Ing llne Laat we. k there was a ra-e of th. ln Whleh (he flrsf prir-e was won hy F. I I.. Tr id»au. Jr's. boat. and the s»-ond pla"* hy A .-, -_ The en ara also actlve. and there was rac. re-.te.-l ga n>- h. tween nines from among the guesfs and the emi Of 'he hou favor of the employe- The pla\ina was nn- usuallj strong for new nlnes and brllliant dou- bl. plays w-r- maa< on both ildea Another between th«- mme nines ha- been arranged, wh-i ... ',, r-.rr*. ;.¦ iMea on Ita >r:"s An evenl that will arouse -rreir |*-tere«r among .r-.m-r vlfllton rt: thla viunitv Is a fall be held ar the hotel on a .for the purpose of defraylng l r,f mucn-nee,i--i th. " the Adl- Baranac Lake Th- commlttee In charg. f i meril rloua work includei Mn a P B kea Mn a J Mllbank Mrs K L Tru-i iu Mn E H Faulkner, Mrs l. Bayard Smlth Mn Whltelau Retd. Mra <»eorg- ind Mrs W F. Cobb. ,1-r.r r.f ".. laal week was the ring Fr-r.-hmen. wlth rh- guid'-s. pre- suming on rh- apath) of the brutee, and thelr me too famfllai v .. -... .¦..,! -. i rloua r--nrs in their clothlng. an,l thi 18 ahilltles of the ind r ii -..! by the t.e.irs w-r- a surprlse to nll pr- aent ' . The following N>w-Vork people hnv-e reglstered Paul Smlth s ..... w,,rk .;-,r_e h .- Zabrlskle, ">.¦ \\.^ peter Cooper Hewlti Mlaa 0 C Finney. M-- i w Payne. Miss R- ssie Payne. Rober-t T. y h. P Douglas, Mr and Mrs E V. M Sktnnei I. F M.ison. o Bel itor Mison. ls her-. s--om- by Mrs Masoti ind Mr ind Mrs N Wltherell Mr ar.d M-- J A H irriman. of V-a '. Park at hla p A R0 r t of Wllllam Rocke- ttage ST HUBERTB INN. B_^ r Bt Huberfa Inn hna i -. n fhe acene of great a le no exceptlon to .- ted for goif bul a . ¦'¦ luenl rhe eourti " llnks nre ir. flne condltion. and a goif club Henry A I.yman. of Haven. as pi lent " %** ** - .--.. excitli gamea h»d for, and 'the champtonahtp mai ea la ia Bo- >rlte -air.y-d.v paatlme. when the are thr<v*g<*d to their utmoat * '"¦ ¦ '1'"' hy .,onn T. R-'berfs s a-e River-. in -he Caalno bulldlng every Thund Baturday nlghta, ani are brllliant affalr-i, where mai -.'". on th*' Mountntn-cltmbtng hai » .'***" populai il -,- Hu . l. to mar.v of the hiehest p_-*ks itar n the nelghborhood The sporr is not rea ti for re- -\. of N---»-York. ani th, Jr of Oovernor"! Island. ar- I ir.-irney over the -.,K"n r>> a - er. rn.*- mountaln. a id no' only he ,- .- d wnpour. ihocka. Their *s- -,--v w u constdered prnvt- from Flliabethtown have made ina after a on Among theee were Mn John ¦.*,! h-r f .n.. ig the many New-Tork people at the Ir-.n -.»,_ ». rei-er.r arrlvali Mn --,,... Mli Roi H il lo Mr and Mrs I .,.--¦ Henn R-lnsmade .nd fami.-. Mn ',-r. \\ fl. 1 Mr .'"! Mrs. I. K v. merdlng. M w '- w'»" r F H. N< Mlaa Mary M- .,nd Mr- K ' .... Mr nnd Mrs St '' '.' Natalie .. for fhe «:mmer. M-s \\ ;.: Miss Marj .\!,r-r. re.-en'.y c tag. - ¦** .'. Smlth is -*i:!> Mr and Mra. E. H. v J \\ I % trlp through the Bt Hubert'a ? h"Tr:L AF BABLE CHA8M. 'hasm. Jul Bpeelal).- Fr^m th» t -.' .his place ea week I ts safe to aay *e Interest than thla part of the country. aubetantlal b._.-rs ls evldenr from 'he fact Thar bosfs of '.isltors of -. . tO renew the memor Tnls l9 another pntnt In rei haam f!...'¦, s-ri-_ers do nor --hanl. for tlon depends .. bul fully as -. irled heai.r There Ib ano'her fa r** 40 tt ther Is aa f.ne a hofe! at rhe ,'i-.,sm a- exlata the reglon ai the-e make ., . >-*, rhe cor.- % t the | mpanled r,v ¦, everj m'.h-rri ,---.rr\. Ml aports and an ¦'¦ el«fwhere ,... the air out look :r h_rm- 1n g. temlF. cr. grounda are close nd one cm even horroa t I tel The ai,- .. || "club." a-lth i'.- attendant unloue T Flal and G u. mmll t the Leglalal ur(, represented R ' B ibylon; m .1 Morgan, ot Buff - F -ivs ap. nl it Bunday at the H itei Monday to of Mr C ? i s The gueetfl al Ralph'a w Ui t.,-.. -. ¦, mm enjoj lelvea Havlng dla- ralenf among th«m on Bai ir iave a auc- ces-fu: concert M:ae Oladya I BeveB -.., ... .... be pianOi an ¦...ment whlch aalns IU chlef totereet from the .tr rhe chlld ha- had n- inatructten ln aaual but Be. -narkable natural glft Following thla ,ame a soio b] Fatber Henry, -,,r o* the Gregorlan chani m Oierbeooh phlladelphla S hu.nann's Two idlere " er.dir.i-- wtth lha ittrrtng notee of "The Maraeil ilee «..- admlrabl) adapted to the alnger'e Itng barytone. Later in the evenlng Father Henn ahowed hla veraatlMty by siuging d'a "Th.-re is a Ore*m Hlll Far Awa) Bprtag BongM aaa played b> Miss Marlon Burdlck ol Alban) Miss Laure lawyer. ef Chl- Bang'New.,M,n s imber Song.'' One ofthe beat parts o' tbe programme waa Miss ..ii,ithw.iir--s n-?s l.or-i-i and The Malden's WiBh " of Chopli n "Ith ¦. degree of ml. and f'-ellng unusual among amateura Mrs Harold Redpa'h*. beautlful eontrnlto rotce could not have been ahown to better ed\ intage than tn the Fren,-h s.,ngs whlch Bcarf 1 arai played In . pleaalng manner hy Miss T.\-;,,r of Detroll Miss Sorens. ri iosed rh*. programme wrh Huahaby Bweet, My Own.' by Hawley. For tl,.. K ,i-i of fhe concert the oflV'e of the ho'el .ei into a muslc-room an! eerved the Imlrably At the cloee of »he concert palred m the parlor and flnlshed the evenlng arlth i hop Re ent arrlvali are T; .mai H Bolmer, Mr. and Mrs RF EllBWOrth Mr und Mrs N Wltherel! and M D Bolmer. of Sew-Tork, and H c, Yor-.ng of Albany. i itdenl of the Delaware and HuCsor AT WIDE iWABB BOUBT POC0B0. Mount POCOOO, P-nn Ju!> I ,S; elal)..A great *tt_>tn a *.vk, the num- i ivtng m-ir- than doubled Moal af 'he eoaay ttag. ipted md tbe usually quiet old r>*- sort hai ^ -l for the Hiimmer Tne popular Pocop '.' Houae la more than wide awake. and hai mora thaa . butadred guests kaera Mrs Edward Morreii. ... r- .m l aaa] make a pro- Mrs Morrell wa* tonaerly a Mis*. Mrs H-mlng. alsa of Phlladel- sr_y The Flemlngs are :.cj wlth ihe D.»-i-n- ot _mw f«cn-_ A BUSY WEEK AT WNG BRANCH. POPULAR AMI'BEMENTB tNOTlOR AND OtTT -PttOMINENT ARrWaI.B Long Branch. July ar> (flpecial i-Notwlthatandlng the drawback cauae. hy hostilltles between thla country and Bpaln Long Braneh at the close of dM flrsf month of real aummer buslness ftnda It- aelf enjoying '.ta ahare of patronage among the New-Jersey reaorta There war a time. and not many yrars ago efrher. when tbo restlng place of Grar.'. Drexel and -'Jlm" Flsk was alone ln the r«<*e What a contraat between 1-5S and the early "sevenfiee." only a qunrter of a ueutory ago.md how short the tlme: The Jersey coast then be¬ tween Bandy Hook and A'lantlc rity waa almoet a barren »»«re Iyng Rranch wm queen of the N'ew-Jersey eonsf. which tltle is stlll approprtate to-day. for where can be found a better claas of eorragers" Wtth fhe jnerease of summer reaorta lt ts very natural fo assiime tha' now and then Long Braneh WOUM ba the loaer The departures. however. from the old seafide r-sort have been amall ta oompa.rlson wl*h the neweom. rs. who, when onre |o~ated h»rotti» regular summer vtslton. T*e hote (i have a Just eause to be happy over tttrna of the \».i mon'h. and should the weather durlng Aug ist prove f;,|r the season aa a whule wiii b«> Mttefactory. Th« week BOCtally has been a busy one En- terfalr.me-.t_ nr-d daneea have berr> n'imerous. and everybody waa happy to-night when the flnal rai flnlshed and rest rame at laat. The prodocttOB of "Pinafore" on fhe Shrewsbury R:\rr al I1 cext week by fhe Orau (iprra Company a ttraet thou tbal re- Imrlng fhe relgn of thls popular open. wh|.-h will be glven on a specially conatrucred float built to represent a man-of-war there wlll be no flre- works dlapl The Monmooth Beach r'o\t «'iuh ts a Uvety or- ¦,.-. The offl.-. rs .ire ,is follows President. ('oionei WUUam Barbour; aeeretary, H B Van Der Hoef. rreasurer. «. W Van I»er Hoef The cluh .-onfemplation the purchaa ef the Hasting estate of fofty Berei and botneotead. The heira Of the . The golf ciut.'s leaae exptr. araa, or.e of rhe flnest along the Jersey roast. haa colt rh»* elub nearly ?" The Country Cluh at Monmouth R.-a. h n.is been '-..- areeh So leea than four aoclal Inel- | tbe aaloweek hcp Wedneaday mgh' and rhe re;- .¦. t.»-mgh.f. have e. n hei The two entertalnment! were the enhtb by the Rou. . s'ir.g eyi -sian Qardi Ightful progre.-stve hearts party waa he.d taal Friday nlghl it the H ¦.* 1 Caatno. The piiaewlnne.i were M Mr« D M Hlldreth, Jr., J W Albaugh, Mr Ing ind Dr Wall Mr ai Mr- Abner H McKlnley and Mlaa MaN-; M Kinlej trrlved ai Dheroa to-day Thej w i spend the month of AugUOt -ror. Hotel Mr McKlnl.V. who la a broiher of rhe Pres to droji in to aee btm before the season ni of 'he E>eron Hotel ..¦-- kl i tbla week. 1 L l. Nunna araa forn ert i al w....t En H WllMam A S I Uf*. wa? a promir.er.t e;r:Zen end .'. by |y wno mer hlm Tne handsome new edlflee at North Long Hran h, .- ury Methodtal Ert«' ¦; Church. artll be dedl it*d to-morrow by Blahop C The .ructu i woi round ngun handsome sum of BD 00. Th. I celled a The maln eudltortum was dedleated abonl one year igo by Blahop Fltagerald The pastor. the Rev Wllllam R Wedderapoon, waa 8Jooa then ro have Blshop M-''abe pert M I duty, bul his datea were BUed le conriden- w_- t I ie n-*w Bund audl- im would ihop Mc- __.. :..- nan .i-.ji. or Auguat '..¦ ilthoug ¦- a com- ¦. rhat tlma wer. ilng No plar..- had be< n pr. the funds to meet the r ... Mot; a tn splte '.! - ind Mr W. > four¬ teen monthi ago. the I it Sun- d i> ol J ily Blaboi M ana the flnlshed ehapel, as promts. irteon monu. ago. waa rei The work of the Red Croaa I :- Branch pr..per haa been organtaed Mn Franr^ H:r - 'ther er. formed bv the eorragers At Allenhurst; to tbe front worktng for the Beabrli rhlle 1 m h ind for -n- cauae. An enterr.unmenf will be g rroa r.:ght [oll] B Marv entertalnment! ir ¦. for thi El- ber-.n auxiliary Th* Needlewort w h Un .ndrew H Bmlth r-.obie work f..r the cau .piier.. waa a rush for horse show hoxes to-night ¦A- ,he we«- Em] Hot. I the prtc. roe shoa la now ermanent midsummer '..ong Bran h ,., The Hfesavers along the New-Jeroey coaat wlll .'or duty next Monday The ei evceptton of the "aeventh man " -h" re- : ¦¦ ember » un rent I il ex imm i- tiona this week pri Tne .. .. on t.ie leet of admlral to l ....... . , h feet- The i.\ the >> sez In queat ot < .. given Tr,- -i. ..¦ rhe tne t the only Goven ment storehouee on thls se-i Ina tt. ta for t The most Important * "k at i Unlted Btates fl i 8n t. Jr Thr 8 rlng taken poesesslon Mr ina Mn rd itarted " ratna The Elberon has beei ounta .'. u..', n i irretn, Perli id "C. I. De fl Mn E ? Wel went to' New-York We Inesday to I I who' wai M Ooodn '. "!mar. proml- for tbe sum- _t- l U7///.'/ OF GAYETY \T LO.V0 BBACB. Long ¦ " ;iI> . ireeh Thi nnual I I and recepl most gueau were .. The virglnla reel however wee rhe feat- ure of a true I .'hern t m a took nan leaeral Meredith L Jonee arl Mrs Walter K <irimn. Mr and Mn B 0 Hoare, Mr and Mrs Frank Jordan. Howard Ftanagan looea, Mr. m-. Frank W. Conn and Colonel A ¦ Dick Mr* Im. k Th- flohlng for the las- few days has been ex- c^Wtnt Meaara I «. Ei»k. Barton. Broei Flagg and Oniai m i _ghl aeventy-Bve flah. ,rti are just now attractlng a good ettentton. whlle the batbtng ta. as usuaU thal h^art eould artoh. The new stahles whleh were blown down by the Fourth of July 'ornado ire BOW ready for us*, and just ln time, too. for the Boulevard wi'.l soon be completed. and then one ur all tne Itotanee from Brooklyn ie the aOora of thia hotel. On Monday evenlng tba Long Beach ("oncert Compiny. composed of seven of the hotel wa!»- n wlll glve a eeneert, dan. a aad cake w.iik at Wreck On Aigust <> the annual athletlc er.'ertalnment will be glven b* th.- w i ler the mar.age- ment of I> s Oodfny, bene walter, and Paul H. Bray. Tb. re wlll be ar. ona, r.i .. hurdle raco, ot-l- iboe raee, obetacle raee and i watermelon con- -. it 'he featun oi the evenl ¦* the ¦ .-. for pointa between Frank Hoiden. of S'ew-Torfc and Roi-" W iaylor ot Waahlngton, horh of wb.om ;ir. WOlten Holdrn kti" k-d out Bmlth few montha ago. ar.d as er mar. is also proDclei st 's I.thera! prties wlll be qwarded the ninner- y.,. leea than s:x hundred guests p.irr.ike of the menu each evenlng. There are her- now ex-Oov. H .^n Th .nips n o' I utl ir il i i bow *f s v- v r, Judg. McDonough lu Ige H ird, J Bookstaver. WUUam .' I»e Wttt, J R owens. Mlaa Q Wlllis, Janv- I' nald F 8 Jordan and f W lordan, of Kew-Tork; Mlaa M<'\ I tiyrna sf Brooklyn, and aaany ."hers r,ni>n TIMEB AT THF. WATER OAP. Delaware Water Oap. Paan., Inlj ¦ OiperlaB-. ihe aaaenn at this deUgbtfnl re>, rt m .<: us height. and every ln. omlng traln drogo off a few p.o.de The large hotela and the smal!-r _n-*. as well a* the boardlng-housee. all have their share of pitron age The laat prcgresslve eu-hre party at the Water G.ip House brought out atviut tl'.t. BH md an Int.-r.sM «-me * rai Al :vus house there are registered ex-('ongreisman Tardta] Rucks. H. L Hildetran.l. the P.irinun artl.-t. and Judge and Mlss N.\ln. M 8*4 Hank. N. J At tne Kirtatlnny are UM Misses EMB, Bt Englew.wd. who wlll soon be jolne.l >.* thelr fatlier. Kda ird I E Us Mrs aimpaon. of New-York. la ar thls houae se«si>n. and ba* wtth her a number or flne trane aad horsea Mr and Mr* Orlando Harper an.l Miss Haruer aie here for another long atay. rongresaman hooker. of Fredonia, n v. Ij here wlih hls famlly for a long atay The nshtr.g 1* Improvlng every day aa the rlver aeta lower, anl menv a mnng U Hue bais is bruuglii ln d*l:y l_r trM_.lt lon.

^T VISTTORS AT BARATOGA ALONG OOOL NORTHLAND.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-07-31/ed-1/seq-15.pdf · ^tvisttorsatbaratoga **^%.efk's-uuutal-i the heaviest of t_m

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....1 c;r-; F TOfi-NVMF.NT BCHEPtiEP-^jjfcg8lO>A1'*

_.« t\TH .-'..REAPY LOOKOfO roK-^iB VKA i .

.»n 10 thi »__. ookvwmowa.^ A>"

=..-- S V July 30 (SpeclalV-ThlsBBTtMMt^ (^ b, rar f,i<v ri(?avl.r

week'" | Q| the Baratoga Rac-__* tataaa

§. aeeno day meeting on

lrj A** rt tho naual eontlngentThuraJ.iV .'

..^ _any wh0of P* n Flve races

not *¦¦ muaement for them.

tt'r* ; outdoor diveraton.0*8 matchaa amonc

fb_N ai need a profeeatonald 27. Handaome

.., me proprtetora of thet* ,. ..... umon Hotel. wiu.re now on exhibltion at

|. cerr:.** next Wedneaday aeen-

Att- m celebi itka of the« * the present manage-

«.il taKe part In

BM»V . iny new ngures. nndThe tnvore


»'. Tueaday evenlna next. Wlll

*'.. .fcotlltone*f' round of dancea. con-

J., I.. -«-h! disripatlcn thls

.J* ,o be flvea tn Conventlon.l r to eurpaaa any of

icular dance has been

_js 5 ry,. - _. li itructed by... M. s Protblngbam of

*'*_.] ired membera of the Young Peo-f the Unlted Preabyterlan

M here in

Ch^' eiTontlon next Wodnaaday.tatU v. Tne president ofani rema . .v..s.. 0I Allegbeny,

...... wlll be made byhaa.,....,.,.tne Bei U f Sew.York Cltj the Rev.

P«y an ta. n v. j..:Rev C. K. M.Donald. of

T' Rev Dr. R. M RuooeLlvlngaton Peaka of BanW ? Harper, of Kns-

Dr J Q A Kbowell of

Rev Pr \\ Wl.l-The union wlll meet ln

to-day began hereinnu*] aummer meet-

2Tw1_Ic_ w LUguat I The Town Hali?.* ?¦ This body for

rd. on Lak--. . better

j_ce ' : xi}1 rhark': .ddreaaei wnll

H "_>'" Pr R H,Pullma ,e'..

S Yy tbe Rev: .-.. Re. F B

am N V and others orominentr*al,8,s

- .. ....f Chicago. an assoclationprobl. m of the

I'nited St,i-e?. wlllr... | vi On» thouaand ore

rr.en and theologlanswlng the.ir ?um-

.-. r. r iltlni thelrre renewlng 'helr In-

.- of Sara-rejuvenattng mln-

era; watera.fi 'be local pulplte wll'.to-morrow be occupk -«(- .nsiting d:\-lnes

It .. Republican andoonventlona wll! be ealled for

r- | tter part of Bei tember, thef.-r> ..--mbllng of

?.-.¦- Conventlon Hali, wnlch* -..ae-i-.d for all

ifi Beptember I A Ftaterr.er.r wasrecent . :r was reserved fron

.- a fesri-.-i hut that was err^r.e-ho held on Septem-

Th* Baptlst" of North Aiam*. Mass made an. - tkll ".. r Wedneg-iay las'-Arthur iv.- .- ippear in Thentre

Baraioci or. tloni Tueaday eventneswell-knoam barytone. aang

-. 9pr Park on Thursday evenlng.of New York <"lty. haa

v ttogeR F Baberta, of New-Tork City. has rented for

Wempli cotrasre m Nel-Boo-aveThe rtla have rented thelr Sprtng-st.

B Beawr, of Bosron.Leeeh property. Stonelelrh. inbeen bouch* bv Augu-' cpp^.*^..rk City

Th» Ocean 1 gueel have passed through a¦».-/Much credlt ls due to th» ln-

C. H. Rlveith«- cei rr nlght the i arlor.

-oas* has beern k to 9 o'clock by or.^ hundred

.-lrsing for th»lr cotll-'.'- 1 -. r.:eh' The

BTOfUlty seleetedled over bv M:ss Ijoulsa Barth

«Tht.- tillor was le.l bv Mr andMnIhe propr il bal' wlll be held next



¦OCIAL 1 .NP KBP CRriS.s WOHKReaSr-k.-- N J.. Julv M .Sr*aclal. -Th« se&«on

here > ¦-. belgbt The hotela araI .. lons; sir.ee eorr.:

1 oeaoon CJenera]-. \ --,.-.-.

*r,i '". al Monmouth Bench. onik» loai .. lently there is general

... .. .... etweeiUag Branch and Hl| ' -. A- the

I-nh»r of eoj -ir'. I

th» tonT*'' ¦' lenta of the week have heen

* !'-o|»re»«itve blth. Octogon. Mlaa

-'!ass lov!nc-curMr

won the men's prlzes"' Roype! Urt


V°l>i':~ -tor of tbe I lethodlal Episco-W Church. ' by the fact

if worshlp' aeen eai from


1 tha K of I'. Hali The varloustable, Mrs "-..oh

^ il- kea. Mra DUta andJJl* '"- _k kepg and 'he

""'.- Polt; lemon-

!_^t A pbll-

';. exhibltion, ln

l 8ui-. » .


f Mi M:s.M:ss

t-- /

}.- formed by the 1....

_La i*

.ther the


nument tr,

..' on

llrr- IB THF 80MER8ET BILU:. j

...aii'e ' "'":"

t- I^.

'* "ual- tbat th'.-.. ,x

2lr't>-f.".:" '" '* amall .- .-¦.¦.

_¦ ka

_fw-e r" ¦"-'. of tbe Meti*">'.* The «lo.-iou. same of jo.f



Cape Mny. N J.. July jo (Speclal) The seasonwlll hav. reai bed Ita b<Mght ln another week. andna a consequence tht* old resort. wlth Its flneit ofbcachea, la reeelvtng dally an Increaaed number of

ra and the hotel? are helng rapld'.v fllledTo-nijth' the re?ort praaanta thal gayety which

ls only known t the height of a summer seasonTbere is just ,is latenaa sociai aetlvlty here thisyear as there haa h*»en in past seaaons. and tnevlsltors who aie here are thorough'v er.Joylngthelr stay beoause of the many wnys *hey hav«to pass away the timeAll through the week there have been numerous

Inmenta There nre many vtsltorc from theMiddle Atlantlc Btatea, nnd also n large number

. Weatern gueata; ta fact, just at tho preaenttlme ("ane Ma. gueata fnclude reslderts of ahoutall tbe Bi ... r,t tn^ Mieelaalppl River wlthnot a few of tbe Far Northweat, Sou'hwes' andC i!!fornla

Wt ij evenlng the firat chDdren'acarntval of the seasor waa given at Congress Hali.

-vera] hundred chlldren were upon the floordanclr.g. and some of Ihe llttle lota wen- rhroughan exhibttton of fancy .!i*r~e!iAf the polf HnkF on Wednenday the women'a

qualifying tournament took place. followed by a

luncheon, and drew to rhe gronnds a large numberof the visitorrA t'-am of men frc*m this pla^e wlll meet a team

from the Atlantlc City Oolf ciub at AtlanM t'on August ;.. ;,nd nt Cape Ma) on August 20. lna conteat to decide the ohampionshtp between the.wo reports. At the lir.ks tO-day another conteat

aee In the seri.s in whlch the men are strlv-lng for rhe Oreen .'ommlttee's allver cup. Aboutthlrty-flve of the best golf players here w-ent overthe llnks. Those who yeem to be ieadlr.g tn the

ar rhe present tlme are R Wlstar Harv»y.of Phlladelphla, ar.d Q. .. McCroary, Jr., aaonot the oirv treasurer of PhlladelphlaThe hafhing has been excellent thls week, the

being at such a temperature as to make thedlps ln the ocear. and pleaaant All thaweek the beach has beea llterally aiive with people.ar.d they aeem to enjoy their -intles In the surfbetter this year than ever befonI'p at the inlet the yaer.rsmer. have been having

a blg season. the laat we. k eeiip^ing all precdlngweeki for the nt;mber n4 partlee whlch havo em-barked for aalltr.g and flshlng exrurHor.s over theeounds and off at sea. Those who go to flsh orcrab are ampiy repald for the smni: expenditur*whl-h they make to nkmn thls pleasure.The thlck, and are belnt caught In ex-

eeedlr.giy large numbers. while flsh was never

kl 'ul here as they hav-this season Pea troot. hlueflsh. w .. klngltab.

ia ond ehee] -.-. nowtaklng ri,- hooh ;. ;- noi an ui -:eht to

.»rmen land ln tl ¦-. wlth from flfty;nl:ed fi-.

hoDk ai: '.:¦... A!! of theseafford excellent aponAle.iandro Andrade, a nephew nf both the Presl-

¦.'.'¦ ¦ the Venecuetan Mlnlater itWaa Ingt enjoying a il OlenwoodHe wlll remain fien « I Cape..¦

Frederlck M r.r.- ¦¦ New-Tork. who has been agueel al the ottagi of Mr ai Mn ! B B a

gone I ~- ytto on rh-- Mcoast to p.. IThe Rev I>r A C Dlxon. of Brooklyn. ls at

¦ neirby re«o-t. attendlng i conferion Blble ptudv

The W Warren. of New-Tork City.rr.i'isurnmer cenvrr-rion of tho.

whlch wll] cloae a ten daya' session her- IHe wil! he one of the spe.ikers ll 'he s'-rv. .* when

W -i n amaker aspeakGeorge W. Loomis and hls famlly nro amor.g

N'ew-Yorkers who have a cort.ige here for theaummer.

Powell, wV' has beer. ir. Nlcaragua forira, la a gu. t the -:ge of his grand-

mother M> KeerneyM:ss Ethi Mtorney-General

Orey, of Ncw-Jeraey is i guest at tbe -o»tage oflenera nd Mrs Wllllam .' Bewi 11A party of New-Torken who have heen er.loytr.g

a aojourn ar the Wln laor waa made up of M:>;¦: m Mr Btan Mlaa wan andCharles BteckierMr and Mra .Tnmes W B'irr are guests at the

BurMr and Mr? John 0 B Judge cf New-York

are occupylng their cottage latlereagh, at HollyB'ar-h

k Hlldreth, of N*w-York 1? a gie»r at th»rn"ac of his brother, James M F Hlldreth.v MayMai olm Roberta, of New-York Wlth Mrs. M

P.oberts ll io- ated at th» Colonlal.James M Henrj and Mlai McHenrj ;>r* al

at the Lafay. tt.Wllllam E. Ewlng Of Y^nkers. N Y BOI

General Thomas Ewlng, once or,s;re«rman fromOhio and grandson of Thomaa Ewlne. Secretar. ofthe Treasury under President W H Harrison.and Secretarv of the Intenor at the esrabllshmentof tha* ("ablnet portfollo und*r Pr»sident Taylor,ls a gueet at Oongr»s« Hali.




RiehfleH Pprlr.gs. Julv M .Speclal.-The laalweek has been one of ed heat af Rlch-fleld, but tr. spite of that ther' baa been no ressa-

gayet] in fact, the aoclal funetlona havebeen rather more numeroui thar usual The hea-.too. has brought a large number of rueats to rb°varlous hote]«. so -rhnr the aeaaon Is BOW ar rs

zenitn.Hops are uaually consldered tbe mn?' Impon

scKial affalrs. and of these ther* have been threeone*at ea. h of *K.e prln Ipal hotei« The ¦¦ g\,Park was unusually bright on the evenlng of theone he'd there, being brtlltantly lllumlnated withcolored eleetrlc ltghrs and Japanese lanterns whllethe parlors were nlled wlth as g.y ¦ crowd '

womei The. Included fhe M:?se« Mlnor.Davta, the Mtaaei Hammon.-i Magiiby, Newton. Taylor and ''l.trk. whlle

the men who eomposed rhe Fionr Commlttee w»re

John Hammond, Townaend Morgan, J Hw k R M Flemtng, Walter Lytton, J ."

Mr Rlee, W. H '' .- W. Radcllff, Mr Von-derpool, Mr Bur er Mr I.ies. Richard CrokeiE PAt the Tuller 1 th» dlnlng-room had

.-tiums andlands of morntng-glory vlnea and the -

i overed v.'h craab.The kt.i . - »p woa tater ln the week.

but n °y the ._ame abundance of

jolltty as rhe two f nner

Monday ni^n1 Robert M Fleming gave a

rty ln the Etarllnglof hi* frtenda Prtaea for ,h' rea were won

t\ Mlss Nettle Robtneoi Dr. < C Ran-om andII, j; And. nd the ftem

ro the hom*- of the Mll iS iblnaon for a

ppeTueaday evenlng large progreealve eucbre

were glven i the 1 .i and Kendallwood a*

prtaee ally elegrant and

conateted of a pk try, won by Mrs Rich-ard Croker; .1 ton llnrlkaha won by Mlai

framed pl ture of the Ducheae ofr .... nahlre, won by Mrs E M. Barle; a diam.indand peari atlckpln, won by I_outs Runkel; » allver

Rlcl ...-d "roker and i

braaa plcture frame won by Mt Chadwlck.wood game «a> known ..l^ fan eucbre

ng a paln tan ns a aaarventrcf tb-7n-. concerta hav« also helped to begulle the

beld on Wednesday evenlngat th^ H when Mlaa Pauline Swlfl MlaaMarjoi

~ Robh aon wi

_\_ Mlaa F e Oreeni r- ked ai Mirer.

mu»i Ira Grent Uie

played num-mpleted tha programme

til n-ld In th

re Mn Rob< 11 W Taller,'.¦ Law r<

.1 a War. : '""^., r Mra WRj b. Mrs W

Mrs Thomas R Pro tor, Mrs. MH l.. rtn Mra ..

' '-1 and Mra

Mr a |hut wiu re¬

turn t. Rl. hfl. a

judg-i toklyi hai -ak-*n'Standfl«*ld\ii ,. tot th< remalnder of the aeai

( Chlcago, .irrived ln Rlch-I .-atige for th» openlng of hls

gone to Narragansett Pier..Aill be the gi.esr of Mrs Amos Morrill

for a '_ C. Squire, of Seattle. V...».

nv, ,; rUngtoa on Tuesday nlght. Wlth1!.- wai (otned on Wt-dneeday night

.r- I Baa fork, who was ecrom-

nr 1 Mir s Ad. le Pur-r Aui

:¦, Hubbard arh. w.-m nere fut^eie ti.e gueel ol Mn

I Bhe la tb. i --¦ aeor of a Iln.to Paris on Auguat 10 to eon-

¦tudtaa.Amoiif- the weeks arrlvalf at tbe Ea.-lington. Bt

Jan.eh Kendallwood and Tuller were the followlncM-- and Mr.- I '>'. Mitcbell tt.- Mlooea Mltcheil.jvlr and Mra Ueoige HoKman, ihe M:»ae_ DavU.

Thomas R Turln. Townsend Morgan. F R Rerrv,Mra *" T. Barton John Slntrerv. Hamllton Bush'V.Oeorge A Rallard. John 8 Bavles. MarshallAdims. H E Roche. Mrs R Keiiv. Miss M CBulllvan Mrs Oeorge Tlrknor Curtis. Mtss Curtis.MIm Burr Mrs Oahoni Mrs K .1 Colllm MtPurge Mr* Maurtce Elier. ir Mrs w M Hamll¬ton, o E Setfera Mr and Mr. .1 H Btaata Mrnnd Mrr A Bngel Mrs Oeorga S< hrelher. the

Spier. Mr and Mrs <'eorpe F LyOO, Mrard Mrs H C. Fnrman nnd J.'hn V Ackert.




RE'ENT ARMVALSl.enox. Maaa., July II (Spoelall TTUa ha« heen a

Uv_|y week ln I^nox There ha« her. mu, h roach-

awny dtnnora, and ge>!' In every form, from a

romp«tMlon with hogie fo n.ixed fOuraomee hy the

young heiies and t-eaus of the eottagea All tn all.lt has heen the gayest week thus fnr of th.sor The coachtng has hnd no limlts. nnd runs b«--h'nd spanklng hlgh-hred horses have been madanround 8toc)<hrid_e Row! and tO Wllllamstown.

miles rc rhe north The trl|, te WHfewn wns mao> on ihe -ot-Ii of W Bayard Cat-",nr, of New-Torh He drove 'our flre h.iye on a

r.ew Breweter braka Mra Cuttlng was on theh-v-r seat Th" others In the part] M M I.-e!la"V'anderhllf Sloane. Miss Jennle Cuttlng W BCutttng. Jr.. nnd Herman KtanlCUtt. the son of Dr¦nd Mra F H Klnnlcutl 1 brlght andclear and the party had ¦ f"« view of OnMountain from three sldes MfllOOB Robtnoon, Ir

hae had out hts four-ln-hand and ln* new tand»m.The largest dlnner of the areek w.i- glven by

Mrs T E StIKman. of New Vork There wereTwenty rovers and fhe d«-coraflons were Americanbeauty reses nnd mnldenhatr ferr.s. Othera whohav.-- giv. n dinners Thls week nre Mrs .1 C 8:111-man. Mrs J.->hn Sloane, Mrs lohn S P-.rr..-

Tappen. Mrs Frank K BtUTgla and Mrs .'--orgeWa ItlngbOUaeOo!f knowa no llmlt Th* Sunday edlct of the

Oraena Commlttee regardlng playlng\ k- and every Sunday mnnv of fhe pla-. ers gc

around the oourae In the nf"-rn-,. Mai of tbeNew-York men who bave summer phVcee here r-om*

up Baturday evenlng, ar-,i Bundajthey have to follow thi ' n Rohlnsonh .- offered a valuable cup for a competltlon for th*season merr.hers of tbe elub agalnal "ColonelBogle." Tbe competltlon wlll r]r,<>f tn S-*ptemh*-rMlzed foura mea wen p lyed thla week heptnnlng-*.- dlng to-daj Thoee who played-.v.-. *. Haven and Davld Wolfe BlahopJr Mlaa Leile Vanderbllt Sloane and F M Kinnl-rutt. M.ss Maud. ind 0 M K;\Mrs Wllllam a Taylor an.l s Parkman EM Ba Carollne Btlllman and Rlchard Mackay. MlaaMaude Adams and Err.-s- a Colby. and MEdith Van de V'eer and Fred Wl --.- The competl¬tlon w.is for s: .*..-.! by tne OrCommfrtee Nlchnis. the professlona!. has beeo

matrhed to play John D Tu ker of the Gv -. A ntne-l ¦

A ..-'-

useThe report of th" engagement I MIbb

Post. daught. f Mr. and Mrs. V Poat whoar. .¦ irtii Hotel to Bradlej M li de-nl> d by Mr Posl Th- Poeta


at CurtlB a _,

Mr ar.d Mrs Joaeph W Burden. Jr Of New-York. have |osed their pla

Smlth'a in th.Mr and Mrs Plerre Jay. ol Sea Ydrk

Mr- Frar ria Barloa .- Bunnyalo.H Walter Webl

rueeta of Mi " m Dk Mr Webb la re|

ir for Sci

M-* -.r.d Mrs Davld Wolfe Blahop u '

- Bummer vtlla have...... .....

trlp w..« made for Mr.- Iwlll arrlve her** fhe midd'.e of

Mr-*- Denni of Boaton, i? - gueet of her reia- ,hariei Lanler ar Aller wli .

The famllj Of Mr ind Mr- Anson Fhelps Stokes..-pi ks in

Auguat Aneon Phel] Btok. tart lnmber ' ir Oerman! where h.

t the¦¦ Wild of Nea ""orl » gueal of

F fi Klnnlcutl thli weehI. A Larocque, of New-Tork wh" has been a

r._.. Bamuel Frot i MorrtaN. J . ..

Mr and Mrs Willlam C Sch»rmerr>o-r. and Mrand Mr- Bamuel Brldgl im who area -r thelr Elm ¦" >.-. MaAmor.g tr.e rr.II I at C ,"-.-

-,.._k ,ir» Mr and Mrs BamuBoaton; Mr. and Mrs

1 E ZeublP R Hollli ga*Ro-t^- " Mlaa M E. MullBummlt N J.; E. C.T Malv Miss Flor«*nee Bel M " Bell.Phlladefphin. Mr- A H A'len. John Vlctor AllenLawrence L I Edward A Wl. ki M'.sa 1 eiJames O Thompeon, New-Tork; Bamuel RuMiddle-own. Conn 8. W. Bi "

r.r Wllliam Armatmng, New-Tork.




Narragane. tt R Bp* ;,:' -The.... .......

openlng of rh- new Bea Vlea Electrle... The flrsi

_¦-¦-.¦¦ rrylng Car Wake-Band, 1 ofpci.^iF nf the man*

promlif.i- eompl.

the Pler to Sind all thi

. torn olele rtrle llnea Th- i

.Nex* MonB .- mad. al the new Bt. .rr-,.' It :.«

promlsed thal on Iua v. ,-. ¦, «k Island ind r.

turnlne The -

arlth Prot.'! i oe ,;¦. ni nea

Pler. a lar|tranalenl vlm-ho pref.-r to travel bj Bteamer ral by the

i ¦ >'

noon ln a .. l- ei thai-.-- tton thls orcasion were the v .' New-Torh and the M 1

itera had th.goala hut the M

.re of 9 to 8 lnr Myoplai Thla wai f the gami.".nresr f,,-

Th.- polo - rmlng aeekflrat % ime ?... I Nai

mi ra f Ini J idlthi '.' Int Bda*for the Narrag seti i] W iter

Myoptaa; Saturday, the wlnnen tb.vkma eventa wlllThe Rock- II 1 I


from Ne** Y->rk Bhe la . b] B larglretlnui of eervanti ind haa bi ught wltl

. reat of th.season hereColonel Yermoloff. conneeted wtth th<

RuaalanOovernment to atea the mllltai itloni *

Bantlai «Ony at theM araon H >uaa Me haa but nfr<>mMrs OrenvtUe Kar.e and Miss Dorothy Kane have

_rri\- re. from Tux. doNew-Tork the an

. ler of Mf Chapli_r,d who ais,, dealgned Brander Matthewa's viiu.

Inri,r here thls *um-

r..-ron tbe - Dr and Mr -a

Ambasif r tl Harrla. of Vlrgmla. .md thePrlci

thi lalno

atter,.: .'. TheSatur'.


.1 B f 1 iggrn .¦.--. .. party r,f

S'ew-Tork. a 1 rmer i'nltedI. it the

Btan ki I .. tn.- M itbearaonRuaalan eon-

aarcui wn rurfman. ..'. r ..r- a> tn-- Mathe

mllitaryai Waahlngt. mtlAugustus Pltou. thi fai with hl-

ei and Mr> .'.. - n, of NeaYork

Tt.e....-.- lrr,\ roiAaaerlatlnn arlll u ueid at Mn- d. Coppet'a ne_tWedneaday

Bweel ,: Poinl Judlth, '-ught a b-.-ent:> | foi .un. fhe larg--ettisii ;h.-ir has been hooked thi

I iven at tr.tht- Mntal h..t. i«

Arr.. .- tba following New-Torhnames ar.- note,]Atweod Mra Byron Marha c,,.,,r«e f. i-tourn-- '.

and Georre P 8.Itoxet.J M s.iiermcrr.orn, J. U. M__._ a:. i

.- R. Usrtr.Lt 1



THE ROTTBtT weatheii.





Lake Placid. N Y July 30 (BgmMB -Althoughthe merciry has frequently rea-hed the elghtlestately, there haa h»en no tlme when the plaszason the shady slde. of fh« hotel* have not been

comfortable. Even awnv from thelr cool ¦betterthe heat haa not be»n fOK to such a degree i« to

rt.,AT peepi* from tnduiging in thelr vartooa ra re

atlooa and the Coif ltrks, tennis eonrta and lakaashow Increaaed numbers of pleoauie qeekara,

THE PTEVENS HOtTBEIt ls no- at all surprlslr.g tha» the Btevena House

has alwaya t.»»n a parttenlar favorite with collegemen nnd |over. of outdoor sporta general ly. for

Oeorge A Btevena, one of the proprletor*. i« o->e of

beat all-around athletea ln th* aMontatna nnd

not oni] aynpathtoea with rhe pursults of his sum¬

mer gueata bnl ecttvely Jolns ln thelr sports hlm-t- ' 41 golf. tennis or booeball he ln as good as

the best; at hl'.liard* he plays an expert g ime.

whl> as a rtfl" shot hls BOOTea made ar the Sports-men's Exhlhltlon ln New-York list Wtnte* markh'.rn aa an exper' of the flrst QUaltty Thls skllland foodneae for sporta nafurallv engender an

a. tlve lytnpathy and co-operation wlth others hav¬ing slmilir taatea rha- are most valuahl** and

helpful to hls guests. and have made both the

proprletor ind 'he house favorltes wlth a wide dr-!. of summ-r visltorsOn Wedneaday .-. handlcap golf tonrnameiM took

Bl ...-..« Hooae Hnka for the purpnseOf developtng the latent talent In thls v.. .r.i'v.

with g a team of repreeentatlvera to rpe.-r slmllar teams from orher parts of

the m Elghteen h ! andiit 1 u Barry to k rhe nr«t prtae

w!-h i ne; s-ore of ej; Profeaaor Blll. acrati h ibla credlt, and R M. Pha»- w;is

thir.1. havlna made JO netThe I,--g;sl .tlve .'ommlttee on Fish an.l Game,

Hlghi i Wllllam J vand Oeorge Cahoon, la nukln( an official vlithen. md observlng the workqulrem.. iwi On Monday the

* Mr 'ih'.-..-' tl hliAuaable Porka ind on Tueaday

Btevena Hhaving aent thelr handsome four

.. Porka »o brlni th.Llke Placid T;.- commlttee after an enj

.-. .¦ md .. «©p ar

many of the prominent eportamen'e rendeivouafor. Iti aeaalon

rvenli ncerti at *

ar>- bel r each week, an.o i.m the

.n.ert Jonaa Hambeig.: wirh th-


., (n se\-r HoldenChandler woa the ani*

aong 8t. m'a "HoljBteveni Houae are

th. folloa .1 N-u-.o-k Mr nnd Mrs B EEllaworth Bmlth Mr.- EIlz ibeth B >r-

-: Dr E .1 Oallagher.rt E Pavne, Mra L. L Burke, Mrs .!.

R Bte. Mti BteveniW Power W

] ¦: Mlai T'. :. Mlai A Tucker, Mr-tan


THE ORAND VTCWA 84 t pan ral ered in this p

and la tlleementa whlch her- abound.

Drtvtng partiea have been populathe nearby countr. t

'he k:rd rhis we-k w

glven bj I Mn- er Aftei

-ne pany returned arrlving.'lea In thi f the

reek waa Ii whlch ,w

I s;r- P Sli Irai M »i VIand Mr M \..--¦¦.'

the ehami f th. ndacka,wl beartni on Auguat Irand Vlew

Th. e been put li

nl ownershlp of rhe eleg.in'le* this

wlll '.e handaome allver cupa gi\-er. forAr,- piacea In both ibfea.

a vlattlng all th»m .uni Ine arrlved it thi

i-.ran' and will m ik» ll) week tel


lylng ar rhe OrandN'ew-'i ..rk .rr;

Mn 9 ;. M in .¦ M N Mitri E i. Dunan Mn C H Mother. Mis*geton M!s- Ingram and J H Ingram

'. P Shiras. ..f Dubuque, aremer Judge r-hlras is i brotherof the t nlted Stati

end hlmaell olBclatee in i » Circult

THE RUTMEAUMOKTThi immer colony nt th* Rulaeeaumont

... ... ......

of the | re i Oolf, oftoo, have th»ir . for rhere wlll


mmlng l.iss has becomeMacMarttn, of Pratt InaM-

... Brooklyn. n uperlntendlng tlnumber of lai ¦» well n^

chlldren Irdeed. so popular have the hmhlng andewtmmlng me thai Proprletor Krumbha i

tba | il dlfllculty thai 'he ||t-mer i t pllei or the lake can make her

Of 'he horHA pl. letom ..' rh.- Rulaeeaumont

"chlldr. rv evenlng the hand¦rn ll glvei 've rhiidren from

- o'clock and the orchesrra is in attendance¦tr use Thi- Ul ial .:¦. Itly .ip-ted bj rhe li-tie «ne« who ep.io-, thelr op-

ment of theehil.lren ls alwajra kept tn mind bj rhe ma

of thla house. arid ar a recent ehlpretty toy house of logs w.s won

|.\ Mlaa He|.*n Johnson. whlh M later EdmundKlmt'le got a .-oonsldnAnotl.. i mong the gt

mornlng jolly .

for .i llvH) canti r Throughintry ln th< Iclnltj

[i,;r reek the foliowlng Sea ._ ork peo¬pleed et thla I p Hnnil»r.Andrea Longacre, Mr and Mr.-

ittei .. er;,' ofj' who a -; ng i -1 tlme here

A Bcholta 'i E.Balfe. W. F. Dougherl

r. Wl Potta, Mnp F Mn 1<

Mn. H. F. Munn. J. V.¦ h Marah. of Morrlatown,

tt_g< of Mrs W, H. John¬son



Whlteface Inn has an tdenl locattoa for tho**who de>ire to enjoy all the p|e,i».ires of an Adl-

for It la loeated ln the woods on

.... u .. rn shore of Lake Placid, and one atepsalmost dlre- Uv from fhe plazzas into the foreetIt is a collectlon of aeparate bulldtngs. all aur-

bulldlng, and forms a plrt-.- gro'ip

,\ «. .- ruatlc casino eon'alns bowllng al-¦ nclng floor. and

hai wlndoore on all sld<»s. lt ts always d^llghr-ool

Tr..- kl ¦- r-"er patronlzed here thnr. a' manyothei pla for every one has a boat, and the

of the inn are met everywbera on ther aupper bojring ls tn high favor. and

nlmosr 'be entlre population may be found driftlngrhe netghborhood every ptoaoani

ea an glven in the ea.ino every Tburadayevenlng. and many other entertatnmenta are glvenb* th>- L'.. s Nameroua camps eatend along th»*lik' ibore on both slde- of the Ir.n. and many

campfln aa are given. to which frb-ndafrom 'he hot.l ar>- invlted

ng and flshlng are also popular. and occupyman* epan nioments.

I 'he Inn the following New-Vorkei Mr and Mrs Loula Mor¬rla Btarr. Btepher h KeaUng Rlchard J I> Keat-Ing. ''harU-- 1". Dnvli Carollne W Bockwood,

¦.< (: kwood Mr an'l Mra J QK*. - Mi-. Keya Mn Thomas F. Rllej Ml-.

..!. A Battln, Mlss Inal.-e. the Mlasea Jan-Mr» Charlea J Jenka Miss Jenka,

Mrs KoUr- E Deyo and fhe Mlaaes Doyo, MlaaMr and Mrs Walter M

H Frankltn Mr and Mrs A H .inndy.. m, ... oand* Mr and Mra Bamuel i: ..

ards " nd Mrr Wllllam H Van Kl.ktbe Mlaaea Van Kleack Nelaon Van Klee-k. ('hea-ter Van Kl.-.-. k. and Mr and Mrs I. P U MMullen

LAKE PLACID EKX7UThe new Lake Plaeld Hooae le .t¦ handsome ln

Ita new form bo'h ou'atd- and Inaide and. al¬though M was late ln the leaaon before the r*-

conatrnetlon waa ooipleted. it ia already aaallWtth guests. who flnd plenty to lnterest .md

aniuae tr,.-mAn orchestra of flve ple» es dlaeounee good muM*

ml tne uiiuai dancea eoevr aaeh weekThe basebali teem la at work aad feet BJOttlng

Into shape for the .-lose lo«-al conteste eo.>r, to b*glnAmor.i; t: ... atered al tbe Lake H

,,r. the folk/Wtng f-">.ti New-York LoulaIi. Geln. ilr. aad Mra. George T. liarr.ing. 8. It

Hunter, Vletor Koechl. Edward J. Hogan. Mrs.M Hogan and Oeorge H Rockwood


Paul Smlth's. July H .Speclal. -Thls great hotelhas niM up so rapldlv durtng the last week thatIt ls nearly to the llmlt of Its capaclty. and. aa a

ronserpjence. everythlng is llfe and bustle Out-door actlvlty of nll kinds fully occuples t..e wak-

tng momenfs of the entlre populatlon. for the va-

f raaooroee is exter.slve enough to satlsfynll tastes.<;o!f contlnu-s to attract by far th* gn-ater num-

b-r. especiallv of the young people. and the weeklyhandicap mjteh«s have grercly stlmulated the

general Int.-rest in thls sport The--- rr-i*' hes have

proved so popular and successful that thev wlll

probahlv he contlnue<I through tba season. andas hands-m- sllver rups are glven af each match,th<- siK-r_s«ful players wlll hive pleasant souvep.lrsOf thelr skil! ro exhlhtf t,*> friends at home The

wome-'s match last w»eK was won by Miss Van-

derhoef, of New-Tork. and that for men was

Cap-Ured bj H M Adams. The play was close

and exdtlng, and developed a -onslderable amount

of sklll through- ulNo race of the id«m class of yachts was held.k ,s all of the pro: Itanta «mre

fully prepared. hut lt is anttouneed that the- Will See all at fhe

Ing llne Laat we. k there was a ra-e of th.ln Whleh (he flrsf prir-e was won hy F. I

I.. Tr id»au. Jr's. boat. and the s»-ond pla"* hyA .-, -_

The en ara also actlve. and therewas rac. re-.te.-l ga n>- h. tween nines

from among the guesfs and the emiOf 'he hou

favor of the employe- The pla\ina was nn-

usuallj strong for new nlnes and brllliant dou-bl. plays w-r- maa< on both ildea Anotherbetween th«- mme nines ha- been arranged, wh-i

... ',, r-.rr*. ;.¦ iMea on Ita>r:"s

An evenl that will arouse -rreir |*-tere«r among.r-.m-r vlfllton rt: thla viunitv Is a fallbe held ar the hotel on a .for the

purpose of defraylng l r,f mucn-nee,i--ith. " the Adl-

Baranac LakeTh- commlttee In charg. f i meril rloua workincludei Mn a P B kea Mn a J MllbankMrs K L Tru-i iu Mn E H Faulkner, Mrsl. Bayard Smlth Mn Whltelau Retd. Mra <»eorg-

ind Mrs W F. Cobb.,1-r.r r.f ".. laal week was the

ring Fr-r.-hmen. wlthrh- guid'-s. pre-

suming on rh- apath) of the brutee, and thelrme too famfllai

v .. -... .¦..,! -. i rloua r--nrs in their clothlng.an,l thi 18 ahilltles of the

ind rii -..! by the t.e.irs w-r- a surprlse to

nll pr- aent '.

The following N>w-Vork people hnv-e reglsteredPaul Smlth s .....

w,,rk .;-,r_e h [¦ .- Zabrlskle, ">.¦\\.^ peter Cooper Hewlti Mlaa 0 C Finney.M-- i w Payne. Miss R- ssie Payne. Rober-t T.

y h. P Douglas, Mr and Mrs E V.M Sktnnei I. F M.ison. o

Bel itor Mison. ls her-. s--om-

by Mrs Masoti ind Mr ind Mrs NWltherell Mr ar.d M-- J A H irriman. of V-a

'. Park at hlap A R0 r t of Wllllam Rocke-



B_^ r Bt Huberfa Inn hna

i -. n fhe acene of great ale no exceptlon to

.- ted for goif bul a

. ¦'¦ luenl rhe eourti" llnks nre ir. flne condltion. and a goif club

Henry A I.yman. of

Haven. as pi lent " %** **

- .--.. excitli gamea h»d for, and

'the champtonahtp mai ea la ia

Bo- >rlte -air.y-d.v paatlme. when theare thr<v*g<*d to their

utmoat * '"¦¦

'1'"' hy .,onn

T. R-'berfss a-e River-. in -he Caalno bulldlng every

Thund Baturday nlghta, ani are brllliantaffalr-i, where mai -.'". on th*'

Mountntn-cltmbtng hai » .'***" populai il-,- Hu . l. to mar.v of the hiehest

p_-*ks itar n the nelghborhood The sporr is not

rea ti for re-

-\. of N---»-York.ani th, Jr of Oovernor"! Island. ar-

I ir.-irney over the-.,K"n r>> a - er.

rn.*- mountaln. a id no' onlyhe ,- .- d wnpour.

ihocka. Their *s--,--v w u constdered prnvt-

from Flliabethtown have madeina after a

on Among theee were Mn John¦.*,! h-r f .n..

ig the many New-Tork people at the Ir-.n-.»,_ ». rei-er.r arrlvali Mn

--,,... Mli Roi H il lo Mr and MrsI .,.--¦ Henn R-lnsmade .nd fami.-. Mn

',-r. \\ fl. 1 Mr .'"! Mrs. I.K v. merdlng. M w '- w'»"

r F H. N< Mlaa MaryM- .,nd Mr- K


Mr nnd Mrs St '' '.' Natalie.. for fhe «:mmer.

M-s \\ ;.: Miss Marj .\!,r-r. re.-en'.yc tag. - ¦** .'. Smlth is

-*i:!>Mr and Mra. E. H. v J \\

I % trlp through theBt Hubert'a


h"Tr:L AF BABLE CHA8M.'hasm. Jul Bpeelal).- Fr^m th»

t -.' .his place ea week Its safe to aay *e Interest than

thla part of the country.aubetantlal b._.-rs

ls evldenr from 'he fact Thar bosfs of '.isltors of-. . tO renew the

memor Tnls l9 another

pntnt In rei haam f!...'¦, s-ri-_ers do nor

--hanl. for tlon depends.. bul fully as

-. irled heai.rThere Ib ano'her fa r** 40

tt ther Is aa f.ne a hofe!at rhe ,'i-.,sm a- exlata the reglon ai

the-emake ., .

>-*, rhe cor.-

% t the |mpanled

r,v ¦, everj m'.h-rri ,---.rr\.

Ml aports and an ¦'¦ el«fwhere,... the air

outlook :r h_rm-1n g.

temlF. cr. grounda are closend one

cm even horroa tI tel The ai,-.. || "club." a-lth i'.- attendant

unloueT Flal and G u. mmll t the Leglalal

ur(, represented R ' B ibylon;m .1 Morgan, ot Buff -

F -ivs ap. nl it Bunday at the H iteiMonday to

of Mr C?

i s

The gueetfl al Ralph'a w Uit.,-.. -. ¦, mm enjoj lelvea Havlng dla-


among th«m on Bai ir iave a auc-ces-fu: concert M:ae Oladya I BeveB

-.., ... .... be pianOi an

¦...ment whlch aalns IU chlef totereet from the

.tr rhe chlld ha- had n- inatructten ln aaualbut Be. -narkable natural

glft Following thla ,ame a soio b] Fatber Henry,-,,r o* the Gregorlan chani m Oierbeooh

phlladelphla S hu.nann's Two

idlere " er.dir.i-- wtth lha ittrrtng notee of "The

Maraeil ilee «..- admlrabl) adapted to the alnger'eItng barytone. Later in the evenlng

Father Henn ahowed hla veraatlMty by siugingd'a "Th.-re is a Ore*m Hlll Far Awa)

Bprtag BongM aaa played b> Miss MarlonBurdlck ol Alban) Miss Laure lawyer. ef Chl-

Bang'New.,M,n s imber Song.'' One ofthe beatparts o' tbe programme waa Miss ..ii,ithw.iir--s

n-?s l.or-i-i and The Malden'sWiBh " of Chopli n "Ith ¦. degree of ml.and f'-ellng unusual among amateura Mrs HaroldRedpa'h*. beautlful eontrnlto rotce could not havebeen ahown to better ed\ intage than tn the Fren,-hs.,ngs whlch Bcarf 1arai played In . pleaalng manner hy Miss T.\-;,,rof Detroll Miss Sorens. ri iosed rh*. programmewrh Huahaby Bweet, My Own.' by Hawley. Fortl,.. K ,i-i of fhe concert the oflV'e of the ho'el

.ei into a muslc-room an! eerved theImlrably At the cloee of »he concert

palred m the parlor and flnlshed theevenlng arlth i hopRe ent arrlvali are T; .mai H Bolmer, Mr. and

Mrs R F EllBWOrth Mr und Mrs N Wltherel!and M D Bolmer. of Sew-Tork, and H c, Yor-.ngof Albany. i itdenl of the Delawareand HuCsor

AT WIDE iWABB BOUBT POC0B0.Mount POCOOO, P-nn Ju!> I ,S; elal)..A great

*tt_>tn a *.vk, the num-i ivtng m-ir- than doubled Moal af 'he eoaayttag. ipted md tbe usually quiet old r>*-

sort hai .» ^ -l for the Hiimmer Tne popularPocop '.' Houae la more than wide awake.and hai mora thaa . butadred guests

kaera Mrs Edward Morreii.... r- .m l aaa] make a pro-

Mrs Morrell wa* tonaerly a Mis*.Mrs H-mlng. alsa of Phlladel-

sr_y The Flemlngs are:.cj wlth ihe D.»-i-n- ot _mw f«cn-_



-PttOMINENT ARrWaI.BLong Branch. July ar> (flpecial i-Notwlthatandlng

the drawback cauae. hy hostilltles between thlacountry and Bpaln Long Braneh at the close ofdM flrsf month of real aummer buslness ftnda It-aelf enjoying '.ta ahare of patronage among theNew-Jersey reaorta There war a time. and notmany yrars ago efrher. when tbo restlng place ofGrar.'. Drexel and -'Jlm" Flsk was alone ln ther«<*e What a contraat between 1-5S and the early"sevenfiee." only a qunrter of a ueutory ago.mdhow short the tlme: The Jersey coast then be¬tween Bandy Hook and A'lantlc rity waa almoeta barren »»«re Iyng Rranch wm queen of theN'ew-Jersey eonsf. which tltle is stlll approprtateto-day. for where can be found a better claas ofeorragers" Wtth fhe jnerease of summer reaortalt ts very natural fo assiime tha' now and thenLong Braneh WOUM ba the loaer The departures.however. from the old seafide r-sort have beenamall ta oompa.rlson wl*h the neweom. rs. who,when onre |o~ated h»rotti» regular summer vtslton.T*e hote (i have a Just eause to be happy over

tttrna of the \».i mon'h. and should theweather durlng Aug ist prove f;,|r the season aa awhule wiii b«> Mttefactory.Th« week BOCtally has been a busy one En-

terfalr.me-.t_ nr-d daneea have berr> n'imerous. andeverybody waa happy to-night when the flnal

rai flnlshed and rest rame at laat.The prodocttOB of "Pinafore" on fhe Shrewsbury

R:\rr al I1 cext week by fhe Orau(iprra Company a ttraet thou tbal re-

Imrlng fhe relgn of thls popular open. wh|.-hwill be glven on a specially conatrucred float builtto represent a man-of-war there wlll be no flre-works dlaplThe Monmooth Beach r'o\t «'iuh ts a Uvety or-

¦,.-. The offl.-. rs .ire ,is follows President.('oionei WUUam Barbour; aeeretary, H B VanDer Hoef. rreasurer. «. W Van I»er Hoef The cluh

.-onfemplation the purchaa ef the Hastingestate of fofty Berei and botneotead. The heira

Of the . The golfciut.'s leaae exptr. araa,or.e of rhe flnest along the Jersey roast. haa coltrh»* elub nearly ?"The Country Cluh at Monmouth R.-a. h n.is been

'-..- areeh So leea than four aoclal Inel-| tbe aaloweek hcp Wedneaday

mgh' and rhe re;- .¦. t.»-mgh.f. have e. n

hei The two entertalnment! were the enhtbby the Rou. . s'ir.g eyi -sian

QardiIghtful progre.-stve hearts party waa he.d

taal Friday nlghl it the H ¦.* 1 Caatno. Thepiiaewlnne.i were MMr« D M Hlldreth, Jr., J W Albaugh, Mr

Ing ind Dr WallMr ai Mr- Abner H McKlnley and Mlaa MaN-;

M Kinlej trrlved ai Dheroa to-day Thej w i

spend the month of AugUOt -ror. HotelMr McKlnl.V. who la a broiher of rhe Pres

to droji in to aee btm before theseason

ni of 'he E>eron Hotel ..¦-- kli tbla week. 1

L l. Nunna araa forn ert i al w....tEn H WllMam A S I Uf*.wa? a promir.er.t e;r:Zen end .'. by

|y wno mer hlmTne handsome new edlflee at North Long Hran h,

.- ury Methodtal Ert«' ¦; Church. artll bededl it*d to-morrow by Blahop C "¦ The

.ructu i woi round ngunhandsome sum of BD 00. Th. Icelled aThe maln eudltortum was dedleated abonl one

year igo by Blahop Fltagerald The pastor. theRev Wllllam R Wedderapoon, waa 8Jooa thenro have Blshop M-''abe pert M Iduty, bul his datea were BUed leconriden- w_- t I ie n-*w Bund audl-

im would ihop Mc-__.. :..- nan .i-.ji.

or Auguat '..¦ ilthoug ¦- a com-¦. rhat tlma wer.

ilng No plar..- had be< n pr. thefunds to meet the r ... Mot; a

tn splte '.! -

ind Mr W. > four¬teen monthi ago. the I it Sun-d i> ol J ily Blaboi M anathe flnlshed ehapel, as promts. irteon monu.ago. waa reiThe work of the Red Croaa I

:- Branch pr..per haa been organtaedMn Franr^ H:r - 'therer. formed bv the eorragers At Allenhurst;

to tbe front worktngfor the Beabrli rhlle 1

m h ind for -n- cauae.An enterr.unmenf will be g rroa r.:ght

[oll] BMarv entertalnment! ir ¦. for thi El-ber-.n auxiliary Th* Needlewort w hUn .ndrew H Bmlth r-.obiework f..r the cau

.piier.. waa a rush for horse show hoxes to-night¦A- ,he we«- Em] Hot. I the prtc.

roe shoa la nowermanent midsummer '..ong

Bran h ,.,

The Hfesavers along the New-Jeroey coaat wlll.'or duty next Monday The ei

evceptton of the "aeventh man" -h" re-

: ¦¦ ember » un rent I il ex imm i-

tiona this week pri Tne.. .. on t.ie

leet of admlral to l....... . , h

feet- Thei.\ the >>

sez In queat ot < .. givenTr,- -i. ..¦


t the only Goven ment

storehouee on thls se-i Ina tt.ta for t

The most Important * "k ati Unlted Btates fl i 8n t. Jr

Thr 8 '¦rlng taken poesesslon

Mr ina Mn rd itarted" ratna

The Elberon has beei ounta.'. u..', n i irretn,

Perli id "C. I. De flMn E ? Wel went

to' New-York We Inesday to I Iwho' wai

M Ooodn '. "!mar. proml-for tbe sum-


l U7///.'/ OF GAYETY \T LO.V0 BBACB.Long ¦ " ;iI> .

ireeh Thi nnual I I and recepl mostgueau were

.. The virglnla reel however wee rhe feat-ureof a true I .'hern

t m a took nan leaeralMeredith L Jonee arl Mrs Walter K <irimn.Mr and Mn B 0 Hoare, Mr and Mrs Frank

Jordan. Howard Ftanagan looea, Mr.m-. Frank W. Conn and Colonel A ¦ DickMr* Im. k

Th- flohlng for the las- few days has been ex-

c^Wtnt Meaara I «. Ei»k. Barton.

Broei Flagg and Oniai m i _ghl aeventy-Bve flah.,rti are just now attractlng a good

ettentton. whlle the batbtng ta. as usuaUthal h^art eould artoh.

The new stahles whleh were blown down by the

Fourth of July 'ornado ire BOW ready for us*, and

just ln time, too. for the Boulevard wi'.l soon be

completed. and then one ur alltne Itotanee from Brooklyn ie the aOora of thia

hotel.On Monday evenlng tba Long Beach ("oncert

Compiny. composed of seven of the hotel wa!»- nwlll glve a eeneert, dan. a aad cake w.iik at Wreck

On Aigust <> the annual athletlc er.'ertalnmentwill be glven b* th.- w i ler the mar.age-ment of I> s Oodfny, bene walter, and Paul H.Bray. Tb. re wlll be ar. ona, r.i .. hurdle raco, ot-l-iboe raee, obetacle raee and i watermelon con-

-. it 'he featun oi the evenl ¦* the¦ .-. for pointa between Frank Hoiden. ofS'ew-Torfc and Roi-" W iaylor ot Waahlngton,horh of wb.om ;ir. WOlten Holdrn kti" k-d out

Bmlth few montha ago. ar.d aser mar. is also proDclei st 's

I.thera! prties wlll be qwarded theninner-y.,. leea than s:x hundred guests p.irr.ike of the

menu each evenlng. There are her- now ex-Oov.H .^n Th .nips n o' I utl ir il i i bow *f

s v- v r, Judg. McDonough lu Ige H ird, JBookstaver. WUUam .' I»e Wttt, J R owens.Mlaa Q Wlllis, Janv- I' nald F 8 Jordan andf W lordan, of Kew-Tork; Mlaa M<'\ I tiyrnasf Brooklyn, and aaany ."hers


Delaware Water Oap. Paan., Inlj ¦ OiperlaB-.ihe aaaenn at this deUgbtfnl re>, rt m .<: us height.and every ln. omlng traln drogo off a few p.o.deThe large hotela and the smal!-r _n-*. as well a*

the boardlng-housee. all have their share of pitronage The laat prcgresslve eu-hre party at the

Water G.ip House brought out atviut tl'.t. BHmd an Int.-r.sM .« «-me * rai Al :vus house

there are registered ex-('ongreisman Tardta]Rucks. H. L Hildetran.l. the P.irinun artl.-t. and

Judge and Mlss N.\ln. M 8*4 Hank. N. J At tne

Kirtatlnny are UM Misses EMB, Bt Englew.wd. whowlll soon be jolne.l >.* thelr fatlier. Kda ird IE Us Mrs aimpaon. of New-York. la ar thls houae

se«si>n. and ba* wtth her a number or flnetrane aad horsea Mr and Mr* Orlando Harperan.l Miss Haruer aie here for another long atay.rongresaman hooker. of Fredonia, n v. Ij herewlih hls famlly for a long atay The nshtr.g 1*Improvlng every day aa the rlver aeta lower, anlmenv a mnng U Hue bais is bruuglii ln d*l:y l_rtrM_.lt lon.