CONFIDENTIAL south cf the OUtp0st. The PBR beat3 got underway and proceeded to rake the south bank when enemy Ere was spotted. While i_n the proce3s, t-W(" sw:·_nuners were spctted swhnmi_ng tcwards the craft and were laken l"'.1dt>r iire sInal:' arms and hand grenadesa As the craft 'r . " , pt CCed"d s,-_utheast d( W'l the Ca: Lon R',ver (WR 21)0770) with PBR n the one B-40 or B-4:!. rcund was fre-In the north bank. The enernv ITIo'-emF!nt was Hna!}y the area which has been termed as t:he ( r05s::_ng poi.nt for eneITlY forces who have been harass-ng the ATSB K-_en An There w,=-re no friendly casualties:> and :".t <";,'0.'3 pre!;juITIed that the hvo VC sw:o.ITnners \vere On --; Apr-: at HQ :_2.35 was beached en the east bank of th" Ca'_ Tau R' 'e' iWR 0' \ l47) ',n An P'T""_ne", on an assi_gned davt".rne I pera·." "rl, The' reWrTIpn the area cn the ba.nk ·.nad'.f'rtan t :\" a boo trap tw,::· V·:.einarnese st n tht-' r..:'. \' n: vVR Z 3:) 741 and cne ITleters west and arITlS Ere were rece:'sed by the c't'aft unLi.l the 11)5 In .... ·.ITlt"ter he'Vv:.lZf'T. was unh':ashed by the ARVN frcm Kie!'1 CONFIDENTIAL 42

t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,

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Page 1: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


south cf the OUtp0st. The PBR beat3 got underway and proceeded to

rake the south bank when enemy Ere was spotted. While i_n the proce3s,

t-W(" sw:·_nuners were spctted swhnmi_ng tcwards the craft and were

laken l"'.1dt>r iire w~th sInal:' arms and hand grenadesa As the craft 'r .

" , pt CCed"d s,-_utheast d( W'l the Ca: Lon R',ver (WR 21)0770) with PBR

~ 77~4 n the ~.f>ad, one B-40 or B-4:!. rcund was £~.red fre-In the north

bank. The enernv ITIo'-emF!nt was Hna!}y s:·.~.enced :~_n the area which

has been termed as t:he ( r05s::_ng poi.nt for eneITlY forces who have

been harass-ng the ATSB K-_en An There w,=-re no friendly casualties:>

and :".t <";,'0.'3 pre!;juITIed that the hvo VC sw:o.ITnners \vere killed~

On --; Apr-: at ~2l0H HQ :_2.35 was beached en the east bank of

th" Ca'_ Tau R' 'e' iWR 0' \ l47) ',n An Xuv~n P'T""_ne", on an assi_gned

davt".rne I pera·." "rl, The' reWrTIpn sf::,a[ch.~.ng the area cn the ba.nk

·.nad'.f'rtant :\" ~'~'PFjed a boo b~' trap ::e'::i\;.:):~ng ~~n tw,::· V·:.einarnese sa~·~!.ors

p~' st n tht-' r..:'. \' n: vVR Z 3:) 741 se'~'en and cne ha~.:f ITleters west

f'r~~ and 5ITla~1 arITlS Ere were rece:'sed by the c't'aft unLi.l the 11)5

In .... ·.ITlt"ter he'Vv:.lZf'T. was unh':ashed by the ARVN 50Jd~ers frcm Kie!'1



Page 2: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,

, •

On 15 April, PBRs 7707 and 7719 were pro~eeding wo";theast ort

the Song Cai Lon with PBR 7707 in the lead when nine B-40 or B-4l

rocket rounds were Hred by the VC. F'iv" of the rounds were near

misses, while one impacted amidships on PBR 7719 and wounded

BMI K. L. Morey, the advisor on board. PBRs 7702" 7704, 7709, and

7712 were in the immediate vicinity and responded with devas:atinJ fire on

the "-ttackers and helped rescue the three beleaguered craft. The

continuous suppressive fire forced the enemy to flee their bunkered

positions and rocket launchers. PBRs 7708 and 7713 joined with the

group and beached near the scene, crewmembel's conducting a sweep

-,f the area. No enemy personnel could be found, and the operation

was discontinued. The two wounded sailors, one American and one

Vietnamese, were medevaced to the operating,'base at Kien An for

further treatment.

While the number of craft sunk had considerably diminished

in the last few months, the number to be salvaged was still considerable.

Those still to be salvaged as of 2 April' were as follows:


Can Gao Canal

" " "

Nga Ba Cai Tau River and Xang Cut Canal

Cai Tau and Trem Trem Rivers


u. S. Army LCM- 8 LCM-8 HQ 300'8 Commandament 6001 ATC HQ 1256 LCM-6 HQ 1526 LCM-8 LCM-6 HQ 1507 Zippo HQ 6533 ATC Command, HQ 6002 LCM-6 HQ 1506


1099th Trans. Co. VNN TG 210.1 RAG 26 RAID 71 RAG 26 ARVN RAG 26 RAID 75 RAID 40 RAG 25/29 RAG 25/29


VR 990 768 VR 955 700 VR 970 745 VR 945 667 WR 280700 WR 265 739 WR 364 687 WR 980 }83 WR 945415 WR 050460 WR 025390

Page 3: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


Salvage efforts on these l'.sted and on the two ASPBs sunk

dudng the m.onth proceeded as in the past with energetic effort. put

forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered

by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y

LCM-8, HQ 5l34, and a French C0nllnandarnent, HQ 6001. In addition,

salvage and su.rvey efforts conEnued in dawn to dusk operations on the

(tthe:r wrecks :n the canalso

The salvage

completed as the craft ?"' ..... 'h} during the early

part of April. .' The mine which crippled tilLS craft severely dam.aged

thf:' be\\.' to such an extent that for the Ume be:i.ng it-rested on land

unL:. repac.Ts cou:.d be effected that w';uld enable it to fleat.

On '4 Apr-a, the U. S. Arm.y LCM-8 sunk on 26 March 'las

SUC( essfu~LY raised by sa::vage pe-rsGnneL With two ASPB·=: ~s eS(;(J"rts,

th" craft was lowed ('ut of the Can Gao Canal toward K".en An.

H<.weve.r. befc.re'j CGu',d be safely bea.:hed and secured. the wreck

sank aga:n '.n the '-vater just off ATSB K'.en An. The LCM-8 rested on

the be,th. m 'n ZS feet of water about 30 yards off the east end of the

K:.en An p.~,,",:r.

On 18 Apr'."" less than 24 hours afte:c C':: was sunk on the Can Gao

Cana), at VR 992769,. HQ SU4 was refl.oated by USN sal,vage personneL

HQ 5134 was tGwed k' K:en An in v: nV0Y w'.th t.hree ASPBs, two LCMs,



Page 4: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,

/\TC !lQ 1256, as found by 11CU -l salv age forces On the Can Gao

Canal in tLe vicinily of VR ')45 &67 .

Page 5: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,

:!O 12 "'" '.vhidl h~~ been ren.ovl'd :J\' the :1<'lrho1' C h :<lLI:! ......

... · , tli. OIl '-.!. r...:: 'I. :-. un the b an.k~ uf tltt.: C. ~~i Lun Hi\ f'1".

Page 6: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


one A TC, and one VNN LCM-8. The convoy arrived at l630H at Kien An

without incident. Senior Advisor, Deputy TP.!\N HUNG DAO stated:

"The rapid response of the TRAN HUNG DAO XVII Salvops Team in

raising the HQ 5134 within 24 hours after it was sunk on the Can Gao Canal

has once again derrlOnstrated the highly professional aHd dedicated

service that has typified your salvage operatic·ns in the U Minh Forest

waterways. The men of the entire team have my appreciation for a job

well done. ,,1

On 23 April, the salvage team raised the RAG 26 Commandament

HQ GCr6, whose hu.l was badly damaged by several mine explosions.

The wreck was underwater for seven months in the vicinity of VR 973 750.

With the belp of an ARVN bulldozer as deadman, the wreck was pulled

onto the beach r.ear the 33rd Reg;' ental CPo

The RADRAG system which was to have alleviated the mining

threat by use of electronic sensors during operational sweeps was

still not operational and We.S an item of considerable anguish for both

COMNAVFORV ana Senior Advisor CTF 210. On 16 April, COMNAVFORV

requested that a report on the initial operationa~ sweep with RADRAG

be ITlade and that appropriate comments be included by the Senior Advisor


1. SA DEPCOMTHD msg dtg 220739Z APRIL 1971.


Page 7: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


ATSB K~('n An.. He also desired a da'Jy s:'.tuat',('n report (rom. the

Sen:'or Adv:'sor CTF 210 on the em.ploym.ent of RADRAG. including

h()l1.':S e-mp1.oved, results, false alar"nl rate" and prcblern areas.

Th,' reasons fo! the urgency of the use "f the system. were the

I.b\.'--· .1....5 nef'd tr::. reduce craft lcsses to watc.t"Illines and the need to

dete: :-,o'"e"{ RADRAG 'cs a w0rkable C0unterrneasu::E to the com.ITland

de:onatec! ITlin.,. The Sen"or Adv'.sor CTF 2D was cocncerned wit.h the

3aiHy ,>f the sweet/.ng >m.'.ts ernploy'ng the RADRAG system .. since

the'3e l,. .. n·~.ts w~re mo re vu~ne rab~.e te- m:o_ning than those en.~ploy:~ng

chai:1 drag tacr'.co, am as the RADRAG system has nc 1:uHt-in capability

f.c. d',;;lrITl m-nes. Hi> reqllested that the use (f the RADRAG system

be delayed unt". 'o'mp'et.":on ··-f the LCM-8 ,:onvers':c·n. thereby I',mit.'ng

.n.1UO:Y to per 51. r.nt:-l ~

On 22 Apr'.:., CON,NA VFO':Z V '" C( ('ITlrnended that RADRAG be taken

en an abbrev'-.atE"d rn:·.s'3.~'·;n down the (anal. i..r'-;nl K~.en An, se that a feel

f'.:r the nunlber ,-f a:.:lr:ms L) iJe e.xpected l:ou.!.d be establ:lshedo He also

CCITuTIt-nted on the \ .. St~ (.1 spr'(,nbs wh·~(h were be:~ng usrd ~n the cdnversion

qf the LCM ... 8 staC.ng that ·:n shock tests, sp.~.~ngs on:.y store t'nergy:>



Page 8: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


On 26 April, the Senior Advisor CTF 210 reported that the LCM-8

conversion was basically complete and that a planned test would

take place on 2 May. He alse ~dvised COMNAVFORV that styrofoam

instead of springs would be used as the deck shock absorber.

NA V LE DMAC responded to CTG 210.4' s criticism of Dustoff

operations which were posed in the previous month to DEPCOMNAVFORV

as a result of the time lag" unsatisfactory service, and possibly, dual

standards existing for Arrlerican and VietnalTI.ese casualtie;:;.

In a terse rnessage, he stated that Dustoff precedence for pickup, as

quoted from USARV Regulation 40-10 set the following priorlty: U. S.

Armed FOl',-es, citizens of the United States, RVNAF, RF/PF, PW (enemy),

and civilians. Wounded civilians would be picked up when there were

other wounded in the first fiv" categories and were at the same pick

up point. Medevac ITlissions were not flown in response to civilian

wounded unles s wounds were incurred by U. S. actions. He further requested

COMNAVFORV to advise all personnel on Dustoff priorities and response

times and to substantiate all unsatisfactory performances in tl:", future.

RADM H. S. Matthews was relieved of his duties as DEPCOMTHD

by Commodore Tanh, Vice CNO VNN on 2 April, and on that date became

Senior Advisor DEPCOMTHD. This new position was in the operational

advisory chain of command for USN advisors which parallels the VNN

operational chain of command. The Senior Advisor DEPCOMTHD

reported directly to Chief Naval Advisory Group, MACV.


Page 9: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,



The month cf April passed with five more Mekong convoys

successfuJ.1y trar,sporting critical.ly needed POL to the Cambodian

capcta:, from the Tan Chau stag:ng area in the Republic of Vietnarn.

Despite heavy enemy efforts to interdict two of the convoys, the

successfu; ('oordination of the various elements participating in

the (,perat',m .. Cambf,d·.:,an, V;"tname5e, and American - kept the

enCre contents I)f the Cul1V\)YS i.ntact, With the destruction of the

KompfJng Sam Refinery at Phnom Penh in the previous month, the

convoys took on a greater ~.mportance-,

In the wan:ng hours I'lf March, Conv-oy TP-12 was stalled

haLf',:ay between Neak Luong and Phnom Penh while ARVN and

Force Atrn~e NaEona1.e Khmer tr()ops~ with the aid 6£ 1]& S~ air

SUpp0rt, tr~ed to d;.slodge a :'arge enemy force which was dug

'~n on the ~ast bank ~',f the Mekong. Afte r a 16 hour haH, the convoy

prccel:!dcd tIl Phnom. Penh w·;.th no further :~ncident, arriving on the

Lrst of Apr ~~ at I.UJOHn The c.onvoy was composed of a merchant

sh~p, two tugs, tw,. Leapdal towboate and a VNN tanker which

ac cornpan' ed the c n\":"i as faT" as Neak Luonge

The return c('nv\-y, PT~j2. consisL~.ng of a rnerchant ship, a tug

w'th two empty barges, the two Leapdal. tow'oGats, and a VNN LST

carrying refugees, arr:,,'ed back jn Ta.n Chau on 1 AprU at 2100H

without lncidenL CONFIDENTIAL 50

Page 10: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,



.' f

Convoy TP-14, consisting of two merchant ships, three tugs, four

POL barges, two am.rno barges, and two towboats, departed Tan Chau

at OOOlH on.'? April. It arrived at Phnom P",ul the same day without

encoudering enemy contact. The return convoy, PT-14, consisting

of one merchant ship, three tugs and two towboats with five empty

barges, left Phnom Penh at 0930H on 8 March and arrived at Tan Chau

10 hours later without incident.

Convoy TP-15, composed of two merchant ships carrying general

cargo, a tanker carrying POL, a tug with two ammo barges under tow,

four Leapdal towboats and two POL barges, a VNN tanker with POL,

and two ARVN LCUs, departed Tan Chau at 0030H on 16 April and

arrived at Phnom Penh 13 hours later without incident.

The return convoy, PT-15, was composed of three merchant ships,

a tankelO, two tugs, and a Leapdal towboat. It departed the Khmer

capital at 1030H on 17 April. At l430H a. UH-lL smoke screen helo

which was providing security for the convoy was forced to land one mile

north of Neak Luong at 1900H due to a loss of fuel oil press\lre. The helD

was lifted by a CH-47 (Chinook helo) shortly after the landing, with no

darn.ages incurred. Th~ convoy, having experienced no delay, arrived

at Tan Chau at l430H.



Page 11: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


Convoy TP-16, consisting of one merchant, a tanker, three tugs,

a towboat, two general cargo barges, two atnIllO barges, and three POL

barges, carrying 'n all i,ISO, 000 gallons of POL and 833 tons of arntnunition,

departed Tan Chau staging area at 2330H on 22 ApriL It arrived on 23

Apr~l at 12")OH, ha,,-:ng experienced no enemy contact, The return

convoy, PT-lb, (Con'pe,sed oj {"ur n,erchant Shj~S, four tllgs and four

barges, jeit Phno= Penh at 094SH on 24 Apdl and arrived at Tan Chau

nine hours later w!thout :nc:denL

The f'fth and tinal. conv.1Y of the =onth, TP-17, proved the 11)ost

n:.-fated. It departed Tan Chau at OOOlH on 29 April, with a sizeable

mass~ng of L,,"c merchant ships. a tug towing two arrllTIunition barges.

a Leapdai towb' at wlth 150, Oll') gall"ns oj .;.'OL, and a tanker with 600, 000

gallons cf POL. At 03Z2H the con'/oy can,e under attack, receiving 40

B-40 rockets and autnITlaLc weapons Ure, at WT 255 300, ten ITliles

ins:de C:-lITlbCldia The con\"oy was aga~n attack{'d 18 ITlinutes later with


repcrted l'ght damage fr"m the attack. With'.,ut iurth"r cnddp.nt, the

convuy arr.'·ed at Phnom Penh at J.300H, A l'~[€. broke out later

ab"ard SS PROSf'ERJTY ;n the, after hoid, wh;ch was be!.'e';ed to have

been cau8cd by a 1)0 caLber tracer Ill-lind ~{Jdged in the cargo of , -, re£t':.gerators and styrufoan~. The f:Ie was put out by local nre trucks

and a port f:re buat and the sh.p j~sted abf)ut lS degrees from water used

to dl...)use the Ere, but \vas neVer ~n any danger {,f s:nk:ng ..


Page 12: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


Convoy PT-17, composed of a tanker, a tug, and two towboats

with two barges, departed the capital city at 0930H on 30 April anrl

arrived nine hours later without incident,

Accor2ing to the COMNAVFORV INTSUM of 20 March, the

Kompong Som Refinery, which was demolished in early March, was far

frorn. being repaired to any usable capacity. Three alternatives

were given towards regaining a sern.blance of oil stocking capacity:

the fi·rst was total reconstruction of the refinery, which would cost

$4, 000. 000 and one year's labor. Telnporary repair, the second alternative,

would cost $500. 000 a.1d would last for two years. The third alternative

,nod the recorrnnender! choice was to do nothing to fix the refi.nery as yet,

since the area was still not secure even for repair crews. Thus

for the forseeable future, Nha Be and Singapore would provide Phnom

Penh's POL. The remaining stocks at the devastated Kornpong Som

Refinery were being transferred to Phnom Penh via the Mekong River.



Page 13: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


Activity in the TRAN HUNG DAO XIX AO was light and probably

ind:cated the GVN pacification that has been steadily increasing with

each succeeding month, Three firefights were recorded by CTG 217. 2's

waterborne units ana in addition, these units acted on three occasi0ns

as the blocki.ng force for the ARVN 10th Regiment in their ground

operaLons, No naval casualties were incurred although one ARVN

sold:.er was wounded on 3D April in a c.:...'m'b~.ned operation" Five VC

were k:iled and one captured. Three Vietnamese s2ilors were wounded

and one PF soldier killed in separate incidents involvi.ng friendly troops,

Inte'Jigence reports of resupply by sea into the areas of MR 4

cont tlied to ce Tf-.ce.i.ved, Kien Hoa and Kien G~ang Provinces WCI"e the

areas where most of this activ:ty was supposed to have taken placen

Three separate S25 Milita,-y Group reports rece:i.ved in the last five

months had indicated the resupply ;'from the sea" had been taking

place oif Kien Hoa Province, with the material destined for VC USf! j.n

the B:nh Dai Secret Zone. The D-lOO Na.-igationa!. Group had been

mentioned a.s the unit responsible if)=- rh:.s activitYa

The d:ssappearance of enemy activety in the TRAN HUNG DAO XIX

AO CDuld be explained by the cur rent intelE.gence reports that

eITlpha~Jized a low posture 0n engagements and a Cf)nc.eTitrat~.on nf



. •

Page 14: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


supplies for a later offensive. On 12 April an intelligence report

related the operations of an enemy transportation company d"livering

war material into Kien Hoa Province. The unit was bringing the

supplies in frc)In the north on sanlpans by way of various rivers and

canals. On 16 April another report indicated that sometime in early

April, an NV A ocean-going ship unloaded an unknown arrlOunt of

a1T11T1unition and weapons near the ITIouth of the Cua Dai River (XS 995 300)

in Kien Hoa Province. The report further indicated that two previous

shipments ()ccurred in late NO'iember and early March.

A Hoi Chanh, who rallied on 8 April, related operations of die

3001 Sapper Battalion located at the nlouth oi the Bo De River (WQ 25 67),

inclucting the unloading of an "infiltration trawler" on 8 February.

Recently captured docunlents had also indicated that the 962nd MF

INF BN of VC in MR 3, operating in the sanle area as the 3001, was

also l'espons,ble for the unloading of infiltration trawlers.

The waterborne units of CTG 217. 2 were engaged on three

different occasions during the nlonth, and although this would indicate

that they were idle, the case was not so since they were also involved

in blocking operations for the 10th ARVN Reginlent. On 11 April,

RAG 23/31 and RID 45 craft were attacked with four B-40 or B-41

rockets and two 75 nlnl recoilless r\fle rounds in the vicinity of

XS 592 148. All rounds nlissed the craft and a reconnaissance



Page 15: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


company was immediately inserted w::.thout contacting the enemy.

No fri~ndly or enerny casualties were reported.

On 19 April, RAG 23/31, RID 45, and RPD 56 craft acted as a

bl )cking force ;n s"pport cf the lath An,VN Regiment in Kien H0a

Pruvince fn,no XS bl5 245 to XS 575 295. The ARVN troops were

cnserted b! hel'.copters a!"ng with a Reg:onal Force Cempany at

XS 611 2 '9, They mel br:ef resi.stance but eventually O'rercame the

enemy and -i.n the pr'Jcess, kil,led eve VC and captured one B-40

rocket and 23 :ndiv~dual weapons. Seventeen large bunkers were

destroyed by 40 rnm and 105 P.')rn Monitor guns duri.ng the operation.

eTC 2,7,2 stated that he considered thes operation to be the best

coord·.nated operatirn TRAN HUNG DAO XIX units have ever participated in.

The problenl of discipline all.lSe in the ranks of the Vietn2.me~e

ArlTIY and Navy personnel. On two separate (jccas~on5, personnel

were wounded by ~.rrespl)ns:b:_e friend!)." forces., On 22 ApriJ.,

F:.rernan Thac from RID 40 Monctc,r HQ 65,S was walking acre'ss <0.

br':dg" (XS on 312)'n .K;en Eea Pr"vince when for some unknown

reason, he proceeded te, d:·.s.,~harge two sh.'.,t5 ~_nto the a~.I" and as his

'ntt'nL()ns w('re rn~s--r.terpreted, he was ~n turn shot by th,~ ARVN

guard ",:th hur M-;.6 T"unds 'n the abdc.m.'n. The RID 45 advisc'r

frc'm the Moni.loT medevac"d him to the lncal hosp:tal where his

cond£ct:on reITla~ned cr-:.t:caJ




Page 16: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


On 25 April, a Vietnamese patrol officer and the boat captain

of PBR 7614 attached to RPD 56 in Kien Hoa Province were ,,·ounded

in the legs by friendly fire in the vicinity of XS 453 328. The wounding

of the two YNN occurred when crewrrlenlbers of PBRs '1614 and 7605

were accosted by two intoxicated PF soldiers who were firing their

weapons in the air and tossing grenades into the water. In their

attempt to disassociate theITlselves froITl the two PF soldiers and in

the proces s of castini; off, the VNN crewITleITlbers were suddenly fired

upon by th" PF from bel,bd trees and in the exchange that took place,

one PF was killed and two VNN were wounded. The USN advisor stated

to th~ carr ~·;ding officer and senior advisor to RPD 56 and province

officials 'BR personnel were not at fault and that on previous

occasions, .... Jradic fire had been rec~iveci. from this area.


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The strategic Vinh Te Canal straddling the border between

VietnaITl ar,d CaITlbodia lay dorITlant for the second ITlonth in a row as

a combination of ARVN pressure on eneITlY eleITlents in Cambodia and

low water in the canal served to preclude an outbreak of hostility.

The one friendly casualty occurred at Chau Doc when CM3 Roger M.

Carter fell from an annITli into the swift current and drowned:-

He was assisting in lashing ITlaterial to the anuni for transport when

the accident occurred.

Although hostile action was alITlost nonexistent, the logistics and

support problenns were vigorously pursued by the base cOITlITlanders

at Chau Doc and Tan Chau as they jointly subITlitted a lessons learned

message about va:r:-ious inadequacies in habitability, sanitation, and

base layout at their locations. Suggestions for iITlprovec habitability

included replacing heat radiating galvanized steel roofing with heat

reflecting aluITlinuITl type ITlaterial, obtaining rrlOre self help m.aterial

to dlo\\' base personnel to iITlprove their living quarters, and overhead

fans for living and working spaces.

Under a general heading of sanitation and public works it was

further reconoITlended that continental type toilets be installed in

future construction because of :ts relative siITlplicity when compared



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to American type plumbing. .Additionally it w~.s recommended that

the sewage and water systems be given a greater capacity and more

powerful pumps as well as a back up capability. Concern was also

expressed about the overloading of generators at both bases. It was

pointed out that they are running at close to capacity and probably

could not weather a 1500/0 overload as is called for in generator

specifications. Tv..'o other concerns in the electrical dOITJ.ain wert.

improper and unsafe connections to dependent housing and the lack of

emergency power for the NOC bunkers.

The other ITlajor area of concern was base layout. The base

officials noted that erosion is a serious problem and co.lld lead to

worse problems if proper culverts, drainage systerns, and seawalls

are not constructed. There also exists a requirement for a large, open

air. covered asseITlbly hall and 5QITle recreational areas such as

basketball. and volleyball courts. Another problem area is that there

is not a flagpole or ceremonial area at either base, t he absence of

which is a source of irritation to the VietnaITles€ :-,ersonnel.

In conclusion the officials stated that the work had been carried

out by the Seabees according to plans but the designs were not

adequate in the <.reas rnentioned.


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, ,



Activity in the Rung Sat Special Zone was light to moderate

durin~ the month of April as the RF and PF personnel with their

advisors kept up ~he relentless pursuit of the enemy through the

dense swamps of the area. The :..nscrtions o:! units under the

CHUONG DUONG search and destroy operations were suc,:essfu11y

ferreting out the enemy and exerting continuous pressure such that

the ve in the Rung Sat were reported to be breaking into groups of

three to fi\'e men and keeping on the ITlove constantly to avoid

detection, The month's sweeps accot:nted f()r 21 '1C killed, 14

captured. and the destr:ll.ction of 15 bunker cOr.:1plexes. 'there were

22 friendly casualties: 16 RFs, two VNN, and four civilians wounded.

Significant enemy captures ineluced: 453 '<llos of rice, a 750 lb, bomb,

] 3 kilo~ of documents. four anti-personnel m..~nes, four blasting

caps. a ..... d a large arnount of medical suppli es and field equiprnenL

On 2 April, 27 RSSZ PRUs were inserted by U. S. Army Slick

aircraft and by two PBRs fro,., RPD 5, into Can Giucc District, Long

An Pro'.'ince, 15 kilometers south of LSB Nha Be .. Irl the process or

::;weeping the area, they loc1.ted and destroyp.d three bunkerB. On

3 April RSSZ RF Company 117, while enroute to ~.n insertion position

a.board a Vietnamese R~ver Patrol Craft, received one B .. 40 rocket


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round from three VC approximately 24 kilometers south of the Nha Be

LSB in Quang Xuyen District. The troops returned the fire and the

VC fled south. Two RF soldiers were slightly wounded. T"e next

day a unit of RPD 51 on routine patrol of the Tac River carne under

B-40 rocket and AK-47 fire. The B-40 hit the lead boat about two

feet aft of the bow and exited the port side, failing to detonate.

The crews ilTIITlediately returned the fire, wit~ unknown results.

Two VietnaITIese sailors were wounded in the encounter.

On 6 April a RS~,Z RF Company 999 soldier on a CHUONG DUONG

17-7l troop sweep detonated a booby-trapped grenade at YS 200 804.

The resultant explosion wounded the soldier who was promptly

rnedevaced to Long Binh On 7 April, the Quang Xuyen Intelligence

Sqt. .:td, while enroute to a gua'rd post by 5aITlpan, received approximately

three B-40 rounds if'_ the vicinity of XS ~64 738. The (,quad returned

the fire and the VC fled. Five PF soldiers were wound"d, two

seriously, and the friendly sampan destroyed.

On 8 April, 36 RSSZ PRlJs were inserted by Slick aircraft 17

kilometers northeast of t-..'ha Be (YS 076 936;, for the purpose of

sweeping the area which had been reported as bei'1g VC infested.

Upon insertion, one VC was captured immediately. Continuing the

sweep in pursuit of an unknown number of VC, the PRUs captured



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another VC a~ YS 093 935 and again made contact with the enemy

at YS 073 940. Three VC were killed when they attempted to evade.

Two base carllps and 200 kilos of rice were destroyed and one kilo

of dOCUIllents was captured.

On 9 April, in Can Gio District, 30 kilometers southeast of the

LSB Nha Be, RSSZ RF C,)mpany 875 troops on a sweep found one VC

hase camp in the vccin',ty of YS 083 51.5. Troeps destroyed four bunkers,

four blasHng caps, three grenades ,one water tank, and a cooking pot

with three knos of rice. A few minutes later two VC were sighted

evading north and were pursued bnt with no SUCCP.SSn The troops

found a fresh grave with one body approximately 48 hours old at

YS 08] 517; the death of the VC was attributed to USN and 'JSA H&l fire on

7 April, A USA LHFT, providing coordin"tion and cover for 'l-te

t,.oop mcwements, ',ghted and placed A/S fi.re on 10ur VC at YS 073516,

kiL.ng a~l of them. La'.er in the afternoon the RSSZ Fsyops te,m,

cond.,cted a loudspeaker broadcast 'cn the area urging the VC to Chieu Hoi.

On I! AprU at 2025H, Phuoc Khanh Village in Nhon Trach

D~_str~ct of Bien Hca Province, four kiloITleters east of Nha Be,

rece:I,'ed SITIaH ,",,!:Ins Ere from approximately four VCG Ten ITlinutes

J~_ter a USN LHFT vect0:-erl to the v:cinity and placed H&I fire along the

suspected evasion rOute wi_th unknown result so PhuQC Khanh Village


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is strategically located on the Rach Muong Canal. Intelligence

sources reported that on 25 March six VC carne into the village

carrying B-40 or B-41 rockets and explosives, possibly for use

against ships moored in the Nha Be area.

On the same day, 11 April. the RSSZ PRUs again showed their

talents when they captur<!d seven VC at XT 469 128, 90 kilometers

northwest of Nha Be in Duc Hoa District, Hau Nghia Province.

The prisoners were turned over to the MR III Interrogation Center.

On 12 April, the Can Gio Intelligence Squad with an advisor

were inserted by sampan in the vicinity of YS 107517, and while

sweeping southwest, found a 750 pound bomb (a dud). Members of

EO)) Team 41 were inserted by Slick to destroy t/le bomb in place.

On IS April at l300H, 18 RSSZ PRUs were inserted in Nhon

Trach District 20 kilometers northeast of Nha Be and made contact

with 12 VC at YS 092 933. One VC was killed and one captured.

At l31SH another group of PRUs were inserted at YS 101 908 and

sighted three females evading to the south. The three women were

c~.:)tured along with three kilos of documents.

On 18 April RSSZ RF Company 361 troops detonated one anti­

personnel mine while disembarking from an LCVP in Can Gio 34

kilometers southeast of LSB Nha Be. One RF was seriously wounded



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wh:le one civilian was sEghtly wounded. A sweep of th" area

discovered another anti-personnel ITline whic.h was destroyed in place.

The mines and bo('by-t rapped greanades placed in Can Gio during

the rth)nth were c\~nEned to a str~p froITl one to two kiloITletel's wide

nc.,rth nf the DI)ng Hoa - Can Gin Road and running the length of the roade

On 19 Aprel at 1:00H, wh;,e en a secu6ty sweep, RSSZ PF

Platnr,n 007 s:ghted an est':mated sq',ad of VC in a base camp in the

,"cin;t)' (,f XS 960 ?4o, 'n Quang Xuyen Di,5t,',ct. The troops took

the VC u.nder Lre and the enerrlY fledo One hoctch and six sleeping

platforms were destroyed On the saITle day at YS 016 570, RSSZ

RF Company bOt t r pops fc'und nne b"dy, approxi,mately 10 to 14 days

dead, bel.ie\'ed t< be the "'5u,t of USN LHFT H&1 fire on 3 ApriL

Also un 1.9 Apri} in Can Gio D-;_stri.ct, the Can Gj.o lntelUgence Squad

found and dcstrcy"d',n place ane,ther anL-personnel mine at YS L56 519.

Later in the da/ RSSZ PF Plate-on :'S, part.i.c'pating in DONG KHOI

Phase 111, was ,ns"rted by sampan in the "icinity of YS 095 523 and

found and destrnyt::.d (,ne three-k:_lo anL-personnel mine, one bunker,

On 7.0 Apr,', RSSZ RF Cumpany 1.17 and RSSZ PF Plateon 005

tr 'lipS, wh.:e in an assault p(~sa:on in Quang Xuyen District at

XS 950 ',68, ITlade ,-, ntact w'th apprc,x:mat,·,y three VC, One of the




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enemy was wounded as he evaded to the east and one AK-47, three

AK-47 magazines. and one VC flag were captuTed. The following

day a troop sweep of the arca discovered the body of a man identified

as the Ly Nhon Guerrilla Unit Squad Leader. Th" ve'. death was

attributed to the RF Company lil and PF Platoon 005 en~ounter,

In Go Cong Province at XS 72 -: 397 on 20 April, a truck

detonated a road Inine. Two RF soldiers and two WOHlen were

wounded and the truck was destroyed. This incidenl; vIas the first

road ITlining to occur in over one and a half years in the province.

The NILO at Go Cong reported that the incident tended to support

the presence of sappers in the Coconut Grove area of the province.

He Lurcher stated thpt the VC assassinated a 76-y,ear-old woman on

19 April and kidnapped a PSDF trooper who later escaped on 23

April. The NILO at Go Cong believed this interdiction by the

enemy was a di splay to show the people that they were still strong

in a pacified province. The GVN planned to detnonstrate to the people

that they could subdue any VC concentration at will with an upcoming

operation. During Ap):"il two base caITlps wet"e found in the province

and 10 VCI were neutralized (one Ho; Chanh and nine KIA).


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On 22 April RSSZ PR Us were inserted in Can Giuoc District

and captured 10 kilos of n,edical supplies and destroyed one bunker

at XS 894 662. During" sweep in Can Gio District on the same day,

RF c,')mpany 647 troops tripped another booby-trapped grenade at

'is ] 3(, 'd 3. resulting iT. three RFs wounded (one seriously\. The

wounded were n1edeva:.::ed within an hour to Cong Hoa Hospital in

Operahon CHUCJNG DUONG 19-71 was initiated in Quang Xuyen

D-i.str;cl on 22 April and irnlTIediately located an ene-m.y base cam.p.

a rTIlne, and two bunkers at XS 973 732 all of which were destroyed.

Laier :n.the afternoon RF COITlpany 902, wh~le at a. night assault

pOS·<.t.lH1. inspected and det.~ined two saIT1pans with eight suspects

at XS 973 7)5 'fhe suspects were taken to Quang Xuyen District

Headquarters (or ~nvestigation"

On 23 April at 23 30H an 80 k:lo mine was detected by a ship's

crewn<en<ber be';ng placed alongside the Shell Tanker ACTEON by

two VC SWlmn1ers at the Shell Tank FarlTI two kilometers northwest of

LSB Nhc. Be. The secur~ty force was alerted and the two swirrlIners

w('re taken under ere; they were probably killed. but no bod"ies were

reco\"ered The mine dr:fted approxhnately 500 meters upriver and

was det(,nated by fire frorn the security force




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On 24 April RSSZ forces located and destroyed two bunkers

at YS 063 787, Nhon Trach District. On the same day in Can Gio

District at YS 085 542, a bunker complex and 50 kilos of rice W.,rc


On 30 April PRUs were inserted by Slick in Bien Hoa Province

at YS 097 '-)28, and made contact with an unknown number of VC in a

base carr.p at YS 104 928. Two VC were killed and the base catnp

destroyed. The retnaining VC fled southwest with the PRUs in

pursuit. At 1350H the troops tnade contact with sotne VC in a base

camp at YS 099 907. One VC was killed and again the base catnp

was destroyed. At l445H the PRUs rnade still another contact with

the enemy in a base camp at YS 069 939, killing two VC. In addition,

one VC and 10 kilos of clothing and equipment were captured. After

the departure of tr..e successful PRUs, CTSA and USN LHFTs placed

airstrikes on the area, killing five rnO.re of the enem.y and destroying

t1:le base camp.



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Long Tau Shipping Incidents

For April there were no attacks or harassment incidents on

ships:ransitting the Long Tau Shipping Channel to and from Saigon.

The most recent incident occurred on 1 Nove.rr,ber 1970, perhaps

indicat,ng the effectiveness of RSSZ alliec operations.


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CTF 211

The following was the disposition of the RAID units at the end of



70 CTG 210.1 Kien An

71 CTG 210.1 Kien An

72 CTU 218.1. 3 Cambodia

73 CTU 218.1. 3 Cambodia

74 CTF 210 Ca Mau

75 CTF 210 Ca Mau

Each RAID is cOInposed of approxiInately eight ATCs, five

AS1."Bs, two MONs, one CCB, and one REF. The RAIDs are reviewed

in their respective operations.



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CTF 212


The followIng was the disposition of R:(,D ,un'its at the end of April:

RPD OPCON Location ----

Sl 228 Cat Lai

S2 Z!6.1, 228 Phu Cuong, Nna Be

') l 217.1 My Tho

54 214.1 Ben Keo

55 22-8. 2 Tan Chau, Chau Doc

56 217.2 Vinh Long

~7 228 Nha Be

58 2j 2. 5 Rach Soi.

59 218.2 Tan Chau

61) 213.1 Ho'. An

6l 210.4 Rach Sol

U 2J 2 e 6 Phuoc Xuyen

63 212 3 Ca Mau

64 214. ) Moc Hoa, Tuyen Nhon

~5 Tra'.n'.ng B:nh Thuy

Each RPD :s cornpcsed of approx;.ITlatelv 20 PIlRs and ;.5 reviewed

~n the ope rat >:-.n in which it operates"


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CTF 214

The following wae the disposition of RID units at the end of April:

RID OPCON Location

40 210.1 Kien An

41 116.1 Natll Can

42 217.1 Dong Tam

43 214.1 Tra Cu

44 116. 1 NaIll Can

45 217.2 Ben Tre

46 116.1 NaIll Can

47 214. 1 Go Dau Ha

48 212.6 Ca Mau

Each RID is generally composed of approximately five ATCs.

one MON, six ASPBs, one CCB, one Zippo, one REF, and one RECH.

The RIDs are reviewed. in their reEpective operations.



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The follow:'.n" was the disposi.Uon of RAG uncts at the end of

Aprl );

RAG OPCON LocaU.Ol1 ------

Phu Cuong

24 CTG 2:.6.1 Phu Cuong

26 COlTIlTIancier, Long Xuyen F!)urth R:".verine Area

CTF 228 Nha Be

28 COITllnancier, Third R;ver:ne Area

Long Binh

)0 C;" rnrnander p Long Bjnh Thj,td River~ne Al-ea

l2 ConlHland e l~, Hue Fi.TSt. Coastal Zone

Z} / 3 j CTG 2~7,:O. Dong Tarn

eTG 2.7,2 V::nh Long

25/29 CTG 2~O. 3 Ca Mau

81 Ccn'.'oy Es(crt Cat La: F")urth Riverine Area

Ea(h RAG :5 ,cmpc,sed of approx::.rnate1.y Eve ATCs, one MON,

"np ASPB, four CCEs, and s:.x LCM-6s. The RAGs alOe reviewed in

the' r Yf>.spec.t:~ ve operai:--.(,ne ~


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Special Warfare

The fcHowing was the disposition of the Seal Detachments operating

in a combat capacity throughout the country at the end of April:


TealTI One Det Golf

Victor Platoon

Team One Det Golf P?pa Platoon

TeaITl Une

Det Golf Quetcc Platoon

Tealll Two Det Alfa Ten Platoon

T <'aIn One Det Golf Wlliskey Platoon

Team One Det Golf Romeo Pla~oon


217. 1

116. 2

116. 12

116. 12

116. 1



Dong TaIn

Ca Mau

Bac Lieu

Vi Thanh

NaIn Can

Rach Soi

Officer-in- Char&!,:

LTJG Clapp LTJG Young

LT AntriIn

LTJG Taylor LT JG CaInpqe11

LT JG Ganoung LT JG Kirkwood

LTJG C01.:ch LT Sandoz

LTJG Boyhan LTJG Dundas

Seal units are reviewed in the operation in which they operate.



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During April, MAKKET TIME patrol units of the USN inspected

;" 14R craft during day 1.nd night !",trols, boa.rded :>1) and detained none.

The V Nc.! MARKET TlME units on Inner Barriel' patrolF boarded 'i, 083

Junks and sanlpans l detaining four personso The Coastal Surveillance

tLD-;'S acccunted for s:x struct~lres and two bunkers destroyed, and one 51.-8

trd.W~er :nfiHrator sunk.

The high:.ight ef the ITlOnth fe·r the MARKET TIME units Wall the

engagement and sbki.ng of a North Vietnamese SL .. 8 inCltrator trawler on

the n10 I !1~ng of ).2 April

The t,,,wi,,r was Erst sighted at 1742.H (.n 8 April by MARKET TIME

VP aircraft. The trawler's position was 09-44N 111 .. 27E. The trawler

was tracked along a southerly course by the aircraft unt:l I845H on

'! Ap::.1 when the USCGC MORGENTHAU executed a swap with th" YP


The MORG.2NTHAU continueJ 10 track the Ira"Nler covertly as

the illLltrator cont.'~nued on a souther1y course, The: traw~er approached

the Crea.t Natuna ls~ar~d and then abruptly c:1angcd course, sk:'!'"ting

the south (:<'asl of 'he islani.. The infiltrator then pToceeded ,,-orth

tow;:! rds the RepubL~.(" of Vietno.r!lG



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V~N Il::!91 ~"'CG 42/46

•• ~ BASE

• •



•• •




CG 4~/44/45 BASE .RACH GIA

~ SL-8 TRAl-lIER


12 APRII. 1971

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Surveillance of the trawler was continued by USCGC RUSH, which

had relieved MORGENTHAU at 1040H, 11 April. At approximately 2318H

the trawler entered the territorial waters of the Republic of Vietnam.

At 2343H. after the trawler failed to respond to a challenge and a

warning shot [b"cd across her bow, the USS ANTELOPE initiated

destructive fire. A r'J.oning surface engagcITlent ensued lasting nearly

two hours as the trawler vainly tried to evade the MARKET TIME units

and reach the mouth of the Cua Ganh Hao. The ANTELOPE was joined

in the melee by the RUSH, MORGENTHAU, Black Ponies of VAL-4.

VNN PGMs 603 and 619. and VNN PB 715. The Black Ponies r"ported

recei.ving return fire froIn the infiltrator, possibly froITl 37 tnITl AA guns.

On 12 April at 0145H. the trawler exploded in a huge ball of flame, reputed

by the Black Pony pilots to hav" been nearly 1500 feet in height, and then

disappeared from. the radar scrl!cns. The sink site was initially

reporteci as being just off the coast in about 30 feet of water in the

vicinity of WQ 472 872 (08-53. 3N 105-25. 3E).

The exact sink sight of the SL-8 trawler remained the object of an

intensive search for most of the month. Then on 29 April the sink site

was definitely located at WQ 478 883. Only the bow and stern sections

remained intact and debris was scattered over a wide area. Salvage

operations continued at the close of the month.



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On n April another possible SL-8 trawler was sighted by MARKET TIME

un t"n the vic:n'.l'/ 0f F-OSN 11l-45E. The contact, designated 215-01,

was pn'll'ed,'ng on a sO'l:trlf~asterly c\),ur-se at a speed of 12 knots,

Th(, t ra.W~f~1' was acc,()rnpan·~.cd by several c"ther. ships, two of wh1.ch were

K-ar,gnal1 ejas:o; DEs, The ships pi,·;.ceeded b) the Paracel Islands where

tht' trawlt":T anch!'·rea Cor..t'~"nu·)l..;'s s~r\'I"!-;JJ.ar.ce wad di.scontinued on

~n othpr act: ns thIC.ughout the rTIonth, MARKET TIME units provided

neeued gunfire support for- ARVN trccps operatIng :n the nefarious

U Minh F()rest On 5 Ap,:l MORGENTHAU fired 80 H'unds of 5 inch

38 (a: :ber amml...ln~t:':.H: in suppert of the: Z].st ARVN D··.·,~.sion, resulting in

tW(\ ::;t!14ctlJres ;Hld une t.arrlpan daITlaged. On 22 Apri~ :n the 'iccin:ly

,[ VR 8!Z 560 RUSH firr,d a m:s5'.on re5ul(cng 1n s·;.x structures

dr·stIuyed thr(~f" struI.tur(-'s damaged and tW( bunkers destr-oyed"


Page 38: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,



Enemy activity in the First Coastal Zone decreased significantly

during April over that of March. On the Cua Viet River only 12 mining

incidents were reported throughout the month as opposed to the high

point of 20 minings reached in March. The reasons for this

decrease in enemy activity were probably threefold. First, the

enerny needed time to refit after the high poin: of activity last month.

Second. the conclusio'l of the Laos Lam Son 719 operation reduced

logistic craft traffic on the Cua Viet River, and hence, reduced the

nutnber of lucrative targets available for rn.ining. Third, intelligence

sources reported that the eneITlY was ITlaking an intensive effort to

sow mines just off the coast north of the DMZ in order to hamper any

1 attempted arrlphibious inva"ion of North Vietnam. Thus it is

possible that units normally operating in the Cua Viet area were

diverted for this defensive mining effort.

The personnel of Mine 11.terdiction Divisi)n 92 and Coastal

Group 11 continued their outstanding performance throughout the month.

During the week of 28 March to 3 April, six mining incidents were

reported; no casualties occurred .. and two NV A pres sUre :mines were

recovered. On the night of 5 April, a CG 11 ambush team had a brief

skirmish with two VC. The Quang Tri Province guerrillas apparently

spotted the r.mbush team's insertion three kilometers sout:,west of 1. COMNAVFORV INTSUM 081- 71 of 6 Apr 71; 085 -71 of 10 Apr.



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Op Base Cua '~l

V;e~;(YD 300 675), WhiIe attempting to "vade, the VC

" we:t~ n turn sp.,)tted and taken under llre. An MSM pri~;\<dcd

add: ,1a·' [:re, h .. ,wever, th(, VC managed to get away. No fr:endly

la~ll.a,t'\'.:i wp""c ~lHLJrred-

lept'~t~"ri, tht- ~,ngest per",IJd (If ,nact>~.ty s:nce December of last year"

H. ,\v. \-er. ',lW a(t;v,'v is e,_,rntnon ~n th"s AO dur::.ng the ear},y per~,od 0f

!,he rTIl.>nth as water sappers prf!f~r 1'l uperate dur::.ng the low levels

i .~_;'fia: : .ght that ccur nC<1.i the ~ ___ nd (d the month,

On :8 Apr':' th 5 In~n~ng rnorah"y!_urn was b_roken by a r'ash of

'r,.c.;dcnts hf'g;nn:ng w-.lh the recovcr:,.- \..)f a b-"rd ca.ge actl.<at .. r-.oi an NVA

}Jre~~urt'~ nClh!nCe nr-,r~e tw" k~~lHll<~tf::;'s norTheast of Dong Ha (YD 256 62-3)0

Ttf.' m:n(! was est:mau:d t,-, have been -~n the water abont. one week~

OYl 2.~', Apr.,i, a lvLD 92 sk'rnrn(--:r det~)nated two peoss:".b:,e prC3in;,;e rn~,nes

w.th s(are charg,~':i thref" and onc-l-,a1f k~,~("rneteIs s .. )uthwest of the eua

Again ther,~ were. n':; :nJur~_es~ On the foH0wing

da·" twe k;]ornl.'lers s",uthwest ,;! the base (YD .H4 68.") EOD personnel

r('I,-' \ f:"r(~d a dl(->m:ca} arm",ng df!'<cp. w,~.th a presEure bird cage which

\.\'a 5 L ",1 ",mal t'd ha' e t,~"r, ·n the water t'.v" or three days" EOD

p"r~'Hlnnf'l wt-'re aga n bu.:-.y ':,n 23 April, when an 81 mIn ITIortar shell

br, by 1 rap attat.h~d to a Te-str-'c::tcd ar~a signpost was found and safely

det(nat.·d, wh'le en 25 Apr.··. at n(Wn, a MID 92 sk',mrner suffered 400/0



Page 40: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


damage when two pressure Inines were detonated close aboard by scare

charges. On 26 April fishermen discovered a pressure mine in

their nets, a new type containing internal wj.ring and 80 Ibso of

explosive. and on 27 April another fisherITlan d{;;i.onated a mine in his

net two kilometers northeast of Dong Ha (YD 264 625). Also later in

the same day, an LCM-6 on a routine patrol using a chain bottom drag

detonated a ml1le three kilom"ters northeast of Dong Ha, slightly damaging

the chain drag, while even hter that same day EOD personnel recovered

a pressure mine frOlTI a chain Qltig at the Op Base eua Viet. The mine was

deterITl.ined to have been in the water only a few hours.

The lasl nli ning incident of the month 011 the eua Viet took

place on 29 Ap61 two kilon,eters northeast of Dong Ha (YD 257 622), A

MID 92 skim=er detonated a possible pressure mine with scare cl1arges

with no injuries resulting.

Activity in the First Coastal ZOT'.e was not confined solely to the

Cua Viet Rivpr. On lo April south d DaNang in the CHI LANG lAO,

a Coa,tal Groc:p 14 sweep tean< engaged two sampans,resulting in two

VC probably killed and two VC captured, on the Ba Ren River. On 23

April the sweep tean< in conjunction with River Patrol Division 60 PBRs

and the 324th Regional Forces Company, conducted a sweep in the

vicinity of BT 142 519; two VC were flushed and taken und"r fire,

one of them probably bc~lg \\(xau.'cL L\dl't'bag senSGrs were implanted



Page 41: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,

,-' oJ' ... :;... _-e.. '''::-.


.~. ----. . ........... ~ ... -, -- -~-._--,- - -'-:--

I ;J,p:.; oj H I)D r,O pat r o l till' I~(\ j{ ( 'll ;{I\C' r "':O\!tll {) f Jloi ,\:, on.~ I '\p r ! l.

N co

Page 42: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,

.1" ' ,, .(~ ,,~,~


<:00 pcrsc:mel of Coastal (; ~oup 14 prepare to blow a VC bu.~ker

found during the ground s, ... eep of 29 Apri 1

Page 43: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


in the area and two bun" " were destroyed. Another sweep

was conducted on 29 April . ,sulting in three bunkers destroyed.

Elsewhere in the First Coastal Zone, COMCOSFLOT ONE units

on 9 April conducted Operation WOLF PACK II in the !estricted area

fr01TI 13T 060 780 to BT 095 310. Fifty-seven sampans and 209 persons

were searched and three people detained.



Page 44: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,



Enemy activity was low to moderate in the early part of April

in the Sec')nd Coastal Zone. Toward the en!! 'Of the month enemy

activety increased as the VC kicked off their spring-summer campaign

with a series of attacks by fire throughout the zone.

On the night of 17-lR April, a combined operation was conducted

against suspected enemy personnel located in a cove of Qui Nhon

Harbor approximately five kilometers northeast of the city (CR 1425).

An RF platoon, a U. S. infantry platoon, a long range reconnaissance

patrol team, and a Naval Support Activity Detachment (NSAD) EOD

teitm were inserted by boat to act as a ground blocking force. Two

VNN PCFs maintained a blocking position on the ocean side of the

peninsula, while Army PBRs !olocked·the harbor entr;tnce of the cove.

A combined NSAD and harhor skimmer force conducted a search of

the harbor resulting in 26 junks and 46 persons detained. All detainees

were turned over to the National Police after initial search and


During the early morning hours of loll April, Naval Air Facility

and Air Force Security, Cam Ranh Bay, patrol boats spotted two

swimmer sappers near the pilings of the My Ca Bridge (CP 053258).

With the useibf concussion grenades and the aid of Army sentries, one

swimmer WaS wounded and subsequently captured. The other swimmer


Page 45: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


apparently escaped, The sw,mmer captu.,ed was dad only in a loi.ncloth

and was us:ng wooden noseclatnps. Initial interrogation revealed the

PW t, be a m"mbe! d the K-93 Sapper BattaEon whi,ch traditionally

targ(~t6 the Cartl. Ranh !Jay area,

During tbe late hours cf 2.5 April, the U. So Army Support Command

and th(' Ca.Tn Ranh Aj_r Fac"_lity Base received an attack by fire consisting

d an p.sL.rnated n'ne re,und. of 107 mm reckets. Only light damage

resu~lied frcITl th~s attack~ The 5u[.pected launch site was Dxed in the

Hil! 576 area (UP 993223), approximately eight kilometers southwest

~:.f thE" alrbase and just w::.thin the ma"XirnuITl range of 1.07 rum rockets,

Dur'ng the f,ar!y morning hours of 26 April., the VC launched a

series of ,attacks by fire in Blnh Dinh Prov·~nce. One attack oc,'::.rreu.

at ~hc ARVN Arnmun;ti,-,n Supply Point (CR 06 23) tw,) kilometers

west of Qu.i Nhnn Cltyo These explos::.ons resulted in two ARVN killed,

ab(.'"llt 17 ARVN wl.unded, and an unknl""'lwn number of civilians injured~

One pad c<,ntajning 2,000 Eve hundred pound b"'nbs and one pad of

retrograde arnrrluC1iLon were also destroyed .. The other attack occurred

at the Qu:' j\lhon Supply Command where approximately 14 82 mm mortar

" unds 'mpaLte.d, resulting ;n at least five U. S. personnel wounded,

L'Ie bu:)dings de,trcyed and several vehicles daITlaged.

The coastal groups ~_n the Se{"ond Coastal Zone ONere very active during

the ITlonth. At the dose·Jf March, Coasta.l Group 23 rece\,ed two rounds ci 60rnn


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mortar fire from a launch site in the vicinitj! of CQ 073 902;

fortunately, no casualties resulted.

Coastal Group 25 reported the rnost activity in April. On 8 April,

yabuta junks with CG 25 personnel particcpated in a combined sweep

with 80 PF troops (in an area bounded by coordinates Cel 200 030,

CQ 230 060, CQ 300 050, CQ 340 ClD, CP 320 960) resulting in

three detainees, two of whom were confirrned as V C. Subsequent

interrogation led to the i_lTIplic3.tion and arrest of the Dam Mon Hamlet

Chief for conspiring to harbor VC ar.d draft do-lgers. On 10 April

CG 25 conducted a one-day patrol of the coast of Ben Gt,i Bay, Cua

Lon, 'Port Daypt, and Lach eua Be, detaining three junks for

fishing violations. On 13 and 25 April, CG 25 conducted trair.ing

reconnaissance patrols with VN student rangers frorn Due My. And on

17 April, CG 25 units supported the ?lst Regional Forces frorn Ninh Hoa

-i,n a combined aITlphibious operation.

MARKET TIME Inner Barrier fcrces were active throughout the

p.onth in the Second Coastal Zone. On 3 April in the vicinity of

CR 12 46, VNN PCF 3853 detained two suspects for fishing in restricted

waters. Four grenades without prilT'P:rs were found in the boaL

Salvage operations continued throughout April on the SS ROBIN HOOD

mined last month in Qui Nhon Harbor.


Page 47: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,



r r';I:lI:',' 11 Lated i'reLghts against patrn:. hoats :111ne MushrncITl area

tl-.t, S~Lg(;n H."vel tXT )9 n) ;ncr~ased dUl~ng the rrit)nth IntelEgence

~, 'Irl!~', rl~!_")Itl~d that (~r.(·rn:'t: '~~n;ts ha ... e rnov€:.d f:"", .. m the AngeJ 1s W:.ng

"\.t ca ( I C::tTnb( (1','1 t" the ,.1:- ea a~()ng the 'fay N:nh .~ H.:...u Ngh"i.a Pro',,·',:nce

Ii, rd(' r TheR(' !""(_pr .rt" nlay pns<;~.b1.',· mark th~ beginD'~.ng of the

rCI~s bac1( Onto V~.etnam fl- (:rn CaTnbodia w-~th

On .) Apr":, iv .. ', k'~')rn(>tc!s St)u~,heast (Jf the Cc>a6ta! Group J6 base

\':I:'t tla!'1Lt:st:! c an .:u~d nfr :med {_'f the ey:stenc.c of d. lTI:ne f:ve k~.i.n-

nll'ter~ fn,Il1 tLI~ :- ·,,'{-r bank. Th~ · ... ~::.~.an and h'~s sc·n get the mine and

return.'(1 :"t t~" the eel 16 junk, it was found ttl be a _],aym_ure type

T1::: T11.ne W;tS tl",("n transpcilted back to the bas€. where ~t was d"~~arm.ed

On b AI': ..

sufier!'d tw"· p.~r s;: nrH<". k~~h~d and two wounded wren a CG 35 j'...:~nk pu}~e.d



Page 48: t-W( - vietnam.ttu.edu · forth by HCU-l, These personnel, working under condiHons considered by almost any standard to be austere, raJ.sed HQ 1256, the U, S. Arm.y LCM-8, HQ 5l34,


into the bank to eat lunch. One of the men stepped on a ;;:-enade trap

while attempting to climb a tree in order to secure fruit for lunch.

Coastal Group 33 carried out an active civic action program

throughout the month. On 3 April, a MED/DENTCAP was held at

a village located at YS 430 523. Medical aid was given to 30 persons,

dental aid to 20, and haircuts also to 1.0 persons. In adJition, five

pounds of Psyors ITlagazines and assorted leaflets were distributed.

The two dentists and t.he one doctor were from the USS JASON (AR-3).

On 14 April, dental aid was given to about 27 persons at Ap Dinh

(YS 376 582). Agai.n, Psyops ITlaterial was distributed.

VietnaITlese Seals were also active during the month. On 11 April,

one LDNN of Detachment Sierra, G:\"oup Charlie, and several guides

inserted ~.lJd captured a village level comrno-liaisol:: VC in the vicinity

of XR 197 736. This operation had originally been plar>ned for the previous

day but had been postponed due to mechanical failure of the Seal Support

Craft (MSSC). The ITlan captured was ac~,"ally the brother of the ITlan

sought and was apprehended as he w"s trying ~o evade by saITlpan.

This man turned out also to be a confirmed comma-liaison veo Upon

debrief of the ITlissi.on at the village police station, it was discovered that

one of the LDNNs had inforITled the Long Phu District, Ba Xuyen Village

police chief (a personal friend) of the iITlpending operation who had in

turn informed the Vinh Binh District police chief by radio. Thus the VN

police had apprehended both suspects on 10 April to hold theITl for the


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LDNN arri,-a!" Wben the police lE>?rned that the () peration had bee"

p,: stpone.d, the suspects were rclea3edo A mission compromise

such as this COUJ.d ha"e had tragic consequence A if the VC had decided

t._, set up an ambu3h for the LDNl"~s on n Apt'~L

VaL·O\. ... ,:; claft -:.n the Vung Tau Harbor continued to repolt thefts

and p':ferage, On j~ Apr:.:., the Luzon Tug BEAVER, wh'.le en .k'ds aboard

a bargp await~ng trans~.t t'--J Dat-.TaL1g was bearded : .. '1 approx::mately ten

V'dcamese ;n fu::. battle d:ess arn,ed w'.th M~!6s ard M-79 grenade

:.auncher5n ~hese men ior<..ed the tug!s crew into the engine roo:rn at

gur.lJ'- :.l1t and then ~hl~e 720 feet of nylc,rl l~nef' sever'ai suitcasGs of

pe·s.-na: be:"c)ng:ngs, .'J70f) piast'.:'Is, and jh..""'I1d:·~8ab:.{:d the tug's rad,£,j and

s«lrc.h ~_:ghL The th~e'·e5 We!e en1.barkcd }.n a green LCVP wh~ch

n(~d n,>rth in thf! dlre\:L.~~n l.)f Cat L(,.,


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Activity in the Fourth Coastal Zone continued at a moderate

level during April. Vinh Binh and Kien Hoa Provinces reported the

highest level of activity in the Fourth Coastal Zone and were probably

E'nerrlY focal points for the month. A number of intelligence reports

were received during April concerning the resumption of the

infiltration of men and supplies into the Fourth Coastal Zone from

Cambodia. Infiltration routes that existed prior to the VietnaITlese

cross-border op"rations into 'CaITlbodia and Laos have been re-established.

The ·Vinh Te CC.i.nal has recently been a cotnITlon area of enemy

ini'i.Jtration. Throughout the ITlonth, five separate after-the-fact reports

have been received of cneITlY units cros sing the canal.

Also, reports of resupply-by-sea into areas of the Fourth

Coastal Zone have conhnued to have been received. Kien Hoa and

Kien Giang Provinces were the areas where most of this activity was

taking place.

On 30 March Seawolf h"licopters discovered a r:8.!uouflaged

trawler 17 kilometers south southeast of Nam Cae' (WQ 102 534). On 31

March, a cOlnbined Seal/UDT /EOD team· inserted and found the craft

in a narrow waterway. It had a steel hull pa:nted pea green, had been

stripped d"wn, and had no armament. 1. COMNAVFORV INTSUM 079- 71 dtd


Numerous ITlachinery parts 3 April 71.