Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

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Page 1: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate
Page 2: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

Table of Contents How to follow BINGY ............................................................................................................................... 3

The Basics ................................................................................................................................................ 4

Number 1: ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Number 2: ........................................................................................................................................... 5

BINGY Formula ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Step1: Chose a Niche .......................................................................................................................... 8

Step 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 10

Important… ................................................................................................................................... 10

Step3 ................................................................................................................................................. 12

Site Index ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Step 4 ................................................................................................................................................ 13

Content: ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Step 5 ................................................................................................................................................ 14

Rank Hack ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Disclaimer: The following is based on my personal experiences and the methods I personally

use which may or may not be the best or most effective practise.

Please read: The method outlined in this publication is not intended for use as a source of legal,

business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek the services of competent

professionals in the legal, business, accounting, and finance fields.

Absolutely no guarantees of income are made. Any references to income are done solely for the

purpose of illustration and should not be understood as typical results. Reader assumes full

responsibility for use of information contained herein. The author and publisher assumes no

responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the reader of this literature.

If you do not accept these terms, please close this publication and discontinue using it immediately.

Page 3: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

BINGY The following PDF is short and to the point… Let’s face it; you don’t

want a whole load of filler and theory as to why Bingy works. But rest

assured, it does work and it works incredibly well.

Important: I’m sure you have purchases so many courses that tell you that you

can do this and that. But then it all turns out to be a bunch of theory… sound


BINGY isn’t like that and that isn’t the way I do things… this is a real formula

that I use personally and to prove it here is the case study site:


If you have time; take a moment to grab some of the post titles and feed them

into Bing search… of course; not every phrase lands on page 1… but an awful

lot do.

How to follow BINGY Ideally, and if you can; watch the videos first and use this PDF as a


It works better to actually see what I do rather than me trying to

explain it.

Page 4: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

The Basics OK so let’s not pull any punches here.

Number 1: Bingy is a hack, trick or loophole, call it whatever you like but it

borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean).

Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing

you either curate good content (sure you can use other peoples) or

add your own helpful content then the end result justifies the


It’s a trick plain and simple but only initially. Once you’re sitting on

top of all the competition (the guys that have spent months and

years trying to do what you just did in 2 or 3 days lol).

Then you can provide that great content… only this time it won’t be

in vain, people will actually get to read what you publish. They’ll read

it and you will get the results you desire and probably deserve.

If you simply found yourself caught up in all the excitement and

bought Bingy without really knowing why or what BINGY is (it

happens) let me assure you this is a neat trick when applied will

make you money in whatever avenue you peruse, or allow you to

build great list quickly and without cost…

But then I guess building a list equates to making money too lol.

Page 5: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

Number 2: You can’t have failed to notice that BINGY is a Bing ranking course or

should I say a Bing ranking loophole… either way; its dedicated to

dominating Bing for specific keywords in days – now you might be

thinking “Bing Sucks… I want to rank in Google”

It’s an obvious point to make after all Google as they say is KING…

when you go online to search for something you don’t say “Hold on a

minute, let me Bing that” I know I don’t.

I’m not disputing Google is top dog, not for a minute and the prize

was always going to be ranking on Google…

BUT, and please read this:

1. Did you know there is an alliance between Bing and Yahoo?...

When you do something on Bing (like blast to the top of page

#1 in two days it often has a mirror effect over on Yahoo too.

So by using BINGY you are essentially propelling your site to the

top of not 1 but 2 search engines… and do you know what that


2. A bucket load of FREE targeted traffic… I’ll show you below, but


Just because Bing and even Bing and Yahoo combined doesn’t

have the presence and fire power of the mighty Google… do

not assume that it isn’t worth doing.

Page 6: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

Right now my case study site receives around 200 unique

visitors every day.

It’s true I now have it in Google too but believe it or not around

half of those visitors originate from either Bing or Yahoo.

Think of this as Bing Ads without the cost… yeah you’ll be sat

right up top just under that advert; if you chose that phrase

right for either your site or post – then you WILL make money.

I’ve built six figure businesses on the back of Bing Ads so yes…

It works.

3. We didn’t stop at Bing or Yahoo come to that…

Page 7: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

Nope. After testing, tweaking and blasting my sites to the top

of Bing I noticed a ripple effect on Google too.

You see; even though Bing and Google’s algorithms are worlds

apart they share a common goal; user fulfilment / satisfaction.

Now, using Bingy causes an impact (you’ll see why in a

moment)… but that impact travels – essentially it trickles


So we developed BINGY2 simply to exploit that impact – you

want Google right?

Well follow BINGY (you have to do that first or it won’t work)

and then as soon as you crash land onto Bing then roll out

BINGY2 (The Google Edition)…

What; you don’t have it… Really?

Ok so maybe you just want to stick with Bing and Yahoo –

nothing wrong with that. But if you want to land in Google too

just click that yellow upgrade button in the members are…

It’s a one off payment and you’ll find everything laid out in

BINGY2 just like it is in BINGY.

But remember; and this is important… BINGY2 will not work

without BINGY being in play first, so pay attention ->

Page 8: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

BINGY Formula

Step1: Chose a Niche The term Niche conjures up thoughts of weird and embarrassing

niches, especially if you know me.

But actually the term Niche can and is used to refer to any area or

interest you may be interested in ranking for.

Use affiliate platforms for ideas… and products. There are so many of

them out there – too many to cover here but obvious choices would

be Clickbank or Offer vault

The products and niches you chose to target are not really hugely

important so long as they have an audience and for me personally

they also have to be evergreen. I.e they will continue to make money

without additional work.

Products can be physical or digital again it doesn’t really matter, in

fact you may just wish to grow lists in certain areas so a product right

now may be unimportant to you – but remember; it does show that

there are buyers / an audience, and that is important.

In the video I use a platform called "Targetclick."

So, ascertain which niches / niche; products are targeted at.

You can also work around just one product… but then you run the

risk of losing out if that product ceases to be available (that’s

happened to me lol).

Page 9: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

Take main ideas (niches based around products) /trending products

and run keyword research…

Google keyword Planner will do (and its free)

Or Keyword Genetics (Not free… but exceptional)

---Why Niche genetics is my favourite Keyword Tool---

You do not actually need a high quality keyword tool in order to find phrases. Having said

that; Niche Genetics does make the process incredibly easy and 99% successful.

Looking for terms that sum up the product/ niche

Providing there is a product in your chosen niche that sells (if it’s

been around for more than a year you can pretty much guarantee it

sells) Then look for a number of phrases – Ideally buying phrases.

Page 10: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

The important factor here is ‘Low Competition’. Look for low comp

buying phrases with more than 100 searches per month.

Make a note of 3-5 buying keywords with the highest traffic phrase

at the top

Step 2 Your 5 phrases

Here’s what you do with them

Choose one of the leading phrases to use as a domain

I use Godaddy but any registrar will do

Yes – An EMD… a .com will work best but will probably be trickier to

get so a lesser TLD will suffice. But make sure you get the ‘Exact

match domain’



You will see I made an error in the videos and purchased

howtolosemanboobsrevealed instead of howtolosemanboobs.

Page 11: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

I did this because I was obsessed with getting the .com, however on

further testing I have discovered that the TLD is less important

whereas the EMD is crucial.


The leading phrase should be the most popular and the one you

build your site around – hence the EMD

A buying phrase will work especially well here

Now find another domain that relates to the niche or phrase…

This one doesn’t have to be special or even a buying phrase just as

long as it relates to the leading phrase – Choose the cheapest


Leading phrase (You build your site around this one):


Secondary phrase / Buffer (No site on this one):

howtolosemanboobs.co or .info .net or anything…

And make sure you opt for Privacy on both (Important)


Page 12: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

The leading phrase should be the most popular and the one you build your site around

Ideally a buying phrase

Buy a domain for the phrase (EMD) – get privacy

By another (cheap one – same phrase or similar) – get privacy

Step3 The Boring Stuff

Click Here Not sure how to do the boring stuff? Use this link for reference –

Add your leading domain to your hosting package

Such as Hostgator (but any host will do)

This is one of those times where a shared host works best


If you host with a company other than the one where you purchased

your domain you will need to change your Nameservers (DNS)… See

link above if you’re not sure how

Page 13: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

-- Important –

We only change the Nameservers for one of the domains.

We will only be building one tiny little site.


Add WordPress & set up an email address for the domain.

Site Index

Once your site has propagated (appears live), ‘log in’ and make sure

everything’s okay.

You then need to have the site indexed… this is important as from

this point on you want everything you do to get crawled by the

search engines quickly.

So once your site is live and it’s fully propagated click this link – Index

your site in 24 hours for $5

While you are waiting prepare the content…

Step 4


Page 14: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

The content relating to the leading phrase will be a presell for a

product relating to your niche in some way – basically you need to

convince your reader to click a link at this point

The other phrases you found when doing keyword research – Curate,

write or outsource content for each phrase making sure you have the

phrase in the title and in the body (top paragraph & last sentence)

Each piece of content will need to link to the main pre-sell content

and nothing else if you are using the main page as a hub…

This helps rank the main piece of content for the best phrase (which

is the ultimate aim) the main piece of content is also where you do

the selling.

Having said that you may have other motives for wanting to rank

quickly, in this case link to wherever you wish.

Step 5

Rank Hack

Ok I hold my hands up – some things can be written down and

explained in text forms, while other points just need to be seen or

watched. The rank hack method is one of those points.

So go ahead and watch the Rank Hack video for this step. I suggest

you watch it at least twice to fully grasp the steps. Don’t worry, it is

easy, but you’ll want to get it right.

Page 15: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate

If you didn’t get the full BINGY course you will still find the Rank Hack

video in the members’ area.

Conclusion Do not over think this process… it was designed to be easy and that

is exactly what it is. The case study site I have shown in this course is

just the tip of the iceberg I have followed this plan over and over and

it continues to work.

BINGY works for brand new sites as I have explained. However it also

works on older sites… here’s an example… howtogetridofherpes-


But do not click the site – it got hacked lol… See screen shot below

Page 16: Table of Contents - Amazon S3 · borders on the darker shade of hats (If you know what I mean). Having said that Bingy is just a springboard to the top, so; providing you either curate