TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

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Page 1: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority



BLM DAA-12335


Page 2: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority




8LH /I AA-12335

I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur­

suant to the authority vested in me by 43 CFR 2653.S(h), hereby

issue a Certifica te of Ineligibili ty to Doyon, Limi ted, for

Tach'a (Nixon Fork: BLM #AA-12335) as a historical place for the

following reasons:

1. Ex tens ive field inves tiga tion by BIA per­

sonnel failed to find any evidence sup­

porting a cLa im of a Native his torical


2. The site is of non-Native origin and

while it may be of some interest in the

his.tory of Alaska, it does not qualify as

a Native his torical place.

3. This si te does not meet the cri teria for

selection as a Native historical place as

required by 43 CFR 2653, et~.

This certificate and accompanying report will be submitted to the

Bureau of Land Management which, pursuant to 43 CFR 2653.S(k) and

(1), will issue an appealable deci~A:o"tilon the applica t Ion ,/

/ ~/ // ~(~~tor

Dated: 2. Jut ti , 1984


Page 3: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority




BLM i1AA-12335

Cove r Shee t

Certificate of Ineligibility

Tab le of Contents .••••••

Claims Examiner's Certificate

Claims Examiner's Report





n ..












Certificate of Review.

Report of Investigation

Bibliography ••••••

Quad (Area) Map •

Regional Corporation Application

Related Papers with Application .••

NPS Cover Letter

CPSU Section 14(h)(1) Form

Addendum . . . . . •











Page 4: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority




RLM IIAA-12335

I, Stanley J. Casey, hereby certify the following to be true and correct

to the best of my knowledge and belief:

Tha t I reviewed this report of the field inves tiga tion and da ta supplied

by field investigators, archeologists, their field notes, and research;

That the conclusions contained in the Claims Examiner's report are based

on an accurate analysis of my findings;

Tha t my recommenda tions are val id and cons is tent wi th the guidance

contained in 43 CFR 2650, ~ seq.

{\~ 1\/,- nCer t1 fled thi s \ ~ - day of _~--I"':-:~o-!Y.lC;;..~,,-- , 1984

Reviewed and approved by:


, 1984


Page 5: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority





BLM IIAA-12335


1. Doyon, Limited, is a Native regional corporation organized in

accordance with 43 CFR 2650. (Exhibit 2)

2. The Corpora tlon au thorized an individual

applications in accordance with 43 CFR 2650.2.

to file its

(Exhibi t 2)

3. The Corporation included a statement of significance in

accordance with 43 CFR 2653.5(f). (Exhibit 2)

4. The site Is marked on Uni ted States Geological Survey (USGS)

quadrangle map, 1:63,360, Medfra (A-6) in accordance with

43 CFR 2653.5(f). (Exhibit 1)

5. f3lA field inves tiga tors Lo ca ted the site to be wi thin the area

described by the Corporation. (Exhibit 1)

6. The s I te is no t wi thin 2 miles of the bounda ry of any home

rule or f Lrs t class ci ty.

7 • BlA field inves tlga tors examined the site in 1981. (Exh Lb I t 1)

8. CPSU archeologists investigated the site in 1931. (Exhibit 1)

9. The Corporation, CPSU, and BlA agree on the site location.

10. Based upon field examIna tion, research, and the CPSU report

BIA has determined that Tach'a (Nixon Fork) Is ineligible for

certification as a historical place.

Page 6: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority


1. An eligible Native regional corporation can select lands

pursuant to Section 14(h)(1) of ANCSA.

2. A Na tive regional corpora tion can au thorize an individual to

file its applica tions for Sec tion 14(h) (1) selections.

3. An application for a Section 14(h)(1) selection can be


4. BIA can modify the boundaries of a cemetery site or a

his torical place.

5. A his torical place selection 1n a na tional fares t can be


6. BIA can consult other Federal agencies on Section 14(h)(1)

selec t Lons •

7. BIA shall confirm the exis tence of a cemetery 51 te or a

hlstorical place.

8. BIA can issue a certifica te of eliglbili ty or ineligibili ty

for a ceme te ry 5 i te or a his to rical place.


1. It 15 recommended that BrA issue a certificate of ineligibil­

ity for Tach'a (Nixon Fork) as a historical place for the fol­

lowing reasons:

A. Extensive' field investigation by BlA personnel

fa iled to find any evidence supporting a cia 1m

of a Native historical place.


Page 7: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

B. The site is of non-Native origin and while it

may be ·of some interest in the history of

Alaska, it does not qualify as a Native histori­

cal place.

c. This site does not meet the criteria for selec­

tion as a Native historical place as required by

43 eFR 2653, ~~.

Page 8: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority





BLM HAA-12335

I, Gene A. Smerchek, certify the following Section 14(h)(1) report to be

true to the best of my knowledge and belief:

That the field investigators conducted the investigation here­

inafter described;

That the report of this investigation was prepared from obser­

vations, interviews, field notes, photographs, and research

before, during, and after the field examination;

Tha t I rev iewed the informa tion here inaf ter con ta ined and

found it to be an accurate report of the investigation;

That the field investigator's summary of this investigation

accura tely reflects the findings of the field examina tion

required by 43 CFR Z653.5(h).

MAR 16 1984Dated:


l1..- LL----

upervisory Realty Specialist


Page 9: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority






BLM ItAA-12335


The purpose of this report is to set forth investigative findings

from the ANCSA' Office examination of the Doyon, Limited, applica­

t ion for Ta c h t a ( Ni xo n Fork) a s a his to ri ca 1 p l a c e •

Section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

(ANCSA), Public Law 92-203, as amended, authorizes the Secretary of

the lnte r Lo r to convey fee ti t Le to exis ti ng ceme te ry sites and

his torica 1 places to the appropria te regiona 1 corpora tion.

Departmental Releases 1666, 230 DM 1, and 10 BIAM 3.1 delegate to

the Area Director the authority to certify the existence of ceme­

tery sites and historical places under Section I4(h)(1) of ANCSA.

The ANCSA Office is delegated the authority and responsibility to

conduct field investigations of the sites selected, to prepare

reports of those inves tiga tions, and to make recommenda tions as to

certification in accordance with 43 CFR 2653.5.


Doyon, Limited, applied for Tach'a (Nixon Fork) as a historical

place on June 28, 1'97'6, in compliance with regulations of Section

14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA).

Page 10: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

A. trac t of land was c La imed inc luding the SE!4NW~ Sec tion 29 ~

T. 28 S., R. 17 E., Katee1 River Meridian (KRM), Alaska (as amended

on December 2B, 1976). Doyon, Limited, marked the site location on

United States Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle map, 1:63,360,

Medfra (A-6), Alaska, 1954 (minor revisions 1973).

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) preadjudicated the application

and assigned it case file number AA-l2335. BLM then forwarded the

app1ica tion to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA.) AHCSA Office for

field investigation.

According to Doyon, Limited, "a village, probably from early his­

toric times, was located here, and a single grave, marked by a

cross wi th a La rge birch grown around it, is loca ted there. The

village was reportedly leveled by fire early in the present cen­

tury. "

On June 13, 1981, Bobby Esai, Sr., a Native informant from Nikolai,

reported that his family had lived farther up river from the mouth

of the Nixon Fork , He also said that after spring break-up, Native

people from McGrath fished at Nixon Fork, and that at one time

there had been a Native fish camp located on the opposite side of

the slough from where Pete Egress' fish camp is now located.

Steamboats and sternwhee1ers coming up the Takotna River docked in

front of where the Egress' cabin now stands. Mr. Esai did not

remember a Native village being located in this area, but provided

information about seasonal Native use.

Pete Egress, a white man from HcGrath, was interviewed on June 12,

1981, prior to the field investigation of the site. His cabin is

located in the application area. He located a village site 12 to

13 miles up the Nixon Fork, possibly belonging to the Esai family,

bu t knew of no vi 11age si te a t the mou th of the Nixon Fork. He

reported remnants of old mining equipment scattered about his cahin

site, an old steam engine on the east side of the mouth, and an

old iron-hull riverboat located in the s l ou gh next to his cabin.


Page 11: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

"Gold was also discovered on the north fork of the Takotna, called

Dixon Fork (Nixon" Fork) that winter (1909-10) by Ted Von Frank "(a

white prospector)." (Gudgel-Holmes 1979:21) "Valuable gold deposits

were found in the Nixon Fork district in 1918. Nixon Fork itself

is a tributary of the Takotna." (Mertie 1924:115) "Mining continued

for some time in the Nixon Fork area in the 1920' s and to some

extent continues today." (H. Hespelt, 1979, personal communi­

cation; Gudgel-Holmes 1979:25).

Accord Ing to Ray Collins, a local linguis t who has extens i vely

studied the Upper Kuskokwim people, there had been an old trading

post here around the turn of the century (1900·s). This post sup­

plied mos t of the mining communi ties up the Nixon Fork and in the

Ophir district, until it was destroyed by fire after 1935. Old

McGrath then became the major trading post in the area. Both trad­

ing posts were primarily white settlements, with Native people

using the area seasonally.

Preseason investigation indicated potential conflicts in the site,

as applied for, with Native Allotment Application !IF-18220 as

applied for by Ann Egress of McGrath, State Selection AA-21379, and

Public Land Orders 5251 and 5657.


Field investigation of Tach'a (Nixon Fork) was conducted on July 14

and 20, 1981, by BIA Field Investigators Patti Hughes, Marsha

Walton, and Jim Sykes. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (CPSU) Arche­

ologis ts Bill Sheppard and Martha McCollogh provided technical

assistance. The site was located earlier on June 13, 1981, by

Sykes and Native informant Bobby Esai, Sr.

On July 14, 1981, field investigators proceeded to the application

area and ~de a transected reconnaissance of the area which

includes two large, flat grassy clearings. The clearing nearest to

the mouth of the Nixon Fork has Pete Egress' fish cabin situated on


Page 12: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

an old burned building, possibly an old horse barn (according to

Bessie Ivy, a Native from McGrath), that measured approximately

15 feet x 30 feet, were discovered. This was not historic or

Na tive buil c. Field inves tiga tors then moved back in to the woods

(north) and walked (east) along the slough, but found no cultu'ral

remains or refuse.

Crossing over to the other side of the slough, field investigators

transected the point of land be tween the mouth of Nixon Fork and

the Egress cabin to investigate the possibility of Native fish camp

remains, based upon information obtained from Bobby Esa L, Sr.

After a thorough search of the grassy clearing and the river bank,

no evidence of cultural remains were found.

The field inves tiga tors re turned on July 20, 1981, af ter further

information was gathered from Ray Collins, a linguist from

McGrath. He indicated that the mouth of Nixon Fork was primarily a

white settlement that was used as a trading post for the mining

communities up river. Another survey of the two clearings on which

Pe te Egress has his fish cabin was made and it was concluded tha t

there had been no Native village at this particular location, with

the exception of a seasonal Native fish camp on the slough.

Due to the lack of Native related cultural remains, and information

suggesting a Native village somewhere upstream, no survey was con­

due ted.

Page 13: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

it, and some cultural. refuse was found on the other. Between the

two clearings, the remnants of an old steam engine within some

birches, about 75 feet from Egress' cabin, were found.

Field investigators proceeded upriver (west along the Takotna

River) to examine the area beyond the clearings. The remnants of

an old burned building, possibly an old horse barn (according to

Bessie Ivy, a Native from McGrath), that measured approximately

15 fee t x 30 fee t , were discovered. This was not his toric or

Native built. Field investigators then moved back into the woods

(north) and walked (eas e) along the slough, bu t found no cultu'ral

remains or refuse.

Crossing over to the other side of the slough, field investigators

transected the point of land between the mouth of Nixon Fork and

the Egress cabin to investigate the possibility of Native fish camp

remains, based upon informa tion obtained from Bobby Esai, Sr.

After a thorough search of the grassy clearing and the river bank,

no evidence of cultural remains were found.

The field inves tiga tors re turned on July 20, 1981, af ter further

information was gathered from Ray Collins, a linguist from

McGrath. He indicated that the mouth of Nixon Fork was primarily a

white settlement that was used as a trading post for the mining

communities up river. Another survey of the ~o clearings on which

Pe te Egress has his fish cabin was made and it was concluded tha t

there had been no Native village at this particular location, with

the exception of a seasonal Native fish camp on the slough.

Due to the lack of Native related cultural remains, and information

suggesting a Native Village somewhere upstream, no survey was con­

duc ted.

Page 14: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority


Doyon, Limi ted, applied for Tach' a (Nixon Fork) as a his to r Lca l

site due to its significance in being the location of an old

village and grave.

From information gathered from Native and non-Native sources at the

time of site Loca tion and the field inves tiga tion of the applied­

for village site, it was concluded that the area was an established

white settlement with an associated seasonal Native fish camp.

Since no Native cultural remains were located, no survey "was



Page 15: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority


BLM IfAA-12335

Gudgel-Holmes, Dianne. Ethnohistory of Four Interior Alaskan Wa ter­

bodies. State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division

of Research and Development, August, 1979.

Mertie, J. B. and C. L. Harrington. The Ruby-Kuskokwim Region, Alaska.

Washington: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 754, 1924.


Page 16: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority




MEDFRA (A-61. ALNliJ('()-WI5530/150


, 36. I

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21 i hVe.:S b':J ~1e,J.Iii





BLM It F-12335SE~NW~ SECTION 29, T. 28 S., R. 17 E.,










APPEND IX C .., C t'l i 1\

36 31 35 36Quad (Area) Hap

.:...C\ --,


....6 ~ ') 3 2



12'000 14)0()() 18OCX) 11000 f[[TF**3 E?'3 F+3 E:::::3_~

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Page 17: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority


I3URE/\U OF LA!'\[) :,;:\\M;F.~1Ei':T k FOR~.1 APPROVED

. . <'::'H~ N~: ·1::-U!liS2~(:fl"l ~UP':'.ll"·"· ~ ;I ,

.: .~

. ; ~: ;': ::t: .

Fi r-s t ,:lld Hull StreetsFuifb<1l1ks, Alaska 99701


."-: t , .

REGION/..:'" CORPORATION SELECTION t.PPLICATIOtIAct of Doce ml-or 18. !l)71 (·U USC 1(,On

Ooyon, Li rni ted

2. Specify type of selection~~.::: Surf ace and subs urf ace est ate (43 CF I~ 2(52);',' -, Subsurface es tat e only (Lieu Selections; 43 CFr~ 2652)~_ j Surf :U:(' and subsurface estate (Cemetery Si tcs ; 43 C t: I~ 2653)

[~Surface and subsurface estate (Historical Places : 43 CFR 2(53)

3,.. Give written legal description of lands requested t att acb separate sheet. if necessary)

Certain available public lands as defined by Section 3(e) and withdrawnpursuant to Section l4(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Theselands are described in more detail in Aooendice A attached. Included in these lecta on are any and all lands listed in Appendice A as exclusion because ofalleged valid existing rights, if such alleged rights are subsequently determinedto be invalid, as evidenced by a denial of title thereto by the United States.

b. List U,~G:S. quadrangle maps used to portray requested lands

Medfra 1:250

Ruby 1: 250

c. Have you att<lched a coprof each map? Ci-! Yes ~~..J No-----------------------

Indicate land use and occupancy c:.J Occupied CXj Unocc up ie-dc.J \lining Claim[J Entryman

[Y~: Native Use

~~_j Other (speci!y)

1111s ApplicationI .,

2652.3(f) of the regulations

Total Er:litlcmcnt 2 Prcvi ou s ly F'il(~d

Million acrs~ Tg[~

if selection application is filed pursuant to Sec.. ~~.:.:.:....:.. s.=.:.. ~ _GIve nuruer ica l preference,

Ind ic a t e Entitlement (ao,'s,l

[_J Pre vious ly filed in Serial No.Authority for signature ~~,J At tached------.--.------... -.--- ..- ~ .====::':' _4.::...-::::-:==.-=-.:::::...._=.::.::=:=:=:.:.:..:-.::::....::.-:::::.:.."':'.==:=.:..::._-=.:.:~-::-_-:-.:. ..:::-=--===--=..-__.c=========

Ct':i,T1FY That the stat omen ts m"de herein are true , c om ple te , an d correct to the best of my knowledge and be l icfid "r(' rn adc in good faith.

-:.;:..: .':':"':"-::.'::.~ -zr-r::z

Land Se 1ect i 011 Aqent-----

i l c Ie u.s.c. St-c\ion I 001, m;tK(_~~~ :t it cnna· fur any pvr s o n k:l0win~~lr '1tH; wi l lf u l l v to mn k c to .... n v d e p a r t rne n t Or 4,,~cncy o( th.eItt:d Sr a r c-s 'H\~· (,.JSl', It ct u i ou«. «r fr~t\ld·Jl(.~nt statl"n-d."nts 1..,( rt"prC'~t.'ntalions as to a rt v rn at t e r w i t h i n it s jurisdiction.

12.... ."". - ~~. .'. . : .

Page 18: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

.~ ..

Doyon, Ltd.: Historic 'and Ceiiletery 5i t es


2. a. l nd i en Name of Site

I. Si te Number - !'lCR 3G


.. :.

b. English Name of Site Nixon Fork

c. Variations Nixon River, Nochotno, Tucntn3

.0sw~MEDFRA T28S/R17E3. Map Reference_---...:==:..:......:=~:..:....:...:~_.....::....:.:...::.-_--------

_____ 0 -

4. Land Status 0-1--..:::.~---------------

COMi1ENTSA village, probably from early historic times, was located here,and a single grave, marked by a cross with a large birch gro~1

• 'around it, is located there. The village was reportedly leveledby fire early in the ~resent century, The site was passed by I

Kolmakov in 1838, Zagoskin in 1844 and Maddren in 1908, none of whomreport on signs of habitation, According to local tradition, theNixon ~ork band lived further upstream, though the location couldnot b~.pinpointed, .:::::::

prepared by:

• j ~


Page 19: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

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Page 20: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

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Page 21: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

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Page 22: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

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Page 23: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

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Page 24: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

December 23, 1976. .' ~ . :

t .' .'

Mr. Richard LeDosquetDistrict ManagerBureau of Land ~1anagement

Fairbanks uistrict OfficeP.O. '30x 1150Fairbanks, Alaska 99701

Dear i~r. LeDosquet:


_ Enclosed for your files is Doyon, Limited Board Resolution,77-19, which makes certain changes in the authorizattons to act onmatters pertaining to Doyon, Limited land selections.

In addition to this, and subject to it, I am also enclosingamended d2scriptions for certain selections made pursuant toS...ect ion 14(h)(1) of ANCSA and under Regulation 43 CFR 2653.5.These a~e~dments are filed under th~ authority of Waiver ofRegulations dated September 30, 1976, 41 FR 44040, which extendedthe deadline for 14(h)(1) Selections and Amendments thereto toDecember 31, 1975 aild at the request of the staff of the AlaskaState Office, BLH.

The amended descriptions represent the best informationavailable as to the location of th~se sites after a one fieldseason study by a study team supervised by National Park ServiceAnthropologist, Elizabe~h Andrews. It should b~ stressed thatour intent is to se l ec t the sites identified on the originalapplications by name and that a potential exists that, in someinstances, it may be found, UDon field investigation, that theland describec does not encompass all or part of the named site­Insuch c c1 ses were ser vet ~ 1e rig:, t , Purs uant to 43 CFR 2353. G(1) ,to amend OUi applicJtions and upon amendment to have theappl ication reo roces sed , i ncl ud i no segregation of the new lydesc ri bed 1ancs , v/he the r taey have been subsequent 1y withdrawnora ppropria ted under s orne' 0 the r auth0 r i tY 0 r ;:8 t . . .


It should be stressed that the sites described herein a~e

of utroost impor-tance as part ot'the cul tura 1 heri tage. of the: '

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Page 25: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

Richard LeOosquetPage TwoDe cemoe r 28, 1976

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native population of the Doyon Region and that it is essential~~at they be ident; fied, segregated from a9propriation by others)and preserved as mandated by the Alaska :iative Claims SettlementAct. As such, 'lie request that OU1 make every' effort to processthese as is necessary to enable their field examination andidentification by 8lA at the earliest possible date.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely,I ,1 I •" " /A~~>,,'':.(.;'1: .' .tc.j?-

T•0• Hi11i arnsDirector of Lands


Eccl osures

Fairbanks Land Office~

Curt"f.1cVee, State DirectorAlaska BLt-1555 Cordova StreetAnchorage~ Alaska


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Page 26: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

I 'r"" • } ........... tw t u., ltV. AJI~' "') uc;')crlption,~\

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.. A.~-12294 T• J 3 N•• R. 26 u., sr·1 N\~ 1/4 of Section 11 and the ;<~.

NE 1/4 of Section 10 ::~1.-'" .

AA-12295 28 s. , 24 E. , SE 1/4 of Section 32' ...

T. R. KRM1l.A-12296 T. 27 S. , R. 26 ,E. , KRi-1 SW 1/4 of Sect ion 34AA-12297 T.. 29 S. , I~' 24 E. , KRt" E 1/2 of Section 3f;Jl,- 1229,8 T. ,., .. s. , R. 27 E. , KRr't SE 1/4 of Section 30Lb

AA- 122~9 T. 28 N. , R. 23 \-!. , St·~ rn·} 1/4 of Sect ion bAI~- 12300 T. 34 N., R. 29 v.. sr'i S 1/2 of Section 31Ar~-12301 T. 33 iJ., R. 30 v.. Sil; S~'! 1/4 of Section 33AIl.-12302 T.. 33 H. J R. 33 ~1. , St'1 SE 1/4 0 f the SE 1/4 of n~ :~;::;

Section 18 ,.'AA-12303 T. 30 N., R. 35 v.. sr~ NE 1/4 of Section 24ftA-12304 T. 30 N., R. 34 lL, SM rlE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of

Section 1M-1230S T. 30 N., R. 35 \L, SH NE 1/4 of Section 2AA-12306 T. 30 N., R. 34 W., SM SW 1/4 a f the NW 1/4 of

Section 7AA-123Q7 T. 29 N. , R. 34 u., SH NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of "

Section 5 t" .AA-12308 T. 30 N., R. 34 \'J., Si~ NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of

. Section 18AA-12309 T. 30 N.) R. 35 \L, SN NE 1/4 of Section 13

." P.A-12310 T. 32 N.) R. 34 W., SH NH ·1/4 of the sE 1/4 of... Section 11

P.A-12311 T. 28 N., R. 35 W., sr" NE 1/4 of Section 17AA-12312 T. 28 iL, R. 35 VI., St1 Sections 10 and 15AA-12313 T. 30 N. t R. 35 H.) St·1 NW 1/4 of Sect ion 13 /\;\)::AA-12314 T. 28 N. , R., 35 W., SM SE 1/4 of Section 18 z.. , .

A~-12315 T. 31 N. , R. 35 VI.) SN N 1/2 of Sect ion 13AA-12316 T. 31 N., R. 35 W., SM SW 1/4 of Section 12AA.:.12317 T. 33 N.. , R. 26 H., SM NE 1/4 of Section 15AA-12313 T. 33 N. t R. 25 W., SM NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of

Section 13AA-12319 T. 32 N.) R. 28 W., S~1 SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 . ,


of Sectiofl 5AA-12320 T 27 H., R. 27 v., SM W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 and ~U!:~~~~;I •

the E 1/2 of the riW 1/4 ofSection -35

AA-12321 T. 27 N. t R. 27 t-l., SM SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 ofSection 25

AA-12322 T. 26 N., R. 29 W., SM SW ,1/4 of the NE 1/4 ofSection 22

AA-12323 T. 29 S. , R. 11 ~·l. , KRN NW 1/4 of the Svl 1/4 ofSection 2

'A.l\-12324 T. 26 S. , R. 11 \~. , KR~ SW 1/4 of Section 35AA.-12325 T. 24 S. , R. 3 H., KR~1 NW 1/4 of Section 7AA-12326 T. 24 S. ) R. 4 W. , KRN NE 1/4 of Section 26AA-12327 T. 24 S. , R. 4 W., KR11 Sections 1-18AA-12328 T. 23 S. , R. 4 \oJ. , KRI,t E 1/2 of Section 32Ai\-12329 T. 28 S. , R. 1 Yl. , KR11 SE 1/4 of Section 25 ;: • : ; I ~ ~ ; . .;

M-12330 T. 18 S., R. 2 -VI. , KRH SE 1/4 of Section 26r ..

f..A-12331 T. 26 S. , R. 27 E. , KRf·j SW 1/4 of Section 32AA-12332 T. 23 S., R. 30 t:" KRf'l NE 1/4 of Section 6.... ,AJ',- 12333 T. 28 S., R. 25 E. , KRH NW 1/4 of the tiE 1/4

of Section 5

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Page 27: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

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T. 27 5., 'R. 28 E.. KRr1T. 27 5.• R. 28 E.• KRMT. 17 5., R. 1 E.. I~Rr'l

T. 22 N.. R• 12 E.. CRI·!T. 22 N., R. 59 W.. 51-1

T. 25M., R. S7W., SM

T. 25 N., R. 56 W., S~1

T. 24 N., R. 54 W., SHT. 33 N., R. 54 W., SMT. -·33 N., R. 54 W., SM

T. 33 N.• R. 54 W.• SMT. 33 N., R. 54 W., SMT. 33 N.• R. 54 W., SMT. 33 N., R. 55 W., 5MT. 33 N., R. 57 W.• 5MT. 28 N., R. 59 W., SMT. 33 N.• R. 60 W.) SMT. 27 N.) R. 58 W., SHT.-28 N., R. 59 W., SMT. 27 N., R. 58 W., SMT. 27 N., R. 58 W., SMT. 26 N., R. 61 101., SM

T. 25 N., R. 58 W., SMT. 27 N., R. 55 W., SMT. 33 N., R. 53 H., SMT. 27 N., R. 55 W., SM

T. 30 N., R. 55 W. > SMT.·2l3 N., R. 58 W.; S~1

T. 19 5., R. 27 W., FMT. 33 N., R. 46 W., SM

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S_ecti5Jn..29.T. 27 S., R. 28 E., KRM SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of

Section 16SE 1/4 of Section 11NE 1/4 of S~ction 16~ ~

Section 5SE 1/4 of Section 14W 1/2 of Section 1 and

the E 1/2 of Section 2E 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of

Sec t ion 35NE 1/4 of Section 31

N 1/2 of Section 26SE 1/4SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of

Section 27NE 1/4NW 1/4 of Section 30W1/2

N 1/2 of Section 14W1/2 of Section 34E 1/2 of Section 3The SW 1/4 of Section 28NW 1/4 of Section 8NE 1/4 of Section 26W1/2 of Section 21SW 1/4 of Section 14NE 1/4 of Section 25 and

the SE 1/4 of Section 24NE 1/4 of Section 12NE 1/4 of Section 18

NW 1/4 of Section 33E 1/2 of Section 3 and

the W1/2 af Section 2Sections 1-3,10-12 and 13-15E 1/2 of Section 30The SE 1/4 of Sectio~ 11SE 1/4 of Section 9, SW 1/4

of Section 10, NE 1/4 ofSection 15 and the NW 1/4of Section 15

Section 1












Page 28: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

,A,l aska r.cQ1 one1 Cff1 co5~C ~:cis t F1 fth AvenueAnchora~e. Alas~a SgSGl

Hr. Larry P. Cooper. Jr•• DfrectorAWCSA Projects OfficeBureau of Indian Affairsp.0. r~x 6688Anchorage tAl aska 99502

Dear tir·. Cooper:

Enclosed is the f!ational ~rk Service. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (CPSU)su~lssion of f1ndings regardfng the below listed site for the Bureau of IndianAffairs' final certification document.

M-1Z335 Nixon Fork

As required by :he AUCSA 14(:~) rules and regulations (43 ern 2653). the Anthropologistsfrom ti~ Cooperative Park Studies L~it. University of Alaska. Fairbanks. representingthe r~t1onal Park Service. have conducted field surveys. gathered ethnoh1stor1cinfo~t1on from k~iledgeable local residents. and researched archival andlibrary sources.

The research staff has ass~sscd the evidence av~11able for OAK1ng a significancedetermination and, on the basis of their research. have concluded that there isnot sufficient fnformatfon available at the present time to ascertain if thesite Qualifies under 43 erR 2653.5 as a 14(h}(1) selection.

This letter constitutes National Park Service's consultation for this site asrequired by re<julat1on. We rcco:mend, r.owever. that the Bureau of IndianAffairs conduct additional field and archival research for this site prior tocompleting t~~ certification document.

51 ncere1y. \

~~\L.'" v\ c ....c.~William C. WelchAssociate Regional DirectorPl~nnfngt P~creat1on. and Cultural Resources


cc:5rucc Eaam crsU. FairbanksRCt"!(l anal !,rcheo10(11 st. A1c1zka Regien

CcntractinG Cff1c~rfs ~epresc~tat1ve)

File ~ Cootr~ct CX-?OOG-j-[0GJ


Page 29: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority

ANCSA l4(h)(1) SITE SURVEY FORMRevised 1981 Format

Anthrooo l cqy and Historic PreservationCooperative Park Studies Unit

University of AlaskaFairbanks, Alaska


A. BLM Serial No. AA 12335B. State AHRS No.-------C. Other. specifyD. Regional Corpo-ra~t~i-o-n--------

Name Doyon, Ltd.

A. Common Nixon Fork CreekB. Native Tach'aC. Non-na~tl~'v~e~~----

D. Variations Tuentna

E. Translation-----


A. Date(s) visited 7-20-81• B. Researcher ~E:":"'l~iz...a-='"b......e--=th-=A-nd"":"'r-e-w-s---------------

C. Others present at site (affiliation and title)----------D. How site was reached---------------------

Map Scale: 1:250,000Latitude----------



A. USGS Quad _B. Longitude _

C. UTM zone----- Easting--------- Northing------

D. USGS 15 Minute Series--------, E. Legal descriptionT.285., R17E SW 1/4

Map Scale: _

F. Aerial photo reference--------------------G. Additional locational ;~format;on This site has not yet been correctly

located. At this time insufficent ebidence exists upon which to makea determination of eligibility.


Page 30: TACH'A (NIXON FORK) DOYON, LIMITED BLM DAA-12335 A-6/ME… · DOYON, LIMITED 8LH /I AA-12335 I, Jacob Lestenkof, Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, pur suant to the authority




BLM *AA-12335

Doyon, Limited, was notified of the preliminary decision that Tach'a

(Nixon Fork) was ineligible as a Native his torical place on March 21,

1984, and was reque s ted to provide additional comments and information

that might have a bearing on this decision. Doyon, Limited, has failed

to respond to this request within the sixty (60) day time period agreed

upon in the Memorandum of Agreement between the National Park Service

and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.