Du tac au tac Activités d’expression orale

tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

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Page 1: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

Du tac au tac

Activités d’expression orale

Page 2: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but
Page 3: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but
Page 4: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

Vocabulaire et Phrases Utiles

À la poste / à la banque

Je voudrais envoyeravoir

une lettreune carte postaleun e-mail

en Australie( ?)au Japonaux Etats-Unis

C’est combien pour Est-ce que je peux Je voudrais un timbre

de la monnaiedes pièces de 10 Eurosdes billets de 20 Euroschanger des livres sterling

un chèque de voyageEst-ce qu’il y a une banque

un bureau de posteun bureau de change

près d’ici ?

Avez-vous une pièce d’identité?Votre passeport s’il vous plaît.Voilà mon passeport.Quel est le taux de change?La livre/ le dollar est à combien aujourd’hui?

En train / avion / bateau / bus

À quelle heure

part arrive

le prochain le dernier



Paris ?

C’est quel quai ?arrêt d’autobus ?

C’est quelle

station de métro?

Est-ce que ce train ce bus

va à la Tour Eiffel ?

C’est bien le bus l’avionle quai

pour Paris ?

directOù est-ce que

je change je descends


la Tour Eiffel ?

Je voudrais réserver une place dans

l’avion / le train Paris

Un aller-simple Un aller-retour

Lyon s’il vous plaît.

Page 5: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

Au Garage

Le plein (d’essence) 20 litres de gasoil

s’il vous plaît.

Pouvez-vous … vérifier l’huilel’eau les pneus envoyer un mécanicien réparer ma voiture.

s’il vous plaît ?

Je voudrais de l’huile de l’eau une carte routière

Je suisMa voiture est tombée

en panne.

J’ai un pneu crevé.J’ai un problème avec les freins.

La batterieLes freinsles phares

ne marche(nt) pas

C’est quelle marque de voiture?une Ford.

Je suis sur la Route Nationale 3 entre Boulogne et Calais.Le numéro d’immatriculation c’est T59 FRU

Au téléphone

Quel est votre ton

numéro de téléphone?

l’indicatif?C’est le que je peux parler à Mme Jones(?)

téléphoner à mes parents(?)laisser un message(?)

Je voudraisVoulez-vousPouvez-vous répéter s’il vous plaît ?

Un accident

Il y a euJ’ai vuJ’ai eu

un accident sur la route

Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé?Un camionune voitureune moto

est entré(e) en collision avec une voiture.un piéton.un camion.

a heurté

Page 6: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

Un vélo un vélo.Pouvez-vous envoyer

appelerune ambulance ? la police?

Il y a des blessés(?)Je suis sur la route nationale 2 près de Calais.

blessé(e)C’était la faute du chauffeur de camion

de la voiture.Ce n’était pas ma faute.Où êtes-vous exactement?L’accident a eu lieu dans la rue de la Poste.

Les directions

Excusez-moi Monsieur. Madame.

Où est la banque ?le bureau de change ?la Poste ?

Pour aller à la banqueau bureau de change à l’hôtel

s’il vous plaît ?

C’est loin près


quelle direction?Tournez à droite

à gauche.Allez tout droitContinuez jusqu’ aux feux

au rond-point au carrefourà la Place de la Cathédrale

Prenez la première rue deuxième rue

à droite à gauche.

Traversez la place le pont

Au camping / à l’hôtel / à l’auberge de jeunesse

Je peux vous aider?Avez-vous de la place

des litsdes chambres libresune chambre double

Je voudrais (réserver)J’ai réservéavec salle de bains

douche vue de la mer

C’est pour une nuit une semaine

Page 7: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

deux personnes une tente une caravane deux adultes et trois enfants

J’arriveraiNous arriveronsJe partiraiNous partirons

le 2 août

Est-ce qu’il y a un parking une piscine un ascenseur

dans l’hôtel ? le camping?

Le petit déjeuner estLe déjeuner estLe dîner est

à quelle heure?compris (?)

Où est l’ascenseur ?la boutique ?le parking ?

Où sont les toilettes ?La clé pour la chambre numéro 3 s’il vous plaît.Je voudrais me plaindre.Il n’y a pas de lumière


dans la chambre.

La chambre est sale.La lumièrela clefla lampeLes toilettes

ne marche(nt) pas.

À l’office de tourisme

Je voudrais un plan de la ville une carte de la région un horaire de bus / trains un dépliant sur la ville une liste d’hôtels / de restaurants des billets pour les excursions des renseignements sur la ville


Est-ce qu’il y a un hôtel un restaurant

près d’ici?

Pouvez-vous me recommander

un bon hôtel ? un bon restaurant ?

Est-ce qu’on peut jouer au golf ? visiter le château ? louer des vélos / une voiture?

À quelle heure ouvre ferme

le musée ? la banque?

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a à voir à faire comme distractions

dans la ville ? dans la région?

Page 8: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

Au bureau des objets trouvés

J’ai perdu mon passeport ma valise mes clés mon sac mon portefeuillemon portemonnaie

dans le taxi dans le train à l’hôteldans la rue

J’ai laisséOn m’a volé

Pouvez-vous décrire votre valise?C’est grand

petit et noir blanc en plastique en cuir en métal

Qu’est-ce qu’il y avait dedans?Il y avait mon passeport

mes vêtementsVous pouvez me contacter par téléphone.Mon numéro de téléphone / adresse c’est …Parlez-vous anglais ?

français?Oui, un peu.Non je ne parle pas anglais.Comment ça s’écrit?Votre nom s’il vous plaît?Répétez s’il vous plaît.Pouvez-vous parler plus lentement s’il vous plaît ?Je ne comprends pas!Pardon? Comment?Excusez-moi.Je suis désolé(e)

Aux magasinsÀ quelle heure ouvre

fermeles magasins?le bureau de poste ?

Où est la boulangerie ? le supermarché ? le tabac ? le rayon vêtements ?le rayon de disques?

Au rez-de-chausséeAu premier étageVous désirez?Je voudrais un litre de …

une bouteille de … 2 kilos de …

Avez-vous … ?Donnez-moi

Page 9: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

un paquet de …une chemise un pantalon en rouge des baskets

Et avec ça

Je cherche un cadeau un souvenir de Paris

pour ma mère pour mon père

C’est tout(?)C’est combien?Ça fait 20 Euros.Il n’y a plus deNous n’avons plus de

pommespantalons en rouge

Quelle pointure ? Quelle taille?Pointure 47 Taille 48Je peux l’essayer?C’est trop grand

trop petit trop cher

C’est pour qui?Je préfère le porte-clés

le porte-monnaieJe le / la / les prends.J’ai acheté un jean

une montreici hier.

La montre Les piles

ne marche(nt) pas.

Il y a un trou une tâche

Je peux l’échanger?Pouvez-vous … le / la / les remplacer?

me rembourser?Avez-vous le reçu(?)VoiciSortir

Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais faire

ce soir ? cet après-midi?

Tu veux aller au cinéma en discothèque au théâtreà la piscine

avec moi?

Oui, je veux bien.D’accord.Non, je ne veux pas, je préfère

aller au cinémajouer au foot

Non, je ne peux pas. J’ai trop de devoirs.Je n’ai pas d’argent.

le temps.On se retrouve où?On se retrouve chez moi

Page 10: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

dans le cinéma devant le théâtre à l’arrêt d’autobus

Au café / Au restaurant

Je voudrais réserver une table pour 2 personnes (?)une table près de la fenêtre (?) une table à la terrasse(?)

J’ai réservéAvez-vousVous êtes combien?Nous sommes 4 (personnes).Comment ça s’écrit?La carte s’il vous plaît.Je voudrais du potage

de la salade un steak-frites un sandwich au jambonun poulet-frites

Je prendsPour ma mère

Pour commencer je voudrais de la soupeComme plat principalComme dessert

un hamburgerune glace

Pour boire un coca-cola du vin rouge / blanc une bière

Un café au lait s’il vous plaît.Qu’est-ce que vous désirez comme

avez commeboisson ? dessert ? plat principal?dessert ? glaces?

Nous avons vanille chocolat fraise

Le plat du jour Le coq au vin

qu’est-ce que c’est exactement?

Avez-vous de la moutarde ? du sel ? du poivre?de la mayonnaise ?

Passe-moi le painle sel

L’addition s’il vous plaît.Acceptez-vous des cartes de crédit?Le service est compris?Il y a une erreur.C’était délicieux.Je n’aime pas le dessert

le vinC’est froid

trop cuit

Page 11: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but


J’ai besoin d’ un couteau une fourchette une cuillère un verre.une serviette.

Chez le médecin / dentiste

Je voudrais voir le médecin le dentiste

Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas?Comment vas-tu?

allez-vous? Je suis malade depuis ce matin

depuis hierJ’ai mal à la tête

au dosaux dents

Je suis tombé(e).Je me suis cassé(e) le bras

la jambeles doigts

Je me suis brûlé(e) le doigtla main

J’ai eu un accident.de la fièvre la grippe une insolationchaud froid faim soif

Je suis enrhumé(e).Ça va mieux maintenant.

À la pharmacie

Avez-vous quelque chose contre

le rhume ? la grippe ? la fièvre ?

Je voudrais de l’aspirine de la pommade du sparadrap de la crème solaire

C’est pour moi ma mère mon père

L’argent de poche

Page 12: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

Combien d’argent de poche est-ce que tu reçois?Je reçois £5 livres

40 €par semaine par moispar heure

Je gagne

Mon père Mes parents

me donne(nt) £30 livres

Je gaspille mon argent sur

les vêtementsles CD les magazinesles sortiesles bonbons


Je mets de l’agent de côté pour m’acheter une motoune voiture

Tu as un petit boulot(?)

J’aiJe fais du babysitting.

le ménage.Je distribue les journaux.Je lave les voitures.Je travaille dans un café

un magasinles weekends après l’école tous les mercredis

Au travail (Le passé)

J’ai fait mon stage dans un bureau dans un hôtel dans un restaurant

J’ai travaillé à la réception.J’ai fait de la plonge.J’ai servi les clients.J’ai répondu au téléphone.Je commençais à 9 heures

à 5 heurestous les jours.

Je finissaisJe gagnais £5 livres par heure

par semainepar mois

J’ai aimé parce que c’était intéressant nul ennuyeux une perte de temps super

Je n’ai pas aimé

Au travail (le futur)

Je voudraisJ’aimerais

travailler dans un bureauêtre professeur


Page 13: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

parce que je voudrais travailler avec le public les animauxles enfants

aider les autresvoyager

Chercher un travail

Je m’interesse à travailler dans votre hôtel / agence de voyage.Je voudrais travailler dans votre hôtel parce que je voudrais améliorer mon français / parler français.Je voudrais travailler pendant les vacances.Je suis disponible du premier au 30 août.Je peux commencer le 4 juillet / tout de suite.Avez-vous de l’expérience?J’ai déjà travaillé dans un restaurant au Pays de Galles.Je suis organisé(e) et travailleur / travailleuse.Je m’appelle … J’ai … ans.Quelles sont les heures de travail?Combien est-ce que je serai payé(e)?Pouvez-vous organiser de l’hebergement pour moi?

Page 14: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but
Page 15: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

You have just met your French exchange partner a.say hello and ask how he isb. introduce a member of your familyc. say your father is at workd.say what time you get home

You are talking about your home to a French friend1. say what size it is2. say how many bedrooms you have3. mention something you have in your

bedroom4. ask if he/ she likes his / her bedroom

You are at a hotel in France1. say you would like a room2. say for how long3. say what time you would like breakfast4. ask where the dining room is

You are discussing school with your French friend1. say what your favorite subject is2. say why3. say what homework you get4. ask if he / she likes school

You are talking to your French friend about life at home1. say what you do at home in the evening2. say what time you go to bed3. say what you have for breakfast4. ask your friend if he/ she likes croissants

You are at a market stall in France1. say what fruit you would like2. say how many you want3. say that’s all4. ask how much it costs

You are discussing weekend activities with your French friend1. say you go to the disco2. say what time it starts3. say what you do there4. ask your friend if he / she likes to dance

You want to hire bikes for you and your familya. say how many bikes you wantb. say for how many adults and/ or childrenc. say for how longd. ask how much it costs

You are talking with your French friend about how you get to school1. say how you get to school2. say who you go with3. say how long it takes4. ask your French friend if he/ she has a car

You are talking with your French friend about your garden1. say what size it is 2. say where it is3. say what you do in the garden4. ask your French friend if he / she has a


You are talking with your French friend about school meals1. say you eat at school2. say at what time3. say what you eat4. ask your french friend if he / she eats at


You are at a restaurant in France1. say you would like a table2. say for how many people3. say what time you would like to eat4. ask where the toilets are

You are discussing with your French friend what you do at home in the evening1. say what you do at home2. say for how long3. say what time you go to bed4. ask your French friend if he / she likes


You are talking with your French friend about how you get to school1. say where you work2. say when you work3. say what you buy with your money4. ask your French friend if he / she has a job

You are buying a present in a clothes shop in France1. say you want a pullover2. say the colour and the size3. say who it is for4. ask how much it costs

You are at a railway station in Francea.say where you want to gob.say how many tickets you would likec. say what classd.ask how much they cost

You are at a café in France1. say you would like an omelet and chips2. say what kind of omelet you want3. order a hot drink4. ask for the bill

You are talking to your French friend about your pet1. say what pet you have2. say how old it is3. give two more details about it

Page 16: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

4. ask your French friend if he /she likes animals

You are talking with your French friend about your home town1. say you live in the south2. say what kind of town it is3. say what there is to do4. ask if your friend likes his /her town

You are talking with your French friend about your weekend job1. say you have a job2. say where3.4. you work5. say what you do with the money6. ask if your friend likes his / her job

You are talking with your French friend about school1. Say what your favorite subject is2. say why3. say what you do at break4. ask if your friend likes school

You are in a Tourist Information Office in France and you want information about the town1. say you would like a plan of the town2. ask how much it is3. say what you would like to visit4. say thank you and goodbye

You are planning what to do after lunch with your French friend1. say what you would like to do2. suggest a different activity3. say what time you are going4. say you are going by bus

You are in a clothes shop in France 1. say what you want to buy2. say what color you want3. ask how much it is4. say it is too dear

You are in a shop in France1. say you want some lemonade please2. ask how much it costs3. say you would like some bread4. ask where the toilet is

Your French friend is staying with you1. ask if he /she wants to go to town2. say there is a bus3. say at 9:304. say you want to buy a cd

You are at a leisure centre in France

1. say you would like to play volleyball2. say there are four children3. say you want to play for 1 hour4. ask how much it costs

You are at the station1. ask for a ticket, return, second class.2. say that would prefer a seat near the window3. ask at what time does the train leave4. ask when does it arrive5. ask whether you must change train6. say that you have decided not to travel to

day because you don't like traveling by yourself

You are staying in a French family1. say that you want to stay home to night2. ask what's on TV3. ask what he/she wants to watch4. say that you are not very keen on watching

soap operas5. explain that you find silly to watch "Big

Brother" in French6. say that you might listen to some records

instead and write a few letters7. ask where is the record player

You are staying with a French family1. explain that you are expecting a parcel from

your family2. ask whether the postman has been3. ask whether there is any mail for you4. express your disappointment5. explain that you are waiting for some money

from home6. ask whether you could make a phone call

collect back home

You are staying with a French family1. say that you have not written home yet2. say that you are going to write some letters

to day3. ask where the post office is because you

need stamps4. ask where you can buy some post cards5. explain that you have forgotten to buy writing

papers and envelopes6. say that you are going to buy some7. ask whether they need anything from the

stationer’s shop.

You are staying with a French family1. explain that you are expecting a letter from

your family2. ask whether the postman has been3. ask whether there is any mail for you4. xpress your disappointment

Page 17: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

5. explain that you are waiting for some money from home

6. ask whether you could make a reverse charge phone call back home

You are staying with a French family1. explain that you have forgotten to bring a

towel2. ask whether you may borrow one3. offer your help4. offer to do some housework5. ask where the vacuum-cleaner is6. say that you have found it and that you are

going to vacuum the carpet in the living room

You are staying with a French family1. explain that you have slept very well2. say that you were quite tired after your flight3. say that you like your room and that it is

comfortable4. ask whether you can watch television5. explain what you are going to do on your first

day here.

You are staying with a French family1. ask whether you may watch television2. explain that you usually don't watch TV

during the day3. say that it is very useful when you study a

language4. ask how to switch it on5. ask where the remote control is6. ask how many channels they have

You are a receptionist in a large office1. say that the manager is not available now2. add that he is busy3. you must organise an appointment first4. say you are going to try to see what you can

do5. organise an appointment on a given date

and time

You buy a ticket at the station1. ask for a second class ticket to Meaux2. ask for the student concession3. say that you have a concession card and

show it4. explain that it is valid all over Europe5. ask how much is the ticket6. ask at what time does the last train leaves7. ask from which platform8. eck whether you understood properly " the

last train leaves at 23 .10 from platform 39. thank him and say good-bye

You are at the station1. ask for a return ticket to Brest

2. ask for the price3. ask whether they have any discount for

students4. say that you will take the night train5. ask whether you must book6. ask where is the left luggage office.

You are the station1. ask at what times does the train leave2. ask from which platform3. ask for a return ticket with a sleeping (une

couchette)4. ask why the train is late5. ask whether you must book

You are at the bus terminal1. say that you are taking the 10.40 pm coach.

because you have missed the last train , the 5.15 pm train

2. ask if it is on time or late3. ask whether the coach is direct4. ask whether there is a later coach5. ask whether there is a train direct to

Bordeaux6. ask what type of coach it is

You are taking the train1. say that you want a ticket first class to Paris2. say that you prefer non smoker3. ask whether you must book for the TGV ?4. ask whether there are any seats available .5. book a seat near the window

You are taking the train1. explain that you are looking for the

international trains2. ask where is the non smoking section3. ask whether you can send your luggage4. say that you want to go to the kiosk and get

something to read in English5. ask someone to mind your seat

You buy a ticket at the station1. say that you have almost missed your train2. say that you prefer to take a TGV than a

night train3. say that you would don't want spend the

night travelling4. ask for a sleeper/ return/ first class/ non

smoker5. explain that you have a EuroRail card6. ask whether they have any reduced prices

for students

You are in a French train1. ask whether the seat is occupied2. explain that you are visiting the country3. comment on the country side

Page 18: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

4. ask whether you can open the window5. ask whether the controller has been6. that nobody is expecting you at the station

You are at the station1. say that you are late2. ask where can you take the train to

Marseilles and Paris3. say that you still have five minutes to buy the

ticket4. ask where can you get one5. ask whether you can buy one on the train6. ask whether they have a seat available7. explain that you could not book8. say that you want a single, non-smoker9. ask at what time you will arrive in Paris10. ask whether you can pay with a

traveller's cheque.11. ask to which platform must you go

You are taking the train1. say that you like travelling by train2. ask from which platform the train to Rouen

leaves3. ask at what time does the train from Calais

arrives4. ask whether it will be late5. explain that the train from Paris has just

arrived in the station, platform 12

You are buying a ticket1. say that you want to go to Marseille2. ask what the fastest way3. ask whether there any plane to day4. ask at what time does the night train arrive to

morrow5. ask that if you take the plane to morrow what

will you get there6. ask for the price difference7. uy a ticket by train and a return by plane8. ask whether you can book a room in

Marseille9. ask for the informations about departure

arrivals and type of train10. ask when will the tickets be ready11. say that you will come back in an hour

to pick them up12. ask whether you can have a train time


You are taking a taxi1. ask the driver whether he is free2. say that you want to put your case in the

back boot3. ask the driver to take you to the airport as

fast as possible because you are late and you don't want to miss the plane.

4. say that your plane leaves in one hour and half

5. ask whether you will make it on time

You are taking a taxi1. ask the driver whether he is available2. explain that you are in hurry3. ask to help you with the luggage4. explain that you have an urgent appointment5. ask how is the traffic at this time of the day6. say that smoking disturbs you

You are at the bus stop1. comment on the long queue of people2. ask when is the next bus coming3. ask whether there are more buses during

peak hours4. ask whether you can buy a ticket on the bus5. explain the person that you did not know that

you had to buy a ticket at the tickets office6. ask the person whether the person could

mind your place in the queue while you run to the ticket office

7. thank the person and say that you be back in a short time.

You are inquiring about public transport1. ask whether you can walk2. whether there is a bus going to the center3. explain that it is difficult to use by public

transport with your luggages4. ask whether taxis are expensive5. say that you will take the first one available

You are taking a a taxi from Gare des Invalides1. ask how long will it take to the Halles2. ask whether you have a supplement for your

suitcases3. ask the taxi to take the quickest road4. explain why5. comment on you first impression in Paris.

You are looking for your key1. ask your mother whether she has seen them2. say that you don't understand because you

left them on the shelves yesterday3. say that you have looked in your pockets

already 4. say that this type of thing only happens to

you and especially when you are in a hurry5. express you surprise and joy because you

have found them in the lock on the door.

You are in a lift1. say that you are going to the seventh floor2. explain that the last time you took this lift,

you got stuck for two hours.3. ask whether you may smoke here.

Page 19: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

4. welcome the newcomers and asks them where do they want to go.

You are describing someone to a new friend1. tell your friend to avoid him2. say that he is unbearable person3. explain that he is not very much like in the

school4. say that he was caught cheating in an exam5. say that he quite tall and looks very brutal6. say to your friend that he will recognize him

as soon as he sees him.

You are showing some pictures1. explain that the people in the pictures are

your parents2. say that the little boy is your cousin on his

bike3. show the picture of you dog being washed4. say that the next picture is not very clear

because you brother moved5. say that you don't want to show the next

picture because it is too embarrassingYou are buying the car1. Say that you are looking for a small

automatic sedan2. say you would like a four door car3. say that you like the blue one4. ask whether you can look inside5. ask whether you can start6. ask where is the horn7. ask about the mileage8. ask whether you can try it around the block.

You have a on the road1. stop a car and explain that you have a

puncture in the back tyre2. say that you don't know how to change a

tyre3. explain that you have never done it before4. explain that the tyre is in the back boot5. tell him that the tools are under the tyre.

You are driving in France . You see a stopped car1. ask what's wrong2. say that you can maybe give a hand3. say that the radiator seems to need water4. say that you have a spare bottle of water in

your car5. ask the driver to open the bonnet6. say that you don't know what it is and that

it seems serious7. offer to take the driver to the closest garage.

You are in a car with a friend1. thank him for picking you up2. ask compliment him on his new car

3. asks whose is it4. tell him to slow down5. ask whetehr you can open the window6. comment on the heavy trafic

You are in a car with a friend1. tell him/her that he/she went trough a red

light2. tell him/her to watch for the stop sign3. remind him/her that the speed limit is 110 K

per hour on the highways and 80 on the roads

4. tell him that he has not his safety belt on5. tell him that you are only trying to help him

You are driving in France1. say that you car has broken down2. say that you are not sure what's wrong3. explain that the car just stop and smoke

came out the motor4. say that don't know how to open the front

hood5. ask what should you do

You are in petrol station1. ask for 30 liters of unleaded2. ask check the oil3. ask where are the toilets4. ask whether they have a hot drink5. ask where are the distributors

You have borrowed the family car1. tell your dad that you have left the car in the

city2. explain that you had an empty tank3. say that it is parked in a safe place in front of

the police station4. say that you took a cab5. explain that the driver is waiting outside to

be paid6. say that you will pick up the car to morrow

You are stopped by the police while driving1. say that this car does not belong to you2. explain that it is a rented car3. say that you did not see the green light4. say that you have an international driving

license5. thank the policeman for letting you go6. say that you be more careful from now on.

You are asked to supervise your French class1. ask the class to listen, to keep quiet and

remind them that the bell has rang five minutes ago

2. ask one student to stop singing and to go to the corner quickly

Page 20: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

3. ask the class to open their book on page 45 and complete all the exercises in the page

4. tell them that they have five minutes5. ask a student to stop laughing6. ask the others whether they have finished

already7. ask a student why didn't not he bring his

books8. say that his excuse is the silliest you have

ever heard in your teaching life9. ask who is absent to day10. ask one student to write the corrections

on the board

You are in class1. say that you have not done your homework2. say that it is the first time3. say that you won't do it again4. give three reasons why you have not done it5. thank the teacher for his/her understanding

You are discribing your school to an exchange student1. explain whether you have to wear a uniform2. describe the discipline3. explain the choice you must make at the end

of year ten4. say that you have four terms

A student asks you for some money in the street1. ask the reason2. ask how much3. ask whether he has asked his parents

already4. say that you love to help by you can’t5. explain why6. suggest him to ask someone else7. Explain that this person is quite well off or at

least better off than you are

You are talking about the future1. say that you are worried about the future2. that you have not decided yet what to do

after the HSC3. that you still have years of studies in front of

you4. that you are too young to decide now5. that you have some exams to sit for6. that you have already pass an exam7. say that you rather spend your time on the

beach sunbathing and swimming.

You are talking about your plans for your holidays1. say that you intend you go overseas2. rest for a while on the seaside on the Côte

d'Azur3. then spent sometime in the snow in the Alps

4. add that you must first get your passport5. ask how long does it take to get it.

You stop a passerby in the street1. pologise for disturbing him and ask whether

he can help you2. ask for directions to the nearest metro

station3. repeat his instructions (first street on the left

after the crossing opposite the factory)4. ask at what time the last train is and ask if it

is not too late to buy tickets now.

You are talking about you travelling plans1. explain what you would do on you first day in

Paris2. explain that you will avoid hôtels and will

stay stay in youth hostels.3. explain why4. say that you have to get your youth hostel


You meet an old school friend1. express your surprise and say for how you

did not see each other2. ask what has been happening since you left

school3. ask what has become of him/her4. say that you have a lot to catch up5. ask where is/she is staying while in town

You had a party and all your guest are gone1. say that the party was a failure2. explain why3. say that you will never invite Duduche again4. explain why5. say that now you have to clean up6. say that your parents won't be happy with

the mess7. say that the carpet has a cigarette burn on it

You are having a party1. thank the guests for coming2. say that it is one o'clock and that the

neighbours are complaining about the noise3. tell them that the washing-up has got to be

done4. thank them for helping you

Un ami vous téléphone....1. ask about his health2. say that you did not hear about him for ages3. ask how you can help him/her4. say that you don't like lending records5. offer to lend cassettes instead6. thank him for inviting you to his birthday


Page 21: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

7. apologises for not being able to come and give a reason

You are invited to a party1. ask when it is2. ask for which occasion3. ask where it is4. ask at what time does it starts and when

does it ends5. ask whether someone can drive you back6. ask who will be coming7. say that you hoe Duduche won't come8. explain that he always get drunk at parties

and spoils them9. ask whether it will be formal or casual10. ask what can you bring11. ask if you can bring your sister and her

fiance12. say that you are delighted to have been

invited13. ask whether you really have to come

You have a guest at your place1. tell him/her to make herself at home2. ask whether he likes something to drink3. say that there is a letter for her/him4. ask whether he/she would like to do

something special5. suggest an outing

You are invited to a party1. ask whether parents are allowed2. ask the reason for the party3. say that you have a lots of "hits" on cassette4. say that you can bring them5. say that you will bring some food and drinks6. say that one has never enough anyway

The phone rings. you answer1. Identify yourself and give your number2. ask who is on the phone3. ask the person to repeat and say that there

is no David at this number4. check what number the person was looking

for5. say that it is the right number6. explain that this is a not a new number and

that you have always lived here7. say that you cannot help and suggest to

contact the enquiries8. add that there is no need to apologise9. say that errors are human

Vous téléphonez à un ami.1. His brother René answers and tells you that

Alain is out2. ask when will he be back

3. René answer that he does not know when he will be back and adds that he has gone to the library

4. say that it is a pity5. he ask whether he can take a message6. ask whether Alain has received your letter

this morning7. he answers that he is not sure but he does

not think so8. he ask when was it posted9. you answer two days ago10. he says that it will certainly arrive to day11. say that you hope so12. He says that Alain won’t certainly be late13. ask whether Alain is going out this

evening14. and with whom15. he answers that he does know for sure

that he is going out but he does not know where ant with whom

16. he asks whether you are thinking of going out to

17. you answer and add that whether Alain could ring back as soon as he comes back

18. he asks for your phone number and asks whether you will be home all afternoon

19. answer that you won’t go out and that you will wait for his phone call

20. give your number and explain that it is a new number

Un ami vous téléphone....1. ask who is on the phone.. And identify

yourself2. .( He invites to see a film in town )3. Answer that you are not free and explain

that you are very busy...4. explain that you are about to study for a test5. apologize..6. ( He proposes the next day ) 7. Say that you agree and explain that will do

because then you will be on holidays8. ..ask what type of film it is and who is the

main actor.9. ..ask whether the film is in colour or black

and white…10. ..ask where it is and if it is in the city…11. ask if it is forbidden to "under 13"12. ask if he is sure…13. ask for the price and say that it is not

cheap…14. explain that you will be on time15. say that you are always on time and that

if you were late last time it is because the car broke down…

16. ask who will be with him17. say that it is not important who will be

with us…

Page 22: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

18. say that there is no point getting angry and add that you don't care anyway…

19. ask for the time and add that you were doing your homework and that it late now...

You are applying for a summer job at the ANEP(Agence Nationale pour l’emploi)1. explain that you intend to stay the whole

summer in France2. explain what you need to work3. describe the type of job you would like4. insist on part-time work so you can attend to

French classes at the Alliance Française5. explain that you cannot take a job as a fruit

picker because you need to live in town

You are at a police station1. explain that you have not stolen anything2. say that you had a bottle of perfume and a

scarf in your bag by accident3. say that you were daydreaming and did not

pay attention4. say that it is very embarrassing5. offer to pay all the items

You are applying for a job in an office1. say that you would like to apply for the

position advertised in the newspaper2. explain that you can type3. say that you can type fifty word a minute4. say that you have a good command of

French and the English is your mother tongue

5. that you can start working as soon as possible

6. ask about the working conditions

You are applying for a receptionist job in an hotel1. say that you enjoy working with people that

you are not afraid of responsibilities2. hat you have experience with word

processing and computers3. say that you have worked in a supermarket

at the cash register4. say that you are planning to make a career

in tourism5. that you are too young to decide no

You are baby sitting1. tell your employee that you are used to

children2. ask at what time should you send the

children to bed3. ask whether they allowed to watch T.V4. ask where you could contact them in case of

an emergency5. ask when will they be back6. ask whether they could drive to back home.

You have an appointment and you call at the reception1. indicate your name2. say that you would like to see M Froidevaux3. explain that you have a appointment a 3

o'clock4. you are asked to wait for a moment while

she rings up to check5. the receptionist tells you that M Froidevaux

is expecting you6. she tells you to go to the end of the corridor7. thank the person

You are at the travel's agent1. say that you would like to spend a week in a

ski resort2. ask what does he have to suggest3. say that you are only inquiring at this stage4. say when you want to go5. ask whether you can take the brochure6. You are at the lost and found objects7. ask for the lost and found objects office8. that you have lost your suitcase9. describe it10. that you must fill up the form11. ask whether there is any chance to get it

back12. give them an address and phone

number to contact you

You are buying a ticket for a concert1. .say.you want to book a ticket near the stage2. on the second row..3. whether there is any seat left..4. that you don't mind on the side..5. ask whether you have to pay full price.6. d show your student card and for a discount

for students7. .say that you don't mind small change at all..

You are buying a ticket for a concert1. explain that this singer must be popular

because there are very few seats available2. say that you don't have any change, you

only have a 100 franc bill3. Say that seat in the last row does not disturb

you4. and explain that anyhow, you have no


u service de crédit d'un grand magasin1. explain that you would like to buy a

computer2. ask whether they accept cheques/credit

card/ traveller's cheques3. ask you can make a lay by ( une avance)

Page 23: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

4. ask whether they have credit facilities ( des facilités de crédit)

5. explain that you have a bank account6. say that you have a source of income and

give details.

You are in a bank in a small town1. say that you intend to stay in Nevers for a

fortnight and you need to buy a guide of the region

2. ut you don’t have any French money3. Say that you would like to change some

Australian dollars4. explain that you have forgotten your

passport in the hotel add that you did not know that it was necessary when changing money

5. explain that you have received a cheque order through the bank and you cashed it yesterday

6. say that you would like to talk to the man in charge because you have some complaints to make

7. say that you rather speak to the manager in person

8. say that you have wasted enough time like that and explain that you don’t really fancy the idea to go back to your hotel to queue up again

9. nd that you rather return to morrow explain that you have never seen anything like that

You are looking for a place to have a meal1. ask someone and ask where you can eat in

the area2. ask whether there are many restaurants

near by3. you ask whether there is a good restaurant

nearby which is not too expensive4. say that you are keen on seafood5. thank the person

You are looking for a restaurant1. ask someone to recommend a good

restaurant2. explain what you mean by "good"3. say the type of food you prefer4. that you would like to try something local5. thank the person for his help

You are discussing where to eat1. suggest a restaurant2. explain this restaurant is a very popular3. tell about its location and the price4. say that it opens late5. say that it is clean and good food6. comment on the pleasant service and the


You are in cafe1. all the waiter2. ask what do they have in the way of

sandwiches3. ask whether they have something hot4. ask for a croque-monsieur5. say that you want a black coffee6. ask whether the juke-box works7. ask how much it cost8. ask whether he can change five francs in

twenty cents coins.

You are in a cafe1. greet the waiter and ask for a cold drink2. ask him whether they have a phone in the

cafe3. ask whether you need a token to ring4. say that you will be back in a short time5. tell him to leave your drink on the table

While waiting for a train you discuss with a another traveller1. say you did no understand because it is the

first time that you are staying in France2. say that the people speaks too fast and that

you are not used to it after five years of school french

3. say that there are many John leaving in Sydney

4. explain that it is a large city5. say that there might be kangaroos in the

streets of the city but you never seen any6. explain that you must leave now because

your train has just entered the station.

Téléphone1. ask who is on the line2. ask whether you could speak to Sam3. explain that the line is not very clear4. say that there is no one answering that

name5. ask someone to speak louder6. ask whether you can leave a message7. say that you will call at a later stage8. ask someone on the phone to be kind

enough to take a message9. explain that you sister is not here but she

won't be very long10. tell someone not to hang up.

Restaurant/ Cafes1. order oysters2. ask what is hors d'oeuvre an entree3. ask whether they have green pepper steak

rare/medium/ well done4. roasted chicken5. orange duck

Page 24: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

6. fried /baked fish7. roast veal8. rilled mutton chops9. ps10. vegetables11. salad12. peas 13. reen salad14. tomato salad15. mushrooms16. reme caramel17. pple pie18. ruit salad19. ce cream20. eese21. liqueurs22. white/red wine 23. ask for the bill24. some fish25. the plat du jour26. boiled / hard boiled / fried egg27. ask what's the house specialty/28. ask for a serviette/salt pepper. mustard29. that you won't have any dessert to night

meals and food1. say that the meal was delicious2. you love over cooked beef, raw vegetables

and burnt potatoes3. ask for some more vegetables4. explain that you are vegetarian5. say that you are starving/ not

hungry/thirsty…6. you enjoyed the wine7. you are bit tipsy/ drunk/8. ask for a black coffee / white /tea/ with sugar

and milk in a cup/ a glass/ a bowl...9. ask whether the tip is included10. tell the waiter to keep the change11. ask to speak to the manager12. say that you don't have an appointment

but you are in a hurry13. specify that14. ask for the meaning of the words

"couvert" / "service"/ menu/ carte..15. explain them.16. That you are two but you are expecting

four more people/ a couple of friend17. ask for a larger table18. ask for more bread19. Say that a red wine will go well with

beef/ white wine will go well with fish explain that your meat is burnt/ cold/like charcoal/ raw/ just right/ tough/ salty/spicy/ uneatable/ the worst/ the best you have ever tasted…

20. ask whether there is a stop over and how long

21. say That you and on stand by

22. whether there is student restaurant around here

23. ongratulate the owner/ the chef / the waiter

You are at the doctor's1. greet the doctor and explain that you have

an appointment2. tell him that you have hurt your leg3. explain how4. ask whether it is serious5. ask whether he can give you something

against the pain6. explain that he has been hurting you for two

days7. ask for a prescription8. thank him and ask how much you owe him

You are at the doctor's1. explain that you don’t know what the matter

with you2. explain that the pain has been persisting so

you are consulting a doctor3. you have a headache that does not leave

you for a week4. you took a pill against the pain but its effect

does not last...5. the pain wakes you up at night…6. whether it is serious and how long it will last..

The doctor is checking your chest with a stethoscope.1. say that you don't smoke because it is bad

for your health.2. you have already checked your

temperature ..3. you don't have any fever..4. ask him to check your pulse..5. say that your heartbeat seems to be fast6. explain that you are loosing your hair..7. say you never have a moment of rest..8. whether it is an allergy9. you don't suffer from an heart condition..10. ask how long do you have to live ?11. ask whether the visit over ?

You are asking a few questions about school to a new friend1. ask how far is the school2. ask what type of school it is3. ask how does he/she get to school4. ask what foreign languages does he/she

study5. ask what are the compulsory subjects at


You are talking about your home town1. say that you live in the centre of town

Page 25: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

2. explain that you live in a fairly large house3. explain that the beach is not very far but you

never go4. ve three reasons for this5. say that it is quite an industrial townYou want to join a library1. ask whether you can join2. ask how long you can keep the books for3. ask how many you can borrow4. ask where the catalogue is5. say that you are looking for a French

dictionary6. explain that you have an assignment on

French grammar7. ask where the best place to start would be

You had a slight accident1. say that you have swallowed some

tablets,and cough mixture...2. explain that you have a headache,a

toothache and a backache...3. say that have a cold or the flue…4. say that you are sneezing and coughing..5. explain you avoid to eat out because it is

bad for your health…6. ask what medecine must you take and

repeat the doctor instructions...

directions1. someone asks you 2. on which floor your friend live3. explain that the toilets are in the park about

four hundred meters away4. you are told to take the second street right

and the Routier is straight ahead on your left

5. you ask is it far6. you are told about 5 minutes on foot and

thirty minutes by car because of the traffic jam

7. you thank him very much and he answers don't mention it.

directions1. ask whether someone to help you and

whether there is an hotel around here2. explain that you would like something in

town and not too expensive3. ask whether you must book4. ask whether you can walk to the hotel5. ask whether you can call a cab6. say where you want to go explain that you

have just arrived to town by train7. ask where is the reception desk8. explain that you have just phoned9. explain that you have booked a room10. ask whether there is a restaurant in the


11. ask at what time they serve dinner12. ask where is a room13. ask whether there is a lift (un ascenseur)14. ask whether someone can help you with

your suitcases

You are in Amboise and you want to visit Leonardo da Vinci's home1. stop a passerby and ask whether he knows

the way2. ask whether you can walk3. ask whether he knows if it is opened at the

time of the day4. say that you are very fond of the man5. say that you think he was a genius6. ask whether there is car park near the

museum.Someone ask you some directions1. say that it is not too far, about ten minutes by

foot2. tell the person to go straight ahead , to turn

left on the second street and that the Town Hall is 100 metres away on the left

3. say that it should be indicated4. say don't mention when the person thank


You are standing in front of the information desk. Tourists must take you for a guide. They ask you all these questions. You answer.1. explain that the bus stop is outside the

station2. say that there is no station near here3. say that it is a 3 minutes walk4. it is on the way to Paris5. say that it is just here6. say that there 2 cafes nearby7. say it 50 meters away , next to the book

shop8. between the fish shop and the horse butcher

You are asking the way1. ask whether there is a public phone around

here2. where the market place is3. whether you can there by foot4. whether the bus 45 goes there5. what line must you take. 6. ask how long does it take by foot

You need a chemist1. ask whether there is a chemist around here

which stays opened all night2. ask if it is far and how far iti s3. ask whether you can walk there easily4. explain why it is urgent

Page 26: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

You are in town . You are speaking to a French tourist1. offer your help2. explain where the nearest bank is3. explain that it is about five hundred meters4. tell him the bus 345 goes there5. tell him to get off at the third stop6. offer to take him to the nearest bus stop

You are in plane1. say that you don't like flying2. explain that you are always air sick3. say that you took something against it but it

does not have any effect yet4. ask whether there is a film on5. say that you don't think that "Airport, part 9 '

is a good film to watch while flying

You are in a plane1. ask whether there is a pilot in the plane2. ask the air hostess where is the next meal3. ask for a drink and pills against air sickness4. ask at what time will the plane land5. expalin that your headphone does not work


You are in a plane1. say to the pilot that you are hijacking the

plane to Tasmania2. explain that it was only a joke3. say that you don’t know how to lock the

safety belt4. next time you will fly another air line5. explain why

You want to go out1. tell your parents you are going out2. explain that you are visiting a sick friend3. say that you have already finished all your

homeworks for the next day4. explain that you don’t feel like working now

because you had a tough test and you feel like resting a bit

5. say that you won’t be late6. say that you’ll have dinner at your fiend’s

place7. tell your family not to wait for you8. add that if someone rings you to tell them

where you are or to leave a message9. tell your mum not to worry

You go to the police station1. say you have lost your passport2. say you think it has been stolen3. say you don’t know where but somebody

bumped into you in the Jardin des Tuileries4. ask if they think you will get it back

Stop a lady in the street1. ask how to get to the museum2. Repeat the instructions she gives you3. Thank her and say good-bye politely.

You are in a car-hire office.1. ask what you have to do to hire a car2. Say you'd like a big car3. ask how much it is for a week.

You are at the doctor's surgery.1. Say you have the following symptoms:2. sore throat3. runny nose4. an upset stomach5. temperature.6. ask the doctor if it's serious.

You go to the markets in Avignon1. ask for a kilo of pears and six oranges2. say you would also like half a kilo of

tomatoes and a small cabbage3. ask if they have any bananas4. say that's a pity, in that case you'll have

some strawberries.

You are talking about your next holiday. Say the following things.1. You are going to France next year.2. You are going to travel by aeroplane.3. Say you're going to go to the beach, to the

mountains and to Paris.

You have just met M Dufour at a party.1. ask him if he likes sport.2. ask him if he plays golf.3. Say you go jogging in the mornings, at 6


You are at a youth hostel in Paris, talking with a new friend1. ask what s/he would like to see in Paris

tomorrow2. say you need to go to the bank first3. suggest you visit Beaubourg and have lunch

there4. say you have already seen the Eiffel Tower.

It's your first day at your new French school1. say your name is Michel(le) and you come

from Bordeaux2. say there are six people in your family3. your parents, two brothers, one sister and

you4. say your mother is an architect and your

father is an engineer

Page 27: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

5. say you like swimming and going to concerts.

You are on a street in Paris.1. Stop someone and ask if they can help you.2. Say you want to know where the Pompidou

Centre is.3. Repeat the instructions you are given: “I take

the 2nd street on the right, then the 1st street on the left.”

You are asked some directions1. Say you are sorry, you can’t help them, you

don’t know where it is.2. Say you are from Australia, and you are here

on holiday.3. Tell them they can ask at the Tourist

Information office.

You have been feeling sick, and you go to a doctor.1. tell the doctor you have a headache and a

pain in your chest.2. say it hurts when you cough.3. ask what is wrong with you.

You are seeking assistance from your hotel concierge.1. Say your car has broken down2. ask how one hires a car around here.3. Say you would like to hire a Peugeot, and

ask what the concierge thinks of that.

You are talking to a policeman.1. ask him if you can turn right here.2. Repeat his answer that it is forbidden to turn

right here, then ask what you have to do to get to Montpellier.

You are talking to a friend1. Say that your brother is very keen on

football.2. ask your friend his/her opinion of football.3. Say you agree with him/her, you think

football is a brutal and dangerous sport.

You are discussing holiday arrangements with a friend1. Greet Mireille, and say who is speaking.2. Say you (use ‘on’)can have dinner together

at the new restaurant this evening. 3. Ask what she thinks of that.4. Say you can go there another time if she is

busy tonight. 5. Say Wednesday is good for you.

You are in a travel agency.1. Say you want to cancel your trip to Nice.

2. Say now you are going to take your holidays in September and you would like to book a flight for the 14th.

3. ask if this is possible.4. Say you can’t change the date in order to

leave earlier. You have to work until the 13th of September.

Talking about sports.1. ask your friend what sort of sports he/she

plays and which ones he/she prefers. 2. Then tell him/her about the sports you like

and dislike. 3. Mention at least 6 different sports.

You are in class1. say that you have not done your homework2. say that it is the first time3. say that you won't do it again4. ve three reasons why you have not done it5. thank the teacher for his/her understanding

You are talking about school1. ask how many lessons does he/she have

every day2. ask at what time does the school start3. ask what his/her favourite subject is4. ask what sport facilities they have at school5. ask about the discipline6. ask what foreign languages he/she studies

You are at a petrol station1. say that you want to buy some petrol2. ask the attendant to fill up the tank3. ask the attendant to check the water in the

radiator the oil and the tyre pressure4. ask whether they have any toilets here5. ask whether you may pay with a credit card

You are at the station1. ask for a ticket, return, second class.2. say that would prefer a seat near the window3. ask at what time the train leaves4. ask when does it arrives5. ask whether you must change train6. say that you have decided not to travel today

because you don't like travelling by yourself

Au service de crédit d'un grand magasin1. explain that you would like to buy a

computer2. ask whether they accept cheques/credit

card/ traveller's cheques3. ask if you make make a lay by ( une avance)4. ask whether they have credit facilities ( des

facilités de crédit)5. explain that you have a bank account

Page 28: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

6. say that you have a source of income and give details.

You are in a department store1. ask where the food section is2. ask whether there is a lift3. ask if it is working4. explain that you cannot walk down the stairs

because you broke your leg whilst skiing5. ask the sales lady to give you six slices of

cheese and a bottle of mineral water6. say that you will wait for her7. thank her for her help8. say that you have seen the same socks half-

price in the market9. ask whether they can deliver

You are at the bus terminal1. say that you are taking the 10.40 pm coach.

because you missed the last train at 5.15 pm

2. ask if it is on time or late3. ask whether the coach is direct4. ask whether there is a later coach5. ask whether there is a train direct to

Bordeaux6. ask what type of coach it is

You are in a hotel1. say that you have booked a room for the two

next weeks2. ask which floor it is on3. ask whether there is a lift4. say that you like the room and that you will

take it5. ask the receptionist to help you with your

suitcase6. ask him to wake you up tomorrow at six

o'clock7. ask whether there is a swimming pool in the


Au bureau de réclamations d'un grand magasin1. ask to see the manager because you wish to

complain2. express your complaint to the manager3. say that you want to return the jumper you

have bought and explain why4. say that the price is outrageous5. say that you would prefer get your money

back because you have seen the same jumper, in the same colour and the same brand at half the price somewhere else.

6. express you anger and state that you will never come back to this place again.

You are in a book store1. explain that you need some help

2. say that you would like a book to study French

3. ask whether they can recommend one4. ask whether they offer a discount for

students5. ask whether they have it as a second-hand

book6. say that you don't mind if it is an older edition7. say that you must think about it and you'll be


You are invited to a party1. ask whether parents are allowed2. ask the reason for the party3. say that you have a lots of "hits" on cassette4. say that you can bring them5. say that you will bring some food and drinks6. say that one has never enough anyway

You are in a market1. ask how much the potatoes are2. say that you will take two kilos3. ask whether they have any fruits4. ask for a pound of green apples5. ask for a punnet of strawberries6. ask for a dozen oranges7. ask how much it is

You are in a souvenir shop1. ask that would like something with a bit of

local colour for your sister2. say that a pen with her name is a good idea3. ask for the price4. say that you would like something cheaper5. say that will take a small Eiffel figurine6. say that you would like also something else

but you have forgotten what

You are in a large department store at the lost property section.1. explain that you have lost your wallet.2. say where and how.3. scribe its contents (credit card, pictures,

passport, money ....)4. ask if they could ring you at your hotel if they

find it.

You have lost your bag1. explain to the policeman that you have lost

your bag2. explain where3. " " when4. scribe its content ( a picture of your dog,

passport, credit card, traveller's cheques...)5. ask what must you do now6. thank the policemanYou are at the beach with a friend1. invite your friend to go swimming

Page 29: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

2. ask why he does not fancy swimming now because it is really hot

3. tell him to be put some cream against the sun

4. explain that the sun is dangerous for the skin5. ask him to look after your sun glasses and

your bag6. say that you will be back in a short while7. say that it is a pity that he does not want to


You are looking for a restaurant1. ask someone to recommend a good

restaurant2. explain what you mean by "good"3. say the type of food you prefer4. say that you would like to try something local5. thank the person for his help

You meet a french person in the train1. ask whether he can speak English2. say that you are visiting France3. say how long you intend to stay here for4. say why you are here5. say how long you have been studying

French6. tell him to repeat more slowly because he

speaks too fast for you7. ask what did he say8. ask what he meant in English9. ask whether he could translate a word for

you10. say that you don't speak fluently yet but

you will very soon

You are looking for a place to have a meal1. ask someone where you can eat in the area2. ask whether there are many restaurants

nearby3. ask whether there is a good restaurant

nearby which is not too expensive4. say that you are keen on seafood5. thank the person

You have just arrived in a small French town1. ask whether there is a place to get a meal2. say that if all the restaurants are closed at

this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe

3. say that usually you don't like take-away but you have no choice

4. thank the person for his/her help

You are in a French town speaking to a passer-by1. ask whether he/she can help you2. explain that you would like to get to the

youth hostel

3. ask if he/did say straight ahead or to the right

4. ask him how far it is5. ask whether you can walk there6. ask what bus goes there7. ask where is the nearest stop

You talk to a tourist ..1. offer to help2. tell him that the swimming pool is on the third

street after the bridge on the left3. explain that it is closed now4. suggest Bondi Beach5. explain that the Bus 344 goes there6. Indicate where the closest bus stop is

You are shopping for some clothes1. You go into a shop and greet the sales

person2. he asks you what you are looking for3. say that you'd like a jumper he asks what

size4. say that you are not sure explain that the

French use different size than in Australia5. ask whether you can try it6. e shows you one and you find it too small7. ask whether he has something larger8. e gives to you another one9. explain that you like the model and the size

but you would like another colour something perhaps lighter

10. explain that you love about dark colours11. say that you like the cream one and

that you'll take it

You are shopping for some clothes1. ask whether the shirts in the baskets are on

sale2. say that they are out of fashion3. explain that you don't follow the fashion4. ask what are they made of 5. ask whether they are washable6. ask whether they need ironing7. say that you will take half a dozen

You are shopping for some clothes1. say that you are looking for a business shirt2. say that you need a black one to go with a

white tie3. explain why4. say that money is no problem5. say that you will take one for you and one for

your mum.

You are talking about you travelling plans1. explain what you would do on you first day in


Page 30: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

2. explain that you will avoid hôtels and will stay in youth hostels.

3. explain why4. say that you have to get your youth hostel


You are shopping in a department store1. ask where the souvenir section is2. explain that you need some help or advice3. say that you want to buy something for your

dad but you don't know what4. explain that you only have twenty dollars to

spend5. say that you want something with a bit of the

local colour6. repeat there of the suggestions you have

heard7. explain why the two first two are not suitable

and the last one is.8. ask whether they accept Australian money or

traveller's cheques.You are shopping with a friend1. ask what he/she think about this jumper2. ask whether it fits you3. say that it will go perfectly with your trousers4. ask his opinion about the quality5. ask him his advice about the price6. suggest another place where things are

much cheaper.

You are stopped by the police while driving1. say that this car does not belong to you2. explain that it is a rented car3. say that you did not see the red light4. say that you have an international driving

license5. thank the policeman for letting you go6. say that you be more careful from now on.

Au Cent Mille Chapeaux1. ask whether you can try the hat on2. ask for a different colour3. ask for a larger size4. ask for a different model5. that you would like something typically

Australian6. explain that your French pen Friend has

asked you to bring one just like Crocodile Dundee

You are in a car with a friend1. tell him/her that he/she went through a red

light2. tell him/her to watch for the stop sign3. remind him/her that the speed limit is 110 K

per hour on the highways and 80 on the roads

4. tell him that he has not his seat belt on

5. tell him that you are only trying to help him

You are a receptionist in a large office1. say that the manager is not available now2. d that he/she is busy3. you must organise an appointment first4. say you are going to try to see what you can

do5. organise an appointment for a given date

and time

You are in the hôtel and you are going out1. tell the receptionist that you are going out2. explain you'll be back in the afternoon in

case someone calls you3. ask him/her to take the message if someone

asks for you4. ask where the closest place to change some

Australian money is5. ask whether you must leave your key at the


You have lost your way1. say that you have been going in circles and

you think that you have lost your way2. say where your hotel is located3. thank the person for walking the whole way

back with you4. say that you have appreciated his/her help

and that you don't know what you would have done without him/her

You are leaving the hôtel1. ask for the bill2. ask whether there is any mail for you3. ask whether they could sent it to you in case

some arrives after you leave4. ask the receptionist to call for a taxi5. ask how far the airport is from the city6. ask whether there is a bus service

While waiting for a train you speak with a another traveller1. say you did no understand because it is the

first time that you ever stayed in France2. say that the people speaks too fast and that

you are not used to it after five years of school French

3. say that there are many people called John leaving in Sydney

4. explain that it is a large city5. say that there might be kangaroos in the

streets of the city but you have never seen one

6. explain that you must leave now because your train has just entered the station.

You are at a police station

Page 31: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

1. explain that you have not stolen anything2. say that you had a bottle of perfume and a

scarf in your bag by accident3. say that you were dreaming and did not pay

attention4. say that it is very embarrassing5. offer to pay for all the items

You have just arrived in a French family1. say that you a had a good journey2. explain that it was howeverquite long3. say that you are not hungry but you are

thirsty4. explain that you are quite tired and jet

lagged5. say that it will take a week before you


You are at the station1. ask for a return ticket to Brest2. ask for the price3. ask whether they have any discount for

students4. say that you will take the night train5. ask whether you must book6. ask where the left luggage office is.

You are the station1. ask at what times does the train leave2. ask from which platform3. ask for a return ticket in a sleeper (une

couchette)4. ask why the train is late5. ask whether you must book

You are booking a room1. say that you would like to see the room first2. ask for a less expensive room3. what your room number is4. that ask whether you must leave your key at

the reception when you leave5. say that you intend to stay for quite a

long time6. ask whether they have special price for

longer staysA friend rings you1. ask about his health2. say that you did not heard from him for ages3. ask how you can help him/her4. say that you don't like lending records5. offer to lend cassettes instead6. thank him for inviting you to his birthday

party7. pologize for not being able to come and give

a reason

You have a guest at your place1. tell him/her to make himself/herself at home

2. ask whether he would like likes something to drink

3. say that there is a letter for her/him4. ask whether he/she would like to do

something special5. suggest an outing6. explain why you don't recommend this place

You have an appointment and you call at the reception1. Indicate your name2. say that you would like to see M Froidevaux3. explain that you have a appointment at 3

o'clock4. you are asked to wait for a moment while

she rings up to check5. the receptionist tells you that M.Froidevaux

is expecting you6. she tells you to go to the end of the corridor7. thank the person

You talk to your parents1. tell them that you are fed up with studying2. explain that you are not interested by what

you are studying3. say that you want to have some money4. explain that you will get a job

You are talking about the future1. say that you are worried about the future2. say that you have not yetdecided what to do

after the HSC3. say that you still have years of studiy in front

of you4. say that you are too young to decide now5. say that you have to sit for some exams6. say that you have already passed an exam7. say that you rather spend your time on the

beach sunbathing and swimming.

You are talking about your plans for your holidays1. say that you intend you go overseas2. say that you want to rest for a while on the

seaside on the Côte d'Azur3. then spent sometime in the snow in the Alps4. d that you must first get your passport5. ask how long it takes to get it.

You discussing an outing1. propose seeing a film in town2. suggest a film and the reason you want to

see it3. say that you might go and have a coffee

afterwards4. rrange a time and a place to meet5. explain that you will get there by bus6. ask how they will get there

Page 32: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

7. ask whether you could get a lift home wiyh them

8. say that you are looking forward to meeting them

9. nd greets.

friend ask you for some money1. say that you would like to help2. say that you are broke3. suggest an alternative4. say that there is no need to apologise for

asking money5. explain that you are very sorry not to be able

to help at this moment

You are talking to a friend about the holidays1. ask where he intends to go2. say that you have to go and visit a uncle3. say that you will stay there for a week4. explain that you are not very keen on this

idea5. ve three reasons

You are in the tourist office1. ask whether you may have a list of the local

hotels of the region2. ask whether there is anything to visit around

here3. ask whether the Latin Quarter is on the map4. ask how to get to Toulouse from here5. ask for the shortest way/ the quickest/ the

most scenic road...

You are invited to a party1. ask when it is2. ask what the occasion3. ask where it is4. ask at what time it starts and when it ends5. ask whether someone can drive you back6. ask who will be coming7. say that you hoe Duduche won't come8. explain that he always get drunk at parties

and spoils them9. ask whether it will be formal or casual10. ask what can you bring11. ask if you can bring your sister and her

fiance12. say that you are delighted to have been

invited13. ask whether you really have to come

You are baby sitting1. tell your employee that you are used to

children2. ask t what you time should send the

children to bed3. ask whether they allowed to watch TV

4. ask where you could contact them in case of an emergency

5. ask when will they be back6. ask whether they could drive you back

home.An old school friend visits you1. express your surprise and say that it has

been a long time since you last saw each other

2. ask what has been happening since you left school

3. ask what has become of him/her4. say that you have a lot to catch up on5. ask where he/she is staying while in town

The phone rings . It the plumber1. tell him that there is no one at home now2. say that the bathroom has to be fixed3. explain that your father will be home tonight4. offer to take his phone number and to pass

on the message5. ask what is the most convenient time to ring


You are on holiday and you have run short of money1. explain the situation to your your friend2. say that you did not expect the

accommodation to be so expensive3. ask whether he/she can lend you some

money4. say that you have phoned your parents and

they are going to send you some money soon

5. say that you will give the money back as soon as you get it in two or three days.

You meet a friend you have not seen for a long time1. say that a lot of time has passed2. say that he/she has not changed3. say that you have been so busy that you did

not have time to keep contact4. say that you would like to have a drink and

talk about the good old times but unfortunately you have an important appointment with a friend you have not seen for a long time

5. ask for her /his phone number and promise to ring very soon

friend ask you for some money1. say that you would like to help2. say that you are broke3. suggest an alternative4. say that there is no need to apologize for

asking for money

Page 33: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

5. explain that you are very sorry not to be able to help at this moment

You are taking a taxi1. ask the driver whether he is free2. explain that you are in hurry3. ask to help you with the luggage4. explain that you have an urgent appointment5. ask how the traffic at this time of the day is6. say that smoking disturbs you

You are taking a taxi1. ask the driver whether he is free2. say that you want to put your case in the

boot3. ask the driver to take you to the airport as

fast as possible because you are late and you don't want to miss the plane.

4. say that your plane leaves in one hour5. ask whether you will make it on time

You are booking a taxi by phone1. dentify yourself2. eck whether you have the taxi company3. say you want to go to the airport and at

what time you wish to leave4. explain that you have two suitcases an need

help to load them into the car5. state where you want to be picked up6. ask how long it will take to get to the airport7. ask how much it should cost .

You are taking a train1. ask for a ticket to Lyon (return second class

non smoking)2. ask whether there is a buffet in the

restaurant3. ask when does it arrives at the destination4. ask from which platform it leaves5. ask where can you wait6. ask where the lockers are7. say that you are looking for change for the

automatic lockers

tourist asks you the way to the Opera House1. ve three directions2. say that if he/she is pressed for time, it is

quite a nice walk through the Botanical garden

3. say that it is about half an hours walk4. say that you are going that way and offer to

walk with them

You are shopping1. ask the salesperson to help you2. explain that you need a present for your

father3. say that you want something typically French

4. say that a scarf is a great idea5. ask for something cheaper and smaller.6. ask whether they accept traveller's cheques.

You are at the post office1. say that you want to send a letter , airmail to

Australia.2. ask for the price of a stamp3. say that you want four stamps4. ask how much it cost altogether5. ask whether you can phone from here

You are asking a new friend a few questions about school to1. ask how far the school is2. ask what type of school it is3. ask how does he/she get to school4. ask what foreign languages does he/she

study5. ask what the compulsory subjects at school


You are looking for your key1. ask your mother whether she has seen them2. say that you don't understand because you

left them on the shef yesterday3. say that you have looked in your pockets

already 4. say that this type of thing only happens to

you and especially when you are in a hurry5. xpress your surprise and joy because you

have found them in the door.

You are describing someone to a new friend1. tell your friend to avoid him2. say that he is unbearable person3. explain that he is not very much liked in the

office4. say that he was caught cheating in an exam

at school5. say that he quite tall and looks very brutal6. say to your friend that he will recognise him

as soon as he sees him.

You describe a friend1. say that she is in her sixties2. say that her birthday is in April3. say that she lives a fairly large flat in Brittany4. say that she has a brother and a sister5. say that she is the eldest in the family6. say that she dreams of pursuing a career as

an actress

You want to have some clothes dry cleaned7. say you would like a coat to clean8. ask how long it will take9. ask whether they have an express service

Page 34: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

10. ask about the price difference11. say that you take the express service

because you might leave town tomorrow12. say that you will be back at six o'clock

You are in your hotel room and you order your breakfast by phone1. dentify yourself and give your room number2. say that you would like to have breakfast in

bed3. ask what type of breakfast they have on offer4. say that you want an Australian breakfast5. explain the difference between a European

breakfast and an Australian breakfast6. ask how long it will take

Your car has broken down on the road1. call a towing company2. say that you saw their name advertised on

the road signs3. say how to find your car on the highway4. ask whether they can send someone to have

a look5. say that you haven’t the faintest idea what

the problem is6. explain that you don't know anything about

cars7. ask how long it will take .

You have been travelling for quite a while now. It is time to wash some of your clothes1. ask whether there is a washing machine

available2. ask for some change3. ask how long it takes to wash the clothes4. ask whether there is a drier5. ask whether there is an ironing service .

You are in cafe1. all the waiter2. ask what they have in the way of

sandwiches3. ask whether they have something hot4. ask for a croque-monsieur5. say that you want a black coffee6. ask whether the juke-box works7. ask how much it costs8. ask whether he can change fifty francs into

twenty centimes’ coins.

You are in a bank1. say that you want to change some money2. explain that it is in traveller's cheques3. ask where you must sign4. show your passport5. ask what the exchange rate is

You are driving in France

1. say that you car has broken down2. say that you are not sure what's wrong3. explain that the car just stopped and smoke

came out the motor4. say that don't know how to open the bonnet5. ask what you should do

You are in a cafe1. greet the waiter and ask for a cold drink2. ask him whether they have a phone in the

cafe3. ask whether you need a token to ring4. say that you will be back in a short time5. tell him to leave your drink on the table

You have been sitting in a cafe, writing postcards and decide to leave1. all the waiter2. ask for the bill3. ask whether the service is included4. and him ten francs and tell him to keep the

change5. ask him whether he knows where you may

buy stamps

You are in youth hostel1. explain that you will stay one night and

maybe more if you like the place2. ask whether there are facilities for cooking3. ask at what time the breakfast is served4. say that you are interested in the evening

meal but not lunch5. ask at what time must you check out6. say that you have a youth hostel card and

show it.

You are in a sweet shop1. say that you want to buy a box of chocolate2. say that the one in the window is too

expensive3. ask whether they have something cheaper4. say that you'll take the smaller one5. ask whether they can wrap it up6. pay and take your leave

Courses : vêtements1. explain that you want to try the leather shoes

you have seen in the window2. state your shoe size and the colour you

prefer3. ask whether they have any black one left4. say that they fit you perfectly5. ut that they don't suit the outfit you are

wearing6. ask for something more casual, less formal

and more comfortable7. say that they are too tight

Page 35: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

8. explain that you did not expect to spend so much money and you are nor sure whether you can afford it at the moment

You are in a caravan park1. say that you want a site for a caravan and a

tent2. ask for the weekly rate3. ask whether there is a swimming pool4. ask where can you do some horse riding5. ask if there are any facilities for cooking6. ask whether the shopping centre is within

walking distance

Au centre commercial d'un hôtel1. explain that you want to buy some unusual

souvenirs2. scribe 3 presents that you will bring back

from France3. ask whether there is duty free section4. say that you would rather go in town

because it is much cheaper5. explain that these places are a tourist trap.

You are asking the way1. ask whether there is a public phone around

here2. ask where the market place is3. ask whether you can there by foot4. ask whether the nº45 bus goes there5. ask what line must you take.6. ask how long does it takes by foot

You are at the travel's agent1. say that you would like to spend a week in a

ski resort2. ask what he have to suggest3. say that you are only inquiring at this stage4. say when you want to go5. ask whether you can take the brochure6. ask him whether he could write the prices

down for you7. say that you will decide by next week

You are discussing where to eat1. suggest a restaurant2. explain this restaurant is a very popular3. tell about its location and the price4. say that it opens late5. say that it is clean and serves good food6. omment on the pleasant service and the


You are in town . You are speaking to a French tourist1. offer your help2. explain where the nearest bank is3. explain that it is about five hundred meters

4. tell him bus 345 goes there5. tell him to get off at the third stop6. offer to take him to the nearest bus stop

Dans un magasin de disques1. ask for the price of a LP record2. say that you are looking for a record in

French but you have forgotten the name of the singer

3. explain that you don't know the title either4. offer to sing it instead5. say you might ask a friend about it and come

back later with more information6. thank the salesperson for his/her patience.

You are at the tourist office1. Check whether this is the tourist office2. say that you are looking for a youth hostel3. ask how to get there and what the hour of

business and are4. say that you still have four hours before it

opens5. ask what you could visit in the meantime6. say that you are hungry7. ask whether there is a good cheap

restaurant not too dear close by

At the Boulangerie1. ask for two loaves of bread2. ask whether they have any croissants left3. ask for half a dozen4. ask whether they are butter croissant5. say that they smell good6. ask how much it costs7. ask for a receipt and explain that you must

share the costs with your group

You are at the doctor's1. Greet the doctor and explain that you have

an appointment2. tell him that you have hurt your leg3. explain how4. ask whether it is serious5. ask whether he can give you something to

relieve the pain6. explain that he has been hurting you for two

days7. ask for a prescription8. thank him and ask how much you owe him

You are lost and ask a pedestrian to tell you the way1. stop the man and ask him how to get to the

Latin District2. say that you are are going on foot3. repeat his instructions (3)4. ask whether you can walk there easily5. ask where the nearest bus stop is

Page 36: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

You are in plane1. say that you don't like flying2. explain that you are always air sick3. say that you took something for it but it has

not had any effect yet4. ask whether there is a film on5. say that you don't think that "Airport, Part 9 '

is a good film to watch while flying

You have borrowed the family car1. tell your dad that you have left the car in the

city2. explain that you had an empty tank3. say that it is parked in a safe place in front of

the police station4. say that you took a cab5. explain that the driver is waiting outside to

be paid6. say that you will pick up the car tomorrow

You are a bit early at the airport1. ask where the waiting-room is2. ask where you can find a trolley because

you have a lot of luggage3. say that you have a suitcase, a backpack, a

handbag, a satchel, a photographic bag and an attache case.

4. say that you hope that you don't have an excess of baggage because you cannot afford to pay the fees.

You are at the post office1. say that you want to send a letter , airmail to

Australia.2. ask for the price of a stamp3. say that you want four stamps4. ask how much it cost altogether5. ask whether you can phone from here

The phone rings . It the plumber1. Tell him that there is no one at home now2. Say that the bathroom has to be fixed3. Explain that your father will be home tonight4. Offer to take his phone number and to pass

on the message5. Ask what is the most convenient time to ring


You phone a friend, his sister answers1. say that you would like to speak to your

freehand2. ask when will he be back3. ask whether the knows where he left4. say that there is no point leaving a message

and that you will ring later

5. suggest that he might ring when ever her comes back

You are at home . The phone rings1. ask who is on the phone2. say that your sister has gone to the grocer's3. say that she won't be long but you are not

sure when she will be back4. say that you can ask her to ring back5. ask for the speaker phone number and ask

when will be best time to ring6. say that you will pass the message

You are the post office7. say that you want to send a parcel to

Australia8. ask how long it will take by surface mail9. ask what is the difference with airmail10. say that it weighs eight kilos11. ask for the price.

Au téléphone1. ask who is on the line2. ask whether you could speak to Sam3. explain that the line is not very clear4. say that there is no one answering that

name5. ask someone to speak louder6. ask whether you can leave a message7. say that you will call at a later stage8. ask someone on the phone to be kind

enough to take a message9. explain that you sister is not here but she

won't be very long10. tell someone not to hang up.

The phone ringsa. Introduce yourself and say your phone

numberb.Ask who is speakingc. Say that there is no Alice living hered.Explain that it must be a wrong numbere.Tell the person not to worry and that it is not


Au téléphone : You are ringing someone1. Introduce yourself2. Check whether it is the phone number you

wanted3. Say that you want to speak to Alice 4. Explain that you have found the phone

number on the phone book5. Apologise for your mistake

You are ringing back home1. explain the receptionist that you want to ring

collect to Australia

Page 37: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

2. say that you would like to talk person to person with your parents

3. ask about the time difference4. give your phone number5. ask whether you must wait

The phone rings1. ask who is the phone2. say that the line is not clear3. explain that the person has made a mistake4. say that there is Alice living here5. say that there is no need to apologize6. say that everyone can make mistake

You want to send some mail1. say that you have a letter airmail to Australia2. ask how much are the stamps3. ask whether he knows how long it will take4. ask where is the counter for the poste

restante5. ask whether there is any mail for you

You are at the post office1. explain that you are collecting stamps2. say that you want the last set edited for the

Bicentenary3. ask where you could find them4. say that you have a parcel to send5. ask for the price per kilo

You are applying for a summer job at a wineyarda. introduce yourselfb.say how long you intend to stay in Francec. explain that you would like to work in Franced.scribe the type of work you are interested ine.explain that you are presently living with a

family as an "au pair" personf. ask how much money an hour you could

makeg.ask at what time you start workh.say that you are ready to start nowi. ask how to get to the vineyardj. ask how long the grape picking season last

(la saison des vendanges)

Someone ask you some directions1. say that it is not too far, about ten minutes

on foot2. tell the person to go straight ahead , to turn

left on the second street and that the Town Hall is 100 metres away on the left

3. say that it should be signposted4. say don't mention when the person thanks


You are at the lost and found objects1. ask for the lost and found objects office2. that you have lost your suitcase

3. scribe it4. that you must fill up the form5. ask whether there is any chance to get it

back6. ve them an address and phone number to

contact you

You are in petrol station1. ask for 30 litres of super2. ask the attendant to check the oil3. ask where the toilets are4. ask whether they have a hot drink5. ask where are the automatic vending


You are at the airport and no one is waiting for you. You ring your friend1. say that you have arrived and you are now

at the airport2. say that you have arrived two days early

because you did not stop at Singapore as expected

3. say that you have sent a telegram4. xpress your surprise that it was not received5. ask what the best way to get to this house

tell him not to bother not to come and bother and that you will take a taxi.

You are at the airport1. say that you don't like flying especially when

the plane takes off2. ask at what time the plane will land3. say that you have excess of baggage

You are at the airport1. the customs agent that you have nothing to

declare2. explain that you have a night bag and a

camera bag3. that you are already air sick4. ask whether there is duty free shop in the

airport5. ask whether there is an airport tax

You are at the airport1. say that you have almost missed your plane2. say that you don't like flying especially when

the plane takes off3. ask at what time the plane will land4. say that you have an excess of luggage

You are at the airporta.Ask at what time do you have to check inb.Say that you havee to go the airline ticket

counter half an hour before departure timec. Explain that you have to fill in the police formd.Ask for a seat ner the window in the non-

smoker section

Page 38: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

e.say that you have luggage to check

You are at the airporte.Ask for two aisle seats f. Ask what flight it isg.Ask whether there is a stopover in Singaporeh.Ask whether you can have some labels for

your luggagesi. Ask whether the plane is full

While waiting for a train you talk to another passenger1. say that it is business trip, a agreement trip,

a study trip and a family trip.altogether..2. that you have hitchhiked to Lyons3. explain that you intend to travel by car

throughout Europe4. explain that you will rent a caravan and tour

overland5. give your first impressions

You are in a plane1. ask whether there is a pilot in the plane2. ask the air hostess when the next meal is3. ask for a drink and pills for air sickness

You are on holiday and you have run short of money1. explain your friend the situation2. say that you did not expect the

accommodation to be so expensive3. ask whether he/she can lend you some

money4. say that you have phoned your parents and

they are going to send you some money anytime

5. say that you will give the money back as soon as you get it in two or three days.

You have just arrived in a French family1. say that you a had a good journey2. explain that it was quite long however3. say that you are not hungry but you are you

are thirsty4. explain that you are quite tired and jet

lagged5. say that it will take a week before you


You are at the beach with a friend1. invite your friend to go swimming2. ask why does not he fancy swimming now

with this heat3. tell him to be put some cream against the

sun4. explain that the sun is dangerous for the skin5. ask him to look after your sun glasses and

your bag6. say that you will be back in a short while7. say that it is a pity that he does not want to


You are discussing the weather1. say that it very cold for the season2. ask whether this heat is usually at the time of

the year3. explain that you have heard on the radio that

the weather will change4. say that they expect a storm to night5. say that will be good because it has not

rained for at least two weeks6. explain that bushfire are a threat to the

forests in a weather like this

You get a phone call from the station . Your brother arrives early from a trip1. Express surprise and ask for an explanation2. ask why did he not inform you of the change

of plan3. ask exactly where he is now4. offer to come and pick him at the station5. say that you will be in there in fifteen minutes

A friend is showing some slides about his last trip1. ask whose the convertible car is2. ask why does he wear a swimming costume

in the centre of town3. say that this sunset is very beautiful, but this

is the tenth one so far4. ask who is behind the tree5. thank the person for sharing his slides with

you6. d that you are very impressed by his talents

as a photographer7. ask what type of camera, lenses and film he

was using .

How would you deal with this catastrophic situations ?1. explain that you don't speak French very well and that you have not your vocab book on you but

you'll try to explain if they give you a chance.2. say that you have lost your suitcase, your memory and your adress and if it goes on you will loose

your temper soon3. say that you don't have any money because your wallet was in the suitcases4. say that you don't have a passport nor credit card nor any traveller's cheque because they were in

the wallet and the wallet was in the suitcase5. say that you are not accusing anybody you are just saying the truth

Page 39: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

6. ask whether someone speaks English around here and say that you want to see an Australian representant or your lawyer

7. say that it is the first and last time you 'll come to France8. say that you are fed up and that you need your mum or a minties9. explain that you don't remember the name of the hotel, nor the airline but you know that it is near

the airport or the station10. explain that there is a letter box just in front of the door of the hotel11. say that you don't know what this sachet is doing in your pocket and how would you know12. explain that you don't use sugar, but nutrasweet13. say why you, why do these things only happen to you

Page 40: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

You are at the lost and found office of a small French town1. explain that you have lost your handbag2. or it was stolen you are not really sure3. Say where , when and when you have lost it4. explain why it is urgent you find it soon5. explain that you must return home on the

following day6. ask some advices because your travelling

documents were in it7. ask what steps should you follow8. Say that you did not think about contacting

the Australian consulate9. ask where is the nearest one and ask

whether you can use the phone because you have no money

10. Say that these type of things only happen to you and that it is not your lucky day

11. Thank the person for their help and ask whether they could late you know as soon as they know something

12. ask whether there is any hope of finding your belonging again

You are in the city and you spot a French tourist1. offer to help him2. suggest the best places to visit3. offer to accompany him4. say that it is on your way and that you have

nothing else to anyway5. say that you are happy to have the

opportunity to practice your French6. explain the opening hours of the shops7. suggest some typical souvenirs to bring back8. ask him about his opinions of Sydney9. explain to him what does the words ‘ mate

‘means10. advise him on Australian food11. enlighten him about ‘végémite’12. tell him about sports in Australia

You are visiting a French family1. say that it is the first time that you are

overseas2. explain why you came to France3. say how long you intend to stay4. explain what you intend to do on the first day5. ve some of your first impressions6. offer a present to each of the member of the

family7. say that you hope they will like them8. say that you are sure you will have a

pleasant stay here

You in a camping site1. ask whether they have any tent sites free2. ask what the rates are

3. say that you are two adults and two children4. explain that your intend to stay four nights5. ask whether there is a shop on the site6. ask where the shower block is

You in a camping site1. say that you have your own tent2. say that the campsite is well equipped3. say that you've written to book a site for a

tent by writing and you have confirmed it by phone

4. say that you would like to buy some post card s

5. say you want a place to pitch your tent6. ask whether they serve meals7. ask whether you can cook here

You in a camping site1. explain that you would like to change site if

possible2. explain that your neighbours are too noisy3. say that the site is too close to the rubbish

bins and that it smells4. explain also that there are mosquitoes

because it is too damp5. apologize for creating problems

You are in a garage1. explain the mechanic that your car need

servicing2. say that you brakes need to be checked3. ask him/her to change the oil and add some

water4. ask to check the pressure and fix up your

spare tire5. ask for a road map of the region.

You are in a garage1. ask the attendant to fill up the tank2. ask him/her to check the water and the tires3. tell him that there is a noise in the motor4. ask him to repair the car5. ask when will you have to come back6. ask whether you can wash the car here7. ask whether they have any toilets here

You are in a restaurant1. say that you have booked a table for seven2. ask for the set menu, and the wine menu3. that you forgot your purse at home4. say that you want a separate bill5. offer to pay and explain that it is your turn to

pay6. ask where are the commodities

You are in a restaurant and you are not very happy

Page 41: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

You are in a restaurant1. order a three course meal and drink2. ask if it will take long3. call the waiter and tell him that he has

forgotten to bring you a serviette vitiate.4. tell him that he did a mistake in the bill (he

counted six bottles of wine and you only had two.)

You are in a restaurant1. order a three Courses meal and drink2. ask if it will take long3. all the waiter and tell him that he has

forgotten to bring you a serviette.4. tell him that he made a mistake with the bill

(he counted six bottles of wine and you only had two).

You are in a restaurant1. tell the waiter that you did not order a steak2. tell the waiter that you have been waiting for

your meal for half an hour already3. order a three course meal4. tell the waiter that he has done a mistake in

his favour5. over the meal you had and add up the bill to

show his mistake

You are in a restaurant1. say that you have booked a table for two2. ask for a table near the window3. ask the waiter for the menu4. say that you are hungry5. ask the waiter what the specials are to day

today6. ask for the bill7. say that you have enjoyed your meal ...8. ask whether the service is included

You are in a restaurant1. ask whether they have a table for four2. say that you will wait for a free table3. order a three course meal4. ask for the bill5. say that you have left your wallet in the hotel6. pologize7. say that you will be back in five minutes

with the money

You are in youth hostel1. explain that you will stay one night and

maybe more if you like the place2. ask whether there are facilities for cooking3. ask at what time are the breakfast served4. say that you are interested by the evening

meal but not lunch5. ask at what time must you check out

6. say that you have a youth hostel membership card and show it.

You are leaving the hôtel1. ask for the bill2. ask whether there is any mail for you3. ask whether they could sent it to you in case

some arrive4. the receptionist to call for a taxi5. ask how far is the airport from the city6. ask whether there is bus service

You are in an hotel1. ask whether they have a free room2. say that it is for one night3. explain that you would like a bathroom and

two beds4. ask for the price5. ask what is the room number6. ask whether they accept credit card of

Australian money7. ask if there is a lift

You are booking a room1. say that you would like to see the room first2. ask for a less expensive room3. what is your room number4. that ask whether you must leave your key at

the reception when you leave5. say that you intend to stay for quite a long

time6. ask whether they have special price for

longer stays

You have just arrived at the hotel1. ask where the reception counter is2. ask whether there any room available3. explain that this place you has been

recommended by a friend4. ask whether you have to fill out a form5. ask where you could park your car

You are in an hotel1. say that you have booked for a room for two2. ask whether there is a restaurant in the hotel3. explain that the light does not work in you

room4. ask whether the breakfast is included5. ask for the key , for room number 126. say that you have forgotten which floor is

your room is on

You are in an hotel encountering a few problems1. explain that you have lost the key2. say that expecting a phone call and did not

get it3. say that the lifts don't work4. say that the cafeteria is overpriced

Page 42: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

5. say that you asked the receptionist not to disturb you for any reason whatsoever…

6. that you won't recommend this hotel to anyone

You are in an hotel1. ask whether they have a free room2. say that it is for one night3. explain that you would like a bathroom and

two beds4. ask for the price5. ask what is the room number6. ask whether they will accept credit card or

Australian money7. ask if there is a lift

You are in an hotel1. ask whether the receptionnist can

recommend another one2. ask where it is and how far away3. ask for the directions by car4. ask whether you mayphone to check if there

still have any room available5. say that the travel agent had told you that it

was not necessary to book at this time of the year

You are in an hotel encountering a few problems1. that you have lost the key2. explain that you were expecting a phone call

and did not get it3. say that the lifts don't work4. say that the cafeteria is overpriced5. say that you asked the receptionist not to

disturb you for any reason what so ever…6. that you won't hesitate to recommend this

hotel to your friends

You are in an hotel and it is full1. ask whether the can recommend another

one2. ask whether it is and how far3. ask for the directions by car4. ask whether you could phone to check if

there still have any room available5. say that the travel agent had told you that it

was not necessary to book at this time of the year

You are in an hôtel and you are not very happy1. say that the sink is leaking and the water is

not hot2. say that the window does not close3. say that you asked to be woken up at eight ,

and it is already nine and no one has rung4. say that you could not sleep a wink the

whole night because of the planes5. say that you won't recommend this place

You are in the hôtel and you are going out1. tell the receptionist that you are going out2. explain you'll be back in the afternoon in

case someone calls you3. ask him/her to take the message if someone

asks for you4. ask where is the closest place to change

some Australian money5. ask whether you must leave your key at the


You are the Hotel reservation office at the airport1. say that you are looking for a comfortable

hotel in the center at a walking distance to the Sorbonne university

2. ask whether the hotel is modern3. explain that you intend to stay a few nights4. ask how to get there5. ask for the price6. ask what is included in the price7. ask whether you can see it before deciding

to take it or not

You are in your hotel room and you order your breakfast by phone1. identify yourself and give your room number2. say that you would like to have breakfast in

bed3. ask what type of breakfast do they have to

offer4. say that you want an Australian breakfast5. explain the difference between a European

breakfast and a Australian breakfast6. ask how long it will take

You are in an hotel1. say that you have booked for a room for two2. ask whether there is a restaurant in the hotel3. ask whether the breakfast is included4. ask for the key , room number 125. say that you have forgotten on which floor is

your room

You are at the chemist's.1. greet the chemist and comment on the cold

weather2. say that you have a headache and that you

think you are getting a cold3. ask for something for it4. ask when and how to use the medicine5. Say yes, you understand, three times a day,

morning, afternoon and night.6. ask if they have something for sunburn.

You are at the chemist's1. explain that you have a very bad stomach


Page 43: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

2. say that you must have eaten something bad and caught a virus

3. ask whether they have something for it because the pain is intolerable

4. say that you don't want to spoil your trip by being sick

5. ask for some information about the medicine you have been given

6. ask whether it has any side effect7. thank the person very politely for the help

You are at the chemist's1. ask for a bottle of shampoo , soap and

toothpaste2. say that you don't mind which brand3. ask whether they can give you something for

your throat4. say that you don't want any medicine, just

sweets5. say that you will take some menthol tablets6. say that will be all7. say that you forgot but you also need a box

of tissues.8. ask how much it is all together.

You are visiting a French family1. say that it is the first time that you are

overseas2. explain why you came to France3. say how long you intend to stay4. explain what you intend to do on the first day5. give some of your first impressions6. offer a present to each of the member of the

family7. say that you hope they will like them8. say that you are sure you will have a

pleasant stay here9. You are invited by a French family in an

exchange programme10. say that you would like to have some

coffee and a cake11. ask whether they have different sort of

cake12. explain that you have an allergy for

strawberry cakes13. say that you would like to have a shower

and get changed but you did not bring any clothes

14. ask whether you can borrow some15. say that you like the house, but you

don’t think the painting is very suitable16. say that you don’t feel like going out

now and that you don’t mind staying here by yourself

17. say that you are not interested in visiting the city and that you intend to stay in this armchair watching T.V

18. say that you have brought videos to watch

19. say that you already miss home20. explain that you feel like going for a

drive ask whether you can borrow the car21. explain that you don’t have your license

but you have driven quite a lot before22. say to your host that you hope that he

has checked the tank23. say that you must ring home because

she is always worried when you are far from home

24. ask where is the phone and ask your host o bring

25. ask whether the smoke disturbs them26. add that the dog smells27. say that he has bitten you and you have

bitten him back28. express your worry because he is lying

on the floor and is not moving29. ask your host to take him to the garden

and that you will bury him to-morrow30. say that you like hard rock music when it

is played at full volume31. ask your host whether he has a sponge

and a towel and something to clean up say that you hope that the sofa is not very new because you have dropped red wine on it

32. say that it seems that there is a stain33. say that you did not like the colour

anyway34. explain that you are quite tired now and

would like to be left alone

You are asked to supervise your French class1. ask the class to listen, to keep quiet and

remind them that the bell has rang five minutes ago

2. ask one student to stop singing and to go to the corner quickly

3. ask the class to open their book on page 45 and complete all the exercises in the page

4. tell them that they have five minutes5. ask a student to stop laughing6. ask the others whether they have finished

already7. ask a student why didn’t not he bring his

books8. say that his excuse is the silliest you have

ever heard in your teaching life9. ask who is absent to day10. ask one student to write the corrections

on the board

Projets d'avenir1. You are talk-show about the future 2. say that you are worried about the future

Page 44: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

3. that you have not decided yet what to do after the HSC

4. that you still have years of studies in front of you

5. that you are too young to decide now6. that you have some exams to sit for7. that you have already pass an exam8. say that you rather spend your time on the

beach sunbathing and swimming.

Projet de vacances1. You are talk-show to a friend about the

holidays2. a ask where does he intend to go3. b say that you have to go and visit a uncle4. c say that you will stay there for a week5. d explain that you are not very keen on

this idea

6. e give three reasons

Projets de vacances1. You are talk-show about your plans for your

holidays 2. a say that you intend you go overlays 3. b rest for a while on the seaside on the

Côte d'Azur4. c then spent sometime in the snow in the

Alps5. d add that you must first get your passport6. e ask how long does it take to get it. 7. f Projets de vacances8. g You are talk-show about you travelling

plans 9. h explain what you would do on you first

day in Paris

Page 45: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

En vrac1. Say you are looking for the castle 2. Je cherche le château3. Ask if it is far 4. Est-ce que c’est loin?5. Ask what time it closes 6. Ca ferme à quelle heure?7. Ask what time the train leaves for

Rouen8. A quelle heure part le train pour Rouen?

9. Say you want a 1st / 2nd class ticket 10. Je voudrais un billet en première classe / en deuxième classe

11. Ask which platform it is 12. C’est quel quai?13. Say you would like to work in a

sports centre14. Je voudrais travailler dans un centre sportif

15. Ask what time you start work 16. A quelle heure commence le travail?17. Ask what you have to wear 18. Qu’est-ce que je dois porter?19. Ask what time lessons begin 20. A quelle heure commence le cours?21. Say how you get to school 22. Je vais au collège à pied / en voiture23. Ask if they wear a uniform 24. Est-ce que tu dois porter un uniforme?25. Say where you work on

Saturdays26. Le samedi, je travaille à la piscine

27. Say what time you finish 28. Je finis à dix-sept heures29. Ask if he has a job 30. Est-ce que tu as un job?31. Say where you would like a table 32. Je voudrais une table dans le coin / près de

la fênetre 33. Ask if they have... 34. Est-ce que vous avez du poulet / des frites /

du boeuf35. Ask where the toilets are 36. Ou sont les toilettes?37. Say you would like to go to... 38. Je voudrais aller au théatre39. Say what you are going to wear 40. Je vais porter mon jean / un costume / une

robe41. Ask if you can get there by... 42. Est-ce qu’on peut aller à pied / en bus?43. Ask if there is a... 44. Est-ce qu’il ya un parc / une piscine dans la

ville45. Say how long you are staying 46. Je reste ici cinq jours / deux semaines47. Say what hurts (head / foot /

knee / leg / back / leg / tummy)48. J’ai mal à la tête / au pied / au genou / à la

jambe / au dos / au bras / au ventre49. Say where you are staying 50. Je reste au camping / dans l’auberge de

jeunesse51. Ask where the chemists is 52. Ou est la pharmacie53. Say what you would like to do 54. Je voudrais prendre une douche / me

baigner55. Say you have forgotten your

toothbrush / brush / towel / soap / toothpaste

56. J’ai oublié ma brosse à dents / ma brosse / ma serviette / le savon / la dentrifice

57. Ask if you can phone home 58. Est-ce que je peux téléphoner chez moi?59. Say you want a room for... 60. Je voudrais une chambre pour trois nuits61. Say you would like a room with... 62. Je voudrais une chambre avec douche /

salle de bains63. Say you would like to reserve a

seat for...64. Je voudrais réserver une place pour lundi

65. Say what price ticket you want 66. Je voudrais une place à dix euros67. Ask if there is one of these near

the theatre68. Est-ce qu’il y a un restaurant près du

théatre?69. Ask where you can buy... 70. Ou est-ce que je peux acheter des

bonbons / des chips / de la limonade?71. Say what type of ticket you want 72. Je voudrais un aller simple / un aller retour73. Ask when the bus arrives 74. A quelle heure arrive le bus?75. Say you would like to speak to... 76. Je voudrais parler à Madame Lebrun77. Ask what time you should phone 78. A quelle heure dois je téléphoner?

Page 46: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

79. Say what you have lost 80. J’ai perdu mon sac / mon parapluie / ma valise / mon manteau / ma montre

81. Say where you lost it 82. Je l’ai perdu à la plage83. Say what is in your bag 84. Il y a mes cléfs / mon argent / mes

vêtements85. Ask when you should return 86. Quand dois-je retourner?87. Say you would like tablets/cough

mixture88. Je voudrais des comprimés / du sirop

89. Ask if you must see a doctor 90. Est-ce que je dois voir le médecin91. Say what you would like to buy 92. Je voudrais acheter un cadeau / des fleurs93. Say what you like to do 94. J’aime visiter le musée / faire de l’équitation95. Ask where the lift / exit / cash

desk is96. Ou est l’ascenseur / la sortie / la caisse?

97. Ask if you can take the bus / train 98. Est-ce qu’on peut prendre le bus / le train?99. Ask what time it opens 100. Il ouvre à quelle heure?101. Say you have a present for the

family102. J’ai un cadeau / des pralines pour la famille

103. Say what you want to do next 104. Je voudrais aller au lit / prendre une douche / manger quelquechose

105. Ask what you are doing tomorrow 106. Qu’est-ce qu’on va faire demain?107. Say there are 25 in your class 108. Il y a vingt-cinq personnes dans ma classe109. Ask what your penfriend does at

breaktime110. Qu’est-ce que tu fais pendant la récréation?

111. Say you would like to buy a hat / scarf

112. Je voudrais acheter un chapeau / écharpe

113. Say how much money you have 114. J’ai vingt euros115. Say you do not have a glass /

knife / napkin116. Je n’ai pas de verre / couteau / serviette

117. Say you are on holiday 118. Je suis en vacances119. Say you are returning home on

Friday120. Je rentre vendredi

121. Ask if there is a train to Dijon on Saturday

122. Est-ce qu’il y a un train pour Dijon samedi?

123. Ask if you have to reserve 124. Est-ce que je dois réserver une place?125. Ask when the shop opens 126. A quelle heure ouvre le magasin?127. Ask what you have to wear 128. Qu’est-ce que je dois porter?129. Ask how much it costs to get in 130. C’est combien l’entrée?131. Say you would like the 20 Euro

menu132. Je voudrais la carte à 20 Euros

133. Ask if the office is open tomorrow 134. Est-ce que le bureau est ouverte demain?135. Say what time you leave for

school136. Je pars à huit heures pour l’école

137. Say you want to post a letter / buy stamps

138. Je veux envoyer une lettre / acheter des timbres

139. Say you are thirsty 140. J’ai soif141. Say you’d like a single / double

room142. Je voudrais une chambre avec un / deux lits

143. Ask if breakfast is included 144. Est-ce que le petit dejeuner est inclus?145. Ask what time the office closes 146. A quelle heure ferme le bureau147. Say you have a fever / are hot /

have a headache / are cold148. J’ai de la fièvre /J’ai chaud / J’ai mal à la tête

/ J’ai froid

1. say where you would like to work2. say how you are travelling to Montpelliers3. ask if there is one of these in town4. ask if there are any places free for a caravan

/ tent

5. say how long you want to stay6. ask where one of these places is7. say how you get to school8. say what time school starts9. ask their favourite subject

Page 47: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

10. say where you work at the weekend11. say how much you earn per hour12. ask if he has a job13. at what time does the train 14. say what type of ticket you want15. ask if you have to change trains16. say what time you get up17. say what you would like to drink18. ask if you can have a knife / a spoon/ a

fork19. say what you have lost20. say what is in it21. ask when you must come back22. say what you are looking for23. ask if you can get there by bus / on foot24. ask if it is far25. say what you will be wearing26. say you would like to reserve a table for

3/4/5 people27. ask if you can arrive at28. say it is your brothers birthday29. say what is wrong with you30. say when it started31. ask where the chemist is32. say where you would like to work in the

shop33. say you speak spanish / german34. ask what you have to wear35. say how many people there are 36. say you have a present for the family37. say what you want to do38. say where you would like to work39. say how you are travelling to toulouse40. ask if there is one of these in town41. ask if there are any places free for one

of these 42. say how long you want to stay43. ask where one of these is44. say how you get to school45. say what time school starts46. ask their favourite subject47. say where you work at the weekend48. say how much you earn per hour49. ask if he has a job50. at what time does the train leave51. say what type of ticket you want52. ask if you have to change trains53. say what time you get up54. say what you would like to drink55. ask if you can have a knife / a spoon/ a

fork56. say what you have lost57. say what is in it58. ask when you must come back59. say what you are looking for60. ask if you can get there by bus / on foot61. ask if it is far62. say what you will be wearing

63. say you would like to reserve a table for 3/4/5 people

64. ask if you can arrive at65. say it is your brothers birthday66. say what is wrong with you67. say when it started68. ask where the chemist is69. say where you would like to work in the

shop70. say you speak spanish / german71. ask what you have to wear72. say how many people there are 73. say you have a present for the family74. say what you want to do75. ask what you are going to do tomorrow76. ask where the tourist office is77. ask what time it opens78. say what you would like to buy79. say what you like doing80. ask where one of the following is81. say how you get to work82. say you would like some tablets /

medicine83. ask if you have to see a doctor84. ask where you could buy some sweets /

lemonade85. ask what time it closes86. say you want a first / second class ticket87. ask which platform it goes from88. ask what you have to wear89. ask what time lessons begin90. ask if your penfriend wears a uniform91. ask if they have chicken / beef92. say where you are staying93. say you have forgotten your toothbrush /

towel / brush94. ask if you can telephone home95. say what price ticket / menu you want96. ask what time you have to start97. ask what time you have to get up98. ask where the letterbox is99. ask if breakfast is included100. say what time you finish101. say you have a fever

Page 48: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

You are in the street in France and ask a passer – by for help1. Ask where the supermarket is2. Ask is it far3. Ask if you have a car4. Say thank you and goodbye

You are at a hotel in France1. Ask if they have a room2. Say you want a family room3. Say it is for two nights4. Ask how much it costs

You are in a café1. Say you would like three croissants please2. Say you want a large chocolate3. Ask how much it is4. Say you have no change

The weather forecast is good so you suggest going on a picnic with your French friendSuggestion1. Météo2. !3. Où? Comment?

You are talking to your French friend about your babysitting job1. Job. Pour qui ?2. !3. Soir et heures de travail4. Opinion - Pourquoi?

You are talking to your French friend about healthy lifestyles1. Ce que tu manges de sain (deux détails)2. Fast food - Pourquoi/ Pourquoi pas 3. !4. Pour être en forme (deux activités)

You are discussing TV with your French friend1. Sorte d’émssion préférée2. !3. Emission hier soir. Opinion4. Préférence- télé ou cinéma. Pourquoi?

You telephone your French friend to tell him / her about your recent holiday1. Où ?2. Description de l’hôtel ( trois détails)3. Le temps qu’il a fait ( deux détails)4. !

You are discussing with your French friend your plans to travel abroad to celebrate the end of the exams j. Destinationk. Deux raisons

!l. Après les vacances


You are talking to your French friend about your new schoolTon collègeOpinion et raison!Nouveau copain (trois détails)

You are talking to your French friend about your part time job in a restaurantSorte de travailJours et heures de travailVêtements (trois détails)!

Your car has broken down in France and you telephone your hotel to explain that you are going to arrive lateNom - ArrivéeRaisonOù vous êtes exactement (deux détails)!

You go to a police station in France to report the theft of your mobile phone1. Objet volé2. Où et quand ?3. Description du voleur (trois détails) 4. !

You are talking to your French friend about holiday preferences1. Vacances préférées2. Deux activités de vacances3. !4. Prochaines vacances. 5. Où et quand

You are talking to your French friend about what you plan to do during a year off before continuing your studies1. Projets ( un détail)2. Raison3. Etudes à l’avenir4. !

You telephone a French friend you have met on holiday to suggest going to the cinemaa.Suggestionb.Sorte de filmc. Rendez- vous où et à quelle heured. !

You are talking to your French friend about your recent work experiencea.Dates du stage

Page 49: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

b.Sorte de travail (un détail )c. Heures de travaild. !

You are talking to your French friend about a football match you went to last weekend a.Matchb.!c. Résultatd.Après le match

You are staying with your French friend and you are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of staying on at schoola.Avantageb.Inconvénientc. Projets pour septembred.!

You are discussing your town an its environment with your French frienda.Description (deux détails)b.Opinion et raisonc. !d.Problème de l’environnement

You are staying with your French friend and you are feeling tired because you did not sleep well last nightProblèmea.Raisonb.Ce que tu veux manger et boirec. !

You are in the street when a passer –by stops you to ask you the way to the Ibis hotela.Aider ?b.Transport?c. Direction (deux détails)d.!

You are talking to your French friend about your best friend and his / her qualitiesa.Description physique (deux détails)b.Deux qualitésc. !d.Activité ensemble

Your French friend telephones you whilst you are on holidaya.Le temps qu’il a fait (deux détails)b.Hôtel (deux détails)c. Deux activités (deux détails)d.!

You have had an acciedent in your hotel and are now at the hospitala.Accidentb.Où et quandc. Où vous avez mal

d. !

Your are discussing school with your French frienda.Description (deux détails)b.Heuresc. Vêtements (trois détails)

You are in France and have seen a n advert for worka.Travail ?b.Expériencec. !d.Heures ? Salaire ?

You are discussing supermarkets with your French friend1. Heures d’ouverture2. Opinion et raisons3. Avantage4. !

You are discussing with your French friend what you can do at home1. Ce que tu fais pour aider (une activité)2. Combien de jours et quand ?3. Ce qu’un membre de ta famille fait pour

aider (une activité)!You are discussing your local sports club and hobbies in general with your French friend1. Club2. !3. Deux autres passe-temps4. Passe-temps de ton ami/e ?

You are staying with a French family and want permission to go out1. Permission de sortir ?2. Où et avec qui ?3. Après 4. !

You telephone the cinema to book tickets for yourself and a friend1. Billets- combien et pour quel soir2. !3. Durée4. Demandez la route

You are in a department store in France buying a sweater for a friend 1. Pourquoi vous êtes là2. !3. ProblèmePrix? Décision

En vrac1. Reservation – details2. Repas?

Page 50: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but

3. Heures de depart?4. Activités en ville5. Achats6. Raison pour l’appel7. Dates?8. Uniforme?9. Problème10. Rendez-vous?11. Directions?12. Détails du groupe13. Heure de fermeture?14. Heures de travail?15. Projets pour mercredi après midi16. Heures de la fete?17. Reservation – details18. Heures d’ouverture?19. Spécialités20. Probleme – raison probable21. Solution?22. Voiture – description23. Attendre?24. Description de l’article25. Action?

26. Salaire?27. Logement?28. Visites – ou?29. Transport30. Intérêts personnels31. Activités au college32. Sortie – ou?33. Prochain bus?34. Telephoner?35. En retard – raison36. Experience de travail37. Heures de travail?38. Repas – ou?39. Reservation – details de la famille40. Departs – quand41. Voyage – durée42. Raison pour votre visite43. Accident – details44. Details personnels45. Heure de l’accident46. Probleme avec votre achat47. Matin – details

Page 51: tacs 1 - Entre Nous · Web viewsay that if all the restaurants are closed at this time of the day maybe there is a snack-bar or a cafe say that usually you don't like take-away but