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Syllabus ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Holy Qur’an References ................................................................................................................ 16

Level 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Holy Qur’an ................................................................................................................................ 17

Recognizing Arabic Låetters ................................................................................................... 17

Recognizing Different Strokes ................................................................................................ 17

Mecca & Medina........................................................................................................................ 17

Mecca ..................................................................................................................................... 17

Medina ................................................................................................................................... 18

Exercises .................................................................................................................................... 19

Color Holy Kaaba .................................................................................................................... 20

Color Al Masjid al-Nabawi ...................................................................................................... 20

MTA Story Time ......................................................................................................................... 21

Patience and Gratefulness ..................................................................................................... 21

Prayers .................................................................................................................................... 23

The Boy Who Cried Wolf ........................................................................................................ 25

Sharing of Knowledge............................................................................................................. 26

Sheikh Chilli ............................................................................................................................ 28

Who is Your True Friend? ....................................................................................................... 29

Showing Off ............................................................................................................................ 31

Good Deeds of Parents .......................................................................................................... 32

To Sell Your Own Self ............................................................................................................. 33

An Old Man and a Thief .......................................................................................................... 35

Cheating ................................................................................................................................. 36

Importance of Salaat .............................................................................................................. 37

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Story of Eid ul Adha ................................................................................................................ 38

Abu Salehra’s Honesty ........................................................................................................... 39

Gift for Queen Victoria ........................................................................................................... 41

Bird’s Freedom ....................................................................................................................... 43

Good Character ...................................................................................................................... 43

Emperor and the Seed............................................................................................................ 45

Gratefulness ........................................................................................................................... 46

Level 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 49

Holy Qur’an ................................................................................................................................ 49

Learning madda, shadda: Yassarnal Qur’an lessons 17 – 22 ................................................. 49

Learning shadda and joining three letters: Yassarnal Quran lessons 23 – 27 ....................... 49

Five Pillars of Islam .................................................................................................................... 49

Kalimah ................................................................................................................................... 49

Salaat ...................................................................................................................................... 50

Fasting .................................................................................................................................... 50

Zakat ....................................................................................................................................... 51

Hajj.......................................................................................................................................... 51

Tarbiyyat Topics ......................................................................................................................... 52

Importance of Speaking the Truth ......................................................................................... 52

Respect of Parents and Elders ................................................................................................ 52

How to Perform Wudhu (Ablution) ........................................................................................... 53

How to Perform Salaat .............................................................................................................. 56

Introduction to Auxiliaries ......................................................................................................... 59

Pledge ........................................................................................................................................ 60

Stories of Islam .......................................................................................................................... 61

Balancing Mercury.................................................................................................................. 61

The Patient and the Old Man ................................................................................................. 64

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A Blind Boy ............................................................................................................................. 65

A Truthful Boy ........................................................................................................................ 66

A Wealthy Man ....................................................................................................................... 69

Level 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 70

Holy Qur’an ................................................................................................................................ 70

Etiquettes of Recitation .......................................................................................................... 70

Ramooz-e-Auqaf ..................................................................................................................... 70

Tarbiyyat Topics ......................................................................................................................... 70

Etiquettes of Salaat ................................................................................................................ 70

Etiquettes of the Mosque ...................................................................................................... 71

Etiquettes of Eating ................................................................................................................ 72

Etiquettes of Conversation ..................................................................................................... 73

Level 4 ........................................................................................................................................... 74

Holy Qur’an ................................................................................................................................ 74

Correct Pronunciation of Arabic Letters ................................................................................ 74

Madda Letters ........................................................................................................................ 74

Leen Letters ............................................................................................................................ 74

Prophets of Allah ....................................................................................................................... 74

Hazrat Adamas ........................................................................................................................ 75

Hazrat Ibrahimas (Abraham) ................................................................................................... 77

Hazrat Ishmaelas (Ismaeel) ..................................................................................................... 79

Hazrat Nuhas (Noah) ............................................................................................................... 81

Hazrat Yusufas (Joseph) .......................................................................................................... 83

Hazrat Yusuf’sas Dream .......................................................................................................... 84

Hazrat Lotas (Lut) ................................................................................................................... 86

Tarbiyyat Topics ......................................................................................................................... 87

Peer Pressure: ........................................................................................................................ 87

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Bullying ................................................................................................................................... 88

Cyberbullying .......................................................................................................................... 89

Types of Chanda ........................................................................................................................ 91

Zakat ....................................................................................................................................... 91

Fitrana .................................................................................................................................... 92

Fidya ....................................................................................................................................... 92

Chanda Aam (Regular Subscription) ...................................................................................... 92

Jalsa Salana ............................................................................................................................. 93

Tehrik-e-Jadid ......................................................................................................................... 93

Waqf-e-Jadid .......................................................................................................................... 93

Al-Wassiyat (The Will) ............................................................................................................ 93

Sadqa ...................................................................................................................................... 93

Auxiliaries Chanda .................................................................................................................. 93

An Overview of Some Muslim Countries ................................................................................... 94

Saudi Arabia ........................................................................................................................... 94

Indonesia ................................................................................................................................ 94

Pakistan .................................................................................................................................. 94

Quick Facts ............................................................................................................................. 94

How to Write Letter to Huzuraba ................................................................................................ 95

Guidelines ............................................................................................................................... 95

Example .................................................................................................................................. 96

What Does It Mean to be an Ahmadi Muslim ........................................................................... 97

Nizam-e-Jama’at ..................................................................................................................... 97

Auxiliaries ............................................................................................................................... 98

Level 5 ......................................................................................................................................... 100

Holy Qur’an .............................................................................................................................. 100

What to Say When Certain Verses of the Holy Qur'an are Recited ..................................... 100

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Sajdah Tilawat ...................................................................................................................... 100

Ikhfa ...................................................................................................................................... 100

Idgham .................................................................................................................................. 100

Qalqala ................................................................................................................................. 100

Laam of Allah ........................................................................................................................ 100

Ghunna ................................................................................................................................. 100

Brief History of Khilafat ........................................................................................................... 101

Khilafat and the State ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Khliafat al-Rashidun (The Rightly Guided Khilafat) .............................................................. 101

Monarchy and Despotism .................................................................................................... 102

Wishful Thinking ................................................................................................................... 102

Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya ........................................................................................................... 102

Life Story of Hazrat Abu Bakr Abdullah bin Abi Quhafah as-Siddeeqra ................................... 103

Migration to Medina ............................................................................................................ 103

Financial Sacrifice ................................................................................................................. 104

The First Khilafat................................................................................................................... 104

Achievements ....................................................................................................................... 105

His Demise ............................................................................................................................ 105

Life Story of Hazrat Umar bin al-Khattab Al Faruqra ................................................................ 107

Acceptance of Islam ............................................................................................................. 107

Migration to Medina ............................................................................................................ 107

The Words of the Azaan ....................................................................................................... 107

At Prophet Muhammad’ssaw Demise.................................................................................... 108

The Second Khilafat .............................................................................................................. 108

His Demise ............................................................................................................................ 109

Life Story of Hazrat Uthman bin Affan Al-Ghanira ................................................................... 110

Marriages of Hazrat Uthmanra ............................................................................................. 110

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Time with Prophet Muhammadsaw ....................................................................................... 110

The Third Khilafat ................................................................................................................. 110

Islam’s Expansion ................................................................................................................. 111

Turmoil in the Last Years ...................................................................................................... 111

His Demise ............................................................................................................................ 112

Life Story of Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib Asadullahra ................................................................... 112

Prophet Muhammad’ssaw Migration to Medina .................................................................. 112

The Fourth Khilafat ............................................................................................................... 113

Battle of Jamal ...................................................................................................................... 113

Battle with Amir Muawiahra ................................................................................................. 113

Demise of Hazrat Alira ........................................................................................................... 114

Brief Story of Hazrat Hassanra .................................................................................................. 114

Brief Story of Hazrat Hussainra ................................................................................................. 114

Incidence of Karbala ............................................................................................................. 114

The System of Khilafat After the Promised Messiahas ............................................................ 116

Life Story of Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra ........................................................................ 116

Birth and Life Before Khilafat ............................................................................................... 116

Important Events .................................................................................................................. 117

Election as Khalifa ................................................................................................................ 121

Main Achievements .............................................................................................................. 122

Demise .................................................................................................................................. 122

Life Story of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra ..................................................... 123

Birth and Life Before Khilafat ............................................................................................... 123

Election as Khalifa ................................................................................................................ 123

Main Achievements .............................................................................................................. 124

Notable Schemes .................................................................................................................. 126

Important Events .................................................................................................................. 126

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Life Story of Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh ............................................................................ 128

Birth and Life Before Khilafat ............................................................................................... 128

Election as Khalifa ................................................................................................................ 128

Main Achievements .............................................................................................................. 128

Notable Schemes .................................................................................................................. 129

Important Events .................................................................................................................. 130

Demise .................................................................................................................................. 132

Life Story of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh ................................................................................ 132

Birth and Life Before Khilafat ............................................................................................... 132

Election as Khalifa ................................................................................................................ 133

Important Events .................................................................................................................. 133

Main Achievements .............................................................................................................. 135

Notable Schemes .................................................................................................................. 136

Demise .................................................................................................................................. 137

Brief Biography of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba ............................................................... 138

Birth and Life Before Khilafat ............................................................................................... 138

Election as Khalifa ................................................................................................................ 138

Main Achievements .............................................................................................................. 138

Important Events .................................................................................................................. 140

Tarbiyyat Topics ....................................................................................................................... 141

Love of Allah ......................................................................................................................... 141

Love of One’s Country .......................................................................................................... 141

Patience in Our Daily Lives ................................................................................................... 142

Guidance in the Holy Qur’an ................................................................................................ 142

Why I Believe in Islam .......................................................................................................... 142

Level 6 ......................................................................................................................................... 143

Holy Qur’an .............................................................................................................................. 143

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Maddaat ............................................................................................................................... 143

Izhar-e-Halaqi ....................................................................................................................... 143

Iqlab ...................................................................................................................................... 143

Huroof-e-Mustalia ................................................................................................................ 143

Lesson with Mixed Rules ...................................................................................................... 143

Ashra-Mubashra ...................................................................................................................... 145

Hazrat Abu Bakrra ................................................................................................................. 145

Hazrat Umarra ....................................................................................................................... 145

Hazrat Uthmanra ................................................................................................................... 145

Hazrat Alira ............................................................................................................................ 145

Hazrat Talhara ....................................................................................................................... 145

Hazrat Zubair bin Al-Awwamra ............................................................................................. 145

Hazrat Abu Ubaydah bin Al-Jarrahra ..................................................................................... 145

Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Aufra ............................................................................................ 146

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqasra ................................................................................................ 146

Hazrat Saeed bin Zaidra......................................................................................................... 146

Review of Major Religions ....................................................................................................... 147

Hinduism .............................................................................................................................. 148

Buddhism .............................................................................................................................. 149

Sikhism ................................................................................................................................. 151

Judaism ................................................................................................................................. 151

Christianity ........................................................................................................................... 151

Islamic Sects ......................................................................................................................... 152

Famous Mosques Around the World ...................................................................................... 154

Important Places, Dates and Events ........................................................................................ 156

Places .................................................................................................................................... 156

Dates ..................................................................................................................................... 159

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Events ................................................................................................................................... 161

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Holy Quran References

Respected Qari Mohammad Ashiq’s videos can be used as reference for Yassarnal

Quran: http://www.alislam.org/v/k-Yassarnal_Quran.html?page=1

Tarteel Lessons by Hafiz Fazle Rabbi: http://www.alislam.org/v/k-Al-Tarteel.html

“Talim-ul-Quran” written by Dr. Karimullah Zirvi: https://www.alislam.org/quran/Talim-


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Level 1

Holy Quran

Recognizing Arabic letters:

Yassarnal Quran Videos #1 - #15

Recognizing different strokes:

Yassarnal Quran Video #16

Yassarnal Quran Lessons 1 – 16:

Yassarnal Quran Videos #1 - #46

Mecca & Medina


Mecca is a city located in the country of Saudi Arabia. Mecca is the holiest city for Muslims


1) It is home to the Kaaba

a. The Kaaba is located inside Masjid-al-Haram, which is the holiest mosque for all


b. Muslims around the world face towards the Kaaba when saying their Salat.

2) It is the city where the Founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammadsaw, was born.

3) Prophet Muhammadsaw received the first revelation of the Quran in the Cave of Hira,

which is located near Mecca.

4) All Muslims who can afford to must travel to Mecca to perform the pilgrimage (Hajj)

once in their lifetime.

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Medina is a city located in the country of Saudi Arabia. Medina is also a holy city for Muslims


1) Prophet Muhammadsaw moved to Medina after enduring persecution in Mecca

2) It is home to Masjid an-Nabawi, a mosque Prophet Muhammadsaw built

3) Prophet Muhammadsaw passed away in Medina and is buried inside Masjid an-Nabawi

Note: Visiting Medina is not a requirement of Hajj

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Read the description on the shapes below and write the names in the family tree segment of

Prophet Muhammadsaw.

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Color Picture of the Kaaba

Color Masjid an-Nabawi

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MTA Story Time

Patience and Gratefulness

In old times, a very poor person used to live with his wife and children. He did not have a

proper home for his family and providing food every day for them was a challenge. Despite

these circumstances, he never complained to God. He was always thankful for anything that

came his way.

One day he was close to his country’s border and heard that the neighboring country’s king has

passed away. The noblemen of that neighboring country decided that whoever enters their

country first will become the new king. This poor man was standing close to the border of that

country, hoping ot find a good job and be able to provide food for his family. God heard this

poor man’s prayers and soon he became the new king of that country.

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After several years, the one characteristic that remained unchanged in him was his gratefulness

to God. During his struggles and during his good times he always remembered God. He was

always punctual in his prayers and was always grateful for every blessing of God.

One day the King wanted to drink some water but accidentally dropped the glass. Oddly

enough, the glass did not break. The King became very upset and knelt down on his knees and

started weeping. He said, “Oh Allah, a few years ago I had no shelter or food and now your

blessing on me is such that a fragile glass will not break. It seems my Lord does not wish for my

treasures to be lessened by even one glass.”

After few years, a cruel king of the neighboring country

attacked and defeated the kind King. As a result, he started

walking with his family and a group of other people to leave

the country. His youngest child got tired of walking and started

crying due to hunger. The King and his wife did countless

efforts to quite the child but he wouldn’t stop crying. A woman

from the group brought the child a piece of bread. A hungry

dog was sitting nearby, however, and instantly grabbed the

bread from the woman’s hand. The King smiled in return and

looked towards the sky. His wife got very upset at his reaction

and said, “You are a very cruel father. Your child is so hungry

and he barely got a piece of bread, which the dog snatched.

And you are laughing at this matter?” After hearing this, the

King fell on his knees and said to God, “Oh dear God! What kind of trial is this? There was a time

that you did not wish for a single glass to be lessened from my treasures and today my young

child is hungry and he found a piece of bread but a dog took that away. Indeed, it is only you

my dear God that puts a person through trials to test them.” Some soldiers standing nearby

heard the words of this man. They went back to the cruel king and told him the events that had

occurred. After hearing this, the cruel king’s heart got filled with fear of God and he gave the

country back to the kind King.

This is the reward for patience and gratitude. God never tests His men more than their capacity.

One should always have faith in God. If He ever tests us, then in return he also rewards us with

other blessings. The pious people never complain in hard times but always pray to God for help.

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Lessons learned –

We should be patient in hard times and pray to God.

We should be regular in our prayers.

After becoming the Khalifa, Khalfitual Masih Vaba first message to the Jamaat was to be

fervent in their prayers.

After our prayers are answered, we should be thankful to God.

We write to Huzuraba for prayers and after our prayers are answered by God, we should

write back to Huzur aba to thank him for his prayers.

We should always be grateful to our parents.

God gives countless blessings to His men, and at times He puts them through trial.

During these trials, the person should be patient and grateful.


From the town of Bani Israel, three men decided to go on a trip together. They had just started

their trip when dark clouds covered the sky and rain began to fall. The three men started

looking for shelter and found a cave. They all went into the cave but suddenly a huge stone

came in front of the cave’s opening and blocked it. The cave got dark and no one could see

anything or go out. The stone was so huge that they could not move it themselves.

The three men decided to remember their good deeds and pray to God for help. They knew

very well that all of them could not move the huge stone away from the cave’s opening. There

only hope was to pray to God and ask for his help.

The first man said, “Oh my dear God, you know very well that like other ignorant men I did not

like my daughters. I used to beat them a lot. I was a fool and did not understand at that time

that girls are a blessing of God. One day when I was about to hit my daughter with a piece of

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wood, she suddenly knelt down in front of me and said, “My dear father be afraid of God.

Indeed God has ordered you to be kind to your daughters. If you have any fear of God in your

heart then do not punish me.” After

hearing this, my heart trembled with

fear of God and I instantly hugged

her. My dear God, if you liked this

deed of mine then kindly move this

stone away from the cave’s opening

and change the darkness outside into

light.” God listened to his prayer and

the stone moved slightly from its

position. But it was not enough for

them to get out of the cave.

The second man said, “Oh my dear

God, you know my mother is very old

and weak. She cannot eat and drink without help. One night she asked me for food and by the

time I brought food for her, she had fallen asleep. I stayed next to her bedside the whole night.

I did not wake her up since I did not want to disturb her sleep. I stood by her bed till the next

morning and then gave her food in the morning. Oh my dear God, if you liked this deed of mine

then ease this difficulty of ours and move this stone away from the cave’s opening. Indeed, it is

you my Lord that helps in any difficult situation.” Within a few moments, the stone moved

further away from the cave’s opening.

The third man said, “Oh my dear God, you know what resides in our hearts. Once there was a

man who did some work for me. After he finished his assigned tasks, I paid him the agreed

amount. The man demanded more money than the earlier agreed amount. The man got upset

and left without taking any money. I bought some sheep from that money and took care of

them. After a short period the number of sheep increased a lot. After a few years, that man

came back to me again and asked for his money. At first I did not want to give him anything, but

then my heart became full with Your fear. I told him that all these sheep are his wages. He was

surprised to hear that such a large number of sheep were being given to him as his wages. He

prayed for me and took all the sheep with him. Oh my dear God, if you liked this deed of mine

then ease this difficulty of ours and move this stone away from the cave’s opening. Indeed, it is

only you my Lord that can move this stone away.”

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God listened to the prayers of the three men and within moments the stone moved completely

away from the cave’s opening. The cave got filled with light. The rain had stopped and the three

men came out of the cave and resumed their journey.

This shows us the power of prayer. If you have faith in God then nothing in this world can harm

you. Even in the most difficult situation, if no one in this world is there to help you then you

should always remember that God is with you.

Lessons learned -

Always remember to pray to God.

In difficult times every one should pray to God together.

If you have faith in God and you pray to him then no task is difficult in this world.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time there used to be a shepherd who had many goats. He used to take his goats

to the forest daily so that they could feed on fresh grass. One day he thought to play a prank on

his fellow villagers. He climbed up the top of the mountain and started screaming, “A wolf is

coming! A wolf is coming! Someone please come help!” Hearing the shepherd’s cries for help,

nearby villagers grabbed pieces of wood and ran to help him. The villagers reached close to him

and asked, “Where is the wolf?” The shepherd replied, “I was only joking, there is no wolf.” The

villagers were annoyed by his prank and left him alone.

After few days the shepherd again wanted to play a trick on the villagers. He again climbed up

the top of the mountain and started screaming, “A wolf is coming! A wolf is coming! Is there

anyone who can help?” The villagers

again left their chores, grabbed

pieces of wood, and ran to help him.

As soon as the villagers came close,

the shepherd started laughing out

loud and said, “I again made a fool

of you all. There is no wolf here.”

The villagers were very angry and

told him that if next time a real wolf

comes then they will not help him.

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After several days, the shepherd was in the forest with his goats when a wolf came. The wolf

started eating his goats one by one. The shepherd started screaming for help, “People help me!

A real wolf has come. Is there anyone who can come and save my goats?” The villagers heard

the shepherd but ignored him. They assumed it must be another prank. The shepherd came

running back to the village and asked for help. The villagers saw the distress on the shepherd’s

face and realized that he is not lying. They quickly went with him and saw the wolf eating the

goats. All the people scared the wolf away.

The villagers said to the boy that God has punished him because he used to lie to everyone.

God blesses us with countless blessings and he also punishes us for our wrongdoings. We

should be careful not to lie. No one trusts a liar. We should not even say a lie while joking with


Lessons learned –

We should always speak the truth and be fearful of God.

Do not be untruthful even while joking with anyone.

God punishes those who lie.

Sharing of Knowledge

Once upon a time a poor old man used to live with his son. The old man loved his son a lot. He

was so poor that he could not give his son a proper education. So the old man worked hard all

his life to save enough money for his son to eventually be able to attend a famous college in a

big city. The boy stayed for several years in the big city away from his father. The teachers of

this boy were great scholars.

After the boy finished his education in the city, he returned home to his father. The old man

was anxiously waiting for his return. After arriving home, the boy said to his father, “Father we

will not live in this small town anymore. We will move to the big city where rich people live.

Those rich people have manners while the town’s poor people are illiterate. Now I have an

education and there is no need for us to stay here. We will go to the big city and start living

there.” The old man looked in his son’s eyes and was very disappointed. He said to his son,

“What did you study in the big city?” The boy replied, “I have gathered the whole world’s

knowledge and now I know about everything. I have completed all my studies.” The old man

asked him, “Have you learnt what cannot be taught?” The old man sent his son back to the

college and said, “Go back and learn what cannot be taught to anyone.”

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The boy was very confused. He returned back to his college and approached one of his teachers

and said, “My father has sent me back to the college. He says that my education is not

complete yet and I need to learn more. I have completed all my classes. So please teach me

what cannot be learnt from any book.” His teacher heard this and in response gave him 100

sheep and told him to go and live in the mountains. The teacher said to him, “Come back to me

when the count of the sheep increases to 1,000.” The boy took the 100 sheep and started living

in the mountains. There was no one else in those mountains. He started taking care of the

sheep and became a shepherd.

It was very quiet and calm in the mountains. There was no other person around him with whom

he could talk. The sheep could surely not understand his language. Sometimes he would get so

upset that he would start talking to the sheep and tell them what he studied at college.

After two years, the boy had forgotten what he had

studied in college. He was always occupied with taking

care of the sheep. He even forgot his ego and pride with

which he had asked his father to leave the small town. He

became a very quiet and wise shepherd.

After several years, his count of sheep reached 1,000. He

went back to his teacher in the college and told him,

“With your help I have learnt in my life what no book, no

college or no university could teach me.”

What did he learn?

He learned to share his knowledge with others and not to

look down on the less fortunate in society. He went back to his hometown and opened a school

for children. All the young, poor children of the town started attending his school. At night, he

would teach the adults of the town in the same school. He told all the elderly of the town to

attend the school and not worry about paying him any fees.

Lessons learned –

Your education should not make you a proud person.

Share your knowledge with others.

After we get higher education and are in a position to have a better life, it is our duty to

share our knowledge with others.

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Sheikh Chilli

Once upon a time there used to be an unintelligent person. No one knew his real name. He

used to daydream a lot, so people used to call him Sheikh Chilli and laugh at his foolish acts.

One day his mother asked him to get wood from the forest. Sheikh Chilli headed towards the

forest and began thinking that he will gather loads of sticks so he won’t have to go to the forest

for several days. Then he began thinking that if he gathers a large amount of wood in one day,

he wouldn’t have to go the forest the whole winter.

After he reached the forest, he climbed one tree and started cutting the branch on which he

was sitting. A man was passing nearby. He stopped and asked Sheikh Chilli what he was doing.

Sheikh Chilli said, “Can’t you see I am cutting wood.” The man said, “That I do see, but you are

cutting a branch on which you are also sitting! You are going to fall once this branch is

completely cut!” Sheikh Chilli said, “Do you think I am a fool?” He closed his eyes and started

daydreaming again. He started thinking that he will cut lots of wood today and then he will sell

it in the market. He will then have enough money to keep some workers to cut wood for him.

This way he will start his own wood business and earn lots of money. Once he has acquired lots

of money, he will propose to the princess. And he thought that once he gets married to the

princess then all the villagers will respect him. While he was busy daydreaming he hit the

branch with his ax so hard that the branch broke and Sheikh Chilli fell to the ground. He was

badly hurt. The man took Sheikh Chilli home. Sheikh Chilli’s mother asked him, “Where is the

wood?” Sheikh Chilli replied, “I fell and got hurt. I could not bring any wood.” His mother was

very upset at him and said, “You never do any task properly.”

After few days, Sheikh Chilli asked his mother for any chore. His mother was very reluctant

since she knew that he always ends up doing something foolish. Upon his insisting, she told

Sheikh Chilli to go to his uncle’s house in the nearby town and bring some eggs. His mother told

him, “This time do not do anything silly.”

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Sheikh Chilli went to his uncle’s house and

picked up the eggs. On his way back, he

started daydreaming. He thought that if his

hen stayed on these eggs, he will get more

chicken out of these eggs, and then more

eggs will result from more hens. This way

he will have his own poultry farm and have

lots of money. Once he will have lots of

money then he will get goats and cows.

Then he can sell their milk and earn more

money. With all that money he will open his own shop and sell the eggs and milk there.

While he was busy daydreaming a big bang happened. Sheikh Chilli collided with a man on a

bicycle, which broke all the eggs. After he reached home, his mother asked him about the eggs.

He told her that they all broke. His mother was very upset with him again.

Lesson learned –

You have to work hard to do any task.

If you want to get good grades, just thinking will not help. You have to actually study


Who is your true friend?

This story is from the time when the television was a relatively new invention. Television

brought the whole world into each home. Every person could watch different programs based

on their interest. At the news time, elders would want silence in the house so that they could

listen to the news without any disturbance. The women in the house would take interest in

watching the cooking shows. The children were very excited because they could watch

interesting cartoons.

This story is about two sisters. The younger sister was Surur and the older sister was Safiyya.

Surur was fond of watching cartoons but more than that she enjoyed playing with her siblings.

One day, both sisters were watching cartoons together. After some time Surur wanted to go

out and play cricket with Safiyya. Safiyya showed no interest in playing cricket and wanted to

continue watching cartoons. Surur went in the backyard and started playing with the ball. After

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a while she got bored and went back inside to ask Safiyya again. She gently touched Safiyya’s

shoulder and asked her to play with him. Safiyya got annoyed that her younger sister was

disturbing his cartoon and told Surur to not disturb her.

Surur got very sad and went outside the house and sat near her home’s front door. She saw

other children playing in the street together. After a while the children asked Surur to play with

them also.

Safiyya, however, was addicted to television. As soon as she would come home from school,

she would sit in front of the television. She would eat her meals and do her homework in front

of it. She paid no attention to her parent’s advice to not watch television for long hours.

One day Safiyya came home from school and told her mother that she could not see anything

clearly on the class whiteboard. As a result, she ended up incorrectly answering all her

questions. Safiyya’s parents got very worried and immediately took her to the doctor. The

doctor examined her and told them that her eyesight had weakened since she watches too

much television and now she needs a pair of glasses.

Safiyya was not very happy to hear this. She did not like glasses at all. But it was Safiyya’s fault.

First, she did not listen to his parents and limit her TV time - which weakened her eyesight.

Second, she did not give time to Surur and now Surur made other good friends in the


Who is your true friend? Your true friend is one who gives you company when you are sad and

who tries to help you when you are in trouble.

As soon as Surur got to know about Safiyya’s weakened eyesight, she forgave her sister and

became her friend again. Both sisters started doing everything together. They would happily go

to school, attend Nasirat class, and play together.

Safiyya finally realized that balance is very important in life. Watching television and using the

computer are not bad activities but one should not spend a long time on these activities every

day. Being in front of the computer or television for long hours harms one’s eyesight and limits

the person’s physical activity.

Lesson learned –

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A good friend is one who helps you at time of need.

Balance is very important in life.

Showing off

This story is taken from Malfoozat. The Promised Messiahas says that once a Maulvi Sahib was

preaching to people in the mosque. The Maulvi Sahib informed the people that he required

money for the mosque and asked for donations. One of the persons got up and gave 10,000

rupees to the Maulvi Sahib.

The Maulvi Sahib began praising this man in front of everyone. The Maulvi Sahib stated that this

man is very pious and now God will reward him abundantly. Upon hearing this, the man

became worried that since the Maulvi Sahib had told everyone about his donation he might not

be given the reward in hereafter. The man got up and went out of the mosque.

After a while the man returned inside the mosque and

said in a loud voice, “I have committed a mistake. The

money I donated was not mine. That money belonged to

my mother and she had not allowed me to spend that

money. Now she is asking for it so please return that

money to me so that I can give it I back to her.”

After hearing this, Maulvi Sahib immediately returned

the money. But the people who were sitting in the

mosque started saying that this man is lying. They said

that he must be regretting donating such a large amount,

and that is why he is asking it to be returned.

At night the man went to the Maulvi Sahib’s house and knocked on his door. The Maulvi Sahib

asked him, “Why have you come so late at night to my house?”

The man responded, “I am here to give you back the 10,000 rupees. I was afraid that I would

not be given any reward in the hereafter, so I asked for the money to be returned. After you

openly told everyone in the mosque about my donation, Satan was telling me that now

everyone will think that you are a rich person and now you will enjoy a high status in front of

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everyone. I did not like that and I asked for the money to be returned in front of everyone. Now

I want you to keep this money and do not say a word about this donation to anyone.”

After hearing this, the Maulvi Sahib started crying. The man said, “Why are you crying Maulvi


The Maulvi Sahib responded, “You have asked me to not tell anyone about this. And now I am

worried that everyone will consider you a bad person since you asked for the money to be

returned earlier.”

The man said, “I prefer to be called a bad person instead of thinking that I am doing this deed to

show off. Therefore, I want this deed of mine to only stay between myself and my God.”

Lesson learned –

We should help others without showing off.

God will reward you for your good actions. We should not show off our good deeds in

this world since God does not appreciate that.

Good deeds of parents

The Promised Messiahas told the following story of Hazrat Musaas and Hazrat Khizras.

Once Hazrat Musaas was preaching to people. One man stood up and asked him, “Is there any

other man in this world who has more knowledge than you?”

Hazrat Musaas replied, “I do not have knowledge of this.”

God revealed to Hazrat Musaas to go to a certain place and there he will meet a very

knowledgeable man. Hazrat Musa as went to that location and found Hazrat Khizr as. Hazrat

Musa as said to Hazrat Khizr as, “Can I live with you so that I can gain some knowledge from

you?” Hazrat Khizr as replied, “You can stay with me but you have to first agree to one

condition.” Hazrat Musaas inquired about that one condition. Hazrat Khizr as said, “You will not

ask me any questions. I will clarify your doubts later on myself.” Hazrat Musaas agreed to this


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They both went to reconstruct a broken wall. This broken wall

belonged to two children who had lost their father. There was

treasure under this wall. Those young children could not take

care of the treasure at that young age. So God sent two prophets,

Hazrat Musaas and Hazrat Khizras to reconstruct the wall for those

young children.

You may ask why God sent two prophets to help rebuild a wall? The father of these children

was a very pious person and was a beloved of God. God loved these children’s father so much

that he wanted two prophets of God to repair the wall for his children.

Lesson learned –

Do every task honestly and remember that God will reward you abundantly for it.

You and your future generations reap the rewards of your good deeds.

To Sell Your Own Self

A man called Khawaja approached Hazrat Musaas and shared his desire to learn the language of

animals so that he could learn from them. Hazrat Musaas told him that a person cannot learn

any lesson without God’s guidance. He tried to discourage the man from learning animals

language since that would lead him into trouble. The man repeatedly approach Hazrat Musaas

in this regard, but Hazrat Musaas did not agree to teach him.

Eventually, God Almighty told Hazrat Musaas to teach this man some animal languages. So

Hazrat Musaas taught him the language of dogs and hens.

The next day the man’s maid was cleaning the dining table. Some pieces of bread fell on the

floor. A hen immediately jumped to grab the pieces of bread that had fallen and ate them. A

dog was standing nearby and it said to the hen, “You have been very unfair with me. You are a

hen and you can easily eat small pieces of grain while I would not get any other food besides

these fallen pieces of bread.” The hen replied, “Do not worry. Khawaja Sahib’s horse is going to

die soon. And its meat will only be fed to the dogs.”

Khawaja was standing nearby and heard this conversation between the dog and the hen. He

decided to sell his horse immediately to avoid the loss. This way he was saved himself from this

loss and was able to get some money in return for his horse before its death.

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The next day, after the maid cleaned the dining table, the hen jumped to eat the fallen pieces

of bread. The dog got upset at the hen and said, “You have been

very unfair with me. Yesterday you ate all the pieces and told

me that Khawaja’s horse was about to die. However, Khawaja

sold his horse and I got no food due to that. And today also you

ate all the pieces of bread while you could have eaten small

grains and left the fallen bread for me.” The hen responded,

“Do not worry. Tomorrow Khawaja’s camel will die and it will be

a day of celebration for you.” The dog was delighted to hear that he will get to eat camel’s meat


Khawaja heard this conversation between the dog and the hen. He got very worried and quickly

sold his camel to avoid any loss due to his death.

The third day the same conversation took place between the hen and the dog. The hen told the

dog, “Do not worry. Tomorrow Khawaja’s slave will die. Upon his death, Khawaja will feed a lot

of people and several people will send food for three days to Khawaja’s house. Then the left

overs will be fed to dogs and hens. So do not be worried because tomorrow you will surely have

a good meal.”

Upon hearing this Khawaja got very worried and quickly sold his slave to another person.

Now the dog was very upset that he still did not get to eat any good meal and he had thrice

been made a fool by the hen. The dog said, “Every time you tell me that someone is going to die

soon but nothing happens.” The hen responded, “I do not give you wrong information. I have

not lied to you. It is not my fault if Khawaja decides to sell the animal or his slave before he

dies. Now don’t you worry because tomorrow, Khawaja will die himself? And you will surely get

lots of good food to eat.”

Now what should have Khawaja done after hearing this conversation? He had sold his horse,

camel and slave to avoid loss due to their deaths. Now it was Khawaja’s own turn to die.

What should he have done? Can anyone sell his own self?

Upon hearing this Khawaja got very scared and frightened. He ran to Hazrat Musaas and told

him the whole story. Hazrat Musaas replied, “If you can sell your own self then go ahead and do

it. You have been selling your loss to others so that you do not have to bear it. But now you

cannot escape from the upcoming loss you have to face.”

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Perhaps this is why God has not taught us other species languages. Because by knowing the

animal languages we could be dishonest and cause loss to others (to prevent our own loss).

We should always be honest. Once Khawaja knew that his animals or slave were going to die,

he should not have sold them to other people.

Lessons learned:

1. You should never sell anything that you know might cause loss to another person.

2. Do not sell anything by hiding its flaws.

3. Always be honest in your dealings.

4. If you have rotten food, then you should not give it to others to eat.

5. God never blesses money earned dishonestly.

Old Man and a Thief

In old times, people did not have cars to commute. Some people used to travel on donkeys or

camels while others used to travel on foot. It was very common in those days to get robbed

during your travels.

This story is about an old pious man who had to pass through a forest during his travels. In that

forest, a thief used to live who would rob anyone who passed by. The thief demanded the old

man to hand over all his goods. The old man replied, “Your provisions are with God. You should

be fearful of God and be righteous. Stop stealing from others and then God will start fulfilling

your needs.”

These words touched the thief’s heart. He let the old man go and also abandoned his bad

habits. He stopped stealing from others after this incident. In return, he started getting food in

gold and silver platters. He would eat the food and then dispose the gold and silver platters

outside his house in the forest. Now God was taking care of his needs so he did not have to

steal from others.

One day the same old man was passing through the forest. While passing by, he noticed that

this man had given up his bad habits. The ex-thief told the old man how he had changed his life

for good. He asked him how he could continue to be on the right path.

The old man said to him, “God has created everything in this universe.” The ex-thief did not

forget this advice and remembered God for the rest of his life.

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Lesson learned:

1. We should trust God. We should be fearful of Him and believe that he provides for every

soul in this universe.

2. Try to have a friendship with God. At the end of the day reflect upon your good and bad

deeds. This way you will learn to seek forgiveness for your sins and have a relationship

with God.

3. We should remember that God always provides for His men, provided they make an



This story is about two good friends Amjad and Asad. In exams they both competed to get

better grades than the other.

Amjad always wanted to do better in his exams than Asad. However, Asad knew that if he got

lesser grades then next time he would work harder to get a better score than Amjad.

They both had an English language exam coming up. Asad worked hard to prepare for the

exam. On the morning of the exam, Amjad appeared very sad

and was sitting quietly. Asad asked him, “What is wrong Amjad?”

Amjad responded, “I went out last night with my family, so I was

not able to prepare for the exam.” Asad consoled him and said,

“Do not worry. Just try to remember what you have learnt in the

classroom and answer the exam questions by using that

information. InshAllah, you will get good marks in the exam.”

As soon as the exam started, Asad started writing answers to the exam questions. After a while

he glanced at Amjad and was surprised to see that Amjad had his English workbook open under

the desk and was answering the exam questions by cheating from the workbook.

Asad was not sure whether to stop Amjad from cheating, or to let the teacher know about it.

He wanted to stop Amjad so that he would never try to cheat again. Asad got up and

approached the teacher that he saw Amjad cheating on the exam.

The teacher went close to Amjad and caught him cheating on the exam. The teacher said,

“Amjad, I did not expect this from you.” Amjad was very embarrassed and was hurt to see that

his best friend Asad had complained about him.

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After this incident, Amjad stopped talking to Asad. Asad tried numerous times to talk to him but

Amjad would not listen. Finally, Asad decided to tell the teacher, “Amjad used to be my best

friend but now he is not talking to me because I told you about his cheating on the exam.” The

teacher then called Amjad and inquired from him why he had stopped talking to Asad. Amjad

said, “He complained about me, therefore, I am never going to talk to him again. He is not my

friend anymore.” The teacher lovingly said to Amjad, “A true friend is one who does not want to

see his friend go on the wrong path. If Asad had let you cheat that day, then you might have

continued to cheat in other exams. Asad cares about you and he did not want you to go astray.”

Amjad heard his teacher’s words and his eyes filled with tears. He immediately apologized to

Asad and they both became friends again.

Lesson learned:

1. Cheating is stealing. It is a bad habit that can you lead you astray.

2. You should work hard rather than cheat. God rewards those who make an effort.

3. You should have good friends who will always stop you from going on the wrong path.

Importance of Salat

There was a pious man who used to regularly read Salat. One morning, he woke up late and

missed his Fajr prayers. He was very upset and cried a lot upon waking up. He prayed a lot and

asked forgiveness from God the whole day.

The next morning he saw in his dream that a man is

trying to wake him up around Tahajud time. The pious

man asked him, “Who are you?” The man replied, “I am

Satan.” The pious man was puzzled and said, “Satan

would never want anyone to read Salat. Why are you

waking me up to say my prayers?” Satan responded,

“Yesterday, after you missed your Fajr prayer, you

prayed the whole day. In return, God Almighty gave you

abundant reward. Today, I do not want you to get the

same reward again so it is better if I wake you up myself

for Fajr prayers.”

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Lesson learned:

1. We should be concerned about saying our prayers on time and regularly.

2. Those who are regular in their prayers earn nearness to God Almighty.

Story of Eid ul Adha

Around 4000 years ago in the land of “Shaam” (modern day Syria), a prophet of God named

Hazrat Ibrahimas used to live. Hazrat Ibrahimas was very old and had no children. He used to

pray a lot to be blessed with children. Eventually, God Almighty blessed him with a son in his

old age. The baby was named Ishmael, which means “God has listened.”

A short while after Hazrat Ishmael’sas birth, God Almighty put Hazrat Ibrahimas through a

rigorous test. God Almighty told Hazrat Ibrahimas to leave Hazrat Ishmaelas and his mother

Hazrat Hajrara in the desert of Arabia. For the love of God Almighty, Hazrat Ibrahimas obeyed.

He took his family, along with a few dates, to the desert. In the middle of the desert, Hazrat

Ibrahimas stopped and left his family. He turned back to leave them alone in the desert. His wife

screamed and asked why he was doing this. Hazrat Ibrahimas did not respond and kept on

walking away from them. Then his wife said again, “Are you leaving us here because God

Almighty has asked you to do so?” After hearing this he stopped, turned back, his eyes filled

with tears and responded that he was following God’s orders.

Hazrat Hajrara said in response, “If God has ordered you to leave us here then surely God will

protect us and provide for us.”

After Hazrat Ibrahimas left, Hazrat Hajrara started thinking how she will survive in the hot desert.

There was no water, food, or shade. She survived for a couple of days on the few dates Hazrat

Ibrahimas had left for her. But after few days, she had no more food. Hazrat Ishmaelas started

crying due to hunger. Hazrat Hajrara was very distressed and ran to a nearby small hill to look

for water. But she could not see any trace of water. So she ran to another small hill. Then she

ran back to check on her son. After that she ran again to the first hill to look for water. But

there was no water in the desert. These two hills are called Safa and Marwa. She travelled

seven times between these two hills in the scorching heat. After the seventh time, she stopped

by to check on her son and was surprised to find a spring of water had broken forth at the feet

of Hazrat Ishmaelas. Hazrat Ishmaelas had been kicking his feet while crying and, as a result, a

water spring sprouted near his feet.

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Hazrat Hajrara quickly gave water to her son and thanked God Almighty. She kept a lot of rocks

around the water spring so that the water would not go to waste.

Sometime after, a group of people crossing the desert saw water in the middle of the desert.

They asked Hazrat Hajrara, “Who are you and where are you from?” She told them that she is

from Egypt and has come from Shaam (Syria). She told them that her husband has left her here

on God’s command. And God has blessed her son by providing this spring of water for him.

The group asked if they could start living near this spring of water; this way, they will be close to

water in the desert and she will also not be alone with her child. Hazrat Hajrara agreed. She said

that in return for this water you must provide food for my child and myself. And once Hazrat

Ishmaelas grows up he will be your leader. She told them that Hazrat Ishmaelas is the grandson

of the King of Shaam and the son of Hazrat Ibrahimas, who is a prophet of God. All those people

happily agreed to these conditions. This is how the city of Mecca was established. The place

where the spring of water sprouted is called Zam Zam.

After this, God took another test of Hazrat Ibrahimas. Hazrat Ishmaelas was almost 15 years old

when Hazrat Ibrahimas saw in a dream that God Almighty has ordered him to sacrifice Hazrat

Ismaelas. Hazrat Ibrahimas shared his dream with Hazrat Ishmaelas. Hazrat Ishmaelas told his

father to follow the command of God Almighty.

Hazrat Ibrahimas took his son and was about to sacrifice him when God Almighty spoke to him

and said that God’s intent was not to seek the physical sacrifice of Hazrat Ishmaelas. God told

Hazrat Ibrahimas that he had already sacrificed his son by leaving him in the desert as an infant

on God’s command. God Almighty told Hazrat Ibrahimas that he had passed his test and that

God has made Hazrat Ibrahimas as the leader of all nations. Upon hearing this Hazrat Ibrahimas

immediately hugged his son and, as a sign of gratefulness to God Almighty, he sacrificed a


We celebrate Eid ul Adha as a remembrance of this historical event. We sacrifice an animal to

remember the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahimas.

Lessons learned

1. We should always be prepared to give any sacrifice in this world.

2. We should always be willing to share the blessings of Gods with the unfortunate people.

3. We should love God Almighty and follow his commands.

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4. The purpose of Eid is not to only wear new clothes, eat good food, and spend time with

friends. A true Eid is experienced when personal sacrifices are made and the less

fortunate are helped.

Abu Salehra’s Honesty

One day Abu Salehra was walking by the river. He saw an apple lying on the side of the

riverbank. He picked up the apple and took a bite from it. He instantly realized that he should

not have taken the apple without permission from its owner. So he decided to find the owner

of that apple. Nearby, he found an apple farm. He went inside the farm and inquired about the

owner. He found out that a man named Abdullah ra was the owner of that apple farm.

Abu Salehra went to Abdullah ra and said, “I found an apple next to the river bank and took a

bite from it. I believe that apple came from your farm. I am very sorry that I took that apple

without your permission. I came here to apologize from you for this action.” Abdullah ra was

very impressed to see Abu Salehra’s honesty. He wanted to stay in the company of Abu Salehra

so he made a plan and responded, “Yes, indeed that apple belonged to my farm. And you have

made a mistake. Your punishment is that you should stay with me and work on my farm.”

Abu Salehra agreed to this punishment since he wanted to be forgiven by Abdullah ra. Abu

Salehra started working in the farm. He would take care of trees and do weeding.

After a few days, Abdullah ra said to Abu Salehra, “You have worked here for several days and I

can set you free but there is one condition. I have a daughter who is blind, deaf, and dumb. She

is also disabled. If you marry her then I will allow you to be free.” Abu Salehra immediately

agreed to marry this disabled and handicapped girl without hesitation. He wanted to be

forgiven for his mistake so he was ready to do anything required for that purpose.

Abdullah ra started the wedding preparations. On the day of the wedding, Abdullah ra took Abu

Salehra to meet the girl. Upon seeing the girl, Abu Salehra was surprised to see that the girl was

very beautiful and she was not blind, deaf, dumb or disabled. Abu Salehra thought that this

might be some other girl and not Abdullah ra’s daughter who he is supposed to marry.

Abdullah ra said, “She is my daughter who you will be marrying.”

Abu Salehra replied, “But she is not blind!”

Abdullah ra said, “Yes, she is blind. She has never seen a bad deed in her life. Therefore, I say

that she is blind.”

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Abu Salehra further inquired, “And you had said that your daughter is deaf?”

Abdullah ra explained, “Yes she is deaf since she has never heard any bad words in her life.

Therefore I say that she is deaf.”

Abu Salehra asked, “And you said she is dumb but she can talk?”

Abdullah ra answered, “Yes, I say that she is dumb since she never uttered a bad word in her


Abu Salehra further asked, “And she is not disabled.”

Abdullah ra replied, “Yes she is disabled in the sense that she has never done a wrong deed. She

has stayed in my house her whole life.”

Abu Salehra was very pleased to hear this about Abdullah ra’s daughter. They both got married

and had several children. One of their son’s was Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilanirh.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilanirh was a very pious man. He was a friend of God. The Promised

Messiahas said about him that there are some souls who are close to each other. My soul is

close to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jelani’srh soul (i.e. there are similarities in their souls).

Lesson learned:

1. You should always be honest. If you have done a wrong deed then you should not hide it

from others.

2. If you are alone and find something lying around, you should pick it up and hand it over

to the police.

3. For example, if you are playing in your backyard and, by mistake, break the neighbor’s

glass, you should admit your mistake and pay the neighbor for the cost of the glass.

4. If you are honest and patient, God will listen to your prayers and abundantly reward


Gift for Queen Victoria

In 1857, Queen Victoria was ruling Britain and India. At that time, the Promised Messiahas was

living in India. Everyone in India was celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, including the

Indian Muslims.

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At this occasion, the Promised Messiahas wrote a book called “Gift for the Queen” (Tohfa-e-

Kaisariya). He explained in that book that Islam was the true

religion, Prophet Muhammadsaw was a true prophet of God, and God

had sent the Promised Messiahas as the Promised Mahdi. The

Promised Messiahas also explained that Jesusas did not die on the

cross, as Christians believed.

The Promised Messiahas held a Jalsa at that time. A large number of people attended that Jalsa

from outside Qadian. He wrote a prayer for this occasion and that prayer was translated in six

languages - Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi, English, Farsi and Pushto. That prayer was read in front of

everyone in the Jalsa.

In that prayer, the Promised Messiahas thanked God for the Queen who had established

religious freedom in India. Along with that, the Promised Messiahas prayed that God may

reward the Queen in this world and the Hereafter. And may God give her the wisdom to

worship only one God and accept Islam in her life.

The Promised Messiahas said God has control over everyone’s heart. So if you pray fervently for

the Queen, God may answer your prayers.

So everyone joined the Promised Messiahas in that prayer. The Promised Messiahas asked them

to say this prayer day and night.

Also during the Jubilee celebrations in India, Ahmadi Muslims gathered money to feed the poor

in Qadian.

Lesson learned:

1. We should not forget to help the poor during our celebrations.

2. We should remember to propagate the teachings of Islam at times of such celebrations.

3. Earnestly pray that God may lead the leaders of your country on the right path.

4. Always remember that the aim of our life should be to preach the teachings Islam and to

spread love in our community.

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A Bird’s Freedom

This story is about a man who had a pet parrot who was kept in a cage. This man was about to

leave for a journey. Before leaving, he asked his parrot, “Do you want to say anything before I


The parrot said to his owner that if during his travels he goes to a particular place then he will

find a huge tree over there. On that tree will be several parrots and he should give those

parrots his message, “You all are very lucky since you are living freely. On the other hand I am

very unfortunate since I am kept in a cage.”

The man went to that specific tree and gave his pet parrot’s message to the parrots on the tree.

After hearing this message, one of the parrots fell on the ground and appeared to have died.

The man was very sad to witness this. He was upset that his message might have disheartened

this parrot and took his life. The man left that place in grief and started his journey back home.

Upon returning home he told his pet parrot about what

had happened. After listening to it the parrot started

jumping and fell in his cage and appeared to have died.

The man was very upset to see that his parrot had also

died. He opened the cage and took the parrot out. He

placed the parrot on the ground. As soon as he placed the

parrot on the ground, the parrot immediately flew and sat

on a nearby wall.

The man was shocked to see that the bird was still alive. The bird said to the man, “The parrot

who you had thought had died was not dead. He had just shown me a way to get out of the

cage. I followed his advice and acted to have died in the cage in order to be freed. You have to

embrace death to get freedom.”

Lesson learned:

1. Allah asks for sacrifices from you throughout your life. In order to attain the highest

levels of righteousness, Allah requires us to fully submit ourselves to him – accepting a

kind of death over our self. If we do this, we will ultimately gain Allah’s pleasure.

Good Character

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This story is about a king who had several children. All the children were very beautiful and

handsome - except for one child. This young prince was not handsome and was short. The other

princes were very proud of their physical beauty and did not like him. The young prince thought

that his parents also do not love him as much as his other siblings.

Once he said to his father, “Father, it appears to me as if you do not love me. But I am very

strong and I am a great swordsman. I can defend our country very

well if needed.”

The King loved all his children equally. The King just smiled in

response and did not say anything to the young prince.

After a period of time, a neighboring country attacked their land.

This young prince fought the enemy and bravely led his forces,

ultimately defeating the enemy.

The King was very pleased by the young prince’s bravery. The King announced that after his

death, this young prince will be the next King. After hearing this, the other princes became

jealous. They thought that they were more handsome and had better characteristics, making

them more deserving of being the next king.

All the jealous princes started trying to harm the young prince. So the young prince gathered all

his brothers and said to them, “You all are my brothers and I love you. Rather than getting

jealous of me, you should appreciate that I was able to save our country by my good


After this incident, the King held a swords contest between all the princes. The young prince

fought bravely and won the contest.

His brothers eventually accepted their young brother as king and they all lived happily ever


Lesson learned:

1. We should not judge others based on their physical looks. A person may not have

beautiful physical features, but God may have blessed him with other good qualities.

2. A person’s good character is more important than his physical beauty.

3. We should not be jealous of others’ talents and should always appreciate and

encourage others.

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The Emperor and the Seed

In old times there used to be a king who wanted to find an heir to his kingdom after his death.

He had his own sons but he did not want to make any of them the future king.

He came up with a plan and announced for all the intelligent and brave young men in his land

to be called to his court. A group of young men was gathered for this purpose and they were

given several tests to check their intelligence and bravery. The King then gave the few young

men who passed all those tests a final test.

He called this group of young men in his court. He gave each of them a seed. He told them,

“Take this seed and grow it. Take care of the plant for one year. After one year you all should

return to my court with the grown plants.”

All of the young men were very happy to hear that the final test was so easy. They all returned

to their homes.

One of the young men was a boy named Labeed. He went home and told his mother that he

has passed all the previous tests and in his final

test the King has given him a seed to grow. His

mother advised him to put the seed in a pot and

water it.

Labeed placed the seed in a pot and started

taking care of it. After four weeks, the seed had

not grown into a plant. He was very disappointed.

He talked to the other young men who were

given seeds. All of the other boys told him that

their seeds had grown into small plants by now.

Six months passed but Labeed’s seed still did not

grow. The other boys’ plants were big and growing flowers. Labeed was very sad and he

thought he might not have taken good care of the seed properly.

The whole year passed and Labeed’s seed did not grow. Now it was time to take the plant back

to the King’s court. Labeed was sad and did not want to take his pot. Labeed’s mother

encouraged him to go and speak the truth in front of the King.

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Labeed went to the King’s court with his pot, which had no plant in it. All the other boys

brought their beautifully grown plants. After seeing Labeed’s pot, the other boys started

making fun of Labeed. Labeed was very embarrassed and thought that the King might get upset

that Labeed did not take proper care of the seed.

The King arrived and looked at all the plants. King called Labeed and said to everyone in court,

“He is your future King.” Everyone in the court was surprised.

It turned out that the King had given fake seeds to all the young men. The other boys had

potted the fake seed and when they noticed that the seed was not growing, they took some

other plant and started taking care of it. All the boys except for Labeed lied by telling the King

that they had grown a plant from the seed that the King had given them.

Labeed’s honesty impressed the King and decided to make him the future king.

Lesson learned

1. Allah does not reward liars, only the truthful.

2. Prophet Muhammadsaw taught, "Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness

leads to Paradise.” (Bukhari)

3. One lie leads to many lies and people can stop trusting you even when you speak the


4. Regardless of any hardship we should always speak the truth.

5. If no one is around God is still watching, so we should never be dishonest.


This story is about a pious man called Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana. He used to live in Delhi.

He loved a special sweet called Ladoo (an Indian sweet that is in shape of a small round ball).

He used to have gatherings where people would sit around him and learn from him. Once in his

gathering someone brought two ladoos for him. Ghulam Ali Shah was a student of Hazrat Mirza

Mazhar Jan-e-Jana. Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana gave both the

ladoos to Ghulam Ali Shah. Ghulam Ali Shah picked up the ladoos and

quickly put them in his mouth and ate them.

Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana said to him, “Ghulam Ali, it seems you

do not know how to eat a ladoo?” Ghulam Sahib was confused and

did not understand what Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana really meant

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by that. Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana further said, “Next time when ladoos are sent then let

me know and I will teach you how to eat a ladoo.”

After several days someone again brought laddus in the gathering. Ghulam Ali Shah said

to Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana, “Huzur last time you promised to teach me how to eat a

ladoo. Today someone has brought ladoos so please teach me.” Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-

Jana took out his handkerchief and placed two ladoos on it. Then he took a small piece of one

ladoo and put it in his mouth. He said, “Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah. Oh Mazhar Jan-e-Jana!

Your Lord has blessed you abundantly.”

Then Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana turned to Ghulam Ali Shah and said, “Ghulam Ali, what is

a ladoo made of?”

Ghulam Ali Shah told the list of ingredients that are required to make a ladoo. After hearing

it, Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana again said, “Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah.”

Ladoo is made of flour, cream and sugar. Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana said, “Do you know

how sugar is made? A farmer first grows sugar canes in a field. Once they are ready, he extracts

juices from the sugar canes. The extracted juices are then cooked until it becomes thick and

turns into sugar. The farmer would have spent a lot of time away from his family to take care of

the sugar cane field so that one day someone can enjoy the sweets that are made from sugar.”

After saying this, Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana again started thanking God for his blessings.

Then Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana again reminded everyone how hard a farmer would have

worked in his fields to make sugar that was used in this ladoo. Then he started talking about

another main ingredient of ladoo, i.e. flour. Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana said, “A farmer

would have worked so hard to make flour from wheat. He would have spent several days trying

to convert wheat into flour so that it can be used in sweets.”

Then Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jana explained how cream is made from cow’s milk. He

explained that several people had worked hard to provide different ingredients that could be

used to make this one ladoo. He again started thanking God.

By that time it was time for prayers and he left to say his prayers. He was so occupied in

thanking God for his blessings that he did not get a chance to finish his ladoo.

Lesson learned:

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1. God has blessed us with countless blessings. We should slow down in our daily life and

thank God for every blessing.

2. Think about the number of people who would have worked hard to provide you with

basic things in life, such as a book, a pencil, or bread.

3. Try to be thankful to God for what you have. Do not complain about the things that you

do not have. If you are thankful for what you have, God will bless you with more.

4. Do not complain about certain foods that you do not like to eat. Be thankful and eat

whatever is provided. Remember, there are countless people who stay hungry and

thirsty for hours or days.

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Level 2

Holy Quran

Learning madda, shadda: Yassarnal Quran lessons 17 – 22:

Yassranal Quran Videos #46 - #55

Learning shadda and joining three letters: Yassarnal Quran lessons 23 – 27:

Yassranal Quran Videos #55 - #58

Yassarnal Quran lessons #28 – #36

Yassranal Quran Videos #58 - #68

Five Pillars of Islam There are five important acts of worship in Islam, called the Five Pillars of Islam. Allah has

commanded us in the Holy Quran to carry out these obligatory acts in order to become a true

Muslim. These acts are:

1. Kalima

2. Salaat

3. Fasting

4. Zakat

5. Hajj


The Kalima, or the Declaration of Faith, is:


There is none worthy of worship but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

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Allah has commanded us to pray five times a day. Salaat means prayer. The purpose of Salaat is

to establish personal communication with Allah and purify one’s inner self. In Salaat, we ask

Allah to forgive us for our mistakes and thank Allah for all He has given us.

The five daily prayers are:

1. Fajr (before sun rise)

2. Zuhr (early afternoon)

3. Asr (late afternoon)

4. Maghrib (after sunset)

5. Ishaa (Evening)


Fasting is the third pillar of Islam. We fast in the 9th month of Islamic calendar called Ramadhan.

Fasting is obligatory upon every adult Muslim, but the

sick or those who are traveling are exempt from fasting

in Ramadhan. They must, however, make up all the

missed days of fasting at another time. Those who are

incapable (i.e. too old or too weak) of fasting are

allowed to feed a poor person for every day of fasting

that they miss.

How to Fast:

1. During Ramadhan we do not eat or drink during daytime. Instead, we have a meal

before Fajr, called Sehri.

2. It is important to offer the five daily prayers and read the Holy Qur’an as much as

possible during Ramadan - otherwise fasting has no meaning.

3. We should try to stay away from saying, doing, or listening bad things like arguing,

fighting, wasting time, backbiting, etc.

4. When the sun sets (at Maghrib), we break our fast by drinking and eating food. This

meal is called Iftar.

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Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam. Zakat means purification and signifies the purification of

property and increase of goods. Zakat is the money given for the

less fortunate from a portion of one’s wealth not used in one year.

Zakat plays a great role in regulating the wealth and protecting the

society from social problems arising from the unequal distribution of

wealth. Paying Zakat not only saves us from becoming greedy, but it

also is a way to win Allah’s blessings and His pleasure.

There are many kinds of property on which Zakat should be given, such as:

1. Money

2. Gold, Silver, or Other Precious Metals

3. Land

4. Crop


Hajj, or the Pilgrimage to Mecca, is the 5th pillar of Islam. It is offered in the last month of the

Islamic calendar, called Zul-Hajj. At least once in their life, Hajj is obligatory upon every Muslim

adult who can afford to perform Hajj and also has safe access to Mecca.

Hajj reminds us of the sacrifices of previous prophets like Hazrat Adamas, Hazrat Ibrahimas,

Hazrat Ismaeelas, and Prophet Muhammadsaw. Hajj is performed from 8th to 12th of Zul-Hajj. On

the 10th of Zul-Hajj, Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Adha.

Ihraam and Talbiyyah:

The Hajj begins when pilgrims reach certain designated places close to Mecca. The pilgrims

enter the state of Ihraam (for males only) by wearing two unsewn white sheets, and recite

Talbiyyah which consists of saying the following aloud:

Tawaaf of the Ka’bah:

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The pilgrims then perform the Tawaaf of the Ka`bah by going around it seven times, starting

from the position of the Black Stone, in an

anticlockwise direction.

Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah:

Next, they perform the Sa`ee by running

between the hillocks of Safaa and Marwah

located near the Ka`bah, in memory of Hazrat

Hajirara, who ran in search of water in this area. After Sa’ee, pilgrims move to Mina from Mecca.

The next morning after Fajr, they leave for Arafaat.

Stay at Arafaat and Mina:

They worship during their stay at `Arafaat from the afternoon of the 9th Zul-Hajj until sunset.

On their way back to Mecca they worship at Muzdalifah. They stay at Mina on the 10th of Zul-

Hajj, where they perform Ramy-al-Hijaar - a symbolic act to strike the devil by throwing small

stones at three pillars. Next, the pilgrims sacrifice their animals, shave their heads and end the

state of Ihraam by wearing normal dress. On this day, Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid-

ul-Adha. Before the 10th day of Zul-Hajj ends, they perform Tawaaf and Sa`ee for the second

time at Mecca and once again return to Mina.

Farewell Tawaaf:

After passing, one or two more days at Mina, the pilgrims return to Mecca on the 12th or 13th of

Zul-Hajj and perform the farewell Tawaaf of the Ka’bah, marking the completion of Hajj.

Tarbiyat Topics

Importance of Speaking the Truth

When you speak truth, you don’t have to remember what you said to whom.

You will not accidentally contradict yourself.

You earn the reputation of being an honest person.

People follow your example and are more truthful to you.

You sleep better.

Respect of Parents and Elders:

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It is the commandment of Allah to respect and obey your parents.

Listen to their advice as they have been experienced much more than you and can offer

you a great deal of knowledge about the world.

Remember that your parents love you more than anything else in the world.

Show interest in their lives.

Never raise your voice in front of them and always use respectful language.

Never think that they are a burden.

Always be patient with them.

Be kind to them and make an effort not to complain about

having to obey your parents.

If you feel your parents don’t listen to you, take a moment to

think about what you want them to know and discuss your

problems calmly with them and make sure you listen to their

side of story.

Be helpful and assume responsibility around the house by

doing chores.

Remember that new toys, clothes, cell phones are fun to have, but be aware of your

parents’ income and how much they can afford to spend.

The prayers that parents make for their children find special acceptance with Allah.

Every day, take the opportunity to tell your parents you love them.

Always remember them in your prayers. Allah taught us this beautiful prayer for


“Oh my Lord, have mercy on them since they raised me with kindness in my childhood” (17:25)

Prophet Muhammadsaw said, “He is not one of us who does not have mercy on our young and

does not respect our elders” (Tirmidhi).

How to Perform Wudhu (Ablution)

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1) Wash your hands three times up to the wrist. Wash the right hand first, then the left.

2) Use your right hand to rinse the mouth with water three times.

3) Use your left hand to rinse the nostrils three times.

4) Wash your face three times with both hands.

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5) Wash your forearms up to the elbows 3 times. Wash the right arm first, then the left.

6) Wipe your head with wet hands running them from the forehead to the back of the

neck. Then run the fingers around and inside the ears.

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7) Wash your feet three times up to the ankles. Wash the right foot first, then the left.

8) Finish the wudhu with this prayer


Oh Allah! Make me from among those who repent of their sins, and from among those who

keep themselves pure and clean.

How to Perform Salaat

1) Qiyam: Standing upright in Salaat. Your arms are folded in the Qiyäm before ruku and at

your sides in the Qiyäm after the ruku.

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2) Ruku: Bending forward with hands on knees

3) Sajdah: Forehead is touching the ground, hands are flat on the sides, elbows raised up,

and knees on the ground. There are two sajdahs in

each rak'ah. There is a short sitting between the two

sajdahs called jilsa.

4) Qa’dah: It is the sitting posture during Prayer. Tash-shahhud is recited after two sajdahs,

in the second rakat and possibly the third and fourth

rakaat – depending on which prayer is being offered.

Durud and other prayers from the Holy Qur'an are

recited only in the final rakaat of Salaat.

5) Taslïm: Indicates the end of Salaat.

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Introduction to Auxiliaries

Atfal-ul –Ahmadiyya:

Hazrat Musleh Maudra established Atfal-ul Ahmadiyya in July 1940.

Boys between the ages of 7-14 are called Atfal.

A boy is called a Tifl.

Atfal are divided into two groups:

Mayar-e-Saghir: boys between the ages of 7-12.

Mayar-e-Kabir: boys between the ages of 13-14.

After turning 15, a Tifl becomes a Khadim.

Atfal Aamla:

Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya (MAA) functions under the supervision of Majlis Khuddam-ul-

Ahmadiyya (MKA).

The national president of MKA (Sadr MKA) oversees the activities of MAA.

o Sadr MKA appoints the Mohtamim Atfal, who is responsible for MAA activities.

At the local level, MAA works under the supervision of a local Qaid who appoints a

Nazim Atfal to lead the Atfal.

o The local Qaid also appoints a murabbi Atfal to act as a mentor for the Atfal.

The Nazim Atfal of each local majlis creates his own aamila, comprised of many

departments including:

o Secretary Taleem (Education)

o Secretary Tarbiyat (Moral Training)

o Secretary Umoomi (General Affairs)

o Secretary Maal (Finance)

o Secretary Tajneed (Census)

o Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq (Humanitarian Services)

o Secretary Waqar-e-Amal (Dignity of Labor)

o Secretary Sehat-e-Jismani (Health and Physical Fitness)

o Secretary Isha’at (Publication)

o Secretary Sanat-e-Tijarat (Industry & Trade)

o Secretary Waqf-e-Jadid

o Secretary Waqf-e-Nau

o Saiq

Nasirat-ul Ahmadiyya:

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Hazrat Musleh Maudra established Nasiratul Ahmadiyya in February 1939.

Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya means “female helper of Ahmadiyyat.”

Girls between the ages of 7-14 are called Nasirat.

Each girl is called a Nasira.

Nasirat are sub divided into three age groups:

a) Qanitah: 7-9 years of age

b) Sadiqah: 10-12 years of age

c) Mohsinah: 13-14 years of age

After turning 15, a Nasira becomes a Lajna member.

Nasirat Aamla

Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya works under the supervision of National Lajna Sadr and the

National Nasirat Secretary.

The Local Lajna president assigns a Nasirat secretary to oversee local Nasirat activities.

Nasirat secretaries should form their own Amila according to the size and demographics

of their Nasirat, including:

Assistant Finance Secretary

Assistant Education and Moral training

Assistant Khidmat-e-Khalq


All Jamaat members make an individual pledge with Allah. The pledge is repeated at all the

meetings to remind everyone of our duties. When you say the pledge, pay attention to what

you are promising. Remember, Prophet Muhammadsaw said: “The promise of a believer is as

good as a thing in hand” (citation). The pledge begins by repeating Kalimah Shahada 3 times.


I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah, the One, without any partner.

And I bear witness that Muhammad saw is His servant and His messenger.

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Atfal pledge:

I solemnly promise that I shall always keep my self-ready to serve Islam and Ahmadiyyat, my nation and

my country. I shall always speak the truth, and do my best to carry out all the orders of Hazrat Khalifat-

ul-Masih. Insha-Allah.

Nasirat Pledge:

I solemnly promise that I shall always keep my self-ready to serve Islam, my nation and my country, and

shall always adhere to the truth. Insha-Allah.

Stories of Islam

Balancing Mercury

There once lived a pious man all by himself, spending most of his time in praying, fasting and

praising Allah. He was very happy with his spiritual progress. No wicked thoughts came to his

mind and no evil temptations entered his heart.

One night, he dreamt a rather disturbing dream. He saw that a shopkeeper in the town was far

superior to him in spirituality and that he must go to the shopkeeper to learn the basics of true

spiritual life.

In the morning, the pious man went in search of the shopkeeper. He found him busy with his

customers, selling goods and collecting money with a cheerful face. He sat in a corner of the

shop and carefully watched the shopkeeper. “No signs of any spiritual life at all,” he said to

himself. His dream could not be true. But then he saw the shopkeeper disappear to offer his

Salaat. When he returned, he was again busy dealing with money matters.

The shopkeeper noticed the pious man sitting in the corner and said, "As Salamu Alaikum.

Would you like something, brother?"

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"Wa Alaikum As Salam. Oh! No! No!" said the pious man. "I don't want to buy anything, but I

want to ask you a question." He then related his dream.

"Well, that is very simple to explain," Said the shopkeeper, "but you will have to do something

for me before I answer your question."

"I will do anything for you," replied the pious man.

"Alright. Take this saucer; there is some mercury in it. Go to the other end of the street and

come back within half an hour. If the mercury falls out of the saucer, you will hear nothing from

me. Go."

The pious man took the saucer and started running. The mercury nearly wobbled out of the

saucer. He saved it just in time, and slowed down. Then he remembered he had to return

within half an hour, so he started walking at a fast pace. At long last he returned puffing and

panting. "Here is your mercury, safe and sound," he told the shopkeeper. "Now tell me the true

interpretation of my dream."

The shopkeeper looked at the pious man's weary condition and asked him, "Well, friend, how

many times did you remember Allah while you were going from this end of the street to the


"Remember Allah!" exclaimed the pious man. "I did not remember Him at all! I was too worried

about the mercury in the saucer."

"But I do remember Him all the time," said the shopkeeper. "When I am doing my business, I

am also carrying mercury in a saucer. I am fair, honest and kind to my customers. I never forget

Allah in my dealing with other men."

Lessons Learned:

1. Remember Allah at all times because Allah is our Guardian.

2. The purpose of life is to worship Allah but it does not mean that we stop living our life

for our family and society.

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The Patient and the Old Man

When passing through a mountain pass, a Bedouin once came across an old man who was blind

and who seemed to be afflicted with various ailments all over his body. It was clear that he was

wasting away. He was even paralyzed and was constantly forced to remain in a seated position.

The Bedouin could clearly hear him say, "All praise is for Allah, Who has kept me safe from

ailments with which He has tested many among His creation. And He has indeed preferred me

over many among those that He created."

"My brother!" exclaimed the Bedouin. "From what have you been saved? By Allah, I think that

you have been afflicted with every single kind of ailment!"

"Go away from me," said the old man, as he raised his head. "Do I not still have a tongue with

which I can pronounce His Oneness, and with which I can remember Him every single moment?

And do I not still have a heart with which I can know Him?"

These words of the old man were enough for the Bedouin to repent to Allah for his sins and ask

Him for forgiveness.

Lessons Learned:

1. There is always someone else who is experiencing more hardship than you.

2. Allah says, “And We bestowed wisdom on Luqman, saying, 'Be grateful to Allah: and

whoso is grateful, is grateful only for the good of his own soul. And whoso is ungrateful,

then, surely, Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy’” Surah Luqman (31:13).

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A Blind Boy

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign that said, "I

am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He

then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that

everyone who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That

afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy

recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning?

What did you write?"

The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way."

What he had written was: "Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it."

Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing? Of course both

signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second

sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the

second sign was more effective?

Lessons Learned:

1. "It is He, Who has created for you (the sense of) hearing (ears), sight (eyes), and hearts

(understanding). Little thanks you give." [Surah Al-Mu'minun; 78]

2. Think positive

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A Truthful Boy

Long ago there lived a young boy who was fond of reading and writing. Unfortunately, there

was no large school of learning where he lived. His father had died and the boy lived with his

mother. One day he asked his mother if he could travel to Baghdad (Iraq) to learn.

Baghdad was a very big city. There were many famous schools and colleges where great Sufis

and pious people stayed. The boy said, "My dear mother, let me learn as much as possible

because an unread person is called ignorant and useless. He is not respected. He is like a blind

person who does not know what is happening in the world around him and in the life hereafter.

Ignorance is death on earth and leads to gloom and despair. To know many things brings light

into a person’s life. A knowledgeable person is well known and well liked amongst Allah’s

chosen ones. Without knowledge, one doesn’t even know how to pray."

The mother was a good lady. She worshipped Allah day and night. Recitation of the Holy Qur’an

was her hobby. She was delighted to hear that her son wished to learn. She thanked Allah that

her son had no bad habits.

This pious lady had only managed to save forty Ashrafis (like dollars), but gladly gave it to her

son. She prepared some food for him to eat during his journey and sewed the money into the

lining of his coat, thus hiding it away.

When everything was ready, she said to her son, "I must tell you one thing. Listen to it carefully,

remember it always and do it. Whenever you speak, speak only the truth. Remember that

Prophet Muhammadsaw said, ‘Truth is Salvation.’ You can save yourself from great worry by

telling the truth. Truth will save your life."

In those days there were no motors, buses or trains and the only means of travel was by camel,

horse or on foot. It was often very dangerous because robbers attacked travelers. So they

travelled together in large groups called caravans.

Luckily, there was a caravan going to Baghdad. The young boy went with it. They travelled for

some time until one day a band of robbers came down from the hills. The robbers began to

steal all they could. One of the robbers took everything from the young boy and rudely asked

him if he had anything else. The boy calmly answered, "Yes, I have forty Ashrafis (dollars)." The

robber said, "You must be joking!" The boy replied, "No, I am not." Indeed, his mother had told

him to speak the truth! The robber stared at him as the boy carried on speaking, "I am traveling

for a good cause. Those who go out to look for learning are walking towards heaven. The angels

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will help them on their journey. I am going to be a learned man. I am a descendant of Prophet

Muhammadsaw. Telling lies does not befit me. What are forty Ashrafis (dollars) that I should tell

a lie in order to keep them? Not even if I were to be killed would I do this. A Muslim does not

tell a lie but speaks the truth even in the face of fear and danger."

While the boy was talking, another robber came up to him. He pushed him and said, "What

have you got?" The boy replied, "Forty Ashrafis (dollars)." This prompt reply made the robber

stop and think. Everyone except the boy, who remained completely unmoved, seemed to be

lost in amazement. Was he joking or not? Puzzled, the robber took him to his leader.

"What is your name and town?" the leader asked.

"My name is Abdul Qadir and I come from Jilan," the boy said.

"And where are you going?"


"What will you do in Baghdad?"

"I am going to be educated."

"Well, well! Have you any money?"

"Yes sir, I have forty Ashrafis (dollars). Haven’t I already said so?"

"Where are they?" enquired the leader. He looked closely at the boy.

"Here, under my armpit," the boy answered as he pointed to the lining in his sleeve. "My

mother sewed them inside my coat."

The leader laughed. "You must be very simple. You don’t tell people such things."

"Muslims don’t tell lies," the boy replied.

The leader raised his eyebrows. "The boy is not so simple after all," he thought. "What great

faith in Islam has this young boy. Without it he would not have told the truth. We make our

children into clever liars; we tell ourselves lies day and night and destroy Allah’s creatures by

making them hide the truth. This life is not worth living. This boy knows more of Allah’s wisdom

than I, a grown man."

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He bent his head in shame. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He stood up, embraced the boy and

asked his forgiveness.

Greatly surprised, the boy exclaimed, "Pray to Allah for forgiveness, for he expects His creatures

to ask Him alone for His mercy."

There, before him, the leader and his companions repented of all their sins and promised to live

the lives of noble people, their first good action being that of returning all the stolen loot to the


Lessons Learned:

1. Speak the truth even if your life depends on it. Example: Once an unbelieving Arab

Bedouin found Prophet Muhammadsaw sleeping alone under a tree. He was holding a

sword and said “Who will now save you?” Prophet Muhammadsaw calmly replied, “Allah,

the All-Powerful.” Suddenly, the sword fell from the Arab’s hand and Prophet

Muhammadsaw, taking it in his hand, said to him, “Who will save you from my hand?”

The Bedouin then pleaded for his life and Prophet Muhammadsaw forgave him.

2. Also refer to: Truthfulness (Boy Who Cried Wolf)

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A Wealthy Man

There was a very wealthy man who saved his gold and silver under a tree. One day he went to

check on his savings, but found nothing when he dug up the place he had hidden his property.

Someone had stolen his life’s savings! He started crying.

A noble man who knew him was passing by and asked, “Why are you crying?” The wealthy man

said he was crying because someone had stolen his gold and silver.

The noble man replies, “You have been collecting gold and silver all your life. Allah did not bless

it because you chose not to spend it in the way of Allah. Why don’t you put some rocks under

the tree and assume you still have that gold and silver?”

One of the surest ways for a Muslim to attain blessings from Allah is to spend in the way of

Allah. The Holy Qur'an says, "Never shall you attain to righteousness unless you spend out of

that which you love; and whatever you spend, Allah surely knows it well." (3:93).

Lessons Learned:

1. Spend in the way of Allah because Allah gave you all you have.

2. Help the poor.

Note: Please discuss more lessons learned with your parents.

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Level 3

Holy Quran

Etiquettes of recitation:

“Talim-ul-Quran” pages 24 – 27


Yassarnal Quran Video #69 - #74

“Talim-ul-Quran” pages 75 – 91

Al-Tarteel Lesson #42 - #47

Tarbiyat Topics

Etiquettes of Salaat

We must perform Wudu before offering Salaat. Our clothes and the place we offer our

Salaat must be clean. We should cover our head with a cap or scarf.

Try to reach the mosque in time for the prayer.

We should walk calmly towards the mosque, and should not run even if the prayer has


In a congregational prayer, the first rows must be filled first.

Everyone should stand shoulder to shoulder (no gaps) and

ensure the rows are straight.

During prayer, pay full attention to Allah as if you are seeing

Him, or at least realize that He is watching you.

During Salaat we must not look around, talk or answer


During sajdah our forehead and nose should rest on the


Do not close your eyes during Salaat.

Do not lean against something to support yourself during Salaat.

We must follow the Imam.

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If we join the Salaat late, we should follow the Imam until the end of Salaat. After saying

salaam, we should stand up and complete our prayer by performing the Raka’ats that

we missed.

A woman can lead Salaat only in a women’s congregation. She should stand in the

middle of the row among other women (not ahead of other women in the first row).

Etiquettes of the Mosque

The mosque is a place where we gather to worship Allah. Therefore, we should be mindful of

the following rules when visiting a mosque:

Take a bath and wear clean clothes before going to the mosque.

Avoid eating onion, garlic, radish or any other strong smelling food.

Take your shoes off before entering the

prayer hall and put them on the shoe


Step into the mosque with the right foot

first, and recite the following prayer:


“In the name of Allah, all blessings and

peace be upon the Prophetsaw of Allah. Oh Allah! Forgive my sins and open the door of

Your blessing and mercy upon me.”

Upon entering, greet everyone with “Asslam-o-Alaikum.”

On arriving, if possible, offer two nawwafil prayer (Tahaiyyat-ul-Masjid).

Do not indulge in useless talk inside the mosque.

Keep your phones on silent.

Do not walk in front of someone who is praying.

The front rows should be occupied first. If the first row is full, then start filling the

second row from the middle point of the row.

Keep the mosque clean. Do not take food or drinks inside the prayer hall.

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When leaving the mosque, say “Asslam-o-Alaikum,” step out with the left foot first and

recite the following prayer:


In the name of Allah, (I leave) and all the blessings and peace be upon the Prophetsaw of Allah. O

Allah! Forgive me my sins and open the doors of Your blessings upon me.

Etiquettes of Eating

Wash your hands before eating.

Recite the following prayer before starting a meal:


In the name of Allah and the blessings of Allah.

Always eat with your right hand.

Always eat from in front of you.

Always serve yourself the amount you can easily finish. If you need more, you can get


Do not widely open your mouth when taking a bite.

Take small bites; chew your food quietly, making no noise.

Take a smaller serving if there is not enough food for everyone.

Do not talk with your mouth full.

If there are elders at the table, serve yourself after they have been served.

Do not try to reach across the table to get food; instead, politely ask someone to pass it

to you.

If you don’t like a certain food, do not say anything bad about it.

After finishing the meal, recite the following prayer:

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All praise belongs to Allah who provided us with the food and drink and enabled us to be


Etiquettes of Conversation

Allah says: “ And speak to men kindly” (2:4)

During a conversation, one should be truthful and


Do not exaggerate.

Do not use bad language.

Do not backbite.

Do not lose your temper if you disagree with someone.

As Prophet Muhammadsaw said, “The stronger person is not he who defeats other in wrestling.

The stronger person is he who has full control over himself during his anger” (Bukhari).

Do not spread rumors.

Do not swear or unduly take oaths.

Try to adopt Islamic phrases in your conversation, such as Jazakumullah, Masha’Allah,

Insha’Allah, etc.

Do not say anything that might hurt someone’s feelings.

Think before you speak. If you do not have anything useful to say it is better to remain


Do not interrupt anyone during a conversation.

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Level 4

Holy Quran

Correct pronunciation of Arabic letters:

“Talim-ul-Quran” pages 45 – 55

“Talim-ul-Quran” pages 92 – 95

Al-Tarteel Lesson #3 (covers letter “thaa”)

Al-Tarteel Lesson #8 (covers letter “Taw”)

Al-Tarteel Lesson #8 (covers letter “Daad”)

Madda Letters:

“Talim-ul-Quran” pages 66 – 68

Al-Tarteel Lesson #1

Leen Letters:

“Talim-ul-Quran” page 73

Al-Tarteel Lesson #13

Prophets of Allah

Allah selects prophets to guide humans to the right path. Allah chooses kind, truthful,

trustworthy and righteous people to be His prophets. He speaks to His prophets, who then

teach Allah’s message to their people. All prophets believed in the one God and did not

associate partners with Him. Believing in all the prophets is the fourth article of faith for all


Allah sent prophets who were ordinary humans but gave them His divine help to spread the

messages they were given. According to the Holy Quran, prophets have been sent to people in

all parts of the world. As Muslims, we believe in all the Israelite prophets mentioned in the Holy

Quran. We also believe in the prophets of other religions, such as Zoroaster, Krishna, Ram

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Chandar, Buddha, Socrates, Confucius, etc. As is true for all prophets, their mission was to guide

mankind towards Allah.

Prophets have two important duties:

1. They teach us how to improve our relationship with Allah

2. They teach us how to conduct ourselves in our relationships with other fellow human


The Holy Quran mentions at least 28 prophets by name:
















Elias (Elijah) as


Ezekiel (Dhul-Kifl) as

Elisha (Alyasa) as

Idris (Enoch) as



John (Yahya) as






Hazrat Adamas

Hazrat Adamas lived about 6,000 years ago. He was born in present day Iraq and was sent by

Allah as the first prophet. Many people incorrectly believe that he was the first man and that he

lived in heaven. We now know from science that human beings lived on earth hundreds of

thousands of years before him. Hazrat Adamas was sent to people who were ready to receive

the first message of Allah. Hazrat Adamas was made a leader of men by Allah. He was appointed

a prophet in the gardens of Eden, which lay near Babylon, Iraq. It was a very fertile land and

was referred to as Jannah, which means the garden. It had abundant food and provisions.

Unlike the Biblical stories which place Adam and Eve in heaven, it was actually here on Earth.

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The Teachings Given to Hazrat Adamas

With instructions from Allah about where and how to build it, Hazrat Adamas built the Kaaba in

Saudia Arabia. He and his followers used it to worship together and unite them.

Hazrat Adamas was given the following things to teach his people:

1. To believe in one God.

2. To believe in the Day of Judgment, when everyone will have to answer for all their good

and bad actions in this life.

3. To take care of each other and ensure that everyone has food to eat, clothes to wear,

water to drink and a home in which to live.

The Forbidden Apple

The Bible states that Hazrat Adamas and Eve knowingly disobeyed Allah by listening to a snake

and eating from a particular fruit in this garden. The story says that as a result they were

thrown out of Heaven.

According to the Quran, Hazrat Adamas was appointed as the prophet in the Garden of Eden

near Babylon. Allah forbade him from approaching a particular quarrelsome family or tribe. The

“tree” was a metaphor for this family or tribe because its members were his enemies.

It appears that Hazrat Adamas, who had a great desire for the good of all people, approached

this family, who in turn argued with Hazrat Adamas. It eventually ended in a fight and Hazrat

Adamas and his people had to migrate from Iraq.

Christians exaggerate the lapse of judgement of Hazrat Adamas, saying it is an unforgiveable sin.

The Holy Quran, however, says, “And verily, We had made a covenant with Adam beforehand,

but he forgot, and We found in him no resolve to disobey Us” (20:116).

This verse shows that Hazrat Adam’sas mistake was only due to an error of judgment. It was

unintentional. An act becomes sinful only when it is willfully and knowingly done to disobey


Once they expressed regret for their mistake and turned to God to repent, Allah forgave them .

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Hazrat Abrahamas

Hazrat Abrahamas lived in the town of Ur about 950 years after Hazrat Noahas.

Today the town of Ur is called Al-Muqayyar (or Mughair), and is about two

hundred miles south east of Baghdad in Iraq. In Hazrat Abraham’sas time, the

people of Ur had begun to worship idols. The message of Hazrat Noahas to

worship one God had been discarded. They worshipped the sun and the stars

and their chief god Merodach (Madruk) - originally the god of the morning and

the spring sun. They believed that all life depended on the sun.

Hazrat Abraham’sas Childhood

From his childhood, Hazrat Abrahamas did not understand how people could make statues out

of their own hands and then believe that these statues could help them in any way or answer

their prayers. If these statues could not do anything for themselves, how could they do

something for their worshippers? Hazrat Abrahamas used to work at the idol shop of his

paternal uncle. Even though his uncle did not like that Hazrat Abrahamas used to talk against

the gods, he admired Hazrat Abraham’sas noble and trustworthy character and even married his

daughter Sarah to him.

One day, an old man came to the shop and asked the young Hazrat Abrahamas for an idol

statue. When Hazrat Abrahamas showed him the one he wanted, Hazrat Abrahamas asked the

man how old he was. The old man said that he was seventy years old. Hazrat Abrahamas told

him that this idol, which he was about to buy and worship, was made only yesterday. He asked

the man would he not be ashamed to bow down before something that is just one day old.

Hearing this, the old man walked away from the shop without purchasing the idol.

Trying to Stop Idol Worship

Once Allah appointed Hazrat Abrahamas as a prophet for his people, Allah told him to speak

openly against the ills of worshiping idols. One day, when his people went out of the city,

Hazrat Abrahamas went into the temple and broke all the idols except for the biggest one. Then,

he hung his axe on the shoulder of the biggest idol. When the people came back

and saw the scene at the temple, they were furious. They asked Hazrat Abrahamas

who had broken the idols. Hazrat Abrahamas said that since a God is supposed to

know all things, they should ask the biggest idol. He tried to make them

understand that idol worship was illogical, but his people ignored his message.

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They started a huge fire and threw Hazrat Abrahamas in it. At this time,

Allah commanded the fire to become cool and safe for Hazrat Abrahamas.

People who had gathered around to see Hazrat

Abraham’sas punishment were amazed when they saw that he did not get

burned. Despite this incident, only Hazrat Sarah believed in the One God.

So, Hazrat Abrahamas, now 75 years old, decided to migrate with Hazrat

Sarah from this area.

Migration of Hazrat Abrahamas

Hazrat Abrahamas, Hazrat Sarah, his nephew Hazrat Lotas, and a few followers left Ur. During the

course of their journey they traveled through Egypt. The king of Egypt became very impressed

with Hazrat Abrahamas and offered the service of a royal lady by the name of Hazrat Haggar.

Since Hazrat Sarah and Hazrat Abrahamas did not have any children at this time, Hazrat Haggar

and Hazrat Abrahamas were married. All of them prayed to have righteous children in their


Children of Hazrat Abrahamas

When he was 86 years old, Hazrat Abrahamas and Hazrat Haggar had a son, named Ishmaeel.

After about 14 years, Hazrat Abrahamas and Hazrat Sarah also had a son named Isaac. Both of

Hazrat Abraham’sas sons became prophets. The descendants of Hazrat Ishmaeelas are called

Ishmaelites. The descendants of Hazrat Isaacas are called Israelites.

The Law Given to Hazrat Abrahamas

Hazrat Abraham as Hazrat Sarah

1 st wife

Hazrat Haggar 2 nd


Hazrat Ishmael as

1 st born son

Hazrat Isaac as

2 nd born son

Israelites Ismaelites

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The scriptures given to Hazrat Abrahamas are known as the Mus’haf. These, however, have not

been preserved as Allah intended their message to be for a limited period. According to the

Qur’an, the Mus’haf instructed Prophet Abrahamas to teach his people about:

• Unity of God

• Making oneself pure

• Remembering Allah and offering prayers

• Life after death

• Making the Hajj

Hazrat Abrahamas was very obedient to Allah and was always willing to sacrifice his life,

children, and all of his possessions for Allah. He is given the titles of Khalilullah (Friend of Allah)

and Abul Anbiya (Father of the Prophets).

These laws remained in effect until the time of Hazrat Mosesas (Musa).

Prophet Ishmaelas (Hazrat Ishmaeel)

Hazrat Ishmaelas was the elder son of Hazrat Abrahamas and Hazrat Haggar. He was not a law-

bearing prophet, following the divine laws given to his father.

The Fountain of Zam Zam

When Hazrat Ishmaelas was an infant, Allah commanded Hazrat Abrahamas to leave the boy and

his mother alone in the desert with a little food and water. Hazrat Abrahamas was very grieved

by the thought of this. Allah, however, instructed Hazrat Abrahamas not to worry because a

nation would arise from Hazrat Ishmaelas. So, Hazrat Abrahamas left his son and wife in the

Valley of Becca. This valley is where Mecca is now populated. At that time, no settlements

existed. In this valley, near the mountains of Ṣafā and Marwah, Hazrat Abrahamas left his wife

and son and left for his homeland in Palestine.

After their initial supply of food and water ran out, Hazrat Haggar became very worried about

where they would get more food and water. She started running in search of water back and

forth between the hills of Safa and Marwa. She ran between these hills seven times, crying and

praying for God to help them. At the end of the seventh climb, Hazrat Haggar heard a voice say

that her and her baby son’s cries had been answered. Hearing this, she rushed back to where

Hazrat Ishmaelas was and found that a spring of water had appeared where the baby was

kicking his foot. Hazrat Haggar quickly surrounded this fountain of water, now known as Zam

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Zam for her and Hazrat Ishmael’sas use. It is in honor of Hazrat Haggar’s prayers to Allah that

Muslims performing Umrah or Hajj, must walk up and down the hills of Safa and Marwa seven


Hazrat Abraham’s Dream

Hazrat Abrahamas used to visit Hazrat Haggar and Hazrat Ishmaelas

in Mecca. For a long time, he kept having a dream in which he

would see himself sacrificing Hazrat Ishmaelas. He described the

dream to his son one day. Like his father, Hazrat Ishmaelas was also

very obedient to Allah. He said to his father to do as Allah has

shown him in the dream. He assured his father that he would be a

patient son. Hazrat Abrahamas took his only son to the outskirts of the settlement and was

about to sacrifice his son as he had seen in his dream. Suddenly, a voice told him that Hazrat

Abrahamas had surely done enough just by attempting to go through with his vision and that he

should instead sacrifice a ram to fulfill the dream. Hazrat Abrahamas was also told that the

sacrifice of Hazrat Ishmaelas would come to pass in another way. Allah was very pleased with

the obedience shown by both Hazrat Ishmaelas and Hazrat Abrahamas. In remembrance of this

great act of sacrifice and obedience, Muslims sacrifice animals during Eid ul Adha. They

distribute some of the meat to the poor and keep the rest for themselves, their friends, and

close relatives.

Christians and Jews believe that it was Hazrat Isaacas - not Hazrat Ishmaelas - who was the son

offered as a sacrifice. But the Holy Quran and the Bible state that the son who presented for

sacrifice was Hazrat Abraham’sas only son. It cannot be Hazrat Isaacas, therefore, because he

was born after Hazrat Ishmaelas.

The Rebuilding of the Ka’aba

The true meaning of ‘slaughtering’ in this dream refers to devoting one’s life for the sake of God

and not living a worldly life. Allah took Hazrat Ishmael’sas sacrifice to mean that he was going to

be used for the purpose of settling Mecca, the construction of the Ka’aba, and to spend his life

devoted to Allah and spreading the belief in one God.

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Hazrat Ishmaelas and his father dug up the remains of the Ka’aba that Hazrat Adamas had

initially built. Hazrat Abrahamas received some divine knowledge with which he was able to

restore the Ka’aba. Hazrat Ishmaelas would

collect stones and hand them over to his father

to raise the walls to a certain height. When this

was completed, Hazrat Abrahamas placed a

distinctive stone, known as the Hajr al Aswad in

one corner of the cubed walls as a point where

people should start their circuit or Tawaaf of

the Ka’aba. The four walls were made from

unshaped stones and had no roof. The walls

were 13.5 feet high, 48 feet wide and 33 feet


Hazrat Nuhas (Noah)

Hazrat Nuhas was a prophet of Allah who lived nine generations, or approximately 900 years

after Hazrat Adamas. He lived in what is now Southern Iraq in a valley surrounded by the

mountains of Mesopotamia. The valley was full of rivers that would flow after a rain. Hazrat

Nuhas was a righteous man who “walked with God.” This means that he lived his life according

to the rules that God had made for the people of his time. According to the Bible, Hazrat

Nuh’sas father’s name was Lamech. Hazrat Nuhas is known in the Bible as Noah.

The People of Hazrat Nuhas

The people who lived during the time of Hazrat Nuhas had forgotten to worship one God. When

a holy person passed away, they would make statues of them and place the statues where that

person used to sit and pray these statues. This greatly disturbed Hazrat Nuhas, and he asked

God to show his people the right path.

Allah Sends His Divine Law to Hazrat Nuhas

In answer to Hazrat Nuh’sas prayers, Allah made Hazrat Nuhas a law-bearing prophet. Law

bearing prophets receive rules from God to share with their people and improve their lives.

Allah commanded Hazrat Nuhas to call his people to God with love and wisdom. Hazrat Nuhas

gently told the people of his time to stop worshipping idols, and instead to worship Allah the


The People’s Reaction

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Hazrat Nuhas tried to convince the people and their chiefs. But the chiefs told everyone that

Hazrat Nuhas was telling them false stories and made fun of him. During a period of drought,

Hazrat Nuhas warned them that this drought was because they were not listening to him and

not believing in one God. If they worshipped Allah, Allah would bless them. This made the

chiefs even angrier and they asked Hazrat Nuhas why Allah did not send angels to fix the

drought instead of an ordinary person.

You see, the people of this time did not think that an ordinary person could be a prophet. They

thought a prophet must look extraordinary. They also did not believe that Hazrat Nuhas could be

their leader. They called him a liar and told him to leave.

The Followers

A small group of weak people did listen to Hazrat Nuhas, of which the rich and powerful chiefs

made fun. They told Hazrat Nuhas that he would fail in his mission because nobody who was

powerful believed in him. But Hazrat Nuhas knew that even though his small group of followers

was weak and poor, they were the blessed people because they were obeying Allah.

Hazrat Nuhas is asked to Stop Preaching

For a long time Hazrat Nuhas kept preaching his message even though the people abused him

and even threatened to stone him if he persisted. Hazrat Nuhas was not scared because he

knew Allah would help him. He was never going to leave the path of Allah, no matter what

people said. Eventually, all the chiefs decided that they would work together to drive Hazrat

Nuhas and his small group of followers away.

The Building of an Ark

Allah saw how hard Hazrat Nuhas had worked to bring his people on the right path and He also

saw that now everyone was given a chance to believe in the divine law. So Allah instructed

Hazrat Nuhas to build an ark for himself and his followers. An ark is a big boat made out of

wood. On this ark, Allah told Hazrat Nuhas to bring all the people who believed in one God and

also to take some animals. Many biblical stories tell us

that all the animals of the world were on the ark. This is

not true and impossible. Allah told Hazrat Nuhas to bring

animals that would help them get resettled once they

were off of the ark.

When people saw him building this ark, they again made

fun of Hazrat Nuhas and asked him where such a boat

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would be needed in this dry weather. Hazrat Nuhas again prayed to Allah to come to his rescue

and show the people that he was not a liar.

The Floods Roll in

Once the ark was built, dark rain clouds rolled in and it began to rain. These rains also caused

the rivers to flood and created chaos for those on land. Hazrat Nuhas and those who believed in

Allah were going to be saved in this ark while those who ridiculed a prophet of God and called

him a liar were going to be swept up in the flood. Sadly, even Hazrat Nuh’sas own wife and son

were among those people who did not believe him.

The Believers Are Saved

Allah taught Hazrat Nuhas and his followers some prayers to recite during their time on the ark.

While Hazrat Nuhas quickly followed everything that Allah had told him

to do, the other people made fun of him and laughed that Hazrat Nuhas

had gone mad. Hazrat Nuhas saw his own son being washed away in the

floodwater and asked him again to come onto the ark. But the

disobedient son thought that he could climb on top of a mountain and

save himself. Suddenly, a wave swept him away and he perished in the

flood along with the other disbelieving people.

The Ark Rests on a Mountain

The flood raised the waters in the area where the message of Hazrat Nuh’sas message was sent.

Many people believe that it was a global flood. But the Quran tells us that the flood was local to

this area. When the ark came to rest on top of a mountain, Hazrat Nuhas released a bird to see if

there was any sign of dry land. When a dove came back with an olive branch showing that there

was dry land, Hazrat Nuh as allowed his people to leave the ark. The Bible states that the name

of this mountain is Ararat, while the Quran names it Judi. No one knows the exact location of

this mountain.

The teachings of Hazrat Nuhas continued to thrive through those who were saved on the ark.

Hazrat Nuh’s teachings continued for about 950 years. Many people mistakenly believe that

this number represents the age of Hazrat Nuhas. But the Quran tells us that this was not his

biological age; rather, it was the length of how long his teachings continued among the people.

Prophet Josephas (Yusuf)

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Hazrat Yusufas was a son of Hazrat Yaqubas and grandson of Hazrat Isaacas. He had 11 brothers.

His father, Hazrat Yaqubas, loved him more than all his brothers because of his character. His

brothers became very jealous of him and started to make plans to get rid of him.

Prophet Joseph’sas dream

One day, Hazrat Yusufas saw a dream that 11 stars, the sun, and the moon were prostrating

before him. He told his father about this dream who interpreted the dream as a sign from

Allah that Hazrat Yusufas was a chosen servant of God. He advised Hazrat Yusufas not to tell his

brothers about this dream. Hazrat Yaqubas was worried that it would make the other brothers

jealous. Hazrat Yusufas did not share the dream with his brothers. But, they were already

planning to hurt him.

Incident at the Well

One day Hazrat Yusuf’sas brothers all asked Hazrat

Yaqubas if they could take him out with them to

play. Hazrat Yaqubas, being a prophet of God, knew

that the brothers were planning something. He told

them that since Hazrat Yusufas was so little (11 or 12

at the time), he was afraid something terrible may

happen to him. The brothers promised their father

that they would take care of him.

When they were out playing, one of the brothers suggested that they should throw Hazrat

Yusufas down a well instead of killing him. That way some travelers can pick him up later and

they would not have to feel guilty for killing their brother. So they threw Hazrat Yusufas down

the well and took his shirt, covered it in the blood of an animal, and took it home to their

father. They wanted their father to believe that a wolf had eaten Hazrat Yusufas.

When he was thrown in the well, Allah revealed to Hazrat Yusufas that a time would come

when Allah would grant glory to him. In the same manner, even though the other sons tried to

convince Hazrat Yaqubas that Hazrat Yusufas was gone forever, Hazrat Yaqubas knew Allah

would take care of Hazrat Yusufas.

Hazrat Abrahamas Hazrat Isaacas Hazrat Yaqubas Hazrat Yusufas

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And he was right. As soon as the brothers left the well, Allah sent a caravan of travelers to this

well and when they threw in a bucket to get water, Hazrat Yusufas was rescued out of the well.

The person who pulled him out was an Egyptian man of high rank. His people took Hazrat

Yusufas as a slave with them to their country.

Imprisonment in Egypt

The man who saved Hazrat Yusufas seemed to be struck by the noble

appearance of Hazrat Yusufas and he asked his wife to treat Hazrat

Yusufas well and make them as a part of their family. He saw something

special in Hazrat Yusufas and wanted him to be treated that way, too.

One day the wife of this Egyptian nobleman accused Hazrat Yusufas of being inappropriate

with her, even though it was she who had behaved inappropriately towards him. The

nobleman believed Hazrat Yusufas was innocent and could not commit any sins against his

family. But in order to save their family’s honor, they sent Hazrat Yusufas to prison. This way

everyone would think that Hazrat Yusufas was guilty, instead of the wife.

In prison, Hazrat Yusufas would use his special gift to interpret people’s dreams. His

interpretations were always true and so he became quite famous. One of the prisoners who

was in jail at the same time as Hazrat Yusufas escaped but he had witnessed this special gift of

Hazrat Yusufas before he left. Hazrat Yusufas spoke to the prisoners about the oneness of Allah.

He invited people to follow in the religion of his father, Hazrat Yaqubas, and his grandfather,

Hazrat Isaacas.

The King’s Dream

One day the King of Egypt had a dream in which he saw seven fat cows that are eaten up by

seven skinny cows. He also saw seven green ears of corn and seven ears of corn that were dry

and withered.

The king asked all of the wise men in his court to interpret this dream but no one was able to do

so. The one man who had escaped from prison and who knew of Hazrat Yusuf’sas ability to

interpret dreams told the king about Hazrat Yusufas. The king then asked Hazrat Yusufas for an


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Hazrat Yusuf’sas said the dream meant that a famine would come and last

for seven years, so they should store enough food. He even told them

how to preserve the corn which helped to save the people from hunger.

When this interpretation came true and the people of Egypt were saved from this famine, the

king released Hazrat Yusufas and made him in charge of the country’s financial matters and

food storage.

Reunion with His Family

Sometime after that, the people of Palestine started coming to Egypt to buy food because

they had no food in their homeland. The brothers of Hazrat Yusufas belonged to one of these

groups. When they came to Egypt to buy food, they could not recognize Hazrat Yusufas.

Hazrat Yusufas treated his brothers with kindness and generosity, but did not tell them who he

was. He asked them to bring the rest of their family back with them in order to receive any

food. He sent a shirt of his with his brothers to Hazrat Yaqubas. As soon as Hazrat Yaqubas saw

the shirt, he knew that it belonged to Hazrat Yusufas and that his son was alive. They all

traveled back to Egypt and Hazrat Yusufas asked them to come and live with him.

Hazrat Yaqub’sas sons asked their father and brother for forgiveness and thanked Allah for

saving Hazrat Yusufas. In this way, the first dream that Hazrat Yusufas had seen about the 11

stars prostrating became a fulfilled prophecy. The eleven brothers did not pray or prostrate to

Hazrat Yusufas; rather, they prayed for him to Allah and believed that Hazrat Yusufas was a


Prophet Lotas (Lut)

Hazrat Lotas was the nephew of Hazrat Abrahamas. His father’s name, according to the

Bible, was Haraan, but Hazrat Abrahamas raised him. He, along with Hazrat Sarah, were the first

followers of Hazrat Abrahamas. He brought no new law, but was a prophet who believed in the

laws of Hazrat Abraham’sas.

Hazrat Lotas and his wife traveled with Hazrat Abrahamas during his migration. It is narrated in

the Torah that during their stay in Egypt, they both had plenty of provisions and cattle. A

conflict arose between the herdsman of Hazrat Abraham’sas cattle and the herdsmen of Hazrat

Lot’sas cattle. Both prophets decided that it would be better to separate in order to avoid strife.

Hazrat Lotas migrated to Jordan and settled in Sodom and Gomorrah. Hazrat Abrahamas settled

in Palestine.

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When Hazrat Lotas arrived at Sodom, he saw that the people living here were involved in all

kinds of vice, or immoral deeds. The Holy Quran mentions three of their vices:

1. Violating divine laws about same sex relationships

2. Highway robbery

3. Committing crimes openly without any shame

Hazrat Lotas warned his people about the consequences that would come to them as a nation if

they persisted in these immoral acts. He explained that like other nations before them who

disobeyed their prophet, they too, would fall to Allah’s anger.

Instead of listening to him, they told Hazrat Lotas that if he was so pure, he should leave with his

family or show them the wrath of Allah. Hazrat Lotas prayed to Allah to help him. At this time,

Allah sent messengers to Hazrat Abrahamas to warn him of His anger at the people of Sodom

and Gomorrah. Many people believe that these messengers were angels, but the Holy Quran

tells us that they were more likely righteous, divinely guided people of that time. They told

Hazrat Abrahamas that the city of Sodom and Gomorrah was going to be destroyed. This made

Hazrat Abrahamas and his wife Hazrat Sarah worry for their nephew, Hazrat Lotas. The

messengers also told Hazrat Abrahamas and Hazrat Sarah that they would be given a child by

Allah. This was the prophecy about Hazrat Isaacas.

Hazrat Abrahamas prayed to Allah to save the righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah.

When the time for Allah’s punishment arrived, the messengers of Allah informed Hazrat Lotas

that he and his family should leave the city. They also told him to leave his wife as she was a


In the early parts of the morning, a thundering noise was

heard and the whole nation was destroyed by what was

likely a very violent earthquake. This earthquake caused

rocks to fly off into the air and created a rain of stones from

the sky. In this way, all the evil people who disobeyed Hazrat

Lotas were destroyed.

Tarbiyyat Topics

Peer Pressure:

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Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to

pressure you, it can be even harder. When your peers try to wrongfully influence you, it's

called peer pressure.

It's something everyone has to deal with — even adults. Peers can have a positive or negative

influence on each other.

Why Do People Give in to Peer Pressure?

Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they

worry that other kids might make fun of them if they don't go along with the group. Others go

along because they are curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that

"everyone's doing it" can influence some kids to abandon their better judgment.

It is tough to be the only one who says "no" to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying

attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the

right thing to do. Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away, and

resist doing something bad. It can really help to have at least one other peer, or friend, who is

willing to say "no," too. This takes a lot of the power out of peer pressure and makes it much

easier to resist.

You've probably had a parent or teacher advice you to "choose your friends wisely." Peer

pressure is a big reason why they say this. If you choose friends who doesn’t cut class, smoke

cigarettes, or lie to their parents, then you probably won't do these things either. Try to help a

friend who's having trouble resisting peer pressure. It can be powerful for one kid to join

another by simply saying, "I'm with you — let's go."

If you continue to face peer pressure and you're finding it difficult to handle, talk to someone

you trust. Don't feel guilty if you've made a mistake or two. Talking to a parent, teacher, or

school counselor can help you feel much better and prepare you for the next time you face

peer pressure. Here are some tips how not to fall under peer pressure.

Choose your friends wisely. One Hadith states that, “A person may adopt his friend’s

religion (or way of life), hence he should watch who he befriends” (Abu Daud).

Have the courage to say no to bad things.

Ask yourself, or suggest to your friend, what we could do instead.

Get help from your parents and teachers.


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Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children. This behavior is

repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both

kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious,

lasting problems such as depression or even suicidal

tendencies. The roles kids play in bullying are not limited to

those who bully others and those who are bullied. Some

children are directly involved in bullying, others actively or

passively encourage bullying, while others are fully against it.

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place through electronic technology – e.g. mean text

messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and

embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

Kids who Bully:

There are many risk factors that may contribute to the child's involvement in bullying: 1. They were victims of bullying.

2. Lack of attention from parents at home.

3. They feel powerful.

4. Low self-esteem.

5. Have no friends.

6. If they are jealous of someone.

Often, these children require support to change their behavior and address any other

challenges that may be influencing their behavior.

Kids who are Bullied

Some factors put children at more risk of being bullied: 1. They are good at what they do.

2. They have few or no friends.

3. They have an illness or disabilities.

4. They have different cultural or religious beliefs.

5. They belong to a different racial group.

6. They lack self-confidence or are embarrassed by their identity.

Kids who Assist

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These children may not start the bullying or lead in bullying, but help the bully. These children

may encourage the bullying behavior and occasionally join in.

Kids who Reinforce

These children are not directly involved in bullying but give bullies an audience. They will often

laugh or support children who are engaging in bullying.


These children remain separate from the bullying situation. They neither reinforce the bullying

behavior nor defend the child being bullied. Some may watch what is going on but do not

provide feedback about the situation to show they are on anyone’s side. These kids often want

to help, but don’t know how.

Kids who Defend

These children actively comfort the child being bullied and may come to the child's defense

when bullying occurs. This how you can help a person who is being bullied.

1. Stand up for people who are being bullied.

2. Don’t brush it off talk to parents and teachers.

3. Hold bystanders accountable.

4. Be kind to the people who are being bullied.

5. Always remember, “Nothing is heavier in scales (of Allah) than the excellence of

conduct”. (Abu-Daud)

Why Cyber Bullying is Different

Kids who are being cyber bullied are also often bullied in person. Additionally, kids who are

cyber bullied have a harder time escaping from the behavior.

Cyber bullying can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach a kid even when he or she is alone. It can happen any time of the day or night.

Cyber bullying messages and images can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to a very wide audience. It can be difficult and sometimes impossible to trace the source.

Deleting inappropriate or harassing messages, texts, and pictures is extremely difficult after they have been posted or sent.

Signs of Cyber Bullying:

Cell phones and computers themselves are not to blame for cyber bullying. Social media sites

can be used for positive activities, like connecting kids with friends and family, helping students

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with school, and for entertainment. But these tools can also be used to hurt other people.

Whether done in person or through technology. Many kids and teens that are cyber bullied

don't want to tell a teacher or parent, often because they feel ashamed or fear that their

computer privileges will be taken away at home. Signs of cyber bullying vary, but may include:

Being emotionally upset while using the Internet or phone.

Being very secretive or protective of one's digital life.

Withdrawal from family members, friends, and activities.

Avoiding school or gatherings.

Slipping grades and "acting out" at home.

Changes in mood, behavior, sleep, or appetite.

Wanting to stop using the computer or cellphone.

Being nervous or jumpy when getting an instant message, text, or email.

Tips to Stop Cyber Bullying

Establish rules about appropriate use of computers, cell phones, and other technology.

Be smart about what you say or post online.

Protect your accounts.

Do not share personal information with anyone.

If you or someone you know is being bullied, get help from your parents and teachers.

Do not respond or retaliate.

Save the evidence.

Types of Chanda

Chanda is the donation system used to maintain the day-to-day function of the Ahmadiyya

Muslim Community.

“Never shall you attain to righteousness unless you spend out of which you love, and whatever

you spend, Allah surely knows it well.” (Holy Quran 3:93)


Zakat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It is spent for the needs of the poor.

Allah says in the Holy Quran that paying Zakat purifies the soul of the believers.

Everyone who has capital in the form of cash, jewelry, bullion, etc. which stays with

him/her for one full year is required to pay at the rate of 1/40 of the value of the goods.

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The concept of Zakat was not totally new to Islam; similar alms giving had also been enjoined

upon the Israelites and the Christians. In Islam, Zakat takes the form of a prescribed

contribution based on a person's wealth and income. The rate of contribution varies with the

kind of property owned but, on an average, works out to 2.5% of the total value. The proceeds

of Zakat are supposed to be devoted towards:

1. Relieving poverty and distress

2. Helping those in debt

3. Providing comfort and convenience for traveler

4. Providing stipends for scholarships

5. Providing ransom for prisoners of war

6. Propagation of Islam

Sadaqatul Fitr (Fitrana)

Fitrana is obligatory upon every Muslim man, woman, and child; it even has to be paid

on behalf of a newborn.

Fitrana has to be paid before Eid, so that the poor and needy can be provided with

means to celebrate Eid in time.


Fidya is for people who are unable to observe their fasts in Ramadan because of illness,

inability, travel, etc.

The Quranic injunction is that the Fidya should be paid as a recompense for the lost

opportunity to perform a virtue.

The rate of Fidya depends on individual circumstances.

The fidya amount is equivalent to two average meals for every fast that has been


Fidya can be paid in cash.

Chanda Aam/Regular Subscription

Chanda Aam is the basic contribution started by the Promised Messiahas and is

mandatory for every earning member of the Jamaat.

The current payment ratio is 1/16 of one’s income from all sources.

The purpose of this chanda is to cover the day-to-day cost of running the function of


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Jalsa Salana

This contribution is exclusively spent to meet the expenses for the Jalsa Salana.

The prescribed ratio is 1/20 of one’s annual income from all sources.


Hazrat Musleh Maudra introduced this chanda scheme in 1934 for the propagation of

Islam in foreign countries.

This chanda helps in the opening of the new missions and the construction of new

mosques and their expenses throughout the world.

The suggested rate is 1/5th of one’s monthly income once a year.


Hazrat Musleh Maudra introduced this chanda scheme in 1957 for the training,

sustenance, and work of people who concentrate on the moral training) of new


The minimum contribution is $2 once a year from each family member, but everyone

should pay as much as they can, according to their means.

Wassiyat (Will)

A few years before his death, the Promised Messiahas saw a dream in which there was a

graveyard called “Bahishti Maqbarah”. Consequently, the Promised Messiahas donated

some of his land for this purpose.

A person who has done wassiyat is called a moosi.

In order to be buried in this graveyard, a person has to make financial sacrifice beyond

that of a non-moosi.

A moosi can pledge 1/10 to 1/3 of their assets (according to his/her will), movable or

immovable, to the Jamaat.


Allah has commanded the believers to ward off calamities and privation, personal or

national, by helping those who are less fortunate and require assistance.

This chanda is spent on the poor and the needy regardless of national, racial, ethnic,

religious backgrounds.

Auxiliaries Chanda

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In order to run the auxiliaries, all members pay a membership chanda. Nasirat and Atfal are

encouraged to regularly donate a small amount for membership and Jalsa Salana chanda to

create a habit of making financial sacrifice.

There are other categories of the donation system that are not mandatory, but members

should try to contribute as much as they can (e.g. Maryam Shadi Fund, Bilal Fund, etc.).

An Overview of Muslim Countries

Saudi Arabia

This country has the most holy cities and sites for all of Muslims

This is where Islam began

Every Muslim with the financial means and safety of passage must visit this country to

perform Hajj once in their lifetime.


Indonesia has the highest Muslim population in the world

Over 86% of the population is Muslim


Pakistan has the second largest Muslim population in the world

Pakistan has the largest number of Ahmadi Muslims in the world

Quick Facts

100% Muslim Population: Saudi Arabia and Maldives

o Foreigners are not included in this statistic

Over 99% Muslim Population: Turkey, Algeria, Afghanistan, Morocco, Somalia and


Many countries with high Muslim population are not officially Islamic states or do not

have Islam as their state religions (e.g. Bangladesh, Nigeria, Turkey)

Iran, Bahrain and Azerbaijan are primarily Shia countries

Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Kuwait and Lebanon have considerable Sunni and Shia


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Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Yemen and Mauritius are officially recognized as

Islamic states

Algeria, Iraq and Malaysia are examples of countries with Islam as their state religion

India is not an officially Muslim country, but it has third largest population of Muslims in

the world.

o India is also the birthplace of the Promised Messiahas , where the Ahmadiyya

Muslim Jamaat was founded, and the location of the grave of the Promised


How to Write Letter to Huzuraba


Write Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem on top center

Write Date on Top Right

Start with Dearest Huzur

Include Assalam-o-Alaikum salutation in Arabic or English.

Keep the body of the letter short – no more than 5 sentences total.

Inquire about Huzur’s health and wellbeing and offer prayers for his health.

Mention what you are doing as a Tifl/Nasira

Mention what you are doing as a student

Mention a specific request for prayers.

Include your full name, father’s full name, local majlis, and address. Include space for

your signature.

We recommend that you write the letter in your own handwriting and mail or fax the letter to

Huzuraba. There is a special effort made when you hand-write vs type and does add a personal

touch to your letter.

You can fax the Letter to: 011442088705234

or mail to:

Attn: Private Secretary to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V

16 Gressenhall Road

London SW18 5QL

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United Kingdom


Dearest Huzur, Date: 00/00/0000


I hope you are doing well by Allah’s grace. May Allah grant you a healthy life, Ameen.

I have memorized Salaat with translation and attending Atfal/Nasirat classes regularly. I am also

preparing for the Ijtema.

I am currently in Grade 5. I enjoy math and science. I would like to become an engineer,


I humbly request your prayers for my success and good health. Ameen.


Your name

Son/daughter of (Father’s Full Name)

Your Jama’at name

Your address.

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What Does It Mean to be an Ahmadi Muslim

Ahmadiyyat is the revival of Islam. It is an international religious organization with branches in

over 200 countries. This is the most dynamic denomination of Islam in modern history. Hazrat

Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, in a small village of India called Qadian, established the Ahmadiyya

Muslim Jamaat in 1889. He claimed to be the expected reformer of the latter days, the

Promised One of the world’s religions (The Mahdi and the Messiah). The Jamaat he founded is

an embodiment of the true message of Islam. Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat are

called Ahmadi Muslims.


Nizam-e-jamaat is the administrative structure of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. To run

any organization, the work needs to be divided among its members. Our Jamaat functions as



The Khalifa is the supreme head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. We believe that God

appoints the Khalifa through an election by the Electoral College (Majlis-e-Intikhab-e-Khilafat).

The Khalifa guides Jamaat members through spiritual and moral instruction.


The Khalifa appoints different naazirs, or heads, that carry out various tasks across the globe.

For example, Naazir Maal is in-charge of Finances, and Nazir Isha’at is in charge of publications,



The Ameer is the head of the Jamaat of a country. The Amir is elected by that country’s Shura

and confirmed by the Khalifa. His duty is to take care of the affairs of the Jama’at in his country.


The president is the head of a local Jama’at. The president is elected by local Jamaat members

and approved by the Amir of that respective country. His duty is to take care of his local Jamaat.


A secretary is the head of the department at a national or local level. Some examples of

departments led by secretaries are Tabligh, Maal, Taleem, Tarbiyyat, etc.

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As the Jamaat was growing rapidly in early 1920’s, Hazrat Musleh Maudra divided it into

different age groups to ensure better training of its members. These groups are calling

Tanzeems (auxiliaries). These auxiliaries are:

Majlis Ansarullah:

Hazrat Musleh Maudra established Majlis Ansarullah on July 26, 1940.

All male members of the Jamaat over 40 years of age are part of Majlis Ansarullah.

A member of is Majlis Ansarullah called a Nasir.

In each country, the head of Majlis Ansarullah is known as Sadr Ansarullah.

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya:

Hazrat Musleh Maudra established it on December 25, 1938.

Members of this organization are between the ages of 15-40.

A member of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is called a khadim.

In each country, the head of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is known as Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya.

It has a sub-organization for boy’s ages 7-14 called Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya, established on July 26, 1940.

Lajna Imaillah:

Hazrat Musleh Maudra established Lajna Imaillah on December 25, 1922.

This is an organization of Ahmadi Muslim women ages 15 years and above.

In each country, the head of Lajna Imaillah is known as Sadr Lajna Imaillah.

Lajna Imaillah has a sub-organization for girls, ages 7-14 years, known as Nasiratul Ahmadiyya.

Atfalul Ahmadiyya:

Hazrat Musleh Maudra established Atfalul Ahmadiyya in July, 1940.

Boys’ ages 7-14 are called Atfal.

A boy is called a Tifl.

Atfal are divided into two groups

Mayar-e-Saghir, boys between the ages of 7-12 years.

Mayar-e-Kabir, boys between the ages of 13-14 years.

After turning 15, a tifl becomes a khadim.

Nasiratul Ahmadiyya:

Hazrat Musleh Maudra established Nasiratul Ahmadiyya in February, 1939.

Girls’ ages 7-14 are called Nasirat.

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Each girl is called a Nasira.

Nasirat are sub divided into three age groups:

a) 7-9 years of age - Qanitah

b) 10-12 years of age - Sadiqah

c) 13-14 age group is - Mohsinah

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Level 5

Holy Quran

What to Say When Certain Verses of the Holy Qur'an Are Recited

“Talim-ul-Quran” pages 31 – 39

Al-Tarteel Lesson #48 - #50

Sajdah Tilawat

“Talim-ul-Quran” pages 28 – 30

Al-Tarteel Lesson #51


Al-Tarteel Lesson #23


“Talim-ul-Quran” pages 107 – 110

Al-Tarteel Lesson #10

Al-Tarteel Lesson #22


Al-Tarteel Lesson #2

Laam of Allah

Al-Tarteel Lesson #4


Al-Tarteel Lesson #1

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Brief History of Khilafat

The word khilafat means succession, and the khalifa is a successor to a prophet of Allah. His

goal is to complete the tasks of reformation and moral training that the prophet seeded. The

community of followers of a prophet of Allah continues to nurture its faith and practices under

the blessing of khilafat for as long as Allah wishes. Allah says in the Holy Quran:

Allah had promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will

surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from among those

who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He

has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in exchange security and peace

after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me.

Then whoso is ungrateful after that, they will be the rebellious. (Surah Al-Nur, Verse 56).

Just as Allah appoints a prophet, He also appoints a khalifa. He chooses the most pious person

to become the khalifa, and, through an electoral body, guides a group of pious believers to by

select that individual as khalifa, thereby manifesting His Will. So while it may seem that a group

of people choose the khalifa, Allah is guiding these individuals vote. Once a khalifa is selected,

he remains a khalifa for the rest of his life.

Khilafat establishes the authority of Allah on earth, and the khalifa strives to uphold that

authority within the community of followers. For the believers, khilafat is an embodiment of

Allah’s Unity. They benefit from khilafat by becoming united under him. A khalifa obeys the

prophet for whom he is succeeding. He can consult members of the community if he wishes,

but is ultimately only accountable to God.

The Rightly Guided Khilafat (Khilafat al-Rashidun)

When Prophet Muhammadsaw passed away (632 C.E.), Hazrat Abu Bakrra assumed his spiritual,

political, and administrative functions as Khalifa tur Rasul. The first four Khalifas, Abu Bakr,

Umar, Uthman, and Ali, were close associates of Prophet Muhammadsaw, known for their

integrity and devotion. The qualification “rightly guided” (Rashidun) has been historically

applied to them to distinguish them from the king-caliphs who followed them.

The famous historian of Islam, Muhammad ibn Jarir Al Tabari, relates,“Umar said to Salman:

‘Am I a king or a khalifa?’ and Salman answered: ‘If you have levied from the lands of the

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Muslims one dirham, or more, or less, and applied it unlawfully, you are a king, not a khalifa’.

And Umar wept.” [Al Tabari, Tarikh al-Rusul Wal Muluk]

The Rightly Guided Khalifas played both active spiritual and secular roles. They were the head

of the Islamic confederation and exercised secular authority by appointing governors of various

provinces of the empire.

After the assassination of Hazrat Ali (661 C.E.), the question of the successorship of khilafat

resulted in a major split in Islam into Sunni and Shia branches [9]. Muawiyah declared himself

the khalifa of the Ummah and of the Muslim empire. In so doing, he laid down the foundations

of a long line of dynastic monarchy – in accordance with the prophecy of Prophet


Monarchy and Despotism

After the end of the Rightly Guided Khilafat, 14 Umayyad kings of Damascus (661-750) and 38

Abbasid kings of Baghdad (750-1258) assumed the title of khalifa. After the fall of the Umayyad

dynasty, the title was also assumed by the Spanish branch of the family who ruled in Spain at

Córdoba (755–1031) and by the Faṭimid rulers of Egypt (909–1171). Thus, multiple

contemporaneous caliphs existed from the 7th to 12th centuries.

The last Abbasid caliph of Cairo was captured in 1517 by the Ottoman sultan Selim I. The

Ottoman sultans then claimed the title of khalifa for 4 centuries until, in 1924, Mustafa Kamal

Ataturk, the founder of Turkish Republic, abolished the institution.

Wishful Thinking

In recent years, interest among Muslims in international unity and reestablishment of Khilafat

has grown. But humans cannot create a khilafat. As Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba noted,

“How do they propose to establish khilafat over every Muslim country when they cannot even

agree on who could lead the prayer?”


Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, the Messiah and Mahdi, likened Khilafat to the second

manifestation of God’s power – the advent of prophets being the first manifestation. He quoted

the Quran (24:56) and prophesied, “The second manifestation cannot come till I go. But when I

go, God will send a second manifestation for you which will remain with you forever.”

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After the death of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas in 1908, a large number of leading members

of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community convened and unanimously decided that Hazrat Maulvi

Hakim Nuruddinra would be his first Khalifa. In 1914, at the time of the election of the second

Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra, a small dissenting group formed a

separate organization known as Lahoris; their main dispute with the mainstream Ahmadi

Muslims centered around the scope and need of khilafat. Since then, the Ahmadiyya Muslim

Community has been blessed with three more khalifas.

Life story of Hazrat Abu Bakrra

The personal name of Hazrat Abu Bakrra was Abdullah, but based on his son, Bakr, he was

known as Abu Bakr. Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra father was known as Abu Qahafah and his mother as

Ummul Khair Salma. He was born in 572C.E. in Mecca. He was a close friend of the Holy

Prophetsaw. He was the first among men to accept the truth of the claim of the Holy Prophetsaw -

thus earning the title Siddiq. He was in the company of the Holy Prophetsaw during his migratory

journey (hijra) from Mecca to Medina. He was the only companion of the Holy Prophetsaw in the

Cave of Thaur, where they both took refuge during this journey.

Hazrat Abu Bakrra remained the closest companion of the Holy Prophetsaw during war or peace

time. He gave his daughter Hazrat Aishahra in marriage to the Holy Prophetsaw after the demise

of Hazrat Khadijahra.

Migration to Medina

When the Quraish decided to kill the Holy Prophetsaw in order to stop the spread of Islam,

Hazrat Abu Bakrra helped the Holy Prophetsaw to migrate. The Quraish were watching the house

of the Holy Prophetsaw very closely with the intent to kill him in the morning when he left his

house. However, Hazrat Abu Bakrra and the Holy Prophetsaw left Mecca in the middle of the

night. When the Quraish found out, they issued a reward of 100 camels to anyone who would

find the Holy Prophetsaw.

The Holy Prophetsaw and Hazrat Abu Bakrra had traveled south of Mecca and hid in a cave called

Thaur. This cave was on the top of an abandoned mountain. The trail leading to the cave was

difficult to cross. With the help of a tracker, the Quraish arrived at the front of the very same

Cave of Thaur. When the Quraish were so close that Hazrat Abu Bakrra could see their feet, he

began to worry. Hazrat Abu Bakrra was not worried for himself, but for the safety of the Holy

Prophetsaw as he firmly believed that the Holy Prophetsaw was on a great mission of Allah and

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did not want to see this mission come to an end. But the Holy Prophetsaw assured Hazrat Abu

Bakrra that Allah was with them and that Allah would protect them.

The Quraish rejected the idea that anyone could be in the cave because it was a dark and

dangerous place. Some traditions also say that when Hazrat Abu Bakrra and the Holy Prophetsaw

went into the cave, a spider began to weave its web outside and a bird also built her nest and

laid eggs outside the cave. This made the people think that the cave was empty and had been

undisturbed for a long time. Without checking the cave, the Quraish left and the Holy

Prophetsaw and Hazrat Abu Bakrra continued their journey to Yathrib. The city of Yathrib is now

called Medina.

Financial Sacrifice

The Roman Emperor Heraclius once prompted the Arab and Syrian non-Muslim tribes to attack

the Muslims with his help. When the Holy Prophetsaw learned of this conspiracy, he decided

that the Muslims should strike first. At that time, the Muslim government had no regular supply

of money. Therefore, whenever there was a need, the Holy Prophetsaw would ask the Muslims

to make financial sacrifices for Allah’s sake. In this instance, all the devoted companions of the

Holy Prophetsaw sacrificed as much as they could. Some contributed a few dirhams (silver coins),

others gave as much as 4,000 dirhams. Hazrat Umarra even gave away half of his possessions.

However, Hazrat Abu Bakrra gave all of his possessions. Upon seeing how much Hazrat Abu

Bakrra had sacrificed, the Holy Prophetsaw asked, “O Abu Bakr, what have you left for your

family?” He replied, “Allah and His messenger.”

The First Khalifat

Following Hajjatul Widda (The Final Pilgrimage), when the Holy Prophetsaw fell seriously ill, he

instructed Hazrat Abu Bakra to lead the daily prayers. After the sad demise of the Holy

Prophetsaw, Hazrat Abu Bakrra was elected as the first khalifa.

Due to the passing of the Holy Prophetsaw, some of the tribes renounced Islam because their

tribal chiefs did not deem it necessary to remain loyal to the successors of the Holy Prophetsaw.

Moreover, they began preparing to attack Medina to put an end to khilafat. Hazrat Abu Bakrra

sent troops to suppress the rebellion.

Hazrat Abu Bakrra also had to deal with many people who refused to pay the Zakat, which was

essential for fulfilling the needs of the state and caring of the poor. Hazrat Abu Bakrra vowed to

collect Zakat from every one and took all the necessary measures to achieve this goal.

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Finally, Hazrat Abu Bakrra had to deal with a number of false prophets who rebelled against the

state. Musalima Kadhdhab and Aswad Ansi, in particular, raised large armies and captured

some of the Muslim territories. Hazrat Abu Bakrra, despite having meager resources at his

disposal, crushed these rebellions and preserved the sanctity of the state.

During the last days of his life, the Holy Prophetsaw had raised an army to fight the Romans who

had made some incursions into the northern borders of the Islamic empire. This army was still

in Medina when the Holy Prophetsaw passed away. As Hazrat Abu Bakrra became khalifa, the law

and order within and outside Medina became very delicate. In view of this danger, many

companions felt it better to not send the army against the Romans. But Hazrat Abu

Bakr ra replied, “What authority has the Son of Abu Qahafah (i.e. himself), to stop that which

was started by the Holy Prophetsaw?” The Muslim army, under the command of Hazrat Khalid

bin Walid ra, crushed a rebellion in Bahrain. Subsequently, the Persians, who had supported the

rebels of Bahrain, were also defeated. The Muslim army also defeated the Romans in the

battles of Ajnadan and Yarmuk, the whole of Syria thereby coming under the control of the

Islamic state.


Of the many great achievements of his khilafat was the collection of the Holy Qur’an into one

entity. Although the writing and arrangement of the Holy Qur’an was done under the

supervision of the Holy Prophetsaw himself, it was written on various pieces of skin, leaves and

slates. Hazrat Abu Bakrra collected all these pieces of writings to make a single book, and

reorganized the system of Huffaz, or those who committed the Qur’an to memory, in a

systematic way to preserve the Qur’an.

His Demise

Hazrat Abu Bakrra had been khalifa for 21/4 years when his last days arrived. Hazrat ‘A’ishahra

says that one day when it was extremely cold, Hazrat Abu Bakrra took a bath, after which he

contracted a fever which lasted continuously for 15 days. During his illness, Hazrat Abu Bakrra

delegated his duties to Hazrat ‘Umarra. When he realized that his illness might be very serious,

he selected Hazrat ‘Umarra as his successor, after consulting with the companions. He

announced the decision at a public gathering, “I have not appointed a relative or brother as

khalifa. In fact, I have chosen the one who is best among you.” Everyone in attendance

accepted this excellent choice.

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Afterwards, Hazrat Abu Bakrra gave Hazrat Umarra some advice. He also advised Hazrat

‘A’ishahra on some of his personal and family affairs.

Then, regarding his funeral arrangements, he said, “Just wash the clothes that I am wearing

right now, and bury me in them.” Hazrat ‘A’ishahra responded by saying that the clothes were

old. At this Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, “O my dear daughter! The people who are alive are more

deserving of new clothes than the dead.” After that, he asked, “What day is it?” Someone

answered that it was Monday. Then he asked, “When did the Holy Prophetsaw pass away?” He

was told that it had been a Monday. On hearing this he said, “I hope to leave this temporary

world tonight.” His wish was fulfilled and his eagerness to be with the Holy Prophetsaw was also

accepted by God. Hazrat Abu Bakrra passed away at the age of 63. Hazrat Umarra led his funeral

prayers, and he was then buried next to the Holy Prophetsaw. Hazrat Abu Bakrra was one of the

‘Ashra Mubashra – i.e. one of the 10 blessed people whom the Holy Prophetsaw had informed

that Paradise had been granted to them.

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Life Story of Hazrat Umar Faruqra

The personal name of the second Khalifa of Islam was Umar. He was given the title Faruq, which

means someone who can see right from wrong. He was born in 581 C.E. in Mecca, and

belonged to a noble family of the Quraish. Hazrat Umarra learned to read and write in his

childhood at a time when very few could. He loved poetry and was a great wrestler, horse rider,

and swordsman. He grew up to be a renowned businessman and used to lead trade delegations

to Syria and Iraq.

Acceptance of Islam

When the Holy Prophetsaw announced his claim to prophethood, Hazrat Umarra became a fierce

opponent of Islam. In fact, one day he took up his sword with the intent to kill the Holy

Prophetsaw. On his way, someone told him to first deal with his own sister and brother-in-law,

who had already accepted Islam. He went straight to them and knocked at their door, and could

hear the Holy Qur’an being recited inside the house. This made him furious. He entered the

house and, soon after, began beating his brother-in-law. At some point Hazrat Umar’sra sister

tried to intervene and was struck as well. His wounded sister said in a resolute voice, ‘Umar!

You may beat us as much as you like, but we are not going to give up our faith!” This made him

calm down and he asked to read a portion of the Holy Qur’an. At first they hesitated but Hazrat

Umarra assured them they he would not do any harm to the Qur’an. Hazrat Umarra was then

instructed to wash himself. After this he read Surah Taha, verse 15 and was so moved that his

eyes filled with tears. He went straight to the Holy Prophetsaw and accepted Islam. This

miraculous change in Hazrat Umarra was due to the Holy Prophet’ssaw prayers. The day before,

the Holy Prophetsaw had been praying for Allah to grant the Muslims Umar or Abu Jahl so as to

become a source of strength for Muslims.

Migration to Medina

When Allah commanded Muslims to migrate from Mecca to Medina, Hazrat Umarra was the

only one who did not secretly leave Mecca. He hung his sword by his side, took his bow and

arrows and went on horseback to the Ka’aba. He performed seven circuits of the Ka’aba and

went to the Maqam-i-Ibrahim (the Place of Abraham) and prayed. Then he addressed the Arab

chiefs present, “I am leaving Mecca for Medina. Does anyone dare stop me?” No one had the

courage to stop Hazrat Umarra.

The Words of the Azaan

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A short while after his arrival in Medina, the Holy Prophetsaw began building a mosque so

Muslims could congregational prayers. The Holy Prophetsaw wanted a way to tell the Muslims

when it was time for prayers. The Jews used a horn and the Christians used bells, but these

methods did not appeal to the Holy Prophetsaw. Hazrat Umarra suggested that someone should

be appointed to announce that the prayer was about to begin. The Holy Prophetsaw approved

this suggestion and directed Hazrat Bilalra, a freed slave, to carry out this duty.

One day Hazrat Abdullah ibn Zaidra informed the Holy Prophetsaw that he had seen a dream in

which he was taught the words of the Adhaan. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) instructed that Hazrat

Bilalra be taught these words. Hazrat Bilalra then stood up and with a loud voice recited the

Adhan for the first time. Upon hearing the Adhaan, Hazrat Umarra realized he had heard the

same words in a dream and informed the Holy Prophetsaw. This convinced the Holy Prophetsaw

that the words of the Adhaan were sent in a divine scheme. This is how the Adhaan was


At the Holy Prophet’s Demise

The Muslims loved the Holy Prophetsaw so much that, when the time came, many could not

believe he had passed away. Hazrat Umarra even threatened to kill anyone who said the Holy

Prophetsaw had passed away.

When Hazrat Abu Bakrra came to the Masjid al-Nabawi, Hazrat Umarra was saying, “Those who

say that the Holy Prophetsaw has died are hypocrites. He has not died, but has only gone to Allah

for a few days, and then he will return.” Hazrat Abu Bakrra realized that Hazrat ‘Umarra was

saying this because he had been totally overpowered by grief. He said, “‘Umar, compose

yourself! Be quiet!” But Hazrat ‘Umarra was not ready to listen to anyone, and kept talking. At

last Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, “O People, listen! Whoever worshipped Muhammadsaw should know

that Muhammadsaw has died. But, whoever worshipped Allah, should know that God is alive and

He will never die.” Hazrat Abu Bakrra then recited (Quran 3:145) which essentially states that all

prophets have passed away, and so too will the Holy Prophetsaw. Upon hearing these words,

people came back to their senses. Hazrat ‘Umarra said, “It felt as though this verse had been

revealed just now. I understood that the Holy Prophetsaw had really passed away, and it felt to

me as though my feet were broken. I did not have the strength even to stand, and I fell to the


The Second Khilafat

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When Hazrat Abu Bakrra passed away, Hazrat Umarra became the second Khalifa of the Holy

Prophetsaw. During his Khilafat, the Muslims had to fight a number of battles against Iran, Iraq,

Syria, and Egypt. As a result, vast areas of these countries came under Muslim rule. When the

city of Jerusalem was conquered, Hazrat Umarra visited the city on the request of the Romans,

and signed a treaty between the Muslims and the people of Jerusalem.

Hazrat Umarra also established an organized system of administration for the Islamic state.

Some of his main achievements in this field are:

Establishment of Majlis Shura, a consultative body of advisor to the khalifa.

Division of the whole Islamic state into provinces to facilitate administration.

Establishment of a finance department and building of schools and mosques in

different parts of the state.

Introduction of the Islamic Hijra calendar.

Hazrat Umarra was so anxious about the welfare of his people that he used to go around in

disguise at night to see if anyone was in need of help. Once, during his patrol at night, he

observed a woman cooking something in a pot while her children were crying. He found out

that the children were hungry for two days and the pot was put on the fire just to console

them. He immediately went to the treasury and brought all the necessary food items to the

woman. On his way, one his servant offered to carry the load but he stopped him saying, “On

the Day of Judgment you will not carry my load.”

The woman, who had not seen Hazrat Umarra before, was so pleased that she prayed aloud,

“May Allah make you the khalifa in place of Umar.” On hearing this, Hazrat Umarra began crying

and left without saying a word.

His Demise

In 644 C.E., Feroz, a Persian slave, stabbed Hazrat Umarra while Hazrat Umarra was offering his

Fajr Prayers in the mosque. Four days later, he passed away at the age of 63.

Hazrat Umarra had appointed a committee of six members, in his lifetime, to elect a new Khalifa

after his death. The committee chose Hazrat Uthmanra and Hazrat Umarra was laid to rest next

to the Holy Prophetsaw.

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Life Story of Hazrat Uthman Ghanira

Hazrat Uthmanra belonged to a well-known family, Banu Umayya, of the Quraish. His generosity

for the poor was so well known that he earned the title Ghani.

Hazrat Uthmanra embraced Islam through the preaching of his close friend, Hazrat Abu Bakrra.

He was the fourth person to embrace Islam, but faced intense persecution from his uncle. He

migrated twice, first to Abyssinia and then to Medina.

Marriages of Hazrat Uthmanra

The Holy Prophetsaw held Hazrat Uthmanra in great esteem, and married his daughter, Hazrat

Ruqayyahra to him. When she passed away, the Holy Prophetsaw married his second daughter,

Hazrat Umm Kulsoomra to him. This is why Hazrat Uthmanra was also called Dhun Naurain (the

one with two lights). When Hazrat Umm Kulsoomra passed away, the Holy Prophetsaw said that

if he had another daughter, he would have married her to Hazrat Uthmanra.

Time With the Holy Prophetsaw

Hazrat Uthmanra spent a lot of his personal wealth in the cause of Islam. Once, the Holy

Prophetsaw was troubled by the lack of water, as a Jew was demanding an exorbitant price for

the only well in the area. Hazrat Uthmanra purchased that expensive well for 20,000 dirhams.

When the Holy Prophetsaw asked for financial help to meet the expenses of the Battle of

Tabook, Hazrat Uthmanra offered 10,000 dinars, 1,000 camels and 70 horses loaded with

necessary goods.

Once the Holy Prophetsaw was in a garden with guards standing nearby. Hazrat Abu Bakrra asked

for permission to approach the Holy Prophetsaw. The Holy Prophetsaw asked the guards to let

him in and also give him the glad tidings of Paradise. Then Hazrat Umarra approached the

guards and asked for permission to approach the Holy Prophetsaw. Again, the Holy Prophetsaw

asked the guards to let him in and also give him glad tidings of Paradise. Then, Hazrat Uthmanra

approached the guards and asked for permission to enter. To this the Holy Prophetsaw said,

“Yes, ask him to enter and give him glad tidings of Heaven but he will have to face a trial.”

When Hazrat Uthmanra was informed of this, he first said, “Alhamdulillah” and then said “Allah

is my Helper”. This shows his firm faith in Allah and his ability to bear such news with patience

and courage.

The Third Khilafat

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Hazrat Uthmanra was elected as the third khalifa by the council appointed by Hazrat

Umarra shortly before Hazrat Umar’sra death. The Council consisted of:

Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Aufra

Hazrat Talhara

Hazrat Alira

Hazrat Uthman Ghanira

Hazrat Sa’dra

Hazrat Zubairra

Hazrat Abdur Rahman Bin Aufra was not willing to shoulder the great responsibility and opted

out of the election in favor of the other five.

He was, therefore, appointed to seek a common census for the next khalifa. Hazrat Abdur

Rahman bin Aufra took the opinions of the council and other prominent Muslims. The majority

of the votes were in favor of Hazrat Uthman Ghanira and everyone took the oath of allegiance

at his hands.

Islam’s Expansion

During the Khilafat of Hazrat Uthmanra the Islamic Empire further expanded. A rebellion in Iran

was crushed and in the north, the Romans were once again defeated. Then the Romans came

by the sea to invade Egypt, but were once again pushed away because now the Muslims now

also had a navy. As a result Iran, Asia Minor and Egypt came under Muslim control.

Standard copies of the Holy Qur’an were prepared from the ones compiled by Hazrat Abu

Bakrra and sent to all the provinces of the state. The Holy Qur’an, as we see it today, was

compiled during his Khilafat and under his direct supervision. Hazrat Uthman ra took the copy

that was in the care of Hazrat Hafsah ra and standardized the Arabic of the text by adding the

Irabs (phonetic sounds) to the text. This was done to prevent any confusion in the reading of

the Arabic since Islam was now spreading to more non-Arabs.

Hazrat Uthman ra also expanded Masjid al-Nabwi during his time, supervising a 10 month long

renovation to allow more for more worshippers. Because of the increase in worshippers, Hazrat

Uthmanra also instituted the second Azaan on Juma days to allow more people to reach the

mosque for Friday prayers.

Turmoil in the Last Years

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The last six years of his Khilafat, however, passed in chaos and conflicts due to various

conspiracies, including that of ‘Abdullah Bin Sabah, a Jew who had become a Muslim but only to

weaken the Islamic State. As a result of this, some people from other groups raised unjustified

charges against Hazrat Uthmanra. The rebels took advantage of Hazrat Uthman’sra kind and

gentle character by becoming even crueler. In this dangerous situation, Hazrat Uthmanra

showed great tolerance and the utmost patience so that there would be no bloodshed of

innocent Muslims.

His Demise

Towards the end of his Khilafat, various groups wanted Hazrat Uthmanra to step down as

Khalifa. Hazrat Uthmanra refused to fight these people because he did not want to shed the

blood of fellow Muslims. Rebels surrounded his house, but Hazrat Uthman (ra) remained

steadfast. This was because of his just and firm belief that Allah appoints a khalifa – not men.

Hazrat Uthmanra was martyred on June 17, 656 CE, at the age of 82, while he was in his house

reciting the Holy Qur’an. The verse on his lips at the time he was attacked was Surah Al

Baqarah, verse 138, “And if they believe as you have believed, then are they surely guided; but

if they turn back, then they are only creating a schism, and Allah will surely suffice thee against

them, for He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” He was attacked with a sword and when his

wife Hazrat Naila tried to help him, the attackers also injured her. He was, like the other

khalifas, one of ‘Ashra Mubashra.

Life Story of Hazrat Alira

Hazrat Alira was the son of Abu Talib, the Holy Prophet’ssaw uncle. He was born in Mecca about 20 years

after the birth of the Holy Prophetsaw. When Hazrat Alira was born, the Holy Prophetsaw himself became

his guardian, as Abu Talib’s financial position was very weak.

Hazrat Alira was only 10 years old when he accepted Islam. Hazrat Alira was a brave and skilled warrior.

He participated in almost all the battles along with the Holy Prophetsaw. Hazrat Alira was married to

Hazrat Fatimara who was the daughter of the Holy Prophetsaw.

Holy Prophet’ssaw Migration to Medina

The Holy Prophetsaw left with Hazrat Abu Bakrra for Medina. Hazrat Alira stayed in the bed of the Holy

Prophetsaw on that night. The Meccan leaders had planned to arrest and kill the Holy Prophetsaw. The

next morning, they were enraged when they found Hazrat Alira in the bed, instead of the Holy


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After few days Hazrat Alira also migrated to Medina and joined the Holy Prophetsaw.

The Fourth Khilafat

With the assassination of Hazrat Uthmanra, a state of complete anarchy came upon Medina. On June 23,

656 CE, six days after the death of Hazrat Uthmanra, Hazrat Alira was chosen as the fourth khalifa.

Soon after, Hazrat Alira moved the capital of the Muslim state to Kufa, Iraq, which was a more central

location. After his election, influential Sahabi such as Hazrat Talhara and Hazrat Zubairra asked Hazrat Alira

to immediately punish Hazrat Uthman’sra murderers.

Battle of Jamal

In response, Hazrat Alira felt his top priority was to restore order to the state, after which he would be

able to deal with the murderers. Due to some confusion, Hazrat Talhara and Hazrat Zubairra disagreed

with Hazrat Alira and raised an army. Hazrat Aishara, unaware of the real situation, joined in an effort to

punish the assassins. The three led a small army towards Basra.

Hazrat Alira tried unsuccessfully to avoid fighting. A battle took place between his forces and the forces

of Hazrat Aishara. Hazrat Talhara and Hazrat Zubairra left their forces before the battle and were killed by

some other opponents. Hazrat Aisha’sra forces were defeated, but Hazrat Alira gave her due respect and

took care of her safety. He sent her back to Medina in the escort of her brother, Muhammad bin Abu

Bakrra. The battle was called the Battle of Jamal (camel) because Hazrat Aishara rode a camel during the

battle. Hazrat Aishara would regret having fought against Hazrat Alira for the rest of her life.

After the Battle of Jamal, Hazrat Alira urged Amir Muawiya, who had not yet taken the bai’at of Hazrat

Alira to submit to him in the best interest of Islam. But Amir Muawiya refused on the pretext that the

blood of Hazrat Uthmanra must be avenged.

Battle with Amir Muawiya

Amir Muawiya, with the help of Amr Bin al Asra, started raising an army. Hazrat Alira had no alternative

but to advance towards Syria to fight Amir Muawiya. In July, 657 CE, the two armies fought at Saffain.

There were heavy casualties on both sides, but the battle ended in an accord that an arbitration

committee should decide the matter. This consisted of Abu Musa al-Ash’arira, representing Hazrat Alira,

and Amr Bin al Asra, representing Amir Muawiya. Unfortunately, this arbitration failed as Amr Bin al Asra

deviated from the decision agreed upon with Abu Musa al-Ash’arira.

A large group of people who opposed the proposal of arbitration separated from Hazrat Alira and chose

an independent leader. This group was called the Khawarij (The Outsiders). Hazrat Alira unsuccessfully

tried to persuade them to submit to him, leading to a battle in which most of the Khawarij were killed.

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Demise of Hazrat Alira

After this crushing defeat, the Khawarij planned to assassinate Hazrat Alira, Amir Muawiya and Amr bin

al Asra. The latter two escaped from the attempts on their lives. Hazrat Alira, however, was fatally

wounded while going to the mosque for Fajr prayer. Two days later, he passed away on January 29, 661

CE. Undoubtedly, Hazrat Alira sacrificed his life for the integrity of Khilafat. He was one of the ‘Ashra


Brief Story of Hazrat Hassanra

Hazrat Imam Hassanra was the older son of Hazrat Alira and Hazrat Fatimara – a daughter of the

Holy Prophetsaw.

Hazrat Hassanra became khalifa after the passing of his father Hazrat Alira, but abdicated the

position six months later under pressure from Amir Muawiya. Amir Muawiyah signed a treaty

with Hazrat Hassanra in order to become the first Umayyad khalifa.

Yazid, the son of Amir Muawiyah, later poisoned Hazrat Hassanra because he feared Hazrat

Hassanra would become khalifa after Muawiya.

Brief Story of Hazrat Hussainra

Hazrat Imam Hussain (ra) was the younger son of Hazrat Alira and Hazrat Fatimara.

Incidence of Karbala

The Incidence of Karbala took place on 10th of Muharram in present-day Iraq. There was a

battle that took place between a small group of supporters and family members of Hazrat

Hussainra, and a larger army from the forces of Yazid who had become the Umayyad caliph.

When Amir Muawiya died, Hazrat Hussainra refused to take ba’ait of Yazid. The people

of Kufa sent letters to Hazrat Hussainra, asking his help and pledging their allegiance to him - but

they ended up not supporting him. As Hazrat Hussainra traveled towards Kufa, Yazid’s army

intercepted him at a place called Karbala. Hazrat Hussainra was killed and beheaded in the

Battle of Karbala, along with most of his family and companions, including Hazrat Hussain’sra

six-month-old son Ali al-Asghar.

More detailed information can be found here: https://www.alislam.org/v/2615.html

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The System of Khilafat After the Promised


After the death of the Promised Messiahas, the Ahmadiyya Khilafat was instituted, based on the

same principles as the Rightly Guided Caliphate.

Following the example of the election of Hazrat Usmanra, select members of the Ahmadiyya

Muslim Community elect the khalifa by a majority vote. The khalifa is the religious head of the

Jamaat and directs all affairs of the Jamaat in complete accordance with Islamic principles. The

Khalifa may periodically ask for a bai'at from Jamaat members to reaffirm their allegiance to

khilafat and Islam.

To date, five khalifas have led the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Their names and periods of

khilafat are:

1. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I Al Hajj Hafiz Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra (1908-1914)

2. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II Al Hajj Al Musleh Maud Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra


3. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III Hafiz Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh (1965-1982)

4. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh (1982-2003)

5. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba (2003 - present)

Life Story of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I Al Hajj Hafiz

Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra

Birth and Life Before Khilafat

Maulvi Nuruddinra was born in 1841, at Bhera, a small town in Sargodha District. He traced his

ancestry to Hazrat Umarra. He was extremely learned in the Holy Quran and was well known for

his knowledge of natural medicine.

In 1865-66, at the age of 25, he traveled to Mecca and Medina. He stayed there for 1.5 years to

acquire religious knowledge.

In 1871, along with completing extensive travels of India, he returned to Bhera. He completed

his education in religion and medicine. During his travels, he lost many of his brothers. The

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news of his arrival in the town prompted a large number of Hindus and Muslims to gather at his

house to give him an affectionate welcome.

Around 1871, at the age of 30, he married Fatima Bibi. This marriage lasted until 1905, when

Hazrat Fatima Bibira passed away. After her death, and on the insistence of the Promised

Messiahas, he married Hazrat Sughra Begumra.

Important Events

Conspiracy to Kill Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra

Due to his extensive knowledge and command of logic, Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra was gaining

ground against the local maulvis (Muslim clerics) on various issues of religious debate. This,

along with his frank and fearless delivery, convinced such maulvis that Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra

had to be murdered.

The sea of opposition against me went up so high that a number of people actually

plotted to murder me. One of the persons was my own foster brother, who swore to kill

me by a sharp long knife. When I heard about him the same day, I went to his house

after Isha prayer as his mother had breast-fed me so she did not take the veil. I slept

long enough and I started snoring. Everybody thought that I was fast asleep and I was

curious as to how he would kill me. At about midnight, his mother woke me up and said,

"Son, go to your house." I insisted, "Let me sleep here as it is already past midnight." She

insisted it was better that I should go back to my house. Then I suggested that I would

not go alone, let my brother go with me. He agreed to see me off to my home. I was

walking ahead of him and my foster brother was behind me. Once I ascended the stairs

of my house, I was standing on the top of the stairs and he was at the bottom of the

stairs. I was expecting him to stab me from behind, but he was so upset and worried

that he took leave of me in haste. (Taarikh-i- Ahmadiyyat, p. 71, vol. IV)

Medical Clinic in Bhera

On his return to Bhera, he began to teach the Holy Qur'an and Mishkaat (one of the books of

Hadith) at his mosque. Oftentimes, his father would attend. In order to serve humanity, Hazrat

Maulvi Nuruddinra decided to set up his own medical clinic. There appeared to be no way that

the medical clinic could become a viable business as he never asked for a fee for medical

consultation, and would give medicine to poor patients without charge. There was no change in

this style to the last days of his life. On how he started the medical clinic, Hazrat Maulvi

Nuruddinra states:

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I consulted a physician about the possibility of setting up a medical clinic in Bhera. He

advised me that I would never be able to succeed. He said, "I ask a fee for my

consultation, and even then the income is not more than five rupees and you are not

the type of person who would ask for medical fee. I know from your style that you

would even give the medicine for free." That doctor mentioned to me at another

meeting that I would also face opposition from Attaar (an indigenous variety of medical

people) and Jarraah (another indigenous variety of surgeon style worker). And on top of

it, I am already facing opposition from local maulvis.

Subsequently, Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra asked one of his students to make two different

surmah (powdered solution for the eye) for application to eyes. At about Asr prayer

time, he states, "I applied one of the mixtures to someone's eyes.” Another person, who

was watching, requested the same application of mixture.

This was his first promotional move. In the morning, a number of people came and

requested for the same eye application mixture. Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra said, "Then

people started streaming in for consultation about other diseases, and by sheer divine

grace and blessings, I had a great success and made a great beginning,"

This was the first day of the medical clinic. Soon after, the reputation of Hazrat Maulvi

Nuruddinra spread around Bhera. His own contemporary medical practitioners envied

him … He would readily share the secrets of his prescription with other physicians.

Maulana Sahib's own mixtures and prescriptions, developed through his own acumen,

still exist in the old herbal shops of Bhera. (Mirqaatul Yaqeen, p. 143)

Cure of Paralysis

During these days, a person with paralysis came to Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra and was cured.

This was big news, especially when Ayurvedic (an oriental system of medicine) medicine was

silent about the treatment of the disease. The patient’s father came to Hazrat Maulvi

Nuruddinra for treatment of nervous breakdown and short breath. Hakeem Sahib developed an

oral mixture made of castor oil and honey, and put kalonji on his spinal cord, which stabilized

his breathing. Then he tried two of Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddin’sra prescriptions, which brought

sensational results, spreading his fame wider. Eventually, Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddin’sra fame

reached the Maharaja of Kashmir, who appointed Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra as his court


Messiah of Hopeless Patients

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In Jammu, a rich man named Mian Lal Din had a daughter who fell seriously ill and the

treatment of many other physicians was ineffective. Mian Lal Din was not happy with Hazrat

Maulvi Nuruddinra, but ultimately sought his medical assistance. Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra

prepared a mixture of medicines, including ingredients from Western, Greek and Ayurvedic

systems. The daughter eventually recovered, prompting Mian Lal Din to give Hazrat Maulvi

Nuruddinra cash and a pony from Yarqand (a place in Chinese Turkistan).

On another occasion, a custom official had a life-threatening stomach ailment. The pain was so

severe that Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra was visited at midnight for a prescription. Hazrat Maulvi

Nuruddinra immediately went to his clinic and prepared a mixture which saved the life of this


Once cholera broke out in the state, while the Maharaja, his family, and Hazrat Maulvi

Nuruddinra were all staying elsewhere. One of the Maharaja’s relatives suddenly developed

dysentery. Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra immediately attended to him and the patient recovered. In

1879, there was a famine, followed by an outbreak of cholera. Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra spent

days and nights visiting and treating people from far-flung areas.

In 1886, the Rajah of Poonch wrote a letter to Rajah of Jammu that he was in need of a high

profile physician for the treatment of his son, who had lost his mental balance. Hazrat Maulvi

Nuruddinra examined him and was able to cure him. The Rajah of Poonch gave Hakeem Sahib

several thousand rupees, and his own Rajah also handsomely rewarded him.

Service to Religion

During his tenure as a physician, Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra served Islam and, on occasions, he held discussions with the Maharaja on matters of religion. He never worried that he was addressing his ruler. Once the Rajah told his courtiers, "Each one of you is here on some purpose or to seek some favor from me and keep flattering me, but this man (Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra) is the only person who has no axe to grind and is here because he is needed by the State. This is the reason why whatever is stated by Hakeem Sahib is listened to carefully as he has no ulterior motive."

Incident About Reading the Book “Tabaqaat-ul-Anwaar”

Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra had remarkable perception, intelligence, and a photographic memory.

For example, during a month's long journey he memorized 12 parts of the Holy Qur'an. Another

incident is noteworthy:

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I (Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra) was very keen to read the book Tabaqaat-ul-Anwaar. It is a

book on Hadith, and Mir Hamid Hussain Sahib had written seven hundred pages on it.

This book was available from a Shia physician. When I requested to borrow the book, he

said that he was prepared to loan the book on the condition, “You may take the book

after 10 p.m. and return it no later than 4 a.m.”

[The Shia] made this condition with the idea that after an entire day's work I would not

have the energy to read the book. Nonetheless, I agreed to the condition. I sent for the

book at about 10 p.m. After reading and making a summary of the book when I was

free, I asked my servant, "What is the time?" he responded, "There are still some

minutes left before 4 a.m." I directed him to take the book back to the Shia physician.

After a few days, Sheikh Fateh Muhammad came to my house and said that Elahi

Bakhsh, a Shia scholar and a wealthy man, invited both of them to a feast. On the way to

his house, Sheikh Fateh Muhammad told me that they were invited to take part in a

religious debate, and if they lost the debate, they would be expected to convert to


On arrival at his house, Sheikh Fateh Muhammad enquired from Elahi Bakhsh where his

Maulavi was. Sheikh Fateh Muhammad placed the book, Tabaqaat-ul-Anwaar, on the

table and said this was my Maulavi and read it carefully, whereupon I said that I had

already read it, and if he wished I was prepared to give the gist of the book and present

a counter to the arguments adduced in it.

There were a number of Shia scholars present at his house at that time. I was requested

to give the summary that I did. They then split up in groups to discuss the matter and

eventually they arrived at a decision that there was no need to enter into an argument

with [Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra]. Mirqaatul Yaqeen (pp. 180-181)

Introduction to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian

One day in Jammu, an atheist abused Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra. He said, "In the old days,

people were not well-informed and were less-educated. It is no wonder that the prophets of

old times fully capitalized on this human weakness and made the people believe that God did

talk to them. Today, nobody can make such a claim, because people are better educated and

have seen the game. It is not possible that these days anybody could come forward and stake a

claim that he is the person to whom God speaks."

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In the meantime, a chemist sent the medicine for which Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra had asked.

The medicine was miraculously wrapped from a torn page of Buraheen-e-Ahmadiyya (a book of

the Promised Messiahas). He looked at it and read the whole of it. Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra was

surprised that the author was claiming that God spoke to him and was prepared to establish the

truth of Islam beyond any doubt.

Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra immediately sent for all parts of Buraheen-e-Ahmadiyya in print at

that time. As soon as he read them, he fell in love with the book and its author. Hakeem Sahib

summoned the same atheist and placed the book before him saying, "Look, in this age of

science and knowledge, there is a man, who makes a claim that God speaks to him, and that he

asserts that the person seeking the truth of his claim, should spend a year with him and in that

duration he would see the divine signs, failing which the claimant is prepared to compensate

for the time he spent with him."

Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra coaxed that if the atheist really was in search of the truth, he should

accompany him and Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra would bear all the expenses. When the atheist

heard this invitation, he ran away.

Move from Bhera to Qadian

When, in 1889, the Promised Messiahas started accepting bai'at, Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra was

the first invitee.

In 1892, the old Maharaja of Kashmir died and the new Maharaja terminated his services.

Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra returned to Bhera and started the construction of a large clinic. In the

following year he went to Qadian to visit the Promised Messiahas. After staying there for a few

days, he asked the Promised Messiahas for permission to return to Bhera. The Promised

Messiahas asked him to stay a little longer. After a few days, the Promised Messiahas asked him

to have his wife come over and join him. A little later, the Promised Messiahas asked him to

have his books shifted to Qadian. After some time, when Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra again asked

for permission to leave, the Promised Messiah replied, "Maulvi sahib, forget about your home

town now."

From that moment on, he never even thought of Bhera.

His life in Qadian was dedicated to the service of Islam. He spent his time teaching, looking after

the poor, treating the sick, proofreading the Promised Messiah'sas books, and in prayer.

Election as Khalifa

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At the death of the Promised Messiahas, leading members of the Jamaat felt Hazrat Maulvi

Nuruddinra should become the khalifa and conveyed it to him in a signed written document.

Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra thought for a while and said that he will give his reply after prayer.

After performing nafl, he suggested that Jamaat members gather in a garden where he would

address them. In his address, he told the Jamaat that he had never desired to be their leader.

He even mentioned the names of seven others that, he said, were more deserving of this

honor. He then said that if they insisted, he would accept this responsibility. He reminded them,

however, that a person who performed the bai'at gave up all his freedom in the cause of Islam.

Finally, he urged Jamaat members to remain united. His address was well received and all

present performed the bai'at at his hand.

Main Achievements

Some of the important contributions of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I Maulvi Nuruddinra include:

Est. Madrassah Ahmadiyya (The Ahmadiyya School)

Entrusting the English translation of the Holy Quran to Maulvi Muhammad Alira

Est. Baitul Maal (treasury)

Est. the first public library in Qadian

Est. the first foreign mission in England, under the supervision of Chaudhry Fateh

Muhammad Siyalra.


In January 1914, his health began to worsen and continued to do so for two months. In early

March, he wrote out his will while confined to his bed. At his instruction, his will was read out

to those who were present. On March 13, 1914, he passed away. At the time of his death he

was 73 years old, the same age as that of the Promised Messiahas at his passing. He was buried

in Bahishtee Maqbarah (the Heavenly Graveyard), next to the Promised Messiahas.

Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra was truly a selfless, godly person. His most important characteristic

was his unshakeable faith in God and his complete reliance on Him for all his needs. He was

extremely learned in secular and religious matters. The Promised Messiahas had great love for

him and expressed it in one of his Persian poems:

"How good would it be if every one of the Community would become Nuruddin."

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Life Story of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II Al Hajj Al

Musleh Maud Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud


Birth and Life before Khilafat

Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra was born in Qadian on January 12, 1889 and was

the eldest of the five surviving children of the Promised Messiahas. Throughout his childhood

and early youth, he suffered from chronic bad health and fared poorly in school exams. He

could never concentrate on his studies and eventually failed his high school exam. Still, he took

a deep interest in the study of the Holy Quran and learned it from Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra.

Later in his life, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra not only studied the religious

literature of Islam and other faiths, but also developed an unusual comprehension and mastery

of many scientific, economic, and political disciplines.

When the Promised Messiahas died, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra - only 19 years

old - stood at the feet of his father and pledged, "If all others should leave you and I should be

left alone, yet I will stand against the whole world and shall not heed any opposition or


In 1911, at the age of 22, he established Majlis Ansarullah, under the auspices of Khalifatul

Masih I. This association helped educate the Jamaat and cater to the upbringing of the Jamaat’s


In 1912, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra performed Hajj. In 1913, he started the

publication of a weekly paper called Al Fazl which eventually became a daily newspaper of the


Election as Khalifa

On March 13, 1914, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I Maulvi Nuruddeenra passed away. A small faction,

led by Maulvi Muhammad Alira, wanted to end Khilafat.

The day after the death of Khalifatul Masih I, his will was read out to some 2,000 Ahmadi

Muslims who had gathered in the mosque. In this will, Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddeenra suggested

the Jamaat elect a new Khalifa. Maulvi Syed Muhammad Ahsanra then stood up and formally

proposed the name of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra. After this, the entire

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congregation shouted, "We second it." Shortly afterwards, all present took bai'at at the hand of

Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra.

Maulvi Muhammad Ali and other dissenters left without performing the bai'at. A few days later,

they left for Lahore and founded the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at Islam. They would later come

to be known as Lahori Ahmadis and differ with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat on two

important points:

1. Lahoris regard the Promised Messiahas as only a reformer - not a prophet.

2. As a consequence, they argue that the successors of the Promised Messiahas should

not be called khalifas.

Today, Lahore Ahmadis comprise a miniscule fraction of the total Ahmadi Muslim population.

Main Achievements

The 52 year Khilafat of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra blessed the Jamaat in

countless ways.

Missions Established for Islam’s Propagation

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat was established to revive and spread the true teachings of

Islam. Accordingly, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra drafted a new English

translation of Holy Quran with commentary. He also began the training of missionaries and had

them posted in various countries. Later on, this responsibility was given to Anjuman Tehrik-e-

Jadid (Department of Foreign Missions).

The first mission Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra established was in Mauritius.

Hazrat Sufi Ghulam Muhammadra, the Jamaat’s first missionary, arrived there on June 15th,

1915. Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra arrived in Philadelphia, USA on February 15th, 1920.

Hazrat Maulana Abdur Raheem Nayyarra was sent to Nigeria in 1921. These efforts resulted in

numerous converts joining the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.

Besides the above countries, missions were also established in Trinidad, Guyana, Switzerland,

Holland, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway, France, Italy, Bosnia, Albania, Nigeria,

Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gambia, Zambia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania,

South Africa, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Aden, Egypt, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Dubai, Fiji,

Maynamar, Sri Lanka, Hong King, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, & Indonesia.

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Missionaries were sent to the following countries as well: Iran, Jordan, Ethiopia, Somalia,

Congo, Sicily, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Poland, and Argentina.

Building Mosques

More than 30 mosques were constructed in East & West Africa, Washington D.C., Hamburg,

Frankfurt, Zurich, The Hague, London, Denmark, and Sweden.

Translations of the Quran

The Holy Quran was translated into English (1955), Dutch (1953), German (1954), Danish

(1961), Indonesian, Malay, Russian, French, Swahili (1953), Lugandi, Hindi (1939), Urdu, and

Gurmukhi (1939). Translations in another 12 languages were under review.


Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra initiated lectures on the exposition of the Holy

Quran. These lectures were later published under the title Tafseer-e-Kabir.


Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra also translated the Holy Quran into Urdu along

with some explanatory notes. It was first published under the title Tafseer-e-Saghir in 1957.

Division of Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya into Various Departments

In 1919, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra divided Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya (Central

Executive Directorate) into various departments. He also instituted the procedures for electing

office bearers and hired inspectors to oversee their work.

Auxiliaries Established

Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra founded Lajna Ima’illah in 1922 for the religious

upbringing of the female members of the Jamaat. A magazine, Misbah, was introduced in 1926

solely for Lajna. In 1928, Nusrat Girls High School was established and in 1951 Jamia Nusrat

(Women’s College) was established in Rabwah. Religious instruction was also given in these


In 1938, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra established Khuddamul Ahmadiyya for the

religious upbringing of male youth between the ages of 15-40. He also established Atfal al-

Ahmadiyya for boys between the ages of 7-15, and Nasiratul Ahmadiyya for girls between the

ages of 7-15. In 1940, Majlis Ansarullah was established for male members over 40 years old.

Majlis-e Mushawarat

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In 1922, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra established a consultative body to advise

the Khalifa on matters related to finance, budget, education, missionary projects and other

Jamaat affairs. This body formally meets at least once every year. The number of the delegates

to this Majlis keeps growing in response to the growth of the Jamaat. Currently, the delegates

number more than 500.

Notable Schemes


In 1935, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra initiated Tehrik-e-Jadeed. Under the 19

demands of this scheme, Jamaat members were urged to lead a simple life, to sacrifice for

Islam and to volunteer their lives for missionary work. The scheme was initially proposed for a

period of three years, but became permanent. Under this scheme, missionary programs are

carried out all over the world today.

Waqf-e Jadeed

In 1958, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra established Waqf-e-Jadeed to carry out

missionary work in Pakistan’s rural areas. Under this scheme, volunteers were asked to

dedicate their lives to educate the rural population and teach them Islam.

Important Events

Claim to be the Promised Son

By 1939, the Jamaat enjoyed its 50 year anniversary and Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud

Ahmadra had completed 25 years of his Khilafat. The general consensus was that he was the

Promised Son and Promised Reformer (Al Musleh Maud) regarding whom the Promised

Messiahas had made a famous prophecy in 1886. But Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud

Ahmadra made no such claim. Finally, on January 28, 1944, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud

Ahmadra related a dream of his in the Friday sermon. According to this dream it was made clear

to him that he was the Promised Son.

Later on, he called special meetings of the Jamaat to reaffirm this fact:

Hoshiarpur: February 20, 1944

Lahore: March 12, 1944

Ludhiana: March 23, 1944

Delhi: April 16, 1944

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First Journey to London

The Wembley Exhibition was held in London in 1924, with its organizers inviting representatives

of various religions to speak on the teachings of their respective faiths. Hazrat Mirza

Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra also received an invitation.

Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra traveled by sea from Bombay with a delegation of

12 eminent Ahmadi Muslims. On the way, the steamship made stops in Egypt, Syria and

Palestine. Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khanra read Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad’sra

paper in the conference, which was later published as “Ahmadiyyat or the True Islam.”

Everyone appreciated Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra enlightening address.

While in London, he laid the foundation stone of the Fazl Mosque on October 19th, 1924.

Members of the news media attended the ceremony. A British company made a motion picture

of the event. The opening ceremony took place in 1926. Lajna Ima’illah bore the entire

construction cost.

The entire trip lasted 4 months.

Migration to Pakistan

On the creation of Pakistan in August 1947, many Muslims living in India moved to the new

state. Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra also decided to move the administrative

center of the Jamaat from Qadian to Pakistan. 313 Ahmadi Muslims, known as dervishes,

stayed behind in Qadian to take care of the Jamaat’s properties.

On September 20, 1948, about a year after moving from Qadian, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin

Mahmud Ahmadra laid the foundation of the new center at Rabwah. At the time of its founding,

Rabwah was a desolate, with no vegetation, and frequent dust storms. Over the past 40 years,

Rabwah has witnessed the addition of schools, colleges, hospital, madrassas and offices of the


Attempt on Life

In March 1954, an assassin stabbed Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra in the neck

while he was leading the afternoon prayers in the Mubarak Mosque in Rabwah. Hazrat Mirza

Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra was 65 years old at the time.

Although the wound healed, it caused severe nervous fatigue 1 year later. After recovering

somewhat, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra traveled to Europe for medical

treatment and returned after 6 months.

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After his return from Europe, he undertook the writing of Tafsir-e-Saghir. The strain from this

work and other demands of his office led to severe nervous fatigue in 1958. His condition

gradually worsened until, on November 8, 1965, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra

passed away. He was 77 years old. He was buried the next day in Rabwah’s Bahishtee


Life Story of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III Al Hafiz

Mirza Nasir Ahmad rh

Birth and Life Before Khilafat

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh was born on November 16, 1909. He was the son of Hazrat Mirza

Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra.

By age 13, he became a hafiz. In 1934, at the age of 25, he graduated from Government

College, Lahore, with honors in Arabic. The same year he was married and soon after attended

Oxford University for higher education. He returned to Qadian in 1938.

Election as Khalifa

With the death of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, the Jamaat once again had to elect a khalifa. To

safeguard against a situation like the Lahori dispute in 1914, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra

established an Electoral College (Majlis-e-Intikhab-e-Khilafat) for the election of the khalifa. Its

members numbered about 150 and included, among others, the Amirs of various circles in

Pakistan, heads of the various central organizations, and senior missionaries.

The Electoral College met in Mubarak Mosque, Rabwah. When the votes were cast, Hazrat

Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh was elected by an overwhelming majority. 5,000 Ahmadi Muslims waiting

outside the mosque performed bai'at at his hand. He was 56 years old at the time.

Main Achievements

Fazl-e-Omar Foundation

In 1965, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh established the Fazl-e-Umar Foundation in memory of his

father, who was named Fazl-e-Umar in a revelation of the Promised Messiahas. The purpose of

this foundation was to carry on all the works in which the departed Khalifa had taken particular

interest. An appeal was made to the Jamaat to raise Rs. 2.5 million for the foundation. Actual

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contributions far exceeded the initial target, which was then raised to Rs. 5.2 million. The main

objectives of the foundation are to assist in:

Research work

New missionary venture

New educational effort

Economic welfare

Khilafat Library

On October 3, 1971, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh inaugurated the Khilafat Library in Rabwah.

This library can accommodate 50,000 books and has ample space for readers, research scholars

and administrative work.

Centenary Jubilee

At Rabwah’s 1973 Jalsa, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh announced that the Jamaat would

celebrate its 100th anniversary on March 23, 1989. The celebrations will start on March 23 and

will continue throughout the year, finishing at the 1989 Jalsa Salana.

The main objectives of the Centenary Jubilee Fund were:

To bring the message of Islam to the ends of the earth

To establish additional Jamaat Mission houses

To publish Islamic literature in 100 languages

To install a modern printing press in Pakistan

To establish a radio station in an African country

To translate the Holy Quran into 6 languages

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh requested the members to contribute Rs. 2.5 million towards this

project. In total, pledges were four times the requested amount.

Notable Schemes

Nusrat Jehan Scheme

After touring West Africa in 1970, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh announced a scheme to expand

Jamaat activities in West Africa through the establishment of schools and hospitals.

The new scheme was named Nusrat Jehan Scheme, in honor of Hazrat Nusrat Jehan Begumra,

the blessed wife of the Promised Messiahas. Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh appealed to the Jamaat

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to raise £ 100,000 over the next 3 years. He also appealed to Ahmadi Muslim teachers and

doctors to volunteer themselves for service in these African countries.

Very soon, schools and hospitals started to be established in Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Gambia

and Sierra Leone. Educational and medical services have thus been established in remote

regions completely devoid of any such facility and the close contact of Ahmadi Muslim workers

with the local population has forged strong bonds of brotherhood.


Waqf-e-Aarzee means the temporary donation of one's time. Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh

instituted this scheme early in his Khilafat, under which Ahmadi Muslims would spend at least 2

weeks of their time at a designated place and serve the local community and teach them about


Important Events

Conference in London

The Deliverance from the Cross Conference took place in London, from June 2nd to June 4th

1978. The Jamaat organized it.

Well-known scholars of the world’s major faiths read their scholarly papers at this event. Their

research indicated that the Christian belief about Jesus Christ was baseless, while the

explanation provided by the Promised Messiahas regarding the death of Hazrat Isaas was

correct. Participants represented various African, Asian, European and North American

countries. Sir Zafarullah Khanra and Sahibzada M.M. Ahmad also read their scholarly papers.

In his address, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh refuted the Christian belief that Jesus Christas was a

God and alive in the heavens. He reaffirmed the oneness of Almighty Allah and beautifully

expounded the high status of the Holy Prophetsaw. Thousands of Europeans listened to Huzur's

address and marveled at the depth and breadth of his knowledge. Media from around the

world covered the event.

Persecution of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan

Like the Muslims of the early days of Islam, Ahmadi Muslims have faced persecution. Although

persecution dates back to the days of the Promised Messiahas, organized persecution has

greatly intensified since Pakistan’s founding.

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In 1953, during the Khilafat of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra, anti-Ahmadi Muslim

riots forced Pakistan to impose martial law.

The second wave of such activities began in 1974, backed by Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

Ahmadi Muslim homes were looted and burned, the Jamaat was boycotted, many prominent

Ahmadi Muslims working in the government or military were forced to retire, and a number of

Ahmadi Muslims were martyred.

Debate in Pakistan National Assembly

These activities culminated in a resolution presented in the National Assembly of Pakistan on

June 30, 1974. A debate was held in which the Jamaat was also allowed to present its position.

The Jamaat’s position, compiled in what is known as the Mahzarnama (the Memorandum) was

distributed to National Assembly members. Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh personally answered

allegations levied against the Jamaat. Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh was accompanied by a 4-

member delegation, consisting of:

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh

Hazrat Maulana Abul Ata Jallandhari

Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Mazhar

Maulana Dost Muhammad Shahid

Ultimately, on September 7, 1974, Ahmadi Muslims were declared non-Muslims under the law

and constitution of Pakistan.

Fate of Pakistan’s Prime Minister – Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who used to take great pride for declaring Ahmadi Muslims

as non-Muslims, met a horrific end. On July 5, 1977, he was removed from office by Gen. Zia-ul

Haq. Bhutto would later be hanged on April 4, 1979. Bhutto's age at the time was 51 years and

3 months. This incident marked the fulfillment of an 1891 revelation of the Promised Messiahas:

"He is a dog and he will die on the numeric value of dog"

In this revelation, the Promised Messiahas was given the intimation that the value of the letters

in the word "dog" points to the age of the person. The Arabic word used for dog in his

revelation was "klb" which, under the Arabic letter valuing system, amounts to the number 52.

In explanation of this revelation the Promised Messiah wrote in his book Izala Auham:

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"He is a dog and he will die on the numeric value of the letters in dog; which amount to 52. This

means that his age will not exceed 52 years and that he will die within the course of his 52nd


Promised Messiah’sas Prophecy Fulfilled

A famous revelation of the Promised Messiahas is:

"Kings would seek blessings from your garments."

This prophecy was first fulfilled during the time of the Khilafat of Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh in

the person of Sir Singhate who was elected Governor General of Gambia, West Africa. Mr.

Singhate, a devout Muslim, had previously been president of all the Ahmadiyya branches in


When he was elected to this prestigious office, he earnestly prayed for some time. Then he

informed Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh that he wanted to obtain blessings from the garments of

the Promised Messiahas. Accordingly, a piece of the clothing was sent to him from Rabwah.


In June 1982, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh fell ill while visiting Islamabad. His condition

worsened and, on June 9, 1982, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh passed away. His was buried in

Rabwah’s Bahishtee Maqbarah the following day.

Life Story of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV Mirza

Tahir Ahmadrh

Birth and life before Khilafat

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh was born on December 18, 1928 in Qadian, India. He was a

son of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra.

He passed his high school examination in 1944. The same year his mother Hazrat Sayyeda

Maryam Begum passed away. He studied for 2 years at Government College Lahore and later

obtained his B.A. from the University of Punjab. In 1949, he received his Shahid degree from

Jamia Ahmadiyya.

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In 1955, he accompanied his father Hazrat Musleh Maudra to Europe. During this time, he

enrolled in University School of Asian and African studies. Upon his return home in 1957, he

devoted himself to the service of the Jamaat and held many important positions such as Sadr

Khuddam al-Ahmadiyya, Nazim Irshad Waqfe Jadid, Director Fazle Umar Foundation, and Sadr

Masjlis Ansarullah.

Election as Khalifa

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh passed away on June 9, 1982 and, on June 10, 1982, Hazrat Mirza

Tahir Ahmadrh was elected as Khalifatul Masih IV.

Important Events

Anti-Ahmadi Muslim Ordinance

In April 1984, Pakistan’s Gen. Zia ul passed Ordinance XX, whereby no Ahmadi Muslim could

declare themselves as a Muslim or behave like a Muslim. This meant Ahmadi Muslims could not

recite the Quran, or recite the Azan. They could not display the Kalima or say Assalamoalaikum.

Violating Ordinance XX triggered the imposition of fines, imprisonment, even death. Thousands

of Ahmadi Muslims were jailed – and some still are imprisoned. Ahmadi Muslims who are jailed

for their faith are known as Aseerane Rah-e-Maula.

In the book “A Man of God” this situation is further explained:

In Rabwah, the Khalifa had summoned his most senior counselors to a meeting.

Recalling the meeting, the Khalifa said, “I was never in any way scared of General Zia. I

had criticized him very openly in my sermons. I had told him, ‘Mend your ways and your

attitude. Cease this persecution or you will face the Wrath of God.’ But with this

ordinance, it was a different kind of situation. It was not my safety that was at stake, but

my ability to speak out. With this law, Zia could silence me as the effective head of the

Community. I could remain in Pakistan and speak out and then be put into prison. When

I came out I could speak out again and be put away for another three years.

“In Ahmadiyyat, you cannot choose another head while the first is living, even if he is

imprisoned and completely out of touch. So that would mean a headless community.

The Khalifa is guided by God in his decisions so he cannot delegate his decisions to a

committee. Some decisions have to be taken by the Khalifa and that decision is final. If

he were not to take any decisions that could be a very dangerous situation.”

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The advice of his counsellors was unanimous – he should leave Pakistan immediately

The Khalifa accepted the advice of his Amirs and other counsellors that he should leave

Pakistan but on one condition – at the time he left, no warrant should be out for his

arrest and no official notice should have been served on him requiring him to appear

before any commission regarding any alleged crime.”

Migration to England

At this time, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh was living in Rabwah. Gen. Zia al-Haq ordered his

agencies to never allow Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh to leave the country. Several security

agencies were assigned to this task.

The preparations for Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad’srh escape were put into the hands of a retired

senior army officer. It was decided that Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh will leave Pakistan by KLM

(a Dutch airline). A person was sent to Karachi to book the seats; phone reservation was

impossible as all phones were being tapped.

There were two flights leaving from Karachi to Europe that week. One was very early in the

morning on Monday April 30th, and the other on Wednesday May 2nd. Hazrat Mirza Tahir

Ahmadrh expressed the wish to take the Wednesday flight since that would give him enough

time to prepare for his departure. However the KLM manager advised him to take the earlier

flight on early Monday morning. The Monday flight went straight to Amsterdam while the

Wednesday flight had a stop in Gulf state. There was a chance that Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh

might get arrested in the Gulf state on Pakistan’s request.

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh made it clear that he would not disguise himself or use a false

passport. Early in the morning, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad’srh car, along with the normal escort,

was seen leaving Rabwah. Intelligence agencies presumed that Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh was

on his way to Islamabad. But Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh was not present in this car. His third

oldest brother, Mirza Munawar Ahmad, was travelling in that car to Islamabad. Hazrat Mirza

Tahir Ahmadrh had already left Rabwah at 2am for Karachi.

At the airport, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh waited in the private lounge and went through

passport control. The airport authorities delayed his flight to determine if Hazrat Mirza Tahir

Ahmadrh was allowed to leave. Gen. Zia ul Haq had sent a letter to all seaports and airports

stating that “Mirza Nasir Ahmad” – not “Mirza Tahir Ahmad” - not be allowed to leave Pakistan.

This caused a lot of confusion amongst airport officials. The security officials tried to get hold of

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authorities in Islamabad to clarify the matter but it was very late at night and no one was

answering the phones.

An hour after the scheduled departure, the flight was announced and Hazrat Mirza Tahir

Ahmadrh boarded the plane for the flight to Amsterdam. He eventually reached London on April

30th, 1984.

In London, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh set up the Jamaat’s administrative offices. He later

launched several landmark initiatives to expand the Jamaat on an unprecedented level.

Fate of Pakistan’s President – General Zia ul Haq

General Zia ul Haq continued to persecute Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan. Consequently, during

the June 10th 1988 Friday Sermon, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh invited General Zia ul Haq to a

mubahala. Hudhur prayed:

“Whichever of us in Thy sight are liars and fabricators, let Thy Wrath descend upon

them within one year. May Thou inflict such disgrace, torment and punishment upon

them that all people can witness their debasement and utter destruction … O Almighty

God, do this so that Right may be distinguished from Wrong and the difference between

Truth and Falsehood become Manifest.” (“A Man of God”)

But Gen. Zia ul Haq paid no attention to Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad’srh words. During the August

12, 1988 Friday Sermon, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh declared that since Gen. Zia ul Haq has

not changed his ways, God will punish him. On August 17th 1988, Ge. Zia ul Haq’s plane blew up

in the sky and everyone on board died.

Main Achievements

Houses for the Needy

The first project Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh launched was the construction of suitable houses

for the needy people of Rabwah. A neighborhood of Rabwah is now called Boyoot al-Hamd

Colony where spacious, comfortable houses have been built for 87 families. Additionally,

several hundred individuals have been given monies to upgrade or make partial extensions to

their homes.

First Mosque in Spain

In 1982, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh travelled to Europe to inaugurate the first Ahmadi Muslim

mosque, built in Pedroabad, Spain. On September 10th, 1982, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh

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inaugurated the mosque, which was built nearly 700 years after the last mosque was built in

Spain. Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh had laid the foundation stone on October 9th, 1980.

Muslim Television Ahmadiyya

Gen. Zia al-Haq banned the publication of many books, magazines, and newspapers of the

Jamaat. But this could not stop the message of the Jamaat. Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh

launched the first ever Muslim television on August 21st, 1992 in London.

Today, millions watch Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA) across five continents. Every Friday,

Hazrat Khalifat al-Masih delivers an inspiring sermon, translated simultaneously into multiple

languages. Numerous other educational programs are also produced for MTA viewers. In 1999,

MTA began digital transmissions.

First International Bai’at

The first international bai’at (initiation ceremony) took place in 1993. This is now held every

year at Jalsa Salana UK and draws viewers from around the world. New converts who join the

Jamaat during the year take a pledge of allegiance at the blessed hand of Hazrat Khalifatul


The bai’at is performed in the following manner. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih stretches out his right

hand; persons sitting immediately close to him put their hands on his hand, while others place

their hands on the shoulders of these persons to make a continuous link with the khalifa. Hazrat

Khalifatul Masih recites a portion of the words in Arabic, Urdu and then in English, which is

translated into various languages. When the whole text of the bai’at is completed, the khalifa

recites Istighfar. At the end everybody prostrates before Allah.

Al-Fazl International

The weekly newspaper Al-Fazl International began publication from London on January 7th,

1994. It is printed at the Raqeem Press. The press is equipped with modern printing equipment

and is owned by the Jamaat. The newspaper is also available on the Internet.

Notable Schemes

Waqfe Nau Scheme

On April 3rd, 1987, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh introduced a scheme to have Jamaat members

dedicate their children to the cause of Islam before their birth.

Maryam Shadi Fund

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On February 21, 2003, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh launched the Maryam Shadi Fund to give

financial help to girls in poor families for their marriage.


Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh delivered his last Friday Sermon at the London Mosque on April

18th, 2003 and attended a lively Majlis Irfan (Question & Answer session) that evening. The next

morning, at approximately 9:30am, April 19th, 2003, he passed away in his residence.

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Brief Biography of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba

Birth and Life Before Khilafat

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was born on September 15, 1950, in Rabwah, Pakistan. He is the

son of Sahibzada Mirza Mansoor Ahmad and Sahibzadi Nasira Begum Sahiba, a daughter of

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba is also the great grandson of Hazrat

Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas and grandson of Hazrat Mirza Sharif Ahmad Sahibra, the youngest son of

the Promised Messiahas.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba received his primary education at Taleem-ul-Islam High School

Rabwah, and obtained his B.A. from Taleem-ul-Islam (TI) College Rabwah, Pakistan. In 1976, he

earned his Masters of Science degree in agricultural economics from the Agriculture University

Faisalabad, Pakistan.

At 17, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba became a Moosi – i.e. he signed up for Wasiyyat.

In 1977, he devoted his life (Waqf-e-Zindagi) for Islam and went to Ghana under the Nusrat-

Jahan Scheme, which supports a large number of hospitals and schools in West Africa.

From 1977 to 1985, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba served in Ghana, and engaged in social,

educational, and agricultural development projects. He is accredited with successfully growing

wheat on Ghanaian soil for the first time in the nation’s history.

Election as Khalifa

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba returned to Pakistan in 1985 and served in various senior

administrative posts within the Jamaat during the next 18 years, including as Nazir-e-Ala (Chief

Executive of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community) in Pakistan from 1997 until his election as


Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba was elected as Khalifatul Masih V on April 22, 2003.

Main Achievements

Peace Initiatives

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Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba is the world’s leading Muslim figure promoting peace and

inter-religious harmony. Through his sermons, lectures, books, and personal meetings, His

Holiness has continually advocated for the worship of God and the service of humanity. He also

advocates for the establishment of universal human rights, a just society, and a separation of

religion and state.

Since being elected khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba has led a worldwide campaign to

convey the peaceful message of Islam, through all forms of print and digital media. Under his

leadership, national branches of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have launched campaigns

that reflect the true and peaceful teachings of Islam. Ahmadi Muslims around the world are

engaged in grassroots efforts to distribute millions of ‘Peace’ leaflets to Muslims and non-

Muslims alike, host interfaith and peace symposia, and present exhibitions of the Holy Qur’an.

These campaigns have attracted worldwide media coverage and demonstrate that Islam

champions peace, loyalty to one’s country of residence, and service to humanity.

National Peace Symposium

In 2004, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba launched the annual National Peace Symposium in

which guests from all walks of life come together to exchange ideas on the promotion of peace

and harmony. Each year the symposium attracts many politicians, religious leaders and other


Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace

In 2009, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba also launched the annual ‘Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for

the Advancement of Peace’; an international peace award for individuals or organizations that

have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment and service to the cause of peace and


Public Service

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba has travelled globally in the service of Islam. He is regularly met

by heads of state, politicians and other dignitaries.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba takes a particular interest in alleviating the suffering of

developing nations, by helping to improve their agriculture and facilitating access to food, clean

water and electricity. He oversees the work of the International Association of Ahmadi

Architects and Engineers (IAAAE), an organization briefed with leading various humanitarian

and development projects, in remote areas of the world. The scope and expertise of this

organization has grown at a rapid rate under his leadership. Likewise, Hazrat Mirza Masroor

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Ahmadaba supports the work of Humanity First, an international non-profit disaster relief and

development charity and other such organizations.

Under the leadership of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

has built a number of schools and hospitals that provide high class facilities in remote parts of

the world.

Important Events

Attack on Ahmadi Muslim Mosques in Lahore and Response to Persecution

Despite the continued sectarian persecution that Ahmadi Muslims are subjected to in various

Muslim nations, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba expressly forbids any violence. On May 28,

2010, anti-Ahmadi Muslim terrorists attacked two mosques belonging to the Ahmadiyya

Muslim Community in Lahore, Pakistan. 86 Ahmadi Muslims were martyred during their Friday

Prayers, whilst scores more were seriously injured. Despite the barbaric nature of this pre-

meditated crime against humanity, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba instructed Ahmadi Muslims

worldwide to respond only through prayers and entirely peaceful means.

Message of Peace Delivered in America and England

In 2012, both the United States Congress and the European Parliament benefited directly from

His Holiness’s message of peace, justice and unity.

On June 27, 2012, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba was welcomed to Capitol Hill, in Washington

D.C., where he delivered a keynote address entitled, “The Path to Peace – Just Relations

between Nations,” to an audience filled with more than 30 members of the United States

Congress. In conjunction with this historic event, a bi-partisan resolution was introduced in the

House of Representatives in honor of his visit.

On December 4, 2012, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba delivered a historic keynote address at

the European Parliament in Brussels to a packed audience of more than 350 guests

representing 30 countries, including the President of the European Parliament. During his 35

minute address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba called on the European Union to preserve its

unity and called for equality and justice in international relations.

On February 11, 2014, His Holiness delivered the keynote address at “The Conference of World

Religions” held at the Guildhall in London. During his address, His Holiness outlined Islam’s

commitment to promoting mutual understanding, tolerance and respect based on the

teachings of the Holy Quran and the life of the Holy Prophetsaw.

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Tarbiyyat Topics

Love of Allah

Islam teaches that the purpose of a Muslim's life is to worship Allah and to devote oneself to

seeking His love. It is natural for a human being to love Allah and desire to win His love because

that love is ingrained into a person's soul before birth. Muslims recite the Azan (call to Prayer)

in an infant's right ear immediately after birth. Therefore, from the very beginning the child is

subconsciously attracted to the Creator. But how does one keep this goal in mind while going

about one's daily business? Allah himself provided mankind with the means to do this. He

revealed Himself through the Holy Qur'an to Prophet Muhammadsaw as a guide for all aspects of

life (Holy Qur'an, 33:22). So the study of his life and character is essential for a Muslim's

education. You will find no situation in daily life for which guidance from his life does not exist.

Objective of Human Creation

Allah says in the Holy Qur'an: "And I have not created the Jinn and men but that they may

worship me." (51:57)

The true purpose of a human being's life, therefore, is the worship of God, the attainment of

His understanding, and complete devotion to Him. He should follow Him perfectly as a slave

follows his master. Allah has created human beings with the faculties that are appropriate for

this aim, and revealed the Qur'an so that he may seek Allah through it. Thus, a Muslim's first

duty is to His Creator; to worship Him and to follow His commands. This is known as "Haquq-

Allah." His second duty is to serve humanity, "Haqul-Ibaad," for this is also part of worship. A

Muslim can show his love for His Creator by expressing love and compassion for all His creation.

Love of Country

According to Islam, loyalty requires a relationship built on sincerity and integrity. It is essential

for a citizen of any country to establish a relationship of genuine loyalty and faithfulness to his

nation. It does not matter whether he is a born citizen, or gains citizenship through


According to Islamic teachings, Allah has forbidden all forms of treachery or rebellion against

their nation. If we are not satisfied with our government, we should use the legal means

available to us to change how the government is run.

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Loyalty to one’s nation is integral part of the pledge of Atfal and Nasirat. Children must always

be ready to serve their country and nation in every way possible.

Speaking about the importance of loyalty and love for one’s nation Hazrat Mirza Masroor

Ahmadaba said, “Ahmadi Muslims must desire and work towards the betterment of the country

in which they live in, they must always adhere and respect the local laws. Whenever a country

requires a sacrifice Ahmadi Muslims will always be ready to bear such sacrifice for the sake of

their nation.”

Patience in our Daily Lives

Patience means that we remain steadfast through any sort of trial. Another meaning of

patience is to stay away from all evil and follow Allah’s commandments.

“O ye who believe! Seek help with patience and prayer; surely, Allah is with the steadfast.”


To practice patience in our daily life:

Ask Allah for forgiveness

Ask Allah for help

Be mindful of your prayers

Forgive others

Be firm in your faith

Always keep your hopes high

Guidance in Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is the Holy Book of Muslims and is a compilation of the verbal revelations given

to Prophet Muhammadsaw over 23 years. Amongst its various topics, it explains the nature of

God, establishes laws for all aspects of life and contains historic accounts of certain prophets

and people.

Why I Believe in Islam

There are many reasons to believe in Islam:

Islam provides faith with the certainty of knowledge that satisfies one’s intellect and

compels it to admit to the need of religion.

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Islam does not base itself upon the experience of people who have passed away, but

invites everybody to a personal experience of that which it teaches and guarantees.

Islam says no conflict can exist between the Word of God (religion) and the Work of God

(science). It does not ask one to ignore the laws of nature and to believe in things which

are contrary to them.

Islam does not seek to crush one’s natural desires, but guides them along right channels.

Islam insists upon everyone being dealt with fairly, including the rulers and the ruled.

Islam instructs those endowed with strength to help, and never oppress, the weak.

Islam instructs the wealthy to look after the needs of the poor

Islam instructs the poor not to look with envy upon that which has been given to other

people, rather to work hard with the talents God has bestowed upon them

Level 6

Holy Qur’an


“Talim-ul-Quran” pages 69 – 73 (All Maddaat)

Al-Tarteel Lesson #5 (Maad-e-Munfasil)

Al-Tarteel Lesson #6 (Maad-e-Mutasil)

“Talim-ul-Quran” page 72 (Maad-e-Lazim)


Al-Tarteel Lesson #9


Al-Tarteel Lesson #15


Al-Tarteel Lesson #26

Lesson with mixed rules

Al-Tarteel Lesson #23 (Izhaar, Idgham, Iqlab, Ikhfa)

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‘Ashra Mubashra

The ‘Ashra Mubashra are those Companions of Prophet Muhammadsaw who were given the

glad tidings of Paradise during their lifetime:

Hazrat Abu Bakrra

Please refer to Brief History of Khilafat

Hazrat Umarra

Please refer to Brief History of Khilafat

Hazrat Uthmanra

Please refer to Brief History of Khilafat

Hazrat Alira

Please refer to Brief History of Khilafat

Hazrat Talha bin Ubaidullah (ra)

Hazrat Talhara embraced Islam upon the preaching of of Hazrat Abu Bakrra.

When Naufal bin Adawia, famous as Asad-e-Quraysh (Lion of the Quraysh), heard about his

conversion, he tied Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Talhara together with a rope. Due to this, the

two became known as "Al-Qareenayn" (the two tied together).

He was a member of the Electoral College of the third khalifa. The Holy Prophetsaw titled him as

Talhah Al-Khair and Talhah Al-Joud. He was one of the Muhajreen Awaaleen.

Hazrat Zubair bin al Awwaamra

Hazrat Zubairra became a Muslim at age 12 or 15. His uncle became furious when he heard

about his conversion and tortured him to try to make him abandon Islam. He would wrap

Hazrat Zubair ra in a rug and have smoke inserted into his nostrils until he suffocated. His uncle

would then comment that if he wishes to escape the torment, he must abandon Islam. But

Hazrat Zubairra never wavered in his faith.

Hazrat Abu Ubaydah ibn-al-Jarrahra

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Hazrat Abu Ubaydahra was amongst the earliest to accept Islam, and did so through the

preaching of Hazrat Abu Bakrra. Hazrat Abu Bakrra took him, Abdur Rahman ibn Aufra, Uthman

ibn Maz'unra and Arqam ibn Abi al Arqamra to the Holy Prophetsaw so they could convert


Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Aufra

Hazrat Abdul Rahman ibn Aufra was member of Electoral College of the third khalifa.

He migrated twice, first to Ethiopia and then to Medina.

He participated in all the battles and expeditions in the company of the Holy Prophetsaw. During

the battle of Uhud, he received 21 injuries and two of his teeth broke away.

He was a wealthy trader and was known for his generosity.

Hazrat Saad ibn Abi Waqasra

Hazrat Saadra embraced Islam at 19. He was also the member of the Electoral College of the

third khalifa.

His title was Faras-ul-Islam (Rider of Islam). He participated in numerous battles and

expeditions and showed his courage in the Battle of Uhud. He was also the commander of the

army that defeated the King of Persia.

Hazrat Saeed ibn Zaidra

Hazrat Saeedra was married to Hazrat Fatimah bint Khattabra sister of Hazrat Umarra.

Hazrat Saeedra and his wife became Muslim when only a handful of people had accepted Islam

and were also instrumental in the conversion of Hazrat Umarra.

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Review of Major Religions

To fully appreciate the religion of Islam and to be able to explain its excellences to other

people, Muslims must learn something about the beliefs, traditions, and history of the world's

other major faiths.

Some religions appeal to a specific group of people and are, therefore, called ethnic. Preaching

to outsiders and conversions in these ethnic faiths have always been uncommon. Other faiths

claim to be more universal, with vigorous missionary work and active efforts to convert others.

Note: There are about ten major religions in the world. In alphabetical order, these are:

Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Taoism and


Muslims believe that God sent His messengers to all the nations (Qur’an 35:25). For this reason,

Muslims should objectively carry out comparative religious study and with consideration for

other’s beliefs.

Near East















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Hinduism began at least 4,000 years ago and is still observed today. Hinduism is the third

largest religion in the world, with about 1 billion followers, most of whom live in India

The Vedas are the most ancient Hindu holy books. For hundreds of year, Vedic teachings were

not written down—only spoken or sung. The Upanishads, another collection of holy writings,

were written 500-1000 years after the Vedas and contain most of the ideas and practices of


Most Hindus believe in one supreme spirit called Brahman. Hindus believe God is all of

existence—not just a spirit in the sky. Brahman can be worshiped in many forms, such as other

“gods” like Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesh or Krishna.

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Most Hindus believe in reincarnation (believing that when the body dies, the spirit is reborn

into a new form that lives on this earth). The soul may be reborn in many different forms such

as another human or an insect. What they are reborn as depends on their karma. Karma is the

belief that everything that people do in life determines what will happen to them in the

future. If a person correctly follows the dharma, he or she can expect to be reincarnated into a

higher form in their next life, or have good luck in the future.

The Hindu caste system is an attempt at organizing society into classes of people. Everyone falls

into one of 4 or 5 major castes. Different castes are not supposed to intermarry, work together,

or socialize. The Brahmins (priests and scholars) were the highest caste. Kshatriayas were kings

or warriors. Vaishyas were businessmen or farmers. Shudras were peasants who worked the

land. The Dalits (untouchables) are so low that they were outside the caste system. Hindus

believed if there karma was good, they would move up in caste when reincarnated. Today, the

caste system is illegal, but still followed in some places.

The ultimate goal for Hindus is to end their reincarnation cycle and reach moksha (oneness with

God). Hindus work toward Moksha through yoga, a combination of breathing exercises,

physical postures, and meditation to train the mind. Today, yoga has become a form of physical

and mental exercise around the world.


Buddhism is the name given to the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, born around 563

BC. With as many as 500 million followers, Buddhism is the 4th largest religion in the

world. Buddha (the Enlightened One) was born a Hindu, but could not reconcile himself with

some of its teachings. Born a wealthy prince, Buddha gave up everything and eventually formed

his own belief system. Buddhist teachings are collected in books called Tripitaka or Sutras.

Buddha viewed life as a time of great suffering and it can only be avoided by detaching

ourselves from the world. If a person can end suffering, they will reach Nirvana. To do this,

Buddhists must purify their mind by following the Four Noble Truths:

1. Life is suffering (includes age, illness, death, failure, separation etc)

2. Suffering is due to attachment to wrong things

3. Attachment can be overcome (by getting rid of human desires)

4. There is a life path to accomplish all of this

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The "path" mentioned in the fourth Noble Truth refers to the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold

Path is often represented as a wheel with eight spokes, depicting Buddha's dharma or life path

to Nirvana. It is meant to focus the mind and behavior of Buddhists and help them reach

Nirvana. It is comprised of the correct view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort,

mindfulness, and concentration to avoid the sorrow of life and eventually reach Nirvana.

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Sikhs number more than 23 million worldwide, but 90% live in Punjab, India. Sikhism began in

the 1400’s CE in northern India. It is based on the teachings of Guru Nanak, who was the first of

10 gurus of Sikhism (1500-1708). The main belief in Sikhism is faith in one God—Vāhigurū.

The last Guru was Guru Gobind Singh, who created the new brotherhood of the Khalsa (Pure

Ones) and gave them the distinctive 5 Ks (explained below) and hence forth the baptized Sikh

male took the name 'Singh' (lion) and female the name 'Kaur' (princess). Sikh teachings are

compiled in the Adi Granth, also known as the Guru Granth Sahib.

The 5 Ks

Sikh men are required to follow the “5 K’s”. Kes is the

requirement to not cut your hair, maintain a beard and wear a

turban. Kangha is a small comb they must carry and use to brush

their hair twice a day. Kara is a circular bangle bracelet that all

Sikhs wear to remind them of the One God, Vahiguru. Kirpan is a

knife all Sikh men must carry at all times. Kaccha is a special

undergarment with a drawstring to remind Sikh to protect their

chastity and be ready for battle at all times


The names Judaism, Judea and Jew are all derived from Judah, the brother of Joseph and the

fourth son of Jacob.

Judaism is the smallest of the world’s religions, with only 12 million followers. In ancient times

Jewish people were called Hebrews or Israelite. Prophet Abrahamas is believed to be the father

of the Jewish people. The story of Abraham is told in the Torah or Old Testament. Jerusalem is

their most holy city.

Jews observe dietary guidelines known as Kosher. Jews pray three times daily, with a fourth

prayer added on holidays. Yom Kippur is the most important Jewish holiday, observed with a

25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue.

Jews still await the advent of the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, while Christians

and Muslims recognize this Messiah to be Jesus Christas.


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Christianity is the world’s largest religion, with more than 2 billion followers and is based on the

teachings of Jesus of Nazareth who later became known as Jesus Christ because his believers

think he is the Son of God. Christian's believe in the Holy Trinity — i.e. that God is comprised of

the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross to atone

for the sins of humanity, and was resurrected soon thereafter. They also believe Christ will

reappear on earth in the Latter Days.

Islamic Sects

There are 73 sects of Islam, divided into 2 main branches – Sunnis and Shias.

Sunni Muslims:

This is the major sect of Muslims today. About 85% of the world's Muslims are Sunnis. They

accept the authority of the Khilafat al-Rashideen and follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophetsaw.

Shia Muslims:

Shias believe Hazrat Alira was the only the legitimate successor to the Holy Prophetsaw.

Ahmadi Muslims:

Three beliefs held by Ahmadi Muslims distinguish them from Sunni and Shia doctrine:

The Finality of Muhammad's Prophethood

In (Qur’an 33:41), Prophet Muhammadsaw has been given the title of Khataman Nabiyyeen (Seal

of the prophets). A majority of the Muslims believe this means he is the last prophet and no

new prophet can come after him. They also believe revelation has ended.

According to Ahmadi Muslims, this title signifies his perfection as a prophet and that a Muslim

can become a prophet if he is completely obedient to Prophet Muhammadsaw. Ahmadi Muslims

do believe that Prophet Muhammadsaw was the last law bearing prophet and that no new

religious law will come.

Jesus Christ's Ascension to Heaven

The majority of Muslims believe Jesus Christ was not put on the cross and that in his place,

someone was placed who resembled him. Jesus, according to them, was physically raised to


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Ahmadi Muslims believe Jesus was put on the cross but did not die on the cross, later travelling

East to preach to the remaining 10 Tribes of Israel. They believe he passed away of natural

causes in Srinagar, Kashmir.

The Identity of the Promised Messiah

A majority of Muslims believe that Jesus Christ himself will return as the Promised Messiah.

Ahmadi Muslims believe that the Promised Messiah has arrived in the person of Hazrat Mirza

Ghulam Ahmadas.

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Famous Mosques around the World

1. Masjid Al-Haram (The Sacred Mosque), Mecca

Millions of Muslims arrive annually to perform the Hajj.

This mosque surrounds the Holy Kaaba

2. Masjid Al-Nabwi, Medina

Prophet Muhammadsaw built this mosque after migrating to Medina from Mecca

Prophet Muhammadsaw is buried here

3. Masjid Aqsa, Jerusalem

It is located next to Qibla-tul-Awal (Rock of the Dome) in old city of Jerusalem.

This is not the mosque that is commonly misunderstood to be the mosque

Prophet Muhammadsaw visited during his Miraj; the Miraj was a spiritual

experience, and “Masjid Aqsa” referred to in that experience is not of this world.

4. Masjid Quba, Quba

This is first mosque of Islam, whose foundation was laid by Prophet

Muhammadsaw during the Hijra.

Prophet Muhammadsaw had special attachment with this mosque and he used to

regularly visit this mosque.

5. Masjid Al Qiblatayn, Medina

This mosque is known for having two Qiblas.

While praying, Prophet Muhammadsaw was instructed to switch the qibla from

the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem to the Holy Kaaba.

6. Masjid Mubarak, Qadian

First mosque of the Jamaat built around 1883

The Promised Messiahas laid its foundation

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7. Masjid Fazl, London

First Ahmadi Muslim mosque in London

Hazrat Musleh Maudra laid the foundation stone on October 19, 1924

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Khilafat has resided in Mahmud Hall, adjacent to Masjid

Fazl, since the migration of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh in 1984

8. Baitul Futuh, London

Largest mosque in Western Europe

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh laid the foundation stone on October 19, 1999 and

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba inaugurated it on October 14th, 2003

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Other Important Places, Dates and Events

Places or Artifacts

1) Karbala

The town where the martyrdom of Hazrat Hussainra occurred, along with his

family and a few companions, on 10th of Muharram.

2) Mount Arafat

This is where Prophet Muhammadsaw delivered his Farewell Sermon on 9th of Zul


This mount is located 9 miles from Mecca.

3) Mina

In Mina, Hajj pilgrims perform the ritual stoning of three pillars, which represent

Satan, on the last day of the Hajj.

4) The Black Stone (Hajr-al-Aswad)

This is embedded on one corner of the Kaaba.

Its origins are unclear but it is known that Prophet Abrahimas and Prophet

Ismaelas used it while rebuilding the Kaaba.

From whichever direction the pilgrim enters the enclosure and approaches the

Kaaba, he begins his circuit from the corner in which the Black Stone is placed.

5) Tomb of Prophet Muhammadsaw

Prophet Muhammad’ssaw tomb is located inside Masjid Al-Nabwi, along with the

tombs of Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Umarra.

This tomb is located at the location of what used to be Hazrat Aisha’sra house.

6) Cave Thaur

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This is the cave where Prophet Muhammadsaw and Hazrat Abu Bakrra took refuge

during the Hijra.

7) Cave of Hira

This is where Prophet Muhammadsaw used to spend his time in prayers,

especially prior to becoming a prophet.

This is where the revelation of the Holy Quran began.

8) Zamzam Well

Zamzam is the name of a famous water well now located inside Masjid al-


Under the blazing sun, Hazrat Hajara ran 7 times between the two hills of Safa

and Marwa to look for water for her infant son Hazrat Ishmaelas. When she

returned after the 7th circuit, she found that water was coming up from the

ground next to Hazrat Ishmaelas.

9) Qadian

The birthplace and hometown of the Promised Messiahas, located in Punjab,


It was previously knownas Islampur and Qadi

It hosts Masjid Mubarak and Minaratul Masih.

The Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra , Hazrat Amma Janra, and

numerous other prominent companions of the Promised Messiahas are buried


10) Minaratul Masih

Prophet Muhammadsaw prophesized that the Promised Messiah would descend

near a white minaret, east of Damascus. The Promised Messiahas decided to

literally fulfill this prophecy. He laid foundation of this minaret on March 13,


It is located in Qadian, close to Masjid Aqsa.

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11) Hoshiarpur

When the Arya Samaj asked for a sign to prove the truthfulness of Islam the

Promised Messiahas retreated to Hoshiarpur and spent 40 days in special prayers.

During this time, he was given the glad tidings of a Promised Son, who would

later come to be identified as Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra.

12) Rabwah

A city in Punjab, Pakistan which became the headquarters of the Ahmadiyya

Muslim Jamaat after Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra migrated from


Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra, Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh, and numerous

companions of the Promised Messiahas are buried here.

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Lunar Calendar & Important Dates

The Islamic Calendar follows the lunar calendar

Number Month Important Date

1 Muharram

1st Muharram is Islamic New Year 10th of Muharram (also called Ashura) commemorates the martyrdom of Hazrat Hussainra

2 Safar No significant event

3 Rabi-al-Awal

12th Rabi-ul-Awal, 11 AH – passing of the Holy Prophetsaw

4 Rabi-al-thani

No significant event

5 Jumada-al-ula

No significant event

6 Jumada-al-Akhriah

No significant event

7 Rajab No significant event

8 Shaban

No significant event

9 Ramadan

First of Ramadan when fasting month starts First Revelation of Quran

10 Shawwal

First Shawwal is Eid-ul-Fitr

11 Dhul Qadah

No significant event

12 Dhul Hajj

Muslims perform Hajj from 8th to 12th of Dhul Hajj 10th Dhul Hajj – Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated

Solar Calendar and Important Dates

Number Month Important Date

1 January Jan 12, 1889 – Birth of Hazrat Musleh Maudra

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2 February Feb 20th, 1886 – Prophecy of Promised Son in Hoshiarpur, India Feb 13th, 1835 – The Promised Messiahas is born Nasiratul Ahmadiyya founded in 1939

3 March March 23rd, 1889 – The Promised Messiahas took first bait in Ludhiana, India March 21st, 1894 – Eclipse of Moon in Eastern hemisphere

4 April April 6th, 1894 – Eclipse of Sun in Eastern hemisphere

5 May May 27th, 1908 – Establishment of Ahmadiyya Muslim Khilafat

6 June June 22nd, 622 – The Holy Prophetsaw reaches Medina. Islamic Hijri calendar starts from this day June 8th, 632 – The Holy Prophetsaw passes away

7 July July 26th, 1940 Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya and Majlis Ansarullah established

8 August August 21st, 1992 –MTA begins

9 September September 20th, 1948 foundation stone laid for Rabwah as Jamaat’s new center

10 October October 3rd, 2003 - Inauguration of Baitul Futuh in Morden, England

11 November November 23rd, 1934 – Tehrik-e-Jadeed initiated

12 December 27th, 28th and 29th of 1891- First Jalsa Salana convened December 25th, 1922 Lajna Imaa’illah established December 25t, 1938- Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya established December 27th, 1957 – Waqf-e-Jadeed initiated

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1. Eid-ul-Fitr

a. This festival marks the end of Ramadan and is celebrated to give thanks for the

blessings of Ramadan.

2. Eid-ul-Adha

a. This festival is celebrated approximately 10 weeks after Eid-ul-Fitr, and marks

the completion of Hajj. It is also known as the Festival of Sacrifice to

commemorate the obedience of Hazrat Ibrahimas and his son Hazrat Ismailas to


3. Hajj

a. The annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, mandatory for all Muslims who are

financially capable and can undertake a safe journey.

4. Umra

a. Umra is a visit to Mecca at any time during the year in the state of Ihram to

perform the tawaf (circuits) of Kaaba and the saee (running between the

hillocks of Safa & Marwa)

5. Jalsa Salana

a. An annual gathering of Jamaat members, initiated by the Promised Messiahas.

6. Ijtima

a. Annual gathering of a Jamaat auxiliary to emphasize moral and physical training

of Jamaat members, initiated by Hazrat Musleh Maudra.