OLV::\IE XVIII. 1 R ACTICES START I FOR BIG CIRCUS l1TOMOBILE RAFFLE TO 13 E FEATU RED AT SHOW in a ls o f lntercla ss Boxing and \\r es tling Add ed Attra c tion On L as t :'\i g ht The l·o111mittec: on for L' Colli:ge Circus to be held :'\lay and i nwi last wt 1 ek witl·1 repre- from :di the org-anizations 1 tht• hill to the manner of ndlini,r cnn The committee cidecl to Sl:n<I form leth•rs to the uious groups explaining the diffrr- :i t types of booths offered und st•t- ng forth a minimum price on these otl-s. With infoTmation the ganizatiors are to send in senlt::d ds for the particular concessions ey Six booths an:" to be Jctioned off in thii; manner to tht- bidder. The sideshows fl rt to ! put on by the college c-roups also, t in!-ilead of selling- at auc- on it was de ·ided to OfH:'ratc tl-em a c<"mmission basb. Prizes will offered for the best and ooths, thus g-iving- a big- inC'£'ntin· •r tht- construdion of orhtina I and tr active conl.'essions and Ore of the new features add d to e circus is the boxing to be held l the last night. This mat.·h is to the finals for the interclass box- go and wrestling, and promises to be finl: drawing- card . Another feature that will add eatl.r to the excitement of the cir- 1s is the automobile t hat is to be ffled to the lucky person . Thi> ffle is heir g conducted by the Bob- t club and the proceed::; will go to e athletic fund, the same as the ·oceeds from the entire circus. The :a ct typl' of car has not yet been eked but it b proposed to use a .r of around one thou<:::and do ll ar!== clue. The main show committee has all ans complett.!d now so that work t the drills and dances is to start once. \\"ith the sale of concessions e latter part of this week the plans r the enti re circus will be pract ical- eomp1ete leaving only the actua l ·actice work yet to be clone . AINTS ANO BOBCATS TO DEBATE APRIL 5 Watch for The Looter's Light Opera "Chimes of Normandy" April 18 and 19, Ellen Theatr e ATTE:'\TIO:\ ! All memb£-rs of Y. '" · C. A. are ir,·ited to attend the talk to be by Elsie Beller of the Board of Y. \V. (. A. Tuc:-;clay, April 5th, at '7:15 P . i\1. m Henic:k Hall. Refreshments will be sc:rved in the fir place room. BOZE1'1Al'\, :\IOi\TAKA, TUESDA ). APR IL 5, 1927 STATE CONTEST COMING SOON F OURTEE ' TH ANNUAL SC HOLARSHIP CO. TE T Local Tr y out:; Will Be Held During th e l\liddl e of l\lonth 27 ,.--- S-F '>-I OR -, ,- IEE - ,TI-. G -. ____,J BAND GREETED BY There will be a of thl' r clas.; in the l ittle theatrt>, :\Jontarn Hall. at h\l• (;; :O{) μ. m.) Wednesday eH•ning- for the or C..Oll!--idering S!•nior tr;.d it i c..ns for tht and sen.•ral o.h<r import.int matter..; , Since Ralr.h '10,,ery has h.·<t scho1 I to do "'ork. 1 he 'ice-pre ... idtnt of 1ht' cla.-..s, 'l is-.; Frances \\ )lie, ''ill take the chair <I!-; pre:-.idcnt for tht: r emainder of the )ear. She h;.1 ... ur).{ed th;u all CAPACITY HOUSES FIRST THREE CONCERTS PROVE BIG SUCCESS E nt e rtained by Banquet In Con - rad Gi ven by the CiYic C lub Looter& to Present 1 Chimes of Normandy Thf:' fourth annual 11ii;h School Capndty houst:s greeted the memb- State Scholarship contest thb yea1· which must ·he S{'tlltd h<.•fore ('l's of the BobcaL band and director will be held April at :JL ::;, C. g-raduation time. Shl· ha... abu l ou l lowarLI at the- first three con- So far. 122 high :-.chools ha\"e reg1s- m'.ked that tlas:-; membt"rs rememh- ce1ls of seventeenth annual tout ered for this c:onlest . The '·"" er that if onh a fe,, are there. uf the organization. l'oiL·erts were divided into eighteen distritts. ca I they can still the rule-!" for the '-'.'h·en Sundav at Fort Bt'nton and last Promises To Be Fa r in .. \dvance of which an well onrar.ized and the enti re da's. s that it behtiO\t. ... all night a l'o.nrad. Tonight the band district contests will be held April t hat "'il"-h tu a hand in run- will play at Chelhy under the auspice" of Any Previous Coll ege 1 \.) or 10. which happens to be the ni rg t he se nior activities fo r the of the high school. Pres entation same for lh<:> district scholar- )Car lo atttn::I t hi -.; m e<>ting . Before the concert last night the ___ 1 sLip cont('sts in Kansas . Colorado band was entertained at a banquet :--; t }! I d T d ·11 J h G d Ni D and :\ebraska. 1ri,en by the Civic Clubs of Corrad. .ex .oncayan ues.ay, . pn 0 nson- OT On egro UO 'It ·1 I h b l'1111 .. of "Swede" and lH, the Looters will prt-:-ent I ·' a eria !'" am tes a\'e een .... 1..,- their firs t li1-Cht opera, "The Chimes or<leHd and will be sent to the of- Natl.Ona} Sp a :'1-Iontana alumnus , of :'\ormandy," at the Ellen Th,•atre, I s . "t 1 · t Sz"ng Ti'hursday fice of Prof. Leo Horst. Director 0 ur the banquet was a veal succe5' and Plrl Ua ls S th. tate '"hola1 .. h1·p ron ect ,,·her1.: w1·11 be 1·e111en1ber 0 d b\' the I will di:-;- of the band as of. the hi)?'h ar.cl most beautiful of ch01u:-.l'S e\er -- - -- tributed to the clist1;ct!<. Convention Over of the trip. In addition to the Boh- given by a college organization. \VILL APP E AR IN COLLEGE GYM1 T .\ S l l1 l\1 AS THE LAST In thi:s rontest are twenty e-·ents. at Band and Edwar<l Fuller. \vho h I d h d . t · t t f' t I I :1e ompaning the tand as one of the T i" "how is especially noted for :'\ U MBER OF THI S YEAR' S CONCERT an eac IS r1c repor s u·s an· he beauty of its choruses. partit:ular- second winners in eath e\"ent. Orly Several Representatives Att end of tl e quur:ette, a gTcat ly the women's, in whkh there will COU RSE PROGR AM the winner of the first place in an at Sea ttle, From S tate State Alumni were be 22 colleJ!e ,t!irls. The show is also event from each distric: is eliJdble to t a di il. lo f I <l 1 a mg comE to the state contest. Coll ege Thr• Bobcat Quartett(', of ex r or nar ) hco r u . p e f; ' ·'How is it vou are able to impnrt I ward and tell that ha\'e felt The southwestern Pub. Co. of Cin- Eel Fuller. Kenneth Schwartz, Ray t e d e to these XeS?;O Spirituals feel. and seen the old days with us. I of- tinat:i Ohio is this vear awardinf!' Repre:;en(ati\'es from Bowden, and Hilmore Riek, has al· - \\ tc can c pro u e :_.,: 1 poi a:_.,:- inn- to make the audiEnce feel an i I ten have people come up after a con- - 1 ' 1' 1 h. · · f f' ·t· State Colle""e to the first natium\l re•cl)• pro,·ecl one of the feature< o[ al of the times tl:at the theme rl'pre- N d . . . .th . th . . d t ll I a s1 \'er me< a to t e wmner o 1rs F- I " ser.ts. the scene you are epu:tmu- in cert w1 tears in e1r an e place in each district in bookkeepin- con\'ention of the Spurs, honorar v the program. The solo work of R ay . . . your song?'' me that they have been mo\'ed as 1 and in addition will award a gold so1 homore organization, left Patten and Louis True ha\·e been l nduded m the cast an.' the \ety . . k f 1 tl1c,· ne\'er ha\'e been mo\"ed before; I d 1 h · f f' t 1 Thursday mornmg, :\!arch :n. for Sc- \vell received. begt of :\Jontana State's actors and This was as ·ed. 0 r. · · and. the th1' 1 1g that l1a 0 1110\·e<l them I me to_ t e. winner 0 irs; .pace R d J h h b t .., b kk th t t te t a tie. \Vash .. where the com ention Tomorrow evenir.g the band will singers. l\Iiss .Mercedes Staebler. . o ns?n t e an one, is the rdigious emotion er.gendere·J oo eepmg in c s a e., . :":) . \vho for three \.'etlrs past has 1 s1c1an , author. who will b\• these s . 11 . 1 . :uals . Last year ti ere were m was held April 1, 2 and 3. Srur "·a.;; play at Ka.lisp.ell, at \Yhitefisl-., A pl'il ' h ·th T J G d th \ P t t t t h e 1 111 founded at :llortana State Colle<re in I; Libby, April ; Troy. April 9. The e:uishcd herself in l·ollege play$. will i t w1 Th _01; . . "It is more powetiul than any w w dref w g-h 1922 and now has se\'en chapters . band will re·urn to Bozeman ea r lv appear in one of the leading parts of I;.. cgrtothenc;:t C 1 '.: p11 church servLe, they say, a real. p;enu- - is ·'; Those going from Bozeman were :\londay morning. . the cast. and is well able to p<•r-ray I'' a e " a e 0 ee-e g)mna:srnm. ine Christianity wells up within them sc. n • • •.•. . P €. m ., the part which she is taking. Henry '' Because," arswered :\Ir. ,John:-on, .:rnd they get all the feeling of an a1e ;::::07 acued1ted high schools n :\liss Jesse L. Donaldson of the En- The program for the concert is: Schwa1·tz, who is well known to the "I can see in my mind, in my imau- old fashioned gospel meetirg. They :\ l ontana. . glish faculty of :\lontana State Col- Pa rt I. · · h 1 I d' The pu1 of these. contests n .. lege, rat iona l sponsor of the Spurs; "Victory of the town because of his singini:; will take ination, as I t ese o me o ell me how much KOod it has done r:; . · . ' . · ; ' one of the lending male parts. I of the plantation and the Sp11- them to hear these Spirituals . It may 'ta_ted i_n one of t.he _depa.1 .bu! :\larcella Schneider, president of Xation'' 0\'erture, "Orphe1:.s' 1 Offenbach Bell Solo, "Ada Pol ka" . Boos Ra y Patt <.n b etm> is to arouse 1nte1est m sco the local chapter and the official T .. B. Story w!ll .le:nd. his deep itu.a}s, I. can see the old e- ?e that the_Y arc a re!ig- · :o co;n ete for de leg-ate. and Ruth Casev of voice to the s1ng1rg m the part ot fo1e me , I can feel the whole scene, 10us sen::;e 111 our audiences: perhap.:: It thp,t f h. h p h 1 · . 1 Anaconda. They were joined in Butte an old • 'onnan gentleman. and I know :\Ir. Gordon does too. \ \'e it is possible to build a renewed I 0 .. ta It hw t s by :Jliss R hoda national gran 1 The music is all under the direc-1 can remember Dinah and Lindy and feeling- of ChLtstianitv on these old ex!s . t f .a .1 en ko presidert and by :\Iiss :Jlarie Louise rion of J oseph Adam. who the old of the South, we_ can sor.gs. They are hymns of the Leipheimer. a former si.udent at :\!. has gained nation -wide recognition of j with _them, an.cl the best sort, .of the a!ld promote broadu1ing- for both S. C. and at Grace, Idaho, by :\Iiss his musical abilitv since his success· scer.e come:s befoie us as leal ns rea .- and most sincere kmd and 1t would be h d ·t I t Lillian Barry, nationa l histo1ian. ful \'enture into ihe Syhphonic Or- ity itself, when we come to sing H,csc surprising if people did not ca.ell teac ers an s uc en s. chestra field last f a ll, and the mu- ! songs. I close my eyes and the emotional content of songs m Tl-ierc were representatives in at- sicians will be main ly memters <lf is me, the wholP their souls. . That is what we like to LES BOUFFONS PLAN tendance from each of the !'>e\'en the ). l ontana Symphony Orchcstr.q sp1r1t of t he song IS a part of me. gi\e them; more than en· rhapters which are located a the l f I 11 lJri\'ersity of l'tah, Unh-ersity of wf.ich made such a splendid record I And those who come to our con- tertainment, a great ove or t 1e o < Idaho, Un!versity of 'Washington, for itself in the state last fa l l. cens frequently come to see us af er- fashioned kind of religior.." FOR ANNUAL FORMAL Pullman College of \ \"ashington , Co!- The mmiical choruses , also under I lcg:e of Puget Sound at Tacoma. Ore - ; 11 r. Ada m's dir ection, as well as the' $2 500 Scholarshz"p or'fered for the gon, Agricul<nal College at Corval- y The spring quar:er social season and l\lontana :state College at Selection "Hig-h Jink::;' )larch. American P atrol" lnt e rmi!".;:ion Pai;; II E riml ::'\I eacha·n Select ions by the Boboat Qu artette Euphonium Solo, "The Cha rmer'' .. "Princess of I ndia" Kinz A Plartation Patrol, " Ole Sought'' Zamecnik OvE.rture, i.Poet and Peasa nt" Suppe Finale i• Star Spangled Banner" lllal ·,, cast, are work1'ng 11ight a1 1cl da·.· 1 ' T J ' in orde1 · to get in shape for the ini- d h I.IT /d will open with the Les Buffon formal Bczeman. tia l performance on A11ril 12 al the College Cruise Aroun t e YYOr dancino:partytobeheldattho;rrnnd ------ --- the cast rehearsals, or heard the mu- hall on Fl'irlay e\·enin!? April 22. All SQUARE AND COMPASS E:'\Tm !O L OGJC.\L SOCIETY HOLDS REGL' L\R \I E ETIXG ent ative Arrangements made Ellen Theatre. Those who seen I l'e-orening- of thl: Garden For Contest 'Vith the sical practice report that the produ,,- XE\\' YORK 11 . h "I -A - 00 tinuation of the regular a{'ademic students and townspeople interested "U" in Butte tion is progressing wonderfully an l · ' · ate ,, · '-·" · · I l · r h' I On Fridav afternoon Dr J R ··ll b. f· . . d, f . ."II ,.:1 scholarship for a school of study coursts in preparatory subjects, or a 111 a c ass1c o 1 is natme are BANQUET COLLEGE INN Parker the "'r.eetin.g-er. ''I e a1 .111 a \ ance o .an:, _1.:0 eg_.- aboard the S. S. Rvndam on its sc.:- freshman vear of college work, or urj!"ed to send their names to Burton ,... :M. S. C'. will detate Jlount St. entertarnment presenied Ill th1:;; ond College Cruise .Round the \\'nr d. :-;turly of sf1eL·ial business courses re- Prc·ddenl of Les Buffo11s I Society, speakmg on the 'la rks colleg-e of Helena on Tues- c1 y. is soon to be announced bv the l'ni- to foreign commerce and in- cial ftaternity, in the near future so --- of "Graduate " 'ork." :Ur. Ly, April ii, at 3: 15 in the litt le ,·ersitv Tran:l A::>sociatior.·. Inc ., 28rl te1nalional trade. thty will be ... cnt in in,·ita ion. The Square and Campas fraternity Parker pointed out t.he impo r tance of eater Joe Livers and Hemy Ga1- H" h S h I p t :'.\l adis.on A\'enue. Xew York City. It The award will be made early in .\ll upper classmen will wear for· held a banquet at the College Inn last ?'·h_en g:radunte work is.done and where ·oh1bit1on question. now 110 undergTadi..atc in any college dt'part on a study-travel tour of the urn erdas!'men will be pll·mittNl to present consisted of the present m ·m- at work. ) Ir. Parker ner will 1ep1esent the t·ollege on the I Ig c 00 res en s will be <l\"ailable to any younJ,! mall .June o.: this year. and the wi r. ner will mal clothes to the dancing party, but ,,.eclnesday eYen ing- at 6:-1.). Those 1t IS He also the ex - G H H h" · glohe Septemlil•r :;o. take par: in the social festh·ity 111 btrs of the fraternity and Verna l l11s graduate work and T he debate bet\\een i\1 c. and ,, oose angs 1g or uni\·er:-;ity. informal dress. ll will not be nec<:>S- Alexander, Sam Scott, Fa\· Butts and 1 ·el\'l.c1 a Ph .. n. Oeg-ree at the '{,;m- e Unn·ers1ty has been tentatnely I This g hol:.11:-;hip ircludcs full ex· The First Colk•ge Rouml the !"Ury for the to order flowers fur Strel't of the city .. 1od1?es. cnntr of )Jmne.,.ota. Tanged. The team I - -- '1 of! tthe .. thb for tl e hall will be lil . l Dean J. l\I. Ham ilton of the coll ege "firmati,·e of t e pro I I wn "The Goose H angs a three tuition, et· eams ip ll' ·e . ll I d . h f h fl iestion. It will be held at. Butte 11 act r:omuh· Uv Lewis Beach wi ll he stateroom, shon• t1.·1ps_ a.ml meals. but the s1;concl b to be limited to ua .r t e orate . wit res tut ow- spoke on '"The Ilbtory of Masonry in IS 'fh G1"ven 'I I . . I ·1 1 h t r I b t t I Ill 01 11" \\'J" !1 a11 "11 l\'S, and thorc Will be onoug:h for eath .' l onta11a," of the f 1'rst lodges am ompson iri ng the third week in Apri anc pre!-'eLted by the Parrots of Gallatin t w1_ go tot_ wri er o :. w es young me1 s mt· s .Y• ·. .... )'Olllll? lat!)· 11rl'sent. ::".·tabl1",hed ,·n state nncl a b1't of -.ii t empts are being made to g-et !iOme High Sl'hool in . he hig-h school autl1t- 1.11 a rcllment of :r;:> instead of GOO. 1 . f ... S d A d Th ·ganization of that eity to bnc.·k thl' oiium Prich!,\", April 8. for wl 1th of l.>0 l('achng- The i;uhjC('t •or the eontest, which The \\i l bf' dt·L'Ol'a"ed Ill Ol'lll- the history ot each. He also mention- econ war on es1s t II I t I v·ill pus ·ibh im· ) J\ e a clisl'ui.swn of al st):le and hiKh L'd of the acti\'e parts masonry ·n ture. The coaches :rymg o The play was first produ. l'd in >:ew l'C _eges anl ur.1n:'ISI W:-> a1c uow :-.c·. •· '- . • . .' music will tl-e 1,,, .. ,. h.•cl ,·,, th. 111ak1'ng of h• ' stor'· ,·n cu re one tompetent JUdl!e lo rcn-[ "o rk 1 ·n 19 :2.J. theil it has been ec::tmg- the suLJ.ect. . tl.e Ea:st in conm·d1on with m e1r.a- . _ .. " _ J. - ,., I b h tit nal NiUl'ation. w 11 be madl' krn>wn for one of the social <.•vents the state. The bit of persona l touch Pri f. J. A. Tl":nlt.•r, head of. the elec- ·r the decision. n-iven a ll o,·er the <:ounir)· with atn..:nd- I Jud.ges. nomrn.a'el Y t 1:..sl' 1·n·si. r h ·rh B r1· h 1 t · I · · I h ,... d · t d le th m nt of tht! as soon as <lc:l'ided upon. ::\"ot more c. t e t' ou ll\'t' lec:: 1 that he was able to put into the talk rll'R lng-meenng- l as Contrary to the fir:--t debate P.ro-1 ant success. mor.th it is bdng" I s upi s thar two months will between a of plans that w .1 I and the the group has just received word that Sam T homp ·a m, thF.rc will be no by the State t:nivC'rsity and the ess.y .' ... t.:. . . , · . , . h · I I · d add <'onstderable 111te1est to.the danl'r 1 ,,. 1 · 1 h ... ·oiiicol·theolcle<tlllenibei·oi 11 acle -;on, a senior <'lectrical. has been '1p '''1tl1 thn clebatL•r"'.-. Both Butte Jl ' 1 gl1 S"·hool besiclc the lo(·al The s.·holai!:>hlp for ' 1 c.:on t e opcnmg- am losing- a es. I ·1i 1 t th 0 · " ... v . ., .. a1H w1. ic grca· o l' •he talk more enjoyable . ·n\'nrdecl second place• on a paper lve had a long, hHrd and high schoo l. 1 community of JI. C. What t.:ould I Before th<.' main speech a few re- whi. h he recently prcsenttd, in a cor- El tl-at the debate program has Several meml.ers of the cast are ex-1 MONSTERS FOUND IN tr b,; l'hang-e he'! Look for the an- were made by the past-masters test, to the Exel·uti\'e ('om- -en full enough this year. I cf·e 0 p 1 .titohn 0 a 1 . 1 l_lya ·'t'', . enl! PRE-HISTORIC nouncement in next week's Exponent. present, and Pre:;i;lcnt Sands, 1'ittee of the Amedl·an of . ""' .. who ,, .. as toastmaster for the Elecrkal Eng-ineers. OM E EC CLUB HOLDS ITS and Rathel ll obt as the purerts, I FEATURE SECTION 1928 ANNUAL :\llSS F REIDA BULL .!3\·e a brief history of the organiza· 1[r. IL H. Sthoolfidd. \il'e-presi· t EG LAR MONTHLY MEET Bennion '" theu: oldest son and Jack PROVES THE U NPROV- •irn which <ponso1·cd the eYenin!(s dent of Distric• !l of the Amerkan 'HUR D \Y HERRICJ{ HALL Lo"elaco and Ahce ."andenhook make! !..--- -------------- ---- --- ------· ABLE AT MEETING 1 program. ln<titute of Elect1ical Eng:ireers. · ' I up a modern American fa mily wh1th wrote Prof. Tbd<.>r: ''The papt•r com- - -- I can't be beat. All the others \'ery The Featun Section of tht' 1!121 tumes, philosophie,.;, and civilizations --- All preHnt that the piled and presented by Samuel Regulai· monthly metting of the ably portray their I :\ lontai:arti which i:s now completed which \>..·er(' Olll« pre\·ah:nt on the n Friday. Apr il 1. l\liss Freida n nwst educational and profitable Thompson of your Branch . entitlt>cl om(' Ee. ("lub was held T hursday I The !-itory is one that will I and has been tunied over to the t!d- earlh . 1 Bull J!a\"e a lecture to the :\lath- · liydro Power Resom ces of the United g ht in Herrick Hall. After the 1 both the youngtr and older genera- itcr, promh:es to be the mo:->t no\'el If you are eaj.!'er for the \'l'I')' lat- I Club. In view of the fa•·t -- 1 was a \'rry l•xcellent pl\rer 1si nes!'. meetinS:: Hamilton I tions. It is told in a ":ay and feature section. e\'ei est of all tht low-down about the it was April Fool Day. she pl\'- CO LL EGE OH.\ TORY the Dbtl·ict Executi\'e Committee talk on the first Home Econonucs 1 and presents a true domest1..: I tempted. Did you e\'tr let your llll<lJ!· Ear:h and it's inl bitants, read e\·ery s<'nlcd proofs of things that cnn not t lt that it was close l'nnug-h in merit ·partmenl at )fontana State. :\l rs. in the modern home. with a connnc- ination g'O as far as to cany you to bit of th is feature section. There's occur, yet on the fal'e of it e\'ery step Trv-out .. for thr Rrn.:kv )fountain to he prh:e winning- paper to de amilton, who :spoke from actual ex- ing picture of devoted parents :. a some other plaret? Did you e\er Jet a waitirg for you. ir the proof s<.•ems leJ?itimate. Some :'\h·et will be· hald April scn·e an honornbll' mention. It wa..: •ri ence, told many interesting- and rather spoiled youn_g-er gcne1at1on it ca r ry you years henl'e? JI cf the many interesting cn:5c.-s whkh l:'th. One reprl'sentati\'e will hNefore de<·ided b\ a \Ote of the nusing S.he had illustrat- wl":ich neverthelei-;s pro\'lS it:-elfequal vo u hav, did you i-;uppose th:1t about Ye Pen-pushers! were proved were: 1 -I; 1 chf'"'en to go to :he Conferer.ce n1eet committee to '\1r. Thompsnn e material whith added to the in- to all demands. then the old long.Jost. Earth would 15 from ulg-l•bra ; and by usin.!!: at Laramie. Wyoming April 29th and an honorable nu·rtinn h li"' rei;t of her talk. --------- be rediscovered'! If the Earth were Th e Looter's Club will give tw) 1 geometr\' ii shown that two per- in all probubililv on(• \\ill be c• I only one cash pr:zc> c11n be awarder! )l ri-;. Roose\'elt talked on the work THREE NE\V STUDENTS what then woulcl Le t! tickets to ·he ann ual show, Th! 1 ca11 be drawn from one to represl·nt Colleg-e at the Bil- each year for this class of paper." the Home Demonstration agent!'. ENTERED THIS QU ARTER logical th ing- to do? Ch imes of :\ormandy, to the rcint :o a gi\'en line, that an ang-1' li11g-s Polythel·hil· ml'et to ht! held :\fr. Schoolfield also ed that ar1 the refru_lar ___ I The FEature Editors of thi" yeai 's writer of the best essay on l·an be trisect£d with rule and com- :\ l · \" 6th abstract of this paper wil1 te puh- ni ors put on their class which . 1 t . d :\ l (' '\l ontanan have worked the thing to $Ubject Th e Chimes of :'\ urm an d) . rass. and that e\ery triangle 1s .. must tl' orzinal om lished soon in the .Journal as a style show. Tea and wafers !hree stu<ent; en f·.:.t · lime·1;lerfection Bv using- the most ultr::i· Any phase of the subject may be isoceles. and in the r('nforence ml'<'t unciE.•r thl' de\uted to student et e at the of the meel- this quarH lu" ord 11 e modern ideas and hvpo- w1i·t£n on. The only limitini!' 1 , There wer<' other proof and dis. must noe cXl'C d 18110 word, in lcnl!':h. acth·ities . g Gertrnde ammon · aml · I . . · · · · qualification is tl:e length: it shall cussions. which all demonstrated Hjalmar last year 's reprc>s -- -- ---- . tered in the Home Eco nomic 5 Depart- I thetical concepllon_5. , they pulled the not exceed !100 words. The es- fact lhat little enors can brin, to the State tontest is work \ OLLE(; E CJRCr S ·o ' CE sru 'tS ment as a freshman, Corn Piper, I Ea r th up close . dispatched an . ex- .3ays must be clear ly and neat .\ about the impossible. ir:g on an oration Ht!ain ti is Yt''ll' 11 1 ' . I Ab . k:' H ome Economics as a rloring- party, and began lo ex ·in ate. '"r1'tten ,,.,·th the nan1e of the · f th f Th ue will be a Spur Social meet-' sar.l d R ' C Johr ... on Glen- ThP feature Section itself is the " Ill p1eparat10n or e l'On enn(" •g and for new mem- 1 Daily ntw'.'papcr of one of the great \niter on upper rig-ht hand corner Dean Linfielcl has returned from a meet. Othe1s that ha\'e rs at the P_i P ..., h1_ next. who ha\'e returned dties on ard as fai.;t. ;..s 1 of each sheet. They must be Jong abs.m·e. during which he Yi:;ited theii; intentions of trying out are uesday, April ;, , at 1:30. _All the 1 bsem:e from school arei j the are made and radiog- turned into :Jliss Robertson's of- 1 of the extension branch sta- Hehn, Henry Gardiner, :\larg· lu mr.ae as well as t_he Actn·es are after an a · S h Harold Low- gr aphed in they are printed and fice on the third floo r of :\lont:rna tions where he in making out a1 E.t Dewe\'. Buck. Dor aid ed •o be there. \\' ill those Florente Burns . El v/right J r. 1 pl aced before the public eye. There:: Hall not later :han Friday nooil, I budgets. and arranging other finanrir.l and ,Joe Delaney. ·e co ming pl ease notify F reida ma n, Soph."n' J 1 ? 1 \Yard are pictures. a wealth of them, whkh April 14. Refrrence material may matters on the basis of the new nr - are no: restricted to any- ;erdr.kkson, or Helen \Vald orf at t he Helen Sop h., and depic t without a _f law the complete [ be secured in the college library . propr iation recent ly made by the 5late one and a ll a r e in\: ited to prepare on • Phi house. r ., Mat gn1 e d Fr I st ory of th e anc ient cost ums, cos- ·---------------' leg is latu re. or ation. Vice-Presid ent. Gerald ine Bow en, · Thne will be a meeting- of the entire cir(·us c·ommittee tonight in the collrge Gymnasium at 7 :30. Ott ney desirous of ha\·ing everyone on the ....... committees present since t he time for the circus is drawing near and plans mu-,t ht· completely form ul- atl'd in th nt•ar future if the Circus is to be a success•

TAKA, TUESDA ) . APR I L 5, 1927 2 7 ~U:'IIBER ,.---S -F ...arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-018-27-001-004.pdfWatch for The Looter's Light Opera "Chimes o f Normandy"

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ina ls o f lnterclass Boxing and \\res tling Adde d Attrac tion

On L ast :'\ig ht

The l·o111mittec: on c·om·e~sions for L' Colli:ge Circus to be held :'\lay and i nwi last wt1 ek witl·1 repre­ntati\'~s from :di the org-anizations

1 tht• hill to di:->tu~s the manner of ndlini,r cnn i:~:-ion<:.. The committee cidecl to Sl:n<I form leth•rs to the

uious groups explaining the diffrr­:i t types of booths offered und st•t­ng forth a minimum price on these otl-s. With thi~ infoTmation the ganizatiors are to send in senlt::d ds for the particular concessions ey de~in" Six booths an:" to be

Jctioned off in thii; manner to tht­g-he~t bidder. The sideshows fl rt to

! put on by the college c-roups also, t in!-ilead of selling- th1:~e at auc­

on it was de ·ided to OfH:'ratc tl-em a c<"mmission basb. Prizes will

~ offered for the best sideshow~ and ooths, thus g-iving- a big- inC'£'ntin· •r tht- construdion of orhtina I and t ractive conl.'essions and side~howr:; Ore of the new features add d to e circus is the boxing to be held

l the last night. This mat.·h is to • the finals for the interclass box­go and wrestling, and promises to be finl: drawing- card . Another feature that will add eatl.r to the excitement of the cir-

1s is the automobile that is to be ffled to the lucky person . Thi> ffle is heir g conducted by the Bob­t club and the proceed::; will go to e athletic fund, the same as the ·oceeds from the entire circus. The :act typl' of car has not yet been eked but it b proposed to use a .r of around one thou<:::and doll ar!== clue. The main show committee has all ans complett.!d now so that work t the drills and dances is to start

once. \\"ith the sale of concessions e latter part of this week the plans r the enti re circus will be practical-

eomp1ete leaving only the actua l ·actice work yet to be clone .


Watch for The Looter's Light Opera "Chimes of Normandy" April 18 and 19, Ellen Theatre

l(~xpon:cnt ATTE:'\TIO:\ !

All memb£-rs of Y. '" · C. A. are ir,·ited to attend the talk to be gi\"~n by :'1-Ii~s Elsie Beller of the ~ational Board of Y. \V. (. A . Tuc:-;clay, April 5th, at '7:15 P . i\1. m Henic:k Hall.

Refreshments will be sc:rved in the fir place room.

BOZE1'1Al'\, :\IOi\TAKA, TUESDA ) . APR I L 5, 1927



L ocal Try out:; Will Be Held During the l\liddle

of l\lonth

~U:'IIBER 2 7

,.---S-F '>-IOR-, ,-IEE-,TI-. G-. ____,J BAND GREETED BY There will be a nu:etin~ of thl'

Sl~nit r clas.; in the l ittle theatrt>, :\Jontarn Hall. at h\l• (;; :O{) µ. m.) W ednesday eH•ning- for the pur~ l)f.i~(: or C..Oll!--idering S!•nior tr;.d it ic..ns for tht sprin~. and sen.•ral o.h<r import.int matter..; ,

Since Ralr.h '10,,ery has h.·<t scho1 I to do tt.>achin~ "'ork. 1 he 'ice-pre ... idtnt of 1ht' cla.-..s, 'l is-.; Frances \\ )lie, ''ill take the chair <I!-; pre:-.idcnt for tht: remainder of the )ear. She h;.1 ... ur).{ed th;u all



E nte rtaine d b y Banquet In Con­rad G iven by the CiYic

C lub

Looter& to Present 1

Chimes of Normandy Thf:' fourth annual 11ii;h School ;~~~~r~ir:tt~~~~"t h:~1 µ:;t~~~~gt~ii~~~ Capndty houst:s greeted the memb-

State Scholarship contest thb yea1· which must ·he S{'tlltd h<.•fore ('l's of the BobcaL band and director will be held April 2~J-:Jo at :JL ::;, C. g-raduation time. Shl· ha... abu l ou l lowarLI at the- first three con-So far. 122 high :-.chools ha\"e reg1s- m'.ked that tlas:-; membt"rs rememh- ce1ls of thl~ seventeenth annual tout ered for this c:onlest . The ~to.le '·"" er that if onh a fe,, are there. uf the organization. l'oiL·erts were

divided into eighteen distritts. ca I they can still ~et the rule-!" for the '-'.'h·en Sundav at Fort Bt'nton and last Promises To Be Far in .. \dvance of which an well onrar.ized and the enti re da's. s that it behtiO\t. ... all night a l'o.nrad . Tonight the band

district contests will be held April that "'il"-h tu haq~ a hand in run- will play at Chelhy under the auspice" of Any Previous College 1 \.) or 10. which happens to be the ni rg t he senior act ivities fo r the of the high school. Presentation same dat~s for lh<:> district scholar- )Car lo atttn::I t hi -.; m e<>ting. Before the concert last night the

___ 1 sLip cont('sts in Kansas. Colorado band was entertained at a banquet :--; t }! I d T d ~ ·11 J h G d Ni D and :\ebraska. 1ri,en by the Civic Clubs of Corrad. .ex .oncayan ues.ay, . pn 0 nson- OT On egro UO 'It ·1 I 1· h b l'1111 .. rt',•111ana~en1cnt of "Swede" 1~ and lH, the Looters will prt-:-ent I ·' a eria !'" am ~upp tes a\'e een .... 1..,- ~

their firs t li1-Cht opera, "The Chimes or<leHd and will be sent to the of- Natl.Ona} Sp Alqu~st. a :'1-Iontana ~tale alumnus, of :'\ormandy," at the Ellen Th,•atre, I s . "t 1 · t Sz"ng Ti'hursday fice of Prof. Leo Horst. Director 0 ur the banquet was a veal succe5' and Plrl Ua ls S th. tate '"hola1 .. h1·p ron ect ,,·her1.: w1·11 be 1·e111en1ber0 d b\' the member~ ~n~>:~l~~!i~~os~"~~-l~rf~~0~1;i:~~:1 ,,~0 a~~ I they~ will b~ r~a~~em~lecl. ·a~d di:-;- of the band as on~ of. the hi)?'h spot~ ar.cl most beautiful of ch01u:-.l'S e\er --- -- tributed to the variou~ clist1;ct!<. Convention Over of the trip. In addition to the Boh-given by a college organization. \VILL APPE AR IN COLLEGE GYM1 T .\ S ll1l\1 AS THE LAST In thi:s rontest are twenty e-·ents. at Band and Edwar<l Fuller. \vho i~



d h d . t · t t f' t I I :1e ompaning the tand as one of the T i" "how is especially noted for :'\U MBER O F THIS YEAR'S CONCERT an eac IS r1c repor s u·s an· he beauty of its choruses. partit:ular- second winners in eath e\"ent. Orly Several Representatives Attend ~i1embers of tl e quur:ette, a gTcat ly the women's, in whkh there will C O U RSE PROGRA M the winner of the first place in an at S ea ttle, From S tate ~:.~:rn/lontana State Alumni were be 22 colleJ!e ,t!irls. The show is also event from each distric: is eliJdble to

t a di il. lo f I <l 1 a mg comE to the state contest. College Thr• Bobcat Quartett(', compo~ed of ex r or nar ) h co r u . a~ p e f; ' ·'How is it vou are able to impnrt I ward and tell u~ that the~- ha\'e felt The southwestern Pub. Co. of Cin- Eel Fuller. Kenneth Schwartz, Ray b~~~.~se 0~ t e d l'~S~U~l~n.!! e . 1 ;.ct_~ to these XeS?;O Spirituals ~uch feel. a nd seen the old days with us. I of- tinat:i Ohio is this vear awardinf!' Repre:;en(ati\'es from :\Iontan~ Bowden, and Hilmore Riek, has al· -\\ tc can c pro u e :_.,: •1 poi a:_.,:- inn- to make the audiEnce feel an i I ten have people come up after a con- -1 ' 1' 1 h. · · f f' ·t· State Colle""e to the first natium\l re•cl)• pro,·ecl one of the feature< o[ al of the times tl:at the theme rl'pre- N d . . . .th . th . . d t ll I a s1 \'er me< a to t e wmner o 1rs F- I " ~ ser.ts. ~ee the scene you are epu:tmu- in cert w1 tears in e1r e~es an e place in each district in bookkeepin- con\'ention of the Spurs, honorar v the program. The solo work of R ay . . . your song?'' me that they have been mo\'ed as 1 and in addition will award a gold so1 homore won~en's organization, left Patten and Louis T rue ha\·e been l nduded m the cast an.' the \ety . . k f ~I 1 tl1c,· ne\'er ha\'e been mo\"ed before; I d 1 h · f f' t 1 Thursday mornmg, :\!arch :n. for Sc- \vell received. begt of :\Jontana State's actors and This quc~llon was as ·ed. 0 • r. · · and. the th1' 11g that l1a 0 1110\·e<l them I me ~ to_ t e. winner 0 irs; .pace

R d J h h b t .., b kk th t t te t a tie. \Vash .. where the com ention Tomorrow evenir.g the band will singers. l\Iiss .Mercedes Staebler. .o~amon . o ns?n t e an one, m~- is the rdigious emotion er.gendere·J oo eepmg in c s a e., c~n . :":) . \vho for three \.'etlrs past has di~tin- 1 s1c1an , actomp~mst, author. who will b\• these s .11.1.:uals. Last year ti ere were _o~ m t~~ was held April 1, 2 and 3. Srur "·a.;; play at Ka.lisp.ell, at \Yhitefisl-., Apl'il ' h ·th T J G d th \ P t t t t h e 1 e· 111 founded at :llortana State Colle<re in I; Libby, April ; T roy. April 9 . The e:uishcd herself in l·ollege play$. will i ~ppear t er~ w1 Th ~~d o1~ _01; ton~ . ~ . "It is more powetiul than any ;ha.~ ~?~ ~~t w ~ w dref w n~·J ~. g-h 1922 and now has se\'en chapters. band will re·urn to Bozeman earlv appear in one of the leading parts of I;.. cgrtothenc;:t ~tn C ~is"" a~ t~lg- 1 '.: p11 church servLe, they say, a real. p;enu- - ~~101~ is r~~ s; ,the~1-e~c sen~o~1i ·'; h~re Those going from Bozeman were :\londay morning. . the cast. and is well able to p<•r-ray I'' a e " a e 0 ee-e g)mna:srnm. ine Christianity wells up within them sc. n • • •.•. . P €. m ., the part which she is taking. Henry ''Because," arswered :\Ir. ,John:-on, .:rnd they get all the feeling of an a1e ;::::07 acued1ted high schools n :\liss Jesse L. Donaldson of the En- The program for the concert is: Schwa1·tz, who is well known to the " I can see in my mind, in my imau- old fashioned gospel meetirg. They :\ lontana. . ~ glish faculty of :\lontana State Col- Pa rt I. · · h 1 I d' The pu1 po~e of these. contests n .. lege, rat iona l sponsor of the Spurs; ~Ian· h . "Victory of the town because of his singini:; will take ination, as I ~mg t ese o ~ me o 1.e.~ ell me how much KOod it has done r:; . · . ' . · ; ' 1 ~ one of the lending male parts. ~fr . I of the plantation and t he ~egro Sp11- them to hear these Spirituals. It may 'ta_ted i_n one of t.he _depa.1 tm~n~ .bu! l\Iis~ :\larcella Schneider, president of

Xation'' ;\lose~

0\'erture, "Orphe1:.s' 1 Offenbach Bell Solo, " Ada Polka" . Boos

Ra y Patt <.n

b etm> is to arouse 1nte1est m sco the local chapter and the official T .. B. Story w!ll .le:nd. his deep bas~ itu.a}s, I. can see the old ::\"egroc~ e- ?e that the_Y arc awa~ening a re!ig- ~rshi · ~ncl :o co;n ete for attentio~ de leg-ate. and ~liss Ruth Casev of voice to the s1ng1rg m the part ot fo1e me , I can feel the whole scene, 10us sen::;e 111 our audiences: perhap.:: It thp,t f h. h p h 1 · .1 Anaconda. They were joined in Butte an old • 'onnan gentleman. and I know :\Ir. Gordon does too. \ \'e it is possible to build a renewed I 0

.. ta It ~r hw 1~ t~c t ~~ s p·r~ma~'/ by :Jliss Rhoda Harri~, national gran 1 The music is all under the direc-1 can remember Dinah and Lindy and feeling- of ChLtstianitv on these old ex!s . t I~ ~pe f .a .1 n~~) en k o presidert and by :\Iiss :Jlarie Louise

rion of Pr~fes~or J oseph Adam. who the old ::\e~ro':s of the South, we_ can sor.gs. They are gosp~I hymns of the ~~~~c:lt~~ ~o:e otri;\~.s·;~1~c~~~~a~1:1~~ Leipheimer. a former si.udent at :\!. has gained nation-wide recognition of j s~e an~ fee~ with _them, an.cl the "ho~e best sort, .of the ~ruest a!ld deepe.~t promote broadu1ing- ~on:acts for both S. C. and at Grace, Idaho, by :\Iiss his musical abilitv since his success· scer.e come:s befoie us as leal ns rea .- and most sincere kmd and 1t would be h d ·t I t Lillian Barry, nationa l histo1ian . fu l \'enture into ihe Syhphonic Or- ity itself, when we come to sing H,csc surprising if people did not ca.ell t~c teac ers an s uc en s. chestra fie ld last f a ll, and the mu- ! songs. I ca~ close my eyes and the emotional content of the~c songs m Tl-ierc were representatives in at-sicians will be mainly memters <lf \V~O~e pla~e is bef~re me, the wholP their sou ls. . That is what we like to LES BOUFFONS PLAN tendance from each of the !'>e\'en the ). lontana Symphony Orchcstr.q sp1r1t of t he song IS a part of me. gi\e them; ~omething- more than en· rhapters which are located a the

l f I 11 lJri\'ersity of l'tah, Unh-ersity of wf.ich made such a splendid record I And those who come to our con- tertainment, a great ove or t 1e o < Idaho, Un!versity of 'Washington, for itself in the state last fa ll. cens frequently come to see us af er- fashioned kind of religior.." FOR ANNUAL FORMAL Pullman College of \\"ashington, Co!-

The mmiical choruses, also under I lcg:e of Puget Sound at Tacoma. Ore-;11r . Ada m's di r ection, as well as the' $2 500 Scholarshz"p or'fered for the gon, Agricul<nal College at Corval-

y The spring quar:er social season Ii~. and l\lontana :state College at

Selection "Hig-h Jink::;' )larch. American P atrol"

lntermi!".;:ion Pai;; II

E riml


Selections by the Boboat Quartette Euphonium Solo, "T he Charmer''

.. Bos~ ~election. "Princess of I ndia"

Kinz A Plartation Patrol, " Ole Sought''

Zamecnik OvE.rture, i.Poet and Peasant"

Suppe Finale i•Star Spangled Banner"

lllal·,, cast, are work1'ng 11ight a 11cl da·.· 1 ' T J ' in orde1· to get in shape f or the ini- • d h I.IT /d will open with the Les Buffon formal Bczeman. tia l performance on A11ril 12 al the College Cruise Aroun t e YYOr dancino:partytobeheldattho;rrnnd ---------

the cast rehearsals, or heard the mu- hall on Fl'irlay e\·enin!? April 22. All SQUARE AND COMPASS E:'\Tm !O LOGJC.\L SOCIETY

HOLDS REGL' L\R \I E ETIXG entative Arrangements made Ellen Theatre. T hose who ha\'(~ seen I l'e-orening- of thl: Ro~e Garden darn:~

For Contes t 'Vith the sica l practice report that the produ,,- XE\\' YORK 11 . h "I -A ~" - 00 tinuation of the regular a{'ademic students and townspeople interested "U" in Butte tion is progressing wonderfully an l · ' · ate ,, · '-·" · · I l · r h' I On Fridav afternoon Dr J R ··ll b. f· . . d, f . ."II ,.:1 scholarship for a school of study coursts in preparatory subjects, or a 111 a so~ia c ass1c o 1 is natme are BANQUET COLLEGE INN Parker addr~5.s;d the "'r.eetin.g-er. En~ ''I e a1 .111 a \ ance o .an:, _1.:0 eg_.- aboard the S. S . Rvndam on its sc.:- freshman vear of college work, or urj!"ed to send their names to Burton ,... :M . S. C'. will detate Jlount St. a~t entertarnment presenied Ill th1:;; ond College Cruise .Round the \\'nr d. :-;turly of sf1eL·ial business courses re- Rher~. Prc·ddenl of Les Buffo11s ~o- I tomo1o~y Society, speakmg on the 'la rks colleg-e of Helena on Tues- c1 y. is soon to be announced bv the l'ni- la~ing to foreign commerce and in- cial ftaternity, in the near future so --- ~ubject of "Graduate " 'ork." :Ur. Ly, April ii, at 3 :15 in the little ,·ersitv Tran:l A::>sociatior.·. Inc ., 28rl te1nalional trade. thty will be ... cnt in in,·ita ion. The Square and Campas fraternity Parker pointed out t.he impo rtance of eater Joe Livers and Hemy Ga1- H" h S h I p t :'.\l adis.on A\'enue. Xew York City. It The award will be made early in .\ll upper classmen will wear for· held a banquet at the College Inn last ?'·h_en g:radunte work is.done and where

·oh1bit1on question. now 110 undergTadi..atc in any college dt'part on a study-travel tour of the urn erdas!'men will be pll·mittNl to present consisted of the present m ·m- ~en~e at gT~dea·(' work. ) Ir. Parker

ner will 1ep1esent the t·ollege on the I Ig c 00 resen s will be <l\"ailable to any younJ,! mall .June o.: this year. and the wi r. ner will mal clothes to the dancing party, but , ,.eclnesday eYen ing- at 6 :-1.). Those 1t IS tak~n. He also d1~cussed the ex-

G H H• h" · glohe Septemlil•r :;o. take par: in the social festh·ity 111 btrs of the fraternity and Vernal 0~1pleted l11s graduate work and .r~-The debate bet\\een i\1 • c. and ,, oose angs 1g or uni\·er:-;ity. informal dress. ll will not be nec<:>S- Alexander, Sam Scott, Fa\· Butts and 1 ·el\'l.c1 a Ph .. n. Oeg-ree at the '{,;m-e Unn·ers1ty has been tentatnely I This g hol:.11:-;hip ircludcs full ex· The First Colk•ge Crui~e Rouml the !"Ury for the m~n to order flowers fur Dewl~y Strel't of the city .. 1od1?es. cnntr of )Jmne.,.ota. Tanged. The team "h:~ilJ uphho'lbd_!~ht I - -- '1 pe!1~es of! tthe "l'nht·ersit)~· Afl~~lt~'t ~\p·~:~~I. ~·1~1~~ .. ~~tu~~':::1g c~~:~~~~ti;~~;: thb otca~io1', for tl e hall will be lil . l Dean J . l\I. Ham il ton of the college "firmati,·e sid~ of t e pro I I wn "The Goose Hangs J li ~h . " a three tuition, et· _ure~, ~ eams ip ll' ·e . ll I d . h f h fl iestion. I t will be held at. Butte 11 act r:omuh· Uv Lewis Beach wi ll he stateroom, shon• t1.·1ps_ a.ml meals. but the s1;concl b to be limited to ua .r t e orate . wit res tut ow- spoke on '"The Ilbtory of Masonry in IS 'fh G1"ven 'I I . . I ·1 1 h t r I b t t I Ill 0111" \\'J" !1 a11 "11 l\'S, and thorc Will be onoug:h for eath .' lonta11a," tell1'11~ of the f1'rst lodges am ompson iring the third week in Apri anc pre!-'eLted by the Parrots of Gallatin t w1_ go tot_ t · wri er o :. w es young me1 s mt· s .Y• ·. .... )'Olllll? lat!)· 11rl'sent. ::".·tabl1",hed ,·n th~c state nncl a b1't of -.ii t empts are being made to g-et !iOme High Sl'hool in . he hig-h school autl1t- es~ny 1.11 a na~1onal (':-.Sa~ cunt~·st, rcllment of :r;:> instead of GOO. 1 . f ... ~ ~ S d A d Th • ·ganization of that eity to bnc.·k thl' oiium Prich!,\", April 8. for wl 1th prcs~<lent~. of l.>0 l('achng- The i;uhjC('t •or the eontest, which The h~dl \\i l bf' dt·L'Ol'a"ed Ill Ol'lll- the history ot each. He also mention- econ war on es1s t II I t I v·ill pus ·ibh im· )J\ e a clisl'ui.swn of al ~our:on st):le and hiKh cl~~s L'd ~everal of the acti\'e parts masonry ·nture. The coaches ~re :rymg o T he play was first produ. l'd in >:ew l'C _eges anl ur.1n:'ISI W:-> a1c uow :-.c·. ~~ •· '- . • . .' music will furm~h tl-e bal'kgrow1m~ 1,,, .. ,. h.•cl ,·,, th. 111ak1'ng of h•'stor'· ,·n cu re one tompetent JUdl!e lo rcn-[ "or k 1·n 19:2.J. ~ince theil it has been ec::tmg- the suLJ.ect. . tl.e Ea:st in conm·d1on with m e1r.a- . _ .. " _ ~ J. - ,., I b h tit nal NiUl'ation. w 11 be madl' krn>wn for one of the big-gt~t social <.•vents the state. The bit of personal touch Pri f. J. A. Tl":nlt.•r, head of. the elec-·r the decision. n-iven a ll o,·er the <:ounir)· with atn..:nd- I Jud.ges. nomrn.a ' el Y t 1:..sl' 1·n·si. r h ·rh B r1· h 1 t · I · · I ~ h ,... d · t d le th m nt of tht! as soon as <lc:l'ided upon . ::\"ot more c. t e ~·ear. t' ou ot:~ ll\'t' lec::1 that he was able to put into the talk rll'R lng-meenng- l era 1 1.me~ • as Contrary to the fir:--t debate P.ro-1 ant success. Thi~ mor.th it is bdng" I en~s s a~~d upi e~Hthe \~inn:r s thar two months will elaps~ between d1scussm~ a C'hnn~e of plans that w ~ .1 I and the a~·quaintanl'C the group has just received word that Sam T homp ·am, thF.rc will be no ~ta«• d~batlll!!lgi\"en by the State t:nivC'rsity and the ess.y .' ... t.:. . . , · . , . h · I I · d add <'onstderable 111te1est to.the danl'r


,,.1·1h ... ·oiiicol·theolcle<tlllenibei·oi11acle -;on, a senior <'lectrical. has been '1p '''1tl1 thn 1 ~. clebatL•r"'.-. Both wam~ Butte Jl '1gl1 S"·hool besiclc the lo(·al The s.·holai!:>hlp JHO\Jdc~ for '1 c.:on t e opcnmg- am losing- a es. I ·1i 1 t th 0 · "

... v ~ . ., .. ===============================~ a1H w1. ic ~ grca· ~urpr~se o l' •he talk more enjoyable . ·n\'nrdecl second place• on a paper lve had a long, hHrd sea~nn and high school. 1 community of J I. ~ . C. What t.:ould I Before th<.' main speech a few r e- whi. h he recently prcsenttd, in a cor-El tl-at the debate program has Several meml.ers of the cast are ex-1 MONSTERS FOUND IN tr b,; l'hang-e he'! Look for the an- mark~ were made by the past-masters test, to the Di~·drid Exel·uti\'e ('om--en full enough this year. I cf·e


0a1.1l_lya ·'t'',.enl! k.~bn 101',"t 1;1. in_-,1~1~;c~~1:.'; PRE-HISTORIC nouncement in next week's Exponent. present, and Pre:;i;lcnt Gl~nn Sands, 1'ittee of the Amedl·an l n~titute of

. ""' .. who ,, .. as toastmaster for the e\·enin~. Elecrkal Eng-ineers. OM E EC CLUB HOLDS ITS and Rathel llobt as the purerts, Fr<'<~ I FEATURE SECTION 1928 ANNUAL :\llSS F REIDA BULL .!3\·e a brief history of the organiza· 1[r. IL H. Sthoolfidd. \il'e-presi· t EG LAR MONTHLY MEET Bennion '" theu: oldest son and Jack PROVES THE U NPROV- •irn which <ponso1·cd the eYenin!(s dent of Distric• !l of the Amerkan 'HUR D \Y HERRICJ{ HALL Lo"elaco and Ahce ."andenhook make! !..------------------------------· ABLE AT MEETING 1 program. ln<titute of Elect1ical Eng:ireers. · ~· ' I up a modern American fa mily wh1th wrote Prof. Tbd<.>r: ''The papt•r com-- -- I can't be beat. All the others \'ery The Featun Section of tht' 1!121 tumes, phi losophie,.;, and civilizations --- All preHnt fol~ that the e'·~ning piled and presented by ~1r. Samuel Regulai· monthly metting of the ably portray their charact~r.. I :\ lontai:arti which i:s now completed which \>..·er(' Olll« pre\·ah:nt on the n Friday. Apr il 1. l\liss Freida I~;~~" n nwst educational and profitable Thompson of your Branch . entitlt>cl om(' Ee. ("lub was held T hursday I The !-itory is one that will mtere~t I and has been tunied over to the t!d- earlh . 1 Bull J!a\"e a lecture to the :\lath- · liydro Power Resom ces of the United ght in Herrick Hall. After the 1 both the youngtr and older genera- itcr, promh:es to be the mo:->t no\'el If you are eaj.!'er for the \'l'I')' lat- I }-\·~it::; Club. In view of the fa•·t --

1 ~~atC's. was a \'rry l•xcellent pl\rer

1sines!'. meetinS:: :\ Ir~. Hamilton ga.\~~ I tions. I t is to ld in a pl~a~i~g- ":ay and interes~in~ feature section. e\'ei est of all tht low-down about the th~t it was April Fool Day. she pl\'- CO LLEGE OH.\ TORY ~rnd the Dbtl·ict Executi\'e Committee talk on the first Home Econonucs 1 and presents a true domest1..: :;1tua~10!1 I tempted. Did you e\'tr let your llll<lJ!· Ear:h and it's inl bitants, read e\·ery s<'nlcd proofs of things that cnn not t lt that it was close l'nnug-h in merit ·partmenl at )fontana State. :\l rs. in the modern home. with a connnc- ination g'O as far as to cany you to bit of th is feature section. There's occur, yet on the fal'e of it e\'ery step Trv-out .. for thr Rrn.:kv )fountain to he prh:e winning- paper to de am ilton , who :spoke from actual ex- ing picture of devoted parents :. nc~ a some other plaret? Did you e\er Jet a ~urprise waitirg for you. ir the proof s<.•ems leJ?itimate. Some ()1nt~rical :'\h·et will be· hald April scn·e an honornbll' mention. It wa..: •rience, told many interesting- and rather spoiled youn_g-er gcne1at1on it ca rry you :~000 years henl'e? JI cf the many interesting cn:5c.-s whkh l:'th. One reprl'sentati\'e will bt~ hNefore de<·ided b\ a \Ote of the nusing detail~. S.he had illustrat- wl":ich neverthelei-;s pro\'lS it:-elfequal vou hav, did you i-;uppose th:1t about ~OTI CE-. \ ll Ye Pen-pu s hers ! were proved were: z~=l; 1 -I; 1 chf'"'en to go to :he Conferer.ce n1eet committee to nwa~d '\1r. Thompsnn e material whith added to the in- to all demands. t hen the old long.Jost. Earth would 15 from ulg-l•bra ; and by usin.!!: at Laramie. Wyoming April 29th and an honorable nu·rtinn ina~mu h li"' rei;t of her talk. --------- be rediscovered'! If the Earth were Th e Looter's Club will give tw) 1 geometr\' ii wu~ shown that two per- in all probubililv on(• \\ill be c• o~cn I only one cash pr:zc> c11n be awarder! )l ri-;. Roose\'elt talked on the work THREE NE\V STUDENTS redi~covered, what then woulcl Le t! tickets to ·he annual show, Th! 1 penclicul~rs ca11 be drawn from one to represl·nt th~ Colleg-e at the Bil- each year for this class of paper." the Home Demonstration agent!'. ENTERED THIS QU ARTER logica l th ing- to do? Chimes of :\ormandy, to the rcint :o a gi\'en line, that an ang-1' li11g-s Polythel·hil· ml'et to ht! held :\fr. Schoolfield also ~ta ed that ar1

.~fter the refru_lar pro~ram. ~he ___ I The FEature Editors of thi" yeai 's writer of the best essay on th~ l·an be trisect£d with rule and com- :\l · \" 6th abstract of this paper wil1 te puh-niors put on their class ~tunt which . 1

t . d :\ l (' '\lontanan have worked the thing to $Ubject Th e Ch imes of :'\urm and) . rass. and that e\ery triangle 1s .. ~II or~tiors must tl' orzinal om lished soon in the In~titute .Journal as a style show. Tea and wafers !hree stu<ent; en t~c f·.:.t · lime·1;lerfection Bv using- the most ultr::i· Any phase of the subject may be isoceles. pl~itions and in the r('nforence ml'<'t unciE.•r thl' ~ectior: de\uted to student ete ~Hvecl at the c1o~e of the meel- this quarHlu" ord

11e . 1

1~:11 regis~ modern n~achfnery ideas and hvpo- w1i·t£n on. The only limitini!' 1, There wer<' other proof and dis. must noe cXl'C d 18110 word, in lcnl!':h. acth·ities. g Gertrnde ammon · aml · I . . · · · · qualification is tl:e length: it shall cussions. which all demonstrated th~ Hjalmar Lando<~. last year 's reprc>s --------. tered in the Home Economic5 Depart- I thetical concepllon_5., they pulled the not exceed !100 words. The es- fact lhat little enors can brin, entath~e to the State tontest is work \ OLLE(;E CJRCr S ·o ' CE sru 'tS ment as a freshman, Corn Piper, I Ea rth up close. dispatched an . ex- .3ays must be clearly and neat .\ about the impossible. ir:g on an oration Ht!ain ti is Yt''ll' ~ 11 1 ' . I Ab . k:' Home Economics as a rloring- party, and began lo ex ·in ate. '"r1'tten ,,.,·th the nan1e of the I· · f th f Th ue will be a Spur Social meet-' sar.l ~e. d R ' C Johr ... on Glen- ThP feature Section itself is the " Ill p1eparat10n or e l'On enn(" •g and init i at~on for th 1~ee new mem- F.r~sh1li~;1ic~1;tureo~5 ~ J uni~r

1 Daily ntw'.'papcr of one of the great \niter on upper rig-ht hand corner Dean Linfielcl has returned from a meet. Othe1s that ha\'e ~ig-nil'icd rs at the P_i ~eta P...,h1_ hou~e. next. d1'.rh~ ~tuclents who ha\'e returned dties on Betelgeu~e. ard as fai.;t. ;..s 1 of each sheet. They must be Jong abs.m·e. during which he Yi:;ited theii; intentions of trying out are

uesday, April ;, , at 1:30. _All the 1 bsem:e from school arei j the di~cO\'Cries are made and radiog- turned into :Jliss Robertson's of- 1 ~cvcral of the extension branch sta- Je~se Hehn, Henry Gardiner, :\larg· lumr.ae as well as t_he Actn·es are after an a · S h Harold Low- g raphed in they are printed and fice on the third floo r of :\lont:rna tions where he ns~isted in making out a1 E.t Dewe\'. Fo~ter Buck. Dor aid ed •o be there. \\' ill t hose ,~ho Florente Burns.El 0.~e · 1 v/right J r.


placed before the public eye. There:: Hall not later :han Friday nooil, I budgets. and arranging other finanrir.l \\'eydemey~r and ,Joe Delaney. ·e coming please notify F reida ma n, Soph."n' J

1?1 \Yard Sha~ahan: are pictures. a wealth of them, whkh April 14. Refrrence material may matters on the basis of t he new nr- Try-out~ are no: restricted to any-

;erdr.kkson, or Helen \Valdorf at t he Helen Fl ~m1. ~' B;O~\•n, Soph., and depic t without a _flaw the com plete [ be secured in the college library . propriation r ecent ly made by t he 5late one and all a re in\: ited to prepare on • Phi house. r ., Mat gn1 e d Fr I st ory of the anc ient costum s, cos- ·---------------' leg islature. oration.

Vice-Presid ent. Geraldine Bow en, ·

Thne will be a meeting- of the entire cir(·us c·ommittee tonight in the collrge Gymnasium at 7 :30. Ott Rom~ ney i~ desirous of ha\·ing everyone on the ....... committees present since t he time for the circus is drawing near and plans mu-,t ht· completely form ul­atl'd in th nt•ar future if t he Circus is to be a success •


----------------------, / almost finished, and t•rn others were sun·eyed out and "·ell started . Suppose that we begin to figure some means by which we can complete these courts so as to gh·e to tennis fans, a chance to play oftener and perhaps display their \\·ares

[lt.c ltl:r.cld ~ !.E.xtr1ttt-ctd Published Everv 1-"'uesday of the College Year by

the Staff ChoSen From the Students oi Montana St.ate CoJlcgc of the University of :Montana,

Bozeman, 2\lontana __ s~u~b_scr_ip~t-io_n_R_•_t_e_:_s_2_._oo-'p~e_r_S_ch_o_o_l_Y_e_ar_~ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ...... DONALD WEYDEMEIBR

NEWS STAFF MA:\AGING EDITOR ................. JO O'CONNER ' 28 ASSOCIATE EDITOR ........ _ EDWIN BECRAFT '29 ASSOCIATE EDITOR ........ FRANK HUNSAKER '29 l\E \\'S EDITOR-··- ......................... ROY KER LEE '27

JHiSINESS STAFF BUSINESS M.~:\AGER ____ ERl\EST DEALTON '27 AD\'ERTIST:\G i\IANAGER ............................. .

............ __ ..... LA SELLE WORTHINGTON '29 CIRCULAT!Ol\ ;\IANAGER .................... .

.............................. RUS ELL ANDERSON '28

Assistant in Business, Dave Carpenter: Assistant in Ach-ertising, Len Robbins, Frank Cesarani, .J\rt Goings, Dale Cart.er; Assistants in Circulation, Chf­ford Swanson, Joe Delaney.

.Morgues, Margaret McDonald; Sten?grapheTs, Gladys Nichols, Frida Hendrickson, Co1la Hollis; Proof Readers, Francis Kelly, Frand Howard; Staff Artist, v.·nhelm Wall.


I in an interclass t.ourney. \\·e ad,·ocate a campus

I day at home agam this year. NO J<E.\LLY.-

'Ve bear that is, il i~ rumored d ll nbout.-that man\· of our mo.::t illusl-Incident.aly, the race track behin 1e gyrnnas- rious male follo,,;ers of thC' cour~c in ium is in rnr:.· poor shape. And the field in the Campustry aTe rather thorou~hly center is worse. These too, tnight be i1nproved aroused and frig-htencd. Jn fat·t. \H' t · hear th~1t some of lh(•m are ahnos~ by a home can1pus day sometin1 e his sprmg. tempted to mend their enin!! hut

ri1iil'le ::-late<l t,1e alarmin~; fut· 1:'.'''­ead1 kis~ taku:; three niinuk~ ot t _:1 per$on's life. :\\) won(ler eYf!l"Y one~ nll hL~t up. Think of tl.c number (1.

pcopll" who nrc about h) die . :·\ ny­way-thnts why :rn mnry an' rel r i~­in,... Thcv either wnnt to goo ln hen\ -en"".or els.e they think they still havP r1 ~hancc-to li·\·e. I delectable ·wa~·s. Oh :\'o -you cant Aristotle has said, "Nothing can be positi\'ely lau~h that off-it'~ the truth. \\'hy '!

- 'Yell, ~ome pes~dmbt printNl nn 11 0\\ ... TO H ... .-\lSE ~10::\E'\ · I known~ and even lhis cannot be positiYely assert. "·c ha\·e decided on an entin~ly tll'K ed." " ·e ad\'ise the faculty to bear this fact in I plnn for the athlt-Ii". department"

I mi.11d bolh in lecturing and in correcting examin - PLAYING ,\ T THE announcement of u c1rcc1s :llay lJ.h

and 7th. to ruise funds has inspir..;>d

I ahon papers. R • It us \'ol1 kno\v we never were much

J 1a Q for work ar.yw:i.y, look how many 0 ._........._.._.._.._.._._._.._.._.._....,.._.._._.._.._.._.._._.._..._......_ ... ...,.._ ........ .._....-...-. •• • .. -..-...._. us leave school antl then l~avl~ honn• ~ ( So we',·e found somethin!!' that ,..,-1>n' ~ £ x c H A N G £ s >~ i This 'Yeek entail a lot of work and will nttsc ~ ~ TUESDAY n whole lot of money! Here it i> A group of faculty memlu:rs 1llll"" \ Last Titne in Iloze1na n ~o tt) a show on :.1 Sunday nic:ht. in· ... ·. \ Borghi Id Anderson, Editor ~ "f LESH AND fernbly text >'unday (\\'e can stano


.\thlet ic Shoes Includ ing Dr. l\leanwell's Athletic


FEATURE EDITOR .... _ MARG .rnET DEWEY Assistants: Helene Stocker, Berneicu Crane, 'Yinnie Brackett, Mary Hale, J .. illian l\larshall.

~ ~ I the suspen~e.) And as the lon.c.· l 1v~!-. t ............ -...._..._.._..._..,..._ ........ .._.._...,, ........ .._ ........ ..._ ............ .._._.._ .......................... ~ I of frat bTo~hers fill' i.n. stai.rg-ing:. bu.: not staggering, the said {acuity gt t 1u! .. _ .. _.._.._ .... -.-..-.. -...._..........._.._ ........ -. .......... -..._.._ .... ._ .... ..._.._ ........ -.-. .. -.-...-.-.. -.-.· .. • .. -..-...-.-.. -..~ ..... l'HES JJJ E>\T HOl'KINS' PL.\ N THE DEVIL" shall choose from tlforem~ntiuned t,

REPORTEHS ·wmiam Benjamin, Ruth Asbury. Bill Ross. Roy 1\ewkirk Ross Hutchins, Esther Stockton . Clarence Kerle_,


Eloise Howell, Virginia :Hills, Vorginia Gilbe:rt, Leone Galerneau, )lar.r ~kCoy . 1\lartha Flv-nn, illarjorie Ritchie, Helen Stron_g-, Don Bennett, Bob Tootell. Chet Paisley, Robert Dull, Gertrude Daw·u~. Albert Greiner, :'\Iarjorie Spaulding, Op~·i.1 Richardson.

Courier Print ~ Bo2.-mn n. Montana

mob. a tho1·ou1,d1ly desirable. rccnm- .. President Ernest rio1Jkins of Dartmouth hm: a plan for I _I mcndable and delectabk youri:r n~an ~ saving colleg-e football both from its defenders who shut \YEDNESD.A Y - TH UHSDA \ \Yhat th('n? " -hy m'xt .nitn111ng, ,1 their eyes to imminent 'dangers" and from its enemies 0 EARTH'' t\[(>nda:y, (Mont~HY C'Omes af1t;>~' ~01:- ~ who w~uld annihilate it nltogether. I n a letter to the ''HEAVEN N d_ayl ~he Ini?'tnwy~ [<~c~dt~· ~'. 1 !~ 3.u~-1 \ pre~ident of the Dartnll)uth Athletic Co~ncil he outlines i~~~\.~~~11 l~~l~ lo { ~ 1'.t:· v~~ 1~~~1 ·t Hbe~~e:·~ ~ his proposals for saxing the sport. from llS much alleged with I rhi:-: is a nio·r,ey ma.kin~ ~ehenw try ~ exercises. · Conrad Na~tel and it!) . ~ The Three following ehanges arc sugg-ested by Pres1- ....... \ dent Hopkins : Renee Adoree \\' llY COEDS \L\HRY. ~ Ffrst . eligibility for partieipnlion in inter-collegiatC' COl\IIN'G Bt·tty had dt•cidl·<l tr.at the oni~ ~

.---------------------~!sophomore and junior years in college; the' men that ~teppecl all ovct her ~1'.. ,

football on Yarsity teams to be limited to men in theil' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY possible way !'the ~an gel C\'Cn witi ~\~ Second. intercollC'giate football contests in the major THE "COLLEr.IANS'' the mixer is tll marry him . EDITORIALS

All Editorials written by the Editor nd"'~ otherwise signed


They say that in the large Eastern schools, no one knmYs anyone else on the campus unless the two meeting happen to haYe been formally intro­

p:ames of lhe ~chedule to be arranged 011 a reciprocal U •, ba$is, by which each colleg~ should dtffelop from the )lother made strawberry jam. • \·arsity squad two major teams, one of which should pla:-, AND Sotl l!'ot into a iam wht>n he forgot \ at home. and the other of whi<.'h should play on the rival's to ~::..ho\·e 011 ihe brakes. ~ home grounds; Si\1~~:111:t?,rted to \wear fathet·> ~ Third, all coaching to be done by undergraduates, pre- THE ~ ! sunrnbh bv seniors who had acquired knowledge and PLEASURE Some ()f our mast'uline heroes must •, Lxperie~cc . during their participation in intercollegiate be mush:nlly in..:1ined-the way they '• athletics predously.-1\ew Student. IS YOURS! string- us along-. .\nd then c1gain- ~


a lot uf \•m \\ otild make mnrYelou"" '• fil't;>Jlle11. Tbl•\· 1ten•r take tlu.•ir eye;; ~ off the hose. . ! \ duced and are quite intimate friends. They also "In about a thousand years, America will produce a say that out in the \i'est the students of colleges new t)l>e of man, a brunette with light brown eye•, a are perfectly cordial and democratic with every- rudd)' faee, and a well-11rovortioned head," says Dr. R.

I think the colkce i>:irls are mo>e ~ careful lhan other girls. They ha-..·~· •

A ~~mart Shop For Smart College


You Are Invited to See the New Spring Styles

Cham bers-Fisher Co. Bennett Dean . professor of anatomy at the Unive1·sity of one. They admire the way which the iVestern Virginia, who believes that the'new type will be some­students have of "ahYays speaking." what like' the American Indian in that he will t.end toward The question is, are their sunnises correct? I ranginess, but not lankiness, and will be athletic in

to he-t11ey're watched more. ~., ... •

\\'e '"erl to hem· or a man leuding , AL\'i'AYS RELIABLE J his mule aroun<l, now- mule·s lt:ad-1 in.1.r tem pte<I n1e-n nrourd. .._.._.._.._,.._._._._ ... _._.._._._.,_.._.._._.._.._ .. _.._._ .. _.._._.._.._.._._._.._._.._.._.._.._.._.._............_ ........... ~ t On this campus, as there are on eYery campus stat Ul'e. . . of its kind, are a certain number of students so II A<:rnrdmg to Dr. Bean, the mtense summers and the . . . brilliancy of the sun produce a p1gmentat1on of the skm wrapped up ll1 their own affairs that they can and cause the hair and eyes to become darker, a tendency never see anyone else, nor think of anyone else. I that is already noticeable in many nati,·es. If we are to stand for democracy, it is high time A\Lhouf(h much depends upon the circumstances of the that snobbery should be done a\rny with. If, on ' future, Dr. Bean states that the trends of the time and the other hand, we are to become wrapped up in the past show tht> tendency to''"' d a tall tan-skt~ned,

f · · h E · · l' th t . ll dark-hmred, and brown·eyed Ame11can as typical of the se! and mutate t e ast, 1t IS 1111e a "e a countrv's future home-grown population.-U. of!\ . Sage-learned to overlook our associates. We suggest, I brush.· ho;rnwr. that the spirit of democracy be n~ed. since it is the thing that is most admired by out- S \l OKER B.I NNEO .\'\' AGGIE COLLEGE siders, especially Eastemerc.

R. l\1. I. P.A. Ne·ws S1.:rdce, Colorado Aggies: Following the chal'ges that the last smoker sponsored by the inter­fraternity comu.:il was ungentlemanly and undignified, the edict of the l'Ountil is that no more inter-fraternity j smokers wnI b:e held. The affair has been an annual one I held on the same night as the l'o-ed Prom.


;\JEET ";-;o ll it Kelly," the shieh of baseball - he .kn e" goo<l!


he was

The snow is gone, the grass-where there is grass-is beginning to green up, and soon the rest of the campus will be seeded. If we wish our campus to become as green and pic turesque as it once was, we will have to acquire the habit of keeping to the sidewalks entirely. Now is the time to start. Watch for Later .\nnouncemen(s ·we understand that Fleishman's Yeast is soon to be I on This Picture endorsed by leading eollege athletes, that being a simple COl\lING Already the tennis court is filled most of the method of raising d.ough without loss of amateur stand-I SUND.\ y _ i\JOND.\Y time. Just imagine the rush that will gather mg.-De Paulta, Clncago. AND TUESDAY around the grass-surrounded cement playground I WO:>IE!\ H AVE BETTER GRADES J·LILLIAN as the weather becomes warmer. And then re- Women consistently have ~5 per cent better grades than member that the students stal'ted several courts I mrn, according to The Daily Trojan of the University of a couple of years ago on campus day. One was' Southern California. GI s H

Mrs. Gilchrist, Great Falls, was a Erme Anderson and Frank Cowan I l\lr. and Mrs. 1\ lorg-an Jones, Dee1· dinner guest at the Chi 0 house, were visitors al the Sigma Chi l:ouse Lodge, were Sur.day dinner guests Tuesday. this week. aL the 0. B. House.

Gertrude Hammond was a dinner Lerna Davis nturned Thursdf'y Dinner guests Saturday at the Chi guest of Pi Betn Phi on Mor.day even- after spending- a week with her falh- Omega house were !\Ir. and ~lrs. John ing. er in Lewistown. Forbes.

FASHION Barber Shop


Beauty Shoppe

J. B. NEIL, Proprietor

Baths Phone 461-J


Priced to Make Them Sell


~Pl\IT\\i ~I/ fL \ ~\ (ID

uElephints a~pilin' teak.

In the sludgy , squdgy creek, Where the silence 'ung that 'eavy

You was 'ar-f afraid to speak!" - K ipling's " M andalay"

ELEPHANTS The elephant is man's most intelligent helper. But-consider this interesting comparison: An elephant is much larger than the electric motor of a "yarder" or logging machine. The "yarder" has the power of twenty elephants; it handles clusters of logs; it works dependably, twenty-four hours at a stretch, if necessary.

Twenty elephants would eat daily 10,000 pounds of green food, which a corps of attendants must gather. A motor "eats" nothing but electricity, supplied at the throw of a switch. iaE t:'T

C~.", RL,,J S Twomillionelephantscould Power used in the modern industrial world is ER not do the work now being ~

~~~~~"'-~X'-S.~'"-~~~~~~ 1 done by Genernt Electric applied through electric motOrS-tireleSS lrOn 1 '4 motors. Whatever the work ~ DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE LE to bedone,whetheritneeds elephants" that are relegating antiquated ma-


Champion Shoe Shop the power of an elephant or PHONE 273-W ~:~ ~r;~~c~ ~.~.::::f"i't.~~~i~ chines to museums, along with such oldtime a NELSON CAB motorthatwilldoit faith- household articles as wash-tubs and ordinary ~

fully for a lifetime at a cost ~ II A ll'THOllNE'S g r e a t American of a few cents an hour. irons-and Stuffed elephants. ~ Oldes t and Mo. 't Reliable classic~a lu1 e s tory famou s the wor!rl I

~ ('OLLE~~i~:~:r~::t ~~~~lALTY ~~::~:j ~:: ltU~~it~~:~"' ;:::- ,I GENERAL ELECT Rl20(1-••m , '--------------~I '-'"-~~~'-'"''-'~'"i...~'-'"'°"-s~~~~ ' CITY AT $2 00 J • GE NERA L ELECTRl COMPAN)..·, SCllEN E TAOY. NEW YO R


10% Discount TO ALL STUDENTS

Opposite Woolworth's

Bourrons I S ig Alph a Has ' Jinner Guest: Dinner Guest s:

The Le- Bouffons were entt-rtain- .\1r. and .\Ir~. Ott Romne~· and chil-d at dinrer at the Omega Beta dren were Sunday dinner guests a

twusc>. \\'edr.esday. the Si~ma Alpha Episilon house.

lfRY-us FIRST--------i I DR3Vi~R A~~ if i?~uR I


:tlargaret Booth, Editor - Helen Solberg , Assistant

Kappa Sigma Kap pa Sigma Dinn.u Guest~: . I ·\ nnounces Pledg ing. D~an Hc1::1c:k w~s. a dinner guest 1. Kappa 8igma announ.·ed the pledi.t-

of h .. appa Sigma 1' nday P\·enmg. · tr.g- of Adolph Beber of ll elena ..


The tentati\'e :social calendar i:; as follows :

April -Facult!r' DinnH. April 12-Debate with North Da-

kota Agricultural Collegt:. April 15-_..\.mig-o Fireside. April lG-Les Bouffons. April 11-EP.ster. April 23-l nterfrat<:rnity Dance. April :JO-Delta Tau Party.


:\Ir. Starring, nssis.tant instructor I ,1 arried Saturda,· · m the horticulture department left Twilla 'Willian;~ ex 25 was united Friday for an extended \'bit to the . n marriage. at her home south of :-::outh where he will chl'ck up on the Bozl'man, on Saturday. with Joh:'! succe~s \dth which };orthern grown I Pa::-ha ex '26, a member of Beta potatoe::; are meeting tht! market de- Ep~tlon. They ";u make their mands of the ~outhern trade. home near Bozeman.

r·.__,..._,..._,.._,.,_ ......................................... "" ............................................................................. -..-.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..

~ Leave Your Orders Now AT I CANDIES and ICE CREAM f

I THE Sur.AR BOWL ; 0 . B. Annou nce• U I :\ e w Pled ge : t Omega Beta ar.nounces the pied.go-ing of Eric \\ribon of Lewisto''""· - - -----~-~~ ... --... -------··--... --... -------1

George Jacoby '25. was entertained at the 0. B. house t.hi~ week. J

::Hrs. Speck, \Yhitehall , was a ,·isit­or at the Chi Omego H ouse thi~ la:-.t r week.

l\lay 6 and 7-College Circus. :\lay 13-Junior Prom . ,\Jay 1-1-Kappa Delta . :\lay 20-Pi Beta Phi Party . :\lay 21-Amigo Club.


' . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I i I I r. 1·1 I I I I 11 1 I I I I I !I I ll't ll l ll l ll l tl ll l l H~



ll Bozeman, Montana ~~~

A school that has buillt and maintained standards of scholarship. Offering courses in the following divisions:

i College of Engineering College of Agriculture College of Applied Science College of Household and Industrial Arts

Each course leads to the degree Bachelor of Science

For Information Write to THE REGISTRAR, M. S. C., BOZEMAN, MONTANA


CLOTHES Ready-made

And Cut t o Order


~ I

Suits and Topcoats

You'll like the patterns or these new ;:,carfs so well you'll wish they were so big the whole world could see them!

$100 - $150

~~· · 'XL~SON , OMPJJN~ ~~"' ;i _ S/NCE/866 ~'- - ~r, c ~


.:\lay ~7-0mega Beta :\lay 2 -Lambda Phi. June 3-Sigma Chi. .June -1-Kappa Siga. June 10-S. A. E. Picnic.




.. ...................... .r.• .... ..-..-............... -. .......... ~ ....... --..................................................... ._ ... ,.,,... ,.... ,..,..,.,,..,.,,...


~ ~ ,

~ ~ ~ ~

~1 1 1 11I 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111U II • 1 11 I 1 11 I I I I I I I I II 11 1 11 I I t 1111 I I I 1 1111 I I I 11 1 I I 1 11 I~ Westinghouse Employs g ~ ~ Five Senior Graduates a ~ • a , ~ I E~ch year the large elect ricnl com-1 a ~ ~ pames of t.he Lmted Stales employ e ~ ~ a certam number of the students ~ ~ ~ graduatmg m elec:tncal engir.cet 111.! I ~ ~ ~ and the other engineerini:r courses. ~ ~


Ba~ement Co;:;mwrcia l Bank Phone 332·J ~ Amo~g these large co~1pa_n~~s i_s th~ ~ ~ 1 111 111 lJ' 1•


1111 111 111111 111 111 11 111111 111 111 1 1 11 111 1 1 11 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 , , • 1 1

1 1 1 u 1n ,

1 n 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 11n ~~::~1 :1h~~1tst~b;;;~p;~1.~ a~~I~~n~~d~~~ ~~ s H I RT s ~ [ ed the second largest company in the ~ ~'-'-~United States. I I

According to Prof Thalei, head of I ~ BRUNS WJCK TQPJCS the electrica l eni<inemng depart- ~ ment, it. has been t.he custom m the f.

SOME NEW RECORDINGS OF POPULAR FAME past for these companies to senrl 1ep- ~ resentat1vcs to the various co!leg-es A NICE ASSORTMENT I

3435-1\Iuddy Water ...... Harry Rickman I to inteniew the senwr enidncenng ~ ~ Ain't She Sweet students and pick those they \\ant. II, .,

3434-I LO\·e The College Girls . s· J . k H owever, this year, as yet, no West- ~ sizes ~ C W d ···· ···· IX umpmg Jae ·s I inJ<house represeotati,·e has visited ~ ; razy or s ~lontana State College, so the seniors I f. 12 • ·2 to 17 •,2 ~

3433 In A Little Spanish Town ....................... Nick Lucas ' desiring employment in this company ~ I Put Your Arms Where They Belong have been forced to send in applica-1 ~ VALUES UP 'l'O 53.50 . ~

3439 I' L k " O AF L f Cl tions. There are at pres<:nt fi\"e ~ ;; - m oo mg \'er our ea over ...... Nick Lucas I seniors who have been employed by )I ~

High High High Up In The Hills \ h · ' ·~ 3438-The Spinx (l\lemories of Dardanella) Ango Persians are Pakala, Frazier, Rivero, Dehle r ~ ,

t e WestmJ<house Company. They ;, CAN BE BOUGHT FOR ·1~· Delilah and Canning. ~

Ii Madrid &M~~ill:TB~~:s;i:k"Machines 1 ~£~:?i:~i:~~I~'.:~· ~;~:~~ l $ 1-7 5 I ~ \ terian Chu rch Parlors. The charge a If you s tep up-s tairs ~ H & M c II for t he dinner is 73c per plate. ~

~ auseman c a I byAt~e ' 0:.~;;:;~7~m:i:~g:ii~im i:',~;'",~~~ ~ 4 Eas t i\lain S treet Open Evenings be gi>en after the di nner. ~

ZA-:\'DR _\. "ill ans" er all qucst101h r . ~~~~~~l sent to t he socia l conumttee In mcm- ~ Ferrell's Clothes Shop


Are You Prepared for the EASTER PARADE?

\\'ilh one of our beautiful light Suits, a nifty Top Coat, Correct Hat, Shirt, Tie and a handsome smile, you can win in a "Walk-Over" Oxford


Walk Over Shoes Stetson Hats Nobby Caps

~============================~1 1 ·-----___,-\


Now is the time

To select you r Easter Suit and Hat. l\lore Suits than you ever saw before and the right Hat for ever y Suit. You'll be surprised at the mines in Suits for

$35 HA'rS AT 5 and $7 TO GO WITH THEM


Home of hers ('if the faculty . r ·

Please mail or telephone your ac- ~ ceptance or rej! rets a5' promp ly ~. ~ ;;, poss ible. ~ HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES

Chairman ~~;~ it~'~·~i:inCom- ~ mittec. "''''-'''~'~'-'-~~~~"""'m~~3'3'3'~

The natural choice-Out of the whole lot men pick Chesterfield for its genuine tobacco character-its natural good taste.

LiGGm & Mvrns TonArco Co.

Ger the natural char­acc~r of fine tobaccos in )'Our Ligarette - and you get everything !

~!)'vj{sff<t-and )'el, the)"re MILD



.:::::.::::::.:::::.::::::..::::::.==.::::::.==.::::::.~-,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~---· FIRST TRYOUTS I Intramural Wrestling \\* in:'.er by decision or default :

\Yil:ner-[i points, Loscr-3 points. Drnw-2~ point:; each.

y s c SPORTS I and Boxing Started Thl• l1._•am winning> the mo::.t pl)ints

shu!l be t.kt.:lal'ed lenm chnmpion. E:u.:h class can enter only Qne man


1 "~L~~:~ c~~:.u~~~EY M. • ' \ ""'' o;;.J;i~' "'"" l in C'ach _"_·e_ig_l_1t_. ____ _




1 Editor Assistants t'ross-country .\pril 2:lnL -----------------;• lnt1amural Tral'k and field-Jla~-·1 t t 1 •'-----------·-----L--------------'-1 ;1nl. I

\\'ith the firs' vars1 Y ryou s t•on - I B(;xini-: and \Y1·l'~llinJ:t-- Finals in ing lip next Saturday C:;\'eTyone is s . 17 tb II p t. e Coming t~''l'lL\)1 l R.\L noxrxG _\ :\"D in·us ~nlurday. ).lay Ith. \\'orking hard for their . ,·ari0'1' przng I' 00 Q raC lC "'HESTLl'\l; TOUC\.\~IE:\T l're'iminari<",, >Jay 2nd. e\·enls. These tnuls will be inJornial F, Sh SJ M Q t 1 Dase>ball will lw run as i1 l(;'rfrat a_nd will help l\la~~ _I~omi:ey g~t. u I A long ine ape; en u The finnls \\ill he held in tht: erni'.v and will ~·ontinut:" a .. ~Ut:b unul lineup on the poss1b1ht1es JOr co~u::h-, coll•g" rr:..-inna$.ium during- thl' ~ \11 ti t

There i::; a possibili'y that the Bob- inz them, for many of the aspiran;s 01

_1·c'us ... , ~~t-urda.v. ).l~Y 7_ hasebnll l·Up is won. :-\ o lH :o;por s:

cats will meet the baseball team ~ . I· t h l I ~ ., will be 1 un cts intcrl la~s. f rom the ''nil·crsitl' of Wa>eda of Ja- \\'ill need plcnty ol coac nn!<

0 e P - '°Ol lR '\B 'ENCES FROM PR \ CTI CE DURING ENTIRE Preliminaries \\'ill be held ;lfon-u · them do better. ONL\ •' ' :S 1 '

1 1 ''1'1 1" ' pan who ";11 sl11p hHe \\'hile enrnu·c The fir;t tinies were taken last WEEK DESPITE STORl\I AND BAD WEATHER "HlCH da,\', :ll•Y ~. IXTR \'\l LH 11. 11 IU.s . ,(, to (_ bic.-ago to play the UniYersity cl° 1 l-1) lE Jn the finals, boxing boub j,lld Hl LES. Chicago. This sl'.houl Las. had snniL '~ce;() _;_~d s~(_~0~1~~15~~ ~l~:ez~:m a b~rk I PREY .\I LED A GREATER P ~\RT OF Tll\ wn~~tlin~ blH.lii> will be run simul- \\>cig-in ... good teams and a g-ame here ·with a while- Dobler ran a mile in J minutl'" _ laneLiusly. ~11 on•1 wL•ig-11ts will lw al11w·cd in foreie-n team in t:ie natioud sporl 11 sc onds. Both trinls show goo<l I \\"hen Coal'h Romney scr>t out th1~ I The loss of f\losc .11 d ''Illar~ fllim Each college da:s$ will be Tl'- any t1f the tollowin,.. cla~:-;l'": should be intei~e~i~,::-. promise· for Lhe indoor track is hard call for foothall nHn for sp1mg th1:; yem ~ l~osh ~qtrnd tool ... l\\O pn·~ented i11 tlw finals in ea,·h lfanwa1 \\eig-hl. 11:-1 lb:<. anti uq!,r. _0 nrn t;n and slows the 1L11ir0r down I pradice 5l responded nnd the_1~ "e1.e good men away f1om the p·idllon weight by nne buxe1· and one wrest- Spl•t·ial \\'(•ight. {fcathl·r w(!-h:d1t). l::!:l Thompson making .J:.tn in :161-:l on ·on:sider~•bly. Jn the other events tht!' but four absei:c:e:s from practice <lur- \\hilc the los:s of Ke)t'-':. Jp;nes Utt !er. lh~. :ind un1k·r. the tan bark in~ide lra k shows nen are wol'ki~lt!' hard . to ge_t i11 in,µ: the last week despite. the fa, t without any reg-ular c.~ntl to build tin I J 1gh Wt'il.[l•t. l:t:; lbs. anil tnd~r. iromise t'f good running later in the -hape. Bade will most hkel~· ?,:l\"t" n thnt '.JlC' \\"lather ,n1s th$agreeabl<' fo1 the eleven next sLc\<:.011 Glynn ".l l.£> 1~ \H'i•,·ht. 11;) 11.~. und undL•r. seas. n while Dobler's rime of 4-:fli '.!Ood at"court of himself in the l~'"" land that a great deal of wotk ,,·;~"' and Key<?-:-; we1e a good pair of end:. :\lhltlk Wl'i!.!ht, 1:-1;-. lb:;-. and untler. for the mile shoul? come near lhc nile while Ole~on should get d1s- done on the tan bm·k where there 1~ and these place~ w1ll b_~ hdld ;o t_1.n BASEBALL PRACTICE

1 I i~htht tt y \H' E!IH, 1-;, II:-. a111 uni!


Lt'ngth of bout-~~ two minute rour.ds, 1mt_• minute between round:s.

::\umber of bouts-Fly weight. bantam weight, feather Wt:'ight. light wdg:ht, welter wei!!ht. middle weiJ?ht, light be~wy and lwa\'y wt'i~ht$. Eig-ht bouts.

:\'o oYerweights will be f1.llowe<l tn any class.

Foul 13hrn·s Rubit punch. Kidne~· punch, B.ack hand blow. Below waist, Bu· ting. etc.

lu case M draw an cxt.ra round will be f{lug-ht. If at the cn<l of thnt rournl it i~ still a draw, points will he divid1;,•d.

ln case of a knockdown, opponent will Lake a neu·ral t-._1rrer.

Enter in only on~ weig-ht. Sl·ori1\g.

\\.ini;in~ b~· knockout-\\'inner, ;; points, Loser- points.

\Vinning by dedsion-\\'inner points: ilisL'l"? 2 point~. l'raw-~ I-~ points t.>adi. record on the outside trac:l.... P!o'==- anl'es 011 tht• shot and di<:::cu-.. . Ilt11d a ]united amount of space The Palo and Renn from tl:1s )l'ar:;-: h..i - IL~r. ices indicate a good Bhe .md Goll ,\ent e-Je,en feet and betteT \\i h thelsqund i~ dtvldC'd rnt.o two teams, the tens ~ne showint.t up fine whill~ ('o( I

0 ENED LAST WEEK Jh· ,,. \\1.:1dH. l·nlimitcd. track squad. rnle and that 1s almost lus l.1~t sea- Gold-: nnd the BluL~~. and <1 J!'l'Ul.t fin and Gill ot: thi1' ycnr':-:: \·~nsi.t:· P . '.'\1,' nnlt''-':an. n a .. \\n.·~tle in mol"I.' I * • •


.0 n·s record 11nd arother \\eek should UC'.li oi rtvalJy 15 shO\\ll bet,,ecn the squad, c1IDng- with Ray Ball. 1Ptt1;1-1 1 nan om• \\t>ll"h. The Gnzzlles w1!1 \\lnd up the11· Ot' him domg mcel?. Detker 1s do 1 two squ.lds anti the turnl ttame be· man, ha Ye impnwed. An('ther ctim. -- I Boub.

ASK TO SEE sp1mg foiJtball ths weel ... anl.:\la_101 ng.- flllt:" 111 the sp1mts and \\lll ~won[tween these t\\o ftttlions on .\plil ao bination that will bc trit:-d f?r ~ht!I Last \Yednesd;i:\ j1t' ;-;a·., he opL·n Tlw n'g"Ubr b1'U ::-. sl-all be tii: ... 1x ~lilburn will de\ote .111s 1ull t11ne to he in 101·111 for his e\enls He1kk1\a J ought to be worth wh1le ~eCJn,2." win.~s is \~og-t, ~uard from this :-;t:.·a~ j int!' of bas(•ball ·pi.lctill' for tht• ).1. minull"s. Body t'nlls -:_hall end t H~ the baseball sq.uad0

110·0111 now on. has. been -..\·orkmg: on 111: sp'-:'at. a~hi Tli~


11 lla,·e beCJl workinn· 011 sons undefeated 1~ob:ab. '' lio ::-. s. c. hall·lo~;-;er:-. and ah t 1:~ men bout. If nt th( L~nd ut any n.•j!tilur ' L·h bt?tla11 "'. r rang•,· ard fast. bem:.r the t~TL.' 0 1.,1.,,. ,, 111 ull tli" ,1·1.,,. 111 ,,,111 thi:- \\'{'C'h bmtt there bus been no fall the n•

u0111g some runnmg-. am _ ~ 1• f d· ~nt· I blockin r tal'kling- and h ' ~ I 1\'ebraska's Corn Huskers to.ok c.ol- Semingson, Duggun. Anderson .. ldmc.


1j1.rne ·t~ s,b ii b tg, ext week will mn.n li_ke- the rang-y Glynn;., l. l',Z. I ~trult;ng: :la,ir ~tuC. _Th~ 111 l fl.tl~P. !'.\hall UH' hi~ judg~n~ent 'o d('· orngo A.c..-gi.es and Den~·er Univers1t)· Cannon and many other~ will .. g1Ye an l iant ~ng be in~i;: ~ u,1:~. ·and nadit·" swift. ironman from the uitt.1-:fe.lt<: I squad i$ by 110 means dt fin1tC"ly sdl· t- :.ermine bebY\.C''.l. :1 _deci~1on . arnl a to a clearing in a t~·1an)!ular n~e~. a ·count o! them~eh-ts nncl saturda'' ~ee1 t ,e 1.~ fg scrii~n!ag~. Tl;c Blue yearling:-:. of h~st season, "ho 1 ~ fa:,.t ed nnd there will be 1111 upportur ity draw. If fl Jec1s1on 1s given ll :-'hall held at D1:.nver last Saturday. 1:\\0 ;-;houl<l brrng ant a. t'ew dark horse_::·l~nc (1: u,~orkin und~r the watl'hf•J! and husky berng 50111e\\"hfll of the in lhe next week ur twt> for new nwn\be to the contestant who ha:-= ;-;nowr· conference- re_ords were broken when The l'ross-country rnterclass r1n will -~uad 15 .. ., ,. ~r.o-ot'\' la~t \'ear · ~ tyre of Keyes. '1t·ith all the~e n~C'n tn ln· out fur a herth 011 thL· H•am. the hcsl quahtie~. rn· nt't.:cs:;:.arily 1'

Htn-d of :.'\ebrnska lie:n·ed the shot be held April 23 and, although nn e)e 0.f 10P 1 e,... ·' ~ .~S·ot Romney s~wuld find a c.·ombrnatirin As l'·oat.:h Dydw is J,!.Tnt' on the band the one who has lwld tht upJkl' po~i· 4..J. feet ;l;~-8 inches nnd Huffman of tecord will be broken as far as num-jcn!~t~i'1'nwhi!~ the ~~Ids. /atv~-\ ··~ar~ for the wmg-s. trip. \':in Glynn i:' i: t_·har).!e of thrl:ion the lon_l.·~t. Color~do _Agg-ies Yaul~t:d OYer .1~ ters ure concerned. there_ will . b€" J t): c 0 f: ~1'.u~~P ;~~~~11~ ~~~ keep: ThHe are pl~nty of mrn for. ~h·' squad and fillin12: his t lat:c 1ur tlw , . . Holds. feet ol-2 inches. Bav1es of Demei enough to nrnke the race mte1·es.mg ago, lo JbS

11 . 1 <l other positions and the competlt:or. tiJrie beine-. 1he tollo\\l.ll_g" holtls are Larrcd Dniversitv won the 10\1 yard an..! 220 and the winner of the swcate1· wiil ! t~1ese flwr osses \\~ th~osie:t ~~~en~\~ for lhe line and back position~ w;il Prospee~s look exceedinc.ly lwil.!'1'1 Hrang!L'. Full iwl:'on. Hamm:r\01.:~~ yard das}~es w_hile Krause _oL :\~bra~- l;av..: t.o make speed. t \ies"~rk t~~dn~~:~1;'l1~1ack f~r ~non'. nr;l be hanj fought and l·npahl1t wN\n·1·s this spring- as Lhcre arc a nmnbc1· abun• the rig-ht anl,lt? . 10~ hole\~. un ... ka won two firsts al~o with Wl11$ 111 I There will be a well l.lalnnced squnrl I'. f \ . . f . h' lh B b of the Blti, and Gold will be chosen cl' l"ll"l' 111 ,,11 ,·nid ('XJ>ei·ict cc.cl iila.Y· fly 1ng- man·.

h 11 H •1 d L k....,, . . . I . lh th B 1 if spll'lt counts or am L rng e o · 1 l: "' "- .. Scorin~. hbotldh uif·, eh ral'esf.f' ··10'1'0"0" doc~· and 1mlil'at1onshs.1bow m . t"' l>J- u1ts. ·1re in for a p1:omisintt spring to carry 011 next year the reeor<l ol er:- haL·k on the job . .?llontana State \\'1·1·111'11e- b~· f'1ll. \\'1·nne:r-i"1 11oi11 s.

c er o t e uno i:rn. _yar . re_ - ats will lune · e est ti;~un Ill ):ears. < , this year'~ team. las excellent pitchers in Bobc0t:k; an.I - ~ ord of 9.5 seeonds, did the d1stcrn.c I!' The loss of Rem: and h.eyes will be se:ssion. Glvnn. wh·i can al~o l.'OYt:·r fir:-t; Ln:-'er-:! points. 9.8 in an exhibition and in ai~ cxhibi- hard but there :-houl.J be men to fill B(;\Hn :-Ind \\-inner will bt" back at ---------------

20.5. nnnunl meet with the Grizzlies w1.I t1nd. Twilde, Ben Bn:..-t·oe und Stone ~imong- them bt.:'tni.! the Uni' ersltie"'


$1.50 Kleinschmidt & Co.


No necessity of sending away lenses requiring special


tio against Haynes went the :!20 ir, these pla1.:es and give the Bohcats a I ~hort stop and ·hiid ba~e n·~pel'tiv1..·l:- 1 rg:cmL·nts c1n be matle. This not-21.4. His best time in the 220 is tanner yea. r in _the dnder .spu!·t. T:.\e 11 WOMEN STARTING SPEED HIKES and ti 1.:re will bC' an _openi: ~ at ~(>t'- \ (l ba.ll ream wil~ play ~n·er<~l. itt~l~l·, I be held May 1.:1 aid thc:y are .sup-, me all last year·~ fil'IJers anc.l ar!.' jof California and \\'asf.ing-ton. Afte r.e~l~·~~ a'':~~~; J~~~e1~J~~1 ~~:t1~~~e t~~~j posf'<l to ha\·e a rel'01·d breaking new. working bani. again thi~ Yl'ar. Sul1i· thnt. t~ey \\ill play at the U~iversit_\. I . ,,lll. ca~non and '\lathl·WsOll <He ex-1( f Chicago and lrn\e also \\lred fn .. LESLIE E. GAGE o11e-half race ,,·hen he made the di5- l'J'L.L.\NE t.;::\l\"EHSITY P.\RTY \'olle~ Oall Smith and Esther \\alkef1e:d . wl~~ 1w11en1:ed pla~e1~ of nu mNtn ab1li·~· a game \\l h the Bobcat ... . It i:s i;e1) tance in 6


4--5. '-- "CJTY I walkc.<l the mile in 10 mim:. ~cs , '' and will 1!ne the icguhus sume stiff \probable that th1s i;ame "111 g-o thru J eweler snd Optician Brok.en Lenses Replaced the Same Da. 20 S. Black Ave. Phone 925-

• • • • I DISCO\-ERS LOST )1.\ 1 A ... , The first YOlley ball game uf the seconds. The team th,1l enme m ,ee- eompdi 1011

• .ind 1f so.

1t \\ill irhe Bozeman fars Baseball is in full swing wtih 1

--- 1 $eason resulte<l in a two out of tbreL ind wa:s Edith Sw11 e:le. ..\.n1~ !3"'11 A umquc featuie of t thL· Sl.a .. on a chante to see the Bobcat hasebnil full squad reportimr eYcr)· rig-ht. ~EW Orleans. La. (By Xew Student f!'. ame ,·ictorv for the team :\umber ~ 'I k"n II len Cruz 1e1 and s·ira I hi I · · · t • •' ~1r 1 • e ' · £ .. p. c

1 f \\lll bl' the t!.l.llle \\Ith the l nl\ei·qt/ stn1·s m action ag-amst a ug y tnu -

Baseball is rndeT trn supen·1s1on or SerYice)-Carelu11y taTYed s one l'onsisting of Ilelen Strong-. Louis )le- Kendall. An Alpha 0 and P1 • . \\ n~ed,t. ,Japan. if :-.all~fadl•I) a"- (•il ball squ:ad Shubert Dyche. bridges. wide hi_ghways .and the sto~e- Coy, Inna )lonroe, Yirginia Ander- team tied for thin!. The memhe1-:;, ul D\·che will ha\'e back in liarness faced tenaces of a lu:herto undt~-, .. 011 , Loranie CO\·, F1ed1a Herthick- of these teams \\ete :\ln1y )11111~ 1 1 =====-==---==-----------Capi.ain Glynn, \Vinner, Bowen. Bab· covered 1hi.yan cit;i..' greeted the ~c~- son Yiola LeLacheuL ~1a 1 tha Fl\ nn ~Iai jone Spauldm~. Helen Solclberg:, cock, Stone, Briscoe, Twilde, all from entifiL- expi<lition from Tul.ane ( t:\· and Bt rmce Xon 1s. They defc~\terl I Esther Ashm~, Fi id cl Hcmdril'k::;on last year's squad and a number of ~·crsity, Ke~'·.Orlea~s,yrowhng a~?~t te~m Number 1 who we1e Rull~ Pl::il~, Fraikie \\'~he. Shirley Fabnek and likely looking men in Thompson. )[c- in the back\\oods iegrnns of ~Iex1co Ali t:" Biew, Ora :\lark, ::\lnrj1:a1et )h- Flora Dans The team l:orninJ:,; in Farland. SuIIivan, Cannon and Eik- This exploring party, the th11>l io Donald, I<"'lorence Fof!ler, F'lura Da\'1S1 ..J.th was :\lary \Villiam::;., Ellz~1beth I rem. , ~ leave Tulane. has already t~e d1sc~v- l\Luy ~lc('oy . Esther Stockton ar.d Rmith, Esther Bunnell and Leone ( ery of a '.20-century old city to its Elizabeth Gardner. Team i\o 1 won I Galoneau Two teams alsu tied for During the ,~acation at the end of

the quarter. 'Valter Stacley, Frank Wisner, Glen :\Iuchan, Berty! Linfield. I local photographer. and two high I school boys went on a four day trip up Middle Creek. During this time they climbed :IJL H;-lite. They drove as far a:::. Flanders by car and the remaiairg distance the~~ traveled on skiis and snowshoE.S. Altha the snuw •·~as deep and traveling hard they all report a splendid outing.

Kruszies' Cafe Where Quality and Right Prices Reign



D. H. BUDD co. Plumbing, JieatinJ:t. Electrical

and Sheet Metal Work

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credit. the first ga1~1e ~y a store of 15 to 1,0 5th place The n~embers of.· .tlu~s.'.! I lt i$ expected thal this expedition bui t~alll ~o 2 won the next t\\O teams were Franc.is Foglel. ( hnsttm' will yield a~ rich a SUJlply of 1·elic~ ~ame~ by scores of L5 to 13 and Ui Ruthfus, Virginia Anderson, Bern\...:o ai:d material eddence of the anci1;:nt to 12. Team No. 2 will play tealll Bottomley, Florencl?' Burns, Eloise ciYilization as the two earlier trip.::. >:o. ·1 to determine the winner of the Howell, Ruth Rogers and Josephin.J On these trips many interc·st1ng- cli:-:;· Yolley Ball games, Tuesday April 5th, Cluck. The team that came in la!:>~ CO\'erie~ were unearthed. Strang-el) at 5:10 in the Jtym. The loosers will consi:5ted of :\lonica \Varner. Loraine distorted figures of ~Iayan g-od::. were play for loosers OT third place, Thur"~ Coy, Elizabeth Garner and \"iota Ln-encountered, also statues o.f human day April 7th. at 5:10 in the ~ym. I fig-ure~. Rabhit heads. turtle:- ar.d Lacier. frog-s romrhly hewn from sand-s:onC', First Rpeed Hike. Second Spce<l llihc bcarin.1{ hierogly11hics of myst.erious Thiuy-two girls crtered th(' speed !\ext ~alurday April ~Ith. at import were cii$cove1·ell. hike Saturday in spite of the unfn.v<n·- <1'dock. startin~ from the west end able ,veather'. This was the first of the banacks will Le another speed speed hike t\f the !-;enson <Ltlll a pie- hike but only ti nse who did not hike Iim1na1 y LO the mile and th1ee mile. last Sa.t ·Jr<lay may goo out .. -_\11y !.!irl Tll(>re were ~ight teams, four girls I who can nut J!C't a tea1_n ol four und I 011 a te<HlL Eight !!iris walhecl one- \-.•ishe~ lo J!'O out let ~hss Patk ki~ow I f<:unh of a mile, making- each tea111 I at once This i:; the Ins~ ~·hanl't'. tfl I walk one mik. The team winnin'..; I qualify for lhc.• mile _~peed hike wh1 ·11 fir~t ,·..-as Alpha Gam Reds l'Onsistin!! will he threl' weeks lrom Saturdny ur 0 •· Lrds :JLCoy, E~ther Brown, Norma April 30th. j

NEW31.\N C'Lt.:B. ThL• breakfast scheduled for $undny

April 10 for the nwmbers of the :\cw-11ar. dub ha:-; b(£'ll indcfini·.eJy post­noned. There will be n regular meet­ing on the 23 of April, at four p. m. It is important that all members be present.

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quality diamonds set in &ignificant Traub Orange i\ ,1 Blossom mountings. Wed.. "i dlng rings to match.

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