Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation Ema Ushioda FOLLM One-Day Workshop: ‘Researching L2 Motivation: Three Experienced Voices’ University of Warwick, 22 June 2017

Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning

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Page 1: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning



Page 2: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning

§ Three‘problems’withL2motivationresearchØNeedforamoresharplyfocusedresearchlens

§ SomesuggestedapproachestoresearchingL2motivation‘throughasmalllens’

§ Basedon– Ushioda,E.(2016).Languagelearningmotivationthroughasmalllens:Aresearchagenda.LanguageTeaching49(4):564–77


Page 3: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning


1. LimitationsofmotivationresearchinSLA2. Popularityofmotivationasastudent

dissertationtopic3. Shortageofclassroom-basedpractitioner


Page 4: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning



Page 5: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning

ImportanceofmotivationinSLA§ ‘givenmotivation,itisinevitablethatahumanbeingwill

learnasecondlanguageifheisexposedtothelanguagedata’(Corder 1967:164)

§ MotivationiswidelyrecognizedasasignificantindividualdifferencevariableinL2learning

§ AkeyfactorthatdistinguishesL2learningfromL1learning

§ Substantialbodyofresearchover50years,predatingthe‘birth’ofSLAfieldin1960s(seeDörnyei &Ushioda2011foroverview)

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§ ‘thestudyofL2motivationresearchcontinuestolieoutsidemainstreamSLA’(Ellis2008:690)

§ MotivationhasremainedsomewhatisolatedfromthecorelinguistictraditionsoftheSLAfield(Ushioda2010)

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§ AnalysisofmotivationanditsroleinL2learninghasmostlybeenatthelevelofgloballearningbehavioursandachievement

§ Motivationresearchhastendednottoaddressfine-grainedprocessesoflanguageacquisitionorlinguisticdevelopment

Motivation L2achievement

Page 8: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning

MotivationresearchshedslittlelightoncoreSLAconcerns…§ Howdoesmotivationshapeparticular


§ Howdoesmotivationrelatetotheacquisitionofspecificfeaturesofthetargetlanguage?– E.g.pronunciationoraccent(Segalowitz,Gatbonton &Trofimovich 2009)

Ø Needforasharperfocusorsmallerlens?

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Page 10: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning



Page 11: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning

Protypical motivationstudyatMasterslevel…

§ Develop/adaptamotivationquestionnaire§ Collectandanalysedata§ Summarizefindings(descriptivestatistics)§ Possiblyexaminestatisticalrelationshipswith

othervariables(e.g.achievement)§ Possiblyintegratesomeinterviewdata(mixed

methods,triangulation)§ Draw(anticipated)conclusions

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Suchdissertations…§ Tendtoberatherboringandpredictable§ Maybeblandandsuperficial§ Oftenlackatightfocusordeep

engagementwitharesearchissue§ MayofferfewinterestinginsightsØ Desirabilityofamoresharplyfocusedlens


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Page 14: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning


§ Hasbeenconductedbyresearcherswhoareexternaltotheclassroomsettings,teachersandlearnersunderfocus

§ Hascharacterizedclassroomsettingsinrathergeneraltermsonly(e.g.culturalcontext,schooltype,proficiencylevel)

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§ Havebeengroundedinspecificcontextsofpractice

§ Havefocusedontheneedsandexperiencesofparticularlearnersandteachersinparticularclassrooms

§ Havebeenshapedbyteachers’ownpedagogically-orientedresearchinquiry(e.g.actionresearch)

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Why?§ Teachersmayfeelthatcollectingself-


§ Teachersmayworrythattheirattemptstoresearchtheirownstudents’motivationmayendupinfluencingandchangingtheirmotivationandso‘contaminate’theirdata

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§ Integrating(ratherthanseparating)teachingandresearchingobjectives(Ushioda2013)

§ Developingmotivation‘research’toolsthatfunctionalso(orprimarily)as‘pedagogical’toolstoenhancestudents’voiceandinvolvementinlearning

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So,lackofclassroom-basedresearchonL2motivationmeans…Ø Needformoresharplyfocusedlenson

– Howprocessesofmotivationevolvethroughparticularinteractionsandeventsintheclassroom

– Howteacherscanworkresponsivelyandadaptivelytoshapetheseinteractionsandeventsinmotivationallyconstructiveways

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1. LimitationsofmotivationresearchinSLA2. Popularityofmotivationasastudent

dissertationtopic3. Shortageofclassroom-basedpractitioner

researchonmotivationØ Towardsamoresharplyfocusedor

contextualizedangleofinquiryØ Researchingmotivation‘throughasmalllens’

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Page 21: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning

NoticingandattentioninSLA§ SchmidtandFrota (1986)§ Researchonvisualinputenhancement

techniquesfordirectingL2learners’attentiontoparticulartargetfeaturesinatext– E.g.Underlining,CAPITALISATION,boldfont

– SeeSimard(2009)forreview

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§ Doesmotivationplayaroleinwhetherlearnersnoticeandpayattentiontocertainlanguagefeatures,especiallywheninputenhancementisnotprovided?

§ Experimentalresearchinpsychologysuggeststhatwhatpeoplenoticemaypartlydependontheirmotivation(Newsome1986)

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Page 24: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning


§ Doesmotivationplayaroleinwhetherlearnersnoticeandpayattentiontocertainlanguagefeatures,especiallywheninputenhancementisnotprovided?

§ Experimentalresearchinpsychologysuggeststhatwhatpeoplenoticemaypartlydependontheirmotivation(Newsome1986)

§ Testyourselves:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahg6qcgoay4

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§ PotentiallinkbetweenmotivationandnoticinginSLAhighlightedbyCrookes&Schmidt(1991)– Butlittleempiricalresearchtodate– IncontrastwithresearchonnoticingandattentioninSLAinrelationtootherindividualdifferencefactorssuchasaptitudeorworkingmemory(e.g.Robinson1997,2002)

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§ MotivationandnoticingofpragmalinguisticfeaturesofL2input

§ Researchfocusonrequeststrategies:– complexbi-clausalrequestforms(e.g.IwaswonderingifyoucouldVP;DoyouthinkyoucouldVP?WoulditbepossibleforyoutoVP?)

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Page 28: Taking a ‘small lens approach’ to researching L2 motivation€¦ · Why? § Analysis of motivation and its role in L2 learning has mostly been at the level of global learning


§ MotivationandnoticingofpragmalinguisticfeaturesofL2input

§ Researchfocusonrequeststrategies:– complexbi-clausalrequestforms(e.g.IwaswonderingifyoucouldVP;DoyouthinkyoucouldVP?WoulditbepossibleforyoutoVP?)

– idiomaticexpressions(e.g.Thishastodowith…;Howya doing?)

– non-idiomaticexpressions(e.g.Ilivenextdoor)– discoursemarkers(e.g.well,youknow,maybe)

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§ Participants(JapaneseEFLuniversitystudents)– completedamotivationquestionnaireandEnglishproficiencymeasure

– readtranscriptsofrole-playsofrequestscenarios(NS-NSandNS-NNSrole-plays)

– completedanawarenessretrospectionquestionnairetoidentifyexpressionsandfeaturesoflanguageuseintherole-playsperceivedtobedistinctively‘nativeEnglish’usage

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§ ParticipantsclassifiedasstronglyintrinsicallymotivatedtolearnEnglishwerefoundtobeparticularlyattentivetocomplexbi-clausalrequestformsandidiomaticexpressionsintheinput,irrespectiveoftheirlevelsofEnglishproficiency

§ Intrinsicmotivationtodevelopcommunicationskillsmayhelpdirectlearners’attentiontopragmalinguisticfeaturesperceivedasimportantforeffectivecommunication




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§ A‘smalllensapproach’canshedlightonhowmotivationinteractswithlearners’attentionalfocusandresources

§ PossibilitiesofreplicatingTakahashi’sresearchorextendingittoothertargetL2features(e.g.phonology,prosody,lexis,syntax…)

§ Howdifferencesinmotivationmaycontributetodifferentpatternsoflinguisticandcommunicativeproficiency

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§ Howmotivationinteractswithattentionmayalsoconnectwithmetacognitiveprocesses– i.e.processesofdirectingandregulatingone’scognitiveresources

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Example§ Aninternationalstudentistalkingabouthismotivation

todevelophisEnglishvocabularyandhowheusesthestrategyofpayingcloseattentiontowordsandphrasesinhisinterlocutor’sspeech…nicelydemonstratedduringtheactualresearchinterview:Interv: Okay,soyourmainfocusisonexpression

andvocabulary?S016: Exactly.SeenowIdidn’thavetheword



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Motivation orwillingnessto


willandskill(McCombs&Marzano 1990)

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§ Tendstofocusonassociationsbetweenmotivationandstrategyuse(quantity,frequency,type)

§ Buthowdoesmotivation(‘will’)tocontrolstrategicthinking(‘skill’)develop?

§ Howcanateacherscaffoldandsupportthisprocessinherinteractionswithstudents?

Ø Takinga‘smalllens’approach…

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Vygotskian perspectives

§ ResearchinaVygotskian socioculturalframework(Vygotsky1978;Ushioda2003)

§ Analyticalfocuson:– microgenesis ofindividualstrategicthinking– and,byextension,ofindividualmotivationtocontrolandshapethisthinking

– throughproblem-focusedinteractionsbetweenteacherandlearner(orbetweenlearners)

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§ Howdoteachersmotivatelanguagelearnerstothinkthroughproblemsanddifficultiesintheirlearning?

§ Howdolearnersco-constructtheirmotivationtothinkthroughproblemsandchallengesincollaborativelanguagetasks?

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§ Actionresearchfocusingonhowtoplanandstructurethepedagogicaldialoguewithlearnerstomotivatestrategicthinking

§ Experimentwithdifferentquestioningtechniquesandformsofencouragement(e.g.Diazetal.1990on‘relinquishingstrategies’)

§ Analysisofrecordedteacher–learnerorlearner–learnerinteractions

§ Stimulatedrecallinterviewswithlearners

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§ Problem-focusedlearningdifficultiesrepresentonesetofeventswheremotivationmaybeimplicated

§ Possibleother‘criticalevents’duringalessonaffectingandaffectedbyindividualandsocialprocessesofmotivation

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§ Importanttoolofqualitativeinquiryinteacherdevelopment(Tripp1993)andotherfieldsofprofessionalpractice(e.g.nursing,socialwork,organisationallearning)

§ SeeButterfieldetal.2005forhistoricaloverviewofcriticalincidenttechnique

§ However,identifying‘criticalincidents’isnotstraightforward

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§ Focusingonacriticaleventprovidesatightlyboundcontextualframeworkforanalysinghowmotivationevolvesamong‘persons-in-context’(Ushioda2009)

§ Whilethecriticaleventconstitutestheimmediatefocus(‘smalllens’),theanalysiswillhavewidercontextualperspectives(sharedhistoryofpreviousinteractions,subsequentinteractionsandevents)

§ Mayyieldinsightsintohowprocessesofmotivationevolvecumulativelyamongteacherandlearnersinaparticularclassroom

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§ Investigatethemotivationsofteacherandlearnersduring‘criticalevents’inalesson

§ Howtodefine‘criticalevents’?– Eventsthatcauseustowonderwhypeoplearebehavinginaparticularway?

– Involvelearnersinidentifyingcriticaleventswhereissuesofmotivationhavesurfaced?

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§ Multipleperspectivesonthecriticalevent(research-observer;teacher;students)

§ OrparticularlysuitedtoteacherresearchandespeciallyExploratoryPractice(EP)– Allwright 2003;Allwright &Hanks2009;Hanks2017– Researchinquirygroundedinteacher’sownpracticeand

shapedbypedagogicalprinciples– Desiretounderstandandenhancequalityofclassroomlife– Involvinglearnersasco-researchers– Congruencebetweenpedagogicalandresearchtools

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§ L2motivationresearchwouldbenefitfromaricherandsharperfocusonthelocalandparticular,ratherthanthegeneral

§ Theselocallysituatedunderstandingsofmotivationcanhavewiderresonanceandcontributetoinformingtheoryandpracticemorebroadly