24 Talara Street Currimundi QLD 4551 Subscribe: Subscribe: https://talarapc.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe Email: Email: [email protected] Phone: Phone: 07 5438 3777 10 June 2021 10 June 2021 The Principal As the end of Semester One rapidly approaches it will be a busy few weeks ahead. Our teachers have been spending many hours at night, and across the weekends, completing each student’s end of semester report card. These reports are a comprehensive account of how your child is progressing against the expectation of the Australian Curriculum. A reminder that all reports, as well as the electronic link to book for your parent-teacher interview in Week 2 Term 3, will be emailed home on Friday 25 June. Please make sure that you have updated the administration office with your email details. As well as your child’s report card, each class will be involved in a culmination activity celebrating the tremendous work they have done throughout this term. Culminating is a very special part of our culture at Talara and we greatly appreciate the effort parents, grandparents or extended family members go to so that every child has an adult come along. As always, this is my favourite time of the school calendar and I look forward to catching up with many of you during the different culminating events. Below is an overview of the times for year levels and where required, individual class times. We would love to see as many parents as possible attending, however we ask that if you have been unwell and present with any cold/flu symptoms that you do not attend. Parents are not required to sign in, however for any extended family members who are attending they must sign in with the Qld Government COVID App. If you need any clarification with times or activities please don’t hesitate to contact your class teacher. This is a great opportunity for students to have a real audience and to share and explain the learning they have been involved in. There is always such an exciting buzz of excitement at these events and we all just love seeing this great partnership between school and home taking place. Current COVID Procedures Sunshine Coast As you are likely aware there has been a positive COVID-19 case identified in the Caloundra area. A list of all the close contact sites are available on the Qld Government Health site – see below link. Should you or a member of your family have been to one of the identified sites at the nominated time they should follow the advice below. Please refer COVID contact tracing to keep abreast of additions to the list of identified sites. immediately travel by private transport directly to your home or accommodation and quarantine. get tested at your earliest opportunity complete the online contact tracing form by clicking on the name for the relevant location in the table below. A pop up window will appear with specific advice for that location and a link to the form. If you are unable to complete the contact tracing form please call 134 COVID (134 268).

Talara Primary College eNewsletter

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24 Talara StreetCurrimundi QLD 4551Subscribe:Subscribe: https://talarapc.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email:Email: [email protected]:Phone: 07 5438 3777

10 June 202110 June 2021

The PrincipalAs the end of Semester One rapidlyapproaches it will be a busy few weeksahead. Our teachers have been spendingmany hours at night, and across theweekends, completing each student’s endof semester report card. These reports area comprehensive account of how your childis progressing against the expectation of

the Australian Curriculum.

A reminder that all reports, as well as the electronic link to bookfor your parent-teacher interview in Week 2 Term 3, will beemailed home on Friday 25 June. Please make sure that youhave updated the administration office with your email details.

As well as your child’s report card, each class will be involvedin a culmination activity celebrating the tremendous work theyhave done throughout this term. Culminating is a very specialpart of our culture at Talara and we greatly appreciate the effortparents, grandparents or extended family members go to sothat every child has an adult come along. As always, this ismy favourite time of the school calendar and I look forward tocatching up with many of you during the different culminatingevents.

Below is an overview of the times for year levels and whererequired, individual class times. We would love to see as manyparents as possible attending, however we ask that if you havebeen unwell and present with any cold/flu symptoms that youdo not attend.

Parents are not required to sign in, however for any extendedfamily members who are attending they must sign in with theQld Government COVID App.

If you need any clarification with times or activities please don’thesitate to contact your class teacher.

This is a great opportunity for students to have a real audienceand to share and explain the learning they have been involvedin. There is always such an exciting buzz of excitement atthese events and we all just love seeing this great partnershipbetween school and home taking place.

Current COVID Procedures Sunshine Coast

As you are likely aware there has been a positive COVID-19case identified in the Caloundra area. A list of all the closecontact sites are available on the Qld Government Health site– see below link. Should you or a member of your family havebeen to one of the identified sites at the nominated time theyshould follow the advice below.

Please refer COVID contact tracing to keep abreast of additionsto the list of identified sites.

• immediately travel by private transport directly to yourhome or accommodation and quarantine.

• get tested at your earliest opportunity

• complete the online contact tracing form by clickingon the name for the relevant location in the tablebelow. A pop up window will appear with specificadvice for that location and a link to the form.If you are unable to complete the contact tracingform please call 134 COVID (134 268).

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Australian Curriculum Review

The Australian Curriculum (what all students across Australiamust learn) is currently under review. All eight learning areasfrom Foundation to Year 10 are being reviewed with an aim torefine the curriculum to be less crowded, have greater clarityand allow a greater depth of study. Our staff are currentlyreviewing the school’s curriculum versus the proposed changesand providing feedback on the revision. Public consultation isnow open, and parents are invited to have a look and providesome feedback via the consultation website.


Parade of Excellence

In the final 2 weeks of term there will be no normal weeklyparades. In week 9, there will be the whole school Parade ofExcellence on Wednesday 16 June at 9am. All parents areinvited to attend to join us as we celebrate outstandingachievement across the school and are entertained by our verytalented Choir and Dance teams.

Sports Days

Bribie, Fraser, Stradbroke and Moreton we are ready to hearyour war cry and watch your house give their best!

It is that very exciting time of the year where all of the studentsget to participate and give their personal best at our athleticscarnivals. Parents should have received an email home withthe specific information, program of events, event map andtuckshop options. These days are always super fun andexcellent opportunities for our students to demonstrate theirawesome sportsmanship. More information can be found in theAthletics Day article in this newsletter.

Date Claimers

Prep and Year 1 Friday 18 JuneYear 2 and 3 Tuesday 22 JuneYear 4, 5 and 6 Monday 21 June (with 800m Race eventon Monday 14 June last session)

District Representatives

A very big congratulations to our talented sporting super starswho have made Coastal District Sports teams this year.

District Swimming Team - Dekota, Lily , Benji, Tadghand Charlie.District Un 11 Netball – IslaDistrict Un 12 Girls AFL – JaydaDistrict Un 11 Rugby League – SonnyDistrict Un 12 Rugby League – Kade

Special congratulations to the below students for making theselection into the Regional teams to compete at the StateChampionships.

Hayden – representing Sunshine Coast Region at the StateHockey and also representing Sunshine Coast Region at theU12 Boys Touch Championships;

Oliver – representing Sunshine Coast Region at the StateRugby Union.

Extracurricular Opportunities

On Monday our eSports Team consisting of 22 students fromYear 5 and 6, together with students from Chancellor College,got to spend the day at the Sunshine Coast University in the ITHub getting to develop and practice their online gaming skillsand sportsmanship.

The students were extremely fortunate to get access to theamazing ‘Cave’ consisting of over 80 screens all interlinked,one of only 4 spaces in the world!

Next Monday and Tuesday, our intermediate Band and Stringsstudents will get to be immersed in a full day workshop atMeridan State College developing and refining theirperformance skills.

On Wednesday 16 June, we will have our U12 girls competingin the Sunshine Coast Regional AFL tournament under thecoaching direction of Mr Luckey. I know the girls have beentraining hard and are super excited.

Then on Thursday 17 June, our Dance Excellence Teams areall travelling to Brisbane to compete in the Brisbane PerformingArts Competition. It will be a super early start but they are allextremely keen.

Best of luck kids!!

Year 6 High School Transition Wednesday 23June

On Wednesday 23 June, all of our Year 6 students will bespending the day at one of our three feeder high schools,Caloundra State High School, Kawana State College orMeridan State College. This is a day coordinated across theCaloundra Coalition of Schools to assist our young studentsin preparing for Junior Secondary in 2022. The students willbe involved in a range of learning activities that will help themexperience the setting and expectations of junior secondary.Talara teachers will accompany students at the different highschools and will be able to continue the discussions andpreparations for our students’ transition throughout Semester 2here at Talara.

Chocolate Drive

Thank you so much to all of the families who have supportedthe P&C Chocolate Drive over the last 2 weeks. The supporthas been fabulous and I believe there are only a few cartonsof chocolates remaining to be sold! Can we please ask anyfamilies who have not returned the money from the chocolatesales to do so urgently. Preferred method is through the QKRapp but parents may also choose to return cash. If for anyreason you have unsold chocolates and are not able to sellthese, no worries please just return these.

Gold Pass Thursday 24 June

I trust all families have received the details for your child’sGold Pass Day activities. This is always a fantastic way tocelebrate the great behaviour choices Talara kids make everyday. With the impact of COVID last term we were unable to planoutside activities, so this term it is going to be super excitingwith the majority of year levels heading offsite for their reward.Some of these reward experiences include movies, Chipmunks,


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bowling and Level Up High Ropes. Permission forms can bedownloaded from the Parent Notes section of this newsletter.

Drama Excellence Friday 25 June

This year our Drama Excellence students have been workingvery hard on preparing a special performance promoting to allstudents the important message of resilience.

On the last day of this term, our dynamic and talented Dramateam will present four plays based around our health unit,‘Program Achieve’ - ‘I Can Do It!’. They will be performing twoshows, one to our Junior School and then a second to ourUpper School. In all, they will perform in front of our entirestudent body which makes up an audience of over 1100! Thisperformance is sure to entertain while delivering a very powerfulmessage to our students. TPC we all know that Resilience isBrilliance… I Can Do It!

Play 1 - If I Only Had A BrainPlay 2 - If I Only Had A HeartPlay 3 - If I Only Had CouragePlay 4 - I Can Do It!

I am sorry but this is a closed performance and is for ourstudents only. Don’t worry parents, your turn will come at theend of Term 3 when all of our extra-curricular performancegroups join in to bring an incredible professional performanceto the public in our Annual School Performance NightExtravaganza!

Free Dress Day Friday 25 June

As always, our last day of each term is an opportunity for ourstudent leaders to conduct fun free dress days while raisingmoney for student council projects. This term, the theme isbright colours (perhaps come dressed in the colour of yourfavourite You Can Do It character). All funds raised will be goingto support a very special Pop ART mural (8 m x 6m) that willreflect our schools You Can DO it Program Achieve.

Queensland Government Discontinuation OfSchool Banking

The Queensland Government has decided to discontinueschool banking programs in Queensland government schoolsfrom 31 July 2021. As a result, the CommBank School Bankingprogram will no longer operate at our school after the end ofthis term. If you are unsure of other methods of depositing toyour child’s account, please feel free to contact the Bank’sgeneral enquiries hotline on 13 2221 or alternatively visit yourlocal CommBank branch.

If your child is eligible to receive a reward, please notify ourSchool Banking Co-ordinator by submitting a rewardredemption slip prior to Wednesday 23 June 2021. I'm sorrybut we will be unable to process reward orders received afterthis date.

We would like to thank you for your participation and supportthroughout the School Banking program and we send a verybig thank you to all of the wonderful parents and grandparentsin our school community that have given their time to theSchool Banking program over the years.

End of Term

This will be our final newsletter for Term Two. Our last dayof term will be Friday 25 June (free dress day). Term Threecommences on Monday 12 July. I wish everyone a fantasticwinter break.

Stephen AdamsPrincipal

Prep 2022 EnrolmentsIf you have a child beginning in Prep next year or knowsomeone who does, we are taking enrolments now! Here atTalara we have a very comprehensive and supportive inductionprogram for our Preppies including:

*Children born 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 are eligible toenrol in Prep in 2022*

Have you notified our front office that you have a child enrollingin Prep 2022? We do not want you, or your Preppie, to missout on any of these important dates and opportunities. If youhaven’t already submitted your enrolment paperwork or notifiedour office about your Preppie’s 2022 enrolment, please do soeither by email to [email protected] or by phone 075438 3777.

Please see the two flyers below for more information andcontact our school office for an enrolment pack or if you haveany questions.

We look forward to seeing you and meeting your 2022 Preppie!

Amanda BrewerDeputy Principal

Nationally Consistent Collection of Dataon School Students with Disability(NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the NationallyConsistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability(NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identifyinformation already available in the school about supportsprovided to students with disability. These relate to legislativerequirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and

• the ‘READY SET PREP’ program

• open afternoon in the prep precinct for Preppies andParents

• a guided tour with the Principal

• enrolment induction sessions for Preppies andParents


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the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with theNCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the AustralianGovernment for the NCCD includes:

This information assists schools to:

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with theinformation they need to plan more broadly for the support ofstudents with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and yourchild will not be involved in any testing process. The school willprovide data to the Australian Government in such a way thatno individual student will be able to be identified – the privacyand confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information isprotected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storageand disclosure of personal information. To find out more aboutthese matters, please refer to the Australian Government’sPrivacy Policy

Further information about the NCCD can be found on theNCCD Portal. A fact sheet can be downloaded below.

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact theschool.

Leesa TurnbullHead of Special Education Services (HOSES)

Athletics DayA very special part of our school calendar are our annualAthletics Days. Please see below dates:

All students participate at various stations on a rotational basis.For this reason we have designed the timetable to ensureall students get the most from the day. Below you will findthe programs. Children will firstly go to their classrooms at8.40 before assembling in their sporting houses on the oval by8.50am. As teachers need to mark the roll and prepare thestudents for the day, it is important that your child arrives at theirclassroom on time.

Your child has been allocated to a sporting house. To engenderhouse spirit, cheering and war cries will be encouraged atdifferent intervals during the day. Please find the House ’warcries’ below. Your child may already be familiar with these.

Please ensure that your child wears sunscreen, has joggers,their school hat and a drink bottle; all with name clearly marked.The children are welcome to bring along coloured streamersfor cheering and wear coloured sunburn cream. We alsoencourage the students to wear their appropriately colouredhouse t-shirt. House polos can be purchased at the UniformShop for $20.00 through the QKR app and should be worn withtheir school shorts/skorts. If you do not have a plain t-shirt in thehouse colours then students are required to wear the normalschool uniform.

Please note: Hair colour and mock tattoos are notpermitted.

Food stalls will be open in Centre Court during both breaks.There is no tuckshop ‘bag system’ for the students in theparticipating year levels on the day. Students can purchasefood from the food stalls - cash only as no smartcard facilitiesare available. Please find the “tuckshop menu” below.

While shade will be provided for students in their house areas,unfortunately there will not be sufficient shade for parents. Sodon’t forget to bring a shady hat as well as a fold up chair orpicnic rug. Parents are required to sign in via the Qld Covid Appwhich will be located on the bridge entering the oval.

In the event of wet weather, notification of an alternate datewill be passed onto students and displayed on the Talaranoticeboard adjoining Talara Street and on Talara’s P&CFacebook page.

We’d love to see you there to cheer on all of our fantastic effortson the day.

Prep–Year 1 Athletics Friday 18 June

Year 2-3 Athletics Tuesday 22 June

Year 4-6 Athletics Monday 21 June

Ryan ChisholmPE Teacher

• year of schooling

• category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory orsocial/emotional

• level of adjustment provided: support provided withinquality differentiated teaching practice,supplementary, substantial or extensive.

• formally recognise the supports and adjustmentsprovided to students with disability in schools

• consider how they can strengthen the support ofstudents with disability in schools

• develop shared practices so that they can reviewtheir learning programs in order to improveeducational outcomes for students with disability.

• Prep-Year 1 Friday 18 June

• Years 2-3 Tuesday 22 June

• Years 4-6 Monday 21 June


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ICASTalara Primary College will be participating in theworld-renowned ICAS English and Mathematics Assessmentsthis year.

ICAS is designed to target students’ higher-order thinking andproblem-solving skills in English and Mathematics.

ICAS Assessments are now online, a move that reflects asector-wide transition to online assessments. This allowsgreater accessibility for students and faster delivery of results.

Learn more about ICAS here:



2021 Participation

Our school has signed up for the ICAS Assessments parentpayment system (PPS) for English and Mathematics. Throughthis system parents pay for ICAS directly online while tests willstill be held at our school.


Please use the following details to register your child no laterthan Friday 30 July 2021.


Scott ButcherDeputy Principal

Free Dress Day

Parent Teacher InterviewsEarly in Term 3, we invite you to meet with your child/s teacher/s to discuss their Semester One Academic Report Card.Parent/teacher interviews are being offered in Week 2, 19 – 23July.

Online bookings open at 5pm on Friday 25 June 2021. Thebelow bookings link will not work until after 5pm on Friday25 June 2021.

To make a booking with your class teacher, go to:


The online bookings link will also be available on the TalaraPrimary College website from Friday 25 June 2021 but asstated above, it will only work once bookings have openedafter 5pm on Friday 25 June 2021.

You will be able to make bookings online up until Friday 16 July@ 12.00pm, after this time you will need to contact the teacherdirectly to make an appointment.

• Your school access code is PYZ349

• Your parent page link is:https://shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps

• Also, complete and return the below permission slipto school no later than Friday 30 July 2021.

• Enter your email address and the password you usedfor the Term 1 interview bookings oro Reset your password if you cannot remember it

oro Create a new password if you have never had

one before.

• Select your child’s class and select next.

• Use the arrows to scroll through available days/booking times.

• Select your booking day/time and select next.

• Review the booking details and select next to confirmyour booking. A notification will appear on the screensaying your booking is complete.


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If you have any issues making the booking, please contact theoffice for assistance.

Paul BathersbyDeputy Principal

NAIDOC Week 2021 “Heal Country”

WUNYA - (Welcome, Hello) - Gubbi Gubbi Language

Talara Primary College will be celebrating NAIDOCWEEK, throughout Week 1 of Term 3.

Why do we celebrate NAIDOC Week? Celebrations are heldacross Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture andachievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities,but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a greatopportunity to participate in a range of activities and to supportyour local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

NAIDOC originally stood for ‘National Aborigines and IslandersDay Observance Committee’. This committee was onceresponsible for organising national activities during NAIDOCWeek and its acronym has since become the name of the weekitself.

The National NAIDOC Committee invites all Australians to walkwith Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in amovement of the nation for a better future.

NAIDOC Week 2021 is being held nationally from 4 – 11 July.

The 2021 National NAIDOC Poster, ‘Care for Country’ wasdesigned by Gubbi Gubbi artist Maggie-Jean Douglas.

Using the 2021 NAIDOC Week theme, Heal Country!, asinspiration; ‘Care for Country’ is a bright and vibrant artworkwhich explores how Country has cared for and healed FirstNations people spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially andculturally.

The artwork includes communities, people, animals and bushmedicines spread over different landscapes of red dirt, greengrass, bush land and coastal areas to tell the story of the manyways Country can and has, healed us throughout our lives andjourneys.

Talara Community wish to congratulate local Gubbi Gubbi artistMaggie-Jean Douglas on being chosen as the 2021 NationalNAIDOC Poster Design Winner.

TALARA’s 2021 NAIDOC Writing Competition

In celebration of this year’s NAIDOC (National Aborigines andIslanders Day Observance Committee) theme of “HealCountry” and our Writing Focus, Talara Primary College havedecided to host a special NAIDOC Week writing competitionaligned to NAIDOC, with wonderful prizes to be won.

Celebrating NAIDOC 2021 at Talara

To celebrate 2021 NAIDOC WEEK, Talara Primary CollegeStudents will be engaged in opportunities to learn more aboutour local Gubbi Gubbi Language and gain a deeperunderstanding of our school’s Indigenous name ‘Talara’ andour connection to country through our Tribal Cultural Namesand the relationship between our class letters, animals andthe environment. Talara Staff are also keen to show theirappreciation of NAIDOC week 2021 through the wearing ofdifferent Indigenous designed clothing. Student Leaders will besupervising different Indigenous Art and Craft activities in theIAC during lunch times. Culture Club members will also hold aspecial celebration luncheon.


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This year our NAIDOC Art Competition is focussed on furtherunderstanding of our connection to country (Sky/Sea/Land)through our Tribal Parades. Students will be able to participatein the colouring of bookmark templates of our Tribal Animalsand winning bookmark entries will be selected to be made intoIAC Bookmarks that will be laminated for daily use within ourIAC borrowing system.

Debbie LawrenceHighly Accomplished Teacher

Written on behalf of NAIDOC 2021 TEAM (Debbie Lawrence,Paul Bathersby, Ashleigh Burt, Amanda Harlan)

Year 6 High School TransitionOn Wednesday 23 June 2021, all Year 6 students attendingCoalition State Primary Schools are invited to attend eitherCaloundra State High School, Kawana Waters State College,Meridan State College or Baringa State Secondary College forthe day to experience what high school is like and becomefamiliar with the school they are intending to attend in 2022.As previously communicated to you, all four state secondarysites have an enrolment management plan in place. Catchmentmaps can be accessed at the Ed Map website below Studentsare expected to attend their ‘in-catchment’ secondary schoolas determined by their residential address, unless they have anolder sibling enrolled at an ‘out of catchment’ school or haveaccepted a scholarship or an offer to participate in a Programof Excellence at an ‘out-of-catchment’ school.


Date: Wednesday 23 June 2021

Transport: Parents are required to drop off and collect theirchild at their designated ‘in-catchment’ high school.Dress Code: Students are expected to wear their primaryschool uniform Supervision: Students will be supervised bya teacher from their primary school Things to bring: Writingequipment, lunch, water bottle and hat.

Caloundra State High School Start time: 9.00am Finish Time:2.30pm

Assembly Point: Student Centre (access from Bower Street)Parent Information Sessions are scheduled for 9.30am –11.15am and 5.30 – 6.45pm in the Administration Block onQueen Street. If you are interested in attending one of thesesessions, please register your preferred session time, name andcontact details with Caloundra High on 5436 8444.

Kawana Waters State College Start time: 9.00am Finish Time:2.30pm

Assembly Point: Secondary Administration Block (onSportsmans Parade)Parents wishing a tour of the school can meet at the SecondaryAdministration Block, either 8.00—8.30am or 2.45—3.15pm.No registration is required.

Meridan State College Start time: 9.00am Finish Time:2.45pm

Assembly Point: Performing Arts ComplexParents wishing to drop off their students personally will havethe opportunity to meet with the Deputy Principal and theHead of Department Learning Enhancement. There will be tea& coffee available at the café.

Baringa State Secondary College Start time: 9.30am FinishTime: 2.15pm

Assembly Point: Grassed area outside the Executive BuildingParents to drop off and collect at the front of the school in thedesignated drop off area.


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Should you have any questions regarding the organisation ofthis day, please contact your child’s teacher myself.

Enquiries regarding Enrolment Management Plans (EMP) andcorresponding catchment boundaries should be directed to therelevant high school.

Permission Forms were sent home with Year 6 studentslast week. We ask that you please return these, no laterthan Friday 11 June.

Kristy WaltonDeputy Principal

New Opportunities at Kawana WatersState College

New opportunities are available at Kawana Waters StateCollege (Secondary Campus) in Term 3, 2021 for Year 5 and 6students interested in Performing Arts.

These are brand new programs in Performing Arts (which donot appear on any calendars as yet)

Any further questions can be directed to Peta Boboe (HoDPerforming Arts [email protected])

All information and the application process is available on theKWSC College website by following the following tabs:

Home/Curriculum/Excellence programs/Junior Arts Program(Yrs 5 - 6)

Kristy WaltonDeputy Principal

Date Claimers for UPCOMING GirlsWorkshops

Beauty the Real Picture

Our ‘Beauty-The Real Picture’ program is a feel-good program,focussed on the development of healthy self-esteem andpositive body image. Girls will gain confidence in who theyare and will learn what makes them unique and beautiful. Thisprogram is run by HeadStart Psychologist, Jessica Barker. Formore information about the program visit the link below:


When: Mondays 9th, 16th & 23rd August 3-4pmWho : Year 5/6 Girls (maximum of 40 girls only)Cost : $30

Kristy WaltonDeputy Principal

TEAK NewsThe TEAK team celebrated World Environment Day at schoollast Friday, as the official day was on Saturday 5 June. All theTEAK groups came together for some fun creating a pair ofscarecrows that will soon be up in two of our school vegetablepatches. Students also picked mandarins, oranges and lemonsfrom the school fruit trees and handed out Plastic Free ZoneGood Ones for students with no single use plastics in theirlunchbox.

This week we have launched the new, yellow "Containers forChange" bins. These bins replace the white baskets that havebeen put to good use for the last few years in the eating courts.We encourage all staff and students to place their eligiblebottles, cans and tetra packs in these bins. If your child usesthese types of containers at school, please remind them toempty out all the liquid before placing it in a yellow bin. If theyhave "poppers" please also ask them to remove the straw andstraw plastic and place in a red lid waste bin first.

The senior Kids in Action students have been busy working on ashort presentation about the Kids in Action Environmental FieldDay they attended recently. We hope to share this with the restof the school before the end of the term.


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Lynelle HertsletTeacher

Italian NewsThe Year 2 cohort has been exploring Italian and Australianfashion this term, while learning the vocabulary for seasonsand clothing. To make things more fun, I decided to throw animpromptu fashion show in each class! Kids who felt braveand confident dressed up, while the class described what outfitcame down our catwalk.

Alla prossima! (Until next time!)

The Italian Team

Alison MyorsAlison Myors

Italian TeacherItalian Teacher

Silvia De PaulisSilvia De Paulis

Italian TeacherItalian Teacher

Sonia BaldisseraSonia Baldissera

Italian TeacherItalian Teacher

Born Wired: How to manage unwantedonline contact

The internet has opened an unprecedented opportunity forpeople to communicate and receive information anywhere andat any time.

Through email and social networking, we can engage withpeople who are both well known, existing friends and new

friends that we may never meet face to face or speak withoffline.

It is important for your child to understand that as in the offlineworld, some people online have ill intentions. Unwanted contactis any type of online communication that your child findsunpleasant or confronting. The contact can come fromunknown online friends or someone they actually know in theoffline world.

Consider these steps to help your child manage unwantedcontact:

Visit the eSafety website for ways to deal with unwantedcontact and watch the Chatterbox video The Internet’sUnderbelly or call the Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 oreheadspace on 1800 650 890 to chat with an experiencedcounsellor.

For some more useful tips, download the parent’s guide toonline safety.

Visit the iParent website for more information on ways tominimise risk online, without fear of online predators.

The internet’s Underbelly:


Kristy WaltonDeputy Principal

• Encourage your child to raise concerns with youor another trusted adult.

• Block the person contacting your child and changethe privacy settings. Don’t respond to the person orgive them any attention.

• Keep the evidence. This can be useful in trackingthe person posting unsuitable material. A guide tocollecting evidence, along with some helpful videoson how to collect screenshots, is available on theeSafety website.

• Contact the Internet Service Provider, phoneprovider or site administrator. There are actions theycan take to help.


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Chaplaincy Breakfast

The Chaplaincy Committee would like to thank Coles at Birtinyafor their very kind and much appreciated donations towards ourBreakfast Program.

Each fortnight the Committee provides cereal and toast forstudents as a way to connect with the students and theirfamilies. There are staff members and volunteers from thecommunity that assist the Chaplain in providing this veryworthwhile activity.

The items that Coles donates means that we don’t need touse funds that are raised by the Committee and the school asthere’s no charge for the breakfast. The funds that are raisedby the Committee can then be used in other areas of need forthe students of Talara Primary College.

Once again we wish to express our thanks to Coles Birtinya forassisting us.

Talara Primary College Chaplaincy Committee

Chaplain’s Corner

Interim Chaplain

Happy and sad at the same time?? I guess its with mixedemotions that I say goodbye to TPC for now. I undertand thisis the final newsletter for the term so I would like to extendmy thanks to EVERYONE that I have met and who welcomedme for this short, although busy term. I am super happy andjoyous that I have had the pleasure of spending time at Talaraand getting to know some of the staff and the students. Iam certainly sad as I shall miss you all. I will miss the schoolcommunity also. My last day of the term will fall on a breakfastmorning and also the proposed sports day so it will be an epicend to the time I have spent at Talara. YOU are all awesomeand again I thank you for accepting me into the school forthis term. I will continue to pray for the school, staff, students,families and community we live in.

I still look forward to continuing to support the students, staffand families that connect with Chappy Col on a regular basisfor the remaining couple of weeks.

Fortnightly Breakfasts – change of day in Wk 4 -10

Our fortnightly breakfasts will end this term on Tuesday, 8June and 22 June. We’ll be setting up in Centre Court andserving free toast and cereals to students from 8:10am (parentsand younger siblings are also welcome to try!). Send yourchildren to come and be part of an event where we build schoolconnectedness and community spirit, while feeding hungrytummies at the same time. We would love to have a few moreadults who can help with serving on fortnightly Tuesdays.Please contact me if you are available.

What is the Chaplaincy service at Talara?

I believe it’s best described by this parent’s quote: “Life canbe tough! Financial pressure, relationship issues, personalitydifficulties……and it’s even harder when it affects our children!Chappy Col is a wonderful mentor and friend to children fromall walks of life that are facing some of these challenges andmore. He teaches all of our children the skills to gain strengthand resilience to overcome these struggles.”

Does your child struggle with emotions and need somebodyelse to talk to? Feel free to contact one of the Deputy Principalsto organise chaplaincy support. With parental permission, ourchaplain provides emotional and social support to a number ofstudents.

A bit more information: Children in your local school communityface a myriad of challenges in their day to day life that havevery little to do with education. They’re struggling with issuesof self-doubt, bullying, peer pressure, anxiety, family breakdownand more. These are the leading reasons why children seekout the help of their school chaplain. Chaplains like ours areon the frontlines of our schools championing the cause of ourchildren’s social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Can you help?

As we move toward the final half of 2021, Chaplaincy at Talarawill need new committee members to help at fundraisingevents, breakfasts and the Local Chaplaincy Committee. Ifyou’d like to find out more about our team, please contactChappy for more information. Email [email protected]

Chappy ScottChaplain


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Parent TV

Building Confidence

What helps us build confidence? What is NOT helpful in buildingconfidence? Use the below link to view a video exploring waysto model and teach authentic confidence and self-mastery. Italso looks at how we can see failure as a feedback opportunity,and how developing a passion can be just as valuable asdeveloping an ability, when it comes to building confidence.


Student of the Week

Parent Notes



Helping Hands NewsWell, we are nearly at the end of the term already and VacationCare will be here in a couple of weeks. We have been busyputting our exciting program together and bookings are nowbeing taken. Please follow the link to view our Program.


We are also especially excited to share our very own MoovGames.

As a lead up to the Olympic Games, over the next 3 weeks onTuesday & Wednesday afternoons, we will be engaging in anOlympics Themed Program filled with fun interactive activitieswhere children can get involved and earn stickers every sessionand gain a Moov Games Medal for their hard work. We areencouraging all children to have a go, join the fun and get fit atthe same time.

We have also introduced a new and exciting Robotics Programwhich the children have been eagerly participating in over thepast couple of weeks. The Bee-Bots Robotics Kit aims tosupport children as they explore and investigate S.T.E.M andother areas of learning in a fun and exciting way.

If you would like your child to join us for all the fun, pleasecontact us on 0459 990 650 or visit our website at the linkbelow and we look forward to welcoming your child to ourService soon.


Alison WilkinsonHelping Hands Co-ordinator

School Contact Details


PO Box 3707 Caloundra DC 4551Talara Street, Currimundi 4551


Administration 5438 3777

Student Absence Line -Voicemail

5438 3760

Student Absence SMS Line -SMS only

0417 978 610

Early ChildhoodDevelopment Program

5438 3713

Website www.talacollss.eq.edu.au

Email [email protected]

Principal Stephen Adams

Deputies Kristy Walton (Years 5 &6)Paul Bathersby (Year 4)Scott Butcher (Years 2 &3)Amanda Brewer (Prep &Year 1)

Head of Curriculum Meghan ClarkeJulie Henderson

Guidance Officers Katie Churchill

Business Manager Kirsty Gould

Administrative Officers Jodie BradyTracey BrownDanielle SchaumburgBrittany FroudRochelle Tritton


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P&C Association

P&C meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (duringschool terms) at 6.30pm.

Everyone is welcome. Pleaseemail [email protected] for further details.

Uniform Shop Hours

Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8.15amto 8.45am.


Open daily Monday to Friday 8.30am to 1.35pm.

Parades (2:15pm)

Tuesday Dingira

Wednesday Djaa

Thursday Noring

Outside School Hours Care:

Helping Hands 0459 990 650.

Student Absences

Please remember to ring the school on our StudentStudent AbsenceAbsenceLineLine (5438(5438 3760)3760) or send an SMS to our SMSSMS AbsenceAbsence Line:Line:(0417(0417 978978 610)610) otherwise a note to the teacher the next day isrequired.

Remember, all student absences need to be accounted for andany unexplained absences require the school to ring home tocheck. Accounting for student absences is a legal requirementfor all schools. Your assistance in providing the relevantinformation to us regarding your child’s absences daily isappreciated.

Change of Details

Please remember to update your details with the school, eithervia the Change of Details Form found on the side panel ofthis newsletter or drop us a line at [email protected]

• Have you bought a new mobile?

• Maybe started a new job?

• Moved house?