talk talk talk 1 Talk Appendx

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  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Talk Appendx


    Openers for Your Discussion!qgg I:I t1s]L+(Etl ilg

    1) s-e: ^lBoll4l +1oJTE e7l +1611 EZ6H,r.l oloF7l= 'J 14

    2) dB trE 6q arlTlrl4g rl17t 971"Jg i:l Ll8r4l

    3) fl4sl +dertlt E0leql

    4) +e7p ll+E3 =01=ql5) +^l6l7iLl dJEoJgLlElgql

    6) .Jel +^j= LlggBl

    +4ll3nllB) 6e-i! E4lEg xl!cq9) gg.J6J ^l+=ololTl gql

    EEEq^1 Il+ !.olE EErlElg trllg sEg ;$oE)9elq +g I"Jqq.

    Pardon meSonlMay I iilcn'ullt for a nlolncnt?Sorry, butMay I aclcl sometlrir-rg?Maylaskaclucstiotr?I'd like to commeDt on thntI lrirve a point hereAnywayTo return LttTo gct back toGoing bacl< toWhat rvcrc wc talking about?I'd likc to kn orvCoulcl you tell mcDo yor knowWellNowYou knolvFirstFirst ol allSccondlyThenSoBclbre you finjshAL the enclAs thc iasL Ll.ringFirsL ol allThe nrosl irnportaDt thing isI hc troul)le rsDoni lorgct thatThc awlul thing lsDo you rcalize thatBclicve it or not

    Excusc rncPardon me lor intc riptil'rg, llutI niighr acld hcreMay I say something herc?Excusc nrc lor irterrupLing, bu(I'd lil

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Talk Appendx


    1 0) ^lle3 ^ltl0f7l erll)gHJ4.J ^ldgololTl 9jirll

    'I 2) dLlt"JolFl =a^l?.Je ^H3 0loitl;f.rif 'Jtrllr3) 6Jt4E 0lot/L=6[-.rf gq]t4) olotTtel +rll=BlErll

    1s) ^f7 qa=0l0fil gftl

    16) rpl*fCg0l0fr "JLt|]1 7) 'll?]l"J 3iJ30 ofTl gttll1B) ^P q+ ol LrloJ4ts1olotTi=i 6f:lrl gqt9) olrfJ rjloJ3otnxl ;Jr l

    20) ollrl zlsl0l rll;101olof/l 6lnrf ts01

    2l ) ol9 =:=.JsoJE0ll rll.llg-l.1rl "Jlft

    It rnay sourrrl :jlrrrngc (()r lilnny). bu1Srr;rugcl,v cnottgh6ucss rvhlLtlDo you lcnon lvhal?(icncrrrllv,\s ir rrlcusualil'On rhc ?lvcugcAc t uallv-li) tcll thc 1r(tl hI o l)e l)lr:urL-l'o l)c horcrit with )'otLNow hc r-cllislit:Spcaliirrg o1l)y thc walI lusl thoughl oI soruclhitrgllhinlilrr rr), opirtiottIpcrsonzrllv thinlil sllsPc( tl nr :ilrlr{)sl po5i1iYCL strol1gli, bcli(\'ii rn !:orr\inccd\\jiLholll l doublln m), cilscPrrsonalll. l nr uror'c irrtcrcslc(l inl\'c hcerc!lllst hal\\.ccrr vrrtr itrtl nrtI h('ar lllr\,sa)\\rh\. (lon l youll I \.erc \'{)Ll. I w,0ttl(lPcrhrl:s you cotLld.l t1'lvll\' 1 nrill(c:l >LlligcsltolrI nr pllnning to()lir plan is Io\.Vhrt $rc tril\/L'ir rninrl is\{ hrt u,c plrn to clo isli( gar(lilrgAs lat as (s,rrrrr:thing) is conaarncclWl'rcre (sotrrelhitrg) is cor-tcc'rrttl

    l'vt got ncws lbt ycrulYou vron'l bclleve rhis, butBy and largr:Normall_v'lypicallytlut lrarrltlyl() l)c honrsl

    Lrt s lircc iL

    Tlrat rcrlincls n-rt:l3clirc I {irrgcL

    I inrilgiflcln lrly cslir]riliiolllo nrl nintll'll! l)rcllv \lrrcI harr. rt'itson to bclicviL'nr l:rosili\.eL;rcLr'.Llrtcrll,v

    \\,'hat I'Lrt cotrcct Ircd r.villr isI-or rilv ()wlt pal II hc\ sayllilnror hiis il

    I srlggrsl y()lrWhr, notI lo\i/ irbourI havc an irleit

    What I rn plar:ning to cL; is\!r: arc thinkinij o[()ur s(heinc is(.{tnccrning

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Talk Appendx


    Whcn ir conres lo (sorncthing)

    22) qs=.J Afgoll 46lielag Cttr4l

    23) olE =Anl?lEE: e46Jr|1

    24) sd-d $EEE+rlBrct

    25) 0t3E dBgqt

    26) 4l^lFl olf,Oll rl1o+fl83 grll

    27) _444oJ rH.J Eq:LfElgrrll

    28) ^l7l rl^lsl Ea{:!: slrl)g EB6lr.l(ll

    29) ?qr!171.= 71E='r4

    In lh:u r1:lPcrl()D lhat l)oinlll a cirse likc thislr :l $itLrirliorr lil

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Talk Appendx


    30) :E6ladoJ-*qr

    I I Llon t ha\,e lhc lime toj t ru 1,' rli,rlv ur

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Talk Appendx


    37) qE En^l -grql

    38) Lqr "! eeE010|71 Srti

    39) 5el= LleflJn|l

    41) E.J6J ^ll0 rll6H$Bg4

    But whal alloutI-o r exanrpleTake lix c\rllplcFor orc rhing-fo illLrstrate m\l pointAs an illustratior,'lo ntalic a long st()ry shortSo yorr scr:ln thc eutlTo surl upSunrnring upl-o p.rt il in a nutslrelllrr lrrie'l''fhat s righLOkay\,c5I agr-cc (rrith i.ou)l hafs tntr-I gucss so'l har's iusr r.vhar I was rhinkiDg.lh:rl's cx^r(ly wh.rr I rvas thiul

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Talk Appendx


    43) SrUHJel .J0 =ol="J4l

    / ,11 sl!"e o,ilak

    45) tqtqi^] dqtBJ0ilt FfES ll+"Jql

    WIrat r.lsc clid )'()Lr r\prctlItighrYc:rh.\nrllItcr'rllvlr\r rcl solUh-buhPrrdon nc?C"oLrlci t'rru si,- thjt tgain?\\illl(l )ou lcllral t har. ltlclsc?5( )r-}:'\\iorrld voLr rrrind rcltcering tharildi(ll']'l cirtch lhal lisl |nl-r.sorl\'. I dr)n l Iirllow you.I clitlr't gct tlratSL)rr!. \\,ll.ll rlirL vorL strvlI rrr sr.r rr I cliclr't rrnrlclslarrcl thal.D() !ou llirl(l rcpc.ltitlll tlllt?(iln vou r-r'pcat th:rt lirr nrc. pL::r-sc?5orr1'l,'\r. i oLr lollo\!inp ntcllr th:rt clcirr l,1r'c i'ou corlrne along fincl(;()l ill()lr, llrrrrli r'otrl(irrcl ul lrru lo sny llliltI)o rou rerllr'thinli so:'Illr llilllc|scl.Thrt's rrir'c to lr