TAMESIDE AND GLOSSOP STRATEGIC ESTATES PLAN 2016 -2021 Driving better value and better use out of public sector property and community assets across Tameside and Glossop

TAMESIDE AND GLOSSOP 6a... · 2016. 7. 29. · Tameside and Glossop Strategic Estates Plan 2016/21 8 Our Vision & Principles Closure/sale of assets where not fit for purpose. Extending

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Driving better value and better use out of public sector property and

community assets across Tameside and Glossop

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Foreword ................................................................................................. 3

Introduction ............................................................................................. 4

Our Vision ................................................................................................ 7

Principles & Objectives ............................................................................... 7

Our Current Estate .................................................................................... 9

The Need for Collaborative Working ........................................................... 11

Estates Strategy – Our Call to Action .......................................................... 15

Estates Strategy – Our Approach ............................................................... 19

Key Milestones ....................................................................................... 29

Appendices ............................................................................................ 30

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Over the last few years public sector organisations within Tameside & Glossop (T&G) have been

working successfully to remodel and achieve efficiencies from their estates. However, it is

recognised that a more collaborative and innovative approach is now required to be able to

break down historic barriers and to pool resources more effectively for the wider system benefit.

This collaborative has recently been introduced with T&G through the SEG and is starting to

deliver added value and efficiency. This collaborative approach aligns fully with the Greater

Manchester one public estate initiative and supports the creation and development of the T&G

Integrated Care Organisation (ICO).

The UK’s Public Services and welfare are undergoing one of the largest change programmes

ever, largely aimed at providing improved and more efficient integrated Public Services at a

local and national level.

Tameside & Glossop public sector partners are committed to delivering improved public services

for everybody in the area by directly delivering or commissioning the highest quality services

available. We want to provide these high quality services as close to our resident’s communities

and homes as we can, in a joined up way, giving them the best possible value for money and

improved accessibility at a time and location convenient with them.

We recognise that property and the built environment is an important component to delivering

high quality, accessible and efficient public services. Therefore, the partner organisations are

working together through the local strategic estates group (SEG) in order to use property to

deliver a more integrated, accessible, innovative and efficient range of public services and as an

enabler to develop shared services and to support community regeneration.

To fully realise these opportunities together we are taking a more strategic approach to property

management and this Strategic Estates Plan sets out our intentions to improve management of

this valuable and high cost resource aligned with priority outcomes for Tameside and Glossop


Robin Monk


Tameside & Glossop Strategic Estates Group

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Property and the built environment is an important part of delivering high quality public services

into the communities we serve. It also represents a significant cost and therefore it is more

important than ever that as much as

possible of the public services budgets

are spent on front line service delivery.

Put quite simply £1 saved from property

is an additional £1 available to spend

directly on frontline public services.

There are continually growing demands

and expectations placed on the public

sector and current models are

considered to be no longer sustainable in

the long term. As such there is a real

need and opportunity for public services

to work more collaboratively to reduce duplicated overhead costs and to deliver more joined up

services at a local and central level.

To support this direction of travel and to ensure that property decisions are public service led,

meet the needs of individual communities and are sustainable for the long term, a more

strategic approach to property management and ownership is now being taken. This update of

the Tameside & Glossop Strategic Estates Plan is a positive continuation to this journey and will

continue to be developed in full consultation with local stakeholders.

The options set out in this document are for discussion purposes. The involved NHS bodies

understand and will comply with their statutory obligations when seeking to make decisions

over estate strategies which impact on the provision of care to patients and the public. The

options set out do not represent a commitment to any particular course of action on the part of

the organisations involved.

This is a confidential document for discussion purposes and any application for disclosure under

the Freedom of Information Act 2000 should be considered against the potential exemptions

contained in s.22 (Information intended for future publication), s.36 (Prejudice to effective

conduct of public affairs) and s.43 (Commercial Interests). Prior to any disclosure under the

FoIA the parties should discuss the potential impact of releasing such information as is


The intention of the Strategic Estate Planning process is to support real change in the local

estate and to generate strategic solutions that drive system wide savings, integration and new

client centred service models.

Significant savings are achievable through a structured and targeted programme to support the

strategic planning of the estate, which will deliver:

Increased efficiencies, through the better utilisation of high-quality community and

central property assets.

Better service integration, driving improvements in service efficiency and better

outcomes for residents.

New service models, supporting the drive to move services into the community,

replacing outmoded and inadequate premises and releasing capital through a structured

programme of disposals.

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Flexibility in Service provision, making use of new technology in telecare and

telemedicine. These are essential if we are to meet the changing demographic needs of

our population.

Population & Demographics

Tameside and Glossop covers 310.39 km² and has a resident population of some 253,931

people, an estimated population density of 818.1 per km² within a range of 19.94 to 7908.68

across 162 LSOA’s (midyear ONS estimate 2014) and is projected to rise to 264,900 by 2020, a

rise of 2.9%. The map below shows the midyear ONS estimate 2014 density of the population

across the Tameside & Glossop CCG area.

The following table represents the population estimate up to 2035.

Year Population Estimate Rise % to current

2014 253,931

2020 264,900 2.9

2025 271,700 5.6

2030 277,500 7.8

2035 282,600 9.8

Source: Population Projections Unit, ONS. Crown copyright 2014.

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Poor health and health inequalities

Index of Multiple Deprivation, source Indices of Deprivation 2015.

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Our aim is to provide people in Tameside and Glossop with a first class estate which enables

them to receive the highest quality public services and care. With the right space in the right

place, this will support truly integrated services across all our localities.


The partner organisations working together in Tameside & Glossop have set out the following

principles and objectives which will guide and deliver our vision:

1. Integration 24/7

Our joint service strategy, the Care Together Programme, will aim to deliver a

comprehensive health and care service to local people by vertically integrating care across

community, primary care, public health, social care and a redefined hospital based

provision. This will ensure that the client/patient experience is improved and that better

outcomes result from the joined up care provided.

Extending the use of primary care assets to cover the hours 8:00am-8:00pm initially, and

aiming for 24/7 cover where this is required, is now demanded of a modern health and

social care service. Our principle here is to view our assets as one public estate and work

together to get the best out of our facilities.

2. Quality Estate

Through our Healthier Together Strategies in Tameside, Derbyshire and High Peak, we aim

to reduce health inequalities and deliver high quality health and social care services.

Provision of well used modern and well maintained premises is an essential part of

achieving those aims. Working together we will review assets in the community to

understand where assets are not fit for purpose, where assets are not used to their fullest

capacity and dispose of any property which cannot be brought into full use, or is surplus to

requirements. Savings will be reinvested to support and develop the remaining properties

so that all our residents, patients and clients receive the best quality services in the best

locations – the right space in the right place.

3. Value for Money

It is our duty as publicly funded organisations to ensure that the best possible value for

money is achieved from all our assets and this means a considered review of all our

property that hosts Public services. We will undertake detailed asset reviews in each

locality to achieve:

Improved space utilisation.

Flexible use of space.

Collaborative use of space across the public sector.

Generation of rental income from underused assets.

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Vision & Principles

Closure/sale of assets where not fit for purpose.

Extending the use of assets for improved access to services.

Release surplus property for the development of affordable housing and/or extra care


4. Engaging Our Communities

Throughout the process of review we will be engaging with people across the public service,

health and care community to look at the options for development and to consult on any

strategic decisions where properties are changing substantially or may be disposed of. This

includes full and open public consultation so that local people can be involved in the

decision making process.

5. Flexibility - New Ways of Working

With the changing demographic needs of our population, the need for a flexible and

accessible approach to public service, health and social care has never been greater. The

development of a more efficient estate in Tameside and Glossop will make full use of new

technology in telecare and telemedicine and will support our staff to work flexibly with

residents in a range of settings including their homes.

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Summary Headlines

The Tameside & Glossop SEG partnering organisations have responsibility for a combined estate

of over 300 Health & Social Care public buildings with a capital value of approximately £1 billion

and with a combined running cost of over £42 million per year.

Investment & Divestment Pipeline

Collaborative working is not a new concept in Tameside & Glossop. Below is a project case

study example that is currently in the delivery phase:

Case Study – Colocation of Health & Social Care Commissioning Teams

TMBC and the CCG Commissioning Offices are currently in separate offices; TMBC is in the

process of demolishing old premises to release estate for development and the CCG is at the

end of its current lease in premises across the town in Denton.

Both organisations have taken the opportunity presented to them to co-locate their teams into

new premises that the Local Authority is developing in the town centre. The rent paid by the

CCG will help offset the costs of the new building and deliver efficiencies in the order of £600k


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Council and NHS staff relocating into the new office will work flexibly with less dedicated space

and more shared space such as hot-desking. This in turn will reduce the floor area required and

the associated running costs.

The disposal of existing council offices allowing further redevelopment of Ashton town centre will

generate more commercial space and attract new income into the borough increasing

employment opportunities for local people. The NHS will exit leased office accommodation on

the outskirts of the town thus contributing to greater system wide savings.

Creation of an Integrated Care Organisation (ICO) through the programme Care Together will

see a radical new approach to provision of health and social care services across, primary,

secondary, tertiary and social care in Tameside & Glossop. This will require major changes in

the location and provision of services from the hospital into the community and this strategy will

be the platform on which that is realised.


▪ Delivers annual efficiencies in the order of £600k.

▪ Promotes the development of co-commissioning with co-location of the teams.

▪ Maximises the potential of a new asset.

▪ Releases space for redevelopment within the Borough.

▪ Generates revenue from redevelopment.

▪ Promotes further employment opportunities for local people with the construction and

redevelopment of space for retail.

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There is a convergence occurring in public sector services driven by the squeeze on budgets and

a need to respond to changing demographic needs especially an ageing population. There are

key strategies at national and local level which impact on the need for a quality public estate in

Tameside & Glossop and are a call to collaborative action for all our partner agencies.

Care Together

This is the keystone policy driving the nature of estates within Tameside that has been agreed

between three principle organisations: NHS Tameside & Glossop CCG; Tameside Metropolitan

Borough Council; and Tameside NHS Foundation Trust. Care Together sets out the future

direction of integrated health and social care delivery for our population. The proposals create

an integrated provider that offers clinical viability and more importantly a safe and sustainable

service that has patients, clients and the wider population at heart.

The programme of work will significantly change the local footprint of health and social care

through vertical integration to enable the majority of care to be delivered in the patient/client’s

own community.

The model put forward under the care together strategy envisages a system based on:

5 Locality Community Care Teams – one for each locality including Glossopdale.

1 Integrated Urgent Care Service under a single operational control.

Networked elective Care Services – extending access to specialist expertise beyond the

Tameside & Glossop boundary but repatriated back once appropriate.

In order to achieve this radical change in the model of care this will require the estate to be

rationalised & shared across providers, flexible and of the highest quality. Bringing care closer

to patients’ homes will require a change in the location of teams and in the way that health and

care staff work; the estate will therefore need to be used flexibly and efficiently in order to cope

with those changes.

Tameside & Glossop


One Public Estate

NHS 5 Year Forward


Devolution Manchester

Healthier Together

Care Together

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One Public Estate

There are four key principles within this national strategy for Local Government impacting on

local estates:

Regeneration – release or development of assets to support local growth and


Service Delivery – having

the right space in the right

place to improve service


Finance – reduction of

operational costs each

year and increasing capital

receipts for asset disposal.

Efficiency – workspaces

that are fit for purpose

and support higher

productivity; sharing

assets and facilities across

the public sector.

NHS 5-Yr Forward View

The challenges facing the NHS are unprecedented and the models of care that are required to

deal with population changes against a backdrop of reducing public finances are changing

delivery to patients in a number of ways that will impact on local estates:

Multispecialty Community Providers delivering care closer to home bringing together

groups of GP’s to combine with nurses, other community health services, hospital

specialists and perhaps mental health and social care to create integrated out-of-


Integrated Primary and Acute Care Systems – combining for the first time general

practice and hospital services, similar to the Accountable Care Organisations now

developing in other countries too.

Urgent and emergency care services will be redesigned to integrate between A&E

departments, GP out-of-hours services, urgent care centres, NHS 111, and ambulance


Smaller hospitals will have new options to help them remain viable, including forming

partnerships with other hospitals further afield, and partnering with specialist hospitals

to provide more local services.

Modern Maternity Services will allow Midwives to take charge of the maternity services

they offer.

Care Homes - the NHS will provide more support for frail older people living in care


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Healthier Together

Changing population needs and an increasingly ageing population will prove particularly

challenging for our care services. Enhancing our citizen’s health and wellbeing is one of the

foundation stones for our economy. Some of the challenges we face are:

64% of our electoral wards are in the highest

10% in terms of economic and social deprivation, which

has a direct correlation with the health of local people.

Deprivation is higher in Tameside with around

10,300 children living in poverty.

Healthy lifestyle expectancy at birth is currently

57.4 years for males in Tameside and 56.6 years for

females in Tameside. This is significantly lower than the

England averages.

18.6% of children are classified as obese; under

18 alcohol specific hospital admissions; breast feeding

initiation and at 6-8 weeks; and smoking in pregnancy

are all worse than the England average.

Premature death through lung cancer is 54%

higher than the national average.

Developing the public estate to offer easily accessible options for healthier living is another

critical factor in bringing our strategy together.

Greater Manchester Devolution

Greater Manchester Devolution is an agreement between local and national government and

Greater Manchester CCGs and NHSE which will devolve further powers and budgets to the

councils, CCGs and the mayor (to be elected in 2017).

The Greater Manchester Devolution Strategic Plan was published on 18th December 2015 and

includes the following section on estates:


The estate varies significantly in terms of quality, condition and suitability. Some of the estate is

in excellent condition providing state of the art facilities, whilst at the other end of the scale

there are a lot of properties that are in very poor condition and no longer fit for purpose.

Estates is a critical enabler of the GM Health and Social Care Transformation Programme which

must continue to be fully informed and led by frontline service strategy. Collaborative working

across GM agencies is well established and effective however it is recognised that a lot more is

required to improve health outcomes for the residents of Greater Manchester and to increase


The public sector estate in Greater Manchester is under-used. Making the best use of the

property and space available is a key part of Greater Manchester’s Health and Social Care

transformation plans. It is also key to supporting our economic growth. The GM One Public

Estate initiative is aimed at using public sector property assets as a single resource across


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Integrating health and social care services across the region will mean changes are required to

the buildings from which the services are delivered. A focus on prevention and care provided

nearer to the home will mean that more facilities will be required in the community. This may

result in the way that land is used at hospital sites changing as we need to ensure that our

estate is able to respond to changing needs and demands of our residents.

A rationalisation of our public sector estate will inevitably free up much needed space that is

required to support our economic growth both through new housing and employment sites.

Current ownership and management of the public sector estate is complex. In the NHS,

buildings are owned and managed by NHS Trusts, Foundation Trusts, GPs, Community Health

Partnerships, private landlords, NHS England and NHS Property Services. To ensure we make

best use of this estate we will develop a NHS estates GM Delivery Team who will work closely

with colleagues from across the Public Sector to deliver a One Public Estate approach to

property management.

A GM Strategic Estates Planning Board has been formed, which will be responsible for

translating strategic requirements into a set of GM Estates Targets, ensuring it meets local

health and social care needs. It will develop a clear framework to enable GM to make better

investment decisions, for example in primary care, and to ensure that the buildings required to

deliver new models of care can be realised.

To ensure we are able to reconfigure the GM public sector estate in a way that supports our

transformed services we have requested that any receipts received from disposing of capital

assets is be retained within Greater Manchester for re-investment.

From April 2016, we will:

Develop one public estate for GM and agreement of a framework to make estate

investment decisions.

Develop the GM Estates Framework focussing on the following key elements:

o Control - Public bodies in GM have control over all estate policies, procedure,

decision making and allocation of resources.

o Ability to incentivise - Ability to retain and share savings and value released to

fund change and align objectives across public bodies and departmental silos;

Introduction of locally aligned incentives.

o Funding – Public bodies in GM have control over spending, receipts and

associated revenue costs.

o Pump prime funding e.g. to support asset rationalisation and improvements to

the retained estate.

o Ability to recycle savings & receipts for estates transformation.

In December 2015 each locality produced a draft Strategic Estates Plan which is aligned to their

Locality Plan and the GM plan. In accordance with DH guidance, with target savings/utilisations

applied to each to deliver over a period of time, these will be further developed and


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Implicit within the plans of the partnership organisations is a shared commitment to integration

so that available services can be better understood, more easily accessed and delivered with

increased efficiency. Given the squeeze on local spending, there is clear recognition that the

delivery of the highest priority public services will be dependent on the elimination of waste.

To this end an early requirement of the estates strategy will be to obtain data on the utilisation

of premises and introduce rational plans for the delivery of services from the minimum floor

space at times and in locations that maximises the take-up of services by those needing them

most through improved space utilisation and extended use of the assets.

An immediate action is to secure data on the condition and usage of the existing building stock

and to develop an understanding of the potential of existing community assets to form a part of

a modern, fit-for-purpose and fully integrated public service infrastructure. Each property will

be categorised as Key, Core or Surplus:

Key is a long term commitment to that building so essential that it is fully utilised


Core is an essential service delivered from an existing suitable building but the service

could relocate to an alternative suitable building if required.

Surplus is a building that is either no longer fit for purpose and/or not financially viable.

Sharing of property data through the IT platforms electronic Property Information Mapping

Service (ePIMS) and SHAPE will provide the basis for service alignment, benchmarking,

identification of properties to undertake utilisation

studies and for the development of informed

estates strategies. It will also highlight those

premises where the provision of an acceptable

standard of service might be compromised

through the nature and condition of the buildings

in use.

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Local authorities and the NHS are also seeking to identify and implement significant efficiencies

from and effective use of property and see colocation and collaboration as an opportunity to

save money and improve services at a local level. Effective partnership working already exists

between Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (TMBC) and the local NHS and is being further

developed through the Care Together programme.

To support this more strategic approach all buildings will be categorised based on an agreed

standard and in consultation with the partnership organisations and other key stakeholders.

The categories will represent the importance or otherwise of each building, as mentioned

previously, within the estate and focus management attention on properties particularly at the

top and bottom of the list.

By introducing more collaborative working with our partner organisations and by taking a ‘one

public estate’ approach, services can be delivered more efficiently and become more accessible

as these services can be provided closer to resident’s communities and their homes – the right

space in the right place.


This estates strategy is service led and aims to directly support the successful achievement of

core public service priorities and the wider

modernisation programme. All property

investment or divestment decisions must be

able to demonstrate clear linkage to public

service outcomes and/or efficiency savings.

This will enable other

underperforming/expensive assets to be

closed and sold or leases terminated

together with generation of further rental

income from underutilised assets.

Assessments of all property will be made in

each locality through the SEG. By achieving more colocation and shared services poor

performing assets can be sold to save unnecessary running costs and to generate capital

receipts to reinvest into the retained estate for the benefit of residents, patients, staff and local


Within Tameside & Glossop there are 3 Lift buildings which are state of the art facilities located

in communities with a high level of need as determined through the initial investment business

cases. By the very nature of how these buildings are funded they are virtually guaranteed to

form part of the public sector estate for the long term therefore are ‘Key’ buildings.

It is very important therefore that the return on investment is maximised for the delivery of

high quality public services within each of the communities they serve. In contrast there are a

number of buildings in the public sector estate that are no longer fit for purpose, in the wrong

location and/or have high levels of backlog maintenance which, if retained, will require

significant funding from limited public sector budgets.

So far 11 Outline Business Cases (OBCs) have been developed, with a further 6 in the pipeline.

One of the key immediate actions for the system is to review these OBCs using an estates lens

to look at quick wins and longer term strategic plans. We need to ensure that the estate meets

the needs of our new patient focused models of care. Any changes to the estate should be

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considered in the long term by taking a whole life approach to investment and divestment

decision making.

Although recently energy costs have come down the general trend over the past few years have

increased at a significantly higher level than the standard level of inflation and this increase is

set to continue over the medium term with energy costs forming a significant element of total

property expenditure. A more joined-up and pro-active approach to managing down

consumption is a key priority going forward to both reduce cost and to produce a more

sustainable public sector.

With over 300 H&SC buildings within Tameside & Glossop Partner Organisation Estates having a

combined annual running cost of approximately £42 million this is a significant resource

commitment. Based on initial assessments it is believed that property efficiencies of around

12.5% could be achieved through collaborative working which equates to a potential annual

saving of circa £5.4 million. Based on a savings profile across a 5 year period of 2% year 1, 4%

year 2, 8% year 3 and 12.5% for years 4 & 5 cumulative efficiency savings in the order of £17

million could be achieved.

Indicative Financial Summary

Revenue 2016/17

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5




Revenue Savings* £900k £1.8m £3.4m £5.4m £5.4m

Net Year End


£900k £1.8m £3.4m £5.4m £5.4m

Cumulative Savings £900k £2.7m £6.1m £11.5m £16.9m

* include additional rental income in this line

The above savings may not all be cashable but will provide additional capacity and resource to

deliver more and/or improved public services.


A key part of planning the remodelling of the estate will include engagement with residents and

patients to understand their requirements from a future service and build these into the future

designs and property management arrangements.

We already have a programme of service redesign work to transform the way public services

are delivered within and across Tameside & Glossop. Through these programmes we will learn

from our population what works best for them and how we can provide the ‘right space in the

right place.’

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Flexibility in our approach to use of the estate will be critical as we expect our staff to be

working in a different way to meet the needs of our residents and patients.

This will require more flexible use of space - less demarcation and more shared space where

appropriate and more collaborative use of space across the public services estate.

For example, we will create community hubs providing accommodation for and access to a

broad range of public services. We will also create ‘touch down’ flexible office space at a

number of locations around the Borough that will support mobile workers to work more

efficiently and productively within or close to the communities that they are working in at any

given time.

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The strategic approach we are taking is based on a supply and demand model. The diagram

below illustrates the approach to identify opportunities and challenges that will underpin the

local service plans and priorities:

Although this is not the case in all services it is generally agreed that there is an oversupply of

public sector property in Tameside & Glossop and that more space can be released based on

changing working practices and delivery models. This is now being more formally assessed in

priority areas in consultation with partner organisations. This exercise will establish surplus

capacity within the estate then consideration will be given to how this could be better used or

released to generate savings and capital for reinvestment.

Using the supply and demand approach detailed above all public sector assets within each

community have been mapped and assessed alongside service demand. From this a series of

options have been developed in consultation with local stakeholders and service managers. The

aim is establishing win/win outcomes by creating a smaller, more accessible, higher quality and

more efficient public sector estate within each community. The diagram overleaf illustrates the

process in more detail.

During FY 2015/16 detailed locality asset reviews were undertaken and locality estates plans for

all 5 localities within Tameside & Glossop are being produced. A number of projects have now

been identified and will be developed in consultation with local stakeholders. These projects are

summarised later in this section.

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Locality Asset Review Process

It is also accepted that improvements in frontline services delivery, access to services and space

utilisation can be achieved by increased collaborative working with partners across the district

particularly between the NHS and local authorities.

With three councils within the Tameside & Glossop CCG area with boundaries that are not in

alignment, whilst this adds a level of complexity to planning and coordination it is very much

achievable through a shared vision and purpose.

In parallel with the strategic property review working practices and service design should be

considered as a more flexible use of space will reduce demand on property and therefore reduce

cost. Space should be shared and only

dedicated to a single use if there is a

strong and supported case.

The Care Together Programme has a

number of enabling strategies that will

deliver the changes required for the

future of health and social care in

Tameside. The Estates and IM&T work

streams will be closely aligned to make

sure that flexible working and application

of flexible processes support this







Capital Value


Backlog Maint/Condition


Suitability/Fit for Purpose

Running Costs






Working Practice

IT System



Service Delivery



Public Service Strategy






& A



Continued Operations & Maintenance

Improved Utilisation

Major Investment

Longer-term Development Opportunity


Supply & Demand Analyse Asset Strategy



Community Transfer

Regeneration/Econ Dev

Master Planning

Place Making




New Ways of Working

Restack Floor Plan

Collaborative Working

Maintenance Plan

FM Plan

Customer Satisfaction

Action Review

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The Tameside & Glossop ‘Technology Enabled Working’ initiative also will enable public sector

workers to operate in a more flexible way which will help improve productivity and reduce

demand on property/space. The retained estate will need to change to support this new way of

working with more flexible space such as hot-desking and drop-in centres that are WiFi enabled.

Meeting and training rooms will become more of a shared resource to minimise third party

spend and maximise utilisation of the combined capacity. As such we will develop policies and

management systems that will support this with the aim of improving utilisation and efficiency.

All partners that are involved in developing this strategy are committed to managing this

through its common vision and effective cross agency working.

Priority Projects

North Hub - Ashton:

Project 1 is the Reshaping of Urgent Care Facilities on the Tameside Foundation Trust (TFT) site.

There are two options here which would relocate outpatient services within the yellow suite to

community locations. Options A & B create a pharmacy within the Hartshead North entrance and

an urgent care village bringing together GP out of hours. Minor injuries and walk-in services

would come into the site from Ashton PCC, to provide a single access point for patients.

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Project 2 is the relocation of Outpatients to Ashton PCC. This would principally cover the

services in the current yellow suite at TFT. The space available at Ashton Primary Care Centre

is smaller than the current yellow suite so a detailed service transformation plan would need to

be carried out to identify efficiencies in working practices and more streamlined patient

pathways to enable best use of the space. Current ways of working will need to be changed to

support this move.

Project 3 presents opportunities for the wider estate in Ashton (North). Firstly the GP Practice

at Highlands/Trafalgar has two sites, one on Stockport Road and the other within the PCC itself.

The Stockport road site has been approved for a capital grant to extend the premises and offers

a spoke opportunity linked to Ashton PCC Hub for co-locating other health and social care


The second opportunity under Project 3 in Ashton is in the vicinity of Crickets Lane Clinic. The

picture below illustrates the potential to completely redesign an integrated care facility with the

co-location of currently separate and independent GP Practices, Pharmacies, Dentists and

Community Services. This is a bold proposal and one that would need to be discussed with all

the stakeholder service providers. It offers a fantastic opportunity to focus on economies of

scale, reduced administrative and support costs, streamlined and efficient working practices and

a single access point for patients/clients.

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West Hub - Denton:

Project 1 in Denton is the development of an integrated care hub using the Festival Hall owned

by TMBC. It would bring together the Windmill GP Practice (20k patients), the largest practice

in the borough together with other community and potentially other GP services into one site.

This is a prime example of collaborative working to maximise the potential of our existing estate

whilst declaring Ann Street Clinic surplus to requirements and realising savings.

The picture below also identifies the second option for this at Crown Point Shopping Centre

where there is a large floor space coming vacant which could accommodate a range of services

for the local community.

Practices in Droylsden are on the Manchester border and as such are unlikely to relocate to the

Denton hub as their patients are split over Manchester and Tameside. There is a more limited

opportunity to bring together the cluster of smaller practices realising streamlined services.

The development of Leisure facilities across the borough will also offer an option for a health

and wellbeing centre in this locality and SEG will be exploring this in other localities to ensure

we take into account any estate options that offer added value for our communities.

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East Hub - Stalybridge:

There are a number of civic and NHS properties in the centre of Stalybridge which are currently

being used for a variety of public services. The council owned properties are in the process of

review and a local GP Practice (Staveleigh) is in discussions to purchase the practice building

next door. Opposite to this is Stalybridge Clinic and in close proximity is the Civic Hall. There is

potential here to create another Integrated Service Hub within the locality, which would be like

a campus or cluster of buildings located closely together.

Capital funds are available for the development of GP premises through the Primary Care

Transformation Fund (PCTF) and it is anticipated that a bid will be submitted to support the

Staveleigh proposal to realise this.

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South Hub - Hyde:

There are four GP Practices in Hyde that have decided to co-locate and have been conducting

separate conversations with the Local Authority to look at the potential of the Union Street site

in the town centre. The redevelopment of this site offers another opportunity to bring together

a number of existing elements to realise integrated care.

The schematic illustrates the elements that are in place to redevelop the Union Street site and

make this proposal a high priority for development.

“The Hub”

Union Street Hyde

GP Rent

NHS Property Services

TFT planned

care budget

TMBC land and


TMBC prudential borrowing

Primary Care



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The Business Case will need to demonstrate the partnership approach to realising the

opportunity so bringing together an integrated care hub on existing council owned land and


Existing GP rent reimbursement for four practices.

Opportunities for streamlined reception, administration and back-office functions.

Relocation of office space in Selbourne House.

PCTF new capital for healthcare premises.

TMBC borrowing potential.

TMBC existing land and buildings.

Service budgets for planned care (out-patient services).

Route to procurement via the LiftCo or LEP.

The picture below shows this:

Hattersley is a separate community within the Hyde (South) Locality and in recent years has

been receiving funding to regenerate the area given the levels of deprivation. Hattersley Health

Centre hosts a GP Practice, Community Dental and other health services and is in need of

maintenance. A feasibility study has been conducted to look at the options for redevelopment

of the centre as there is potential for a health & wellbeing centre with close proximity to the

new leisure centre.

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The current health centre is in need of refurbishment and does not meet the full needs of

modern general practice. It is a high priority to relocate this practice along with other

community services in the building. There is a quick win option for Hattersley to locate into The

Hub adjacent to Tesco as floor space in a modern building is available through Peak Valley

Housing Association. This is being explored through the feasibility study.


The key opportunities in Glossop focus on making maximum use of the PCC in the town centre

and the future use of Shire Hill Hospital right on the edge of the Glossopdale/Derbyshire


Project 1 is the Creation of a Health & Social Care Campus using the Municipal Building in the

centre of the town with the PCC which is only 200 yards away. Initial discussions have taken

place with Derbyshire CC colleagues on the flexible use of hot desks in each premises making

best use of the PCC for clinical services and the available parking at the Municipal Building to

support this. This is supporting the development of the LCCTs.

Maximising the use of the PCC – the outcome of the utilisation study showed that the building

was only 34% used. The aim is to get the building fully occupied with patient services. To that

end there has been a recent move in by ORBIT – offering a 7-day GP access service to local

residents. The potential for additional patient/client services is now being explored with tenants

in Hollingworth Clinic for example.

Hollingworth Clinic has been earmarked for disposal within the next 5 years by NHS PS. There

is an opportunity to bring this forward by moving services out to other centres in Hyde &

Glossop (PCC). Hollingworth Clinic is technically within the Hyde locality however residents

using the centre come from both Glossop and Hyde. We are conscious therefore that services

need to find the most appropriate location before we confirm the disposal route.

Project 2 - A full feasibility study/option appraisal on the future of Shire Hill Hospital has been

funded to commence during the first half of FY 2016/17. This is a key part of our estate and

the potential for redevelopment and best use is essential.

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The GP premise stock in Glossop is generally good and serves the local communities in which

they are located. There is limited scope for bringing them together into one or two sites at

present although it is intended to develop the opportunity in further discussions with Derbyshire

County Council and High Peak Borough Council.

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Milestone Target Date

Develop outline business cases for the priority locality


September 2016

Co-locate Local Authority & CCG Commissioning Teams

establishing cross public service touch-down offices across

the area for use by mobile staff. To include workspace,

welfare and suitable IT (network access and printing).

Financial Year 2017/18

Assess all building and categorise as Key, Core or Surplus. September 2016

Establish an FM task and finish group to identify opportunities

for consolidation and sharing of FM services with the aim of

reducing cost, increasing income, improving quality and/or

increasing the level of resilience.

November 2016

Develop and introduce an improved cross agency room

booking policy and system.

November 2016

Develop a 3 year disposal programme identifying potential

capital receipts, opportunities for housing development and

revenues cost savings.

December 2016

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Appendix 1 - Summary of SEG partner organisations

NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group

(CCG) is responsible for spending the local NHS budget on

the health services that our residents use.

We are a membership organisation, led by all 128 local GPs

from our 41 GP practices, across the five areas of Ashton, Hyde, Stalybridge Denton and Glossop.

Tameside Council is committed to maximising the wellbeing

of people in the borough. Our organisation is committed to

supporting economic growth, increasing self-sufficiency of

individuals and families and protecting the most vulnerable.

Tameside Hospital serves a community of 250,000 people

across Tameside and Glossop.

As a busy Foundation Trust Hospital we provide a range of

high quality elective, emergency and specialist services for

adults and children.

Our mission is to work with colleagues, patients, carers and

the wider public to ensure that at our Hospital, Everybody


We aim to provide high quality services to Derbyshire's

population of around 760,000 residents.

Sixty-four councillors make decisions for the county and

work closely with council officers and partner organisations

towards improving life for local people.

High Peak Borough Council, made up of 43 councillors, is

the local authority for High Peak, a borough of Derbyshire,

England. It forms part of the two tier system of local

government alongside Derbyshire County Council for High


Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust provides mental health

and community services to people living in the boroughs of

Bury, Oldham and Rochdale. We also provide mental

health services in Stockport and Tameside and Glossop, as

well as community services in Trafford.

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Stockport NHS Foundation Trust provides hospital services

for children and adults across Stockport and the High Peak,

as well as community health services for Stockport,

Tameside and Glossop.

The Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust serves the communities

of North Manchester, Bury, Rochdale and Oldham, along

with the surrounding towns and villages. This area is

collectively known as the North-East sector of Greater

Manchester and has a population of around 820,000.

NHS Property Services manages, maintains and improves

over 4,000 properties, working in partnership with NHS

organisations to create safe, efficient, sustainable and

modern healthcare and working environments. We are a

limited company set up on 1 April 2013 and wholly owned

by the Secretary of State for Health.

Bury, Tameside and Glossop Community Solutions

("BTGCS") is a partnership created by the NHS Local

Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT). This exciting union

delivers state of the art community based health and social

care accommodation across the area.

Our aim is to offer the people of Bury, Tameside and

Glossop second-to-none healthcare within imaginative,

inspiring and vibrant environments, thus improving the

long-term well-being of the community.

Our focus is to support commissioners, CCGs, NHS

England, GP’s and Local Authorities to plan and utilise their

estates efficiently and ultimately drive much needed


As head tenant for the NHS LIFT estate, CHP is responsible

for the overall management of 305 buildings across


We provide professional strategic asset management

services to effectively manage the estate through improved

utilisation and contract management, driving out value

from property to contribute to savings.

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Appendix 2 – Partner Property Maps

CHP Premises

NHS Property Services Premises

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GP Surgeries

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Premises

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Derbyshire County Council Premises

Trust Premises

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Dental Services

Optician Services

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Pharmacy Services

GMFRS Premises

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Care Homes