Tapping Into Wealth Clarity Session TranscriptCoach... · “aha” moments. They’re going to know exactly what they need to work on. They’re going to ... 20% talking. You don’t

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Page 1: Tapping Into Wealth Clarity Session TranscriptCoach... · “aha” moments. They’re going to know exactly what they need to work on. They’re going to ... 20% talking. You don’t


Page 2: Tapping Into Wealth Clarity Session TranscriptCoach... · “aha” moments. They’re going to know exactly what they need to work on. They’re going to ... 20% talking. You don’t


Tapping Into Wealth Clarity Session Transcript

Let’s start with the big payoffs that are here for you when you master this, when you start using this process. This is the number one fastest path to cash. It is the fastest path. You don’t need anything, not even a website! You do need some people. You do need to get out there and meet people, but you can do that in a library class. You can do that in a networking group. You can do that in conversations with friends and family. All you need are people, but you don’t need the website or anything to start selling packages – including high-ticket packages – immediately. So this is the best way to build your business. It’s the fastest way to build your business and get income flowing, to get cash flowing in.

You’ll also see that you have a bigger impact and transformation for your clients by selling high ticket, because as they step up and invest in much more expensive products and programs like yours and your offering, it allows them to stand up and be much more committed and ready on an energetic level to go deeper into what you have to offer. And because you’re commanding a higher ticket, it now allows you to even go deeper and you have to step up, and show up, and up-level in the most amazing ways. You will surprise yourself. Mark my words! Highlight that and star that on your page, because I can’t wait to hear your stories about how you’ve had to step up after you command a higher investment.

And again, the fastest path to cash means it’s going to skyrocket your income. This is the way to get more money now and do it quickly. And what’s so cool about this process is that you get committed fans even if they say no. Because you’re promising the gift of clarity, even if they say no they will be psyched to be on this call with you. They’re going to have a million and one “aha” moments. They’re going to know exactly what they need to work on. They’re going to discover things that you will totally have them star-struck and they will be like,“How did you know this, how did you pull this out of me? I didn’t even know this was there,” or maybe they knew it was there, but it was very hidden and it wasn’tin the forefront for them.So they get this total gift of clarity, and whether they say yes or no, you feel like you’ve honored them, you’ve allowed them to be heard. They’ve had this incredible gift of clarity and they’re even more committed to you because they felt that. And that is why it’s a super gift.

You’ll also discover throughout this script and as you’re listening to it and as you’re trying it on with your clients, and potential clients, and folks that you decide are not your clients, you’ll be clearly bringing in both – what you’ll discover is that there’s so much marketing goldto this script. It will be like you’re reading their minds and, again, creating more raving fans, because as you’ll see in the script, there will be lots of questions we’re asking as they get more clear. You’re wanting to know what’s in their minds, what they’re feeling as you get these bits of gold, as you get this language that’s in their own words, that’s when I ask you to take notes and to pull that later, to go through your notes, pull that and see exactly what they said. And that’s

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what you use in your marketing. It’s what you use on your website, workshop descriptions. It’s what you use in videos,networking events, everywhere – you’re using these bits of marketing. So that is some super gold that comes later as you start to sort of pull it out, but it is there waiting for you when you take notes in these sessions. So, remember, take notes during your clarity sessions.

Part 1


So now we’ll move to part 1. And I like to start with mindset.

It’s really important to have a particular mindset as we dive into this clarity session with your potential customer. And these are what I’ve discovered are some objections people have to sales, and I go through each one here so that you really get an idea of the gift that you’re giving to your clients as we go through each of this mindset pieces.


The first is clarity, clarity, clarity. Your client comes for a clarity session and clarity is the hugest biggest gift in this conversation and they will feel it. They will know it. They will express it to you, whether they say yes to your offer or not. So please, please do not underestimate the amount of clarity they get within this conversation! As I said, I’ve had thousands of conversations by this point and I am not shocked anymore, but my heart opens each time and I’m blown away in the most amazing ways as these sessionsoffer that gift of clarity, whether they say yes or no, I have people literally crying in these sessions with me because they feel so valued and heard. And they can’t believe I’m challenging them to go deeper, to really get to the crux of what their problem is. And in those challenging questions, their heart opens and you will have people crying in these sessions, I’m telling you – in a good way! Not because they’re feeling tortured or strong-armed, but in a good way.

You’ll notice that as we go through this script, we will talk about their pain. You know, in marketing we’re always talking about pain points and what’s their problem.Well, just to remind you that psychologically, it is a proven researched fact that we, as humans, do not move or change unless we feel some pain. And for all you women out there, you know this to be true. It’s even more true for women. We can handle an exorbitant amount of pain before we’ll even take some action. So we need this tension. We need that to see the gap, to see how what we really want is out there, what we’re feeling right now, where we’re stuck. We need to see that in order to take action and move forward.

Another thing you need to remember is that this is an inquiry. We are asking questions and it’s your job to listen with an open heart and mind, and ask questions. So here’s a little guide for you: 80% listening, 20% talking. You don’t want to be blah, blah, blah blabbing. If you find yourself, as you’re re-listening to your conversations, that it’s like 50/50, then you know that you are talking too much and probably moving into that “help and hope” model that you

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probably heard Margaret talking about, and you’ve started to coach rather than keep it as a Clarity Session.

And that brings us right into the next point. This is not a free coaching, or healing, or working session. It can very well be a healing experience, and it will be a healing experience when they are so listened to in this deep way. However, it is not a free coaching, healing, or working session. This is a huge shift from what I know a lot of you have experienced – that “help and hope” model where you’re helping, helping, helping in these sessions, and hoping, hoping, hoping that they say yes or that they call back saying,“I want to purchase a session from you,” or “I want to invest in some sessions.” So we’re giving all this stuff for free and hoping, hoping, hoping that they say yes or that they’ll come back and just magically know that we’re making an offer.

Results & Commitment

That’s the “help and hope” model. But what we want you to experience and what this script helps you to experience is results and commitment. So by getting your clients or your potential customers super clear on what their problem is, what their pain is, and what where they want to go – and that there’s some space in between there that they’re not there,and it’s going to require some work to get there. Once they see that super clearly, it allows them to dive into a results and commitment structure, which means they invest with you so they can get results and they’re more committed in this way. That’s results and commitment as we move away from that “help and hope,” this conversation is the key. This is how we help them to get there.

Remember that within this discussion, within this conversation, you’re looking for yes or no. You just want them to be super clear. Our minds, as you know, are clogged with everyday things from errands we need to run to children, families. There’s so much going on in our life that we don’t want this decision or choice to be also hanging in their minds. So you’re looking for yes or no, you want them to be clear.

Again for the sake of potentially annoying you by saying this way too many times: you’re going to hear me say clarity is a gift – clarity, clarity, clarity, that’s what this is all about. And you want them to know that so they will also hear you say,“This is about clarity, clarity, clarity,” and I will say that:“This is about clarity.” You’re going to be tired of me saying this, but I just want to keep reminding you. It’s so important to get you clear.

This is also an interview for them. Meaning, they’re asking lots of questions and all that, and they’re answering you so that they can see if they want to work with you, but you’re also interviewing them in a way. You are looking to see, by their answers, is this one of your perfect clients or perfect customers. Or, is this someone you’re like,“No way do I want to work with this person!” If you don’t, I have a strategy for you at the end of this. And if you do want to work with them clearly, you’re going to make an offer. But just remember you’re interviewing them as well.

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So this kind of conversation happens at a scheduled time;99% of the time, it’s going to be on phone or Skype, not in person, not at a networking event. That would be my suggestion because then you can look at your notes. There’s no distractions. There’s a set time. It can be recorded. I would strongly suggest that you record it so that you can listen to it again, that they can listen to it again and get more “aha” moments and go deeper and be reminded of what they’re looking for – the goals that they have. You definitely want it recorded, but it is a conversation that happens at a scheduled time and not in the hubbub of a networking event.

Your intention is to aim for an hour for the total session. In the beginning, I can tell you they’ll be an hour and a half or two hours. If you’re on the phone for two hours, three hours, you have moved in to the coaching role. Remember you’re sort of helping, helping, helping, and then you’re going to hope that they’re going to invest in you. You’re looking to pare it down to one hour. But in the beginning, it will definitely be long and that’s fine – you’re getting used to the script, you’re getting used to asking them questions, and you might talk a little more than you should and that’s totally fine.

Here’s what I want to warn you – and, again, it goes right back to that“help and hope” model – when you start to coach and as you listen back to your sessions, (again, I encourage you to listen to them and I’m happy to listen to them for you as well, and I’d strongly suggest that you share them with each other in the vein of supporting each other and offering guidance, because sometimes an objective person listening to your sales conversation will know exactly when you’re coaching even if you can’t see yourself. But when you coach, your clients will feel complete. They feel like they’ve got the healing. They feel like they’re good. But it’s a false sense of completion. So I really want you to get that it’s a false sense of completion and they end up being cheated. Cheated from you because what they should be doing is investing in a long-term transformation. They should be investing with you so they can work with you over time through all their blocks and all their challenges. However, if you start coaching, they start to feel great.

Or Tapping – you never want to tap in these sessions because they start to feel like everything is good. And once they get to that point, they’ll be like, “Nope, don’t need your services, I’m feeling great.” And they’ve now been cheated out on a long-term transformation and you’ve been cheated because they will say yes to somebody else who holds them to this conversation, but because you didn’t ask, because you started coaching, they’re going to feel much better and they’re not going to say yes. Again, they will get their transformation, but it will be the next person who asks them to invest instead of you.

As you have these conversations, remember that you are the container of possibility. You are the container of hope, and the container of safety. You have empathy and compassion for their struggle, of course. You will hear some horror stories – you’re working with people’s money and wealth, and we all know the processes that you’re going to be taking them through. It’s some deep, dark stuff – their old money paradigms, financial trauma. There’s so much stuff that they have experienced, as you know, that’s emotional and it will come up in this conversation.

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So you definitely want to have empathy and compassion for their struggle. At the same time, though, you have one foot sort of in each camp. There’s that empathy and compassion for the struggle, but you also hold the hope and possibility the entire time. Right down to the point that they will be able to pay for your services and get transformation.

I had to learn the hard way where I’d sort of dive into the pain with them and totally believe their story that nope, there’s no way they can afford this – and this is a true story – this person cannot afford it. I’m literally saying that in my head: “They can’t afford it, they can’t afford it. I just know it. I know it. I’m not going to ask them to invest. I’m just going to give them that free coaching right now.” But I had promised myself in this specific call that I would ask, that I would make the ask, no matter what. So I knew I was stuck because I had promised myself I would do that. But all I want to do is avoid it and just coach and not make the offer. I completely bought her story. So I asked and to my stunning surprise, she says,“Yes, yes, yes,” I offereda $2,000 offer and she’s like, “Yes! Here’s my credit card!” and I’m like,“What? What do you mean?”

I want you to remember that you’re the container of possibility, hope, and safety. And I want you to hold that for yourself and for them, all the way to the end when you ask for the money. Make them say no, never assume they can afford it just by what they’re saying. They’re giving you the sob story, they’re giving you all of their deep, dark stuff, so you hold that space for them and honor it. Maybe it’s the first time they’ve ever said it to anybody. This is total clarity. I want you to really hold that space and remember that you will always ask them to invest. Thatis how they get the deepest transformation. Never assume that what they’re telling you right now is true or that they can’t find a way to get the money because that’s how they get incredible transformation.

The last three on here are some stark truths. It’s time to get real. It’s some harsh truth. If you want to make money doing what you love, and offering these amazing transformations, you mustmake an offer. So you must make an offer, which means you offer them something to invest in with money. If you want bigger transformation in your clients, they must invest in you for their highest and best. The higher the investment, the deeper the transformation for them, the more committed your client is, the more fun you have, because we all love it when our clients are like,“Yes, yes, yes, that was amazing!”The more they invest, we up the ante all over the board, and you up-level, they up-level. You as the coach have way more fun, they as the client get more results. It goes back to that results and commitment. So the more they invest in you, the more results they will have, and the deeper the commitment they will have.

My last line here for you, as we wrap up this mindset piece, is that without sales, you do not make money. You must have sales. These conversations help you ask a question, to get clarity,to get a deeper conversation, to get results and more commitment from your client and your customer. And if you want these bigger transformations,these are the kind of questions, the kind of offer, the kind of process you need to take them through. Margaret and I feel super strongly about that and you’ll know because you’ll hear from me a lot during your Tapping Into Wealth Coach Training, which I look forward to. So this is like Step 1.

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Part 2 – How to Offer a Clarity Session

So now we’re going to dive into Part 2. And part 2 is all about offering a clarity session. How do you offer the clarity session? Before we dive in to this script of the actual clarity session itself; if you’re speaking in front of a group, or on your website, or you’re at a networking event, or you’re doing your signature talk, you’re going to want to offer a clarity session. If you’re sponsoring an event, you’re going to want to offer clarity session. How do you describe it so that people are like,“Oh, I totally want that. I see the value of that.” Well here is exactly what you can say. Of course you can tweak it as you grow in your business to be more specific to what you offer, but this is a fantastically beautiful starting point. You say:“Here’s what we’ll do together in this value session.”

Just imagine if you just gave the most incredible talk,and you will have talks in your marketing bundle that you have within the Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Training membership area. So I just gave the most incredible talk on outrageous goals, for example, and now I’m standing in front of the group and I’m going to say, “I want you to sign up for this incredible clarity session. It’s my free gift for you for coming today, so give me your name and email address and here’s what we’ll do together in this value session. We are going to get really clear on your goals, both short-term and long-term. I will diagnose the biggest obstacles that are stopping you right now. And I’m going to tell you exactly what you should do, where you should focus on to move forward. Isn’t that going to be awesome? Don’t you want to know exactly what you should focus on? Instead of like having a million things to look at. My best recommendation for strategy and the next steps you should take. I promise to give you my best recommendation. I’ll also give you my honest evaluation on what is possible for you, and how far you can go based on your skills and the goal that you’ve set. And just to remind you that this is such an amazing session that it will be recorded so that you can have the “aha” moments, the clarity and the strategy that we discuss, right there at your fingertips to listen to it at any time. I guarantee you will want to listen to this again and again. It is the gift that keeps on giving. And this incredible session is worth $200. And I’m offering it to you for free. So come on over here and give me your name, email address and phone number and we will set a date for our incredible clarity session.”

So right there, if you’re giving a talk, that is how I would describe a clarity session. Do you see how awesome that sounds? People are like clamoring to get that session! Because I’ve found we definitely need to add this and it’s important for you to have this script, because in talking to so many of our clients, people really struggled with,“What do I say and I do a talk and nobody wants my clarity sessions, and I talk to people one-on-one and nobody really wants them.” And I discovered that it is exactly because they weren’t describing them in a value benefit-laden way that sounds exciting and juicy! So using this incredible script, will get you way more strategy sessions booked or clarity sessions booked. Whatever you call them, you can call them whatever you want – we call them clarity sessions – but this is how you get them booked.

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And like I said, you can use this on your website, you can put some of this on your business card, or say that at networking events, or on videos, or after a talk.

Part 3 – The Script

Now the moment you have all been waiting for part three and this is the script. The actual script for a clarity conversation.

Step 1: Opening the Conversation

Step 1, you‘ll see, is opening the conversation. Say hello and get connected, then set the pace, and expectations, and direction of the call. You want to set the pace and direction – that is your job.

You’re going to be working with Enforcers, right? You’re all learning about the profiles, and we have to love those Enforcers – we love them because when they’re in their Charismatic Leader, they’re fantastic to work with. But they can be challenging when they’re in their Enforcer. They’re going to try to run and derail the conversation. It’s up to you to set the pace and expectations. Remind yourself how much your time is worth when these calls take three hours. You’ll definitely want to trim them down to one, and this is how you do that.

Start off with initial greeting and you say, “Thank you so much for taking this time to meet with me on the phone. Is this still a good time for you?” And you can add anything else that helps you feel connected and you want to keep it light. What I always say is it takes 20 seconds of courage to do these phone calls. And this is 20 seconds of courage. It’s 20 seconds of courage and then the rest of the time, you’ll start to flow deeply into the conversation. The initial,“Hello, how are you, thank you for taking time,” is the first twenty seconds you’ll need. But like Benjamin Mee says, from the movie “We Bought a Zoo,” if you take that 20 seconds of courage, I promise you, I promise you the most amazing things will happen. You take 20 seconds of amazing bravery, insane bravery, and twenty seconds of courage,then I promise you the most ridiculous, crazy, amazing things will happen. That is also my promise to you. Let’s fill ourselves with that courage and have these incredible conversations.

You’ve done your initial greeting and now you’re going to say,“I’m excited to get to know you more. My intention in this session is to see where you are right now. I will ask you a ton of questions so we can be clear where you want to be. If I think there is a match for your needs, we will explore how we can work together. And then I will make a recommendation based on our conversation. You’ll be able to ask me as many questions as you like, and I do promise that you will leave this call with immense clarity, which helps you to take more strategic action.”

How does that sound? So you’ll see there’s quotes and it’s in italics, that means it’s an exact script. And I just gave you and modeled for you exactly how you would say that. And when you say,“How does that sound?” I had a hard time when I was initially using the scripts, to say,“How does that sound?” My worst fear and nightmare was they would say,“That sounds terrible, no!”Hang up and run away. They would never want to talk to me again because they knew I

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was going to make an offer, because you’re basically getting their permission right there to make an offer and to make a recommendation. But what you will find, and I know because I have found the same thing, is that when you say that they’re like, “Sure! Yes I’m excited, I can’t wait!” Nobody’s ever hung up on me yet. Soit takes courage, but I know that you can do it.

I want to remind you that each part of the script, again, with all the intense training that I’ve had for my own business, from working with Margaret and working in this business for this company, all the intense training, this script is super boiled down to what I have found works beautifully and really well. Every single sentence is here for a reason. Let me give you an example about that. When I say,“You will be able to ask as many questions as you like,” they’re like, “Ahhh, breathing a sigh of relief. I’m not going to be talking the whole time. They get to ask me questions. It’s an exchange. They feel some control, they feel some power, that’s what you want for them. And you are reminding them that immense clarity is what they get out of this conversation. So you will say that a million times throughout the conversation. Like I said, you’re probably going to be sick of hearing it from me, but we want to remind them that this is about clarity and that is the most important gift. And of course that’s what helps them take strategic action. And it’s exciting because this is the first “yes” that you’ll get, and the more “yeses” we get throughout the conversation, the more likely they are to say yes when you make an offer. It’s very cool.

Step 2: Clarify Their Problem or Their Pain

Now we jump into Step 2, which is clarify their problem or their pain. You’ll see I have some guidelines here for clarifying their problem and their pain. Let’s dive through the guidelines.

Your potential customer clients need to see very clearly where they are now and where they want to be. Through the amazing questions that I have written out here for you, you will help them to see it. And again, this is the gift of clarity. They need to see that gap, that space from where they are now and where they want to be. Remember you want both anecdotal comments from them. You’re going to ask questions that lead to more anecdotal answers, which isfeelings and stories, tangible stuff. You also want exactly where they are right now, which is results, and numbers,and concrete language. You want both. Remember both for their own selves because we want to hit the brain, the sixth chakra, as well as the lower chakras, the first, second, third and the heart chakra. You want to hit all of it so we want to get the anecdotal as well as the concrete.

This is also really important for your marketing. Like I said at the very beginning of this, you will get marketing gold. When you ask both these kinds of questions, you’ll get some really cool stuff that you can use in workshop descriptions when you’re talking in your videos, or when you’re doing a signature talk, or at networking events, telling stories, all of this information – like I had a client who felt this way: they were sad and they felt like they were really having a hard time and their relationship was falling apart because they couldn’t get their money together, and their life was a disaster – however they were feeling, all the marketing gold. But

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then by the end of our three months together, they felt like this and you show that transformation. That’s how you start. These are the important questions that you ask for this clarity session as well as mining that gold for your marketing. So please remember that.

It IS your job to direct this conversation. You want them to talk about where they’re stuck and the cost of staying there. You’ll find they will want to go off on a million and one tangents and you have to keep reining them back in to the question that you’re asking. It is vitally important that you do that, again, because you want to keep down the conversation time frame, as well as keep them really focused.

Most of your time is spent in this clarifying of the problem and pain section. So you can expect about thirty to forty minutes in this section alone. If you’re here for ten minutes, it’s not enough time. It’s a really good indication that you’re not spending long enough here. You will get more no’s. So if you’re getting more no’s, start to listen again to your recordings of your strategy sessions and your clarity sessions which you know are now a requirement for the program if you want to get certified. You want to get your clarity sessions recorded so start listening to them. Don’t just record them. Actually listen to them and if you only spend ten minutes or fifteen minutes here then you want to remember that I need to go back and really ask some deeper questions, some more clarifying questions to get more detail about their pain and what their problem is.

You’ll see as we dive through the script that there are challenge questions. You always ask challenge questions, always. These are the questions that will help reduce objections later. Everybody’s like, “But what if they say they don’t enough money, or time,or this or that.” Your challenge questions are what help to get you some evidence, in their own words of why they need you, that you can present to them later if they do have an objection. But it also helps to reduce them as well. Yes, they are uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable to ask. It’s uncomfortable for them to answer. However do it with an open heart with compassion. You are the coach, so you’re letting them know that as your coach, I’m going to push you and I’m doing this to honor you, so you get immense clarity.

These challenge questions are extremely important and they reveal their deepest pain and problems very quickly. Like I said in number six, it’s really important that you have some compassion and that you acknowledge how difficult it is to answer it and you admit that, that you understand that. This is really a key for any kind of objection. If you know you’re going to ask something or you’re giving a talk and you’re going to say something that people might cringe or have an objection to, you want to, right there at the very beginning, right as you’re saying it, you want to confront that, right from the get-go. In this example, say, “Listen, I know this is challenging” – and I have a script for you, but just as an example right now – “I know this is challenging, I know that this is hard to answer, but as your coach I want you to have the utmost clarity.”

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So, you don’t wait to understand, this is really hard to answer. You acknowledge that right from the beginning, so they realize, hey, if I want the utmost gift of clarity, I need to answer this question. You’ll see there’s whole list of challenge questions. You don’t have to ask every single one, but I do want you to ask the first one about cost. You must ask them the cost one. “How much has this cost you?”Even if you’re doing something not related money. But being that you’re a Tapping Into Wealth Coach, you’re going to be doing something related to money. So you must ask the, “How much does this cost you in your life, financially, emotionally, and spirituality.” But play with the other challenge questions. I encourage you to ask all of them at some point, so that you can get a feel for the answers and how people answer them. You might find if you ask one, you don’t need to ask the second one. Sometimes asking another one gives them a different way to answer question. So play with them and see what kind of responses you get.

It’s really important throughout this whole entire section that you acknowledge their pain and their feelings. Like I said, it’s challenging. It’s hard for you to ask and hold that space for them. It’s challenging. It takes courage for them to answer, so you want to be sure that you’re acknowledging that for them. For example, you can say things like,“Wow, that must have been painful, or really frustrating, or hard, or scary.” They’re like,“Yes, it is.”“Yeah I know I can feel that from you,” or “I get that, I totally get that.” Just acknowledging and actively listening, allows them to feel heard in the most beautiful way. They will tell you this. I’m not saying this because I’m just talking just for the sake of it. I’m saying this out of my own experience, out of the experience of the sales team that I manage, out of all the phone calls we make, we see this time, and time, and time again, that when you acknowledge it, they just feel so heard. When you have this kind of conversation with them, they feel so heard.

And number nine on here is take notes during the session. So make sure that you take notes during the session, again, for your marketing purposes, but also because you’re going to need them when you get down to the recommendation part of it.

So here is the script:

We ask a warm-up question. And I say, say this. And then let me demonstrate for you. “Great! Okay, so let’s get started. First I want to ask you what got you to sign-up for this clarity session today? Why now?”

And this is a really great question to ask for marketing purposes, because why are they here? What got them to sign up? Where they come from? What got them to sign up? Why now? It starts to open the conversation.

Then you say,“Okay, tell me more about your situation. What is not working? What obstacles do you really come up against?”

As I start to reveal, you know again you’re a Tapping Into Wealth Coach, so it’s going to be about money. So you can say,“Great! Tell me more about your income. Tell me more about

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your savings. Tell me more about this, about that… blah blah blah. Tell me more about that financial trauma that you just mentioned. By the way, did you know that was a financial trauma? That’s a financial trauma.”Like it’s a huge “aha” moment.“That’s something you need to work through for sure. Tell me more about that. How long have you lived with this? How long has it been like that for you? Wow, that sounds really challenging. How long has it been that way for you? Tell me more. What’s been like? How has this affected your family? How has this affected your relationship. How has this affected your job or your work or your confidence? Tell me more about that. Wow! And why is working through this so important for you?”

You see how I demonstrated how you might flow in this conversation and these questions throughout this conversation. How I just demonstrated is how I want you to sound and how I want you to connect with them.

As we move up to the challenge questions, I want you to say this before you ask a challenge question. And you say the whole thing the first time around and then you can sort of remind them as you ask another challenging question. So here’s what it sounds like:

“Okay I’m going to ask you a very challenging question. And as your coach, I promised you clarity, so I want to stick to my promise and to help you get there, I have to ask you this challenging question. But they will help you to get super clear, I promise you. And I am committed to that for you. So what has the cost been for you around this, emotionally? What has the cost been around this for you, physically? And what about financially? So how much would you say specifically in the last year? I know it’s hard to come up with an exact number, but what if you had to guess? How much would you say? Just ballpark that number for me. If you had to guess. Just make it up. Wow, $10,000? That’s a lot! Are you surprised by that? And what is the cost been for you in your relationships?”

I demonstrated what that would sound like. How would you ask these questions? You could feel my heart. You could feel me. You know you could feel my voice kind of going down and you know lower. It’s like, “Listen, I know this is challenging. But I’m going to commit as your coach and ask you anyway.” This is kind of cool, because you’re saying as your coach, you’re not their coach, yet but you’re seeding that you’re a coach and that you could be their coach, right? And then as a coach, it’s your duty and responsibility to help them get clear. So that is also part of what you do as a coach.

Notice that when I ask about how much it costs financially, they’re going to sometimes say,“I have no idea, I’m not sure.” So you challenge them. You say, “Listen,” and you just have them make up a number because their made up number is probably pretty close to reality. They just don’t want to say it, or just give them permission to kind of make it up. It’s going to be very close to what the real number is.

Here are a few more challenging questions you can ask. “How committed are you to making this change from 1 to 10?” “Oh, I am so committed, like a 10!” Then you know they’re a potential buyer. And this is a great one: “Are you willing to push out of your comfort

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zone,because I promised to give you my best recommendations to move forward and some of them will require you to stretch and grow?” If you get someone who’s like, “Nope, I never move out of my comfort zone,” and you’re doing Tapping Into Wealth work with them? You know how deep this stuff goes – they’re probably not your best customer. So it’s a good question to ask. And it lets them knowyou’re serious, that you’re a great coach, and that you’re going to push them so that they get really incredible results.

This next one is a tough one, I tend to use it more at the end, like if they say,“I can’t afford it,” or “I need to think about it.” I say,“Well how much longer are you willing to live your life in this way?” It’s a really tough question to ask, takes a lot of courage, but it can really get them to think, “Well, I don’t want to live that long.”“Great, then!” If they still say no, it’s like,“Well, when can we talk again?” And you set a time to talk like in 30-60 days. Give them something to help them to bring about cash or give them a challenge to bring in more money so they can then afford your services when you talk again.

This next portion of the script is about clarity about what do they need or want. So this is really important. It helps them know if your programs are in line with what they are seeing as a possible solution for them. It also can help you develop a program as you hear the same thing over and over again from your potential customers and they say, “Well, I need this – I need one-on-one support.” And you always make sure you put one-on-one support in your solution.

Here’s what it sounds like: “What have you done to solve this problem?” This is a great question because you’re looking for other coaching programs, or what worked and what didn’t work – what their specific preferences and needs are. You definitely want to look if they say “I’ve done like fifteen coaching programs,” and you’re like, “And you’re still having this problem,” then you have to question them about that. “Wait a minute, so you’ve done twelve other coaching programs? Why didn’t you get results with those programs?” Are they just serial program-takers and they never finish? Then it’s your duty as a coach to say, “What’s going to make it different if we work together?” You know at some point, when you make an offer, you’re like,“I want to ask you about this. You said you had ten or twelve other coaching programs, but you never were able to finish them, or you didn’t work through all the way to get the result you wanted. What do you need to change that? Like what was missing in those programs, and how will you and I working together be different for you?”They might throw that question back at you, but you want to push them a little bit on that because if you want somebody who gets results and commitment is important to you, then you definitely need some clarity around that question.

Another question is,“What more would you need to be successful?” And never assume what they mean, when they talk about what they need. For example, “I need more one-to-one.” You might have an idea what that means for you, but you don’t really know what it means for them. So you want to ask these clarifying questions:“What do you mean by that? And what does support, or accountability, or a good coach look like to you?” You will be amazed at some of the responses you get. It’s going to blow you away. Again, their answers help you match your offer

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to what they are looking for or build a program when you hear the same thing over and over again, you’re like, “I guess they really want that.” And you get to say, “Listen, I’ve worked with so many clients. I’ve talked to so many clients, I know that this is what so many of you need so I’ve added it to my program.”It showsyou’re listening to them, like you’re reading their mind. That is always super cool.

Step 3: Possibility & Hope

Let’s dive in to step three. And this is the part everybody loves. It’s the possibility and hope part of the conversation. As you’ll see in the guidelines here, you help them see where they want to go. You help them see the possibility. You help them see the solution that they want. You have to help them see this hope, or else they won’t even believe that what you offer is possible. So we need to encourage them that,“Yes, there’s an answer. There’s a solution. I promise and I will help you get there, but let’s look at it together. Let’s see it together.”

Let’s dive in to the script. Ask about their goals. “Where do you want to be?”Again, as a Tapping Into Wealth Coach, you ask:“Where do you want to be in your money, in your income? How much do you want to be making? How much savings do you need? You said you wanted to be safe. You want to feel safe. How much money do you need to have in the bank in order to feel safe? What number is that? Let’s get really clear.”That is what it sounds like, for example. And then you can say, “What is your goal for the next six months for your business?” Again, your money – or if you’re doing relationship, or business, or weight loss, I have filled those in there for you so that you can customize to exactly what you need.

“And what is your goal for the next year?” And of course we have the income financial goal. Now if they don’t have an income or financial goal, that’s a red flag. Challenge them on that, for sure,say “You know, it’s really hard to get somewhere if you don’t even have a goal. So let’s do that right now.” I do that on every call I make. I always ask,“What’s your financial and income goal,” and even if I’m offering, like for example for Margaret, I’m offering the Rockstars On AMission program or the Tapping Into Wealth Coaching program. I’m always going to ask,“What’s your income goal? What’s your financial goal?” And they’re like, well I’m not sure. I’m like,“Well, let’s get really clear about that right now,” because if they get nothing else in this call, at least they’re super-duper clear on that and what it takes to get there.

I’ve given you more questions to help them really dive into their feelings, because this is what it makes real for them. Remember, we’ve got all sorts of profiles that we’re talking to, and we want to hit the sixth chakra and their brilliant mind, but we also want to hit the heart and the second chakra, the emotions, because that’s what also buys. We buy with our emotions, but then we use the logic and the sixth chakra to rationalize. You ask them,“How do you want to feel?” So you want to get to those feelings. I have a lot of emotional intelligent specialist. It’s like my secondary, so I’m always diving into the feelings. It’s my favorite part, but it’s really important for them, also, to get it there as well. If you’re Knowledgeable Achiever and you’re like “Ew, feelings.” It is important!

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You can ask, “Why is this important for you? How will this outcome that they want – so for example,“How would an increase in your income to $10,000 a month really transform your life, and your family, and your business? What does success look like for you?” For example, you can say, “You said you’d feel really successful and happy if your savings account was at $10,000. What would that look like for you? Describe it to me. How does that feel? Paint me that picture.” If they give you another block in this section, because remember, we’re getting to the hope and possibility, but I feel terrible and there’s no way you know with my family, I’ll never be able to…” “Ok, great, what do you want instead?So you don’t want to feel that way.” They might dive into their “poor me” a little bit. “What do you want to feel like instead?Or what do you want instead?” Bring them right back into that hope place.

And this is a really great question: “How would your life change if you had this?” So whatever the outcome they want, they feel safe if they had savings of $10,000. “Well, how would your life change if you had that? How would you feel? How would you be like in your energy? How would people look at you differently?” These are some really great questions to ask. More about what they need:“What has to happen in the next twelve months to be happy with your progress?”This gives you a good idea of what markers they need to see in their results. It helps to get them more committed when you can talk to some of this, but it’s like,“What has to happen in the next twelve months to be happy with your progress and your results?”

Step 4: Your Recommendation

Now we dive in to step four. This is your recommendation. So you’re going to make an offer. You’re going to offer a solution to their problem. You can see I gave you a couple of guidelines to this section. This is the part, again, that requires twenty seconds of courage and you continue to hold that space of possibility and hope no matter what they tell you. You’ve done a really good job of listening, of getting them really super clear on where they’re stuck, where their problems are, what their pain is. Now they know where they want to be, they’ve seen the vision, and now it’s time to make a recommendation or an offer.

So we say,“Gulp, eeee!” And this is where you’ll all get nervous and you just breathe into it and you say it anyway you make the offer and you pull in your energy and you pull up that twenty seconds of courage. Again, they may by now have already started asking you specific buying questions like,“How much does it cost for coaching, and what’s your process, and what does the session look like? How long will it take? What does it include?”

When they ask you all those questions, if they ask them way at the beginning, you say,“Hold on a second, I want to make sure that I know exactly what your problem is before I start talking about the solution for you. So if you can bear with me, let me ask you a few more questions and I want you to be super clear on where you are right now and where you want to be. And then I’ll be able to craft the perfect solution for you. So hold on to that.” That’s how you can answer that piece of it. And when they ask the buying questions now, we dive right in to the recommendation. If they haven’t asked you any buying questions, you can just ask, “Do you

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have any questions?”then proceed with the recommendation. Usually they’ll ask, “Yeah, how much does it cost and all that?” You’re going to follow the script that I have below for you. And remember that when you describe your offer, you give a benefit-laden description of what you’re offering and you’ll see a beautiful example of that. You’ll add some testimonials or some “aha” moments for your clients. But you’re not just going to say,“We’ll do some Tapping, it will be 90 minutes.” You don’t just say that because that doesn’t sound cool, or exciting, or it sounds like they want that. Not at all. Like I said, I got a perfect example for you of exactly what it should sound like and I’ll model that for you.

You want to remember to summarize their challenge, and where they are now, and all of that pain stuff for them, and where they want to go. This helps them know that you’ve listened and you know what they really want. And that’s super exciting. You definitely want to remind them of their“aha” moments. I love doing that – sort of putting it back on them, saying,“Hey, you have this “aha” moment, and this “aha” moment, remember?And the “aha” moments are sometimes painful, like for example,“Remember you said that your parents are always talking about rich people. They never want to have money. They’ve had a ceiling of $20,000 and never know how to make more than that? Remember you revealed that to me and it was really hard to talk about? Yeah. That’s something that we definitely need to work through. That’s what I mean by “aha” moments. What did they reveal to you? The painful and the happy – remember all providing immense gift of clarity for them.

So here is the general script that I want you to have and then you’ll see I added two more scripts that add a little bit more detail, so you can see exactly how to customize this for you. Say this. “Based on our discussion today, your challenge is this...” List some of their pains and challenges that you took notes on, “and you want to go here.” Here’s where you list their goal, you use those feelings, statements, and the concrete language that they used when you asked them. Then you say, “And this is the strategy I recommend to get you there.” And you give them some strategy points that are actually from your process, which you also discovered from the session like blocks they have, things they need to clear before they can move on, etc. Then you say, “To give you the greatest support, to get you to,” whatever their goal is, “I recommend my program, and I can take you through it step-by-step.” Then I gave you a choice here,“So you don’t have to do it alone,” or “So you can get there faster,” or “So you don’t have to re-invent the wheel,” or “So you save tons of time and effort.” I gave you a few options. You pick which one sounds best for you. “Here’s what it includes,” and remember this is where all the benefits and testimonials, “aha” moments from other clients come in. “And then if you want, whatever their goal is, this is the proven process to get you there.”

Let’s go through the sample script that I created for Tapping Into Wealth Coaches:“Based on our discussion today, we discovered that your challenge is that you want more income, more savings, and you really want to feel safe around your money. In fact, you really want like $10,000 in savings and you want to increase your income by $1,000 a month. This is the strategy that I recommend to get you there. As you saw in the ‘aha’ moment that I pointed out

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for you, you really must work through your earliest money paradigm and clear the money programming of your parents and your family, just like you revealed to me. And in order to see an increase in your income and to save more money, we’re going to have to set some really clear income goals and money saving goals and work on releasing the blocks to that income goal. And as you reveal to me today, the financial trauma that you articulated must also be cleared. You will never get any more income as you see because you’ve been the same for the last ten years. You have felt scared. You described to me how you felt frustrated. Since that trauma, there has been no forward movement, very minimal forward movement as you told me. So we’ve got a work on clearing that in order to have a huge impact on your income and your savings goals. So if you want to reach your goals, this is the proven process to get you there.”

Do you see how I added exactly the steps and the things and the blocks they need to clear. And you’ll have plenty of information to fill that in for yourself based on what they say to you in that pain and problem section. Do you see why that section’s so important? Do you see how I added the feelings in there? I added some of the feeling statements. I added their concrete goals, how they’re feeling and where they want to be so that they can feel safe.

It shows that you listen to them. And you’ll get all the notes you need as you fill this in on your own. If you were doing a little more business coaching, and I like to use this because I love this script because this is basically my script that I use for me and what I offer through Margaret’s program, and through Margaret’s company, so this is always my favorite. So it’s a little clue to you – hey, if I really want to make more income, this is what I need to do. But if you do some business coaching, you could use something like this:“So based on our discussion, we discover that your challenge is you want more clients and ten would be awesome. This is the strategy I recommend to get you there. You need to master the skill of selling, get out from behind the computer, meet people at networking events, give them a powerful description of what you do, get appointments for clarity strategy sessions, start speaking to get more clients, and create a video mini-series to collect names and emails to build your list. In my epic sales process, I can show you step-by-step with scripts, exactly how to do that so you can get there faster. And if you want ten more clients and even more than that, oh this is so the proven process to get you there.”

Do you see how we should all be doing that? Note to self, as you’re listening, “Oh, that’s the secret formula.” And lucky for you in the Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Program so you are already exposed to the secret formula, which is so exciting.

This is the script that I want you to use as you articulate part of what the recommendation is. So let’s continue on with steps 2 through 8.

Then you say,“Do you have any questions?” They should be asking you how much it will cost by this point. So you say, “For all of these, your investment is, $4000.” And then you pause. And then Step 5, now offer your special scholarship discount fast-acting bonus. Here’s what it

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sounds like. “Since you were referred by Margaret, I am offering you a bonus price of $3,000.” Or what’s a really great one to say, and I give you a few options here – whichever one is true for you is the one you pick – “Since I know folks who take decisive actions are my best clients, I am offering discount for those people.” That’s a really good one reason since I know folks who take decisive actions are my best clients, I’m offering a discount for someone like, for example, you. You will find as you do these clarity session calls, you will totally find that when people make decisive action, meaning you did a great job of helping them see the pain, and feel the pain, showing them the hope and the promise and making an offer when they’re like, “Yes, yes, I’m totally ready!”And they whip out their credit card. Those decisive people are totally going to be your best clients. You will get the best results and the best transformation.

For now, you can take my word for it. But know that that is true. That’s why we say that and that’s why you want to offer some kind of bonus. I give a little bit more of information as a bonus to this document at the end of the script. And I’ll go further into this in a minute, but for now let’s just leave the script as it is.

Once you say the investment you stop talking. You stop talking. You leave the tension, the awkward silence. You say nothing until they talk again. I know, it’s terrifying. I usually sit on my hands, close my mouth, and I just wait and just breathe. And they’re going to say something very soon. Don’t worry. They’re like, “Oh my God,” or whatever. You know whatever they say. That’s amazing. Sign me up! Yes, yes!” Or they’re like, “Wow! It’s more than what I expected,” and then you work them through that. It’s really important to stop talking though. You want to leave that space. Leave that space.

Then the next step is your close. “If you decided to say yes, hereare the next step.” And then you describe to them what they would do. Let’s verify your information, take your name and all that and your credit card and let’s go ahead and book our first session together. You’ll also receive my waiver form and a contract; whatever you’re sending them, you let them know that you’re going to be sending it by email. How can they receive it. So those are the next steps. They get excited. They know something’s coming. And it helps to seal the deal.

Now if you discoverin the beginning or the end of the conversationthat they’re not ready for your coaching because they really can’t afford it or something, just offer them another resource. It can be some of your videos. That’s why as Margaret shows you how to create tons of incredible content. You want to have some really cool videos available. You can say, “Go to my free video mini-series,” or “Go to this video and let’s see if we can help you build some income, and they we’ll have another conversation.” So that’s if they don’t have the money. If they’re not your perfect customer, you can say, “You know what, no problem – here’s a free ebook, or you shouldn’t be talking to me, you should be talking to my friend, Jessica, so let me give you her information. Or if they have books or other coaching programs, you’re like, I don’t want this person because they’ve literally gone through a million programs and never finished one. We run into that all the time at Margaret’s company because sometimes we have folks who have never finished Powerful, Passionate, and Fabulous and they’re really struggling, so we

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say “You need to go back and finish that program, work through it, and you and I will have another talk in two months.” Because of accountability – then they have something else to work through and it will start to help get the energy flowing and the manifestation power flowing so that when we talk again next time, they’re in a different mindset. They’re ready to move forward. So that’s always a great strategy.

Step 5

Step 5 is the part that everybody waits for. It’s dealing with concerns. There’s usually three basic issues or concerns that people have. It’s typically not enough money, not enough time, or they need to think about it. So with “I can’t afford it,” or “There’s not enough time.” A great question to ask if they say that is,“If it were not for the investment, would this still be the program for you? Give it a 1 to 10.” If someone says,“Well, it’s like a 2,” then you might ask them why, “Why is this not the program for you? What’s missing? What were you looking for? You might want to know the answer to that.” And if it’s a 10, you’re like,“Great! Then you totally want it! Then what’s the hold-back?” We bring them right back to the costs and commitment that they articulated in the discussion.

There’s a few more challenging clarifying question. So we go right to this next piece. “I can’t afford it,” they say. “I really can’t afford it.”“Alright.well during your conversation you told me that was costing you $10,000 a year being so stuck and blocked around all of this, that you don’t feel safe because you don’t have enough money in your savings and your income isn’t enough, but then you also told me that you’re committed at a 9 or a 10. So it sounds like there’s something you really want and I totally want to support you in getting there! Can we brainstorm some ways where you might be able to find some money to really get what you want.” That’s one way to do it.

Here’s another one: “I’m going to ask you really hard question. You said you want to change. You know you really wanted to get $1,000 more a month in your income. You’re looking to have a savings account of $10,000 or more so you feel really safe and secure. And remember as your coach, I promise you clarity. Well, again, these kinds of questions, I know they’re challenging, but they do help you get there. Are you willing to go yet another year living your life in this way? You said it costs you $10,000 every year that you stay stuck. Every year it costs you that income and not having savings and feeling stress and frustrated about it. Are you willing to go another year of your life in this way?” Do you see how I asked that? I really modeled that for you? So you know exactly how to ask it, the energy you want to have, what you want your voice to sound like, because it’s tough, it’s hard! But sometimes asking these kinds of question helps them to really say,“You know what, I’m willing to do what it takes. I’ve got to get out of this rut. I can’t stay in this place anymore!” And it’s up to you as a coach to support them in that.

And then if they don’t have enough time, you can say, well how has not making the time to do this – again, because you want to increase your income by $1,000 and you want to have that

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$10,000 in savings – you don’t feel safe and you’ve felt this way for like ten years, how is not making the time to do this costing you? How many more years are you willing to wait?”

There’s a few more questions: “If not now, when? If not with me, then who?” If you say, “Look, I’m totally committed to helpingyou get a strategy. If I’m not your person, then who is?”They might have somebody else in mind, or they’re like, “You know, I just don’t resonate because I don’t do Tapping,” or whatever. Then you say, “Okay, fine, no problem! Good luckfinding the person that works for you.” It’s okay. Another great point: “Give yourself permission to say no.” This is really great for enforcers who feel like they have to fight you every step of the way. “You know what, I’m fine. Give yourself permission to say no. Maybe this is not the right program for you. Maybe I’m not the right coach for you.” And I know initially, this can seem like a really hard question because, especially the beginning, we’re so desperate for yeses, we want people to say yes, but the truth is that when you say that, typically it becomes a yes because they’re like “Oh, I’m not being forced to say yes, I can say No.”“Listen, give yourself permission to say No.” They don’t feel so pressured to say yes. They might come around where they can be like, “You know, I’m willing to do what it takes. I’m willing to figure this out so I can move forward and have this transformation that I’ve always wanted.”

That’s a really fantastic line to use as well and it’s true – it helps them see that you’re committed to their yes or their no. You know you want them to be clear, but if they say no, you’re fine with that. And I’ll say that,“You know what, I’m totally fine with that. No problem. I hope you find what you’re looking for. And I really thank you for this conversation.”Then I remind them of what they’re super clear about, like that “You got really clear about this, this, and this you need to work through. So I’m so grateful to spend this time with you and that you got really clear.” And they usually say,“I so appreciate this time as well. Thank you so much.”Even if it’s a no. So it’s super cool.

The next part is if they need to think about it, or they say,“I have to ask my spouse.” There’s some important follow-up that I want you to take. You want to honor their commitment for making financial decisions with their spouse or significant other and they need time. That’s totally fine, it’s not even a problem. I have closed so many sales with this follow-up. You ask, “What do you think your spouse will say?”If they say,“I have to ask my spouse,” you want to find out what is their spouse going to say. Because more often than not what you hear is,“I’ve invested in few programs. They’re not going to believe me that this time I’m really going to make a difference,” or “My spouse is the one who makes the financial decisions,” or whatever they might say. You want to help them with language talk to their spouse.

This is really important. And I have done this with folks who wanted to make like a $15,000to $20,000 investment the Rockstar program. “I’ve made mistakes before in coaching programs, but this one I know is the right one for me. I just think don’t think he’ll believe me.” I literally had someone say that to me. Then you ask more clarifying questions. You’re not giving them a script, you’re helping them come to it on their own. Because sometimes they’re like,“Why don’t you talk to my significant other.” And you’re like “No.” But what you can ask is,“Why is this time

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different for you? Why does this feel different for you? How do you promise to stay committed? How do you promise to yourself, and me, and your significant other that you will stay on track? Why is this time different for you? What feels different?”

Again, this all goes back to that results and commitment model. See how we’ve gone so far away from “help and hope” and now it’s like,“Yeah, I am totally committed to your results too. Let’s talk about this. Why is it different? Why will it be a big change for you this time? Why has what I’ve said impacted you?Let’s talk about it. Let’s get really clear so that you can stand in front of your significant other and say, ‘Listen, here’s what’s going on for me here why it’s different.’” So that they can bring up their passion and excitement in that conversation and then get the buy-in of their significant other. It is so powerful that you can support them in that conversation, and it’s so powerful that they stand in that energy, and passion, and excitement of who you are as their coach and who you are as someone who can support them in this transformation. It’s brilliant. I’ve seen it work so many times and it’s magical. It’s another one of those magical things that you can support them with. I love it.

Then you want to ask, “How long will you need to talk to that person or spouse? How long do you need to think about it? How long do you need to check with your angels,” whatever they’re doing. People do need to do that. That is totally fine. How long do they need? “How long will you need to think about it, and are there any other questions I can answer for you,” is also great, because you don’t want them to leave with any nagging questions. Then you remind them,“I don’t want your brain to be clogged with one more decision for you to make. I know we’re already so busy in our everyday lives, so this is why I want a date from you, so that you can choose yes or no and then move on. So either way you’ll be clear. That’s all I want for you. Remember this is a clarity session. I just want you to be super clear.”

When you sate the date for the follow-up, which should be a day or two, not five weeks from now, unless they’re like a NO and then you say, “Great,do you mind if we follow-up in three months?”Then you give them something like a video or something to work on their inner stuff so that they’re ready for the investment in three months. You give them some homework, so if finances are the issue, you literally give this homework:brainstorm fifty ways you can get cash, tap on getting some cash, watch my video, visualize, whatever, ask people for sales, meditate. Give them some homework on getting some money to afford to pay you, and I tell you that it works. It’s so amazing! I’ve had so many people come back and say that, miraculously, $500 came through or they looked at their contacts and found that there were a couple follow-ups that they didn’t do, then they did those follow ups, offered sales conversations, and got an investment, a commitment. You’ll be amazed how, if they’re really feeling like you’re the one for them and they want to work with you, the energy starts to shift for them. They start to manifest. They start to get into action, which is really their biggest problem, they haven’t been in action, and they start moving through some stuff to be able to invest in you, to get them to that deeper transformation. Super magical, super amazing!

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Then send them an email with follow-up details and include their“aha” moments and how you know all that connects to that solution you provide. I even gave you, in this script, a sample email. I will let you read that on your own, but there’s a sample email that you can use. Input your own information and use that as a template and be able to send it off. Adjust it for your own language. This is an example of what we call a “stick strategy” to help them stay committed, excited, engaged, and ready for the next step.

Now yousee that is your script! I promise you, when you take that twenty seconds of courage, you will have incredible, incredible transformation in these conversations and you will have yeses. Allow for some no’s at the beginning, as you get comfortable with the script. Yes, using a script is awkward at the beginning. I try to make it as simple as possible for you with some of the explanation and then all the script is there for you. You’re going to go through it with each other, as Tapping Into Wealth Coaches, you practice on each other first, then you can practice on some friends first and then start to use it for real. You will be blown away even as you stutter through it – just take a breath. They don’t know what’s coming next, they have no clue! You just look at your script, you take a breath, use your courage, and use your fifth chakra, and just trust that they’re going to get immense clarity and be ready for your transformation.

Now that you have all of that, let me just describe the little bonus section that I put on here for you. I’m a giver by nature, as I know all of you are and I can never stop, so I added a little tiny bonus action for you. That way you have all that you need to really dive into these clarity sessionsright now.

To take your clarity sessions deeper, you may want to create an application for prospects to fill out so you can learn more about them before the call. And it also weeds out potential people that you don’t want to work with or who are not your perfect client. The one caveat to this is that if you’re just starting out or youneed income really badly, you don’t want to start with an application. You want the least barrier possible for people to come in to get a clarity session with you. You basically take anyone and then from there, you start to realize who doesn’t work for you, once you start to have some income flowing. It’s sort of like an up-level that’s like the next step. Once you’re already established, you want to get yourself an application. That way you can start screening out some of the folks that are imperfect customers, but initially you just take everyone and anyone. You practice your conversations as you get better at them and you start having a more steady income flow and have a steady cash flow, then you can start to use an application.

Another tip to actually creating your offer. So remember, in the recommendation section, I said, “Wait a minute,I have a little bonus for you.” Here’s that bonus piece of it.In your Tapping Into Wealth Coaching membership area, you’ll see there’s some bonuses and Margaret’s marketing kit, like how to price and package what you offer. This is a little piece to add to that. You’ll see in the script that I sent you, what you want to offer is like your retail price. People ask, “Am I artificially inflating my numbers just to make a discount?” No, that is absolutely not what I am saying.

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What I mean when I say the retail price, it’s what is it worth, and, what is the largest amount that you would love to be paid? It’s like a stretch goal for you. If you have a package, it’s twelve weeks, and your stretch goal, you’re like,“There’s no way I’ll ever get it if I ask, but I would love to make $4,000 and it’s totally worth $4,000.” But energetically you can’t quite say it, you’re not quite there, but it’s a super stretch goal for you. Then that’s what the retail is for you. So you get to say that this is what it’s worth, “It’s my incredible package for $4,000.” You get to say it over and over again, and then you say, “But I have a fast-action bonus, because I know my best clients are the ones who are decisive and say yes right when they feel they know it’s ready for them, so I’m going to take $1,000 off right now.” Or “Because you are referred to me by so-and-so, so I’m going to take $1,000off for you.” Then you can offer it for the $3,000. Maybe that’s a little bit of a stretch for you, but you can say it and I want you to be uncomfortable. I want you to say a number that’s a little bit large for you, and move into and grow into that number. That’s how it works when you’re figuring how to price your packages. There’s a number that’s like,“Oh God, I would love to have that, but I’m a little bit more comfortable asking this number, so you have the stretch goal and that ends up being your retail price.

And remember that all of what the transformation they get is literally totally worth that. Please, take it from me! I know that all of you as Tapping Into Wealth Coaches, if you had a twelve-week package, and that would be three months, I know that the transformation they will have in that three months of their life is totally worth $4,000.

If you don’t believe it, I believe it for you, and I know Margaret believes it for you, and I know the coaches believe it for you. So take that to heart, knowing that you’re totally worth it. And I totally honor you for where you are right now. And remember that the bonus package price is only available on the call right now, because as human beings we love discounts and we love deals and it helps us say yes for something that we really want. It’s only going to be available on the phone or by your next follow-up call. Tell them that,“Listen, this price, this investment deal that I’m giving you of $3,000 is only available right now on this call. And then you talk through and then they’re like,“I need to talk to my spouse.” You say, “I will extend that until we talk next time, but then it goes away.” That’s how you want to do those conversations.

So I have a whole talk about creating your offer. I can go way more into that, but we’ve already been going for quite some time now, and I want to remain in the scope of this call, which is the clarity session.

You have this incredible script, which is priceless. And let me tell you why it’s priceless: because you have the tool, the number one answer to bring cash inconsistently, month by month, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $10,000 a month. That is the tool that we have given you in your hand right now. So it is priceless. I want you to really get that. And what’s even more cool is that this is a bonus with your Tapping Into Wealth Coach membership. Can you even believe it? I love this stuff. And here’s what I want. I want to meet you. Imagine, say a few years from now we’re on a beach somewhere having the most incredible vacation, relaxing, because you are celebrating and taking your time for yourself totally celebrating and loving all the money you

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have made in your business. The incredible transformation you’ve had with your clients, and it’s all possible because you said yes, because you gave it your all, you worked through the Tapping Into Wealth coach materials, AND you chose to have courage, and to take this priceless gift of this clarity conversation and practice it, practice it with each other, and then share it with your clients, give them the clarity so they can say yes to your transformation. THAT is what you have in your hand right now.

If you use it, this is what brings in your money. It is the fastest path to cash. It does help you start selling packages immediately without even having a website or anything, so you can get immediately into action. You just need to get in front of people – whether it be a networking event or whether it be a class that you’re teaching or a workshop at the library, a talk, whatever. Get in front of people and that’s all you need to do. This is the answer, remember, for having a bigger impact and transformation for your clients. This is how you sell high ticket! As they invest more, and they up-level, you and your energy and what you offer up-levels. They get a WAY bigger transformation. It’s way more fun for you. It’s a total win-win. And I love that.

So remember, your income will skyrocket because you have a way to allow them to see the pain and problem that they’re having, and a fantastic solution to help them get that transformation, which is YOU. It’s always you! And you create committed fans, even if they say no. Even if they say no, they love you for listening to them so deeply, and for helping them get really clear. Even if now isn’t the time for them. If they’re too invested in other programs, or they just don’t have the time or they’re having a crisis. That’s okay, you can say, “Can I call you back?” They will love you for it because this is how they got so clear. They will love you for listening to them in such a deep way.

And please remember that this is the marketing gold. It allows you to have all the marketing tidbits and get to exactly what’s in their head, what they’re feeling and that is exactly what you use in your workshop descriptions, in your videos,in your talks, and of course in the sales conversations. The more you practice, the better you get, the more impact you’ll have, the more yes’s you’ll have, and the awesome-er you’ll feel!