W O R K B O O K The six uses of tarot as a tool for craft that I have set forth in this workbook express fundamental skills the seasoned practitioner will have mastered. Like playing different violin concertos, when working with tarot at a master level, the six different uses merge, combine, and blur cohesively for an artistic experience. Tarot at the master level is art. However, to reach that level of mastery when tarot becomes art, tarot must begin as technique. Each of the six uses represent techniques to isolate and practice individually, the way one might practice scales and etudes until fingertips are raw, because high art cannot come without first integrating technique into muscle memory. After you complete viewing the video lecture, review the material by going through this workbook with your tarot deck and follow the instructed exercises. Think of the exercises as etudes you practice to attain mastery of each technique, so that when you arrive at performance time, all of the techniques will come together automatically and work in synergy for you. The dedicated practitioner may want to work through these exercises routinely to sharpen the six categories of reading skills.

Tarot as a Tool for Craft - · PDF fileW O R K B O O K The six uses of tarot as a tool for craft that I have set forth in this workbook express fundamental skills the seasoned

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The six uses of tarot as a tool for craft that I have set forth in this workbook express fundamental skills the seasoned practitioner will have mastered. Like playing different violin concertos, when working with tarot at a master level, the six different uses merge, combine, and blur cohesively for an artistic experience. Tarot at the master level is art. However, to reach that level of mastery when tarot becomes art, tarot must begin as technique. Each of the six uses represent techniques to isolate and practice individually, the way one might practice scales and etudes until fingertips are raw, because high art cannot come without first integrating technique into muscle memory. After you complete viewing the video lecture, review the material by going through this workbook with your tarot deck and follow the instructed exercises. Think of the exercises as etudes you practice to attain mastery of each technique, so that when you arrive at performance time, all of the techniques will come together automatically and work in synergy for you. The dedicated practitioner may want to work through these exercises routinely to sharpen the six categories of reading skills.

Review of the Tarot Uses Outlined in Lecture

Intuitive Creativity


Psychic Development

Function Trigger the genesis of an original idea for decision-making in unprecedented cases and for higher capacity intuitive interaction.

Connect to an intelligent universal core life force to receive an original revelation from that core life force.

Amplify and/or develop innate capacity for clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairvoyance.

Mechanics “Tarot Analytics” Observation and Analysis Patternicity Deconstructing the Metaphor

Receiving a mental download “As above, so below”—seeing omens

Perceiving wave frequencies beyond five physical senses Trigger spontaneous knowing

Active Chakra

Throat Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra

Crown Chakra Third Eye Chakra

Heart Chakra

Inquiry “How can I…” “Will I…” “What can be

known about…”

The Result Insight Prophecy Spontaneous


Video Time Start

00:15:30 00:22:49 00:28:34

Review of the Uses Outlined in Lecture

Celestial Contacts

Netherworld Summonings


Establish resonance between the physical world and its metaphysical forces of influence.

Communicate with the deceased, channel an entity from a different universe, or summon an entity of a lower vibrational frequency.

Draw upon the energetic signature expressed by a particular card to manifest a material event.


Set sacred space to raise personal consciousness Establish cord of connection between the worlds

Set safeguards to limit influence The call or summoning Dialogue through the language of tarot symbology

Empower a card to transmute into a radiator of a particular energetic force Channel that raised energetic force to produce an intended outcome


Crown Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra

Root Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra

Sacral Chakra Active Chakra

“What forces affect…” “Please help me…” “Manifest…” Inquiry

Communion of Body and Spirit

Message Manifestation The Result

00:39:37 00:51:56 01:03:56 Video Time Start

Tarot for Intuitive Creativity

USING TAROT FOR INTUITIVE CREATIVITY Use tarot to trigger intuitive creativity when an original or imaginative idea is needed to support decision-making in an unprecedented or ambiguous circumstance. Intuitive creativity is the non-inferential genesis of an original or imaginative idea that goes beyond traditional forms, patterns, methods, interpretations, or perspectives, which can then help to cultivate progress.

FUNCTION Trigger the genesis of a transcendent experience to cultivate progress; and/or Trigger a burst of inspiration that sets accomplishment into motion.


Observation for patterns and metaphors Analysis for patterns and metaphors Recall of knowledge

VIDEO LECTURE: TIME START To review Tarot for Triggering Intuitive Creativity, start video at: 00:15:30

ACTIVATED CHAKRAS Throat Chakra for knowledge and perspective. Solar Plexus Chakra for intelligence and personal power.

GEMSTONES AS ENERGETIC SUPPLEMENTS Chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, apatite, sodalite, kyanite for throat chakra Malachite, mookaite jasper, citrine, serpentine, amber, peacock ore for solar plexus chakra

SPACE SETTING Identify the type of space and environment you would need to study for an examination or to create an artistic masterpiece. That would be the space and environment to replicate when reading tarot for intuitive creativity.

EXERCISE 1: TAROT ANALYTICS Present an issue you’re facing that you would like a self-empowering road map for. In the space below, write down the question to be presented for a tarot reading.

Design a three-card spread, as illustrated in the video lecture, and designate each card position’s meaning. On the subsequent page, you’ll find a table. In the first row of the table, note the card position meanings you’ve designated. Then proceed with the tarot reading and draw the three cards. Note the selected cards in the table and fill out the prompts accordingly.

Card 1 Card 2 Card 3

Card Position Meaning

Card Name



Numerological Analysis

Astrological Correspondence

Kabbalistic Associations

Prominent Symbol

Traditional Textbook Meaning (Keywords)


Card 1 Card 2 Card 3

Your Subjective Impressions

Describe the Last Time You Saw Similar Imagery In Real Life

Do You Want to Amplify or Reduce the Energies Represented Here?

How Will You Amplify or Reduce the Energy?

Call to Action Incited by this Card

Summarize your resolutions below. Based on the reading, what are you now resolved to do to ensure measurable progress in this area of your life?

Tarot for Divination

USING TAROT FOR DIVINATION Use tarot to connect with a Universal Intelligent Life Energy or Life Power to receive an important revelation. Divination can help facilitate an unconscious burst of solidarity with the universe that gives rise to a sense of personal importance, meaning, or impact. Using tarot for divination is about submission to a higher power or force in order to receive a revelation.

FUNCTION Trigger personal communion with a Universal Intelligent Life Energy or god principle; Trigger connection with a collective unconscious; and/or Trigger accessibility to read a relevant portion of the Akashic Records.


Observation for prophetic omens Analysis for prophetic omens Receiving a mental download Reinforcement of physical senses from a synchronous vibration

VIDEO LECTURE: TIME START To review Tarot for Divination, start video at: 00:22:49

ACTIVATED CHAKRA Crown Chakra for connection to the Universal Intelligent Life Energy, Akashic Records, or the collective unconscious.

GEMSTONES AS ENERGETIC SUPPLEMENTS Amethyst, clear quartz, fluorite, optical calcite, moonstone, diamond, selenite for crown chakra

PRAYERS, INCANTATIONS, OR MANTRAS Prior to commencing the tarot reading, consider a prayer, incantation, or mantra that best facilitates the way you raise your personal vibrations to meet the resonance of the Universal Intelligent Life Energy. Example 1. “Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen.”

[Prayer of Saint Augustine] Example 2. “I invoke Thee, IAO, that thou wilt send HRU, the great Angel that is set over the operations of this secret Wisdom, to lay his hand invisibly on these consecrated cards of art, that thereby we may obtain true knowledge of hidden things to the glory of thine ineffable Name. Amen.”

[Golden Dawn Invocation] Example 3. “Namo Amitofuo.”

[Chinese Mantra Invoking the Amithaba Buddha]

EXERCISE 2: REVELATION BY TAROT Present a question for divination where the answer presumes prescient knowledge of time or space that you would not otherwise be able to answer logically. Phrase the question in such a way that the answer would be essentially affirmative, negative, auspicious to proceed, or not auspicious to proceed. Note your question for divination below.

Draft a prayer, incantation, or mantra in the space below, which you will recite at the commencement of your divination.

Design a three-card spread for three omens to your question and designate each card position’s meaning.

Card 1 Position Meaning:

Card 2 Position Meaning:

Card 3 Position Meaning:

After the recitation, place your dominant hand over your cards and relax. Close your eyes. In a meditative state, imagine a beam of light from the crown of your head connecting upward to a collective cosmos, a compendium of all knowledge and wisdom that manifests as a luminescent white light. As the beam from your crown reaches upward, focus on your question, until your beam connects to the luminescent white light above. From the light, extract a ball of light, harvest it into your beam, and return to where you are now. Imagine that white light traveling through you, down your arm, into your hand, and being absorbed by your deck of cards.

Then pick up the deck, fixing your focus meditatively on your question, and shuffle the cards. Below, note the three cards that were drawn. Card 1:

Card 2:

Card 3:

For each card, gaze meditatively on the imagery and note which isolated image, sign, or symbol on the card beckons your attention. Note that sign and to you, as an omen, what does that sign prognosticate? Below, note the three cards you drew.

Focused Omen on Card 1:

What the Omen Prognosticates:

Focused Omen on Card 2:

What the Omen Prognosticates:

Focused Omen on Card 3:

What the Omen Prognosticates:

Based on the above, conclude the reading results by checking only one of the below boxes. Prognostication in the affirmative

Prognostication in the negative It is auspicious to proceed It is not auspicious to proceed

Tarot for Psychic Ability

USING TAROT FOR PSYCHIC ABILITY Use tarot to amplify psychic ability and also to further develop psychic ability. The tarot can be used as a tool for identifying innate physiological abilities in clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience, or clairvoyance, prior to any formal training. It can also be used to heighten those innate physiological abilities through development and training.

FUNCTION Trigger clairaudience, or the ability to hear sound wave frequencies not otherwise

physically perceptible by the human ear; Trigger claircognizance, or the ability to have knowledge of a fact before it has

become a fact. Spontaneous knowledge; Trigger clairsentience, or the ability to automatically feel what another is feeling; to

experience what another has experienced; and/or Trigger clairvoyance, or the ability to visualize and see a point in the space-time

continuum beyond the present physical line of sight.


Programming the mind to hear sound waves beyond normal human perception

Programming the mind to see beyond the present physical space to any point in space-time, through scrying the imagery on the cards

Feeling the emotional narratives expressed in the imagery on the cards Trigger spontaneous knowing

VIDEO LECTURE: TIME START To review Tarot for Psychic Development, start video at: 00:28:34

ACTIVATED CHAKRAS Third Eye Chakra for accessing the “four clairs.” Heart Chakra for emotional and clairsentient connection to others.

GEMSTONES AS ENERGETIC SUPPLEMENTS Amethyst, fluorite, lapis lazuli, azurite, moonstone for third eye chakra Rose quartz, green opal, jade, kunzite, pink girasol, pink agate for heart chakra

PERSONAL CINTAMANI STONE Throughout my childhood and adolescence, I was connected to a Buddhist nun who was also a psychic and medium. My clearest memory of her is of a natural stone she’d roll in her palms while she gave readings, one hand over the top of her cane and the other holding that stone. I also knew a psychic medium who always kept a single terminated clear quartz crystal close to her when she gave readings. From these early observations, I have come into the habit of keeping a gemstone or crystal roughly one-third the size of my palm close to me when tapping into the “four clairs.” I charge and program the personal stone in such a way that it can then amplify and heighten my psychic connections. Thus, I share the insight with you. Consider charging and programming your own personal cintamani stone, about one-third the size of your palm, and always keeping it close to you to amplify and heighten your psychic connections.


Intend to know an event on the space-time continuum that is in the future. You’ll be drawing cards to train your claircognizance. As you shuffle the cards, close your eyes and visualize your third eye lighting up, an illuminated silhouette of an all-seeing eye appearing between your brows. Within that visualized third eye, see the shuffling cards. Continue to keep your eyes closed. Fan the cards out across the table. Will and intend the card you draw to designate timing into the future. Then draw one card while keeping your eyes closed and “looking” at the cards through your third eye (while the two physical eyes are shut). This will be Card 1

Note what was drawn for Card 1:

Take the theosophic reduction of the number on the card (a number 1-9; Ex. You pull Key 17: The Star. 1 + 7 = 8, so your number is 8). Note: The Fool card is 22, or 4 (since 2 + 2 = 4). In the table at the bottom of this page, note your number in the left-most column. With your dominant hand, scan the fanned cards again, intending the card to indicate timing. Select a card. This will be Card 2 Note what was drawn for Card 2:

Note the element that Card 2 is associated with. Check the box for the corresponding time frame as provided below. (If an Earth card is drawn, typically it designates either number of years or the timing cannot be determined at this time).

Card 1 Card 2

Number Fire Water Air Earth

Days Months Weeks Years or Uncertain

If a Major Arcanum was drawn, the event will be a major event affecting many people, including you. If a Minor Arcanum was drawn, the event is more personal to you. Note: reversals can indicate that the window of opportunity to alter this

prognosticated event is still open. All-upright cards can indicate that the prognosticated event will be difficult to alter from its course.

Next, hover your hands over the cards again to draw a third card. Draw the card while keeping your eyes closed and “looking” at the cards through your third eye. This will be Card 3.

Open your eyes, turn the card over, and give yourself 5 seconds exactly (count or time it) to take in the imagery of the card. Then put the card away, close your eyes, and visualize that card you just saw in your all-seeing third eye and fix your third eye gaze on the card, which now appears illuminated in front of the darkness between your brows. Gaze at that visualization of the card for 5 more seconds. Note what was drawn for Card 3:

For Card 3, what was the “spontaneous knowing” that came immediately to your mind? Remember: do not filter the interpretation through any studied or experiential knowledge. Try to allow the knowledge that comes forth to be as spontaneous as possible. Record your impressions below.

If a Fire, Water, or Air card was drawn, mark on your calendar the day when the matter prognosticated by the second card is to have occurred. (Ex. Card 1: The Fool, Card 2: Wheel of Fortune, Card 3: Nine of Swords, reversed; so mark that in four days, a “Nine of Swords reversed” event will take place, affecting many on a large social scale.) If Earth, find space in your daily diary to make note of it and keep your radar open for indications. On the marked day, review this exercise and reflect on how the prognostication aligns with actual life events.

Date of Review:

Record your review, self-audit, and impressions below.

Was the prognostication accurate? Yes No If you checked No, reflect on whether the ritual you designed for heightening consciousness could be improved upon. Could you have better aligned a ritual to your personal claircognizant needs? Also, reflect on how you were feeling that day you did the reading? Honestly, were you subconsciously distracted by ongoings in your life that might affect your intuitive clarity? Plus, not all psychic ability in individuals are created equal. How dedicated and diligently have you been at practicing your claircognizance. Don’t give up just because you do not see immediate results. If you want to heighten your claircognizance, repeat Exercise 3 regularly and log your readings in your tarot journal.

EXERCISE 4: DEVELOPING CLAIRVOYANCE Begin with a grounding exercise and visualize yourself grounded to the earth around and below you, connected to all that is sentient in the physical plane. Next, take a stone that corresponds with the third eye chakra and that is about the size of your pupil or larger. With your dominant hand, hold the stone between your brows, over the area where your third eye would be. Close your physical eyes and focus on your breath until you are in a state of receptiveness and calmness. You should feel powerful, relaxed, and confident. Visualize an illuminated silhouette of a third eye in that dark space you “see” (with your physical eyes still closed) between your brows and visualize that third eye blinking several times, then finally opening. When it opens, where its lashes would be, it seems to emit out rays of white light.

Now set the stone down and shuffle your cards. If you have a specific question, note it in the space below. Otherwise, will and intend the cards you draw to lend sight to a critical moment on the space-time continuum that is not the present.

Draw one card. Note the card that was drawn:

Let your physical gaze be drawn to one single sign or symbol on the card. Finish this sentence and say it aloud: “I see ”

List keywords that the symbol you saw represents to you:

These keywords are the themes for what will come to pass. Next, think of the card image as one frame in a story. Close your physical eyes and feel your third eye open. Visualize the card imagery in your third eye. Note the time and space of that scene. Now follow the frame on to its next frame, or the following scene, playing out in your third eye. If the card you pulled represents one chapter in a story, envision in your mind’s eye what happens in the next chapter. Below, describe this “next” scene you’ve visualized.

Note that what you are doing here is well beyond traditional card interpretation. You’re in effect bouncing energy off the card and then leaving the card entirely to follow where that energy goes in your mind’s eye. Where that energy goes is in fact what your clairvoyant prognostication is, not what is on the card that you drew.

As noted in Exercise 3, you will want to document your clairvoyant practice and reading experience. Then later in time, revisit your notes and add review notes to assess, audit, and analyze the results. If you want to heighten your clairvoyance, repeat Exercise 4 regularly and log your readings in your tarot journal. If and when readings were not “accurate,” do not give up and leave the matter hanging there. You must follow through with the self-analysis. Do not assume you are just wrong and possess no clairvoyance. Instead, assume you did something wrong in your process for accessing your clairvoyance and then reflect on what you could have done wrong.

EXERCISE 5: DEVELOPING CLAIRAUDIENCE Exercise 5 helps train you to develop your clairaudience. As with Exercise 4, begin with grounding or a personal centering exercise. Keep nearby a large palm stone of a mineral or crystal corresponding with the third eye chakra, or your personal cintamani stone. If you have a specific question, note it in the space below. Otherwise, will and intend the cards you draw to speak to you, to come alive and highlight to you the point in the space-time continuum or collective unconscious for you to hear at this moment so that positive, progressive change may be made.

Draw one card. Note the card that was drawn:

Observe what is happening in the card. Fixing your physical sight on the card imagery, open your psychic ears and listen. What are the sounds associated with the scene on the card? What do you hear beyond your physical hearing perception? With your inner ear, listen for specific sounds that would be going on in that scene. Free-write and describe all sounds you hear with that inner ear.

Now return to the present physical moment. Close your eyes. With your physical ears, listen to what you hear around you right now. Then reach into recallable memory. Hear sounds from yesterday. Free-write and record the sounds you recall from your life yesterday.

Still in recallable memory, reach farther back in time to the first moment from the distant past that comes to mind. See the imagery and scene, then hear the associated sounds. Free-write and record the sounds you recall from that past moment.

Now pull your consciousness back to the present moment. With your eyes closed, listen to what you hear tomorrow. Reach forward in space-time and hear sounds in your life from tomorrow. Free-write and record the sounds you hear for tomorrow.

Those were what I refer to as stretching exercises that you would do to loosen your muscles before you begin your run. Now, back to the reading at hand.

Finally, centered and calm, eyes closed, inner ear open and receptive, scan the space-time continuum you feel you have access to and listen. Just listen. Recall the sounds you “heard” in the tarot card you drew, from the scene on that card. Now identify those same exact sounds in your real life. Scan your life path—past, present, and future—and superimpose the sounds you heard in the tarot card over the sounds of your life path and find the closest moment, whether it is past, present, or future, that has the same sounds. Your inner hearing will alert you to whether it is the past, present or future. Note the timing below.

I’m hearing the past. I’m hearing the present. I’m hearing the future.

Describe the real-life moment that the sounds are associated with. Describe the scene. Who is in the scene? Describe the individuals. What is going on in that scene associated with the sounds? Where is the scene taking place?

Now, back to consciousness and analysis. Review all your impressions of that one card and analyze: why are you sensing all this right now? Free-write and record your rationale or theory for why this moment perceived via clairaudience is significant.

Practicing Exercise 5 trains you to isolate and use your clairaudient abilities during tarot readings. For better feedback and objectivity, practice Exercise 5 on a trusted friend. In your clairaudience reading, tell your friend what you hear from the friend’s real-life life path that is associated with the sounds you heard in the card you drew for the reading. Then ask your friend to identify that sound in his or her real life. Together, analyze the significance of that moment. Log your practice. If you want to heighten your clairaudience, repeat Exercise 5 regularly and log your readings in your tarot journal.

EXERCISE 6: DEVELOPING CLAIRSENTIENCE Exercise 4 helps train you to develop your clairsentience. Clairsentience is the psychic ability associated with empaths. Keep nearby a large palm stone of a mineral or crystal corresponding with the heart chakra and your personal cintamani stone.

Below, write down the question you will be asking for the reading.

Design a three-card spread to your question, similar to the one illustrated in the video lecture, and designate each card position’s meaning.

Card 1 Position Meaning:

Card 2 Position Meaning:

Card 3 Position Meaning:

With your dominant hand, hold the heart chakra stone over your heart area and with your other hand, hold on to your personal cintamani stone. Recite the following: “My heart is open. I feel you. I feel the ocean of suffering, the sea of happiness, and I am one with the Cause of all Causes, the Heart of all Hearts.” Shuffle the deck. At your option, continue reciting the above affirmation while you shuffle. As you shuffle, focus not on the cards, but on your heartbeat. Fix the question in your mind, but all while focusing on the beat of your heart. Feel below you, beneath your feet, the beat of the earth. Feel your heartbeat and the heartbeat of the earth pulsing in unison. Be as open, receptive, and emotionally vulnerable as you can. Then draw three cards. Below, note the three cards that were drawn. Card 1:

Card 2:

Card 3:

Look at the landscape that the three cards together form. Forget “card meanings” and thought. Instead, feel the emotions emanating from the imagery of the cards. What do you feel from the landscape of the cards altogether? What do you feel underneath your skin, close to your bones? What emotions can you feel simmering in your chest area (the heart chakra)? Note your impressions below.

Now reflect on your own life. In what areas of your life do you feel these emotions? If you are doing this reading for another and you want to utilize your clairsentience, identify the emotions you felt from the landscape of cards and describe these emotions in as much detail as you can do the seeker. Then turn the reading

experience into a dialogue. Ask the seeker in what areas of life does the seeker experience these emotions?

Example. Recall the Ace of Swords, Knight of Swords, and Ten of Pentacles card spread from the video lecture. Assume that the practitioner’s emotions felt from the imagery of the cards are as follows: cut-throat, ambitious, restless, dissatisfied, never happy, longing for the sound of children laughing and the company of elders close by, proud and happy. Note those emotions to the seeker. Then ask the seeker what area of life the seeker feels such emotions about.

Assuming this is a reading exercise you are practicing on yourself, note where in your life you feel the emotions emanated from your three-card spread. Describe below.

If you want to heighten your clairsentience, repeat Exercise 6 regularly and log your readings in your tarot journal.


Exercise 7 helps train you to integrate the various “clairs” you’ve developed and apply them interactively during a tarot reading. Keep your personal cintamani stone close by during the reading practice.

Below, write down the question you will be asking for the reading.

Design a three-card spread to your question, similar to the one illustrated in the video lecture, and designate each card position’s meaning.

Card 1 Position Meaning:

Card 2 Position Meaning:

Card 3 Position Meaning:

Shuffle the deck and then per your normal reading operations, draw three cards. Note the cards drawn below.

Card 1:

Card 2:

Card 3:

Do not give yourself any time to think. Look at all three cards collectively and immediately put pen to paper below, and note your first impressions that come to mind. Do not filter and do not try to compare your impressions to what you think the cards mean. Do not censor yourself in any way whatsoever. Write quickly and in a stream-of-consciousness style.

Next, sit back and scan the landscape of the three cards. What do you see with your third eye, prompted from the landscape of the cards? Note below.

What do you hear with your inner psychic ear, prompted by the sounds associated with the scene and landscape of the three cards? How do these sensory receptions make you feel? What emotions bubble up? Note below.

Finally, summarize all impressions cohesively and provide a clear, defined prognostication in response to the question presented. Deliver your psychic reading below.

Tarot for Connecting to Celestial Contacts

USING TAROT FOR CONNECTING TO CELESTIAL CONTACTS Use tarot to access the metaphysical forces that are concomitant with the physical forces at play in a given situation. The tarot in effect becomes a nexus for stepping out of the physical plane and into its metaphysical counterpart.

FUNCTION Trigger connection with inner contacts; Trigger connection with outer contacts; and/or Trigger messaging from spirit guides.


First, set sacred space in a ritualized manner and, through will and intention, establish a nexus between the physical and the metaphysical planes.

Next, connect the physical and metaphysical realms through a cord, e.g., lighting a dressed and anointed candle or burning sacred incense, proceed with the tarot reading.

Then, through will and intention, visualize entering into that metaphysical plane.

Proceed with the tarot reading, which will be guided by the forces in the metaphysical plane.

After the contact and tarot reading, disconnect the cord and close the nexus. Finally, through will and intention, return consciousness to the physical plane.

VIDEO LECTURE: TIME START To review Tarot for Celestial Contacts, start video at: 00:39:37

ACTIVATED CHAKRA Crown Chakra for heightened consciousness.

GEMSTONES AS ENERGETIC SUPPLEMENTS Amethyst, clear quartz, fluorite, optical calcite, moonstone, diamond, selenite for crown chakra

SETTING THE NEXUS Practitioners following an established tradition will have learned a specific procedure for setting the nexus, often one that incorporates the delineation of space, either by magic circle or magic square, and the calling of four directional guardianships. If you work independently of any established traditions, then utilize your willpower and intention to set the nexus. Here is the objective: to create an enclosure by connecting physical markers of space and physical markers of the fundamental energies that create life, then using will and intent to pierce through the veil within that enclosure and connect to the metaphysical dimension concomitant with the physical world. One way to do that is to mark a circle on the ground and work within that circle. Then face each compass direction one by one—east, south, west, and north—and by calling upon the spirit guardian (i.e., the metaphysical force underlying the physical circumstance), transform the physical to metaphysical, or to qualify the space as sacred. Next, a cord is established between the physical and metaphysical, a channel for mutual communion. One way to do that is by the flame of a pillar candle with a sigil seal for the deity you seek connection with inscribed into the wax and anointed with corresponding oil. Incense is another common cord, especially in Eastern esoteric traditions.


Consider an archangel, bodhisattva, or celestial entity from any pantheon that resonates with you that you’d like to contact. Keep a selenite stone tower (at least 4 inches in height, or about 10 centimeters) close by during your work. You’ll need to have in mind a specific celestial contact by name, e.g., Archangel Michael or Kuan Yin.

Light a white pillar candle and incense made of an herb associated with the archangel or bodhisattva, e.g., frankincense or myrrh for Archangel Michael, and sandalwood or jasmine for Kuan Yin. Bring the lit pillar candle close to you, cupping your palms along both sides of the pillar candle, or if you prefer, clasp your hands in front of your heart chakra in prayer. Head bowed, close your eyes, and pray to the celestial contact, calling by name. An example of a prayer to Kuan Yin might be, “Namo Kuan Yin pusa, I pray to you seeking guidance, I pray you will come to me in this time of need. Namo Kuan Yin pusa, I seek guidance on how I can better serve this world. Namo Kuan Yin pusa, I pray you will come to me in this time of need.”

Feel your crown chakra open and activated. Celestial contacts tend to be more effective for those who also have strong, activated heart chakras, so feel your heart chakra activated as well.

Note your question below.

Design a three-card spread to your question, similar to the one illustrated in the video lecture, and designate each card position’s meaning.

Card 1 Position Meaning:

Card 2 Position Meaning:

Card 3 Position Meaning:

Shuffle the deck and then per your normal reading operations, draw three cards. Note the cards drawn below.

Card 1:

Card 2:

Card 3:

Begin by noting your first impressions of the card landscape.

Focus a meditative, steady gaze on the three cards and let the imagery prompt a secondary, complementary image in your mind’s eye. Intend and will that image to be one messaged to you from the celestial contact. Note your secondary, complementary image impressions below.

Keeping a meditative, steady gaze on the three cards, open your inner ear and listen for the voice of the celestial contact. If you feel compelled to, call upon the celestial contact by name and say, “I am listening. My heart and my spirit are open, and I am listening. Please tell me what I most need to know.” The mechanics should feel like automatic writing, almost like channeling. You are transcribing what you hear with your inner ear, which is going to be the voice of the celestial contact. Transcribe the message below. This is your tarot reading, messaged to you by celestial contact.

EXERCISE 9: CONNECTING TO A SPIRIT GUIDE For this exercise, you will only be using the Major Arcana cards in your tarot deck, so separate out the 22 Majors, set aside the Minor Arcana, and shuffle the 22 cards well. Keep a selenite stone tower (at least 4 inches in height, or about 10 centimeters) close by during your work. In this exercise, we presume you want to connect to one of your spirit guides, but you do not know the name or identity of that guide. The purpose of the reading is to receive a message from that guide about the guide’s identity and purpose. Light a white pillar candle and focus your gaze on the flame. Let the flame mesmerize you until you are in a meditative state. Extend your arms out with palms open, the palms facing upward so you are in a receptive state. Bow your head, close your eyes, and recite: “I know you are there. I feel you close by. Sometimes I believe I can hear your whisper. I feel your love and care. I ask you now to come closer, to whisper louder, so that I can know you and be better guided by you toward service of this world. I ask you now to make your presence known.” Feel your crown chakra open and activated. Shuffle the deck and draw a single Major Arcanum. Note the Arcanum card below.

Feel connected to the spirit guide and recite: “Thank you for the omen.” Next comes copious analytical, objective research. Start by identifying the metaphysical qualities associated with the card you drew. Note those qualities below.

Feel out the relational identity of the spirit guide based on the Major Arcanum. Does the card tend to designate an angel or bodhisattva, a deva, god or goddess from a polytheistic pantheon you’re attuned to, an ascended master or immortal, or a member of your family, i.e., an ancestor?

Note the relational identity that the Major Arcanum designates for you.

Consider the gender identity depicted on the imagery of the card, along with whether the Major Arcanum Key itself is designated passive (feminine) or active (masculine). Consider the gender identity interpreted from the numerology of the card, from the astrology of the card, and from the impressions you intuit through your psychic senses. It’s okay if one facet yields masculine and another yields feminine. That is normal given the nature of such contacts. Now, per the totality of circumstances you’re considering, does the spirit guide feel like it manifests to you in masculine form or feminine form? Note below.

You may research history and culture as much as you need. The more copious and diligent the research, the better. As you scan what you come across, keep your intuition open, the Major Arcanum you drew close by, along with the selenite tower. When you come upon the right identity, you will feel it resonate throughout your senses, inner and outer, and it will feel perfectly aligned with the Major Arcanum card you drew. After your research, note your findings below.

In conclusion, identify your spirit guide.

Tarot for Mediumship & Summonings

USING TAROT FOR MEDIUMSHIP & SUMMONINGS Use tarot to communicate with entities from realms beyond earth and the material plane that sentient beings dwell on. Tarot can be used as a tool to communicate with the deceased, to help connect with the souls of sentient beings that remain on earth (per a dualist soul theory). Tarot can also be used as a tool to channel entities from other universes or multiverses or to communicate with entities, hungry ghosts, or demons that have been summoned up from lower vibrational realms. Finally, tarot can be used as the mode of communication after a practitioner’s astral body has traversed to an underworld or netherworld. Here, tarot is being used to operate at the outer limits of human psychic and physiological ability.

FUNCTION Trigger communication with one who once was living on earth but has since departed; Trigger a channeled communication from an entity dwelling on a different universe; Trigger communication with a summoned entity; and/or Trigger communication between the astral body and an entity dwelling in a netherworld or underworld that the practitioner has traversed to.


Establishing a nexus Establishing boundaries Through psychically empowered intent and will, the tarot becomes the mode

of communication

ACTIVATED CHAKRAS Solar Plexus Chakra for personal power. Root Chakra for grounding and shielding.

GEMSTONES AS ENERGETIC SUPPLEMENTS Malachite, mookaite jasper, citrine, serpentine, amber, peacock ore for solar plexus chakra Black tourmaline, obsidian, snowflake obsidian, lodestone, labradorite, onyx for root chakra

VIDEO LECTURE: TIME START To review Tarot for Mediumship and Netherworld Summonings, start video at: 00:51:56

EXERCISE 10: MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT—CONTACTING A LOVED ONE For this exercise, you will first need to determine who you seek to contact, someone who is deceased and with whom you have a close personal connection. Examples include a family member, a very close friend, or it can even be a deceased animal you were close to (I dislike using the word “pet”). Note that while direct communication between humans and animals on the earthly physical plane can often be a challenge, on the metaphysical plane, it becomes much easier because now all parties share the same universal language, through the tarot. Advanced preparation is involved here. For several days prior to the reading, start thinking about this individual or deceased contact and recite his or her name as often as you can remember for those days. Let that person occupy your consciousness and feel yourself calling out to that contact and drawing the energy of that contact closer to you. When you are ready for the reading, light incense that you consider holy or sacred. You will also need three candles. Light the three candles and set them out in front you, leaving working space for the tarot reading that will take place between the three candles and you. Dim the lights of the room and work as close to physical darkness as practicable. Also, choose an hour late at night. Keep close by a personal effect or item that belonged to the deceased, or that connected you to the deceased in a meaningful way, which the deceased would be able to readily recognize. In addition, consider leaving out an offering for the deceased, such as a favorite food or dish, a favorite personal item or possession. Once the space is set, cup both palms face down over your tarot deck and call upon the four directions. A non-denominational recitation example might be as follows:

“To the spirit guardian commanding the East: I, (declare your name), seek out (declare the name of your deceased contact) and if he/she is in your corner, please send him/her my way. To the spirit guardian commanding the West: I, (declare your name), seek out (declare the name of your deceased contact) and if he/she is in your corner, please send him/her my way. To the spirit guardian commanding the North: I, (declare your name), seek out (declare the name of your deceased contact) and if he/she is in your corner, please send him/her my way. To the spirit guardian commanding the South: I, (declare your name), seek

out (declare the name of your deceased contact) and if he/she is in your corner, please send him/her my way.”

Then address the deceased contact directly.

“(Name of deceased contact), I, your (describe relationship between you two), now seek to connect with you and call you forth. Come accompany me in this space, for I seek your guidance and once again, your companionship.”

As your question to the deceased. For practitioners first working with such exercises, declaring the question aloud during the process helps. Either way, note the question below.

Design a three-card spread to your question, similar to the one illustrated in the video lecture, and designate each card position’s meaning.

Card 1 Position Meaning:

Card 2 Position Meaning:

Card 3 Position Meaning:

Shuffle the deck and as you shuffle, invite the contact to lay hand over the cards as well and shuffle for you, through you if need be. Feel yourself more powerful than before, energy increased as a result. Then when you are ready, draw three cards. Note the cards drawn below.

Card 1:

Card 2:

Card 3:

Gaze meditatively at the landscape of cards and feel your psychic senses open and receptive. You can now start to see the deceased through your third eye and hear the voice of the deceased. If there had been a language or communication barrier between you and the deceased, at this time you begin to hear the sounds of the tarot cards and you begin to connect to the deceased through the language of the cards.

Hear the deceased speaking to you through the signs and symbols of the three-card spread before you. Now speak, as if speaking as the deceased, through the signs and symbols on the cards, interpreting those signs and symbols as language. Note your impressions, your speech (the deceased’s message in the voice of the deceased) from the impressions of the cards below.

EXERCISE 11: SHAMANIC JOURNEYING On the night before a full moon, when it is a waxing gibbous, braid three pieces of thick red rope or red yarn together to form a braided rope that is long enough to become the circumference of a circle that is at least six feet in diameter, or about thirty-eight feet in length. As you braid, recite a mantra, incantation, or invocation that calls upon the protection and safeguards from your patron deity or deities. Knot the ends of the braided rope together to form a closed red braided circle. Soak the entirety of the red circle rope in consecrated water overnight. On the morning of the full moon, wring out the circle rope and leave it outdoors or in an area that will enable the rope to soak in the rays of the sun. The rope should dry completely under the sunlight. Then anoint the rope with consecrated essential oil at various points throughout the rope, e.g., every three inches. Although I might insist that this next step is important, if it makes you squeamish and it does not resonate with your path at all, skip it. However, the next step would be to prick yourself with a consecrated and sanitized dagger and drip some of your own

blood on four equidistant points around the circle. Again, skip that step if you know that won’t work for you. Next, burn a candle on your altar until enough melted wax is collected around the candle. Carefully pour the melted wax around the knotted closure of the circle to seal it. You have now prepared for yourself a working circle enclosure for deeper-consciousness workings, such as shamanic journeying. Start by sprinkling your working space with consecrated water. Alternatively, the sound of bells can be used to scatter atrophic energies. Set down the braided red circle to form the enclosed space you will be working within. You’ll want to keep a palm-size stone close with you, either your cintamani stone or fluorite, peacock ore, iolite, malachite, tourmaline, blue anhydrite, apatite, aquamarine, labradorite, lapis lazuli, snowflake obsidian, spiderweb jasper, or turquoise. These are gemstones believed through various cultures and mystery traditions to help safeguard the practitioner during shamanic journeying. Step into the center of the circle with your tarot deck and the protection stone. Some find that playing a looped soundtrack of drumbeats will help facilitate the consciousness needed. Others have trained themselves to get into the needed state without the drumbeat. Proceed with what you know will work for yourself. Position yourself within the circle in a way that is comfortable for you. Many will sit in a meditation position with hands in a mudra taught by a master. Generally, a root chakra centering mudra such as the prithivi mudra or the matangi mudra for transformation of states, the samputa mudra, or the bhairava mudra (my go-to mudra) will work here. With physical eyes closed, your third eye blinking open, visualize within the darkness of your mind a doorway or gateway illuminating. Walk through the gateway and beyond that gateway is a spiral staircase going downward. Walk down the spiral staircase in your mind’s eye and as you walk, recite a mantra (such as “Amitofuo” for invoking the protection of Amithaba or a prayer to invoke the protection of your deity or patron deities) and continue down the steps. Continue this visualization, meditation, and recitation for about five minutes. Then visualize yourself stepping off the staircase onto solid ground. Observe the scenery around you. You will discover that close by is a spirit entity waiting for your arrival, either in animal form or in a form that you can recognize and attune to.

Although you won’t be taking notes during the journeying, afterward, be sure to return to these pages and record the journey. So below, note who you meet at the bottom of spiral staircase.

Ask this spirit entity: “Where am I?” Note the spirit’s response to you below.

Decide in advance of the journeying what information you need to retrieve. Tell the entity what it is you are here for. Then instruct the spirit to take you to an entity who can provide that information to you. Example. You say to the entity, “I am here on behalf of John Doe, who seeks to know the karmic judgment of his recently deceased mother, Jane Doe. Please take me to one who can answer my inquiry.” Document the purpose of your journeying in the space below.

The spirit entity beckons you to follow, then takes you to a pavilion. Note what that pavilion looks like.

You wait there and the spirit entity leaves. Moments later, another spirit entity arrives and joins you under the pavilion. Note the description or identity of this second spirit entity.

Ask the spirit entity your question. Example. “I am here on behalf of John Doe, who seeks to know the karmic judgment of his recently deceased mother, Jane Doe. Please tell me what has happened to Jane Doe.” At this point, physically pick up your tarot deck and hold it up in the air, though your eyes remain closed. Mentally, envision yourself presenting the tarot deck to that spirit entity. Repeat your question again. Example. “Please tell me what has happened to Jane Done. I need to relay the message back to her son, John Doe.” In your mind’s eye, envision yourself handing the deck to the spirit entity. The spirit entity takes the deck from you and shuffles it. Physically, your body shuffles the tarot deck. In your mind’s eye, envision the spirit entity pulling out cards onto a flat surface under the pavilion. Physically, you mimic what you see in your mind’s eye the spirit entity doing, and pull out the cards into the same spread. Continue to keep your physical eyes closed. The spirit entity steps back, away from the cards. There is no need for you to look at the cards in your mind’s eye. Instead, it is important that you express graciousness to the spirit entity. Thank the spirit entity. Physically, your hands should return back to a mudra position, the original position it was in when you began the journeying. Tell the spirit entity, “Thank you for your message. I am now ready to return to my world.” The spirit entity will then acknowledge what you say and leave. The first spirit entity that had met you at the bottom of the staircase returns. Follow the first spirit entity back to the staircase. Thank this first spirit entity for its assistance. Then begin the ascension back up the spiral staircase, again reciting the mantra or prayer. Continue up for about five minutes, then reach the illuminated door or gateway. Walk through the threshold into the darkness of your mind’s eye, but you are back at normal consciousness level. Open your eyes. Look down at the card spread before you. In the space on the subsequent page, sketch out the card spread as you observe the arrangement and label the cards accordingly.

Sketch the arrangement of cards and label each card:

Note the total number of cards drawn:

Log your interpretation of the cards. Think of the signs and symbols on the cards as representative of a common language that you and the spirit entities understand. The spirit entity that had drawn the cards for you knows what the signs and symbols mean to you through the united altered consciousness and therefore what the cards mean to you is exactly what was intended by the spirit entity. Document the message in the space provided.

Space continued from previous page

By a divine orchestration, the journey was purposeful and intended so that you can take certain action that needs to be taken. What is the action you must now take? Note your impressions below.

Tarot for Magic

USING TAROT FOR MAGIC Use tarot to control archetypal energetic forces in nature. The imagery and symbolism on the tarot card in effect acts as a sigil or talisman to amplify the archetypal force that the card embodies. A tarot card can also be used as an energetic ingredient in a spell, e.g., if a forceful dose of the element Earth is needed, a Major Arcanum with an essential Earth quality can be used. Tarot cards can be used as magnets to attract the character or nature of metaphysical energy that the card represents and to manifest that energy into your physical life.

FUNCTION Trigger an amplified dose of the archetypal energy the card represents to be injected into your life to support a particular objective; Trigger facilitation of the law of attraction; and/or Trigger a characteristic or outcome that the card imagery represents to manifest physically in your life.


Empower a card to transmute into a radiator of a particular energetic force Channel that raised energetic force to produce an intended material outcome Leave the specified card out on an altar so that it can radiate that particular

energy out into the physical environment and enable that environment to be more conducive for manifesting the implications of that card

A paper print-out of a specified card can be used in paper spell-crafting, and through the course of the ritual, that paper print-out of the card can be burned, with its ashes used to empower another object.

ACTIVATED CHAKRAS Solar Plexus Chakra for intelligence and personal power. Sacral Chakra for controlling emotions and creativity.

GEMSTONES AS ENERGETIC SUPPLEMENTS Malachite, mookaite jasper, citrine, serpentine, amber, peacock ore for solar plexus chakra Carnelian, unakite, shiva lingam, lepidolite, aragonite, coral for sacral chakra

VIDEO LECTURE: TIME START To review Tarot in Magical Spell-Crafting, start video at: 00:01:03:56

EXERCISE 12: TAROT TALISMAN Define your objective, i.e., what you seek to manifest.

Identify a tarot card that best expresses and represents your objective. Note the card in the space below.

Digital image files of the original “Pam A” (1910—1911) Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck are provided with your course materials. Locate the digital file for the card you’ve identified and use it creatively in a way to produce an object talisman. For example, produce for yourself a button pin using the digital card imagery, which you can then pin onto your jacket, or print out the imagery on business card size stock and tuck it into your wallet. Custom-create a phone case with the card imagery or produce multiple stickers and affix those stickers to places around your living and work space. Use the space below to brainstorm creative ways to turn tarot card imagery into personal talismans.

EXERCISE 12: MANIFESTING DESTINY Identify a tarot card that best expresses and represents the destiny you want for yourself, specifically a destiny you seek to manifest within a specified period of time. Below, note the card that best represents the personal destiny you want to manifest.

Recall the timing references noted earlier in Exercise 3 on developing claircognizance. Here, determine a practicable and reasonable amount of time for your personal destiny to manifest. Then go through your tarot deck and seek out two cards, one that represents the number and the second that represents the time period, so that together, these two cards mark the specified period of time in which your personal destiny will manifest.

Timing Card 1 Timing Card 2

Number Fire Water Air Earth

1—9 Days Months Weeks Years

Below, note the two cards that together, represent the period of time. Also take into consideration the imagery and card meanings of the selected timing cards, so that even the imagery and card meanings of these two cards will support the destiny you seek to manifest.

Card 1:

Card 2:

Prop up the primary card representing the destiny up on your altar or a designated personal space. Below it, side by side, place the two cards that mark timing. Close by, keep a tall pillar candle. Daily, or as often as practicable for you, take time out of your day to light the pillar candle and focus your attention on the cards and the energies they are intended to draw and manifest into your life.

Putting It All Together A master tarot reader will have access to all of the reading techniques discussed in this course. After isolated practice of each technique, work on integrating all of the techniques during a tarot reading. Remember: mastery takes practice.

VIDEO LECTURE: TIME START To review how to integrate the various techniques taught in this course, start video at: 00:01:07:50

EXERCISE 13: FINAL INTEGRATIVE EXERCISE Determine the question to present for the tarot reading and document it below.

Light a candle or incense and keep it close by your reading space. Set out four stones that to you, represents the four elements, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. At your option, include a fifth, for Spirit. Also, keep your personal cintamani stone close by. Before you begin, close your eyes and perform grounding, shielding, and centering exercises. Then feel your chakras being activated, from your root chakra upward to your crown chakra. Dedicate extra time to attunement in your heart chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra. Recite the prayer, incantation, or mantra you drafted in Exercise 2. Note the recitation below.

After the recitation, place your dominant hand over your cards and relax. Close your eyes. In a meditative state, imagine a beam of light from the crown of your head connecting upward to a collective cosmos, a compendium of all knowledge and wisdom that manifests as a luminescent white light. As the beam from your crown reaches upward, focus on your question, until your beam connects to the luminescent white light above. From the light, extract a ball of light, harvest it into your beam, and return to where you are now. Imagine that white light traveling through you, down your arm, into your hand, and being absorbed by your deck of cards. Then pick up the deck, fixing your focus meditatively on your question, and shuffle the cards. Using a card spread of your choosing, perform the tarot reading. Set out the cards and draw a diagram of the card spread, labeling the diagram with the cards that were drawn.

Claircognizance. Immediately, scan the cards for first impressions and note what spontaneous knowledge comes to mind. Record below.

Clairvoyance and Clairsentience. What can you see that is beyond the imagery of the cards? What can you hear beyond what the physical ears can hear? Note your sensory impressions below.

Reception of Spirit Contacts. Feel out at the periphery of your psychic senses whether spirit forces are coming through, spirit forces who have a vested interest in the reading or situation at hand. Note your impressions and the messages that come through from these spirit contacts.

Clairsentience. Scan the cards and feel the emotions emanating from the cards. Be emotionally vulnerable and receptive. Tap into that emotional connection. Describe all emotions you feel in the space below.

Divination. The cards are omens. Note the specific symbols that you feel most drawn and called to. Note at least three such symbols among the cards and note them below as omens.

First Symbol:

Card Symbol is From:

The Omen:

Prophetic Revelation:

Second Symbol:

Card Symbol is From:

The Omen:

Prophetic Revelation:

Third Symbol:

Card Symbol is From:

The Omen:

Prophetic Revelation:

Triggering Intuitive Creativity. Analyze the symbols, patterns, and your associations for the cards that support your interpretation of the cards.

Dominant Binary:

Dominant Element and Implications:

Numerological Impressions:

Astrological Notes:

Other Key Symbolism:

The Call to Action. Taken in totality, document the “call to action” prognosticated or urged on by the cards.

Incorporating Magic. Scan the cards and identify the most favorable card in the spread, the card that represents an auspicious energetic force you’d like to amplify in your life. Note that card below.

Take that card out from the deck and set it on your altar space. Collect all the cards less the one on your altar, shuffle, and intend to read on timing. Draw two cards, one to represent a number and the second to represent the period of time, as you had done earlier in Exercise 3 and Exercise 12. Note the two cards you drew below.

Card 1:

Card 2:

Note the corresponding time period and mark it in the below chart.

Card 1 Card 2

Number Fire Water Air Earth

Days Months Weeks Years or Uncertain

If the timing prognosticated is impracticably long for the card to stay up on your altar space, then create a tarot talisman with that card, using the digital files provided with your course materials, and keep that tarot talisman close to your person for the period of time prognosticated.