Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Unit 6 Risks

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Unit 6 Risks Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Preparation Activities To present the Ss some pictures of risky sports

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Page 1: Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Unit 6 Risks Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Preparation Activities To present the Ss some pictures of risky sports

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Unit 6


Page 2: Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Unit 6 Risks Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Preparation Activities To present the Ss some pictures of risky sports

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Preparation Activities

• To present the Ss some pictures of risky sports

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

• Ice Climbing

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

• Rock Climbing

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• Sky Diving

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

• Surfing

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

• Drifting

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

• Skiing

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


• Why do people feel risky with certain activities?

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Risk is the probability of losing something of value. Since we value life above other things, the greatest risk for most people is the risk of death. Other things we value include health, safety, money, property, relationships and happiness.

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


• In what areas is it possible for people to get risks?

Physical Risks

Financial Risks

Emotional Risks

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Risks in JobsRisks in Jobs Risks in JobsRisks in JobsTask 1

Directions: Many jobs involve risks. Some even have several risks. Work in pairs to classify the following list of jobs.

coal-miner stockbroker policeman

president fireman singer

lawyer teacher businessman

pilot model writer

farmer factory worker psychiatrist

chemical engineer computer programmer

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Risks in JobsRisks in Jobs Risks in JobsRisks in Jobs



Financial Risks

Emotional Risks

Task 1

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Risks in JobsRisks in Jobs Risks in JobsRisks in Jobs



Financial Risks

Emotional Risks







factory worker

chemical engineer

computer programmer


stockbroker farmer










Task 1

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Risks in JobsRisks in Jobs Risks in JobsRisks in Jobs

Directions: Though many jobs involve different types of risks, we still have to do it.

Do you wish to run the risk?

What do you think is the most risky job? Why?

Task 1

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


• Why would people like to take risks?

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Risks in SuccessRisks in SuccessRisks in SuccessRisks in Success

Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don’t. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever.

— Philip Andrew Adams

However well organized the foundations of life may be, life must always be full of risks.

— Henry Havelock Ellis

Task 3

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• In-Class Reading

Risks and YouRisks and You

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Work in pairs to answer the following questions.Work in pairs to answer the following questions.

What is risk? Could you think of as many What is risk? Could you think of as many risks as you can in our life?risks as you can in our life?


Risk is the probability that something bad will hapRisk is the probability that something bad will happen. Life is full of risks. For example, people may pen. Life is full of risks. For example, people may hurt themselves when riding bicycles by getting inhurt themselves when riding bicycles by getting involved in traffic accidents. A passenger may be killvolved in traffic accidents. A passenger may be killed in an air crash, or even a child will be faced with ed in an air crash, or even a child will be faced with sharp toys and poor childcare. There may be naturasharp toys and poor childcare. There may be natural disasters such as hurricane, tsunami, infectious dil disasters such as hurricane, tsunami, infectious diseases or dangerous flood. It seems the list could gseases or dangerous flood. It seems the list could go on and on. o on and on.

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What should we do in face of risks? What should we do in face of risks?


When faced with risks, we should stay calm and tWhen faced with risks, we should stay calm and try to get help. Sometimes we can take measures try to get help. Sometimes we can take measures to reduce the probabilities of risks. For instance, o reduce the probabilities of risks. For instance, we can reduce the speed when riding bicycles or we can reduce the speed when riding bicycles or motors; we’d better not go swimming alone; we motors; we’d better not go swimming alone; we shouldn’t try dangerous games without any guidashouldn’t try dangerous games without any guidance or protection. We should stop children from nce or protection. We should stop children from playing dangerous and harmful games. playing dangerous and harmful games.

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What’s the difference and similarity between What’s the difference and similarity between hypochondria and anxiety about risks?hypochondria and anxiety about risks?


Hypochondria, fear of disease and suspicious oHypochondria, fear of disease and suspicious of being ill is like anxiety about risks in some way.f being ill is like anxiety about risks in some way. Both are the result of partial information. But th Both are the result of partial information. But the big difference is that the hypochondriac can use big difference is that the hypochondriac can usually turn to a physician to clarify the whole situually turn to a physician to clarify the whole situation. Then he knows clearly whether he has the ation. Then he knows clearly whether he has the suspected disease or not. As to the risks of life, tsuspected disease or not. As to the risks of life, the situation is not that simple, for risks are almoshe situation is not that simple, for risks are almost always a matter of probability rather than certait always a matter of probability rather than certainty.nty.

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Risks are always a matter of probability rather than certainty. (Para. 1-3)

comparison between hypochondria and anxiety about the risks of life:

Similarity Difference



about the Risks of


In both cases, the fear or anxiety feeds on partial information.

The hypochondriac can turn to a physician to get a definitive clarification of the situation.

Risks are a matter of probability rather than certainty.

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We can inform ourselves about the relevant risks before any decision-making by measuring the level of a risk. (Para. 4-7)

We should inform We should inform ourselves about the ourselves about the relevantrelevant risksrisks before before making any making any decision. decision. (Para. 4)(Para. 4)

Example 1Example 1

We need to know the We need to know the relative safety of relative safety of large carslarge cars and and small small carscars before our before our purchase. purchase. (Para. 5)(Para. 5)

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ProblemProblem How do we How do we

measure the measure the levellevel of a risk? of a risk? (Para. (Para. 6)6)

Example 2Example 2

Which activity is Which activity is riskier, riskier, ridingriding in a in a car or car or miningmining??

(Para. 6)(Para. 6)

SolutionSolution Risk levels can be Risk levels can be

expressed in expressed in ratiosratios or or fractionsfractions..

(Para. 6-7)(Para. 6-7)

Example 3Example 3

MiningMining is four is four times riskier than times riskier than riding in a carriding in a car. . (Para. 7)(Para. 7)

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Conclusion (para.8)

Common sense and Common sense and relevant information relevant information are keys to are keys to managing risks in a managing risks in a sensible way.sensible way.

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She was allowed to keep the book indefinitely.

indefinitely (adv.) (Line 10, Para. 1)




That key business talk/negotiationshould not be postponed indefinitely.

for a period of time without a fixed limit 无限期地,不确定地

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definite – indefinite – indefinitely definiteadj. clearly known, seen, or stated; without any uncertainty 明确的 , 一定的


我们定一下下次比赛的我们定一下下次比赛的确切日期确切日期吧。吧。Let's fix _____________ for the next match.a definite date

受害者的父母要求一个受害者的父母要求一个明确的答复明确的答复。。The victim’s parents demanded _______________. The victim’s parents demanded _______________. a definite answer


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providing a last decision that cannot be questioned or changed; conclusive 确定的,决定性的,有权威的

definitive (adj.) (Line 13, Para. 2)


__________ __________ by the Supreme Court is by the Supreme Court is unlikely to be changed. unlikely to be changed. 最高法院的最高法院的最终决定最终决定是不太可能改变的。是不太可能改变的。

The definitive decision

___________________ of that book has been revised ___________________ of that book has been revised several times. several times. 那本书的那本书的最终版本最终版本已经经历了几次修改。已经经历了几次修改。

The definitive edition


That department could provide you with __________________________. 那个部门能够给你出具那个部门能够给你出具一份权威的鉴定书一份权威的鉴定书 (appraisal) 。。

a piece ofdefinitive appraisal

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It is much more difficult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned, because with many risks, the situation is not as simple.

(Line 15)

when…sth. is concerned:…… ……就 来说,就 而言;

有时常用 as far as sth. is concerned 表示。

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As far as policy is concerned, I have to say something.

涉及到爱情时 , 很多人就变得不像平时那么聪明。

When love is  concerned, many people get less wise than they usual are

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It is much more difficult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned, because with many risks, the situation is not as simple.

(Line 15)


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But But what ifwhat if you get hit from the side and you get hit from the side and end uend up trappedp trapped inside the vehicle, unable to escape b inside the vehicle, unable to escape because of a damaged seat belt mechanism?ecause of a damaged seat belt mechanism? ( Lin( Line20) e20)

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what if…?相当于 what would happen if…“ …… ”意为: 如果 那又怎么办呢?

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如果她改变主意不来怎么办 ?

What if What if she changes her mind and doesn’t turn up?she changes her mind and doesn’t turn up?


WhatWhat ifif his mother doesn’t his mother doesn’t like the girl? like the girl?


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end up trapped end up trapped 一句中 一句中 trapped trapped 是过去分词表是过去分词表示伴随,本分句译为“最终被卡在车里”。示伴随,本分句译为“最终被卡在车里”。


He He ended up (as)ended up (as) head of the firm. head of the firm.


end upend up, , 最后成为(处于),后面可接名词(短最后成为(处于),后面可接名词(短语)、形容词、现在分词、过去分词或介词短语语)、形容词、现在分词、过去分词或介词短语作状语。作状语。

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If you continue to steal If you continue to steal you’ll you’ll end upend up in prison. in prison.


We didn’t like it first, but we We didn’t like it first, but we ended upended up cheering. cheering.



If he carries on driving like that, he’ll If he carries on driving like that, he’ll end upend up dead.dead.

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The party _______________________ of Auld Lang



ended up with the singing

If you don’t work hard, _____________________.If you don’t work hard, _____________________.

如果你不努力,如果你不努力,终将一事无成终将一事无成。。you’ll end up nowhere


He jumped into the river to save the child but


他跳进河里去救那个小孩,他跳进河里去救那个小孩,结果却被水草缠住了结果却被水草缠住了。。ended up trapped by the waterweeds

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But But what ifwhat if you get hit from the side and you get hit from the side and end end up trappedup trapped inside the vehicle, unable to esca inside the vehicle, unable to escape because of a damaged seat belt mechanispe because of a damaged seat belt mechanism?m? ( Line20)( Line20)


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inflate (Line 27, Para. 3)

v. 1) to fill with air or gas to make bigger (使)充满气体,(使)膨胀

The kid was trying to The kid was trying to inflate a inflate a balloonballoon but failed at last. but failed at last.



给那件救生衣 (life jacket) 充气需要特殊的技巧。

___________________needs special skills. ___________________needs special skills. Inflating that life jacketInflating that life jacket

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2) To make higher or greater than it should be, or make sth more important than it really is


The government of that small The government of that small country always country always inflatesinflates the paper currency. the paper currency.


TheThe story is story is inflatedinflated by the media by the media 。。

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SeriousSerious inflationinflation worsened the living conditions of worsened the living conditions of the poor families of that country. the poor families of that country.

Government should take measures to Government should take measures to control control inflationinflation. .


inflation (n.) 充气,膨胀;通货膨胀 , ( 物价 ) 暴涨


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otherwise (Line 28, Para. 3)



She said that young contestant would lose, but I thought otherwise.

adv. 1) in a different way; differently 不同地

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2) apart from that; in other or different respects (在)其他方面


It was a bit long, but ________________________.


His nephew is noisy,

But otherwise a nice boy

otherwise it was a good film


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conj. 3) if not (在不同情况下)否则



You’d better go now, otherwise you’ll miss your train.


I've got one more page to write; otherwise I've already finished.

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But the fact that there are risks associated with everything we are going to do does not, or should not reduce us to trembling neurotics. (Line 32, Para. 4)





reduce…to…bring someone or something to (a lower or weaker state, condition or role) 使某人陷入某种(通常指更坏的)状态或状况中

trembling neurotics : a state of extremely nervous and worried that seems to be trembling

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But the fact that there are risks associated

With everything we are going to do does not,

or should not reduce us to tremblingneurotics. (Line 32, Para. 4)





Although there are potential risks in everything we are going to do, we should not get ourselves excessively anxious and emotional upset.

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reduce…to… (Line 33, Para. 4)


贪婪贪婪让他变成了让他变成了阶下囚。 阶下囚。

It is greed that It is greed that reducedreduced him tohim to a prisoner. a prisoner.

因为吸毒,因为吸毒,他他从从一个百万富翁一个百万富翁沦为沦为乞丐。 乞丐。

He was reduced from a millionaire to a beggar as a result of taking drugs.

1) bring someone or something to (a lower or weaker state, condition or role) 使某人陷入某种(通常指更坏的)状态或


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2) change (something) to (its parts); present a problem or subject in (a simplified form) ( Line55,Para.7) 将某事物概括或简化成某种形式


The earthquake ___________


地震将房屋变成了瓦砾 (rubble) 。

The president’s speech can _________________



be reduced to three

reduced the

main points

house to rubble

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accordingly (Line 34, Para. 4)


Please inform us of your decision and __________

___________. 请告知我们你的决定,我们将会采取相应的行动。

we will act

His friends all considered him their leader and

____________________. 他的朋友把他视做领袖并且用对待领袖的方式对待他。

treated him accordingly

adv. 1) in a way that is appropriate to the situation 相应地


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2) as a result of something 因此,从而


Super Girl Li Yuchun looks ratherSuper Girl Li Yuchun looks ratherboyish. boyish. AccordinglyAccordingly, she could get, she could getcountless girl fans’ support. countless girl fans’ support.


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As likely to … than: as likely to… as

Twice as … as… & twice more than …

The answer is that you The answer is that you areare roughly roughly twice astwice as likely likelyto to die in a serious crash in a small cardie in a serious crash in a small car than than in a in a large one. large one. (Line36, Para. 5)(Line36, Para. 5)

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The probability that you are to die in a serious crash in a small car is nearly twice as much as you are in a large car.

The answer is that you are roughly twice as likelyThe answer is that you are roughly twice as likelyto die in a serious crash in a small car than in a to die in a serious crash in a small car than in a large one. large one. (Line36, Para. 5)(Line36, Para. 5)

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assess (Line 50, Para. 6)


The value of that Chen Yifei’s painting ______________________. 那幅陈逸飞的油画被估价为 50万美元。


They will go to Beijing to ____________________


他们将前往北京邀请几位专家来为那些古玩 (curio)


invite several experts to

v. 1) calculate what something costs or is worth 估价,估计

assessed at $500,000

assess those curios

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2) carefully consider a situation, person, or problem in order to make a judgment 评价,评定


It’s too early to It’s too early to assessassess the effects of that new the effects of that new legislation. legislation.


在评价别人的时候,不要有任何的偏见。 Don’t Don’t assessassess others with any prejudice. others with any prejudice.

名词形式: assessmentn. 1) 估计,估算 2) 评估,评价

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ratio (Line 54, Para. 6)n. a relationship between two things expressed by two numbers or amounts 比,比率


那所小学的师生比例是 1 比 30 。

The The ratioratio of students to teachers in that elementary of students to teachers in that elementary school is 30:1. school is 30:1.

参加会议的男女之比为 3 比 1 。

The The ratioratio of men to women at the conference was of men to women at the conference was three to one. three to one.

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versus (Line 56, Para. 7)

prep. (Abbr. v. or vs.) in opposition to or against especially in a game of sports ……(尤指在体育比赛中) …… …… ……对 ,以 为对手;与 相比

本赛季的 NBA 总决赛将会在休斯敦火箭队和底特律活


It’s going to be The Huston Rockets versus The Detroit Pistons in this season’s NBA Finals.


有必要对减税带来的好处与民众 消费增长所带来的好处进行对比。

It’s necessary to weigh up the benefits of tax cuts versus those of increased public spending.

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OnceOnce we understandwe understand thatthat risk can never be totally risk can never be totally eliminated from any situation and eliminated from any situation and thatthat, therefore, , therefore, nothing is completely safe, nothing is completely safe, we will then seewe will then see that that the issue the issue is notis not one of avoiding risks altogether one of avoiding risks altogether but ratherbut rather one of managing risks in a sensible one of managing risks in a sensible way. way. (Line 68)(Line 68)

本句是一个主从复合句,从句 Once we understand…safe 中,谓语 understand后有两个由 that 引导的并列宾语从句,主句 we will then see…way中 ,动词 see也带了一个由 that引导的宾语从句,从句的主要结构为 the issue is not…but rather…。

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OnceOnce we understand we understand thatthat risk can never be totally risk can never be totally eliminated from any situation and eliminated from any situation and thatthat, therefore, , therefore, nothing is completely safe, nothing is completely safe, wewe will then seewill then see that that the issue is not one of avoiding risks altogether the issue is not one of avoiding risks altogether but rather one of managing risks in a sensible but rather one of managing risks in a sensible way. way. (Line 68)(Line 68)

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Modern life is full of all manner of threats.

Risks are almost always a matter of probabilities rather than certainty.

Our uncertainties multiply indefinitely.




衡量所涉及的风险程度Measure the level of risks in question

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Nothing we do is completely safe.

The point is to act accordingly.



In the case just discussed


The latter turns out to be four times riskier than the former.
