Task 1—Pirate Science. In Seesaw acvies select the Pirate Sci- ence assignment. You will find 4 pirate themed science acvies there. Have a go at one (or all) of them and report back. Task 2—pirate flags. In Seesaw acvies learn all about the history behind pirate flags and then design your own. Arrghh! Task 3—Photo scavenger hunt In seesaw acvies find a list of pirate items to photograph. Why not go for a walk and see what you can find? Task 5—research a famous pirate. Research either Blackbeard or Anne Bonny using the links above and/or the encyclopaedia in your hwb account. Next, make a wanted poster for that pirate and upload a copy to Seesaw. Task 4—design a pirate island. Click on the map above to see lots of different Pi- rate island maps to help you with ideas. Next, in Seesaw acvies, design your own Pirate Island that meet the Success Criteria.

Task 1—Pirate Science. In Seesaw activities select the

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Task 1—Pirate Science.

In Seesaw activities select the Pirate Sci-

ence assignment. You will find 4 pirate

themed science activities there. Have a go

at one (or all) of them and report back.

Task 2—pirate flags.

In Seesaw activities learn all about the

history behind pirate flags and then design

your own. Arrghh!

Task 3—Photo scavenger hunt

In seesaw activities find a list of pirate

items to photograph. Why not go for a

walk and see what you can find?

Task 5—research a famous


Research either Blackbeard or

Anne Bonny using the links above

and/or the encyclopaedia in your

hwb account.

Next, make a wanted poster for

that pirate and upload a copy

to Seesaw.

Task 4—design a pirate island.

Click on the map above to see lots of different Pi-

rate island maps to help you with ideas. Next, in

Seesaw activities, design your own Pirate Island

that meet the Success Criteria.