Task 5 - REPP

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  • 8/9/2019 Task 5 - REPP


    Task 5The purpose of this task was to examine and research into possiblegenres that I could condently create for my nal magazine. I haveanalyzed my capabilities and weighed out the strengths andweaknesses to the possible genres, to allow me decide and whichgenre I can portray to the best standard for the nal magazine.

    Possible ub!"enres include#! $ock %usic! $n& %usic! 'ip('op %usic

    The strengths behind choosing a rock magazine would be becausethe target audience is more obvious than Pop music. This is because

    the target audience of rock music would be )aucasian &ritish youthsbetween *+!* whereas Pop music would be harder to dene as it isthe biggest portion of the music industry thus does not have one settarget audience.

    -urthermore, I have some interest in $ock music thus I would befamiliar with artists that you would see on covers on magazinessuch as errang or /%0. 1ue to some understanding of $ock music Iwould have the advantage of knowing what kind of content andterminology that would be used for example knowing the di2erenttypes of $ock e.g. Punk $ock, 'eavy %etal, 1eath %etal etc.

    3n the other hand, there would be some di4culties with medeciding on a $ock sub!genre this is because my knowledge in thisarea is 5uite limited. Therefore, although I would be able to knowthe di2erent types of rock it may cover all aspects of the sub!genrefor example I would not know the di2erent parts of a drum!set orthe di2erence between a bass guitarist and normal.

    %oreover, I do not listen to $ock music enough to have a strongenough to know when a band ts into an era of rock music as

    although I know the di2erent types I do not understand the technicalaspects on how a band is punk rock or heavy metal etc.

    6ith choosing a $n& music magazine I have the strength of knowingwhat type of design and colours would be associated with themagazine for example it would be more vibrant rather than darkwhich would be more associated with rock music. I also have astronger understanding of what kind of articles would be in themagazine due the genre of music. This is because $n& music ismore associated with females and love therefore articles related tofashion would be appropriate since fashion is a feminine area.

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    /%0 %agazine

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    Fibe %agazine

    8nother option on the nal magazine to be based around is Fibe.This magazine mainly consists of $n& and 'ip('op subgenre. Thetarget audience is aimed to wards an 8frican 8merican youngaudience aged around *D!* with the $n& areas of the magazine

    more aimed to a female audience and the 'ip('op areas aimed to amale audience. The magazine has articles related to generalentertainment out side of music for example TF and movies but alsolooks at areas such as fashion which would be more aimed to afemale audience. The magazine also consist of gossip areas andmore music related articles such as interviews and music relatedlists. Guincy Hones a well known producer founded this magazine in*CC+.

  • 8/9/2019 Task 5 - REPP


    The ource

    -inally another option would include The ource magazine, which issolely based on 'ip('op and therefore aiming towards an 8frican

    8merican young male audience of *9!* year olds. This magazinehad started by two 'arvard niversity students who were inspiredby the 'ip 'op culture the rst issue was in *CJJ by Hon hecter and1avid %ays. )ontent includes an annual awards :for %an of the >ear,6oman of the >ear and $ookie of the >ear;, an unsigned hypecolumn devoted to underground rappers who do not have a recorddeal and a review system called the

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    %y research results compared to my choice of genre K

    :$efer to Prezi document on &log post named

  • 8/9/2019 Task 5 - REPP


    the creation stages I will know what would be appropriate and whatareas are expected for the end product to be at a high level.

    Possible 8rticles

    ! GB86hich would be centered around an artist of the genre and askmeaningful and relevant 5uestions to there eld and personal life.This is because the target audience would be interest in the musicalaspects of the artist whereas the niche market of the targetaudience would want to know personal things as they would want toknow about the person on a human level rather than Lust someonethey look up to.

    ! $eview8 music magazine with reviews would allow them to reach a broaderaudience because the niche market of fans of the artist whocompiled the album would want to know which songs to look out for,or if they listened to the album wanted to see if a magazine sharedsimilar opinions. Plus, it also helps with synergy because themagazine would reach an audience who may consider the buyingthe album based on the review :helping the artist; and the nichemarket of the artist=s fans would buy the magazine :helping themagazine;.

    ! 0ditorials

    This would attract the target audience of &ritish %ale >ouths :*9!*;but ore specically the niche market of people who are interested inthe music industry as the 0ditor would have authority. 'ence, themagazine will not only focus on artists and the music but also thebehind!the!scenes areas such as the di2erent eras of the music orhow artists break through into the mainstream etc.

    ! -ree -low-ree Mowing article has the advantage of giving a more descriptivetone related to the artist compared to the simplicity of theinterviewer asking the artist 5uestions. This would attract the niche

    market of people wanting an in depth analysis from an industryview. 'owever, this may repel the niche market who Lust want toknow what the artist thinks. The benet of the free Mowing articles isthat the writer can express their thoughts and give a professionaltone to their opinions thus to form an optimal article a possibilitywould be to have a mixture of both free Mowing and GB8 tomaximise target audience reach.

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    8nalysis of 1ouble Page preads

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    This double page spread shows the main image on the left handside./o actual title for the double page spread, instead large grab!5uote.-ree Mowing introduction followed by GB8.Issue 1ate, %agazine website link B page number in bottom left


    People would be intrigued by the huge grab!5uote because it setsthe tone of the article of being direct and it also correlates to thenature of the genre of having a bold attitude. The image on lefttakes the whole space thus people focus on the image before thetext, also by putting it on the left hand side people would attractpeople as naturally look from the left to the right thus when Mickingthrough pages the image automatically tells the target audiencewho the article is about.

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    This magazine again has the image on the left but the chosen imageMows from the whole of an 8@ to a slight section of the right page.1ue to the article being a review the names of the album and artistare at the top.

    -ollowed by an introduction and main body of the text8 caption has been applied to the bottom left corner of the image.8 rectangle has been placed in the middle of the text which hasbeen purposely used as people would be intrigued by why there=s aseparate area in the middle of the article. This box consists of smallbased around details of the album.

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    This article has the main image on the right.8gain a small shape in the middle of the main body of text by thistime a grab!5uote, the colour allows the target audience to be

    drawn towards it then thus read the rest of the article. The choice ofthe 5uote gives the audience to an insight of what is in there.8n extra column is in this article which is related to songs from hislatest album this is because it is separate in subLect matter,therefore this is aimed at the niche market who buy the magazineLust because ing rule is in it would be interested in his actualmusic than his life.