Task Force on AVMA Programs for Students & Recent Graduates Report March 29, 2011 Task Force Members: Joe Kinnarney, DVM, Chair J. Michael McFarland, DVM, DABVP Ron Cott, DVM Karen Cornell, DVM, PhD, DACVS Melissa Austin-Gundel, DVM Justin Sobota, DVM, MS Robin Hansen Brian Hartschuh

Task Force on AVMA Programs for Students & Recent ......financial, job search and development of hands-on learning opportunities for recent graduates. Another aspect of this position

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Task Force on AVMA Programs for Students & Recent Graduates Report

March 29, 2011

Task Force Members: Joe Kinnarney, DVM, Chair J. Michael McFarland, DVM, DABVP Ron Cott, DVM Karen Cornell, DVM, PhD, DACVS Melissa Austin-Gundel, DVM Justin Sobota, DVM, MS Robin Hansen Brian Hartschuh

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HISTORY………………............................................................................................. 2

CHARGE TO THE TASK FORCE…………………………...................................... 3

SURVEYS, MARKET REASEARCH & DATA….................................................... 3

FUTURE LEADERS PROGRAM............................................................................... 4

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR RECENT GRADUATES......................................... 4

EARLY CAREER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE................................................. 5





HISTORICAL SAVMA MEMBERSHIP................................................................... 10


STRAGEGIC PLAN SLIDES…………………………………………………………14-30

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Task Force on AVMA Programs

for Students and Recent Graduates Report


In January 2010, the AVMA determined a need to review current programs for students and recent

graduates in an effort to identify areas of need for the Association. At the January board meeting a

recommendation was put forward to initiate the Task Force for AVMA Student and Recent

Graduate Programs. The Task Force consisted of eight members and included an Executive Board

member, students (2), recent graduates (2), faculty (2), an at large veterinarian and AVMA staff.

A total of fifty-six applications were received for the Task Force and selection of the participants

occurred at the 2010 April Board meeting. Once the selections were confirmed, an initial

conference call was held, followed by the first in-person meeting in June at AVMA Headquarters.

The following individuals were selected to participate in the Task Force:

Dr. Joe Kinnarney – AVMA Executive Board representative & Chair of the Task Force

Dr. J. Michael McFarland – At large veterinarian

Dr. Ron Cott – Veterinary Faculty

Dr. Karen Cornell – Veterinary Faculty

Dr. Melissa Austin Gundel – Recent Graduate

Dr. Justin Sobota – Recent Graduate

Robin Hansen – Student

Brian Hartschuh – Student

AVMA Staff included Dr. Kevin Dajka, Dr. Derrick Hall and Leslie Langton.

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The Task Force held two in-person meetings at AVMA Headquarters, the first in June and the

second and final meeting in November. The group also held seven conference calls throughout the

year to continue work in between meetings and the final report. This final report, Task Force

findings and recommendation are all being submitted to the AVMA Executive Board meeting in

April of 2011.

Charge of the Task Force on AVMA Programs for Students and Recent Graduates:

The Task Force is charged to

1) Review current student programs

2) Compare them to other association plans and the ASVMAE recent graduate report

3) Determine the needs of students & recent graduates and develop a strategic plan

incorporating existing successful tactics with new ideas in order to:

a) Convert students to AVMA members

b) Develop students as veterinarians

c) Develop students and recent graduates as future AVMA leaders

4) Recommend actions to enable AVMA to strengthen student & recent graduate programs

Surveys, Market Research & Data Review: The first meeting consisted of an orientation to existing AVMA programs and services, gathering

and review of available survey and research data and open discussion on possibilities for the future.

The materials reviewed included:

Pfizer Animal Health Student and Recent Graduate Market Research

ASVMAE Recent Graduate Survey

AAHA Student survey

AVMA Student survey

Veterinary Leadership Conference survey results

Current AVMA programs, descriptions and budgets

The data compiled resulted in consistent responses from students and recent graduates in multiple

surveys. It is evident that these two groups are looking for practical hands-on experience, business

skills (veterinary specific), career planning, debt load management & work-life balance. A

complete review of the data can also be found in the strategic plan slides (page 14).

After thorough review of all applicable surveys and programs, six key areas were identified by the

Task Force and will be described in detail in the following report.

1) Future Leaders Program (2011-2)

2) Assistant Director for Recent Graduate Programs (2012)

3) Early Career Development Committee (2012)

4) AVMA Professional Development Institute (2013)

5) Continued funding for the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience (2012 & beyond)

6) Review of current AVMA student programs and SAVMA membership

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Future Leaders Program (2011)

This concept, developed from the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference review committee

comprised of AVMA Staff, is currently under development and has been sponsored by Pfizer

Animal Health. This concept was brought to the Task Force because there were two groups within

AVMA working on similar concepts throughout 2010. As the Task Force was developing their

three year plan, a decision was made to move forward with the concept of the Future Leaders

Program in 2011-2 as a pilot program and a development step of the Early Career Development

Committee and the AVMA Professional Development Institute. In November, the Task Force

supported the recommendation by the Executive Board to move forward with the program in 2011-

12 with the suggestion that the Future Leaders Program develop materials such as personal &

professional development, financial tools or work-life balance designed to be incorporated into the

AVMA Professional Development Institute.

Through the continued discussion of the Task Force, it became apparent that there will be multiple

development programs (including the recommended programs in this report) divided among several

Divisions at the AVMA. The Task Force recommends a review and reorganization of these

programs if the recommendations are approved by the AVMA, especially the addition of an

Assistant Director for Recent Graduate Programs.

Assistant Director for Recent Graduate Programs (2012):

A key component of the Task Force plan moving forward includes a recommendation from the Task

Force for the AVMA to develop the position of an Assistant Director for Recent Graduate


This newly created position would be slated to start in 2012 to coincide with several initiatives

developed from the Task Force including the Early Career Development Committee and AVMA

Professional Development Institute discussed later in this report. It is also recommended that this

position be filled by a veterinarian to effectively connect with this segment of the veterinary

profession, increase credibility and understand the current needs of the recent veterinary graduates.

This new position would be responsible for implementation of AVMA recent graduate programs in

an effort to increase the level of awareness of benefits for graduates 0-5 years post-graduation,

maintain a person of accountability for all AVMA recent graduate programs and services and

improve existing metrics of membership for this group. Metrics that would be measured for

improvement include: increased overall satisfaction scores in surveys (AVMA Member Needs),

increase in percentage of retained AVMA members 5 years post-graduation & recent graduate

participation on all appropriate AVMA standing Committees, Councils & Task Forces. This

position would also develop the new concept of a large standing electronic committee associated

with the ECDC, new media targeted at recent graduates associated with the impending AVMA

website redesign and be available for additional communication with veterinary colleges to provide

financial, job search and development of hands-on learning opportunities for recent graduates.

Another aspect of this position would be to dedicate an individual within the AVMA to streamline

and develop personal and future AVMA volunteer leadership training programs for recent graduates

and emerging leaders. Currently, leadership development is split across many Divisions within the

AVMA including Membership, Scientific Activities and Convention. Possible outcomes of this

new position and prospective plan include dissolution of the Emerging Leaders attendance at the

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January AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference and development of AVMA future leaders

through the Professional Development Institute rather than the continuation of the Future Leaders

Program. These programs could be incorporated into the developing AVMA Professional

Development Institute by 2013 in effort to effectively communicate AVMA development programs

to the general membership. This individual could also oversee and continue to identify all relevant

AVMA committees and councils for recent graduate participation and seek out volunteers.

Early Career Development Committee: ECDC (2012)

The Task Force recommends the development of the Early Career Development Committee in 2012

in order to have a standing AVMA committee for recent graduate programs and services. The target

and metrics would parallel that of the newly created position described above in that it would aim to

strengthen the value of AVMA recent graduate membership, oversee AVMA programs and services

targeting recent graduates and increase participation of recent graduates within AVMA

councils/committees. Key metrics that would be evaluated to determine the success of this

Committee would entail improvements in overall satisfaction scores, increase in percentage of

retained AVMA members 5 years post-graduation and increased recent graduate participation on all

appropriate AVMA standing committees/councils.

This Committee would be set-up similar to other AVMA Committees. However, it would include a

very unique aspect to target the recent graduate by understanding the time constraints these

individuals have with volunteering. It would also create an environment to allow discussion and

continuous feedback to the AVMA.

This Committee would be created in the following manner. Self-nominations would be accepted

along with invitations to participate that would be sent to recent graduates who were former student

officers within SAVMA & SCAVMA, have attended the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference

or the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience, submitted a nomination form for an AVMA entity

but were not selected (Task Force/Future Leaders Program) or have been involved in other decided

upon AVMA programs. This initial group would be comprised of 100-150 individuals who

responded with interest and committed themselves to electronic involvement on a weekly basis.

AVMA would connect these individuals to an online community using current social networking

tools, in turn creating a support network for these recent graduates and a discussion group for the

AVMA. This would also allow a continued connection with the large network of students involved

with SAVMA and SCAVMA, who would like to be involved following graduation and quickly find

themselves without many opportunities to do so.

The members of this recent graduate online community who demonstrate of high level of interest

could then be part of the pool selected to comprise the ten Voting Members of the committee who

will have the opportunity to meet in person at AVMA Headquarters. The ten members of the Early

Career Development Committee would include six recent graduates (less than 5 years post-

graduation), two emerging leaders (5-15 years post-graduation), one veterinary college/school

Faculty Advisor & one representative from the American Society of Veterinary Medical Association

Executives (ASVMAE). The committee would allow for self-nominations of all positions, with

preference given to recent graduates active within the AVMA recent graduate online community &

recent graduates and emerging leaders nominated by a principal or constituent allied veterinary

medical organization of the AVMA. There would be two (2day/2night) in-person meetings in

Schaumburg, Illinois as well as electronic and telephonic communications for virtual meetings and

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work on the AVMA ECDC’s project as needed. Additional goals of this committee would be to

promote and facilitate recent graduate participation on all appropriate standing AVMA committees

and councils by 2020, develop exclusive and niche member benefits for AVMA recent graduate

members and solicit real time feedback on potential programs and services from the recent graduate

online community.

AVMA Professional Development Institute (2013)

The Task Force recommends an ongoing plan to incorporate many of the new concepts in this report

with current AVMA programs. The strategies within that long-term plan include establishing a

dedicated AVMA staff person to provide oversight of recent graduate services alongside the AVMA

Early Career Development Committee and create a cohesive and impactful AVMA training

program, entitled the AVMA Professional Development Institute. This Institute would be AVMA’s

recognition that the RG experience is unique and that AVMA wants to be an important part of that

transition from vet school to a successful life long career. The goals of this plan include increasing

the relevance and benefits directed at recent graduates and develop young leaders as the future of

AVMA leadership by developing ways to identify them, foster their growth and create an AVMA

pipeline of advocacy from students to top leaders.

There would be three phases of the AVMA Professional Development Institute:

Phase I includes veterinary student leadership training and awareness of AVMA leadership

programs. The Task Force concluded there were numerous effective student programs currently

available and continuing visits to veterinary campuses was a high priority for the Task Force. These

ongoing visits are an opportunity to increase awareness of current AVMA programs such as the

AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience (VLE) partnership, the SAVMA/SCAVMA Officer

experience, information about the AVMA Early Career Development Committee (ECDC), the

AVMA Professional Development Institute and recent graduate positions on appropriate AVMA

councils/committees. A key first phase initiative of the AVMA Professional Development Institute

also includes leveraging AVMA VLE sponsorship to ensure continued development of leadership

coaches at each CVM. The plan is to continue full funding in 2012 and recommend funding for

2013 and beyond of $45K annually to defray costs for 1 faculty member from each school to attend.

Phase II includes engagement and identification of emerging leaders by AVMA “branded”

Professional Development educational tracks that are open to all membership within 15 years their

professional career. These symposia can be held at all major conferences including: AAHA, NAVC,

WVC, and AVMA. The 1 day track program would be developed by the AVMA ECDC and

AVMA staff and would include content on communication, personal finance, practice ownership,

practice management, compassion fatigue, self-care, and leadership training. An initial concept of

creating stand-alone conferences was discussed, however it was determined that full day tracks at

existing conferences may be more cost effective and preferred. These opportunities would provide

a forum to feature AVMA programs that focus on recent graduates and emerging leaders.

Phase III includes fostering growth of recent graduates and emerging leaders into AVMA leaders.

An aggressive plan with the AVMA Professional Development Institute would include a 1-2 day

program that runs concurrent with AVMA annual conference. The program would run concurrent

with the AVMA conference to defray costs, provide access to the entire AVMA Board and a more

fulsome educational opportunity. The potential to recruit former SAVM & SCAVMA leaders also

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exists during the AVMA convention and would allow for self-identification to ensure the pool of

developing leaders is robust.

In this program participants would develop leadership training and should develop a greater

understanding of the AVMA’s vision, network with current AVMA executive board members, staff

and committee/council volunteers. It would allow these individuals to become familiar with the

inner workings of the AVMA and determine where their strengths and talents would be best used

within the Association. Individuals that have completed the program would be given preference

when applying for council/committee positions.

A final component of those who had participated in the AVMA Professional Development Institute

would be the funneling of potential leaders into a concentrated mentoring relationship with AVMA

Executive Board members. AVMA has attempted a large scale mentoring program in the past

without success because of multiple reasons. However, understanding the desire of the recent

graduate for a mentoring relationship and the ability of the AVMA to connect with a select few

individuals highly involved as a student, a recent graduate and emerging leader, the opportunity

exists to continue to develop these leaders. This institute creates the opportunity to select a few to

mentor by the AVMA Executive Board representative from their home district. The mentee would

assume a yearlong project to manage and program participants would be strongly encouraged to

apply for any open seats on the AVMA ECDC and all other applicable AVMA


AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience Funding (2012 and beyond):

The Task Force recommends continued funding of the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience at

$75,000 in 2012. The Task Force also recommends continued funding for the program in 2013 and

beyond at a level of $45,000/year to defray the costs for 1 faculty member from each veterinary

school represented in SAVMA (32). The task force feels it is important that faculty is able to attend

this program in order to continue similar activities at the local campus and recommends continued

funding as long as at least 75% of these schools (24) continue being represented by at least 1 faculty

member at the event.

The Task Force discussed numerous topics regarding the AVMA VLE including the number of

attendees at the conference, cost of attendance, and continuation of the program at the local school

level, measurable outcomes assessments and comparison to other existing programs. The Task

Force was compelled, after much deliberation to continue funding for this program as an integral

part of the overall strategy for inspiring future leaders of the profession and engaging students in

AVMA sponsored programs.

Recognizing that the VLE is a strong program to support, the Task Force felt the best way the

program would be able to have a greater lasting effect at the local level and hence greater impact

throughout the profession was through the attendance and training of faculty from each school.

While students will continue to attend this program, AVMA funding will be directed towards

faculty attendance to help ensure the principles are taken back to the local campus. Continuation of

the funding will be determined by maintaining a minimum level of faculty participation in the


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The AVMA Senior Survey added two questions in 2010 in an effort to compare measurable

differences in those who attend the AVMA VLE versus those students who had not had the

opportunity to attend.

When responding to the question “Did you attend the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience

at any time while you were in veterinary school?” 8.7% of graduating students answered yes,

while, 91.3% answered no. When asked “Did you feel that attending the AVMA Veterinary

Leadership Experience helped you prepare for your professional career?” 80.3% answered yes

while 19.7% answered no.

More of the graduates who had attended the AVMA VLE had been offered employment or an

advanced study opportunity than those who had not attended (86% vs. 77.7%), while the percentage

of graduates who had accepted a position was almost identical (86.1% vs. 85.6%). The individuals

who attended the AVMA VLE did have a higher average salary than those who did not: $50,311.24

vs. $48,521.37 (These figures include advanced study programs which traditionally pay lower

average salaries).

Review of Current AVMA Student Programs & Policies:

Student Chapter formation

The AVMA Policy on Student Chapters reads:

An organization of students in a college of veterinary medicine accredited or approved by

the Council on Education of the Association may be affiliated with the Association (AVMA) as a

student chapter if it has the endorsement of the dean of the college and has at least 60% of the

eligible students of veterinary medicine as members. Eligible students shall include all full-time

students of veterinary medicine who are enrolled in a program of study leading to a professional

veterinary degree to be granted by that college. Affiliation shall be recognized by an official charter

signed by the President, the Executive Vice President, and the Chair of the Executive Board of the


Over the years, AVMA has received several requests from international schools to form Student

Chapters of the AVMA. The list of schools includes Massey, Murdoch, Ontario, Ross, Royal,

Edinburgh, Glasgow & Sydney. Each time the AVMA reviews the requirements to form a Student

Chapter, most of these international schools are able to achieve two of the three requirements, but

cannot reach the third.

The task force reviewed this current policy to determine its effectiveness, the ability of the AVMA

to reach international students and the opportunity for students to become members of the Student

AVMA. After much deliberation, the task force is recommending that the AVMA Executive Board

reaffirm this current policy.

The task force felt it was critical that only accredited schools have the ability to hold the designation

of a Student Chapter of the AVMA. They also concluded that it is important for a representative

percentage of students (60%) to be members in order to receive the support AVMA offers. Since

students attending these international schools do have the ability to become members of SAVMA

through Associate Membership, it was appropriate to continue the policy as it is currently


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Specific Task Force Recommendations:

1) Motion: AVMA will continue to sponsor the AVMA VLE at the current level in 2012.

Starting in 2013, funding will continue at the level of $45,000 to defray costs for 1 faculty

member from each veterinary school represented in SAVMA (32). Continued funding is

contingent upon at least 75% of these schools (24) being represented by at least 1 faculty

member at the event.

2) Motion: The Task Force recommends moving forward with the concept of the Early Career

Development Committee (ECDC) and a full time staff person with the timeline of

implementation in 2012

3) Motion: SCAVMA & SAAVMA members in good standing with their local SAVMA

organization are automatically converted to AVMA membership with no membership dues

for the remainder of their graduating year.

4) Motion – AVMA will start utilizing the terms Recent Graduate and Emerging Leader as

defined below:

a. Recent Graduate 0-5 years post-graduation

b. Emerging Leader 5-15 years post-graduation

5) Motion: The Task Force recommends the AVMA form the AVMA Professional

Development Institute to promote and enhance leadership skills within the profession with a

specific focus on training for Recent Graduates: (Timeline)

1. 2011 AVMA Future Leaders Program – Pilot Program

2. 2012 AVMA Recent Graduate Staff position and Early Career

Development Committee

3. 2013 Implementation of AVMA Professional Development Institute

6) Motion: The Task Force approves the AVMA Future Leaders Program contingent on the

agreement that the first project of the AVMA Future Leaders Program is focused on the

development of framework for the AVMA Professional Development Institute

7) Motion: Every Council & Committee should have one designated position for a Recent

Graduate by the year 2020

a. This will be accomplished through the normal rotation of new Council & Committee


8) Motion: That the AVMA reaffirm the qualifications for the formation of a Student Chapter

of the AVMA

a. School/College must be accredited

b. 60% of eligible students must be members of SAVMA

c. AVMA must receive a letter of endorsement from the Dean approving the formation

of the Student Chapter of the AVMA.

9) Motion: The Task Force recommends a dedicated section in the web redesign for Recent

Graduates. The Task Force recommends a dedicated section in the web redesign for Students

a. Tips of the day/Question of the week – that are delivered via email (pushed to the

member) and brings the recipient back to the website

b. Showcase of current AVMA members & recent graduates through the current I am

AVMA campaign

c. Facilitated by full time recent graduate staff position & AVMA Communications


d. Encourage this group to visit the AVMA site on a more regular occurrence

e. Utilization of Facebook updates

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Historical Student AVMA Membership and

Recent Graduate conversion to AVMA membership

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2010 Senior Survey – AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience Question Analysis

Did you attend the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience at any time while you were in veterinary school?

Prepared by the Market Research Staff of the AVMA Communications Division---------Page 1

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2010 Senior Survey – AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience Question Analysis

Of those who did not attend the VLE and were seeking employment, respondents who received an offer.

Prepared by the Market Research Staff of the AVMA Communications Division---Page 2

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2010 Senior Survey – AVMA Veterinary Leadership Experience Question Analysis

Of those who attended the VLE, accepted a position and were full time, mean starting salary by gender and employment category.

Prepared by the Market Research Staff of the AVMA Communications Division---Page 3

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Outline of Strategic Plan from the Task Force on

AVMA Programs for Students & Recent Graduates

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