Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest amphibian Common Frog Rana temporaria 1987 2018 amphibian Common Toad Bufo bufo 1987 2018 amphibian Smooth Newt Lissotriton vulgaris 1987 2018 annelid Alboglossiphonia heteroclita Alboglossiphonia heteroclita 1986 1986 annelid Duck Leech Theromyzon tessulatum 1986 1986 annelid Glossiphonia complanata Glossiphonia complanata 1986 1986 annelid leeches Erpobdella octoculata 1986 1986 bird Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula 2016 2017 bird Carrion Crow Corvus corone 2017 2017 bird Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs 2015 2017 bird Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita 2014 2018 bird Coot Fulica atra 2014 2014 bird Fieldfare Turdus pilaris 2015 2018 bird Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 2018 2018 bird Great Tit Parus major 2015 2015 bird Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 2013 2017 bird Jay Garrulus glandarius 1999 1999 bird Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 1999 2015 bird Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1986 1986 bird Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus 2018 2018 bird Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 2014 2018 bird Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus 2000 2000 bird Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 2015 2015 bird Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 2017 2017 bird Robin Erithacus rubecula 2017 2018 bird Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1986 1986 bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015

Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

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Page 1: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest

amphibian Common Frog Rana temporaria 1987 2018

amphibian Common Toad Bufo bufo 1987 2018

amphibian Smooth Newt Lissotriton vulgaris 1987 2018

annelid Alboglossiphonia heteroclita Alboglossiphonia heteroclita 1986 1986

annelid Duck Leech Theromyzon tessulatum 1986 1986

annelid Glossiphonia complanata Glossiphonia complanata 1986 1986

annelid leeches Erpobdella octoculata 1986 1986

bird Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula 2016 2017

bird Carrion Crow Corvus corone 2017 2017

bird Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs 2015 2017

bird Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita 2014 2018

bird Coot Fulica atra 2014 2014

bird Fieldfare Turdus pilaris 2015 2018

bird Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 2018 2018

bird Great Tit Parus major 2015 2015

bird Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 2013 2017

bird Jay Garrulus glandarius 1999 1999

bird Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 1999 2015

bird Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1986 1986

bird Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus 2018 2018

bird Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 2014 2018

bird Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus 2000 2000

bird Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 2015 2015

bird Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 2017 2017

bird Robin Erithacus rubecula 2017 2018

bird Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1986 1986

bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015

bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015

Page 2: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus 2018 2018

bird Wren Troglodytes troglodytes 2015 2018

bird Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella 2000 2000

bony fish (Actinopterygii) Tench Tinca tinca 2018 2018

bony fish (Actinopterygii) Three-spined Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus 2018 2018

conifer Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 2004 2004

conifer European Larch Larix decidua 2004 2004

conifer Lawson's Cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 2004 2004

conifer Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris 1986 2004

crustacean Proasellus meridianus Proasellus meridianus 1986 1986

fern Adder's-tongue Ophioglossum vulgatum 1988 2017

fern Bracken Pteridium aquilinum 2004 2004

fern Broad Buckler-fern Dryopteris dilatata 2004 2004

fern Male-fern Dryopteris filix-mas 2004 2004

flatworm (Turbellaria) Dugesia lugubris Dugesia lugubris 1986 1986

flatworm (Turbellaria) flatworms Dendrocoelum lacteum 1986 1986

flowering plant Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria 1986 2017

flowering plant Alder Alnus glutinosa 1986 1987

flowering plant Alder Buckthorn Frangula alnus 2004 2017

flowering plant Almond Willow Salix triandra 1978 1978

flowering plant Amphibious Bistort Persicaria amphibia 1986 2004

flowering plant Arrowhead Sagittaria sagittifolia 1986 1986

flowering plant Ash Fraxinus excelsior 1986 2004

flowering plant Asparagus officinalis agg. Asparagus officinalis agg. 2004 2004

flowering plant Aster agg. Aster agg. 2004 2004

flowering plant Barren Brome Bromus sterilis 1987 1987

flowering plant Barren Strawberry Potentilla sterilis 1978 1978

flowering plant Bee Orchid Ophrys apifera 2014 2018

flowering plant Betony Stachys officinalis 1986 2004

Page 3: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

flowering plant Bird's-foot Ornithopus perpusillus 1986 1986

flowering plant Bittersweet Solanum dulcamara 2004 2004

flowering plant Black Bryony Dioscorea communis 1986 2004

flowering plant Black Horehound Ballota nigra 1987 1987

flowering plant Black Medick Medicago lupulina 1978 2004

flowering plant Blackthorn Prunus spinosa 1986 2017

flowering plant Blood-drop-emlets Mimulus luteus 1986 1986

flowering plant Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta 2004 2004

flowering plant Bramble Rubus fruticosus agg. 1978 2017

flowering plant Bread Wheat Triticum aestivum 2004 2004

flowering plant Bristly Oxtongue Picris echioides 1969 2004

flowering plant Broad-leaved Dock Rumex obtusifolius 1978 2004

flowering plant Broad-leaved Pondweed Potamogeton natans 1969 1987

flowering plant Broad-leaved Willowherb Epilobium montanum 1987 1987

flowering plant Brooklime Veronica beccabunga 1986 1986

flowering plant Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica 1986 2004

flowering plant Bugle Ajuga reptans 1978 2018

flowering plant Bulbous Buttercup Ranunculus bulbosus 2001 2001

flowering plant Bulrush Typha latifolia 1969 2004

flowering plant Canadian Waterweed Elodea canadensis 1969 1989

flowering plant Celery-leaved Buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus 1986 1986

flowering plant Cleavers Galium aparine 1986 2004

flowering plant Climbing Corydalis Ceratocapnos claviculata 2004 2004

flowering plant Clustered Dock Rumex conglomeratus 1987 2004

flowering plant Cock's-foot Dactylis glomerata 1986 2004

flowering plant Colt's-foot Tussilago farfara 1986 2018

flowering plant Common Bent Agrostis capillaris 2004 2004

flowering plant Common Bird's-foot-trefoil Lotus corniculatus 1978 2017

flowering plant Common Chickweed Stellaria media 1986 2001

Page 4: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

flowering plant Common Duckweed Lemna minor 1986 1987

flowering plant Common Field-speedwell Veronica persica 2004 2004

flowering plant Common Figwort Scrophularia nodosa 2004 2004

flowering plant Common Fleabane Pulicaria dysenterica 1986 2004

flowering plant Common Mallow Malva sylvestris 2004 2004

flowering plant Common Mouse-ear Cerastium fontanum 1986 1987

flowering plant Common Nettle Urtica dioica 1986 2004

flowering plant Common Ragwort Senecio jacobaea 1986 2004

flowering plant Common Sallow Salix cinerea 1969 2004

flowering plant Common Sedge Carex nigra 1986 1986

flowering plant Common Sorrel Rumex acetosa 1986 2004

flowering plant Common Sorrel Rumex acetosa subsp. acetosa 1986 1986

flowering plant Common Spotted-orchid Dactylorhiza fuchsii 2014 2018

flowering plant Common Toadflax Linaria vulgaris 1987 1987

flowering plant Common Valerian Valeriana officinalis 1987 2017

flowering plant Common Vetch Vicia sativa subsp. segetalis 1987 1987

flowering plant Common Vetch Vicia sativa 2004 2004

flowering plant Compact Rush Juncus conglomeratus 1987 2004

flowering plant Cow Parsley Anthriscus sylvestris 1978 2004

flowering plant Cowslip Primula veris 1978 2017

flowering plant Creeping Bent Agrostis stolonifera 2004 2004

flowering plant Creeping Buttercup Ranunculus repens 1986 2004

flowering plant Creeping Cinquefoil Potentilla reptans 1986 1987

flowering plant Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense 1978 2004

flowering plant Creeping-Jenny Lysimachia nummularia 1986 2004

flowering plant Cuckooflower Cardamine pratensis 1978 2018

flowering plant Curled Dock Rumex crispus 1986 1987

flowering plant Curled Pondweed Potamogeton crispus 1969 1969

flowering plant Daisy Bellis perennis 1978 2001

Page 5: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

flowering plant Dandelion Taraxacum officinale agg. 1986 1987

flowering plant Devil's-bit Scabious Succisa pratensis 1998 2001

flowering plant Dewberry Rubus caesius 1986 1987

flowering plant Dog Rose Rosa canina agg. 1986 2004

flowering plant Dog-rose Rosa canina 1986 1986

flowering plant Dogwood Cornus sanguinea 2004 2004

flowering plant Downy Birch Betula pubescens 1987 2004

flowering plant Elder Sambucus nigra 2004 2004

flowering plant Elytrigia repens agg. Elytrigia repens agg. 1987 1987

flowering plant Enchanter's-nightshade Circaea lutetiana 1999 2004

flowering plant False Fox-sedge Carex otrubae 1986 2004

flowering plant False Oat-grass Arrhenatherum elatius 1986 2004

flowering plant False-brome Brachypodium sylvaticum 1986 2004

flowering plant Fat-hen Chenopodium album 2004 2004

flowering plant Field Bindweed Convolvulus arvensis 1986 1987

flowering plant Field Forget-me-not Myosotis arvensis 1986 2004

flowering plant Field Maple Acer campestre 1978 2004

flowering plant Field Wood-rush Luzula campestris 2001 2001

flowering plant Field-rose Rosa arvensis 1986 2004

flowering plant Floating Sweet-grass Glyceria fluitans 2004 2004

flowering plant Flowering-rush Butomus umbellatus 1986 1986

flowering plant Garden Asparagus Asparagus officinalis 1989 2004

flowering plant Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata 1978 2004

flowering plant Germander Speedwell Veronica chamaedrys 1978 2004

flowering plant Giant Fescue Festuca gigantea 2004 2004

flowering plant Glaucous Sedge Carex flacca 1986 2004

flowering plant Goat Willow Salix caprea 1986 2004

flowering plant Goat's-beard Tragopogon pratensis 1986 2004

flowering plant Goldilocks Buttercup Ranunculus auricomus 1986 1986

Page 6: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

flowering plant Great Burnet Sanguisorba officinalis 1978 2004

flowering plant Great Willowherb Epilobium hirsutum 1986 2004

flowering plant Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil Lotus pedunculatus 1986 2004

flowering plant Greater Burnet-saxifrage Pimpinella major 1987 2004

flowering plant Greater Plantain Plantago major 1986 2004

flowering plant Greater Stitchwort Stellaria holostea 1978 2004

flowering plant Grey Willow Salix cinerea subsp. cinerea 2004 2004

flowering plant Ground-elder Aegopodium podagraria 1978 2004

flowering plant Ground-ivy Glechoma hederacea 1978 2004

flowering plant Groundsel Senecio vulgaris 2004 2004

flowering plant Guelder-rose Viburnum opulus 1986 1987

flowering plant Gypsywort Lycopus europaeus 1987 2004

flowering plant Hairy Bitter-cress Cardamine hirsuta 1987 1987

flowering plant Hairy Sedge Carex hirta 1986 1987

flowering plant Hairy St John's-wort Hypericum hirsutum 1986 2004

flowering plant Hairy Tare Vicia hirsuta 1986 2004

flowering plant Hairy-brome Bromopsis ramosa 2004 2004

flowering plant Hard Rush Juncus inflexus 1978 2004

flowering plant Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna 1978 2004

flowering plant Hazel Corylus avellana 1987 2004

flowering plant Heath False-brome Brachypodium pinnatum 1978 1978

flowering plant Hedera helix agg. Hedera helix agg. 1987 2004

flowering plant Hedge Bindweed Calystegia sepium 1986 1987

flowering plant Hedge Woundwort Stachys sylvatica 1978 2004

flowering plant Hemp-agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum 1986 2017

flowering plant Herb-Robert Geranium robertianum 2001 2004

flowering plant Hoary Ragwort Senecio erucifolius 1986 2004

flowering plant Hoary Willowherb Epilobium parviflorum 1986 1987

flowering plant Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium 1978 2004

Page 7: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

flowering plant Holly Ilex aquifolium 1986 2015

flowering plant Honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum 1986 2004

flowering plant Hop Humulus lupulus 2004 2004

flowering plant Hop Trefoil Trifolium campestre 1986 2004

flowering plant Ivy Hedera helix 1986 1987

flowering plant Ivy-leaved Duckweed Lemna trisulca 1986 2004

flowering plant Ivy-leaved Speedwell Veronica hederifolia 1987 1987

flowering plant Jointed Rush Juncus articulatus 1986 1987

flowering plant Knotgrass agg. Polygonum aviculare agg. sensu lato 1987 1987

flowering plant Lady's Bedstraw Galium verum 1978 2017

flowering plant Large Bindweed Calystegia silvatica 1987 1987

flowering plant Lesser Bulrush Typha angustifolia 1983 1983

flowering plant Lesser Burdock Arctium minus 2004 2004

flowering plant Lesser Celandine Ranunculus ficaria 1978 2018

flowering plant Lesser Spearwort Ranunculus flammula 1986 1987

flowering plant Lesser Stitchwort Stellaria graminea 1986 2004

flowering plant Lesser Trefoil Trifolium dubium 2004 2004

flowering plant Lily-of-the-valley Convallaria majalis 2004 2004

flowering plant Lords-and-Ladies Arum maculatum 1986 2015

flowering plant Mare's-tail Hippuris vulgaris 1986 1986

flowering plant Marsh Thistle Cirsium palustre 2004 2004

flowering plant Marsh-bedstraw Galium palustre 1986 2004

flowering plant Meadow Barley Hordeum secalinum 2004 2004

flowering plant Meadow Brome Bromus commutatus 2004 2004

flowering plant Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus acris 2001 2004

flowering plant Meadow Fescue Festuca pratensis 2004 2004

flowering plant Meadow Foxtail Alopecurus pratensis 1978 2004

flowering plant Meadow Vetchling Lathyrus pratensis 1978 2004

flowering plant Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria 1978 2017

Page 8: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

flowering plant Midland Hawthorn Crataegus laevigata 2004 2004

flowering plant Mouse-ear-hawkweed Pilosella officinarum 1986 1987

flowering plant Nipplewort Lapsana communis 1986 2004

flowering plant Osier Salix viminalis 1969 1969

flowering plant Oxeye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare 1978 2017

flowering plant Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur 1986 2004

flowering plant Pepper-saxifrage Silaum silaus 2004 2004

flowering plant Perennial Rye-grass Lolium perenne 1986 2004

flowering plant Perennial Sow-thistle Sonchus arvensis 1987 1987

flowering plant Pignut Conopodium majus 2004 2004

flowering plant Pineappleweed Matricaria discoidea 1986 2004

flowering plant Prickly Sow-thistle Sonchus asper 2004 2004

flowering plant Primrose Primula vulgaris 2018 2018

flowering plant Ragged-Robin Silene flos-cuculi 1986 2017

flowering plant Red Bartsia Odontites vernus 1986 1987

flowering plant Red Clover Trifolium pratense 1978 2017

flowering plant Red Dead-nettle Lamium purpureum 1987 2004

flowering plant Red Goosefoot Chenopodium rubrum 1969 1969

flowering plant Reed Canary-grass Phalaris arundinacea 2004 2004

flowering plant Reed Sweet-grass Glyceria maxima 1978 2004

flowering plant Remote Sedge Carex remota 2004 2004

flowering plant Ribbed Melilot Melilotus officinalis 1986 1986

flowering plant Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata 1978 2004

flowering plant Rigid Hornwort Ceratophyllum demersum 1983 1987

flowering plant Rosebay Willowherb Chamerion angustifolium 1978 2004

flowering plant Rough Chervil Chaerophyllum temulum 1986 1987

flowering plant Rough Meadow-grass Poa trivialis 2004 2004

flowering plant Rusty Willow Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia 2004 2004

flowering plant Saw-wort Serratula tinctoria 1998 2001

Page 9: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

flowering plant Scented Mayweed Matricaria chamomilla 2004 2004

flowering plant Selfheal Prunella vulgaris 1986 2004

flowering plant Sharp-flowered Rush Juncus acutiflorus 2004 2004

flowering plant Shepherd's-purse Capsella bursa-pastoris 1987 1987

flowering plant Silver Birch Betula pendula 1978 2004

flowering plant Silverweed Potentilla anserina 1986 2004

flowering plant Skullcap Scutellaria galericulata 1986 1986

flowering plant Small-leaved Lime Tilia cordata 2004 2004

flowering plant Smooth Tare Vicia tetrasperma 1986 2004

flowering plant Soft-rush Juncus effusus 1986 2004

flowering plant Spear Thistle Cirsium vulgare 1978 1987

flowering plant Spiked Sedge Carex spicata 1987 2004

flowering plant Spindle Euonymus europaeus 1986 1987

flowering plant Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus 1987 2004

flowering plant Tansy Tanacetum vulgare 2000 2000

flowering plant Taraxacum agg. Taraxacum agg. 1987 2004

flowering plant Three-nerved Sandwort Moehringia trinervia 2004 2004

flowering plant Thyme-leaved Speedwell Veronica serpyllifolia 2001 2001

flowering plant Timothy Phleum pratense 1986 1987

flowering plant Timothy Phleum pratense sens.lat. 1986 1986

flowering plant Tormentil Potentilla erecta 1986 1986

flowering plant Trifid Bur-marigold Bidens tripartita 1986 1986

flowering plant Tufted Forget-me-not Myosotis laxa 1978 1978

flowering plant Tufted Hair-Grass Deschampsia cespitosa 1989 2004

flowering plant Tufted Vetch Vicia cracca 1986 2017

flowering plant Turnip Brassica rapa 1972 1972

flowering plant Upright Hedge-parsley Torilis japonica 1986 2004

flowering plant Water Figwort Scrophularia auriculata 1987 2004

flowering plant Water Forget-me-not Myosotis scorpioides 1986 1987

Page 10: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

flowering plant Water Mint Mentha aquatica 1969 2004

flowering plant Water-plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica 1969 2004

flowering plant Welted Thistle Carduus crispus 1987 1987

flowering plant White Bryony Bryonia dioica 1987 1987

flowering plant White Clover Trifolium repens 1978 2004

flowering plant White Dead-nettle Lamium album 1978 1987

flowering plant Wild Angelica Angelica sylvestris 1986 1987

flowering plant Wild Privet Ligustrum vulgare 2004 2004

flowering plant Wild Service-tree Sorbus torminalis 2004 2004

flowering plant Wild Teasel Dipsacus fullonum 1969 2004

flowering plant Wild Teasel Dipsacus fullonum sensu lato 1978 2004

flowering plant Winter-cress Barbarea vulgaris 1969 1969

flowering plant Wood Anemone Anemone nemorosa 2004 2004

flowering plant Wood Avens Geum urbanum 1987 2004

flowering plant Wood Dock Rumex sanguineus 1986 2004

flowering plant Wood Forget-me-not Myosotis sylvatica 2004 2004

flowering plant Wood Sage Teucrium scorodonia 2004 2004

flowering plant Wood Small-reed Calamagrostis epigejos 1986 2004

flowering plant Wood-sedge Carex sylvatica 2004 2004

flowering plant Wood-sorrel Oxalis acetosella 2004 2004

flowering plant Yarrow Achillea millefolium 1978 2004

flowering plant Yellow Archangel Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. montanum 2001 2001

flowering plant Yellow Archangel Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. argentatum 2004 2004

flowering plant Yellow Loosestrife Lysimachia vulgaris 1986 1986

flowering plant Yellow Oat-grass Trisetum flavescens 2004 2004

flowering plant Yellow Water-lily Nuphar lutea 1986 1986

flowering plant Yellow-rattle Rhinanthus minor 2017 2017

flowering plant Yorkshire-fog Holcus lanatus 1986 1987

fungus Common Ink-Cap Coprinopsis atramentaria 2016 2016

Page 11: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

fungus Shaggy Inkcap Coprinus comatus 2017 2017

harvestman (Opiliones) Leiobunum rotundum Leiobunum rotundum 2018 2018

horsetail Field Horsetail Equisetum arvense 1986 2004

insect - alderfly (Megaloptera) Alder Fly Sialis lutaria 1986 2018

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) 10-spot Ladybird Adalia decempunctata 1987 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) 14-spot Ladybird Propylea quattuordecimpunctata 1994 2017

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) 24-spot Ladybird Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata 1995 2016

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) 2-spot Ladybird Adalia bipunctata 1994 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) 7-spot Ladybird Coccinella septempunctata 1987 2015

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Agabus bipustulatus Agabus bipustulatus 2000 2000

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Agapanthia villosoviridescens Agapanthia villosoviridescens 1994 2016

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Agriotes lineatus Agriotes lineatus 1996 1999

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Altica lythri Altica lythri 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Altica palustris Altica palustris 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Anaglyptus mysticus Anaglyptus mysticus 2014 2017

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Anaspis rufilabris Anaspis rufilabris 2002 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Apple Fruit Rhynchites Neocoenorrhinus aequatus 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Athous haemorrhoidalis Athous haemorrhoidalis 2014 2014

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Bembidion guttula Bembidion guttula 2016 2016

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Bembidion lampros Bembidion lampros 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Bembidion quadrimaculatum Bembidion quadrimaculatum 1999 1999

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Betulapion simile Betulapion simile 2002 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Black Snail Beetle Silpha atrata 2017 2017

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Brown Willow Beetle Galerucella lineola 1995 1995

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Cantharis cryptica Cantharis cryptica 2015 2015

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Cantharis decipiens Cantharis decipiens 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Cantharis nigra Cantharis nigra 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Cantharis nigricans Cantharis nigricans 1996 2014

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Cantharis pellucida Cantharis pellucida 2014 2015

Page 12: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Cantharis rustica Cantharis rustica 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Cartodere bifasciata Cartodere bifasciata 1995 1995

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Cassida vibex Cassida vibex 2014 2018

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Celery Leaf Beetle Phaedon tumidulus 1995 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Chrysolina staphylaea Chrysolina staphylaea 2014 2014

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Common Leaf Weevil Phyllobius pyri 1995 1995

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Common Pollen Beetle Meligethes aeneus 1996 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Common Red Soldier Beetle Rhagonycha fulva 1994 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Cream-spot Ladybird Calvia quattuordecimguttata 1995 1995

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Crepidodera fulvicornis Crepidodera fulvicornis 1995 1995

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Demetrias atricapillus Demetrias atricapillus 1996 2016

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Denticollis linearis Denticollis linearis 1995 1995

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Donacia vulgaris Donacia vulgaris 1995 2015

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Glischrochilus hortensis Glischrochilus hortensis 1996 2015

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Grammoptera ruficornis Grammoptera ruficornis 1994 2015

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Green Nettle Weevil Phyllobius pomaceus 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Helophorus aequalis Helophorus aequalis 1995 1995

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Hypera suspiciosa Hypera suspiciosa 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Hyphydrus ovatus Hyphydrus ovatus 1986 1986

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Lagria hirta Lagria hirta 2002 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Leiopus nebulosus Leiopus nebulosus sens. lat., pre 2009 2002 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Leistus ferrugineus Leistus ferrugineus 2016 2016

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Leptura quadrifasciata Leptura quadrifasciata 2016 2016

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Liophloeus tessulatus Liophloeus tessulatus 1996 2018

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Longitarsus melanocephalus Longitarsus melanocephalus 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Malachite Beetle Malachius bipustulatus 1996 2017

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Oedemera lurida Oedemera lurida 2002 2017

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Orchestes quercus Orchestes quercus 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Orchestes rusci Orchestes rusci 2002 2002

Page 13: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Pea and Bean Weevil Sitona lineatus 1996 2014

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Phytoecia cylindrica Phytoecia cylindrica 2012 2014

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Pterostichus melanarius Pterostichus melanarius 2002 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Pterostichus minor Pterostichus minor 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Red-headed Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroa serraticornis 2014 2018

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Rhagium mordax Rhagium mordax 2014 2018

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Rhagonycha lignosa Rhagonycha lignosa 1995 1995

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Rhagonycha limbata Rhagonycha limbata 1996 1996

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Rutpela maculata Rutpela maculata 1996 2018

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Scirtes hemisphaericus Scirtes hemisphaericus 1996 2002

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Six-spotted Pot Beetle Cryptocephalus sexpunctatus 2015 2015

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Small Nettle Weevil Nedyus quadrimaculatus 1995 1995

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Stenocorus meridianus Stenocorus meridianus 2011 2018

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Stenurella melanura Stenurella melanura 2015 2017

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Telmatophilus typhae Telmatophilus typhae 2015 2015

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Thistle Tortoise Beetle Cassida rubiginosa 1996 2018

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Wasp Beetle Clytus arietis 2013 2018

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Willow Flea Beetle Crepidodera aurata 1994 1994

insect - beetle (Coleoptera) Willow Leaf Beetle Lochmaea caprea 1995 1995

insect - butterfly Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni 1971 2017

insect - butterfly Brown Argus Aricia agestis 1997 2017

insect - butterfly Brown Hairstreak Thecla betulae 1971 2011

insect - butterfly Clouded Yellow Colias croceus 1983 2014

insect - butterfly Comma Polygonia c-album 1983 2017

insect - butterfly Common Blue Polyommatus icarus 1983 2017

insect - butterfly Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages 1988 1990

insect - butterfly Essex Skipper Thymelicus lineola 1983 2015

insect - butterfly Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus 1971 2017

insect - butterfly Green-veined White Pieris napi 1971 2017

Page 14: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - butterfly Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus malvae 1990 1990

insect - butterfly Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus 1991 2017

insect - butterfly Large Skipper Ochlodes sylvanus 1983 2017

insect - butterfly Large White Pieris brassicae 1971 2017

insect - butterfly Marbled White Melanargia galathea 2001 2001

insect - butterfly Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina 1971 2017

insect - butterfly Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines 1983 2017

insect - butterfly Painted Lady Vanessa cardui 1971 2017

insect - butterfly Peacock Aglais io 1986 2017

insect - butterfly Purple Hairstreak Favonius quercus 1971 2016

insect - butterfly Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta 1983 2017

insect - butterfly Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus 1985 2017

insect - butterfly Scotch Argus Erebia aethiops 2014 2014

insect - butterfly Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia 1995 2016

insect - butterfly Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas 1983 2017

insect - butterfly Small Heath Coenonympha pamphilus 1983 1994

insect - butterfly Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris 1983 2017

insect - butterfly Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae 1983 2017

insect - butterfly Small White Pieris rapae 1971 2017

insect - butterfly Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria 1986 2017

insect - butterfly Wall Lasiommata megera 1971 2002

insect - butterfly White Admiral Limenitis camilla 1960 2017

insect - butterfly White-letter Hairstreak Satyrium w-album 2014 2014

insect - caddis fly (Trichoptera) Chaetopteryx villosa Chaetopteryx villosa 2015 2015

insect - caddis fly (Trichoptera) Glyphotaelius pellucidus Glyphotaelius pellucidus 1989 1993

insect - caddis fly (Trichoptera) Holocentropus dubius Holocentropus dubius 1986 1990

insect - caddis fly (Trichoptera) Limnephilus lunatus Limnephilus lunatus 1990 2015

insect - caddis fly (Trichoptera) Triaenodes bicolor Triaenodes bicolor 1986 1990

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Azure Damselfly Coenagrion puella 1986 2017

Page 15: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens 2002 2017

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Black-tailed Skimmer Orthetrum cancellatum 2014 2014

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Blue-tailed Damselfly Ischnura elegans 1986 2017

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Broad-bodied Chaser Libellula depressa 2011 2016

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Brown Hawker Aeshna grandis 1998 2018

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Common Blue Damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum 1998 2017

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum 1998 2018

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Emerald Damselfly Lestes sponsa 1998 2010

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Emperor Dragonfly Anax imperator 2001 2015

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Four-spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata 2001 2018

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Hairy Dragonfly Brachytron pratense 2014 2014

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Large Red Damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula 1986 2018

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Migrant Hawker Aeshna mixta 2001 2018

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Red-eyed Damselfly Erythromma najas 2008 2008

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Ruddy Darter Sympetrum sanguineum 1998 2018

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Small Red-eyed Damselfly Erythromma viridulum 2008 2017

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Southern Hawker Aeshna cyanea 2001 2018

insect - dragonfly (Odonata) Variable Damselfly Coenagrion pulchellum 1986 2016

insect - hymenopteran Aglaostigma aucupariae Aglaostigma aucupariae 2017 2017

insect - hymenopteran Arge ochropus Arge ochropus 2014 2014

insect - hymenopteran Arge pagana Arge pagana 2016 2016

insect - hymenopteran Arge ustulata Arge ustulata 2016 2016

insect - hymenopteran Athalia rosae Athalia rosae 2014 2015

insect - hymenopteran Caliroa annulipes Caliroa annulipes 2015 2018

insect - hymenopteran Caliroa cerasi Caliroa cerasi 2014 2018

insect - hymenopteran Caliroa cinxia Caliroa cinxia 2017 2017

insect - hymenopteran Common Carder Bee Bombus pascuorum 2016 2016

insect - hymenopteran Craesus septentrionalis Craesus septentrionalis 2018 2018

insect - hymenopteran Dolerus fumosus Dolerus fumosus 2015 2015

Page 16: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - hymenopteran Dolichovespula media Dolichovespula media 2017 2017

insect - hymenopteran Gooden's Nomad Bee Nomada goodeniana 2016 2016

insect - hymenopteran Hawthorn Mining Bee Andrena chrysosceles 2015 2015

insect - hymenopteran Hornet Vespa crabro 2017 2017

insect - hymenopteran Large Red Tailed Bumble Bee Bombus lapidarius 2016 2016

insect - hymenopteran Monophadnoides rubi Monophadnoides rubi 2017 2017

insect - hymenopteran Nematus miliaris Nematus miliaris 2014 2014

insect - hymenopteran Nematus pavidus Nematus pavidus 2017 2017

insect - hymenopteran Orange-tailed Mining Bee Andrena haemorrhoa 2016 2016

insect - hymenopteran Pachyprotasis rapae Pachyprotasis rapae 2014 2014

insect - hymenopteran Periclista lineolata Periclista lineolata 2018 2018

insect - hymenopteran Red-shanked Carder-bee Bombus ruderarius 2002 2002

insect - hymenopteran Rhogogaster viridis Rhogogaster viridis 2014 2014

insect - hymenopteran Robin's Pin-Cushion Gall Diplolepis rosae 2017 2017

insect - hymenopteran Small Garden Bumble Bee Bombus hortorum 2015 2015

insect - hymenopteran Spined Mason Bee Hoplitis spinulosa 2015 2015

insect - hymenopteran Tawny Mining Bee Andrena fulva 2018 2018

insect - hymenopteran Tenthredo (Temuledo) temula Tenthredo (Temuledo) temula 2014 2014

insect - hymenopteran Tenthredo arcuata Tenthredo arcuata 2018 2018

insect - hymenopteran Tenthredo livida Tenthredo livida 2018 2018

insect - hymenopteran Tenthredo mesomela Tenthredo mesomela 2014 2014

insect - hymenopteran Tenthredo omissa Tenthredo omissa 2014 2014

insect - hymenopteran Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum 2016 2016

insect - hymenopteran Vestal (Southern) Cuckoo Bee Bombus vestalis 2016 2018

insect - hymenopteran Wheat Stem Borer Cephus pygmeus 2018 2018

insect - hymenopteran White-jawed Yellow-face Bee Hylaeus confusus 2018 2018

insect - mayfly (Ephemeroptera) Cloeon dipterum Cloeon dipterum 1986 1986

insect - moth Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa 1971 1971

insect - moth Barred Red Hylaea fasciaria 1971 1971

Page 17: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - moth Beautiful Carpet Mesoleuca albicillata 1971 1971

insect - moth Black Arches Lymantria monacha 2015 2015

insect - moth Blood-vein Timandra comae 2015 2018

insect - moth Bright-line Brown-eye Lacanobia oleracea 1971 2015

insect - moth Brimstone Moth Opisthograptis luteolata 2015 2015

insect - moth Broad-blotch Drill Dichrorampha alpinana 2014 2018

insect - moth Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing Noctua fimbriata 2015 2015

insect - moth Brown China-mark Elophila nymphaeata 1986 1986

insect - moth Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea 1971 1971

insect - moth Brown-line Bright-eye Mythimna conigera 2015 2015

insect - moth Buff Arches Habrosyne pyritoides 1971 1971

insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma lutea 2015 2015

insect - moth Buff-tip Phalera bucephala 1971 2018

insect - moth Bulrush Wainscot Nonagria typhae 2015 2015

insect - moth Burnished Brass Diachrysia chrysitis 1971 1971

insect - moth Chestnut Conistra vaccinii 1971 1971

insect - moth Chinese Character Cilix glaucata 2015 2018

insect - moth Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae 1996 2016

insect - moth Clay Mythimna ferrago 1971 2015

insect - moth Clouded Border Lomaspilis marginata 2015 2015

insect - moth Clouded Drab Orthosia incerta 1971 2017

insect - moth Clouded Silver Lomographa temerata 1971 1971

insect - moth Common Carpet Epirrhoe alternata 2017 2017

insect - moth Common Footman Eilema lurideola 1971 2015

insect - moth Common Marble Celypha lacunana 2014 2014

insect - moth Common Nettle-tap Anthophila fabriciana 2014 2014

insect - moth Common Purple & Gold Pyrausta purpuralis 2014 2014

insect - moth Common Rustic Mesapamea secalis agg. 1971 2015

insect - moth Common Sweep Psyche casta 2018 2018

Page 18: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - moth Common Wainscot Mythimna pallens 1971 2015

insect - moth Common White Wave Cabera pusaria 2015 2015

insect - moth Common Yellow Conch Agapeta hamana 2015 2015

insect - moth Copper Underwing Amphipyra pyramidea 2018 2018

insect - moth Coxcomb Prominent Ptilodon capucina 1971 1971

insect - moth Dark Arches Apamea monoglypha 2015 2015

insect - moth Dark Chestnut Conistra ligula 1971 1971

insect - moth Dark-barred Twist Syndemis musculana 2014 2014

insect - moth Dingy Footman Eilema griseola 2015 2015

insect - moth Dotted Clay Xestia baja 1971 1971

insect - moth Double Dart Graphiphora augur 1971 1971

insect - moth Double Square-spot Xestia triangulum 1971 2015

insect - moth Dun-bar Cosmia trapezina 2015 2018

insect - moth Dusky Sallow Eremobia ochroleuca 2015 2015

insect - moth Early Grey Xylocampa areola 1971 1971

insect - moth Early Thorn Selenia dentaria 2015 2015

insect - moth Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila elpenor 1971 1971

insect - moth Emperor Moth Saturnia pavonia 2014 2018

insect - moth Eyed Hawk-moth Smerinthus ocellata 1971 2017

insect - moth Figure of Eighty Tethea ocularis octogesimea 1971 1971

insect - moth Five-spot Burnet Zygaena trifolii 2016 2016

insect - moth Flounced Rustic Luperina testacea 1971 1971

insect - moth Frosted Orange Gortyna flavago 1971 1971

insect - moth Garden Grass-veneer Chrysoteuchia culmella 2014 2015

insect - moth Garden Pebble Evergestis forficalis 2015 2015

insect - moth Green Silver-lines Pseudoips prasinana britannica 1971 1971

insect - moth Hebrew Character Orthosia gothica 1971 1971

insect - moth Herald Scoliopteryx libatrix 2014 2014

insect - moth Honeysuckle Moth Ypsolopha dentella 2018 2018

Page 19: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - moth Humming-bird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarum 2015 2015

insect - moth Inlaid Grass-veneer Crambus pascuella 2018 2018

insect - moth July Highflyer Hydriomena furcata 2015 2015

insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 2015 2015

insect - moth Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba 1971 2015

insect - moth Latticed Heath Chiasmia clathrata 2011 2018

insect - moth Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing Noctua janthe 1971 1971

insect - moth Lesser Yellow Underwing Noctua comes 1971 1971

insect - moth Little Long-horn Cauchas fibulella 2018 2018

insect - moth Magpie Abraxas grossulariata 1971 2018

insect - moth Meadow Case-bearer Coleophora mayrella 2016 2016

insect - moth Meadow Grey Scoparia pyralella 2015 2015

insect - moth Middle-barred Minor Oligia fasciuncula 2016 2016

insect - moth Mottled Beauty Alcis repandata 2015 2015

insect - moth Mouse Moth Amphipyra tragopoginis 1971 1971

insect - moth Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Zygaena lonicerae 2017 2018

insect - moth Northern Footman Eilema complana 2015 2015

insect - moth Orange Moth Angerona prunaria 2015 2015

insect - moth Orange-spot Piercer Pammene aurana 2014 2014

insect - moth Pale Lettuce Bell Eucosma conterminana 2016 2016

insect - moth Pale Mottled Willow Caradrina clavipalpis 1971 1971

insect - moth Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda 1971 1971

insect - moth Pale-shouldered Brocade Lacanobia thalassina 1971 1971

insect - moth Peach Blossom Thyatira batis 2002 2002

insect - moth Pebble Prominent Notodonta ziczac 1971 1971

insect - moth Pine Hawk-moth Sphinx pinastri 2015 2015

insect - moth Plum Tortrix Hedya pruniana 2014 2018

insect - moth Poplar Hawk-moth Laothoe populi 1971 1971

insect - moth Purple Thorn Selenia tetralunaria 2015 2015

Page 20: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - moth Red Chestnut Cerastis rubricosa 1971 1971

insect - moth Riband Wave Idaea aversata 1971 1971

insect - moth Sallow Cirrhia icteritia 1971 1971

insect - moth Scalloped Hazel Odontopera bidentata 1971 1971

insect - moth Setaceous Hebrew Character Xestia c-nigrum 1971 1971

insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 2015 2015

insect - moth Silver Y Autographa gamma 1971 2018

insect - moth Silver-ground Carpet Xanthorhoe montanata 1971 1971

insect - moth Single-dotted Wave Idaea dimidiata 2015 2015

insect - moth Six-spot Burnet Zygaena filipendulae 2014 2016

insect - moth Small China-mark Cataclysta lemnata 2014 2017

insect - moth Small Fan-footed Wave Idaea biselata 2015 2015

insect - moth Small Purple & Gold Pyrausta aurata 2015 2016

insect - moth Small Yellow Underwing Panemeria tenebrata 2017 2017

insect - moth Smoky Wainscot Mythimna impura 1971 2015

insect - moth Snout Hypena proboscidalis 2015 2015

insect - moth Straw Conch Cochylimorpha straminea 2016 2016

insect - moth Straw Dot Rivula sericealis 2014 2014

insect - moth Timothy Tortrix Aphelia paleana 2014 2018

insect - moth Uncertain Hoplodrina octogenaria 2015 2015

insect - moth Vapourer Orgyia antiqua 2017 2018

insect - moth Vetch Piercer Grapholita jungiella 2014 2018

insect - moth White Plume Pterophorus pentadactyla 2016 2016

insect - moth White Satin Moth Leucoma salicis 2015 2015

insect - moth White-barred Gold Micropterix aruncella 1996 1996

insect - moth Yellow Shell Camptogramma bilineata 2011 2014

insect - moth Yellow-line Quaker Agrochola macilenta 1971 1971

insect - moth Yellow-tail Euproctis similis 1971 2017

insect - orthopteran Common Ground-hopper Tetrix undulata 1994 2002

Page 21: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - orthopteran Dark Bush-cricket Pholidoptera griseoaptera 1994 2017

insect - orthopteran Field Grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus 2015 2015

insect - orthopteran Meadow Grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus 2015 2015

insect - orthopteran Oak Bush-cricket Meconema thalassinum 2002 2002

insect - orthopteran Roesel's Bush-cricket Metrioptera roeselii 2015 2015

insect - orthopteran Slender Ground-hopper Tetrix subulata 1999 1999

insect - scorpion fly (Mecoptera) Panorpa communis Panorpa communis 2018 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Aneurus (Aneurus) laevis Aneurus (Aneurus) laevis 1996 1996

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Ant Damsel Bug Himacerus (Aptus) mirmicoides 2015 2015

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Aphrophora alni Aphrophora alni 2002 2002

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Birch Shieldbug Elasmostethus interstinctus 1994 2002

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Cercopis vulnerata Cercopis vulnerata 1995 2015

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Chilacis typhae Chilacis typhae 2015 2015

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Common Backswimmer Notonecta (Notonecta) glauca 1986 1986

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Coriomeris denticulatus Coriomeris denticulatus 1996 1996

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Corizus hyoscyami Corizus hyoscyami 2015 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Cuckoo-Spit Insect Philaenus spumarius 2002 2002

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Deraeocoris (Deraeocoris) ruber Deraeocoris (Deraeocoris) ruber 2015 2015

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Dock Bug Coreus marginatus 2018 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Dryophilocoris (Dryophilocoris) flavoquadrimaculatus Dryophilocoris (Dryophilocoris) flavoquadrimaculatus 2017 2017

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Fine Streaked Bugkin Miris striatus 2014 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Green Shieldbug Palomena prasina 2002 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Hairy Shieldbug Dolycoris baccarum 2017 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Harpocera thoracica Harpocera thoracica 2016 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Hawthorn Shieldbug Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale 2018 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Hesperocorixa linnaei Hesperocorixa linnaei 1986 1986

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Hesperocorixa sahlbergi Hesperocorixa sahlbergi 1986 1986

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Heterotoma planicornis Heterotoma planicornis 2015 2015

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Meadow Plant Bug Leptopterna dolabrata 2014 2015

Page 22: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Parent Bug Elasmucha grisea 1994 2005

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Phytocoris (Ktenocoris) varipes Phytocoris (Ktenocoris) varipes 2018 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Pied Shieldbug Tritomegas bicolor 1996 2014

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Plea minutissima Plea minutissima 1986 1986

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Potato Capsid Closterotomus norwegicus 2015 2015

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Psyllopsis fraxini Psyllopsis fraxini 2017 2017

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Red-legged Shieldbug Pentatoma rufipes 2017 2017

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Rhabdomiris striatellus Rhabdomiris striatellus 2014 2014

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Rhopalus (Rhopalus) subrufus Rhopalus (Rhopalus) subrufus 2014 2016

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Tree Damsel Bug Himacerus (Himacerus) apterus 2015 2018

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Tree Hopper Centrotus cornutus 2015 2017

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Water Cricket Velia (Plesiovelia) caprai 1986 1986

insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Woundwort Shieldbug Eysarcoris venustissimus 1996 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Anasimyia contracta Anasimyia contracta 2016 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Anasimyia lineata Anasimyia lineata 2016 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Anthomyia procellaris Anthomyia procellaris 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Awkward Clusterfly Pollenia rudis 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Banded General Stratiomys potamida 2002 2002

insect - true fly (Diptera) Black Snipefly Chrysopilus cristatus 2017 2017

insect - true fly (Diptera) Cheilosia pagana Cheilosia pagana 2016 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Chrysotoxum bicinctum Chrysotoxum bicinctum 2002 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Common Bluebottle Calliphora vicina 2017 2017

insect - true fly (Diptera) Common Stiletto Thereva nobilitata 2017 2017

insect - true fly (Diptera) Conops quadrifasciatus Conops quadrifasciatus 2018 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Cordilura pubera Cordilura pubera 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Coremacera marginata Coremacera marginata 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Dark-edged Bee-fly Bombylius major 1995 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Dasysyrphus albostriatus Dasysyrphus albostriatus 1999 1999

insect - true fly (Diptera) Diastata costata Diastata costata 2014 2014

Page 23: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - true fly (Diptera) Dolichopus claviger Dolichopus claviger 2011 2011

insect - true fly (Diptera) Downlooker Snipefly Rhagio scolopaceus 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Empis tessellata Empis tessellata 2016 2017

insect - true fly (Diptera) Epiphragma ocellare Epiphragma ocellare 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Epistrophe eligans Epistrophe eligans 1995 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Eriothrix rufomaculata Eriothrix rufomaculata 2013 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Eristalinus sepulchralis Eristalinus sepulchralis 2016 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Eristalis arbustorum Eristalis arbustorum 2011 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Eristalis intricarius Eristalis intricarius 2013 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Eristalis pertinax Eristalis pertinax 1995 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Eristalis tenax Eristalis tenax 1994 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Eupeodes latifasciatus Eupeodes latifasciatus 2013 2013

insect - true fly (Diptera) Flecked General Stratiomys singularior 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Four-barred Major Oxycera rara 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Graphomya maculata Graphomya maculata 2018 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Helophilus pendulus Helophilus pendulus 2000 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Helophilus trivittatus Helophilus trivittatus 2018 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Hornet Mimic Hoverfly Volucella zonaria 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Hybos grossipes Hybos grossipes 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Hydrotaea militaris Hydrotaea militaris 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Leucozona lucorum Leucozona lucorum 2000 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Locust Blowfly Stomorhina lunata 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Lydella stabulans Lydella stabulans 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Marmalade Hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus 1994 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Melanostoma scalare Melanostoma scalare 1995 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Merzomyia westermanni Merzomyia westermanni 2011 2011

insect - true fly (Diptera) Mesembrina meridiana Mesembrina meridiana 2002 2002

insect - true fly (Diptera) Murky-legged Black Legionnaire Beris chalybata 1995 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Myathropa florea Myathropa florea 2000 2016

Page 24: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - true fly (Diptera) Nephrotoma appendiculata Nephrotoma appendiculata 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Ormosia nodulosa Ormosia nodulosa 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Ornithomya avicularia Ornithomya avicularia 2011 2011

insect - true fly (Diptera) Palloptera modesta Palloptera modesta 1996 1996

insect - true fly (Diptera) Parhelophilus versicolor Parhelophilus versicolor 1996 1996

insect - true fly (Diptera) Pelidnoptera fuscipennis Pelidnoptera fuscipennis 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Phaonia atriceps Phaonia atriceps 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Phaonia palpata Phaonia palpata 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Physocephala nigra Physocephala nigra 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Platycheirus albimanus Platycheirus albimanus 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Platycheirus europaeus Platycheirus europaeus 1995 1995

insect - true fly (Diptera) Platycheirus manicatus Platycheirus manicatus 1995 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Platycheirus rosarum Platycheirus rosarum 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Pseudolyciella stylata Pseudolyciella stylata 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Ptychoptera contaminata Ptychoptera contaminata 2014 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Rhingia campestris Rhingia campestris 1995 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Scathophaga stercoraria Scathophaga stercoraria 2011 2011

insect - true fly (Diptera) Sciapus platypterus Sciapus platypterus 2014 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Sericomyia silentis Sericomyia silentis 2002 2011

insect - true fly (Diptera) Short-horned Black Legionnaire Beris fuscipes 2016 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Sicus ferrugineus Sicus ferrugineus 2016 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Small Yellow-legged Robberfly Dioctria linearis 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Sphaerophoria scripta Sphaerophoria scripta 2014 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Splayed Deerfly Chrysops caecutiens 1996 1996

insect - true fly (Diptera) St Marks Fly Bibio marci 1995 2017

insect - true fly (Diptera) Sylvicola punctatus Sylvicola punctatus 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Syritta pipiens Syritta pipiens 2002 2002

insect - true fly (Diptera) Syrphus ribesii Syrphus ribesii 1994 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Syrphus torvus Syrphus torvus 2015 2015

Page 25: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tachina fera Tachina fera 2014 2017

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tachina ursina Tachina ursina 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tetanocera robusta Tetanocera robusta 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Three-lined Soldier Oxycera trilineata 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tiger Cranefly Nephrotoma flavescens 1996 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tipula fascipennis Tipula fascipennis 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tipula lateralis Tipula lateralis 2018 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tipula luna Tipula luna 2014 2014

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tipula oleracea Tipula oleracea 2014 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tipula paludosa Tipula paludosa 2016 2016

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tipula varipennis Tipula varipennis 2017 2017

insect - true fly (Diptera) Tipula vernalis Tipula vernalis 1995 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Volucella bombylans Volucella bombylans 2000 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Volucella pellucens Volucella pellucens 1987 2018

insect - true fly (Diptera) Xylota segnis Xylota segnis 2001 2002

insect - true fly (Diptera) Platycheirus scutatus agg 2015 2015

insect - true fly (Diptera) Cheilosia albitarsis agg 2016 2016

mollusc Bladder snails Physa fontinalis 1986 1999

mollusc Brown-lipped Snail Cepaea (Cepaea) nemoralis 2017 2017

mollusc Common Bithynia Bithynia tentaculata 1986 1999

mollusc Common Garden Snail Cornu aspersum 2014 2016

mollusc Dusky Slug Arion (Mesarion) subfuscus 2018 2018

mollusc Flat Ramshorn Hippeutis complanatus 1999 1999

mollusc Horny Orb Mussel Sphaerium corneum 1999 1999

mollusc Kentish Snail Monacha (Monacha) cantiana 2015 2017

mollusc Large Amber Snail Succinea putris 2017 2017

mollusc Leach's Bithynia Bithynia leachii 1999 1999

mollusc Margined Ramshorn Planorbis planorbis 1999 1999

mollusc Pfeiffer's Amber Snail Oxyloma (Oxyloma) elegans 2017 2017

Page 26: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

mollusc Rosy Pea Shell Pisidium milium 1999 1999

mollusc Rounded Snail Discus (Gonyodiscus) rotundatus 2017 2017

mollusc Valve Snail Valvata piscinalis 1986 1999

mollusc Wandering Snail Radix balthica 1986 1999

mollusc Whirlpool Ramshorn Anisus (Disculifer) vortex 1999 1999

mollusc White-lipped Snail Cepaea (Cepaea) hortensis 2016 2016

mollusc Planorbis vortex 1986 1986

reptile Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1987 2018

reptile Grass Snake Natrix helvetica 1987 2018

spider (Araneae) Araniella cucurbitina Araniella cucurbitina sensu lato 1996 1996

spider (Araneae) Araniella cucurbitina Araniella cucurbitina sensu stricto 1996 2015

spider (Araneae) Clubiona phragmitis Clubiona phragmitis 1995 1995

spider (Araneae) Dictyna arundinacea Dictyna arundinacea 2002 2015

spider (Araneae) Enoplognatha ovata Enoplognatha ovata sensu stricto 2002 2002

spider (Araneae) Garden Orb-Web Spider Araneus diadematus 2002 2002

spider (Araneae) Helophora insignis Helophora insignis 1999 1999

spider (Araneae) Hypomma cornutum Hypomma cornutum 2015 2015

spider (Araneae) Larinioides cornutus Larinioides cornutus 2002 2017

spider (Araneae) Metellina mengei Metellina mengei 2015 2015

spider (Araneae) Nursery-Web Spider Pisaura mirabilis 1994 2018

spider (Araneae) Pachygnatha clercki Pachygnatha clercki 2008 2008

spider (Araneae) Pachygnatha degeeri Pachygnatha degeeri 2002 2008

spider (Araneae) Pardosa amentata Pardosa amentata 2002 2002

spider (Araneae) Pardosa prativaga Pardosa prativaga 2002 2002

spider (Araneae) Pardosa pullata Pardosa pullata 2002 2002

spider (Araneae) Philodromus aureolus Philodromus aureolus 2002 2015

spider (Araneae) Phylloneta sisyphia Phylloneta sisyphia 2002 2002

spider (Araneae) Tetragnatha extensa Tetragnatha extensa 2002 2015

spider (Araneae) Tetragnatha montana Tetragnatha montana 2015 2015

Page 27: Taxon Group Common Name Taxon Name Earliest Latest · bird Tawny Owl Strix aluco 2006 2015 bird Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 2015 2015 . bird Woodpigeon Columba palumbus

spider (Araneae) Tibellus oblongus Tibellus oblongus 1996 1996

spider (Araneae) Xysticus cristatus Xysticus cristatus 1996 2002

spider (Araneae) Xysticus ulmi Xysticus ulmi 2018 2018

spider (Araneae) Zebra Spider Salticus scenicus 2015 2015

terrestrial mammal Bank Vole Myodes glareolus 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Brown Hare Lepus europaeus 1987 2015

terrestrial mammal Brown Long-eared Bat Plecotus auritus 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Brown Rat Rattus norvegicus 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Eastern Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Eurasian Common Shrew Sorex araneus 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Eurasian Pygmy Shrew Sorex minutus 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Eurasian Water Shrew Neomys fodiens 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal European Mole Talpa europaea 1987 2001

terrestrial mammal European Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal European Water Vole Arvicola amphibius 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Fallow Deer Dama dama 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Field Vole Microtus agrestis 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Harvest Mouse Micromys minutus 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Noctule Bat Nyctalus noctula 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus sensu lato 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Red Fox Vulpes vulpes 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Stoat Mustela erminea 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Weasel Mustela nivalis 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal West European Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus 1987 2009

terrestrial mammal Whiskered Bat Myotis mystacinus 1987 1987

terrestrial mammal Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus 1987 1987