T.C. Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi, fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır. YABANCI DİL BİLGİSİ SEVİYE TESPİT SINAVI (YDS) (İlkbahar Dönemi) 7 NİSAN 2013 PAZAR İNGİLİZCE

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T.C. Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi

Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi, fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.


(YDS)(İlkbahar Dönemi)



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Bu testte 80 soru vardır.

1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlereuygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

UNICEF is deeply committed to creating a world inwhich all children, regardless of their gender orsocioeconomic background, have ---- to free,compulsory and quality education.

A) B) C)


access dedication insight

addiction tendency

In some countries, such as Brazil and Russia, codeshave been put in place to promote ---- logging offorest ecosystems.

A) B) C)


applicable penetrable notable

sustainable provable

Before they are allowed to be used, all medicines,including vaccines, are ---- tested to assess howsafe and effective they are.

A) B)

C) D)


incidentally hazardously

thoroughly fatally





Many scientists believe that our sanitizedsurroundings are ---- allergic disorders in children,which have doubled in the last decade.

A) B)

C) D)


extracting fulfilling

unifying ensuring


In non-literate societies, valuable information aboutthe past is often enshrined in oral tradition – poems,hymns or sayings ---- from generation to generationby word of mouth.

A) B)

C) D)


taken off handed down

thrown up kept off

rooted out

By mapping equatorial rainfall since 800 AD,scientists have ---- how tropical weather may changeover the next century.

A) B)

C) D)


taken out put aside

brought down figured out

counted upon




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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

7. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlereuygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The physics of elementary particles in the 20th

century ---- by the observation of particles whoseexistence ---- by theorists decades earlier.






has been distinguished / was predicted

distinguished / is being predicted

was distinguished / had been predicted

is distinguished / has been predicted

had been distinguished / was being predicted

At the end of the First World War, the leaders ofvictorious countries gathered at Versailles, andthere, they ---- to decide what penalties Germany,Austria and other allies ----.






tried / would have to pay

had tried / must have paid

were trying / were paying

used to try / might have paid

could try / should have paid

---- the types of individuals it seeks to attract, anorganization ---- to consider what methods to use toreach them.






To have established / could need

Having established / needs

Establishing / had needed

Established / needed

Being established / will need




China’s rapid growth ---- trade is seen as a plus forthe Southeast Asian nations because it helps tospur development ---- the region.

A) B)

C) D)


of / without by / about

upon / over at / under

in / across

As Antarctic glaciers collapse ---- the sea, scientistsstruggle to find out what that means ---- the rise ofsea levels.

A) B)

C) D)


against / in over / to

around / along on / for

from / behind

---- lead was widely known to be dangerous, by theearly years of the 20th century, it could be found inall manners of consumer products.

A) B)

C) D)


Since Once

Only when Even though

Given that




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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

Animals trapped in a stone called ‘amber’ aresometimes so well preserved that they look ---- theyhave just died.

A) B)

C) D)


so that in case

as though even if

now that

The European Commission has put forward thatpolicies to cut greenhouse gases will not work ----individuals share the vision of a low-carbon society.

A) B)

C) D)


provided that after

but while


When modern coastal fish-farming began 30 yearsago, no one was doing things right, ---- for theenvironment ---- the industry’s long-termsustainability.

A) B)

C) D)


whether / or such / as

so / that either / or

as / as




---- deriving two-thirds of its power supply fromfossil fuels, power producers in India cannot getenough pipeline space to distribute natural gas.

A) B)

C) D)


Despite Besides

As a result of By means of

Rather than


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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

17. - 21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçadanumaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya daifadeyi bulunuz.

Cities, large and small, are at the heart of a fastchanging global economy – they are a cause of, and aresponse to world economic growth. Many urban areasare growing (17)---- their rural hinterlands aredepressed, which forces impoverished rural people tomove to the cities in search of work. These newcomersoften end up not (18)---- the opportunities they arelooking for, so they become part of the urban poor.(19)---- arrival to the city, they often encounter lack ofhousing and infrastructure services. To (20)---- the lackof available homes, newcomers often set up shelters onthe city outskirts, usually on public-owned land. Theyoften live without electricity, running water, a seweragesystem, roads and other urban services. (21)---- dealingwith poor sanitation and pollution from dirty cookingfuels and primitive stoves, they are exposed to modernenvironmental hazards, such as urban air pollution,exhaust fumes and industrial pollution.

A) B)

C) D)


unless in case

so that whenever







to find


to have found

being found

to be found



A) B) C)


About To For

Upon By

A) B)

C) D)


cut down on go in for

turn back on fall behind with

make up for

A) B)

C) D)


Despite Owing to

For the sake of In addition to





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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

22. - 26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçadanumaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya daifadeyi bulunuz.

No single country owns Antarctica. (22)----, countrieswishing to have a say in how the Antarctic (both thecontinent itself and the surrounding Southern Ocean) isgoverned (23)----, and agree to abide by, the AntarcticTreaty. However, prior to the signing of the AntarcticTreaty in 1959, several countries had made claims toparts of Antarctica, some of which overlapped. TheTreaty does not (24)---- these claims; Article IV of theTreaty states in part, “No acts or activities taking placewhile the present Treaty is in force shall constitute abasis for asserting, supporting or denying a claim toterritorial sovereignty in Antarctica.” (25)---- avoiding theclaims issue in this way, it was possible to produce atreaty that many parties could sign. Unfortunately, thismeans that (26)---- many countries follow the spirit ofcooperation of the Treaty, there are still disputes overterritory that remain unresolved and come up from timeto time.

A) B)

C) D)


Instead For example

At least In short


A) B)

C) D)


were to sign had to sign

must sign may sign

used to sign



A) B)

C) D)


jeopardize withdraw

underestimate recognize


A) B) C)


By From About

Along Without

A) B) C)


as while if

until before




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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekildetamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

In order to make the first vessels to cross stretchesof water, ----.






ancient civilizations depended heavily on these fortheir survival and expansion

the Greeks brought the art of rowing to a level ofperfection that has never been surpassed

early attempts were often unique to the societies thatoriginated them

people had already developed them for suchpurposes as fishing and transporting goods

early humans employed materials ranging fromanimal skins to small pieces of timber

While several other minerals are needed for musclefunction, ----.






knowledge of your body and its functions can be agreat ally in health matters

most of the calories in the food we eat are used byour muscles

the contours of the body alter as the musclesstrengthen

exercise is a vital ingredient for keeping the humanbody in good health

continuous intake of calcium helps to maintain ahealthy skeleton



Despite the political upheavals in the Arab world,----.






the Middle East is gaining ground to become one ofthe world’s popular tourist destinations

business boom, in places like Dubai and Abu Dhabi,has had little impact on the economies

the airlines are rapidly expanding their routes inEurope and Asia

emphasis on new policies is required to overcomerecession in these countries

stability, strong economic growth and value formoney are the key factors of economic mobility

Whereas there are undoubted social benefits toincreasing home ownership, ----.






the mortgage companies that finance home buyerscan go bankrupt

there are some economic problems associated withit

more and more people prefer to buy homes thanrent

the existing laws make it financially more attractiveto purchase

incentives to rent houses still remain at historicallylow levels



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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

No matter how good the food we eat is, if it is notwell digested, absorbed into the blood andassimilated into the cells, ----.






we can, in time, develop symptoms and nutritionaldeficiency

food must be well chewed and mixed with saliva

an alkaline environment is needed for the next stageof digestion

it reaches the stomach where it is mixed with pepsin

the breakdown of the protein in food begins here

----, Indian culture was primarily oral, with a highvalue placed on recounting tales and dreams.






No matter how extraordinarily diverse Indiancustoms and culture have been

As native American Indians evolved into complexhierarchical societies that practiced human sacrifice

Even though the first Indians began constructingearthen burial sites and fortifications around 600 BC

If all European emigrants had left their homelands toescape political oppression

Although some North American tribes developed atype of hieroglyphics to preserve certain texts



----, you can work on extinguishing any undesirablebehaviours.






Unless you proceed to the interviewer’s office foryour interview

Although previous work experience is sought byalmost all employers nowadays

Once you are able to see yourself interacting withothers

Whereas there is much to be learned about humannature in general

Just as any communicative event requires at leastone person to be around

It might not be practical to use a different passwordfor every single website that you log into ----.






so online shopping involves more than just a sellerand a buyer

although it is more suggestible for someone to relyon a computer engineer

since nicknames on the Internet are not enough toprotect you from harm

while the term ‘surfing’ has become morewidespread as more people use computers

but it is definitely worth having more than one forsecurity reasons



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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

The nests birds leave behind provide clues abouttheir lives and environment ----.






as the architectural complexity of these nests hardlyuntangles their genealogy

just as archaeological sites supply glimpses ofhuman history

but nest-collecting was a popular boyhood hobby inthe 19th century

despite the fact that they remain a largely untappedscientific resource

before they lay eggs in order to sustain thecontinuation of their species

----, not only cell operators but also law enforcementhave come under fire for exploiting personal datawithout the user’s knowledge.






After the companies have agreed widely on privacypolicies

Although law enforcement units permit users toreach all sites

Since market demand is driving some of the biggestcollectors of data into piracy

As smart phones’ tracking abilities have becomemore sophisticated

Now that banking transactions via mobile devicesare almost completely secure



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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

37. - 42. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleyeanlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe cümleyeanlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

Most of the fears that we had when we were childrenare actually quite profound, but as we grow olderand become more self-sufficient, the reality of fearsdiminishes.






Çocukken yaşadığımız korkuların çoğu, aslındaoldukça derindir ancak büyüyüp kendimize dahafazla yeter hâle geldikçe korkuların gerçekliği azalır.

Çocukken aslında çok derin birçok korku yaşarızfakat büyüyüp daha çok kendimize yettikçe bukorkular gerçekliğini yitirir.

Çocukken yaşadığımız korkuların çoğu, aslındaoldukça derin boyuttadır ancak büyüyüp kendimizedaha fazla yeten bireyler hâline geldiğimizde bukorkular zamanla ortadan kalkar.

Çocukken yaşanılan korkuların çoğu, aslındaoldukça derindir fakat kendimize yetecek kadarbüyüdüğümüzde bu korkular gerçekliğini kaybeder.

Çocukken yaşadığımız korkuların çoğu, aslındaoldukça derin olsa da büyüyüp kendimize daha fazlayettikçe bu korkular gerçek olmaktan uzaklaşır.


For the last 20 years, there has been an ongoingargument as to whether jazz is no longer anexclusively American let alone an Afro-Americanmusic.






Son yirmi yıldır, Afro-Amerikan müziği olmaktançıktığı varsayılan cazın sadece Amerikan müziğiolup olmadığını sorgulayan bir tartışmabulunmaktadır.

Son yirmi yılın süregelen tartışması, Afro-Amerikanmüziği olmasından ziyade, cazın artık tamamıylaAmerikan müziği olup olmadığıdır.

Son yirmi yıldır, cazın Afro-Amerikan müziğiolmasını göz ardı eden ve tamamen Amerikanmüziği olduğunu savunan bir tartışmasüregelmektedir.

Son yirmi yıldır, Afro-Amerikan müziği olmasınıbırakın, cazın daha ne kadar Amerikan müziği olarakanılabileceği tartışılmaktadır.

Son yirmi yıldır, Afro-Amerikan müziği olmasını birkenara bırakın, cazın artık yalnızca Amerikan müziğiolup olmadığı konusunda süregelen bir tartışmamevcuttur.

Patriarchy originally meant superiority of the fatherand used to be employed by sociologists todescribe family structures where the father ratherthan the mother was dominant.






Ataerkillik, esasen babanın ayrıcalığını ifadeetmekteydi ve toplum bilimciler tarafından annedenziyade babanın baskın olduğu aile yapılarınıtanımlarken kullanılırdı.

Ataerkillik, özünde babanın hâkimiyeti anlamınıtaşımaktaydı ve toplum bilimciler tarafından annedenziyade babanın baskın olduğu aile yapılarını elealırken kullanılırdı.

Ataerkillik, ilk olarak babanın üstünlüğü anlamınasahipti ve toplum bilimciler tarafından annedenziyade babanın ön planda olduğu aile yapılarınıtasvir etmek için kullanılırdı.

Ataerkillik, başlangıçta babanın üstünlüğü anlamınagelmekteydi ve toplum bilimciler tarafından annedenziyade babanın baskın olduğu aile yapılarınıtanımlamak için kullanılırdı.

Ataerkillik, aslen babanın üstünlüğü anlamınagelmekteydi ve toplum bilimciler tarafından annedenziyade babanın sözünün geçtiği aile yapılarınıvurgulamak için kullanılırdı.



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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

Oyunlara ve özellikle çocuk oyunlarına ilişkininançlarımız, teknoloji ve küreselleşme ile köklüdeğişimler geçirmiştir.






We seem to have radically changed our beliefsabout plays, and children’s plays in particular,because of advances in technology andglobalization.

We believe that plays, and children’s plays inparticular, have encountered radical changes due totechnology and globalization.

Our beliefs about plays, and children’s plays inparticular, have undergone radical changes withtechnology and globalization.

Owing to the radical changes in plays, and children’splays in particular, we have shifted our attitudetowards technology and globalization.

As to technology and globalization, our beliefs aboutplays, and children’s plays in particular, havechanged radically.

Anadolu'daki arkeolojik kalıntılar, zeytin ağacınınçok eskilere dayandığını ve aynı zamandazeytinyağının faydalarını insanların bildiğinigösteren deliller sunmaktadır.






Archaeological remains in Anatolia have revealedthe fact that the olive tree grew in the very distantpast and humans knew the benefits of olive oil aswell.

In Anatolia, archaeological remains show that theolive tree was in existence in the very distant pastand humans were also aware of the benefits of oliveoil.

Archaeological remains in Anatolia provide proof thatthe olive tree dates back to the very distant past, asdoes human knowledge of olive oil’s benefits.

The olive tree and human knowledge of olive oil’sbenefits date back to the very distant past asarchaeological remains in Anatolia show us.

Remains in archaeological sites in Anatolia provesthat olive tree depends on the very distant past andhumans benefited from olive oil in many ways.



Kendine ait önemli rezervleri bulunmayan dünyanınen büyük enerji tüketicisi Avrupa Birliği, ihtiyaçduyduğu enerjinin % 50’sini ithal etmektedir ve ithalenerjiye olan bağımlılığının 2030 yılına kadar % 70’eçıkacağı tahmin edilmektedir.






The world’s largest energy consumer without its ownsignificant reserves, the European Union imports50% of the energy it needs, and it is predicted thatits dependence on imported energy will rise to 70%by 2030.

As the world’s largest energy consumer, theEuropean Union has no important energy reserves,and it is envisioned that its dependence on importedenergy will increase to 70% by 2030, on theassumption that it buys 50% of its energy from othercountries.

As the world’s largest energy consumer with itslimited energy reserves, the European Union importsaround 50% of the energy it needs, and it willprobably be more dependent on energy import with a70% increase by 2030.

Besides being the world’s largest energy consumertoday which lacks its own reserves, the EuropeanUnion imports 50% of the energy it requires, and it isforeseen that its energy import will go up to 70% by2030.

The European Union is the world’s largest energyconsumer without its own significant energyreserves, and it is estimated that its reliance onimported energy will rise to 70% by 2030, while it is50% now.


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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

43. - 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

History is one of the few school subjects commonlymandated in education systems throughout the world.Furthermore, the use of history textbooks to supportstudent learning is an almost universally acceptedpractice. However, the widespread internationalpresence of the humble history textbook should notdisguise its ideological and cultural potency. Indeed,essential to understanding the power and importance ofhistory textbooks is to appreciate that in any givenculture they typically exist as the keepers of ideas,values and knowledge. No matter how neutral historytextbooks may appear, they are ideologically important,because they often seek to inject the youth with ashared set of values, national ethos and anincontrovertible sense of political orthodoxy. Textbooksstand as cultural artefacts that embody a range ofissues associated with ideology, politics and valueswhich in themselves function at a variety of differentlevels of power, status and influence. Embedded inhistory textbooks are narratives and stories that nationstates choose to tell about themselves and theirrelations with other nations. Typically, they represent acore of cultural knowledge which future generations areexpected both to assimilate and support.

According to the passage, history textbooks ----.






are now being rewritten with a more internationaland universal outlook to rectify pastmisunderstandings between nations

are not appropriate for teaching history because theyare always ideologically biased

should be written in a neutral and unbiased way sothat future generations can have a healthyunderstanding of history

not only have educational, but also ideologicalfunctions, serving to transmit a nation state’s values

consist of baseless stories and narratives ratherthan historical facts that are more important for anation state’s survival


It is stated in the passage that ----.






some countries have been more successful inproducing more neutral and less ideological historytextbooks than others

in many nations, debates over the content andformat of history textbooks continue to generateconsiderable political conflict

nations attempt to provide future generations withparticular values that will ensure the continuation ofexisting structures

history textbooks have become more politicized afterthe emergence of nation states to preserve nationalidentity

many educational systems throughout the worldinclude history in their curriculum to enhancepolitical literacy

According to the passage, regardless of howimpartially they are written, history textbooks ----.






need to teach both the past and the future

serve a purpose other than intended

are the best options for cultural transmission

affect ideologically the youth more than adults

can never be completely objective and neutral

It can be inferred from the passage that the author----.






is in favour of using history textbooks to informpeople about international relations

sets out to emphasize the use of history textbooks toinstil national values in the young generation

is of the opinion that textbooks on history are easy towrite

believes in the necessity of locally produced historytextbooks to bring about world peace

is trying to persuade the reader of the importance ofunderstanding history




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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

47. - 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

Farmers in many countries utilize antibiotics in two keyways: at full strength to treat animals that are sick and inlow doses to fatten meat-producing livestock or toprevent veterinary illnesses. Although even the properuse of antibiotics can inadvertently lead to the spread ofdrug resistant bacteria, the habit of using a low dose is aformula for disaster: the treatment provides just enoughantibiotic to kill some but not all bacteria. The germs thatsurvive are typically those that happen to bear geneticmutations for resisting the antibiotic. They thenreproduce and exchange genes with other microbialresisters. As bacteria are found literally everywhere,resistant strains produced in animals eventually findtheir way into people as well. You could not design abetter system for guaranteeing the spread of antibioticresistance. To cease the spread, Denmark enforcedtighter rules on the use of antibiotics in the raising ofpoultry and other farm animals. The lesson is thatimproving animal husbandry – making sure that pens,stalls and cages are properly cleaned and givinganimals more room or time to mature – offsets the initialnegative impact of limiting antibiotic use.

It is understood from the passage that ----.






farmers mainly prefer using antibiotics as apreventive measure for diseases

antibiotics are merely useful in treating thecontagious diseases of farm animals

continuous and heavy doses of antibiotics are crucialfor poultry

antibiotics are so far the only effective method tofatten up meat-producing animals

poultry prices are affected by the spread ofcontagious diseases


It is implied in the passage that ----.






widespread use of antibiotics is intended to eliminatethe chances of a possible pandemic

using a low dose antibiotic compared to a heavydose is highly recommended for farmers

human beings should test the efficacy of usingantibiotics on other animals before using them onpoultry

increased antibiotic resistance in human beings isdue to the consumption of animal products withantibiotic content

antibiotic resistance in poultry animals has ledscientists to find alternative solutions to fight offthese bacteria

According to the passage, ----.






the spread of bacterial infections in poultry may notbe avoided by improving physical conditions

the weight of the poultry mainly depends upon theenvironment they are brought up in

strict regulations in Denmark are employed tominimize the effects of antibiotic use on both poultryand people

the maturation period of poultry in Denmark isdetermined by the size of the animal

the productivity of poultry can best be analyzedthrough the amount of the antibiotic used on theanimal

It is stated in the passage that antibiotics ----.






are crucial as they change the genetic mutations ofpoultry

form the basis for microbial resistance of genes inanimals

are effective in restricting resistant strains of bacteriain poultry

are employed to prevent a possible disease spreadfrom farm animals to human beings

may produce drug resistant bacteria, irrespective ofhow carefully they are used




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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

51. - 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

“The Marshall Plan was not a simple program fortransferring massive sums of money to strugglingcountries, but an explicit – and eventually successful –attempt to reindustrialize Europe.” say Erik Reinert andHa-Joon Chang. It follows that if Africa really wantseconomic prosperity, it should study and draw valuablelessons from the Marshall Plan’s dark twin: theMorgenthau Plan implemented in Germany in 1945.Reinert tells the story best: When it was clear that theAllies would win the Second World War, the question ofwhat to do with Germany, which in three decades hadprecipitated two World Wars, reared its head. HenryMorgenthau Jr, the US secretary of the treasury,formulated a plan to keep Germany from ever againthreatening world peace. Germany, he argued, had tobe entirely deindustrialized and turned into anagricultural nation. All industrial equipment was to bedestroyed, and the mines were to be flooded. Thisprogram was approved by the Allies and wasimmediately implemented when Germany capitulated in1945. However, it soon became clear that theMorgenthau Plan was causing serious economicproblems in Germany: deindustrialization causedagricultural productivity to plummet. This was indeed aninteresting experiment. The mechanisms of synergybetween industry and agriculture worked in reverse:killing the industry reduced the productivity of theagricultural sector.

It is clearly stated in the passage that the MarshallPlan ----.






was redesigned as the Morgenthau Plan to beapplied in Germany

was very comprehensive in its scope to developEurope

was a program of investment from which the Alliesexpected to benefit directly

was ill-formed for its objectives according to ErikReinert and Ha-Joon Chang

turned out to be a failed attempt to industrializevarious European nations


According to the passage, Germany ----.






had to be stripped of its power to start wars

was unable to continue its industrial developmentduring World War II

needed industrial equipment and American financeto rebuild the country

found the Morgenthau Plan problematic as itseconomy declined

was allowed to industrialize despite its agriculturalpotential

It is implied in the passage that ----.






America’s vision for post-war Europe was in essencemisguided

a country has no choice but to prioritize one sectorover another in order to advance

today’s Africa and post-war Germany have a lot incommon

Erik Reinert and Ha-Joon Chang were right in theirpredictions about the Marshall Plan

plans made by policy makers may yield unexpectedoutcomes

The main concern of the author is to ----.






supply a brief summary of imperial nations’domination of others

blame America’s programs for Germany’sagricultural productivity

learn from the failings and achievements of someeconomic policies

describe ways of industrializing through agriculturein order to stop wars

accuse the African leaders of failing to understandhow Germany prospered




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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

55. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

Imagine an industry that runs out of raw materials.Companies go bankrupt, workers are laid off, familiessuffer and associated organizations are thrown intoturmoil. Eventually, governments are forced to takedrastic action. Welcome to global banking, recentlybrought to its knees by the interruption of its lifeblood – the flow of cash. In this case, we seem to have beenfortunate. In the nick of time, governments releasedreserves in order to start cash circulating again. Butwhat if the reserves had not been there? What are wegoing to do when our supplies of vital materials such asfish, tropical hardwoods, metals like indium and freshwater dry up? We live on a planet with finite resources– that is no surprise to anyone – so why do we have aneconomic system in which all that matters is growth – more growth means using more resources. When thehuman population was counted in millions andresources were sparse, people could simply move tonew pastures. However, with 9 billion people expectedaround 2050, moving on is not an option. As politiciansreconstruct the global economy, they should take heed.If we are to leave any kind of planet to our children, weneed an economic system that lets us live within ourmeans.

The author starts the passage with an example fromindustry in order to ----.






explain why raw materials are used in industry

present the conditions of the workers who arecurrently employed

indicate the possible consequences of globalindustrialization

emphasize the importance of raw materials

describe the impact of the banking system onindustry


According to the passage, the global banking crisiswas resolved because governments ----.






cooperated closely with the industry

sold off large supplies of cash

involved the necessary organizations

bought new supplies of vital materials

acted quickly to find a solution

The main point made in the passage is that ----.






industries need to look carefully at the raw materialsused

the economic system currently in place must berethought

population explosion is one of the greatest threats tomankind as it requires more planning

all governments should have a responsibility to helpout in times of crisis

the global banking system can throw the world intoturmoil

It is pointed out in the passage that in the past ----.






an economic system of growth was easy to establish

resources were more valuable than they are today

it was easy for people to find new resources

industry was far less dependent on raw materials

it was rare for businesses to actually fail




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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

59. - 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

Many athletes credit drugs with improving theirperformance, but some of them may want to thank theirbrain instead. Mounting evidence suggests that theboost from human growth hormone (HGH), anincreasingly popular doping drug, might be caused bythe placebo effect. In a new double-blind trial funded bythe World Anti-Doping Agency, in which neitherresearchers nor participants knew who was receivingHGH and who was taking a placebo, the researchersasked participants to guess whether or not they were onthe real drug. Then they examined the results of thegroup who guessed that they were getting HGH when, infact, they had received a placebo. That group improvedat four fitness tests measuring strength, endurance,power and sprint capacity. The study participants whoguessed correctly that they were taking a placebo didnot improve, according to preliminary results presentedat the Society for Endocrinology meeting in June 2011.“The finding really shows the power of the mind” saidKen Ho, an endocrinologist at the Garvan Institute inSydney, Australia, who led the study. She maintains thatmany athletes are reaping the benefits of the placeboeffect, without knowing whether what they are taking isbeneficial or not.

It is clearly stated in the passage that the supportgiven by certain drugs ----.






is largely accepted for its positive contribution toperformance

has been proven by many studies around the world

has led authorities to take the necessary measuresagainst these drugs

has been openly disputed by most of the athletes

results in the improved performances of all theathletes who take them


According to the results of the study funded by theWorld Anti-Doping Agency, ----.






the study participants were all aware they were givena placebo

those who knew that they were given real drugsfailed to show improvement in fitness tests

the athletes who did not know they were given aplacebo did well on fitness tests

the preliminary findings showed the increasedpopularity of drugs

the effects of HGH are incompatible with those foundin other studies

It is understood from the passage that the placeboeffect ----.






is highly esteemed among those who are interestedin athletics

can play a significant role in improving theperformances of athletes

has been monitored in the participating groups thatconsist of people taking doping drugs

was also tested in other branches of sports wherecompetition exists

was very high in the studies where participants wereinformed in advance

It can be inferred from the passage that ----.






external interventions may have negative impacts onone’s performance

every athlete should be involved in a study toincrease his or her performance

success lies in the power of one’s mind no matterwhich treatment he or she is exposed to

the World Anti-Doping Agency should be much morecareful about the use of drugs in sports

much more research should be done on the placeboeffect among athletes




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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

63. - 67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boşbırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyibulunuz.

Emre: What’s so funny that you’ve been laughing now

for hours?

Figen: I was just remembering a friend of mine who owns

a shoe shop. He was very upset because herealized that many customers were trying tosqueeze their feet into shoes that were too small,and were ruining his shoes.

Emre: ----

Figen: Even so, I just can’t help laughing.






That must have been quite an experience for him.Now he won’t let anyone try on different sizes.

Doesn’t the salesman have any rights? He should beable to fill out some kind of complaint form.

Being a frequent shoe-buyer myself, I don’t knowwhere your friend’s store is.

Perhaps he should start selling other things. Thisway, he won’t have to deal with those customersanymore.

I don’t find it amusing whatsoever. The customersshould have been more careful with what they weredoing.


Timur: Do you know the difference between the use of

barbecues and conventional gas cooking?

Levent: ----

Timur: What can be done to reduce this?

Levent: I think we should use gas over barbecue as it

contributes to an increase in smog levels.






Burning charcoal releases carbon monoxide into theair much more than cooking with gas does.

Well, actually, both are good ways of cooking, butbarbecues take longer to prepare.

Gas cooking is far more efficient than using abarbecue, as you can adjust the heat according toyour needs.

Unfortunately, both are harmful and cause damageto the environment.

Gas appears to be more dangerous as there is ahigh risk of explosion.


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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

Teacher: Your son has adapted quite well socially. He’s had

no problems making friends. Also, he’s quite aleader among them.

Parent: I’m glad to hear that. What about his class work?

Teacher: ----

Parent: He's never been very good at sitting still and







His math skills are very good, but he needs to workharder on his language skills.

He enjoys group work, probably because he likes tosocialize so much.

I think he needs a private tutor to help him with themore difficult subjects.

I really enjoy having him in class because he’s sucha good example to others.

He has the ability but he seems to lack theconcentration to do the work.

65. Jale: Here is an article about how people react in

emergencies. Researchers say that when morepeople are around, it reduces the chances ofactually being helped.

Adnan: ----

Jale: Apparently, onlookers provide a model for action.

If they are docile and disinterested, the situationmay seem less serious.

Adnan: I think if there is only one bystander, your chance

of being helped increases, as he will think he musthelp immediately.






Is an individual aware that others are present?

How did they carry out that research?

Do they offer any explanation as to why thishappens?

Is this finding true for all cultures?

Who were the participants in this research?


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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

Ayça: Do you think environmental factors like diet and

stress affect the ageing process as much as thedecline of hormonal systems?

Berkan: ----

Ayça: So, you mean physiological and environmental

factors contribute to one’s longevity to the samedegree.

Berkan: Definitely! I also think living in an extended family

and playing an important role in society bring insome beneficial effects.






I don’t believe dietary habits and lifestyle have muchto do with ageing. It’s all about the gradual failing ofthe body to be able to repair itself and replace cells.

I heard some people live longer and have fewerhealth problems than others thanks to theireasy-going lifestyle and the amount of vegetablesthey consume.

Perhaps, calorie restriction and anti-ageingtreatments can be successful interventions that maycause increases in life expectancy.

Even if ageing seems to be a serious problem formany people, some rely on plastic surgeries to copewith it.

Extending one’s lifespan isn’t simply a case ofstopping the ageing process, because ageing isn’t ascientifically recognized cause of death.

67. 68. - 71. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca enyakın cümleyi bulunuz.

Science does not produce a unified picture of theenvironment on which all can agree, instead itprovides multiple views, each of which may be validfrom a particular ideological angle.






There is not one single view of the environment thatcan be provided through science that everyone willagree on, rather it gives different perspectives, all ofwhich are valid depending on the ideologicalperspective.

The environment has been described by scientists inmany different ways rather than in just one way, andeach of these have their own validity according tothe observer’s own ideology.

Science represents many diverse and particularideological angles, and from these a valid andunified description of the environment can beproduced that respects multiple views.

Scientists from different ideological backgroundshave come together to agree upon a unified pictureof the environment on which scientists can all agreeupon its validity.

Multiple views on the environment are the result ofscience being unable to produce a unifieddescription upon which those from differentideological backgrounds can agree.


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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

The stocks of bluefin tuna, the most valuable fish inthe world, have plummeted to such paltry levels thatmany scientists speculate that the fish could beheaded for extinction.






Scientists believe that the excessive demand for thevaluable bluefin tuna fish has risen to such a levelthat there is speculation about the fish becomingextinct.

Stocks of the world’s most desirable bluefin tuna fishhave reached such a low level that many scientistsare convinced that they are about to become extinct.

There is some speculation among scientists aroundthe world as to how far the stocks of the valuablebluefin tuna fish can be allowed to fall before theybecome extinct.

Stocks of the bluefin tuna, the most expensive fish inthe world, have dropped to such a low level thatscientists are predicting that they might becomeextinct.

The most expensive fish in the world is the bluefintuna, but scientists fear that stocks will soon reach apaltry level and the fish will become extinct.

69. Huntington’s has been described as the mostdisastrous disease known to man because of itspeculiarly cruel characteristics, as it progressivelystrips a person of control of his muscles, reasonand emotion.






Huntington’s disease is described as not only theworst disease in the world but also the most cruellyprogressive, as it slowly takes away a person’sability to control their muscles, reason and emotion.

To describe Huntington’s as a cruel disease couldbe disastrous as people know that it eventually takesaway a person’s ability to control their muscles aswell as to reason and feel emotion.

Due to its cruel characteristics that gradually takeaway a person’s control of their muscles, reason andemotion, Huntington’s is said to be the mostdevastating disease in the world.

When a person starts to rapidly lose control of hismuscles and no longer is able to reason or controlhis emotions, he can be described as having themost disastrous disease ever – Huntington’s.

When a man is described as having Huntington’s, itcan be a very cruel experience, as they will graduallyexperience certain characteristics such as lack ofmuscle control, reason and emotion.


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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

The changing climate will have negative effects onall parts of the world; depending on people’slocation and lifestyles, however, there will be greatdifferences in the subsequent health hazards thathuman populations face.






No matter how and where people live, thesubsequent health hazards will be terribly great afterthe varying climate negatively affects all regions ofthe world.

Based on their lifestyles and geographical location,human populations all over the world will experiencehealth risks to be brought about by adverse effectsof the changing climate.

Whether all regions of the world will be negativelyaffected by the incremental climate change largelydepends on people’s location and ways of life, yethuman populations will end up with health risks.

Since all parts of the world are likely to be adverselyinfluenced by the globally changing climate, humanpopulations have been subject to resultant healthrisks, regardless of how and where they reside.

All regions of the world will be adversely affected bythe changing climate, but the resulting health risks tohuman populations will vary greatly, depending onwhere and how people live.

71. 72. - 75. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçadaanlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecekcümleyi bulunuz.

Most measurements of happiness are bystandardized questionnaires or interview schedules.It could also be done by informed observers – thosewho know the individual well and see themregularly. ---- Yet, another form of measurement is toinvestigate a person’s memory and check whetherthey feel predominantly happy or unhappy abouttheir past. Finally, there are some crude butever-developing physical measures looking ateverything from brain scanning to saliva levels.






It should be kept in mind that such tests might bemisleading in many cases.

Findings suggest that ancestors of Finnish peoplemade use of such methods.

There is also experience sampling, where peoplereport how happy they are many times a day.

Being objective in this process is more importantthan being an observer.

A question still remains unanswered: to what extentcan one express happiness on a sheet of questions?

Everything in the factories of the future will be runby smarter software. Digitization in manufacturingwill have as widespread an effect as in otherindustries that have gone digital, includingphotography, publishing and films. Such effects willnot be confined to large manufacturers, either. ----Launching new and innovative products willbecome easier and cheaper for them.






The materials being used to make things arechanging faster than they were in the past.

In addition, it will allow things to be madeeconomically in much smaller quantities.

Nonetheless, companies are also optimistic about amanufacturing revival.

In fact, these developments will empower smallerfirms and individual entrepreneurs.

As such, companies from all over the world useChina and India as low-wage workshops.



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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

---- This is not the case, and evidence for earlylearning and remembering comes from severalstudies. In one, infants only a few hours old learnedto turn their heads right or left, depending onwhether they heard a buzzer or a tone. In order totaste a sweet liquid, the baby had to turn to the rightwhen a tone sounded and to turn to the left whenthe buzzer sounded. In only a few trials, the babieswere performing without error.






It was once thought that infants could neither learnnor remember.

Infants can discriminate differences in taste shortlyafter birth.

Newborn infants could distinguish human voicesfrom other sounds.

Newborn babies may not remember what they havejust learned.

Pre-birth experiences in the uterus help infants tolearn and remember.

74. Stephen Hawking, the famed theoretical physicistdiagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease, lost the abilityto speak thirty years ago. In the meantime, acomputerized voice generated by an infrared sensorinside Hawking’s mouth has allowed him tocommunicate. According to a recent report,however, the muscles controlling the device havebeen deteriorating, limiting him to as little as oneword per minute. ---- This is a horrifying prospect forthe scientific community that has benefitted greatlyfrom his findings. But a new device recording brainfunctions at an unprecedented level of detail wasdeveloped and has been proposed to improveHawking’s ability to communicate once again.






Such devices can be used to monitor the sleeppattern and the disorders of the deaf.

The sensor in the mouth is an effective way tocontinue communication with people unable tospeak.

Without a new means of communication, Hawkingruns the risk of being rendered mute.

The muscles in the mouth can be kept under controlby using a great variety of equipments.

Thanks to recent developments, researchers arenow able to keep the disease under control as inHawking’s condition.

76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıylaokunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozancümleyi bulunuz.

(I) Using herbs from your garden or the farmer’s marketto enhance the flavour of your summer cuisine is reallyrewarding. (II) Not only will herbs add subtle accents toyour main dishes and salads, but they will also bringfragrance and interest to favourite dessert and beveragerecipes. (III) If you are not using fresh herbs, rememberthat dried herbs are very potent, so reduce the amountyou use by half or more. (IV) Include your home-grownproduce in a salad course, and specimens from yourgorgeous summer flower beds in a welcoming tablecentrepiece. (V) Also, if you are cooking outdoors, besure to allow enough time to heat the grill for yourvegetables, steaks and chicken.




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2013-YDS İlkbahar/İNGİLİZCE

(I) Aristotle explored the apparent ties between odourand memory in his work On Sense and the Sensible.(II) Since then, people have speculated that thememories elicited by smell are more intimate andimmediate than other recollections. (III) When weexperience certain smells, we often find ourselves takenback in time to a specific event or scene. (IV) Manymovies of the 1980s include scenes that triggermemories of childhood and school years. (V) Forexample, the smell of a salsa, a sauce eaten withMexican food, may remind a person of watching JamesBond movies on television with his or her father whiledipping chips in the spicy sauce.


(I) Five to six million farmers in the tropics who cultivatethe cacao trees from which cocoa is produced rely onthe sales of the seeds to feed themselves and theirfamilies. (II) Cacao tree grows only in a narrow bandwithin about 18 degrees north and south of the Equator.(III) They extract the seeds, often called ‘beans’, fromfootball-shaped pods and then ferment and dry them toform butter and powder. (IV) The livelihoods of another40 to 50 million depend on the long production roadwhereby the cacao seeds travel from a farm to thecandy on store shelves. (V) In Ivory Coast, whichproduces 40 percent of the world’s cocoa, such farmingaccounts for a full 15 percent of Gross DomesticProduct (GDP) and employs 5 percent of households.


(I) One of the oldest methods of preserving food isdrying. (II) It slows down the proliferation and activity ofthe bacteria that cause spoilage and decay, but itconsiderably alters the appearance of food due to theloss of water. (III) With the success of freezing and itscharacteristics for retaining the food value ofingredients, drying is no longer an essential means ofpreserving food for times when it may be out of seasonor expensive. (IV) Since prehistoric times, cereals andfruits have been dried in the sun before being stored.(V) The drying of fruits and vegetables has been widelypracticed for so long; in Greece for grapes, in Turkey forapricots, and in Iran and Spain for tomatoes.





(I) No citizen of the European Union lives more than700 km away from the coast. (II) The seas and oceansare at the centre of a large number of interactions, andto optimize political decision-making, we must clearlyunderstand these interactions. (III) The European Unionis surrounded by four seas and two oceans, and has89,000 km of coastline. (IV) The maritime areas underthe jurisdiction of the member states of the EuropeanUnion are larger than the land masses. (V) The obviousconclusion is the need for rational management of theseas and oceans.




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Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi, fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve doğacak tüm mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.

1. Sınav salonları kamera ile kayıt altına alınacaktır. Kamera kayıtlarının incelenmesinden sonra sınav kuralla-rına uymadığı tespit edilen adayların sınavları ÖSYM Yönetim Kurulunca geçersiz sayılacaktır.

2. Cep telefonu ile sınava girmek kesinlikle yasaktır. Çağrı cihazı, telsiz, fotoğraf makinesi vb. araçlarla; cep bilgi-sayarı, kol ya da cep saati gibi her türlü bilgisayar özelliği bulunan cihazlarla; silah ve benzeri teçhizatla; müsved-de kâğıdı, defter, kitap, sözlük, sözlük işlevi olan elektronik aygıt, hesap cetveli, hesap makinesi, pergel, açıölçer, cetvel vb. araçlarla sınava girmek kesinlikle yasaktır. Bu araçlarla sınava girmiş adayların adı mutlaka Salon Sınav Tutanağına yazılacak, bu adayların sınavı geçersiz sayılacaktır. Sınava kalem, silgi, kalemtıraş, saat vb. araçla ve kulaklık, küpe, broş vb. takı, herhangi bir metal eşya ile girmek de kesinlikle yasaktır. Yiyecek, içecek vb. tüketim malzemeleri de sınava getirilemez. Adaylar sınava şeffaf şişe içerisinde su getirebilecektir.

3. Bu sınav için verilen toplam cevaplama süresi 150 dakikadır. Sınav başladıktan sonra ilk 110 ve son 15 dakika içinde adayın sınavdan çıkmasına kesinlikle izin verilmeyecektir. Bu süreler dışında, cevaplamayı sınav bitmeden ta-mamlarsanız cevap kâğıdınızı ve soru kitapçığınızı salon görevlilerine teslim ederek salonu terk edebilirsiniz. Bildirilen sürelere aykırı davranışlardan adayın kendisi sorumludur.

4. Sınav salonundan ayrılan aday, her ne sebeple olursa olsun, tekrar sınava alınmayacaktır.5. Sınav süresince görevlilerle konuşmak, görevlilere soru sormak yasaktır. Aynı şekilde görevlilerin de adaylarla ya-

kından ve alçak sesle konuşmaları ayrıca adayların birbirinden kalem, silgi vb. şeyleri istemeleri kesinlikle yasaktır.

6. Sınav sırasında, görevlilerin her türlü uyarısına uymak zorundasınız. Sınavınızın geçerli sayılması, her şeyden önce, sınav kurallarına uymanıza bağlıdır. Kurallara aykırı davranışta bulunanların ve yapılacak uyarılara uymayanların kimlik bilgileri Salon Sınav Tutanağına yazılacak ve sınavları geçersiz sayılacaktır.

7. Sınav sırasında kopya çeken, çekmeye kalkışan, kopya veren, kopya çekilmesine yardım edenlerin kimlik bilgileri Salon Sınav Tutanağına yazılacak ve bu adayların sınavları geçersiz sayılacaktır.Adayların test sorularına verdikleri cevapların dağılımları bilgi işlem yöntemleriyle incelenecek, bu incelemelerden elde edilen bulgular bireysel ya da toplu olarak kopya çekildiğini gösterirse kopya eylemine katılan adayın/adayların sınavı geçersiz sayılacak ayrıca 2 yıl boyunca ÖSYM tarafından düzenlenen tüm sınavlara başvurusu yasaklanabilecektir.Sınav görevlileri bir salondaki sınavın, kurallara uygun biçimde yapılmadığını, toplu kopya girişiminde bulunulduğu-nu raporlarında bildirdiği takdirde, ÖSYM bu salonda sınava giren tüm adayların sınavını geçersiz sayabilir.

8. Cevap kâğıdında doldurmanız gereken alanlar bulunmaktadır. Bu alanları doldurunuz. Cevap kâğıdınızı başkaları tarafından görülmeyecek şekilde tutmanız gerekmektedir. Cevap kâğıdına yazılacak her türlü yazıda ve yapılacak bütün işaretlemelerde kurşun kalem kullanılacaktır. Sınav süresi bittiğinde cevapların cevap kâğıdına işaretlenmiş olması gerekir. Soru kitapçığına işaretlenen cevaplar geçerli değildir.

9. Soru kitapçığınızı alır almaz kapağında bulunan ilgili alanları doldurunuz. Size söylendiği zaman, sayfaların eksik olup olmadığını, kitapçıkta basım hatalarının bulunup bulunmadığını ve soru kitapçığının her sayfasında basılı bulu-nan soru kitapçık numarasının, kitapçığın ön kapağında basılı soru kitapçık numarasıyla aynı olup olmadığını kontrol ediniz. Soru kitapçığınızın sayfası eksik ya da basımı hatalıysa değiştirilmesi için salon başkanına başvurunuz.Size verilen soru kitapçığının numarasını cevap kâğıdınızdaki “Soru Kitapçık Numarası” alanına yazınız ve kodlayınız. Cevap kâğıdınızdaki “Soru kitapçık numaramı doğru kodladım.” kutucuğunu işaretleyiniz.Soru kitapçığı üzerinde yer alan Soru Kitapçık Numarasını doğru kodladığınızı beyan eden alanı imzalayınız.

10. Sınav sonunda soru kitapçıkları toplanacak ve ÖSYM’de incelenecektir. Soru kitapçığınızın sayfalarını koparmayı-nız. Soru kitapçığının bir sayfası bile eksik çıkarsa sınavınız geçersiz sayılacaktır.

11. Cevap kâğıdına ve soru kitapçığına yazılması ve işaretlenmesi gereken bilgilerde bir eksiklik ve/veya yanlışlık ol-ması hâlinde sınavınızın değerlendirilmesi mümkün olamamaktadır, bu husustaki özen yükümlülüğü ve sorumluluk size aittir.

12. Soru kitapçığının sayfalarındaki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

13. Soruları ve/veya bu sorulara verdiğiniz cevapları ayrı bir kâğıda yazıp bu kâğıdı dışarı çıkarmanız kesinlikle yasaktır.

14. Sınav salonundan ayrılmadan önce, soru kitapçığınızı ve cevap kâğıdınızı salon görevlilerine eksiksiz olarak teslim etmeyi unutmayınız.

Page 26: T.C. Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi - Kpss · PDF fileZ T.C. Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin



1. A

2. D

3. C

4. E

5. B

6. D

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. E

11. D

12. D

13. C

14. E

15. D

16. A

17. E

18. B

19. D

20. E

21. D

22. A

23. C

24. D

25. A

26. B

27. E

28. E

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30. B

31. A

32. E

33. C

34. E

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36. D

37. A

38. E

39. D

40. C

41. C

42. A

43. D

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45. E

46. B

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48. D

49. C

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55. D

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58. C

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63. E

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66. C

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68. A

69. D

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71. E

72. C

73. D

74. A

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79. C

80. B