DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 17rt881. N T O14 The Dover Printing Company, * PL'SOISUESS'IJI. PIlOlirBTOllB. 00M on Morri« Street int BlukweD. uuw i«u, - - - - - - - JS^f Six Slontiu, - - - - - - - 1.00 I'mee inontljB, - * - - - - - ou PASSAGE TICKETS ORAM, HANCE 4 Go.'8 STORE, ivortionl 11 LOWEST DHAFTH OH(JltEAT BlOTAlN •• ' M-l ADVERTISINO RATES, PBB0ZKT1OE IDDJU* FOB 2XTB4B. LOOAfc NO- TIOBS 16 0BH78 PSB UNB. ESTABLISHED IN 1851. P aiiE nnoas «»<i MEDIOINEB, PAINTS, Oils, OlnH«, BriiHliBM. Perfumery, ' Bold by JAMES A. GOODALE, tbo Pic DrugKiBt. <if Dovor. Store ojiun otiSHNDAYB af &[»<Uutm<s atll? from 9 to10 A. M 41l Tor tlte «&!» af &[»<Uutms a M.,aiiilrr(.m4 to 6 P. M, «ly JoriN P. STICKLE, Counsellor at Law AND MASTEK IN CHANOERV, BOCKAWAY. N. J. M AMUOX uor»m. "Ooi'DDr of Ulackwoll and SnflBel I DOVER, N: J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. a ami Carriages to Hit, L. 0. BIERWIRTH, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST DOVER, H. J. ANALYSES of all DE8CRIPTI0XS OF ORES AND MINERALS. ri EO. 0. CUMMINS, M. ».. ..' OESEEAI, PHAOHTI0NBB, A.ND 'SPECIALIST IN, THE ftBBATMENT OC MALiMAIi BIBEABE8. OIFIOE A I T H E BTIC8I.E HOUSE, ..•:/- V DOW4'II.:J. /' DAIRY BUTTER, lvliuleaali: trade only. I*m nlwfl proi-are to SUITLY HTO11E8 wilh llie BEST GOODS at tlie LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Tills part of Warren Cimuty ts Holed far U 0011 BUTTON JIAKKIW. I liiuiille ull hlnd MBJIE1IS PI1ODUCE. Order In- nwll un JOHN DRUMMER'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON", SUSSEX STREET, (betSteaathoMANSION HOtftiEandDopot,) . DOTEB, N. J. Tbe plaoahasbeen entlrcl.vr»fltli>(llii ane'it mananar. LADlcit' *nc! OinLDllEtTS HA1K OOTTINa A BPEOIALTY. KEiaHBGUE & SMITH, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLOES AT LATV, Cor, Blnekwell nncl Susnei Sis. DOVER. N- J. J. B. SEIGIIBOCR. A- "• BMIT3. AUKNT Foil TUG CEI.KBKATEll Mathushek Piano! L. W. THURBER, SUPERINTENDENT OF r U B U C SCIIOOLH OP MORUIB COUNTY. Oilloo over QEO. RIOHABDS &Co.'n HTOHR, DOtEB, N. J. Hpcnlal office lionrB on Sainrdava from 8 A. M. Hil 12 M. »-tl_ \T0S3SS BliANCHARD, ATT011NEY AT LAW, IWD HASTEH INOHANOERY, DOVER, N. J. Offioe over A. W.gbton'a 6tore and tinstore, 17-ly Ulachwell street. TjTT Ti Counsellor at Law, AND MASTEK IN CHANCERY, OBko IDthe N.tioiml Do 3I.AGFW .tt ST. , on Ilink Building DO\EB, N. J. W1L T. AILEN. S. J. PALSIES. ALLEN & PALMER, Dovor, U- »T. SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. J. J. VREELAND, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, DOVER, N. J. O FFICE «itli,!iil»s lb» vanyWu. Contra _ ..tnterin!«ol r buildiucH. Jobbin pnn, nJ fdr- Uy. SLATE ROOFING. o Htunltqiinntil.v n J, Ity oitpino 43-11* PAULC. BOTTICHER, •751 BROAD St. NEWARK, H.J, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS prepared for nil kinds of balldlnKi.ana tlie ccoetroction orbtiildiuua nareihupimed, 22-3 m MABTIN&BUCK, .Stun, %ad tmiralsl hiitm, OHltSEWJ, UttDOT ami PAPER HASU- tltH. ConlwotitaL-enMniiniileriirirBrnlKbeii. Booim iln!0r«t«l In fr»aoo( BlyW. Hiringa tbpronffb knoviedtie of hoaBe anfl Biffn paint. l»«,»?Itelewnpfienl to Bl«»l Mr.•«•>• mil of all. Paint ahiin cm MIBBWhlu'a milllum .tort, nut loYooBbtiKllleoWiilmiiBkjni ~ : i.aieclailj maJ« «t tlSnll oSilng. J.MABIDI. '*MT A'.BU(jI. MASON AND BUILDER ContriclB m e n and matariala furnliUd for BUILDINGS, BRIDGES u>a«HtaaiUnIiroik, wtallet orBBIOK 01 ... ,:'. BTOSE. COoe mlu TilM Eu bnliaine, MorrU HOTEL! WH. VOBTMAN, Prop'r, A welt kept hotel with every ftooomnaoda fon for jam acd bane. The lent Jiqaor*. find sejjnw a( the bar, alid dwnfort alined at in evexy depaflment, Ufery nUaohpd. OLIVER kept on lumcl and so\i la largeon qimtitie UNION HALL BUG ainekwoU Street, Dover, Hot .Air Furnaces, 6( tSio lateit iKil D(i>»t itnproveil stolen, foi drilling :>n1>)lrtiii'fpH*Hlc baUdiagB. A Itrge MBOrtinont of fltuves, cheap for Wth, '• OOOK^ABLOB, HEATISO STOVES, RANGES, 4c, AJao a raviety of I;M;OSUNE OIL, LANTERNS AND A till aueorttaent of TIN &JAPAN WARE •.;. , .TIN" noopiNo, ,. EAYUS, TB0UGH8, [J3ADEliS, tod til kindu of Joblilug in m; lino, ID iliO Ixjiit uaiitibc and at tlin sliui' . Higliott jirkuii puld for ul<] Iron. Copper load and piwtor Ukou in oioliangt jr goods, ALEXANDKK "WIOHTON. t.'eni1ier24tli. 1H70. l-1vr , Jr., MLAIltSTOWN, N. J. HIM. S. WRIGHT, TUNER, REPAIRER, BEST PLOW IN THE MARKET. H.cdvtil lint pnnuom a i N. J.8l«a Pair, Wiircrtv, last fall, Ovsr 100 Bold by UB iBBt yuar. Send tor QircnUr. TOORHEES BB0THEH8, MORillSTOWH, N, 1. Agricultural Implement;,Seeds, Fertilizers, etc. BEEMER & PALMER COAL, WOOD KASOiW MATEEIA18. SLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS, UAUD AND PALE J1BI0E, LIUE, CBMEMT. PIIOST BIUOK, R B I OUY. PISE BBIOK, VDltBINO, OILLAH STEPS, COFINO, 8ILLB, US1ELB AND CI3TEHK KECKB, WHAIWS PHOSPHATE, Bone JDnst, Guano, Pondrette, LAND PLASTER, Ac. WOOD sawed in stove lengths. OOAIi. STOVE, 15GG, CHESTMJT. Orders may bo arldrowatKi HiruiiKiitliePoh tllct Lock tiox 28, oc left E. A. Becranr'suflic. ,n DUckwoll St., nDar fiuBBOi, or »t llio yani. liUCK8.MlTn'B,fOALootiHl»uttyouliaD(i. Q-O TO JOS. YORK'S for COOKING srriVUS and HOUHE FtJlt- KIHIUKQ GOODS. 0 TO Jf'KLi'fl YOItK'S POR COOKING UT lUSaiS ASB KITCHEN CTEllollJI. QO TOJOS. XOIIK'S FOBPAIlI.ort ASH UT DIKING HOOM AND OFFICE STOVES ITOVB8 OF ill, HINDS. . " OIlOOKEBY, CHAS8.WABB AND CHINA, Joseph York The New Empire ot-Al«, Gas & I!nse-b\irn- ing Cooking Stove. 01 ORGANS ! THE WONDERTOL MECH iNICAt Orguinettes! PIANO STOOLS, COVERS, MID EVERVTHINB «N THE JNE Of HVSIVAl. INSTIIU- ANDMKBCHANUISB. THE 1JK8T UAKI SOSTOVE IS THE WOKLI liit., it Lurj,'*? AHHf.rtinent of otlier Strlon " til Cuukinn Stoves ItaiiKfls. l'arlor (StovcB, ic, FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE. Also, a choice stockof Hardware, Cutlery, Qlaas, Wooden, Copper, Plain and Japtnaed TWWAI1B, Oil i.JolLy. CnrpotB, lamps, Palnta an.l Oil. lira C.gcj, TctChon, Pmt'i Aitnl Oil (son liplOBlVfl.) AlBO, DKA1.EH IN COAL. ltooitiig, Plumbing nnd Jot nc Doll'ir inveek will Imy a new Organ. |UICK SALES, SMALL I'lJOFITS. 2. H. Jensen, CARPET WEAVER .7111*1 TOE 0I.T> fJlESDYlEUIAN 0I1DUCH, DOVERfl.J. Darp«t WpjiTing, in til widths, done In st-tlius style at lowest rates. The best iud of warp only uned. Naw carpets on rod for wile. Tbo bighcHt price paid tc~ ,gs, or taiea iu oxdianjte for carpet. J^OTIIKS l>V>:i> and Cleaned in pooil Bfyle. ARNDT SUSSEX St. CROCER, [till ecatinuos to keep Afull and freah qnanr .tils of arocerles and Provisions, SEASONABLE FRUITS, foreign and domeatlc, Ibe Uat graj^ol Oasoen Oooda, aid all inppllea of. tbe .oatholdlohlallna.. Care will alwam be btin to Mcirte good! of tha IKBI aoality and tonal palna loaell tbnm'at the uoal reaaot)a>le margin, «a. Btentirlth tt« pnrobaalng price. Slaw! net, oeaillu turner ol Black well, Doier. October Hth. 1«8. ' " . BiS. 3®, S®. xm- BOHHELL'S PATENT STEAM OOOEmO APPU1ATD8. v«lr»anfc)a Scales at ManuCac tiirer's prices; Old Iron. Coppor, DraBB, laad, IUffB anr GDbBcliB talon ill excbaDjie for KOOUI. BBOEN t ttft'NELI,,, AIHO, manafaclnren of BDNNELL'S SELF• TianTEMNO WISE aPErao JED floi- TOM. '•••"-. ltuckanT.lIarcbl.1171. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE &IBON:Co. DOVER, STEAM ENGINES, CELEBIlATED AIR COMPRESSORS, IRON and BKA8S CA8TIKCS, F0B0IN9 of aU DESOHPTIDHS. taTitea a call Iron all III, frirada l o l l , plac* pa OUSTON STWtET.irSient" thabntna- nieotliehai» k ' • • ' • • . ! ; '\ EINE POOL TABLE a well atted and complete DOUBLE BOWLING MLEY s i i n « * w i i n uerfoat ordot. Aty H.P.SANDEESON, dMler In WJtOON Baa OABRUaE VOOD W0&X, , SDS3EX9TOEET, N E i r TO OEOBGE . - HI0RAHD31 co.a BTOBE, lfHEELSlMIcw««J7.00poriH,t. JUIUndi of FDffi C01XJRS for oartiKPs uid vagos paloting.. AIM OH* and VAEH19H, Sota pDreignandDomegtia. Ttmmmvt. WHITI Hm, «lo. Wot, Coloring nod Ywiish BroshMand Striping PenoOfl, t fall Htmk. .' All of t. »tio»o Boodifrom ihe ba<tnak- tts^ aHDWH'bTin]ntarB:' -FIBSX-0LA8B CA11BIAGE and SLEIGH ORNAMENTS. 1 Uuving hail HlorgeexperiDDoe formerly M a oarrUge bviil^Di, fiom a ihuonnD ktiowt- edga ollbe bndutsal baya *dTiuitai[si Bny other dealer. ' , •elllraaUJ. AT E. UNIKERS NEW SALOON, HIV tlwi a foils. Ilitifni'iLngen, ESTABLISHED 35YEARS. EODEKBE & KEA6M will challenge any dealer in the State to furnish as good BOOTS and SHOES for as little money. We are acknowledged by all to be the largest and cheapest dealers and manufacturers of Boots and Shoes in Northern New Jersey. Buying for oash in large- duanti- ties direct from the manufacturers we save a profit whereby pur nu- merous customers reap the bene- fit. Our prices for FALL AND WINTEE GOODS are greatly reduced, and our enormous stock exceed any previous year in vari- ety and novelties of styles, and we are constantly trying to improve their quality. A call will convince you that it is to your interest to give us your patronage. RODERER & HEA&AN, OPP. D.,'L. & W. DEPOT, 8epteniliQrl311i. IR81. S O V ^ I X L i NT. ST, T H E UOTEK LUMBER CO. ift'ors toImihlurs tho best opportunities in tho purchuao of LUMBER if ever)' grado -iml duscriptiou induiliug LOW PliLCJiiS iuitl the grant dviirfitiigo of having Lumber Worked to Order >y machiuery nt the pltioo where it is purchased, greatly lessening the coBt of building bythe grout saving in mtuiual labor. Our "* stock iihvftjs includes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings ind LUMBER of every description, and especial paina are ta-ken to give eutisiaetiou in every particular. GSOROBKIOIIABIIB, President, Viu. H, IMUDHUT, SOU'; md teem I, W. SsiniNo, Gen 1 ] Manager, JTJST REOEIYEDALARGE ..- STOCK OF NEW;.0ROP TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES, AT THE STi'HE OP N.Y.& CHINA TEA COMPANY. BLACKWELL STREET, DOVEIV N. J. FIUE8T FKItMliSA GOLONG, 70rta.par lb. FINEST OLDOOV. .JAVA, ..! 33 " FINE MAIiACAIBO COPFEE 32, 25, 28,ctB. per 1b. We invilo tliti spcinl atttulion of alora keeporH, botol kwucti and boarding hanw- to tho f,.|||>wiDK li«t or prlcos : 4 COFFEES lfl, 18, 20,22 otB. per lb. TLAH K5,2H, 80,85 " S0(} AIts HOLD 4T COST. IVo RBI our ROOIIB direct from tlio importerg ami lunccmirLOW I'ltinKH. One trial ieia.ll wo t«k. NEW MARBLE YARD XW DOVBB! . flHE mbsmibcr linn opened n new van) near [ tlie corner of BLACKU'KI.L. AKI> UERQEN Si*., and is prfpared ti>rnnnuli JR cipentice mil rrnsonu nlldont tiiatl cansatish th tao ih the nnbVn. t a O 8 . JOHKBOH, FARM FOR SALE! niprislng tblrty-five sorea, and localid «1 Oruetow d d . Aproiwry ooniprislngtb moall; improved, and localid «1 Orueto, fto miles from Dover on the road leading loGhester.* Ontbe premiaes 1B a ml BESIDENOE, BABX aonthoiiloi. Alio a temnl loose, Plintj ol good fruit, earl; and late, und a nrj Bno aprtufl: of water near th.e lionae, Apply to ; SII18, JANE ». WII.LUMB, \t on the premleoB. Agsnts for Palrbanio' Scales and Tor- VOGRHEES BROTHERS, I L ' , 0AKI1IAGE HJKEI18', BL10K- BMITHS 1 OONTJIAdTOBS 1SD MIS- e ui a.|rrlDnltiira impiementB, BceuB, Fflrtllltera, ' *n, TalLti, Oill, OUBB. ovc WALTBB A. WOOD'S O d d m M MONIES and EEAPEEB. j. J. BILLIARD PAELOKS Susses St. DOVEE, N. J., 0 tliorongiiljr rarnlshcil anil effloieatlj nipped vitl) three o[ OB[FF1TB*S OELE- BRILTiED BHiLUED ana POOLTailt^Si Inrert, PIlBaar, Hllwanlm. TeMo, Oiooii call. BC I*UIB, Patet.Dmleartana Iton BmerjUmn. The beai-WIMW, Liow»a. andClguaatlkelnr. •n Wo recommend r o r t r r ' a l r o n P H I a to every wonuaA»• lio U Went, Kvwoes, anil CiBcaaTSgti ; partleularly tboso trho hnvo Tliiii, Pule Ups, Cold Hands Bad Feet, Wid who tn» wlliou| FtreUEflifirAmbition. Tliesa Pllli qutat llw Kerves, EITO EircnLih to ILo Boty, lnduco Ito lrei>liiiniSlwTtI"''richBnd Imprwatln qoolltj of tht ltluwl. unU Purify and ];rifcUc» IliaCam. V Kervooa Headacliti ervoa He k, end oilie ber tht dacliti, fonns ron fa ' CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York City. McKinnon Bros. Axes and Edge Tools, ROCKAWAY, N. J. Ittuvincbecn ruporled tbit tblx iDninots, we tike this mean « of infomiiufi the jnbastbtt Bucbisnnt tlie eiie. Weareit.ll ID bonlneaa, linvc no ronnectlnn wllb &ny otlier arm whatever, tnd nba)\ continue to mike oar iB/ell-kniJwn poodn vltli [ro»tercirB thin ever, ill ourfioodiiire b«nd-in«lB ttrcDpliCDt >nt! we ire tbu only firmIDIlockiway maklrp snub - J - entirely by hm&, Wnter Tayemfor i ipeclaltp. 30-1 j GREAT REDUCTION MILLINERY FANCY GOODS! NOLAN iiolQRin on. her entire itoaic of HAW MUD BONNElS it qoirlbi prices. Between 300 tnd 300ii«ts*nrt bunooti at 33 cla. n c h ; former price rrom GO cts. to $2. Uoit of ibom ire awktndw.ilbe tuluhle tui f»l\ we*T. An- other lot at 10 els. tftch; ill worth more thin donble the monny. ?I-0WEIW from 5 eti, » itmy op. BIBBONH from Soti, y»rd op. Tiei, Ineov; rntbd, b»niiien3bisln, buttoni «nd ATirielf uf oiber ftrllcla* nn i Gct, coon- fiLAt'KWEJJj 8TBEET, Orroimc P&BDXS * OLIBI'I, . Do?or,N.J. POETIC. SEPTEMBER. Ike golden-rod is yellow ; Thcoorn in tumfng browo; Tlio trwi iu Apploorobu-di With fruit «re botdtug aowa. ID duity p Itu bidden ailk feMapatj, Tbo wdBi'iflsnul their lurroet, la over; meMotr nook; 1 Aud «»tsn by tlie bnwk-ildo It.bc asters in tbe brook- Prom dcw> kneg at it>ornlug. v ,TIJO gi;a.pi)i'Bweotp^ontlie; . At noou the roads all flatter ' WltjU.Tollow buttetflim. By all these lovely tokeoa eopteobor'i dija in bore, WithfltittMsm'ab u t ol vwtber, And BBtamn'i beat of ohoor. * But notio of all tbii boiaty Wlildi fluods Ihe csrib nod lir, Isuntorae tha secret 'Til a tblsg whluh I remember; TooitDoHlbn!liraej«t; O d / a U i I never cm forget. "ODE rdpY:GOODY." Her woadroaa wdrth ra tefl, : Add though I ao oat know her mm Her rue I Hot* riftht « H , • Tis gtio ffbo, when the (Uwii la ora«ping up tUe iityj, Comtiti Bteftltaft xeutly-to my dooii With ^ b f l Tfaa roas ft like tbaiomr - i H«r furra 1*not exaatly •Hat,' Her lungs we uvet vwk. v I cin't reveal hor nime^ . EeoauBflldo not knowp BntasrorwlistBbBiuarnianjtb It ilways ronnalh ip: : _;' ' "Bay, V T . B ' " TUere is," sold Mr. Weed, " no % wtar quastfqn mow ioiporUnt than tbat of protection to Americap indastrj. 1 lava occasloaally wen tbe public mind, daring raoeut years,mow eioitad upon other qn<Mtiofi%. bat iu nonefothe in- terest of the people deeper or more ebid- ig, I see no piaoa for free trade doc- trinea ID oar ooatitrjr now. I could aee reas»DB why tbe alave fltaUffl sboild be free tr^de. Tbey were peculiarly igrl cultural conjmndlt.es, and tlie planter States rulej tlie SoDtb, Tbe; bad DO •sire to become nmnufufllimnp Htatea, id were, BO long aa staverj lasted, niffioientlj satisfied witb their ettuj pros- perity, tbrough tbe wile, to Europe and tbo Nt>rtlt, of their cotton, rice, sugar and tobacco, Southern planters and merobantB- being .satisfied with tbei proflta, were content with *ree trade. Besides tbiu faith which tbey were io- dacad to adopt, there woa another ressoo fur their adberenoe to free trade, in tbeir natural lioatilily to the Nortl], and dis- like of protuotion as the source of Northern prosperity. The North grew strong through the protection of i u lufoctprea, (tod it was natural for tbe S»utn, *>th ita erobBively egriooUiiro industry to dislike tbe polio; of tbe Hral Bection, and to nonrUh the belief, i strooglj held! at tbe ootbreak of the J^belUon, that Kfog Cotton could rule our country through European flnancii jpyUad - I'u tike it klua ifytfll got op* An 1 lemma lotto ihs tod."-, Iwparatlns Orw. Tiie fndicutiooa ere muUlplying, thfit iigoelB will iu tbe future oooup/ 9 more iromioeat position in tbe dressing of ie«, nud it Beema Wat Bomfl ro«bloautQ6 ore-mixture that-huve itboi-io buffled the skill of tlie uc»r will become trflctahl* Tbere is nutning new in tbe pro- tion to lake advanlaReuf'the fact oiio njlueral is attracted by t i e niag- iet, while auotbw tb.V4 is aaaooialed>itb ienot, to aepuivts them. Uu, the method was tmed at an earl; ito, and It has since been tried at Prizbrum and other pliices, Bat it Is -ually only since the perfection of ijr nam0.electric irnchines that this •oraieinff flflld has been fair.y opened, he UGQof light though [lowetluloleclro- apnels jo the place of ponderous ?nmiDeQt magnets' has 'increased tbe opacity oi tuob. maobEnes, and made item rrnotiouble. It woald of coarse ba lie to expect any ruagnotio dressing ap to do what EdiBGQ at one time lu- States of the exchange. Fat the«s reasons I could alvitys QQdenla&d why tbe slave BtateB oppOBed proteoliofl'of American manu- factures, and favored free trade. They bad DOmanufactures and no artisans— only oropa and field bauds. Eaglaod md use for Hoatliera staples, and bad ibnndact mooEty to pay for them, and .he (Jireot tntetwts pt the Maveholdtag jath were, thoagbtby, many, of its itlag minds to lie more with England Ian with tbe Nortti, How largely thin ntton woB responsible for the Rebellion Vail know. ' ' ^ "Free iradeio tbe fn iiili'I never could sroeperity of the free - States came trough protection, aud, oa the (asae was fongbt out, we graduatly became in ore and more independent of foreign conn - tries. By holding out for-our own Industrie we grew rich ; webnflt npoar iactarenj fiist with' water power. ahuudaDtly bestowed upon us by Nature and afterwards with eteam power, when at earn became a controlling element io Industry. 'Witfaoat protection we wonld, Knation, have attained oothiug bo- nd tbe condition of the old Soulb. Thanks to tbe protective policy of our. government, wo are now bpcomiog not ily iadspentlent of other countries, but ble to compete Buccessftilly with Eog- und in supplying manufactured 1 'orking tailings; and a; study of tbe recently brought forward by IDS, und tho apparatus now osod at lie Friedriobsegin mine, Prussia, will bo Iciflut to QOQvEaoe aa engineer "great," late of Menlo Purlr, New crsey, bas not kopt abreast of tbe time, be Siemens separatorconsists of a series rings, made magnetic by tbe current rom a dynntno-etcotrio macblae,, and go trraoged tbat one end of the drum, where he ore is Ural delivered, has leas povtr, Licb inoreaaeB aa tbe mRferial ia carried oword the delivery. The PrledriebBegen ipp&mtus, wbioh ia now uead for aoparal- og blende and ejintbio iron ore after it aa been roasted, has a number of fixed lectro-maguats massed near the point aere Iho ore is fed. Tha mateitai fulls a rotating copper drum, within 'liich theae oleotro-roagnets are, and the dberiDg particles of iron ore are carried ing by tbe drum, while tbe blenda ideu by tbe mogn'ets. K jodiatoas 'stem of roasting, if necessary, dud eparation by magnetism, will probably rovo a vuluubla aid in tbe treatment of tich ores like iot mate mixtures of iouJoand pyrites, or some of onr New ' zinc om.-'Enffineering andMin- iff Journal, v He Coaldu't Vet Away. " No, I fim not ona of t i e the war/', ha slowly replied' to : the qniry, tU't it iatiot my fault, "I wanted bo there bat something always held That was too bad. Yea, it was. When tbe «m bwke ont iffored to go, but'I was iu jail oaa six ioutliB senteuoB, aufl they wouldn't take innocent of course, bat as I was in lil tbo recruiting ufBner h&i to rotate ae. Lands! bat how I did ache to get at the front and wade in gore | And whea you got out of Jail ? Yes, I got out, but Just then my lotherdiod. I WDS on my way to enlist 'beoBbedjed.andof course tbftt altered my plans. Nobody knows how badly I wanted to be down tlwe and wade around in blood and glory. Well yon didn't bate to mourn all thro' tbe war, did you } Qb, no, Blase yam eoul, I only EuuraeJ for 'thirty days, and IhenX itarted out to enlist iu the artillery, vas jaat about to write down my name vbeo a constable arrested mo for breach ! ptomiae, and it was lour months be- ire I got through with the sait Ab> lir, but if you only knew how I suffered it being held buck when others Tinning glory on tha field of carnage ron would pity me ! But tbe suit was anally decided? 1(1 Yos, finally and within an hour after Ihe jury brought Io a v.erdipt ] mtetl (or Toledo to enlist ia the ouvalry, Aud you u)list«d ? Atmost, I waa being examined by tbe doctor when I got "if dispatoh that the old man h'acE tumbled into the well, mil of counel bad to go borne,. IbodV got thennderlaker paid before iigbtalag Btruck the bant. Then some onei set fire to tbe cheese factory, andsoon tftei that I bad three ribs broken ttEd wm laid np for a year. When 1floallydid gat around to enlist the doctor rejected me because I was color-blind, near- sighted, lame and deaf. I tell you, sir, rheo Itfivuk.ot the glory lost and the gore I didn't ihed, it breaks me right dowp, and 1 dco't oven eare for soda water. He&r tbe band 1 Beethe old vets ana tbd et-priBOuers I Hang my bat, bat'wby^ wasn't X bora vilh legs long enough Io kiok myself THURLOW WEED AND THE TAREFi CONVENTION. tax uocnafi or PSOSPSBITT—way ILL *iaaioiK IKDDS- miEfl BHOTTtD HOT COUBrNB FOB PRO- some Euro* pe&n nations. I bave walohed the itruggle far fifty years. Occasionally :e slave-laboring, free-trading Houtk iways largely uaitcd, would carry Noitbom Tepresentativcs to ireak down our tariff lawB, but then tho ^eHtiou would always go back to Ibe ople wbo. at etich preaeutatioa of tbe me, would elect & tariff congress, aud [orlhero prosperity always followed ro tool ire legislation. You will fled 118 industrial history well bet forth in ;be volum.es of JWfei' Register, which, From tbe early^part of the century down k) 1860, was the great newspaper power tbe struggle of American industry. ?by dou't some of you youpg men write uch articles now ? - Let me tell yon an anecdote about troteclion and froe trade—«a occurrence a Eagland iu 1662. I vrae ai z dinner party in London, at tbe house of a very celebrated Eogltshmao. Ihe only Americans present were E. J. Walker, of Miasis&ippi, and myself, Walker was leading free trader, who carried bis lens with him into the administration the Treasury U-LGQ he beoatna Seoce- tary. AL Ibid dinner be aDoko strongly according to hiB tree trade oouviotioos, md the KngliabniQa who were cracking dti with ns taantingly astod me wh^ii bad 16 say lor tariff. I cited in teply iuoidCDt then a.fev days old. pa Inodiog at Liverpool, Archbisbop Hughes, one of my fellowpssseugpn, declared Io the custom honea-officers, iraongriiB baggage, ft little tin'i>oi of luuff,'" It held Bomethind brer a ponod, cd on it he bad to pav nine shillings aty—treble KB value. .'Is this your ree trade ?' I asked my English friendB. 'It is very hard upon yonr friend,' tbey replied, ' but it wnot protection ; it is tariff lor reveque, Vie dp not glow toD&coo. 1 Our free trade does not mean that there ahoald, he no tax on luxuries brought from abroad, which we do not prodnoe.' 'Very' well,' I rejoined, 'bat rour com laws virtually prohibited our produota. They wore very hard upon pour people, andtbey. were only relaxed (hen the starvation point was reached. ?bat is protection with a vengeance, not ily excluding products* of other oono- ies, but famisbing. your own people. 1 Seillier Mr. Walk or nor my English free mde friends aatd anything in reply. 1 1t look twenty years torepeal tha lorn lavs, and nowI see that tbcro \B in Saglend n-movement torevive them nDiier the apecioos ni»me of • fair-trade. Tbere is no dangc* of this. Eugbnd iro not revive the corn laws, America hafl not 1h$ least reason for fe&r on tbi Tbo won j a QQI oiopa, and i l enualaws in tbe interest of our monu- filatures ? If in among the objecUcon sidared byyopr executive committee, c stated io ike PrctecJicntit f " I would favor such a commission, replied Hr, Weed, " provided we ooatt be Bure that it woald bo composed of the rigbt muri. To secure good result*, tha commissioBerfl must be absolutely independent, very industrious, and thoroughly informed iu all debut of many American industries: The report of Buch a body might form the Afor great improvement in our Urifi legislation, I aee that our committee t received some v«ry important acces- sions; Boob aa the Arkwrigbt Club, the Baldwin Locomotive Works, &nO other leading representnifte men of tbe Amur- icun industrial mind. I have never been 1 stronger liat of names at tbe iuliidtion if an industrial movement than that pub- lished In Ihe last issue of The Protection- St. I kpow many of them, and believe lot under BUOU direction tbc coovQution nust be succesaful. There isoue branch if tbe subject of protection to American industry on which I would like to say something as my individual view only, as I know that many of the gentleman engaged in tbis particular movement may ba inclined to disagree with me. Do you think ThePrctectionUt would care to publish anything on the eilver question ?" •' Tbe silver question is a tariff i-sae, I re pi lea, "Is dertainly something of a novdtty, but I am sure tbat TheProtec- gladly pubUnh any opinions yon may desire tomake public regarding it." strong language the intensity ia the work of the tariff convention.—X in the Protectionist. New York, ftoptemW &, 1881. Pur Oar Reverend Biattere. " I take mytex dismoruiu'," said a colored preacher, ''frnta dot po'tiou ob de Scripture wbar 3e Poatol Puul pints bis pifitui to de Fesiocs." Ou being asked what be thought fire- flies were made for,a little boy answered. I think God mode them for caudles to light tbe little trogg to bod." A worth deacon iu a towii not far away gave notice at a prayer meeting the other oigbtofa cburcfi meeting tbnt was to be held imtotidiutely after, and UDCOII- iciously added : "Tbereieno objection > tlie fetoale Viretbiiin iismaiaing." A minister overtook a Quaker lady, and politely assisted her iu opening a ate. As she was a comparative Blrautfur town he said: "You don't knuw, uerliapa.tbatlamMr. ; uaven'tyou heard me preach ?'• " I have heard tliee iglnud, like other nations, will always ' gild to get them,. We raise our own Food i ve bate raw products of every id. and'oar protected mtmufuotnres ippressno one, but advance our work- 1 and duvelop onr prosperity; Mow that elavec; ia dead, 1 tun eee DO reason why no; Bontbern State should remain free trade. No longer d spend fog on English'custom alone, but with great homo markets and growiog local naiiu- factnres, theBonth commences to reaiiie Ibat its prosperity depends on protoo- tion. Slavery and free trade were haott maidens to the English mosey power. It is not a parcdox tbat free labor means protection and slavery meant free trade. Bj no other policy than adiierunoL' to ptoteotion of Amsrioan industry can ws aappoit the ianillea of our workiogmen ,D comfort dadfcappinesiand thai, condition," "What do jo* thjnk, Mr, Weed, 1 ', I " Very well, tben," replied Mr. Weed. "1 would like to aay tbat the) course ot our Government upon tbe silver ques-, tion eeemi to me at total variance with oar general policy of fostering anil pro- tecting Auerisan intereata. In jumping Into tbe trap of tbe English capitalist, in favor of ihe oaa-mooty standard, \ destroyed one balf of tha money power of our country, "We struggled for fifty years to protect iron, (topper, eoul, ami other raioer&lu, part of oat nviUonal wealth, but we failed- to protect American Rllver, and, in (act, di«. eliminated agRinstit when our capital- istB, in some unexulaibed way, induced Congress to demonetise it. VrTien, \u 1877, resumption was at baud, the qui tiou WOB asked, Why did we demonetize silver, and howwas it done? A bill was pnt through Oongresa, without debate, under tbe title of *Abill to regulate Government miuU..' There was in it a single el&cse by wticb silver was demon- etized. ' Wboae iufltienco got it in no one knows. General Gran tffy that He signed a bitt, not knowing that there vxu ademonetlring ctwue in it. Tbe pre- text was that silver was so cheap. In answer to tbat i produced a letter writ- ton bj Mr. Knox, tbe Comptroller of tbe Currency, showing tbat at tbe moment silver was three per cent above gold. Tbree times oat of fonr in our history, before tliopnssflge of this law, when gold and flitverbad tobe eqnaliwd, gold hitd to be brought up to tbe silver standard. When this ant of 1877 was tHscuued aU the New York papers, through the mys- terious power of capital (witb the single exception of Ibe Graphic), urged the ^option of tbe gold standard, while all bonds were on tbeir face payable incoin defined by (he Gtnutituiion as silver mid gold, I believe tbat silver tion WBB a flaerant violation of the Con- stitution of the TTailed States. Tbe Be- cretofthis desire for a single standard la disclosed by the recent avowal of one of the Latin Roverumetita tfeai silver was demonitffeed for the purpose of increas- ing tlie 'purohaslog power of gold—iu other words, to subject labor to Capital. Silver is the people's money--the coin of the poor, Planing it at A discount with gold brings profit to the bunker, at the at tbe laborer.' Ei-bocretury McCullough, who. started as a wild OD- buBi'ast fur the gold staodard, now ao- knowledges that there ia not gold enough in the world to do tbe world's busioesB. The' real objeot of the oliqne that siic- ccaafully pitted the. trick wbioh demone- tidril t raiae tbe value of their gold bonds. Olsrkaon K. Potter, of this SUto, was, as far na tbe record shows, the only DUD In Oobgress who qacstioned this demonetising ejause in thobill, and be oioBoonlyinoidentally. 'William M. Everts,' who bus Just returnedfromtbe European Monetary OoDforenoei told me yesterday tUttt the bi-metallio standard was gaining tafloy friends abroad, and that even England was at length coming to her senaes on the rabject, I do not believe that tbe preoiovn metal wbiob has from the beginning been money equally witb gold, and is brought provi- dentially to the surface in about equal proportion from time to time, is likely to be long ignored iu the world's cur- rency, Doyou recall tbe fact that just before the discovery of the California mines, there was an - actual scarcity of metallic money Ja tha world. Our emi- grants of '49 solved that aifflcalty, provi- dentially, as it seems to me. I believe that in considering tbebest method ol protecting car Amorionn industries, the great silver industry should not be left oat, and I ehonld like to see the silver question thoroughly considered in the convention. 11 Than, Mr. Wood," I said, " we may look tor your active partioipatloc ID the convention V " I nisu Xwere younger," tbo veteran replied, "so that I conII do more, hni iv bat I can do I will. I feel very warmly in this matter, nnd know of nothing'to which I would,more gladly devote my best energies. It is most important and desirable to concentrate aud aaite oar American interests at tbia time, English free traders have owed their principal suecesi in tbis CODDtry tothe method o attacking our industries in delsil. At one time it is chemical mnnnfaetures, a another steel, at another silk. I amtoM tbat their ptim for Ihe next Congiws is to hreik down especially tha American industries.?!. Bessemer steel and silk. If nil OBT bnBinesB people will unite In de mandiug tbfit the tariff sball be revised only in such a way as to promote tbB property ol the United States we have .othing to fear from frea trade attacks. It la necessary, however, tbat we be united and vigilant, and that] the people should be thoroughly educated upon tbe qaestlons ol eoonomio politics, upon wtlob their prosperity depends,'' l a m t d t the olc*s cf the MMvenatton Mr. Werd forgot bis' feebleness, rot from the lounge uponwfaieh ha had been Ministers have I'aen funny ever siuoe they began to preunb. Tha obaplain of les T., when Bpeaking of the depravity >f the age, said : "Atmout all bouses have been made into ale homes; men iu these degenerate days make matrimony & matter of money* and they ore apt to rink their paradise on a pair of dice. Won it BO iu tbe days of Noah ? Ah1uo." An elder, while btptizing converts at & revival meeting, advanced with a wiry, sharp-eyed old obap in the water. He asked the usual question, whether there was any reason why the ordinance of baptism should not be administered. After a pause, a tall, powerful looking man, who was looking quietly on, re- marked, "Elder, I don't want to inter- fere in yor busheaa, but I want to say tbat ibis is an oldsinner you have got hold of, and tbat one dip won't do him any good. If von want to get (lie aiu out of Mm you'll have to anohor him out in the deep water all night" The Latch-Strings of Heaven- That quaint old colored &mn, knowu to every one around the Central Market as '' Bise Up Jerry," will be missed from tbe rounds he traveled for years. He is dead. He vas living witb hie daughter on Wilkina sheet, and bad been poorly for a' long-time. Jerry was past eighty years, and while be hud grown feeble for jenr or more, no onesuspected that death WQB near. The other day, as lie sat in bis big rocking cbair, and after be had been dozing fur liulf an hoar, he asked for his tv^o grandchildren. Tbey ere called in, and as tbey hung about iis knee, tbo old nan Baid: "CMU'ed, dis ole frame hain't got h queer to-day, an'I want ye clus to ma De little chill'en am da latoh-strings to de gates ob beabeu." In the efaftde of a plam tree, with tbe birdB staging above and the bteeze tem- pertug tbe heat, tbe 'children nestled (town* add all th'teeloU asleep—a sleep in whica the old man's flan I passed away so quietly that ho did not move a hand. When tlie children awoke'be had,long been dead. They bad gone with him aotoss^he dark valley—walked iu the radiance of heaven's beacon—halted at tbe golden gates, and lifted the latch- string. Softly the gatea swung open at tbeir childish touch, and the old man had kissed them and passed through.— Detroit Free Prets, p adjutnenfc ol oar rev, , V^ol (bd propoaJtion for » tariff lying, andbecame iuteWSljp animated, tnloh to invettisate and report the Hi* eunwtQWS cf roite infl gestnrere- of d t f c l ld l th hj f g Yealed, pTe?| more abonglj thap, hjs ong to hangoa, feetin* powerful n Incident or the Day or Prayer. The perfect unanimity of feeling in tbe day or prayer added to its solemnity aud perbtpa alao to its tuefuloess. Many toaobing events'are recorded inconnec- tion with it, bat notbiag that so comes |]QtE.e totha emotional BenaibiUliea as the atory of the President's wife, aa tbe ;wo rested witb 1 a the sonud of the mur- ng sea on one side and of the Church services on the other, Adespatch says: From where be lay Gbrfield could see the carriages draw up and group after ronp go in, He could even bear tbe ubdnert refrain ol "Jesus, lover of my oul," as it was borne by on ito heaven- ward way. Tbrilled witb emotion, a tear t.icblea down the President's face. After swhile ft sweet, womnnV voice aroBe, Jioglngfrom one of Sir' Michael Gosta'B noblest o r a t i s u x Th gg on noblest oratorios, d h c e l G t a B Thou nuto and bava meroy upon me,"sang tbe voice, "forlam desolate; lam desolate and afflicted ; the troubles of XLU heart are enlarged, O, bripg Tbou me out of my distresses, out of my distresses, my rod." It is also said Out MmGarflelJ knelt ia prayor at tbo same time, and who can doubt, whatever may be tbe intentions of the Infinite mind, that the petitioning voice wae beard inthe Courts above. Tha world by some is thought to be lapsing into the crime of modality, bat whaneverany great emergency arises it g he Nation ats in unity at the Golden Gate. Oltesis of Tomato Vinti. A mysteriona disease is playing ith th tto f N J p with the tomato wop of N«T y, Peon. y, n sylrania aod DeUwue. Some of tbelnrgQ«t growers find tart iram one-half to two- thirdiof thair crops are entirely unfit for the market, and ta eonsequenoe Hreial of . the largest <»umertf» In Bnriiagton oonn^ have stopped inaking oans, in the belief that there will btftpeat shortage In the crop. Intbeflret BUgeasliRlit discoloratloQ np- peanin Ibosldo nnderoenth tha blossom item. In tbe next atsga this ia more pro- noanoed, and a (inking in of the snrfooa is apparent In tan third stage a general de- cay has extended ever the entire bloesom- ateta side, From this onward the decay ex- tends through the vegetable, until h U noth- ing but anunplwuact mug of rottenness. Tbediieue la a new one. and its originis a mystery. An examination through power- frl glasses has [(tiled to deteot tbe presenoa of animalcule. 8ometim«a4ha vegntableq are attaclied when in a green state, at other times they are almost ready to gathered when It naken lti appearance. Tbe Clone of Tho Kovolutlon. To-day mnkea 98 years since the sign, ing of the dcBoitive treaty of peace be. tween Great Britain and the United States of Amerioa, hy which tbe war for oar indepeoilfiuw was tBrminntea. It was on Bent. 8,17B8, that Ihe work was done, eightjoarsfour monthsaniififteen days alter the battle of Lexington, Th» American signers were Dr. Franklin, J.»hn Adams, and John Jay, nnd David Hartley signed for Great Britain, Tha prtmrioual treaty bad been signed in November, 1782t&ndthc>defliiiUvetiMfy waa tbe aaa» thing; yet the Engtfoh did not evacuate1 N e w a r k city till tbe w. S5S l Wf'^V 1 k f N WfV 1 ?^. kof Nwember. Tbe close of.the contest dates from Sept. 8,1788, w sit the nations that had taken part in that ooitoat then rt turned to a atate at p*ace.—B anresfffT

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The Dover Printing Company,* PL'SOISUESS'IJI. PIlOlirBTOllB.

0 0 M on Morri« Street i n t BlukweD.

uuw i « u , - - - - - - - J S ^ fSix S l o n t i u , - - - - - - - 1.00I 'mee inontljB, - * - - - - - ou



ivortionl 11 LOWESTDHAFTH OH (JltEAT BlOTAlN•• ' M-l




PaiiE nnoas «»<i MEDIOINEB, PAINTS,Oils, OlnH«, BriiHliBM. Perfumery, '

Bold by JAMES A. GOODALE, tbo PicDrugKiBt. <if Dovor. Store ojiun otiSHNDAYB

!» af &[»<Uutm<s atll? from 9 to 10 A.M 4 1 l

Tor tlte «&!» af &[»<Uutms aM.,aiiilrr(.m4 to 6 P. M, « l y

J o r i N P . STICKLE,

Counsellor at LawAND



MAMUOX uor»m.

"Ooi'DDr of Ulackwoll and SnflBel I


I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.a ami Carriages to Hit,




r i EO. 0. CUMMINS, M. » . .




. . • : / - V D O W 4 ' I I . : J . / '


lvliuleaali: trade only. I*m nlwfl proi-areto SUITLY HTO11E8 wilh llie BEST

GOODS at tlie


Tills part of Warren Cimuty ts Holed far U0011 BUTTON JIAKKIW. I liiuiille ull hlndMBJIE1IS PI1ODUCE. Order In- nwll un




SUSSEX STREET,(betSteaathoMANSION HOtftiEandDopot,)

. DOTEB, N. J .Tbe plaoahasbeen entlrcl.vr»fltli>(llii ane'it

mananar. LADlcit' *nc! OinLDllEtTS HA1KOOTTINa A BPEOIALTY.



Cor, Blnekwell nncl Susnei Sis.DOVER. N- J.



Mathushek Piano!L. W. THURBER,



Oilloo over QEO. RIOHABDS & Co.'n HTOHR,

DOtEB, N. J.Hpcnlal office lionrB on Sainrdava from 8 A.

M. Hil 12 M. »-tl_



DOVER, N. J.Offioe over A. W.gbton'a 6tore and tin store,17-ly Ulachwell street.



OBko ID the N.tioiml Do

3I.AGFW . t t ST . ,

on Ilink Building

DO\EB, N. J.



Dovor, U- »T.




OFFICE «itli,!iil»s lb»vanyWu. Contra

_ ..tnterin!«olr buildiucH. Jobbin

p n n ,nJ fdr-Uy.


o Htunltqiinntil.v nJ , Ity o i t p i n o





for nil kinds of balldlnKi.ana tlie ccoetroction

orbtiildiuua nareihupimed, 22-3m

MABTIN&BUCK,.Stun, % ad tmiralsl hiitm,

OHltSEWJ, UttDOT ami PAPER HASU-tltH. ConlwotitaL-enMniiniileriirirBrnlKbeii.Booim iln!0r«t«l In fr»aoo( BlyW. Hiring atbpronffb knoviedtie of hoaBe anfl Biffn paint.l»«,»?Itelewnpfienl to Bl«»l Mr.•«•>• mi lof all. Paint ahiin cm MIBB Whlu'a milllum.tort, nut loYooBbtiKllleoWiilmiiBkjni

~ : i.aieclailj maJ« «t tlSnll oSilng.J.MABIDI. '*MT A'.BU(jI.


ContriclB men and matariala furnliUd for


u>a«H taaiUnIiroik, wtallet orBBIOK 01. . . ,: '. BTOSE.

COoe m l u T i l M Eu bnliaine, MorrU


WH. VOBTMAN, Prop'r,A welt kept hotel with every ftooomnaoda

fon for jam acd bane. The lent Jiqaor*.find sejjnw a( the bar, alid dwnfort alinedat in evexy depaflment, Ufery nUaohpd.


kept on lumcl and so\i la large onqimtitie

UNION HALL B U GainekwoU Street, Dover,

Hot .Air Furnaces,6 ( tSio lateit iKil D(i>»t itnproveil stolen, foi

drilling :>n1>)lrtiii'fpH*Hlc baUdiagB. A ItrgeMBOrtinont of fltuves, cheap for Wth, '•


STOVES, RANGES,4c, AJao a raviety of


A till aueorttaent of


•.;. , .TIN" noopiNo,,. EAYUS, TB0UGH8,

[J3ADEliS, tod til kindu of Joblilug in m; lino,— ID iliO Ixjiit uaiitibc and at tlin sliui'

. Higliott jirkuii puld for ul<] Iron.

Copper load and piwtor Ukou in oioliangtjr goods,

ALEXANDKK "WIOHTON.t.'eni1ier24tli. 1H70. l-1vr

, Jr.,MLAIltSTOWN, N. J .



H.cdvtil l int pnnuom a i N. J .8 l«a Pair,Wiircrtv, last fall, Ovsr 100 Bold by UB iBBtyuar. Send tor QircnUr.


MORillSTOWH, N, 1.

Agricultural Implement;,Seeds,

Fertilizers, etc.

B E E M E R & P A L M E R










Bone JDnst, Guano, Pondrette,


WOOD sawed in stove lengths.



Orders may bo arldrowatKi HiruiiKiitliePohtllct Lock tiox 28, oc left E . A. Becranr'suflic.

,n DUckwoll St., nDar fiuBBOi, or »t llio yani.liUCK8.MlTn'B,fOALootiHl»uttyouliaD(i.






Joseph York

The New Empireot-Al«, Gas & I!nse-b\irn-

ing Cooking Stove.







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ltooitiig, Plumbing nnd Jot

nc Doll'ir inveek will Imy

a new Organ.






DOVER fl. J.

Darp«t WpjiTing, in til widths, done Inst-tlius style at lowest rates. The best

iud of warp only uned. Naw carpets onrod for wile. Tbo bighcHt price paid tc~,gs, or taiea iu oxdianjte for carpet.

J^OTIIKS l>V>:i> a n d C l e a n e d

i n pooil Bfyle.

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.tils of

arocerles and Provisions,


foreign and domeatlc, Ibe Uat g r a j ^ o lOasoen Oooda, aid all inppllea of. tbe

.oatholdlohlallna.. •Care will alwam be b t i n to Mcirte good!

of tha IKBI aoality and tonal palna lo aelltbnm'at the uoal reaaot)a>le margin, « a .

Btentirlth tt« pnrobaalng price. Slaw!net, oeaillu turner ol Black well, Doier.October Hth. 1«8. ' " .






v«lr»anfc)a Scales at ManuCactiirer's prices;

Old Iron. Coppor, DraBB, laad, IUffB anrGDbBcliB talon ill excbaDjie for KOOUI.

BBOEN t ttft'NELI,,,AIHO, manafaclnren of BDNNELL'S SELF•TianTEMNO WISE aPErao JED floi-TOM. ' • • • " - .










taTitea a call Iron all III, frirada l o l l , plac*pa OUSTON STWtET.irSient" thabntna-nieotliehai»k ' • • ' • • . ! ; ' \


a well atted and complete

DOUBLE BOWLING MLEYs i in«*wi in uerfoat ordot. Aty



lfHEELSlMIcw««J7.00poriH,t. JUIUndiof FDffi C01XJRS for oartiKPs uid vagospaloting.. AIM OH* and VAEH19H, SotapDreignandDomegtia. T tmmmvt . WHITIH m , «lo. W o t , Coloring nod YwiishBroshMand Striping PenoOfl, t fall Htmk..' All of t . »tio»o Boodifrom ihe ba<tnak-tts^ aHDWH'bTin]ntarB:' -FIBSX-0LA8BCA11BIAGE and SLEIGH ORNAMENTS.1 Uuving hail HlorgeexperiDDoe formerly Ma oarrUge bviil^Di, fiom a ihuonnD ktiowt-edga ollbe bndutsal baya *dTiuitai[siBny other dealer. ' ,



HIV tlwia foils.Ilitifni'iLngen,

ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS.EODEKBE & KEA6Mwill challenge any dealer in the

State to furnish as good BOOTS

and SHOES for as little money.

We are acknowledged by all to be

the largest and cheapest dealers

and manufacturers of Boots and

Shoes in Northern New Jersey.

Buying for oash in large- duanti-

ties direct from the manufacturers

we save a profit whereby pur nu-

merous customers reap the bene-

fit. Our prices for FALL AND

WINTEE GOODS are greatly

reduced, and our enormous stock

exceed any previous year in vari-

ety and novelties of styles, and we

are constantly trying to improve

their quality. A call will convince

you that it is to your interest to

give us your patronage.


OPP. D.,'L. & W. DEPOT,8epteniliQrl311i. IR81. SOV^IXLi NT. ST,

T H E UOTEK LUMBER CO.ift'ors to Imihlurs tho best opportunities in tho purchuao of LUMBERif ever)' grado -iml duscriptiou induiliug LOW PliLCJiiS iuitl the grantdviirfitiigo of having

Lumber Worked to Order>y machiuery nt the pltioo where it is purchased, greatly lessening the

coBt of building by the grout saving in mtuiual labor. Our"* stock iihvftjs includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsind LUMBER of every description, and especial paina are ta-ken

to give eutisiaetiou in every particular.

GSOROBKIOIIABIIB, President,Viu. H, IMUDHUT, SOU'; md teem

I, W. SsiniNo, Gen1] Manager,




FIUE8T FKItMliSA GOLONG, 70 rta. par lb.FINEST OLD OOV. .JAVA, . . ! 33 "FINE MAIiACAIBO COPFEE 32, 25, 28,ctB. per 1b.

We invilo tliti spcinl atttulion of alora keeporH, botol kwucti and boardinghanw- to tho f,.|||>wiDK li«t or prlcos : 4COFFEES lfl, 18, 20,22 otB. per lb.TLAH K5,2H, 80,85 "

S0(} A Its HOLD 4T COST. IVo RBI our ROOIIB direct from tlio importergami lunccmirLOW I'ltinKH. One trial ieia.ll wo t«k.


flHE mbsmibcr linn opened n new van) near[ tlie corner of BLACKU'KI.L. AKI>

UERQEN Si*., and is prfpared ti> rnnnuli

JR cipentice mil rrnsonunlldont tiiatl can satish th

taoih the nnbVn.t aO8 . JOHKBOH,



niprislng tblrty-five sorea,and localid «1 Oruetow

d d

. Aproiwry ooniprislng tbmoall; improved, and localid «1 O r u e t o ,fto miles from Dover on the road leadingloGhester.* Ontbe premiaes 1B a


aonthoiiloi. Alio a temnl loose, Plintjol good fruit, earl; and late, und a n r j Bnoaprtufl: of water near th.e lionae, Apply to

; SII18, JANE ». WII.LUMB,\t on the premleoB.

Agsnts for Palrbanio' Scales and Tor-



e uia.|rrlDnltiira impiementB, BceuB, Fflrtllltera,

' *n, TalLti, Oill, OUBB. ovc


j . J.


0 tliorongiiljr rarnlshcil anil effloieatlj

nipped vitl) three o[ OB[FF1TB*S OELE-


Inrert, PIlBaar, Hllwanlm. TeMo, Oiooiicall. BC I*UIB, Patet.Dmleartana ItonBmerjUmn. The beai-WIMW, Liow»a.andClguaatlkelnr.


Wo recommend ror t r r ' a l ronPHIa to everywonuaA »• lio U Went, Kv woes, anil CiBcaaTSgti ;partleularly tboso trho hnvo Tliiii, Pule Ups,Cold Hands Bad Feet, Wid who tn» wlliou|FtreUEfli fir Ambition. Tliesa Pllli qutat llwKerves, EITO EircnLih to ILo Boty, lnduco Itolrei>liiiniSlwTtI"''richBnd Imprwatln qoolltjof tht ltluwl. unU Purify and ];rifcUc» Ilia Cam.

V Kervooa Headaclitiervoa Hek, end oilieber t h t

dacliti,fonnsron fa


McKinnon Bros.

Axes and Edge Tools,ROCKAWAY, N. J.

Ittuvincbecn ruporled tbit tblx

iDninots, we tike this mean « of infomiiufi thejnbastbtt Bucbisnnt tlie eiie. Weareit.ll

ID bonlneaa, linvc no ronnectlnn wllb &ny otlierarm whatever, tnd nba)\ continue to mike oariB/ell-kniJwn poodn vltli [ro»tercirB thin ever,ill our fioodii ire b«nd-in«lB ttrcDpliCDt >nt!we ire tbu only firm ID Ilockiway maklrp snub

- J - entirely by hm&, Wnter Tayem fori ipeclaltp. 30-1 j


NOLANiiolQRin on. her entire itoaic of HAW MUDBONNElS i t qoirlbi prices. Between 300 tnd300ii«ts*nrt bunooti at 33 cla. n c h ; formerprice rrom GO cts. to $2. Uoit of ibom ireawktndw.ilbe tuluhle tui f»l\ we*T. An-other lot at 10 els. tftch; ill worth more thindonble the monny. ?I-0WEIW from 5 eti, »itmy op. BIBBONH from S oti, • y»rd op.Tiei, Ineov; rntbd, b»niiien3bisln, buttoni«nd A Tirielf uf oiber ftrllcla* nn i G ct, coon-

fiLAt'KWEJJj 8TBEET,Orroimc P&BDXS * O L I B I ' I ,

. Do?or,N.J.


SEPTEMBER.Ike golden-rod is yellow ;

Thcoorn in tumfng browo;Tlio trwi iu Apploorobu-di

With fruit «re botdtug aowa.

ID duity pItu bidden ailk feMapatj,

Tbo wdBi'iflsnul their lurroet,• la over; meMotr nook;

1 Aud «»tsn by tlie bnwk-ildoIt.bc asters in tbe brook-

Prom dcw> kneg at it>ornlug.v ,TIJO gi;a.pi)i'Bweotp^ontlie;. At noou the roads all flatter '

WltjU.Tollow buttetflim.

By all these lovely tokeoaeopteobor'i dija i n bore,

With fltittMsm'a b u t ol vwtber,And BBtamn'i beat of ohoor. *

But notio of all tbii boiatyWlildi fluods Ihe csrib nod lir,

Isuntorae tha secret

'Til a tblsg whluh I remember;TooitDoHlbn!liraej«t;

O d / a U iI never cm forget.


Her woadroaa wdrth r a tefl,: Add though I ao oat know her mm

Her rue I Hot* riftht « H , • •

Tis gtio ffbo, when the (Uwiila ora«ping up tUe iityj,

Comtiti Bteftltaft xeutly-to my dooiiWith • ^ b f l

Tfaa roas ft like tbaiomr -

iH«r furra 1* not exaatly •Hat,'

Her lungs we uvet vwk. v

I cin't reveal hor nime^ .EeoauBflldo not knowp

BntasrorwlistBbBiuarnianjtbIt ilways ronnalh ip : : _;'' '

"Bay, V T . B '

" TUere is," sold Mr. Weed, " no %

wtar quastfqn mow ioiporUnt than tbatof protection to Americap indastrj. 1lava occasloaally wen tbe public mind,daring raoeut years,mow eioitad upon

other qn<Mtiofi%. bat iu none fo the in-terest of the people deeper or more ebid-ig, I see no piaoa for free trade doc-

trinea ID oar ooatitrjr now. I could aeereas»DB why tbe alave fltaUffl sboild befree tr^de. Tbey were peculiarly igrlcultural conjmndlt.es, and tlie planterStates rulej tlie SoDtb, Tbe; bad DO

•sire to become nmnufufllimnp Htatea,id were, BO long aa staverj lasted,

niffioientlj satisfied witb their ettuj pros-perity, tbrough tbe wile, to Europe andtbo Nt>rtlt, of their cotton, rice, sugarand tobacco, Southern planters andmerobantB- being .satisfied with tbeiproflta, were content with *ree trade.Besides tbiu faith which tbey were io-dacad to adopt, there woa another ressoofur their adberenoe to free trade, in tbeirnatural lioatilily to the Nortl], and dis-like of protuotion as the source ofNorthern prosperity. The North grewstrong through the protection of i u

lufoctprea, (tod it was natural for tbeS»utn, *>th ita erobBively egriooUiiroindustry to dislike tbe polio; of tbeHral Bection, and to nonrUh the belief,

i strooglj held! at tbe ootbreak of theJ^belUon, that Kfog Cotton could ruleour country through European flnancii

j p y U a d- I'u tike it klua ifytfll got op*

An1 lemma lotto ihs tod."-,

Iwparatlns Orw.

Tiie fndicutiooa ere muUlplying, thfitiigoelB will iu tbe future oooup/ 9 more

iromioeat position in tbe dressing ofie«, nud it Beema Wat Bomflro«bloautQ6 ore-mixture that-huveitboi-io buffled the skill of tlie

uc»r will become trflctahl*

Tbere is nutning new in tbe pro-tion to lake advanlaReuf'the factoiio njlueral is attracted by t i e niag-

iet, while auotbw tb.V4 is aaaooialed>itbienot, to aepuivts them.Uu, the method was tmed at an earl;ito, and It has since been tried at

Prizbrum and other pliices, Bat it Is-ually only since the perfection ofijr nam0.electric irnchines that this•oraieinff flflld has been fair.y opened,he UGQof light though [lowetluloleclro-apnels jo the place of ponderous?nmiDeQt magnets' has 'increased tbe

opacity oi tuob. maobEnes, and madeitem rrnotiouble. It woald of coarse balie to expect any ruagnotio dressing ap

to do what EdiBGQ at one timelu-

States of the

exchange. Fat the«s reasons I couldalvitys QQdenla&d why tbe slave BtateBoppOBed proteoliofl'of American manu-factures, and favored free trade. Theybad DO manufactures and no artisans—only oropa and field bauds. Eaglaodmd use for Hoatliera staples, and badibnndact mooEty to pay for them, and.he (Jireot tntetwts pt the Maveholdtagjath were, thoagbtby, many, of itsitlag minds to lie more with EnglandIan with tbe Nortti, How largely thinntton woB responsible for the RebellionVail know. ' ' ^

"Free iradeio tbe fniiili'I never could

sroeperity of the free - States cametrough protection, aud, oa the (asae wasfongbt out, we graduatly became in oreand more independent of foreign conn -tries. By holding out for-our ownIndustrie we grew rich ; webnflt npoar

iactarenj fiist with' water power.ahuudaDtly bestowed upon us by Natureand afterwards with eteam power, whenat earn became a controlling element ioIndustry. 'Witfaoat protection we wonld,

Knation, have attained oothiug bo-nd tbe condition of the old Soulb.

Thanks to tbe protective policy of our.government, wo are now bpcomiog not

ily iadspentlent of other countries, butble to compete Buccessftilly with Eog-und in supplying manufactured 1

'orking tailings; and a; study of tberecently brought forward by

IDS, und tho apparatus now osod atlie Friedriobsegin mine, Prussia, will bo

Iciflut to QOQvEaoe aa engineer"great," late of Menlo Purlr, New

crsey, bas not kopt abreast of tbe time,be Siemens separatorconsists of a seriesrings, made magnetic by tbe current

rom a dynntno-etcotrio macblae,, and gotrraoged tbat one end of the drum, wherehe ore is Ural delivered, has leas povtr,Licb inoreaaeB aa tbe mRferial ia carried

oword the delivery. The PrledriebBegenipp&mtus, wbioh ia now uead for aoparal-og blende and ejintbio iron ore after itaa been roasted, has a number of fixedlectro-maguats massed near the pointaere Iho ore is fed. Tha mateitai fulls

a rotating copper drum, within'liich theae oleotro-roagnets are, and thedberiDg particles of iron ore are carrieding by tbe drum, while tbe blendaideu by tbe mogn'ets. K jodiatoas'stem of roasting, if necessary, dud

eparation by magnetism, will probablyrovo a vuluubla aid in tbe treatment oftich ores like iot mate mixtures ofiouJoand pyrites, or some of onr New

' zinc om.-'Enffineering andMin-iff Journal, v

He Coaldu't Vet Away." No, I fim not ona of t iethe war/', ha slowly replied' to: the

qniry, tU't it iatiot my fault, "I wantedbo there bat something always held

That was too bad.

Yea, it was. When tbe «m bwke ont

iffored to go, but'I was iu jail oaa sixioutliB senteuoB, aufl they wouldn't take

innocent of course, bat as I was inlil tbo recruiting ufBner h&i to rotate

ae. Lands! bat how I did ache to getat the front and wade in gore |

And whea you got out of Jail ?

Yes, I got out, but Just then mylotherdiod. I WDS on my way to enlist'beoBbedjed.andof course tbftt altered

my plans. Nobody knows how badly Iwanted to be down tlwe and wadearound in blood and glory.

Well yon didn't bate to mourn allthro' tbe war, did you }

Qb, no, Blase yam eoul, I onlyEuuraeJ for 'thirty days, and Ihen Xitarted out to enlist iu the artillery,vas jaat about to write down my namevbeo a constable arrested mo for breach

! ptomiae, and it was lour months be-

ire I got through with the sai t Ab>lir, but if you only knew how I sufferedit being held buck when othersTinning glory on tha field of carnageron would pity me !

But tbe suit was anally decided?1(1 Yos, finally • and within an hour

after Ihe jury brought Io a v.erdipt ]mtetl (or Toledo to enlist ia the ouvalry,

Aud you u)list«d ?

Atmost, I waa being examined by tbedoctor when I got "if dispatoh that theold man h'acE tumbled into the well, milof counel bad to go borne,. IbodVgot thennderlaker paid before iigbtalagBtruck the bant. Then some onei set fireto tbe cheese factory, and soon tfteithat I bad three ribs broken ttEd wmlaid np for a year. When 1 floally didgat around to enlist the doctor rejectedme because I was color-blind, near-sighted, lame and deaf. I tell you, sir,

rheo Itfivuk.ot the glory lost and thegore I didn't ihed, it breaks me rightdowp, and 1 dco't oven eare for sodawater. He&r tbe band 1 Bee the oldvets ana tbd et-priBOuers I Hang mybat, bat'wby^ wasn't X bora vilh legslong enough Io kiok myself


tax uocnafi o rPSOSPSBITT—way I L L *iaaioiK IKDDS-


some Euro*pe&n nations. I bave walohed theitruggle far fifty years. Occasionally:e slave-laboring, free-trading Houtkiways largely uaitcd, would carry

Noitbom Tepresentativcs toireak down our tariff lawB, but then tho^eHtiou would always go back to Ibe

ople wbo. at etich preaeutatioa of tbeme, would elect & tariff congress, aud

[orlhero prosperity always followedro tool ire legislation. You will fled118 industrial history well bet forth in

;be volum.es of JWfei' Register, which,From tbe early^part of the century downk) 1860, was the great newspaper power

tbe struggle of American industry.?by dou't some of you youpg men writeuch articles now ? -

Let me tell yon an anecdote abouttroteclion and froe trade—«a occurrencea Eagland iu 1662. I vrae ai z dinner

party in London, at tbe house of a verycelebrated Eogltshmao. Ihe onlyAmericans present were E. J. Walker,of Miasis&ippi, and myself, Walker was

leading free trader, who carried bislens with him into the administration

the Treasury U-LGQ he beoatna Seoce-tary. AL Ibid dinner be aDoko stronglyaccording to hiB tree trade oouviotioos,md the KngliabniQa who were crackingdti with ns taantingly astod me wh iibad 16 say lor tariff. I cited in teply

iuoidCDt then a.fev days old. p aInodiog at Liverpool, ArchbisbopHughes, one of my fellowpssseugpn,declared Io the custom honea-officers,iraongriiB baggage, ft little tin'i>oi ofluuff,'" I t held Bomethind brer a ponod,cd on it he bad to pav nine shillingsaty—treble KB value. . ' I s this yourree trade ?' I asked my English friendB.' I t is very hard upon yonr friend,' tbey

replied, ' but it w not protection ; it istariff lor reveque, Vie dp not glowtoD&coo.1 Our free trade does not meanthat there ahoald, he no tax on luxuriesbrought from abroad, which we do notprodnoe.' 'Very' well,' I rejoined, 'batrour com laws virtually prohibited ourproduota. They wore very hard uponpour people, and tbey. were only relaxed(hen the starvation point was reached.?bat is protection with a vengeance, notily excluding products* of other oono-ies, but famisbing. your own people.1

Seillier Mr. Walk or nor my English freemde friends aatd anything in reply.

11t look twenty years to repeal thalorn lavs, and now I see that tbcro \B inSaglend n-movement to revive them

nDiier the apecioos ni»me of • fair-trade.Tbere is no dangc* of this. Eugbnd

iro not revive the corn laws, Americahafl not 1h$ least reason for fe&r on tbi

Tbo won j a QQI oiopa, and

i l

enualaws in tbe interest of our monu-filatures ? I f in among the objecU considared by yopr executive committee, cstated io ike PrctecJicntit f

" I would favor such a commission,replied Hr, Weed, " provided we ooattbe Bure that it woald bo composed ofthe rigbt muri. To secure good result*,tha commissioBerfl must be absolutelyindependent, very industrious, andthoroughly informed iu all debut of

many American industries: The

report of Buch a body might form theA for great improvement in our Urifi

legislation, I aee that our committeet received some v«ry important acces-

sions; Boob aa the Arkwrigbt Club, theBaldwin Locomotive Works, &nO otherleading representnifte men of tbe Amur-icun industrial mind. I have never been1 stronger liat of names at tbe iuliidtionif an industrial movement than that pub-lished In Ihe last issue of The Protection-St. I kpow many of them, and believelot under BUOU direction tbc coovQution

nust be succesaful. There isoue branchif tbe subject of protection to Americanindustry on which I would like to saysomething as my individual view only,as I know that many of the gentlemanengaged in tbis particular movementmay ba inclined to disagree with me.Do you think The PrctectionUt wouldcare to publish anything on the eilverquestion ?"

•' Tbe silver question is a tariff i-sae,I re pi lea, " I s dertainly something of anovdtty, but I am sure tbat TheProtec-

gladly pubUnh any opinionsyon may desire to make public regardingit."

strong language the intensity ia thework of the tariff convention.—X in theProtectionist.

New York, ftoptemW &, 1881.

Pur Oar Reverend Biattere.

" I take mytex dismoruiu'," said acolored preacher, ''frnta dot po'tiou obde Scripture wbar 3e Poatol Puul pintsbis pifitui to de Fesiocs."

Ou being asked what be thought fire-flies were made for,a little boy answered.

I think God mode them for caudles tolight tbe little trogg to bod."

A worth deacon iu a towii not far awaygave notice at a prayer meeting the otheroigbtofa cburcfi meeting tbnt was tobe held imtotidiutely after, and UDCOII-iciously added : "Tbereieno objection

> tlie fetoale Viretbiiin iismaiaing."

A minister overtook a Quaker lady,and politely assisted her iu opening a

ate. As she was a comparative Blrautfur

town he said: "You don't knuw,uerliapa.tbatlamMr. ; uaven'tyouheard me preach ?'• " I have heard tliee

iglnud, like other nations, will always' gild to get them,. We raise our own

Food i v e bate raw products of everyid. and'oar protected mtmufuotnres

ippressno one, but advance our work-1 and duvelop onr prosperity;

Mow that elavec; ia dead, 1 tun eee DOreason why no ; Bontbern State shouldremain free trade. No longer d spend fogon English'custom alone, but with greathomo markets and growiog local naiiu-factnres, the Bonth commences to reaiiieIbat its prosperity depends on protoo-tion. Slavery and free trade were haottmaidens to the English mosey power.It is not a parcdox tbat free labor meansprotection and slavery meant free trade.B j no other policy than adiierunoL' toptoteotion of Amsrioan industry can wsaappoit the ianillea of our workiogmen,D comfort dad fcappinesi andthai, condition,"

"What do j o * thjnk, Mr, Weed,1', I

" Very well, tben," replied Mr. Weed."1 would like to aay tbat the) course otour Government upon tbe silver ques-,tion eeemi to me at total variance withoar general policy of fostering anil pro-tecting Auerisan intereata. In jumpingInto tbe trap of tbe English capitalist,in favor of ihe oaa-mooty standard, \destroyed one balf of tha money powerof our country, "We struggled for fiftyyears to protect iron, (topper, eoul, amiother raioer&lu, part of oat nviUonalwealth, but we failed- to protectAmerican Rllver, and, in (act, di«.eliminated agRinstit when our capital-istB, in some unexulaibed way, inducedCongress to demonetise it. VrTien, \u1877, resumption was at baud, the quitiou WOB asked, Why did we demonetizesilver, and how was it done? A bill waspnt through Oongresa, without debate,under tbe title of *A bill to regulateGovernment miuU..' There was in it asingle el&cse by wticb silver was demon-etized. ' Wboae iufltienco got it in noone knows. General Gran tffy

that He signed a bitt, not knowing that there

vxu a demonetlring ctwue in it. Tbe pre-text was that silver was so cheap. Inanswer to tbat i produced a letter writ-ton b j Mr. Knox, tbe Comptroller of tbeCurrency, showing tbat at tbe momentsilver was three per cent above gold.Tbree times oat of fonr in our history,before tliopnssflge of this law, when goldand flitverbad tobe eqnaliwd, gold hitdto be brought up to tbe silver standard.When this ant of 1877 was tHscuued aUthe New York papers, through the mys-terious power of capital (witb the singleexception of Ibe Graphic), urged the^option of tbe gold standard, while allbonds were on tbeir face payable in coindefined by (he Gtnutituiion as silver mid

gold, I believe tbat silvertion WBB a flaerant violation of the Con-stitution of the TTailed States. Tbe Be-cretofthis desire for a single standardla disclosed by the recent avowal of oneof the Latin Roverumetita tfeai silver wasdemonitffeed for the purpose of increas-ing tlie 'purohaslog power of gold—iuother words, to subject labor to Capital.Silver is the people's money--the coin ofthe poor, Planing it at A discount withgold brings profit to the bunker, at the

at tbe laborer.' Ei-bocreturyMcCullough, who. started as a wild OD-buBi'ast fur the gold staodard, now ao-

knowledges that there ia not gold enoughin the world to do tbe world's busioesB.The' real objeot of the oliqne that siic-ccaafully pitted the. trick wbioh demone-tidril t raiae tbe value of their

gold bonds. Olsrkaon K. Potter, of thisSUto, was, as far na tbe record shows,the only DUD In Oobgress who qacstionedthis demonetising ejause in tho bill, andbe oioBoonlyinoidentally. 'William M.Everts,' who bus Just returned from tbeEuropean Monetary OoDforenoei told meyesterday tUttt the bi-metallio standardwas gaining tafloy friends abroad, andthat even England was at length comingto her senaes on the rabject, I do notbelieve that tbe preoiovn metal wbiobhas from the beginning been moneyequally witb gold, and is brought provi-dentially to the surface in about equalproportion from time to time, is likelyto be long ignored iu the world's cur-rency, Do you recall tbe fact that justbefore the discovery of the Californiamines, there was an - actual scarcity ofmetallic money Ja tha world. Our emi-grants of '49 solved that aifflcalty, provi-dentially, as it seems to me. I believethat in considering tbe best method olprotecting car Amorionn industries, thegreat silver industry should not be leftoat, and I ehonld like to see the silverquestion thoroughly considered in theconvention.

11 Than, Mr. Wood," I said, " we maylook tor your active partioipatloc ID theconvention V

" I nisu X were younger," tbo veteranreplied, "so that I conII do more, hniiv bat I can do I will. I feel very warmlyin this matter, nnd know of nothing'towhich I would,more gladly devote mybest energies. It is most important anddesirable to concentrate aud aaite oarAmerican interests at tbia time, Englishfree traders have owed their principalsuecesi in tbis CODDtry to the method oattacking our industries in delsil. Atone time it is chemical mnnnfaetures, aanother steel, at another silk. I am toM

tbat their ptim for Ihe next Congiws isto hreik down especially tha Americanindustries.?!. Bessemer steel and silk. Ifnil OBT bnBinesB people will unite In demandiug tbfit the tariff sball be revisedonly in such a way as to promote tbBproperty ol the United States we have.othing to fear from frea trade attacks.

I t la necessary, however, tbat webe united and vigilant, and that] thepeople should be thoroughly educatedupon tbe qaestlons ol eoonomio politics,upon wtlob their prosperity depends,''

l a m t d t the olc*s cf the MMvenattonMr. Werd forgot bis' feebleness, rotfrom the lounge uponwfaieh ha had been

Ministers have I'aen funny ever siuoethey began to preunb. Tha obaplain of

les T., when Bpeaking of the depravity>f the age, said : "Atmout all bouses

have been made into ale homes; men iuthese degenerate days make matrimony &

matter of money* and they ore apt to rinktheir paradise on a pair of dice. Won itBO iu tbe days of Noah ? Ah 1 uo."

An elder, while b tptizing converts at &revival meeting, advanced with a wiry,sharp-eyed old obap in the water. Heasked the usual question, whether therewas any reason why the ordinance ofbaptism should not be administered.After a pause, a tall, powerful lookingman, who was looking quietly on, re-marked, "Elder, I don't want to inter-fere in yor busheaa, but I want to saytbat ibis is an old sinner you have gothold of, and tbat one dip won't do himany good. If von want to get (lie aiu outof Mm you'll have to anohor him out inthe deep water all night"

The Latch-Strings of Heaven-

That quaint old colored &mn, knowuto every one around the Central Marketas '' Bise Up Jerry," will be missed fromtbe rounds he traveled for years. He isdead. He vas living witb hie daughteron Wilkina sheet, and bad been poorlyfor a' long-time. Jerry was past eightyyears, and while be hud grown feeble for

jenr or more, no one suspected thatdeath WQB near. The other day, as liesat in bis big rocking cbair, and after behad been dozing fur liulf an hoar, heasked for his tv o grandchildren. Tbey

ere called in, and as tbey hung about

iis knee, tbo old nan Baid:"CMU'ed, dis ole frame hain't got


queer to-day, an ' I want ye clus to maDe little chill'en am da latoh-strings tode gates ob beabeu."

In the efaftde of a plam tree, with tbebirdB staging above and the bteeze tem-pertug tbe heat, tbe 'children nestled(town* add all th'teeloU asleep—a sleepin whica the old man's flan I passed awayso quietly that ho did not move a hand.When tlie children awoke'be had,longbeen dead. They bad gone with himaotoss^he dark valley—walked iu theradiance of heaven's beacon—halted attbe golden gates, and lifted the latch-string. Softly the gatea swung open attbeir childish touch, and the old man hadkissed them and passed through.—Detroit Free Prets,

padjutnenfc ol oar rev,

, V ol (bd propoaJtion for » tariff lying, and became iuteWSljp animated,tnloh to invettisate and report the Hi* eunwtQWS cf roite infl gestnrere-

of d t f c l l d l th hjf g

Yealed, pTe?| more abonglj thap, hjs

ong to hangoa, feetin* powerful

n Incident or the Day or Prayer.The perfect unanimity of feeling in tbe

day or prayer added to its solemnity audperbtpa alao to its tuefuloess. Manytoaobing events'are recorded in connec-tion with it, bat notbiag that so comes|]QtE.e to tha emotional BenaibiUliea asthe atory of the President's wife, aa tbe;wo rested witb 1 a the sonud of the mur-

ng sea on one side and of the Churchservices on the other, A despatch says:

From where be lay Gbrfield could seethe carriages draw up and group afterronp go in, He could even bear tbeubdnert refrain ol "Jesus, lover of myoul," as it was borne by on ito heaven-

ward way. Tbrilled witb emotion, a teart.icblea down the President's face. Afterswhile ft sweet, womnnV voice aroBe,Jioglngfrom one of Sir' Michael Gosta'Bnoblest o r a t i s u x Thgg onnoblest oratorios,

d h

c e l G t a BThou nuto

and bava meroy upon me,"sang tbevoice, " f o r l a m desolate; l a m desolateand afflicted ; the troubles of XLU heartare enlarged, O, bripg Tbou me out ofmy distresses, out of my distresses, myrod."

It is also said Out MmGarflelJ kneltia prayor at tbo same time, and who candoubt, whatever may be tbe intentionsof the Infinite mind, that the petitioningvoice wae beard in the Courts above.Tha world by some is thought to belapsing into the crime of modality, batwhaneverany great emergency arises it

g he Nationats in unity at the Golden Gate.

Oltesis of Tomato Vinti.A mysteriona disease is playingith th t t o f N J

pwith the tomato wop of N«T y, Peon.y, nsylrania aod DeUwue. Some of tbelnrgQ«tgrowers find tart iram one-half to two-thirdiof thair crops are entirely unfit forthe market, and ta eonsequenoe Hreial of .the largest <»umertf» In Bnriiagton oonn^have stopped inaking oans, in the belief thatthere will b t ft peat shortage In the crop.Intbeflret BUgeasliRlit discoloratloQ np-peanin Ibosldo nnderoenth tha blossomitem. In tbe next atsga this ia more pro-noanoed, and a (inking in of the snrfooa isapparent In tan third stage a general de-cay has extended ever the entire bloesom-ateta side, From this onward the decay ex-tends through the vegetable, until h U noth-ing but an unplwuact mug of rottenness.Tbediieue la a new one. and its origin isa mystery. An examination through power-frl glasses has [(tiled to deteot tbe presenoaof animalcule. 8ometim«a4ha vegntableqare attaclied when in a green state, at othertimes they are almost ready to b« gatheredwhen It naken lti appearance.

Tbe Clone of Tho Kovolutlon.

To-day mnkea 98 years since the sign,ing of the dcBoitive treaty of peace be.tween Great Britain and the UnitedStates of Amerioa, hy which tbe war foroar indepeoilfiuw was tBrminntea. Itwas on Bent. 8,17B8, that Ihe work wasdone, eightjoarsfour monthsaniififteendays alter the battle of Lexington, Th»American signers were Dr. Franklin,J.»hn Adams, and John Jay, nnd DavidHartley signed for Great Britain, Thaprtmrioual treaty bad been signed inNovember, 1782t&ndthc>defliiiUvetiMfywaa tbe aaa» thing; yet the Engtfoh didnot evacuate1 N e w a r k city till tbe w .S 5 S l W f ' ^ V 1 k f NW f V 1 ?^.k o f Nwember.

Tbe close of.the contest datesfrom Sept. 8,1788, w sit the nations thathad taken part in that ooitoat then r tturned to a atate at p*ace.—BanresfffT

Page 2: TEA Atest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/...fon for jam acd bane. The lent Jiqaor* . find sejjnw a( the bar, alid dwnfort alined at in evexy depaflment, Ufery nUaohpd

The Dover Printing Company,

, Hppt, 17, J881 .

- A Ruler Nevertheless,l 'mwl tn t (iiirileia hax l>een liovcriugbe-

iwn-n life -iinlifrnll.for nwirly threeuiouthianil Hi;) iilJf until 111 it- Wt-ek toaut! li]« memI).-re nf l,i« CttMuU ta cotis-rse witb ttxeup'mStftl.'Hff.irs. Hut that bis will powand (.'ocil judgment i.re Imviog tbeir effeiu directing the course a l UBtiaual nffiiir*ITJW i!^lrl>- ebown in (hilie hiw lu.l witt the beads of the Btatitlf-jmrlmetitri l ie learntd. from SecretaryWimlnu that lie had deferred to t in weikuuwii (lustre upon ibo Hii)>j<>ct, and hud nott;tovnl iu the uuitter ot calling in tbe 8}I'iiit. IHHIIIH. From I'ontiuiwt<;r GMIJHIUUH La received Ihe information that Liwtis fulln»iny uul the winbis of tbe Priil.-ut uiitl wus jiur-liius tho Mtute Itoate love*lif,'iilli-o» iu uu um^mrlug iiiauuer. <froihis other Cabinet otticiTs lie also learnedIhot liih will wan icflmiiciiigall theiractiouiSo we find tiint the will and great foreatgtiof nur htatcU'iu-lVtiident in 1Q retilit;dinTtiiig the affairs of the generalincut, nltli.nigh he ma ; he denied an activtpeiMJiml pitrtldpation in mich 111 alters. Thiknowledge wili ca"»e tlio wheto people to prajmore frequently tban ever for h.U com ulelerecovery.

On Sunday afternoon last tbe life of Gui-l*«u WIUI attempted by 8ir#e*wt MaxanIhe print.) gnurd, B solditr of eioi 11 -ut char.ncUroidof iiinrtfct-ii yearn1 honnrnttlevice. 1 beImll.t from Mascu'n rifle rainiinmr jniltiiif>un end to Guitouu's esistemMw» u»mw>« SOT bis act was that be (not enlist to guard "nHNfutriiis." It ia cltar-itiiMo to BH||[K)MO tbftt Mason wtm oraziMwith iiiuliuiiii) and thiit when lie fired finKiwi lift was unt rcRiwnriitile for hia acts.rJitii.-flu l irrte coitif)litol; down after the(.lint WIIK firHJ al liiiu. and wept and howledfor|irot<etioit. The wretch apptmrutothorough coward, whatever faaj ha eakabout Ma anility. Whethf Hppgarti ID be Uie cause of iuuaafty inotLt-m.

Ho fearful wcro tha Czar nnti EmperorWilliam Innt Friday of what wight lmppeiiolueiunt tue hands of the Nihilism Urntlifir inectii,); al DnnfzfK migtit utmost bed.M-rilnd mu t-lftii(lentiue one. TbB Oermt.u)ii>|ifArHto..ki»re to |iubllnh false in-fnnimtkm t»mcL-niiuff tho time and tho pine,of HIP moKtiiiff-ln ord<r, us ono of thembonr.tR, lo foil "tho iiittranttoual bind oiIIHSIIHMUK" who are BUj.poBvd to hu lying Inwi.it in kill them two imperi l hirda witbonii Htono. "Tbe movements of tbe Emper-ors tbroiiphnut Ihe dftj," we we informed,"Q'fere favolttd >n uncertainty, and the ar-rim foment* were cbangtd several times."And ,\oi iliose I't'Oj'k over the water aretalking about the f iilur« of Rt'publii

Tliwpast week bun been without doubttbe moat favorable one iu the hintory of thePresident'scoso niece he was allot Hu ha*nlppt belUr, talcm more food, and fs moretiliicrriilthnn I tfoi*. The swelling of thp{turnlid #U»d haf. Potirt-lv Jimippenred, tbpwound is duiiig well, mid be hjw b»eu takotifrom biH bed a w n d tiuiBRiiad nlloveii toruclltie [ti mi tuwy cliair ortirlooking the «ea.A new coiuplicailou uffi't'tiiig bin lungs basariwD, but lit- (seems to hu also overttbls. Yet bu iti Rtill fitr from couvulmid until lliRl Imppy jiiTiod arrives the ani-ittly of the people will u<it

Tlie little f;Btne intended t ... _cratiu fiupport far the Qroeubatk candidatefor CnngreBH in tho Sucoad Main dlstriodid not work. Jitter tbe witbdnmAl of theDemocratic nominee the DiunocrriU eitherBlny-d fiway from the polls or voted for tbeItcpublicRL candidate, wiio was elected by40()» mnjorlty nguinst 1473 Befmhh'can ma-jority for Qovtmvt in the same diatriot lantyciir. This in all very proper and a matterof congratuliitioa to Iho country at large.

«~e .* .Gen. Ambrose E. nuroiride, t l . 8. Sena-

tor from Rhode Inland, died very suddenlyoti Tuesday. lie hnd been so prominentlyMrntiflcd viih the military find civic his-tory of tie country for tho fast twentyyears tbat bin death has create profoundnud genenl regret.

It In tmivpmlly Pgrocd that the Whitelion ae is but a malarial pest hole, and whollymint for n place of residence. Now tbit therotten old ranch ia dcfiertcd we do not be.lieve thf-re would be much mourning in theInnd if Brine patriotia incendiary shouldoperalo upon it.

We call the attention of our readers to thecormnuiiicnfion on our hint pago respectingthe better protection of American orea. ItIH of tbe RTeateBt importance to this sectionand ffiiB written by a Rontleman prominent-ly cupigtd ID Urge iron industries In MorrisConnty.

ignatu before whom complaiutv fur_ nl tbe ordiuanctiB relitinR to thoialo

i)f liiiimra may bo bmuxbl. Tlie oaoiplalntafuru-wiiliilrawn the oilier day with tbo under-Inu'litii; ire could rotiew them beloie a court>f umjutiilDDud jurisdiction. We detilro toirocuid utonco tu try one nr more of the com-iliiinUrorerred tn. Will you be kind enooKbo ai]vino in bufnte WIJDIU to mako oompltlnt 72. Ids [JIB iateuciua at the commltim toisy

cotnplftitilg buloro tbe Ouinmon Ouuutll ftftiluit'but»u nbobave suldln violnuooof the oidin-uce. Tho charier »a« f»r 'came t-hown"eciiseg niiy be revoked. We Me prepared tosbnw cauie " with pOBitire proof of Riiilt.AH this conrio will save us tha innujincs

anil entente ut proieeutlng to thii coartf, »ni]an It wili have tbe same moi al and rentr»mingeffect on tboan inolioed to break the law, we'link it the wfieat tbine to do. Tbe powerlhat

*- • th* power (o

Don Catneron propoitPB to take the taxfrom tobacno. Thi* should; not be done,forif there is n cpmn'cndnble way of collectingpublic revenue it !K by tlie tat upon thiswell SH habit. If there Into be nay tax re-movrd let it be tbe one npou motcbes, whichlire n aecetsit.y.

The cotton crop for the year ending lastmonth I'K by fur tbe lai-Rest In &*teea years.ID 1860 the yield amounted to 2,559,270bales, and thin year fi,58{),32i) bales.

The elfction tn Maine on Uonday wai aJiUJo one, l o t H WM large enough to ftbowtbat thin In a oold year for the Democratic

Bequests by the I ate Mrs. Varmtta.By Ibe will ot the late Mrs. Jacob Txnatta,

of Morriotown, which has jnut been admittedto probate, the following bequssU are left foiobarlUbie purposes: To the Hoard ofForelgnUiaxlom of tbe Preubfterhn Ghnrcli, SS,nMBoard of Home Mi.iioDB of tlie PreabyteibuChurch, J3.DO0; Female Chnritoblo Koclei.y oSfoniatowti, 13,000; American Diblo Society,li.ODfl; P in t PrcKbT^riin Church of MorrH-(men, fJ.WW; Board ot Foreign mmoi(be Frrflbyteriin Ohnrcb (fm the benefit oftliu Women's Foreign Missionary Society atFiiilsdelpMi), tUW, Board of UinitteriilHeller of the PreHhyteHan Church, $2,000;Donnl or notne Miesiona of tho PrenbTteriiDGliurcli (lor tbe anitentatlon fond], 13,000:PrwdmeD'a Jmid or the Presbyterian Chuivb,*5UO; Orphan Ujlnra or Newark, N.J . , tl.OOQ.This latU-r fond is to be inreated and tbiincome applied, u far ai necceairy, to thi(tujtport or unco orphans from Morristowniimay from tlmo to time be in tbe uylttm.

In addition to these nrqnests 15,000 (• giveila a ilam ot HIP late Mr. Tssatt* an^ 13,000,to another sitter, and 93,000 eaoh to twonieces of tho simo. EI«cU Vtll, leimitin fjiven J200; laaac Bay, cosebmstf, $5001Jlnry Hand, cook, 1100, and Alice Murphy,walltcus, ttOO. The balnnco of the estate ligiven tn Mrs. Vomtta'i own raitttTM. Tbeamount of the estate cannot be gatheredfrom tbo will, bat It Is probably over 1100,-000, Airred Mills is sole executor. The willjwdak'tlAugnitlZtb, 1879,

WEEKLY IRON HEPORTS.Tho Engineering and Ulmng Journal of Imt

woohaays:Tlie bUBineti in iron Is going on In such a

' qnlet, legitimate way, tlikt bnt little tmterltl,w eappHed to write upon. Tbe denmndTremarkably Rood, order-boois »re froirded,and it does not « e m possible that pnceiremain as low ai they are for any m a t e rlength or time. Adricci from Oroit firiUinirdlcatPioiroprortnfi condition there, whichwill bo a great help to thiamarket ; fur thbgrratuBt came of steady prices of late hasbeen the law pricei or foreign iron, whichwould bivo come here In large quantities badonr firiocfl Von advanced & little.

IOTBICAS ria.--fffl oulf note nke of It«W. tonHofNM.lwd 3 Foundry T J w p u Iron i t

S2J®I22 rcipeotlvelr. We can u y io onrr t ^ i l ^ i . howefer, tbat they are not iifceJ? toVt*t any more at tbat price Just nnw. The TutU, that the oenaOtl u aa gl«at that the beitbraiidl have become Terr (Oarco, We qaoitHo. I F o a n d r r i l I2i |<2*ttj j No. 8 Foundry,

i t t 3 J F » a



t m i held onTbe re/talu meellnflfor AMonday. Fretent—Uiyor Bicharda, Beoaider OrittBDden, Aldermen lieaob tod Hance.and Cviwcllwea CuHtrti, Smitb, Lewi* amWhitlock. Tbe minok* of the k i t meeliniwoie read and approved.

fiilicu Juhtinc Wood repoTt'-xl Hi collucted inftuca and Uarahal Kollcy ru[)orieil tourarreitifor the patt month. Both new rewired andordered Bled.

A communication v u received from tlClifer Engineer of tbe Flr« D«p»rtmon) reoomaaendiug f6r aonfirniritiDR tbaefficera electi•>y tbe vtriom f re coropaaiea al tbutr annualeloctiong; alao Ohaa. VreeUnd and SamuelMorse aa meubert of tbe BUamer OompiDj,and M. 1). Cirrell aa t member of too H<aoil t-Mldur Oorapanr, The cooiniuijieatkwere received and the Domination* oonn rood.

A pil l ion SM received from P. 0 . HoagtuWVIOK purtuliwitw to mmuve lt*utje on bin[mipurty on EnMti utreat to % line with tiioi<>t adjQlniuR properties, Baforred to &treel001110111106, vithpnwet.

X petition from llabtrt Blchards to ereut itamp post opposite his dwelling, OD Ewe:street, w&i gKPttd.

A petition wairecelied from Mrs. Northeaaking Coundl to reinttate ber lioemn to keept beer uloon. Tho petitioner promised tofulfill dl Ordbitee* of the town tnd atldlllolt tbat slio wu euffloieotl/ pubiaued for biflrnt and l u l offcace.

A petition wairectiiTed from Mra.Bwr.vma'hich iretil oo to show that on tbfi Ui da.y ol

June abe wat duly llcenned to keep an inn amm JQlickwel) Btreet; tbat ibo bad es

large sami of taanar about thepromlsos ; that on tbe 18th of July ihe wai

taken beforeooe C. 0. OBRC, who pretendedi be a Police Justice," and fined ; thai heriiiiitte wag revoked leaving her with tbrDprotectuil clnlilren to uuppdrt; Inconclmlim rr<|iit!Mled tint her Hconaebe reiuatatedCouncilman Smith moved tbe matter berrr-d to tin) Altorney of tho town for>ini<m an tmrbelhcr a license could be rein-atud ffiili iti a year.Mayor HiobanlK unid it wan ft nncatiuB with

him wlictlicr, utnler tlia State law, the/ couliQ re-llctinaod within & year.Botli jjetltiODS were rtsteneH to the Altor-ev.

The Finanre Committee reported that tbeW I T corporation u% lint hid been listtdftdcur to them • Tlio Btroo urai referred to tbi

Fiuauc* Commiltoe for o lam in* tion andnportat tlio nexi tneptfnR ofthe OOUQOII.

Tliu following liita were audited ami orderedpaid : P. J. Corconn, Janitor, « ; W, H,Bvram, extra police on circus day, 118; J. H.Buruhell, $11; Dover Printing Go., 118.75]Unrtiii k Buok, $3; Marshal Kclloj, f50 jCorporation Pay Roll for Augtii(, 1331.68; J,8. Limson,AMCsaor,*9*.M.

ited ibat some corresponddeuoe had passed between Ibo raproaentntoreiif tbo Law and Order League, and himself ailayar, which he thought should be placed be-hte tlic Ouuticil. In makinc a personal ex-planation le Bitd that upon tbe receipt ofthefint letter lie ddtarmined to resign hi* office

he bad no tlnio ta upare from hie businessalt si & Court, But after bo bitl so notiQ< u

ilium br received tbe letterg gtveo,io nblob the.pile pledged lUclt not to bring any <intsbeforebim. This removnd lil»'o

iluti nr.d caused lilm to rooouBidur hittatiou to resign. The following ii tho


UdU RET, H. D. Oroyxt TO MITOB HIOBABUB:D O ' I R . N . J. t Sept. Sib, 1881.

0 His HONOB THB KATOB.1 am requested by tbe cnramlttee on prose-tmns.iif which I»tn ft member, tooommun-

icatu with you In relatiuu to the followingrtrcnt&i-tf;

ame of the peiBonyoh m c l i u t f

hink it the wis,'raotg tbe Kce-arporate towlwys be t

< * p w e r (o rein which 1 have Ilveu

d Tl.arporate towns in which 1 have Ilveu t b i n u salways been tho conrae paraufd. Tliera Is nolegal difficulty in the way-no loluatlce tothose complained of. It la ibo most direct anaeconomical way to proceed. We bball probably'uvo tlia complaints ready to present at tbemxt Bbnaha ol the Consctl, wbeo a tune can

Cicd npun for a hearluR—when we will pro*ce evidnce to "show cause" wh t i

qtitrterly tnmlmf; ot tbe Newark Coi)n of tbe diiwou of Nnrtlicrn New Jer-

sey, convene-! in BI. John's Obtirchday tuartlag ttat. At 'he iiprning qaittt tjamber of clergymen were in ibo chancel,rrhicli was prettily adorned with flowers.

Tho pervfee of Horning Prayer was firstibserred, followed with an iddresi by Deanttanflbury, fonnrlen on the words, "Jeamsaiti, RO tbon and do likewlW'-St. tnke , lOtbliBplorand 37th verse.

ID opening he ejiowed tbat Chrlatiio dutyrent beyond the form (if religion to the reallt;

or deeds. In the chanter alluded to theBaTioor Unffht tho Jubilant returning mis-(iotiario* to rajoice beonuae their ntines werewritten iu heaven. Tlien came tbe inquiry of

70 who wanted to iuow wbat he shoaid da toiherit eti'mt) life, wbeteupon tbe Bavloura'aliim tbe csimpleof the good Samaritan

iu lifs office of cuerfty to the nua <rlin fellmnftthlevea. It is not tbe lota tbat Un-

gutibei in the breut, no matter bow maclijrofeisQd by the lip-, bnt tbe failh ind lovewhich IB alhe and hiossoms ont In loving

eedB and acts to all wbn are dietregied. Headmonished Obrintiftni to be active and earn-

st in works. We cannot be Christians andyet be slugjtards. "Go" and "da" aro tbeterms of ihe Waiter, leaching us to bo thor-inch tnd active In our work. We mast bs I Iystomitic *# onr bus/new men, hod oar wcrtnuat Wdoneby rule and system. The Deaulotod bow tho priont CBIMCED to go that way,

and (arned Ms bick on tha nnfortapata m%a-this IllQHtrtUon onr Bavlour placet npou

i Ibe roiponaiblUly of onr chancing to oomeacinus distresiied ODUS in tbis wortf ; we are

ixponaihle fur the welfare or those whotbanco to come In our way. This leison IsImportant to-ilay bocauie we have come herelo consider tbe Deeds or tbe missionary rorfeof this diocese. We need care and prayer andbelp for oirryiDd on the work foi thD honor ofGod and tbe saving or men.

It v u tntooDceti tbat the ottering made•old be for tbe fund of the Diocesan mis-one.

Th« eolebntfon of the Holy Communion•ollowed. _

Bev. Alexander Crommels, D. D., of<Wtih-igton. D. 0., waa fntradaced, He ii perbapsie old»t and most cultured nun of tbe

colored race In tbii coantry, Ee graduated,tthe (treat Dniversity of Cambridge, Eng.,

wltnbonon Rained by hard personal effort,nd bai been an honored guent of the first

ramllles of that country. He spoke of the-ffort made since tbe CIOBD of the war totlente tbfi colored people ot the conairy, tod

tbe condition and n«edsof bit raw.

ia Cicd npun for a hearluce evidence to "show causei boald be revoked.

Vonra TH

n we will prowhy certain

M*TOB BlOBAHBS TO IUV. H . O . OPDIK.;EV. H B. OFDIRB ;Dxa SIR :—Yonr oommnnlcatlon of 9tb Inst,

to me HH Miyot ii received, la wbioli joa u k"ic :

1st. Tn'nime some peraoa before whoniyoumay make comnU lots for iUegal sale ofliqn ~' -,etc.

I have no authority to designatef h l i t b

_!iBwcr:I have no autmy per«on before whom

l b t tb M R

y to designateaint) nay be

hf«on b f e whom c p l a i n t ) nay b

ili; but tbe Mayor, Recorder, or nnherofhe AUcrman bare jtir'sdictioa In auoh ntaea,mdjou biive tbenndonbted right to mako'oar caaplaint before either of then of anv

ach of tbe corporate law, and my opinion is..ntany Supreme CoortJadg* wouM direct)>• ra&ndamas that cither of siid ofnuers shallicnr your complaints. In case nf their refusaljy buBiness affairs are inch ihit I could notonsant to bold Ootirt, which wmld oconpyIme that I baco not to spare; but I foel tuatam in duty bound by virtue of my oOefl to

learench oompjafals M«re brought beforem, and feeling that It is Impofealble for me toIve ibe time nfloemry to perform; such datiei,feel cnnslralned to t«ndar my rBilftnaliao to

lieOumtiion Coonoil at Inefr next meeting,ihata new election may be held for a Haynr

ideations tbat hare atftfin through yoar com.ieatlon.

I toufd sagfett that janr enjoer caune tooanae is to malitnte proceeding! for anybranob of tbe corporate law before either theHnvnr, Rocordfr, or either of tbe Aldermenwho I takeit baa jurisdiction, and before bintprovo your case, healonti having the power tuinflict pcnaltiBa; and npon oooviotiou andeulorcomento'tbo pnntlty a transcript from

in docket will be inffloient ovidcnoQ for the^ommon Gounoil to sat, and save nine mam-item of tbe Common Council tbe time it woo Id

ibo to bear yotr o»tnii|*iati; tad a* theyate DO power' " - ••

iitentit wonll _- _,ee no *»> for ym to pot ynur ease before ibJomwonOonnoll wilhaiitasnupenilonor tbe

lei, which reqnlrea a two-thrai votA iu them i l In view or all lueto complication!dttHdedlv belt plati I* to make yoor com-

r,_mtB liefore tb« proper officer and secureoonvlutlon If defeadantsareguilty.


jar yotr coin)i|*ioti j and a* theytwer to inflict penalties to a greatronllba a wasteoftlnH. Braidei I

G*on«i B)cgisy

Rxn. H. D, OFDTCX UTD W. H. MOOO^WOI foMiTOB ttlOHMDI.DOTBB, V. J,, Bcpt. 12tb, 1681.

To HitHnxoftTHE WAIOB :~ EAB » IB :—We deem it onr doty to say to

..- fn behalf of ihe " Ltw and Outer Ltagoo "bat the; had deoldsrl tbat, in nuir or the hot

.bat you ware BerilQR tns aiiv • • Mayor wlth->»t DinneDMtioD, and tbe further fact thatwar tinn was fatty occupied witb personallineineat, not to trouble yon by asking youpersonally to bear the complaints referred toIn s previous eommoDlcatloo.

The Leaeue, with a large majority of tbeclHEens or Dover, will greatly regret yourdecltion to reilRti yonr office ai lUjor.

Woold it not be better to teat tbecoostltn-tiotulit; of the police worts? The Leagni willcdemmry tits al t ; for any expense inourrud litheooBtta, .

YonriTrnly,H. D, Onm*.Wm.H.HoOoBinci,

Co behtltntthM tiepgna.

T. H. D. OrDiw TO UATOI Bnnumbs.Dana, V. J., Sept. 13th, 1881.

MB. RICHASW, MATOB :DCABSIB: -OQ farttier oobintUtioa 1 »tn

dlipased to withdraw the proposition made int former aommanication of this date, bindingbe Lasgucrto theexpetse of teiilng tbe eno<jtltuiion&Ilty or our eourtt, Afl. I am larona edIt mficttt cost haadnia af dollar*—if so Iwontdnotbnwarrantodin pledging the Learae;o pay tbe costs. I therefore withdraw the


DOTM, Sept. Wh, 1681.Bnr. Oto.HiaRauta, UATOI or D a r n .

MYDU*Sl»:-I l .arBed with mooron Balorday evening, from Her, H, C _ r ,tnat yon contemplairf teodeirlng jour resig-nation u Mayor of the city.

Oat otpenoBalronrd tot mr iaatpmitnojof character, (atraitDowsaays far tooa*ldomluund), which h u permitted and promptedyon tokdminisler the aflkirs of onr city withfainiHsand eqolty, witnoot fetrorfaror, Ivery tnttcb regret your deoiilon, ind hope thatTnrther reflection may rev«M I t t o a ootapU-anoewith the wiahes of all our good, peaoe-tble.liw-abidioK a o i onler-IOTinr oitiwn*. 1mirar* from an nomlsUkable knowl»fJ|« ofthe fsot, that in eipretslcg my own ragreU

. . . .__ .__ . t . _ --,r tt# eiHi* oo»-

TbennrortBDato eompl!«aUona of tbe laatr*w w-4k« IramUed by all) n n d m t h e nrm-j}e» and eeplniou o( ear Jfsjpr « &reat«rBtnesaUy at ibU tin*, In ray opinion, tbtn a tmv other period in tfaa btsiory of onr cUy

MJM tn a bnsjr maa. foHy oeoapierlfar largelr extood^d bafJMu, and

on W9 do Dot dar.rt to bordea j oa


be made by phlrb wmuUlnts agalutt psrM<>iwho violate and defy Die ordinanoes o) ourcity niiy bs heard, guilty parties pnmihed,aod a general rogpect far tbose urdininoessecured.

I do not offer any advice and hope von willrarrtoo merormeutfodajr s phovrhioh tug'ppHtu itself to me at a poaalble relief fromthe pratwut dilemma. Suppoae, for in«tanoe,tlia casea are hmnfiht bernre the Becnrder andAldomin and they are murMing to hoar them—irnukl oooner reninn—which as I undorstandit would bo tbe nolt altoroativc. What lb«n ?lt al


oud t e oAn rirctiov to fill tbe VKcony, whih coud befilled bjtji nsw.who wonld bewillinKto hearHQob canei, wtth an nndendmdinx tbit ha isto 4)fild JttHed police ofloMi. Wo ld netfurther compffeitfonir be ibtt* averted ?

Pioaiencaoetbeiil^rtrl hsvetake-D. Hap"l')iy i« a U D M or duty and a desire thairight mayprerail.

BoBl Beipectrully Youn,t T

Aldermen Betofa also rioved tcomminkon *Mcb be had that day received rroro tl

U * and Order League, notifying him thithoy should bring ooapblots before iiim fur

is action,Ooancilman Whlllook staled tbat Ur. Car.

rell, sUtlon agent of tbe D., L . 4 W. Baitroad,L> biulecomplaint ofa stauftbtur hfiiiie wlnci. SamaiB bad built OD Morris street bill> rnfnae from which washed dnwn into the

Company'o pond, poll a tine the wafer.Tbcrnle* were suspended and ttr. Carre[plainedhow tbe refnae from tba slaughtr

b«o . t inda pig pen w u curried lota tbe pondRwarder Crtttetifoa »»U} be had eiaroic

tbe locality bnt found no accumulations, andbe water emphing fromjtbe stream under (hiifoaffbternoase into the pond was pare ant

Tlie matter was referred to a OonwnittcejonniatinR of Recorder Orfttenden, Aldenfcucli ami Connoi'man flmitb.

Council adjourned to meet on Honda? even-ing ticit in Bpocial wsslou.

oouforl to all, la bis parish tba ealldnnbave ralBtd Ibru fanndml dollar* fur U» m\»-•ion at ffMlifngtaa.

Tbe Dean notiosd tbat nine million itfttloirere depending In pact upon tbe prayan am

offrringj of tbe people, and trailed they wouldbe well remembered In both this night.

The Beetor or Oalnry 0boroll, Sntanltt tbe beneAti of the miiilooary work



or tbe ehOdren, don» nndar the directionvbichcouldbe|theUdltff. Tbe iaflaenee is irood npoa tbi

children and spon tbe narlih and snob soelu-tloi sbonld be formed la every pansb.

An oBeting was made for ibe missionaryfond of tbe convocation.

On Wednesday, i . H. the holiness meetingw*i bald. KornJCff pwyer laid by tbi3. N. Stambary, P.D. and Rav. Ofaarlsa Dong-lats of BeWidero. COQTW iti JU called to orderat 10:«. Call of tbe roll by Her. 0, S. Afc-bo'.t, tbe Secretary. Utnntes of tbe msotimof tbe buit Convocation a t Hew toe wereby tbo Secretary, Tlie Deau explained tbipresent etate of affairs respecting the wof tbe huge propextr a t Waihiogton, N. JBnoogb bas been paid to bold the propertybut some legal irreffaUritlen bave been dls-ooTered wbioh^re in prooesi ot beingoff, and are now In tbe bands of the Sheriff olWarren Oonuty, who baa given bis aervlceigntDilowlf far this purpose,

Tbe oonUnnaooo or the Oonvooational pobll<cation wan discussed and pledges eoniidfreTtor earryinff forwttd tbe work. TbJ* publica-tion which l i entitled To* CojtrooanoH 'printed for both Convocations, tbat is. Newarkaud Jersey City. I t was fonnd thai this Ooo-voealion bad contributed its proportion.

A report was made *y Ilev.Obirlea Dntijlasi.missionary at Belndere. In spit* of some to-eonyenlence from ill health the state of woishowed coDsiderable practioai wisdom of tbi

One item i* quite suggestive o;his method, as the 10m tlM.OS has been

by the members of tke minion them-for tbelr own help ta urious


•t trttmtie by Ber; Samuel HsJI,mli-sloaarr at Bt. Thomw, Ternoc. His visitsMoon oovei- quite an e i te t t of territory, and IIappeared that the mlmloatrj'a aoilrfties anddevotion hid borne good fruit.

nev.Obarlea Doqgliea made some remsrk*tiling lor some light upon matters touchingmure of obnrch property.Remarks of tha Beorotuv, 0. B. Abott, ictro

duoed the niMter of tbe Ohnrck TemporanceSociety, and entered st some length upon tbemesna for removing tba causes of alcoholiclufeuiperarec. Employment of counter attrac-tions to tbe yonog, eRtabllinment of coffeewmei ani o)ab raoma for literaryind amtuwment, Bevorftl pledges are In one.]laBB l i t : POT those ID special peril total shall-

oenoe » to beverages fs pfedged. Olasa 2d;To remove the onl of aa example that mightwork hinn to ths weik, pledge not lo drink alpublic bars eltbei In company or alone. ClasiMi Pledgt not to drink In business hours,

to fail in anr rtasontble dlaaonragementof drinking habits, in bnatoesu »Ullons or (to.dalhablts. Olais 4th : Pledge not to " treat"lor to be treated either in publloorio private.

To fallow thii tip by all moral, aoaia) and Intel-Igent me"cs, to foster the general sentiment.All tbla uagfieated afl perbaps » praotiesl

moans by which we may carry oat the locale*,tion of tbe cateablsm " to keep my body Intemperance, soberness and obistlty."

Partber remarka to tbe tame effect weremade by Hov. J. F . Bntterwortb, or Sammit.His remarks were more of (he nature of an ex-hortation.

R«T, Satnnel Hall also suggested some con-sideration as to tbe best tnetbods for the pro-

nUtionofthe subject to beadB cfriroiHei,buMneu men and young men iu society. Inthe general and Inform*) conversation whiolifollowed vtrions experiences (in th« part nr dif.ferent ration wert oomp,niil and ideas e*obangtd upon the results of the several math-ods or work. Certainly work for the principleof temperance abaald be pnrsoed fa s temper-ate method and Ihe Idea kept in view in ptro-cnial minletratloBB. Parish orgsnlaatlnmei-' ' Urfielyfo mtoy places already and mightbe profitably employed is a pnblia mnane.Much of tbe work ous t be private work as inthe CUB of pledget of the different olassei

hlch men might elect to make. It wti pri-vate matter between the Rector and the mem-ber as to which of the pledges tbe m m hadtaken. Tbe name on paper was not enough."'(nwiil iofloBDce sad personal wnSdenctmil be enlisted; affection as well as honor.

The moral and religions principle most gowith tba written pledge.

'hep!ry b u reached nearly m e n mlitiont, *nd:be oenius shows thl t in tbe Southern Btates;bey are increasing more rapidly than tbe

wliitea. Tbls raoe Is BOW a permioent tie-meul in oar population. Of ill races tbey sremintelllgenceandrellgluatlie rooutdegradnd.

) spoke of their being brought to this coan-try, tbelr condition while ID BlaTery, tndtheir condition al the close of the war; how

eir religions training had been neglected;bow tbe churebei of the different denomina-tion! in tbe&onlb nsd faljed almost entirelyto give tr cm any religions edaoition. I n tbs

iral districts of tbe Bonth tbelr moral tndmenial oocdUfon Is depfanble, Tbelr relig-ions IdntB wore crude, and their only teachersIgnorant bUck preachers. The EpiscopalCburou only contribates aboni IW.OfflJ peryear for the edoeMion of thsaa 7,000,000blacko, while for 253,000 Indians they give"H.000 annually.

He had been a missionary for a number ofoaie In Africa, snd was now located at Wish-

Ingtnn. Ee had been sneoossful in buildingchurch there which had eot\ 130 000. I t

its a debt ot 116,000, of which *8,«0 is pro-vided for, and be had been sent oat to visit

ie chnrebetandask for the remaining *fl,0OO..He pei t spoke of tbe permnneney ot tbe

black rnco la thlt country. If tbey are. notibristisniud and enlightened your propsrtyfrill be la danger ^sndyoa will be draggeddown. Tbe leading colored men vbo iforemost In their aspirations for offioa are

" " i, and have no relfgfon. If tbey go intoIbe churches of Ihe whiten they flnd their oldmasters; if tbey go in toe ohurphea or thiblacks -her And o»ly fgnpratioe, Tbev mas'be reached and WsibJnjftDq )i rkt place toteach then .

He next staowail tbxt the strength nf tbenation oomes from tlie Christian religion.Sere )• * ipeelflp worlt lor Ihlt obnrob. TheWst of tbe wlortd race come to tba city ofWashingtoc, and this therefore Is a nationalvjrk. He bad served tbls choroh sloca tbesga of 19, In Africa and, this country, andInow from U s weakness that his davs arenumbered. In conclusion t e made sn elo-inent appeal for help in tbis his l u t work,

Bev. Ur. Bishop, strooglv seconded hliappeal and promised ihst a canras for sab-

srJptloDi sfaoatd be made IB this parish.After tbe lqiHitory tenloMin thsaiioonrse m i daUremd by Bef.O. H. Chris.

Un .o rNewar t .K , J.,from tbe vprds, "En -' to keep the unify of Sfoiriljo tbf

bond of pe«ce,"-ttb chapter of Epfaesians,3d vered. The leraon was ao fall of thoughtindwell connected tbtt » eonAeatedreportal It would gife no adequate Wca of thewhole. It Uljstntsd toe perfect nutty of tn*dodbesdaadibowed tbat it if \hevoityottba Holy Spirit we must endeavor to keep.Tfceohnroh ot tbs world f* united IQ tbe bodyor Obrlit. Ood tn Hlmieir Is perfect unitytnd henuo Bis ohureb, the noat perUet of all

# works on this fallen u r t h , must be per-fect ID nnlty, and to-daj, with all ths dMtioni•bant hfr, onr church Is a daily witneH ofthe possibility of nnlly In faith. Bachnniif does not destroy nun's reasoning facul-Uon.Drmirtehlmintoltrant of tha opiniomttfoxhera. %a flpDojDiJon wai sbotm how tbeimty of tbe Holy HpUU spd tbe uoltj of tbe

chnrcb mlgbl best be promoted,

DcanHtaosbern next spoke open th t ob-Jseti of tbis missionary oonToaatton. Tbedloww, containing flte conatlea, | a divldadhito two ootvoeaUom. The Co&voettlcn ofNewark eompriMs tha ooontles of Bsaes, Mor-ris, riusex and Warren. Tbe objact of tbsconTocitioii Is to bring to otbera tba blessingsBOW enjoyed by those In the eommooion'ofthaoboroh. We ought to know and aader-•Und* the work in tbets four oocnties; weoagbt to prav orar* It ipd contrlcote to itssappori,

Btmarki war* made by Isytnea In rstponte> «tlla made br tba, Sean. Kr, HUki, or

Calrary Charoh, of Bnmmlt, <poke upon Ii!nt; ot Jaytnen in the work of DORM alMlons,Tbe more one is engaged In the work toe more' i loves It, and all that is required li that thepeople ihoalc know what we a n dolor. It n

~ to atari in Jbia part of the Wat*, a tWaabingtn, an utocUtc minion, with aclergyman and several deacons, which Is te besupported oaiit a efaarch tuu centered «bontit. Ao earnest anneal was mad* in fetor *fInenleating tbe tnlialonarj ap}rH,

Hr. Oeo, Hinee, Treasnrer of the Conrooa-,lon of HAW Brunswick, spoke or tbe mlsalcm-.axr work IQ that nortion of tha dlDcm, Theion wi sive, U» more t n t a m t wo tike lailuions, thft mere we irant lo A* tor thenuUt.VUkftoUtet Oie

_ ftnaedamong tbeehillranofBcm-mi^BniUns th , parent* »oJ b r ^ i n f er*s>

WIVfiSOB D1GVEIOT.Chalrsaan-Wm. Gould. Windsor, A- O.

Miller; Harpeniville and Bainhridgo. J. &.flrf«tol: troadflJa, Ocennta snrf Nnrfl Ws,'to be snppHed j Beaverktll snd Libert*, to be•Dppllerf; Windbim.tnueenppUed; B.Coonn•nd A. O. Terry saporannnatad members ofWindsor Qr, Ocmf.

WILfS^BABRX DIHTB10T.Ohtlrman—William Oonld. Wilbesnarrt

Tiiuklianmwk and OranKO.,7. S. DrtdhronkAllontowif and Lehiirb Valley, T. B. LaDno ,BmaDi and Sancnn Valley, J. Winch; Ab\t\g-ton and Mill City, to be samllw): Dntoedale,8. H. Brontfon ; Beech food and Canaan, B.Z>. Boathworth.

MXW TOflg rUTBJOT,— . , m a n - a , Eskinn. Bmolilyn. a . --

H«r York, Brooklyn, N*>w»rk snd Mionl Ver-non German raronft. 0 . T. Ket«l«, F. Wnres-ter. Vfm.BnnHemn and nn» nnnplv; BahwsvJ J be supnlled ; Dover, J. W. TVmblyn; PWTlipsbnrg and Stanhnpo. D. W. Hart.

PBIL1DIXPHU DIHTWOT.Obfinnon-J. TrsviR, K^ier xtreet, Phils

Iplnhfa, J.TravlH! 12th «nd87thstreets Vh&irlelphla, to be snpnfierl; El It ton and North

E u t , W. B. BOBO ; Vhwldinl atid »l})rllle, tobe supplied.

WABHlHOTrW DiamiOT.Cli«lrnia»-J T.Miriiafl. Wasbiniton and

Alexandrlt, 3, T Hichkel.WAirnXOroK TEllBITOKT blBTBlOT.

Clialrnisn-J, nieti. Boatle, J. Olen; WallaI I IM.O. Rfiwarda.0. CFerr in snd F. E. Adams lert w'thont

appointments ID view of beins: transferred.Wra. Jonff, Hanerannuafod wlihoot a oldRev, J . W. Tamblyn, the new pantor for

Dorer, crimes from Bainbriilge, Chenango Co.,New York.

Before Iho adjournment or the Conference aisolation wan canned eip'reolng tbanks to

thi< people ol Dover Tor their hospitality;to tbe D.. 1 . & Vt. Ea ifro« a 'or free returnilckete from their Damp meetings and confer-ince.

fiundsymnrnlng Ber. B. P. Hurt. General'opertofc'sdpDt, pfi*trho<lt *bd James Brad-

brnnk, P . W. Bart and Q. Swingle woredMtnedEMers.

In the aftpmoon Bev, J.f, Sffcfaaef premand A Q Millpr was ordained Deacon.

In tbe evening Bev, Wm. Gould prenotied.The M. E. pnlnits or the tnwn went *\m CMr,itbrougbout the day with Free Methodistpreachers.

The Quaker Church Property..Fk>me of tbe descendant! of the oldQnsker

itnil.es who formerly lived In this aectlitrying to make tome Improvement abnnt theold boryitijrground, Tberhave emptoye'i Mr,D, Tncker to lay a ptono wall in lime a,nd sand,which he htn dnne more than half way roundthe {rrannds, wblcb wjfh cnttlng the bruiltsiand clearing off the yard helps Ihe looks of

verv much. If a few nore of tbngewho bave friends burfed ibere, or feel obarlf.

innd, will contribute a little of what.hey h i re It will enable Ur, Tucker to finishtbo job, which will tnnkn a snbsiMtial fiproven en t. Tbe did Quaker mectlpg bonne

>f the oldest, ir not Ibe old eat Bite In thisitiou tbtt was devoted lo religion* worship,

the present honse of worship having beenited In 1767,

JJPOD the suggestion of theDe»ntb*Conv<islloti forhiallyTfttoa" to i iprau to Biraomi

ih, through the Rector, tbo pleasure tbeybad ill enjoyed In this their l in t visit to Dorer.

The Secretary remarked tbat. taking tbeweather, cervices, coDgregatfons, tne amountot offering* and l&is fine social spirit that *ssmanifested, perhaps because hfl was so gladhimself to ba*e the Convocation held ID Dover[ u they all took great interest In St. John'sChurch) It was certainly Ihe best meeting hehad ever attended.

On motion of Be?.J)r.Weston a vote HISpasted Ibaoltlng tbe members of tkeptrlah for

letr liberal tnd agreeable provision (or iheatertalntrent of the clergy and lay delegates.On motion thV Coitroastica adjourned tomet at Bvonttm ID November npou, tbe*onty>Sfln anniversary uf the eatibliihnentr t u t parish;.

Boird of Freeholders'Tbtt August ntaatlaffof tbe Board wtf held

on Wednesday, with all the members present.Tbe minutes of tbe last meeting were tetdand approved.

Hr. Brittin presented % comnmnlottlon fromtbe -Chatham Township Oomtuittoe, askingthat tbe county compel all tramps to work thecoming winter. Beeeited and ordered filed. .

The Oonnitl of tha Board rendered an opin>ion In tbe mauerof tbeooantfarasponilbililjto keep in repair the bildge over the race rayt-t Fowerville. ,B« had found evidences of tbefacHk-itthernKKWiy Wti eittlliihed beforetheroaa waa conrtrnoted, therefore the Bounty

i UtbU for the nsla teainse ot tlte brl^e. 'Tbe ntnal no'inbor of miscellaneous bills

wen ordered p«id, principal smong whichwas tbt t for tlie construction of ta« Foodbridge, \\ Bwntpn, the oost cf whieh w»s

P«>ebolderPord«sk|rf fortl i week for lhalupport or tn Idiot otmad Oole In Morris«wns)ilpj saying his friends conld keep him

for tb i t snm, whsreti it wnnlil cost mnchmore hi keep him in Iho Poor Honse. ThaOoaneel ot the Board had some doubt aj totho legality of this method of reller, and tbomatter was lild over till the ne i l meeting toget the opinion af tbo Qouniel.

Board adjourned, after the shortest sessionIB years.

The Drouth.A steady n ln fell IB Hew York all day oa

Satnnlsy test, but la Sorec there wu kar&lr *sprinkle. On Sanaa; evening there' wis astrong promiiB of a shower but it passed byWithout lowing toy hero, while in thoneigb-borbiwdof Hanofer and Fine Brook the fallwas vaiy he*?y,

At Parslppany tb<r» b u not bean n i aencngh to mere than lay tba dust since July1Kb. The people of tbat nngbborhood for aconsiderable distance earl water for wateringtheir stop* Mid. for ttotuwbold UMI iromth*

p p yDot amid all the genirtl barnlns; op it Is m

freshing to Itam that there I* one locality laHarris Oonnly that h u esuped tbe generaltnlirortona. Fneholder Treeiiod, of Uoot-rllle, informs a i tbat the lection of eonnty t » -Iwaen rThitehaJlandPomDtoabM bmtl*rly viilted byibowtra, and;there has notbeen a fortslghl tbls Summer without a plen-

i l i t i d l t Tbg

tiful rainfall in tosp

Tbe groomd hIbere itoolst.tho crops look sood.nd thn

yield of com ml] be even greater than thit oflutyasr,

Intom* pttU of NaiiflX County wttle u edriven from tttm to fear miles tor nttt,

Thi Crww Ptniij.Tbe descendants] of JndgaBsDjamlo Oraat

ItUly held Uulrt(iirtM«oond a&nntl n-aaloaDew Floe Brook, Morrii County, upon tba

' udiretury of bit birthday, the nnmoer boinfboteaMd from hrty io 1850 to o«r one hun-dred. Only about a donn deatbt tarn oc-vnnedJa that tlo«. Tbeeatiteoomb,Within theboandaafthaMoeonttgBonioonn*

of Basex and Morris, «v* one gnadssonind fanffr, wha, ponlrarr to toe Milan oftbe runlly, ralgr»t«drrop)lb»BUteyMii ago.Tons they loem to inherit tft« lute* c( tbelrcommon anMitM, who paned all bis day*vitUn MM tarns alienlt, having been bora IBEsaexanddrtnglnVonUOoBnlT. Be was ofihe Bfthj genenlioa from Jasper Crane, one arIb* flm settlen ot Nowirk, and whose r«-

M « lotsrred ID tbe ground* nrroaodliigthe Vint Ireabytariin Obnrob of olsiruk.

HaektttBtown Swnmiry,Til* hjaHtaUon opened last weak with about

Otis hundred and eighty •btdeati. Ths pros.peat ft* a prosporoai rear wen s a w to good.

b u a high rapoUUon and well distrrei

Tbereanat prettnt in Wsnan County 871

Frm Methodist Confertnoo,•The principal bnsiiieit oa Friday mornmg

HMt tbenxlrtbgta Tall aauatctloaat A.Q.Miller, and tbe continuing o& trial of L. D.Soutfaworth and Wm. B. Rote. Tke preacherof Uu afternoon was Bev. A. <3. Terry; to (beevening Bav. Qeo. Eakins proacbed.| On Satordty morning the soBeion w u largelytaken up with reports. Bur. P . W. Hanpresebed In tbe attornoon and Ber. T, 6.

ins ID Ibe" owning. After tbe eveningsermon there w u » seenlon of the Conference,

: a t uhlcb tUe following appolntnentB weru

A Peculiar Occident.A flcgalar aeoident occurred *t Deckertowii,n i r t wanty, on Wedneiday, wbtob will

probably reialt Is lbs dettfa of JosUh P. Cole,well known eilfeen, A hone factanirlnfr to

George Bteveas ran away near Ur. Cole's honwand, breaking loonefram the wigon, ntpacHr. Cole's dooryird. The front door of thehome WKI open and the borae dashed wildlyInto the honse, thmajeb. the sitting-room and

ito tbe kitchen, where it brought ap againstthe wall. Mr. (Vile was in Ibo sitting-room

tho.borat msbed through, and wasleverely Injured by tbe frightened animal, hisiead being badly ont. The shock to Mr?. Oole,

who wu fn tbe same room, WM *uon aa tonrodnoe complete nervoui prostration, fromwhich shots still snffering.

• • »The Township Guide Boards-

The guide boards of Randolph townshiphtvipg hecome atroost nselesi became theywere ont of repair, the Township anmmittee

Protection to Home tnduttry-Tbe foil owing card from Prof. Swank to the

N. V. Tribune will fntereat tho iron mm oNew Jersey:To THE EDITOB OP THE T u m i m :

PtBiTha aunoanoement InThoTrlbnnealthlt raorning.ihat " a meeting of tbe Eteon-;ivo Committee of the American Iron and Stud

Anaonittioa w u held at the St. Nicholas Hotelnn Thursday afternoon, ia Incorrect, A meet-ing of representative* of rarlous manufactur-ing and other indmtrlea vita, however, held i tibe time and place aannxl, to consider tbepropriety of calling a National convention of;be Wanda nf Amerioau (oduntry it New Fork

November next, and i t 1 bis meeting tbeAmerican Iron and Steel Association waa rcp-reiented. Yonr reporter won Id bave beenstrictly accurate if he h»4 atated tbat nenrlydl the gentlemen preienj represented iudn«-.ries which are embraced in i n efficient tariffirginiiition of National scope, vrhlch has Itsheadquarter* in Philadelphia, and le Knownthe Industrial Leagne. I presume that tbeproposed convention a t New York will bo bcid

snsptass of tlio league. Tims farthe steps that have been. taken lowird thelolding of» convention bave boon of a eome-rbat informal ohsracter, but more decisiveneasureB will donUleni noon be put in motion.

The American Iron and Steel Asioolstlon Hidnotoriginite the wbeme for holding a tariff1

odnvontiou in Now York, but It heartily ap-proveB of It, and will Join with other Industrial

i tad the Industrial Leigno lomake tho convection % aauooja.

y yonro,JAIOB 11. SHANK, Secretary1.

Sept. U, 1881.

A Terrible Crime.A bortible crime has come to light In

Montague township, Saasev oounty. . Alex-mder Westhrook has beea living-with aH-oiaao named Sttnoy Hiset, who gave b(rtbto ft child last Jnns whiah lie ta noBasadof

g. It is said tie infant waa pUoed,head downward, iu A coal scuttle filled withwater and covered with a wash tnb. It Ia

charged tbat ayMr ago last April tbewoman gare birth to % child which waa mur-dered with a hammer by Weatbrook andthrown Into the Delaware river near by.X h i l L ^ b ^

; tnd ptsced fn position again. The destructionof tbe guide boards is generally the result ofpttre, nnsdnltertted fnasodnesB. Careless boyssometimes break (hem with stones, bnt tbeyiro more frequently destroyed by tmntars who(hoot at them for marks, The law inflicts apenalty of »!D for each cfieou ot tbls kind,ind the Township Committee propose makingeiampleior sny detected In desiroriag ibom,ind will be glad to receive any Informationwhloh rtlllloid to their detection fiadponliB-raent,

Awumptlon of Office* :^tfCbt Tterereud Bfotiop of Newark, Dr.

sieger , In bis nnt.co tn the crlrVy of his Blo-cecc, on the asNnmptiqn of Ills offloUl dntim,(nfcos oocasloo to remind htH ole'rgv Rndlay.men to call upon the Almighty, In His good-

and mercy, to restore t i healtb and pro-sprve for yet many years of labor and nantaUlesi, tn hli family and hla cgnniry.'ont PteU-lent, Mr. flarfteld; also to add lo the nms ,

when the office of the dty will permit It, theprayer"Pro•phrria," |.e>, for rain. For theiresent thoBlsnup will rerfdelnMarllson, but,orthfi convenience of tne Bev. clergy, he will

be at the episcopal residence in Newark, crerrTttwdsy aad.Thiinday from lOi.K., nnHMF. n . , for bmlueii parposen...

Serious Accident-Wlnfleld Cflok, a. farmer1* son, of Blooming-

laie.met wllh aiorloas If not ratal accMnntlast Friday. A colt, which was gni lng ID a lot,got istrayL tnd young Wnflcld w u sent tobring It back. Wh'en In the «nc!ojure the boybegan to play with the animsl. He tickled Itshind legs, a t which the voting hone begin torear, and kicked Winfleid in the jaw. He waitake^t to the Hospital, at Paterson, toil Dr.Qntrio found the lower Jswminslefl and theupper jaw f n e b r ^ v 41) the twtb irero Ukeaont and Ihe doctor perfonnod an operation.Tbe boy cannot speak, tnd In all possibility hisrpeeeb will he •fmoct rafned darJog hli lifc.

mti ir, iDdeed, he ««ctpe witb his lire.

Mount Tabor Imnroremttitt.There will be considerable activity la build-

ing cottages this fall. I t It atld abnnt a dosenre going np betweaa now and next Snmoier.-On the south of the large reierroii a new

park l i u teen Hid out WitOO feat I t IB %beaatlfnl level spot, l i is foMgaei to be potID lawn and farnUhapltcaot diversion forth« sninraer residents In lawn Tennis, Archerynit Croqnet, (The k^ f t roml thlapark will be98x100 an* no donlrt will be In demand. I t la

batntifiil, oniet plsce for divenlon and reit.Tbeie a n ttlila luge nnmbecof ftmllles re;

mtlning on the gronndi. Some will not leavetill Oolobor.

Sudden Death.Xn. Xiebtsl D. Oallfgan, of tft. Hope, died

luadaoly on Tuesaay night. She bad torsons time been tiling with malarial tranbleibnt at no time waa wnifdarod terionalj HI.She wai about her honw looking after ihaffalra, si mnsl, but died tn half an boor Metretiring. Mri. O. wssthe mother or a largofamily, w u in 61d mMeolof Ht.Bape,atiablghly esteemed .In tbat neighborhood. Herfuneral took place to-day (Friday) and a targeoOAflimrie ol friends followed her remain* tothe place of Intemeot, Bt. Marj'i Omneterj,

j Dover. _-'.' : > , : , ^ - "

The L«w and Order ProueutlonrOn Uonday last Vie Law aqd Order a>un)i

noliflea Alderman Beach that they ahonHbrlog before him fur trial their Mnskft l iagainst saloon kainers for violation of tbsordinance by illegal selling, The AlderratnhaWcR returned answer that ha would beartbe wo; Uii League lodged their t n t com*plaint on Tuesday, whloh ia ajnlnit EUmnelTrmr thk , for selling iplrltnani liqanrs inqaantity leai tban i quart. The defendanthas bean inmmened to appear ana annrar tothe complaint on Monday next.

N«w Church Bell.Tba psapffl of tbe SeoDQd M. E. Ohtrch rt-

Oflived thii week and placed In porit|on theirnow ohnreh bell, which ia trm Ibo celebtttedHeneeley fonndry, of Tmy, N. T. The testsmade tbla week ibcw tbe lone to be very elearsad 8ns, and tn« people of ttit ahorch are tobe eo&gntnlateil npon tha IDUMI of thtlreflort, whloh eonimtw to tha good or tfae wholeton, TbB bell is n ry large, weighing 1,689lbsM sad sentalDi Ihe Inwnptbni "BeeondK. E. Obaraa, Dorer, A. D. 1881. W. H.KoOormlek, Pulor ; Samuel OOII, D. A.^i J A. GoodaU, CommitUe.

Tha BniwiEallroid li lo bt steal railea IU•ntlrslsoiih.

FrMmasanry In Morrti Connty.Tfao New Jeney Telephone, ft Mwionio

journal, hat jost made its B-ppeArunoe. I t ispublished at Ouodn ami ita editor iiPaetQrftnd Commander lo Chief W. H. Jelterys'of tbe New Jeraoy Jdaaooa of the Thirty-seoot4 degree.' In ita second number leoontBMsood abfrtoryo/ J&aworj in HewJaney, from vhloh the following la bkeul;

There IN a tradition in old St. Jrbo's tbat[•Brother Lafayette WM made 8 Maura whiletbe patriot army, under tieneral Waihing-t m, wu quartered, a t Morriutown :• andtfi»t the good wort wn» msompltehBd witbtha aMdKtanoe of the jewela and furnitureborrowed from tbe hrtAge cheat of thatoririmil Lodge at Newark,

There is » well authenticated record of afestival meeting of Mas'iim in the army.heldat Uorrietown oa the 27 h of December,177U, to celebrate tbe fetlvolof St. John'sday. Brother George WVbinuton watpresaot ti that moe'ing. Jewela endfumi-tare were borrovad from tbe lodge r<haat nlNewark on the 24th, and wertt doubtlesaused on tbe 27th at Morriricwn, when. Intbe piwifinoe of Brother Waabin^lon,Lafayette WM made ft Brother Mtwou ou tbo•oil of New Jersey. '

The teattral sbova referred to w « heldnnder tbe authority of tbe American UnionL"dge, which wiia an Army Lodge whosowarrant hud. bean granted Fabn iry 15tb.1776, by the Provlnaii! Gr.ud Mwiter ofMawohuxettB. Tbe record of thl« ArmyLodge BbowB tbe pmfence of ui*tv fightBiethreD, one of whom was Ganrg* W hingt n. How manj o-WicUta faenAeaQeuerel Jjifayette ware initiated we ere not In-formed t but the record Bbnwalbat at tbefestival a petition WM read flensed tn bepresented to the several Pmvinolai GrandHasten In America, duairirjg tliom to adoptsome mrasuro for the appolntinRof a Qea'

! eral Grand Master for the whole country,and one Supreiie Grand Ltdifs. At aanbneiuent meeting of repreNentstiveR of niltbe Masons In the army, the address waarend. • * * * *

It was nnanlmouNly ngnei that It u to ldbe forwarded t" all tbe Provincial GrandMwtfers in America. Mlbovgh tha name otQporfi* W&sbmgton olocn not appear In theaddress, yet it wan welt understood that bewas tbe choice tor the office of GenenlGrand Muter.

g ProBacntorOoohran is Investiga-ting the orirae, , .

Setting Small Fruiti In the Fall-Mr. Portly isya BO far aa oar own experience

goei, we have always had by far the beatmooess with Fall Belting. Baspbentai andblaobberriea ict fr tbe P»1J rotlie a Btningergrowth the next aetaon than tnme tet to theSpring, trnd i maob lirspf proportion groir.Oar prtottoe la to oarer thfl eraa od where theDlantla let with i.forkful of coane littar ofmannre, or with % amall bank of earth, jest

Winter aotiln, and draw thfoawiyinearly Spring. And thlt la good idvice. There'ire many trees and bqshei better set In tbe

ill ibanln the BDrmff,.and eren when onlyai well done Vmmt It It a gttn to do It. ' Everyone Is bniy in tbe Spring, mnoh more so thai' the Pall, tnd all the work Sbne now weiballbBthankfalforinthtiSpring. -

-Hints on Reading.Never read In bed or In a reclining ftttitndi

It provokeg • reunion of ihe oplio oervo veryfatlgmng to Ihe eyeRicbt. Kb cxotiango s y

Batbe yonr eyeij daily in salt water, not Baitenough, tbcngh, to einao a Bmanfng iomtion. Nothing la more HtreuRtbeniog, ana wohate known several parsons who, after naingthii simple lonlo tor ft tow woeks, hud putftaide the specliolea (be; had « T » need for

, and did not .rename them, oontlnniiof-course, the oft-repotted daily nso saltw»ter. Never force yonr evesifjht to rpail oiwork la insnfficiant or loo broad Iff ht. Head-iDgwitbthennn upon ono'a book Is mortallyInjorioni to ihaeyes.

Bulbs lor Winter Flowering.So plants are moro'utiBfaotQry for window

OQltaM tban tlio Dnfch bulbi, as thoy arclied, especial)? the hyacin'tb* and narclsana

They ihnnld be planted in October, In richsoil, and the pott kept in a cool, dark place,BO Ibat they Bll with rootibefore tho top startsIn growth; then bring them into a tsnnnr room; keep them well watered. Tbeywill amply repay tho s m l l care required bytbelr frumut spikes nf bloom.

Killed en tho Railroad,Viobiel Keller, of West Patenon, was struck

at Gold street, Paterson, laat night and in-sUntlr WH'd by the fast line bannd weat,T&e mangled remains-were fcien (o Paterson* \y tbe train and left In charge of the Coroner.Onaorfalifeetconldnotbe found. He leave;a wjfe and foor t^tidren, H B wax supposed toO»w beea nader the Influence of liquor.

Preibytery Maetlni;.The Prenbytery of Morris tnd Orttigo will

meet at Grrmin T*)Jey OT> Tuesday, 301b i ,at tOJBH A. M. At tbla mntlnR tbo Rev. DavidIrving, D. D., is to deliver a discourse on theBlitarj at tbffl P«ibrfery aiaw Id orguitton In 1870. Hembera of the Praubvlerynntheir irrivtl a t Dover a t 9:35, can (to thence toGerman Valley by a speofa! train on the Con*.tral Ballroad of New Jersey.

Apprehension of tho pmbible escape ofGnltean from the penalty for rainier in theflrmtof (hePreiidsnVedaitthatLonghra

been relie»fld. A'statute has been dls-oovarcd In New J*rmy providing for a coitiogeaoy of the kind fwreil, and Qniteneonld be We^ and bnng«d in lliU idatfl ihnnldibe Vmifant die them Kitr tbnt we knmrof thai Uw axiaqng, it vw probably dlsoover-ect by attorney-general HftoVeagh before tfae

Pttft l

The days aw waajbh/ growing shorteraad tha long evenings of tbe, pleasantweather steal upon na with a aemte of enjoy-ment aid oontOTtnant whloh render themvery attractive. Time files rapidly, and itnrpriieim iofimJ that w» are aJr»*dy fwadvanoed in tho latter half of t jtu thatw w i tQ haveopenftanpon as

WhllBpriaoblag from tba text, "BegtvethHla belored sleep,'' a Toledo minister «|oppe*In tha middle or bli nrnwn, gued upon hisilaeplnfc auditor, and uid I '• Ilrethron, it l»bard to ratliae th« wosdron,\ B&boitiidnd lorathe Lord ippaara tu bsva for a good portionorttiliootigragttlonl-DetroitPnePnsa, .

' • -— •» » •A union fMUnl br tha Udies of tha dlf.

(•rent ohnnliaa, in lid of tha temperanmnoss, w4H U bald In Iba Pint H. B. Gbnnhcf D o m on- Wednesday erenlng next,


This is tbe 7M day otihe fast of Tere&aeOonnollf. otHewtoa.

Newton will hate a banded debt of S37.0OQafter its payments this Tear.

The Warren Couptjr B"pobHotn.CoDventloiiUBcts in Hackettstown Oct. UL

A Baciietlatowu tnaauftctarur iuf« wagon to tbe Island or Borinua's.'

The Hackettstown H. B- Bnndsy Boboo!made an extmrtion to Hamh Chunk on Tbura-diy,

Two l i o w i wer» stolen from the liable of p .H.BheldoD,of Sparta, on Cbnrsday nightUst week.

Rev, B. Tanborne bas been elected PreM-dent or ibe ffaihiogton, Warren County,

[••ter Company.Tbetotnl oonsoi baiietio |rlfe<tbe popala-on or Warren county aB 88,863; of which

Sccmtorj ot Btate Kelstjj Mat the best nowfrom ills farm In Sussex la Long Branch fortho osenf tlie Presfdnnt-

A D.,L- * W. frHght car was bunod atWielnojfton ot Thursday of l u t we«k by theberating of a carboy of acid.

The Htckettitoiro Institute opened tor thifall term witb every room filled, and i Bomberof applicants had to be rafnwtf.

The Aipeeior of Hampton towtistiip, flnssexGunnty. fonod that Ills township eontafaed4,880 icres more or Isnd taaa list yew.

There are lots ol Vemoentn ID Wtrrencoauty who ssy they will pot support OcorgeBestiy If be gets tbe noroloatlon tor Senator,

D. E. Mewfnger, of Easfon, on Satarda;oanfrht a magni&oeni bUok b u s in Ibo DeU.wire it Noser's eddy which weighed B pounds6 imncpi.

The Orcenbsakers of Warren bold a countyonrenllnn a t Wtuhiogloo. Oct. 1st. Bay,

Gilbert De L i Hatyr, of Indiana, speaks Inthe owning.

One of tbe Btate healtfa.fasnectori visiteduo&areeouHyand destroyedtiargeqaintitv

of xklnmed milk being shipped from one of the-Cftnierips.Wilson Orotchly, of WiBblngton, bai loet

/onr diiidren by aeeiilent sod diseasemontb. Tba last one wss ran over by » coiltrain on Ibe 3d lust.

John Shepherd, a braketnan, fell from t. ctiit the Franklin fnrnioe last Bitordav, break'•E bis Ilmbi and fractnrlng bis skull. He

died in •> few mlnntes.Th« Qlenwood Batterr, of Snssex, under

command of Ciptrin Daniel Baiter, »j}| prob-ably like part fn tbe Oentennlal celebrationat Torktown in October.

Tbe Borreyors of the tnuob hiked of Coed-neDtal rtftrosd have returned to "New fork,leaving ibe.lr Instruments as oollateftl* fortheir board at Beivtdqre.

Tbe Warren Onunly Board or Anwiaorifonndlhtf fde total taxsble properly amonrifftoto •lH,7C2,a95. Tbe tcbDol tax vis flieri al

H6.90S.7B, aud ibe*countj Ux aa $61,515.57.Officers have been elected for the Washing-

ton water company, but the projector andmoat acffre man in tlie matter hs> been leenred, and (his may deity If net defeat theprojeot.

Iu order to erect a. chapel in the t l . E,bnrjing frronnd at Wishington, it is proponedto move some of the remains burled tb<To this tlie relatives demur and talk or gettingan injunntlon,

A deatraeilvt hall itorm vlaltsd KnowHontownship, Warren county, Itat BnniJay even'lug, destroying bnokwhest and corn, antblowing (town fences and trees. One farmeitlono lost 1300.

Bowetl bas not bongbt the horse "OeorgiBrooks " of James B. Titmam, ef Bparta, t sreporlad. Hr. Bowell, bowsver, baa two fimcolt* i t Titflian's stsblei, and bia trainer wentnp to look at them,

Admirers of base ball games will be gratifiedto lesrn tbat tfae managers of the Snsaex

j Comity Fair have deoldad to offer a UO prizefor the club nuking tfae best record. I t willbe open to any dob in tbls Btate, or Orangecounty, V. Y.

Of tbe forty-six tpoUctntt tor a thirdoertifloats, i t tfae Ruiettetown teachers ex-amination, ona-tnird filled. The elimina-tion was made severe In order to weed oat apoor class of teachers who did&'t keep them'aelvoi posted,

Tbe new Oattolle Cborcb t t Ogdenibnrghneat*

and most convenient edifioei In 8tiaB«iThepawaare bein^ built aud a new bell ha

i purchased, which will Boon ha placed inportion la tho amill open spi

A boy by tbe name of Gane, livinR at Oxford,recently mot with a aerlooa accident whil ttempting to drive a horse ont of a pasturefield. In urging it on, ho got behind th<anEtnftl, when it kicked at him, hnih Ucstriking him In thi face and cutting hire

tfally. I t is feared hlslojarioH will provefata).

The West End Iron Company tve makingarrangementB to commence ratclns operation

ho old Waterloo mine, on tlia moantatrbetwettn AlUmucby and Watprlno. An engineboiler and other maoblnery uro nnw at th<mine Hnd are being placed in uositioa. Oveiflve hundred tons of rich ore hive benn takenfrom theniloo developed on tho farmot Mr.Haggorty, naar Allamnohy.

Of Value to the Ladies.Lady readers who have iint tested the

magic proper ies of bnrai have ba great help and comfort. If ones used,yon will nover b^ without a bot ' leoa yourtoilet table. I t removed Mains and dirt fronthe hands better than fioap, and at the sam<time eoftens and nmoothn tbe nbfn. It iiiplen^fd for waahingthe hpir, and wii1 "•ith

ont injury oleanno t>nnhes and combs in ifew momenta. For wanning pnrposefl Itaavesboth soup nnd labor. I t will ritmct the dhfrom articlen of dilicnte teiture witbaulrubbing, it being aoly necessary to pot thi

rticles to t k with a solution ol boraxover night, needing only to be rinsed in tbemorning. Two UbldspoonaFul of pulverizedbornx diraolved in a tjmrt of water , Vwhich water enough is tidded to cover & pithof blankets, will oleaneo thorn beautifully.I t also saves groat labor in washing pnfnt.I t JB Raid to drive away anla and roicLoG, iBprintled on the ahelves of Bates aucpantries.

Walking Under Difficulties.The girts drew wi>H. and fuoy look well

too, in t teir clnso Siting togqery, filling likea glove, and their wrists wlthoat a wrinhliand their goiters jnet one niz9 too smnll. Iidocfi fmbellisb the jirom&nnde, bat i t takeifrom the oliarm whoa one thinks of tbe ont-Iny of strength required to voar nil the wo

ilreflsei. StrenRtb? Yea. To walkmile thus coverod np, squeezed up, presHcip, innBcle cribbed and pore clogged byroaenre uses ap the stfengtb which in )oo*ei

md! tow entirely nnfuKhionnblo clothingcould witb ft little pmutice foot it fasily tonmile«. Pu tUngonn fltylo coata eomelhiibesiJea mocoy.

In fponling to the jtil gnard on duty Inhis corridor Guitcau said Wednesday night:—' ' I don't fear these s l a c k s that people oreproviding for mo. Ood will protect mo andsave me from injury from any of them."

CHnict EITB*CT» raoM DEucMisTa.—" We_JOI> Lbevalnf or malt, hopfi.calia&ya and Ironcom mains 'H i l t Bitten.'"

" Onr indv on a tutu era highly praise them.""Physicians prenciibe tnem in lhi« lo»n.""Tne largest bo'lh and beltlocdicino."<> Best Wood purifier on nnr ihrlvea."11 Onr best people t ike 'Malt Bitters.""Bore ours for chilli and liver d!sea»s."

A Wenutn 'a BxperlcBCi,

Mothers sad dingnteri shoulfl fuel altrmedwhen thefefllnjt of wunnftta ind languor tooeonatnntlyoppress«i then. " I f I n n oroisand fretlttl from the eiUnit lon of vital pow-ers aorHhs color In fadins; from my fwe.Ialways flnd immediate relief In tfait exedli -

CARRIAGESof every aewriptioo made and sold tt


Blaokwell S t , Dover,Hhfe*l»it UfttorUli, iklehl dratfins In tnn-

•triuUan uid ,t]]B moel ntapvUnt warknanT U lb< q w u l i l n of lie uUbliihotnl.

. Sso. MeCracken.Dof«,K.I.i April lib, 1IU.

VENHTJE.Tb. nbittlber will loll i t pibllo noHon

tar ttiemliniotltMltoa, oaFBUHI, 8EPTEUBEH Hi,

at flie kte> retlditct of Obu. Prinpr, deo*d.atMUlLroDk.tllib6 penoul property of uiddeemed. For p.rticulir.ujc bllli.

i . JUD80N CJE, Alotkmcir,fit)rgBDBt.,DoTcr,ti. J .

DoTir, Bapt.UHi,lB81.

C0DN8ELL0BATLAW,baa renamed ihe rnciice of tbs law JiCourts In thisBUie,atb«oidoffloei


September UI, 1881.

Oairiage Trimmer and Furni-ture Upholsterer,


Hftfr VrttrtMei nude to order uid old tnftt-t iuMi mftde ovur. Window «rvle« mide »odbmj«. Orden In all kind, of iplioUtertagaultj and promptlyenwuhd. Ourl.gfl trim-mlng io til iti branches. Iflflei D3ode»tn.

An Important Questionmat U ue ua o^wuuai anq, rtm m

H- P. SANDEBSONhie »n Miertmeat of


Lvtten remainXIIS; unclaimedIn tbe Po»t OVce at Dover. N. J.

^DVSB. K, J., 6ept. 16th, 1881.Htsi U Oafpenter,Ulsi AddielDuffie,Mn. K.R. Headley,Anh. Hartley.R. E. AndKws,BEnnfo Morrow,

B. B»rt«l»tli.,Bernard Oolllnn,

J tneL. Qoioti,Pi triok lUlev.B. D. Hchimpff,Jos. Searhra.Patrick Sullivan,John Lnnditrom,Renbea Tncker,Tos. JJ. YonDgB,

Will*™ wiTo nbUln any of the ahi

Jos. Ponlfl,Win. S. sifter,A a l l lChas. B.. .„Tbnnia* SalWm. O. Thompson,O. Weiiptioro,Mihe White,' " "rr, v

s letters say <> ad-

G. C. HIN0HMAN, p. M.

Tl*"Ya<.Btimi or Email Profltn appreciated.IVI Quality »»(! wnrkmtuaLii, of tl,«- bnit.

Mr tbinlg for liberal p&lrontpu m ihe panOrder; by telegrapli raoaBonKor or tuknhon

^tended to. 'JOHNJONE3, Umkrtaker

'-ty lliMkaway, N. ;


8«pt. Tib, by Rev. W. 0. Ni-lson, asHlritid IBev. M. C. Bee.1, Da»|J W. D,mocL u,Uar f l l a Qrtfe. sJIsf Clinton.

~~ in E O T "DONALDHON-In Dnver, Sept. lOl'i Willii

A., win ol Wm. and EbzaWh lion ' -SRed 3 yearn, 8 month«and 5 ilnva.

oubiu'],aud be iuviteg buyers to call .nd*x«rDl«« before buriaic. Uy ptieet am ex-tieuelyluir: X mil tlie best wtKuo tor tbomoney th»t. ia made In tbis State. Bo far ithas been utmost iuipt-jfliUle to set them aaTtBt u I could eelf them. an[I the nemkr 1have sold since the l*t of Jnly u an evi.lenceor tbe appreciation of I lie wiirk. I li&ve beentbrouuh tbe Establishment where theziwagons aro built and have made a. carcfnleuDimtioo of tbe material* uued «ud thoworkmaneliip on thfie vflRima. Thev willperpaps niako tun tlit'ttaaurl wagooti this vcarVon ctn ihii. rcadilj we how these waRou;are ma<ln for thn low pHcci I H«I1 t b m »t iudtiie price will be below HIP whinner of e.iii.flltion. DONT FOIUJRT w K t w C r a iare all WAHUANTKD Tor oneyoar the « noas froni an* other b <ni>c.CAKHJAGE, VfAOON AND BLRfOFT KATE-


HU8SEX STitELT, DUVKH,Next to Hton of Oon. Bichtrds A Co,

A TESTIMONIAL.BoitruoW. Page, or mi West streel.SVw

fork City, wntw J»y that he- },«« u^d .,u,-ul

for within ih'rtyVvo^llWH'ViMllu^pruS'V!paid for it. l ie add*: "I w«ttl i n m i U lii,'

by «;t«irnrniaT«miIl'r! i ^ V w - ! ' ' ! S , i l ™kuowii lo iiriirly ctverv nuiri'lant ill Ni*w fcr

House and Lot for Sale. \ WILL RE-OPEN SEPT. 12th.Tim snliterihfr "florts lor Balc h>it on Mine Hill, near i.iiic'H HOLCI. Tlieonveand luruarn in gnodci'iulitl

(ot lisa nearly throa BCRP «r land.

WANTED.» liAiidn for wrapperH and kdioa KUHS

Quod jiriocs and atemly wrV. AIMIL^H willreference E, N, BT1EL,

FOB SALE.A cood yuiuic ripw miich cow nith cnH h\

hitr side, fuwr woets old. AimApply ID

PATRICK FALVEV,al UVIdnn Miiiu, tionr UwrAUi

j Tlio com-rm nf intitnirtiun willj umbr&co tlioimiinl Eu^Utih bnuichcsftud Aucienl uixd Modem liingimgas.Pii])ils can bo fitttitl for lndii a' or

f iiithmun's coUvgen m graduated,or circulars or further information


38-tf BIKNDHAM, N. J.

MIA Natural, Sparkling Mineral

Water, Imported from theRhine, Germany,

artntecd as & uure enro fur Dy»pc\m&. Ini-medl*(e good results always follow a uinglotrial. Also, the Cucat

HUNGARIAN) WINES,for tbe caeg of tliu Bicfa,now lined by tlio 1'rcri-lileat, and recommended by all ICIHIIIIK pliv-ilolana as boiiig ftbsokuoiy pure and heaHbTul.


WINES, BRANDIES,IMTOJll i i l i o i nqnnrs for lion soli old »ndncdicfnal uses. Everything Bold from mynorowarranted AB geuaino.

X D. SCHWARZ,8DHBEX 8TBEET, oiiponile the N. t. Central

ilopol, DOVEH, N. J.

SHERIFFS SALE!-InClisnooryofNew Jor«Dj-Fi.ra. for unle ol

lnortn»Kod premisen, wberoln fleoteo Hlines, ltoccivur, Ao., ia cmnnlainsnt, andDflTid Ban , Jumea llurr, Annie E. biB wire.

Dally, William Daily her husband,'ChftrleiiBurr, PmaceB A. Barr, Joseph E. Burr, Gen,h. Burr, Maria bia IT iff. AUDIO M. Burr,UcorRP E. Voorhocfl Hnd JanniB It. Vnorheen

Term, A. D. 1881.B.H. LITTLE, Hol'r.

Cy virtue or tlio abovo itated writ of fieri.craa in mv htods, I HIIOK exposo tar ah t

Pulilio Vend ue, at tho CuurtHougo, IQ Morrii'own, N. J., ODMONDAY, lbs lUh day ol OOrODEn Doit,

A. D. 1881, between Iho hour* of 12 M. nodo'clock P. M., ibat in to nay at 'I o'dodi in l\.afternoon oretid (lay, all tlint Iraclor nataioT land tnd iiromieua hurciun'tor pnrticalail'devciibed, silnnte, Ivinc and bi'in^ l'i thiTciwn-blp orfilicRior.'iii Hie Conntv nt MorriL

" State at Nen-Jeruej, biittci&ndboundodll.iwg:ginning on (lie HoaUioast gido of Qrov

School IIOUBO Lftuo, miij oorncr bolos dintanten aud ont-haU links trnm a swamp mapletroo north weal of e*id oorner on Iho anno siileot uitii utrovt, aufialflo twentv-faar linbs from

wbiloifth treu touthwest on tbo aamn aidiruaiij slrect; tlicucafl) as tbe needle pointi\ tini year cightcRti hnodrcil and aeieiily 'mill tliirty-rour dr-prco enst three cbnd thirl»-BCTeiT1iDkB to a point OD tho

_ ile of Boiil atreot, u&id point IMIMR <1IBeighteen links frnni iti npplo itee. on tbia Int.

id also distant Iwniy-nlne aufl one-half iiukimn a itngur maple" trn? Bonibwciit of aa

point oatbdiamaiidonrOniTimtreiit ; Omni(ajn.)rl]( fligbtepB dpRrei-ti sod fiftfteji ml.ntca eaul tlirec cbutu nnd twt^ity-lhrco linltfi a point onu foot aud one inch from h HIHHolicrry treoalandliiK on this lot; thence (3]

iBafnf; IhrmiRti tifttfl ireo aorUi, giitv-f•'Rrf.r-a and thirty ntlniitt-a west- two cLid firty-Hve tinlm toa point ID the sooth aidi1 said lane, thirteen links Mutant fromiplo trco Bouthwetit and tfff?nty-one and J

»oiut[ tln-nco (4)aloiiR BSHI Me, at aniil loninth Iwenty-t/'mdegrees weat one chain »D;llirty-flRliI lisbti te tlia place of twetuuinR(jaliinlas Wfiilf-onpfcunclredtlis of nn toreit) tlie (hrce more or ie»* : brliie th« fnm)tpmiiM orDTcri<d to said Julia E. Burr!)It'td frtim Jaroca Norman or oven dnln witl

curt of tho purclmec money.T V I L U A M a . McDAYIT, BhcritT.

Dited Ang.lOth, 1881. (9 00




Carpenter and Builder,IISB tabca tlie eliop on Btusflt street !L)CQiipiedbyJas.8e»riug,oii drat flmir of thinmlltliiiR. Jobliinp; and repwrinfr promptlyitundedto. A ICUR exporienca ia tbe himI-

DCBH, will, I he lie™, enable mu tn give u t i'— >•>!, to all castorooTB, Cootractf talieB »

nala Tarnished.



Misses Benjamin & Bloomwho will open iliefr store s.t Ihe old tUnd onBilarda<, lkpt. loth, IWL wiib a eomnleteitoek of MILtmEBY AND PANPY OOOD8•DoladiDg all tbe raiihionibte enlont in Hib-boa«. Ladles' Collars and CuITa, HnoLtn(tJI4jW6Ooodi. and »ll tha fancy goods denircd hiisolBi. Drew m*.\bg wlii al.o bo i)oo© l(oonncctlon witb tbe bailnets. in ibo noatei.Hd moat faibiOQablo Btylea, With atrlct it-

I ttntion to bailees*, anO the moat rcasooabkprtcet, we ftcl comoetent to pleuo all WOI* • — " wilb. ttolrps,tmna)ts.

nENUMIHABLOOM.n»o»tolf i t ; roliihlaforo/aoof


T « I « T O « , MgOMt » l b , 1SS1.Tbe altettlon of ooontj >nd looal aoihcul-

IIH II ullad Is chapter on btindml u dKtilno or Ibe lam of WM, wblct moiraaatafbra Ib. Inl i,, ol Otlobni?£5, Mar °ttb.«»Mla|~iiidfllonoflh.i.w.»ilA"Si"Ibll BI>U,alU»olHMOf tbalfrUnultg'aZlal

- S. J. iaumi , Ooaplnlkt.





The above lots are inside of tho


Mimson Hill. For particulars and

terms, addretis


M BLACKSMITH»!Chas, T, Clark & Sonbaro opancd i new shop in Dover in Searing's

baiitlmir, COHNr.lt BIACKWEIX ANDEEROliN BT8.,Rnd iiwilo ibo

patronage or the public.

Horse Shoeingmade a spncialty of tbo haetaecs, and a tn*l

from owners of horses in rotpustfullv Bi>licitud.iwr.




are now entalilfBbcd in ificir

NEW MANUFACTORY,and witli new appliances aud colargod facil-ilifH ate propari'il to do CTOIV tiod ol wordathai hna. CAIHtlAGES AND WAGONS ofevrrj deHcnptiini mndp to order tn flic-twtnitturi^fa inoludin^1 Eipr^RA ami Buain< tfWagons. Yoiiiolts t,r different UindR Lc|iUubtnd fur Rile. A cull will utility 'cm aorwurkmanubip ia of Iho bout, mir d(nigi!» tbelaliiHt and our pnet a rusBooable. Ropaifinp,painting mid trimming do no ID the bent miu--er, 2&.J7




Jits always un hand a full tnd rrctli »


It doesn't n»j to ttiwnmentwitb flonr, iy«ar croMjr tot the fitutms

VIOLA BRAND,ind M B DD iither. It is always (toot.—-_ 4elleil npnn every time. Sandersen en IW |>ot brand Increased bi* DDIU tntli *"*""•

FrankGies,!MASON and BUILDER.]

Sorer* ST. «T.



8tOD8 aid Brink Work,v p r ^ v j U U

at f n B. Briar1, lloce wlU KHln »

Page 3: TEA Atest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/...fon for jam acd bane. The lent Jiqaor* . find sejjnw a( the bar, alid dwnfort alined at in evexy depaflment, Ufery nUaohpd



llorrii CJoarU open October «h .A in MonUtoffn Jons 7th.

;! ProteuMon H, * L. ngalu muting next

i li

''[ Mr. XnorowJTalef b u fokw « wnteMt forfgWattn*pimi$0- ' ' ' '

" ' Breew h«i Hmiiill'i fins eognTBd portraitf r d t GflMd

- WMhlugU>nfiU*fflBr,ofMorr.8towB,6(»BfiMtoODflitTtarnl*)'."' There (• •cmo talk of tn BplMOgillan ohftpelbeing built la BUnbope.

1. F. BODDBII, of Nsw Vernon, htt InTented.» new ditching

Mm? MendB were pteasfldtosee Bef.S. B.Boooej la town on Taeadsy.

Tie State F«ir »t Waverly OJMBS next Hon-Saj tod continues 8ve daj-s.

DennlaCallabau, tho Fine Brack milkman,ban purchased over 100 cows.

Alexander Wighton. Emj., ia enjoying acouple of weeks at Saratoga.

Ber. R. R. FtBglef* IB ftlimtl to remote fromHorrintotvii to New Turk City.

It is reported that the felt millB at Stanley»ro to be considerably enlarKod,

Sabbath evening and prayed lor rniu.BiidtDOBri wan t)i,K|if'[>{]ed mil union Bflrvifiea

licit] in Wadiaon on tliii lUy of prayer.

Tie Tori Onm forgu in niDniiiR niplit and

tlav tarn*, employing about thirty men.

II raitici all day louit in Now Yorl< taut Sat-

urday, Vut Dover lind hurtlly J. Bprinkio.

It In slid that tlio chcHlnut ero;> will be

Tlie rofiular mwlinp "f Ai-ncin Lr"lj>i', A. F.

•ail A. M., occurs neit Wednesday eveniiiR.

be opened in Madihon by Jacob Gn>tn & On.

Iht (lav uf oraypr fnr llm P.™. (.rut's retnv-

ery was observed' al Chatham ami P»hn|>p»ny-

NftdiiKin 1>" ''"'I • * " W l i t M - E . M. Hou-

plwr. gwoor, and Willard E. Iloweil, lum"


Vcnnor thinks wo filial I Jjave KO mncli

weather after the lGtli that wo will cry "

niucli riin."

Mid* Emma Caller, of Dover, has boon (

g*pod to teacli tho Whippanj scliool the

present year.

Tho Centra! Bai.rosil .8 ctrrying otic hun-

dred care of D., L. A. W. coal from the Junc-

tion every day.

Wonky Jlonrc, of Moroo A Wriplit, enrpon-

tern ofMorrlntown, LBS decamped with tiOO of

tlie firm's money.

I l « . It. 8. Croon, nf tbo First Prenbytflriin

Chtirfili ofMnrtldtxiwri^hatf rocolvtdacall from

Buffalo, Now York.

It in at l i t Anthony Seminary—anil not Jit.

A try Seminary—where HO mauj of oar young

Doverites are boiitg educated.

According to fhn apportionment ofti.n County

AsdcsSntB Ito tax rato thin year nill ho flii

centa per f 100 leas tbsti hut year.

We are jgiln compelled to Inform writer'

of anonymDnflMniniuuicationR thai »nel. will

receive no attention at our tinnd*.

Aiw-BBor I^tDBon fonml 88 IIOEB in town.

Tho rfatwDraipentlinB their Summer vjienttcres

in t i e eaunlry, araoug tho siboop, probably,

- Tho bunioane that * M promised ou Satur-day bj the Signal Service Bureau onmis oncrutches, and an % tempeit WM *lime affilr.

Hr. Wm. Donaldflon deilies ng to tender thethinks or himself |Md »ite to tllmlin rpnderedftwm lindnesfttft doting tWr recent tfflldtan.

Judge Hatfq will not bo ttfte to preside aithe ocmlDjt term of Morrii County Gonrti,befog detained in Europe by the illneiB of •ion.

Seroral ooronmnlontlons mired too late (orpobflatipo list week. We hope oar frlenfluwill ieod in their favors a little earlier in theWeak,

Frarlt Q.llen ind Turn Htrraj cane <lo«i

Kr«Jo§, H, CA8a,'oforaberifTpMinuex.

It ttinoj bard at He* FmindUag daring allr e d l l l

Frarlt O yfrom Pcloreburfr Ratnrday with tboot flfloeofloe black baBB, tUroo of wlioh volgbed aovenponndi. •JlnearneBtaervloaof prayer lor the recovery

of the President vai held by ttio reagents ofMt. Tubor before the aUnd on Tbnrsday ortatvcoV.

The State Asrionlliiriil Bacloty baa tor thefourth time appointed Mr. J. Andrew Cnftor-line, tirtbis township, a jnds<> of eat Ho it thoState Fair.

BtrMary'B parochial wsiionl opens on Tuns-Jay next. The honao for tlio BisterR I» com-pleted and toir Bcbool furnitnro has beenplaced in tho school room.

Mr. Wm. King has removed bin rcitiiloiieo t"the pliie next to Oox'n meat tnarVot, on War-ren itroct, in tbo bBRemcut of which ho willhave bin boot ami ahoo flbop. '

Mr. nnd Mrs. R.F.0r»m liavcrcttirnpil fi"»>a very pleasant tonr of three woetis, amongthe LatcB, Maeara, the Bt. Lnwroaco, Mon-treftl, QooUcfi and ottiet poinU.

B. D. Hnrlbort, of Mt. Frcrdum, fc"1"' a

apanish Rlippncr two fcrt tinrlrr Rronnd whllocjniVatlDgan old collar. The hou*c ia Bnp-poBCil to b« nenrly 100 ycini old.

lu te Emmone, who wta tnjute<l t.*- theHncklebirnov mire .ljpantor will donbtleB»recover, bat we learn that tlio rnndilioti " 'Wm StireB in still considered doubtful.

Ooo. Hirflehman, or Jlurnstnwn, tins bonnarrested for ab.iBing liia wifn. MrB. Rirsch-manrt'CCDllvattdnplcd to bill licrgrlM>PC&u<>eGoorRO waw loo attentiro to her HiBtcr.

K flrc originating in a Broofeo hoiiRC coin-irunicated with tho dwellinR or Jon. Hilbcrt.of Piewic loivnshlp, last Frldav, but was ei-UnsnirtM-d l>? t l^ ueiglilmw before muc\i

m»] V'c

Tbe o.renlation of the E u b u Inamtedfifty topie* in two ireflU,

The Srate Council 0. E. k. JI., will meet atimdfto next ffadosidiy,Mr. J . B, Bnlmot fani been appointed Conn-

Mi for tbo town ai Booaton.Mr. OdOrgo Alton, a well kiio-n printer, it.

•erionii; ill at kit. Presdon. 'P , CBildwin, of Whitehall, feu charge of

the Panippauj nohool this j t w .X. I - WiUeri, of HiiWlo Wfcty,

the whoolat Hope, Warren County.Mr«, Jaa. Smith, of Btaulopc, recently MUod

orattlemske, wtthflnttlec, a m her home.Mr. John 8. DeRart, formerly of this vjolntly,mandtflftie. foi 6hw.fi in nudion Oonntj,TheBoontonllefartnLfdCbtirebbHexloDdud

i call to Uev. 0. H. Walwr, of Bitten laland,Hew York.

TheUorrietotfTi firo ba* undefined tl» per,ndicd anxiety In Bwmtou respflotl^u » flitdepartmant.

The Freibvtcrlan S&bbnth Moot! of Bco-niiunDft and Iroata bad an enjojable pfo-cloin Wt-StioBday.

Goo. t Efeney, tho Bernirdaillte _lint, haa given one thoniftod dollan for tbi

Michtgkn iQ(Tnrera.

It may be poor conaoiaiton, but in 176'here waa a druulh which extended from Utj1st to Sf'plenihor 1st.

Tlio HaekottatoBn PiethjUtxltD Choroh haiilretdytictt twentv-sli dollara to the tfiofal-:a« KUffurera. Well done.

kbun 0. Oroen. of Groen Tillage, bafl betn:]]oaeu as ODO of th« Jtidcei of AgriocHlinlis^hlucry at tlio Waverly Vt\tA. collection nil! betaken on Howry Bnpdar,m ai, in tboO»tln.lipi]iocpBoufNewftrk,for

ho Hiipport of tliOi.IORical BtndoDta.Tlie inrnnTs aroaod iiloomiOBdale *re cot-

ins Hicir enru tiiid pyttltiR it aw»T for fodler,inking no attempt to hnak BUT of ft.Mr. lVm. Pool, or Ht. Freeflow, lift* bnllt a

R»- fpneo tronnd his rensidenco which addsinch tn tbf appear.tncu of IIIB place.TUo drought \% BO WIVWO In mlQSIIVRCX that tlte inlmbi!an<8 nro com pu Hi Eg,rH(i-!vrH to iakf thuir wlitsbev straight.Mr. Thoo. F. SwayzQ, of Iliie county.,hat

lici'ii nlecUid Vice Prpsidoni of tbn Nsw JewejrFlrpubllcaii Agtiooiiitiira nt WnnhinRtno, D. 0.

Ilio Qovorcrncnt !aat wonk rctiaegtofl aBntmton pliyaicimi to cinrnino an applicintrur jjriisloc, who tmd been d«ad about six

ontliu,About aiity men aront vniruction of Hie Boon ton silk mill, which whenimpictod will give employment to froiu,GOO

town ham!*.TheEarinnrsposki BH if MorrialDivn hai a

tiintier or KHthelfls. Tbo first development

f thiB taml ia Diwcr vill s " to he MonU

iiiinx ABVIUIU.

It in siiid that partial are RofrR (bronKb

nine Htctimifl of tho cannlrv buyinjr harppR

nil «iviDK tn piyiuotit bogiiH ohoelfi and

dr.fisfjadieian!, bauka.

^l)t(ir toncolnrpd children of Storrlatown' tuliMi ailvntilogs of tlio law passed bylast LrKixloTlmt, and are attending theit for white* children.Bern. Fred. Confldd, Tr«l. H. Bench andF, flnritie their stsy i t Os^e Tltioentht. six hundred and fifty bttes weighing

froni<j to 2j pounds each,Hevprnl Dover flremon purpoio attendloRn great flromoo'fl pirada at Heading, Fa.,xttvcfk.vbFTeovGr one hundred compsniea

with bund? will be In HUP.Vorrliiown Is fltiU filled wilb BummerBiden, tha people having learnsd tbiyi

September md Oolober ire the most pleasantlontbi of tbe year to spend there.Tbe Jonrnal iotlDatsi tbHtwiUr ll in•»rro In Madiion that the people don't naihleroaeWet, although our l»n«otge Is not

qnlte to jwlite ai tbit of % Joarnil.Mr. JOB. NiahDls is alwiji ploiiod to re-

ceive 4n*<41infr men and friends tbrotiRhoatthat vidnUj at tbe Woodport Home. He canbe fnnrtd at til timoi in Rood hamor.

Aodliefint tblng the anthnntieB of Ran-dolph towmhlp know tbsy will «fcain beIndicted lot maintaining a pnWic nn.BincPin the shape or tho Till Dill, at Mt. Freedom.—Banner.

Mr. 0.0. DeHurt, of Mt. Freedom, it repldlvrlnRiDghliinnwrfBldence to completion. It

will be otic of tho fluent plaeei ia lint vicinity.Many nt the Mt. FruodomitfB should follow

Bidlinp Y/ipfier will he mioercdr<l ap pastorif thn cliurcli nt Madison br Uev. Fnllmrtolnndo, of Mill.-nrn. and III"1 latter will lieucoM'fledatMiilbnrn bvBev. Fatter OoorgoV. Corrijian, nf Netfton.Tlipsilvrr wi-ildiiig of 1W. E. P. Tcrliuno

.ii«l Mrs. TVrhnno ITJIB ndelrntel « few davaitice, at tlifiir Hummer remdrnen at "Snunr-iftiik," at rmppion. Mrs. Ttranno ia wellinnwn to tin: litcrarj world as " Hirlan Hal-



Th« inEi




IA arc


A Ma

thi: 3t l n i i

on nil





doubvon N


wentftraplcr.manl a l :'Dnn


o pnitdlinE farted up onra will rosiinH lierulofero

irnacesat theThprtdavando on Honda?.noted in the

tc, aud tlie mill in splendid

wjnlPil to sell the reporterad"fwatcrro" mndoally dliad discovc

POT that be o

r three dollanis'lTi S on thoed linoe hisaid get a load

e pric

The Delaware, LackiiwairBulniKl Company Inn ptircbaned \of propertica BIODR tbo river front Inbar re that nreniWrlaid wilb coal. TIpaid wnatCOfl per acre.

Rev, Vf. T. Egbert has cfmtractfd for nlionae in Jlornslown wMe!, will enst IR-CCfl ;R,-v. J. Tnttlo Hmitli ftir two that will e«»ltR,O0O(?ndi; sndThomoc Dirk ROE will build nlitrnrj addition conting tfi.OOO.

Mr. Wm. A. Waer has rcc(-ivc.l nrwB «f Hi"a^ltlcn death of bin brother, Boathnrd Wacr,dt Anrorn, IllinoiB. The ilrrenncil, who wm. ttnative nnd \cnp time rcnident of Dovt>r, re-moved West jnBt aflfr Iho war.

Tlie little hoy of Mr. Wm. Donaldson, whnwJfl ft" BPVCTDIJ buropd pome wpi>kp a^n. flipdon Fridav nijr ht of last week from a rdipm.Ho was t rrraartalilv fine uml healtliv boy andhUlpalsaicverc blow to liia parents.

Futlior Alfiinp, nf Wefll nnbokon, ofli»i«tedIn St. llirj'1" Church Init BumUy, FatliorHinloy b'ting t'TPTfiito:! from mini*tcrinti bjillncflB. Tho Hermon of Fnthpr Alciiun wnxappreciably rfceived by the mnfiregation.

Find ont what yonr hoy can work best alwith tin bead, bistiBntH, mil hie heart; phcehim where lie will gain tbo bnat ins true lionin tbat pirticnUr line. Love of his businesBand pride tn his akill will carry him Dp theladder.

Vice Chancellor Dodd lioanl argument" 'to.Saturday for npeeific performance nf K I N -

Mountain. Luke I. Btontenburg fit complain-ant, and Joseph Wturton, of rhiladelphia, ii

ThB Volfe aebool opened September 5thunder the aanaKnnwnt of Hi former tatelier.UiutonlieOnine. Wefctmw HIiBCnmutolior, u d tblok H-i Wolfe Dutrict furtnmtolo leenrlOR the wrvioei of a good diiciplnirlan end Ihoroo^hlf conecientioas teacher.

Bro. HtgKini, of Hwiottilowc, eeemi tohn« been laboring and«r the impraiision tha

Tor al>»nt Inn rontn.

Wo nndcmtanu IbU in OTIT report of the

Mnrrif'ownflre we mndo an error in Having

tho biick vi M H lopped the 3ro on the we it.

wbi'n the factl-tlienremeD siopp«d ft bohre,

it Rit to the wall. The Morns I own dspart-

rnniit is ono uf Iho best.

It is said by wnrao Uml potatoes wilt bo worth

three diiiiarB a b-rrel liefore Ol i rhlnm.-Bo. .

Ictin. It ifl evident thit Itro. Garrison has

not descended to cirth since "ho arrival of

iliatticw liny. o!no tin would know tliat they

•lliiijr for that price nuff.

K fnw dsvs s.Ro \ member of tho rca,ps.cli

and l«*l a motitli orpnn trom his carrlago

id tli<? Inntriiiiii'nt KHH pttkt'd np by a jounf?

dy vln» rctnrtiM] it to the owner, and it ii

in- H.ii'l tliat From Iltin li<tlo nircuinnUnce 8

ve-niiilcli Ian alroaily sprung up.

Mr. E l . S. Jiinhfip, nn old player of Hie Run

Inlpli Imfij ball nirr, new telegraph opcratoi

IBethleliem.l'a., lias been fircBHited nilh

'Bppf linR the condition of tlio Presldont.

Mr. C. D. flimppon ami MoniB Dottier, of

r'umiport, wrnt on a flahinir eicnrBlon ti

ncnivooil La he hut Nutnrday *«d mot with

•iipker anccpas—rclnrnEng homfl "ith flsli

nooBh for tbcniBdvcs nnd » Rooiily part of.

licir rritndn. The latter would ho pleased to

IEJD them gn afi

Tlio flnmciil article Df Friday morning'!

Irw Vork Herald' m*: AURtiBt crosi earn-

ngB of the Central Ihllroad of New Jemey

•c ulatpd at over (1,100,0110. Mr. Frod. A.

ottB Mn saW.-wiU probably sooceed Jw!|

•thmp »• ProHldont of this compiny, who

ill, it is u ld , Miortly retiro beoauaa aflll

onlttt anil adfanocd age.

The re-tinion of tbe Firit New Jeney C»T-

,lry waa held at Oipe Miyon ThortdavofUat

tfie recett'troiliDB m»ehng atwai in sgripoltnril fair. The agri«nltnnlpart or tbe show was the diipUyof a pampkinIn or lor lo conform ^ith a recent law of tbeBUb) that •frriopltnnl products mnit be dliptered, «!•• there « J I ba no trotting.

'- Cbii.S»^*°Btwffliter who while cirtiiigtnonament for L.BAnmnm.of Vorriitowo,Wai io U&lj iajarsd bj the brcaldng ofbridge between Somerset and Hnnterdouto he Uld np five weeks, will pnt in a claim forpettDntl damagti, Tho Trerltolden baretwirrted Mr. Bohurcnin tlOO tnd Mr. Ball(BI.W for (UmiRes to their proporty.

Tbe SmoTerNecl meadowi ire on fln far" npon mllet, acd the tin extend! very

•}tbe earth or rather peat, no* driedto tinder, and keeping up a moaUm

_ _ _ j for aoreral weeki. I*rge qoantiHjfbjyhaTeheenbnroed. The inwar «etlonof tha Quant; Ii » IDHI of smnnldariBf minitiiiiilHMwberBrorthertirtiBeadcnnoi *

week.' Col. Bawycr entertained hii old eon>In a royal manner. A iplendid goldWH pieannUd to Oal. Earge, tbe old

Oalonol or the rtglnieDl, tod t t hii nqnnt Itwax iftrctd to hold tbe nest w-nnion at

Mr. Wm. H. Umhert, at Dom,was in ittenduice.

The " Taihlngton Btar nan" tMnti to bientei with tbe idea'tliM Dover !• filled wilbplDDen who break the Snndar laws, »nd thinkwe object to their Wing brooRtit under ib.6infloeneeiofwligioM •erfiew at Mt. Ttbwron8nnday. IT the Warren TetDDOrttia to bebelinved tbe wrltar or tfaeiw oomUnt flipgilfin more nrgent need or therdlgiinuinflBenHiofMt. Tatar than any •!"»« w *»<>» of.ia

Oar Mand of the ObroBinietheOaaslyanVedi ie j gThe flionth hai eaniBd tfai alaoghlarlttB ofgreat norabun of cattle byownere wbooannotkeep then orer and thU bu graatly rodooedtheprlMOf^owWdei.:Thw« fawrabla Ox-cnmiUnroi coBtlnefl will •nabln Bw. Browntopnrcbiu a pair of winter aboej and willallarAD anxfety which had begun to arlte intbe b w ' i of n W d

Tbe Pater»n Gnarfllan eoiptaln»o!en«gwat the Korris Plaini Atjlnm Tor itMlingi »tlhittJ-fl»e oeota a p«lr, Itaa peadU left fiee . c h, ind m on. A latter of Inqoiry hai DM

UBn, Hking tor " explanation or th«fld i 'ebgtgn, wd itaOiig, among

other thingi, that the Board oT

twwtj-fln eeata » piir, or even Idl .

visit to Call'fornli.

Wa<bluBfJ>I Street, Horristown, ia rtMivingrosd bed of embed itoue.Cbeplalii Baliiee vlll aoou Imoe his new oil

lory of tbe lStb N. J. Volnoteer».Jneob fln«t,'pf vboae tnjpry oor Qortni

Talle.7 comiSpoDdcnt tells oa, la dead.Cb»«. Deftti.tfiontlenun of leisure, n in tbi

conulr jnil fur tabbing variaos plaoei tboiHrrriitoiin wbora he hai been btfardJog,

U n . n r b « Smith, a colored woman, wha« u Iwtng taken from Deokwtown bo the i.»y-am, mads tbinifa prutty lively by her urt!<t^be Dover dupoi on ToetdajrTbe enl.rgemtnt of the Stanley felt mill:

wilt comprise an addition of 75 feet to tlie sn• _. ihne new bettiag engines and

80fJ-tfana pairer onglpc md boiler,John W. Yin ]}larram, of Dodge Mine, WMitolDg upon bit «llK)if u]xm a fpuo* uo 1'

diy, when Iha elbow laddenly slipped rrom itireitlug pUoe, anil he fell with snah foriw u tobreak Mi collar boos.

Tho poor Bcn» b u .97 iomaiei at prewnt.Tbe cooatF baa inSored; bj the drooth u wellas ludfvfdnilit. the potato crop (one of tb<m*inil»T» of t to UOI»D> beins only about one*third of a crop, and corn itill worse.

In Ibe re^.ljiiBtmoot or Poitmatter'fl »J»rlm, just made, Horristown Is rated at M.B<WDover, n,8&fli Boooton, *l,400j Belvider«,

0 j HKCknttstowti, 11,000, Mtdiion $1Nfawtoa, (1.7W) Pblllipsbitrjf. $1,700, andWiabbgion, »1,M*.

GERMAN VALLEV.ulieojojlqg* vliUint

kpleantrstrip to itbBW, to-, Tl» Lebigb Valley, R. H

Dirtley ami Hiai Bdltb Sohnn-helte ntarnad to tbe 8tate Noimat Sahool on

0. lotourctte is baillj eDgigtd repairingDIIDIDI, '

H. P, Duffortl's mill la aim nkdorgolng re-pairs. , ' '

Ber.B.'B. OH inn, forrasriy pastor of tbenlhersp Cbnrab at Obalfont, Bucfas Conat?,

Pa., prpaobed M otndldite to Sit the vacancyleft t y tbe reilgn*tioo uf Ber. K. Hlller, isH9aliUtb,

Onrpnbliatflbool lias aeoured MIBI Lottie^oig, formerly teuber In Mr», Eillor'i private' ', M held teioher and Miw Kate —

(I'm atuek. t foTgoi U, now) two BookMny,za toAoher of Ibe primary department,

fiei. A. Hlller w»i iaformod Siturdtr thi taJaable letter * wai tad him at tbe post office,

Jpoo oslllng far It, Imagine his Borpriio, tonnd tbe mujj Ultle Ban) of elghty-flve daliariencloeed together with Ibe best wishes ot hitoongrenatian,

Fox Hill will ever be noted.fbr its oddi-ioi. One of the latest olkrioterdtloa of :hi

Hill boy Is to load his hone down with, i . . Tha nitnbBK ot ttngt r«ngo dUrarontlT,

I tber Uke ibc Eiucloo woman. to,denote theirtiding in aoofet; er to show their landing

imaeUlly, but they ringe anywhere bom dmotljirty, X .B . Pctonbeiterecently parolma-id t se> of hatnesi from ono.ot the "BillBaj',"*llcl npon lnreati«atiou found H oon-iained fifilileco HUKS. Often Ibe.ringi are of

oro vatne ihau eitber h"»e or wagon, andAtHunuayliawonA rig tliat I wonld Riveinte Tor tbe rloRnlban borgs and wijon trltb

(liruwnin. * 'Rpv. A, Hlller will preoou his farewell ner-in neit Hund»y,r Sept. 18th. The Pro«b.vte»

rian church wilt ijeeloioil fprtbo day and noibt tlietinupo will he crowd d. Air. Hitlerbeen pantoroftlifs ct.unsh some twonty-

irte yesra. flotac timo BRO lie wai ejectedHmoi' ofTbwL(,'y in Hardvleli Seminary.York, which caused bis'reiignatlon here,'ill enter npon Hie duties portalnlag to

lis office ftbwt the firpt of Ootober.A sad aoildoat oecdriwd hero lu i Satordaj,•cob Guest, ii) old rain flftv-itovon years old,idbten to tlio stire fnr prov idiom and wasituriitHRhonio with tham. As the railroad

ronto ami the ono" homo auooilnmed to travel ho tpok it t|tis Umo,

in auout 3 o'olook, P7U!., the time the oren from Eockawar md Doviv arrived hern,is it waa tbe'r onston to do, vi-re bueily

il aad weighing tha ours.neCBBsav for them to"n>"-a portion

the *.nln on tlie Oliester branch and as Mr.3nett who was on tht main track heard theinla coming he gUncod ironnd and Haw the

tmi (vr romlog'on tlte main truck anil notiltinc tliat part or tho trilo was flying onother truck Itesleprwd over on tbat and

md token but & few fteps nbtm tbe trainIK^BI. klra, (liKivliiD Uin lo tnr crontir', and

i rholfl train nfulpUtOfn ear-i ran over him.

wai picked ni immt'dintrl.i' and at first It

,nn llioti|;lit h". TTiin dt'nd littt aftflr aomo tlmo

rerivcdnnd w»« e\rrltd % ulitlrt dlfllanro U>

\ "Unitie> T*r. E. C. Wiltet WQP KutnrnunQtl

ind It wan Toimd one foot wan culiruly otuahoiJ

ind tho otlior ImdlymanRkd. Pr. Hodges, of

muter, nan cniterf in a<n;aalt8[km and it WOB

•ciilpd tint nmpotatinn waa the onlv faopo of

t'iij(,'liia lire nnd at three n'clnak Sunday

tdninon.Dr. Wilfet, asiWteil by Dr. Ilrdefa,

formed thn plirgical operation. Cno lefl

in amputated joat btton- Ilio knee, while

a otli'r foot mnapod cioPpt Hie to?n

liich worn all amimtatfid. Mr. Quoit wai

bcrieoil st the time of tho owratiou nnd op

othiffwrilfncbas not fully rncovoreil fromho effect,hot im no»r aBl can ascertain tbo

ntert&in IJttla bope farnls reoov*iDlofhlsoldage. He has a wife

md five children living j throo of then mar-B c r n m BILL.

with bla boots, whton T>ero new, a nowand s eort thai ooat him two poanda in. t

Nn wonder Web»ter took «ooh «. j t e r t f t l n Mm. M the thievei did In

be trmllsr who waa \oamBy\ng trim Jernelem to Jerlrl'i. Tbeprorlrfshminmnithi.ti"PKot Ameriuns a bad lot. intl iracnoa aiffprent enantry, friira lbs America of bliIres mi, TbeRuoJ Siparitaoiwine with thrnornioff however. Oeorn Wllktaaon RBVIllm tlie enatpntrinr dinner pall to be«ln with.

Aliont 10 p'olwb i. Hi tbe orerver of ibe poor

milk tor whbn'biTwM afoii"(<falcfoT.":ioitic'e*Brown flted np theh»aldooamenti.andRicb*

* " " taken to. tbs-Xonii CountyWM taken \o. »h» Xonii C o ymluu* bin boola and coat, aad hi*- u , . t , t tDll«jWWlB«l'-n

,!, wbloh were

h l ldre yetfcttnsi

Alms H<

of Ibe mlt "who ciiladbimsalf ObarlH TFeb.lcr,whoonBbttoRQtoUorr|ntawnlailiwht!oi mnhe the ncqGiintBoiK! of Sheriff UODHVIIbav« beard »t peupln mean annnHU to itoa

IB pf naie» nfl a dead mtn'i ovte.btit *teiWn«Ihi ofolbmjt or* sick itrtnger ii meaner thanevm tli*t

Charley Hn'noi' train rati from Hnho^en to" " ' iiinloliertbinliBbl.

if. Two ladlnsieft.._-_-„ . . . ^-H..v. UVHH. on the triln* a

lwfore leaving How Torktbey teleRrephf(<l 1T.N. BoMtohavnlilB team at Stanbepa i

leetthum. Arrived at tba liupol o ..indie* aakod VtDHora whether Mr.

Bouo's team wit thore.'He said no."Areyoatba operator heref"uldono of

'•YPk.'nt.tam." said Violfrom New York, before I


HILTON ITEMS.Tbe ahovar tbat vlslled as lait Babbstb

win vfry refreshing Indeed,Srojtortho pnbllo vohnolsof IheToncntiip

if Jeffirson have opened. Oar own at Miltoni RHyot-vlthontt teacher.Mr. Jehu tt. Kormm Ii at work painting hii

lorp-hoane.Tfaeeridaslngof the Kethodlst Oburch at

Is programing. TUo flrel leotlon of tbewaa raised) on Batarday lait.

The chansen tb*t hare boon made In referanoFioonrPnst Office, doliatseein lo Interfere maefiillr with tbo wordings or that InBtHntfonverjllitnj in oonneetlon with it RoCt orboutas wnu.lt iHhongh i\Ure not plewaiiltb the cltanj;e. Wo believe Iho common iti

general, with bnt lew eiooptlonp,in tbi imimitate vicinitt ot Htllon of bnlh politicalirtlraaro natiniled with tho fihnngo, Tive a llttta ftrtbnr to go for their mailtr, and olhen pot ao fir, bnl the difference

in tlio dintinco la tie tittle that it makes butlittle difference. The Incumbents aru ]tul aiinch rpparded ind respected in tbe oommiy m the fomior nfficiah. The preioct postisstertBa RepubHcem, tha fortnetP,M.i6 &'fiai<Mrat, Under a ttepcbiicin adtnlnistra

ilon, Iho Ecpublioapi have a right anil anlionDribfeolairoon the office. So we see no|twt ttason to complain.

Tbe LoDgwood M, B. Stiqday School pnrpnuto hold a plc-olo In the grovo biek pi tbeBobool boasn aomo day neit week j wn haveot leirnedon ffbatd*yL 0 .0 .


There 1MB nn panieo in tbe PreibyttrianChnroh annflay erenipg.Dr. Btaadsrd was looIII to conduct it. He was sonflned to b(i bedMoodiy and Tudfaj, but is batter now:

The Ellis Fatnilv gtve obe of their wipalaienlerlainmeniH in tlie It. E, Church Tanday

mnlng. They had a largo and appreciativeaadlenoe. They are'a talented Ironpe anddeserriiiRor tbe sa«o« they ire aild to meetwItbwheMrtr.tlifyitp.

The Pnsbvterlan Sandiy Bchool went faywigoss to Mt. Arlloglon, Lako HopatcoofF,

t j , and enjoyed Utemwlven tn-theway plo*nlOGrs ninally do, and altogether faain «rf enjoyable tint. Dr. Btoddard, theirp!ii>:or, always UkM'tnneli interest in their

school, and oisabMDce on aoocnnt of Ilineaswai TBIT mnoBiegntted. P.

. ' ThaStitaFatrTh« mnnil Mr of the Hew Jerry HUte Agi

cnMnril Borfetj will la beld it W*verly from19th to tfaa 9Sd of Septembc inolativo.b« attraetlocs are many and embraoe DI-

hihili of horaes, cattle, shwp, nine and pool-tryj fans.orobtrd and difry prodnat* ( fumBKWnemndrebiQlci. .

There will be an tbe JOth liwn tennisTDitehei; on tin Slli % gnnd hbyote bioma.n«nt u d tiorcnie nstcbfi; and on the 23dgrin! sreberj totmunent.

The horse traak will bo opened on the IB,b,at 111 Bonn, and Ihli portion or tbe entettiln-ment oon tinned dally tiroajrhoat tbe axfaibl-tlon. Tbe caih premlnrai will smonnt towards of Mt,0W.

: Gareistcln.

This Is soiiie.liine cew. and wondierfnl forthe care at appef sis.* It ia a nutnrif, ipwfc-ing mlnent wiler, from a sprfnff npoc the ei-

tit« or thi Frloceia of QeroltUnn, on tbaBhina, En OerO'iny, aod is lapldly ooming Intopopular favor all crer the world » a dyspepsremedy. All who have tried It In Dover htfsimd lantiablr ibt\ It btlngi rellel opon thevaf Ural trial. L. P. Boh wan, of- Bosaexstreet, bat It, aod oalls attention to It in a u »idnrtiMBiini till m L

PORT MORRIS.On W«Joe*lay of last wenk the noyi flaw a

man dovn at tbe old basin where Sgoire Brownaied to tnuntor cokl from tbe canal boata to

a oats before the t m i i u sitended lo, and tfaa out) woayory n His

foot WCT** avolltn aat! lie oonlil not yQar tilsboot?. Bid mine be «aid wag Blohifd Cotter.He WSi< barn f» the ooaaly Cork aboat SOyeai:*ago. Bo landed JD NUW XorK about six wmk'IRO, andliimnelfand aOulherawero sent ou

to work on nine raihruad in Peuns/lvaniiAfter working 4 few days be got aiok and ba-1P« a itraager ID a otraoge bind, withon

or rrittDda1 he wu com polled to wallback and had got tills / « when hit feet gavtort;he litdahlgb fererand tfans tha boyround him. They reported Uu osae to thajUBtica, bnt bewiild do nothing except nggthat ttiewan bo got r*a? from here lamebiMr, John IAWIOSI happonod to bo there nuloid-

boat Insd of wood and he ongagfid a manto star With linq, who gave hfi name aiOharlrs Webster. IWnwUla Charier Bakerhftd gone lioaoe, snd drove tW. mllei to notlfj" jovemierflftlie poor (Greeo) and baoami

ttjthi doctor to HO him. Ibe doctor dinot give bin) any medicine, and they left htmtobeoataDdara tree illaiglt1, Webster soto be lerv auxlDno to it*y and tike eare of him,Ufr. Green said, and be left hitn in nil care,

ind Tbarti*ay mnruinRolvlng nndtr tbe tree.

Port Morris M.E. Church.Tbe pastor, S. H, Tuttle, has anaotiaoed bin

ioteotion to W d a series of meeting* for re-vtval aervisea oommen«lng with tbe ntst Sab-batbln October, in tbeU.S , OhQrcb. It IsUie annf fcrsarj month of the founding of tieoborcu, Two hn? enngttlliti, Mrs. Woodand ICra. Lewis who hare boon n.ry luooeiifnlfa revival work, are tosid m the meetings furi week or more.'

Ho baman agcaoy <uu BO upevdily oletnfWblood, clew the comptuximi anil skin, relore tbeoalr and sure erety ipeoleiof iloli-og. toaly and acrolulou* humors of tbe nklu,uaiu and bloud u the CuUour* Bemediei.

Dhopw, Frldty aflprnonn ig, It Jmp|«nifd tb<i wai&Dken f # Budd*1 Like

l i H T k b

nt a mestage from New YMr. Bnu. Clri you rwalvma'am," aaid TanBorn.t i t " d

Uky was ae (B like lthig h

.sent a

" ' N o m _•'Tbat U'very'ltratiga,"'laid the lady, anden she etiipiirefl abonl tha hotel tacnman.tloo. Went over to Brawo'a «nd oanta btckxmt 8 m Joit tben S.'i. eailoA YnnBorr.Jte InstrnmeDt went tick, tick, awhile, as Joeimley calls It, aad TanHorn aald lo t k ladv.Her« obmen yonr mp«i»Ke, now." Tan had

:o oxpiatn ai boat be omjld, bow aooldents willuttipnntn tPlPRniph nirua as veil M otborbingi. BaMetiitro down Into history thatfcronw.aleMt, CbMlw Eutmes1 trainoul-ran electricity. ' .

Therp Is ft story current In Blanlinne thatawyer Itnus wenl O4t gtinolng for grey sqtil •

r1*, the olht'r day, inn b< onftbt homo tlireo,MM. RdiM streiobed (h« hide of tba large*t

ifl an the fenae. ; SlinrtlT afterwarils twoIlsi p»mp llonff, one of them uw tba nqulr-I and m«de that peotilkr iinlsa some lidiei

tnftfecwlien Ibeyarelrightenad. ' ."What sro yon hnffcrin' abonl, yon tool

ou!" laid tbo .other. ThepqniriD) wispiiiat'd out to her. and ihe " liullcred " too. Whanlioy dlHonvored what it was tln>y bad a good'infill or<>r It. andcongniialated «aoh oiliert|a.l D. J. WIN not aronod or they woald bonir" to (ret iti the PEA. - *'

Mrs. "J im" amllli killed a rattle anftkpnrar her hnni, nn the Oruiklva road. Initivflpk, and Jtko McOonnel says he la alraid to

b-mo nlgbla almie now. I heard DoctorTell him, the other night, thata good cure tor it BTIBVR bile, bnt

_ -_, iome of the temperance people.tbinliBthe onre Ia an bud is the disease.

The htert question for deliate here i«rOenrgefttintV hng tunkes a sweeterD tbaa 8t jwnrt- Fmlier's or any uf the

liter lines kent in tho row. OfWRe wsn in-ined to ufi indiEnant n\iont it tUi* raorolnR.[id ni^nird to .bin* they might wnot him to

i.r with his baby bos* fur four it mightMime nf tlie nf iRhbors.9 chronic fault- finder who edits, the•ik Bun Nbonld cvor get to Heaven, he

.. _. ritarowwith SaintPfiDrtVcBrst tblug,he don't make biro tho Collector of the Pertmoroo other high office.I once hi>ar<) an Ailvcutist preachor sty lintten the new lieavens and the now oarihm« arinnd we wo old work <md dress, andjtiy nnru'ltn Jnut is «o Sa ^r.w—tliat IsDso of an wbt» ire lanhv ooongb lo nsd frnm"(Ii-i.il. Iribureiiltnalil be two new»p»peritnT»amnBRlhfiai wliala Joilv l.tne I'ncreII lie I AHerthf first Ifltne tit their papers\o editors will be sum to diiaqree annul

lometbinijundtlien-WjIltlieVcttURitiili oilierimesnii Ihev do now? Will thev fling Intoll ntlicrn fnoon trhat thep nscd to dn nn theId ti&tlh, kc.i Will the into w<jo r tn theilrnads on tlio npw otrth ho ablo to Retone withnnt sncariQiT at oifli nthtrf And

' 'ill tbty do witli tint So rant (in onn<iiw-. -osaid to the fireman of onr bobiait.

von if I had mv rcvnlvor liRro Iltd hlnw wu noart out?" Mr.

..etond nuclit keep that Colin* to run »n tlin[arftiorn Hirid.m. Ho i» allni;n,hor loo eav-

"ir.Ti!rHey civiliEntirn. PcrliapR tie win

be hRfl not read rule 110 nn the beck oficraoUblooftlipM. i E. Dirislon whichIVB, " Aniiry diiwiiHlon or mdo an»wflri' to,ry one, anil n^btiu^, EWE*'1 I NO. or IDCECO-oni< hngnauB aro strictW prohihit^d."With tbe khidow of denln hanging nver ttiin

rttti Nulhn men of nncven ttrnn^rB Rbouhlnntbeallm ' ' " '"

ihlloh'f Coniuntptlon COM.Tblgji beyond qqeitlontba nioit luooo

Cough Uedicin* we bavo ever sold, a fewdiinvariably onre -the wont cam of enngn,cronp, »ud brotiohttia, wbila It* wonderfulBacoellln the oure of oonnumptloQ ii withoni

parallel in thebi»toryof modicioe. Since iliIrsl dt*oor»y it bai been sold on a guaranteeTXBT wtitch no other moflicino can stand. It

yonbaveaooogbweearneatly u k you to try* PritelOcti. BOoti. acdt i . Kjonrlung*n Bore, aheat or back, lame, me BHOOH'B

POROUS PLAarEE. Price 28 cti.J"o» S U B BT Tonnor A XIULOO&B.

In to CQrrt r*Jiri"vi'ji 4 11 u* m itnKOthBr too handy I" r ttklnjr. htimin lifo.Mrs. HattHnrattnodifid of Bturlet fever on'nndav. at 10:80 A. H., and leaves her l>os-ind with a baby not vot a vnnr old. Mr.ir&fEtiQ haft t"^ fl^Tcpntuv tit vUo cfivcuvi i ? •I urn » man r>f pbnee. t beiirvn in ln» and

irdor. ItatwIienrroRTi that flour haa Ronfipfiflyetntas hundred, while tbe prain rlc-ltors ai Baltimnre are full It overflntrinr pn-1inn»nd> or CIITH iro BtnmlinR on tbo BiiliuKfitided wilb wbcit, I confess to a llttio indig-itlott.Tbo Tribnne gave us an cniav on tbo fnnr-

llly of tlie crime of "cnniipiracy" the otheriv, anilrelaietl lo working mon who have ftbit of ntrikinp fnr inoronaa of WDRCS. Jimld tike to " T ll cot up an editorial on ibemppirspyof the upecnlatiirs in grain, flour,nrV and'lurd, wlm would nit cure (w.i ten1 '

lb"»iB ismp wnrVinfrrnnn Biirvod to (Jn«(hbile thc» held ilia wlmln stnah of HIP nfC*»-ir* firticlesln the cunntrvA "rlop," What ishediff.'n-nco in llm crimp; Mr.Trilinner Whoi Hifgrcalar conspirator} I rln not Jnatlfvtrit^-ncver joined in 0:10, and nevor will—

>nt tbf niilllnnairea who conspire to raUf the>tit«oftlin UbKiera food *rft worio ennsplra-orsthnn the laborers who strike for higherraRCfl,anf loiikatit.Another brnvi" solillor Iim gone to IIIB re-irii. AmhrnBe B. nnrnnldo WBB not. perhapse mtmt brilliant nf tbf> Qpncrala or thn liteir, unl tlie old Ninth Corf* loved itn onai*

matid«r, <nd tba annrivnci nf it will liea.r olhis death with sorrow md rogi'ot. D- J.

Clear head and voioo, oiajireathing, sweelClear baad and voioo, oiajireathing,breath, porfuot aotell, tasta and Ubarlng,coagli, aa dUtresa, Tli^ss ara conuit'oihroanUt olwnt in catarrh by tho uie or Hnf d ' B i i l O C t t o t r o n u n e a t f o r l l ,

If yon are bred takiutf tbo lai-ge old-tubiimed grlplog pilli, try Carter'* LIUlo UituPilU end lake aonio ootnfurt. A man owa'itand everylhlng. One pill a dose.

" Who graspi mueli holds little." Tbe pro-priBtoruolEiy'i Cteuo Bnlm do notto be a onre-atl, bat s inre remedy for Catarrhand balirrhal DoafnpM,CoW* iaHiy fever. OresujStlm cffeelaaily ohanae*tbn QnaalpausagesoiloaUrrbal virus,O

flhealtUf Booretiom, allafs inflammation andinititloo, protootstlie mambranal linimta ortha head from additional colds, completel)\it>iX\ tbe sorea and istiorei tbe Hense of taitrand urnell. Bunefiaial result! wa reallced b\a tew ippliMtloni. X tboroogh tfiatnent aidirected will onre catarrb. The Balm is eu;tn me and agreasbb. fluid b ; druggists ai" DIB. Ouiecalpt of GO font* will mail 1

package. Send for circular with fall Informstlon. E I T OBI-AM BILK CO , Owego, K, X.


UM But Ctald<<Th» oomlant ^notice most wamea hare la

earing for tbe tick tnakci them often morek h l

Tbe reason why women are everywhere u«Ingand reooininendlng Fatk<r*s Ginger Toafo Ii,Ko&uiB their hare learned bj tbat best ol

medicine speedily overcomes deapondoncF,peiloclldal headaoha, Indigestion, liter com-plaints, pain or neakneBs in the buck andkidneys,.and other troubles peculiar to the

Fall Clothing!

Answer thi* <tn«ttan.Why do ID many people we Bee around nt,cm |o pfofer to suffer and be mtdo miserabley mdlflettton, oonitlpation, dizilness, loai or

ippotita, coming np of tbe food, yellow akin,•hen for 7E oil., we will cell t&em fibiloha'italizer, goiria^ed tocorc th&ta.

. ForialehyroaffbfAKlllgore.

BHILOH*8 CATARHB BEMEDY, sjnmel-ini oure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouthmil headache. With egch bottla thuio fa ai

gtouB u u i l injootor Tor the more Bncuesn"ul treatment of theio roiuplainta withoutitraabarge. IrlcoDOcU.


(jiticuraTHa MtEAT SKIN CUKE.

IiVKALLIHLV CU11EStclilug and Scaly DiBonsesjSciofulouft Hiimoriit VIcei'B, Old(sorea ana JHercuriul AIToc-fions when all otlior IlumanAgencteB Fail.

IHE .OUTICUIU T11EATMEKT, for thecare of Skin, Scalp nod IIlooi] DMO.-BM,

iHlotN in the icternul tine t>r COTICUltAlEaOLVENT. (be nt-w Blood PunflL-r. and ibe

^crual UHD of Cutluttro nt") Oatluura Huap,) Great Skin Cnro*,^or Hunbnrn, Tan and Oioney Bkln nso Out-iri Soap, an uiqi'isite tcilut, bath anr! nur-junatlTe, fray rant with delicious tloocr;in ami healint; balBama.


20 per cent, saved.Prices never lowerthnn at present.TIIE STAR 1'AR-LOJt and CORNIS1ICOMPANY ORGANSstand at the headto-dny, nnd themanufacturers meanto liavc the pcoiilcknow it. Sold oniMsy terms or n I ill-,oral discount forcash. Every organwarranted for six}ears. For an il-lustrated cataloguegiving lull descrip-tion, free, address



Will McDonald, 3.112 Dturborn 81,, CIticnRo,ratelallv ackn'jirlL'di'cs a cmo or Hull K lieu reD hi-ail/iicch, fuoo, nrmH and k-RS fDi-acvBii-icn ypara J not ulili; to walk except on lit notmil knees far ona year; ant iblo to help blm-ielf for eight yunrs ; tried hundred!, of ruma-

ductorB pronuuncod his Jfise liopeiod* ;mently cured bj tha Cutioura Itetned.ee.

'SOHIASIS.H, E. Carptnter, Egq,, Henderann, N. Y..urei] of I'HOFUSIB at Lcproay, ol twitutj yoars1

md Cuti'oura and Cnticura Ho«p oitcrnally.most Bdnderful CIBO on record, (Jureled to licforo a Justice of the peace and

SKIN DISEASE.F. II. Drake, E»q., OelrDil, Mich., snftVayoini all ilcscnptinn flora a skia discliicli appeared on his hands, hini and fi ,id ucarfj- deitmyed Iitaefe*. The mint e m -it doctoring railed Lo lielp him, aad aftfr allid failed lie used tho Onticura Benolventilernally Oallcura and Outicnra Hoijt oitur-

[inllv, and WJIH cured, mid hai nmainf J por-' ' well to thiri day.


Pieman's n«w style hataare elegant. '

Best Tnnlp Seed at tba BrlokB-ng Store.

Eitraol of 100 flowers excels all otherperfumes.

picture framea of nil kinds at tbe BrickDrug Store. '. ' .

A new took of bteeob and raniale loadingins at Berry'a hardware store. »TruswB flttfd and warranted to fit at J. A.

Ooodale'a Bed front Drag Store. • .•••>la aklns and carrtnge rpongsa at

r. A. Ooodalo'fl Bed Front'Drag Store.

TJesten .sapplled wltb shot at manufac-turers prices by S. fl. Berry »t his hardware

o » . t - . ' , ' • . . "

UoHtard seed, ginger, cinnamon andclow and othsr spices at Vongbt*Kill:

gore'f." .Cerral milk, imperial grannm, Holies:

food, Papoma. for aale at Vooglit Killgore1*wrner^roR store. . ': ^

_ tdi Junoi the oeleented gerrnimineral wnjfr, also Oongren water at 3. A.OooAJe's Bed Front Drag Stota.

Go to Ptcnoft'i fot JOQV new fall unit,is ntjlea are handsome and yon will get a

suit worth lbs monej yoc paj for it.

Fainting oontlnaes brisk. Vonght AKtllgore bBve reeeiv»d this morning the 7thtonoIAtlan«o l*aasin» April let. Theysupply oorptiiiUw.

Writing, paper; pens, pencils; Ink, also alarge job lot of fancy boxes of writing paperandenTolopes at very low prioea at J. A.Ooodala'i Sea Front Ung Store.

Onoe a outtotner dways a anstdoer," latbernleoftheNewIorkftOblna Tea Co.,opposite thB brick block. This Is becansethow who onoa try their teas, coffees; misploes always want them.

Lunger A Uowery.tfae "enterprisiDg met-ehonta" of Stanhope, are creating a largepatronage, beease they art alit* to tbeneeds of customers, and proTide than withthe best of kll needed honsehold supplies.

8RIN HUMOUS.Mrit, 8, E, Whlpple, Ssuatar, Hid:,, writ™

tint her hoe, head and some parts of her tiudjwars iltnoBt raw. Head covered with acttbnand iorte, Hnflerod feaifully eud tried cvery-

P*rnaincDtlj cured by CUTIOURA

Gutlcart Remedlei are for BalebyaUc;-.Dgists. Price erOatlonra, a MeJIrin.l Jeltjr,»roall boxvs DOo.;.lftrKeb»sei, 11.00. OntionnRaaolTent. ibo TJOW blood pnriUer, t l per bat'tie. Ontlcan MMdida.it Toilet 6010, Jl «t,Cnticara Medlciml Sfaafiaff Bonp, 10 am.; IDbsrs f r hwbers aqd httfl eonsiiuers,oOctt.

rlnolnal depot• PWBfcK9 & tOTTBB, Boston.Hsss,

W AU msiloil free on receipt of price,


O u Oolllm' VoltiloBlectrlo FlaHter, coatinga oenl*. !• h r anparior to«>MJ olb«r ilietHoal

f U l r a V phuea baton tbopiblle.— li.™"ui reltoTiDwepi'., Liter Oom-

. Halftria, Vaver Aad Ague and Kldoe.vItliurT DlfflOttHtw. « d may be worn

Tlie;..plaiil.and Ut*iui.«j viuiuuituH) ~>w morer tbe pit of the stomacn. over mt uawj i

any aOeoted part. Price 25 OBntB. Bold



No. 3,B K I O K B L O C K .


•"•-• Flranwn'i " ' " • ' AUDOIatlon.Tns memben of lbs Dover Plnmeo'i Belief

Aiaoeiation are reqaeated .to meet U'ltiaeoglDe hoatt on tfonday .venirin;, fi«ptembtr194,1881,.toin.o'olock. A foil t l undu inIi dalral. 3<an 8. Onus, PruUast.










DRESS GOODS,iu wliicli may be found iioYoltics and new fabrics fox fall wear, and the

neweat and best things in all kinds of

DRY GOODS, ^athe GROCERY DEPARTMENT ve are carrying tho usual large

stocks of beet goods for tho table, and are doing a large trade in the

Celebrated Granulated Flour•which is giving goner,il ttatiajnction. Aim complete assortments of




Thwe are my prloei for the American WutoteH, of Wnltbtio, ibasaobnaetU i IEKF1C01IPSTITI0N ! BptlngHeld, Illinois, and Bockfotd Watcbes sold t t a«raa reduction

tit8l.,Bt*uHoiwnatit ,Of!.TrK7* On., Brail MoTftnttt

Twef fcCo»Mil£tC.,»Ml£o.(aiiw)t ,.W R l t h i r o O o . , Brui Uaietneat'.W*lihtra VUch Co., K ckl« MdTonwntP. 8,B«rtl8tt, Bnu UcnBment. a Buifott, Mlokm linren«nt ,ilUEU«rjBt» U a v n t


2000MISM M


Btolbm'bt i tMplapWedtM talTM M 60 p«r do«n ; dlnom 15 ! Itriple ptaled tMapmm. (lirptd) l< ; fcmy, «(EO, doasrt forki. (llptxd) IS W; h i« 76 ; neainui Fo.lr., S8 &, Upped, » 1 luoimme tre.boltl. o a C ; \ i « i trpUted o ke bwkeU, H10. kvy penoa withlng any oi IheBO goodi I will lendO.. 0.vilh pemlainoii to nmniae them before paying; or any ne»ob wishing to take • nalnpon depoaliing Ibe amouol in the National. Union Bunk, can canj Ike n m i foi <u»mnnlli. BO ke ran be eoniinced1 ho ha> wb«l bo sanda for, and > good artloln. BEE0IALDISCOUNT to botels and nitonniili. Addroia all eommiinloatlom to "*-»"">^

OHAS. R HOAOIAin). SOoMe House, Dover, ST. J.

RuptureDr. J, A. flbenncn Ii iho DHKIHI) toil only

Dr. Shcnnin, known lo lbs poblio fur tbe nut85 ?f»n throngh bli iMOOMmi nmthod ortreitlng Raptnrp wttbnni thB •Qno.nnce tadinjarj irnntOB Inflldt. HU ayiteta or core IibyLooilEjieni»lApp)lo»Honi. Daring trtit-meDt no liindran<M trora Itbor, »nd lecurit?•fftloit aoith rrom itrtnpilitftil rupture.Fitleola from ibroid » D reooira trutniBnt

»od laa?a far bams Iha urns d*T.fiook, with likoDua ar bid euai , before *cdtor eon, wilb testimonial* from diilin-

on(ih*d phHfDliDB, nunlglin, merohititi andotberi, m*llBd fur tea wnts. Dr.flhermtD« a bs ooDinlMd a hU He- Yortofflou. "Brciuwij Hon(i«y8,To8ia»]fi aad 84tarii-j,« d kKOili Boiton offlas. «9 Milk i t r uffedpeiaiji, ThQrid«ji md Pridjyi, 10-4.

GLUTEN FLOUR!..,.,.. —m:-' — - . TrouWw mi

Nerrot* liability. Tbe nev wute-repiirJ&Rbreirt i id gem floor. Prea from bran oritarob. Sena fnr circn'ir.

FAltWELL k BHINE3, Prop'.

Far p»!e bj Bctte t hjin, 87°Pirk fcliaLMew York. 404*

I I T»]D«bl« tnd aiofalAI10 '•Hill' H L


Honk* .mdilp bj 1 ne'et-

• L i » « . AhamB—*_ w^.n. Podrl*MD In*"Pfl 8B0RIUDQE.


PIERSONS!Never before has our stock been so

complete and prices so low as at pres-ent Mens' Heavy Winter Suits $5,$6, $7, $8. Boys' Suits $3, $3.50,and $4. Children's Suits $2, $2.50,and $3. Mens' Hats 50 cts. to $1;Boys' Hats 35 cts. to 50 cts.; the besthats that can be found anywhere forthe price. Also a tremendous stock ofMens' and Boys' UNDERWEAR willbe sold at ver^ low prices.


Sept. 14th, 1881. . DOVER, N. J.

OVER 100,000 MILES





T H E J E W B L E B , tin removed to apart of tlie Rtoreor M. Klng'ebiirg,

No. 4, Brick Block,NEXT TO BBEEBE'S, where he will remain during iUe erection of his now bt.Ild.ng,

aad will oontiiiua to beep as large stocks as <wer of

WATCHES, siinoladlig tie FAMOUS ItOCKFOKD,

OLOOKS! OIJOC^S!in «v«rj deidgn, C H A I N S , R I N G S , P I N S , and OTB^ d.miption o[ Jotfelrj.



FINE CUSTOM TAILOEING!1 wonld resptclfully invite th« atten-

tion of mj friends and tho Rtnatnl Dublioto my P A I L AKD WINTER STOCKOP CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3 ANDVES1INGS. all ot the very latest style.,and being carelnll; soleotcd by mjBolfwith a vieff to combining excelli-uce vjitheconomy. The catling nnd mate np »illbo all that could be desired and my pricesas low as consislant witli firnt-clasa workMy cipetirorc in tbe lalloria8 trade willlio my excuse lor saying that tboae plac-ing tlmir Old™ in mj bunds mu rest

Bsnreil tii»t notbiug vill be left nndone" give tlio fullest satisfaction. Beforerdericg jour anit call and see tue nine,nit jou call gel for from

to% t Ibo old alwd.

T H O S . XVJ9LX.S3E1,



This veek we show in our largecarpet rooms a largo number otBRUSSELS 0ABPET8, lothtapestrios and body. Tho patternsare exceptionally handsome thiBseason and attract considerableattention. Of course it is almostneedless lor as to mention the factthat onr prices for tleso goods arebelow the usnal pricea. InlMGRAiNBwe have many patterns for the falltrade, and we are already cattingand fitting the celebrated brandsto the Queen's taste.

BLANKETS will be higher" isthe nnrvereal cry o{ wholesale men,so we haie laid in our stock andwill sell them at the usual prices.Ii you want a pair of BLANKETSyon had better purchase at once;this is our advice and we back itwith cheap prices in the article.

Our buyer purchased a case ortwo of FALL PBtNTS j the pat-terns are novel to say the leaatWo Bend BampleB all over tho worldupon anj application,



saac N. Doty & Go,will during the coming Weelc

ipen the mast elegant line of

.ew FALL GOODS ever shown

in the State so early in the

season. New colors in DEESS

SILKS; new materials in

DRESS O00DS; new Satins,

iuraha, Brocades and Velvets,

new Flushes, ombre and tinsel

iffepts in new varieties; new

Plaids, new Checks and new

Stripes. Speoial bargain in 84

inon BLA.0K DEES8 SILK at

$1.60 per yard, worth $1.86.


Formerly Morris & Doty,

159 &161 Market St.,

Newark, If. J,

FOR SALE.Tt» propartr belwetn tbs Allen aud Tu.50

Blooi, now oc«pt«a BJ Saunel Pnii «• tatore. *It ooQUtna nne acre of Rnmnd, tadhla ft Kood hnaia or fl rooma, large bara7frnand otter oonve&leaMa oo tba picmlaea.

Aplf tApplf atMBSEH'8 HOTEL,

Bkok-.U Bl., Borar, N.


PIT. elljlble tote, inelndl.,

Page 4: TEA Atest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/...fon for jam acd bane. The lent Jiqaor* . find sejjnw a( the bar, alid dwnfort alined at in evexy depaflment, Ufery nUaohpd


The foifowiog letter lias been writtenfor tliu /roN Aye by a gentleman proaiini'Utt.T iatiir«»ttit. ia tbo milling of ironme in Slomn Coituly.

PmtArteLPHU. AHRUSI 23 1881.7" Ike JHih,r of th* Iron A$?: Your

in l o o t i n g loader, entillud " Tlie Tariff< u Foreigu Ore , " reeull HOUHJ remurLs of

of the American Manufacturer ontame getitrnl subject. Thn MiirqiMm iiuj Journal demands RUCII protectionto ore us will '• s t imulus pratJtirlitiii andrfiisfqiiaut competition," instead of &"jug-bnmlle sort of tnriff vbicU aitu*i:i({D ore wined liy punper lnhor intocumpelitiuu with Iht; LOBJI1 wilier, wini \ It.y rvu.sou of ttiu pmtoeliou giveu lotitLcr luduatrk'M, uuiui>u!lcil to pay tliehipbnt prices for lubur," Ac. The Man-vfudio-ir rejilius flint tlinj buve neverIH-UKI (if »uj'cuuiplaint from Ihti iruiiore miners o r their orguux, exempt tlmtP'limlienllv mule by tbe Mining Jour-wt\t AD. Let ii luine'oponitnr of thuAt-liititi*! seulHiiirJ stiy tbut if " n o com-1'ltiini liasljettn heard (mm tuuE-iBleruK)"|II' in n>^jii'il lo thn diii^uii foreignintii. it in iiiiiy ii \nnoi »i our luck of or-t^uiiz.ilim, uml uuisd uf tunic iuti'lliguuLrc|irc.-itHjlalii HI. If I be principle of pro-trittioi] to AniLTiriiii imlnsli^ ia ton ml,irmi ore isi ' i iditri lfo i(* tuivi'vuimrtiou. |

lul v i a , Lake Uu| t>ri«r mining uiukevatit] rc.iMH) liir tining it way with prota-tiou to iron oro, wbyHliiniltJ Ihe t lu t jon niw.i rails rt'Uiniii ut $28 |ier Ion iWiietltt'r the tiiitiihCNu of making BLMSO-inci r.iilti is nljHdUiH'lj IIJIDU lu liomtci)iuj>HitMu wemi In VH in ilonlil; ilccrtaiiilv is iM'iieiicnblu lo buy oru milieu,iweu ia L i k e fcujii'riur. Sinnu of t i tHud HO u River fuiimci'mcn tiro interest^in Luke Cliiiuiniiiiiiiind Duchess Cuutiiymi Ufa, uutl, UB u m!i>, the Ltliigh iruitut'a control the uitica' iuiportuut mag-]iittii'ilf|iuailsi»f New Jt>rsi:y.

Tim writer liiiVipg beuu engageiimil!ing ore uml waking cljurconl ironLjilit1 SjjiL'rior fur Bt'vi?rul yean, kuo1

Iftul luiniirg ri'sltu, an well us ]irorits,ntukt'ii tlii'iti us dseivlieru. I t ioq iinpluck itml fH'i'sislviit fwlb to upon milliu Ibe curly days ; lu cut down furestuniiil jiruvtJt1 iiilcquaH; shelter fur workiiicu ; to iii_'eiuijulnle supplies for rigor*van winters, extending from Novemberto Muy, mi J Uiori'uEttr to build ruilruadsMhurvuH und uliifipiug. If fcuo harveston Hie tvliok', is yn-iil, mrviy sucli outer]irisi\ {."i-iiiiincly Aiuoricuu, abuald suoci'pii. Wlii'i'o, IIUU'UVLT, lias intelligent•tjiit-iiiPKtj (iiu'i'gy [irovttl mureBuleudidljbucct'SHhil than iu th(.L PitLbburgli Jia(rii'i'' I t ia not long siooo out Ensteruinrunci-mm hmn] it "a l te red" tbut$1 5D nt oveus fur Coniiollsvillo coke

rutliot bundsuuii! prtiflts, andihey now fuel tbat $4 per tuu ut furnacefor Antimicilo is not iu fitir proportionto 819 for gray forge irou.

The market for l a k e Superior ore,\ieiug 3[tO to 50D oiilcB West of tbo sea-honrH, is not, perhaps, Beiiom)y brokcointo by foreigu comptititiou, but bow iait willi tlio New Jersey operiilor ? Thomilieu aro located oil the ruggedtain raugiis of Nurtbiirn Nuw Jersey,oxtt'mlinK from the Nsn Torb line utBrirliofc' tlirougli Tassnic, Morris, SiiBBeJuud Hutitcrdou coautics, with light out-crop iiont the Deluwitro Rivor, mid onthe Pt'iiUMjIvuuin side cotirii<mi DOB nt Durham Irou Works. The

cbiJdreu from school—mike tfceir wive*work in the fields, brickyards u d coalmines—cloths their families in ragu, inorder that the rich m|glt get their Militdrii&sea and wioea a ttltle cheaper—change the present good mtirketuE the" farmer, butcher, butter-maker andmeat-paaker" into a poor one, arid conpel tbeai *« soil tbeir products for evenmuch less than they did under thi* soraifrtnt trade perioda before tho war—"doesOTIJ one think tbat KUCII n ftjBtem couldbo maintained lunger ttmu nccasEury toelect n Cnngr«fis to repeal it ?"


groat bulk uf tbe ore produced lust year-cutnea from tbe old und deep mines ofCentral Blorris County, tbo output fromdjx'H cuts or mirfuet) thftgiugs beiug buttrifling outside tbo Gliesk'T district,v.-lii-U niiBfHl little owr 50,000 tonx. A:an fxitinplu of tbe necu-ssarily ooEtlyttbnriiutur of tbe deep work, one celu-Jiratpil mfne, prndncing 2,Q0d torn perniniiili frotu n voriical deptli of aboutl.lKH) feet, coutcndiiiR with btavy bodioaof wiiter, consumer under Loilttra 260loun coal luuutliiy. To deliver Jer&cyori'H to the neurcHt uiarket fuutauto loculfunmces), tlmt of tbo Leliigh, tbore arevusuully tbe loci] cbitrgta of a lateralroad, besidos rate of m-.ui) j costingfor n liuiil i>f 70 to 80 miles. Bay Si.25 toSl.fiO pur tun ; s io rencb the Scbuyl-bill Valiev tlie Iiaii-spuctutiun ruus up to52 lu $8.25 iier l

The ruilroails bringing coal to, nudore from tbe Jersey district," pooled tbeir issues," and nntninKprondeO no water outlet, wo cer-

. tniuly "tako two exceptiouu to tbepresent doty on ore— flrat, tbat it is notbigli enough, nud eecoml, tbnt tbe dulyflioiild lie specific and nut ad valorem."Fordgu ore, iuvcieed at figures busedon ypauiab «u<l African lnbor, is carriedto the steel works at minim aja milcbnrgefl, every important track tcnxuVatiogator coovonieot to tide eagerlyconipetiuR fur tills carriage, while Amer-ioati railways Bceoad American legisU-tiou in diacriminating in favor of foreignores, - JmsET.


BavidA. Wells bns milieu a letter lotboOcs Moint's Leuder on free trade.He ninltpa use of tbo following forcibleillnalrutbu:

If every rrom&u who bought a silkdress was stopped by a treasury officialUK tibo went out of tbe store, and sixyards out ol evtry ten wera cut off,forcibly taken from ber and bunded overto a silk manufacturer al Fateraon, N.J . ; o r if every farmer, batcher, butter-maker, Dr raealpiicker in buying abnsliul of salt were compelled to buy andgive to a Syiacuee (N. Y.) suit manufac-turer tlireeijualters of a busbel ad*Jilioaal, in order tolmve Ibe brirtlsgeofnsini; tho first bushel; or, if twenty mil-lion busliels of wbeat bud to be flpcciallyplsiuted, JiarvcBtDil nud put osidr to begiven to eleven Bessemer steel-rail

THE BLUE BURRO.Tbe donkey is a uiurvelom animal

point of voice, liis bribing powor varieatufersolf ax bis size. Tue lurgti Bpauibbjack, wuose bray c»n be lieurd a distunceof tbirty-four miles—us computed byPruf. Huxley-is reduced to sileacu vbcolie GO tors into cumpotitioQ fitb n smallLoudou doukey of not balf bis size. Tbe

ml, and, at tlto same time, tbest, of all tlonkcye ia tlie Mciioiinburro, n little benat not muob lurgora NfwfouutHuod Jog. It wae a

ey of this vuiiuty tbat iu 1867 putbis nosu into ilia door of a Protestant

no chupel iu UinitkuLepetl and Id thii preacher uud the tsii ire cou-i ioui Duuiberitiji five BDUN aud

fifteen Mux!«atiH, out of the buck win-dow. Tbo unfortunate congregation

il liofitru the awful blast likeleuves bofure a burricane, aud even theruof of the mission clmpi<l WUB lifted and

w«8 dis-

tiuclly hcurd as fur us Obicobuultluc,tli-laut uigiity-five miles, wbero it wasmiatukoa for tbe roue of an »pproacl>iD£cyclone, aud BO jtreatlyalarmed tue peo-ploua fo ffmpurnn'ly iudtrritpt businessand put u slop to tbo morniug'i revolu-tiou.

the Mexican burro bas lately beeiintroduced iuto New-Orleaos, where liehas become very popular as a wefulpluytbtng fur cbildreo. Els bray hasnilu rally orented a good doal of aatoo-iabment, and tlie local donkeys buvientirely ceased all attempts at oompetlive braying, Not only U bin voice JHIVCtimDB aa powerful as tbe voico of an

mA> SISCB u n3I» $ro/i pmeaa Varied Properlia.I I H l w t i l A M t h P t l l

oiler doukoy, hut it contains a far large:quantity of ingenious and appallin"slops." Tbe burro has a steam whis-tin " stop," a Obinrae pong *' atop,'' anasaw-llling "slop," of wliloh oo othei-stylnof donkey can boast, aod wbeu itis ndde'l that ho has a coupling arraage-ment by wbich he can sound these unall hia remain lug stops BimulUoeouel,tbe full borror of liis bray can be appre-ciated.

Dr, Joliu X, Cruger, one of the lead-iug seientjUo persons of New-Orleuna,rojentlj bought A burro for liis littledaughter. Fiisoinated by tlie bray of tliunimal, be determined to make a PcieQ'tiSa ioTsstigolioa into the nature of tbburro's vooal iuatramont, and with thatintention spent many hours in observinghim wbon in the act of braying. Hefinally made up bis mind that ibe

ili of the brny were caused, bya penuliar Btraoture of toe larjnx, andho tbeieupoo determined to overhpoltbe barro's loiyux in the moat tborongbmunner. •

Accordiogty, be one day seized tbdonkey, ooniuyod bim to bis privateoffice, and there, putting him under theinfluence of chloroform, opened hilarynx. To bis grout surprise, lie foundtbat tbe larynx was filled with a series ofBuall tubes, each oontiuuiug a " reed,"and precisely lesemblicg tbe pipes of omolodeon, Be counted fweotj-nine ofthese tubes—though he is Dot qaite surewhether tlie twenty-eighth and twenty-uiuth wero really depurate tubes—undwitb a remorseless knife removed eie:one of them from tbe donkey's larynxand placed them in a bottle for exhibi-tion to hia mediaa! class. The larynx,which, afler tliis operation could not be(Umitignished eitber in sine or shapefrom the larynx of any professionalbasso, was then washed out with & weakdilution of oarbolio abid and sewed op.The bnrto on recovering hit aeniseemed weak amd spiritless, md wasplaced ia bis stable sad orders givei)I hat he should not he disturbed forseveral duya. I t was nearly a weekbefura tha animal fully recovered andwas ready to resume active braying.

Tbe Doctor watched close!; to notetbe effect of his operation upon tbedonkey'* roi$e. On tbe sUtb day aftertbe removal ol the tabes from the larynxtlie dookey showed-on erideot jntentionof bruying. He planted bis four feetBrmlj and vide apart, be itretobed oathia Deck, laid back his eats, nod took ina fall breath. Not a aonnia followed,except* genthmunaut Kke tbe peace-ful purring ol the contented oat. Thedonkey looked all. around him in (peatastonish meat, carefnlly fieatabjog; theground to sea if he had accidentallydropped bis voice, nod then again placedhimself in position for a bny. Therewas tbe eame gentle purring Boaod,' baiof tbe old fnuilifli bray, breaking, thewindows of tho entire pariah and loosen-ing tbe bask teeth of even the strongestmen, not a note wns heard. Dr. proper'soperation had totally extirpated' theburro's bray nod reduced h ip to pomplete aod pertoaDeut Bilence. The' dis«ippoiuted aqinwl, opervfbelnied with a

sense of his tniufortuDfl, kipked tbeDoctor's little girl on the right arm,just below tbe Blbow, sod then gallopingto tbe river threw himselt ia sod idrowned. ^

The sstonlBiiing discovery tbut thebray can be removed from ovtn theloudest donkey by a skillful largeon'skoiln bas bad an immeDBe i flaenoe upontbe Wew-Orloana donkey market Mex>iean burros Lave risen one bundted percent, in price tnd *re universally adver.Used as "prime voioelessburros." Br.Jrnger's office is erojrded with donkeys

establishments cacb audeTery year, in t brought thither by their owaen to bedordtr to cmible tbeu to make and sell

atocl raila to the people of tbe country ntfrom $20 to $26 por ton more (baa equally good rails could bo bought for else-where; if tbe tariff could ha administer-ed in tbii fashion, and I bat whfeb ia nowdone covertly could bo done openly, doesany ane Ihink tbnt sneb a syslem oonl3be maintained longer than reeeasary toelect n Congress to repeal it ?—0ltateaIII.) Fret Trade.

It^ every elltt maaataolarerN. 0., wero forbidden by Da?id A, Welband liia free tradu oond jutors to pay tieiremployees more tUaar tbo Frencl, taanu-fuctnrerspay tbeirs, and made lo bandover to ibe wealthy weavers of •ilk

the differenco between HIB wagesof Pate n and .tbe wages of L yona : orif every " farmer, bateber, butter-makerornitat-packor werocoiopellwl" lo selltbeir pro3ncta for obouL one-half wbattbey now get for them, in order that theymight SflTOB few cents on a barrel ofsalt; " or if 20,000,000 baubeiti of wheathni iu he specially planted, harvestedand put psido" to make up for tbe heavydecline in pri<!b which would follow theadaption of the policy of David A. Welband liia coadjutors, in order ibat (henil-rooiU might potailily get rwila a ]j»]«obodp«rtbflntheydonow: if, in a word,E fan twao OonKreu wero to compelthe voTklognmn of tbo United Slatoa toJabot for European wages—keep tbeir

operated opnn, and he.bas Ipelled to drop DU bU otbee pstients andto grre hu wttolfl attention to tbia newbranch of his profession. Of coarsewhat can be done to a bnrro can be doneto other donkeys, and in a short tinewe n»y expect to see thti bny removedfrom ever; donkey in the oonttry. Tiebray, wbich has to often assaulted onrears, will then become purely tradiiiono],and ia all the xoologicsl text-bopki ofthe fata™ the donkey will probably haclassed as a variety of cat-bird, with ivoice i Waling that oi tbe best llaltete

v softm

In Holy Writ it U prophesied tliat ihstine will came when leven women shalltake hold of one man and ask bim. tomarry them a!!. It wonld seem tbat thistime is rapidly approaching in Micli-igau—a 8Ute, by tho way, in yrhioh notso very many years ago women were atagreat premium. Bat not long since two•inters of Detroit, beloved of tbe sameirresolute young man, became impatientof his inability to f» nappy witb either.and agrevd to mirry htm on ponditibntbat be woald take them to DUh at onoeand never do aoaoy more, And oovthree other Michigan damsels have slop*Bd with another young man, who, by tak-ing then ona after another to tbrcedifferent minliiars, anooecded in marrj.

them all and taking Ahem on a three

1 was Buffering wild pain Jo tins Uck ii>-fs; Iti fact, i j j e n G n l ' " '

t!"k soinVor'Dr.' C L A M " JOHNSON'S"iidlBlood Bjruu tod In » short (line wax tpeeuioured, nail can now confidentIv reoomntendto nil who may be troubled as I w»s .

M1B8 S. LANINO.jAOKirjvTiLLK, Borlinglon Oo,, H. J.

I have UBUII Dr. C l u b Jobusou's INDIANBLOOD' BY11UP for Inflwumatory Bheonii-

<1 varbt is otber diioweB t r u i n g fromLluotJ, »DI1 bavo received great benefit.

I morun iend u s oao Lo Buffering oumini ty .10EL FE1IT0N.

TcKSEMTiLLt, Glouoeiter Co., M. J .Tliie in to eertify tbat Dr, Cl . rk Joli

Itnllaii Dlood Kyrup hai entirely oaredIjjIioLiHiietm. I recommond its urn In m.. _nliiniiiimty. n : H D E N HILLS).

Afcfli?£ff7Y?YJff Tuorrii Co., ff,I have used Dr. Clark Jobnsoj'B INDIAN

BLOOD SYRUP far cliflh ind taver, Bud i tbaa offeotmlly oared me. The nedialne b»gno eqnal, FIIED JONES,

Agents wauled for the sals of the INDIANBLOOD SYltUP In « T « M tewp cr village, innhlab I have qo »gout. Partloalara given onapplication.


Laboratory 77 West 3d St., N", T.






FILLING,.*".VTO additional obttge for extracting trbere1 1 new teeth are luaerted. Weirenowmak-iug tioantlfnl ieti at teeth tot


D0TBI,8epteiQbera5tb, ISIS.

THE BiEST1 PLAGEof its kind for onjojtnsntHa tbfi sagtlon is

D. MOLLER'S,S 0 B B E S S T . , ( N £ X T T O T H I # B H X H C )

0OVJCB, N. J.Juit received and placed fn poiitioo THREE



Pool Tablesfrom tlie oelebnted mtnufBotory of J, 11,


0ECHESTRI0Nb u ftlio Juit been ropplled with new magicand will delight the patront of Ibe bonae morethan erer, lamUhlng muilo eqnU to a, b n u


LAGER BEEHalwaji on dnaght u d the boil of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSilwaji prayidM for fo pttrom of


A new and largo Block of

CHILDREN'S WOODEN TOYSl * s Just been ro&eived a t




Children's Baby Carriages,WHEELBARROWS, mil m.ny othtr trl lokiin wood eqnklly abetp. A prime, lot of


tud pnre conrectlooeir on bknd.



The elegant and reliable iteamerKILL TON HULL

LWITOI Pier 47, root nt'ltnb Bl., H. R. daltr it11.1S A. i t , l JO, 1.15 and fl,SO r . M.,

1 Piur 3, N. H. 11.80 A. K..1.U, i.SO and6.U r . M.


ANDPIEH3aT9.15i. B.uoKen o*n Ukt tla* Uth SI.,


Miners Wanted at Midvale,'ASSAIO OOCKTT, H ' j .


County Collector's Notice II will be . t tin offlo of Hie 8nrto«aia. Her

nitom, br the tntuaolloa ol Oomlj bnlinHSi on nranda* OF eaoh wMk. Md at tillolta if Surnt'llichaiilh W , Da>n,%Mondajp, TDOKUK, Vadoodaji i»a Fnjaji.


No bmaai igcqgj « j i to ipeadlly o

«ufo«b»aalruid TON • * • ? <*




Sewing Machine.Three-quarters of Jill the sewing machines

sold throughout the world are Singers. Thisworld renowned machine is sold on monthlypayments of $3.00. We charge no fancyprice for fancy wooid covers. A solid wal-nut cover with each machine. Every gen-nine Singer has a gilt trade mark in thestand leg of each machine. All others aremere imitations. WE HATE REMOYJEDto New Store on BLACKWELL St., SEXTTO WM. H. BAKER'S STOKE. Needles,oils and everything pertaining to the trade.Repairing a specialty. Buy direct throughthe company's olltcc and have a responsiblewarrantee. We turnish any machine inthe market at lowest ligures.

Send for free circular of Demorest's fashions.P. H. BURRELL. Sole Agent.

Dover, M. I . , Feb. 18th, 1881.A T THK N E W S T A N D ,



Extra Engiuo Oil,Tallow Engine Oil,No. 3 Engiuo,Dark Engine Oil,Sperm Mocliioor.v Oil,No. 1 Machinery Oil,Dark Lubricating Oils,Railroad Lubricator,SbafliDR Lubricator,Went Virginia Oil,Steam Refined Cylinder Oil," drown" Wood Oil,Blainlran Spindle Oil,No. 1 Spindle Oil,Drink Freaud Oil,W. B. Sperm Oil,W . 8 , WbaloDil,Prime Naatafool Oil,No. 1 Neatefoot Oil.W. Strained Prime Lard Oil,No. 1 lard Oil,W. Puio Salad Oil,


W. While Cotton Seed Oil,W. Yellow Oottou Seed Oil,Dark Oar Oil,SpeimPaokiogOil,Extra-Pooling Oil,Paintors'OH, ,•* OrownVXight Goiaponnd," Fosaaio" Dark Oompound,Boiling Mill Oreasa,A l O

lJ UAlLitUAD.(M0B1U8 A.8V t y » K i ClYlBiON.)

DopotB iu New Vurt , (out of J Ja rdsy St. tadfuolut Olirlutuptier Mt.

BUMMKU AUllANUiii l i iNTS.Comiutnolng i lUNlJA^, JAN. lot , 18B1.

L E 4 \ K NEW i U H K .A t T i S O A . M. fJSaHton Mat! X r u m ) , c ^ -jc l ing witti tbo JJuomuu liruuub a l Dtuvi l l t

lucttrjuuua auti (Jbout tr ; tbu dunstx Jiatlru&uit Waturluu, fur Aiidover, Nuwtou aud all atu-4oii«; t l i e l i . , L . &, VV. I t . It. u t WftBhiuytou

" m u c k * On uuk,Water Gap, Btroudclttirg,tun, Groat Utmd, i iu tguamiou, UHUD,

iliulitlold BpriiJKH, Homer , Vwttmd, a m o u s e ,Ouwego ami pumiu oo tlie Luckuffunua and

• — l u t i m g a u d Volaviaru and Hutleou itail-; also a t PtiUUpuburg witb L U M K U Val-

iy ItailmaU and JUuulnb aud BuaqueLanu* It.I. for iiothleliom Mau&UOuunkj lieaditLtc andlarriBbuig.At iitu A. IS. Omega Eiprtev (Drawltty

Uuum Otru nltnotiud) [rum Hew York via. l'at*man aud Doontou, r a u s tLrongli to Wateil a p , tStrouUtburg, Sorncton, iittal Bend,' h a m ton, Lialo. i la ra tUon, Ourtlaud,

ur.SyraoQHo nad Omvego; uonnectlnK BIirwitli OUuuier H. B M »v Waterloo ffiib31 Ii. R, tot Audover, Hswlita and all #ta-

tiouBi a t Delaware witb Sls l ratowu By., aletcrauton, witli i i idomiburg Divlsiou t o r P i t t i -Ion, Kiugston, Wllkesbarrs, UaaviJle, Nortti-umberlautl, ko.t a t l imebini lot^ witli -Utia.livisloii lo r Oruone. Sorwlou. Otioa, auJ

Jikliliulil Bprings. faBBeugorx tiUmn l l ibI rs ia from Sew fork, rmer»ou and llvuntuucan coiinuut t l Waaliiugtuu with train lotPliillipuljurg, Eaaton, UetlileLew. U'D<arriuburff uud puiota oil tho Xibk \\

id Lulilgu miOuHquelianna Ha. .-aaui-lillipaburg witb Uelvidere Divwioli of PL. .

a.forLarabertvUlij.'froDtouaadPliilidelpIjiAt iOAO A. M. DoTer AoooramodaHon.Atl«'OO M. Baaton Eiprcsa.At 1:00 P. U. B'gbamtni luc^reiB, Dr»winB ltoomaraatuolisd ruua tliiougU to Water G»i>, Siraudi-

il OuBc,dperm Signal Oil,ttl. HeadliBlit Oil, IBOo,B Heuclliglit Oil, IGOo,B. HeadllgbtOil.ltOo, 'QnBolioe, 90i,Oosollno, 8Si,Oasolino, 83o,Deodorhud'Nuptlias, all Gravities.

We take pleasure in introducing to the trade our various grades ofmachinery and other heavy oils. These goods are manufactured by

*i at our works, consequently we give them the benefit of our personalipervision, and guarantee them to give perfect satisfaction, both in

luality pDd.prifce, or no sale. JfiP* All our oils GUAIIANTKED STWOTLY'ORE. " Brilliant" Safety Oil & specialty, put up in Patent Faucet

Cans, eipreusly for family use. State Agents for HOME LIGHT OIL.

MCKIRGAN & Co., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,

DANIEL MOlliR,Bottler and dealer in Ehret's cel-

ebrated Lager anil the famous Roch-ester Beer. These Lagers stand atthe head of the market as tlie finestbeverages used in America. 1 hey arethe richest in flavor, and the best tokeep, and are therefore gaining aworld-wide celebrity. All orders bymail or otherwise will receive promptattention. Remember that the soleagency for this section is at


INT. 3".

E. SIXSBERhai reduced tlie price for plain painting tc

$1.90 PER DATFrom tbia dato, tnd vill take contract! at verj

1 figurei to correspond with that rate.


npon the loveat terrai. Contracts taknn for

Frescoing Interiors1 bo ihoKQ if desired. My a lock of

WALL PAPERII now complete, embracing

r,ooo ROLLS.)F HOO DIFFEBEKT DB9IONS, B R B W«p«ri from 9 ctnti to 60 ceoti per rail; gold

M N from 40 eti to IS. Ic*nnotbe underuftj?tlMM»ttt]OjM

ORDERS, DADOS,Ceiling Decorations,


Gold Mouldmas, Hooks. So . 'SlK-for puxrlot u d kfLbommlD; mill.

UMfcilKHMM mlx«d la urdarlowwj oolormdjr to put m by quiet orf^lon.

iprunu.,1881. Dover, N. J.

TO, M I N E R S !

'Miners Wanted at Midvale,, tike ferateklf





BT0. .OOT0


l7-3m OOVBR, R. J.


MBS. KEARNSDeilrea to call the itteDtlon of the people orUlna Hill and •Icinltr to ht-r new I0B OriE.MlAND CONFECTIONER* aupaitment. HatingmadQ eapeciil «rrktigBment> for that pnn»Mibe feeli Wb9dant ofgftIDS astiirwtlgn to all

nonolD (hBOonntji . . . „ — , _ „and {wpersd «Q(1 apart tram hersen, wnloh ooniiati ofQBO0BBISH, I;n0VI8I0Na, TOBACCOS, 01-

yon nan BIWMI Bnd a good nipply of •wrtblng

J H B l ion Eft*" c«n ^hrmya ba found onkei e^unt«ri for tale. , 38-lj



liken tnd u t o h l i Amiahed.

Slate RoofingWith Mfar fulUtiH I UD «a»bl.a'lo put

onSIATEJlOQPa diopathuinufttliig

ployiog lo t <SS S o h l o l i Ten gar.uteomtarkl u 4 work In «'«rj rarttn.iu.' XuBhMhlng mtalwKjionnud

DJilad OoUtnt Ulk. 18(0.


IB Charmingly Ornamented \rfth Ajftbosquo DoeignB in GOLD.Ml *tho teUh to teevre tbh 0rga»«t fOO tnuttonlw at CUM a* the yrtee trill moo* bt a&vaneei t» $

T&^em&tSttXSLiSESSft!!!lul tunornr-""-1 ' -"• "• ' " '


pttrl). txmtl Inivel u d ort&Uoi

ths Bentt/ Omui*. ItlaoiuiA bMutinu, Sttimj

trhua dreiva. ftvue Io Ita loi


Orjin, a one pnlnctoj similar cfects, at any price

Order at Onoe.—RotWag flavei ty long CoirccpocdcnceOT VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME. L.-

OADTNP.T nH(IAllB.-C«MiKt l>nr»n«, »Sn. nnd HpwsriK Viiw <Kw^«ynu^ilttMft^ndyour&?"nfcfop1i^unAH^>lii:HV-'NT'KM'''i"wnlttUIUld l o t mnraeijL OBT TOIHt ORDKIt IN EMN.V u n J , „diaannainlaiCMd lor Ibere will tw Iluidrtdi ut OrJtr t tu rill u i Ckri

,ddress or call upon DANIEL F. BEATTY, The Manufacturer, Washington, New Jers ey.

1. This brace in i t i prcnllrsr omit ruction liaa antno MVBiitiBesor • snipcudo' /or tbe pantaloonsno ii Id et brace Suit cl.cat eipmulur coutbluei)

3 . It doeH urn dignrraiipo tlio ahlrt bnsDm.9. Ii caimol tlipuS tlio -'>«"i^- -

l»; aiIt.i

rg .Bonui tan .Uln iuui tu i i . ayracDBeai iAUi ,ootmeoUnuaiScmitoD wlili Lack, ft maotnalu^K. It, for PltUton, Wyoming, King*ton and Wilkei-larre, Paaieagen taking t t l i twin iroin Nanork,PateT»onaad Uoontou etn couiieutst WMPH-

Ington with train Ha, I. .Leave New York at 3.30 P. M (Eaiton Ki-

iremi) uonueoiluii at Waterloo for A'udovei,r«wtunaud UranoliviUB. aud Bt fhUIUisbur^lili Lobigh Vftlky Ikilroad and LeliigU anu

dosmiebuiiiiu R. K. for Batblukem, Allen town,lending anil HarrisbuVg. Also with Bel, Del.

Huiiroad for Belvldure.At *tl0 P. M. Water Gap H[)ociBl from Nenorb via tbo Doonton llrauuli.4i40 P. u Dover ExpreBR for Summit

B t l B v l l I c . UBHUingrUge nnd all points ouaud Dulawara llatlroad.) Olintliam.

d u Q , Morrlstuwu, Mortli Plaina, DoDvitif,Rookawayaml Dover.

Jit SiUU T>, H, (HackBttBtnwn fliprcm)stop-pipg at Mllbarn, Uninmft, Obalhatn, Mndisoii.lorrlstown ami all itntium went to Hajhetts-

t w n , connecting nt, Waterloo with train tutndovcr and Nowion.At 7 :oo p. M. ODffogo Eipr. sg from Ketv

ottfBtBopfogaaiaatUoiiiHl) viK.E*UitaanJLoonton tbrunch to Water Onp, Strondabnrg,

aofaBton, Eingliamloc, Lisle, Mar»thun,Oort>land. Humor, Hymen no and On w PRO, onneotu Waterloo witli 8u«uoi Railroad for Andurormd Nowton; at Dolawaro wi th Blairetown By.Lt BiiiRhamton with train lor Oretno, Oilonl,orwiun, Vtica, &e. Th\a Iraiu rans tbrougb

^oOswppo antnrdaj nlgbts. -A t l i 4 » P , H. Dover Atoommodntion for

Ulmtbam, Morristown and Dover.For Bern&rdavillu, Bankinj!ridge, Lyons,

Uillington. Stirling, Gillette, Berkutcy Heightautl all utntlunB OQ P»BIB!C and Delaware II.n. (N. J, Wmt Lfoe Btllroit]) &10 A. M. ami1:20 and 4:20 P.M.

A. REASONEB.Snperiawndent.


[>liiIlipflburgSpeii.4:3fi3HwegoEipre«B» fi2»

ivor ExpressekettstownEt

A. u . w i n BODHD

^kekettW»ler Qap Spec,N York Elp-DOTOT Acoom.

w York Mail 3:44)over Aocoro. 6:45

O B c E * 763Sow York Accom, 8:37

•Via. Boonton Branch .

Dover Acoom. 12:25£uton Eiprest 2:00B'gb!unt(mEip.*2:30Eaaton Eiproes 5:29Water Gap Spec. 6:i2Dover Expreag - • -B'kettBtownEip.Oatrego E i p /


L . M . f.H,.0,67 - 6.80LO.47 8.321057 6.17,0.27 B OB10.US 6.0010,00 5.60

OkesterHortimIroriaflncaainnrjiHoOatnivUltPort Oram -

- BUTWiBS.A. U , K MT.bS B.E5IM 4.157.47 i.BO7.S3 4.407.65 i.CH

'. 8.03 E.H18.10 0.25

No more Round Shoulders !Freeman Wood,PIRE



9. It ca| . Tuo L tiis button f Hie p»n.

be «djusied' S. Each section of the panUloiidepeuildiitly. \0- By meaiiB nf tbo adjuitablo back ulrup, a gen-

tle or iinmrHrml brice may bo Qbi»inad.T. Iu raluy wcatlmr tho pauutoona may bo relecd

trom tho heel* without iDterfeHtig ytlth tbe mat.

1. This braco in ifB ,.tbo advnntOHM or • cli


j thn limits.3 It keepi thesliuuldors K'tfei-lly sit. Hrclleveabuck liii>.nnil ehilninl

lupportluu Uis outlro wdgbt of ibe i

the advnntOHM or • client tijiauder aud tklrt iporter ccmbiueil

2. It e)[«uils tUocheat ami glvta fret /oH^lralo Vtfl Itiniia.

t> II without any in(p s m UBW Ills to tha wInvaluable to c l i Wreny them toaiwuja sit er

ouveulnacc wtalfivrr


WM. H. BAKER, Blackwell St., Sole Agent.



.1 'SClothing Hall,




M O N T H O3F« JXJU.- ".

Reliable Cutters, fine materials,lowest prices and the best satis-faction given.


lew ciiiiiuuiii ri—l]if bf iU ;n tlio world :

LONDON ami LIVJ-lItl'OOL uml

OLODE, c»i.il»l Sil),Ullll,(M)O.

L i H O A S m i l E ol MANCUE3TEU,

C«))i(nl 810,0011,001).


lliipital*] 0,000,1)01).


Capital $5,(1011,000.


Oaliital SDOO.DOO.


of rbi!a(l«!ii!iin, AHfitits $(il)i),()OII.

Tlio London AHfmrnnco Corporalion ofLOULIOU, capital ^^nOI^IHKI.

Hpringfluld F i ro IiiKuranoo Co., Mawiuchu-aeU«, capital $il,fiuU,U0{).

.KJstcbofitor F i i o Iu'iurattoij Company ofNow York, capi ta l $5011,000.

3EBM<*N AHEBIOAN $1,0110,000

R I B Association ofPIil'a,ABHETH, - -


- 43,E00,O00


Freeman Wood,Juiiiio* of tbo Pcaoo and Polico Misii ' -r


Plmo table for psBHitgor tiaioa, to take eflootM»3 Wtb, 1881. .

Leave KG* York.,,rUtladelphUOcr.Btb.nd Green BU.

" a d a n k *'

Newark • 7.20 8.46 4.85EliMbflth 8.03 fl.1T 6.05Banna Brook... 8.10 &Sk~~5.41High Bridge fl.iHI.M 6.88Oalifop.... 96BU25 863Verooj

fl.iHI.M 6.889.6BU.25 8.63

10.0311.80 «.5SJO.07UJI8 7.00lO.lfl 11.61 7.07

OermaD Vallej 10.171L66 Hit- " - — i r . . . : I0.8B12.I6 7.2S

L|ave Nniifilirigbt, ..10.1918.09 7.13

« Ftiadeni'.'. !V.'!.V.V"'I03»12.'fflI 7*23" O a r y ' a . . . , 10.MlU3fi 7.»" DrikeiTillu , ...,10,8713.31 7 SI" HCDVI]-., 10.40 ia.*S 7SS

PortOram . . . , . . , . . .1(1.60-108 7.46Dover ,,

- Dover'..-.i


„ 1-17i '» & 19, i . M . >• U,"j. if.

..-; e . » v a ,« i 8.80. &S0 8.29 8.4B

685 8 8 0 4 0KtDTi1 - -D-abSBiUlB. 4 . . . . &47 3.47 4.SW

;O»rj'i ,.,...,. 6MB.B3 4.87Fl tndBr i . . . ; . : . . . . . ; ;O.MBM 4.41Bartlny ....6,60-3.59 448MaughtIgbt. . . . . . . . . . 7.0* * 0* &5B

•• Chester . , . , , , . . . . . . . . &B8 S.SS 5.10r r l i e Q p r m » p V i l i f y . , . , , . . . 7.P9 «,O0 8.34

) QeraanVt l l eT . . . . . . . . 7.10 4,10 • « . »M i d d l e T a M e j . . . , . . „ v 7.17 4.17 flr87

4.17 0.87iM 0.fi0

440 620

•* gUwbnth . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,15 fl.17 a-Sowark .7 . . ; . . . . . «MTrtnt«s.'..i v........ !PhiladelphiaCor.8d«,fidBcrkiSU, 8.93

" flthud Owwflui. 10.10 aicHeir fork., , ; . . .( , . . . 'AS)fiM" fl.?S

Ooimjaneei can b« procured at GermanVallnr to »«d from HchnoleT'i UonnUln; at

linden to ana from BDJO'I Lakn; at Xenrllt And from Lake Hopatcong.

ZifTCM OaiinuTloiH^-TnlDi 80.17,5 ani

arton and point* tm lehlsh 1 Bnw. Stf,rale lurlnir Buton at fi A. M. makei el«eoanaoUoii with train Ho. lftiralliUtlnnatt.

k y . Train lcaT% Eaitonat4 r.M.Mnneets with train No. 14, with a, dDltj orowr aa hoar,

Porou* Kiw BOOK) Vahafcls and n»efnlkljfor srirjbodr Aim "Hill'i Hannal,"lleb alill "boomi" Aatan ueatiwuitntlH B B E P A B D B 3 8 D J ^ N ¥ 8M

SlorriB County SurrogatlTQfficB.JULY Otb, 18B1.

Jn tha matter or Jaroofl H. Sei«;bbonr, Eiecn-tor of William B. ivFvne, deceiaed.

/ Borrnsate'a order to limit cruilitota./*VM explication of tbe aborc asmed Eiecii-\J tor, it la ordBred by tha Sitrrugatctuat mid JSieoulor Rive pnbi'it- uotin tothe creditors of the outato of aaitl a>:ced^&t tobring In their debtt, tlctnuiKle nnd claimaagalaal tbo aanie, under aith, witliin nmonontbafrom thla date, hv utttioK up tt copyof thin order, wilhia Iweniy daja hevcafttr, inflte of the tnoit pablio pUcus in tlio Couuty otMorris for tno moutba, aud also within tbeuid twenty d»yi br riwfatpR tbu **mb inthelBOM EBi, ODB ol tbe newspapers of thisiltate, for the same spaoe ot tuon (the Surro-gate judging anj fn'rtW notice lo be onmc-esaary): ana if any creditor shall nrcleut ioexhibit bia or her debt, demand and claimwltbln tbe said period f>f nine month)., publicnotice being glveu i s afott>Nwd, pneli crt-aitor-itill be forever debarred 'ifliiH ot h" ' actionihereror agalnxt tho raid Eiccnior.

A true copy from the minutes.33-lOw OHARLES A. G1I.LEK. 6\irro^atc.

Korris County SurogaVa Office.AUGUST let, USt.

In tha matter of Lao* Tnera, Eicoatiii nfffdliam M. Taew. aeetuad. Snrxoff»le'jorder tollaiLeredlturu.

/ \ N application of tho aboTe-mtned Eieo.\J ntrix it ia ordered br the 8niroRar0thai wld Bxeoutrlx give tnbho notioa toUia oreditori of tbefiUle of atid decedent tobring In their, debt), douaoda and oltlnntcalaat tb« teme, nudor oitb, mtbia tiiuenontbi froin'tbia date, by MttaR an a oopjr ofthUorder.ifitliin twenty dayaborparter.iirBioof the moat pablio pltcoa in tbe county of Mor-rliTorUTo mootinVind a^owilhln tbo nldt(re«tv days by advorlialntt the -tamo in tbe"IrWE»;"traeottherw thuaffinft >ny fatltor notice

ana If anr oroditor abill nerieot tor ber debt.denund tnd cl.lm vi

rid f i th bll

tbe note ipsc* or tipif> (tbo.Borropite' any (aritor notice t ibe anntoeiiary);

- - •" - ' •• ——* to exhibit HIaor ber debt.denund tnd cl.lm vitbio tlie laidperiod of nine wonthg, vpnbllo notico tangriren as iforciald. tneb creditor unall ra for-ont dtbarnd or bis or i,er action thereforininittfaauidExeonLrii. CTA. Iran copy lro» the qitqqtw,''


PB1CTICAIiulba age ofrcaponn regard toEdncsti

The j rost nnbtem "*&*&.:earefuHr eoiitldeivdrfroiulba age ofrcaponsilnlity op to maturity. In regard toEdncstiou,

Ac. SowErei.VBitotiare tobeBread.Wln-n e n . Tbo ifolono-raboundi m itriklngh t r a p e infonnatlou a.Dd Interne cam-

q , lull p*jt* PWored pl»lM-e»c))one a gem.- ApBntB wanted irferjwbere. Bendforoiroalar,raUdefor|pt!on. lerm», Ao. Ad-


fororodns i


Philadelphia, P

3.000 iscDta wantsd W ibH the l|le ot

PRESIDENT OABFIELD,aeladi&gft MB utd iwsnrite wcoqnt at hitirlef bat eteotfQl tdinlniitralian | (bo greatlonfllctwlth tho "KTALWART*" hradodb.

JfloilfnR i ttio dlibolfo*] attempt to aBnaifo-ate faun, medical treatment, eio, Tbu intenaololereai Mfflled n n u a ihoQundi to dennifull nartianUra, benw thli book m u t tell in*tneOKlj. Terms liberal Ontnt 00o Cirao-t i n free. Addreu

- " " » C

Notice of Settlement.Notice i i ltDreb.T clren that the accountfl «nio BQbBcriber, AdmiolMtrRtrix pf-iidenle lilt' thn te ta to of William M. Tu<m, drecBHcJ

wl) lw»ndi«rd imO nlaled by ilio SinroRfttu.and reported Tor get t lcmeat lo tbo CrrinonB1

Court ofJhB CoiTnty of Morris, un Monday tho




alirajtf firry a comptete tttockot

Dry Goods





Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,

Conrt or tho CoiTnty «f Mortliiid day of October next .

Dated July 29th, 1681.

Notice of Settlement.Notice ii hereby Rlvea that tho aocnants nr

toe •obicribcr. AilmtniBtrfclcir of Barali M.81111, dejM, will be .odi.cd «,a »>tid bj t ta8om)Bite, IDA reported lor wttlpmnnt to tbo

tbo heel n the country.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

to anil ft-OTi Europe,

Fl 0 resto n Co loenieHost Fragrant &Befr*sliug cf BerfaineB

ExceedlBfly Oelicile and tailing.

PARKER'S GINGER TONICThe Medicine for Every Family.

t NEVER 1NTOKICATES.Htdtlrom Guigtr, Sochu, MaodraVe, Su'Hinf

od Mh««fthebcst v t t t t . bk remediM kuo' G TOKIC bit remaikably « "

In the m»tl«r • 'Uaphn J. P.lmer, l.tainU-tr.tor orObiileiPalner.dtojued. Unrio-ffftte'i order lo limit brediton.On inpllutioo of the kbovc oamed

..-.tor ft I. ordered ov tlo SnrroKtte tbM Ibo•.Id .<lmlnl.tt.tor , i ,o pobllo notice, to the

latoe^nDdet•patb,wltbin nine ranolhiifrom tblidalj,>y Bottlji£ np a copy cl ihliorder, withinm a l y d i n horealtar, ft five of tlie man pnb-lioptaoeiin the coontyor Marrin t 'r twomontbi.iindaliowltbln'flie iiid twentr d « i

ol tbe. nevapifwn or thla SUtt, for ibe;ame apicw of time (tlie wrrojalo J n % » amrBrUeriwt1nto.be nbnecemrj); and If anycreditor ihaltneBleot v, cihfbft hi* or b ndebt, doaaud ind oltiin within the taidperiod

nine nwDthi, pubHo ootico bains glivn i ,ircHla,tooh creditor ahall bi; foraiorde-ircd of bfi or baraetlon tberefortgaitiBt tbf

0HABLB8 A. QHXEN, Sarrofate.

r, Sk»d Puiifier Md

Tbe Best Hedioiuo ToaoanUco

- - »ct f/on the first dose, tamij the weak ore""*, mi ii wnnnltd to a.dpa lUlwue ta r ihe BOMU, Sux^ch, Wocd.

Wwaen, Nenroturew, Slcepla'tncu, BheOB»-

M 0UT«putaTB an ouuide wrapper, H i « * *;

ParKers HairBalsatn