NAME : JANANI A/P RAJARAM MATRIC NUMBER : JB1406BD7262 SUBJECT : TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSIGNMENT 1: QUESTION 2 Certain positions demand respect simply because of the nature of the position. A teacher, however, cannot expect to be respected simply because he or she is “the teacher”. List down several points for a teacher to earn respect from his or her students. Teachers play an important role in the lives of students. Apart from your parents they also shape your lives by imparting knowledge to you and help inculcate good morals in you. They act as agents of change and counsel pupils in their choice of careers. Again, they guide and counsel pupils and students entrusted in their care. Teachers can really impact on the lives of many children, especially when they leave a good impression on them. Many pupils are able to keep in memory teachers who in one way or the other affected their lives positively or negatively.

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NAME : JANANI A/P RAJARAMMATRIC NUMBER : JB1406BD7262SUBJECT : TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTASSIGNMENT 1: QUESTION 2Certain positions demand respect simply because of the nature of the position. A teacher, however, cannot expect to be respected simply because he or she is the teacher. List down several points for a teacher to earn respect from his or her students.

Teachers play an important role in the lives of students. Apart from your parents they also shape your lives by imparting knowledge to you and help inculcate good morals in you. They act as agents of change and counsel pupils in their choice of careers. Again, they guide and counsel pupils and students entrusted in their care.

Teachers can really impact on the lives of many children, especially when they leave a good impression on them. Many pupils are able to keep in memory teachers who in one way or the other affected their lives positively or negatively. Indeed, teachers often make the difference between a successful student and an unsuccessful one; between one who loves to read and write, and one who doesnt.

Teachers can make or unmake their pupils. They can help dull pupils to become brilliant. In the classroom, they groom students to become useful citizens in the future. It is, therefore, necessary for pupils to develop a healthy pupil-teacher relationship at all times so that students can approach them with their problems.

Parents are happy with teachers who have good communication (rapport) with their children and credit is always given to teachers when students pass their examinations with distinction. However, in spite of the meaningful role teachers play in the lives of pupils, some throw tantrums, curse, insult or even attack teachers when they are punished for wrongdoing.

They forget that teachers, whether young or old, complement the role of their parents, therefore, they need to accord them the needed respect. Pupils give teachers all sorts of names, and refuse to give them the respect that they deserve. Sometimes students get punished for the mistakes they make, such as going contrary to school rules.

The teacher student relationship is very important for children. Children spend approximately 5 to 7 hours a day with a teacher for almost 10 months. We ask ourselves what is considered a good teacher. All of us have gone through schooling, and if fortunate had a favourite teacher. A positive relationship between the student and the teacher is difficult to establish, but can be found for both individuals at either end. The qualities for a positive relationship can vary to set a learning experience approachable and inviting the students to learn. A teacher and student who have the qualities of good communications, respect in a classroom, and show interest in teaching from the point of view of the teacher and learning from a student will establish a positive relationship in the classroom.

You think you have it tough in school? Try standing in a classroom in front of a bunch of students; who all have different personalities, trying to teach them. Trust me, its not as easy as you think. If you think about it, they have it rough. Theres more to their job than grading papers and giving out tests. They go through a lot on a daily basis and what they do shouldnt be taken lightly. Teachers are preparing students for the future Students might not realize it, but teachers are the key to getting an education. They are preparing students for life.They spend countless hours preparing lesson plans so that students are able to succeed once they leave the nest. They contribute greatly to students success and if students havent thought about that, maybe they should.Teachers have to put up with students and their classmates Its not easy teaching students, especially the ones who tend to act up in class. Its tough trying to teach and then having to be interrupted every ten minutes because a student is clowning around or being disrespectful. Think about how the teacher feels. They go through a lot of stress too and it makes their job that much harder when a student doesnt want to listen when the teacher is the one who is trying to help them.

They care about students future In all honesty, if teachers didnt care about students or their future, they wouldnt be teachers. Understand that they had to go to college to get a degree in order to do what they do.Now, if they didnt care, do you think they would have spent all that money just to teach? Students should respect their teachers because they want students to succeed. After all, your generation is our future.Students should remember that a teacher, like a parent, punishes them not out of hatred but love. When students are disciplined, credit goes to the teachers as well as the school. Students should not see teachers as enemies for many great and famous people who have made it in life today give credit to their teachers.

There may be some few students may see as bad but respect their teachers and make them their friends so that they can groom them into responsible adults in future. Teachers arent out to get students. They do what they do because they enjoy it and they want to help students. Respect teachers because they are trying to help you and give you the tools that students need to succeed in life.