Teachers’ Resource: Shorts for Wee Ones Early Level and Level 1 Curriculum for Excellence Subjects: Literacy, Expressive Arts, Technologies, HWB, Social Studies Created by Lynsey Dick Discovery Film Festival: Sat 22 October – Sun 6 November 2016 discoveryfilmfestival.org.uk © Dundee Contemporary Arts 2016 With support from DCA Cinema and DCA Community & Education Team

Teachers’ Resource: Shorts for Wee Ones

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Teachers’ Resource: Shorts for Wee OnesEarly Level and Level 1Curriculum for Excellence Subjects: Literacy, Expressive Arts, Technologies, HWB, Social StudiesCreated by Lynsey DickDiscovery Film Festival: Sat 22 October – Sun 6 November 2016discoveryfi lmfestival.org.uk

© Dundee Contemporary Arts 2016With support from DCA Cinema and DCA Community & Education Team

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Discovery Learning Resources give you exciting classroom activities to enhance Curriculumfor Excellence delivery.

They are created by classroom teachers and education professionals. Each resource aims to:

• support and extend working with film in the classroom

• help prepare teachers for a class visit to a Discovery Film Festival film and to extend the impact of that visit for delivery of CfE

• develop confidence in Moving Image Education approaches and working with 21st Century Literacy / moving image texts

Each resource is free and available to download fromwww.discoveryfilmfestival.org.uk/resources

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Shorts for Wee Ones is a compilation of short animations from different countries. The films cover different themes such as friendship, determination, fairness, honesty and curiosity.

Before your visit to the cinema

Explain to the children that they are going to watch a variety of short animations. Share the titles with the children and ask them to predict what they think each film might be about.Encourage them to think about what characters might be in each film and what some of the stories might be about.

Also share that the films are made in different countries. Share where the films have been made and using Google Maps identify where these countries are in the world.

To extend my mental map and sense of place, I can interpret information from different types of maps and am beginning to locate key features within Scotland, UK, Europe or the wider world. SOC 2-14a


The following film trailers are available to watch:

• Hey Deer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XeIhfTVu8g• One Two Tree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQHZjhyvFMQ• Perfect Piggies https://vimeo.com/140922448• Looks https://vimeo.com/131466190• Desolado - Unsunny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgpHmSX9Q18

Film Titles

• Perfect Houseguest (USA)• Cats and Dogs (Switzerland/Germany)• Sugar Rush (France)• Hey Deer! (Hungary)• One, Two, Tree (France/Switzerland)• Crocodile (Germany)• Perfect Piggies (USA)• Looks (Germany) • Achoo! (Japan)• Desolado - Unsunny (Spain)

After your visit to the cinema

Discuss with the children what their favourite film was. They could share this with a partner or in their co-operative learning groups. Take feedback and encourage them to share what their favourite film was and why they chose that film.

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Perfect Houseguest

2015, dirs. Max Porter and Ru Kuwahata, USA (1’35”)


A house is visited by a clean, organised, well-mannered guest.

This fi lm can be viewed again on Vimeo at: https://vimeo.com/123696064


Before visiting the cinema

Before watching the fi lm let the children hear the music and sounds from the fi lm. Keep the computer screen and interactive whiteboard turned off. By letting the children only hear the fi lm they can make predictions about what they think is happening and how the music is helping to depict the actions of the mouse.

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After watching the film

Discussion questions

• Why is the mouse tidying the house?• Is there a reason the owners aren’t tidying the house?• Do the people who live there know that the mouse tidies the house?• What do you think the mouse’s house looks like behind the door?

Children’s Task

Get the children to draw what they think the mouse’s house looks like behind the door. Use this still image of the door as a stimulus. Encourage the children to think pair and share their ideas. Take feedback and write up ideas and suggestions on the interactive white board. For younger children single words or simple sentences to describe the house would do, older classes could write a fuller description to match their image.

I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts and I use what I learn to invent my own, sharing these with others in imaginative way. LIT 0-09b/LIT 0-31a Having explored the elements writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create my own stories, poems and plays with interesting structures, characters and/or settings. ENG 1-31a

Additional Information/Resources

This film has a lovely website that shows the video and some great still images that can be used in the classroom. It can be found at:


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Sugar Rush

2015, dir. Reno Armanet, France (4’04”)


Two friends fearlessly participate in a high speed bike chase through the streets of Marseille in pursuit of a lollipop after it is stolen from them. Some wildly funny parts and an unexpected twist at the end really make this fantastic French animation.


Before visiting the cinema

Look at a map of France and locate the city of Marseille. Tell the children that one of the animations is in French and set in the town of Marseille. Look at where Marseille is located in France and discuss some of the features of the city. Tell the children that the animation will take them on an exciting tour of the city.

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Questions for discussion

• Have the children ever experienced something that they felt was unfair?• Have they ever wanted something badly? What was it?• Have they ever had something taken from them? How did that make them feel?

After visiting the cinema

The children will no doubt feel very strongly about the lollipop being taken from the two friends in the shop. This would be a good starting point to generate discussion.

• Why did the other boy take the lollipop?• Why did he not pay for it? Why did the two friends pay for it instead?• Was it right for the other boy to take it and not pay for it?• Did you think they would catch the lollipop thief?• The two friends show great determination. Would you chase after someone like that?

Children’s Task One

This would be a good chance to explore the different characters within the film. The two friends show similar qualities and personalities. Using the images below, create character profiles for the friends. This can include positive and negative features we would look for in a friend. Compare and contrast these with the character who steals the lollipop. When labelling the profiles, ask the children to identify the positive and negative qualities.

Having explored the elements writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create my own stories, poems and plays with interesting structures, characters and/or settings.ENG 1-31a

I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality and love are important in building positive relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I care and show respect for myself and others. HWB 0-05a / HWB 1-05a

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Character Profiles – Personality Traits

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Children’s Task Two

Ask the children to think pair and share their ideas about what fair and unfair looks like and what respect is. How is this shown in the film? Get them to brainstorm some ideas. Take some feedback and write them up on the interactive white board. You could have some ideas already prepared in advance as well. These could be written down on post-it notes ready to be shared with the class. Give each group a different scenario.

Using drama, ask them to create a short play to depict their scenario. Encourage them to show what is fair/unfair in the situation; if the situation is unfair ask them to think of a solution. Alternatively ask the class who will be acting as the audience to suggest ways to resolve the scenario to ensure that it has a positive outcome.

Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through drama. EXA 0-13a/ EXA 1-13a

As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others. HWB 0-09a / HWB 1-09a

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Hey Deer!

2015, dir. Örs Bárczy, Hungary (6’)


An adorable cocoa drinking deer works tirelessly to clear the area around his house every day after an avalanche that occurs during night. Through some very quick and clever camera shots we become aware that the avalanche is in fact not at all what it seems. Sound is incredibly important in this film also. Encourage the children to listen for clues about when the avalanche will occur.


Before visiting the cinema

Show the children the trailer for the film. This can be found on YouTube at:


Pause the trailer a few seconds in and discuss with the children why his house is so messy. Take feedback and explore their ideas. Help the children make the connection that the avalanche is what is causing the mess in the deer’s house. Discuss with the children what an avalanche is and why the outside of the house is covered in snow and why it would make inside so untidy. Make sure you watch the trailer to the very end!

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After visiting the cinema

Questions for discussion

• What made the deer’s house so untidy?• Did any of them realise where the deer was living?• Did any of their predictions match the story?

Children’s Task One

The deer loves his cup of cocoa/ hot chocolate before bed time. Write a recipe and set of instructions for making the perfect cup of cocoa.

By considering the type of text I am creating, I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in a logical sequence and use words which will be interesting and/or useful for others. LIT 1-26a

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Hot Cocoa Recipe



1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

milk water pour cocoa/hot chocolate

marshmallows stir cream heat serve

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Using their recipes get the children to make their cocoa. Use simple ingredients such as instant hot chocolate powder, warm milk or hot water. Milk could be kept warm in a flask or urn. In small groups or pairs help the children to follow their recipes and create their delicious hot cocoa similar to the Deer’s. For a healthy option look at choosing different types of milk or compare and contrast the taste when using water instead of milk. Marshmallows or whipped cream could be added to make the hot chocolate a special treat.

Encourage the children to help each other when making the hot chocolate. It would be nice to hear what the children think of the taste of their hot chocolate. Take feedback or photographic evidence of them making and tasting their drinks. The recipe could also be sent home to be made with an adult.

Together we enjoy handling, tasting, talking and learning about different foods, discovering ways in which eating and drinking may help us to grow and keep healthy. HWB 0-30a

I experience a sense of enjoyment and achievement when preparing simple healthy foods and drinks. HWB 1-30b

Children’s Task Two

It is only due to the fleeting images and quick camera shots that we eventually grasp the idea that the avalanche is in fact something different. It would be good to explore the use of different camera shots in this film. Show the children the following images and discuss with them how the very quick shots of the girl give away that the Deer is in fact in a snow globe. Also discuss how the sound of the girl’s laughter is a clue about when the avalanche will occur.The image is blurry and slightly distorted. Encourage the children to think why the director wanted it this way and waited until that point in the film to show the cause of the snow covering the Deer’s house.

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I enjoy exploring and choosing stories and other texts to watch, read or listen to, and can share my likes and dislikes. LIT 0-01b/LIT 0-11b

I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts, sharing my thoughts in different ways. LIT 0-19a

Children’s Task Three

Children will love the opportunity to make their own Deer snow globes. Ask colleagues/friends/family to collect and keep jars for you. Get the children to decide what character they would like to go in their snow globe. You could be adventurous and get the children to make their own little models using Fimo. It becomes very hard when baked and will withstand being put in water. If you do not have access to Fimo ask the children to bring in a small model to go in their snow globe, or ask throughout the school as there will be lots of small world play models looking for a new home.

Follow this set of instructions to make your own globes.

1. Decide what you would like to put in your snow globe2. Place and glue your plastic figurine to the inside of the jar lid.3. Fill your jar with water and add glitter - 1-2 teaspoons.4. Screw the lid on the jar — glue it if you’re concerned about the children trying to open it.

Through discovery, natural curiosity and imagination, I explore ways to construct models or solve problems. TCH 0-14a

Through discovery and imagination, I can develop and use problem-solving strategies to construct models. TCH 1-14a / TCH 2-14a


Both of these images use a close up camera technique. This shows the fantastic details on both the characters faces. With the children discuss what they can see and how they think each character is feeling and what they are thinking after discovering each other.

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Additional Information/Resources

This animation has a fantastic website with the trailer available and a short teaser film. It also has some fantastic behind the scenes images, posters and videos. Well worth a look!

It can be found at: http://heydeermovie.com/the_film.html

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One, Two, Tree

2015, dir. Yulia Aronova, France/Switzerland (7’)


This is the story of an ordinary tree that takes itself on an extraordinary adventure.


Before visiting the cinema

Show the children the trailer for the film. This can be found on YouTube at:


Ask the children to predict what they think the film will be about.

Questions to discuss:

• Why is the film called One, Two, Tree?• How do the different characters relate to one another?

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After visiting the cinema

Questions to Discuss

• Why do you think the tree put the boots on?• Do you think the tree expected to see all the things it did on its adventure?• Can you remember all the different things the tree encountered?

Children’s Task One

Discuss with the children the appearance of the boots and why the tree is attracted to the boots. Is it because of the vibrant red colour? The children can share their ideas and design an alternative pair of boots for the Tree. You could look at examples of using different patterns, line and colour to make the designs really stand out.

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I have the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of materials. EXA 0-02a

I have the opportunity to choose and explore a range of media and technologies to create images and objects, discovering their effects and suitability for specific tasks. EXA 1-02a

I can create and present work using the visual elements of line, shape, form, colour, tone, pattern and texture. EXA 1-03a

Children’s Task Two

Using the children’s ideas from the previous discussion about the different characters that join the Tree’s adventure, encourage the children to imagine what other characters might join in too. Children can think, pair and share their ideas with a partner or in co-operative learning groups. Once the children have decided on a new set of characters, get them to consider how the character joins the Tree, then where does the Tree take the character and finally does this new character interact with the other characters already attached to the Tree.

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I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts and I use what I learn to invent my own, sharing these with others in imaginative ways. LIT 0-09b/LIT 0-31a

Having explored the elements writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create my own stories, poems and plays with interesting structures, characters and/or settings.ENG 1-31a

Additional Information/Resources

This film has a lovely website that shows some great still images that can be used in the classroom. It can be found at: http://en.unifrance.org/movie/40311/one-two-tree

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Perfect Piggies

2015, dir. Sandra Boynton, USA (3’24”)


This is a wonderful animation about a fantastic quintet of piggies singing about their wonderfulselves in an a cappella swing style. Beware this will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day.


Before visiting the cinema

Show the children the trailer for the fi lm. This can be found on Vimeo at:


Questions for Discussion

• Has anyone ever heard a song sung in that style?• Explain the meaning of a cappella eg. A song sung without backing music• Draw the children’s attention to the rhythm. Can they clap or snap their fi ngers in time to it?

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After visiting the cinema

Discuss with the children if they liked the film and song. Take feedback and encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings about the film.

Children’s Task One

The children can learn to sing the song in an a cappella style. Use the trailer to help you with the rhythm and pitch of the song. Online version of the lyrics can be found at:


Perfect Piggies Swing Song

The world is so confusing, so fast and full of strife, you feel that you are losing the simple joys of life. You’re looking for something you haven’t got, it may be illusion, but maybe not.

Just look around you, stop, and think,

It’s called perfection and it comes in pink!(bah doo bah doink, doink, snuffle dee da, bah doo bah doink, doink, piggy doo wah, bah doo

bah doink, doink, snuffle dee da, bah doo bah chatanoogah piggy piggy piggely dee)

Did you ever see noses so wonderfully round? Where else could these curly little tails be found? The spring of our tail to our snuffling snout, our plumpness is pleasing, there isn’t a

doubt. And look at these ears so floppy and fine. You have to admit it, we’re fabulous swine.

Chorus:We are all perfect piggies and we know what we need. It’s really very simple, very simple

indeed. A trough full of food, a place in the sun, and a little bit of comfort when the day is done.

(Bah doo bah doink, doink, snuffle dee da, bah doo bah doink, doink, piggy doo wah,)

Now a piggy needs kindness, a piggy needs care, a piggy needs to frolic in the open air. A piggy needs hope, yes-a now and again, a piggy needs time in a piggy’s own pen. We really

don’t ask to be greatly admired. We just wanna lie down when our trotters get tired.

(Chorus)Now some have more wits, some have more style, but no one around has a lovelier smile.

Some like to work, some like to think. Piggies are born to be chubby and pink.

Now a pig is a pig and that’s how it should be, you have to be you, we have to be we. We go wee wee wee, all the way home, all the way home, all the way home. These little piggies go

wee wee wee, all the way home, these little piggies go wee wee wee, all the way home, all the way home, all the way home. These little piggies go wee wee wee, all the way home, all the

way home, all the way home, all the way home, all the way home, all the way home.

These little piggies go piggledybop.

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I enjoy singing and playing along to music of different styles and cultures. EXA 0-16a

There are some good examples of Barbershop quartets available on YouTube. This would be another avenue to explore with the children. Many of them do more modern songs that the children may know and want to sing along to.

Children’s Task Two

In co-operative learning groups set each group the task of learning the following musical terms:

• A cappella• Quintet• Swing• Rhythm

Give the group the task of creating a poster for each term and coming up with a defi nition and way of explaining it. Using the technique of ‘3 stay one stray’ send one of your group members to another group to teach them the term. Have the groups rotate so that everyone learns the defi nition of each term. At the end have each group member share the defi nition of a different musical term.

I can use my voice, musical instruments and music technology to discover and enjoy playing with sound, rhythm, pitch and dynamics. EXA 1-17a

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2015, dir. Julia Ocker, Germany (3’48”)


This crocodile has everything it needs for a relaxing evening in front of the TV. Unfortunately he encounters a rather frustrating problem, he cannot eat his snacks.


Before visiting the cinema

This film does not have a trailer for it. However the whole film can be viewed on YouTube at:


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Questions for Discussion

It would be good to share the title with the class but do not show them the film before visiting the cinema. Let them hear the soundtrack and ask them to predict the problems the crocodile is encountering. Take feedback and record some of their predictions.

After visiting the cinema

Look back at the predictions the class made. Do any of them match what happened in the film?

Questions for Discussion

• Why could the crocodile not eat his snacks?• What was wrong with the snacks?• Ask the children if they can remember the different ways the crocodile tried to eat his snacks?• Did anyone think there would be another crocodile?• How did they overcome their problem?

Using the frame below discuss the importance of working together to solve a problem andhaving a shared goal.

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Children’s Task

Having discussed the problems the crocodiles faced, explain that the children are going to create an advert for crocodile friendly snacks.

They must include:

• A snappy name for their product• A picture of their product• The flavour• Reasons why it is suitable for crocodiles

As I play and learn, I enjoy exploring interesting materials for writing and different ways of recording my experiences and feelings, ideas and information. LIT 0-21b

Using what I know about the features of different types of texts, I can find, select, sort and use information for a specific purpose. LIT 1-14a

I enjoy creating texts of my choice and I regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to suit the needs of my audience. LIT 1-20a

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Crocodile Snacks

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2014, dir. Susann Hoffmann, Germany (3’14”)


Looks is a beautiful and simple animation telling the story of a lonely grey lynx who wants to fit in to a world of colourful animals. Unfortunately the animals exclude and bully him and will not accept him because of his looks. This animation will resonate with a lot of children and will evoke some strong feelings from them about how the lynx is treated.


Before visiting the cinema

Show the children the trailer for the film. This can be found on Vimeo at:


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Questions for Discussion

• What has happened in the short trailer?• Why is the lynx upset?• Why do the other animals not want him to join in?• How do you think he feels?• Have you ever felt like that?• What do you think happens in the rest of the film?

After visiting the cinema

Discuss with the children their predictions before they saw the whole film. Were any of them correct?

Children’s Task One

Share that you are going to use the film to explore different emotions the characters showed throughout the film. Use the screen shots below as a stimulus for discussing the emotions. Encourage the children to use a variety of vocabulary. For younger children you may need to provide some alternative vocabulary eg. sad, upset, tearful, down in the dumps etc. Have the children create posters for each character, ask them to choose a word they would like to be responsible for. They could work individually, in pairs or in groups to create emotions posters.

happy cheerful friendly excited nervous

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Sad confused puzzled

Mean nasty teasing unkind upset

Down hearted disappointed unfair

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guilty sorry regret unhappy sorry for the other animal

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happy accepted joyful pleased included

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I understand that people can feel alone and can be misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning how to give appropriate support. HWB 0-08a/ HWB 1-08a

I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations. HWB 0-14a/ HWB 1-14a

Children’s Task Two

The creator of this animation has used a very simplistic method that can be recreated in the classroom.

A lovely way of showing everyone’s uniqueness would be to create their own colourfulindividual creatures. Let the children study some of the images from the film and discuss some of the animals that feature in it. Let the children practise drawing some very simple outlines. They could copy some from the film to start before moving on to drawing their own.

Using block paints get everyone to make a fingerprint. This could be on an individual A5 sized piece of paper or as a whole class collage.

Once the children have printed their finger print, let them use their creature they have already practised drawing and draw around their print. Remind them to keep it simple. They could do this in pencil first and then trace over using a black fine liner.

Encourage them to keep the outline simple so they can go back and add detail after, for example some feathers, some tufts of fur etc.

I can create and present work using the visual elements of line, shape, form, colour, tone, pattern and texture. EXA 1-03a

Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design. EXA 0-05a/ EXA 1-05a

Additional Information

Vincent Van Gogh produced some fantastic sketches using line. These could also be used as a stimulus for line drawings.

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Children’s Task Three

Most children will find the unstructured nature of play time difficult. Discuss with the class if being left out of a game has happened to them. How did this make them feel? Sometimes children lack the knowledge and social skills to initiate and sustain a game and find playing together difficult. Therefore teaching some playground games could help this.

Some examples of games that can be taught are:

• Tig• Hop scotch• What’s the time Mr Wolf• Skipping games• Hand clap games

Woodlands junior has some fantastic ideas on it and can be found at:


I am aware of my own and others’ needs and feelings especially when taking turns and sharing resources. I recognise the need to follow rules. HWB 0-23a

I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in different kinds of energetic play, both outdoors and indoors. HWB 0-25a

Within and beyond my place of learning I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in physical activities and sport, making use of available indoor and outdoor space. HWB 1-25a

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Evaluating this resource

We hope that you found this resource useful and appropriate.

Please do send us fi lm reviews, letters from your pupils, documentation of classwork and your feedback by e-mailing [email protected]

Would you make a good Discovery Film FestivalCase Study?

We are seeking a number of simple Case Studies in how teachers have used or are using Discovery fi lms in the classroom across Curriculum for Excellence and across the Levels.

Any case studies that we develop would be intended for presentation on GLOW, the Creativity Portal and on Discovery Film Festival websites. We have a simple template to be completed and are keen to have classwork and documentation included.

If you would like to be a Discovery Case Study please e-mail [email protected]

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