Teaching with Blogs Boone B. Gorges CUNY Writing Fellow March 27, 2008

Teaching with Blogs Boone B. Gorges CUNY Writing Fellow March 27, 2008

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Teaching with Blogs

Boone B. Gorges

CUNY Writing Fellow

March 27, 2008

Part OneThe Web: Then and Now


Is the Web worth it?: ThenThe Upside

•Information becomes publicly available and easily accessible•Interesting design engages the reader and enhances the content

The Downside•Knowledge required: HTML, FTP, etc.

Totally worth it, dude!



What has changed?•More people have access to the Web

•More people are creating digital content (photos, music, videos)

•Free services exist that allow people to put content on the Web (Flickr, MySpace, YouTube)

•Technology has developed that drastically reduces the need for technical knowledge

Is the Web worth it?: NowThe Upside

•Information becomes publicly available and easily accessible•Interesting design engages the reader and enhances the content

The Downside

•Multimedia complements textual content•Readership is no longer passive

•Knowledge required: HTML, FTP, etc.•Knowledge required: Familiarity with certain types of software

Still awesome!



Part TwoBlogging at Queens College

What is a blog?

• Web + log

• Frequently updated, with newest content at the top

• Allows for reader response

• Example: http://www.engadget.com

Classroom blogging: Model 1

Example: Gorges

•A single blog belonging to the instructor•Allows the instructor to provide running commentary on assignments, etc.•Allows students to respond to prompts, ask questions, etc.

Classroom blogging: Model 2

Example: Wan

•A single group blog•Allows individuals or groups to post•Allows students to read and respond to each other’s work•Ideal supplement to each-group-presents-a-unit assignment model

Classroom blogging: Model 3

Example: SinnExample: ZimmermanExample: PerryExample: Stach

•One blog per person, linked by a “blog roll”•Students read and comment on others’ blogs•Possible use: informal journalling•Possible use: workshopping formal assignments


• Faculty workshops• Blogging at QC Portal

– http://blogs.qc.cuny.edu

• Blog Tutorials– http://blogs.qc.cuny.edu/blogs/blogtutorials

Part ThreeBlogs in the Language Classroom

AudioExample: Stach Example: GabcastExample: Gorges

VideoExample: Jordy Example: Gorges

Dark clouds, silver linings

• Balancing student privacy with public nature of blogs

• Understanding and respecting copyright

• Keeping the focus on content, not technology