1 Teachings on Ascension With Archangel Michael, Ra and The Heavenly Host Marcia McMahon, M.A.

Teachings on Ascension - Lisa M Harrison

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Teachings on Ascension

With Archangel Michael, Ra and

The Heavenly Host

Marcia McMahon, M.A.

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Channeled Messages from the Higher Realms

For Ascension

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Teachings On Ascension

Copyright © 2012 by Marcia McMahon

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned or

transmitted in any printed or electronic form without prior permission

from the publisher.

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materials in violation of the Author’s rights.

Archangel Michael Leading the Way to Ascension

Channeled and Written by Marcia McMahon, M.A.

Editorial Services, Mary Mageau


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Forward on Ascension!

This is a collection of channeled messages in the form of an eBook for those who

are curious and want more information on the gateway of 2012, also known as the


I’ve been a channel for Archangel Michael, the ascended masters, Princess Diana,

Jeshua and Mother Mary for many years. I hosted the Peaceful Planet radio show on BBS

radio from 2005 until 2009.

One of my main themes in bringing guests from around the world was to raise

awareness of the phenomenon known as ascension, which is mainly misunderstood here

on the earth plane.

Ascension is quite simply a stepping up to a new level of life. When something

leaves the mineral kingdom and becomes a plant that is ascension. I am not the expert on

ascension because many other authors like Carla Ruecert have written profoundly and

truthfully about it in her work, ‘The Ra Material.’ She has volumes more than I do on the

topic and I first learned of it from her. Wynn Free and David Wilcox also have a fine

book on ascension entitled, ‘The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce,’ which houses a lot of

messages from David on ascension. So he is also a world-renowned expert. David is a

channel for RA and so is Carla. Both are well known for that, although I am not well

known and have not publicly come out with published messages from the RA group.

However I have published quite a few of my Archangel Michael messages in the Light

Circle Ezine, published daily by Lady Isis.

Ra is a collective soul that has ‘graduated’ from our realm and because that group

is ascended, much wisdom is presented in the messages about ascension.

I also channel Archangel Michael. Michael is said to be head of the archangels.

He is a divine creator aspect of the godhead. He has helped to create the earth, and he

belongs to a wider soul group known as the Michael soul group. Archangel Michael is

present in all world religions. He is renowned as a leader, an enlightened angel and a

transformer. He is like lightning as he brings quickening power to anything and it always

seems to transform you.

Archangel Michael has been my steadfast guide through the many years I’ve been

on air and doing channeling. I began my channeled work with Princess Diana and have

published two books from her on how to obtain world peace through diplomacy. They

are, ‘Princess Diana’s Message of Peace,’ (currently out of print) and ‘With Love from

Diana, Queen of Hearts,’ published in 2005. Visit my site:


I first connected to channeling with Princess Diana’s request for me to write her

words down. But this work in process with Archangel Michael is to inform and excite

you about the changes that are about to take place on planet earth and how we will be

moving to a new earth.

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What is really going to happen on Dec 21st, 2012? With all the dread and fear

surrounding the 2012 deadline in Dec at the 21st

(the solstice), we can all stand to hear

some good news about that date. While the world as we know it is ending, a new world is

being born and this is what is termed the new earth. According to my sources the new

earth will be a paradise earth, cleansed of all the pollution, sickness, disease, poverty and

inequality that the current earth has yet to shed.

Shed is an interesting choice of words because our earth herself, Gaia, is going

through her own cleansing process. She must shed her negative energies that have

accumulated over the centuries in order to best realize her new and glorified body — that

of a new and pristine earth body.

While I don’t claim to know all of what is going on with Gaia, the earthquakes

and severe storms are all part of the cleansing process so that she can be free of negative

debris. Areas of the world containing warfare and strife are more vulnerable to earth plate

movements, although of course we recently witnessed the surprising and tragic effects of

the earthquake in Japan followed by the nuclear disaster. As human beings this causes us

great distress, as we contemplate the untold suffering of so many Japanese people in one

event like this.

I do receive messages or predictions about earthquakes and tsunamis, but they are

not specific to areas that are not my job to warn people about in advance. It is your job

dear reader, to discern the energy of mother earth, Gaia, and move out of harm’s way if

you sense something is about to shift. This can be taught and I do teach courses about

connecting to the angels. This technique called shriving, is when you tune into the earth

to listen. Nostradamus was said to have used it for his predictions, which of course plays

into the whole 2012 dilemma.

In June of 2005 it became clear to me that we were not in the normal pattern of

life on earth any longer. It was not just ‘business as usual.’ I had messages from the

Master Jesus or Jeshua as I call him, which foretold of the impending earth changes and

various disasters about to befall earth. When I questioned further and delved deeper it

became clear that we are not in ordinary times at all. Fundamentalists would call this the

end times, or the quickening.

Whatever you wish to term it, we are not in these earth changes and dramatic

events worldwide because nothing is going to happen in 2012 — like many of the

naysayers say. They say this out of fear because they cannot get their minds out of the

way of intuition. Anyone with functional intuitive ability of the right brain knowing, can

sense that earth energies are changing and things are not business as usual. Nothing in the

weather patterns, the earthquakes, the volcanic eruption in Greenland and so many other

signs of the times indicate to them that something is happening. Is it doomsday as the

preacher on air predicted? He was off a little bit on his date! It’s Dec 21, 2012! Of

course the world isn’t ending, or is it?

If you are a naysayer and you think this is all bunk, read no further. This is not

written for the faint of heart. If you feel you are seeing global catastrophe and weather

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extremes like never before, or if you’ve been involved in one of these dramatic earth

changes and you really want to know what is happening, then read on!

Read on and know that God is in charge and although things are not normal they

will be all right. You will survive the earth changes and transition peacefully into the

brightest, sweetest, new earth imaginable! And you will be able to help those around you

who are struggling with loss of every kind. You may be caught up in an earth change but

you won’t be permanently damaged. You cannot be permanently damaged unless you see

yourself only as a body.

Archangel Michael and the guides assure us in these messages that indeed

something huge is about to occur and that we have reached a turning point in

consciousness and love. While mother earth, Gaia, must ascend; so must we. There are

those of us who have our wits about us and want very much to see the end of

reincarnation and the repetition of our own energy patterns. So while it is our job to tune

into the love and the open mindedness or awakening as some call it, it is also imperative

that we each determine the position we will take. Will we revisit our past and continue in

the third dimension? Or will we chart a new course on the new earth where we won’t

need to reincarnate and repeat the hardship lessons of the earth? Tune into your own

intuition and learn to connect to your higher self for the knowledge of what you have

chosen. Your soul made this choice most likely before incarnation. You would not be

reading this material right now if you had not been given the option to ascend.

You are here for ascension! Yes, and what is it that you say?

This is another enigma that we shall explore a bit in Archangel Michael’s

messages and those from the RA Group, Heavenly Host and others. I am a down to earth

sort of person and some of the things I’ve channeled are hard to wrap my little three-

dimensional brain around! Bear with me dear reader.

It’s vast and far away out there. We are going to become galactic citizens about to

embark on an adventure into the fifth dimension where we will be able to move about

with ease and grace, or visit other planets in space with just a thought.

How can you trust my word for it? You will know with an inner knowing that

what I am saying is true if you feel right when you read this, no matter how hard it seems

to believe. I am not able to convince you of any truth and many people will argue with

these perspectives, but you yourself must decide truth. And we all function at different

levels of truth and understanding. Believe me when I say it is not my job to convince you

of this. I only present the messages on ascension and leave it to you to decide if you want

to come along for the ride of your lifetime. Or would you prefer another round of

incarnation on another earth-like planet with people who seem vaguely familiar to you as

you repeat your mistakes and they repeat theirs? Is this something you consider fun:

work, rest, raising children, aging and disease? There is a part of it that is profoundly

beautiful as it is, and a part that now seems repetitive and boring to me. If you find

yourself feeling ‘been there, done that’ with everything, this could be a sign from your

soul that you are ready for a really interesting new adventure called ascension.

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That’s the choice — a huge choice to be able to step off the wheel of reincarnation

and choose the new earth. Jeshua spoke of the new earth in the bible, ‘For behold, I am

creating a New Heaven and a New Earth!’

What I am presenting next are a collection of channeled messages on ascension

from Archangel Michael, the Ra Group and the Heavenly Host. And where it ties in,

there may be other messengers presented. I work also with the ascended masters Jeshua

and Mother Mary, Princess Diana, John Lennon and others. I hope you enjoy the

messages and find them uplifting and enlightening to your ascension journey and that you

will do the work needed to bring in the glorious day of the Lord.

Peace and blessing and may we meet again in the sweet new earth!

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Archangel Michael’s Message on Ascension

Channeled by Marcia McMahon during the Fall of 2006.

Michael: My child it is I, Archangel Michael.

I am pleased you wished to speak with me on this topic of great importance, ascension.

We in the company of heaven of the lighted rulers, greet you in the name of the Holy

One, Supreme Creator in the Center of the Cosmos.

Ascension as you are aware is a multi-faceted process. We are so joyous that you are now

teaching ascension. Some in your group cannot distinguish light from dark so be aware.

Also we bring good news for those of you who work so hard for others.

You and those like you will survive earth changes to lead and guide others to safety;

through the tumultuous earthquakes, volcanoes and the torrents of water that will flush

toxins from the body of mother earth.

All who want to ascend will, but work is asked of them in terms of personal cleansing.

My messenger, Carolyn, spoke of this cleansing of past life debris and negative emotion

that must be cleansed to move on towards the light.

M: Here is my question for you, dearest Michael. Is it true that we are all moving on to

another galaxy or planet and why would you leave us behind?

Michael: It is not without regret that I leave behind the classroom of earth. Earth’s

tumultuous cleansings may not be a perfect abode for those humans wishing to inhabit, so

my light workers will be moved to a temporary location and then reseed earth.

Only those who cleanse themselves will come along for the ride of a lifetime. Others will

die in earth’s changes. We regret that this must be so but the sorrow in my heart for

leaving your home and mine is great. You will be uplifted and cared for, rest assured.

Your ascension will be in time, so again rest assured.

I take my leave to allow you time to contemplate my words to you.

Continue to read Carolyn’s words and stay in touch. She is my messenger too.

With love,

Archangel Michael

Channeled Nov 1, 2006 Carolyn is Carolyn Evers, another BBS radio show host,


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A Message from the Hosts of Heaven - The New Sun Day!

Channeled by Marcia McMahon during 2005.

The Hosts of Heaven: Oh great one we greet you with joy overflowing. Speak with joy

overflowing your great message of peace over all the earth. Diana, the peacemaker

comes! She brings the leper, the unloved and those considered maimed and unclean. She

wipes clean the bandages on children, and makes whole again those who suffered.

Rejoice thou holy one of God that the proud can see nothing where you are! For the

humble inherit the kingdom of God, and the meek inherit justice, while the wise are

confounded and go away unfed.

The proud and aloof are many and are fools, all of them. They will not stand in the rays

of the new sun day. For the new sun day, the terrible day of the Lord comes and it brings

changes upon all the earth. Only the pure inherit the earth.

Blessed are the feet of those who prepare peace upon the new earth.

Alleulia, Saboyoth, Amen.

Bring forth the new earth,

Alleluia, Saboyoth, Amen.

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A Message from the Hosts of Heaven

Channeled by Marcia McMahon on December 23, 2005.

Peace, peace, peace and great blessings to you.

We are the Hosts of Heaven.

Rest, rest, rest before the storms of new earth come for new earth.

Kodesh, Adonai.

Love walks with you in the new year!

Proclaim peace over all the earth with Diana

and John.

Shout from Mt. Zion the year of the Lord comes with reckoning!

Your mission is upon you! Great is your message!

Peace to the people of God!

And power upon earth in the meek who inherit the earth.

Earth trembles and volcanoes explode.

The star approaches, the sun turns black,

Yet light within shines each one to home.

Fear not the terrible day of the Lord.

Saboyoth, Adonis.


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RA Speaks on Ascension

Channeled by Marcia McMahon.

M: I wish to address Ra about the coming changes to earth and the ascension that some of

us will be experiencing.

RA: This is RA. We have heard your cry for understanding the current condition upon

earth and have responded before in the work of our channel, Carla Ruekert. However that

is an older version of the truth and truth is ever changing upon this plane.

We wish to address this question in as simple a way as possible without giving

discomfort to the receiver or her audience in this case BBS radio. The changes coming to

earth are catylclismic in nature involving earthquakes, tremors and volcanic activity,

culminating in ascension-like clearing of the earth.

M: Will this involve total loss of all earth life or will this be partial?

RA: It will be partial, as you are one who will be with us in the new earth.

M: Can you describe the new earth, Ra?

RA: Unlike any paradise hereto fore imagined it will be smooth, with fewer mountains,

peace loving and serene. Think of a most beautiful lake that you have visited and imagine

all people living on the shores of the lake in harmony. That lake will be like the new

oceans, which will also change.

M: Are there really two earths, Ra? As others have predicted, a separation of souls is

about to occur which will split the dimensions. How can one live in both dimensions

simultaneously without a sense of loss when they do split, and is this so?

RA: It is indeed so. All cannot be described in your words as words are limiting.

M: Will we die in the end of our lifetime there in the new earth, and reincarnate again and


RA: This would appear to be the pattern though we cannot confirm that, as each soul’s

journey will now be different. Those not ascending will be placed on a new planet much

like this current earth.

M: What about my work with Diana and others to end war on the planet? Is that all for

naught or is there a need for that work?

RA: Your work as a world teacher of peace will assist the forming of the new earth so

rest assured. While not all are ascending it will set the pattern for a new humanity in

which there will be little interest in war, killing, bloodshed, or religious righteousness

which prevails upon this plane now and gives so much misery to the troubled regions of

the Middle East.

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All attempts at ending the current conditions on earth are praiseworthy and anticipate the

coming of the Christ consciousness, so all are noble in their pursuit of both peace and

accelerated ascension.

M: What must one do now to accelerate ascension if that were the term?

RA: I was speaking of those already chosen to ascend. No one will be left behind and

those not wanting to ascend will not be along for the ride of a lifetime, if you will excuse

the pun.

No ascension attempts are necessary though there is a condition right now whereby those

not sure if they wish to align with others, will be caught in a wormhole situation whereby

they may end up in a dimensional warp. We have spoken of this in Carla’s work before.

M: Finally is there any danger in channeling RA as opposed to Q’uo or other entities,


RA: We are of the love and light vibration and cannot cause any harm to the querant.

However discretion is advised and consciousness to maintain the channels’ energy

currents must be compatible.

You are loved more than you can ever know. Peace, blessings Adonis!

We leave you in the everlasting light of love,

This is RA

[Carla Rueckert is a primary channel for RA and now Q’uo and is widely published on

the Internet in the RA Material and the Law of the One; also advertised on BBS radio

homepage. The author, Marcia McMahon, hosts the Peaceful Planet radio show and is

hosting an ascension series with many special guests at 10:00 pm central time. Join us!

Carla has been featured on my show many times and is world renown for her work with

RA. I connected to the RA group one day while doing a reading for Wynn Free, another

BBS radio show host.]

Visit Marcia’s site, www.dianaspeakstotheworld.com and the site index where many

messages are archived, www.angelfire.com/mb2/diana_speaks/channel_index

Readings from the angels and spiritual hierarchy,


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Message from RA about the Crystal Skulls

Channeled by Marcia McMahon, Nov 18, 2008.

We greet you in the light of everlasting love. This is RA.

The crystal skulls, the original skulls, were placed upon your planet in ancient times in

early Atlantis. We and other ET groups placed them to assist earth.

At the time of ascension they will be gathered into the 13 skulls, as they are a part of

divine intelligence. All is one, and everything — crystal, animal and human is part of the

one creator. Therefore these unique aspects of the one will come more and more alive as

the nearing of the sands of the hourglass approach the appointed time of ascension, on or

near Dec 21st


At such time they will help activate the ascension and illumine human consciousness

with the Christ consciousness. They are called ‘cryst’ al for a reason.

They assist the opening of the Christ consciousness.

We leave you in the light of everlasting love.

This is RA

Adonis, Amen.

[This message was received right after a fascinating show with Joshua Shapiro, a crystal

skull owner and expert. Joshua actually visited my home that day and we had a small

audience of live attendees to witness the skulls. They were beautiful and had crystal like

qualities that gave them the appearance of having veins and arteries.]

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The Heavenly Host and Ra Address the Issue of Earthquakes

Channeled by Marcia McMahon in 2006.

M: I wish to ask about the earthquake last night and today. It was quaking as I was typing

my invitation to spiritual study group! Wow! I have had warnings from Archangel

Michael about this very thing.

Heavenly Hosts and RA: We will address your concerns one at a time. We are the

collective of the Heavenly Hosts and RA. Greetings in the Name of the One Infinite

Creator God!

Praise, Adonis.

M: Will the inhabitants of earth continue to experience the expression of beloved Mother

Earth as she quakes and trembles, and will the earth changes be encountered with some

inconvenience to the dwellers of the third density earth?

HH and RA: That is a rather general statement we do recognize. We wish to assure the

readers and those of Marcia’s group that although another quake in the area of the New

Madrid fault line may come, we do not at this point expect it to cause major loss of life

for all the inhabitants of the region of the Midwest of the United States. This being said,

there are always the movements of plates to some extent unpredictable. The thrust of

these underground movements as experienced is somewhat traumatic, even if no loss of

life occurs. You are walking on shaking ground! And that my dear friend is not a

comforting experience for the dwellers of the third density.

There will be cleansings, many up and until the appointed hour of ascension. Earth must

be able to cleanse herself of the great negativity that mankind has perpetrated in order to

restore her original vibration — that of a pristine paradise.

As the fourth dimension nears its appointed arrival, then these experiences will

unfortunately become much more pervasive. Human consciousness and prayer can do

much to ease the situations that seem fearful in the event of any major catalyclismic


All the members of the said meditation group and all those who read this message must

learn to go within to ‘hear’ the vibrations of Mother Earth in her birthing process.

All who are ascending will not be hurt and will be remaining on earth to ascend with the

body of the mother as she is cloaked in her glorified garment of the fifth density

consciousness and mantle. Her crust is moving and her mantle is shifting to adjust the

garment of her new apparel; so from her point of view, she would harm no one. But in the

course of human miscreated thought, this does occur we regret to say.

May peace be upon you today and always. We are here when you call upon us for

direction and for guidance.

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This is RA

[I could never write with such eloquence, ‘as she is cloaked in her glorified garment.’

This is something I could never make up! The Ra group is extremely eloquent but

forthright in the ascension messages, earth changes and so on.]

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Archangel Michael Speaks on the Year 2007

Channeled by Marcia McMahon on Jan 6th, 2007. M: Dearest Archangel Michael, I come today as set aside from the world to attune to your

wisdom on prophecy.

Michael: My child it is I, Michael. Whenever you call I will come as promised. This new

year of 2007 holds the promise of the ages, of all the prophecy given since the ancient

times, the promise of salvation and messiah if you are Hebrew, and the return of Jesus if

you are Christian. Yet none of the messiahs sent in the past can compare to the coming of

the Christ within each one! My light workers and I have labored in the vineyards against

the odds of the mainstream society which denies our truth. I ask all listening to your show

to hear these words for they are true!

The angels, masters and those of the earth planes have a plan for peace for 2007. Your

work with Princess Diana is a part of that vision, as she has shared her vision of peace

with you now for almost seven years. We in the angelic hierarchy would like the people

of the United States to stand up against tyranny and more war. We ask you to become

vocal in whatever way you can, to write to congressmen and women and ask that this

situation be brought to swift and final justice.

We ask that a conference on religion be held in Iraq or anywhere in the Middle East and

that leaders come together and discuss differences. We cannot condone religions that

promote hate and violence as this needs to be addressed for earth’s sake.

There will be more earth changes this year as Mother Earth, Gaia, cleanses herself of war

and negativity from the people of earth who have abused her. As more population is lost,

more people who are light workers will be needed to speak words of comfort and to do

the work of assisting in these areas of devastation.

M: Can you say where some of these earth changes will be, Michael?

Michael: These will happen in the so-called ring of fire in the Pacific Rim, with tidal

waves, eruptions and possibly tsunamis, and there is a possibility of earthquakes and

tremors in California. There are other volcanic eruptions possible as this has been set in

motion and it would be best for your audience to not focus on fear. We ask all listening to

learn to attune to our vibration so as to gain intuitive ability through this channel or others

who teach channeling or ascension, as this channel does. To listen to mainstream media

does not teach one how to work with finer energies.

My colleague, Archangel Gabriel, works with the Middle East situation and you will hear

from him in future messages. He will confirm your work with Princess Diana and John.

We see that your show and the BBS network will find success in the new year, both on

air and with new ventures. We see all of those with whom you work blessed in the new

year with abundance, prosperity and healing. Only my light workers will be able to lead

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in this new age about to dawn.

Only my light workers and those who work on being light workers will take the reins of

power from this last cabal, and bring in the new government about to dawn. America

must take the helm, must lead us out of the tangled mess she has made and be victorious

in teaching and leading in peace and justice. We are at a perilous juncture and every hand

is needed and every light worker’s voice must be heard. I leave you in peace, justice and

mercy and thank you for letting me speak to your audience.

Archangel Michael

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Archangel Michael on the New Earth

Channeled by Marcia McMahon, in May 2009.

Michael: The new earth is here now. It is becoming born first in our hearts and minds and

later when galactic center sends the God rays from Supreme Creator in the black hole of

the galactic center. When this cosmic ray energy hits earth it will take out the grid and the

internet, satellites and much of what we call civilization.

So be ready to live more simply and if you can live underground for a time as that will be

of benefit to your cells, which will need time to adapt. As well they will become

crystalline and the DNA will accelerate. The earth will move into her new position in the

new Solar system.

It will be a grand new Aquarian alignment but many on this earth will perish.

M: What about a terrorist attack on America? Do you see Iran doing this? Or China?

Michael: While all those countries remain a threat to the United States, the ascension of

the earth will be in peace and not in nuclear war. Do not read into material that is

biblically based, as that tends to get skewed. Terrorism will continue to be a problem

until the creation of the Palestinian state is formed, after which time there will still be

militant aspects of Islamic control in the world. Yes, it is not going away. We of the

angelic realms and the Elohim protect earth from as much damage as possible.

Peace joy and love for today.

Archangel Michael

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Archangel Michael Speaks on The state of the World and the New Year


Channeled by Marcia McMahon on December 13, 2008.

M: I wonder if I might inquire as to the energies of the New Year 2009 and what we

might expect as a collective and those individuals with whom I am close?

Michael: My child of the light, it is always a pleasure to bring forth news of the coming

year with you, as you are aware of much change coming to the planet at this time of light

— the time of the birth of the Christ consciousness in humanity’s plan.

We great you in the great light of the Creator and central sun, as the world turns another

year around your sun. This year brings great change upon the face of the planet. Look for

the unexpected! There will be more earth changes this year upon the face of Gaia. As

well there will be more changes in the people’s hearts and minds as new governments

take hold of old systems which continue to collapse as we see on the news each day. This

is the releasing of the old paradigms of wealth for the few and slavery of the many to the

corrupt and greedy systems of times past.

Like the ghost of Christmas past, these specters of life as we knew it continue to be part

of the fabric of mindset. But these must give way to gentler ways of living and doing

business as the rights of the individuals across Mother Earth must be held in accord with

divine aspect and plan. The specter of child labor and the specter of disease, and all the

ills that are prevalent upon your planet must give way to fairness, equity, wealth and

abundance for all. If there is divine justice and we do know that to be true, then systems

that support justice for all the earth’s people must quickly come into the rescue plan,

instead of more bailouts for the corporate entities who created the slavery system in the

first place.

So I would like to suggest that those of you light workers who are doing business on the

internet, and bringing more light to the world through your work, that you take heed and

do something for those less fortunate as well as continue your service to others.

‘For in doing unto one, you have done it to me,’ as the master Jeshua said. So that what

we envision to get the planet on the right course, is to free up funds for those less

fortunate who can use them to promote seed projects in countries like Africa and

Indonesia where the likelihood of disease and poverty is greater. This too will lessen the

impact of the terrorism that is threatening the whole world at this time.

We will say that although the future of the world looks bleak on the outside, this must

give way to the rising of the phoenix. For Gaia herself will clear negativity and bring

greater awareness of her eminent ascension process to the fullest of potential in the few

years that are left between now and her planned ascension. The light has won! We remind

you light workers of this, as things look bleak for some or many of you who have lost

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jobs, or homes, or those of you that struggle in your light work to support yourselves in

our mutual mission.

Your truly new earth awaits and we remind you of the splendor that will be upon that

plane. Earth herself will renew her energies and supplies, and will no longer rely either

upon oil or the old fossil fuels. We welcome the inventions of many who are eager to

assist her in her transition to newness, to life and to systems that protect life and life

forms upon the planet. What could be more reasonable, and yet the human race in its

error of thought has forgotten so much common sense in caring for the earth.

The year of 2009 is sacred in the birthing of the divine feminine. If you have hungered

and thirsted for something new, or to do a different kind of service for pay, heed the call

to light work this year and open your minds to new forms of service. Do your part for

humanity, the planet and her smallest and most frail of life forms, the children.

We wish you all a merry Christmas and Happy New year in 2009!


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Archangel Michael: You are the Masters of the New Earth!

Channeled by Marcia McMahon on January 9, 2010.

M: Is this a good time to ask you about the coming changes to the year 2010?

Michael: My child it is I, Michael, and I appear when you call upon me. I and my legions

of warrior angels of the light surround you now, keeping you safe from harm as you do

this channeling for the world.

M: I am interested in asking about the coming changes to earth and what we can expect

and need to prepare for in the divine year of 2010.

Michael: My child and all listeners and readers, my channel works with the light and her

energy has been purified through thought and intention to assist mankind through the

changes coming to earth in 2010. Earth will undergo many changes this coming year and

I will give possibilities rather than probabilities as so much can change in an instant.

The new earth has arrived in her divine blueprint! Rejoice you light workers who have

waited lifetimes for the release from karma and suffering, for your hour is upon you now.

Yet many sit unawakened from sleep, hoping for the return of a savior like Jeshua to

come in the clouds or another of the religious figures from the past. No religious figure

from the past will come to your rescue because you must understand now that you are the


Yes, in other times you may have played the role of victim but no more, for you are all

being asked to be master of the game and master of your own destiny. Many now are

aware of, ‘The Secret,’ the movie and of the many books that give you keys that have

been hidden for generations by secret societies intent on their own purposes. Now I say to

you — unlock your destiny and do not look to another teacher or master to tell you what

that destiny is. For that is error thinking. No master will truly tell you what to do!

And many Americans fall prey to the thinking that this program or that guru will assist

them in their path, or that, ‘I need a trainer!’ No one needs these people. Yes these people

play a role in your life, but they should not dictate what to do or how to do it.

You are the masters and you are going to the new earth. The light codes are now formed

and the geometry of the sacred original blueprints is held in highest holographic energy

by my legions. We are assisting the earth’s ascension with as gentle an energy as is

possible so that fewer lives will be lost as the body of the mother ascends to the fifth


We regret to say that Mother Earth is now is giving off volcanic eruptions and

movements of the plates underfoot, in an attempt to balance her energy that has been

depleted through oil removal and abuse of the atmosphere.

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As well there are many secret programs going on under her crust in preparation for 2012

and the heating of the biosphere by the sinister designers of HAARP, who shoot high

voltage into the biosphere thereby creating havoc with the etheric vibrations of the outer

atmosphere. This must stop because it’s powerful enough to cause earthquakes anywhere

the designers of this program want it to.

So as I have said, the earth herself is undergoing powerful cleansing which will result in

many earth changes.

M: Can I ask if any of these changes will come to America in 2010?

Michael: While it is not my intention to frighten anyone here, it is highly possible that

there will be earthquakes and even a possible volcanic eruption in America this year. I

have spoken previously on the movement of the plates beneath the surface of the earth so

that the plates collide in critical places. Look for the unexpected!

I will not give a specific locale other than to say – learn to tune into the vibrations of

Mother Earth by listening in silence or ask your I AM presence if you need to move to a

new location. In this way each individual can personally assess their own situation

without moving into fear and panic. It is not the job of my channel to locate areas on a

map for the interest of those who want more specifics, as she herself does not know

precise locales. This is because I am protecting her from knowledge that might cause her


I am certain that those with a sincere heart will understand the basics of my possibilities

for 2010 and be able to discern what they need to change in order to continue life on the

planet earth. It is with some regret that I must give these warnings. As well, the situation

with regard to terrorism for the United States will be that she must remain vigilant to all

travelers entering her boarders from foreign ports.

There will be continued attempts to take airliners down coming from foreign ports into

the USA. Always go within to your angelic guides before getting on an airplane and ask,

‘Is this what I am to do?’ I am not bringing fear here but the use of one’s own higher

mind to determine choices for oneself. Most of you must understand that your journey to

the new earth requires adult maturity and acceptance of your intuitive powers. Now my

beloved ones, I leave you in blessed peace, abundance and joy for the miracles that do

wait in 2010. The gradual awakening of mankind will accelerate this year so that the

world will be evolving even more until the grandest moment of all — that of ascension.

With love,

Archangel Michael

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The Galactic Alignment of Aquarius

More on Ascension from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Marcia McMahon in January, 2011.

Questioner: Will I be ascending? Am I ready?

Michael: Will you ascend? Yes we have answered that question my child. The time will

be approximate to the ascension waves that are formed and forming. You will ascend in a

group consciousness and be taken up to the new heaven and then deposited on the new

earth. All who ascend will watch in bated breath as the old earth enters the sun and

returns on the other side in a glorified body.

This is something to behold and beyond your wildest imagining now. But as to the

specific time, yes approximately in that year depending on the group consciousness and

the wave to which you belong. There will be some light workers on ships and some on

the ground but mainly you will be in the cosmic consciousness by that year, give or take.

The galactic alignment of full Aquarius cannot be delayed or altered, but likewise earth’s

inhabitants must all reach critical mass to engage in the ascension process energies. So

you have quite a ride to look forward to my dear. Marcia is in your group soul contract

and therefore all who meet will be meeting again. It is great to know that this is

happening in advance. Many will be too much in shock to enjoy the ride of a lifetime.

The new earth will resemble the old earth in every way except that the dark will no

longer be in charge, there will be no affliction of any kind and all will live in great

harmony and joy. Yes the sun will be different and the redeemed will live in peace. It will

be a different world and much will need to be done. Keep in mind you will live a long

time in the body there and have many opportunities for growth and development, so keep

your mind on what you have to give to mankind.

I am Archangel Michael

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Message from the Heavenly Hosts, Atlantis Rises!

Channeled By Marcia McMahon on Christmas day, 2007.

M: Dearest guides, I am listening if there are any of you who wish to speak on the

occasion of this Christmas, to the light worker groups.

We are the Hosts of Heaven: We gather round you in light and love. We are the hosts of

heaven, the collective of all angelic guides, masters, angels and energy beings.

A hush of angels circles round as we gather together the fragments of the lost families of

the arc, the original arc that was housed in Atlantis. We are well aware of all family ties

as more and more of you add your lighted consciousness to the table of goodwill,

blessing and prosperity.

Many healing schools existed then. This channel was head priestess with the Temple of

Healing for those who had been distorted through the creation of the so-called ‘things.’

This distorted DNA carried down into the bloodlines of mankind, contributing to the fall

of man.

It is now time that Atlantis rises up from the waves of error thoughts, to the new heights

of a greater plan for mankind. We applaud the work of this channel and hands are

clapping in the ethers, as she crosses another year in labor and love for the world’s peace.

Peace will be in 2008, in large part due to her work, and the work of all light workers.

Light workers — listen to her, as she has answers to the dilemmas of terrorism and war.

Mankind needs these answers as the dark will no longer control the world government


While much will crash including he stock market in 2008, we urge you to have hope, as

things will seem bleak. Shine your light, as Atlantis will rise from the depths of the

waves, to once again unite the ties that bind from generation to generation until verily the

end of time.

Peace, Blessing and Adonis.

[The message about Atlantis rising is figurative and not literal. It is rising from the waves

of our consciousness as we meet again with those who were main characters in our lives.]

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The Heavenly Hosts and Archangel Michael Speak on the Sacred

Energy of 2008

Channeled by Marcia McMahon on December 26, 2007.

M: Dearest Guides, Heavenly Hosts, Archangel Michael and RA. Is now the perfect time

for a reading for the year 2008?

The Heavenly Hosts: We greet you in Great Light of the Great Central Sun! Your sun,

your earth and your galaxy nears its appointed time of ascension!

Rest in faith before the commencing of the age of full Aquarius! The year 2008 holds

much for earth and her inhabitants! Tumult in markets will increase. Governments will

give way to more gentle leaders, as this last cabal attempts to hold power.

Good will prevail with a hush of heaven proclaiming Peace on Earth, Good Will to men.

This is earth’s time of victory, the victory of brotherhood and peace which you have

worked for. The people of earth do not want war and brother will lay down sword against

brother. A time of peace ensues before the fires of ascension descend upon earth, raising

up the new earth!

Michael: I and my legions of warrior angels stand by to assist earth angels wherever you

are in need. Form communities of light, directing seekers to them. Once the connection is

made no one can sever it.

Begin to listen to Mother Earth. As you open your channel, you will hear rumblings

under her crust. Heed your intuitive instincts and learn to leave areas of that sound.

Watch the animals that know this and follow them to the hills.

America will be both hurt and blest in the coming months. Listen to your God within!

I stand by with my sword of truth ready to assist my light workers to safety and ascension

where the new earth waits! Many will not attend the party, as so many are concerned with

fame, money, success and approval of others. Awaken my light workers!

I knight you with my sword of truth and ask you to assist those in areas of need. Peace,

joy and, love be upon you in 2008, a year of great change.

I am Archangel Michael

[Please note Archangel Michael’s profound predictions about the stock market, which

was read on air to my listeners on BBS radio. I remember asking listeners to pull out of

the stock market after reading this message from Archangel Michael. This message came

true in that the markets did crash. So it is a way of knowing that the other messages about

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ascension will also come true if you accept the validity of this channeling. For me it

certainly put to rest any doubts I had about Michael’s sincerity and accuracy though me.]

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A Message from Earth Guardians – Warnings and Suggestions for


Channeled by Marcia McMahon during 2007.

We come to you today to speak of change. The earth is changing her mantle crust and

plates are shifting. Oil and its effect are indeed ruining your planet earth at this time.

M: With whom do I speak?

Creator Gods: We are the collective of ancient and ascended ones, sometimes referred to

as the Creator Gods, or the Elohim.

M: Are you Ra?

Creator Gods: No we are not Ra. We are the guardians of earth, those angels and higher

ones who work with the Divine Creator in the cosmic center. We come to warn those

who hear you on your show to learn to tune in to Holy Mother Earth, to know where safe

places will be in the coming year.

M: I’m not sure I’m good at that. Advise me and my audience to know how to do this.

Creator Gods: Center yourselves, breathe, call upon God and your personal I AM

presence, then ask and receive our presence and love. Cast out doubt; begin a journal.

Breathe in the breath of love. Exhale negative thoughts. Cleanse inside and be ready to


M: Ok. I will ask our audience to do this with me.

Creator Gods: We will not reveal a location as that is too difficult. In the course of time

some locations will be hit, others will be safe. Store up food and water or a way to

cleanse water, together with your herbs and medicines, enough for one season.

Share with those already afflicted by storms. Look to using alternative sources of energy

now and do not wait until the oil runs out. Walk instead of driving. Find meaning in

family and friends and form communities of like minds.

We are the Elohim, the Holy Creators with Divine Creator.

We leave you in peace and blessing.

Adonis, Praise God almighty


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A Message from the Hosts of Heaven

Channeled by Marcia McMahon on February 14th, 2007.

Kodesh Kodesh Adoni. We greet you with great joy. Speak tidings joy overflowing your

great message of peace, for soon change in the world will appear, and an end to wars.

This generation will not pass before the earth is cleansed of war. As angels deliver those

from the grip of evil, trust our words as true. The present generation will find peace as

great change is sweeping the earth and new leaders emerge to save many the world over

from the war. War is not a welcome thing in the new age.

All will find a way to confront the enemy of peace, including the terrorists who will in

time stop their terror. Terror has no justification in a godly people. Behold a great leader

will rise in your country and usher a new age of peace.

We speak glad tidings of peace for the people of peace.

Those who walk with God will find peace within and justice will be granted to the meek.

Praise to God Almighty.

Those lowly servants can offer praise but the lofty are left to go hungry.

Selah. Saboyoth. Adonis.

Peace to the people of God on earth!

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Archangel Michael: Clearing Past Karma for the New Day of the Sun

Channeled by Marcia McMahon in 2007.

M: Dearest Archangel Michael, I am here to ask if you have a message for the New


Michael: It is I, Archangel Michael. When you call I come with my armies of light to

protect and surround you always. There is a brief message for today and in time a

message for the new year. For today this is my message.

It is with great honor and pleasure I work through this channel of light, for she has

worked long in the vineyards for the light and is now ready to step forth in her service of

the many splendored spectrum. Yes that is right; a rainbow spectrum of light services this

channel now offers will help and assist mankind through what is termed, the Shift of the

Ages! For we stand on the precipice of a new earth and all who are wanting and willing

to release old karma and work with the new energies of the new earth, are welcome on

the trip of a lifetime, or lifetimes as I should say.

For my channel will assist many in the healing of their past lifetimes and clearing of

karma, just as she has learned about her own lifetimes. And this is a very important part

of the ascension process. Like a flower petal unfolding, one must seek to understand each

petal in the flower of life that you are; or in the tree of life if you prefer that analogy. For

in understanding karma, then karma can then be energetically released to the past where

it belongs.

Negative karma will not come along for the ride of a lifetime, if you wish to ride the

ascension waves coming to earth now and in the culminating year of 2012.

So it’s important to clear negative energies, entities and experiences and reclaim the

Golden Original Divine Blueprint that you, my followers came into existence with, in the

Garden of Eden. Though we are not traveling back to that garden which was Lemuria, we

are going forward to the pristine garden of the new earth; with all who first came with me

from the source of all. Yes, many of you reading this message belong to the soul family

of Michael. If you read this, think on that for a moment for you were once an angel! And

now in physical embodiment you have the chance unlike any other time in humanity’s

business upon this planet, to return to being a human angel. You are made of the stuff of

stars and the cosmos, just as every living particle of matter is. You are all divine and

living a life in a costume!

So my dear light workers and peace workers, I wish you glad tidings of the Christmas

holiday or the Hanukah holiday as the case may be, wherever you find yourself in this

New Day of the Sun!

My love,

Archangel Michael

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Archangel Michael’s Message: We are Leaving Earth for a Golden


Channeled by Marcia McMahon during July, 2007.

M: AA Michael I wonder if there is anything you wish to say about all of this.

Michael: My child just call and I am here. We have been working on your ascension for

quite some time and your clearing of karma. The final pieces of the puzzle are falling

more and more into place!

M: What can I do to move out of fear? (Or fear of ascension/death)

Michael: Ascension is power my child. It is dimensional warp; it is life in the material

and physical. The new wave of humans coming in now should turn your frightened mind

to the truth. There is no extinction of the planet, but there are many cleansings. And as

well, the planet and her sun are all ascending and this will in turn cause changes on all

planets of your solar system.

In time all of you in my group conclave will be brought to the Golden Galaxy, where life

will begin again for you as ascended beings. And yes I am leaving earth with all who do

ascend and who wish to ride the electromagnetic waves through time to another time. So

in time your sun will become a dwarf star and will leave on her etheric chords to a higher

plane. If it happens now or in a million years from now does that make a difference?

M: I guess not, but I do not want to exist in the ethers. I still want to have the 3D sunlight,

flowers, art, and all physical experience!

Michael: You are a good human being, an ascended master in the making. Believe what

you wish to believe as the New Earth is waiting for you and all of my followers. I will not

abandon you Marcia. Others may do so but not I, as I am of the love vibration.

M: I love you too Michael. Thanks so much.

Michael: You are welcome my child of the light. Beware then that others see that light

and want to remove it from you. I speak of him who is not dark but not light, He cannot

be allowed to continue to bring darkness and despair upon you with his thoughts of


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Mother Mary’s Message on the Ascension and Changes in the Earth

and Sun

Channeled by Marcia McMahon on June 7, 2007.

M: In this time of despair and confusion about a possible solar ascension and earth

becoming etheric 4D, I need to ask you to be my guide and protector. I am extremely

worried about the earth changes and the coming ascension energies to our earth home.

Mother Mary: My darling child, there is never a reason to fear. In heaven, which is your

new earth, all is provided in a circle of love where only masters and others of the love

vibration will be. My son Jesus spoke of this new heaven and new earth. Anxiety about

the future ruins the present moment and spoils the future as well. We ask you not to dwell

on what the human race has done to ruin itself so severely. No one is waiting to judge

you my child, no one condemns, and you will be safe and saved in every way in the new

wave of living.

Many will cross over in earth changes and many will also ascend. It is a time of cleansing

for our beloved Mother Earth. Those who turn to me and my heart of the mother, and

those who know God within need never carry the burden of fear. Fear is distortion and

pain in the making. We ask you not to imagine the earth changes or the cleansings, which

will come upon you all. We ask you instead to focus your love on those whom you do

love, and try to continue as best you can to be of service to Princess Diana and those of

the light whom with you work. It is not productive to focus on this fantasy of the earth

moving into the sun. No one knows the hour or the day of the Lord. My son protects you

now and always from harm. No thought of harm must ever enter your mind again like

this. Cast out this horrible thought of death and destruction of your beloved planet. Yes

all will pass to light in this generation, but that is never to be feared.

M: Are you saying Mary that this event will not occur and that all will not go to spirit?

Mother Mary: In your terms I am saying that there will be great change upon your planet

and in your own lives. Focus on living — not on the aspect of dying. For those who

ascend they will not taste death as it will be so instantaneous. Fear not my love, my child,

my dreamer.

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Archangel Michael on the Auspicious Day of 01/11/11

Channeled by Marcia McMahon on January 11, 2011.

M: I’d like to come to you today and ask about the 2011 gateway and the time remaining.

Is now a good time or shall I wait until the headache is cleared?

Michael: Now is the time my child, but let’s do this after class. My healing light flows

through you and your head today, making you well. You will recover from this today.

This evening is a better time to organize your thoughts.

My love,

Archangel Michael

M: Dear Archangel Michael and Archangels! I am here awaiting your word on the state

of the world for 2011.

Michael: My beloveds it is I, Archangel Michael. The Year of 2011 on this auspicious

day of 01/11/11 is an opening to galactic center for many of you on the ascension wave.

As you know there isn’t much time left before the closing of an era and the opening of

the new earth in all her splendor. So I bid you beloveds to cleanse, heal and recover from

any and all earth wounding that you have experienced either in this lifetime or past

lifetimes. And I recommend my channel as an excellent source of help in that endeavor,

for she has passed her tests and stands ready to serve the light in her regression work. But

also many of you, my beloveds, face so many challenges with new work, new careers and

the desire after so many lifetimes to finally manifest your dreams. And 2011 is a year of

dreams come true for all of you who do aspire to serve the race and help mankind.

There will be more powerful earth changes this year in the way of the earthquakes,

tsunamis and other changes occurring as we speak. Step forward to serve your brothers

and sisters in the light and stand your ground for them. When someone is in need step up

and give your time, your talent or your money. Do not look away from the needs of

humanity as the hour grows near where all will feel the accounting of their deeds on that

great day of the sun. The great day of the new sun day approaches and it will be a

reckoning unlike anything ever witnessed.

You will stand with all humanity and watch as the earth herself ascends into the fourth

dimension, and you will be judged by your own thoughts, words and deeds at this

moment in time. While some in fundamentalist circles describe this as a final judgment,

you will feel no judgment except that of your higher self, as you experience everything

from a multi-dimensional viewpoint.

If this seems frightening to you, remember that at a soul level you elected to be here at

this most auspicious time. You will reconnect with all past lifetimes, all deeds and

thoughts and then face them, forgive them, and bear whiteness to the truth you have all

lived. And when you know and understand that love is the final determiner you will all

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rejoice at this moment as you move into the refined energies of the new earth where all

will live in grandeur, splendor and light.

It is a new world and new earth awaiting you for those who hold fast to my teaching and

my sword of truth. Fear not my beloveds but be strong as I take your hand into the new

world. You have crossed many borders before and now you are graduating from a

difficult journey and being rewarded with a paradise earth.

I leave you in peace to contemplate my words. Enjoy the year 2011 and give to others as

best you can. Heal your past mistakes, make amends and find inner peace.

I am ever at your side when you call. I leave you in peace,

Archangel Michael

[Sadly I read and re-read Michael’s words here while reviewing this manuscript and I see

how true they were. We witnessed the tragic tsunami in Japan, unbelievable earthquake

and then the nuclear fallout. Here is another case of Michael’s words coming true. I feel

you can trust his words about Ascension because he has so correctly predicted so many

things so far.]

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Archangel Michael on the year of 2012!

Channeled by Marcia McMahon on December 21, 2011.

Marcia: Is now a good time to ask about the coming new year of 2012?

Michael: Now is the time of the solstice, the date of December 22, 2011 and my beloveds

this is the date to one year of the glories of the beginning of the ascension of mankind.

We want to remind so many of my light workers who still suffer pain or depression in

any way to be joyful, as the new earth awaits you in all her splendor — a paradise

unimagined by the human mind at this point.

So again we ask you to prepare your bodies, minds and spirits in this precious last year of

your earth time. For you know not the exact time of your personal ascension, although I

have given you the date of the commencing of the graduation party.

I still regret to say that many are unaware of this momentous occasion or how to

adequately prepare. In the body, healthy eating and eating less is advised. In the mind, the

clearing of past lifetimes filled with trauma and pain including this current lifetime is

advised. So many of my light workers have endured abuses and sorrows. Hypnosis is a

very good and efficient method of removing this debris and I wish to recommend my

light worker as one of the highest integrity and loving service to you.

Now as to the spiritual preparation, be awake, alert and especially aware that any

suffering is to be cleared as much as you can. But at the same time view this with the

perspective that it is totally temporary and don’t dwell on it. For in the new earth the true

land of milk and honey awaits all mankind if they so choose to end karma, death and

rebirth and return to source at some point in the journey.

Many have the love for God and for one another in their hearts but are unsure of all of

this. I tell you, I hold my sword of truth and will cut all illusion from your mind if you

will but ask for my healing guidance.

Imagine a most peaceful island where all the islanders are living in total harmony with

the earth and the sea and with one another. This is but a glimmer of the glory that awaits

those of you who wish to live in that fifth dimensional world.

On your earth this year there will be more earth changes including volcanoes, torrential

rains and floods. But if your divine blueprint is not to experience these calamities then no

harm will befall you. So fear not in any case. Yes there will be movements of the plates

under earth’s crusts as she adjusts to the new energies being emitted by your sun. The sun

will undergo great change upon her surface this year and thus her ascension also awaits

as she enters the fifth dimension. She will change her appearance and appear more as a

light blue dwarf.

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Have no fear my beloveds for you are under my wings and I shall protect you from every

imagined harm. Nothing shall touch you if you will only believe it.

I look upon each one of you with great love and anticipation of your arrival upon the new

earth. Call upon me whenever you are in trouble. I will shelter you with my wings and

bring my sword to bear upon any difficulty you may face.

In peace and love,

Archangel Michael

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McMahon, M.A. ‘Diana Speaks to the World.’ Most of the messages are posted within

this website retrieved in July 2011. www.dianaspeakstotheworld.com


‘Enlightened Hypnosis.’ www.enlightenedhypnosis.net

‘Divine Connections for Reiki and Art,’ with Marcia McMahon.


Murray, R. ‘The Stars Still Shine,’ website on afterlife. www.thestarsstillshine.com

Newsome, D. www.bbsradio.com BBS radio is the network my former show aired on for

five years, titled The Peaceful Planet show.