The Radiochemical Laboratory Radiochemical Analyses Hot Cells and Semi-hot Cells Incorporation Monitoring Radiation Metrology Chemical Analyses Radiochemical Laboratory Decommissioning Service TECHNICAL CENTER Chemistry, Radiochemistry AREVA GmbH - Technical Center – Chemistry, Radiochemistry

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Page 1: TECHNICAL CENTER - Framatomede.areva.com/mini-home/liblocal/docs/TechnicalCenter/2015... · TECHNICAL CENTER Chemistry, Radiochemistry AREVA GmbH - Technical Center – Chemistry,

The Radiochemical Laboratory Radiochemical Analyses Hot Cells and Semi-hot Cells Incorporation Monitoring Radiation Metrology Chemical Analyses Radiochemical Laboratory Decommissioning Service

TECHNICAL CENTER Chemistry, Radiochemistry

AREVA GmbH - Technical Center – Chemistry, Radiochemistry

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The Radiochemical LaboratoryYour competent, fast and on-schedule service laboratory

• Radiochemistry

• Chemical Analyses

• Hot Cells

• Radiation Metrology

• Radiation Protection

Technical Center - Focus on Technology

Our range of services covers:

• Radiochemical analyses of samples with diff erent levels of radioactivity (low-level to highly active) from nuclear power plants, other nuclear facilities and decommis- sioning projects

• Determination of radionuclide inventories and vectors for waste characterization etc.

• Measurements for effl uent monitoring and environmental surveillance

• Evaluation of neutron fl uence detectors

• Tests of iodine fi lters, other tests using radioactive tracers

• Radiochemical engineering

• Excretion analyses

• Chemical analyses

• Radiation metrology and calibration services

• Post-irradiation examinations in hot and semi-hot cells

• Radiation protection services

• Transport of radioactive materials

Hot Cells

Chemical Laboratory

Radiochemical Analyses

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Your benefi ts at a glance • Accredited laboratory

• Excellent quality management system

• Wide scope of services

• Dependable services from A to Z

• More than 50 years experience with samples from millibecquerel to terabecquerel

The Radiochemical Laboratory

AREVA GmbHYour contact: Nikolaus NeudertTel.: +49 (0)9131 900-97666 Fax: +49 (0)9131 900-97312E-Mail: [email protected]


Our quality assurance

• Testing laboratories for – Radiochemical Analysis – Chemical Analysis – Excretion Analysis – Hot Cells accredited to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025• Quality management system certifi ed to DIN EN ISO 9001• Environmental management system certifi ed to DIN EN ISO 14001

Your competent, fast and on-schedule service laboratory.Take advantage of our know- how and our facilities

Editor and Copyright 2013: AREVA GmbH – Paul-Gossen-Straße 100 – 91052 Erlangen, Germany. It is prohibited to reproduce the present publication in its entirety or partially in whatever form without prior written consent. Legal action may be taken against any infringer and/or any person breaching the aforementioned prohibitions.

Subject to change without notice, errors excepted. Illustrations may diff er from the original. The statements and information contained in this publication are for advertising purposes only and do not constitute an off er of contract. They shall neither be construed as a guarantee of quality or durability, nor as warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. These statements, even if they are future-orientated, are based on information that was available to us at the date of publication. Only the terms of individual contracts shall be authoritative for type, scope and characteristics of our products and services.

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Radiochemical AnalysesRadiochemical Laboratory Erlangen

For • Nuclear Power Plants

• Other Nuclear Facilities

• Decommissioning Projects

Separation Techniques

Precipitation, ion exchange, destillation, solid-liquid extraction chromatography, liquid-liquid extraction, absorption, electrodeposition etc.

Technical Center - Focus on Technology

Chart of nuclides

Analyses of Radionuclide Inventories and Vectors for

• Characterization of radioactive waste from NPP operation and decommissioning including core scrap

• Activity monitoring in nuclear systems, in primary system materials and in deposits

• Effl uent monitoring and environmental surveillance

• Evaluation of neutron fl uence detectors

• Evaluation of samples relevant for radiation protection

Separation with extraction chromatography

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Your benefi ts at a glance • Accredited laboratory, excellent quality management system

• Wide scope of analyses

• Analyses in one hand – from low to high activity level

• High sample throughput

• On-time analyses

• Urgent service on request

Radiochemical Analyses

AREVA GmbHYour contact: Nikolaus NeudertTel.: +49 (0)9131 900-97666 Fax: +49 (0)9131 900-97312E-Mail: [email protected]


Types of samples

Evaporator concentrate, fi lter concentrate, ion ex-change resin, fi ltering auxiliary, cartridge fi lter material, ash, mixed waste, NPP coolant and pool water, waste water, fi lter, deposits, CRUD, metallic samples, core scrap, decontamination solutions, cleaning materials, dust, hot spots, textiles, excretions, soil, plants etc.

Digestion of samples with high temperature furnace

Your competent, fast and on-schedule service laboratory.Take advantage of our know- how and our facilities

Digestion techniques

Fusion melt, acid or alkaline digestion, microwave digestion, ashing, ablation of oxide layers and de-posits by chemical processes (e. g. CORD)

Typical radionuclides analyzed in our laboratory• 60Co, 134Cs, 137Cs and other γ emitters• 3H, 10Be, 14C, 36Cl, 55Fe, 63Ni, 87Rb, 90Sr, 94Nb, 99Tc, 106Ru, 108mAg, 129I• 233U, 234U, 235U, 238U, 238Pu, 239Pu/240Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm, 243Cm/244Cm• other radionuclides on request• total α, total β, total γ activity

Measurement of radioactive samples

Editor and Copyright 2013: AREVA GmbH – Paul-Gossen-Straße 100 – 91052 Erlangen, Germany. It is prohibited to reproduce the present publication in its entirety or partially in whatever form without prior written consent. Legal action may be taken against any infringer and/or any person breaching the aforementioned prohibitions.

Subject to change without notice, errors excepted. Illustrations may diff er from the original. The statements and information contained in this publication are for advertising purposes only and do not constitute an off er of contract. They shall neither be construed as a guarantee of quality or durability, nor as warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. These statements, even if they are future-orientated, are based on information that was available to us at the date of publication. Only the terms of individual contracts shall be authoritative for type, scope and characteristics of our products and services.

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Hot Cells and Semi-hot Cells Radiochemical Laboratory

• Fracture mechanical examinations

• Metallographic examinations with

specimens manufacturing

• Materials and components testing and


• Failure Analyses

Materials testing

• Material examinations for reactor pressure vessel (RPV) surveillance programs according to inter- national standards

• Testing of diff erent fracture mechanics speci- mens in the frame of RPV surveillance programs according to specifi c fracture mechanics concepts

• Material examination and testing of diverse materials and manufacturing components

• Relaxation measurements on springs and bending specimens

• Non-destructive material testing for crack deter- mination on diverse components (penetration test, PT2)

• Radiation resistance tests on plastics and adhesive joints as well as cable insulation and cable coating materials

Mechanical – technological examinations 2 hot cells, 90 cm heavy concrete shielding, activity handling up to 1014 Bq (based on Co-60)

3 material testing cells (20 cm lead shielding)

Testing machines, equipment in cells/exhausters:

• Impact testing machine with instrumented 300 J and 15 J hammer, standard test temperatures –150 °C up to +300 °C (other temperature on request)

• Multi-purpose testing machines for alternate tension-compression load tests up to 5 kN, 200 kN and 600 kN, standard test temperatures –150 °C up to +300 °C (other temperature on request)

• Pellini machine for drop weight test specimens, test temperatures –150 °C up to +300 °C

• Resonance pulsator up to 20 kN and 250 Hz for fatigue precracking of fracture mechanics specimens and determination of crack growth rate

• Optical systems for fracture surface evalua- tion, crack propagation measurement, documentation of pictures coupled to an image database and processing system useable for all common data formats

• Annealing equipment for annealing temperatures up to 600 °C

Technical Center - Focus on Technology

Manufacturing of the fatigue crack in a fracture mechanic specimen

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Specimens manufacturing

• Manufacturing of Charpy, fracture mechanics and tensile specimens using modern machining equipment• Manufacturing of reconstituted specimens with electron beam welding technique (e. g. fracture mechanics specimens, Charpy specimens with a minimal material requirement of 10 mm long inserts of 10 mm x 10 mm sample cross-section)• Manufacturing of test pieces from already tested specimens, material pieces and parts of failure pieces• Complete manufacturing up to the introduction of mechanical and fatigue cracks as well as dimension measurements of all manufactured specimens by digital photography

Hot Cells and Semi-hot Cells

Electrical discharge machine (EDM)

Specimens manufacturing, preparations

2 material machining cell

Machines, equipment in cells/exhausters:

• Electrical discharge machine (wire-guided)

• CNC-controlled milling and drilling machine with automatic 16 fold tool- changing mechanism

• Turning lathes, milling machines

• Broaching machine

• Electron beam welding machine for welding depths up to 110 mm

• Demagnetization equipment, coil inner dimensions 230 mm x 230 mm and 230 mm x 1000 mm

• Diamond wire saw, cut widths 0.15 mm up to 0.7 mm diamond, circular, belt saws

• Standard machining equipment

Manufacturing of a specimen using EDM

Positioning of a sample

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Hot Cells and Semi-hot Cells

Metallographic examinations

• Failure analyses on diff erent systems, e. g. SG tubes, springs, screws, center ring pins• Microstructure examinations on metallic materials and nuclear fuel• Further development of materials in cooperation with our customers, e. g. material for spacer grids, with examination of the oxide layer, the hydrogen distribution and the content of hydrogen as well as geometric change of components• Preparation of specimens for continuative examinations like SEM and TEM analyses

Microscopy of fracture surface

Metallographic examinations

3 metallography/chemistry cells

Apparatuses and equipment in cells/exhausters:

• Hardness tester for diff erent testing ranges: micro, low load, macro

• Grinding and polishing tools as well as etching equipment

• Metallography microscopes with magnifi cation of up to 1000, stereo microscopes with magnifi cation of up to 50, each with digital camera systems coupled to an image database and processing system usable for all common data formats

• Cutting and abrasive equipment (diamond abrasive cut-off , diamond wire saw, other saws)

Unpacking of a sample

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Hot Cells and Semi-hot Cells

Our quality assurance

• Accredited to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

• Quality management system certifi ed to DIN EN ISO 9001

• Environmental management system certifi ed to DIN EN ISO 14001


Your benefi ts at a glance • Urgent on-request metallography for failure analysis

• Wide scope of material and components testing

• Long-term experience and high customer satisfaction

• Organization of shipment

AREVA GmbHYour contact: Hilmar SchnabelTel.: +49 (0)9131 900-97689 Fax: +49 (0)9131 900-97312E-Mail: [email protected]

Our all-included service

• Provision of transport packages for highly radioactive specimens

• Organization and execution of transports

• Performance of examinations, evaluation and documentation

Hot Cells

Editor and Copyright 2013: AREVA GmbH – Paul-Gossen-Straße 100 – 91052 Erlangen, Germany. It is prohibited to reproduce the present publication in its entirety or partially in whatever form without prior written consent. Legal action may be taken against any infringer and/or any person breaching the aforementioned prohibitions.

Subject to change without notice, errors excepted. Illustrations may diff er from the original. The statements and information contained in this publication are for advertising purposes only and do not constitute an off er of contract. They shall neither be construed as a guarantee of quality or durability, nor as warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. These statements, even if they are future-orientated, are based on information that was available to us at the date of publication. Only the terms of individual contracts shall be authoritative for type, scope and characteristics of our products and services.

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Incorporation monitoringby the Radiochemical Laboratory Erlangen

• Excretion analysis (in-vitro method)

• Body counter (in-vivo method)

• Dose calculation

Offi cially entrusted measuring Agency (Identifi cation: BY03)

Technical Center - Focus on Technology

Our ServiceAim:

Determination of incorporated radioactivity using:

• Excretion analysis for α and β radiating radionuclides

• Body counter for γ radiating radionuclides in the whole body and if necessary in the thyroid gland

and determination of the radiation dose caused as a result

Excrement analyses

Sample spectrum:Urine, stool, blood, nasal mucus and tissue samples and for other biological materials

Analysis spectrum:Tritium, strontium, uranium, thorium, plutonium, americium und curium (and other radionuclides if requested)Gamma nuclides (Co-60, Cs-137, Co-58, Ag- 110m, Zr-95/Nb-95, Mn-54, I-131)

Measuring techniques used:LSC, alpha spectrometry and ICP-MS determination

Detection limits:for tritium 100 Bq/diurnal urinefor strontium 0,1 Bq/diurnal urinefor actinides 1 mBq/diurnal urine or stoolfor U-238 0,2 mBq/daily urine

Duration of analysis:10 working days (in special cases 5 working days) after receiving sample

Analysis of excrement samples

Alpha spectrometry of excrement samples

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Incorporation monitoring


Body counterOffi cially designated measuring agency (Identifi cation: BY04)

Body counter measurements

Detectors:• Pure germanium detector with electrical cooling (rel. effi ciency 80 %)

• LaBr3 scintillation detector

Measureable nuclides:typical nuclear power station nuclides such as Co-60, Cs-137, Co-58, Ag-110m, Zr-95/Nb-95, Mn- 54, I-131, etc.

Typical limits of detection:Co-60 (whole body, 70 kg) 120 Bq I-131 (thyroid gland) 90 Bq

for a measurement time of 10 minutes

Accredited according to DIN EN ISO 17025

Since 1990, more than 8000 measurements

Example of a dose calculation for the incorporated amount of a radioactive substance

Test person in the body counter

Your advantages at a glance • Accredited laboratory

• Offi cially recognised measuring agency (BY03, BY04)

• Many years of experience

• Fast and reliable

• Low limits of detection

AREVA GmbHYour contact: Nikolaus NeudertTel.: +49 (0)9131 900-97666 Fax: +49 (0)9131 900-97312E-Mail: [email protected]

Editor and Copyright 2013: AREVA GmbH – Paul-Gossen-Straße 100 – 91052 Erlangen, Germany. It is prohibited to reproduce the present publication in its entirety or partially in whatever form without prior written consent. Legal action may be taken against any infringer and/or any person breaching the aforementioned prohibitions.

Subject to change without notice, errors excepted. Illustrations may diff er from the original. The statements and information contained in this publication are for advertising purposes only and do not constitute an off er of contract. They shall neither be construed as a guarantee of quality or durability, nor as warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. These statements, even if they are future-orientated, are based on information that was available to us at the date of publication. Only the terms of individual contracts shall be authoritative for type, scope and characteristics of our products and services.

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Radiation Metrologyin the Radiochemical Laboratory

• Activity measurements in nuclear plants

• Calibration of activity measurement points

• Qualifi cation tests on neutron fl ux

measurement systems

Various metrology applications for γ-spectrometry on-site• Direct measurement of activity deposition or nuclide inventory in systems and components of nuclear installations (in-line measurement)

• Determination of the burn-up and power distribution or fuel leakage of fuel rods or fuel assemblies in NPP pools by γ-scanning

• Non-destructive measurement of density or thickness by γ-absorption, e. g. void deter- mination in water/steam systems

Contributions to NPP instrumentation in the fi eld of radiation metrology

• All kinds of activity measurement devices and systems

• All kinds of dose and dose rate measurement devices and systems including personal dosemeter

Qualifi cation tests on neutron measurement systems in the ex-core area

• Source range with boron-lined proportional counters

• Output range with ionisation chambers

• Wide range with fi ssion chambers (U-235)

New developments and optimizations of measurement systems and their applications

• B-10 measurement by neutron absorption: COMBO (Continuous Measurement of Boron-10 concentration in pipes); LAMBO (Laboratory Measurement of Boron-10)

Technical Center - Focus on Technology

Our nuclear metrology performance covers

• Radiation measurements in the lab and on-site

• Measurement of alpha, beta, gamma activity, gamma and neutron dose rate

• Calibration of radiation measuring equipment

• Instrumentation

• Development and optimization of radiation measurement methods and devices

• Body counter measurements

Inline measurement in a main coolant pipe in a 1300 MW DWR

Calibration of a measurement arrangement in the nuclear power plant wastewater system

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Your advantages at a glance • Qualifi ed data in nuclide and activity determination

• Empirical determination of calibration factors for radiation measurement equipment

• Qualifi cation of detectors using radioactive emitters (n+γ)

• Customer-focused solutions to measurement problems

• Many yearsʼ experience

Radiation Metrology


Calibration of radiation measurement systems used for• Activity monitoring in systems/processes• Airborne activity monitoring• Effl uent monitoring• Environmental monitoring• Accident instrumentationusing solid (particulate), fl uid and gaseous radioactive media.

Approval for release of waste with in-situ gamma spectroscopy according to StrlSchV §29• Measurement and evaluation of diverse waste containers by use of a ISOCS measurement system after computed calibration of sample geometry

Incorporation measurement in the body counter measuring system with two detectors (Ge-semiconductor detector and LaBr3 scintillator)• Detection of the γ-radiating radionuclide from the nuclear power plant operation in the whole body• Detection of the relevant iodine isotopes (I-123 and I-131) in the thyroid glandOur body counter is recognised and accredited as a measuring point in Bavaria.

Test person in the body counter ISOCS measurement on a waste container

Editor and Copyright 2013: AREVA GmbH – Paul-Gossen-Straße 100 – 91052 Erlangen, Germany. It is prohibited to reproduce the present publication in its entirety or partially in whatever form without prior written consent. Legal action may be taken against any infringer and/or any person breaching the aforementioned prohibitions.

Subject to change without notice, errors excepted. Illustrations may diff er from the original. The statements and information contained in this publication are for advertising purposes only and do not constitute an off er of contract. They shall neither be construed as a guarantee of quality or durability, nor as warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. These statements, even if they are future-orientated, are based on information that was available to us at the date of publication. Only the terms of individual contracts shall be authoritative for type, scope and characteristics of our products and services.

AREVA GmbHYour contact: Nikolaus NeudertTel.: +49 (0)9131 900-97666 Fax: +49 (0)9131 900-97312E-Mail: [email protected]

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Chemical Analysesin the Radiochemical Laboratory in Erlangen

for • Power stations

• Nuclear power stations

• Nuclear facilities

• Decommissioning projects

Technical Center - Focus on Technology

Analysis of materials using spark emission spectrometry (SD-OES)

Our range of services covers

• Qualitative & quantitative analyses of materials

• Analyses of gaseous, liquid and solid samples

• Failure analyses

• Quality control analyses, receiving inspections

• Process monitoring

• Analysis of corrosion products

• Trace and ultratrace analyses

• Thermoanalyses

• Investigations on combustion behaviour

• Specifi cation monitoring

Preparation of radioactive samples for quantitative analysis

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Your advantages at a glance • Accredited laboratory with excellent quality management system

• Wide range of analytical techniques

• Analyses all carried out under one roof

• High rate of sample throughput

• Compliance with deadlines

• Urgent analyses on request

Chemical Analyses


These methods are used for analyses

Analysis Method (Abbreviation) Determination of Measuring Range/Capabilities

ICP-OES Elements ppb up to %

ICP-MS Elements ppt up to ppm

AAS Elements ppb up to %

SD-OES Elements ppm up to main constituents in metals/alloys

IC Ions ppb up to %

UV/VIS Inorganic and organic compounds ppb up to main constituents

FT-IR Functional groups Compounds Identifi cation and in part quantifi cation

Gas-MS/GC-MS Element or molecule masses ppb up to %

GC Molecules ppm up to %

TG/DSC Thermal degradation/stabilityMelting pointReaction heat

Tests in diff erent atmospheres,TG up to 950 °C,DSC up to 600 °C

RFA Elements ppm up to %

C-H-N-O Elements 0.01 % up to main constituents

C-S-Automat Elements ppm up to %

Karl-Fischer-Titration H2O ppm up to %

Neutron activation analysis Elements Ultratrace analysis

Editor and Copyright 2013: AREVA GmbH – Paul-Gossen-Straße 100 – 91052 Erlangen, Germany. It is prohibited to reproduce the present publication in its entirety or partially in whatever form without prior written consent. Legal action may be taken against any infringer and/or any person breaching the aforementioned prohibitions.

Subject to change without notice, errors excepted. Illustrations may diff er from the original. The statements and information contained in this publication are for advertising purposes only and do not constitute an off er of contract. They shall neither be construed as a guarantee of quality or durability, nor as warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. These statements, even if they are future-orientated, are based on information that was available to us at the date of publication. Only the terms of individual contracts shall be authoritative for type, scope and characteristics of our products and services.

AREVA GmbHYour contact: Nikolaus NeudertTel.: +49 (0)9131 900-97666 Fax: +49 (0)9131 900-97312E-Mail: [email protected]

Laboratory accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

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Radiochemical laboratory decommissioning service

• Sampling/analysis concept

• Transport management

• Cutting up/preparation of samples

• Chemical and radiochemical analysis

• On-site analysis and radiation protection service

Transport Management

• Quick and punctual planning and performance of transports of diff erent types of radioactive materials

• Transports accepted round the clock

• Provision of compliant transport containers, including special containers for highly active samples

• Effi cient performance of transports using our TRANSRAD database system

Cutting up/preparation of samples

In addition to an “active” workshop we have a large hot cell facility containing the following equipment:

• Wire erosion machine

• CNC controlled milling and drilling machine

• Lathe, milling and notching machine

• Diamond saw, circular saw and band saw

This enables us to eff ectively prepare the samples for contamination/activation, nuclide vector and depth profi le analyses.

Technical Center - Focus on Technology

Sampling/analysis concept

• Qualifi ed evaluation of measurement results and activation calculations

• Elaboration of sampling plans taking account of feasibility and subsequent “analyzability” of the samples.

• Drawing up individual analysis concepts taking account of the history of the facilities and the available material data

Probe positioning

From planning the sampling to taking samples, transportation and subsequent sample preparation (grinding/digestion/cutting up) right up to a comprehensive analysis – we provide everything under one roof!

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Your advantages at a glance • You will benefi t from our many years of experience

• An extensive range of laboratory equipment and a great deal of fl exibility

• Comprehensive service – we do everything - all under one roof!

• High quality standards

• Long-term availability of the laboratory

Radiochemical laboratory decommissioning service


Effi cient, quick and reliable

Chemical and radiochemical analysis

• We are able to examine many diff erent types of samples (core scrap,CRUD, evaporator con- centrates, mixed wastes, ash, dusts etc) from low active to highly active

• Comprehensive analysis spectrum with accredited methods for waste qualifi cation and fi nal repository declaration (alpha – beta – gamma – analysis, ICP – MS, C-S machine, SEM-EDX etc.)

• Assistance in developing and qualifying decon- tamination methods such as e. g. FSD

• Assessment of neutron fl ux detectors

• Incorporation monitoring by means of excretion analyses and Body Counter measurements

On-site analyses and radiation protection service

• Direct measurement of activity distribution or radionuclide inventory on systems and compo- nents in nuclear facilities (in-line-measurement)

• Comprehensive chemical and radiochemical on-site analysis possible

• Concept and radiation protection measurement of wastes, buildings etc. for clearance under § 29 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance

• Calibration service for various radiation measuring devices such as e. g. for activity and environmental monitoring

• Minimizing disposal costs for radioactive resi- dues and wastes, e. g. by means of optimised container and loading concepts

Inspection of a measuring chain

Laboratory accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

AREVA GmbHYour contact: Nikolaus NeudertTel.: +49 (0)9131 900-97666 Fax: +49 (0)9131 900-97312E-Mail: [email protected]

Editor and Copyright 2013: AREVA GmbH – Paul-Gossen-Straße 100 – 91052 Erlangen, Germany. It is prohibited to reproduce the present publication in its entirety or partially in whatever form without prior written consent. Legal action may be taken against any infringer and/or any person breaching the aforementioned prohibitions.

Subject to change without notice, errors excepted. Illustrations may diff er from the original. The statements and information contained in this publication are for advertising purposes only and do not constitute an off er of contract. They shall neither be construed as a guarantee of quality or durability, nor as warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. These statements, even if they are future-orientated, are based on information that was available to us at the date of publication. Only the terms of individual contracts shall be authoritative for type, scope and characteristics of our products and services.