Technical Report – Stormwater Drainage Report Parramatta Road Temporary Works Site Final Design (FD) Project M4 East – Design and Construct Contract No. 15.7105.1373 Document No. M4E-AEH-TR-50-120-106001_D_03 Revision Date 29/07/2016 Document Approval Rev Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Remarks C_01 01/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias CDR for FD Issue D_00 07/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias FD Issue D_01 22/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias FD Issue D_02 25/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias FD Issue D_03 29/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias FD Issue

Technical Report – Stormwater Drainage Report East...Technical Report – Stormwater Drainage Report Parramatta Road Temporary Works Site Final Design (FD) Project M4 East – Design

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Technical Report – Stormwater Drainage Report

Parramatta Road Temporary Works Site

Final Design (FD)

Project M4 East – Design and Construct

Contract No. 15.7105.1373

Document No. M4E-AEH-TR-50-120-106001_D_03

Revision Date 29/07/2016

Document Approval

Rev Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Remarks

C_01 01/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias CDR for FD Issue

D_00 07/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias FD Issue

D_01 22/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias FD Issue

D_02 25/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias FD Issue

D_03 29/07/2016 A Reid (AEH) L Segundo T Dias FD Issue

Design Technical Report Parramatta Road Temporary Works Site Final Design (FD)

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Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary ..................................................................................................... 5

2 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 6

2.1 Description of the Project Works ........................................................................ 6

2.2 Scope of this Report ........................................................................................... 7

2.3 Differences between the Draft and the Final Stages .......................................... 9

2.4 Definitions and Abbreviations ............................................................................. 9

3 Design Criteria and Performance Requirements ....................................................... 11

3.1 System Requirements ...................................................................................... 11

3.2 Safety Requirements ........................................................................................ 11

3.3 Design Life ....................................................................................................... 11

3.4 Durability .......................................................................................................... 11

3.5 Design Criteria and Loadings ........................................................................... 11

3.6 Standards, Codes and Guidelines .................................................................... 12

3.7 Agreed Exceptions ........................................................................................... 13

4 Drainage Assessment ............................................................................................... 14

4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 14

4.1.2 Temporary Works Design .................................................................... 14

4.2 Drainage Patterns ............................................................................................ 15

4.2.1 Existing Conditions .............................................................................. 15

4.2.2 Temporary Site Conditions .................................................................. 17

4.3 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis ................................................................... 20

4.3.1 Impact to Property ............................................................................... 21

4.4 Water Quality and Receiving Environment ....................................................... 21

4.4.1 Existing Conditions Water Quality ....................................................... 21

4.4.2 Environmental Impacts ........................................................................ 21

4.5 Mitigation Measures ......................................................................................... 22

4.5.1 General ................................................................................................ 22

4.5.2 Sedimentation and Erosion Control ..................................................... 22

4.5.3 Flooding ............................................................................................... 23

5 Design Integration ..................................................................................................... 24

5.1 Cross Discipline Review ................................................................................... 24

5.2 Integration with Other Stakeholders ................................................................. 24

5.2.1 Consultation ........................................................................................ 24

6 Design Compliance ................................................................................................... 25

6.1 Non-Conformances .......................................................................................... 25

7 Approvals and Certifications ...................................................................................... 26

7.1 Internal Verification Process ............................................................................. 26

7.2 Independent Verification and Assurance .......................................................... 26

7.3 Independent Certifier, Project Company and RMS .......................................... 26

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8 Outstanding issues .................................................................................................... 27

8.1 ‘Hold’ Schedule ................................................................................................ 27

8.2 Other Issues ..................................................................................................... 27

9 Sustainability Targets and Initiatives ......................................................................... 28

10 References ................................................................................................................ 29

No table of figures entries found.


Table 1: Design Lots ........................................................................................................... 8

Table 2 Differences between SDD and FD ......................................................................... 9

Table 3: Definitions used within this Report ........................................................................ 9

Table 4: Abbreviations used within this Report ................................................................... 9

Table 5: Planning Minister’s Conditions of Approval – Condition B20 .............................. 12

Table 6: Additional Codes, Standards, Technical Publications and Guidelines ................ 13

Table 7: Existing conditions catchment ............................................................................. 16

Table 8: Temporary works conditions catchment ............................................................. 18

Table 9: Estimated peak flows .......................................................................................... 20

Table 10: Summary of comments raised during consultation with Strathfield Council ..... 24

Table 11: Identified Non-Conformances ........................................................................... 25

Table 12: Design Approval and Certification Requirements ............................................. 26

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1 Executive Summary This technical report addresses the Planning Minister’s Conditions of Approval B20 (Stormwater Drainage Report). To facilitate the proposed construction program, the Stormwater Drainage Report has been split into fifteen (15) stages which will be covered under separate technical reports (refer to Section 2.2 for a list full of reports).

The content of this report relates specifically to the Parramatta Road Temporary Works Civil construction site.

Details of Condition B20 are listed in Table 5, which also identifies the relevant sections of this report that deal with each individual clause of that Condition.

This Stormwater Drainage Report provides a summary of the drainage assessments undertaken for the temporary works for the Parramatta Road site as well as a discussion on proposed mitigation measures to meet Condition B20. The assessments undertaken generally found that there will be minor to negligible changes to the drainage patterns. These changes are small enough to be accommodated by the existing drainage systems.

The impact assessment considers stormwater flows, water quality and the receiving environment and is documented in Sections 4.2 to 4.4.

Mitigation measures developed for the Parramatta Road Civil site are documented in Section 4.5.

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2 Introduction The WestConnex M4 East Project is being designed and constructed by the CPB Contractors (ABN 98 000 893 667) Samsung (ABN 49 160 079 470) John Holland (ABN 11 004 282 268) Joint Venture (CSJ JV). The purpose of this report is to document the stormwater drainage assessments and to provide supporting information which has been applied during the development of the design.

This report has been prepared by AECOM Hyder Joint Venture (AEH) on behalf of CSJ JV.

2.1 Description of the Project Works

The M4 East Project will comprise two new, three lane carriageways (Main Carriageway, Eastbound or Eastbound Carriageway and Main Carriageway Westbound or Westbound Carriageway), generally beneath Parramatta Road (together the “Main Carriageways”). The Main Carriageways will be constructed between the eastern end of the M4 West Motorway near Homebush Bay Drive and the City West Link and Parramatta Road at Haberfield.

1 The Main Carriageway Eastbound will be provided with:

a A connection from the M4 West Motorway eastbound

b A western tunnel portal between Homebush Bay Drive and Concord Road

c Access from Homebush Bay Drive

d A ramp from Concord Road

e A ramp to the City West Link (Wattle Street / Dobroyd Parade) northbound

f A ramp to Parramatta Road eastbound with the ramp portal located between Wattle Street and Dalhousie Street

g Provisions for a future, uninterrupted, three lane connection to the future M4 South, located in the vicinity of Parramatta Road and Wattle Street at Haberfield.

2 The Main Carriageway Westbound will be provided with:

a Provisions for a future, uninterrupted, three lane connection from the future M4 South, located in the vicinity of Parramatta Road and Wattle Street at Haberfield

b A ramp from Parramatta Road westbound with the ramp portal located between Wattle Street and Dalhousie Street

c A ramp from City West Link (Wattle Street / Dobroyd Parade) southbound

d A ramp to Concord Road

e A direct connection to the M4 Motorway westbound near Parramatta Road

f Access to the Homebush Bay Drive

g A connection to the M4 West Motorway westbound between Homebush Bay Drive and Concord Road.

The project has been split into five geographical zones for delivery purposes. The zones are split as follows and shown below:

Zone 00 (General Project Wide)

Zone 10 – Tunnels

Zone 20 – Homebush Bay Drive Interchange

Zone 30 – Concord Road Interchange

Zone 40 – Wattle Street Interchange

Zone 50 – Parramatta Road Interchange

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Zone 60 (Mechanical and Electrical)

Figure 1: Schematic showing M4 East Project zones

2.2 Scope of this Report

This Technical Report has been prepared in accordance with the WestConnex M4 East Design and Construction Deed Clause 13 and SWTC Appendix C.2 Clause 3 and in accordance with CSJ Design Management Plan M4E-LSJ-00-000-MP-001003_B_00.

The scope of works covered by this technical report relates specifically to the Planning Minister’s Conditions of Approval B20 (Stormwater Drainage Report). To facilitate the proposed construction program, the Stormwater Drainage Report has been split into fifteen (15) stages which will be covered under separate technical reports:

Stormwater Drainage Report – Permanent Works Homebush Bay Drive (Zone 20): issued as part of Zone 20 Drainage Design (20-360-400)

Stormwater Drainage Report – Permanent Works Concord Road (Zone 30): issued as part of Zone 30 Drainage Design (30-360-400)

Stormwater Drainage Report – Permanent Works Wattle Street (Zone 40): issued as part of Zone 40 Drainage Design (40-360-400)

Stormwater Drainage Report – Permanent Works Parramatta Road (Zone 50): issued as part of Zone 50 Drainage Design (50-360-400)

Stormwater Drainage Report – HBD Temporary Works Civil Site: 20-120-106

Stormwater Drainage Report – Pomeroy Temporary Works Civil Site: 20-120-108

Stormwater Drainage Report – Underwood Temporary Works Civil and Tunnel Site: 20-120-110 and 10-120-110

Stormwater Drainage Report – Powells Creek Temporary Works Civil Site: 30-120-106

Stormwater Drainage Report – Concord Temporary Works Civil and Tunnel Site: 30-120-108 and 10-120-108

Stormwater Drainage Report – Cintra Temporary Works Tunnel Site: 10-120-104

Stormwater Drainage Report – Northcote Temporary Works Tunnel Site: 10-120-106

Stormwater Drainage Report – WS Temporary Works Civil Site: 40-120-106

Stormwater Drainage Report – PR Temporary Works Civil Site: 50-120-106

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This technical report describes the assessment of stormwater drainage undertaken for the proposed temporary works in the Parramatta Road Site and includes the lot numbers listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Design Lots

Lot Number Description Comment

50-120-106 Stormwater Drainage Report Stormwater Drainage Report for Parramatta Road temporary works site

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2.3 Differences between the Draft and the Final Stages

Table 2 describes the differences between the SDD and FD Report.

Table 2 Differences between SDD and FD

Location Difference Reason for the Difference

N/A Not issued at SDD

2.4 Definitions and Abbreviations

Table 3: Definitions used within this Report

Term Description

The Contractor CPB Samsung John Holland Joint Venture

Project Company WCX M4 Pty Limited

Floodplain Area of land which is subject to inundation by floods up to and including the probable maximum flood event.

Temporary Works Any temporary physical works required for the purpose of the carrying out of the Contractor's Activities, but which does not form part of the Project Works including any such works specified in Section 3.4A of the SWTC and including, to the extent relevant to such works, Changes directed in accordance with the Project Deed.

Table 4: Abbreviations used within this Report

Abbr. Description

AEH AECOM Hyder Joint Venture

AHD Australian Height Datum

ARI Average Recurrence Interval

BoM Bureau of Meteorology

CDR Cross Discipline Review

CEMP Construction Environment Management Plan

CH Chainage

CR Concord Road

CSJ JV CPB Samsung John Holland Joint Venture

DxV Depth-Velocity Product

EB Eastbound

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EY Exceedances per Year

FD Final Design

GIS Geographic Information Systems

HBD Homebush Bay Drive

HHWSS High High Water Solstices Springs

IC Independent Certifier

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Abbr. Description

IFC Issued for Construction

LGA Local Government Area

LoS Level of Service

CSJ CPB Samsung John Holland Joint Venture

M&E Mechanical & Electrical

MCoA Minister’s Conditions of Approval

M4E M4 East

MGA Map Grid of Australia

NB Northbound

O&M Operations & Maintenance

OSD On-site Detention

PMF Probable Maximum Flood

PR Parramatta Road

PRVF Parramatta Road Ventilation Facility

RCBC Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert

RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe

RMS Roads and Maritime Services

SB Southbound

SiD Safety in Design

SSI State Significant Infrastructure

SWMP Soil and Water Management Plan

SWTC Scope of Work and Technical Criteria

WB Westbound

WS Wattle Street

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3 Design Criteria and Performance Requirements

3.1 System Requirements

There are two types of system requirements that have been identified for managing the design and implementation of this design component. System requirements that can be verified and validated have been categorised as “Technical Requirements”, while the remaining system requirements achieved through a process are classified as “Process Requirements”.

Contract clauses classified as “Information”, “Advice” or Commercial” (i.e. they are background details or non-engineering requirements) have not been included in the Technical or Process system requirements outlined above.

The Technical Requirements form the “design to” criteria and the baseline against which CSJ can verify compliance, and provide validation of the implemented systems.

The Process Requirements are linked to process documentation such as the relevant management plans, management meeting minutes, Risk Assessments (RA), audits etc, in order to satisfy compliance.

3.2 Safety Requirements

In addition to the safety requirements derived from the Project Deed and SWTC, a number of risk workshops and Safety in Design (SiD) workshops have been carried out on the design to date. The subsequently generated safety requirements have been analysed and addressed through the SiD process and actions identified within this report.

Verification and validation of these safety requirements will be incorporated into the Matrix as works progress.

3.3 Design Life

All assets designed as part of this package are in accordance with the minimum design life specified in SWTC Appendix B.13 and as per the Durability Report (M4E-AEH-TR-00-120-050001).

3.4 Durability

Not applicable to this design lot. Refer to Section 3.3.

3.5 Design Criteria and Loadings

The design described in this report has been prepared in accordance with the Project Deed and the SWTC.

The Planning Minister’s Conditions of Approval (MCoA) include several conditions related to flooding and drainage. This report relates specifically to Condition B20, with details as summarised in Table 5.

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Table 5: Planning Minister’s Conditions of Approval – Condition B20

Clause Description of requirement Comment

B20 The Proponent must undertake further hydrological and hydraulic modelling based on the detailed design of the SSI to determine the ability of the receiving drainage systems to effectively convey pavement drainage from the SSI. The modelling must be undertaken in consultation with the relevant council(s) and the outcomes documented in a Stormwater Drainage Report. The Stormwater Drainage Report must:

This report

B20 (a) confirm the location, size and capacity of all drainage basin structures associated with the operation of the SSI;

Refer to Section 4.2.2

B20 (b) assess the potential impacts of pavement drainage discharges from the SSI drainage systems on the receiving environment including the hydrology (water quality and quantity) of receiving waterways, riparian vegetation, aquatic ecology and property;

Refer to Sections 4.3 and 4.4

B20 (c) identify all feasible and reasonable mitigation measures to be implemented where pavement drainage from the SSI drainage systems is predicted to adversely impact on the receiving environment;

Refer to Section 4.5

B20 (d) where pavement drainage from the SSI flows to a council stormwater drainage system, confirm the location of the cross drainage point and, where available, use drainage information obtained from the relevant council, to - (i) confirm the capacity of the council’s drainage system and its ability to receive and convey the flows, (ii) identify any consequent upstream and downstream impacts on cross drainage infrastructure capacity, (iii) assess the impacts on the receiving environment at the final outflow point resulting from any additional flow volume (including, but not limited to, scour, flooding, water quality impacts, and impacts on riparian vegetation, aquatic ecology and property), and (iv) identify all feasible and reasonable mitigation measures to be implement where increased flows through cross drainage systems adversely impact on council drainage infrastructure and the receiving environment;

(i) Refer to Section 4.2.1 and 4.3 (ii) Refer to Section 4.3 (iii) Refer to Section 4.3, 4.3.1 and 4.4.2 (iv) Refer to Section 4.5

B20 (e) set out a clear time frame for the implementation of mitigation measures.

Refer to Section 4.5

B20 The Stormwater Drainage Report must be submitted to the Secretary at least four weeks prior to the commencement of any new drainage works, modifications to existing drainage works, or construction hard surfaces that would result in runoff to existing stormwater drainage systems, unless otherwise agreed by the Secretary.

This report – submission timeframes were proposed in RMS letter Ref: A12442902

3.6 Standards, Codes and Guidelines

The Design has as a minimum been designed in accordance with the Codes and Standards referred to in Section 3.16 of the SWTC and in accordance with the order of precedence set out in SWTC Section 2.4.

Additional Design Standards and Codes, Technical Publications and Guidelines not referenced as above and relevant to this design package are listed in Table 6.

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Table 6: Additional Codes, Standards, Technical Publications and Guidelines

Reference Title

Blue Book Landcom (2004). Managing urban stormwater: soils and construction – Volume 1, 4th Edition

3.7 Agreed Exceptions

In some cases SWTC requirements have required exception or clarification via RFIs. These have been agreed with the Project Company and this section of the report identifies those relevant to this design package. For this package there are no agreed exceptions or clarifications at this design stage.

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4 Drainage Assessment

4.1 Introduction

The Parramatta Road temporary construction site is located along Parramatta Road and bounded by Bland Street to the north-west and Orpington Street to the south-east. The site will be used to facilitate the construction of the Parramatta Road tunnel entry and exit ramps, and changes to Parramatta Road alignment required to accommodate these ramps. Existing commercial and residential properties will be cleared and Chandos Street (south) access to Parramatta Road will be closed and incorporated into the site. The total site area is approximately 40,300 m2 and can be divided as follows (refer to Figure 2):

Temporary Works Construction Zone

Temporary Works Design. Temporary Works Construction Zone

The main site on the south-western side of Parramatta Road is approximately 26,700 m2 with the area encompassing the footprint of the proposed Parramatta Road and M4 East ramps. This area will be adjusted during construction staging works where the permanent works ties into existing infrastructure.

4.1.2 Temporary Works Design

The north-eastern section of the Parramatta Road temporary works site is approximately 13,600 m2 and is mostly comprised of the existing Parramatta Road. As part of the staging works, Parramatta Road will be reduced to 2 lanes in each direction along the temporary works site. The westbound carriageway alignment will be moved to the north-east to allow construction of the tunnel access.

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Figure 2: Site location, existing terrain contours and existing drainage systems

4.2 Drainage Patterns

4.2.1 Existing Conditions

Under existing condtions, the site is comprised of residential housing, commercial properties and road reserve. The existing terrain shows a low point within Parramatta Road approximately 20 m north of Chandos Street intersection with Parramatta Road and high points approximately 80m north-west of Chandos Street and just north-west of the Parramatta Road and Orpington Street intersection. The majority of the runoff generated within the site generally flows in a south-westerly direction towards the existing Sydney Water trunk drainage system that runs parallel to Parramatta Road (refer Figure 2).

Runoff from the section of Parramatta Road between Bland Street and Orpington Street is discharged to existing drainage systems at four distinct locations (refer Figure 3). The north-eastern corner discharges runoff via the existing Parramatta Road drainage system. The north-western corner discharges runoff directly to Bland Street where it is captured by the existing Sydney Water trunk drainage system at the low point in Bland Street. The majority of the site discharges runoff to Chandos Street due to the natural low point in the existing terrain. The remainder of the site discharges to the existing Parramatta Road drainage system in the vicinity of Dalhousie Street at the south-eastern end of the site. Parramatta Road North Catchment

The north-western portion of the site includes the eastbound side of Parramatta Road near the intersection of Parramatta Road and Bland Street (refer to catchment PRN in Figure 3). The catchment discharging to this location is mostly comprised of existing residential houses as well as some commercial properties. Runoff generated within this catchment is currently captured by the existing drainage infrastructure within Parramatta Road which drains to the existing Sydney Water drainage pipe which runs parallel to Parramatta Road. Flows in excess of the capacity of the underground drainage system travel overland in a northerly direction along Parramatta Road.

The existing drainage system along the north-eastern side of Parramatta Road is comprised of a pit and pipe system with pipe sizes varying between 225 mm and 525 mm in diameter. The hydraulic assessment of this system indicates that the system is under capacity during 1 year storm event.

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Revision Date 29/07/2016 Bland Street Catchment

The north-western section of the site includes the north western corner of the Parramatta Road site near the intersection of Parramatta Road and Bland Street (refer to catchment BS in Figure 3). The site is mostly comprised of existing commercial properties and also includes some existing residential properties and road reserve. Runoff generated within this section of the site is currently captured by the existing drainage infrastructure within Bland Street which drains to the existing Sydney Water drainage pipe which runs parallel to Parramatta Road.

The existing drainage systems within this vicinity are comprised of pit and pipe systems with pipe sizes of 525 mm diameter. The hydraulic assessment of this system indicates that the system is under capacity during a 1 year storm event. Chandos Street Catchment

The main discharge point from the catchment (refer to catchment CS in Figure 3) is located at the Parramatta Road low point approximately 20 m north-west of Chandos Street. A relatively large external catchment located on the eastern side of Parramatta Road drains to this low point. The catchment discharging to this location is mostly comprised of residential properties as well as road reserve and some commercial properties. Runoff generated within this section of the site is currently captured by the existing drainage infrastructure within Parramatta Road and Chandos Street which drains to the existing Sydney Water trunk drainage which runs parallel to Parramatta Road.

Under existing conditions, stormwater runoff in excess of the capacity of the existing pit and pipe system within Parramatta Road overtops the road and heads in a north-westerly direction towards the Sydney Water trunk drainage network. The remaining runoff heads both north-west and south-east along Parramatta Road towards Bland Street and Chandos Street. Parramatta Road at Chandos Street is estimated to have very low flood immunity with the low point overtopping in a 2 year ARI storm event. Parramatta Road South Catchment

The Parramatta Road South catchment (refer to PRS in Figure 3) is mostly comprised of a section of Parramatta Road and some residential properties located on the north-eastern side of the road. Runoff from this catchment discharges to the pit and pipe system in Parramatta Road located near the intersection of Dalhousie Street.

The existing drainage systems within this vicinity are comprised of pit and pipe systems with pipe sizes of 225 mm to 300 mm diameter. The hydraulic assessment of this system indicates that the system is under capacity during a 1 year storm event.

The estimated catchment areas under existing conditions are shown in Table 7.

Table 7: Existing conditions catchment

Catchment Approx. Area (ha) % Impervious (Approx.) Parramatta Road North Catchments

PRN-EXT-1 0.242 80

PRN-EXT-2 0.006 90

PRN-EXT-3 0.943 90

PRN-EXT-4 1.335 70

Parramatta Road North Total 2.527 78

Bland Street Catchments

BS-EXT-1 0.309 90

BS-EXT-2 1.405 90

BS-EXT-3 0.019 90

BS-EXT-4 0.056 90

BS-EXT-5 0.226 90

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Catchment Approx. Area (ha) % Impervious (Approx.) BS-EXT-6 0.023 90

BS-EXT-7 0.035 90

Bland St Total 2.073 90

Chandos Street Catchments

CS-EXT-1 0.637 70

CS-EXT-2 0.214 90

CS-EXT-3 0.318 90

CS-EXT-4 0.784 70

CS-EXT-5 2.029 70

CS-EXT-6 0.081 90

CS-EXT-7 0.408 70

CS-EXT-8 0.190 90

CS-EXT-9 0.868 90

CS-EXT-10 0.614 90

CS-EXT-11 2.217 70

Chandos St Total 8.359 75

Parramatta Road South Catchments

PRS-EXT-1 0.344 80

Parramatta Road South Total 0.344 80

Total 13.303 78

Figure 3: Existing conditions catchments

4.2.2 Temporary Site Conditions

The site will be cleared and regraded as part of the temporary works. The terrain for the site will be shaped to closely follow the existing site contours and levels. The surface will mostly consist of 200 mm deep

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crushed rock gravel hardstand area which is permeable. Various temporary access roads will be constructed to allow access and egress to enable construction activities. Parramatta Road North Catchment

Runoff generated within the Parramatta Road North section of the site will not change significantly during the temporary construction staging. While the overall width of Parramatta Road is set to decrease due to the road being slued north, the existing flow paths are set to be maintained.

Works within this area are expected at the late stages of construction when some adjustments will be made to Parramatta Road. However, these works are not expected to result in impacts to the existing drainage patterns. Bland Street Catchment

Following the removal of the existing commercial and residential properties within the Bland Street section of the site, the site will be regraded to match the existing terrain. This will result in a small of reduction the total catchment area which is discharging directly to Bland Street as shown in Figure 4. This will result in the overall decrease of catchment area and impervious area for this section as outlined in Table 8. Chandos Street Catchment

Only the Chandos Street catchments which are on the south-western side of Parramatta Road will be affected by the removal of the existing commercial and residential properties and regarding of the site under the temporary conditions. This will result in a small increase of the total catchment area which is currently discharging directly to Chandos Street as shown in Figure 4. While the overall catchment area will increase, but the overall imperviousness of the site is set to decrease as outlined in Table 8. Parramatta Road South Catchment

Runoff generated within the Parramatta Road South section of the site will not change during the temporary construction staging. The overall width of Parramatta Road is set to stay the same with the existing flow paths being maintained.

Works within this area is expected at the late stages of construction when some adjustments will be made to Parramatta Road. However, these works are not expected to result in impacts to the existing drainage patterns.

Table 8: Temporary works conditions catchment

Catchment Approx. Area (ha) % Impervious (Approx.) Parramatta Road North Catchments

PRN-EXT-1 0.242 80

PRN-EXT-2 0.006 90

PRN-EXT-3 0.943 90

PRN-EXT-4 1.335 70

Parramatta Road North Total 2.527 78

Bland Street Catchments

BS-EXT-1 0.130 90

BS-EXT-2 0.975 90

BS-EXT-3 0.014 90

BS-EXT-4 0.021 90

BS-EXT-5 0.017 90

BS-EXT-6 0.014 90

BS-EXT-7 0.020 90

BS-PRO-1 0.763 10

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Catchment Approx. Area (ha) % Impervious (Approx.) Bland St Total 1.954 59

Chandos Street Catchments

CS-EXT-1 0.637 70

CS-EXT-2 0.098 90

CS-EXT-3 0.055 90

CS-EXT-4 0.784 70

CS-EXT-5 2.029 70

CS-EXT-6 0.081 90

CS-EXT-7 0.037 90

CS-EXT-8 0.065 90

CS-EXT-9 0.868 90

CS-EXT-10 0.155 90

CS-EXT-11 1.499 70

CS-PRO-1 1.988 10

CS-PRO-2 0.182 10

Chandos St Total 8.478 58

Parramatta Road South Catchments

PRS-EXT-1 0.344 80

Parramatta Road South Total 0.344 80

Total 13.303 63

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Figure 4: Temporary Works conditions catchment

4.3 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis

The hydrologic and hydraulic assessment was undertaken using DRAINS. The DRAINS model performs hydrologic and hydraulic grade line analyses on pit and pipe systems to determine:

Flow estimation for design storm events

Open channel flow calculations to assess kerb and channel flow widths

Calculation of pit inlet capture rates based on inlet capacity charts (developed using HEC-22 procedures) and blockage allowances

Pipe friction losses using the Colebrook-White equation

Pit losses using Mills equation.

Results of the hydrologic analysis undertaken in DRAINS for the 5 and 100 year ARI design storm events are presented in Table 9.

As it can be seen in Table 9, flows discharging from both Parramatta Road North and South have not changed under the temporary works conditions. The proposed changes in these areas are assessed in the stormwater drainage report prepared for the permanent works and included in the detailed design report for Parramatta Road interchange.

Flows discharging from the Bland Street catchment section of the site are expected to decrease by approximately 28% in the 5 year ARI event and 21% in the 100 year ARI event. This is largely due to the change in the total imperviousness of the site as the temporary works occupy almost 40% of the total catchment area discharging to Bland Street. The 5 year ARI total catchment flow for the Sydney Water drainage pipe at this location is approximately 7.1 m3/s. A decrease in the total outflows of approximately 0.17 m3/s compared with the total flows at this location will result in a very minor change of the total flows (-2%).

Flows discharging from the Chandos Street catchment section of the site are expected to decrease by 13% in the 5 year ARI event and 9% in the 100 year ARI event. This is largely due to the change in the total imperviousness of the site. The 5 year ARI total catchment flow for the Sydney Water drainage pipe at this location is approximately 6.83 m3/s. A decrease in the total outflows of approximately 0.28 m3/s compared with the total flows at this location will result in a very minor change of the total flows (-4%).

Table 9: Estimated peak flows

Discharge Location Existing Conditions

Temporary Works Conditions

Difference (%)

5 yr ARI (m3/s)

100 yr ARI (m3/s)

5 yr ARI (m3/s)

100 yr ARI (m3/s)

5 yr ARI 100 yr ARI

Parramatta Road North 0.66 1.11 0.66 1.11 0% 0%

Bland Street 0.60 0.98 0.43 0.78 -28% -21%

Chandos Street 2.13 3.60 1.85 3.26 -13% -9%

Parramatta Road South 0.15 0.24 0.15 0.24 0% 0% Sydney Water Drainage Pipe & Overland Flow at Bland Street Low Point

7.10 12.78 6.93* 12.58* -2%* -2%*

*Temporary works conditions flows and difference % estimated by subtracting the reduction in flow at Bland Street.

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4.3.1 Impact to Property

A flood mitigation strategy report for Zone 50 has been prepared as part of the flood assessment of the project. The report confirms that under existing conditions Parramatta Road site is affected by local overland flow approaching the road from the north-east, with a relatively large catchment (4.2 ha) draining to the intersection of Chandos Street and Parramatta Road. This flow then drains to the existing low point on Parramatta Road just north-west of Chandos Street. The existing drainage system on Parramatta Road has limited capacity, with only a 600 mm diameter pipe draining the low point. Stormwater runoff from the eastern side of Parramatta Road then overtops the kerb along the westbound carriageways and heads in a north-westerly direction through private properties towards the Sydney Water trunk drainage network. The remaining runoff heads north-west along Parramatta Road towards Bland Street and south-east to Chandos Street.

Both the stormwater drainage and flood assessments undertaken for the temporary works confirm that the works will not result in adverse impact to properties.

4.4 Water Quality and Receiving Environment

The Contractor will undertake water quality monitoring of water discharged from the project site in accordance with RMS Specification D&C G38. All water to be discharged from the project site will be directed to holding tanks or ponds for treatment prior to its release from the project site. Water from building roof structures will be connected directly to the local stormwater system or to rainwater tanks for re-use in which case no prior treatment is required.

The Contractor’s Soil and Water Management Plan (SWMP - M4E-ES-PLN-PWD-00242) provides information on the existing surface water quality and receiving environment (refer to Section 4 of that report). A summary of that information is provided in Sections 4.4.1 and Section 4.4.2.

4.4.1 Existing Conditions Water Quality Water quality is largely influenced by stormwater runoff from extensively urbanised catchments in all watercourses crossed by the project or in close proximity to it. Existing studies prepared for Iron Cove Creek (which receives discharge from the existing Sydney Water trunk drain that the local drainage networks connect to) have identified that water quality is generally considered poor with:

High levels of faecal coliforms and dissolved nutrients were identified in Iron Cove Creek;

High levels of heavy metals were identified in Iron Cove Creek;

Testing of nutrient loads (including nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll-a) in all watercourses exceeding the trigger values in the ANZECC (2000) aquatic ecosystem health guidelines for south-east Australian estuaries.

4.4.2 Environmental Impacts Factors that could impact water quality, riparian vegetation, aquatic ecology and the receiving environment during construction include, but are not limited to:

Clearing of vegetation

Sedimentation and erosion


Storage of hazardous materials

Stockpiling of soil material near waterways and overland flow paths.

These factors have been considered and impacts to water quality and the receiving environment have been documented in the Contractor’s SWMP (refer to Section 5 of that report) and the environmental safeguards have been developed accordingly (refer to Section 6 of the SWMP). Further, during construction water

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quality monitoring will be undertaken as required by Condition B18 of the MCoA which identifies baseline water quality, a monitoring regime and contingency measures where adverse impacts to water quality are registered.

4.5 Mitigation Measures

4.5.1 General

The stormwater drainage strategy and design was prepared adopting measures to minimise the potential impacts of the works. These measures include:

Maintaining drainage patterns as similar to existing as possible

Minimising the use of impervious hardstand surfaces

Use of local sedimentation and erosion controls.

The above measures will be implemented in the establishment of the Parramatta Road Civil site which commenced in April 2016. These measures will also be implemented on an ongoing basis during construction. The measures are documented in the temporary works civil drawings (50-660-930 series). Mitigation measures set out in this report are documented in the:

Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP: M4E-ES-PLN-PWD-00233)

Ancillary Facilities Management Plan (M4E-ES-PLN-PWD-00235)

Soil and Water Management Plan (M4E-ES-PLN-PWD-00242).

4.5.2 Sedimentation and Erosion Control

A number of sedimentation and erosion control measures are proposed to mitigate potential impacts of the proposed works. These measures will ensure that there is minimum impact to water quality and reduce the potential for scour and sediment migration. The measures proposed include:

Onsite water management measures including sediment traps, silt fencing and sand bags.

Further to the above, the project’s CEMP and SWMP set out the Contractor’s commitments to the effective management of water during construction. These mitigation measures include:

Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESCPs) will be prepared in accordance with the Blue Book Volumes 1 and 2D (Landcom, 2004 and DECC, 2008) for each specific stage or parcel of work prior to commencing construction

All erosion and sediment controls will be installed in accordance with best-practice guidelines

Key management structures such as sediment traps and clean water diversions will be installed as early works to assist in effective site management

As much as possible, separating ‘clean’ (offsite) run-on water catchments from ‘dirty’ (onsite) construction area run-off catchments to minimise impacts to receiving waters and reduce the need to manage large volumes of dirty water

Turbid construction runoff will be directed into sediment retention devices such as sediment sumps, sediment fences and other sediment traps

Sediment controls, including sediment traps, will be dewatered or cleaned out (de-silted) as necessary no more than 5 days after rain in accordance with the Blue Book. Sediment traps will be de-silted if more than 60% of the Storage Zone in the trap is filled

Use of wheel washes or sprays (where significant outloading of spoil will occur) or stabilised access points (in accordance with Landcom, 2004), aka rumble grids.

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The above measures and stormwater drainage features proposed as part of the temporary works will be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure their integrity and functionality, particularly after storm events.

4.5.3 Flooding

The temporary site access works proposed for the Parramatta Road site that could potentially affect flooding include:

Noise walls and hoarding

Temporary medians

Temporary traffic barriers

The Parramatta Road site is generally not flood affected except for the overland flow path around Chandos Street. This flow path would be managed through local stormwater management during construction. During the early site establishment phase there would only be chain wire fencing along Parramatta Road which would provide minimal obstruction to the overland flows overtopping the kerb along Parramatta Road. Towards the end of the site establishment phase, hoarding would be put up along Parramatta Road, which would potentially block the overland flows from Parramatta Road. To mitigate flood impacts on Parramatta Road and adjoining properties, in particular the child care centre at the corner of Chandos Street and Parramatta Road, flaps are proposed along a 25 m section of the hoarding. This would allow flows to overtop the kerb and enter the site similar to existing conditions.

Temporary noise walls are proposed along the north-western boundary of the site between the site and adjoining properties. These would block the overland flows that enter the site from Parramatta Road. Flows would then be managed within the site. Flows would run along the haul road towards the north-west of the site during larger flood events.

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5 Design Integration

5.1 Cross Discipline Review

A cross discipline review (CDR) has been undertaken on this design package by design and construction team discipline leaders to verify appropriate integration of other disciplines design components prior to submission to IC and the Project Company.

5.2 Integration with Other Stakeholders

Design integration will be presented in the individual design packages.

5.2.1 Consultation Consultation with Ashfield Council (now Inner West) was undertaken during the preparation of this Stormwater Drainage Report. Consultation events included a meeting which was held on 18 March 2016, and a draft of this report has been provided to council for review and comment on 11 July 2016. Evidence of this consultation is attached to this report in Annexure D with a summary of comments raised and the project’s response in Table 10.

Table 10: Summary of comments raised during consultation with Strathfield Council

No. Comment Response 1 Ashfield Council did not raise any specific

comments relating to the Stormwater Drainage Report at a meeting held on 18 March 2016, where CSJ’s approach to the report was presented.


2 The Stormwater Drainage Report was provided to Inner West Council on 11 July 2016 for review and comment. At the time of finalising this report no comment had been received from council. If feedback is received they will be considered and, where appropriate, the report will be updated.


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6 Design Compliance

6.1 Non-Conformances

The design has been developed to comply with the SWTC; however in some instances the design may not satisfy all design criteria.

Design Non-Conformances are summarised in Table 11 below to identify the details of design departures from the SWTC, the reason for the departure or proposed action to mitigate these departures and the current status of approval.

The design departures are to be reviewed and discussed with the Project Company and Independent Certifier during the detailed design with the objective of gaining acceptance prior to seeking formal approval to amend the SWTC prior to issue of the final design.

Table 11: Identified Non-Conformances

Details of Non-conformance Reason for Non-conformance Proposed action Status (open/closed)

Nil at this stage

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7 Approvals and Certifications The following design approval(s) and certification(s) have been identified for this package (refer Table 12).

Table 12: Design Approval and Certification Requirements

Design stage Required party to approve Design Approval Required Status of Approval


7.1 Internal Verification Process

All design outputs are subject to informal internal verification that may take the form of general overview, spot checking, compliance with the brief, or a detailed check. The form of verification is relevant to the risk presented by the design activity, and the degree to which risk can be effectively mitigated by the form of verification.

7.2 Independent Verification and Assurance

The design has been internally verified by independent design team members. We have addressed the verification comments where possible prior to this submission. Any outstanding comments will be addressed during the next design stage.

7.3 Independent Certifier, Project Company and RMS

Comments made by the IC, PC and RMS and evidence of closure from previous design package submissions are included in Annexure A – Comments and Responses Register.

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8 Outstanding issues

8.1 ‘Hold’ Schedule

There are no areas of the design package that are currently on ‘Hold’.

8.2 Other Issues

At the time of this report submission there are no additional stakeholder issues that are still to be addressed before the design can progress to the next stage.

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9 Sustainability Targets and Initiatives Details of the sustainability targets and initiatives as set out in the SWTC Appendix D.5 Sustainability Requirements are being addressed in the individual design packages.

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10 References ANZECC (2000). Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. National Water Quality Management Strategy. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand GHD (2015a). WestConnex M4 East EIS: Appendix T –Biodiversity Impact Assessment. Report prepared for WestConnex Delivery Authority.

Landcom (2004). Managing urban stormwater: soils and construction – Volume 1, 4th Edition.

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Annexure A Comments and Responses Register

This is the first issue of this document. Comments and responses will be added in the next issue.

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Annexure B Consultation Documents

Meeting with Ashfield Council 16 March 2016 Page 1 of 5

Meeting with Ashfield Council


Location Ashfield Council Chambers

Liverpool Road, Ashfield

Date 18 March 2016

Attendees Delilah Marta, Ashfield Council,

Kelly Loveridge, Ashfield Council

Shakeeb Mushtag, Ashfield Council

Tony Giunta, Ashfield Council,

David Torresan, Ashfield Council

Amber Cameron, Community Engagement, SMC,

Matthew Morgan, Senior Project Engineer, SMC

Julian Rzesniowiecki, Operations Support Director, CPBSJH

Austen Shoebotham, CPBSJH

Rebecca Spencer, Community Relations Manager, CPBSJH

Steve Kotevich, Project Manager, CPBSJH

Karen Peck, Community Relations Officer, CPBSJH

Jacinta Fuller, Senior Environmental Scientist, CPBSJH

Julia Beck, CPBSJH

Apologies Phil Sarin Ashfield Council, Maurice Morsanuto Ashfield Council, James Brocklebank, Ashfield Council, Luiz Segundo CPBSJH


1. Location of VMS

Required on approach to tunnel portals and part of the emergency system.

Parramatta Road reviewed for best placement – lots of constraints there.

Several options reviewed – only viable position is in front of park as several large warning signs required. Extensive testing conducted to determine any eyeline issues.

Council has a proposed cycleway along Ashfield Park.

Keeping the project signage outside the park footprint.

Plan for VMS tabled and comments from council requested.

Planning progressing for outside the park under the COA – cycleway narrowing around the signs is not

Request for review to be made in writing to Council on VMS location.

Via letter being drafted by CPBSJH (Rebecca Spencer)

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Design options for Orpington Street pedestrian and traffic movement discussed – JV to review.

Post Meeting Note

Current conditions of approval do not allow for any physical change to Ashfield Park. CPBSJH does not propose to locate VMS or other signage within the park boundaries.

2. Parramatta Road Bus Stop

Design drawing of bus stop location tabled.

RMS, STA and TfNSW have agreed in principle to the tabled design. Lines of sight have been checked.

Council to review and discuss shelters, technical requirements.

Bus stop relocation review to be requested in writing to Council.

Via letter being drafted by CPBSJH (Rebecca Spencer)

3. Flood Mitigation Strategy

. There is a requirement under Conditions of Approval to develop a Flood Mitigation Strategy. CPBJSH have produced a design report which will inform the development of this Strategy.

The Strategy will be staged with a permanent works (to be provided in June 2016) and temporary works (to be provided in end-April 2016).

It will compare CPBJSH’s modelling results to the council flood study.

Provide program for

Flood Report to


Jacinta Fuller

At Wattle Street there is existing flooding, overland flow and low lying property. At Ash Lane there is some overland flow which will be mitigated with drainage. The noise wall to the east of Wattle Street is also being designed to avoid ponding. CPBJSH are also providing drainage near the Sydney Water box culvert.

Property flood levels have been surveyed to ensure there are no impacts.


At Parramatta Road the project will affect an overland flow path across Parramatta Road. Generally there is a slight improvement in flooding at this area as a result of the project, however there are some localised impacts at Chandos Street which CPBSJH are looking to mitigate through optimisation of the drainage and detention basin design.

Permanent detention basin on the corner of Chandos Street has been relocated from Bland Street which utilises gravity – not a siphon.

Council to review

strategy and design.

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Council raised concerns during the EIS about the basin – they will review the strategy and design and confirm if these concerns are still relevant. CBPSJH noted that the basin will be located on land which is owned by RMS.

Construction phase modelling shows similar trends to the permanent model. We are currently looking into mitigation including the location of barriers. Affected properties will be consulted.


Council queried if Sydney Water will be consulted for works relating to their trunk main and suggested that a meeting be held between Council (Tony), Sydney Water and CPBSJH.

Meeting to be set up

between Sydney

Water, CPBSJH and


CPBSJH (Drainage Team) to set up meeting

4. Stormwater Drainage Reports

This report is a requirement of the conditions of approval, including an assessment of changes in flow and details of where the project connects into council drainage infrastructure.

CPBSJH propose to split the report into temporary and permanent works.

CPBSJH are trying to only connect into Sydney Water infrastructure, however there will be a connection into council drainage at Ash Lane. A flow assessment will be conducted on this drainage.

There will also be new drainage which connects to Iron Cove Canal.

At Parramatta Road the project will utilise Sydney Water infrastructure.


For water quality treatment the project will utilise GPTs (two at Wattle Street and one at Chandos Street) and a detention basin at Chandos Street.


CPBSJH requested a copy of the council flood study TUFLOW model. CPBSJH have obtained a copy of the flood study report, but the flood model would allow for better comparison between the council and CPBSJH flood results. SMC noted that this was received during the and will be provided to CPBSJH.


Reports should be provided through Phil Sarin and Cathy Edwards-Davis.

CPBSJH to provide a program of dates for the provision of the reports to council, which will assist in achieving a two week review period.

Reports to be provided

to Council.

5. Start of construction timetable

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Northcote Street site plan tabled, site establishment and fencing scheduled 11 April 2016.

Six residential properties to be demolished and commercial demolition commening in May.

Tunneling works site for eastern end of the project with 24/7 operation. Tunnelling due to start late August / early September.

Permanent driveway exit out of Wattle Street for truck haulage.

Discussion of noise walls and noise assessment

Northcote street will be closed – traffic plan being developed

60 staff and 150 workers at peak of construction with handover in mid 2019

Community notification procedure discussed regarding wide notice distribution about site establishment and immediate neighbours notified re property clearing as well as advertising in newspapers and door knocking

Community phone lines established. Property condition surveys conducted in the area. Property condition survey process discussed.

Haulage route to be provided to Council.

Notifications to be sent to Phil Sarin.

Copy of property condition letter and subsurface acquisition letters to be provided for Council information.

CPBSJH (Rebecca Spencer) to provide)

6. Heritage and salvage

Four properties in Ashfield identified as having heritage assets.

Minister requires some salvaged items to be incorporated into final design.

Photographic recording of the streetscape being conducted.

When consulting about the Urban Design and Landscaping Plan Council would be interested in their heritage advisor meeting with the project’s heritage advisor.

Arrange meeting with Council heritage consultant.

CPBSJH (Karen Peck)

7. Worker parking

JV worker parking strategy discussed. There is a 300 car space deficit at this end of the project.

CPBSJH has previously requested information on material content at Cove Street Compound.

CPBSJH still developing plans to mitigate worker parking in local areas.

CPBSJH will provide site plans when developed, to

Follow up on materials testing at the compound.

A smaller group could

CPBSJH (Karen Peck) - Info requested 23/03/16

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council. discuss next work site plans.

8. Road infrastructure condition reports

Road condition reports survey completed.

Report to be submitted to Council to review and comment on structure.

CCTV footage requested by Council.

CPBSJH to provide reports to Council.

9. Single Point Extensometers

Discussion of settlement monitoring along alignment in Ashfield Council area.

A formal letter to install the SPE’s to be sent to council.

CPBSJH (Rebecca Spencer)

10. Ashfield Council contact

All notifications, final flood report, dilap report, list of heritage assets, relcoation of stormwater assets to be forwarded to Phil Sarin and Cathy Edwards-Davis in the first instance.

Council meetings are held on the seecond and fourth Tuesday of each month.

JV primary point of contact –for construction, Rebecca Spencer Community Relations Manager.

Request an engineering workshop for a follow up session with urban designers.


CPBJSH request a regular meeting with the Councillors.

Austin Shoebotham

Via letter being drafted by CPBSJH (Rebecca Spencer)


W es tCo n n ex M4 Eas tW es tCo n n ex M4 Eas t

CPB Samsung John Holland Joint Venture

Level 4, 85 Harrington Street Sydney NSW 2000

Subject: Stormwater Drainage Report - PR Temporary Works Civ il SiteStormwater Drainage Report - PR Temporary Works Civ il SiteSent: Monday, 11 July 2016 8:58 AMFrom: Edwards , Courtney, CSJ Edwards , Courtney, CSJ

To: * Chan, Vanessa

Cc: Franklin, Ryan, CSJ;

Fuller, Jacinta, CSJ;

Shahin, Omar, CSJ;

* [email protected];

* Edwards-Davis, Cathy; Show All


FunctionFunction4.0 Design

F i le LocationFi le Location4.3 Reports

AreaAreaPRC - Parramatta Road Civil

Message'Message'modified by Edwards, Courtney, CSJ at 11/07/2016 8:58:47 AMDear Ms Chan The CPB Contractors Samsung John Holland Joint Venture (CSJ) has been engaged by WCXM4 Co. to design and construct the M4 East project, acomponent of the greater WestConnex scheme. The project Planning Approval, Condition of Approval B20, requires CSJ to prepare a Stormwater Drainage Report for the project. In accordance with Condition of Approval B20, CSJ have prepared a Stormwater Drainage Report for temporary works at the Parramatta Road civilCompound which is provided for your review and comment. Please return your comments by Friday 22 July 2016 in response to this email . Should you wish to discuss any of the above, or the document, please contact the CSJ Environment and Sustainability Manager, Ryan Franklin on (M) 0439533 072, (T) (02) 9258 2367, or (email) [email protected]. Yours sincerelyCPB Samsung John Holland Joint Venture

Original Document No.Original Document No.

Response Date RequiredResponse Date Required

Attachment(s )Attachment(s )M4E-AEH-TR-50-120-106001_D_00.pdf

Document No.Document No.M4E-CORR-CSJ-09663

OriginatorOriginatorEdwards, Courtney, CSJ

Original Create DateOriginal Create Date11/07/2016

Document LinkDocument Link

Contract/Work PackageContract/Work Package
