Technology, A Growing Industry By: Anthony Ingram

Technology, a growing industry

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Technology, A Growing Industry

By: Anthony Ingram

Page 2: Technology, a growing industry

Growing over the years Technology has improved our society over the past 50 years in such ways we never

thought would be possible. We all watched cartoons of space crafts but we never actually thought we would actually have the technology to create such. Since 1950 technology has improved in ways so vast we were able to humans on the moon, not to mention the huge difference in automobiles between 1950 and today, even computers have changed in magnificent ways. Showing you the changes in our society and in our technology you will learn to appreciate every piece of technology you have compared to the 1950’s.

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Increased technology

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Society easier or worse?Following the greatest inventions since 1950 we can easily tell how technology has changed and is improving our communities yet at the same time some people argue that it is making our society lazy. One could argue that while making our jobs much easier by putting together car parts as well as making car parts some argue that this technology is making our society worse by cutting jobs and making humans lazier. The line between easier and worse seems to be very thin. So thin in fact that while you can argue that productivity increases 100 fold, you must also take into consideration that the job loss of this increase in productivity. Such inventions like the microwave oven has been deemed one of the best since 1950 especially when helping lower class citizens who work so much they hardly have time to cook for their families. However, the remote is also a tool that can be argued to have made our society lazy. This link provides a list of the top 50 inventions since 1955 http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/gadgets/news/2078467.

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Easier or Worse? This is a video of a lady teaching

how to use a self cleaning oven. This is one of the items that can be argued whether it makes life easier or worse. Having a self cleaning oven and a riding lawn mower or a chain saw can save so much time but at the same time takes away from good old fashioned discipline and hard work. http://youtu.be/_nD0BhcOn4A

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Improvements Its hard to describe technology changing over the years especially to those who are

not to technological advanced but here are some examples that you can actually see the differences in technology 25 years ago all the way to now. http://www.onlineeducation.net/videogame_timeline. Here is a video game timeline of the last 44 years. http://iml.jou.ufl.edu/projects/fall04/keith/history1.htm. This link shows the timeline of cell phones, all the way down to the single idea of a cell phone, which goes back 168 years.

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The way we live Technology changing in the household as made a dramatic increase. In the mid

1900’s television’s as well as other household items were not to common. Thanks to technology now 99.9 percent of households have at least 2 televisions in them not to mention most homes having washer and dryer, as well as toaster ovens, microwave ovens, blenders, DVD players, and video games.

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Improving how we live

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The way we learn The way we learned is definitely not the same way our children learn. Our children

learn with computers in the class rooms, not to mention some schools require high tech calculators. The things we learned in high school our kids are learning in elementary and middle school. Technology is increasing at such an astronomical rate that some people are saying that we are putting to much on our children to learn at such your ages. However, studies show the more intelligent the child the less likely they are to grow up and go to prison. So we must ask ourselves which is more important for our children. To grow up with a child hood like a kid should, or to make them learn and provide them with the newest technology at hand.

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Improving on learning