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Technology brings violence

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8/9/2019 Technology brings violence

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New technology grants violence to teensNowadays a lot of teens have access to a variety of technology like mobile phones, computers, internet, email, eBooks, and social sites like Face book, instantmessage chat, iPods, and many more that satisfies a teen’s present life. These technologies are designed for good purposes than using for doing ‘evil’ things. However, the recent explosion for technology led most of the teens use these for bad purposes like embarrassing, harassing, stalking not just people but their peers a

s well.The main terms of these acts are cyber bullying, internet harassment. Electronicharassment catches the accurate meaning for the violence which occurs electronically. This leads the victim emotional distress and conduct problems in school.The main reason for cyber bullying is for taking revenge on something. For instance, if two friends got angry on something and they break up their friendship and one of them makes a fake account and invites him to be his friend. After sometime he starts writing mean things to the victim and he gets angry. The fake friend will write about his negative appearances, personality and the victim will get depressed or even more. In some instances he/she might suicide thinking thatno one likes him/her.The second reason for bullying is that no one knows who they are talking with wh

en online. That is one advantage for the bully. No matter he/she writes a lot and sends a random file the victim can’t find who the real guy behind the account was unless he was a computer guy who can find the IP address. This is the major problem when finding out who was behind this. There was a real story about a girlcalled Megan who was cyber bullied by her best friend. It started when she was in a rented house she was friends with the neighbor’s daughter. After some time they bought a house somewhere and Megan had to move, but her friend thought that she didn’t like her so their friendship no longer existed. One day she was online inMySpace and saw a request of a guy called “Joe” who wants to be friends with her. Days passed and the guy asked her to be his girlfriend. She agreed and now Joe was her online boyfriend.Then one day he started typing nasty things and started swearing at her. This message was sent to all her friends saying “u r fat & ugly” and “the world will be a be

tter place without u”. Hearing all this she was crying and told her parents aboutit. They try to calm her down but failed to do so. She ran to her bedroom and after 10 minutes the whole house was silent. Her parents went to check out and this was very tragic for the family. She had hung herself up for the reason “the world hated her”. After 10 weeks of her funeral the police found out that the guy called Joe never existed but the identity behind Joe was the neighbor’s daughter. A simple thing can change a person’s whole life.The main potential benefits for teens are contacting with their family and friends, completing their homework and assignments, increasing more knowledge on variety of topics. New technology should be used for good purposes and the present teens should take that decision for the future, for the sake of the upcoming generation of teens and children. I know that no one can live without technology so

any point the government banning all technology which means going back to the Stone Age. Also banning technology isn’t easy as is looks like because people are now “addicted to it”. The point that I am going to bring up is that use technology wisely rather than for cyber bullying. We can reduce the acts of cyber bullying byeducating teens in schools and having strict rules in houses like not having thecomputer in a room where the teen is alone and use it for a limited time. The world is better without any bullying, no matter whether electronically or in reality; it hurts a person mentally, physically and socially.