Technology – where to next? Doug Brown Head of Learning Technologies

Technology – where to next? Doug Brown Head of Learning Technologies

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Page 1: Technology – where to next? Doug Brown Head of Learning Technologies

Technology – where to next?

Doug Brown

Head of Learning Technologies

Page 2: Technology – where to next? Doug Brown Head of Learning Technologies


New Technology?

“…is destined to revolutionize our educational system and . . . in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.“

Thomas Edison on the motion picture 1922

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Digital Camera

Fibre Optics

Mobile phones

DNA fingerprints



Air bags

Personal Computer


CDsI-PodsPlasma displays


= UbiquityNanotechnology

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“In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. “

Eric Hoffer

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- therefore our resolve for transforming education is persistent…

This is not about technology

–it is about learning.

..and it is our future

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Our vision

Each individual to maximise their potential

through the personalisation of their learning

and development

Through system-wide reform: enabled, accelerated and supported by technology

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When professionals use technology the learning experience is transformed

Dynamic experience

Teacher Pupil






Teachers released to focus on key value add activities with technology supporting management processes

Teachers focus on individual learner needs based on a deeper

understanding of the learner

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When children and parents are partners in learning, standards improve

Dynamic experience

Teacher Pupil






Children and Parents (and other learners) empowered through 24hr access to information and services,

enabling choice and personalisation

Capacity to learn/ develop increased through provision of

personalised resources at point of need

Teachers released to focus on key value add activities with technology supporting management processes

Teachers focus on individual learner needs based on a deeper

understanding of the learner

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Engaging parents

Strategy Access to online (personal) information Active involvement of parents through learning


Outcomes Parents actively engaged in their child’s learning Parents engaged in their own learning

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Personalising learning for children and young people

Strategy Personal learning space by 2008 Personalised content – stimulating creativity and


Outcomes Learner at centre of system – all different, all equally

well served Learning tailored to individual need – style, pace and

place that suits Teacher time saved – more effective PPA

through ICT

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14-19: personalised career paths

Strategy Online advice – Connexions, Need2Know More accessible resources Specialist centres – school / college and community

Outcomes Anywhere learning More flexible learning Learners pursuing vocational routes whilst fulfilling

academic requirements

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Professionals working together

Strategy Collated information – range of professionals

accessing timely and critical information Assurance & Authentication – building a safe

and secure environment around each child and young person

Outcomes Collegiate approach to ECM – rapid response to

concerns of frontline staff Extended services – breakfast and after-school clubs

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Technology already transforming learning…


pioneers often isolated best practice not necessarily shared curriculum structures perceived as inflexible economies of scale not always realised home:school communication not yet a cost effective

reality for all

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Technology Group focus on 4 themes

Strategic technologies

Personalised content


Knowledge Architecture

A model for the deployment of technology across the system

Supporting people and organisations & measuring

system level impact

Driving a new model of content provision for the individual

A consistent system-wide framework to guide and

underpin delivery

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Knowledge architecture theme

Aims to: enable a single comprehensive overview of every

learner thus better meeting the information needs of all key stakeholders (learners, parents, practitioners)

Through: a single, system-wide model of identity management a strategy for developing e-portfolios common standards for information and data flows

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Strategic Technologies Theme








27%User self support

Formal support



Internet / LAN



Primary Secondary

Data from Becta’sTotal Cost of Ownership research

On average60%

allocated to technical support

Less than a quarter

on hardware

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Strategic Technologies theme

Aims to: provide models of provision and support for


Through: a single integrated national strategy for ICT

infrastructure a high bandwidth national education network functional specifications to support interoperability Learning and management services to link home and

school national framework agreements to support economies

of scale

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Personalised content theme

Aims to: enable practitioners to better design learning around

the learner help learners build their individual capacity as

effective learners Through: a system wide policy articulating concepts and

approaches required for personalising content resolution of IPR, licensing and copyright issues to

support fair use policies tools and support for practitioners to create, adapt,

re-use and share quality digital resources improved access to and discovery of digital resources

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e-Maturity theme

Aims to: develop the capability and capacity of all leaders to

harness ICT

Through: self review-frameworks for schools and colleges an ICT Quality Mark to recognise successful

institutions definitions of maturity including measures for

assessing progress better defining the conditions necessary to support

sustainable improvements

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Personalisation achieved when…

Parents are aware of their child’s progress and challenges

Parents and learners working together to achieve Parents and teachers working together to support

learner achievement Teachers have data to support individual learner

achievement Teachers have choice of digital content and learning

design tools Teachers able to design individual learning pathways

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Personalisation achieved when… (cont’d)

Learners are recognised by the system Learners have choice of digital content and

design tools Learner experiences and opportunities are extended Learner achievement is recorded Learners are informed about their own achievement Learners are directed to appropriate study support

Success when each individual learner needs, stylespreferences are supported through technology

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- therefore our resolve for transforming education is persistent…

This is not about technology

–it is about learning.

..and it is a promising future

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Thank you

Doug Brown

[email protected]

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Thank you

Doug Brown

[email protected]

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Steps to accessible and flexible online teaching and learning

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

All schools aware of benefits of learning platform

All schools aware of access to core learning services, provided by Local Authority and/or RBC

Schools building experience of learning platforms.

Early adopters moving to mature use of learning platforms

Becta advice and support shaping 2nd phase investments

Online personal learning space accessible to all learners by 2008

E-portfolios supported by learning platforms

Anytime, anywhere access to school resources for learners and the school workforce, at the pace, place and time to suit

Earlier investments creating an informed customer base

VFM and economies of scale are realised by schools who invest in learning platforms supplied by LAs and/or RBCs

Industry responding to customer needs Specifications and framework contract are used to best advantage

Improved resource planning, supporting school workforce reforms

More efficient management and pupil data handling

Opportunities for Assessment for Learning realised

Becta advice and support

Jan 06 – Planning for learning services guidance

Spring 06 – Interoperability specifications to support exchange of information within and between learning platforms

Spring 06 – Becta Self-review assessment matrix

Becta advice and support

Feb 07 – Framework contract in place – list of providers published on Becta website

Planning advice for migration of legacy systems

Evaluation of impact of learning platforms in schools

Becta advice and support

Migration from legacy systems

Refresh of framework contract

Continuing planning advice

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Self review-frameworks for schools and colleges

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