G L A M BACK TO SCHOOL! TOP 5 FASHION FIXES Football Fitties.. What’s your TALENT?? topSECRET The latest X-Factor gossip www.GLAMmagazine.co.uk September 2009 £1.50 ISSUE 311

Teen Magazine

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Magazine I was Co-Editor for.

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TOP 5 FASHION FIXESFootball Fitties..

What’s your


top SECRETThe latest X-Factor gossip

www.GLAMmagazine.co.uk September 2009 £1.50


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September 2009



10 Talent GLAM’S Got Talent But Do You?

26 Real Life Teen Football Phenonmenon

Hey guys!!

Welcome to our really cool ‘Back to School’ issue! We here at GLAM know how hard it is to

return back to the classroom after a fantastic

summer of late nights, seeing your friends and lying in. But don’t you worry, our extra special school issue is

here to help!

With our exclusive interview from the amazing Pixie Lott on pg8 to the X Factor secrets on

pg12 we’re sure we’ve got everything to guide you

through those back to school blues!

See you all for some more fun next month!!


Hannah and Emma

xxxGLAM Editors

Don’t forget to write and tell us what you think about this issue at

[email protected]





Image: contactmusic.comFront page image: Look magazine

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ENTERTAINMENT 15 Fashion Fashion Fixes Style Stalker

18 Film St Trinians Review

20 Music September Songs

22 Sport Top 10 Hottest Footballers

REGULARS 28 OMG! Back to School Embarrasing Moments 30 Horoscopes

32 Relationship Advice Listen to...your older sister

34 Problem Pages When Septmember Ends

36 Competitions

37 Next Month in GLAM

38 The GLAM List 11 Things GLAM Would Do If we Ruled A Boarding School




GLAM Editors: Hannah Blake and Emma Smith

The GLAM Team: Heidi Brooker, Charlotte Doucy, Alex Hall, Martyn Hannah, Fernando Morgado Ramirez, Stephanie Neyland, Maria Pulgar, Ane Rotaeche Alquiza, Stephanie Stevens-Wade, Josh West


Zac Efron

Christiano Ronaldo



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You could hear the screams from Scotland when the Zefron rolled into town last night to promote his new movie, Me and Orson Welles. He was greeted by thousand of girls and apparently the High Scool Musical actor found the whole experience quite scary!

“It’s been a long time, I haven’t done this in a while I’m kinda nervous,” said Zac. “I just can’t believe everyone’s coming out to support this film. There’s a lot of Orson Welles fans here.” Orson Welles fans? Zac fans, more like!

R-Patz recently arranged to fly his parents over to Paris so they could meet his co-star *coughgirlfriend cough*. His parents Richard and Clare, thought that Kristen was lovely, according to a source, and they all got on brilliantly!


RIHANNA’S RIDER At a recent event, we managed to get hold of a copy of RiRi’s rider, and almost fell off our seats when we read it... The super-slim star requested: 6 pizzas, 6 portions of fried noodles, 10 portions of fries, 10 large packets of crisps with dips, 15 doughnuts, 50 chicken drumsticks and one apple.

We hope she’s planning on sharing and not scoffing the whole lot on her own! Oh well, at least she asked for an apple! We’re glad to see Rihanna is keeping it real, real greedy, that is!

For more of the latest gossip, visit www.GLAMmagazine.co.uk!

Here at Glam we love gossip, and we know you do to - so Stephanie Neyland is here to bring you all the latest celebrity gossip to keep you up-to-date with the stars!



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R-Patz recently arranged to fly his parents over to Paris so they could meet his co-star *coughgirlfriend cough*. His parents Richard and Clare, thought that Kristen was lovely, according to a source, and they all got on brilliantly!

New CoupleAlert!

POSH DOESN’T USE FAKE TAN...YEAH RIGHT!Posh Spice has claimed in a new interview that she doesn’t fake tan, and that the ‘hot climate’ of LA is responsible for the golden tone of her skin. “I don’t self-tan anymore; it’s frustrating when people criticise my colour. It’s the colour that I am! Hmmm. We think someones telling porky’s!

LOHAN DYES HER HAIR TO ‘SHOCK’ PEOPLELindsay Lohan has admitted that she enjoys getting a reaction out of people by dying her hair colour. The 23-year-old actress, who is a natural redhead, said that she likes to experiment with her hairstyle on a frequent basis. Lohan told OK! magazine: “It’s something I like to do. I like to shock people.

MILEY ISN’T A TWI-FANIn a recent interview, Miley explained that she is NOT a Twilight fan. She told a US radio station:

“I don’t believe in it. I don’t like vampires. … I don’t like the wolf that pops out of the screen when I’m watching my TV at night. I don’t like it. I don’t want anything to do with it. I don’t like the shirts. I don’t like any of it.”










New Love?

Katy Perry and Russell Brand

This unlikely couple certainlyaren't blowing hot and cold!

GLAMmagazine.co.uk 7

Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato

The actors from Camp Rock were said to have been seen snogging backstage at an awards show! Could there be more going on behind-the-scenes with this pair?


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British, young and beautiful – these are three qualities that can allow Londoner Victoria Lott to overthrow your senses.

It is however, her pair of powerful lungs that threaten to overthrow the world.

On the brink of releasing her debut album and with two chart topping singles already under her belt, Pixie Lott has the country in her grasp…or so it would seem! Pixie Lott dives into success, relationships and personal insecurities exclusively with GLAM magazine.

“I’m really excited that people are finally going to hear it because I’ve been working on my album for about four years.”

It has been four long years, but “turn it up” the debut album from the 18 year old vocalist Pixie Lott is finally on our doorstep.

She has been working on these songs since she was in school, and in this time has seen failed talent show auditions, guest appearances on various children television shows and a healthy dose of time spent at performance school… but why such a long wait for the album?

She explained: “ The two singles

Her most revealing

interview yet?




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have a kind of retro vibe to them, but they’re the only ones on the album that have that sound.”

Is this something that should worry the singer? With both of those singles shooting straight to number one in the charts, quite an accomplishment for any singer, is Pixie worried that fans might not like the variation in the album? Not a chance:

“It’s not one of those albums you put on and every song sounds the same. I hate albums like that.” Despite her age Pixie, seems to have a strong grasp on exactly what she was aiming for with the album, “The thing I like about the album is that every song brings something different.”

She continues: “The next single’s a song called ‘Cry Me Out’ and it’s a proper ballad.”

With all this fame and success it may seem like she is worlds away from girls her own age and the teenagers that are growing up listening to her…that couldn’t be further from the truth!

As she reveals she has just as many insecurities and dreams as any other girl her age.

“My New Year’s resolution is to get a boyfriend.”

That’s right; tell your brothers and friends! Pixie Lott is not only single, but has never had a boyfriend.

“I’m interested in boys but I haven’t really had a proper relationship. I don’t know why. I’ve dated a lot, but I’ve always

been working on trying to do this [the album] from a young age.” From that young age she did dream for more then a boyfriend however.

She told us: “I would like to get married, I was always the girl at nursery school who went in early so I could get the bride’s outfit.” But does this mean the singer is ready to settle down any time soon?

With a smile and a slight chuckle the singer delves a bit deeper into her fantasy, “It would have to be somewhere hot, in a church but with a beach nearby.”

Before you start getting your money together to set her up on a date with your brothers and

friends she adds:

“At the moment, there are a couple of options. I’m texting some people and there’s a few lingerers. Just the usual.”

Like many teenage girls however she does share some common loves. A big one is none other the teenage heartthrob Robert Pattinson.

“…Robert Pattinson. If he can’t get a date, you can tell him that I’m free!”

So what’s next for the singer? With the album launch just about to be released she has a few things quite exciting lined up for the future.

“I really want to do ‘Chicago’ but the Meat Loaf musical ‘Bat Out Of Hell’ is coming to London [and that] landing a role in the stage show would be wicked, it would be so much fun!”

How about the prospect of reality TV? “Hopefully I’ll never need to do one of those shows!”

She delved a little deeper: “I always think those shows are for people who are not really, umm, very busy right now. You know what I mean!” She adds a slight wink to the end of the conversation and that was all we had time for.

Pixie Lott is a girl that has everything to play for. On top of supporting her new found success with the two number one hits, the new album on the

horizon and her quest to find love by the end of the year, I am certain we wont be seeing Pixie on any reality shows – we may however see her at Wembley arena by this time next year… “we can only hope!”

Words - Josh West

"I've been working on

my album for about

four years."

"I was always the girl at

nursery school who went

in early so I could get

the bride's outfit."

Her most revealing

interview yet?

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Imahes: celebritysnap.com

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meeting with Jonny Best, my next stop was with a girl called Natasha Green. Natasha’s talent is to swallow her fist and squirt milk out of her eye, all at the same time.

Watching her perform such a thing was not a pretty sight.There was a lot of thrusting and gagging and dribbling. Once her fist had completely disappeared down her pie hole, moments later milk was

dribbling out of her right eye amazing. When I asked her how she discovered her talent she shrugged, “dunno. Just tried it one day when I was bored. Freak out my friends, innit.”I left Natasha to regurgitate her fist and wipe away her milky tears. The next stop on our talent hunt was with a man who could burp the alphabet. Ok, so it’s not an unusual talent, but this guy was a little bit different. When Paul Hunn stood before me and let rip the letter ‘a’, the

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I was always told that if you sneezed, burped and farted all at the same time, you would explode. That it was something to do with too much air leaving the body, and not enough going in. Which is why when Jonny Best stood before me, moments away from performing all three simultaneously, I closed my eyes and expected the worst. I had visions of eyes popping out, noses falling off and bodies spontaneously combusting.However, in reality, all I got was a strange noise. “See, exclaimed Jonny, “not so bad

after all.” And, aside from the awful smell that fired from his bottom, he was right. Indeed, as talents went, his was an unusual one. In fact, it was also quite a hard one. When I tried to give it ago, all I managed was a sick burp and a strange sensation in my backside.Nonetheless, we at Glam wanted to find a talent even more obscure and weird; we wanted to find something good enough to enter into next years Britain’s Got Talent. After

power of his belch was frankly epic. And that’s because Paul is the owner of the world loudest burp. Registering at

107.1db, it makes the same amount of noise as an airplane taking off. Although Paul’s talent was the best we had seen up to

that point, we at Glam wanted to find something even better. Which is why we went to see Choyi Fung. Choyi is a young boy who spends his weekends dislocating his body through a tennis racket. Choyi discovered

his talent after he fell over as a baby and dislocated the upper half of his body. However, instead of going to the hospital, he managed to relocate his bones by himself. Ever since then he has been using his body to entertain friends and family and, this year, plans to take his act to the judges on Britain’s Got Talent. “I can’t wait,” he said, “to see Simon’s face when I push my shoulders through a tennis racket.” Nor can we.






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Like a crazy cockatoo, John and Edward continue to tweet and squawk their way through the X Factor finals. What started out as a bit of joke- two boys with strange hair- has become one of the most talked about acts the show has ever seen. What’s more, as the weeks go by all the bad chants- ‘get Jedward out, get Jedward out!’- and boos have turned

into screams and rounds of applause. Which is amazing considering both John and Edward are tone deaf and, thus, sing like a pre-pubescent Tarzan. But that hasn’t stopped the nation falling in love with them. Even Simon Cowell, the man who said he would leave the country if John and Edward won the X Factor, has warmed to the boys and their performances. However, there is a darker side

to Jedward and their seemingly unstoppable progression through the show. Cheating, as we all know, is a good way of improving your chances of success. Be it in a test at school, be it in sports or friendship or any aspect of life. By cheating you give yourself an unfair advantage, put yourself ahead of the game and ahead of the competition. Cheating, can be seen as the best way of achieving your goals and ambitions. However,

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socially and morally, wrong. So when the newspapers, the television and the internet started reporting stories accusing John and Edward of cheating, Glam thought it was only right that we brought you the full story. Even if we did feel a little bit like we were telling you Santa wasn’t real.According to a member of the X Factor production team, John and Edward have been pre-recording their live performances so that producers can play around with their vocals and iron out the really dreadful parts. On top of that, the backing singers have been used to drown out the twins whilst their dancing and choreography serves to distract the viewers further. Which helps

to explain why, when Jedward perform, the stage looks like a circus but when the rest of the contestants sing, it doesn’t. If that wasn’t enough, rumours have also been circulating that the voting is fixed. Simon Cowell was caught talking to a producer moments before the results were announced on the live Sunday show. Allegedly, they were discussing whether the twins should be allowed to progress through to next week or not. Jedward’s appearance on the following show revealed the outcome of that discussion. We at Glam like Jedward. In fact we love the twins. Each week we look forward to their performance and greatly

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anticipate the latest song they are going to murder and make their own, strange as it sounds. They are fun and entertaining and after a hard week at school, manage to liven up the weekend. So if a little bit of cheating and rule bending is used here and there, who cares? So long as weekend TV continues to be entertaining and worth watching, no harm done, right? Let’s just hope we don’t have a cheeky girl or Jedward act on our screens next year. If only!

John and Edward; alleged X Factor cheats


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1. 2. 3.

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1. Chunky lurex scarf: £8.00 (New Look) 2. Patent Ballet pumps: £7.00 (New Look) 3. Checked Duffel Coat: £30.00 (New Look) 4. Big Lurex Bow Aliceband: £12.00 (Topshop) 5. 4 x Mini Perspex Flower Salon Clips: £4.00 (Accessorize) 6. Grey cable Knit snood: £15.00 (Miss Selfridge) 7. Animal print ear warmers: £8.00 (Miss Selfridge) 8. Vintage lacy bando: £4.00 (Accessorize) 9. Leopard Print Chiffon Bando: £4.00 (Accessorize) 10. 2 x Love Grips: £4.00 (Accessorize) 11. Spot bow Kirby clips: £7.00 (Topshop) 12. Beret: £5.00 (New Look)13. Tapestry Fairisle Capped Gloves: £10.00 (Accessorize) 14. Layered Filigree Butterfly Clip: £5.00 (Accessorize)

BACK TO SCHOOL!Fashion FixesGoing back to school doesnt mean you have to lose your own individual style! With uniform rules stricter than ever, here are a few buys that are perfect for making even an ugly school uniform cute and fashionable, without breaking the rules.

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Ever wondered how to dress like your favourite celeb....then look no futher. Style Stalker has the answers. There is nothing better than ditching the school uniform and dressing up for the weekend. Here’s a style guide for night and day.


Take off the bow and add the studded belt. You will be screaming Avril’s style!

Lace Trim Dress: £28.00 - New Look

Simple, black open toe heels can dress up any outfit. This pair from New Look incorporate one of this season’s hottest trends by adding a bow to the classic style.

Satin Bow Platform: £25.00

A studded waist belt can add rock glamour to any black dress.

Stud waist Belt: £25.00 - Miss Selfridge

Style Stalker

Avril Lavigne always knows how to rock goth glamour. The most important thing to remember is wear black, black and more black. The final touch? Vamp it up with shocking red lips.

Red Lipstick: Urban Decay Iconic range. Availabe at Boots: £11.75

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Jumpers are a must have this season. Copy Rhianna and wear a statement jumper and you will be sure to make heads turn.

Knitted Eiffel Tower Jumper: £32.00 - Topshop

Day...Rhianna’s style is effortless. If you are looking for a casual but on trend outfit to wear during the day then look no further. Her style secret? Add a pair of black wayfarers for ultimate dressed down glamour.

Rhianna’s Ray-Ban sunglasses are way over budget with a start price of £72.00. We have found a close match for a fraction of the price!

Carve Wow Vision Black Polarised: £24.00 - www.sunglasses-shop.co.uk

Boots are both pratical and stylish as the Summer sun begins to fade. Rhianna’s boots add a quirky element to her outfit.

Alfie Laced Work boot : £70.00 - Topshop



Images: celebritysnap.com

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Back to School with...

Headmistress Camilla Fritton planning her latest scheme

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St. Trinians!

We all know and love the first film, full of silly tricks, practical jokes and Killer Vodka cooked up in the chemistry lab. But let’s hope not all schools are like that! It’s easy to get distracted by all the drama, but don’t go as far as the organised crime first years! The girls are starting a new term, despite dealing with the usual dose of chaos and excitement, with Rupert Everett returning as the strange headmistress Camilla Fritton, with Collin Firth playing the role of her old flame. After the devious girls discover that the headmistress

was related to pirates, the treasure hunt soon takes place, we see battles of skill, whit and brutal force as the undeterred school girls prepare to take on their rivals Pomfrey (David Tenant) and his side kicks, a bunch of secret women haters known as Ad1. This does not sound like a movie for the faint hearted! The movie hits theatres 2nd OctoberSt. Trinians has been one of the most memorable movies of the film industry, originally taken from comics created by Ronald Searle, a number of different movies have been made, each

one more unique and witty from the last.

Mischievous girls, a boarding school and a bizarre headmistress, mix that together and you’re asking for trouble! Coming this October is brilliant school movie sequel St. Trinians: The legend of Fritton’s Gold. With more anarchy than the first, we at Glam are sure the film will do itself proud, heaping on more scams, laughs and dodgy deals!

Posh Totty out in force.

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Back to School with...

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Girls, watch out for the second film; its going to be a blast...!

Words: Heidi Brooker

Meet the tribes of St. Trinians! Which one are you in?The fresh faced “first years” are anything but sweet and innocent. They are a force of nature not to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of destruction wherever they go. Even when it comes to the police, they think nothing of rules as they cruise around in their custom made mini cooper, but despite all this, they are a loyal tribe and will help whenever they can, they will stop at nothing to save their beloved school.

The “Posh totty” tribe, lead by Chelsea Parker, strives to be the classiest, and most fashionable of all. Although they would prefer to be shopping in swanky designer shops, they are smarter than they look, resourceful and don’t take any prisoners!

With their heads buried in

books, the “Geeks” are the smartest of them all. Although they may not stand out like the rude girls, they have saved the school more times than anyone can imagine! A true asset to the school, the Geeks never worry about fashion, and rarely rise to the Posh Totty’s jokes. When necessary the geeks know how to play the stock market, hack computers and problem solve. They are pure geniuses that are never wrong!

Last but not least, a new

“Head Girl” is chosen each year, and it’s a tough position to have! You need to earn respect at St. Trinians, which isn’t an easy thing to do. Head girls are normally self confident, ruthless and natural born leaders; previous head girls have been known to become international spies and criminals - a powerful force!


First Years

Posh Tottiys

Head Girl

Dressed to the max in black,

the “Emo’s” aren’t happy until they are miserable. When they aren’t writing emotional poetry, they are normal rocking out, however, they have a tendency to reveal their darker sides. Slyness and blogs are their favourite things!

The secretive “Indies” keep themselves to themselves, rarely spilling any personal information about their latest schemes. Following their own fashions, they arrive at school in a trendy tour bus with rock star boyfriends. Like the first years, when things fall apart, the Indies are full of good ideas and pitch in whenever they can.


The “Rude girls” say goodbye to the Chavs, dripping with bling and attitude are lead by Bianca and are not to be messed with! Parading the latest sportswear, the rude girls know their stuff when it comes to ancient rings. They may be rude, but they sure know how to have a good time, and when things get tough; they are one of St. Trinians strongest tribes.


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MUSIC A commentary on the biggest releases in music for the month!

\How to sneak listen to your I pod in Class

1) Make sure you have long hair.

2) Let your hair down and while the teacher is talking, slowly wind the headphones cable down your shirt.

3) Make sure your headphone cable matches the colour of your shirt/blouse.

4) When the teacher turns around to write something on the board get the headphones in your ears and let it rip!

5) Dont turn it up too loud in case someone else hears...

6) MOST IMPORTANTLY - Don’t start singing, that will lead you a one way ticket to the principals office!

It’s finally that time of the year again. Mum is dragging you to the shops because she forgot to buy you a new uniform that you detest. Dad is looking at you with a cheeky smile on his face and saying, “Enjoy your first day back at school dear… but behave yourself.” Already you are wondering when to attempt the fake headache or the stomach bug to get out of a day of living hell… hey it’s not all bad! At least the world of music is standing beside you with two thumbs up when you get your lunch knocked onto the floor and everyone is pointing and laughing… wait that happened to all of you as well right… right?

Well if it didn’t don’t worry you aren’t missing out on much; however what you could be missing out on is another stellar month for music. 2009 already potentially solidifying itself as the greatest year of music since the 90’s, September sees itself flooded with a massive amount of spectacular albums.

your mother… and no she wont cane you- although if the law still permitted it I am sure she would love to) The Beatles is the best place to start off. A massively important band for not only British music but the whole music scene around the world. They might be the band your dad bangs on about, but why not take a listen to Sgt Peppers and Help! and give him a little bit of a surprise when you are sat around the dinner table in silence ( might even get you out of trouble when you hand that letter in your pocket to your parents which asks they come in for “a little chat” to discuss behaviour at the start of term.)

How about some newer music then? Ok well the guy everyone loves to hate is back, Mika has returned with a new

Whatever your vice, be it the entire Beatle’s remastered back-catalogue or how about Paramore’s latest stunner Brand New Eyes? This month really does see something for everyone with pop superstar Mika also releasing his sophomore album and the Arctic Monkeys putting the tried and tested formula back together for another outing.

Where to start? Well for those in need of a history lesson, (history isn’t that boring really... yes the teacher is older then

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you get your lunch knocked onto the floor and everyone is pointing and laughing... wait that happened to all of you as well right... right?

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A commentary on the biggest releases in music for the month!

album. Its more over the top then the previous, so if you want choirs, lots of big instruments and plenty of songs to sing along to on the school bus with your headphones firmly placed in your ears then maybe this is the best thing to hound your parents to buy for you.

Ok so maybe pop music isn’t your kind of thing, maybe you don’t want to take a trip through history and revisit some old classics. Think of yourself as a bit alternative? Want something a bit more loud and in your face? Well then it is all about Paramore and Brand New Eyes, the rock group has finally returned with the long awaited album. Plenty of arena filling choruses and Hayley Williams with her voice that will soar to the heavens, not the classic teen girl music, but still – something im sure a few of you will want to dabble in.

What could I recommend more then anything to you? The new Pixie Lott album (not just because she is featured in this very magazine- but because after the two stunning singles, both of which hit number one on the UK charts, the album is here. 4 years in production are

bringing a varied album full of ballads, sing along’s, heart bleeders and just some up-tempo tunes. This is the thing to get your tutor singing in the morning. The guys wont “get it” but everyone else will love it, pick this up when its released late September for sure!

Ok ok ok I can hear you saying: “I don’t like this and I don’t like that – I like alternative music.” Fine well how about this – A man who is much loved, his guitar, and a LOT of built in electronics – no I am not talking about some kind of Robert Pattinson robot who has a built in guitar… I am in fact talking about MUSE and the latest album, The Resistance. This is a big big album. Taking more of a Queen approach more then

the previous releases, this is pure orchestral epicness, Muse have taken a chance with this

album and it really seems to have paid off. Get this album, learn the songs and when the teachers back is turned pull out your mobile phone – turn it up load and blast the songs until you get chucked out of the class… I don’t want to get you in

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trouble, but it is by far the easiest way to get a decent seat when it comes to finding a table for lunch (you know exactly what I mean!)

Sure –this isn’t all of the releases of the month, but lets be honest. You are going to be spending your money on texting, going out with friends and doing a whole other host of activities so should I tell you about the others? No need! Get your IPods loaded up with those albums and I promise it will make those long lectures about tucking your shirt in and those even longer Religious Education and Geography lessons seem all the more bearable!

Words- Josh West

sing along to on the school bus with your headphones firmly placed in

your ears


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Top 10 Hottest


It appears that the Portuguese player is accustomed to being first in everything. Not only is the latest winner of the Ballon d’Or and FIFA World Player, but this summer has become the most expensive signing in football history. And he´s only 24. Like his former teammate David Beckham, he left Manchester United for Madrid and has become a publicity gimmick and an idol for female audiences. However, despite being one of the most wanted men, he currently has no girlfriend. What a pity...

His nickname is El Niño (The Kid). It is probably that boyish look which makes fans mad at Liverpool’s Spanish footballer. He is so loved in Anfield that even has his own song. Great things are expected of him in the 2010 World Cup, because in the last Euro he scored the goal that gave his team the title. Despite being just 25 years, he’s married and has one daughter. Sorry, girls.

Fernando Torres

Cristiano Ronaldo

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The beginning of September not only means back to school but also the return of the beautiful game: football. This season looks interesting, as players must prove whether they deserve to go to the World Cup in South Africa. In GLAM we did a ranking so that you are a football fan or not, do not miss a match of these ten...


Top 10 Hottest



Although his football career is coming to an end, the Spice Boy still has a place reserved in the Olympus of the most handsome. Has long since dropped its ambitions as a player to become a fashion icon with his wife Victoria. They have three children, whom the English footballer dedicates all of his free time too. As well as adding some tattoos to his collection!

David Beckham

Thierry Henry

Barcelona’s French player is going through a sweet moment of his life. Last

year he won the League Cup and Champions League with his team. Although his first season at the

Spanish club was not as good as Titi had wanted to, now he has moved on from his divorce from Nicole Merry. At 32 years old he remains one of the leaders of the French team.

Football would have lost a great player if the Swede Fredrik Ljungberg would rather have been a model. When he was enjoying the best years in Arsenal, he received a call from the Calvin Klein brand. Those photos were one of the most succesfull campaigns of the brand and made him a sex symbol for many women. Now, 32 years, he is playing in the U.S. and retired from the selection. Many fans will miss him this summer ...

Fredrik Ljungberg5

The Spanish national team is having a great moment. As the last European Cup winners, the red team is the favourite. The

reason for the good play of the team is because of its footballers. One of the most important is Cesc Fabregas, The Architect, captain of Arsenal. England admired him so much that he even starred in his own television show. Unfortunately,

Cesc is not single. He is in a relationship of seven years with Spanish girlfriend Carla Garcia.

Cesc Fabregas6

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A list of the sexiest players in the world could not be complete without an Italian. In this case we had it very easy, because his nickname is Il Bello (The

Handsome). This is the footballer Fabio Cannavaro, who is 36 and a veteran of the soccer world. In 2006

he was world champion with his country

and was given the Ballon d´Or for his great

tournament. After passing through

the Spanish League this year

he has

returned to Italy with his

wife and three children.

He is no longer the child who was the delight of the fans of Liverpool and England. However, Michael Owen still retains much of that charm and you could say that, like wine, improves with age. He now has a second chance to prove it to the Manchester United team that signed him last summer aged 29. Like his former teammates Beckham and Cannavaro, Wonder Boy lives happily married.

Michael OwenFabio Cannavaro 8Off the field he likes being in the background, but when treading the turf Mikel Arteta wants to be the

protagonist. He followed a path similar to the former

Liverpool player Xabi Alonso. He

finished playing in the same city, but in a different team: Everton. Surprisingly he has never been selected by the Spanish team, so

the English want him to nacionalize as soon as possible.

Mikel Arteta9

The most promising players in the world will be scrutinized this year. If they want to go the World Cup, they must keep it up. As a child, Theo Walcott wanted to imitate his idol, Michael Owen (which precedes him in the ranking). This season he can prove that at 20 years old he deserves a place among the best. For now his Jamaican roots are hot.

10Theo Walcott

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Images:Professional photographer; Mr. Ramirez

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Teen Football

Katie Hardaker has advanced from having a kick about on her badly surfaced primacy school playground with the boys to scoring for her dream team on football grounds across the country.The 19 year-old Charlton Athletic centre mid from London has been kicking a ball since she can remember: ‘My Grandad was a big fan of the game and Charlton, so ever since I could walk he got a ball at my feet’. At the age of just seven she started as a ‘soccer kid’ at Charlton soccer school. Then family complications meant she could no longer afford the costs and had to move from London down to a the small Kentish town Dymchurch.‘When I moved to Dymchurch not many of the girls played football, they were too shy to mix with the boys that played. I wasn’t scared at all and the first thing I did at break time was go straight to the concrete football pitch. I then found that a lot of the girls started to follow in my footsteps joining in and giving the boys a run for their money!’Her granddad hunted for a team for her, as a 15 minute training session on the playground

wasn’t pushing her ability and she wanted to make the most of her remarkable talent.‘I got into the Ashford girls side from the age of 13 and played under 14, under 16, and women’s football when I was just 15. I went on to play for Kent County under 16’s and also captained the school for 4 years. I then found that it was my dream to play at a higher level and then got a trial for Charlton academy’.

However when injury strikes for a footballer everything comes to a standstill. ‘I was struck down with a bad injury putting my spine out of place and didn’t play academy for first year. I get pain all the time and am having constant physiotherapy’. She has just finished studying

at London Leisure College and still plays for the team she had always dreamt of playing for. ‘I feel girls football has got a lot more popular, however in London there are more teams, bigger opportunities, and the women’s game is more popular than outer London’.Playing in a team doesn’t just mean turning up and trying your best to score. There’s a lot of training involved, but how hard is it if you’re playing for a top ladies team? ‘Training is as tough as you make it. If you want to achieve and play to your best ability you will always put the effort in. There is always a lot of pressure at the highest level, you have to work hard and be confident otherwise you wont improve’.Although you may cover football and an array of other sports in your PE lessons or after school clubs, Katie’s ability is on a whole new level for her age. Playing the game 5 times a week without getting paid alongside training and on the odd occasion swimming, karate and athletics she also has her school studies. How does she cope!? ‘The pressure is so much sometimes. Your always fighting for your place, you need to be

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Above: Katie Hardaker

Below: Katie in Uganda

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‘I didnt know

whether to

laugh, cry or

just shout!’


strict with your training and diet and always be professional not letting your self or the club down’. And the school studies….? ’It was really hard to do all these things and do school work, but I am really sporty and not that academic, but now I realise the importance education is for my future’.With no brothers and being the middle sister the only male influences she’s had have been her granddad and step dad, but she set her sights even higher and looked up to the top.

David Beckham has always been my inspiration because I have grown up watching him play the beautiful game and have always inspired to play like him’. Finally played for the academy and was later picked to play for Charlton ladies first team. ‘I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or just shout. I was so proud that I could tell my friends and family that I had made it and that all the hard work was worthwhile. My dreams were finally coming true and I couldn’t wait to start training and playing matches for the team I loved and the sport I loved playing’. After visiting Uganda, teaching children tag rugby she is now at Kent University

studying Sports science whilst still playing for Charlton ladies. After her degree she still wants to be working within the football

industry. ‘I would like to be’.

F o o t b a l l Friends!Jenny Newman, 19I have known Katie since

primary school. She has been such an inspiration to me! I was a competing swimmer when I met Katie and was keen to try new sports. I joined Katie on the playground and played football with the boys. I started training and was asked to play for Ashford ladies, Kent County then Charlton ladies with Katie. I also went to college with her so we spent a lot of time together. It was great fun as we were accepted into the same teams and played really well together! I still continued my swimming until I accepted into Charlton ladies as it became too much for me as well as keeping up with college work. Swimming training was tough but not as tough as training for Charlton, but I’m happy that I’ve followed my dream and Katie has been there for me and given me full support.After Katie’s injuries she finally played for the academy and

was later picked to play for Charlton ladies first team. What remains for her in the future ‘I would like to be a personal trainer or a girls/women’s football development officer. I would also love to keep competing, achieving bigger things in my football, playing at a higher level, and who knows maybe England will call me one day’!

New Term, New Sports!So it’s the start of a new term and the bore of PE classes is looming. Even if you have to put yourself through basketball, tennis, football, or netball, with your classmates why not try something new?

If your school doesn’t teach your favourite sport why not start an after school club or a get a group of friends who share similar interests? In after school clubs your can apply for competitions and meet with other people with the similar interest in the sport you love! How about cheerleading? trampolining? Skateboarding has just been listed as an Olympic sport....could you be our next gold medallist? .

Below: Jenny Plays for Charlton

Below: Katie and the team at Charlton stadium

Images: Charlotn Football Team, Hardaker’s own photos

Page 28: Teen Magazine

OMG!OMG! Send us your stories!And you could win lots of goodies. Just e-mail us your stories at www.GLAMmagazine.c.uk

Check out the most embarrassing moments from your time at school......CRINGEEEEEEEEEE!!!

What a phoney....The other day I was walking to my lesson by myself and I was appoaching a big group of boys in year 11. So, not wanting to look completely sad I took my phone out and pretended to be talking to someone on the phone. Laughing away to myself as I walked past, my phone started to ring and all the boys started laughing at me. I have never been so embarrassed in all my life!!!

Ive lost my skirt....It was lunch time and really sunny and my friends and I felt like mucking around and playing games. So we all decided to run down this hill that led to our school field. Running as fast as I could I forgot that my school kilt was done up by a safety pin, as I lost all my buttons. When we finally reached the school field I felt a slight breeze across my legs. To my suprise my skirt had fallen down about 10 metres behind me...Cringeeee!!!

Ink Alert....I was in my Science lesson and as usual was really really bored. I must of been day dreaming, as I was chewing on my pen and didn’t even realise. So, the lesson was going on gradually and it was my turn to present my speech to the whole class about chemical reactions. During my well planned speech the whole class was laughing at me. Even the teacher. My teacher told me to go to the toilets and to my horror there was a massize ink splodge around my whole mouth!!!! OMG!!!!!

Slip- up shame....I was walking through the canteen with my friends when I saw the guy that I have fancied for ages. So, trying to look really cool I strutted along flicking my hair and laughing, not noticing a ‘wet floor’ sign by my crushes table. So getting nearer and nearer I slipped over landing head first with my food landing on my lap. Trying to laugh it off I ran off with my friends, but i was bright red. I think it’s fair to say, he noticed me that day!

z OMG!!!

Caught in the act!!It was lunch time and my boyfriend and I decided to spend it together in the drama rooms just us two! It was really sweet, we had lunch together and spent the rest of it just talking and laughing. We decided to go and meet the rest of our friends in the canteen but not before a nice kiss. During our movie kiss, the head of drama and the rest of his drama class walked in on us to start rehearsing! eekkk


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HOROSCOPES ....Libra 24 Sept - 23 OctYour mind is all over the place right now, do you fancy him or not? Spend some quality time with your friends and you will soon know the answer. Good day - 1st October, a surpirse package will come in the post.Star buy - Bright coloured nail varnish!

Scorpio24 Oct - 22 NovThings are looking better for you this month. You will be feeling motivated and determined to make dreams come true. Work hard and it will all be worth it it.Good day - 10th Nov, A secret crush will reveal all to you.Star buy - Matching hat and scarf

Sagittarius23 Nov - 21 DecYou’ve been gossiping a lot this month and if you’re not careful it’s going to get you into trouble. Take time to realise who your friends are before it’s too late.Good day - 11th Dec, a close friend treats you to a night out.Star buy - A sparkly party dress

Capricorn22 Dec - 20 JanYou’ve been a bit shy lately about expressing what’s on your mind. Don’t be afraid to speak and say what you feel. Tell a friend and it may end up being for the best.Good day - 29th Dec, get ready for a pampering day with your sister.Star buy - A selection of chick flicks on DVD

Aquarius21 Jan - 19 FebBe careful about who you tell your secrets too. One friend could be planning to tell all. Have a think about who you can trust and the truth will soon come out. Good day - 12st Feb, your boyfriend is cooking a romantic meal for you.Star buy- a funky check shirt.

Pisces20 Feb- 20 MarYou’ve been working so hard this month. Take a breather to spend time with family and friends. Make sure you don’t over do it. You deserve a rest.Good day - 5th Mar, a day out with a lad will make you feel super special.Star buy- A lovely beaded chunky necklace

Aries21 Mar - 20 AprNothing really usually irritates you, but someone this month has taken it too far. Just pick yourself back up, and you’ll soon find yourself back on track. Good day - 28th Mar, you’ve been waiting for a bit of luck and here it is.Star buy - A box of delicious choccies.

Taurus21 Apr - 21 MayOne of your closest friends needs you right now. Don’t wait to be asked for help just be there for her and it will make her feel a lot better.Good day - 19th May, a girlie night in gives you time to relaxStar buy - A big fur coat to get ready for winter.

Virgo24 Aug- 23 Sept A old friend wants to become friends with you again. You are angry about what she did but maybe sometimes it’s best to forgive but not to forget. Good day - A very special person is about to come into your life.Star buy - A nice hair and face mask

Leo23 July 23 AugYou really love spending the cash, but this month you have to be careful. Don’t let people take advantage of your kind nature, and listen to your friends for advice. Good day - 14th July, a nice day shopping with the girls leads to meeting someone.Star buy - A gorgeous poster of Zac Efron

Cancer22 June- 22 JulyWow, you couldn’t be any more moodier this month. Take time to figure out what is the matter, and then maybe your friends can be there for you. Good day - 8th June, your mum surprises you with an amazing present.Star buy - Flowery winter wellies.

Gemini22 May - 21 JuneYou meet the man of your dreams this month. Don’t try too hard to impress him, just be yourself around him and he will soon realise you’re the one for him.Good day - 16th May, an unexpected compliment will make your day. Star buy - A lovely big sequinned bag.



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HIMSCOPESWhats happening with the lad in your life?

If he’s Libra....Let him go and do his own thing. The good news is, he’ll be back in your arms very soon and you’ll be stronger than ever together.

If he’s Sagittarius....He’s all over the place at the moment, so don’t rely on him to make decisions. Take charge and he’ll thank you for it.

If he’s Scorpio....Don’t let this lad give you the runaround any more. It’s gone on for too long now. Do your own thing and save the stress.

If he’s Capricorn....Are you sure you can trust him? Give him time to prove his reliability before you go spilling any of your heartfelt secrets.

If he’s Aqurius....You’re not the only one trying to catch this boy’s eye, but don’t let it turn into a competition . Stay chilled and you’ll get your guy.

If he’s Pices.....This boy messed up with you, but he’s desperate to put it right. Give him another chance and he might just surprise you.

If he’s Aries....Time out! You guys aren’t doing each other any good at all at the moment. Give yourselves a break and stay well clear for now.

If he’s Taurus....It’s been a long time since you liked someone so much, and the good news is that he feels the same way. Go for it!!!

If he’s Gemini....If he isn’t being his usual self, don’t take it personally. He’s got a lot of stress going on and just needs you to be patient with him.

If he’s Cancer....Mates are giving him a hard time at the moment, so go easy. He’ll soon show you how much he appreciates that you care.

If he’s Leo....He’s confused. He does like you but the thought of a proper relationship terrifies him. Keep cool and just give him time.

If he’s Virgo....Let him go and do his own thing. The good news is, he’ll be back in your arms very soon and you’ll be stronger than ever together.

Happy Birthday


Zac Efron18th October!

Brilliant ideas come easily into Libra's awareness throughout this month. As you trust your higher self and allow thoughts to flow freely, you are able to embrace new opportunities and make positive changes in your life. You come to a higher level of understanding and appreciation as you let go of old ideas. You're no longer worrying about what the future holds, bringing you a new spiritual perspective of feeling fully supported and loved.

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Image: celebritysnap.com

Page 32: Teen Magazine

Does summer end with your love?

You may not want to think that your love is over. When you have that unexpected summer crush you think he’s the one, but it may just be a summer soar. We have all heard that love is blind and we are sorry but summer love is not an exception…With the heat and all the emotion of knowing new people your feelings may be confused. “Is there a perfect boy?” you may say but have another thought: do you really know him?. After two weeks of intense love your feelings may be so passionate that you are not able to see that you barely know each other. Two weeks is nothing in a person’s life! Once you have a second thought, you won’t feel down, there are many things you can do to face this! Getting over summer loves crush has many advantages. First of all, if you knew each other from a summer vacation or he’s from another city you won’t have to worry about bumping into him. The places you used to go together will be left in your summer destination so there’s no place that will remind you of him.Think of the end of summer as a new chapter in your life, you now have more experience in love and you are just ready to start a new adventure, there’s nothing that can stop you from doing what you want!


32 GLAMmagazine.co.uk

We recommend you start writing a diary so that you can see how you evolve, how step-by-step that boy you thought was the one is just a part of the good memories of that summer!Your feelings are still the same after two school weeks and you see over and over again the awesome pictures you

both took. You have long night conversations by phone and you receive love letters from him. Your head wants to get over him but your heart just can’t, it seems that you have all the symptoms of a real romance. Some summer love ends up being life’s long dream. Why won’t this be your chance? You may be on your way…If you are so lucky that you both live in the same city do not think twice and phone him! Things between you two may still be exciting and, who knows, he could become your boyfriend! If the distance is too long, try to keep in touch as much as possible so that the friendship that is love does not end.

If you have decided not to go ahead with your relationship during the course year, you may be wondering if that amazing summer you had together will happen again or not.You don’t have to worry about what may or may not happen. You can’t predict the future and you don’t know if next year you will want to be with him again. Who knows? Maybe next year you will not be ready to be with a boy or you are already going out with a boy from your city. If you both want to try again, when next summer arrives you should not be conscious that nothing will be the same. Don’t try to focus on having the same exciting summer crush you had last year, that would not happen and you may get frustrated, just act casual.You now have a whole school year ahead of you and you’ll have a chance to meet new people. School is a place where you can spend a lot of time during the year and it is easy to have a crush. If that happens, try to sit near that boy you fancy, help them with their homework and try to chat with him about hobbies you share. Remember to always be natural; do not try to be someone you’re not. From GLAM we encourage you not to do anything you don’t want to do, wait till you are ready, the waiting will be worth it! And remember every season of the year is a good time to be in love!

Face it, summer is over! But you can’t stop thinking about that summer love you had a crush on.“Should I call him?” “Is this real love?”, “Will it be the same next summer?” “Should I get over him?”, “What can I do?”, you may be thinking this but DON’T panic! GLAM has all the answers you are looking for!

September ends..

Don’t be sad, the end of

the summer could be the beginning of a new and exciting chapter

in your life!!

Page 33: Teen Magazine

It’s time to get back to school, but are you finding it hard to get over your summer

love? GLAM has the answer!

Do’s1) Give voice to your feelings, don’t bottle up your emotions!

2) Examine your memories in a realistic way, be aware of idealising!

3) Use the support of friends and family, people who love you will listen to you.

4) Focus on yourself and your goals; you have your whole life ahead of you.

5) Keep busy so that you don’t have time to think of your time together.

GLAMmagazine.co.uk 33


Dont’s1) Don’t think you will never find love again, there is someone out there for everyone.

2) If you’re desperate to talk to him, don’t think that’s embarrassing because you did share something special.

3) Don’t let him distract your studies, it is important you concentrate to have a successful future.

4) If you’re confused about your feelings, don’t keep it inside talk to your friends and family.


Page 34: Teen Magazine

QA few days ago I had an argument with my best

friend. She goes out with new strange people, older than she is, and I am worried about her. Now my friend lies to the teachers and to her parents and she doesn’t care about her studies… Last year she had good grades and we were together all the time, now I miss her. Helen, 14, Southampton

AYou should tell her how important is she for you. Ask

her if she has some problems at home or if she is worried about something. If her new friends aren’t a good influence for her try to tell her to remember how she was last year; it has been a good change? I am sure she misses you to, talk to her and if she don’t want to, tell the problem to her parents. Maybe she needs help.

QThis summer I met a really handsome boy from

another city. We started a relationship and now we’re in love. Nobody accepts this relationship; my parents and even my friends tell me that I should break up with him! What should I do? Ashley, 15, Birmingham

A It’s difficult to have a long-distance relationship,

but it’s not impossible. If you love him and he loves you, explain to your mother how you feel and ask her for advice and help. If she sees that your boyfriend is very important to you she’ll support you. Talk to your nearest friends and introduce him to them. Love doesn’t have an age!

34 GLAMmagazine.co.uk

Q I have a problem; my parents control everything I do. They don’t allow me to go out with my friends because they think

it can be dangerous. I feel out of the group and I need to have a social life too, but they don’t understand me! Chloe, 14, by e mail

A Try to talk to them and show them that your friends are nice and that the places you go are safe. If you want them to feel

confident, you can tell them that if they’re worried about you, they can phone you on your mobile phone at any time and that they can pick you up in order to not go home alone. Gradually they’ll give you more independence!

QThis year my best friend is in my class and we’re

together all the time. The problem is that I like him a lot, he’s very kind to me and I don’t know how to tell him about my feelings. I don’t want to ruin our friendship. Should I tell him? Kelly, 15, Portsmouth

A You should make sure that he is interested in you. Use

your sixth woman sense! Anyway, you can also tell him your feelings and explain to him that he’s very important to you and that you don’t want to lose him if he doesn’t feel the same. If he is a true friend, you don’t have to be afraid!


your older sister! Listen to...




My name is Maria and I was once a teenager. I

know how difficult being 15 years old can be and so this section is dedicated to you. Hope that my advice will

help you!



Page 35: Teen Magazine

Q I’m worried about my body. All the girls in my

class are pretty and slim and I feel fat. My mother doesn’t let me go to the gym because she says I don’t need it. What can I do? Jessie, 13, Leeds

AYou should practice some sport at school. All you

need is to feel self confident, you can get what you want when you believe in yourself. Treat yourself to some new clothes…that always helps!

QThis summer my family and I had to move to another city

because of my father’s job. So I’m new at school this year and I don’t know anybody… I’m afraid that people won’t like me, and that the teachers will hate me. I don’t know what to do to make a good impression. Will they accept me? Emilie, 13, Bristol

A You’re not alone! Get involved! You could do extra-

curricular activities (sports, art club, photo club, there is pretty much something for everybody). Be friendly and polite and talk to the people that are sitting around you; tell them you’re new and ask them about the school. Don’t worry about making a good impression, be yourself, and you will make friends.

GLAMmagazine.co.uk 35

Do you want to be on this page? Tell us your story and our adviser will listen to you!

Contact us by writing to: 112 Fleet Street, London, W12 4TG


your older sister!



Are you worried about

something and do you want to feel better? Ask your

older sister!


Page 36: Teen Magazine

Quizzes and











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tons of

fab prizes!

Want to

model in


36 GLAMmagazine.co.uk

visit GLAMmagazine.co.uk for details...

Guess the celebs!Can you guess which celebs are hid-den between the white circles?

Do you fancy winning a £200 shopping spree in New Look? Or a goody bag of Rimmel make-up? If so, why not give some of our quizzes and com-petitions a go? Grab yourself the chance to win tons of goodies, and visit us at www.GLAMmaga-zine.co.uk for more prizes up for grabs!


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Page 37: Teen Magazine

GLAMmagazine.co.uk 37

In next month’s issue!


- Miley- Hottest guys of 2009- Taylor Lautner- Fashion- FREE lip gloss!- And much more...



to an X Factor live final

Competition is heating up in The X-Fac-tor this year, as the judges and contest-ants battle it out in the search for the nation’s next big talent. And you could be there to watch it unfold!

We’ve teamed up with The Carphone Warehouse, official sponsor of ITV’s hit show, to give one lucky reader the chance to be at one of The X Factor live finals, with exclusive access to the

Saturday night show on 6 December. So if you love The X Factor and want to expe-rience the thrill of one of the live finals, then this is for you!

WINNER WILL RECEIVE exclusive access to the Saturday night live

studio recording to watch the contestants battle it out in person!

To enter, go online to GLAMmagazine.co.uk/xfactor




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Page 38: Teen Magazine

The GLAM List

things GLAM would do if we ruled a boarding school11

Make doodle classes as an extra-activity...who wants to learn all day long?


Take ‘Mufti Days’ to the extreme and plan our outfits with our friends...a group of Barbie Doll’s are so much better than one!

Make food fights compulsory - why should the movies have all the fun?

Mingle with the opposite sex by pulling pranks on them. Think water balloons, turning the clocks back, swap salt for sugar…you know what we’re saying. Allow climbing out of the

window late at night….everyone has to do it once in their life time!

Punish people who think they are funny when they are not - bad jokes would definitely be a crime at our school.

Have midnight feasts at least once a month! Chocolate fountains, marshmallows, doughnuts...mmmm

Banish school uniform so we could look as stylish as the Gossip Girl crew.

Make school hours 10am til 4pm....so we could get our proper beauty sleep and enjoy the sun!

Create a three-day weekend. Mondays are just so unnecessary.


4 6 9

57 10

8 11

Have Russel Brand as our teacher. What with his crazy hair and brilliant personality we’d never want to leave.

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If only we could have sushi for




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