Dr Cyril Prasanna raj P gave presentation on nano- technology. Nanotechnology is defined as the study and use of structures between 1 nanometer and 100 nanometers in size. To give an idea of how small that is, it would take eight hundred 100 nanometer parti- cles side by side to match the width of a human hair. Scientists have been studying and working with Nano particles for centuries, but the effectiveness of their work has been hampered by their inability to see the structure of Nano particles. In recent decades the development of microscopes ca- pable of displaying particles as small as atoms has al- lowed scientists to see what they are working with. The aim of Nanoelectronics is to process, transmit and store information by taking advantage of properties of matter that are distinctly different from macroscopic properties. Nanotechnology offers the ability to build large num- bers of products that are incredibly powerful by to- day's standards. This possibility creates both oppor- tunity and risk. The problem of minimizing the risk is not simple; excessive restriction creates black markets, which in this context implies unrestricted nanofabrica- tion. Selecting the proper level of restriction is likely to pose a difficult challenge. NATIONAL SEMINAR ON NANOTECHNOLOGY INSIDE THE ISSUE Seminar on nan- otechnology 1 Industrial Visit to BSNL 2 Seminar on ASIC 2 Workshop on analog design 3 Department club events 4 Cross Word- Puzzel 4 Department club events 4 TE Depart Club , MVJCE Telecommunication Engineering OCTOBER 2012,VOLUME-3 Dr.Cyril explaining about CNTFET

Telecommunication Engineering - MVJ College of Engineering 3.pdf · to BSNL 2 Seminar on ASIC 2 Workshop on 3 Department club events 4 Cross Word-Puzzel 4 Department club events 4

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  • Dr Cyril Prasanna raj P gave presentation on nano-

    technology. Nanotechnology is defined as the study

    and use of structures between 1 nanometer and 100

    nanometers in size. To give an idea of how small that

    is, it would take eight hundred 100 nanometer parti-

    cles side by side to match the width of a human hair.

    Scientists have been studying and working with Nano

    particles for centuries, but the effectiveness of their

    work has been hampered by their inability to see the

    structure of Nano particles.

    In recent decades the development of microscopes ca-

    pable of displaying particles as small as atoms has al-

    lowed scientists to see what they are working with.

    The aim of Nanoelectronics is to process, transmit and

    store information by taking advantage of properties of

    matter that are distinctly different from macroscopic


    Nanotechnology offers the ability to build large num-

    bers of products that are incredibly powerful by to-

    day's standards. This possibility creates both oppor-

    tunity and risk. The problem of minimizing the risk is

    not simple; excessive restriction creates black markets,

    which in this context implies unrestricted nanofabrica-

    tion. Selecting the proper level of restriction is likely

    to pose a difficult challenge.

    N A T I O N A L S E M I N A R O N N A N O T E C H N O L O G Y


    Seminar on nan-



    Industrial Visit

    to BSNL


    Seminar on



    Workshop on

    analog design


    Department club



    Cross Word-



    Department club



    TE Depart Club , MVJCE

    Telecommunication Engineering

    O C T O B E R 2 0 1 2 , V O L U M E - 3

    Dr.Cyril explaining about CNTFET

  • S E M I N A R O N “ A P R A C T I C A L A P P R O A C H O N A S I C D E S I G N F L O W ”

    I N D U S T R I A L V I S I T T O B S N L

    An Industrial Visit has been conducted by the

    Telecommunication Department for the fifth semester

    students to BSNL, Jayanagar, Bangalore .There were

    thirty five students who attended the visit and the staff

    accompanied the visit were Mrs. Shashirekha, Assis-

    tant Professor, Dept of TE and Ms. Sowmya L, Assis-

    tant Professor, Dept of TE.

    The visit to BSNL was supported by Mr. Jal-

    lappa, Sub divisional Engineer, BSNL, Jayanagar .

    Page 2


    V semester students of TE


    The guest lecture aimed at giving a view on ASIC

    Design Flow. The lecture was basically regarding the

    work done in VLSI companies. The flow held the

    concepts of floor planning, placement, power plan-

    ning, timing consideration and routing. The lecture

    was helpful for students, by knowing the scenario in

    companies and the demand of VLSI. It gave an idea

    of WHAT actually students should learn from the ac-

    ademics and HOW they can apply it into their pro-

    jects. The speakers of the session was Sindhu Goud V

    and Karunakara Reddy G (Design Engineers at

    AppsConnect technologies, Bangalore).

    The faculty coordinated the event on 13/10/2012 was

    SOWMYA L (AP,TE), the participant were the V

    sem students of TE, MVJCE.

  • The workshop aimed at teaching students the analog design flow

    using Cadence tools. The Cadence tools provides one full package

    for entire back end design and available in college. The session

    started with the explanation of Analog Design Flow. The inverter

    design was done by all the participants.

    As Telecommunication students are not exposed any practical lab

    sessions for VLSI. This workshop was helpful for students to un-

    derstand the VLSI and apply it for their future projects.

    The faculties coordinated the event were SOWMYA L (AP,TE) and

    ARSHIYA SULTANA (AP,ECE) on 29/9/2012 the participants were

    the V sem students of TE, MVJCE.

    Alexander Graham Bell originally wanted the greeting for the telephone to be "Ahoy" but Thomas

    Edison voted for "Hello," a word he coined in 1877.

    The original name of the telephone was the harmonic telegraph. It took a year to connect the first line from New York to San Francisco. 14,000 miles of copper

    wire and 130,000 telephone poles were needed to link the country. The annual revenue for the telephone industry is $210 billion, almost 8 times that of television

    and 23 times the revenue of radio.

    Cellular phone service has accounted for a third of the telephone industry's growth for the last four


    The US telephone wireless and directory market is expected to reach $211 billion by the year

    2001. Globally, about $1 trillion is spent annually on telecommunications products and services.

    One million threads of fiber optic cable can fit in a tube 1/2" in diameter..

    W O R K S H O P O N “ A N A L O G D E S I G N U S I N G C A D E N C E T O O L S ”

    T E L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N ’ S F U N F A C T S

    D E P A R T M E N T C L U B E V E N T S ( Q U I Z C O M P E T I T I O N )

    Department of Telecommunication Engineering has orga-

    nized a quiz completion for all the students of TE, ECE,

    Medical Electronics and EEE of MVJ College of Engineer-

    ing on 29th August 2012 between 12.00pm - 4.00pm at

    Seminar Hall, Department of ECE.

    30 Students participated in this event from Telecommunica-

    tion, ECE and Mechanical Engineering. 15 batches consist-

    ing of two members in each batch.total 3 rounds were there

    &the winners are as follows IST Prize Ajay Kumar

    U ,Sushanth Nayak – 5th Semester - Department of

    TE ,2ND Prize -Sovya R M , Sumitha S M– 7th Semester -

    Department of TE 3RD Prize – Chirag R , Hanish R– 7th

    Semester - Department of TE

    “Education is

    not the filling of

    a pail, but the

    lighting of a


    William Butler


    O C T O B E R 2 0 1 2 , V O L U M E - 3


    Page 3



  • Department of Telecommunication Engineering has orga-

    nized a mini project completion for all the students of TE,

    ECE, Medical Electronics and EEE of MVJ College of En-

    gineering on 2nd November 2012 between 2.00pm -

    4.00pm at Communication Lab, Department of TE.

    The participants are 12 students from Telecommunication.

    They formed 5 batches (4-robotic project and 1-software

    project). The event had two rounds. The first round was ex-

    hibition round were all projects were checked for the per-

    formance (hardware projects) and simulation output for

    (software project)

    In the second round, there was explanation given by the

    participants and other participant rated the project on 10

    marks. At the end of the second round, two batches with

    highest marks were selected.

    First Prize – N. Akhilesh & Vinay G Raju – 3rd Semester -

    Department of TE

    D E P A R T M E N T C L U B E V E N T S ( M I N I P R O J E C T C O M P E T I T I O N )

    F I L I N T H E P U Z Z E L W I T H T H E W O R D S T H A T M E A N A B O U T S A M E T H I N G

    Www.mvjce.edu.in Page 4

    Student participants in the mini project competition

    O C T O B E R 2 0 1 2 , V O L U M E - 3