Teresa Design 5th Sem

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making off ppt in design of architecture

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TERESA SAIKIAPRITHIVI GOGOIA public outdoor space may be a gathering spot or part of a neighborhood, downtown, special district, waterfront, or other area within the public realm that helps promote social interaction and a sense of community.


Comfort: physical comfort which can be achieved by meeting need forfood, drink, shelter from the natural elements, or a place to rest when tired.

Relaxation:physiologicalcomfort whichcan beachieved bythe use of natural elements trees, greenery, water features- and separation from vehicular traffic.

Passive Engagement: experiencing the environment without getting involved, for example, providing sitting places that allow people watching.

ActiveEngagement:becominginvolvedthrough,forexample,publicart, fountains, coffee stalls, the arrangement of benches.

Discovery: representing desire for new spectacles and pleasure experiences, discovery depends on variety and change. It acts as a meeting space, space for debate, controversy, discussion, in short where democracy takes place.

CHARACTERSTICS OF OUTDOOR SPACELandscapeWaterscapePlazaArt installationPavingKioskView pointCycling trackSpace for vendorOutdoor seating areaChildren Play areaEvent areaInteractive spacesEntrance aisleELEMENTS OF OUTDOOR SPACE

Water infrastructure was able of creating synergies with other important urban functions, serving as an open space network for social needs. As pieces of urban infrastructure, waterscapes respect and celebrate the hydrologic cycle of nature while simultaneously expressing the cultural importance of water for humankind.

WATERSCAPEIt is an open urbanpublic space that act as a connection between the indoor and the outdoor environment. Today's metropolitan landscapes often incorporate the "plaza" as a design element, or as an outcome of zoning regulations.

PLAZAInstallation artdescribes an artistic genre ofthree dimensional works that are oftensite specific and designed to transform the perception of a space.Art installation in outdoor spaces is called Land Art.

ART INSTALLATONBasically, all hard surfaced pavement types can be categorized into two groups, flexible and rigid. Flexible pavements are those which are surfaced with bituminous (or asphalt) materials. Types of paving are-HMA PavementPermeable PavementsMix TypesAsphalt Concrete Base (ACB)Recycled HMA


Due to the high visibility of these units, which are most often located in the common areas of malls, these businesses can often gain a relatively trackable monthly sales figure after a three or four-month trial. The first mall kiosk opened inFaneuil Hall in Boston 1976.

KIOSKSince the Brahmaputra is nearby we can have a view point for enjoying the beauty of nature specially during the sunset.


CYCLING TRACKDifferent signages used for cycling track


Things children like in their outdoor environments include:watervegetation, including trees, bushes, flowers and long grasses,animals, creatures in ponds, and other living thingssand, best if it can be mixed with waternatural color, diversity and changeplaces and features to sit in, on, under, lean against, and provide shelter and shadedifferent levels and nooks and crannies, places that offer privacy and viewsstructures, equipment and materials that can be changed, actually or in their imaginations, including plentiful loose parts.CHILDREN PLAY AREAShopping malls attract my attention because of their functional variety. Though I am not a shopping enthusiast', I like to visit shopping malls forsome other reasons, nowadays, mostly to observe.This is an interesting dilemma that; shopping malls are profit-oriented private properties, on the other hand, one can spend a whole day in it without doing any shopping. So, that's why shopping malls are new public spaces, according to me: because people preferthem.Shopping malls become public magnets. People like to spend their leisure time at shopping malls.CONCLUSIONTHANK YOU. . .