Date: 20th December 2019 Christmas Edition Newsletter Editor: Anita Fairclough, ICT Co-ordinator Welcome to our Christmas 2019 newsletter. We are so proud of the pupils this term and the contribution they have made to all of the school events. Pupils have enjoyed some wonderful opportunities in celebrating our amazing Lansbury Bridge community. We thank the staff for their endless commitment to your children, ensuring they enjoy their time in school and make good progress. We also thank all of you, our parents and carers for the support you have shown school this term. From all of the staff, governors and pupils here at Lansbury Bridge – Merry Christmas to you all. Warren Brooks & Ruth Clarkson LANSBURY MAKE IT HAPPEN We've had a busy few weeks with LMIH it started with us being chosen by ASDA for the token scheme in the St Helens store. If we win this we win £1000 for LMIH which would be wonderful, please keep popping your tokens in the pot for us and tell friends and family too. Our first ever Christmas shopping night was a big success. It was so lovely to see so many people supporting us and helped us raise £800 for our charity, hank you to all who supported. We are planning to have another shopping event at spring so watch this space! Our raffle at the Christmas fair raised £161, thanks for your continued support. We are still on amazon smile and get good returns from your purchases so please remember us before ordering from amazon and go to their amazon smile page as the regular amazon page does not give you the option. With all the fundraising we have done for our playground we are now in a position to make a start on developing our plans, we are in the process of getting more playground quotes. We still need to raise lots more but hopefully will be able to start some work next year so your children can benefit from your hard work. Thank you all for your continued support, our next meeting is on Thursday 23rd January @ 7.30pm - 9pm at Momos cafe on Westfield Street St Helens it would be great to see you there.! TERM DATES School closes on Friday 20th December 2019 Back to school for Spring Term Monday 6th January 2020 School closes for Half Term on Friday 14th February School re-opens Monday 24th February Break up for Spring Break Friday 3rd April Back to school Monday 20th April BANK HOLIDAY - Monday 8th May Break up for Half Term Friday 22nd May INSET DAYS - 1st and 2nd June Back to school Wednesday 3rd June. Break up for Summer holidays Friday 17th July

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Date: 20th December 2019 Christmas Edition Newsletter Editor: Anita Fairclough, ICT Co-ordinator

Welcome to our Christmas 2019 newsletter. We are so proud of the pupils this term and the contribution they have made to all of the school events. Pupils have enjoyed some wonderful opportunities in celebrating our amazing Lansbury Bridge community. We thank the staff for their endless commitment to your children, ensuring they enjoy their time in school and make good progress. We also thank all of you, our parents and carers for the support you have shown school this term. From all of the staff, governors and pupils here at Lansbury Bridge – Merry Christmas to you all.

Warren Brooks & Ruth Clarkson

LANSBURY MAKE IT HAPPEN We've had a busy few weeks with LMIH it started with us being chosen by ASDA for the token scheme in the St Helens store. If we win this we win £1000 for LMIH which would be wonderful, please keep popping your tokens in the pot for us and tell friends and family too.

Our first ever Christmas shopping night was a big success. It was so lovely to see so many people supporting us and helped us raise £800 for our charity, hank you to all who supported. We are planning to have another shopping event at spring so watch this space!

Our raffle at the Christmas fair raised £161, thanks for your continued support. We are still on amazon smile and get good returns from your purchases so please remember us before ordering from amazon and go to their amazon smile page as the regular amazon page does not give you the option.

With all the fundraising we have done for our playground we are now in a position to make a start on developing our plans, we are in the process of getting more playground quotes. We still need to raise lots more but hopefully will be able to start some work next year so your children can benefit from your hard work. Thank you all for your continued support, our next meeting is on Thursday 23rd January @ 7.30pm - 9pm at Momos cafe on Westfield Street St Helens it would be great to see you there.!


School closes on Friday 20th December 2019

Back to school for Spring Term Monday 6th January 2020

School closes for Half Term on Friday 14th February

School re-opens Monday 24th February

Break up for Spring Break Friday 3rd April

Back to school Monday 20th April

BANK HOLIDAY - Monday 8th May

Break up for Half Term Friday 22nd May

INSET DAYS - 1st and 2nd June Back to school

Wednesday 3rd June.

Break up for Summer holidays Friday 17th July

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It’s been a lovely term in Primary 8. The pupils settled really quickly and soon became accustomed to a new routine. In English we’ve been working on our reading, writing, listening and receptive communication targets, and speaking and expressive communication targets. We’ve taken part in two national curriculum sensory stories - the BFG by Roald Dahl and The Sheep Pig by Dick King Smith

We’ve done a lot of exciting and interesting learning this term. In science we’ve been learning about living things and their habitats. As well as doing sensory learning in the class room we had the opportunity to visit Martin Mere Wetland Centre and see birds of all kinds in their habitats. We also got to do some pond dipping and found lots varied and interesting pond insects. It was a lovely day.

We’re now looking forward to Christmas and have started doing lots of crafts for our Christmas dinner table. It’s so exciting. Have a lovely Christmas everyone. Love P9 pupils and staff.

What a great first term Secondary 5 has had!!! We have completed a number of STEAM projects including balloon hovercrafts, making a hot plate to cook on, designed and created paper straw cages to protect an egg from impacts and started to record podcasts of our weekly adventures. We have enjoyed a trip to Jodrell Bank to look at the Lovell telescope as part of our study of space and finally we have established a Chess club and Jigsaw club which keep us super busy on the rainy days.

Primary 17 have been learning about landmarks and countries this half term in Geography. We have really enjoyed learning about England, Scotland, USA, France and Russia. We learnt about St Basil’s Cathedral in Russia and we explored traditional Russian objects and food. In each country we looked at a key landmark such as the Eiffel tower, Big Ben and Edinburgh Castle. We love experiencing different cultures!

Primary 1 have been Busy Bees this term exploring and learning all about animals, insects and plants. They took a trip to the farm and have become familiar with the stories Old MacDonald and Jack and The Beanstalk.

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This half term all of our children in Primary 10 have taken part in lots of school activities including Dragons Den. The children prepared and made their product and also took the time to do some market research to make sure the product was the best it could be. The children have been on educational visits to the likes of Taylor park, doing forest schools, the cinema and also Gillmoss recycling centre. All have been a great learning experiences and the children have enjoyed every minute. Have a Merry Christmas from all of P10.

Primary 2 have really enjoyed reading the story ‘We’re Going On a Bear Hunt’ in Autumn term. We have completed many sensory story sessions and went hunting for our very own bear!

We have also enjoyed our very first trip out of school as a class - we loved going to see the farm animals as part of our science topic!

Secondary 3 have been exploring our local community within theme lessons. One of our trips was to Trebaron, we looked around the Christmas trees and decorations and en joyed be ing in the local community. We have also visited each others houses in class.

Secondary 1 have been learning about lots of different things this term including learning about Ecosystems in Science, The Odyssey in English, and in theme we have been learning about the Tudors. We also made an anime scarecrow for the scarecrow walk.

This term EYFS 1 have settled well into little Lansbury. We have enjoyed exploring the main school and making new friends.

It has been a great first half term for the children in EYFS 2. We have enjoyed exploring our new school and have made lots of new friends in class. The ladies in class are all super proud of how much progress we have already made! Our favourite time of the day is break time when we all come and sit together to enjoy our snack.

We wish all of our friends and family a Merry Christmas, Love the staff and children of EYFS 2 x

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This term Primary 15 have made excellent progress in all curriculum areas. We have had lots of fun learning about The Stick Man in Literacy, number, measure and geometry in Maths and plants and animals in Science. Our favourite subject this half term has been Theme. Mrs O’Brien took us on a journey across the world to discover the 7 Wonders. We had the best experience! Below are a snap shot of all the wonderful team work activities we have been doing.

Scarecrow walk preparations World Mental Health Day Body Bop in Science Up, up and away!!!

Egyptian Pyramids Group hug….we’re going on an excursion!!!

To the great parents of our super stars in P15, we wish you a memorable Christmas and a happy new year. Love Amy, Suzanne, Emma and Nic. x

Secondary 10 visited Liverpool Museum and saw Egyptian mummies, dinosaurs and bugs in the Bug House!

We visited Liverpool Castle in Bolton and found a secret hiding place in the castle!

We visited Manchester Museum of Science and Industry and found out how cotton is made and went on the Red Arrows simulator!

This term Primary 3 has been learning all about plants and have even planted seeds to watch them grow in the classroom. We have learned the different parts of the flower and what plants need in order for them to survive. We explored flowers and plants within these lessons and experimented with coloured water.

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Secondary 6 have had an amazing term. Everyone has settled in and we have made fantastic progress. Warren was elected Secondary Head Boy and CJ became our Junior Leadership Rep, both have been doing an amazing job in their respective roles.

S6 loved making their s ca recrow fo r the Scarecrow Walk, even dressing up in the costume before making it!

We were very proud of Ruby and Lydia taking part in the Harvest Festival assembly and speaking in front of all the parents.

Secondary 8 took part on Dragons Den to make a product for Enterprise. We also took part in the Dragons Den! We made snowmen.

Ben was elected JLT Rep for S8. Here he is receiving his badge.

Primary 11 were extremely proud to win the Dragon’s Den enterprise competition. We created beautiful handmade Chr i s tmas t r ee decoration designs using wood slices. We made 3 separate designs and sold them at £2.50 each following our customer marketing research during our maths lessons! We also got medals for “Most innovative and

profitable product” Well done to all classes for all of your hard work!!

The pupils in Primary 9 have been working very hard this term. They particularly enjoyed reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and exploring the story in a variety of ways. We used our imagination to write poems about the sweets and chocolate and enjoyed designing and making our own chocolate bars. We especially enjoyed the tasting part!

On 11th December 2019, Primary 12 visited Stadt Moers Park, Whiston, Liverpool. The pupils observed the animals in their habitat and put out food for some animals. The pupils enjoyed the visit and recalled this in their Science books.

Primary 14 have had an amazing term! We have had lots of fun in all our lessons. We have been learning about different places in Theme. We have looked at Egypt, England, America, Italy and Paris. We learned about the different land marks, tried different foods and handled different artefacts. We have all enjoyed looking at light and dark in Science, our favourite part was using the different torches, shining them on different coloured materials. Primary 14 have also made excellent progress with our communication and social targets! In English we have been working on our rotation looking at our fine motor skills, writing skills and computer skills. In Phonics we have been doing about different sounds and joining action and response songs. In Maths Primary 14 have been working on colours, big and small, number formation and counting. Primary 14's favourite part of this term has been doing our sensory diets, we all LOVE relaxation and quiet time, and swimming. Hope your term was as great as ours!!

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All the children in Primary 13 have worked very hard this Autumn Term.

In Maths the children have learn how to collect data by completing a Tally Chart. They have also collected analysed and represented the data using pictograms and bar charts.

Primary 13 have also learnt the difference between cardinal numbers (for counting) and ordinal numbers (for ordering). The children have enjoyed our fun practical activities

learning how to identify, name and count ordinal numbers.

In English we have learnt to identify different types of nouns (naming words), such as common nouns (name of objects, things and ideas) and Proper Nouns (name of people and places). We have also practised writing these nouns correctly. This half term, the children have also enjoyed chanting and performing different poems about teeth, what brilliant performers they are!!

In phonics, the children have worked very hard blending for reading and segmenting for spelling. They have used their phonics knowledge in a variety of writing tasks, too. We are also currently practising

our letter formation, with focus on sitting their letters on the lines, as well as using capital letters, finger spaces and full stop in our sentences.

In Science, Primary 13 have learnt about animals including humans and how to classify animals according to their species. We also had a lot of fun learning about the digestive system, the different types of teeth and the jobs they do,

in a variety of practical activities.

In Theme, we learnt about how people lived in Ancient Egypt. We have enjoyed learning about the life of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun and the process of mummification, too. We have also learnt about

different landmarks around the world, such as the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The children have produced some amazing work this term and they are ready for a well deserved break.

Well done everyone!

Secondary 7 We say good bye to a long and busy Autumn term. Back in September we had the opportunity to plan and attend an All about Me Day during which we discussed and reflected on our plans for the future with our parents and teachers. Amijayne was elected Secondary Head Girl and Amy became our Junior Leader Rep, both girls have been doing an amazing job in their respective roles. We are very proud of their contribution towards Pupils Voice in our school. We have taken part in a Boccia competition where all our students demonstrated their skills and team spirit. Our ‘Merry Marshmallows” sold out once more and we definitely made our £10 jingle with a sweet profit of more than £25! We took part in the Dragons’ Den competition and all our efforts and team work paid off in the end as we collected an award for Resilience and Team work. One of the highlights of this term has been our work in theme around the Middle Ages. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about knights and castles. It was fascinating to learn about all the different garments and weapons of medieval knights first hand thanks to Luke, one of our Teaching Assistants who kindly brought his very own suit of armour to our classroom. We even built our very own castle out of cardboard boxes using our imagination and problem solving skills. The result was amazing!

Happy Christmas everyone! Feliz Navidad!

Mrs Pardo, Sam, Donna and S7

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Primary 6 have had a very successful but busy half term. We made a very popular project for anti-bullying week, which also contributed as our Enterprise project. We made forkys as a very popular request for children and adults too!!! Each forky was made individual and different to support individualisation for anti-bullying week. The children loved designing and making their forkys.

Primary 4 have been learning about Kings and Queens this half term during their Theme lessons with Sharon. They have enjoyed dressing up as Kings and Queens and learning about the Coronation.

Primary 5 This term we have been looking at ‘Sound and Light ‘in Science. We have looked at reflected light with torches on foil, followed different coloured light effects and made our own light using a switch. We have listened to different sounds and types of music and also made our own with guitars, drums and dropped things onto the resonance board. At the end of our topic we have been able to visit Trebaron Garden Centre to look at the lights, smells and different sounds there. Everyone had their favourite!

Primary 16 have been commemorating Remembrance Day! They used their hands to make a Poppy Print and included a poem to remember those lost!

During this half term Primary 7 have been working hard on their enterprise. We made scented Christmas tree decorations. We used flour, water and salt to make salt dough and then added essential Christmas oils and colourings. After mixing everything up we rolled out the mixture and used pastry cutters in the shapes of snowmen, Christmas trees and snowflakes.

Secondary 9 have loved going to Mill Green for trampolining lessons and we learnt so much. We can’t wait to find out what the new term brings.

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It has been a very busy term for Secondary 4. I am happy to report that we are all now settled in the class and staff and students have really enjoyed getting to know each other over the term.

Thank you for the donations for the harvest festival, S4 collected many items to donate to the food bank. We also had a great deal of fun making our Netherlands themed scarecrow, Miss Van-Son picked the Netherlands for obvious reasons. The children helped make the head for the scarecrow and we had lots of fun experimenting with balloons and papermache. We all enjoyed the scarecrow walk and thank you to those who could attend for joining us.

This half term we had our first trip to the cinema for National Film Week were we watched Bumble Bee. We all enjoyed this very much and the children behaved impeccably.

I would also like to say a huge thank you to Amelia Boulton and Isabel Jones for taking part in the St Helens Parish Church Christmas concert. The girls did themselves, their families and Lansbury Bridge proud both singing and reading a passage to the congregation. This was a massive achievement for them both and we are very proud of them.

Lastly, I would like to wish you all a restful Christmas and peaceful New Year and the S4 team look forward to hearing about the children’s holidays upon our return to school.

Secondary 2 have welcomed new pupils to their school and class. They have all settled in and are a fantastic support to each other!

In class, we have been working very hard in a wide range of subjects. We particularly enjoyed learning how to use watercolour paints and created some beautiful Christmas card designs. We have also enjoyed lots of interesting science experiments and have had lots of fun whilst developing a range of scientific skills.

Miss O, Anne and Charlene would like to thank our pupils for a fantastic first term and parents for all of your support at home with home activities and updates.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas! Miss O

PE Christmas News This term we have focused on Boccia, Bowling, New Age Kurling, Gymnastics, Dance, Fitness, Sensory diets and Team work activities such as building snowmen, Father Christmas and party hats. Everyone has worked hard and has shown progress in their skills. Well Done Everyone Mrs Gilbody x