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  • 7/23/2019 Term Paper Title.docx


    Saint Anthony Mary Claret College

    Quezon City

    The English Class as the Locus for the Students Language Practice

    A Term Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsof GS !"# Tea$hing %ral S&ills in 'S('F ) 'nglish Phonology

    Submitted by Sid Ching CMF

    * August *+,*

    Submitted to -r. 'lizabeth edesma Ph.-.

  • 7/23/2019 Term Paper Title.docx


    /'nglish0has long prided itself in de1eloping the analyti$al2 syntheti$2 and

    e1aluati1e s&ills asso$iated3,4ith $riti$al thin&ing. 5t is unfortunate that the tea$hing and

    learning of 'nglish in many s$hools fail to de1elop the analyti$al2 syntheti$ and e1aluati1e

    s&ills of the students2 not to mention2 their ability to thin& $riti$ally and e6press themsel1es

    $learly. 5f 'nglish is to help students de1elop their s&ills in $ommuni$ation2 be it in spea&ing

    or in 4riting2 it should not be studied by rote but used as a language for pra$ti$al human

    intera$tion in $lass2 and2 e1entually2 outside the s$hool2 that is2 in the real 4orld.

    Communi$ati1e language tea$hing $omes as a response to this need for learners to use the

    language through intera$tion in the 1ery language they are learning. The students fo$us on the

    language2 the learning pro$ess2 and their o4n personal e6perien$e as 4ell2 thus2 lin&ing

    $lassroom language learning 4ith language use outside the $lassroom 78ro4n2 *++92 p. ":;"9"#(,>9,

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    materials that they be genuine and real;4orld or the uses and tas&s the students do 4ith them

    7Biddo4son2 ,>>+>>2 p.

    ,*!>#2 p. :9::< $alls the dialogue bet4een the learners

    and the tea$her.

    The 'nglish language $lassroom $an be$ome a $ommunity of pra$ti$e and the $onte6t for

    the language pra$ti$e of the students2 4here /demo$rati$ $lassroom relations3 lead to /ri$her

    $lassroom so$ial en$ounters both humanizing and eman$ipating3 7Girou62 ,>@@2 pp. "+;",

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    ea$h other in the tea$hing;learning pro$ess. 5t also ne$essitates that the tea$her a$$epts the fa$t

    that her(his students are not part of an assembly line 4here e1eryone is e6pe$ted to be at the

    same le1el at a $ertain period of the a$ademi$ year2 but as a$ti1e subEe$ts and partners in the

    tea$hing;learning pro$ess2 fully parti$ipating in the $reation of &no4ledge and the pra$ti$es of

    the learning $ommunity. This is 4hat a parti$ipatory $lass setup entails.

    The tea$her has to pro1ide that $ommunity 4ith an /unlimited opportunity for meeting

    among people 4ho share an issue 4hi$h for them2 at the moment2 is so$ially2 intelle$tually2 and

    emotionally important3 75lli$h2 p. *:

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    $lassroom stru$tures as they gi1e dire$tion to their li1es as students.

    Sin$e their dis$ussion $on$erns their life as students2 they 4ill feel en$ouraged and

    be$ome more $onfident to tal&2 e1en if they use a foreign language. Bhat they do does not ma&e

    them feel /$ulturally illiterate23 unli&e /4hen students are subEe$ted to a language as 4ell as a

    belief and 1alue setting3 de1oid of $onte6t and meaning2 that engenders /4hat Paulo Freire has

    $alled a L$ulture of silen$eD3 7Girou62 ,>@@2 p. :"@+2 p. : =inger2 ,>@+2 p. *>@+2 p. >*9+2 p. ,>

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    strategies and approa$hes in tea$hing2 but on the 1ery $onte6t 4here the students and the tea$her

    learn by intera$tion and $ommuni$ation 4ith one another in 'nglish. earning and using a ne4

    language be$ome a natural part of the daily life of the students and not only for $on1ersation

    pra$ti$e2 drills2 tests or e6ams. nli&e the traditional $lassroom drills and a$ti1ities 4here

    students are as&ed to do things artifi$ially stru$tured and separate from the a$ti1ity of the

    students in the 4orld 7SlE ) Byndhamm2 ,>>#9+2 pp. *!;*:9+2 p. !>::< by ma&ing the students and the tea$her as /partners3 in a $ommunity of pra$ti$e2

    sharing 4ith one another the $ommunityDs $ommon e6perien$e and memory. The students and

    their tea$her begin a $ommon Eourney 4here both ta&e a$ti1e roles in the edu$ation pro$ess that

    aims for /human 4ell;being as partly embra$ing the pursuit of 4hat Alasdair Ma$5ntyre 7,>@,2

    as $ited in Bhite2 ,>>,2 p. !>< $alls Lpra$ti$esD.3 Pra$ti$e2 in this $ase2 refers to

    any $oherent and $omple6 form of so$ially2 established $ooperati1e human a$ti1ity

    through 4hi$h goods internal to that form of a$ti1ity are realized in the $ourse of trying to

    a$hie1e those standards of e6$ellen$e 4hi$h are appropriate to2 and partially definiti1e of2 that

    form of a$ti1ity2 4ith the result that human po4ers to a$hie1e e6$ellen$e2 and human

    $on$eptions of the ends and good in1ol1ed2 are systemati$ally e6tended. 7Bhite2 ,>>,2 9!@92 p. ,>>>>< says 4hen he spea&s of the $reation of authenti$ situations for the use of the

    language2 4here students parti$ipate in meaningful $on1ersational intera$tion. Oere the tea$her

    not only fo$uses on the 4hat and the ho4 of $ommuni$ation2 e1en as the students pra$ti$e the

    language to some purpose2 but also pro1ides them 4ith the 4hy of $ommuni$ation. 5t is here

    4here /$ommuni$ati1e intera$tion is li&ely to engage the abilities 4ithin the learnerDs de1eloping

    $ompeten$e in an arena of $ooperati1e negotiation2 Eoint interpretation2 and the sharing of

    e6pression3 78reen2 *++,2 p. ,"

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    $ommunity2 a mi$ro$osm of the so;$alled /outside 4orld23 or better still2 an e6tension of the

    4orld outside the $lassroom. 5t is 4here the students learn to integrate and put into pra$ti$e the

    different s&ills relating to the $ourse they are studying. 5t is 4here they learn ho4 to a$t and

    relate 4ith one another in a setting that is not artifi$ial and de1oid of meaning for it is their 1ery

    life that they deal 4ith2 and as they do2 they learn. /earning is an integral aspe$t of a$ti1ity in

    and 4ith the 4orld at all times3 7a1e2 ,>>#2 p. @>"2 p. ,:>,2 p. !>>,2 p. :+

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    builds the human 1alues $ontained in those pra$ti$es2 and 4ith a 1ie4 for these ideas to be

    potentially in$orporated as a part of the pra$ti$e3 7Chai&lin2 ,>>#2 p. #>@@@2 p. !,@@2 p. :"

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    a$$ess and parti$ipation into the pro$esses and dynami$s at 4or& in their $lass for they

    themsel1es $onstru$t2 Eustify and adopt the setups they see fit and needed in their learning. 5n so

    doing2 they be$ome a4are of 4hat many ha1e $ome to &no4 through e6perien$e /that

    &no4ledge is a human $onstru$t2 perpetually open to re1ision3 78arne2 ,>@@2 p. *@

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    8arne2 -. 7,>@@>"

    "nderstanding practice: #erspectives on activity and conte$t7pp. #99;"+,::"@+.

    ?rashen2 S. -. 7,>@9>#

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    ni1ersity Press.

    Ma$5ntyre2 A. 7,>@,>*>,>+@+@+