As I sit here to write this, it is March the 10th and I should have just run the Six Foot Track, but it wasn’t to be. Along with a lot of other people I feel a little disappointed. It was to be my sixth six foot and therefore ‘buckle year’ and that is the same for Matt Robbie, Greg Brown, Tina Baverstock and Sue McBride. I suppose we’ll have to put ourselves through all that training again next year. I know that there are a few out there likeTina, Mick Miles, Matt O’Shea, Tom Robertson and Mark Hope that are in great form and were ready to take the race by the scruff of the neck. This issue of the newsletter should have been full of results, reports and stories, but like many of us, it feels a bit empty. Despite all the disappointment I think we need to remain positive. We have our health, fitness and we haven’t lost our home in the floods. So look to the future and not the past. I’ve decided to take my frustration out on the Canberra Marathon and I’m not alone. So why not come and join us. Keep on running Ridler TERRIGAL TROTTERS NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY/MARCH 2012 Website: www.terrigaltrotters.com.au Email: [email protected] TROTTERS RUNNING ABROAD USA ‐ NEW YORK MARATHON NZ ‐ LAKE TARAWERA ULTRA

TERRIGAL TROTTERS NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY/MARCH 2012 › Newsletters › ... · they put on the movie Endurance. Its a movie about the 2010 Western States ultra. Anton came 2nd that yr

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Page 1: TERRIGAL TROTTERS NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY/MARCH 2012 › Newsletters › ... · they put on the movie Endurance. Its a movie about the 2010 Western States ultra. Anton came 2nd that yr


As I sit here to write this, it is March the 10th and I should have just run the Six Foot Track, but it wasn’t to be. Along with a lot of other people I feel a little disappointed. It was to be my sixth six foot and therefore ‘buckle year’ and that is the same for Matt Robbie, Greg Brown, Tina Baverstock and Sue McBride. I suppose we’ll have to put ourselves through all that training again next year. I know that there are a few out there likeTina, Mick Miles, Matt O’Shea, Tom Robertson and Mark Hope that are in great form and were ready to take the race by the scruff of the neck. This issue of the newsletter should have been full of results, reports and stories, but like many of us, it feels a bit empty. Despite all the disappointment I think we need to remain positive. We have our health, fitness and we haven’t lost our home in the floods. So look to the future and not the past. I’ve decided to take my frustration out on the Canberra Marathon and I’m not alone. So why not come and join us. 

Keep on running 




Website: www.terrigaltrotters.com.au Email: [email protected] 





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Every week or so, an email comes into the Trotters mailbox from someone interested in starting or progressing their running career.  Often they are worried that they might be "outclassed" in our running club and I try to convey to them that we are an inclusive group comprising a wide range of abilities.  I know that if they just come down a couple of times they'll be "hooked".  They will realize that there is nothing special about most of us. We are just ordinary people who have discovered the benefits (addictions) of running and enjoy the company of like‐minded individuals.  Once they get a few runs under their belt, they will get to know some of the inspirational runners in the Club and before long they'll be sticking a pin in the calendar for their first Half Marathon or trail race. 


I've only been a Trotter since 2004 but, since that time, I have witnessed this cycle repeated over and over. Before long, those former Trotters debutantes will be inspiring the next group of "newbies" with their feats. How could you not be motivated by the achievements of people like Dina Batt, Darrel Robins, Judy Murray, Darren McClellan, Kim Cook, Denise Maguire, Levi Martin, Sharon Byrnes, etc. (apologies to those not mentioned)!  And who knows what will be achieved by some of those new Trotters who are now running with us for the first time. 


Make sure you encourage those "newbies". 


Dave Byrnes.  


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  Lake                     Tarawera Ultra 100km   

Denise and myself made our way over the South Pacific ocean on Wednesday 7th March 4  days  before  this  event. Wed night was  spent  in Auckland  and Thursday we drove down to Rotorua. Nice place if you can handle the smell. 

The Thursday night  the organisers had put on a casual 7.5km  funrun  in  the Redwood forests. Amazing soft trails! They bought over Anton Krupicka from the  states who has  raced and won many ultras  in  the  states. After  the  run they put on the movie Endurance. Its a movie about the 2010 Western States ultra. Anton came 2nd that yr. 

The morning of the race was pretty damn cold and for fear our car would get locked in the gates at 8:30pm (the race is a point to point so we weren’t sure if we would be back in time) we parked our car about 1km from the starting line. Trying our best to keep warm we did a walk then a jog then waited until it was time to start before we ditched our warm clothes.  

What an amazing technical race this is. It has it all. Nice forestry trails, nasty gravel trails, a little bit of road, lots and lots of technical tree roots trails, river crossings,  running along  cliff  edges,  some nice hills,  some nasty hills,  fallen trees, awesome aid stations, awesome volunteers, a great lead up to the race with a funrun and the Western States movie. Even the finishing medals were outstanding! 

My race started off just as planned. I had 2 goals I wanted to reach. Sub 10hrs and a top 10 placing I got one of those goals. 

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We got to the start just before 6am and with the race stating at 7am we had just over an hour to go. I found it pretty cold waiting. After a quick pre race briefing we were lined up ready to go.  

I wore a head torch for the first 4k as it was just a little dark in the forrest and put my trust in who ever I gave it to that my quite expensive AYUP head torch would find me at the finish. I'm glad to say it was! 

I  set myself  about  5  rows  back  and  just  eased  into  it  passing  quite  alot  of runners.  After  about  30min  or  40min  I  found  myself  up  with  the  leading 100km runners. I was quite surprised at how easy the pace was. It was at one of the aid stations at about 19km I stopped to get the crap out of my shoe. Going through the river sections I got some stones etc in there. It was also at this stage I noticed my left calf feeling rather sore. I slowed down a bit to let it settle but as the run went on it just got worse. It wasn't long before I was on the tree roots and I reckon there was around 40km of tree root trails to run  through  which  made  it  interesting.  There  was  alot  more  hills  than  I expected also. 

Not  long before the 60k someone told me  I was 27th. yukk!  I've gone from about 6th or 7th down to high 20. By the time I made it to 60k I was in about 20th place. It was also here the first female came charging by! 

I decided I better get my butt into gear.  

Leaving  the  60k  we  were  on  a gravel  road  then  we  started  a climb. The more I climbed the hills the more my calf would spasm up. I  found I could keep it at bay with salt tablets. Alot of the race is a bit of  a  blur  after  the  60k  but  I remember we started to make our way down hill and all of a  sudden 

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my calf came good. So while it felt good I ran a pretty good pace. I managed to  catch  up  to  alot  of  the  other  runners  that  passed me  in  the  tree  roots. Going  up  the  hills  now  I  had  no  problem  running  and  passed  alot  as most were walking them.  

The main hill  is this 5km loop that’s starts just before 80km. It was here my calf  got  really  sore again  and on  that  loop one other  guy  I  passed  and  the chick caught back up to me. I found this hill quite good as it gave me a chance to break the run up with some walking. Back at the aid station my calf came good  again  so  I  took  advantage  of  it  and  ran  a  nice  steady  pace  dropping Nicola (the female runner) and the other guy. I got to 90km checkpoint and only  stopped  for  about  30sec.  I made  it  there  in  9hrs33min.  There were  2 more drink stops between there and the finish. I only stopped at the last one. They tell me only 3km to go. That was a long 3km too. All this time I had no idea how close the girl and guy was behind me but knew if they can't see me they have no idea how far in front I was.  

Finally I could see the finish line! 

I finished in 10rs23min36sec and 7th place. Beating that guy by 2min and the girl by 3min. 

Not the time I wanted but the placing was good :‐)  


Denise had a much better race than me. She raced the 60km and got 3rd female! Pretty darn impressive for running her first ultra and having suffered a calf injury for the 6 weeks prior to the race! 


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FIVE MINUTES WITH A TROTTER Trotter Number: #665 Name: Ian Temblett Married/Single: Married Occupation: Accountant Favourite Run: Jungfrau Marathon (Switzerland) Favourite Distance: 5,000m/10,000m Race PB: 14:57/31:39 Your Shoe Brand: ASICS/Brooks  Other Sports:  Golf, Guitar (no not air Guitar) List Your Favourite Food:  Pasta Music: All Types Actor: Matt Damon Movie:  Bourne Identity Wine: Pinot Gris Vehicle: Peugeot 308 Travel destination:  Switzerland If you were to be marooned on a desert island what THREE things would you take with you? 1. Guitar 2. Chocolate 3. Running shoes If you were allowed a companion, who would it be? Would have to be my wife…. If you could change one feature/habit in yourself what is it? Be able to see better… 

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FIVE MINUTES WITH A TROTTER Trotter Number: #736 Name:  Jenny Barker Married/Single: Married Occupation: Tax accountant Favourite Run: Matcham Valley Favourite Distance: 15km Race PB: Nothing spectacular, 1:46ish in the Sydney half in May 2010 Your Shoe Brand: Brooks  Other Sports: Soccer, well I am English after all! List Your Favourite Food: Salt and vinegar chips Music: Anything from the 80's; Wham, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode… Actor: David Tennant, the best Doctor Who yet. Movie: The Great Escape Wine: Merlot Vehicle: I had a Mazda MX5 as a company car for a while, loved it! Travel destination: Cuba, hardly touched by capitalism (so far). If you were to be marooned on a desert island what THREE things would you take with you? 1. A fully loaded Kindle 2. Tea bags 3. My pillow If you were allowed a companion, who would it be? Stephen Fry because he is funny and clever too. If you could change one feature/habit in yourself what is it? My dress sense, I've never been very stylish and I'm too old to try now! 

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Interview with


Hi Guys, Like myself, I’m sure most of the members of our club are inspired every time we see you running.

Doug when did you start running: My First Run was 47 years ago in Newcastle. Why did you start running: I was playing Squash, but getting too many injuries, so I started running (easier on the body) What is your most memorable race/run: Palm Beach to Manly (32k’s) A great feeling arriving at Manly. Would you like to tell us any of your PB’s: City to Surf 1977 age 50 69 minutes. Have you ever played/participated in other sports: I have always played competitive sport. Firstly Soccer from 12 to 25yrs for Canterbury/Bankstown. A highlight was playing a season with the great “Reg Date”, Australia’s top striker in 1946. Then competitive Tennis & then Squash for many years. How many runs do you have with T rotters: Over 780 Have you had many injuries over the years: Hamstring injuries playing Soccer, calf problems & plantar fasciitis, treated by Jonathan King (successfully of course) What was your occupation before retirement: I worked at Cooma Snowy Mountains Scheme, inspecting snow plows/road

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rollers/excavators etc. I transferred to the NRMA in Sydney’s technical department, & finally to County District Superintendent Wagga Wagga, Riverina, Newcastle & finally Gosford A re you proud to still be running: Running has been a major part of my life, with Trotters from age 60yrs. Now down to a walk, it’s all good approaching 85yrs. 

Bill when & why did you start running: I started running in my fifties. A doctor friend told me I was healthy but not fit and I found out! What is your most memorable race/run: The Gold Coast Marathon. My first and only marathon. Have you played/participated in other sports: Yes I did and do. I cycle, swim & walk. How many runs do you have with T rotters: Over 600 Why do you still run: I enjoy running it makes me feel good and it motivates the brain! What was your occupation before retirement: I owned a food and liquor store in Coonabarabran. Does anyone in your family run: Yes My youngest daughter Nicolette has completed the Iron man contest in Port MacQuarie

A re you proud to still be running Not really but I think it is important to keep fit when you get older. I’m sure we would like to all wish Bill a very happy 87th birthday. If you are injured, maybe try one of the following:

Fidgeting can burn about 350 calories a day. Sex burns about 360 calories per hour. Scientists estimate that laughing 100 times is equivalent to a 10­minute workout on a rowing machine.

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TROTTERS ABROAD New York City Marathon  The day had finally arrived; it was the still dark outside in the early hours of Sunday 6th November, 2011. Alarm clocks were sounding right across Manhattan and the surrounding Burroughs, as thousands of athletes woke in anticipation, ready to participate in what many regard as the world’s biggest and best marathon, the ING New York City Marathon. Included in the number were 11 of our very own Trotters.  The start was only a few miles and few hours away, but in reality, had begun two years prior on the other side of the world, back home in Terrigal. Like many great ideas, this one was conceived sharing a coffee at Bellyfish Café, following a regular morning run. Unlike running a local marathon, maybe even travelling interstate, the logistics and preparation pale in to insignificance when flying half way around the world to run 42.2km; flights, connections, accommodation, passports and visas. There is always the obligatory curve ball, thrown when you least expect it, and theirs was the grounding of the entire Qantas fleet just 1 week before due departure. To say it was panic stations would be an understatement. In the end, all arrived on time and safely to same destination, the start line of the ING New York City Marathon on Staten Island near the approach to the Verranzano‐Narrows Bridge, kilometre 0. Below, each of the runners has been asked a different question about their New York Marathon experience.  Marathon running can be a lonely pursuit, with different levels of ability you can find yourself alone amongst a sea of runners. A scan of the results shows you had your daughter with you, close by every step of the way. What was it like to have Jaye with you to share and celebrate the experience together?  Trotter #136 Debbie Bloffwitch Two years prior to the 2011 New York Marathon Dina Batt sent out a text saying “I turn 50 in 2011, who would like to help me celebrate and do the New York Marathon’.  Without any hesitation I accepted her invitation.  

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In July 2010 I entered the Gold Coast Marathon in an attempt to qualify for the New York Marathon.  With mission successfully accomplished in qualifying by over 10 minutes, I decided I had done my marathon “work” and looked forward to enjoying the experience of an overseas marathon without giving any consideration to the time I may do. My youngest daughter Jaye, liked the thought of running a pressure free marathon and committed to the venture. Although I am sure the lure of the New York shopping had something to do with her enthusiasm! Four months out from the New York Marathon Jaye and I decided  to do one cross fit session per week and two runs together which totalled about 15k. It was a great experience for a Mum to have 3 or 4 hours of quality time with her daughter per week.  We would solve the world’s problems on our morning runs, we would laugh about a mishap that may have happened to either of us at work on the previous day, but most of all we talked about the fun we were going to have in New York. Occasionally, and only occasionally, did we question our ability to finish a marathon on  such a reduced training programme, we believed that together we could do it, no matter what.  On the first Sunday in November our  alarms went off at 4.30am. Unlike most early morning starts, this one was full of energy and enthusiasm as we prepared together for our adventure and made our way to Staten Island. During the four hour wait at the start line,  Jaye and I amused ourselves by chatting with other Trotters and by people watching. It felt like a community coming together for a celebration. We sensed one another’s apprehension at being part of such a huge event, but best of all we shared one another’s excitement. As we were ushered toward the start line with helicopters circling overhead, and Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York loud in our ears, Jaye said “wow Mum, we are really here!” The atmosphere at a race, especially a big race, is more like a holiday than a focused running event. With the sound of the gun, and runners contending for space, Jaye and my shoulders were touching. We literally shared one another’s personal space for the first 500 metres as we ascended the Staten Island Bridge. It was a time for us to soak it all in; to the right, the sun was rising on a perfect New York morning, its rays hitting the ripples on the water flowing beneath us. To the left of us we could see the CBD of 

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Manhattan, represented well by the sky scrapers that we had visited on the previous days.  We were surrounded by short runners, plump runners, tall ones, men, women and children;  a normal cross section of the population united in the love of distance running. For Jaye and I the myth of the scrawny under‐fed, over‐trained loner at an elite running event was squashed for ever. Coming off the bridge, reality set in and we began our journey of 40 ks through the five boroughs of one of the most amazing cities in the world.  After Staten Island came Brooklyn, followed by Queens, then to the Bronx and finally to Manhattan. Jaye frequently commented during the four hours plus “hey Mum look…….” , as I did to her.  There were two pairs of eyes and four feet enjoying and supporting one another every step of the way. We were intent on missing nothing. We nodded and acknowledged to one another the many inspirational athletes we encountered along the way. We laughed at the signs held by the energetic onlookers, we shared our lollies, we asked each other “are you okay”, we shared more lollies, we sipped one another’s drinks, I waited while Jaye took a bathroom break (!) and we giggled some more. We entered East Avenue and we could feel the excitement and could sense the finish line. By this time Jaye’s knees and ankles were screaming for her to stop; her stoic answer was definite;  “no way Mum!” (the years of competitive swim training were backing her belief). The community spirit, the patriotism and the existence of the two million cheering spectators boosted our motivation.  We never felt alone, we were 

floating on the sound of the boisterous New York crowd.  There were no PB’s for the Jaye/Deb team in New York. However, we crossed the line holding hands, smiling from ear to ear with our heads held high in a time of 4 hours 27 minutes.  We will always remember the uniqueness and the friendliness of the most popular marathon in the world.  

Oliver Baverstock with one of New York’s finest 


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The New York Marathon experience taught Jaye and I two things for certain – firstly,  anyone can become a distance runner and secondly, there is certainly no need to be lonely about it. 


Left: Deb & Kim meet Robert de 




Below: Finishers 


Above: New York City 

Skyline, Central Park 

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Dina and her daughter Carla, at the 41km mark:  

“She was tracking me and was looking out for me.  The 

crowds parted and I saw her.  She jumped the barricade and hugged me with the other runners moving around us… 


You were the driving force behind the New York Marathon experience, originally conceiving the idea 2 years prior as a way to celebrate your 50th birthday. It ended up being an incredible journey for you with some major obstacles to overcome along the way, inspiring your fellow runners with the grit and determination you displayed. You're in Central Park, the finish line is just metres away, and you’ve made it. How did it feel crossing the line and receiving your official New York Marathon Finishers Medal?  Trotter #580 Dina Batt Crossing the line in the New York Marathon was a surreal experience ‐ one of the many pinnacles of the event itself.   I couldn't believe that I had finished feeling great and with the biggest smile on my face. As the runners were walking towards the exit, each one wearing their medals, I can remember listening to the many different accents and realising that it didn't matter where you were from, we all came to New York with a different story and a different purpose and that is what makes the run truly a memorable experience. 


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One thing that stands out with the New York Marathon is the spectators, each year more than 2 million line the streets of the five boroughs of New York City as they watch and cheer nearly 45,000 runners. What were the spectators like as you ran along the 42.2km course?  Trotter #618 Monica Nicol The crowd support at the NY Marathon was incredibly enthusiastic and almost the entire 42 km was lined with cheering supporters. There were numerous bands and the atmosphere of onlookers varied immensely between the 5 boroughs of NY.  My favourite was entering the Bronx with reggae music blasting. A good tip is to write your name on the front of your shirt and you will be encouraged personally with " you go girl" in true American style!  As a seasoned traveller you have visited many of the great cities around the world including previous visits to New York City. How was this trip for you, traveling with a group of close friends, all sharing the same goal of running in, and finishing the New York Marathon?"  Trotter #620 Allison Allen The most important part of any trip is the preparation. For those of us going to New York for the Marathon not only did we have to plan a trip we also had to prepare for the Marathon. It is always a challenge to coordinate a large group for a trip. Our group was fortunate to have plenty of people with excellent organizational skills. As well as plenty of people to keep us on‐track with our marathon training.  The group going to New York was made up of people with varying running abilities and expectations. Some just wanted to run and finish. Others had a time in mind. We did however all have one goal in mind‐ to finish and hopefully enjoy the marathon. We spent months encouraging and pushing each other. The enthusiasm of others keeping us going.  

Allison proudly displaying her New York City 

Marathon Finishers Medal 


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The excitement reached it's peak before we had even left Sydney knowing that we were fully trained and prepared for the marathon.  Once in New York it was all about the marathon. You could feel the nervous excitement in the air. Our final preparation for the big day was the two morning runs we had through Central Park. Seeing all the groups of runners from around the world who were there to enjoy the same experience as us was truly amazing. Every moment of the marathon day was enjoyable. The bus trip, the start line, the crowds, the run, the finish line and talking about it over and over again. We all had each other to share in the excitement. Having been to New York several times before this trip is certainly the most memorable. We were all there to share the experience with friends. I most definitely would not have enjoyed trip or the marathon as much had I had no fellow running friends to share in it with.  The Global Financial Crisis has hit the USA very hard; however there was a reported spike in retail spending in November 2011, coincidently around the same time the Trotters were in town. Can you tell us about the Runners Expo and the merchandise on offer? I heard one of the male Trotters was very excited and gave the girls a run for their money.  Trotter #621 Yolande Walker Our first morning in the Big Apple and the plan was to pick up our bibs, get in, get out and hit the sights NY had to offer. I honestly thought the walk to the expo would be the highlight and the expo a mere formality we had to get out of the way. As with much of our trip it was an unexpected delight and the first of many shopping frenzies. The bib pick‐up was extremely well organised and it took all of 10minutes. As we stepped into the merchandise area, discussing our meeting point and the need to be back in an hour, a sense of urgency hit. We looked around 

Tina & Oliver in Times Square 

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and realised the gear was incredible, well priced and there was soooooo much! Shoes, socks, bags, jackets, shorts, hats, potions and lotions. Anything and Everything a runner could need and in every colour. There was NO way an hour would be long enough. As we scrambled grabbing things from left, right, anything we could get our hands on and then trying it on on the spot (Aussies dont need change rooms) the cry "Where did you find that" could be heard as one Rogue would bump into another Rogue. It was also the start of the phrase "Australia is a rip off". During the madness one particular Rogue wasn't seen. He ventured in and it seemed he never came out. Back at the designated meeting point.... NO Kim. We finally caught up with him at dinner that night. He had some slight arm muscle injury from carrying so many bags and a large dent to his Credit card.  Who said Men can't shop, especially in New York!  The New York Marathon was not your first time running a distance in excess of 40km, having previously completed 6ft Track, a 45km event entirely on trail. Apart from the obvious difference of tarmac v trail, what are some of the differences that set the road marathon apart from the trail marathon and do you have a preference?  Trotter # 708 Vanessa Smith * Doing the Training and Maintenance ‐ With the six foot track, Trail training constantly keeps you watching everything coming at you and where you are going and the time passes quickly. I would have a massage every couple weeks and the muscles would condition quicker. The road is very monotonous and I was having some kind of work done every week with constant recurring problems from the high impact.  * Training recovery  ‐ Although the trails distance training was longer times and more arduous, the recovery on the body was so much faster. Muscles weren't nearly as sore and aches or pains could be stretched out. The road was so gruelling that recovery in the last few weeks before just didn’t occur.  * Training maintenance ‐ With the six foot track, I would have a massage every couple weeks and the muscles would condition quicker as opposed to the marathon I was having some kind of work done every week with constant recurring problems from the high impact 

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 * The Race ‐ The Six Foot is remote in parts and it is you against you in your face, quiet, peaceful, scenic, beautiful, nature at is best, challenging every fatiguing step of the way, yet incredibly luring and intriguing. The terrain changed often, which kept me distracted from the seemingly longer time it takes to cover distance and my mind constantly wondering was it ever going to end. ‐ The New York Marathon is loud, overwhelming, crowded, bands and spectators lining the course many deep the whole way cheering you on...and being flat it is very fast, exciting, adrenalin racing constantly and pumping! My senses were overloading .I found myself in the first two hours constantly having to pull back from running too hard as I was getting caught up in the entire atmosphere. * Experience of the event ‐ For both events the level of euphoria was overwhelmingly equal. I still feel tingly thinking about achieving them,  either as I entered the Jenolan Caves area as they called out my name and I felt like I had conquered nature!  Or as I saw the bright orange bunkers lined high either side with the sea of spectators to the massive stunning tree lined finish in New York Central Park...   Which do I prefer ? My body undoubtedly loves the trail, the adventure and the mystery of a challenge. Yet I would definitely do both again and I don't feel I finished with road marathons yet.  

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 I  was  very  honoured    and  also  slightly  embarrassed  to  receive  this award,  which is for the Relay for Life event, that I feel is one of most important community fund raising events on the Central Coast. The  award  is  in honour of Oona, who was  a    truly wonderful person and absolutely inspirational in her fight against cancer, which sadly she lost.    It  is  because  of  her  inspiration  and  fight,      that  keeps  me promoting  and ensuring that Terrigal Trotters are represented  at this event every year. I do feel slightly embarrassed, as I do not actively promote this event, to receive this award, but to raise money  for the fight against cancer, is a great acheivemnet. We have over the years gained a reputation so that other participants  expect  to see those “Mad Trotters” running around all day and night, and   we do not want  to  let  them down.    Last  year  the Relay  for  Life Committee actually named the  inside runners  lanes “Muzza Lanes”  in honour of Murray Antony , which shows that they really do appreciate  our on going support. As a club we have been there since its inception , when I believe Trudy Rae  was our first captain,  followed by Oona,  and then yours truly.  I missed a couple of years whilst overseas, when I think Murray Antony and Mike Gero took over. During    the  early  years  the  event  ran  for  24  hours,    and  with  the interest to participate  always high,  we  used to fill the hour slots with up to 3 runners/ walkers, even through the night. If you haven't been there at night,   it  is a fantastic time to run. Running around  the track when  there  is  no  entertainment  and  activities,  and  the  lights  are 

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dimmed  can be very moving and peaceful. These days there are 100s going around at night, but in the early years   we were on our own .The  with  majority  of  participants    either  sleeping  ,    socialising  or  going home to return in morning. We have seen some fantastic  feats over these years by “Muzza” with his  100km or 100 miles,  Tony Collins  18 hr  stint,  and others  like Rob Scoines,   the team  challenges of the oldies v young guns, and others, but,   what  is more  important  is  the amount of donations    they   have raised which is what the event is for. Over  the  years  the  following  people  have  won  this  award  for  that reason.  Murray  Antony(3  times),  Rob  Scoines,      Keith  King  ,    Natalie  King‐Anderson, and myself  twice. The challenge and  goal for  this year is to have more participants from Trotters  and  their    families,  and     more    who  are  raising monies  for Cancer  Research    by  hitting  on  your  friends,  family  and  workmates.  You may have to actually put some effort in on the track of course, but its all worth it. It would be fantastic to see a new name on this special award.  I  know  that  last  year we  had  some  new  Trotters  involved    and  they thoroughly  enjoyed  the  whole  experience,  so  that  has  already  given  me great  encouragement  for this year. I have a few ideas this year for a team challenge, but if anyone else has any just see me at Trotters  RELAY for LIFE 2012,     Weekend  13th and 14th OCTOBER 2012  Starting at 4.00pm Thanks, Graham Davis ( Trotter 352 )   

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!The!first! in!this!series!of!training!runs!on!various!parts!of! the!GNW! (Great!North!Walk)!has! come!and!gone.!Thirty!two!willing!runners!were!bussed!out!to!Yarramalong!by!Dave!for!a!day!of!mud!and!leeches.! Or! should! I! say! that! thirty! one! had!trouble!with! leeches.! I!didn’t,!maybe!one!day! I’ll!let!you! into!the!secret!of!a! leech!free!run.!There!were!two!distances!on!offer,!twenty!six!or!thirty!two!k’s.! I!took!the! longer!run.! I!sort!of!ran!most!of! the!way!with!Tina.! She’s! fast!on! the! flat!and!I’m!a!good!hill!runner,!so!I!caught!her!on!the!hills!then!she!ran!away!from!me!down!the!other!side!and!that’s!how!it!went!all!morning.!Now!this!might!take!some!believing,!but!she!needed!help!navigating!and!she!put!her! trust! in!me! (yes! really).!However,! for!once!in!my!life!I!didn’t!get!lost!and!delivered!her!to!Somersby!safe!and!sound.!Back!at!the!bus!it!looked!a!bit!like!a!MASH!unit!with!people!bleeding!from!leech!bites!(or!should!that!be!sucks).!!


!I!think!everyone!would!agree!it!was!a!great!day!out!and! I!would! encourage! you! to! come! along! to! the!next!one.!Thanks!go!to!Dave! for!organising!the!run!and!to!Robin!for!the!much!needed!drink!station!(the!one!that!DNF!Steve!stopped!at).!!Here’s! a! list! of! all! who! turned! out:! Allison! Allen,!Charlie!Brooks,!Darren!McLellan,!Dave!Byrnes,!David!Booth,! Deirdre! Moran! (the! real! one),! Denise!Maguire,! DettaO'Dwyer,! ‘Mumbles’Gary! Pickering,!Graham! Fowler,! Graham! Harivel,! Graham! Laws,!

Graham! Ridley! (what’s! this,! is! it!some! kind!of! ‘my!name’s!Graham’!party),! Greg! Brown,! Heiko! ‘RPS’!Schaefer,! Jason! Menzies,! Jess!Mitchell,! Jo! Ridley,! ‘Mrs’! Joe!!Rolella,! Judy! Murray,! ‘Bitchy’! Kim!Cook,!L igh!French,!Linds y!Schultz,!

Lynn! Bromwich,!Mark!Hope,!Matt!O'Shea,!Michael! ‘the!phantom’! Miles! (because! nobody! actually! saw! him),!Monica! Nicol,! Sharon! Byrnes,! Steve! Gray,! ‘DNF’! Steve!Guest!and!Tina!Baverstock.

e e




Look! forward! to! seeing! everyone! and! a! few!more!at! the! rest!of! the! series.! It’s!a!great! idea!and!I!hope!it’s!not!a!on




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Terrigal Trotters organises the Bay to Bay Fun Run each year. This year we will host a half marathon to run in conjunction with the Bay to Bay Fun Run.

This year’s event will be held on SUND A Y 17T H JUN E

The 12km Fun Run attracts approximately 2,000 runners, and raises over $40,000 for local charities.


Please help us by volunteering with registration, or marshalling.

Registration: Sat 16th June 12.00pm-4.30pm Gosford Primary School Registration: Sunday 17th June 5.00am-8am CWA Hall Woy Woy Marshalling: We need marshalls at the start, finish, on route & to man the drinks stops. To check out the course & for all other information go to

www.baytobay.org.au We are taking names now, please see race directors Kevin and Mark Andrews

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'/()'*+(',-.’)'0"#%' Sydney!Marathon!Clinic!(SMC)!Marathon,!Smithfield!Sunday!January!15!Steven!Guest!!3:25:09!(PB)!10th!overall.!!Mens!40"49!Div!6th.!!



Knapsack Lap Race – Glenbrook 26.01.2012!6!Hour!Male!Pos! Name! ! ! laps! Time!4th! Steve!Guest! ! 11! 6:13:57!3!Hour!Female!8th! !Denise!Maguire!! 6!! 3:32:46!17th! DettaO’Dwyer! ! !4! !3:06:34!3!Hour!Male!29! Steve!Gray! ! 5! 3:14:08!37! Graham!Fowler!! 4! 2:53:52!!Cradle!Mountain!Tasmania!4th!February!2012!9th! Michael! Miles! ! 10:50!!



Sydney Marathon Clinic 25km. 26th Feb 2012 BiondaHiensch 73rd. 2:37:27 5th F40

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Flat 10km Time Trial - 28 January 2012

Place Trotter Number

First Name

Last Name


1 536 Mark Warren 0:33:37 2 11/07/1967 Brendan Clark 0:39:32 3 730 Levi Martin 0:39:48 4 766 Adam Kranz 0:39:53 5 786 Scott Sheridan 0:39:56 6 665 Ian Temblett 0:40:24 7 785 Mark Hope 0:40:32 8 3/04/1983 Chris Fuchs 0:40:56 9 792 Bart Raethel 0:41:09 10 643 Stuart Baverstock 0:41:51 11 267 Wayne Daley 0:42:23 12 676 Suzy Woodbury 0:42:35 13 130 Kevin Byrne 0:43:06 14 723 Mark Collins 0:43:45 15 816 Katy McCaig 0:43:59 16 258 Adrian Smith 0:44:42 17 18/10/1969 Matt De Ville 0:44:57 18 813 Graham Laws 0:45:02 19 457 Kim Cook 0:45:27 20 352 Graham Davis 0:46:40 21 480 Jodie Henderson 0:46:48 22 803 John Kalos 0:46:53 23 1 Kevin Andrews 0:47:52 24 83 Mike Thorpe 0:48:28 25 556 Chris McInerney 0:48:41 26 807 Gerard Ivins 0:48:53 27 483 Graham Ridley 0:49:10 28 639 Dierdre Moran 0:49:22 29 505 Greg Brown 0:49:25 30 459 Elissa Gribble 0:49:27 31 791 James Wright 0:49:34 32 607 Jeff Dick 0:51:02 33 622 Daniel Draper 0:51:30 34 502 Heiko Schaefer 0:51:35 35 789 Yvonne Mathot 0:51:40 36 810 Lyndsey Schultz 0:51:57 37 752 Maria Timmers 0:52:04

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38 18/12/1973 Pete Mulheare 0:52:06 39 593 Steve Gray 0:52:16 40 403 Mel Robbie 0:53:14 41 621 Yolande Walker 0:53:50 42 620 Alison Allen 0:53:51 43 21/08/1978 Kylie Davies 0:53:51 44 7/05/1976 Amanda Watman 0:53:52 45 107 Lyn Bromwich 0:53:59 46 19/08/1987 Kaylee Raethel 0:54:10 47 698 Tammy Shafer 0:54:17 48 586 Donna White 0:54:34 49 14/10/1980 Monique Sayers 0:55:13 50 679 Karen Boyd-Skinner 0:55:23 51 207 Greg Tegart 0:55:30 52 808 Graham Fowler 0:55:30 53 248 Les Lowe 0:55:50 54 12/12/1969 Jacqui Payne 0:56:14 55 17 Marg Aurisch 0:56:29 56 631 Wayne Doherty 0:57:50 57 8/06/1961 Rod Tawyer 0:59:27 58 667 Tony Bolcina 1:00:33 59 452 Debbie Wooden 1:06:10 60 641 John Stevens 1:10:53 61 481 Tony Collins 1:10:54

February Hilly Time Trial place trotter no time name gender

1 536 00:34:33 Mark Warren M 2 734 00:36:49 Michael Miles M 3 660 00:37:37 Charlie Brooks M 4 819 00:38:55 Brendan Clark M 5 709 00:38:56 Jessica Mitchell F 6 8108 00:39:42 Marc Person M 7 665 00:40:20 Ian Temblett M 8 730 00:40:33 Levi Martin M 9 766 00:40:37 Adam Kranz M

10 643 00:40:59 Stuart Baverstock M 11 785 00:41:30 Mark Hope M 12 573 00:41:53 Darren McClellan M 13 773 00:42:18 Jason Kirksmith M 14 639 00:43:28 Mrs Joe Rolella F 15 576 00:43:43 Steve Guest M

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16 690 00:44:33 Tom Robertson M 17 796 00:44:59 Michael Bullen M 18 813 00:45:15 Graham Laws M 19 815 00:45:59 Patrick Lawless M 20 483 00:46:46 Graham Ridley M 21 816 00:48:18 Katy McCaig F 22 352 00:48:50 Graham Davis M 23 505 00:48:57 Greg Brown M 24 1 00:49:40 Kevin Andrews M 25 27 00:50:00 Ken Hickson M 26 556 00:50:37 Chris McInerney M 27 585 00:50:42 Peter Jackson M 28 800 00:51:29 Luke Powell M 29 698 00:51:39 Tammy Shafer F 30 602 00:51:54 Jason Menzies M 31 515 00:52:17 Barry Bowden M 32 8231 00:52:19 Mark Davis M 33 591 00:52:39 Barry Houghton M 34 21 00:53:06 Dennis Robertson M 35 8121 00:53:36 Amanda Watman F 36 403 00:53:39 Mel Robbie M 37 679 00:53:53 Karen Boyd-Skinner F 38 593 00:54:10 Steven Gray M 39 711 00:55:46 David Booth M 40 207 00:55:53 Greg Tegart M 41 691 00:55:59 Andy Martin M 42 8474 00:57:19 Jaqui Payne F 43 8473 00:57:44 Gisele Rossini F 44 808 00:58:11 Graham Fowler M 45 612 00:58:11 Bill Diebert M 46 502 00:59:23 Heiko Schaefer M 47 8489 00:59:24 Nathan Dalton M 48 667 00:59:30 Tony Bolcina M 49 8472 00:59:55 Tracey Coynihan F 50 8471 00:59:57 Terase Killen F 51 631 01:00:18 Wayne Doherty M 52 8470 01:01:04 Cass Herrick F 53 538 01:27:05 Laurie Stopford M 54 8469 01:06:20 Rod Tawyer M 55 8468 01:06:27 Paul Clements M 56 8467 01:07:32 Jackielyn Powell F

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57 8466 01:07:49 Gabby Ivan F 58 8465 01:07:50 Paul Judd M 59 481 01:23:00 Tony Collins M 60 494 01:23:00 Mark Rollins M

6@6 results for 18/1/12 - Mark Hope 24.33, Wayne Daley 25.30, Adrian Smith 25.30, Trent Miller 26.37, Richard Simpson 28.26,Greg Woodbury 29.01, Micheal Fritsch 30.31, Kerry Hope 33.34, Daniel Hope 33.37, Greg Tegart 33.43, Kim Tegart 2laps. 6@6 results for 1/2/12, Trent Miller 25.17PB, Greg Woodbury 27.35, C. Gates 28.26, Daniel Hope 32.12, Kerry Hope 32.21, Graham Fowler 33.34, Wayne Daley (9.45 2 laps), 6 @ 6 results, 8/2/12 - Mark Hope 23.37 PB, Marc Poulos 25.31, Adrian Smith 25.41, Shane Mckinnon 26.07, Richard Simpson 27.09, Michael Fritsch 28.06, Wayne Daley 29.55, Greg Tegart 29.57, Daniel Hope 32.10, Kerry Hope 32.26. 6 @ 6 results, 15/2/12 - Julian Hanson 23.32, Shane Mckinnon 25.18, Wayne Daley 28.45, Daniel Hope 34.15. 6 @ 6 results, 22/2/12 - Julian Hanson 23.01, Mark Hope 24.14, Wayne Daley 24.37 + Micheal Frost 24.37,Adrian Smith 25.16, Trent Miller 26.10, Nathan Miller 28.04, Trent Playford 29.21, Richard Simpson 29.27, Steven Gray 30.01, Daniel Hope 32.04, Kerry Hope 32.28.... 6@6results for 29/2/12 - Julian Hanson 22.41, Marc Poulos 24.55, Trent Miller 25.03,Dick Scholes 25.24, Darryl Carson 25.26, Daniel Draper 29.22, Steve Gray 30.01. 6@6 results for 7/3/12 - 1ST PLACE - Adrian Smith 26.53, 2ND PLACE - Kerry Hope 31.40 PB, 3RD PLACE Daniel Hope 31.45 PB........ HeikoSchaefer Sydney Striders 10kmNorth Head, Manly Date: 3 March 2012 0.49.29 Coburg 6hr race 10th March 2012 Running: Steve Guest 63.770km 9th place Race Walking: Kim Cook 47.613km 3rd place.

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The R .P.S.

“Now what”? I hear you ask. “What the hell is he on about this time”? Let me explain the Ridler Performance Scale (RPS) is a new and revolutionary method of gauging running performance over 10km. It all started when, after a long layoff with injury, I lined up to run the December Hilly Time Trial. I set myself the task of running in minutes less than my age in years. This meant that at the age of fifty I needed sub fifty minutes. This set me thinking. How fast could people run below their age. I started beating my age when I was thirty six and managed thirty seven minutes at the age of forty six. Not bad I thought, but I soon realised this was nothing. There are plenty of people who have cracked ten minutes faster than there age. Ian Temblett, Graham Davis, Mick Miles, Chris McInerney, Steve Gray, Wayne Daley, Mike Randell, Dennis Robertson, Gary Pickering, Danny Moore, Barry Bowden and I’m guessing there are quite a few more. What about the fifteen minute plus group. Now we are getting serious with the likes of Mike Thorpe, Greg Love, Ken Hickson, and Muzza So who are the best of the best? We have Barry Willis and Dave Byrnes up around the twenty minute mark, but the winner of this totally accurate and foolproof system is Heiko Schaefer with a massive twenty four minutes, running forty eight minutes at the age of seventy two. This  system  is  totally male  dominated  and  doesn’t  work  out well  for  the  girls.  The benchmark  for  ‘super woman’  status  is  to  run  faster  than your age. Those  that have come close to this are: Sonia White, Lyn Bromwich and Sharon Byrnes. So the next time you are passed by one of those super-fast young kids, just ask them how they go on the RPS. Please note the system has been worked out on limited information, time, interest and should be taken with a pinch of salt. Apologies to those I have left out and any inaccuracies, of which I expect there are lots. Ridler Interesting???????

Take your height and divide by eight. That's how tall your head is! 23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts. For most people, no matter how hard you pinch the skin on your elbow with your fingers it doesn't hurt. .

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ALL WELCOME $2 + Gate Entry 

1st Tuesday every month  Awards for male & Female Best  4 of 5 Overall & in the 60m 200m 800m 300m 

APRIL­MAY­JUNE­JULY­AUGUST Presentation September 

In conjunction with Central Coast 1000m Champs & all Schools Knockout 

 Programme 5.45   Handicap 3000m  Winner on the night receives Gatorade Pack 6.00  60m 6.10  800m 6.20   A Grade 3000m < 11mins  (May & July 5000m)  6.30   200m September Race  in conjunction with Terrigal Trotters “Miracle Mile /60m/30m 10k /One Hour  (entry $10)    

Page 31: TERRIGAL TROTTERS NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY/MARCH 2012 › Newsletters › ... · they put on the movie Endurance. Its a movie about the 2010 Western States ultra. Anton came 2nd that yr

Running Specialists

4333 6064www.coastrunnersshop.com.au


SUPPORT US!!We have supported the running community since 1978


140 Wyong Rd Killarney Vale

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Club Polo Shirt - $30 Embroidered logo

Ladies' and men's styles available. To place an order

contact Tina (tel: 0403 247623 email: [email protected])

with your size, Trotter Number           


Contact Mark Andrews on 0400 403359 to book your seat on the bus or for more information if you need it. 

For Collection points & times go to our website www.terrigaltrotters.com.au  

If you are not on the Trotters Email List, you are missing out on all the latest news, & updates. Go to the website www.terrigaltrotters.com.au

& click on this icon


Keep up to date with latest Trotters' news or find someone to run with on a particular day by joining


A team of researchers from a large eastern university in the US has recently published a monumental finding. The team discovered that the leading cause of divorce is? Marriage. 50% of mar riages end in divorce. Therefore, if you don't file for divorce, your wife or husband will.


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T E RRI G A L T R O T T E RS 2011-12 T er r igal T rotters Calendar

W ednesday, 25 April 2012 ANZAC DAY RUN 6:30am at Mark Andrews'. Preceded by one minute’s silence. Followed by breakfast – BBQ available and health food supplied. Families and walkers welcome. Sunday, 20 May 2012 SYDNEY MORNING HERALD HALF MARATHON 21.1km. Starts 7:30am from Lower Fort St, The Rocks, Sydney. Trotters is organizing a bus to this event. See Mark Andrews 0400 403 359. Sunday, 17 June 2012 BAY TO BAY 12KM FUN RUN A 12km Fun Run from Woy Woy to Gosford organized by Terrigal Trotters. Trotters are needed to help organize this event. Sunday, 24 June 2012 WOODFORD TO GLENBROOK A 25km trail run and mountain bike ride along The Oaks fire-trail from Woodford to Glenbrook in the Blue Mountains. Trotters is organizing a bus to this event. Sunday, 12 August 2012 SUN-HERALD CITY TO SURF 14km. Starts from Hyde Park at the intersection of Park and College Sts in Sydney’s CBD . Trotters is organizing a bus to this event. Saturday, 1 September 2012 "TROTTER OF THE YEAR" NIGHT Terrigal Surf Club. Come along for an enjoyable night and to recognize our Trotters of the Year. Monday, 3 September 2012 TERRIGAL TROTTERS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 7:30pm at Terrigal Surf Club. Please come along to hear the annual reports and elect office-bearers for 2011-12.

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RUNS FOR THE MONTH 7‐Apr‐12  6:11  Fragrant Garden/Erina Valley (11.1km) 


14‐Apr‐12  6:16  Water Slide (15.2km)    

 21‐Apr‐12  6:21  Bob's Hill (11.3km)  Anzac Day Run 25th April 


28‐Apr‐12  6:26  Charles Kay Hill 10km Time Trial 


5‐May‐12  6:31  Avoca Steps (13.6km) 

     12‐May‐12  6:37  Pony Club (14.1km) 

     19‐May‐12  6:42  North Avoca Lake Track (10.5km)  Sydney Half Marathon 20th May   


SMH Half Marathon (20 May TBC) 

26‐May‐12  6:46  Flat 10km Time Trial  



Maps for most courses can be found at www. terrigaltrotters.com.au/ maps_of_running_courses.htm 

Wed 25th April 6.30am Mark & Kellie Andrews Place

17 Brushwood Ave, Kincumber 3 Courses Available 6km 13km & 17km’s Followed by breakfast of Cereal & Fruit

BYO Bacon & Eggs if you prefer, The BBQ will be on.

Runners will be asked to observe a minutes silence before the run.

Contact Mark Andrews: 0400 403 359

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TROTTERS RUNS Sunday mornings you can join the Wambie Whoppers for a relaxing 21km or other Sunday Trotters meeting for shorter distances (varying each week). Both leave 6am from Terrigal Beach Car Park.

Wednesday Trotters whose motto  is  “Dead Flat Well  Lit” meet  at  5:45am  in the Terrigal Beach Car Park every Wednesday morning for an hour’s run.  Six at Six is a weekly timed run at 6pm every Wednesday night from the oval (adjacent the school crossing) near Central Coast Leagues Club in Gosford. Track Training Sessions are held each Tuesday night at 6pm at the Adcock Park Athletics Track in Gosford and at 6am on Thursday mornings at The Haven in Terrigal (meeting at Terrigal Surf Club car park at 6am) for anybody interested, regardless of standard. Contact Dave Byrnes on 0428 880 784 for details. Statistics play an important role in genetics. For instance, statistics prove that numbers of offspring is an inherited trait. If your parent didn't have any kids, odds are you won't either.







07/04/2012  Fragrant Gardens/Erina Valley 


14/04/2012  Water Slide  15.2 21/04/2012  Leon's Run (Kin Mtn)  14.7 28/04/2012  Charles Hill Time Trial  10.0 05/05/2012   Avoca Steps    13.6 12/05/2012  Pony Club   14.1 19/05/2012  North Avoca Lake Track  10.5 26/05/2012  Flat Time Trial  10.0 

Patient: “Doctor, I can’t stop singing the Green Green Grass of Home” Doctor: “That sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome” Patient: “Is that common” Doctor: “ Well it’s not Unusual”  

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Beware the Wombat! 

On the weekend of  10th March the 6 foot track Marathon was cancelled. With accommodation booked & training done, decided to take the family for weekend away & run the track anyway. 

On the Friday Night whilst heading to Jenolan Caves we had  a front‐on with a wombat.(It’s grown since being hit from 40 to 100kgs.) 

Fortunately no‐one was hurt, however the car was not drivable and we were stuck in the middle of nowhere with the kids. A local Lithgow runner drove us 50ks to Jenolan Caves. 

Just wanted to thank a few trotters, Sam, Levi and Adam along with their partners for helping out by getting my family back to the coast.  

My car is still in Lithgow getting repaired. 

Maybe next time a race is cancelled we will stay at home. 

Cheers, Mark#785 

AND FINALLY… Two Kiwis are walking down a street in Sydney.  One of the Kiwis happens to look in one of the shop windows and sees a sign that catches his eye.  The sign said: "Suits $5.00 each, Shirts $2.00 each, Trousers $2.50 per pair".  The Kiwi says to his mate, " look! We could buy a whole lot of those, and when we get back to New Zealund we could make a fortune! Now when we go into the shop, you be quiet, OK? Just let me do all the talking, cause if they hear our accent, they might not be nice to us, so I'll speak in my best Aussie accent."  They enter the shop and the Kiwi says, "I'll take 50 suits at $5.00 each, 100 shirts at $2.00 each and 50 pairs of trousers at $2.50 each. I'll back up my ute and..."  The owner of the shop interrupts. "You're from New Zealund, aren't you?" "Well... Yes," says the surprised Kiwi. "How the hell did you pick that?"  The shop owner replied, "This is a bloody dry cleaners, mate!