Test Driven Infrastructure

Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

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Page 1: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Test Driven Infrastructure

Page 2: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Jess My pronouns are he/him/his;

I identify as 'Ops'.

Page 3: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

As Ops I make users happy keeping the service upby

Page 4: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

As Ops I

make sure the site is availableensure resource efficiency

protect uptimetroubleshoot issues

keep an eye on service latency

validating responsesmonitoring the networkproviding canary environmentsmeasuring resource consumption practicing chaos engineeringstudying post-mortemsaggregating logs


Page 5: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

user pages only display partial content -- what's wrong?





aws s3 ls

Page 6: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Make a controlled change:curl

1) Observe the current state

2) Ask yourself how your change will manifest3) Make your change4) Validate change; Observe new state

5) Did your change impact all of, and only, what you wanted to change?


Page 7: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's


Page 8: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's


Page 9: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

photo by: Marcel Quinan

Page 10: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's
Page 11: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's


Page 12: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

What we've learned• software development lifecycle

• central, controlled environment for repeatable infrastructure builds• immutable infrastructure

• treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace• a unit of composition that's easier to reason about because it's composition is known

and certain• version control

• time travel!• a shared repository allows everyone to see (and declare) what the state of the

environment should be• can compare intended configuration to the running environment to find discrepancies

• infrastructure-as-code• repeatable infrastructure

Page 13: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Test Driven Development

Write a failing test

Write enough code

to make it pass


Page 14: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Write a failing test

Write enough code

to make it pass


import unittest from mycode import * class MyFirstTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_hello(self): self.assertEqual(hello_world(), 'hello world')

def hello_world(): pass

def hello_world(): return 'hello world'

def hello_world(lang='en'): if (lang == 'en'): return 'hello world'

Page 15: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Write a failing test

Write enough code

to make it pass


import unittest from mycode import * class MyFirstTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_hello_en(self): self.assertEqual(hello_world(), 'hello world') def test_hello_es(self, lang='es'): self.assertEqual(hello_world(), 'hola mundo') def hello_world(lang='en'):

if (lang == 'en'): return 'hello world'

def hello_world(lang='en'): if (lang == 'en'): return 'hello world' if (lang == 'es'): return 'hola mundo'

Page 16: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's
Page 17: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Write a failing test

Write enough code

to make it pass


Page 18: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Make a controlled change:curl

1) Observe the current state

2) Ask yourself how your change will manifest3) Make your change4) Observe new state

5) Did your change impact all of, and only, what you wanted to change?


Page 19: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Write a failing test

Write enough code

to make it pass


$ curl -sko /dev/null -w @status_format \ https://example.com/path/to/microservice {'http_code': '404', 'time_total': '0.005953'}

$ curl -sko /dev/null -w @status_format \ https://example.com/path/to/microservice {'http_code': '200', 'time_total': '0.030772'}

$ curl -sko /dev/null -w @status_format \ https://example.com/path/to/microservice {'http_code': '200', 'time_total': '0.012402'}

Page 20: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

rspec# https://puppet.com/blog/unit-testing-rspec-puppet-for-beginners require 'spec_helper' describe 'nginx' do let(:title) { 'nginx' } let(:node) { 'example.com' }

it { is_expected.to contain_package(‘nginx’).with(ensure: 'present') } it { is_expected.to contain_file(‘/var/www/index.html') .with( :ensure => 'file', :require => 'Package[nginx]', ) } it { is_expected.to contain_service(‘nginx') .with( :ensure => 'running', :enabled => true, ) } end

Page 21: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

inspec# https://github.com/inspec/inspec/blob/master/examples/kitchen-chef/test/integration/default/web_spec.rb describe package('nginx') do it { should be_installed } end # extend tests with metadata control '01' do impact 0.7 title 'Verify nginx service' desc 'Ensures nginx service is up and running' describe service('nginx') do it { should be_enabled } it { should be_installed } it { should be_running } end end # implement os dependent tests web_user = 'www-data' web_user = 'nginx' if os[:family] == 'centos' describe user(web_user) do it { should exist } end

Page 22: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

goss# https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss # `goss validate` for a one-time check # `goss serve` for a local http endpoint port: tcp:22: listening: true ip: - service: sshd: enabled: true running: true process: sshd: running: true

Page 23: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

We have tools to unit test configuration management

Page 24: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

kubernetes liveness probes# https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/ --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: liveness image: k8s.gcr.io/liveness args: - /server livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz port: 8080 httpHeaders: - name: Custom-Header value: Awesome initialDelaySeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 3

Page 25: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

kubernetes readiness probes# https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/ --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: liveness image: k8s.gcr.io/liveness args: - /server readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz port: 8080 httpHeaders: - name: Custom-Header value: Awesome initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5

Page 26: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

kubernetes liveness probes w/goss--- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: goss_liveness image: goss_liveness livenessProbe: exec: command: [“goss”, “validate”, “-g”, “goss.yaml”] initialDelaySeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 3

Page 27: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

We have tools for functional testing

Page 28: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Smoke Test Deployments$ cat Jenkinsfile ... stage("Validate") { steps { container('inspec') { // Initiate validation tests script { env.TARGET = “app-${params.CLUSTER}.example"

sh """ inspec exec validate/endpoints.rb """ } } } ...

Page 29: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Inspec HTTP Resourcetests = { ‘test site response’ => { 'host' => 'validate.example.com', 'path' => '/' }, } nginx_proxy = ENV[‘TARGET'] || ‘localhost’ # point at deployed location tests.each do |testname, testdata| control testname.to_s do impact 1.0 host = testdata['host'] path = testdata['path'] title "curl -k https://#{nginx_proxy}#{path} -H 'host: #{host}'" desc "#{path} with #{host} should work." describe http("http://#{nginx_proxy}#{path}", headers: { 'host' => host, 'User-Agent' => "jenkins" }) do its('status') { should cmp 200 } end end end

Page 30: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

We have tools for functional testing

Page 31: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

user pages only display partial content -- what's wrong?





aws s3 ls

Page 32: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Write a failing test

Write enough code

to make it pass


{ "query": "avg(last_5m):avg:http.2xx_responses{endpoint:location-service} by {host} / avg(last_5m):avg:http.total_responses{endpoint:location-service} < 0.95", "message": "Healthy response volume dropped\n@slack-demo-monitors-nonprod", "name": "Demo: response volume", "type": "metric alert" }


Page 33: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

$ # https://github.com/DataDog/datadogpy $ dog monitor show <monitor_id> # dumps json $ dog monitor show <monitor_id> > monitor_id.json $ dog monitor fupdate monitor_id.json


Page 34: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

monitorfile$ ls -1aF ./ ../ .git/ .gitignore Dockerfile Jenkinsfile README.md app/ monitorfile

{ "tags": [ "app:demo", "endpoint:location-service", "environment:non-prod" ], "query": "avg(last_5m):avg:http.2xx_responses{endpoint:location-service} by {host} / avg(last_5m):avg:http.total_responses{endpoint:location-service} < 0.95", "message": "Healthy response volume dropped\n@slack-demo-monitors-nonprod", "name": "Demo: response volume", "type": "metric alert", "options": { "thresholds": { "critical": 0.95, "warning": 0.9 } } }

Page 35: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

jenkinsfile$ ls -1aF ./ ../ .git/ .gitignore Dockerfile Jenkinsfile README.md app/ monitorfile

... stage(“configure monitor") { steps { container('datadog') { script { sh """ dog monitor fupdate monitorfile """ } } } } ...

Page 36: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

We monitor services to understand their performance.

Picking appropriate monitors that represent that represent that service well creates a Service Level Indicator (SLI).

A Service Level Objective is simply stating what target levels we want for that SLI.

Service Level Agreements are published to users; they describe intentions for the service, and recourse for missed service.

Page 37: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

SLOs with Datadog$ dog screenboard show k9m-b2s-df3 { "widgets": [ { "title_text": "Demo: order service error rate (non-2xx)", "source": "single_monitor", "type": "uptime", "showErrorBudget": true "sliType": "time", "monitorIds": [ 7117003 ], "timeframes": [ "7 days" ], "rules": { "0": { "threshold": 98, "color": "red", "timeframe": "7 days" } }, "scaleFactor": 1, ...

Page 38: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Automated Visibility






Page 39: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

New Dev• Immediately sees application Architecture• Immediately understands critical functionality for microservices• Immediately starts building a sense of scale/performance/load

Page 40: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's

Operability should be a design consideration —build testing in from the start

Page 41: Test Driven Infrastructure · • immutable infrastructure • treat your running environment as a black box: easier to version, easier to replace • a unit of composition that's


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