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Page 1: TEST III

TEST III1. At each number there is either a blank space to be filled with one word

only or a choice of three words, only one of which is correct. Fill the blanks or underline the correct choice. An (1) excited/ exciting/ excitable development will (2)__________ taking (3)__________ (4) early/ in short/ shortly in our town. Work on the (5)__________ of an important Computing Company is almost (6)__________ and (7)__________ is (8) expected/ waited/ looked forward that the company will be opened (9) the next/ following/ next month. Staff are (10)__________ to be trained (11) for/ at/ of responsible (12) works/ posts/ stands in a (13)__________ of departments. Successful (14) applicants/ solicitors/ pretenders will be given (15)__________ in the day-to-day business of the company. (16) Early/ previous/ before experience is not essential, but we need people who are (17) capable/ skilled/ able to learn quickly. Computing studies and a (18) pleasure/ pleasant/ pleased manner will be regarded (19)__________ important (20) because of/ since/ owing to most staff will have to (21)__________ with customers.FOCUS ON COMPREHENSION

2. TRUE OR FALSE STATEMENTS .Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE

according to the information in the text, then make the necessary changes so that the false statements become true.

a. An important Computing Company has just been opened.

b. Trained staff are required soon.

c. Applicants should have experience in Computing.

d. The only requirements needed for the job are studies in Computer Science.

e. Experience in previous jobs will be considered important.


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f. This is probably the first Company of this kind in the city.

g. By the text we deduce that the town referred to is a big city.

h. People are looking forward to the Company' s opening.FOCUS ON VOCABULARY

3. SYNONYMS Find each of the following words or terms in the passage. Then write

one or more synonyms of the word or term.

Exciting (1.1)

Taking place (1.2)

Development (l.1):

Company (l.3):

Shortly (1.2)

Trained (l.5):

Staff (l.4):

Responsible (l.5):

Given (l.7):

Training ...........................................................................................(1.8):

Day-to-day (l.7):

Essential (l.8):

Need (l.8):

Pleasant ........................................................................................ (1.10):

Regarded (l.10):

4. ANTONYMS Find each of the following words or terms in the passage. Then

write one or more antonyms of the word or term.

Development (l.1):


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Important (l.2):

Responsible (l.5):

Successful (l.6):

Learn (l.9):

Quickly (l.9):

FOCUS ON GRAMMAR 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it

means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.a. "Whose network card is this"? asked the teacher.

The teacher wanted....................................................................................

b. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't set up the application compiler.


c. The University holds three summer courses every year.

There are....................................................................................................

d. Although Peter worked hard, he failed the exam.


e. The only way you can access to a network or multi-user system is by

following a logging procedure.

Only by.......................................................................................................


f. If you want my advice, I would forget about buying a modem.

If I...............................................................................................................

g. An optical disk can store much more information than disk memory.


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Disk memory..............................................................................................

h. The last time ENIAC was used was 25 years ago.


i. Even though people think that the telefacsimile service is well

established, more advanced systems will be introduced shortly.

Much as......................................................................................................


j. He remembered the right password, and so did she.

He didn't.....................................................................................................

d. Computers are so complex that no individual can control them


Computers are too.........................................................................................

h. This microcomputer is so slow that nobody wants to work with it.

It is.............................................................................................................

l. He managed to finish the program



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6. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following eight sets of words and phrases, eight sentences which together make a complete letter. Note carefully from the example what kind of alterations need to be made. Write each sentence in the space provided.

Example: I/ be/ pleased/ receive/ reply/ last letter.Answer: I should be pleased to receive a reply to my last letter.

Dear Members of Staff,

As you Know I/ recently/ appoint/ Welfare Manager/ this company.


That/ mean/ I/ be responsible for/ make/ sure/ you/ be/ all/ happy/

your work.


I/ send/ this letter/ everyone and I/ hope/ that in time/ I/ get/ know/ you

all personally.


It/ be/ very important/ you/ feel/ able/ come/ me/ with any problem/

that/ trouble/ you/ however trivial/ it/ seem.



I/ not/ want/ you/ think/ of me/ as/ just/ a name on a door.


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My office hours/ be/ from 9.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. but you/ not have/

make/ an appointment.



If I/ be/ not/ my office/ leave/ message with my secretary.


I/ get/ in touch/ you/ soon/ possible.


Yours sincerely,Margaret O'Neill

Welfare Manager